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lovelyllamasblog · 3 months ago
"In his dream"
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OG Artist: @/siraco (Danbooru) (Twitter)
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siracoa · 4 months ago
昨今の流れを色々と考えXfolioを開設しました。 まとめて投稿が実装され次第、Xに投稿していた二次創作をアップして行こうかなと思ってます。 ファンコミュニティという便利機能がありましたのでXには記事リンクを���る形で投稿を、blue skyはサムネが表示されなかっ��ので画像投稿を。 ※転載、AI学習に対しての抵抗と言う形で行っているのでガバついてると感じられましたら申し訳ありません。 pixivに関してはあまりアップしていませんでしたが現時点を持って更新は停止しようと思います。(何かまた心境の変化や環境の変化があれば再開するかもです。) blue skyはXと同じID(@siraco)でひっそりやってますのでよろしければフォローしてやってください。 SNS関係がここにきてこんなに変動すると思ってなくて焦ってます笑 各SNSに関してはPOTOFUにてまとめておりますのでどうぞです。
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labyrinths-library · 4 months ago
Book 82 of 2024
Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis
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Find the author here. Find the book here.
Pages: 350
Genre: Fantasy
This book has the vibes of "Frugal Wizards Guide" by Brandon Sanderson meets the "X to the Villain" series by Hannah Nicole Maehrer. I wish there was more romance. I love the goblins and the fact that everyone in here is really just leaning into the stereotypes even though they don't quite believe in it. Siraco was so funny, and I love that the villagers were always just like "eh, evil is an average Tuesday." So funny.
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libertyreads · 5 months ago
Book Review #62 of 2024--
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Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis. Rating: 3.25 stars.
Read from October 12th to 17th.
When I read the synopsis for this one in a bookstore a few months back, I had such high hopes that this would be like the Apprentice to the Villain series: a fun, campy read about a dark lord and his castleful of employees. However, the dark lord in this one finds himself on page one waking up with no memories and no desire to cause mayhem and misery. Throughout the novel, we follow Dread Lord Gavrax--or as this new version calls himself, Gave--as he must untangle his past deeds and his current desires to find a future for himself.
I want to start by discussing what I've had problems with first since they spring to mind pretty easily. I know that comparison is the thief of joy, but, for me, it's impossible to pick this one up after reading Assistant to the Villain and not make the comparisons. In this one, we follow Gav and he is just a blundering idiot 24/7. I get second hand embarrassment from him, but, also, I just don't like following around someone who is that incompetent. I prefer to following someone who knows what they're doing. At least 50% of the time. But literally every plan that Gave makes falls apart at the slightest hiccup and he gets outwitted by almost literally every single character in the book. And I wanted something that felt more wholesome and cozy which isn't this book's style at all. Everything about the castle is stark and uncomfortable. This is supposed to send the message that who Gav was in the past was ridiculous and all about trying to look like an Dark Wizard rather than making choices for himself.
I enjoyed the characters (except Gav) and felt like they were all pretty well rounded. The kidnapped princess was definitely my favorite character. Although, Siraco (the Dread Lord's right hand man) definitely reminded me of Gareth in Galavant. There was some good messaging in the story about the types of lives people lead. Especially when they're living to be what others expect them to be. The best line of the whole book was probably: Dark lords come and go, rodents are forever. Which is a pretty gross picture out of context, but sends the message that you don't have to be the Big Bad in order to have a life worth living.
Overall, it was an okay read. I definitely didn't get the fun/campy time I was expecting from this book. If you're looking for something a little off the wall, but still serious in tone, I think this could be a good one for you.
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retrosofa · 4 years ago
Cherry Miel (Part 2)
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Part two of the Cherry Miel changes. A big thank you to Constantine Riviere once again!
Read Below:
Episode 14: La perte d'une amie (The Loss of a Friend)   
Dynamite Claw is not given a name in this episode.
Episode 15: Junior photographe (Photographer Junior)
Snake Panther is unnamed.
Misty Honey’s singing is left intact. 
Alphonne retains her original name in this episode only.
Episode 16: Une clé pour un royaume (The Key to The Kingdom)
The Kingdom of Manaco becomes Siraco.
Originally, the hijacked plane was heading for Copenhagen. In the French dub, the original destination was changed to Berlin. 
Spin Claw is unnamed.
Episode 17: Aventures au cercle polaire (Adventures in the Arctic Circle)
Aurora Panther is translated as Panthère Aurora.
Episode 18: Histoires volcaniques (Volcanic Stories)
Coral Claw is translated as Panthere de Coraille.
Originally, Jill was paying Zora a visit in the Amazon. This isn’t mentioned in the French dub.
In the French dub, Serge says the island is an illusion created by the Panthers. In the original version, he just says it’s a trap.
Episode 19: Cherry Miel au pays du Far West (Cherry Miel in the Wild West)
Susan is renamed Suzanne.
Johnny is not given a name and is merely called “the sheriff.”
Puman Claw is translated as Panthère Puma.
Crocodile Claw is translated as Crocodile Panthère.
Episode 20: L'île au trésor (Treasure Island)
The lost continent of Mu is renamed Mong.
Episode 21: Une victoire bien méritée (A Well Deserved Victory)
All of the Japanese text is subtitled. However, all mention of “yen” is translated to “francs.”
Twin Panther is translated as Panthère Jumelle.
Pochi and Miharu are referred to as the “Principal and the Dean” in the French version. It’s never made clear which is which. 
Great Claw is renamed Panthere Star.
Episode 22: École chic, traitement de choc (Classy School, Shock Treatment)
Naojiro is not given an actual name. He is simply referred to as the nephew of Mr. Tatami. 
Paradise Academy is not given a name. It is merely compared to a paradise.
The French version adds in a joke about how Naojiro was originally blonde as a child. 
Originally, Naojiro explains the school used to be co-ed but all the girls ran away. In the French version, he explains all female students must be crucified when they enroll. 
In this episode only, Mademoiselle Adolf is referred to by her Japanese nickname, “Hystler.”
Great Claw is renamed Panthere Gypsy despite being called Panthere Star in the previous episode. 
Originally the students asked Fancy Honey if she was from France. In the French version, they ask if she is the new science teacher. 
Episode 23: Sous le signe du scorpion (Under the Sign of Scorpio)
Originally, Seiji worked for the newspaper called Modern Times. In the French version, it is Le Monde Moderne or The Modern World.
Episode 24: Honnêteté et bravoure chez l'ennemie (The Enemy’s Honesty and Bravery)
Drill Claw is translated as Panthère Drille.
Episode 25: Mort de la Panthère Gil (Death of Panther Jill)
The episode title refers to Sister Jill as “Panthere Gil” despite the fact her name is Dratysca in the French dub.
In the French dub, there is a narrator for the first scene. Originally, it was just a voice over of Eagle Panther swearing she will lure Honey to Jill’s castle.
Eagle Panther is translated as Panthere Rapace or Panther Raptor. 
In the French version, Paradise Academy is having their “end of the school year field trip”. Originally, there was no specific occasion given for the trip. 
Honey Beam becomes Cherry Miel Laser. 
Originally, Honey was emotional over the fact she killed Jill and was hoping her father saw her victory. In the French version, she thinks her battle may finally be over. This is a plot hole, since the French version established she knew who Panther Zora was back in episode 13.
The scene of Junpei groping Honey is cut, as well as her reaction and a transition to the next scene:
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Honey’s final lines are changed. Originally she referenced her vow to avenge her father’s death, swearing to wipe out all of Panther Claw. In the French version, she swears to defeat Panther Claw to save humanity. 
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jules-orcione · 4 years ago
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Shot by Jules Orcione 2015
Model: Anthony Siraco
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anpi-iss-ugoforno · 6 years ago
4 giugno: -ore 12.00 Campidoglio – Aula Giulio Cesare: "75° anniversario della Liberazione - Roma Medaglia d'Oro per la Resistenza". Intervengono: Virginia Raggi (Sindaco di Roma), Fabrizio De Sanctis (Presidente ANPI Roma), Davide Conti (Storico, responsabile ricerca Medaglia d'Oro), Claudio Betti (Presidente Confederazione fra Associazioni Combattentistiche e Partigiane) Carla Nespolo (Presidente Nazionale ANPI). Parteciperanno le scuole: ITC Di Vittorio-ITI Lattanzio, IIS Giorgi- Woolf, Ist. Mag. Margherita Di Savoia, Liceo E.Q. Visconti, Liceo B. Touschek. -ore 17.00 Casa della Memoria e della Storia: "I martiri de La Storta e la figura di Bruno Buozzi". Intervengono: Ugo Mancini (Storico), Fabrizio De Sanctis (Presidente ANPI Roma), Duccio Pedercini (sez. ANPI Martiri de La Storta), Michele Azzola (Segr. Gen. CGIL Roma e Lazio), Angelo Coco (Vicepresidente Fondazione Buozzi), Carla Nespolo (Presidente ANPI Nazionale). 5 giugno: -ore 17.00 Parco Nemorense (Virgiliano): "Senza un attimo di esitazione" - Incontro in ricordo di Ugo Forno, giovane martire della Resistenza. Intervengono: Felice Cipriani (scrittore, biografo di Ughetto), Luciana Romoli (staffetta partigiana), Carlo Caponi (sez. ANPI Musu-Regard), Francesca Del Bello (Presidente II Municipio), Stefano Valentini (Vicepresidente ANPI Roma), Fabrizio Forno (nipote di Ughetto). Porteranno il loro contributo artistico: Nicola Alesini, Luca Orali, Stefano Miceli, Marco Giandomenico, Alberto Marchetti, Paolo Alimonti, Stefano Reali, Eva e Cloe Duo. 6 giugno: -ore 17.30 Casa della Memoria e della Storia: presentazione del libro "L'estate che imparammo a sparare. Storia partigiana della Costituzione" di G. Filippetta. Intervengono: Giuseppe Filippetta (Autore), Davide Conti (Storico - Com. Prov. ANPI Roma), Paolo Ridola (Preside Facoltà di Giurisprudenza Università La Sapienza). 7 giugno: -ore 17.30 Forte Bravetta: Omaggio ai Martiri di Forte Bravetta. Intervengono: Gabriella Pandinu (Resp. Scuola ANPI Roma), Leonardo Marchetti (Presidente AICVAS sez. Roma), Augusto Pompeo (Storico), letture e ricordi a cura di studenti e studentesse delle scuole di Roma. -ore 21.00 Piazza Trilussa – Trastevere: “Ricordiamo l’eroismo dei Gruppi di Azione Patriottica nella Resistenza romana”. Flash Mob con BANDA CECAFUMO. 8 giugno: -ore 15.00 Piazza della Repubblica: "La Resistenza continua per l'affermazione dei diritti di tutte e tutti e per l'applicazione della Costituzione". Spezzone partigiano dell'ANPI al ROMA PRIDE 2019 9 giugno: -ore 9.30 Via delle Convertite - Rione Colonna: Omaggio alla targa che ricorda i Fratelli Carlo e Nello Rosselli nell'82° anniversario dell'assassinio. 10 giugno: -ORE 9.30 Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia - Monumento a Matteotti: Omaggio a Giacomo Matteotti nel 95° anniversario dell'assassinio. Contro vecchi e nuovi fascismi per difendere la libertà e la democrazia nate dalla Resistenza. -ORE 11.30 - sez. ANPI Riano - via flaminia km 23 - Monumento a Matteotti: Omaggio a Giacomo Matteotti 11 giugno: -ore 17.30 Casa della Memoria e della Storia: presentazione del libro "Avversi al regime. Una famiglia comunista negli anni del fascismo." di P. Corsini e G. Porta. Intervengono: Fabrizio De Sanctis (Presidente ANPI Roma), Paolo Ciofi (Presidente Ass. Futura Umanità), Giovanni Russo Spena (Giurista), Paolo Corsini (Autore), Carla Nespolo (Presidente Nazionale ANPI). 12 giugno: -ore 18.00 Sally Brown Rude Pub - via degli Etruschi 3, San Lorenzo - "Razza Partigiana" reading con Claudia Albani e Massimo Siraco. Interverrà Davide Conti – storico, resp. della ricerca sulla Medaglia d’Oro. A seguire cena di sottoscrizione per l'ANPI e canti popolari interpretati dal "BRANCORO". 13 giugno: -ore 17.00 coworking Millepiani – via Nicolò Odero 13 Garbatella: “Capitale Partigiana: Roma Medaglia d’Oro”. Intervengono: Amedeo Ciaccheri (Presidente VIII Municipio), Davide Conti (Storico, Responsabile della ricerca sulla Medaglia d’ Oro), Modesto Di Veglia (Partigiano di Bandiera Rossa). A seguire, proiezione del video "Memoria presente" di Ansano Giannarelli a cura dell'Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico. 14 giugno: -ore 10.00 Ist. Superiore di Sanità - aula Marotta - via di Castro Laurenziano 10: "Il razzismo italiano - le leggi del 1938: conseguenze culturali nella scienza e nella società.". Intervengono: Stefano Ossicini (Prof. ordinario di Fisica Sperimentale Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e Ist. di Nanoscienze del CNR), Davide Conti (Storico e consulente presso l'Archivio del Senato), Stefano Lamorgese (giornalista RAI e Docente di Comunicazione e Tecnologie Digitali della Comunicazione). -ore 17.30 Casa della Memoria e della Storia: presentazione del libro “La cartolina di Gramsci” di N. Ghetti. Intervengono: Ada Donno (Ass. Donne Regione Mediterranea), Gabriella Pandinu (Resp. Scuola ANPI Roma), Alexander Hobel (Storico), Noemi Ghetti (Autrice), Milena Fiore (AAMOD), Marina Pierlorenzi (Vicepresidente ANPI Roma). 15 giugno: -ore 11.00 Piazzale Caduti della Montagnola: Omaggio ai caduti della battaglia di Montagnola. Saranno presenti: Fabrizio De Sanctis (Presidente ANPI Roma), Amedeo Ciaccheri (Presidente VIII Municipio), le partigiane e i partigiani. -ore 12.30 Parco Caravaggio (zona Montagnola) – Festa "Roma non si ferma": Pranzo popolare con i partigiani organizzato dall’ANPI di Roma. Per prenotazioni: scrivere entro il 10 giugno a [email protected] -dalle ore 17.00 alle ore 00.00 Piazza dell’Immacolata - San Lorenzo: ROMA PARTIGIANA: Festa di chiusura della Liberazione di Roma. Artisti e musicisti si alterneranno sul palco dell’ANPI. Porterà il suo contributo il vignettista Vauro Senesi. Intervento conclusivo della Presidente Nazionale dell’ANPI Carla Nespolo. Si alterneranno sul palco il sassofonista Nicola Alesini, il blues di Iguana & Friends, il Quadracoro, le canzoni popolari e il Canzoniere del Lazio interpretato dal cantautore Piero Brega accompagnato da Oretta Orengo, le danze e le percussioni di Arte Resistente, il reading di Chiara Becchimanzi. La festa si chiuderà con il concerto dei Funkallisto.
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sunkcostzine · 8 years ago
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jules-orcione · 4 years ago
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Shot and edited by Jules Orcione
Model: Anthony Siraco
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jules-orcione · 4 years ago
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Shot and edited by Jules Orcione 2020
Model: Anthony Siraco
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jules-orcione · 4 years ago
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Shot and edited by Jules Orcione 2020
Model: Anthony Siraco
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jules-orcione · 4 years ago
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Directed by Jules Orcione 2021
Commissioned work by Anthony Siraco for his independently released project “The Pursuit of Something”.
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jules-orcione · 4 years ago
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Shot of edited by Jules Orcione 2020
Model: Anthony Siraco
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