#sir crocodile imagines
Sitting on Crocodile's Lap
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Word Count: 285
Crocodile let out a deep sigh as Mrs. All Sunday was reviewing her documents of their latest endeavors in Alabasta. Her tone hiding her amusement as she eyed her bosses younger lover on her bosses lap whose hair was getting stroked gently it almost looked like a cat sitting on his lap.
“Is that all?” Crocodile questioned as there was no new information that caught his information or worth being concerted about. He stopped petting his lover’s hair and moved to push the cigar from his lips letting out a buff of smoke signaling for Mrs. All Sunday to leave him be.
She gave him a knowing smile and slowly bowed and walked out of the office. She was done with her reports for the day, and she could see that her boss was more distracted than usually, and the information was not so important.
Crocodile sighed leaning his head back as he wrapped his hooked hand around his lover’s waist, “Why do I like keeping you on my lap make the meetings go by so much faster?” he questioned his thick fingers brushing his fingers his lovers hair.
“You don’t let me leave,” his lover said a bit annoyed but there was a soft smile on their lips.  He smirked a bit and titled his lovers head leaving soft kisses on their lips, his orange eyes staring at his lovely lovers eyes.
“I don’t think I will ever have you leave,” he said, “I think I will have you for every meeting of mine,”
It was a promise he was planning on keeping and the rest of Baraque Works would enjoy as their captain would be more relaxed.
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jesterwriting · 11 months
pairing: crocodile x gn!reader
contains: awkward!reader, passing mentions of masturbation, second hand embarrassment, mentioned sexual fantasies, crocodile thinks you’re amusing, probably kind of ooc
word count: 1.6k words
playlist: off to the races by lana del rey
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Crocodile stared down his nose at you, a cigar hanging from his lips. Your throat bobbed as you followed the lit end to his face — knit brows, hard eyes, and a frown, all tell tale signs that he was in a sour mood. You cursed whoever put him in one to begin with. They could have at least waited until you were out of the crossfire. The rings that adorned the fingers of his flesh hand glinted in the low light, nearly outshining his hook. Even now, with your heart pounding and sweat dripping down your temples, you couldn’t help but admire your boss.
“Do you know why I called you in here?”
You assumed to reprimand you for your shoddy work, though you kept your guesswork to yourself. There was no need to dig yourself an even deeper hole with the most terrifying man you’ve ever met. You had barely been working under him for a few months, only ever catching glimpses of him from afar. Yesterday, you dreamed of your chance to finally talk to him. Today, you wanted to throw yourself down the closest fire escape.
You shook your head and fidgeted with your fingers behind your back. “No, sir.”
Crocodile hummed as he uncrossed his legs. His cigar bounced, a bit of ash dribbling from the end as he straightened. Your knees shook slightly. Despite sitting while you stood, Crocodile towered over you. He was made to seem even larger by the ostentatious desk and plush chair that was surely worth more than a year's worth of paychecks combined. He could break you with one hand if he wanted to. It wouldn’t take much. Maybe a twitch of his fingers, a flick of his wrist, and you’d be snapped in two. You felt nervous — and a little hot under the collar, though you tried not to focus on that part — just thinking about it.
“I see.” He exhaled smoke and you fought the urge to cough. Crocodile slowly tilted his head to the side as he eyed you, like a predator staring down its prey. “You can’t think of any reason I would call you in here?”
If this was a romance novel, you would saunter over and sit on the edge of his desk, allowing your shirt to untuck and reveal the small of your back. With a sultry smile, you would pluck the cigar from his lips and bring it to your own. Obviously, you would exhale smoothly and not hack up one of your virgin lungs. Crocodile would be impressed by your boldness and invite you to sit in his lap, where you would eventually spend the rest of the evening with his cock down your throat. Expertly swirling your tongue around the head and definitely not gagging through snot and tears.
But this wasn’t a romance novel and you weren’t the hot secretary you always dreamed of being. You were quiet, woefully inexperienced, and, most egregiously, kind of awkward.
When a bead of sweat dribbled from your forehead and off your chin, Crocodile pinched the bridge of his nose. He heaved a sigh as his gaze softened ever so slightly. It was still hard enough to cut steel, but you no longer felt like he was going to cross the room stomp on you like a bug. That wasn’t to say you would complain if he stepped on you, you would simply rather survive the ordeal.
“In comparison to your colleagues, your work has been exemplary. I’d like to offer you a promotion.”
You blinked, unsure if your ears were working correctly. While you completed every task given to you on time, it wasn’t with vigor, nor did you go ‘above and beyond.’ To be frank, you did the bare minimum. How badly were your coworkers fucking up that you were being praised like this?
Crocodile studied your reaction. “You seem surprised.”
“Well, sir, I’m no model employee.”
You watched as he took another drag off of his cigar. “I need a secretary. Will you do it?”
Frank and straight to the point, you appreciated it, if only because you felt your stomach drop to the floor. This was a dream come true. Literally. You had dreamed about being Crocodile’s secretary before, except instead of fearing for your life, you were far sexier and he was fucking you dumb. Now, with a golden opportunity laid down at your feet, all you could manage was a coarse, “Wuh?”
“Yes or no.”
With a hesitant nod, you straightened your back and met Crocodile’s eyes for the first time the entire meeting. If you weren’t mistaken, you caught a glint of amusement in them before it was promptly snuffed out. “Yes, sir.”
“You start tomorrow.”
And thus began your life as assistant and secretary to the warlord Crocodile. It was easier than you expected. While your workload doubled overnight, your work ethic tripled under the watchful gaze of your boss. When Crocodile said jump, you asked how high. When Crocodile said to run, you sprinted. When Crocodile wanted papers on his desk in an hour, you got them there within thirty minutes. All of it, just to hear a clipped ‘thank you,’ or, on the rare occasion, watch his expression soften for a split second before he dismissed you.
Nights, however, were rough. Your head was clogged with thoughts of how Crocodile’s rings would feel pressing into your windpipe, or how much his dick would split you open while he fucked you. No matter how many times you made yourself cum, you couldn’t get thoughts of your boss out of your head. It was like he crawled in your ear and set up a tent in your brain. A tent full of lit cigars and the smell of expensive cologne.
You started to work yourself to the bone. Both out of fear of what Crocodile would do if you failed him and desperation for the small nuggets of praise he would give you. Sleep was tossed to the wayside. All that mattered was setting up Crocodile’s appointments, organizing his paperwork, and trying to keep yourself somewhat sane in the awkward situation you found yourself in.
You could hardly look at him during the work day. He was too attractive and you were too embarrassing. The sexy secretary schtick from your dreams seemed farther and farther away each day that passed. Now that you were in close quarters, he caught you, more than once, tripping on your own two feet. You still cringed when you remembered how Crocodile walked in on you threatening to throw the copy machine out of the window. In response, he merely looked you up and down before he walked away, leaving you to bang your head against the wall until your embarrassment was gone. Until he caught you doing that too, and you wanted nothing more than to die on the spot.
“Boss,” You called, poking your head through the door. Crocodile spared you a glance before he beckoned you into his office. Papers in hand, you trotted in and prayed your sweaty palms didn’t dampen them. “I need your signature on these.”
Without a word, Crocodile plucked them from your fingers and set them on his desk. He leaned back in his chair, and you fought the urge to trace the tendons of his neck with your eyes. Instead, you trained your gaze on his desk.
“Y/N,” Crocodile said.
Your head spun from how fast you looked up. “Yes?”
“How do you like the new copy machine?”
“The what?”
Crocodile’s lips twitched upward. “You brought it to my attention that the old one was broken so I bought a new one.” He paused as he mulled over his next words, and, if you weren’t mistaken, it almost looked like his eyes were dancing. “Any urge to throw this one out of the window?”
You felt your face blaze. With a sharp intake of breath, you covered your face with your hands. If you were alone, you would scream into your palms. But, you weren’t. You were standing in the middle of Crocodile’s office, praying that by some miracle, you would melt into sludge and slink away to find some dark corner to rot.
Prying one hand from your cheeks, you gave your boss a thumbs up. “It’s great, thanks.”
“Is there any more broken equipment I should know about?”
Was this a test? If you complained, would he fire you? Was that why he seemed so amused at your distress? You shuffled your feet and glanced around the room for any hidden cameras. “Well, the coffee machine is pretty banged up.”
“Put in an order for a new one.” Crocodile’s eyes roamed your body, studying your reaction. You shivered under his gaze. Your blush, instead of dissipating like you wanted, only darkened as Crocodile’s frown turned into a smirk. “Come here.”
“Uh?” Words caught in your throat and refused to come out. It was almost as if you were in one of your dreams, but instead of adopting the confident persona you always wanted, you were still bumbling old you. Your hand raised of your own accord to point at yourself. Casting a glance over your shoulder to make sure Crocodile wasn’t talking to someone else, you muttered, “Me?”
He furrowed his brows and gestured for you to come closer with his index and middle finger. “Who else?”
Nervous, you shuffled over to Crocodile until you were right next to him. Using his hook, he tapped the metal under your chin. You shivered. Crocodile watched your expression for a few more moments before he rumbled, “Keep up the good work.”
With that, you were dismissed. You stumbled out of his office with a blush on your face and way too wet underwear.
Good God, how were you going to survive this?
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crystallizedtwilight · 4 months
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Motivational speaker Buggy!
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deathc-re · 6 months
your older!bf who has really opened your eyes to the world of mature men. who truly listens when have a complaint and works to fix it. who shows you that he adores you, even in his own strange way. who goes out of his way to spoil you and pamper you; who always makes sure you have the best of the best.
older!bf who literally is the best sexual experience you've had in your whole life. who does things you didn't even think were possible. who makes you feel levels of pleasure you'd only read about until this point. who pays such close attention to ever twitch and flinch and gasp and abuses ever spot that brings you pleasure. who reaches places so deep inside that you're surprised feels good instead of painful. who goes above and beyond with aftercare, making you feel so safe and secure. who makes sure you're well feed and clean, your favorite show or song playing as he cuddles you close.
older!bf who wastes no time to show you off and shower you in praise. who compliments every aspect of you, some you didn't even notice about yourself. who respects and knows you as a person. who is secure enough in himself and the relationship to know that even tho you're together, you're your own separate people and is fine with it.
older!bf who is protective of you and takes the extra measures to make sure you're safe in every situation he can, no matter what.
older!bf who loves you :(
LAW, corazon, sir crocodile, bakugo, aizawa, FAT GUM, sung-jin woo, andy, GETO, and my man <3
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inquisitor-runa · 1 month
Who fell first and who fell harder - One Piece edition
Zoro: He fell first and harder
Law: You fell first, he fell harder
Kid: He fell first and harder
Luffy: You fell first and harder
Ace: He fell first and harder
Shanks: You fell first, he fell harder
Crocodile: You fell first and harder
Mihawk: You fell first and harder
Buggy: He fell first and harder
Sanji: He fell first and harder
Sabo: He fell first, you fell harder
Marco: You fell first, he fell harder
Doflamingo: You fell first and harder
Rob Lucci: You fell first and harder
Corazon: He fell first and harder (literally and figuratively)
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humans-are-tasty · 9 months
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Imagine helping Crocodile discover a new way to use his devil fruit
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Before the cross guild's morning meeting
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You: [watching Crocodile repeatedly thumbing the spark wheel of his sputtering lighter, attempting to light up a cigar] I have a question.
Crocodile: [cocks an eyebrow over at you for your audacity, lips still stubbornly clasped around the cigar]
You: Using your sand, how fast can you get your sand particles to move?
Crocodile: [uses his hand to show you he can move them faster than your eye can see]
Mihawk: [stops reading the newspaper to look up at you]
Buggy, the one who invited you: [looking nervously between you and Crocodile]
You: can you do that while compressing the particles?
Crocodile: [shrugs]
Mihawk: [mildly suspicious of you] Why?
You: [looks between the three men, to realize you might have fucked up, so you start back-pedaling] Oh, no, uh, I just figured if he compressed his sand while trying to circulate it rapidly, the friction would create enough kinetic energy to produce heat that was hot enough to light his cigar. I wasn't, like, meaning to offend.
Crocodile: [lifts his finger in front of him and tries what you just said, and gets it to glow red with heat]
Buggy: UHH?
Mihawk: ( = _ =)?
Crocodile: [lifts his cigar to the glowing whirl of sand pulls off the cigar, and chuckles, swirling smoke escaping his nostrils] Oh this will bring so many more possibilities to me.
Buggy: great, nice going jackass, now he's even more powerful.
You: You probably could use it to cook someone.
Crocodile: excuse me?
Mihawk: shut up, little bird, stop giving him ideas.
Crocodile: [Cages you against the couch with his arms and leans in close] Keep talking, I want to know what fucked up thing is floating around in that little head of yours.
You: [pulls away from him and averts your gaze]
Crocodile: [uses his hook to pull your chin towards him to make you look at him] Look at me when I'm talking to you.
Mihawk: [sighs loudly and leans back in his chair] Leave them alone, Crocodile.
Crocodile: [ignores them] tell me
You: if you have enough sand to encase someone, you could cook them alive.
Buggy: That's kind of scary, kid.
Mihawk: [runs his hand over his face] What the fuck.
Crocodile: [laughs and ruffles your hair after he processes your words] I like this kid, good job Buggy for finding this one.
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kaivenom · 4 months
One piece DILFs asking you to live with them... HCS
(obviously, we know they sure have better houses than us)
Characters: Mihawk, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Smoker, Shanks.
Dracule Mihawk
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Him living in a big island castle means that you already had many things on there and you spent many days with him on a row.
The other thing is that when you aren't on the castle, you both spent many time separated, due to his work and yours.
That times when he goes back to the castle and you aren't there and he has to ask you to come and wait days or even a couple of weeks to come, that's when he decides he needs you all the time.
You both were taking breakfast, he was reading a newspaper and you got up to heat your tea/coffe/milk.
"You should spent more time here."
"I already spend a lot of time here."
"Yeah, but i mean... all the time."
"Are you asking me to move in with you, permanently?"
"Kind of..."
He is a lonely, tough men, he really wants to come to the castle after his shichibukai job and find you, but leaving is rough exterior is difficult.
You got close to him and take out his newspaper, you give him a little kiss on the cheek and accept his offer.
Moving all your things from your village to his island was difficult and of course a little hard to explain to people, because you couldn't say you are dating that man.
But moving all your things was worthy, even when you already had a lot of your things there.
Sir Crocodile
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He is a bussiness men, a very dangerous one.
He likes to spoil you with gifts and affection and since he has a lot of berries, he buys you so much clothes that you both decided to keep them in his house, so you already had clothes and other things there.
He is a little control freak of HIS things, so he hires people to follow you and keep you safe, as he says.
That makes you upset, so you confront him on his office.
"Why there are so many people following me?"
"I told that idiots to be discreet, i will fire them."
"That doesn't matter, why?"
"Because i like to keep my inversions safe."
"That's what i am? well, inversions are kept on hidden lockers, so what are you going to do next... lock me?"
"Do you want to live with me?" you didn't know how to answer, "you are more than an inversion and i will have peace on mind if you sleep every night with me and my security alarm."
You thought about it for a moment and nodded slowly, every second the idea sounded better.
You spent the night in his house and when you were the next day preparing yourself to go get your things, all of them were already on the front door.
Apparently your powerful bussiness boyfriend had sent his staff to broke into your house and get all packed.
Donquixote Doflamingo
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He doesn't ask you, he informs you.
You had a really good night with him, there was a moment when he got jealous over a dude but after that everything was perfect.
When you both ended your night things, you decided to back to your house since you had to work early tomorrow.
You open the door and find that all your things were gone, you thought someone broke in, you were almost crying and were about to call Doflamingo (since he is the king of Dressrosa he is the better person to call)
Then a large figure appeared behind you.
"Hi little thing." your breath paused from the shock.
"Why are you here? You have something to do with these?"
"Of course, you really thought someone could break in my girl's house? do you think i would let you go home without my supervision?, you underestimate my possesiviness towards you."
"And why? you are mad because of that guy on the bar? that's why all my things are gone?"
"Partly yes, your things are not gone, they are on my palace," his arms lifted you from the ground, "seeing that stupid man made me realize that i need to keep a better eye on you... that's why this isn't your house anymore, so lets go home."
Even if you wanted, you couldn't say no, you don't know how are you going to adapt to these new change but you have no option.
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He is a marine, which means he is a very traditional man (on my perspective), under his rough marine reputation, he want's to do things right with you.
All marine officers have a big house provided by the goverment, he has a estable job, paid vacations and all the requirements to be a good choice partner to live with.
So after thinknig all of that, he decides to make a plan to ask you out.
He makes dinner for you both, not anything fancy, he is a direct man and he doesn't want you to think he is going to propose to you... yet.
The dinner was in his house, and was one of the best dates you both have, even if he couldn't cook the meal right.
"So, i was thinking... i am a man with a stable job, a high rank, a good salary, a good house."
"Are you going to propose?" you couldn't believe it, it felt like it was to soon.
"No, if i wanted to kneel with a ring i would have taken you to the best restaurant i could, like the Baratie or things like that."
"Who would have thought you are such a romantic man."
"I am not."
"Clearly, then what?"
"I am trying to ask you to move in with me."
"We both are marines, i have the same privileges as you."
"Yeah, but i am one rank higher than you, which makes me the one who would ask you to move in." he looks so proud about it.
"Fine, but what we do with my house?"
"We do the paperwork and we should receive a contribution for it and maybe we can't take our next vacations together to a nice island."
"You never take vacations, you love your job more than me."
"Believe me, if this happens, then we will take vacations together."
"Okey, then you should help me to move in, come on." you were already getting up to start moving, the excitement was making you not see things clear."
"I think we can do that tomorrow, now i want you to stay here." he took your hand and sat you on his lap.
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He is pretty fast to ask you in and well, moving in has two meanings: joining his crew and moving to his quarters.
The first one is really fast because he is a pirate and doesn't spent to much time on a village.
After trying to delay as much as possible his leaving while he thinks about asking you or not, he decides to give it a shot.
"(Y/N)-chan, do you want to live a big pirate life?" he says while passing his arm around your shoulders with a big smile, he looks like he is trying to recruit you to a cult.
You accept and now you are a part of the crew, you have your own quarter on the ship and you like being with the crew.
After a couple of months, you start getting involved with your captains, you were worried about what your crewmates would think about it.
He is worried too, he knows that everything is all fun and with no strings while you both have your different spaces. He knows once you moved permanently to the captain quarter, it would be official and irreversible.
That situation lasted a couple of weeks more till he couldn't wait anymore.
"Hey, sit down," he was waiting for you with a cup of sake, "i konw we've been doing things."
"If that's what you want to call it, then i am dissapointed."
"I mean, this isn't official to the rest of the crew and the world, even if it is to me," he interviewed his fand to yours, making you see you are important to him, "and i don't know if you are ready to take the next step, cause if you do, you will be known as "Akagami Shank's partner," he makes a dramatic pose, before going back to his serious face, "i want you to move to my quarters, if you want to be publicy known as..."
"Yes, i want, even with your stupid snores and your cold feet, i would like to sleep next to you every day."
"Ahhhh, how great it's to hear that... i don't know what i have done if you said no." he gave you a kiss got back to his dramatic being again.
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panrao · 6 months
When divorced parents accidentally match
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 month
could you do preferences for what the one piece boys would be like getting a blowjob from reader for the first time?
Luffy -
Luffy doesn't even know what's going on, one minute you're making out and the next minute you're getting on your knees in front of him.
“Hey what are you doing down there?” He asks innocently.
“I'm about to give you a blowjob,” you chuckle.
“A what?”
Of course he wouldn't know what a blowjob is, you just laugh and shake your head continuing to get him out of his pants.
The moment you take him in your mouth his eyes go wide and he's about to feel a way he's never felt before.
Zoro -
Zoro leans back and relaxes while you give him a blowjob like he gets so relaxed he could fall asleep.
But he doesn't, I mean he could cause he can fall asleep anywhere so you wouldn't put it past him to fall asleep while his cock is in your mouth.
Anyways, his shirt is off, hands resting behind his head giving you the perfect view of his abs and biceps while you give him a blowjob, what more could you ask for.
Sanji -
Sanji is surprisingly nervous, it's certainly not the first time he's been in this situation but he had been pining for you for so long that he was afraid of messing it up.
He kept offering to go down on you first but you insisted on taking care of him after watching him cook a whole meal for the crew and spilling wine on his shirt which he then took off to clean it before it stained.
You had him pushed against the kitchen counter, him gripping the edge for dear life as you gave him the best blowjob he's ever had.
Usopp -
He can't contain his excitement for what's about to happen, he's heard guys talking about getting blowjobs before but he couldn't believe he was actually about to get one himself.
“Usopp you need to relax,” you tell him.
“I'm sorry I’m just so excited,” he chuckles awkwardly.
“Clearly,” you laugh with his hard cock already dribbling with precum in your hand, “just don't get too excited that you finish before I even get started.”
Ace -
Ace is normally the one pleasuring his partners which he in fact has done for you multiple times already.
You really wanted to make him feel as good as he has made you so you insisted on giving him a blowjob despite him telling you he'd rather go down on you instead.
He's big on praise, telling you how amazing you are, running his hand gently through your hair.
Of course afterwards he must return the favor and makes you see stars cause he's an expert with his mouth.
Buggy -
Buggy can't stop talking, going on and on about some new bit he's planning for the show.
“Buggy are you seriously thinking about that while I have your dick in my mouth?” You state.
“Hey I'm a good multi-tasker,” he tells you.
You shake your head and get back to work, Buggy never shutting up until you get him to cum.
Shanks -
Shanks is a gentleman who would never ask you to do something so crude.
But then you take him by surprise when you push him down onto the edge of your bed and you're sinking to your knees.
“Y/N, love, you don't have to do this if you don't want to,” he says genuinely.
“Shanks I really want to,” you reassure him.
He would never say no to you so he lets you continue and let's just say he may be asking you to do that more often.
Mihawk -
He literally polishes his sword while you're sucking him off.
He's completely silent, cleaning blood off his sword from his last kill while you bob your head.
“Did you enjoy it?” You ask him after he cums.
“Yes it was nice,” is all he says and then he gets up still naked to go out back and sharpen his sword on the whetstone.
Smoker -
Smoker just straight up told you he wanted a blowjob after a long day of work.
You returned to your quarters and as he was changing out of his uniform he said, “you know what would be really nice right now?”
So there you are, Smoker standing half dressed with his cock in your mouth.
He can get pretty rough, tugging on your hair and pushing on your head to take more of him but he surely makes up for it when he takes you to bed afterward.
Crocodile -
Crocodile has had plenty of people on their knees for him and he sweet talked you into doing the same.
He's sitting on his throne completely relaxed while you bob your head up and done as he gives you praise.
He tells you how he's been wanting you to do this ever since you joined the baroques work.
Another agent walks in and he doesn't even care, he handles the business as you're proudly sucking him off.
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shegetsburned · 8 months
bed talk w. sir crocodile ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .
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content. mainly what i think croc would say in bed
“use your words.”
“i’m either joining or watching.”
“quit playing, princess. give me what i want.”
“mhm. you’re such a good girl, come get your reward.”
“tsk— is that all you can take? what a pathetic little cunt you have.”
“relax yourself, otherwise it won’t fit.”
"i don’t have all day. hurry up and bend over."
“quit squirming. let me handle this.”
“don’t worry about the dress sweetheart, let me tear it down so i can buy a prettier one, tomorrow.”
“so cute, all spread out for me.”
“don’t you dare touch yourself. i’m not finished.”
tell me he wouldn’t just spoil the shit out of you and then use it against you in bed.
“ngh— spoiled brat.”
“what do you think you’re doing? keep your hands still.”
he uses his ring to please youuuuu
“the rings stay on, spread ‘em for me.”
“is that what you do when you’re on your own? am i not giving you enough attention?”
“bend over the window so I can fuck you and you can look outside at everything you now own.”
“look me in the eyes when you’re fingering yourself, princess.”
“a safe word? ridiculous.”
literally laughs at you when you can’t masturbate properly.
“can’t do shit right, can you? i’ll take care of this little problem of yours.”
“you show these hook marks for everyone to see. understood?”
“i’m feeling hungry, come here.”
© shegetsburned 2023-24 Please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own.
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Crocodile's Relationship Questions (1)
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🐊Who Wakes up first in the morning: 🐊 Crocodile does, he isn’t one for sleeping long, he will wake up and start his cigar, and watch his lover sleep for five minutes. He needs the five minutes to prepare for the day, he will brush his finger along his S/O cheek brushing bangs before long leaving for work and ordering someone to bring his S/O food for when they wake up.
🐊Who’s the first to fall asleep at night: 🐊 His S/O he likes to sit in the office, he has work to catch up and would usually gets to bed late. He loves seeing his S/O on the bed and such and kissing them on the temple before falling asleep. His S/O wrapping their arms around him while he sleeps would wake him up a little before he wraps a good arm over his S/O and holds them close and such. He looks forward to cuddling at night with them.
🐊What they playfully tease each other over: 🐊He isn’t one for teasing much, and if he does his words may come out harsh and cold. But he does enjoy seeing his S/O laugh and will take them to nice plays that fit their style, and take them to nice restaurants. He will laugh a bit if his S/O figures away to sneak him out of work and he will enjoy a simple date like that.
🐊What they do when the other’s having a bad day: 🐊 He will buy gifts, he isn’t very great words. Kind words are difficult for him, but he is one to give his S/O gifts, a nice date to some place fancy and expensive and private while his men take care of the problem.  He on the other hand just enjoys his S/O company, sitting next to his S/O while he does paperwork or looks over his work.
🐊How they say ‘I’m sorry after arguments: 🐊 He will bring gifts for his S/O after an argument expensive and such another fancy and alone time. He wouldn’t apologize with words, but the idea is there it us understanding that this is an apology from him. He will accept a simple apologize from his S/O.
🐊Which one’s more ticklish: 🐊 Obviously his S/O he isn’t one that likes to be touched but he isn’t one to enjoy tickling his S/O.
🐊Their favorite rainy day activities:🐊 He hates the rain for obvious reasons. But if his S/O brings a fancy bottle of wine to his office he will stop his work and sit with his S/O and drink a bottle of wine and sit and watch the rain from his window and discuss the day.
🐊How they surprise each other: 🐊Gifts again and how well he understands his S/O by getting them what they want or being very romantic. It is rare when he plans a special date for him and his S/O but he will celebrate small occasions or large celebrations and such. He very much likes just quality time.
🐊Their most sickening show of public affection: 🐊  A pet name, he calls his S/O a pet name or arms over their shoulders around them. He will take his S/O dancing during large parties. He isn’t very affectionate, but everyone already knows his S/O is and treats his S/O well as the leader.
Other Relationship Questions 1 Zoro, Ace, Nami, Law, Sanji, Kid, Sabo, Killer, Shanks, Doflamingo, Crocodile, Luffy, Robin, Usopp, Koby, King, Smoker,
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merbear25 · 2 months
Hey!! How is your day going? I have a request, could you do Katakuri, Crocodile, and Mihawk with a Fem S/O with a breeding kink :)
Hello! My day has been fabulous now that I was able to write such a great request. I don’t know what happened but these came out much longer than anticipated. I hope you like what I’ve written for you and wish you a wonderful day/night. 💜💜
CW: NSFW, MDNI, fem!reader, breeding kink, creampie, established relationship
Their s/o having a breeding kink (Katakuri, Crocodile, Mihawk)
Katakuri: He was very much questioning why you would want to risk bringing a child into his family. With such uncertainty of what could come, the potential dangers that came with being tied to his mother made him hesitant to bring a child into that. 
Oh but how he adored you; there were times he caught himself lost in thought—an image of you holding his child with such affection, looking at them with nothing but fondness was painted in his imagination. Listening to you share the vision of the family you saw with him unearthed something that had remained dormant for many years: a loving family of his own.
Despite his reluctance to make such fantasies a reality, your sweet pleas and gentle touches only continued to bring such a suppressed want further into the light. You were far too perfect for this world—too perfect for him. And yet, he found himself entertaining this idea more and more often.
It wasn’t as simple as you made it out to be, but perhaps you were already aware of that. He wasn’t one to throw caution to the wind and willingly surrender himself to wicked whims. If there was a chance that he’d impregnate you, there needed to be a plan set in place. At least that way, he would be able to fill you as much as either of you wanted.
As you curled up closer to him in bed, he instinctively wrapped you up in his arms. The mutual yearning to feel both physically and emotionally connected never subsided, and in fact was heightened when you laid together—your warm bodies finding solace in each other. The temptation to have such an innocent display of affection turn into something more was an option which was never off of the table.
When the two of you were alone, the rest of the world was of no importance. Such moments with you deserved to be cherished: savoring the way your skin felt under his hands, the way you whimpered when he gripped the fat on your hips, and the soft huffs you made as he caressed you. 
You would look exquisite with a round belly; the thought crept up on him. But despite how sudden such a thought was, his fingers kneaded your soft skin and lingered on the fattier parts. He couldn’t stop himself from imagining how perfect your body was to carry a child—his child.
He slipped his hand between your thighs, teasing you as his long fingers glided against your clit. 
Leaning in closely, his voice was barely above a whisper, “You want to have a baby with me?” A question that bore part of his worries that you’d change your mind.
The vulnerability he had couldn’t be missed. “I’d love nothing more.” You let your heart guide you in that moment, allowing the sincerity in your words to console any doubts.
His lips twitched for a moment, hinting at how deeply your words touched him. Swiftly, he leaned in to capture your lips all while sliding his fingers into you. Even after the many times you gave yourself to him, preparation was always a necessity.
Your slick arousal coated his fingers, which made you appear even more delectable—ripe for his seed.
“Come here,” he breathed, pulling you into a better position.
Aligning his tip with your entrance, he eased his way in to give your body time to adjust. With your walls accommodating his size, spasming from his girth stretching you, they were eager to have him coat them. 
“Just like that,” you mused as he picked up the pace. Your hands gripped at his arms tightly to brace yourself for the increasing collision.
Raw emotions entwining with lustful urges created a symphony of shared euphoria. Your soft, sweet moans transforming into feral grunts were making it difficult not to let go right there and then. However, that need to watch the ecstasy washing over your trembling form kept him from entirely losing control.
“Want a baby?”
“Want me to cum in you again and again till I knock you up?”
“Yes, oh fuck, yes!” You cried as his thrusts became more ruthless.
Witnessing that euphoric peak wrecking you, your climax covering his cock: it was more than he could bear. With a final thrust, he released deep within your womb—beads of it spilling out of you from the intense brunt.
Holding you there for a moment longer, the both of you basked in the afterglow of your shared passion. With the high subsiding, your tenderness peaked through again.
“You’re going to make such a great father.”
He cuddled you closer and cradled you in his arms, his touch never straying from affectionate. He pressed his lips to the top of your head and lazily stroked your side with his thumb.
“Our child deserves nothing less.”
Crocodile: He’d never put much thought into having a family. That didn’t mean that he was ruling it out entirely but given his line of work, it was far from the ideal environment to raise children. In spite of this, he couldn’t deny the fantasies of you filled to the brim with his cum. If that led to a pregnancy, then so be it.
Being one to hold back on diving head first into fantasies and choosing to weigh the pros and cons of any and every situation, he still had needs. He still had wants, and if there was going to be anyone suited to bear his children, it was you.
Coming to him in your vulnerable state and opening up to him about these fantasies you had only piqued his own. He mulled over how prepared the both of you would be to potentially bring a child into the relationship and decided that whatever happened would be taken care of.
You were, afterall, the one he cherished above all others. Giving into you sweet desires of starting a family with him would be an adventure he wasn’t opposed to.
With the hours he worked, however, it put a pin in the whole thing. He didn’t like it any more than you did, but there wasn’t any chance that he’d cut corners or take extra time off—your escapades would just need to be put on hold for the time being.
Being cooped up in his office all day, the moon holding high in the sky was the only indication for him that perhaps he’d been too absorbed in business. When the door creaked open, he assumed it was one of his employees. 
“It’s too late to bother me with anything trivial, you know,” he warned.
When you slipped past the mahogany door, he leaned back and smirked at your attire: a form fitted nightgown with silk fabric that complimented each and every curve which graced your body.
Leaving the doorway, you slowly made your way over to him. Your tired expression was feigned as you asked when he was planning to join you in bed.
Moving back from his desk, he patted his lap. While you made yourself comfortable, he placed his hand on your inner thigh..
 “Are you really so needy that you can’t go to bed without me?” he teased.
You let out a deep sigh, playing with the buttons on his vest. “I can’t help it if I sleep better when you’re lying next to me.”
You were such a little minx, weren’t you? Well, if you were so desperate for his attention, he was more than happy to give it to you.
His heart was pounding as he pressed his lips against yours. When you parted yours slightly, he greedily swirled his tongue against yours, which earned him a lust soaked moan.
You parted your legs, allowing him easier access to which he gladly took advantage of. The cool gold of his rings trailing up your thigh sent shivers down your spine. Your breath hitched when his fingers found their way to your folds.
He growled into your kiss. “Not even wearing panties? Such a naughty little thing.” 
His teeth grazed your neck, causing your breaths to shake. Having made you wait for as long as he had, your poor needs not being met, he shoved a finger into your weeping pussy and pressed the pad of his thumb against your clit—rubbing it relentlessly.
As you quaked and panted on his lap, his gaze grew darker. With the soft hue of the fireplace and the moonlight peaking through the window, them highlighting your features made him hungrier for you.
The rush of his fingers making you squirm when there were papers of questionable deeds scattered on his desk only made you wilder with lust.
You pawed at his dress-pants, unbuttoning them so you could feel how much he wanted you. After just a few strokes he commanded you to sit on it, which you gladly obeyed.
The girth of his full erection made you cry out. The sudden twinges as your body adjusted caused your back to arch, taking him more easily. With your movements steady and slow, a firm slap on your ass was your incentive to pick up the pace.
Your bounces plunged him deeper and deeper into you, leaving you a trembling mess. Each gasp you made, each plea for him to cum in you and give you the family you so desperately wanted was like music to his ears. 
“Don’t worry, dear,” his tone husky from his own release building. “You’ll have your baby. I’ll make sure of it.”
He gripped your hip and took control, thrusting into you with abandon. You collapsed on him, clinging to him for dear life as the sounds of his cock slapping against your wet cunt echoed in the room. When coupled with your sobs of ecstasy, both of your climaxes were just within reach.
With his final thrust sending you over the edge, his own release followed suit. As he pumped each drop into you, the soft gasps passing your lips never failed to add to your allure.
“Now, then,” he said breathlessly. “Will you please go off to bed, so I can finish up here?”
With a firm kiss planted on your temple, you knew you wouldn’t have to wait long for him to join you for the night.
Mihawk: He had entertained the thought of having a child and raising a family before but due to his reputation, it wasn’t exactly a safe environment for them to grow up in. Having a family would mean making them a larger target for enemies, as well—something that he wouldn’t want to burden them with much less himself.
However, when you and him were relaxing under the shade one warm summer’s day, you thought it was the perfect moment to share your wants to start a family with him. Hearing you explain it the way you did, watching your features growing darker to create a faint pull of seduction was eye-opening. 
Coming to the realization that you saw this as a kink was, quite frankly, off-putting. Yet, you assured him that you truly did want to have a child with him. Holding his hand in yours, the sincerity wrapping your words was enough to convince him—plus, the image of your little one pitter pattering down the hall was one he wanted to make a reality.
He did his best to set time aside for you, but it wasn’t always something he could promise. With your schedules keeping the both of you in dry spells, some improvisation became more and more appealing to him. 
When you were wiping down the counters in the kitchen, the way your hair framed your face and the concentrated expression you were wearing made you that much more beautiful. Seeing you were starting to move on to the dishes, he took you by the hand and pulled you into an embrace.
“Why don’t you let me take care of those later?”
His suave delivery got you nodding slowly. As he swayed you back and forth, brushing your hips together, there was no denying the spark that had been ignited.
With the pools of desire deepening in your eyes, he brought your hand to his lips. Maintaining eye contact as he traced your delicate fingers with light kisses, he kept track of each subtlety that graced your perfect face.
Lacing his fingers with yours, his other hand cupped the small of your back. He leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. “You look absolutely ravishing today, my love.”
His hand traveled lower down your back, taking a handful of your backside while pulling you into a searing kiss. As the kiss deepened, your control was quick to wane. With such adoration being passed to each other through parted lips and bated breath, the temptation to take you was all too inviting not to succumb to.
Never breaking your kiss, both of his hands slid up your dress. His fingers gripped the soft skin you kept hidden under the cotton fabric. Slipping his fingers under the waistband of your panties, his hands roamed under your underwear’s surface. Each graze across your ass pulled you deeper into your desires, his teasing touch making your core ache for more.
Pulling away from the kiss, he kept his gaze on yours. As he reached around, pressing you firmly against him, the trembling of your legs was the response he’d been craving.
“It would seem I kept you waiting for too long,” he whispered while soaking his fingers in your throbbing pussy. “My apologies, love.”
As you shook and quaked on his fingers, he lathered your sensitive neck with nips and kisses. 
“Dracule,” you breathed. “Make me a mom…wanna have your baby so badly.” Your love-soaked sobs of devotion struck straight through to his core. 
He placed one more fiery kiss before promptly bending you over the island counter. You eagerly tugged your dress up, presenting the arousal pooling in the fabric.
Wanting to soak in devine display, he planted his hands on your cheeks, gripping them tightly, kneading and shaking them. With one swift motion, he ripped your underwear down to your knees. A trail of your wetness snapped up from it, causing him to revel at the state you were in.
Gripping his cock, he teased your opening to further hear your sweet whimpers before plunging between your sopping lips. Your body readily accepted him, already desperate for more. 
His movements started off steady and deliberate with a clear aim in mind. As he picked up the pace, the sensation of you gripping around him was proving to be a test of his self-control.
“You’re going to make such a beautiful mother.” His words wrapped around you, leaving you breathless.
The harder he slammed into you, the more the chilled countertops adapted to your shared warmth—an offer of a temporary haven to conceive the child you both so desperately wanted.
Your whimpers grew into groans dripping with euphoria, echoing throughout the castle’s kitchen. Clawing at the surface, digging your fingers into it: you could feel yourself teetering on the edge. You gasped and cursed as he hit that sweet spot at just the right moment.
Feeling you clamp around him, pulsating from the velocity of your sudden undoing shattered any remainder of control he thought he still had.
Spilling every ounce of himself into you, the image of the family you were both trying for lingered in your minds. His hands caressed your shaky form, providing a balm for the high you’d just shared.
You eased yourself off of the now warmed counter and pulled him into a kiss which spoke to your unwavering devotion to him.
“Let’s not leave such a long gap next time,” you cupped his face, and he was inclined to agree with you.
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quakearts · 2 months
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He's doing his best guys. (Shanks not Doflamingo)
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grandline-fics · 2 months
Oou can you do one piece men catching you in their clothes?? I've always liked this trope (?) cause i just find it so cute especially one who have like giant coats and capes like coras :D
DESCRIPTION: They catch you wearing their clothes
WARNINGS: nothing, just fluff. established relationship with Crocodile. Mutual crush in Cora's/Rosi's
CHARACTERS: Crocodile, Corazon
WORDS: 1,749
A/N: Thank you for this request! I'm a sucker for this trope. Since no specific characters were requested I went for Cora and Croc because of the big coats. If you'd like any other characters for this idea just let me know! This was my first time writing for Cora so hopefully I did him justice and that you're happy with the end results for these.
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You admired Crocodile for his rigid work ethic and extreme focus, always making sure everything was done perfectly and without error. Even in the days of running a casino simply to act as a cover for his real dealings in Alabasta he made sure it was run smoothly and properly. However sometimes his hard work interfered with any time you two could actually spend together because of how focussed he'd become. You never needed to bring this up to him because when he did have the time to tear himself away from his work it was you he immediately sought and would comment about how much he’d been away from you. You were more than used to his behaviour by now. However one afternoon as you leant against the doorframe and watched him work diligently a curious thought that you’d never really considered before crept into your mind; what would pull his focus and make Crocodile immediately stop working?
At first you decided to start small, bringing him lunch and set it on his desk, watching as he murmured a thanks and managed to perfectly skewer the sandwich with his hook and ate it without any spilling out. As he ate, his eyes remained on the paperwork he was writing. With pursed lips you stepped behind his chair and slowly draped your arm around his shoulder. Your hand settled on his chest just as he finished eating. “Hey, love. Can-?”
“Anything you want.” Crocodile’s response was automatic and his body was still unmoving from his work. You couldn’t help but find his reaction endearing, that Crocodile's want to give you anything you desired managed to break partially through his focus but it wasn't the real break in attention you wanted. 
You weren’t even going to initially ask him for anything in particular, just a mundane question to see if he'd answer. Now though he'd practically given you permission for anything you could think of. Smiling you pressed a quick kiss against his cheek and straightened, your fingers skimming against the large fur-lined coat draped over his shoulders as you did so and suddenly an idea came to you. With casual strides you made your way to your shared room with Crocodile and threw open the doors to his wardrobe. Your eyes roamed over his clothes with appreciation, everything made with the best quality materials by the finest tailors. Sometimes you felt hesitant to touch such finery but not today, he'd given you permission after all. Immediately your eyes went to your favourite coat he owned. The deep black fabric and matching fur trim were simple but striking and with the gold buttons and dark green satin lining it was just enough to draw anyone's eye. 
With a hum you slipped the coat on and grinned in the mirror at how the garment wrapped around you. It was so long on you that it trailed behind you. Leaving the room you walked back down the corridor, trying not to enjoy how his coat billowed behind you. It made sense know why he wore them now. You glanced up to see you were nearing his office and you decided that first you were going to simply walk by the open door. However you were no sooner passed the doorway when a gust of sand appeared and wrapped around your waist, lifting you off of your feet and pulling you backwards and into the room with the door closing behind you. Perched on Crocodile’s desk you stared at your lover as he sat back in his seat, watching you intently and his paperwork abandoned. “Care to explain?”
“Was curious.” You shrugged with a triumphant smile, having succeeded your goal.
“Wondered what it’d take to distract you from your work.”
“Dear, just because I’m looking at my work doesn't mean I’m never aware of your presence.” Crocodile explained as he gently took hold of the lapel of his coat that you were wearing and pulled you closer. Usually he loved the sight of you out of clothes but he had to admit seeing you in something of his only deepened his feelings of possessiveness, an extra claim that you were his   not that that was ever in doubt. “I will admit this is a sight I could get used to, although I think my work would certainly suffer as a result.”
“Still not seeing a downside to this.” You grinned up at him with a smug smile as you settled your hand over his. “I’m keeping this one by the way.”
“My love, it’s a commissioned make. No other exists. Wouldn’t you settle for your own? One that fits you better?” He was mostly teasing. Of course if your heart was set on it he wouldn’t object but would still plan on stealing it from you should the occasion call for it.
“I think this one suits me just fine but I'll be kind and share but only if I’m repaid with a kiss.”
“You have yourself a deal.”
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Rosinante stared out at the wintery expanse blankly, his dark eyes set on the people bustling about in the town below. They were used to the terrain, born and raised on the winter dominated island. With it being a day with light snowfall and cracks of blue appearing in the sky the people seemed in lighter spirits. Nice to see but it made his task of observing a possible threat harder. It was rare to have a mission set for him by his brother also overlap and bring some good for the Marines too but they did happen. If this man did prove himself to be a danger, he’d be dealt with swiftly and it’d be one less criminal in the world. Doffy would be satisfied too, not that that particular aspect would be a big factor in his actions but it would mean his undercover role would remain intact.
He blinked out of his concentration when the cigarette in his mouth was promptly stolen from his painted lips and he looked to see you stub it out into the snow with a low fizzle. Rosinante said nothing and continued to observe you as you settled onto the flattened patch of snow beside him. Feeling his stare you met his gaze and smiled sweetly. “Don't pout. I’m just looking out for your health here. Any movement?” 
At your question, Rosinante activated his power to create the soundproof area for you both. While you were both concealed from the view of others he never liked to take any chances of your conversations to be heard. With you here, your own cover was just as at risk as his should the wrong person find out and the last thing he wanted was to put you in danger even though you too had given your life to that of a double agent and spy. “Nothing yet.”
Getting to hear Rosinante’s deep voice always made you happy, part of you always thought he might be lonely in some strange way in having to remain silent in order to keep his true role a secret. It also made you happy because it meant you were someone he trusted in revealing his voice too, and what a lovely voice it was too. Such a shame practically no-one got to hear it. Knowing your roles and what you were here to do, you both kept conversation to a minimum, Rosinante using his notepad to make longer notes to you while also keeping the feathers of his coat in front of his mouth to hide his minimal verbal responses just in case someone should spot you both and see his lips moving.
For ages you both sat and fulfilled your watch until you both noticed the sun setting. Still no further forward in confirmation of the threat and his rumoured weapons smuggling from his store, you both knew that you’d have another day of investigating ahead of you. With a tired groan you stood and finally took note of how cold and numb your limbs were because of the snow. Smiling you offered your hand to your partner and helped him get to his feet. 
However his unfortunately chronic clumsiness finally reared its head and Rosinante tumbled over, knocking you back down onto the untouched snow pile away from where you'd both been sitting in and now you were soaked and your body immediately began to tremble. With chattering teeth and shaking hands you allowed yourself to be pulled out of the snow by a very apologetic Rosinante who'd managed to stay dry. You could barely brush the excess snow off of yourself and seeing your struggle, your mission partner stepped in, dusting you off as gently as possible but only kept his movements reserved for your head and shoulders. As much as he’d known his attraction for you, he refused to touch you in anyway that would make you uncomfortable regardless of how innocent his intentions were. He just knew he’d need to get you warm fast to avoid you getting sick.
You’d never been more happy to step into the room at the inn you and Rosinante were sharing, making a beeline for the bathroom to shower and get warm. When you were changed into fresh clothes you felt the difference but the chill still clung to your body and you shivered harshly as you stepped out into the room, confused to see Rosinante was gone but the fire in the room was burning with his feather coat hanging near it. Swiftly you hurried forward and bundled the coat into your arms to avoid another accident from occurring. With a sigh and shake of your head you went to set his coat on his bed only to pause when you felt how soft and warm it was. Unable to resist you pulled it on and curled up in one of the armchairs. Finally feeling your body heat you sighed in satisfaction.
Rosinante returned not long after with an extra blanket that he’d been searching for under his arm. He froze at the sight and his heart involuntarily began to beat faster. Seeing you so peaceful and wrapped up in his clothes it was more than he could bear. He didn’t think his affection and attraction for you could grow anymore but it did and from such a simple thing. It made him all the more resolved to ensure that he would keep you safe.
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e
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inquisitor-runa · 2 months
What is their name in your phone
cont: fluff, swearing, suggestiveness
Includes Zoro, Law, Kid, Crocodile, Ace and Shanks.
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Note: Law’s contact name was inspired by this amazing post from @sanjisprincesswifey (it always cracks me up) 😅❤️
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