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incorrectjjkquotes · 11 months ago
Geto: This is the weirdest friendship I’ve ever had. Gojo: Friendship? We don’t have a friendship. Gojo: What we have is a sinship. Gojo: It’s like a friendship except we sin together.
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ilikekidsshows · 8 months ago
To really signify how done I am with this fandom's tomfoolery, I’m finally going to break my silence about something that's been bothering me for as long as I’ve been in the fandom: Marichat being the “sinship” corner of the lovesquare didn't come out of nowhere and seeing so many reasonable people in the fandom shrugging about it always felt like watching characters slipping on banana peels: you know they're gonna do it, but it feels like they do it on purpose because how do you miss a bright yellow banana peel.
Marinette is, forgive me saying this about an underage character, thirsty. She's really, really thirsty and Adrien is her drink of choice. Every time Adrien is on screen in the earlier seasons, Marinette turns into a gaping mouth-breather. The only way the amount of panting going on would be more obvious was if she also went through a Looney Tunes -styled transformation into a she-wolf.
As for Cat Noir, I have repeatedly pointed out how he is the most sexualized character in this show. He wears a skintight catsuit that looks like leather no matter how much the creators insist it isn't, and he gets brainwashed and put into bondage so often that, if I didn't know for a fact that Astruc doesn't actually read superhero comics, I’d think he was plagiarizing Chris Claremont in addition to Rachel RenĂ©e Russel.
Shipping the most thirsty character with the thirst trap character and making it drinkable is not as unthinkable as people have always made it out to be.
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squeallittlepiggy · 2 years ago
my first cartman rper drew this for me 5 years ago (:
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Because selfcest is cute.
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brainhurtyqueen · 3 months ago
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(please click pictures for better quality)
(Shout out to my sister @kinship-is-sinship for making this template for me, love you sis!) this is easier than writing out a long thread. Rules are on the picture on the left and the prompts are on the right. 😁 I’m back and I am finally doing EmSum Month (Evil Morty x Summer).
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allenviking · 5 years ago
Sorry I didn't post for so long. I really wasn't inspired. I try to do some sfm stuff the next days, so here ya got a some older pics.
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voltyrra · 6 years ago
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A slightly early Halloween gift. The Sinship family all decked out for trick or treating! Sinners a devil, Lucy's a sexy nun, and little Aspens a dragon/princess. Happy Halloween!Sinner belongs to @jintaru
Lucy belongs to @pompadorkery
And the bab, Aspen, is a joint effort between them
{click on photo if it's blurry. I don't know how to fix it}
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artheartalex-blog · 7 years ago
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So I got inspired by an ask and a comic to make this. I’m too lazy to actually finish it though... The OC’s are not mine. They belong to @jintaru and @pompadorkery
I know Lucy is more of a cat but yknow how it be. I also had no clue who the third person should’ve been so use your imagination! 
Original comic here, but I couldn’t find the actual artist, sorry! :( 
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nightglider124 · 7 years ago
Maybe... perhaps... AH, SCREW IT. 100 prompts, 28, StarX. If only to see how you would handle them.
 my sin ship. I lurve it.  >:)
idk if it’s the best but it’s what came to mind.
‘It’s just you and me tonight. We can do whatever we want.’
The stars were so vibrant tonight; illuminating the night like they were born to. Light bounced around from the giant full moon in the sky too.
It was late and the world had gotten quiet since it brushed past midnight. The sky was beautiful, the city was sound; civillians safe and sound in their beds. 
Tonight was a perfect night to gaze above at the wonders beyond the little blue planet.
Starfire sighed.
She would have enjoyed flying and soaring among the star, getting a closer look at them and admiring more of the universe but, she wasn’t trusting her flight abilities all that well right now.
Feeling heart sore, Starfire stared up at the stars, for a fleeting moment, wishing she could simply be back on Tamaran. 
Whenever she felt sad, she thought of Tamaran and how much she missed it; wondering if Tamaran also missed her. She considered leaving when she was upset as well. 
However, she knew, once she had gone and was back on Tamaran, she would in turn begin to miss Earth.
It was a conflicting conundrum that she wished she could solve.
Her heart lay with both planets for different reasons. Tamaran was her birthplace; somewhere she knew all the customs and rules, a place she never felt out of place and somewhere that felt familiar.
Earth, on the other hand, had so many fascinating things, it had new and exciting traditions for her to learn, it had her friends

It had Robin.
Her heart clenched in her chest.
Even thinking about him hurt. But, she was starting to get used to this. It was the same cycle, over and over again.
Whilst he was wonderfully sweet, caring and kind, the majority of the time she spent around him; there was the small percentage of when he could be a complete and utter clorbag.
She wanted to scream at him and lose her temper like he so easily could but she resisted. In her mind, whilst he was her friend and someone she held deep affection for
 he was her leader.
Subordinates were never to disagree with their leaders. It was unbecoming of a warrior to go against thgeir superiors. 
Whatever Robin said, went.
She frowned and her eyes shifted focus from the stars to the ocean, calm and tranquil as it continued a steady flow of in and out, dragging sand and shells back into its depth with every new wave; big and small.
After tonight’s episode
 she just felt so disheartened. Every time they got closer and when she finally dabbled with the idea that Robin might care for her in more than a friendly way, he shut down any hope she may have had.
He’d taken her aside today after a battle with Mumbo and completely tore her apart over her techniques, saying how she could have gotten hurt or could have gotten others hurt. She couldn’t understand what she had done wrong nor could she understand why she was the only one who he seemed to notice.
Every time she did something ‘wrong’, he managed to notice but when she actually wanted his attention, he didn’t bat an eyelid.
She wrapped her arms around herself.
Her friends had just stared in surprise, not doing anything to jump to her defense or help her out. 
Mumbo had a gun pointed at a child.
Starfire hadn’t had any hesitation to dive in front of the child to protect them. The bang had sounded and it had been one of the ‘joke’ guns as she thought it probably would have been but still unwilling to take such a chance.
Why had Robin been so angry about that?
Personally, she thought that was the very definition of heroism.
Starfire sniffled as she sat on the roof of one of the tall skyscrapers dotted around Jump City. 
She just felt
 very alone right now.
Little spats like this tended to make her overthink and it made her think a lot about her place on Earth and whether or not she truly did belong on Earth.
Suddenly, something dropped down behind her.
Starfire’s ear perked. 
She may have been upset with her situation with her leader and friends but she was always on alert, ready to take out any foe who dared to challenge her.
Bringing a hand to her lap, she curled it into a fist and it faintly glowed green, her starbolt charging stronger, the closer the enemy came.
The soft thud they had made sound very similar to Robin but not quite; this person, as they walked, seemed to have a lot more swagger in their step. She could sense it.
 isn’t this a treat.” His voice echoed, cool and collected,
Starfire’s shoulders slumped a small fraction and the starbolt winked out. She wasn’t in the mood for this criminal, of all that roamed the city.
She exhaled and looked back towards the skyline.
Bold as he was, the thief planted himself right next to her, legs hanging over the edge of the roof, just as hers were.
“Evening, cutie.” Red X crooned,
Her brows furrowed a little, “Go. Away.”
Chuckling was what she heard, followed by a bewildered breath, 
“What? I haven’t even done anything yet.” He pointed out, his electronic voice grating on her due to it’s similarity to what her heart wanted most in this world,
She closed her eyes, “No, but you are here which can only mean bad things. Now, leave me alone.”
“Eesh, someone has really pissed you off today.” 
Starfire turned to glare at him for his use of language. The eyes of his mask widened and he held up his hands in defense,
“Oops. Sorry.” He told her, not sounding sorry at all,
“What are you doing here, Red X?” Starfire interrogated,
“Mm, not a lot to steal tonight and my friends just call me X, cutie.” He replied, leaning back on the palms of his gloved hands. 
She huffed, turned her nose up and straightened her spine, “I am not your friend.”
He thumped his hand to his chest, just above his heart, “Oh. I’m wounded.”
“Will you just leave already?” She said, through gritted teeth,
“Why do-“
Her head spun in his direction, her eyes glowing a furious green so bright that it reflected off of his mask. 
“Leave me alone.” She growled,
Red X leaned back slightly. He dropped into silence but didn’t leave. 
Starfire turned back to face the city, her heart beating rapidly. She just wanted time alone with her thoughts; something she so rarely let herself do, considering what a social butterfly she normally  was. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Her eyes widened and she turned to him again, “What?” 
Red X sat there, his elbows draped over his knees as he leaned forward, also staring out at the quiet streets below. 
 you’re clearly upset about something. Why else would you be out here on your own?”
“I am not-”
 please. I’m not stupid.” He told her, Starfire smothering her surprise; he never called her by her name, it was always Cutie, “And
 whilst I know I’m not your top choice
 I can be a good listener, y’know.”
She blinked, inwardly debating whether or not he could be trusted. He had shown kindness in the past, to her specifically as well. 
 it is nothing
” She murmured,
Red X snorted, “Pft
 right. I’m convinced.”
Rolling her shoulders, Starfire glanced at him, a blush creeping onto her face.
 had an altercation with my friend.”
She stayed quiet for a moment, “Mm
Red X laughed suddenly, “Y’know, cutie
 your boyfriend really sucks-”
“He is not my boyfriend!” She snapped, glaring at him,
He sighed and tilted his head at her, eyes narrowed, “But, you want him to be.”
She stared at the mysterious, masked man for a long moment before she turned away, brushing some hair behind her ear. 
“It does not matter what I want
 Robin has made it abundantly clear that he would never be interested in me in a romantic way
” Starfire whispered, her heart hurting and tears pricking her eyes,
“Oh, please-”
“You do not know anything about it-“
A hand on his shoulder. She froze, wondering if she should grab it and tear it off but his words caught her off guard,
“I do know one thing
” He waited until she looked at him, “Any guy who wouldn’t be interested in you, is either insane or gay.”
Starfire rolled her eyes, his flirtatious ways just rolling off of her at this point.
Red X gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze, “I mean it
 you’re gorgeous and if he can’t see it
 he’s a dumbass.”
She blinked her big green eyes at him before she giggled.
Deep down, she knew she didn’t like the way he was talking about Robin but right now, she was hurting and it
 helped for Red X to share his thoughts.
“I’m serious
 if I ever had a chance with you
” He trailed off, not finishing that thought,
But, Starfire was curious and turned her body towards him slightly.
He let his hand slip from her shoulder and shrugged, “Doesn’t matter.”
 if you ever had the chance with me
” She prompted, truly wanting to know,
Red X lifted his eyes to hers and swallowed so his throat wasn’t so dry,
“If I had a chance with you
 I’d make you mine, immediately
 not be indecisive like chuckles seems to be. He should know how quickly a girl like you would get snapped up.”
Starfire felt herself blush, “Thank you.”
He nodded, “You’re worth more than he makes you feel
 that’s all.”
“I-I do not think he does it with the intention to hurt me-”
“It’s not an excuse.” 
She smiled quietly to herself, surprised but also intrigued by what he’d been saying.
 we should not be talking about this.”
Red X leaned back on his elbows and lightly patted the space beside him, inviting her to relax with him,
“It’s just you and me, tonight. We can do anything we want.” He told her, in a matter of fact sort of tone,
“I’ve got all the time in the world
 if you have.” Red X explained,
Whilst she knew it was wrong and she certainly shouldn’t be hanging out with let alone confiding in a criminal, something inside told her it was okay.
Robin would extremely disapprove but
 he was not here and he did not make her decisions for her.
She copied his actions, leaning back and gave him a small smirk,
“Okay, X
 what do you have in mind to talk about?” She wondered,
Red X grinned beneath the mask, honing in on the fact that she’d used the nickname.
It was going to be a fun night, after all.
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jackal-in-a-box · 7 years ago
What is the appeal of MariChat?
The slow-burn? The shipwreck that is? The forbidden romance? I fell in love with you twice? Classic friends-to-lovers trope? Finding love in an unexpected place? Secrets, sweets, sleepovers and sin~? (Oh my~)
Yeah, maybe~ OR...
Sassynette. DramaChat. Marichill. SweetiNoir.
And 75% less secondhand embarrassment.
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ticklishgemini · 7 years ago
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Sinner getting older and needing these dad glasses XD @jintaru @pompadorkery
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kacs3721 · 3 years ago
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El héroe críptico: Sigilo - Capitulo I. un día a día. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1224006059-el-h%C3%A9roe-cr%C3%ADptico-sigilo-capitulo-i-un-d%C3%ADa-a-d%C3%ADa?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Kacs3721&wp_originator=kO6rLxs7ZGxHxpgWy48Slfq9Zjs3o4hQj2zm3%2B2yeVyubRIexJ7IDmm%2FhjPDtAIr2HNSW1RFlN3XB0awHS8Iq0CVgpK1%2FI4FYhtk07oH2Y6s4lI9dns%2Fd6l5S0PlvyZ8 Midoriya Izuku un niño sin peculiaridades, desechado por la sociedad. Estå a punto de darse por vencido hasta que se abre una oportunidad que no va desperdiciar. Nadie sabe, pero con esta oportunidad pude llegar a cambiar el futuro de la sociedad por algo mejor. The cryptid hero: stealth es un enigma, es una sombra en la noche que cubre las calles buscando la seguridad de las personas. Nadie conoce su identidad ni su historia, solo las personas allegadas conocen quien es. Para las personas, villanos, hasta la comisión de héroes lo han visto muy pocas veces. Nadie sabe su historia ni los horrores, la lucha, momentos felices, tristes, de enojo, recaídas y demås que tuvo que pasar para llegar hasta donde esta... hasta ahora. Aclaración: En esta historia Midoriya nació 15 años antes, basicamente estå estudiando con Aizawa, Yamada, etc. Esta historia esta inspirada en https://archiveofourown.org/works/36352618/chapters/90630691 creditos en su idea
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unknownchildofnothing · 7 years ago
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A little something for my two fav OCs and their creators: @pompadorkery (Lucy) and @jintaru (Sinner). I hope you like! I would have attempted to draw the characters... but I suck at drawing humans, so I come with icon/symbols instead 😅😂.
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devilrosola · 2 years ago
>.> <.< Time for me to put myself out there with all my rarepair crackships...
I'm pretty open to letting people ship what they want. I mean yk it's their comfort ships of two (or more) charas they resonate with and putting those together helps the person find harmony in themselves.
That said, please don't be offended when I list my relatively short Notp list.
❌Aladdin x Kougyoku -- Aladdin triggers me and Kougyoku can do so much better, esp after the Manga is over.
❌Sinbad x Ja'far -- Having been a Ja'far in this kind of relationship is just a headache and I wish Ja'far would treat himself better. (short version)
Now that's out of the way, hopefully we can have fun with the endless list of ships!
✅Kouen x Ja'far -- OTP: EnJa! If these guys had more of a chance in canon to see how much they really have in common and the things they value the other has. What one may see as a flaw, the other admires. Acceptance! {Also, I sometimes use them as self projection of a happy-ace-couple. But other times...they're not ace XD}
✅Spartos x Kougyoku -- A crackship that cropped up in RP that just turned into the darndest thing. Spartos is the knight in shining armor (literally lol) that Kougyoku dreamed of.
✅Ugo x Yamuraiha -- Also cropped up in RP. These two are a flustered mess with each other!
✅Hinahoho x Rurumu -- Ideal couple that sadly got cut short 😭 (also love the fact that Rurumu is taller heehee)
✅Mahad x Parsine -- The cutest little thing. Seeing Mahad turn into a gentle giant.
✅Mystras x Pipirika -- I've got "Rewrite the Stars" from Greatest Showman lined up for them in my "Sindria the Musical"
✅Vittel x Irene -- One of those cute things that cropped up in one of my canon divergences X3c
✅Yunan x Yamuraiha -- Just imagine the magical knowledge they could share!
✅Sinbad x Serendine -- tbh, I did not like Serendine at first. Even if I do love spiders. But she grew on me after she joined the company. When she proposed marriage in Zepar's dungeon is when I considered the ship 👀
✅Drakon x Serendine -- I loved how he'd get flustered around her.
✅Muu x Serendine -- Accidently happened in one of my aus and the thought is just hawt đŸ„”
✅Drakon x Saher -- I stan this canon couple! (any other ships involving them are what AUs are for, yes I enjoy both realities)
✅Spartos x Koumei -- Wholesome Happy-ace-couple-ness 💞 Mah redhead bois~
✅Kouen x Yamuraiha -- Let them nerd out together 😆
✅Koumei x Yamuraiha -- I'm working on this one. They both lead magical research facilities that merge postcanon
✅Muu x Kouen -- Well you know there was that "good friends" comment during the summit despite Reim being allied with the Seven Seas X3c
✅Koumei x Ja'far -- Putting my top two together. They'd be chill
✅Myron x Pipirika -- Hear me out, Power couple of a Fanalis and Imuchakk together! (suppose I have a one-shot of widower Hinahoho and Razoul for that too)
✅Pisti x Kouha -- The two love-experts team up! (I just love cross couples of Sindria and Kou together if you can't tell)
And there's so many more. It's hard to think of all the Ja'ships and Enships and Sinships, nvm the OCs lol Most of the ships I'm interested in are the older characters vs the main 😅
TOO ALL MAGI FANS... which ships do you hate And love?
I hate
ANY INCEST AND MINOR X ADULT SHIP (that include aladdin x any adult. In the manga/anime it show that aladdin appear to be 10 are 12 idk.. And the final arc is him being 15 yro)​
I love
Hakuryuu x kassim x judar x alibaba (they're husbands no explaination.)​
Morgiana x kougyoku.. (ik)
Yamuraiha x hakuei (yes)
... This may be weird.. *cough* Sahbmad x Koumei *cough*
There is more ship i wanna add but.. I only lile them but no love completely​ such as.. Hakumor, titus x sphintus, sharrkan x yamuraiha, Arba x Trash and possibly more that idk about..
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hrvatska-bunika · 7 years ago
Croatia is my enemy. But it also turns out that Croatia is his own worst enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So Croatia is actually my friend. But because he is his worst enemy, the enemy of my friend is my enemy. So actually, Croatia is my enemy. But-
APH Serbia
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maitredesnavires · 6 years ago
Well now I gotta go find chapter 1!!
SINSHIPSINSHIP "sorry to have to tell you Adrien," Lila said loud enough to gain over half the classes attention "but I saw Marinette chatting to a strange boy late last night and she was saying some very mean things about you." "I wouldn't put it past her," Chloe piped up from her seat "Did you know she's had a crush on you for a super long time? Maybe you never showing any interest finally got to her."
Sin Ship, Ch. 8
Sequel to this.
When Adrien walked into class, Marinette turned bright red and sank into her seat like a turtle in its shell—not unusual for her, she did that kind of thing a lot with him. But Alya couldn’t help grinning at the thought that she knew why things were different this time, even if nobody else did.
Most of the class was here, barring a few stragglers—Nino in particular seemed to have overslept—and overall everyone was pretty happy, as well as fairly oblivious to the change between Adrien and Marinette. After all, they weren’t exactly advertising it.
Still, Alya started when Lila cleared her throat.
“Adrien!” Lila said with dismay, looking at Marinette. She was loud enough that everyone in class hushed, looked at her. “Hey, um, im sorry to say this, but, uh
 I saw Marinette chatting with a strange boy late last night?” She turned to Adrien with sympathy. “And
 she was
 saying a lot of mean things about you.”
Alya blinked. That was
 what? Why
 what? That wasn’t possible, Marinette had been at Adrien’s last night, hadn’t she? Lila must’ve been mistaken.
“I wouldn’t put it past her,” ChloĂ© piped in, examining her nails. Her face twisted into a viciously satisfied grin. “I mean, she’s only had a crush on forever. Maybe she finally got tired of you never showing any interest.”
The whole class fell absolutely silent. They were all staring at Marinette in shock and horror, and suddenly Alya realized—this is what Marinette had meant. This was—she—Lila was lying. She was LYING. And everything Marinette had told her

Alya choked.
Lila leaned forward, toward Marinette. “Don’t bother wiggling out of this one,” she said. “I know you weren’t home last night, little miss—”
“Lila,” Adrien interrupted, his voice soft—but in the quiet of the room it carried enough that everyone could hear him. “Did you just admit to breaking into my house?”
Lila froze, her mouth open. “
Adrien looked at her with the eyes of a kicked puppy. “Marinette was with me last night,” he said. “And yeah, she said some mean stuff about me—”
Marinette made a strangled groan, turning even redder, and flopped forward in her chair, attempting to hide her face behind the scarf.
“—but that was because I asked her to,” Adrien said, a languid smile spreading across his face. “You know. For
” He turned a bright red to match Marinette. “Um. Reasons.”
Lila swallowed. “I—wha—I don’t—”
“It was consensual,” Adrien continued, far too innocently. “You
 do know what consent means, right?” He grinned. “Unicorn?”
Lila’s face twisted into a snarl, but it was too late. The class had turned their shock and horror from Marinette to Lila
 and Alya had already picked up exactly where Adrien was leading.
She jumped on it immediately. “So what’s the story here?” Alya said, raising her phone and switching on the camera. this bitch had lied to her for a MONTH, risked her reputation as a journalist, and most importantly almost RUINED her relationship with her best friend. She wasn’t going to let any of that slide. “Either ‘diplomat’s daughter breaks into home of famous model-slash-actor to spy on him’
Marinette moaned from behind the scarf, and a cherry-colored Adrien failed to meet anyone’s eyes.
” Alya faltered. Right, don’t embarrass them too much. “
private activities,” she said, then returned to charging ahead, “or else you just lied with malicious intent in front of about forty witnesses.” She gestured toward the class.
Lila turned and saw them all, staring at her with shock and judgment in their eyes. (In fact, the only one who wasn’t looking at her was ChloĂ©, who was too busy gaping at Marinette and Adrien.) Her face turned white.
“I don’t think either of those is going to play well on the news,” Alya said. “And since, as Ladybug’s SUPPOSED best friend, you’re a public figure
“You wouldn’t,” Lila hissed.
Alya felt her lungs draw in as her rage began to boil over. “You LIED TO ME to turn me against my best friend,” she snarled. “There is NOTHING I won’t do to you.”
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dame-c · 5 years ago
ML SinShip
I love that the new ML SinShip is MultiChat. The cat and mouse dynamic is a lot of fun (but please remember to age up the characters when writing M to E fics). My fav side of the square has always been MariChat, and I never understood why it was deemed SinShip. Especially since most of the fics I've read are not rated E and if they are they tend to be sweet and set after they really get to know each other (which, in my mind, is the point of MariChat)
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