#sinja dieks
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higherentity · 5 months ago
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fairytalemovies · 1 year ago
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Sinja Dieks as Constanze and André Kaczmarczyk as prince Markus in Die sechs Schwäne (2012).
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buttercup-bard · 3 years ago
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Ein Prinz verliert nicht den Verstand.
Nein, aber sein Herz.
André Kaczmarczyk als Prinz Markus in Die sechs Schwäne (2012)
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whozwho · 5 years ago
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Sinja Dieks
Italien ist der Ort an dem ich am allerliebsten Urlaub mache, glaube ich. Und schönerweise eines meiner grössten Herausforderungen. Letztes Jahr habe ich eine italienische Serie drehen können, Un Passo Dal Cielo, wo ich das erste Mal auf italienisch gespielt habe.  Autofahren ist für mich ein Emotionskatalysator, weil ich völlig frei bin. In diesem Käfig habe ich das Gefühl, niemand hört mich, niemand sieht mich und ich benehme mich daneben. Ist doch eine schöne Haarfarbe, ich bin naturblond, das ist mir immer besonders wichtig. Und eigentlich sollte man sich gar nicht so viele Gedanken darum machen. Entzug oder im Zug? Egal oder? Ich habe jetzt mal Entzug verstanden ... mache ich sehr wenig. Wasser ist das, womit ich mich am allermeisten am Tag beschäftige. Ich habe immer eine Flasche zu trinken dabei, immer Wasser. Ich liebe Wasser und ich werde nervös, wenn ich kein Wasser bei mir habe. Nachdenke über Denken, was beschäftigt mich eigentlich, was suche ich in der Schauspielerei, was möchte ich innerhalb dieses Berufes oder oder vielleicht darüber hinaus noch tun hat mich dazu gebracht, selber Drehbücher zu schreiben. Erwartungen, Wünsche, Träume. Das finde ich sind eine der schönsten oder wichtigsten Fragen, die man sich selber immer wieder stellen kann. Was erwarte ich, was wünsche ich mir eigentlich? Die ein innerer Motor sind, nach links und rechts zu schauen und zu gucken, was noch alles kommen kann. 
- das Video von Sinja Dieks auf unserem You Tube Channel -
Photo/DOP: Olaf Kroenke Creative Direction: KUNI Production: WHOZWHO
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asongoficeandfancasts · 2 years ago
Tags continued: Part 2
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Cyrelle Tarbeck (b. 241 AC): Daughter of Lady Ellyn Reyne and her second husband, Walderan Tarbeck. She had an older sister, Rohanne, and a younger brother, Tion. When House Reyne and Tarbeck were crushed by Tywin Lannister, Cyrelle's brother, husband and father were all killed. Cyrelle and her sister were sent to the silent sisters. Fancast: Riley Keough.
Cyrenna Swann (c. 230-255 AC): Second wife of Lord Walder Frey and mother to two sons. Fancast: Lára Jóhanna Jónsdóttir.
Dacey Mormont (c. 272-299 AC): Eldest daughter and heir of Lady Maege Mormont of Bear Island. She is an accomplished warrior and rides with King Robb Stark in the War of the Five Kings. She is murdered by House Frey at the Red Wedding. Fancast: Natalie Hoflin.
Daella Targaryen (64-82 AC): Fourth-born daughter of Jaehaerys I and Good Queen Alysanne. She was delicate and shy, and was bullied by her younger sister Saera. Many eligible lords and sons of lords courted her, but in the end she chose to wed Lord Rodrik Arryn, who was more than twice her age, but a gentle man who would take care of her. Unfortunately, Daella fell pregnant and died shortly after delivering a healthy baby girl, Aemma. Fancast: Elle Fanning.
Daella Targaryen (b. 199 AC): Eldest daughter of Prince Maekar Targaryen, who would later become king as Maekar I, and his wife Dyanna Dayne. Her mother died when she was under 10. She had four brothers, including Aegon the Unlikely, and one sister, Rhae. Fancast: Therica Wilson-Read.
Daena (main series era): A mummer at the Gate in Braavos. Fancast: Jodelle Ferland.
Daena Targaryen (c. 145-175 AC): Eldest daughter of King Aegon III and his wife Daenaera Velaryon. Her two elder brothers, Daeron and Baelor, became kings consecutively after her father's death. She was married to Baelor at the age of fifteen, but he refused to consummate the marriage. When Daeron was killed in Dorne and Baelor became king, he annulled their marriage and locked Daena away in the Maidenvault with her two younger sisters, so that they would not tempt any man. Daena hated this unjust imprisonment and became more and more defiant, finally giving birth to a bastard son that turned out to be fathered by her cousin Aegon. Baelor, aghast, fasted for forty days after the boy's birth and eventually collapsed and died. Many thought that Daena, being Aegon III's oldest surviving child, would become queen, but she was without political support during her imprisonment and the throne passed to her uncle Viserys instead. Daena's son would go on to become Daemon Blackfyre, who sought a crown for himself and caused the ruinous Blackfyre Rebellions. Fancast: Ellen Hollman.
Daenaera Velaryon (b. 127 AC): Second wife and queen of Aegon III and mother to five children. She was presented to Aegon at the age of six at the Maiden's Day Ball after the death of his first wife, Jaehaera. They were wed later that year, but their first child was not born until ten years later. Fancast: Alicia Agneson.
Daenerys Targaryen (53-60 AC): Eldest daughter and first child to survive infancy of Jaehaerys I and Good Queen Alysanne. She died of the Shivers when she was no more than seven. Fancast: Olivia Tennet.
Daenerys Targaryen (b. 172 AC): Only legitimate daughter of Aegon the Unworthy and his wife, Queen Naerys. At the time of her birth, her elder brother Daeron was already married and had a son. Daeron had been married to Princess Myriah Martell as part of the peace pact between Baelor I and Dorne. When Daenerys was fifteen, she was married to Maron Martell, the ruling prince of Dorne. With this marriage, Dorne was finally brought into the Seven Kingdoms under Targaryen rule. It was rumoured that Daenerys had been in love with her bastard half-brother, Daemon Blackfyre, and that her marriage to Maron instigated the First Blackfyre Rebellion, but Daenerys and Maron were, by all accounts, happy together. Maron built the Water Gardens as a gift for Daenerys, where their children could play in the summer heat along with the children of other nobles. It was Daenerys who declared that the children of the servants could play there too, starting a tradition that continues to this day. Fancast: Sinja Dieks.
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gebo4482 · 3 years ago
My Name Is Vendetta | Official Teaser | Netflix
Dir: Cosimo Gomez Star: Alessandro Gassmann / Remo Girone / Sinja Dieks
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Christmas Fairytale Vote 2019 | Round 1 - Part 3
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Voting ends on Monday, 11:59pm GMT+02.
How it works As mentioned on my youtube channel, I want to translate a fairytale adaptations for Christmas but I cannot decide on which one because there are so many. Usually I would do one poll but youtube only allows for five options, so this will be done in rounds. In the first round, the two movies with the most votes per part will move to the next round where they will be set against the other parts winners. In round 2, a winner and a second place of different parts of round 1 compete against one another. The winner of each poll moves on to the final round where the Christmas Fairytale Movie I will translate 2019 will be decided on. Overall you will be able to choose your winner out of 15 movies.
The Contestants
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Die sechs Schwäne [The Six Swans]
On her 18th birthday, Constanze discovers a well-guarded secret. She discovers that there must be six brothers who were turned into white swans because of an inconsiderate word the father said on the days of Constanze's birth. Costanze is stunned when suddenly the six swans appear. They explain to her that only she can break the curse.
With Sinja Dieks, André Kaczmarczyk, Anton Algrang, Julia Jäger, Arved Friese, Timon Wloka, Paul Alhäuser, Jonas Hämmerle, Timon Strake, Bjarne Meisel and more.
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Des Kaisers neue Kleider [The Emperor’s New Clothes]
Emperor Friedhelm the Fashionable soon celebrates his birthday and has nothing to wear. He is bored by the expensive and magnificent robes. Who cares if his subjects live off the smell of an oily rag. When the young Jacob comes around to The Emperor, he is delighted. But The Emperor be warned: Who is stupid or not worthy of their office, for them the dresses are invisible!
With Matthias Brandt, Sergej Moya, Alissa Jung, Manfred Möck, Audrey von Scheele and more.
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Der Prinz im Bärenfell [The Prince in the Bearskin]
Prince Marius is extremely vain and he also cannot find the right wife. One day, he walks into the devil's trap in the forest. If we does not find a woman that truly loves him with all her heart until the next equinox, he will lose his soul. But he shall not find this woman as the pretty Prince Marius but as prince in bearskin. Saddened, he withdraws into the the forest. One day is hunger is so great that he steals bread from a farm. In doing so, he meets Elise who works on the estate of her aunt Hedwig. She saves him and secretly nurses him back to health. And she falls in love with him with all her heart...
With Max Befort, Mira Elisa Goeres, Inga Busch, Kiran West, Nora Hickler, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Mirosla Nemec, Nicolaus Sternfeld and more.
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Prinz Himmelblau und Fee Lupine [Prince Skyblue and Fairy Lupine]
The Queen wants her son Prince Skyblue to marry a pretty, well-to-do and uncomplicated princess without magical powers. But the prince wants to choose his bride himself and rides off with his squire Fred. He meets the lovely fairy Lupine and they fall in love with each other. The Queen tasks a witch to prevent this love. Because of a curse Skyblue and Lupine suddenly do not recognize one another anymore.
With Ruby O. Fee, Jonathan Berlin, Friederike Kempter, Mechthild Großmann, Patrick Güldenberg, Sarina Radomski, Enno Hesse, Daniel F. Kamen and more
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Die zertanzten Schuhe [The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes aka The Twelve Dancing Princesses]
King Karl is desperate. His twelve daughters are keeping a secret from him. Each morning their shoes are worn-out by dancing. None of the princesses wants or knows what happens at night. Even the oldest daughter Amanda whose shoes never have holes. Many princes before could not reveal the secret. But that does not scare away soldier and puppeteer Anton. He is in love.
With Dieter Hallervorden, Inez Björg David, Luise von Finckh, Carlo Ljubek, Janina Flieger and more.
>>>Vote now<<<
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olafkroenke · 5 years ago
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CHIARA SCHORAS, TOBIAS OERTEL & SINJA DIEKS sind die Primetime Stars @das_erste im BOZENKRIMI @chiara_schoras @schlag_agentur @tobias_oertel_official @steinfeld_pr @sinjadieks @birnbaum.berlin Foto #olafkroenke CD #kunhildhaberkern für WHOZWHO MAG #whozwho @whomag.eu https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DG_cxKm3z/?igshid=10ypp855x4ddj
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higherentity · 7 months ago
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katybirdy95 · 8 years ago
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“And then with surprising suddenness, Richard was there… with a greeting frozen on his lips and eyes only for Anne.”
“Richard came swiftly to Anne. His first impulse to take her in his arms, he carefully confined himself to the most cousinly of kisses; his lips barely grazed the corner of her mouth.”  
Richard touched her face with his fingers...turning her toward the light, he saw what he'd not seen on the stairwell, how white she was. How fragile, how vulnerable.
"Jesu," he said, "what we've done to you!" "Hold me," she entreated, "just hold me."
Quotes from the Sunne In Splendour
Anne Neville: Sinja Dieks
Richard III:  André Kaczmarczyk
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asongofsilks · 5 years ago
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House Targaryen fancasting --> Sinja Dieks as Daenerys daughter of Aegon
“ ‘The Water Gardens are my favorite place in this world, ser. One of my ancestors had them built to please his Targaryen bride and free her from the dust and heat of Sunspear. Daenerys was her name. She was sister to King Daeron the Good, and it was her marriage that made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. It was Daenerys who filled the gardens with laughing children. Her own children at the start, but later the sons and daughters of lords and landed knights were brought in to be companions to the boys and girls of princely blood. And one summer’s day when it was scorching hot, she took pity on the children of her grooms and cooks and serving men and invited them to use the pools and fountains too, a tradition that has endured till this day.’ ”
Doubtless as lovely as her mother, Princess Daenerys was as kind-hearted as her brother. Seeing as both of them were brought up mainly by Naerys, this says volumes about her parenting – I’m glad she was able to love her children and teach them to be kind people and good rulers.
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gosherlocked · 3 years ago
Sehr schöner Film mit viel Tiefe.
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Ein Prinz verliert nicht den Verstand.
Nein, aber sein Herz.
André Kaczmarczyk als Prinz Markus in Die sechs Schwäne (2012)
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whozwho · 5 years ago
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SINJA DIEKS ist der Primetime Star in UN PASSO DAL CIELO @rai1official @unpassodalcielo_official und der Star auf unserem Hoursession Cover zu der Edi-Post Portrait-Strecke in Kürze auf unseren Platformen @sinjadieks @birnbaum.berlin @madam_velvet Foto @olafkroenke CD @kunhildhaberkern für WHOZWHO MAG @whomag.eu #editorial #ediposts #powerofanhour https://www.instagram.com/p/B2UUmc_oy12/?igshid=1jeiovqjbltl
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olafkroenke · 5 years ago
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SINJA DIEKS ist Primetime Star @das_erste #ardmediathek im BOZEN-KRIMI und Cover Star unserer Hour Sessions. @sinjadieks @birnbaum.berlin @madam_velvet #bozenkrimi Foto @olafkroenke CD @kunhildhaberkern für WHOZWHO MAG @whomag.eu https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ljasAoRst/?igshid=15l8acsix19a5
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whozwho · 5 years ago
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CHIARA SCHORAS, TOBIAS OERTEL & SINJA DIEKS sind die Primetime Stars @das_erste im BOZENKRIMI @chiara_schoras @schlag_agentur @tobias_oertel_official @steinfeld_pr @sinjadieks @birnbaum.berlin Foto #olafkroenke CD #kunhildhaberkern für WHOZWHO MAG #whozwho @whomag.eu https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DG0lrKyVq/?igshid=1eg7ns68sfqk2
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whozwho · 5 years ago
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SINJA DIEKS ist Star im BOZEN KRIMI @das_erste #ardmediathek, in UN PASSO DAL CIELO @rai1official und Star in unserem Portrait. Check the Portrait-Reel on #youtube @sinjadieks @birnbaum.berlin @madam_velvet #whozwhopages #ediposts #editorial #digital Foto @olafkroenke CD @kunhildhaberkern für WHOZWHO MAG @whomag.eu https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ubkv_IWFx/?igshid=cs67b96upcp
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