#sincerely vani
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burningcheese-merchant · 3 months ago
Y'know how Cacao has a son, you remember dark Choco right? Y'know how Vanilla got custard the II right? And then there's holly with royalberry and Golden Cheese with fettuccine and White Lily with.... Gigngerbrav-
What the beasts think?
Could be yandere, could be their already a thing, some other stuff idgf i must hear your words on this
Been wanting to try to answer this one since I saw it haha. Let's go both routes I've got for these bozos, Reformed Beasts and Yandere Beasts
Reformed Shadow Milk: I want to imagine that, once upon a time, Shadow was an actual people person and was genuinely fond of children. After he reforms, he regains that old fondness, and it extends to Custard III (perhaps more than all other kids, just because he's close to Vanilla). Such a cute, silly boy, with his silly crown and his silly dreams (not that he wants the kid to feel bad for wanting to be a king, it's just... Kid doesn't seem to understand what a king actually is, you know? It's funny, and a bit sad... But Vani is there and now so is Shadow, so it'll probably be fine). He keeps calling Custard his son/nephew/grandson/apprentice/heir (he keeps thinking of new titles all the time, all tongue-in-cheek) and cooing over him... in a not-so-different manner than how he likes to fuss over Vani lol
Yandere Shadow Milk: Ohhhhh this tiny little creature. This bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, ignorant little WEAKLING. None can take Pure Vanilla's place in ANY capacity, including leadership; though he might be a soft-hearted fool, Vanilla is nevertheless a capable king, and Shadow knows this - and he deeply, violently resents the thought of anyone usurping him, even if that throne no longer truly exists anymore. The thought of a small child wanting to be a king? To be like his Silly-Vanilly? Foolishness - and Shadow only tolerates foolishness if it occurs on HIS timetable and HIS terms. But it's fine... This child shall pay for his hubris eventually. Vani means so much to the boy, and vice versa... Perhaps Shadow can use this to his advantage. Perhaps he can breathe a whisper or two into his ear. Leave a footstep or two behind in his dreams. Tie a string to him somewhere, see if he notices - and after he doesn't, which Shadow knows he won't, he'll tie another. And another, and another. Until Shadow can greet the world with his brand new puppet. Poor little orphan boy, nowhere to go and no one to care about him... Stupid, arrogant, foolish little boy, who thinks he can rule the world and that he can ever be a fraction of who Vani is and was. He shall atone for his sins. For his pride, for that empty head, for that hideous little costume (he would try to stitch together such a haphazard monstrosity in the face of Shadow's own superior craftsmanship? He would try to don his Silly-Vanilly's face this way?!)... For being dear to Pure Vanilla at all, because the only person who deserved to exist in Vanilla's world is Shadow Milk himself.
Reformed Eternal Sugar: Now that she has found a place in the world and by Hollyberry's side, Sugar has likewise found good company in those surrounding Hollyberry herself - including and especially her dear son. Such a sweet man; so much like his mother, inside and out, albeit without the same energy... but that was alright. Royalberry's passion simply manifests in a different manner, one more similar to Sugar's own. Calmer, quieter, but no less sweet and sincere. Sugar almost acts as a motherly figure to him herself, sometimes... He doesn't mind, though. They get along quite well. She only hopes that whatever wisdom she can offer in service of the kingdom is actually worthwhile.
Yandere Eternal Sugar: Hm... Perhaps she would like him more if he was HER son. If he'd come from her rightful union with her dear Hollyberry. But he didn't, so she doesn't. Shame, really; he's quite adorable. So much like his mother... but not like her at all, at the same time. He lacked her drive, her spirit. Perhaps that was for the best; Sugar cared nothing for drive or spirit anymore, save for that fire that burned within her dear Hollyberry that awakened what was long-dormant within her... that strange, ethereal feeling that she dared to call happiness. And that lack of drive would make Sugar's plans all the easier... He's a weak, silly man who worries much and often. She has experience with people like that. She'll put him down for a nice nap, let him dream happy dreams where he can pretend he's a worthy king and son. Then she can right the wrong of his and the entire kingdom's existence and have Hollyberry to herself. Hollyberry could even join her in a special dream she'd gladly make up just for the two of them, where they have their own child, a better one than this fool she already wasted time loving and raising...
Reformed Mystic Flour: In all honesty, Flour actually harbors a bit of admiration for Dark Choco, for the path he once walked wasn't so different from hers... and he, like she eventually did, found the strength and wisdom to turn back. She's had a good few conversations with him about it all; about the nature of redemption and atonement, and how one answers to evil when it calls for your soul. Dark Choco can't help but understand and relate to Flour, always lamenting his own fall to darkness and betrayal of those he meant to protect and serve. Lots of commiserating between them, I'd say. Outright wallowing, at certain points lol. But it's this understanding between them that actually helps Flour along her journey to redemption, arguably more so than what others offer her. She cares for and respects Dark Choco, and vice versa. She can see so much of Dark Cacao in him... whatever mistakes Cacao made, he nevertheless raised a fine young man, even after making mistakes of his own. It only proves to her that Cacao really is the rightful owner of the Soul Jam after all...
Yandere Mystic Flour: ...What a strange feeling this man gives her. So much like Cacao. Too much so, in some places... yet, unlike his father (and, more importantly, exactly like her), he strayed from the path and ultimately stumbled and fell into the same abyss as she and so many others. Flour's denial of her attachment to Dark Cacao likewise extends to those around him, his son more than all the others - in fact, one might be tempted to say that her denial of having any thoughts or feelings regarding Dark Choco is stronger than what she has regarding Dark Cacao. The reason behind this goes as such: with how similar to Cacao he is, and with his fall from grace... it almost makes Flour hope believe ponder whether or not Cacao could fall from grace, as well. If Cacao could follow in his son's footsteps, as his son once tried so hard to follow in his. Dark Choco worsens her sickness, feeds her delusions, albeit indirectly. If he can fall - if he can become a beast - then Cacao can, too. And if he did, then perhaps she... they... No. No, no, not this. Not this nonsense... Dark Choco angers her worse than anyone else in Dark Cacao's life, because he inadvertently offers her this fantasy of Cacao turning out just like her, thus increasing her chances of having him. But... she doesn't want him. She doesn't want anyone or anything. She's not supposed to. Damn it, even things and people tangentially related to Cacao make her worse...
Reformed Burning Spice: Not unlike Shadow Milk, Burning Spice also once liked kids. He liked being seen and admired as a larger-than-life figure, figuratively and literally. He liked that he was "cool", he liked that he could be a big, strong protector to them. It's... difficult for him to lean back into this sentiment again. When you're a mass-murdering tyrant for so long, you tend to lose your people skills (it's something he always envied Shadow Milk for; even as a Beast, he knew how to hold sway over others with AND without violence. That envy was small and buried deep, but it existed nevertheless). And... many of his victims were children. Spice once killed wantonly, indiscriminately. He's beheaded children, cleaved them in two. Left them in pieces, scattered across the earth. The weakest, most vulnerable members of society... when he remembers how dishonorable and pathetic it is to target children, it deals quite the psychological blow. So he's quite awkward and uncomfortable around them while he's working through his redemption; they inspire a particular guilt and remorse in him that adults don't. Golden Cheese keeps pushing him, though, and brought Fettuccine around him most often as a sort of "practice". Fettuccine is calm, sweet and trusting; an "easier" child than most. Plus... she's a mummy. She, too, perished during the Dark Flour War. She's already endured pain, she's already faced death. There's nothing Spice can do that hasn't already been done to the poor girl. And Golden tries to remind him that she doesn't know him; they're complete strangers from different times and places. This is as fresh of a start as you can have with a person. So Spice is made to be an unwilling babysitter for a while... until he does eventually come around and warm up to the girl. And after he overcomes his reservations with Fettuccine, he goes on to overcome those he has with children in general. A series of baby steps that led him down the path of appreciating other people again, and he's grateful this little mummy girl helped him along
Yandere Burning Spice: Pfft. A mummy, huh? Amusing. Are his little bird's grief and desperation so great that it's infected the corpses of her oh so precious subjects? And one actually felt compelled to crawl out of her casket because of them, how charming. Burning Spice HATES Fettuccine. He hates ALL of the Golden Cheese Kingdom's citizens. He hates every single person, every single living organism that Golden Cheese ever paid an ounce of attention to besides himself. All the time and effort, all the blood and sweat and tears his little bird wasted on her oh so precious treasures - all of which should've been spent on HIM. Devoted to HIM. Nothing matters, no one matters, destruction is the only way. He will wipe EVERYTHING she ever held dear off the face of the earth, including Fettuccine. ESPECIALLY Fettuccine. This tiny, weak little worm that wiggled out of the dirt, trying desperately to crawl towards his little bird, craving her presence, her radiance. No. Golden Cheese's radiance is for Burning Spice alone. He can, he will, he MUST maim and dismember this pathetic child as soon as possible; the quicker he separates Golden Cheese from who and what she loves, the better. The quicker he can have her to himself. They can fight, they can dance, they can touch and taste each other, all without her treasures getting in their way. The world is theirs to do with as they please, and together, they shall wreak glorious havoc. And... well... if she gets upset... he can fix it. She likes children, he knows that. He can give her some. Such is his devotion to his other half that he'll briefly betray his nature and create something with her, for her. As many as she wants. As many times as she wants. Their children are the only children he'll ever give a damn about. And so help him, they'll be the only children that SHE gives a damn about, because he's going to slaughter all the other ones, STARTING WITH FETTUCCINE!
Reformed Silent Salt: Same deal as Spice tbh, only x1000. Salt struggles to be around anyone, let alone children, such is his soul-crushing guilt and shame. White Lily is the only one he's able to spend time with for a very long time; she has to coax him into coming into others' line of sight, and it doesn't work half the time. She ends up bringing people to him instead of bringing him to people - and, believing his demeanor might help soften him, she brings Gingerbrave and co. What an... unusually upbeat and forgiving boy, that Gingerbrave is. Lily acts as Salt's translator (I headcanon Salt as being mute and using sign + body language to communicate with people) as well as... a security blanket of sorts, because if she wasn't there, then Salt wouldn't be, either. But she's insistent, and so is Gingerbrave, and so are his friends. It's... strange, to have people be happy to see him again (I'll explain in a separate post, but I have some headcanons regarding Salt's old life and upbringing that basically amount to "I try to make myself useful so people think I have worth"). But it's nice. Nice enough that... he eventually lets more people near him. And eventually, he lets Lily and these kids lead him back to civilization, where he doesn't need to be alone with himself and his guilt anymore...
Yandere Silent Salt: Sigh... White Lily... His White Lily... All Silent Salt really wants is to make her happy. To see her pretty smile. For her to stop being so... sad. So somber. But that happiness needs to come from him. It NEEDS to. He tries so hard to pretend... He tries to be patient, he tries to let her focus on others for only a moment. But it never lasts. She's HIS White Lily. She moves too far away from him, she speaks too many words to someone else, she spends too much time in another's company- and he snaps. And that doesn't change with children, including Gingerbrave. ESPECIALLY Gingerbrave. That boy doesn't... suit her. Her countenance, her demeanor. He's too loud. Too annoying. Too simple. Silent Salt wants him to go away. He wants EVERYONE to go away, really, but Gingerbrave can go ahead first. Leave him and his White Lily to their peace. He tries so hard to pretend to be unbothered, Salt really does. But every passing moment, every ticking of the clock, every sound of that insipid boy's shrill voice and laughter reaching his ears (and all but drilling into his White Lily's, as he knows it must be)... He stands by in the shadows, waiting, waiting to take her back, his grip on his sword only tightening further and further...
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xcherryerim · 11 months ago
Si tú me quisieras
(If you loved me)
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Mike schmidt x Gn!reader | wc: 2.2k
“Si tú me quisieras, el amor que quisieras lo tendrías conmigo. No soy cursilera, pero si me quisieras, sería todo distinto” — Si tú me quisieras by Nia Vanie & Adrian Bello
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Warning: Friends to lovers | Sappy | angst and fluff (?) | mentions of sex | fighting | a bit of aggressive Mike
notes: it seems like I love writing sappy stuff for Mike at 1-4 am. I didn’t really revise this so sorry if there is many mistakes or repeated words ✨ Also the lyrics in this story is the same as the one from the intro (and yes. Mike knows spanish here)
Summary: As time goes by, it becomes increasingly difficult for Mike not to hide the secrets that are troubling him. He has had enough and decides to reveal his feelings to you, his best friend.
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You caught sight of Mike wearing the same shade of sage green shirt you were wearing. With a deep breath, you called out to him, "No, no! Change, please. That's too much of a coincidence!”
Mike sighed heavily, slamming the car door shut behind him. His eyes narrowed, frustration etched onto his face. "Can you give me a break? This is the only clean shirt I have left!"
Reluctantly, you let out a frustrated groan. It wasn't about the shirt or the coincidences; it was about how deeply it affected you every time he wore that particular color. But you knew pushing him further wouldn't solve anything. So instead, you relented, "Fine, fine."
Why does it matter anyway?" he asked, increasing the volume of the radio in an attempt to cover up his unease.
Your fingers tightened around the steering wheel as you tried to explain your concern. "Because people are going to think we're a couple,"
Mike couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had been hoping that today would be the day when you finally noticed him in the way he wanted you to. But here he was.
“But like, we aren’t so it doesn't matter, does it?”
“I guess.” You shrugged.
You started to suggest what movie to watch at the end of the day. A little tradition you guys did after running errands together, but Mike was staring at the street, drowning in his thoughts. Did you hate the idea of dating him that much?
“No hay nada que pueda hacer que me veas, y eso me duele tanto. Y aunque tú no me quieras como yo te quiero yo te seguiré amando.” / “There's nothing I can do to make you look at me, and that breaks me. Even if you don’t love me like I love you, I'll still adore you.”
"Isn't this the song that you like, Mike?" you asked, a small smile forming on your lips.
Mike's response was quiet and subdued. "Uh, yeah."
He didn't like the song, not really. He related to it, to every verse, word, and beat. It was a reflection of his feelings, a mirror to his unspoken thoughts and emotions. The lyrics echoed through the car, resonating with both of you in different ways.
“Dicen que de amor nadie se muere, pero si este dolor es la alternativa, prefiero la muerte” / “They say no one dies out of love, but if this pain is the alternative, I rather die.”
Mike sat silently next to you, the strum of guitar strings and the singer's melodic voice echoing throughout the car. A wave of disappointment washed over him, making the atmosphere in the vehicle almost suffocating. You could sense his discomfort, but you pressed on, trying to stay focused on the road ahead.
“Te estoy amando aunque no te diga nada. Estoy guardando este secreto para mí en el fondo de mi alma. Si tú me quisieras, no perdería ni un minuto más. Me entregaría con sinceridad, si te quedas conmigo.” / “I'm loving you even if I keep quiet. I’m keeping this secret in the depths of my soul. If you loved me, I wouldn't lose another minute more. I’ll sincerely give myself to you, if you stay with me.”
Feeling the need to intervene, Mike quickly stepped in to assist an elderly woman who was struggling to reach for a specific medicine. "Oh, let me help with that," he said, his voice filled with genuine kindness. As he handed her the item she needed, a warm smile spread across his lips, and you couldn't help but feel proud of his compassionate nature.
The woman thanked him graciously, her eyes twinkling with gratitude. "Thank you, sweetheart," she said, her gaze shifting between you both. "You two look like a nice couple. It reminds me of when my late husband and I used to go shopping together."
A sudden flush crept up your cheeks as the weight of her words settled upon the both of you. You knew it wasn't intentional, but the implication made your heart race faster than it should. Swallowing hard, you felt the need to clarify things.
"We're not a couple," you quickly replied, your voice tinged with slight awkwardness. The heat from your blush radiated outward, an audible confession of your true feelings.
Mike smiled gently at you, his eyes dancing with a mix of mirth and sadness. "Definitely not a couple," he affirmed, a hint of longing lurking beneath the surface.
As he turned to face you, he couldn't help but notice the defensive posture you took, your arms firmly crossed over your chest. Was there pain in your eyes? No, it couldn't be. He pushed the thought aside, choosing to focus on the present moment.
"Well, you seem pretty insulted by that," he remarked casually, attempting to shift the topic away from the elephant in the room.
You raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. “What? I’m not good enough for you?” Your words were laced with humor, but the underlying emotion was undeniable. There was a yearning, a desire for something more.
Mike sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he shook his head. "We are not having this conversation again," he stated firmly. Today, he simply couldn't muster the energy for the friendly flirtation that had become a routine between the two of you.
The innocent, fun activity of grocery shopping quickly transformed into something far more uncomfortable between the two of you. The mood had shifted dramatically, leaving behind a heavy silence that seemed to grow more oppressive with every passing second.
Mike could no longer mask his emotions – his face bore the unmistakable signs of anger, complete with furrowed eyebrows and heavy breathing. His movements became more forceful as he tossed items into the cart, each action an expression of the tumultuous emotions churning within him.
Unable to bear the tension any longer, you hesitantly asked, "Are you alright?" The question hung in the air, seemingly adding fuel to the fire. The guilt you felt for asking it gnawed at your insides, knowing that you might have only exacerbated the situation.
Mike glared at you, his dark eyes flashing with hurt and resentment. At that moment, he couldn't bring himself to answer your question.
As you tried to find a way to bridge the gap, you couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the last straw in maintaining the delicate balance of your friendship. For years, the two of you had shared laughter, tears, and dreams, but now you stood on the precipice of something unfamiliar and uncertain.
To lighten the mood, you attempted a weak joke, "Where else, boss?" but it fell flat in the wake of the tension between the two of you.
Mike provided a terse response, focusing on giving directions to Walmart without acknowledging your attempt at humor. "I need to get a few things for Abby, she's doing a project for school," he said, buckling his seatbelt.
Attempting to ignore the growing discord, you asked, "Oh, are there any close by?" and started the car, navigating the streets according to the directions Mike had given you. However, your nerves got the better of you, and you found yourself missing turns and getting lost.
Each error only served to fuel the fire. Mike's frustration grew with every misstep, a slow burn that threatened to consume the both of you. And then, finally, it boiled over. "Left, I said fucking left!" he shouted, his voice cracking with the strain of holding back his emotions.
"My fucking god. Can you drive?"
Stung by his harsh words, you couldn't help but retaliate. "What the hell is your problem? Why are you suddenly acting like a bitch?" Angry tears pricked at your eyes, the frustration of the day taking its toll on your composure.
His eyes locked onto yours, the transit stretching on as he struggled to find the right words. Finally, he snapped, "Because you're terrible at driving!" It was a feeble excuse, an attempt to deflect from the real issue that loomed between you.
Your heart sank as you demanded answers, pleading with him to reveal the truth. "I'm not stupid, Mike. Tell me what is it!"
Mike's jaw clenched tightly, his mind racing as he tried to find the words to articulate his thoughts. But the harder he tried, the more elusive the truth seemed to become. The weight of the question pressed down upon him, threatening to crush the fragile foundation of their friendship.
Finally, he posed the question that hung between him like a cloud. "Do you hate the idea of being with me?" His heart pounded in your chest, waiting for your response, fear and hope to battle within him.
"What? Am I disgusting to you? Is it because I don't have a set job? Why?"
The weight of those words hung heavily between you, the car falling silent except for the hum of the engine. In that moment, everything felt on the line – your friendship, your future, and the truth that had been bubbling under the surface for so long.
"I never said that," you responded, your voice shaking with hurt and confusion. You grasped for some semblance of control amidst the chaos of your emotions.
"Well, you don't have to!" Mike declared, his voice wavering. Years of unspoken feelings finally burst forth, spilling out in a torrent of raw honesty. "We've avoided this for years. We're not friends!" The accusation hung in the air.
Mike recounted memories that flooded your minds, moments shared between the two of you that transcended the boundaries of friendship. "Holding hands at IKEA? Almost kissing? Showering together and almost having shower sex?"
With a bitter laugh, Mike snarled, "Friends, my balls. We're more than that, and we've been avoiding the truth for too long. It's time to face it."
"I just didn't know you liked me..." you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. The weight of the truth bore down on you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mixed with the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume you.
Mike's eyes softened, and for a moment, the tension between you seemed to dissipate. "I've liked you for a long time," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I was scared to say anything, scared of losing you as a friend."
The car fell silent once more, the hum of the engine the only sound that broke the heavy silence. At that moment, the two of you sat there, grappling with the new reality that had been laid bare between you. The path forward was uncertain, but one thing was clear – the friendship you had cherished for so long has now changed.
Mike sighed deeply, attempting to gather his thoughts and steady his escalating emotions. "I understand if you don't want to ever see me again," he murmured, his tone filled with a combination of regret and resignation. Despite the turmoil, he reached out and gripped your hand tightly, a silent plea for understanding.
"But, if that is the case," he continued, his voice catching in his throat, "at least let me kiss you... for the first and last time." The request hung in the air, heavy with the implication of finality.
You felt your body tremble at his words, a mix of excitement and fear coursing through you. The prospect of sharing this intimate moment with Mike, the one person you'd always cared for, both thrilled and terrified you.
"I don't want to die without knowing what it feels like to kiss you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of longing and desperation. The weight of the moment bore down on both of you, the unspoken emotions finally giving voice.
"And you won't have to," you whispered, desperation mingling with determination in your voice. Without another word, you leaned in, closing the distance between you until your lips met his in a searing kiss that echoed the years of longing that had built up between you.
Mike hesitated for only a moment before responding, his arms wrapping around you as the passion of the moment took hold. The weight of the past years melted away, replaced by the intensity of the present. For once, the uncertainty that had plagued your friendship was gone, replaced instead by the electric connection that had always been there, hiding just beneath the surface.
As the kiss lingered, you began to realize that this was not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter for you both. The path forward may be fraught with uncertainty, but you were ready to face it together, finally embracing the love that had grown between you.
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Fin, Hope you enjoyed! I just wanted to write more than smut 😪
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not-someones-shadow · 4 months ago
✍(I wanna see what he writes to my Van XD)
Based on this prompt
“Dear Vani-3
Get out of my home. Leave. Fuck you.
The only Vanitas that matters.
P.s. from Scribbles: She thinks you’re fun. Gross.”
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fallingangeltl · 9 months ago
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Vanis SSR Story - The Fallen Angel's Temptation
Chapter 1
Rosé: Hm? Is that…… Elder brother and Vanis?
What could those two be chit chatting about?
Vanis: Let’s talk about the Six Demon Houses for a moment.
Rosé: The Six Demon Houses? Ahhh, I’ll pass on that annoying chatter.
But I would l-o-v-e♡ to know why Vanis has been so chipper lately. His skin looks clearer too?
Adder: As of late, you haven’t been pestering me for mana.
Vanis: Well, things have been going well as of late, you know?
Rosé: Heeeh? Spill the tea♡
Vanis: I didn’t do all that much.
There’s a nobleman I’ve gained the favor of. I’ve been asking him for mana.
Rosé: Hm~? The kind of mana you eat is the super pure kind isn’t it, though? So there really are people out there who are kind enough to give away something expensive like that?
Adder: …… Don’t be a burden to others, Vanis.
Vanis: Adder is still so mean.
I’m just helping him out a little. Because for me, mana is vital.
Rosé: So basically he’s trying to pleeease his patrons? He does that kind of thing a lot.
Adder: That’s not something you can get from that sort of thing alone
Vanis: I didn’t do anything major. You just have to give the person what they want. 
Simply provide a conversation to those who want to converse, knowledge to those who want it, and profits to those who wish for it.
Rosé: Isn’t that annoying though? You should stop eating mana and eat souls instead♪
Vanis: It doesn’t work like that. You know I can’t eat human souls, don’t you?
All I need to do is be what the other person wants, so if anything I’m having fun doing it.
Rosé: You’re good at going with the flow— for better or worse.
Adder: Well, if that’s what it takes to secure your needs then it’s acceptable.
Vanis: That’s all it is.
Servant: Excuse me. I’ve come to deliver a letter for Vanis-sama.
Vanis: For me? From who?
Chapter 2
Vanis: ………
Rosé: Do you have to go get your pet food from your patron right away?
Vanis: Ahh. …… It seems he’s died. He was involved in an unfortunate accident.
Adder: Could it be, your patron is from House Morgan?
Vanis: That’s correct, but…
Adder: In that case, that unfortunate accident must have been an assassination enacted by the Six Demon Houses
Vanis: …… Adder, surely you didn’t-
Adder: I’m telling you now that I had nothing to do with it.
But I suspect that’s not what House Morgan thinks. Since they were trailing behind all the Six Demon Houses except for Belladonna.
You should choose the people you surround yourself with wisely.
Vanis: …… Alright, I’ll deal with it properly.
Rosé: But, whaaaat next since your patron died before you could get your pet food? Should I give you a soul to snack on♪
Vanis: I appreciate the offer, but I want to refrain from becoming a demon.
And regardless, it hasn’t been decided yet that I won’t receive mana.
Rosé: Hmmmmm?
Vanis: I’ll be going out for a bit.
Adder: …… Do well.
Vanis: Fufu, of course.
(Time passes)
Noble’s Son: …… Are you maybe the fallen angel?
Vanis: Yes, I’m Vanis.
While he was alive, your honorable father treated me very well. He was kind enough to provide me with mana.
Noble’s Son: I heard about it from him. He said you were well-learned, and that you were emotional support for him.
Um, Vanis-san. I have something I sincerely need to talk to you about.
Vanis: What is it?
Noble’s Son: I’m saying this to you because my father was assassinated.
I’m worried that from here on my family and I will be targeted like my father was.
Vanis: I understand how you feel.
Because they’re hostile towards the Six Demon Houses you support, Belladonna is frightening, aren’t they?
Noble’s Son: ………
Vanis: Shall I talk to Adder for you?
Noble’s Son: ! Is that sort of thing possible?
Vanis: Personally, I don’t want to see my benefactor’s family fall into ruin.
In return—
You will have to swear allegiance to Adder, the head of House Belladonna.
Chapter 3
Noble’s Son: So that means…… From now on, I’ll be supporting House Belladonna?
Vanis: On the outside, you can still support the other houses as usual. As long as you pass some information along to House Belladonna.
Noble’s Son: ………
If Belladonna can guarantee our safety, then we would really appreciate it.
However, I do wonder if I’ll be able to go between two opposing forces easily……
Vanis: It’s alright, I’ll support you. I wish you well with House Belladonna and the other houses.
Besides, if I’m pulling the strings behind the scenes then I’m also an accomplice. You’re not alone…… There’s nothing to be afraid of.
If you fall, I’ll fall with you.
Noble’s Son: Th-That sort of thing! I’ll never let it get to that point! …… But……
I can’t believe you would take this house into such consideration. Truly, thank you, Vanis-san.
Ah, right. If there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know.
Vanis: Fufu, then I suppose I’ll ask you for one thing.
I would especially like a little bit of mana. And at the moment, I want yours.
Noble’s Son: You want m-my mana? How do you intend to……
Vanis: Mana dwells within a pure heart. I know…… Imagine your deceased honorable father.
Noble’s Son: Father?
Vanis: Yes. Just close your eyes.
It’s over.
Noble’s Son: …… Thank you. Vanis-san— No, Vanis-sama.
While you were extracting the mana, I felt like I was able to meet my father.
Vanis: I’m sure your honorable father is also pleased that you made a wise decision.
(Internally) There’s nothing easier than manipulating the hearts of weak humans.
(Time passes)
I’m home, Adder.
Adder: How did it go?
Vanis: I’ve gotten a useful spy for House Belladonna.
Adder: And he won’t betray you, will he?
Vanis: As long as I’m in Belladonna, I’ll be alright.
It seems like he fully trusts me, and that he’ll even handle my mana.
Belladonna has even more reasons to let me stay here, don’t you think, Adder?
Adder: Hmph. I’ll tell you now, if you leave and someone betrays you, it’ll be fine to cut you off.
Vanis: You’re still as cold as ever, huuuh. You could’ve been a little happier about it.
Then, shall I  fawn even more over you, the beloved head of house?
Adder: You’d act like that with anyone.
Vanis: Maybe so.
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Vanis: (In order to live in this absurd world……
For the sake of my “wish,” right?)
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oddlylongtelephonecord · 1 year ago
setting aside the definitions of queerbaiting and queer-coding (bcuz i dont rly agree w the way u use those terms and i think discussions of them should start with definitions bcuz ppl keep using them differently) I think you might be overlooking the real polygamous undertones in VNC! Vani's relationship to Jeanne starts out forced for thematic reasons beyond orientation, and its settled into something very sincere atm. This does not discount the stuff going on w vanoé. That scene in s2 for example-- it's doesn't just cut to Noé. It's INTERCUT between Vani's developing feelings for Jeanne and Noé's support and presence in his life! The stuff going on between Jeanne and Domi seems real too, so we are looking at WAY more than Vani.
OKAY OKAY so this person actually brings up some fantastic points!
(side note: I literally had to hunt through the manga volumes on my shelf to confirm the stuff about the scene being references in s2/chapter 42)
First, I want to clarify the definition of queerbaiting that I understand. The definition I have been using is the oxford dictionaries one [the incorporation of apparently gay characters or same-sex relationships into a film, television show, etc. as a means of appealing to gay and bisexual audiences while maintaining ambiguity about the characters' sexuality.] I have adjusted the original post to more accurately explain this!
But more importantly, I think that your point about the polygamous undertones is actually really fascinating, because I think you're right.
I think it would be really interesting to see the author explore the relationship between Jeanne and Dominique too, BUT BACK TO THE POINT! You brought up something that I actually forgot about! Now we just have to dissect what exactly the scene in s2 cuts to both Jeanne and Noe. There's a ton of nuance in this, and unfortunately I look too deep into things and tend to get lost in my own thoughts, so the author's intention is lost on me LMAO, but here's my thoughts on it:
I believe that it was because Vanitas is split. I think it would def be even more interesting if the author were to explore the polygamous undertones, (because I actually totally believe that Vanitas is in love w both of them, again, ch 42 implies this heavily) but I will be so honest, I think that these themes ever becoming more overt is unlikely just because of the general opinions surrounding polygamy.
ANYWAY, I think that it was likely split with the intention of showing that Vanitas is having split thoughts between the two. While I'm not quite positive that this was the author's intention, (primarily because of what anon brings up, actually; it's very possible the intention was to subtly pull in polygamous themes) I do believe that it is very likely that it was intended to show that Vanitas' feelings towards Noe are developing into something he never anticipated. Now, he is trapped in this weird limbo in which he has feelings for two different people.
I also want to add that there is like a shit ton of other stuff going on in this series right now. I chose to focus on Vanitas in the og post because it's just something that I personally find incredibly interesting. I don't intend to take away from anything else going on, I just chose to zero in on that in particular.
Basically, I actually agree with everything in this ask, so I really appreciate this stuff being brought up because it gives me a chance to go in depth on more stuff that I didn't explain as well in the first post!
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teyaamiran · 2 years ago
Do you have any Vanica x Acier Headcanons? I really like your ideas
Vanica x Acier… maybe only one cuz I’m more interested in VaniNoe
It’s about Vanica & Acier’s first meeting/date/Acier’s death. Actually one and the same. Vanica tried to be “normal”, enjoy men’s company - she even liked Allen because, like any Zogratis, she found his sunny nature quite exciting. But Allen was obsessed with Zenon, Dante was the only who could understand Vani and sincerely loved her - but yk, he belonged to every woman of Spade and out 🤣
So Vani… was alone with her indefinite feelings. Men in magic defense force found her weird just after few minutes together, and dropped communication if spending together at least one night. Vanica wasn’t impressed by any of them; she was enough strong to have nobody except the grand mages as her rival, and war was ended, so no battlefields which could rush her blood. Sooner, Dante became oversaturated with his merits, and older Zogratis siblings followed Zenon in mental way to abyss.
But once Zenon randomly said that maybe she chose a wrong company. He couldn’t say he liked definitely men, women or both - he loved just Allen and he lost him, - but Vanica could simply prefer women or be sane to him, needing more ‘mental’ bound. Vanica took it serious, and first time since childhood, brother and sister spent evening together, just talking about something they liked.
Next day, Vani started her research: as Spade-Diamond war was ended, she started searching for another conflicts, reading lots of literature, studying history. Diamond kingdom made only disgrace for her because all of ‘artificial’ features like mutations, implants etc (she didn’t like them even as a body-attribute mage) made to its people, and she found almost nothing about the reserved Heart Kingdom. But she found a rumor about the queen of battlefield from the south, a very strong woman who was supposed to be the next local ‘commander-in-chief’, dressed in white and silver valkyrie.
The one who refused and chose her family. Acier Silva.
Vanica spent days asking her siblings for advise, especially Dante: she had never talk this way to girls, she had no friends among girls and has lived for too long being alone, so she was very nervous how to behave. Dante helped her with how he saw women himself, and Zenon, who has never been interested in women even as friends, randomly suggested that Vani should at least look good - because the woman who abandoned ‘commander-in-chief’ title to stay with her family wouldn’t understand if someone comes to her in soldier uniform. Zenon gifted her blood-gem silver jewelry, and Dante ordered a crown for her (it was before Grinberryal’s’ massacre but Dante was sure about success)
When Vani came to Clover Kingdom, it was a spring; she was so impressed with completely different climate, birds singing, people smiling, sun shining and being not hidden with clouds- and Silva’s garden was full of blooming lilac. Acier in her white-violet dress, with no jewelry and make-up, was so gorgeous to see. It was the only time Vanica felt like this, during all her life.
Acier noticed a guest being completely puzzled for some reason - and asked if Vani is okay. She answered something indefinite, and Acier took her hand and invited for a cup of tea, thinking that Vani needed help.
Oh, she really needed. Before coming here, Vanica mainly thought about fighting Acier - because she was so strong and there’s no way that such an awesome woman could really leave the battlefield. She wanted to feel her blood racing. And not, Vanica felt it with no weapons.
She fell in love at the first sight - like Zenon to Allen.
Vanica and Acier took a cup of tea, then another one, continuing their conversation, ordered some cookies; Acier was quite bored when her children were at classes and husband always too busy to stay at home for a while. She felt herself enough relaxed to admit sincerely that she didn’t like the marriage system of CK: that every marriage depends on status, value and magic. Acier didn’t love her husband when they married, and even now, she still didn’t; they could coexist and they have children, but there was no love feeling between them.
No feelings, just business. And children.
And seeing this tired lonely valkyrie who exchanged weapons to household and got nothing, seeing this beautiful woman in blooming garden with all of her beauty fading because of someone who could never see it’s value, Vanica was getting angry. She asked, why so strong woman couldn’t escape.
Acier said that she couldn’t leave her children without mother.
The same time, Nozel returned home from classes. Vanica stood up, dropping a cup of tea from a table.
“So you have no freedom. Let me return it to you”
And we know how things ended.
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nidhikaundal09 · 1 month ago
जानिए हर साल क्यों मनाया जाता है Nirvan Diwas (Why Is Nirvan Diwas Celebrated Every Year?) देखिए निर्वाण दिवस की वो सच्चाई जो आप नहीं जानते
|| Sant Rampal Ji MaharajIn this enlightening video, we explore the profound teachings of Saint Kabir and the significance of performing virtuous deeds in the pursuit of moksha (liberation). Delving into the traditional beliefs surrounding Kashi (Varanasi), we uncover the misconceptions propagated by spiritual leaders regarding death and the afterlife.Join us as we recount the divine Leela (play) of Kabir, where fragrant flowers appeared in his place after his departure, evoking deep emotions among his followers. We highlight the story of Bilzi Khan, a local ruler who faced a devastating drought, and how Kabir's miraculous intervention brought rain, emphasizing the power of faith and devotion.This video serves as a reminder that true liberation comes from sincere actions and intentions rather than mere rituals or geographical beliefs. Discover the essence of Kabir's teachings and learn how to transform your life through genuine spirituality.🔔 Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insights into the teachings of great spiritual leaders!#kabirparmatma​ #Spirituality​ #Moksha​ #GoodDeeds​ #Kashi​ #DivineIntervention​ #SaintKabir​Related Queries: Spirituality, spiritual awakening, spiritual healing, spiritual journey, spiritual growth, inner peace, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Indian philosophy, Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata,vani, spiritual quotes, dohe, spiritual poetry, Indian spirituality, bhakti, santvani, guruvani, spiritual wisdom, spiritual teachings, enlightenment, self-realization, divine love, devotion,Nirvan Diwas,Nirvana Day,Kabir Das teachings,Kabir Jayanti,Spirituality and liberation,Significance of Nirvan Diwas,Kabir's philosophy,Life after death in Kabir's teachings,Moksha and Nirvana,Kabir and Spiritual Enlightenment,Kabir Das ki shiksha,Aadhyatmikta aur moksha
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common-man · 1 year ago
Beautiful words
Beautiful wordsfrom my Good friend Ramasubramanian. With calmness, sincerity, integrity being the foundation of our attitude. Pursuing the fulfilment of our dreams and goals, let's reach our altitude, Let’s embrace the changes in our lives, with courage and fortitude For all that we have got and are going to get, let's express sincere gratitude
Another Demanding year, 2023 has gone by, Leaving distinct memories behind, Revisiting the major events, that’s happened, let's rewind. Germany defeated Belgium in the finals, at Orissa, In the 15th FIH World Cup Hockey. Devastating Earthquake, measuring 7.8 on Richter scale, Killed over 45000 in Southern Turkey. In June, crossing China’s population of 1.46 billion, India became the most populous nation. Over 300 people died in Train Accident in Odisha, Involving high speed trains, at Bahanaga Station. In August, India’s satellite CHANDRAYAAN-3 became the first space mission to land in Lunar South Pole. ISRO launched Aditya-L1, powered by PSLV-C57 Rocket, With Sun’s Corona study, as intended goal. At New Delhi, South Africa representing 55 countries, was added newly to the G20 Membership, Israel repelled Hamas invasion, killing over 20000, relentlessly bombarding the thin Gaza Strip. At Ahmedabad, Australia stalled India’s winning streak, To covet the Cricket World Cup title for 6th time.
With Most of the Sector gauges trading in the green, Indian indices performance was at its prime. Riding on the positives, and learning from the others, Into Year 2024, lets Advance, Hope and wish, in our different spheres of life, inherent Peace and happiness will Enhance. Wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2024.
Few Other major events which happened during the year,
July 2023 will likely be the world’s hottest month on record and possibly the warmest in 120,000 years, according to climate scientists. One of India’s Greatest Spinners, one of the members of the famous Spin Quartet in the 60s-70s, Bishen Bedi, died at the age of 77. Sri Swaminathan, the great agronomist died at age of 98. Djokovic had a great year, winning 3 of the 4 Grand Slams, He won the Australian Open, French Open and US Open. Lost the Wimbledon to Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz. There were 6 Cyclones in 2023, major of them were, Cyclone Freddy in Madagascar, causing over 1400 deaths Cyclone Daniel in Libya, Italy, Greece, Egypt, causing over 10000 deaths Padma Awardee, Veteran Singer, Vani Jayaram died in Chennai. She recently had completed 50 yrs as a Professional Singer and had recorded over 10000 songs, in 19 languages. Popular Actor, director, producer, comedian, Satish Kaushik, died of heart attack, at the age of 67 years Popular Tamil Actor Captain Vijay Kanth died at the age of 71, after battling Covid …………………………………. Request you to share your comments on the above. Wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year 2024.
Thanks & Regards,
Ram & Family
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prolaparfum · 2 years ago
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 Mùa hè nắng nóng lên đến 40-41 độ như này mà đi biển thì ai cũng thích đúng không các nàng.  Nhất là trong dịp nghỉ hè thì đi biển là lựa chọn của rất nhiều bạn trẻ, nhất là trong dịp nghỉ lễ dài ngày như 30/4 1/5, quốc khánh 2/9,…. Tuy nhiên, rất nhiều bạn trẻ lại băn khoăn không biết đi biển thì dùng nước hoa gì? Nhất là các bạn nữ cũng thắc mắc mùi nước hoa nữ nào phù hợp đi biển? Hè oi ả, tham khảo ngay một số mẫu nước hoa dưới đây để chuyến đi chơi thêm vui vẻ và sống động nhé!
>>> Xem thêm: 
Xóa tan nỗi sợ mùa hè cùng 5 chai nước hoa nữ chính hãng
Xu hướng chọn mùi nước hoa nữ đi biển 2023
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Năm 2023 được đánh giá là năm nóng kỉ lục quay trở lại do biến đổi khí hậu. Vì vậy những bờ biển cát trắng rất được lòng các chị em làm nơi giải tỏa nắng nóng. Dưới đây là một vài nhóm mùi hương thích hợp đi biển cho các chị em lựa chọn:
Nhóm hương hoa cỏ trái cây
Nhóm hương hoa cỏ trái cây rất được ưu ái sử dụng cho mùa hè, đi biển cũng vậy. Các chị em rất thích nhóm này vì nó đem lại cảm giác nữ tính, nhẹ nhàng. Một số nốt hương đặc trưng của nhóm hoa cỏ này cần kể đến như: hoa hồng, hoa nhài, hoa oải hương,….
Nhóm hương cam chanh
Mùa hè đi biển mà ta bỏ qua nhóm hương cam chanh này thì thật là một thiếu sót đấy nhé! Điểm nổi bật của nhóm cam chanh là đem lại cảm giác tích cực, sáng khoái, xua tan đi cái nóng của mùa hè. Một số nốt hương đặc trưng của nhóm cam chanh có thể kể đến như: chanh. cam bergamot, bưởi, quýt,…
Nhóm hương trái cây
Một số trái cây có vị thanh mát thích hợp làm nước hoa như quả mọng, đào, quýt,… Đây là những loại quả tươi mát, thích hợp dùng  trong thời tiết mùa hè, đem lại cảm giác mát mẻ.
Nếu bạn có sở thích hướng ngoại, đi đó đây với bạn bè vào mùa hè, đây là nhóm hương dành cho bạn.
3 Mùi nước hoa nữ cực hợp đi biển giúp bạn thơm mát
Những chai nước hoa nữ mùa hè mà bạn nên sở hữu giúp cơ thể luôn tràn đầy năng lượng nhé:
Nước hoa OverWhelmed
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Đứng đầu danh sách các mùi nước hoa nữ dành cho mùa hè là nước hoa OverWhelmed.Mùi hương đặc trưng của OverWhelmed được lấy cảm hứng từ hoa ngọc lan tây, hoa hồng để tạo nên mùi hương thơm mát. Ở lớp cuối có hương hổ phách rất tự nhiên và tươi mới.nĐặc biệt, OverWhelmed có nồng độ tinh dầu vừa phải, khi sử dụng hương thơm thonag thoảng sẽ bám trên da. Đây là loại nước hoa phù hợp với mọi lứa tuổi, mùi hương này sẽ khiến bạn liên tưởng ngay tới mùa hè tràn ngập  “vitamin sea” vô cùng tích cực.
Nước hoa La Angel 
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Nước hoa La Angel sẽ khiến bạn liên tưởng đến một cánh rừng hoa cam tươi mát. Ngay từ những nốt hương đầu bạn sẽ cảm nhận được những nốt hương hoa cỏ của hoa hồng, hoa trắng của hương giữa và xạ hương ở lớp hương cuối.Sự trong trắng kiêu sa của các loài hoa sẽ giúp bạn vừa ngọt ngào vừa quyến rũ trong những bộ bikini gợi cảm đấy nhé! Ngoài đi biển ra, Nước hoa La Angel cũng rất linh hoạt cho mọi lứa tuổi, mọi hoàn cảnh như: đi học, đi hẹn hò, đi tiệc,…
Nước hoa Sincerely
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Nước hoa Sincerely đem làn gió mới của sự trong trẻo, tinh khôi và đậm âm hưởng thiên nhiên. Một mùi hương đủ khiến phái đẹp cảm nhận được không khí biển tràn đầy trong tâm hồn được bao bọc bởi cỏ cây và hoa lá.
Nước hoa Sincerely sử dụng mùi hương chủ đạo là quả nho, hoa lan nam phi vừa nhẹ nhàng, tinh tế nhưng cũng vừa đủ sự khơi gợi. Một chút thoang thoảng nịnh mũi từ vani khiến bạn cảm thấy mùi hè như sôi động hơn, nhộn nhịp hơn.Đặc biệt nếu bạn là những cô nàng có phong cách gợi cảm thì Sincerely sẽ khiến bạn trầm trồ, ngỡ ngàng giữa các nốt hương đó nhé!
Trên đây là một vài thông tin v�� mùi nước hoa nữ phù hợp đi biển cho các bạn tham khảo. Prola hy vọng rằng những chia sẻ trên của chúng mình sẽ giúp mùa hè của bạn thêm sôi động hơn, cuồng nhiệt hơn, trọn vẹn hơn!
Quý khách có nhu cầu nhận tư vấn về nước hoa việt nam 
vui lòng liên hệ ngay tới Prola theo thông tin: Prola Perfume
Địa chỉ: Tòa nhà Sannam, số 78 Duy Tân,P.Dịch Vọng Hậu, Q.Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội Email: [email protected] Hotline: 0921.744.333
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sankirtan · 2 years ago
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How should a Disciple React to the Disappearance of His Spiritual Master? Srila Prabhupada answers…. Prabhupada: Figuratively the queen is supposed to be the disciple of the king; thus when the mortal body of the spiritual master expires, his disciples should cry exactly as the queen cries when the king leaves his body. However, the disciple and spiritual master are never separated because the spiritual master always keeps company with the disciple as long as the disciple follows strictly the instructions of the spiritual master. This is called the association of vani (words). Physical presence is called vapuh. As long as the spiritual master is physically present, the disciple should serve the physical body of the spiritual master, and when the spiritual master is no longer physically existing, the disciple should serve the instructions of the spiritual master. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.28.47 Prabhupada: Just as a devoted wife becomes afflicted at the passing away of her husband, when a spiritual master passes away, the disciple becomes similarly bereaved. SB 4.28.50 >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.28.50 Prabhupada: When the brahmana asked the woman who the man lying on the floor was, she answered that he was her spiritual master and that she was perplexed about what to do in his absence. At such a time the Supersoul immediately appears, provided the devotee is purified in heart by following the directions of the spiritual master. A sincere devotee who follows the instructions of the spiritual master certainly gets direct instructions from his heart from the Supersoul. Thus a sincere devotee is always helped directly or indirectly by the spiritual master and the Supersoul. This is confirmed in Caitanya-caritamrta: guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija. If the devotee serves his spiritual master sincerely, Krsna automatically becomes pleased. Yasya prasadad bhagavad-prasadah. By satisfying the spiritual master, one automatically satisfies Krsna. Thus the devotee becomes enriched by both the spiritual master and Krsna. The Supersoul is eternally the friend of the living entity and always remains with him. The Supersoul has always been ready to help the living entity, even before the creation of this material world. Thus the Supersoul has been accompanying the living entity since before the creation. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.28.52 Prabhupada: Unfortunately, when the ācārya disappears, rogues and nondevotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized principles in the name of so-called svāmīs, yogīs, philanthropists, welfare workers and so on. The main business of human society is to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead at all times, to become His devotees, to worship the Supreme Lord and to bow down before Him. The acarya, the authorized representative of the Supreme Lord, establishes these principles, but when he disappears, things once again become disordered. The perfect disciples of the acarya try to relieve the situation by sincerely following the instructions of the spiritual master. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.28.48
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nightmarefuele · 11 months ago
Posting himself up the Giver, like this isn't the Imperium he yearned after. Feyd-Rautha exhales back into a blissful place. Does mua deeb not feel how insects will titter under tread? So learn, Cousin.
❛ Girl. ❜ Feyd-Rautha tilts and bevels. His eyes go as sleek as inky oxidization, she's already yanked up by her veins. ❛ Is the guerilla-emperor pretty? ❜
Her panic's runnier than Paul's. Yolk between his irons and pink buds, aldosterone-heavy. Panic and piss.
❛ Talk. ❜
M-m-m-ing her way to a Lord (Baron), yes, yes, click-mouthed and periscoping, Feyd-Rautha ophidians in on the place that's made flexive and split-open warm because a post-desert noble boy's pushed his body tight inside. It'sss a simple ques-tion, Girl, don't think or it makes you look a lie, Is. he. pretty?
She nods. Quick, she nods, you'd think Feyd-Rautha's never cooled a hand between the isthmus of her shoulders. He slinks around the perfect-starved back of her, sinking, looking Muad-Dib up the bridge he's looking down. He touches along her clavicles, pretending apart from her lizard throat.
She's shy, too.
Feyd-Rautha noses his way behind her ear, blackworms spindling under his pellucid. His murmuring grin gutters what her sleeting cheek downpours. He's getting a good look at fraudulent blue eyes in the face he'll tuck into bedroom corners, after he's had his fun.
The slip-thing bunches in his knuckles easier than Paul's. Girl slip-things toward the bed, bowing, maybe. She's facing Feyd-Rautha's knees when she gets to hers. She's facing the floor when she coils her garb up loose, and her back's a too-thin dough holed over bone.
His smile's so sincere that he might've been a child, once. ❛ Ohh. . . . She seems to think she insulted Your-Imperial-Vani-ty. ❜
Paul’s pelvis licks with anger so hot it’s bloodlust.
He looks at the limp thing snaked over her—Laare’s—fingers. He stops there and his soft palate recalls Feyd-Rautha’s.
His inside snarl stares out of him impassively, eyelids slipped halfway down to loathing.
That panic Feyd-Rautha’s scimitar smile is feeding on is twisting beyond shape into fear of what he wouldn’t mind on his hands. It starts thinking, the penultimate tier of sentience, of strangling Feyd-Rautha with his very offering.
Its beauty misses the mark because Paul tells it so. It pearls on her skin a seashell, winking off the cavelike shadowplay looming off of Feyd-Rautha’s folded height.
What else does he imagine? Himself sitting the biggest chair in the Barony?
Paul slides down his body in watching. He goes over the bone dapple of hidden flexions, the muscle on him as if trying to exit into light. The bruise Paul’d given is greening now.
The gatherers outside press his name against the window in fine grains like they mean to drown all in it. Giedi has pack animals. Big insects.
He isn’t one, to be outfitted with a cowbell by a slave—not around the neck and not in this life. Feyd-Rautha can’t mean it; if so, he has him mistaken for one of the slinking white things outside the door that cower at daylight and under his hand.
He offers up his boot. Stomps it on Feyd-Rautha’s bed.
He should be bowing to Paul. There are ways to have him so. If he won’t bend, he’ll splinter; the celestial resistance will run Paul through, injurious, erotic, a to-the-root lineage tree exhaustion, but when, when, when. He boils. The fresh aching in his shoulder hammers in it.
Paul lifts his pant leg in a bunch at the knee. What’s uncovered of his calf pales on its kicked-up muscle. She won’t dare put it anywhere else unallowed. Good girl.
And so.
❝Do me the honor, then. My consort.❞
His vantage sharpens from the chin until he’s staring down his nose.
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fallingangeltl · 8 months ago
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Main Story Volume 4 Chapter 4 - Heaven's Rumours
Tis: Phew…… We finally managed to cleanse everything. Look at this beautified lecture room!
Kai: …… Yeah. I think the curse is completely gone this time.
Then, let’s go report to Mere-sama.
Tis: Ah! Wait. Let’s not report it yet.
Kai: Why? You’re the one who wanted to be done with this as soon as possible.
Tis: Buuut~ we finished earlier than expected. What do you think will happen if you report to Mere-sama now?
I’m sure he’ll say something like, ���Let’s take this time to give a lecture.”
Kai: …… I don’t mind that, though.
Tis: I can’t do it!
Even if we slack off for a little while, we won’t get caught. It’s fine to report to Mere-sama after that, y’know.
Kai: I don’t think so. Come on, let’s go quickly.
Tis: Ehhh~! Kai, you’re too sincere.
Kai: And you’re too insincere……
Angels: Mere-sama. Could we have a second of your time?
Mere: What’s the matter?
Angels: We heard that the Tuner was currently visiting this sacred place. Is it true?
Mere: Indeed, it’s true.
Angels: Oh. Then we want to meet with them too.
Mere: Oya, you all are like wound up hecklers…… You must be quite caught up in your vulgar feelings.
Angels: We aren’t heckiling. We want to understand the situation. It’s unprecedented for a human to emerge from the Throne instead of a lump of mana.
—That’s right. No being who can share the power of purification with others has ever appeared in Chagran before.
Isn’t it said that that person can hear the voice of the Lord?
Now, it’s said only some high-ranking angels can hear His voice.
Mere: It seems like they hear some kind of voice. But I’m not sure if those are the words of the Lord.
Angels: But if that’s how it is…… Shouldn’t the Tuner’s existence belong to the Heavens?
Mere: The Tuner is neutral towards all races. I’ve heard that their role is to watch over others without interfering with anyone.
Angels: But, all of the Lord’s power must be carried out by the Heavens. Under those circumstances, it would only be right for us to have the Tuner be in our care.
Even better, if we capture them instead of letting them leave this sacred place—
Mere: …… The mouth is a source of disaster. You two.
Angels: Hii……!
Mere: Shall we sew up your prattling mouths? My child is very good at making stuffed animals.
I’m sure he’ll sew your mouths shut and make sure you never say anything strange again.
Angels: W-We truly apologize! 
Mere: Hehe, I hope you can understand. It was unbecoming of an angel to have said that……
Capturing the Tuner is an egregious violation of the agreement. It is impossible for an angel to break a pact that even demons will keep.
To begin with, everything was approved by the higher angels. Do you intend to go against their wishes?
Angels: No, that kind of thing would be……
Mere: …… Now then, it’s almost time for Kai and Tis to finish their homework. Excuse me. I will see you later.
Angels: ………
(Mere leaves)
Mere: (Internally) Be that as it may…… that doesn’t mean I don’t have my own reservations about the rulings made by the higher angels.
(Internally) Originally, the “Throne of Wisdom” was supposed to be a communication device for the Lord owned by the Heavens.
(Internally) Why did they remove it from a sacred place and entrust it to the other races so easily……
(Internally) The fact that there are curses born from angels has never been known by the higher angels.
Too many things are obscured. Could the way to solve this mystery be to investigate that “room that’s forbidden to enter”?
There must be some clues in that place that’s been sealed for two thousand years……
(Adder’s Room, Belladonna)
Vanis: …… Did you call me for something urgent?
Adder: Are you familiar with the situation at that sacred place?
Vanis: Hm, I asked a question and was answered with a question. Well, it’s fine, though.
Certainly you could get a good idea of what the sacred place is like. And a good idea of what the current situation is too.
Adder: There’s guests going there. Do you know who?
Vanis: Ah, it looks like the Tuner is coming.
Adder: And Dia should also be there.
Vanis: Dia-kun? Heeh, I haven’t been able to confirm that.
Adder: Then go scope things out in person. With your own eyes.
Vanis: In other words…… You’re telling me to go to the celestial world, aren’t you.
Adder: Yes. For the sake of our plan, we will need him……
Vanis: …… I see.
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vanillathread · 3 years ago
oh man.
I rewatched the tgcf donghua and was truly helpless to the amount of hualian feels that slammed me face-first into the ground. To cope, I started writing some more Sun Guard AU.
Which transformed into a whole other thing in the same universe centered around a former-hero-turned-thrift-store-owner and the reporter-but-also-unstoppable-supervillain that has a strong connection to his past.
i’m not even done writing yearn for the sun yet what am i doing MAN
do i do it. Do i make this fic a reality
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iovebkg · 5 years ago
public fucking service announcement
the new hsm series slaps, fuck you
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yanderefairyangel · 2 years ago
You noticed her paper roll music box ? what if it was some sort of foreshadowing for her own ability as an archiviste (after all Noé has limited knowledge on his heritage, so maybe she knows more about Archiviste power and if they have other abilities)
The way I see it the paper = memories, and the music box makes them replay along with the rythm . Maybe she can “replay” the memories she collected hence the “story/world we’ve seen” ?
After all vnc is a memoir, memoir are genre based on recollections of one invidual’s memories hence creating the story (which is exactly what is Noé doing while narrating Vani’s story) but it’s also what shapes the world ( already shown by the question “is the narrator reliable ? is he objecitive ? is he being sincere” that we often ask while studing a text ) so that a vampire who can read memories knows much about how our mind creates and shape reality creating “the world” but also the “story” would’nt surprise me, plus if recall music box of the 19 century are often decored with pictures telling their own stories so that her music box is a tool capable of some power linked to memories could be the answer. 
Wait okay I need someone with more fluency in Japanese than me to weigh in on what I'm seeing here:
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This is a word from a speech bubble on the lady Archiviste page of the VnC 58 teaser. The kanji there is the word "story," but the furigana spells out "world." It reads to me like she's simultaneously saying something like "the stories we've seen" and "the worlds we've seen."
Am I reading this right? Is there, like, cultural and linguistic context for this that I'm missing? Is this a pre-existing play on words? Or am I right that this is kind of implying that the speaker is equates the ideas of "story" and "world?"
I'll put the full page under the cut in case the context makes a difference.
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vanise-howlter · 6 years ago
aye your girl just saw into the spiderverse
it's soooooo goooood ughhhhh
i love
the animation is so pretty
my little artist heart just fuckin:
all my uwus
every single one
!!spoiler!! (kinda) (not really)
every time miles starts singing "sunflower"
but he can't remember the words
so he just kinda,, mumbles
but he tries his best!!!
and he did his best
my heart, once again:
and peter 🅱️ parker
my favorite Dad Character™
after miles' Actual Father
bc y'know,,
he exists
another thing i love
·.·´¯`·.·★gwen ·.·´¯`·.·★
that's my girl
i wanna be her friend
lemme be her friend
i only have one irl
and this
!!another spoiler!! (kinda)
after the spider bites miles,, he just,, fuckin,,
smacks it off his hand
everybody in the theater laughed
that was fantastic
and the thing with uncle aaron
the shoulder touch
i fuckin DIED
my mom and i were reenacting that scene the whole way home
also also also
whenever there was a close up on miles' face
you could see some lil freckles
ahhhh my heart
he's so cute ugh
and the running gag throughout the movie with the spider-people intros
my name is so and so and i'm spider-whatever
then they proceed to tell what they do and shit
and how long they've been spider-whatever
that was cool
and uh
the post credits scene
i'll let you watch that for yourself
!!ahh more spoilers!!
also that scene when miles is about to do the "leap of faith"
and he stands on the edge of the building and it's this really inspiring music playing
and then it cuts to him walking back down the stairs
that was the best
that's the end of me gushing
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