#since I didn’t see him when i left the house but other than a package he wouldn’t need to go out tend forth
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miss-floral-thief · 9 months ago
It’s cloudier/less bright than I thought it would be but put sunscreen on at the park just in case lol
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unhingedangstaddict · 4 months ago
The bucktommy mpreg brainrot is so real wtf. I never thought in a million years I'd write an mpreg fic and well,,,
Here's my latest wip
Tommy was sitting on the bathroom floor next to the toliet again, crying for no reason again. He was so sick of the spontaneous crying and worse he didn’t even know why he was crying. Tommy had cried after the break-up, but he’d mostly stopped after two-ish weeks. He was sick of feeling the way he’d felt all week- horrifically nauseous and tired no matter how much he slept.
Tommy was so caught up in his wallowing and his crying that he didn’t hear Lucy enter the house, didn’t notice her standing in the doorway to the ensuite. He only noticed her when she set a plastic bag from a drug store down at his feet.
Tommy sniffled and looked up at Lucy. “I’m starting to regret giving you a key.” He wiped the tears off his cheeks.
“Is it really so terrible having someone look out for you?” Lucy crossed her arms.
Tommy was quiet.
“Thought so.” Lucy nodded.
Tommy curiously reached for the bag and looked inside.
“First time ever for me, the women's version of something was cheaper than the mens version. It’s the exact same thing, just different colored packaging.” Lucy said nonchalantly.
Tommy hardly registered what Lucy was saying as he plucked the box out of the bag. A three pack of pregnancy tests. In an instant it felt like his world had been flipped on it’s axis.
There was no way this was actually happening, but if he was- if Lucy was right about this, it would make sense. The headaches, the fatigue, the random crying, the nausea and vomiting- morning sickness. Now that Tommy thought about it, it seemed like his sense of smell had maybe been heightened the last week or so too.
“If I’m way out of line here Tommy, just tell me, it’s fine. I’ll keep ‘em for next time I have a scare.” Lucy offered.
Tommy swallowed thickly. His mind and heart were racing. This couldn’t be happening.
“Tommy?” Lucy prompted.
“I don’t know.” Tommy said quietly. Clearly Lucy had been thinking about this at least since they were on the phone not that long ago. Her suggestion to drink something made even more sense now. Tommy couldn’t believe this was his life.
“What- what do you mean you don’t know?” Lucy asked.
“I never uh, I never got tested to see if I’m a carrier.” Tommy couldn't take his eyes off the box of pregnancy tests.
“You’re joking right?” Lucy sounded shocked or maybe even pissed.
Tommy shook his head.
“How could you be so irresponsible?” Lucy questioned. “You- I can’t believe you never got tested. I can understand not getting tested as a kid with your dad being the way he is but Tommy, you’re- you sleep with men! How could you not get tested?”
Tommy spoke with a monotone voice, head clearly elsewhere. “Parents never bothered. Then I was in denial about being gay and thought I could make myself fall in love with a woman. Then it didn’t matter because I was never serious enough to ditch condoms. Then it didn’t matter when I was serious enough to ditch condoms because I was almost exclusively the top and I was too old. The thought never even crossed my mind in all the time I was with Evan.”
“Oh my god Tommy.” Lucy mumbled.
“I know.” Tommy swallowed thickly. “I guess I have to take one of these now, huh?”
“I’d recommend all three, actually.” Lucy told him. “These things aren’t the most reliable, always a chance of false negatives or positives, so it’s best to take more than one test but if you take two and get two different results then you won’t feel any better or worse than you did before taking them, until you take another. So three at once.”
“Sounds like you know from experience.” Tommy looked up at Lucy.
“I’m a woman who does not exclusively sleep with other women.” Lucy shrugged.
Lucy left the bathroom so Tommy could take the tests, and as soon as he was finished he set them on the counter, opened the door for Lucy, started a timer, and sat back down on the floor again, not confident that he wasn’t going to throw up again at any moment.
Lucy came in and sat next to Tommy on the floor. Just by looking at him she could tell he wasn’t in the mood to talk and for the time being she knew everything she needed to know. Tommy hadn’t even thought about the possibility of this so Lucy was certain that Tommy had no idea what he’d want to do about it- if Tommy was pregnant it was undoubtedly Evan’s, and Tommy was scared and heartbroken right now. Instead of talking Lucy just took his hand and held onto it.
Three minutes felt like an eternity, and if it wasn’t for Lucy holding onto Tommy’s hand, he was sure he would’ve completely lost his grip on reality. He distantly heard the timer on his phone going off, followed by Lucy giving his hand a squeeze. Tommy stopped the timer. He couldn’t look at the tests. He couldn’t move. “Can you look?” He rasped.
“Of course.” Lucy said gently. She stood, not letting go of Tommy’s hand and looked at the tests on the counter. There were two visual tests and one digital test with a weeks along indicator.
The visual tests both showed plus signs, meaning the tests were positive.
The digital test read ‘Pregnant 3+’, meaning three or more weeks along.
“Luce?” Tommy’s grip on her hand tightened.
“Positive.” Lucy told him.
“All of them?” Tommy wondered.
“All three.” Lucy nodded.
Tommy nodded slowly. “Okay.” He whispered as tears stung his eyes and quickly began to fall.
Lucy squeezed Tommy’s hand and returned to her spot on the floor next to him.
Tommy pulled his knees to his chest, rested the arm that wasn’t holding Lucy’s hand on his knees, put his head down, and sobbed for so many reasons it felt like there wasn’t even a reason to be crying at all.
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rodolfoparras · 2 years ago
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Pillow talk
Pairing: FTM! Peter B. Parker x Top Male Reader
Synopsis: In which Peter, a married man, gets off to the thought of being with someone other than his spouse
Content tags: 18+, MINORS DNI, emotional infidelity, cheating kink, pillow humping, masturbation, oral sex, Peter has a size kink, Peter being a bit of a pervert
A/n: as always pls excuse any mistakes I tried a new writing style here, also if you want you can listen to More Than Friends by Isabel LaRosa while reading this since it’s heavily inspired by it!
A tired sigh escapes Peter’s lips as his bones bleed into the sheets. The window’s cracked ajar, allowing cold autumn air to mingle with the smell of MJ’s perfume that’s lingering around in the room.
He’s stripped down to nothing but his tattered pink robe, searing skin exposed to the chilly sensation emitting from his wedding ring as it trails along the length of his body.
For the first time in a while Peter’s gotten some time alone.
MJ has taken Mayday for the day and left so that Peter could have the house to himself, claiming he’d been pent up for a while and supposedly needed a break.
Peter hadn’t argued against it but had instead taken the offer with grace since it’s true that he has been feeling pent up but not for the reason MJ thinks. Peter’s sure that if she knew the reason behind his recent behaviors she wouldn’t be so willing to help him.
For the last couple of weeks Peter’s been plagued with the realization that he didn’t hate his neighbor, not his next door neighbor because that man is a menace and Peter’s pretty sure the hate’s mutual.
Instead he’s come to the realization that he didn’t hate his neighbor on the floor below him, that neighbor being you.
At first he was sure that he hated you since you made his spider senses tingle, well at least that’s what he thought it was.
He’d first met you at a neighborhood block party. You had recently moved in or so he had heard and were more than eager to get acquainted with the neighbors for whatever reason.
You were lounging around in a lawn chair when he had first arrived with MJ and Mayday.
The poor thing threatened to give out under your weight but you paid it no mind as you entertained a conversation with a neighbor and nourished a beer in your hand.
When you rose to greet him, Peter noticed that you were a whole head taller than him so it was no wonder that you made his spider senses tingle.
He tried his best to ignore you but even when he couldn’t see you, he could smell you since you wore this stupid cologne that smelled stronger than anything MJ’s ever worn before and because of that he could always tell when you were lingering around.
If he thought that smelling and seeing you was bad then touching you was something else.
He’d purposely opted out of a handshake when you first greeted each other but that didn’t save his spider sense from going into overdrive after having your knees knock together while you were sat at the same table or having your elbows brush against each other while scooping up leftovers.
However even though you made his spider sense go off, Peter had quickly realized that you weren’t a threat, at least not a dangerous one.
You were friendly and always made sure to spark up a conversation with him, even when you'd be in a rush to something.
You’d go out your way to bring him any of his mail or packages that happened to be misplaced.
Hell you'd even baby sat Mayday a handful of times so it was safe to say you weren’t a threat. But for whatever reason Peter couldn’t seem to get you out of his head.
Especially after hearing your ever so polite voice protruding through his thin bedroom walls, your dirty words squeezing between his and Mj’s hushed conversations. Or seeing the way you basically engulfed whoever was in your arms but unlike the lawn chair they seemed to thrive from being in your embrace. And escaping the smell of your cologne turned out to be a hard feat since every other day someone would be prancing around in one of your shirts dozed in the smell of it.
He doesn’t even remember when he started making sure that he’d be the one to pick Mayday up from your house, just to see whatever lounge wear you’d be prancing around in that day and the bit of skin that always seemed to show through it.
He doesn’t remember when he started hoping that the mailman would misplace yet another letter or package just so that he could feel your calloused fingertips brushing against his as you handed him something.
He doesn’t even remember when he started biting his tongue just so he wouldn’t ask you who he had seen standing outside your door the previous night.
He shouldn’t be feeling like this. He has MJ and he has Mayday and as far as he knows he’s happy. He’s just pent up, like MJ had said.
It’s not like Peter and MJ don’t have sex. It’s just that she doesn’t do it for him, at least not anymore.
Every time they get intimate he’d have to fake an orgasm or jerk off after she’d gone to bed. Lately he’s even had to pretend to be asleep every time she tried to initiate something because he simply wasn’t up for it.
So he’d find other ways to entertain himself and one of the ways being with inappropriate thoughts of his neighbor.
And things kind of escalate from there not in the literal sense since you’re so fucking polite, wont even look at him twice, keeping a respectful distance to a man who has a kid and a wife.
But God Peter wishes that you did, so much so he imagines you pinning him to the bed, hip to hip, chest to chest, those strong arms and thighs caging him into the mattress
The tattered robe wrapped around his frame doesn’t compare to the way your body would feel on top of his. But he keeps it on anyway, closes his eyes and pretends that the hand leisurely dragging across his limbs is your body pushing down onto his.
He imagines the way your lips would slot together, hot breath washing over his cheek as you whisper dirty words to him.
A thumb finds his lips, teasingly tugging and taunting at the bottom lip. It feels nothing like your calloused fingertips but his tongue peaks past his lips, tasting the salty skin before sinking down on it.
He imagines how you’d tease and taunt him in that polite voice of yours that managed to whisper such dirty words, how you’d mock him for wanting to be fucked like a bitch in heat despite the wedding band digging into his skin, maybe you’d force him to say it just so that he hears it from his own lips or so that the whole neighborhood can hear how desperate he is.
He imagines you straddling his waist grinding into him while wearing nothing but your boxers, teasing him to point where he’s soaking through his own pair of underwear.
A hand slides down his chest, blunt nails dragging down his happy trail, only to stop at the fringe of curls atop of his cunt, tugging and taunting til he’s all worked up.
He imagines your long fingers thrusting into him , or making him finger himself while wearing his wedding band, prepping himself to be fucked by someone other than his spouse.
And God he’s already so wet, fingers easily coating in his arousal as he trails them up his cunt, and in that very moment he can't help but think how MJ never gets him like this.
But his fingers are not enough- this little fantasy of his is not enough but you’re too good to do anything about it so he rolls onto his stomach before propping the pillow between his legs, pretending it’s your face.
He imagines the bed creaking under your shared weight, and the way the smell of your cologne would engulf his senses. He imagines the way your calloused fingertips would sink into the supple skin of his thighs and the way your ever so polite voice would sound as you command him to properly sit down.
He starts moving slowly, rolling his hips cautiously, imagining the way your tongue would experimentally delve through his folds.
The pillow slides in between his folds, coarse fabric creating a steady pressure onto his engorged numb, not enough to overwhelm his senses but enough to send jolts of pleasure coursing through his body every time he moves his hips.
He imagines you wanting to take your time with him wanting to taste him, tongue licking a strip along his cunt up to his puffy clit where you’d continue to tease him until he’s begging and urging you to hurry before someone can find the two of you like this.
But you wouldn’t listen to him, wouldn’t care if anyone were to find you like this, hand slapping his ass in warning before you continued to do as you pleased.
His hand cups the globe of his cheek, much like the way you’d do it if you were with him, except his fingers feel nothing like yours. But the cold sensation from his ring as it slaps his searing skin sends sparks of pleasure coursing through his entire body and for one second it almost feels like you’re actually there with him.
The coarse fabric of the pillow case reminds him so much of your stubble and it’s so wrong but feels so right - the thought of being fucked by someone other than his wife as huffs and pants escape his lips, hips moving faster as he wanders back to his fantasy.
He imagines you having him so worked up to the point where Peter’s long forgotten about the fact that someone can just walk in on you two because the bed’s creaking and he’s loudly begging and pleading for you to stop teasing.
Eventually you'd take pity on him, showing him mercy by properly latching onto his puffy clit, eagerly suckling on it before tonguing his hole.
He adjusts his hips, and the angle in which the pillow hits his clit changes slightly, and intensifies the sensation along with it.
“Oh- oh fuck!” He squeals out, toes curling as he throws his head back.
He imagines the way you’d easily have him teetering on the edge of his release with Peter begging and pleading for you to let him finish.
He can almost taste it, can hear the Squelching sounds mingling with the sound of needy noises escaping his lips. He can even smell his arousal: strong and heady, knowing he’s probably stained the pillow under him and will need to wash it before MJ comes back but for now he can’t find it in himself to care.
He’s so close, needs just a bit more -and that’s when he picks up on the sound of your footsteps walking up the stairs, smells the scent of your cologne bleeding into the air.
You must be on your way to his apartment to bring yet another misplaced package.
And Peter knows it’s wrong but it feels so right, feels himself tip over the edge as you read what’s written on the parcel, out loud
“To Peter B. Parker, please handle with care”
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heygirltimeformorning · 4 months ago
wrote some tooth-rotting Buddie fluff chatfic for @playinginthunderstorms & @theflatman last night and I thought yall might enjoy!
this is VERY rough chatfic, and I cleaned it up a bit, but it’s chatfic, so please don’t be harsh with me!! & enjoy.
Eddie moves Chris back to LA very unexpectedly three days before Christmas, which causes chaos for Buck, because obviously he had gifts for Eddie and Chris, but he’d expected to go to El Paso to Eddie’s rental house a couple days after Christmas to see the Diaz boys. Christmas itself he planned to spend with Maddie and Chimney, and he doesn’t really bother decorating his loft beyond the tree and a wreath on the front door. Maybe he’s not in the Christmas spirit this year. Maybe he doesn’t particularly want to examine why. Maybe it has to do with Eddie and Chris.
So Buck is at home, December 22, glaring at his pitiful little tree and the neatly wrapped packages, and his cell phone buzzes.
second favorite Diaz: any chance your available for an airport pickup in 3 hours and 45 mins?
And Eddie’s used the wrong form of “you’re,” and LAX three days before Christmas is genuinely one of the innermost circles of hell, but —
are you and Chris coming back to LA
And Eddie confirms, yes, he and Chris are enroute, and Buck has two thoughts: one, he’s going to have to leave soon for LAX, traffic is that bad and two, Chris and Eddie will be coming home to a house that isn’t decorated for Christmas, and that will not do.
If the sudden return of his usually indomitable Christmas spirit is tied to Eddie and Chris and their return to LA, well, Buck has decorating to do. He doesn’t have time to sit and think about his feelings. And that’s how Buck Buckley does things: all in. He’s never half-assed anything in his entire life, so he loads up every Christmas decoration he can find, takes it over to Eddie’s still-uninhabited house, and gets to work.
Buck never thought he’d be grateful for flight delays, but through the magic of Christmas and the sudden return of Buck’s Christmas spirit, Eddie and Chris’ flight is delayed long enough that Buck can actually do a decent job decorating for Christmas, including the Christmas-themed sheets he had given Eddie and Chris one year, complete with matching Christmas pajamas. He sets a plate of cookies on the counter right as his phone alarms, reminding him it’s time to head to LAX, so he does, going to get his boys. He doesn’t think about anything other than the fact that he managed to pull off kind of a Christmas miracle. He doesn’t think about the way he’d wanted to beg Eddie not to go, the way he’d wanted to beg Eddie to come back — come home every day since he left. He doesn’t think about any of that. It’s Christmas, and his boys are going to be back in LA.
But the truth is, ever since he’d found out that Eddie intended to move to El Paso, there’s been a pit in his stomach. He’d chalked it up to his own personal abandonment issues, had told himself he didn’t like change. He could admit he’d miss Eddie — he already missed Chris, and it’s normal to be sad your best friend is moving away. Even when it was for a good reason. Normal to be sad, yes. But Buck didn’t really half-ass things, and while he thinks he’s disguised it well, the truth is he’s devastated that, once again, he wasn’t enough for anyone to fight for. And he knows. He knows that Eddie will pick Chris every time — that’s how Buck wants it. Chris is (rightfully) Eddie’s priority. But it had hurt that Buck wasn’t even on the list.
LAX is a zoo. Usually, Buck would park and go in to the airport to get his boys — he has no idea if this is a permanent move, if they’re just visiting, what kind of luggage they’ll have, and he doesn’t want to put pressure on Chris to be anything other than what he was, and he’s not sure he can keep himself from crying when he sees them in the airport. Buck cries at those soldier reunion videos. He doesn’t trust himself with his very own reunion video. So he waits in the jeep, texts Eddie that he’s here, and then he watches the sliding glass doors.
Buck’s heart jumps into his throat when he sees Eddie with a luggage cart, piled high with — with suitcases. With multiple suitcases, because that means, at the very least, an extended stay, and maybe even —
He’s out of the car before he can think it through, before he can think about trotting his heart out again. This is Eddie and Chris— there is no trotting his heart out again. They already own it — all of it.
They share a reunion-video worthy hug, all three of them, and Buck takes a step back, taking them both in. He’s scared to ask, because having Eddie and Chris back — but he has to know.
“Is this…?” he asks, and Chris rolls his eyes.
“El Paso is boring,” he says in that dry, measured way of his. “I miss actual fro-yo places, and Trader Joe’s.”
And Buck looks at Eddie who has this look on his face, a kind of helpless, hapless joy, like, can you believe this? And then Chris rolls his eyes.
“Dad made things more complicated than they needed to be,” Chris says, “so now we have a whole house we have to figure out how to break the rental agreement on.”
“I’ve been researching it,” Buck says, can’t help it. It isn’t a lie - not even close. Just in case. Just in case all his dreams came true.
And Buck knows that they can’t exactly set the precedent that the second Chris gets back from his self-imposed exile (like father like son) he gets whatever he wants, but when they get the bags loaded in the car, and when Chris and Eddie are in Buck’s jeep, and when Buck’s heart is Shirley Temple-ing up and down the steps of his brain, and Chris says “can we stop for fro-yo,” Buck says yes without hesitation, even though the place Chris wants to go is going to be packed, because they do a fro-yo and caroling event that’s tonight. Buck’s boys are back. They’re back, and Buck will take Chris for fro-yo every single night for the rest of his life if it means he gets to have Eddie and Chris back in his life.
All told, it’s late— or, well, early, depending on how you look at it— when they get to the Diaz house, and Buck can’t help but look over at Eddie when they pull up, the Christmas tree lights on and glowing through the window.
“Have you been living here?” Eddie asks, and there’s something Buck can’t quite identify in his voice.
And Buck realizes that it’s actually probably weird that he’s decorated the Diaz house for Christmas, especially considering that no one is officially living here. And has Buck thought about it? Yes. When they’d set things up with Ravi to rent it out, Buck had thought — maybe. But the truth was, it would be too … painful. Buck has lived with ghosts before. He spent his whole childhood with Daniel’s ghost (even if he hadn’t known that’s what it was at the time ) and he couldn’t move into the Diaz house without the Diazes. It would be like living in a mausoleum.
“Uh,” he says in response to Eddie’s question. Chris had finished his fro-yo and passed out, and was currently snoring quietly, head leaned against the window of the Jeep. “N-no. Nobody’s living here, I just thought… it might be nice to come home to something… homey.”
“You decorated?” Eddie asks. “Tonight? You decorated the house tonight before you picked us up?”
Buck turns a little pink, glancing down at his hands. “Guess your flight getting delayed had a silver lining,” he says, and then he looks up at Eddie.
Eddie, who’s looking at Buck with look on his face that’s half-heartbroken, half-something else. Something Buck can almost but not quite identify. “I missed you too, Buck,” he says finally, reaching out to give Buck’s shoulder a squeeze, his thumb fitting into that place just under his collarbone.
Buck feels the weight of it, and the air is suddenly charged between them. Buck’s looking at Eddie. Eddie’s looking at Buck. Chris is asleep in the backseat.
Eddie is home. Buck feels it like a rush, something that sweeps in and washes through him. Eddie is back where he belongs, and Buck’s world rights itself on its axis.
They get the bags inside, and Chris, and get Chris in his bed and then Eddie comes down the hall, raising his eyebrows in surprise when Buck presents him with their brand of beer.
“I had some groceries delivered while I was decorating,” he admits, a little bashful. “Not much, I just didn’t want you to come home to an empty fridge.”
Eddie cracks his beer open and takes a long drink. It’s going on three in the morning, and he’s tired, yes, but he nods to the couch, and Buck meets him there, settling down next to him, their thighs pressed together, their shoulders touching, both of them watching the gentle glow of the Christmas tree. “So,” Eddie says, “guess I should explain.”
And Buck wants to say that it’s okay, that he doesn’t need an explanation. That having them home is all he needs, that as long as they’re back and safe and here, then Buck is happy. And all of that is true, but Buck also wants to know — he wants to understand. What happened — what changed. “Well,” Buck says carefully, and Eddie looks up from his beer. “I am a little curious, yeah.”
So Eddie explains, talks about how Chris had taken one look at the rental house in El Paso and thrown the holiest of fits. How Chris had said some things that made a lot of sense, actually (Eddie admits this with a slightly chagrined look) and had demanded to know why Eddie was moving back to El Paso when he’d made it pretty fucking obvious (Chris’ exact words, apparently, which Eddie looks a little pained and a little proud and a little amused over) that El Paso didn’t make him happy. Eddie explains that Chris had just been waiting for Eddie to ask him to come home, and Eddie hadn’t wanted to uproot Chris (again) from his clubs, and they’d initially decided to wait until the new year to move back. But then, Eddie says, they’d been sitting in the living room of the rental house, and Chris had asked about Buck, and then Eddie stops talking.
Buck and Eddie never really have awkward silences. Even when Buck had shown up at Eddie’s house to find Eddie in his underwear, dancing to “Old Time Rock n Roll,” it hadn’t been awkward.
But this… this is a little bit awkward. Eddie is picking at the label on his beer bottle.
“Chris asked about me?” Buck asks, and Eddie nods. It feels like a half-truth, like Eddie’s holding something back, and Buck frowns at the Christmas tree, at the gifts he’d picked out for Chris and Eddie, had cried while he wrapped them, because he missed them, even if he wouldn’t admit it to anyone but himself.
“He did,” Eddie says, carefully, guarded. Eddie’s eyes are on the tree, and Buck looks over at Eddie, and the thing that Buck couldn’t stand to think about, the thing he’d realized too late was that he loves Eddie, that the second he’d realized Eddie planned to go to El Paso, a little piece of Buck’s heart had broken off, and then another and then another until he was in LA, bleeding out, all the pieces of his heart in El Paso.
Eddie shifts, suddenly, almost abruptly, so he’s turned to face Buck, and Buck turns to face Eddie, like he can’t help but echo his movements. “Chris said something,” he says, carefully. “And. I think… I think he might be right.”
“He’s the smartest person I know,” Buck points out, but the joke is a little stiff, doesn’t quite fit this conversation. There’s a pause. And then Buck asks, “what did he say?”
Eddie takes a deep breath, like he’s about to say something he can’t take back. Like things were about to change. “He asked,” Eddie says carefully, “if I had told you I was in love with you.”
Buck’s not sure he’s breathing. He’s not sure Eddie’s breathing.
“If I had considered,” Eddie says, “that leaving you in LA was cruel.” He folds his hands in his lap.
Buck can’t make his mouth work. His throat sticks, clicks around the words. “Eddie—“ he manages, finally, because he’d never thought cruel. “He’s your baby, Eds, I — I never —“
Because Buck had thought all kinds of things when Eddie had left for El Paso — none of them had been that Eddie was cruel. Eddie wasn’t cruel. Eddie was kind and funny and he felt things deeply and he knew the best pancake recipe, and he was Buck’s steady — when Buck didn’t know what to do, there was always Eddie, just waiting. Buck’s loved him for a long time, even if he hadn’t realized it until he’d been confronted with Eddie leaving, with losing both of his boys.
“You aren’t cruel, Eddie,” Buck says finally, and Eddie huffs out a little laugh.
“Well,” Eddie says, eyes on the Christmas tree, but then they flicker back to Buck. “He wasn’t — wrong. About. About me being in love with you.”
It’s quiet, the admission, something soft and gentle and a little painful, a little vulnerable, and Buck isn’t sure what to do with that.
“You know,” Eddie says after a long moment. “There’s one thing missing.”
And Buck frowns, because what could be missing? He’d tried to think of everything. He’d decorated for Christmas in a few hours and then he’d driven to LAX, and something was missing? What could it possibly —
But then Buck’s train of thought ends abruptly, smashing into the side of a cliff. No survivors, because Eddie says there’s only one thing missing and then he closes the distance between them and kisses Buck.
Buck doesn’t kiss Eddie back. He’s too stunned to speak or kiss back or do anything, because this is the second time someone has kissed Buck and helped something click into place. And what had clicked into place wasn’t that he loves Eddie — he knew that already — but that he gets to have this, if he wants it, precious and perfect. That Eddie had left, yes, but he’d come back. That he’d seen the house decorated for Christmas and understood it as Buck’s abundance of joy — as an expression of love — instead of something silly and stupid.
To be loved, Buck knows, is to be known, and Eddie knows him, knows all of him, and isn’t flinching.
Eddie pulls back after the one sided kiss and looks a little panicked, and then the gears in Buck’s brain start to turn again and he shakes his head, reaching for Eddie as he starts to pull back, pulling him back into a kiss, and this one, Buck is an active participant in.
“I love you,” Buck says, when the kiss breaks, their foreheads pressed together, panting into each other’s mouths. “I love you, I love you. Thank you.” He swallows, heavily. “Thank you for coming home,” he whispers. “I love you.”
“Merry Christmas,” Eddie says with a little smile. “I love you, too.”
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fruittt-punchhh · 9 months ago
Pop My Cherry!
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all parts
Synopsis: your dad's best friend is none other than Toji Fushiguro, and you can't help but wonder what he could do with his hands.
Characters: Toji Fushiguro x reader. Geto x reader a little bit, kinda not really. Nobara x reader (kissin’ n stuff)
Content: Minors Do Not Interact! smut, afab! reader, fem! reader, dad's best friend! Toji, suggestiveness, cursing, inexperienced (ish) reader, reader is a virgin but has done things ya know, female masturbation, male masturbation, mutual masturbation, getting caught in the act, reader smokes weed, alcohol usage, pet/ affectionate names, age gap (reader is 24, Toji is in his 30s), Toji calls reader (doll, slut, bitch, etc.), big dick! Toji, cunnilingus (f! receiving), jealousy, Nobara and reader kiss and stuff, sending nudes (if that makes you uncomfortable just scroll through!), public sex if you squint really hard.
TW: karaoke lmao
Word count: 7.5k (ur welcome)
Notes: why hello again cuties!🫶😭thank you for all the support. Please enjoy this part! Next part is currently in the works so it’ll be up soon-ish. As always, let me know what you think! much love, fruit punch🧃
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You awake in the morning to an empty house. Toji must still be working, and your dad and brother were packing to leave already. You stretch and yawn as you place your feet on the floor, hips still aching from the rough treatment from Toji last night. You put on your house shoes as you shuffle into the living room.
“Hey, y/n! Thought you’d up and died in there, haha,” your dad says, reaching to give you a hug.
You three discuss the fishing trip, school, and your dads next big project at work. You woke up pretty late, so they were almost out the door by the time you caught them. You all exchanged goodbyes and I love you’s before you head back to your room.
You decide to clean up the mess that you had made last night, throwing your sheets in the wash along with your bikini. You try to distract yourself from the thoughts that flood your mind. You turn up the music playing in the speaker as you decide to tidy the rest of the house. You knew you’d have a busy night ahead of you, and you definitely wanted to come home to a clean house.
You finished the rest of your drink as you started to curl your hair. You had previously planned to go to the club with some college friends that lived in the area. It was Saturday night, and after your experience with Toji last night, you knew you needed to get fucked up. With no new texts from him since yesterday, you figured it’d be best to forget it ever happened and just try to get laid tonight if you could manage. You swiped left to delete the messages, hoping your drink hits your system quickly.
Everything with Toji was perfect- thinking about it for longer than you had to was making you sweat. But you couldn’t help the nagging feeling of guilt deep in your core. It would crush your dad to find out that you were into older men, especially when those older men were very close to him. Plus, you and Toji were in two totally different phases of your life. You had plans to go to graduate school and well, he just sat around and drank and when he wasn’t drinking he was at work doing god knows what. You still had no insight as to what his profession was (if you can even call it that), but you knew he made enough to go out to clubs, bars, and casinos most nights of the week.
You knew Toji had a gambling problem from your father, but he made it seem like he had plenty of money to spare. Toji didn’t seem like he was rich by any means, always wearing the same cycle of workout clothes, jeans, and sweats. You don’t recall ever seeing him dressed up.
As you finish the last few curls in your hair, you run to your dresser looking for the package Toji left there yesterday. It had a fishnet bra, panties, and stockings. You really just wanted the stockings to go with your black skirt and black bra combo, but the full set was ridiculously on sale. You just had to get it. It hugged your figure in all the right ways and made you feel, for once, really fucking sexy.
You had no intentions of leaving the club without someone with you, so you decide to take a tasteful nude just in case you want to use it as a bargaining chip later. You continue with the rest of your outfit, opting for black platform boots instead of your regular stilettos. All that was left was your makeup, a shot or two, and you were good to go.
You finish the last coat of your mascara, and as you wait for your lash glue to dry, you order the Uber. Your dad had to return to work back in the states, and your brother went back to campus early. It was just you in the house. You decided to blast your music, dancing as you await your ride. You looked pretty damn good and you were ready to get laid, or at least find someone to dance with at the minimum.
You walk into the club — the music was so loud you felt the bass in your heart and your ears were rattling. The DJ was doing a great job, and you knew just the thing to get you back into the dancing mood.
“Who wants shooooots?” You yell to your girlfriends, and a few random patrons at the bar. You order shots for everyone, including two for yourself. The liquor burned on the way down but you knew in just a few minutes you wouldn’t have a care in the world.
You finish your other drink as your friend convinces you to join her on the dance floor. You two take turns guessing how big everyones dick is, far too drunk to care who can hear you.
“Oh his is definitely bigger than average and he looks like he knows what to do with it,” your friend Nobara giggles, blushing as she covers her mouth. She points to a tall, pink haired man behind you, with little scars near his eyes.
“Ohmygod! Okay, n-nobara you’re literally so right bitch,” normally Nobara would never let you address her as that, but you were all too fucked to care. Your other friend mentions that the tall black haired man with the plugs looks like he’s hung, to which you agree. They dare you to go get his number, and you wouldn’t mind finding out if your speculations were true.
“Hi, I’m y/n, -sorry, s-so loud in here, hah” you yell, grabbing onto his sleeve for support.
“It’s okay pretty, I’m Geto. Nice to meet you,” he says in your ear, making shivers run down your spine. You knew he was hot but you didn’t expect his voice to turn you on that much.
Feeling all confidence being thrown out the window, you ask him, “my friends dared me to get your number and you are really cute. You can give me a fake one if you want!” You beam up at him. He was quite excited to exchange information. His phone was on a charger somewhere, so he puts his number in your phone.
“Ohmygod, you got it?!” They scream. With happy giggles they order another round of drinks for themselves and a shot for you, to congratulate you on your stunning victory.
At this point, your vision was hazy and you were far too sweaty for your own good. The DJ had started playing some of Charli XCX’s new album ‘brat’, the title of which you felt was a very applicable name for yourself.
“Holy shit-“ your other friend starts.
“S’up?” You yell.
“I know we stopped playing a while ago, but he looks like he’s got the biggest dick of them all”
You turn. Trying your damndest to keep your balance, you look towards the entrance to see none other than Mr. Fushiguro.
You knew you were fucked. He had left you on read and you hadn’t seen him since. You were confused about the relationship between you two, especially since you were back to university in a few days. You pray to god that he doesn’t notice you and turn back around, trying to shuffle more towards the middle of the dance floor. You mutter a halfhearted ‘yeah’ to your friend before you spin her around and start dancing to the next song.
Geto appears behind you and he grabs on to your waist, asking if he could dance with you and your friends. You yell back an ‘of course!’ as you all start jumping to the music.
He walked in the bar, looking to occupy his favorite seat for most of the night. He came here after he was done at the casino, usually to get a couple drinks, listen to music, and maybe get his dick sucked in the bathroom if he was lucky. He had been feeling much too antisocial lately, opting to drown his sorrows in another drink instead of another woman.
He looks through the crowd as he sees someone he never expected to go on stage.
The song comes to an end as the dj yells ‘karaoke anyone?!’ You had just finished yet another shot Geto bought for you as your friends are pushing you to the stage. You try to plant your feet flat on the floor to no avail as your balance was questionable at best. Before you know it you’re on stage, grabbing the microphone, looking out at the crowd and seeing nothing but blurry faces.
You tell the dj to play the song ‘Guess’ by Charli, just to keep the vibes going. You hear the beat come in as you start to dance on stage, currently unaffected by the hundreds of eyes planted on you and your movements. You were a shitty singer so thankfully, this song was more talking than anything.
‘You wanna guess the color of my underwear.’
‘You wanna know what I got going on down there.’
You chant as you hear your friends screaming in the crowd for you.
‘Is it pretty in pink or all see-through?’
‘Is it showin’ off my brand new lower back tattoo?’
You spin around, lowering your skirt just a hair to reveal the little heart tattoo you have on your lower back. It definitely wasn’t a new tattoo by any means, but it fit the song nonetheless. You spin around, seeing Nobara shout for you near the front.
To your surprise, you also see an all too familiar face approach the front of the stage. Toji looks up at you and you swear you see him sweating. He has a cigarette in between his lips and a drink in hand, not even dancing to the music. He was too entranced by your presence on the stage to think about anything other than you.
‘You wanna put ‘em in your mouth, pull ‘em all down south.’
‘You wanna turn this shit out, that’s what I’m talkin’ about’
You failed to pull your skirt back up from earlier, leaving little to the imagination as your fish net panties peek through the top of your skirt. You feel the beat drop as the hook comes in, charli’s voice saying the words for you this time around as you continue to dance. You sway your hips and the crowd is going wild for you. You know the beat drop is coming so you start to jump. You repeat the chorus from earlier, dancing as slutty as you can for the man in front of you. Your tits were bouncing as you jumped and you had to put your hand on top of them to keep them from escaping.
The bridge is coming as you drop to your hands and knees, crawling towards the black-haired man in front of you. He takes a final puff of his cigarette before he’s putting it in between your lips with a smirk. He takes a drink as you take a puff, blowing out the bitter smoke as you continue.
The crowd goes wild as you see everyone, excluding Toji, jumping up and down to the beat. He has a thumb tucked into his belt as he bites his bottom lip, eyeing your figure up and down. You and the crowd chant to the bridge.
“Guess. Guess. Guess. Guess. Guess. Guess.”
You finish your little dance as the outro plays. The part you had to sing was practically over, so you head to the stairs on the side of the stage.
You meet back up with your friends and they are all but losing their shit.
‘Y/n that was so fuckin’ good!’
‘Okay girl who knew you had it in you??’
‘I’m deeeeeead, you looked so fucking hot up there!!’
You fan your audience away, telling them ‘please, no paparazzi’
You feel Geto come up behind you as he congratulates you, telling you your performance was amazing. You thank him with a smile as he goes to find his friends in the crowd.
Toji must have missed you when you rejoined the crowd because he was no where to be seen. At this point, you’ve had so many drinks you can’t count. You feel a buzz in your pocket from an unknown number.
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You assume it must be Geto. You search the crowd for him, spotting him in the back. You shoot him a smile as he does the same.
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You remembered the picture from earlier, hoping this might signal him to take you out of here.
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The nickname rings an all too familiar bell as you try to forget the ache in your stomach. You send him the picture with a heart emoji. You search for Geto again, hoping to see his reaction. You catch his eyes again as he turns around, continuing to dance with his friends. Odd. But not out of the ordinary.
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Whoa. It must have worked. You anxiously await the clock as you dance to the last song of the album.
You start to push yourself through the crowd as you head towards the bathroom. You see Geto to your left, and he hasn’t moved-only greeting you with a smile and a sloppy wave. Weird. Maybe he was just waiting for you to see if you were down? Who knows, you think, as you finally make it to the bathroom.
It’s dimly lit with only red LEDS along the ceiling. It’s a family bathroom (in a club yeah right) so the door (thankfully) has a lock. You put your back against the wall as you wait for geto.
You continue to bob your head to the music as the door opens. Before you can turn your head to greet him, you are slammed against the wall with a hand up your shirt. That’s when the all too familiar scent of pine and liquor hit your nose.
You find it hard to push him away as he is grabbing every inch of your body, so possessively and full of want. He grunts in your ear as you hug him back, scratching down his back underneath his slutty white tee.
“I didn’t think you had it in you, doll. Getting up on stage, dancing like a fuckin’ stripper in front of everyone. You were makin’ me lose my mind.”
You feel so embarrassed, knowing that toji was witness to the whole performance.
“And you really think you’re slick, huh? Sending me pictures like that and thinkin’ I won’t fuck you right here in front of everybody on the bathroom floor.”
Sending pictures? Oh shit. There’s no way, I mean it had to be Geto. You didn’t recognize the area code and there were no previous messages. But that would explain his distant behavior earlier.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought I-I was sending them to some-someone else.”
“Yeah I know you did you slut. These tits and this pussy are just for me, ya’ got it? Thought you woulda’ learned that by now, seein’ as I made you squirt all over me yesterday.”
You face burns as he rubs you through your fishnet panties. You whine underneath him, desperately holding onto his arm for stability.
“I’m sorry, T-Toji. I can take some mo-more for you if ya want”
“Oh there’s no ifs. You’re going to.”
Toji crouches down and suddenly has you in the air above him. Your back is still to the wall as he lifts your right leg up, bringing your wet cunt level with his face. He throws your leg over his shoulder and scoots your left leg out, making you spread yourself in front of him once again.
He wastes no time devouring you through your panties and he doesn’t even give you the decency of pulling them to the side. He slides his tongue through the holes of your panties, drawing out cry after cry from you. All the liquor has made you too horny for your own good as your orgasm fast approaches. You thread both hands in his hair as you pull him close to you, desperate to cum.
“T-Toji, fuck, m-cumming”
He pulls off of you and drops your leg down onto the floor. Did he really just edge you?
He’s pulling your panties down your plush thighs and shoves them into his pocket. You think he’s going to finally have his way with you, until he starts standing up.
“I’m keeping these. You know better than to wear something so slutty in front of me and not expect me to devour you.”
You couldn’t help but feel a little flattered, knowing he liked your outfit and everything you had on underneath. He kissed your cheek as he pulls back to whisper in your ear.
“Good girls get to cum, but you haven’t been that good have ya’? That’s for tryin’ t’show those pretty tits to some other bitch. Just know the only reason I’m not fucking you right here right now is because I wouldn’t want to pop your cherry in the club bathroom. You’re a slut, but you’re not a whore,” he says, giving your ass a hard slap as you yelp.
“Now get the fuck outta here. I’ll find you when I’m ready to leave, yeah?” He says as he turns you around and pushes you out the door. You’ve barely maintained your balance as you’re shuffling out the door as you hear it close and lock behind you.
Toji shuts the door and locks it and immediately has his pants around his ankles. Seeing you up on stage, showing everyone your tattoo that he had never managed to see, while you sway your hips directly in front of him. He saw the fishnets peeking out of your skirt and your top and he knew he had to see what you had on underneath, just as the song implied.
He decided to text you instead of approaching just in case you wanted nothing to do with him. You responded quickly, obviously very drunk, and sent him a picture that nearly had him poking someone’s eye out with his raging hard-on. He had to taste you, even if just for a moment.
His hands are working on his length furiously. He brings your panties up to his big nose, smelling them with a grunt. Covered in perfume, sweat, and your wetness. He spits on them, bringing them down to his hard cock.
He doesn’t want you to leave without him, and he’s scared you’ll go find the younger, raven-haired man to accompany you instead of him. He runs his hand over his slit, rubbing his precum all over the tip. He’s coming closer to his orgasm as he rubs your panties up and down his length. He pulls out the picture you sent him earlier before he’s accidentally cumming all over his phone screen, paying tribute to your slutty thighs and big tits as best he can. He washes his phone off and buttons his pants before he’s back on the dance floor.
You were pretty short, so Toji had a hard time locating you. He was about to ask the bartender if he’d seen you, when he catches you traipsing out the front door with a couple of friends. Were you leaving?? Surely not after the interaction you two just had.
Had he really just edged you?? In the club bathroom nonetheless. You needed a smoke break and a break in general from the flashing lights and loud music. You take Nobara and another friend outside as you pull out the joint from behind your ear. You weren’t sure if you wanted to smoke tonight, but the adrenaline rush from being on stage on top of the feeling Toji left you with was enough to seal the deal.
Toji heads towards the door, hoping to catch you and offer you a ride home before you’re gone. He had only a few drinks and would be sober enough in no time. He grabs your arm as he sees you light up your joint.
“Where d’ya think you’re going, huh?” He whispers in your ear as he pulls you close to him by your waist.
You take a deep breath, letting the harsh smoke enter your lungs and praying it will fix all of your problems. You felt a large hand on your arm, thinking it might be a security guard ready to chastise you for smoking so close to the entrance. Until that hand becomes two hands on your waist and you feel an all too familiar length being pushed into the softness of your ass. Toji had really followed you out here. Did he think you were leaving or something?
“N-nowhere, I just needed a smoke after-“
“After what?”
“Uhm, the song, that’s all,” you say, blushing as he takes the joint from your hand. You look at him surprised, not expecting the old man to be okay with smoking weed. He takes a long puff as he brings his lips to yours, blowing the smoke into your nose and mouth as you kiss him back with fervor.
“Um hello? I’m right here lovebirds,” you hear Nobara say to your left.
“Jesus, s-sorry Nobara”
You pull away from Toji and you let him keep the blunt.
“Why don’t ya’ lemme’ have this? Wouldn’t want ya’ killing all your brain cells before your last semester, right? I’ll get you some more drinks when we go inside,” Toji murmurs in your ear, just loud enough for you to hear.
“Are you gonna’ introduce me to your friend here or are you two just going to fuck in the street?”
Nobara says, snapping you out of your trance for the second time that night.
“S-sorry, this is… T-Toji, the one I was telling you about,” you say as Nobara’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.
“This is Toji? Like the Toji?” You wish Nobara wouldn’t lay it on so thick, as if you hadn’t spent all day on the phone telling her every detail about your escapades.
“Yeah, that Toji. I’m her dad’s best friend, isn’t that right hun?”
If you thought Nobara’s eyes couldn’t get any wider, you were wrong. She somehow hadn’t put two and two together that the Toji you were fucking was also the Mr. Fushiguro that your father was friends with.
“Ohhhhhhh. Ohhhh, okayyyyy. Everything is connecting now, haha. I think I might head back inside and leave you two to it. Come find me when you get back inside y/n”
“Of course, we’ll be back in just a second! You still owe me a dance,” you can barely get the words out before Nobara is closing the door and Toji is turning you around.
“Let’s sit, yeah? I’m sure you’re exhausted from shaking your ass for everyone.”
Toji pulls out a chair only for himself as he watches you sit across from him.
“Silly girl, your seat’s right here,” he says looking into your eyes as he pats his lap. You regrettably get back up and go to sit on his lap, knowing that your lack of panties would not help your arousal. You sit down and immediately feel a large rod underneath you, lined up with your cunt so perfectly, you could sit here forever.
“That’s right, good girl. Now try not to make a big mess on me, okay? These are my good pants and according to you we’ve still got some dancin’ to do,” Toji says with a smirk. He’s finished nearly half the joint now, and you can tell his high has definitely hit him. His eyes are two lines as you attempt to make eye contact with him.
“Somebody’s hiiiiiiiiigh,” you say in a singsong voice, giggling at him as you do so. He keeps puffing until you feel him shaking underneath you. You look back to see Toji giggling too. Scratch that, he was full on laughing. He was slapping his knee and everything like some old fogey. He couldn’t put the joint down now, not while there was so little left. But you were right in your assumption. Toji rarely smoked, preferring to drink when he got off work. Yet here he was, toking on the weed like it was a cigarette and he felt like he might have fucked up. He wanted to think of something sly to say back to you, but his mind was empty except for thoughts of you, as always.
“Hell yeah I’m high,” he says, giggling like a little school girl. “Wanna get back inside? I still never rewarded you for your stellar performance earlier.” Curious as to what reward he had in mind, you stand up and grab his hand. The two of you walk back inside as he leads you to the bar.
“Let me get a vodka cran’ for my lady, please”
Your lady? You were loving this special treatment, wanting to bask in it all night long. He hands you your drink as you chug it, not wanting to waste one of your hands holding a drink when it could be on Toji’s body. You two make it back to the dance floor and you find Nobara talking to a tall, fit woman with a long white braid on her shoulder. The braid was hanging in her face and you wondered if she could even see walking around in a dark night club like that.
“Ohmygod, Toji?!” She exclaims, running up to him to hug him, nearly pushing you over out of excitement. You don’t know why, but seeing him hug her back sent you fuming. You felt as if everyone could see the smoke coming out of your ears. You knew Toji wasn’t your boyfriend or whatever, but you still had some sort of feelings for him, even if they were only rooted in lust.
“Mei, h-hey, how’ve you been? It’s been a while!”
You’d never seen Toji say anything exclamatory in his life, except for when he was laying with you. You watch the two of them catch up as you grab Nobara by the hand and walk away.
“Are we leaving?! I found this cute girl and I was just about to go talk to her!” You assure her that while you weren’t leaving, you had a new mission: make Toji jealous.
Nobara suggested you go grind on Geto, which seemed like an excellent idea, if you weren’t scared for what Toji would do with him if he saw you. Besides, he was absolutely no where to be found. You checked your phone to see a missed message from him.
‘Hey, y/n, it was super nice to meet you! Had to go home, and you looked pretty occupied with your friend in the white shirt, so I didn’t wanna bother you. I’d love to get coffee sometime! x’
Jesus, you were such an asshole. You text him back, letting him know you were too fucked up to come up with a coherent response and that you would say something back that actually made sense tomorrow. You let Nobara know the bad news, but she is quick to come up with another plan.
“You definitely don’t have to, but you could grind on me if you want… or kiss me. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, you know I’m always down to help out a friend,” Nobara stammers as you watch a faint blush creep up her cheeks.
“Oh, Nobara, don’t be embarrassed. I’d love to. I’ve always thought you were cute, but you’re too good of a best friend to try and date I think,” you admit. You definitely found yourself looking at Nobara’s curves all too often when you were at the gym together.
“No, I totally agree! I mean you’re hot as fuck, but if we broke up someday I don’t think I’d be able to look at you ever again,” she says, inching closer towards you.
You wrap your hands around her waist, bringing her even closer to you.
You both say, trying not to make this mission any awkward than it already was. You hear the next song come on and the beat was shaking the floor. You take this as a sign to step even closer to Nobara as you put your lips on hers.
You two were moving with the music and the bodies in the crowd, as you run your fingers through your hair. You two were full on making out now, laughing in between breaths as you try your hardest not to take Nobara home instead of Toji. You didn’t really care if Toji noticed or not since you were having the most fun you’ve had all night wrapped up with Nobara in this way.
She sucks on your lip, pulling away to ask if she can touch your butt.
“Nobara you touch my butt all the time,” you say, giggling, looking up at her puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah, but this is different. You can totally say n-“
You grab Nobara’s hands and reach them behind you as she grabs a handful of you under your skirt. You kiss her back as her eyes are wide open. You continue this for a while, switching places with her as you grab on her body, not wanting the moment to end.
Toji tells Mei he’ll see her later as he goes to close his tab. He had already spent far too much for his liking, and you were way too drunk to have anything else tonight. The drink he got you earlier was just straight cranberry juice, little did you know. He thanks the bartender as he puts his card back in his wallet, turning around as he felt the wind get knocked out of him.
He saw you in the crowd, tongue shoved down some red head’s throat. She was grabbing your ass as you knead her tit, giggling as you two whisper to each other.
Nobara just admitted you may actually have the biggest dick at the party, to which you can’t help but giggle. Being edged earlier made you feel all too eager for things to move further as you hear someone’s throat clearing to your right.
You pull away from Nobara and look beside you to see Toji sitting on a bar stool, a cigarette trapped between his teeth as he grabs both of his legs, trying to keep himself from standing up.
“Havin’ fun?” He says with a glint in his eyes. Not to be a perverted boy, but he could watch you do this for hours. The way you had your friend melting under your touch, gasping for more than just a kiss as you teased her for the sole purpose of making him jealous.
Nobara looks at you with a grin on her face. She leans in for another peck, as she turns away, “Looks like it worked. That was fun, we should try it again sometime. I think I might call an Uber. Getting late,” she says, yawning. She seems totally unfazed, as if you two weren’t just swapping spit for the last few minutes.
“I can ride with you!” You say before she’s interrupting you, telling you to stay with your man. You wouldn’t exactly call him that, but one thing you never did was start an argument with Nobara.
She mouths to you, “let me know if he’s good or not,” winking as she heads for the door.
“Who’s that little redhead? I like her, seems feisty. I like ‘em with a lil’ bit of attitude,” he says, smirking as he puts out his cigarette. He stands up, having had enough of his private show.
“Her name’s Nobara and she’s my friend. Who the fuck was that girl with the braid?”
“Seemed like more than just a friend, your tongue in her mouth and all.” Toji tried so hard to not let on that while he was extremely turned on by the sight, he was also entirely too jealous for his liking. Jealous was not an emotion he frequented. If he even though he might get jealous, he moved on to the next bitch that was fawning over him. But here he was, seeing red as he awaits your response.
“She is just a friend. But you still didn’t answer my question, ya’know.”
“Her name’s Mei. Old coworker. Haven’t seen her in years and last I heard, she was missing. You’ve never been excited to see an old friend?”
Oh. You thought she was definitely an ex-lover, given their tight embrace. Toji didn’t come off as the touchy type, so watching him hug her back so eagerly made you livid.
“No I have, but you look like you wanted to fuck her, I mean what is your-“
“Doll, if I wanted to fuck her I already would have. I’ve only got eyes for one person right now, if ya’ couldn’t tell.”
You walk towards him, hands clasped in front of you as you ask who this person might be.
“Probably the girl I just jacked off to in the bathroom, I think. She sent me this slutty picture and I came all over my phone as soon as I pulled up the pic,” he says, grabbing you by your hand.
Had he really cum to that picture? You didn’t think you looked all that hot, and knowing Toji, you figured he needed to watch a thirty minute gangbang video in order to get his nut off.
“Wooowwww. I mean even I need a video to cum, but you’re over here cumming to a picture? Pathetic.”
You had no idea what you just said. He yanks your hand as he quickly makes his way towards the exit.
“T-Toji I’m joking, please s-slow down! Where are we going??”
He doesn’t answer as he drags you along the street. You figured you’d get an Uber in case Toji was just being dramatic, but he snatches the phone out of your hand before you can even unlock it.
“Don’t want’ya sending any more pictures tonight little girl. We’re going to mine, pick up the pace before I carry you,” he finally says. You tried your hardest to keep up with the large man in front of you, but his stride was so big. You had short legs and you were ridiculously drunk. You try your hardest to plant your feet, forcing him to turn around. It had started sprinkling at this point, and you raise your hands above your head to keep the rain from ruining your pretty face of makeup.
“Toji, you’re too fucking fast. And you don’t have to hold my hand, you-“
Toji has had enough. The rain was picking up and like he said, these were his good pants that he did not feel like dry cleaning.
You watch Toji get into a stance as if he’s about to tackle you, picking you up under your butt and throwing you over his shoulder like a rag doll. He holds the back of your knees with his large hand as he starts to walk towards his apartment. He kept an apartment downtown due to how often he was out at the casino too late in the night to spend $50 dollars on an Uber back to the condo.
You don’t even care to protest as you’d rather have the rain hitting your back anyways. It was cool to the touch and you didn’t really mind letting this man have his way with you. You did want to play fight with him, lightly hitting his butt as you let out, ”nooooo, please don’t take me and do whatever you want to me sir”
He responds only by giving your ass a light smack before he kisses it. You couldn’t help but call him a pervert, and the sound of that word leaving your lips had him rock hard again. He was a pervert to an extent, but only for you.
He plops you down at the front of his door, motioning for you to go inside after he unlocks it. You stumble in, reaching for the light switch, flicking it on as you hear Toji hiss behind you. He fumbles for the switch, turning it back off quickly.
“Too fuckin’ bright, Jesus”
He grabs your hand and walks you to the bathroom. His apartment was clean, and pretty cozy. He didn’t stay here often, so you noticed the dust covering most of his appliances. You turn on the bathroom light and turn around to ask him what his plans were for you.
“My plans? Get this makeup off and get in the bed,” he says, fumbling through the shelves to find a washcloth. You cross your arms and pout as you grab his arm.
“But Toji I want it. Want you, please”
He grabs a new bar of soap from underneath the sink and turns the warm water on, giving it a moment to heat up. He puts his hand on the counter and gives you a stern look.
“Look, y/n. You couldn’t possibly understand how bad I want you, too. But you’re too drunk and I’m the highest I’ve been in a while. Last time I checked, you were still a virgin. Doesn’t mean I plan on going easy on ya’, but we need to wait.”
You continue to pout, poking your bottom lip out. Maybe you can convince him with your mouth, and not your words. You reach for his belt buckle as you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him.
He kisses you back, hesitantly at first. You moan into the kiss, unable to control yourself. As soon as that first moan leaves your lips, he’s pulling away so he can run his hands under the warm water, adjusting the temperature so it’s not too hot.
He brings his wet hands to your face, making sure to cover every inch of your skin so this process wouldn’t take any longer than it already has.
“Keep making noises like that and I won’t be able to stop myself. Shut up and lemme help you, then we’ll get in the bed. I can sleep on the couch if ya’ want”
You couldn’t seem to take no for an answer, as you let out the most earth-shattering, loud moan you can muster. Your mouth is stuck in an ‘o’ shape as you moan Toji’s name, trying to see how far you could push the man.
Hearing that from your mouth made him feel like his cock would explode. He puts a hand over your mouth and pushes you against the wall, making your head hit the wall a little too hard for your liking.
“Have ya’ lost your fuckin’ mind? I have neighbors ya’know? I already told you no, and if you can’t take that as an answer, you’re gonna be the one sleepin’ on the couch.”
You look at him with wide eyes as he removes his hand from your mouth. He kisses the top of your head, muttering an apology for hitting your head on the wall. He grabs the soap, letting it run under the water before he lathers it up in his hands.
He brings his hands to your face and starts washing your face for you as if you were inept.
“I can wash my own damn face, Toji”
He laughs at you, still very high from the joint he stole earlier.
“Yeah, not before you poke out your own eye with those nails. Just lemme’ take care of ya’ then we’ll get in bed.”
You huff as you let him continue. You enjoyed seeing a more gentle, domestic side of him. Albeit in odd circumstances, it was still an unexpected surprise. He tells you to rinse your face off and gives you the washcloth to dry your face.
“Just throw the lashes away, I’ll get ya’ some new ones tomorrow.”
“What, these old things? They’re all natural,” you say with a fake accent. He simply reaches up and takes the pair of lashes off, dropping them in the trash.
“How do you know to do this shit anyways? Lots of experience?”
He glares at you as if you just asked if the sky is blue.
“I wash my own face woman. Makeup is just another layer of shit to wash off.”
You somehow find yourself agreeing with him as you finish wiping the water off of your neck. You start to take off your jewelry as you watch him pull his pants down as he whips out his cock.
Well, you don’t know if you should call it that, given that he was almost entirely soft now. He flips the lid of the toilet up, taking care of his bladder right in front of you. You look him up and down with questioning eyes.
“Ewww, you could have waited!”
“You’re the one starin’, doll. Look who’s the pervert now,” he says, cleaning himself off and only pulling up his boxers. “Let’s get in bed,” he says, leading you by your lower back to his bedroom.
He’s taking off the rest of his clothes on the way, leaving them scattered in the hallway. You wanted him taking those clothes off in other circumstances, but you follow his lead, taking everything off except your bra (since someone still had your panties).
“Whoa, gotta let me know when you’re getting undressed next time. Got me sweatin’ over here,” he says, trying to think of his most annoying coworkers to help his chub go down.
“You think m’sleepin’ in this? Pssshh-,” you say, laughing as you try to unclasp your bra. Your nails were too long and it was only making it more difficult.
“Here,” he starts, making his way behind you to help you take it off. He tries his best to avert his eyes, somehow feeling guilty for admiring you when you two were supposed to be strictly going to bed right now.
“I know we’re not fuckin’ tonight, but you are so goddamn perfect f’me,” he admits, letting out a breath as he watches you walk ahead of him, hips swaying so tantalizingly back and forth. Hair cascading down your pretty back. Tits so big he could see their outline from the back. He clears his throat, mentally cursing himself for jacking off earlier. If he would have just let it go down, he’d probably be fine right now. But cumming to that picture and thinking about cumming on those tits forreal had him feeling like a creep.
You wait for Toji to join you near the bed. You don’t want to overstep and you didn’t know what side of the bed he slept on. He asks what you’re waiting for, and when he hears you mumble ‘you’, he smiles so bright. You’re both totally naked now as you climb under the sheets, shivering at the cool linen brushing against your warm body. Toji sat across from you, not touching you anywhere.
“Ya’know, seeing you makeout with that girl was hot n’all, but you really pissed me off doing that.”
Pissed him off? That was not your goal at all.
“What, w-why? I was jus’ tryin’ to make you jealous is all,” you admit.
“Yeah, well it fuckin’ worked. Don’t do that shit in front of me again unless you want to see me go to prison.”
Oh. He was really serious. You could only imagine what he’d do if he saw you grinding in Geto’s lap. Thank god for Nobara.
You scoot towards him, “M’sorry, I won’t do it again, promise. Now can we cuddle please? So cold, baby,” you huff. He wraps his arms around you as you bury your head in his chest, entwining your legs with his.
“You’re lucky. Don’t do this with just anybody. And it’s takin’ all my strength not to bend you over and break you right now. Only reason I’m not makin’ you cum right now s’cuz I wanna’ give you a break before tomorrow.”
You mumble an ‘awwww’ as he tells you to shut up and go to sleep. You thank him for the second night in a row, only earning a ‘mmmhm’ from the man beside you. He’s already drifting off to sleep, exhausted from the night of work before and the long night he’s spent with you. You shut your eyes, trying to steady yourself as you feel the room spinning around you. You take a few deep breaths and finally fall asleep, knowing you needed all the rest you could get for the day you had ahead of you.
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@scorpiosugar @theobsidianempress mwahahah
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julieloves074 · 1 year ago
I want you (Cole Walter x reader)
Summary: When the storm hits the ranch and most of the family is at Will's evening party Y/n and Cole are left to talk in the candle light, which could end either beautifully or tragically as they navigate whatever is happening between them.
Warnings: Death, kissing, swearing
Words: 4.27k
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(Not my Gif :) )
“I still can’t believe that I let you take me to that party” I said to Cole as he pulled out candles from the top drawer in the living room.
“I can’t believe that you came,” he turned to me briefly, his eyes beautiful even in the shade of this storm and little light, he turned back to the draw, “I’m glad you were there,” he said, quieter this time, I couldn’t help the ghost of a smile that started to lift the corner of my lips.
“Apart from the fact that I vomited on you right?” I tried to defuse the energy that was building up here with a laugh.
“Eh, could have been worse,” he started and turned around to face me again holding two candles, “Alright this is all of them now,”. We took a couple each and laid them around the kitchen and the living room.
“Can you pass me the lighter from the kitchen?” Cole called from the other room, I picked it out from the ‘anything and everything’ draw that every family has in their house and walked to the other room.
The darkness made it hard to see, but the outline of his frame was as clear as day, it felt as if I knew his frame well enough to find him anywhere.
“Thanks,” he reached for the lighter and our hands touch. As cliché as in every book I’ve ever read and every romcom I’ve ever watched. His hands weren’t soft or rough they were the perfect medium, he’s helped George on the farm since he was young and played football but there was still a compassionate side to him, one that he didn’t like to show.
His thumb brushed over my hand, he looked down briefly and I knew I should pull my hand free and step away, knowing the feelings Alex had for me. Even though he knows I don’t share the same feelings back I would still feel wrong to do this with his brother. Then Cole’s eyes came up to meet mine and he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
“If you want to start lighting up the candles, I’m just going to check the kids are asleep,” I explained rushing towards the stairs with one last gentle smile. That was another good reminder, everyone else may be at some fancy party but we were still looking after the younger Walter siblings.
Just as I had expected they were all still asleep tucked away just how Katherine had settled them down. The Walter’s slept hard, nothing wakes them up, not even a ranging storm with killer winds apparently.
After checking up on all of them I head towards the stairs again, but something catches my eye as I go to lower my foot onto the first step. A little packaged box on a dresser in Cole and Danny’s room. I tear my eyes away from it and take the first step. Yet just as quickly as I looked away, I looked back to the little brown box with the blue bow.
I stepped lightly to avoid any squeaky board; the box was sat there surrounded with a mix of both the boy’s stuff. I raised my brows in confusion, I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, that I was invading their privacy, but the inquisitiveness got the best of me. If it’s Danny’s, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind anyway.
From the handwriting on the note at the top I could immediately tell that it wasn’t Danny’s, his handwriting much neater, almost cursive, which I still found impressive. It just said my name, I opened the folded piece of paper and had to read over the short note a couple of times before it registered.
‘It’s both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply’
My mom’s favorite quote staring right at me. The quote I told Cole that day when…
We had just finished our shift at the cider stand, Will and Alex had already packed everything up into the van. Alex was less than impressed by the fact that Cole decided to come out of his depression cocoon to come and help and help he did. He auctioned himself away for an afternoon and helped us raise over double of the money we needed for the new auditorium.
“You fancy a little detour?” He asked, looking away from the road momentarily with a half smirk my way, I shook my head but a light smile still found its way onto my lips.
“What are you thinking?” I asked, I couldn’t disguise that I was curious, getting to know Cole was hard. Some days he was rays of sunshine and an open book other days, most days, he shut himself out, hiding behind a carless façade. I was guilty of the fact that I wanted him to sweep me away for a while into his own world.
“It’ll have to be a surprise,” he said, the smile still there when he looked bacl onto the road, I may have not been here long yet but I knew the second he took a different turn. We drove through some more woodlands until we came to a clearing, the sky absolutely clear.
When I stepped out of the car a fresh breeze flushed against my skin, it was refreshing.
“So… what do you think?” he says walking ahead of me. I followed not too far behind looking around taking in the surroundings. The river flowed surrounded by more trees and low rocks.
“It’s really beautiful here,”
“Alright come on then!” He shouted louder as he started to run towards the river
“Cole where are you going!” I called back, stood still watching him.
“Well we can’t go home now!” He turned around momentarily, gesturing me over with his hands. I shook my head and shut the car door, following behind him, my hair flowing in the wind beneath my hat.
When I finally caught up the sound of the gushing river was clearer and there he stood on some rocks, his back to me, jacket on the ground. He reached down to grab something, I stepped onto the same rock, more cautiously than him.
“There, for you,” he pushed the flower he was holding out towards me. I eyed him cautiously, his teasing side coming out, “Come on, I’m being nice,” his head tilted slightly.
I gave in reaching for the purple flower, he pulled it back a little with a laugh and I shook my head slightly, he pushed it my way again but lets me take it this time. In the exact same moment, he steals the hat off my head.
“Hey!” I shouted going to reach for it, he moves away, flaunting the hat in different directions, taunting me with it, “This is not fair,” I claimed moving towards him away. He’s laughing and I’m laughing, and it feels like a weight lifted off my chest.
I stop for a second, Cole stops too a moment later, that cheeky smile playing his lips. In that moment of calm I reached for the hat and his coat that was now next to my feet.
“Hey that wasn’t part of the rules!” He called coming after me this time, I’ve suddenly gained the confidence that I won’t fall into the water.
“Oh sorry, didn’t realize there were any rules,” I answered in the same tone, I moved another couple of steps and turned to start running onto the grass. Cole’s arms found their way around me as he tried for the jacket. I turned my head to face him, our faces centimeters apart. He pulled me closer laughing into the back of my neck.
“Okay okay, draw?” He asked his breath still on the back of my neck
“Deal,” I said taking a step forward as his grip eased, his hands followed the shape of my waist until the comforting touch was gone. He took the jacket and laid it out on the rock, laying down on half of it. I sat down next to him on the jacket as well.
“Do you feel any better now?” He asked after a moment of silence, my eyes focused on the river. The last couple of days have been rough, not only was I feeling homesick for New York, it had also officially been six months since the accident. It was all overwhelming, especially with Erin giving me a hard time.
I let out a breath before answering, “Yeah, thanks for this,” I said turning to look at him, he smiled and nodded, his arms followed behind his head. Whilst I knew a part of him took me here to make me feel better, I knew it was so that he could get away for himself too. We weren’t running from reality exactly, but taking a break.
“You know what my mom used to say?” I said laying down beside him, he turned on his side, leaning his head against his arm so he was looking down at me, “she always said that it’s both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply,” I put a hand over my brows to guard them from the sun, and so I could see his face, hoping he understood what I was saying, I was here if he needed to talk. No matter how much he was hiding behind his persona I knew that he cared.
He nodded and laid back down, taking a deep breath. It didn’t feel like we were there for that long with the sun glimmering on our faces, it wasn’t until a call from Katherine came through that I realized that we’d been here for well over an hour.
“We should probably get back, mom does not like it when we don’t make it home for dinner,” he said getting up and offering me his hand. I squinted my eyes but reached for the help, of course he pulled back his hands ever so slightly. I shooed him away and went to get up myself.
“I’m not falling for that again,” I laughed.
“Oh come on I’m sorry,” he pulled that face where his eyes were the center of the universe it was truly quite mesmerizing. I reached my hand out again grabbing his jacket in the other and passing it to him. I walked a few steps ahead and he put it around my shoulders and we walked back to the car.
Underneath all the tissue paper there lays the small, beautiful music box that Parker accidentally knocked over; it was no longer smashed to pieces. I opened it and immediately the little figurine inside started to swirl around and a low song started to play.
I could feel the tears beginning to build in my eyes, my lips shaking. I closed the box and pulled it close to myself, arms around it tightly. The quote was right, these feelings were a blessing and a curse. They made me feel happy and good but on the other hand I feel like I’m betraying one for another.
“So, Y/n are you going to make me this famous hot chocolate of yours?” Cole says from the bottom of the stairs, I push the music box back into the little packages and press the note back at the top laying it back in the exact spot it was before. My heart beating twice as violently as it was before. I try even harder not to make a sound leaving his room.
“Coming!” I whisper-yelled back, in the kitchen now lit up by about a dozen candles it was clear how dark it was outside, I was glad that we managed to clear everything from the yard into the barns before the rain started.
“I’ve got everything prepped,” he said proudly and in the little candlelight it was as if I was seeing his face people for the first time. In the silence, no distractions, and his smile protruding through even the worst of the weather.
“If you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he retorted, and I looked away with a scoff.
“Yeah, you wish, I guess I didn’t realize how bad it was outside until now,”
“It’ll be alright, it’s predicted to be a minor storm, the ranch has survived much worse. There was this really bad one once when I was about eight. I genuinely thought the wind was going to rip out the foundations of the house, or the rain was going to break through the roof and drown us,” he laughed to himself, pushing the two mugs towards me alongside the chocolate power, milk, vanilla and some other ingredients I asked for.
“I imagine how that could be scary for an eight year old,” I reassure working my magic with my ingredients.
“Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe tonight,” the teasing in his voice clear, he took a step towards me his face beside mine but I focus on the coco powder. It just feels like every time we could be having a moment, something vulnerable and real he disconnects. He’s said he’s a flirt and maybe that’s just that- but then what about the note and my music box?
“Haha you’re just so funny, are you just trying to hide the fact that you’re still scared?” I retort, keeping my composure, pushing his face away with one of my hands, he takes a step back and laughs shaking his head.
“Whatever makes you feel better New York,” he comments watching me heat up the milk.
He holds both our mugs as we make our way into the living room, it’s even prettier in here, he’s started the fire and lit up all the candles around it. I can’t help but give him a smile, there’s a spot perfect for the two of us.
“Go on try it,” I prod after we sit down, he looks down in the mug first and smells it, “I’m not trying to poison you if that’s what you think,”
“Alex would like it if you were,” he laughs lifting the mug to his lip, he takes a big sip and licks the whipped cream off of his top lip.
“Don’t say stuff like that, you guys may fight but you’re brothers it’s bound to happen, but you care for each other and I know he would protect you with all he’s got,” I assure him, he doesn’t say anything back to this, he avoids the subject like the plague even when he’s the one who brings it up.
“This-,” he says instead, looking down at the mug in his hand again, I couldn’t read his face if I tried, one of his brows raises for a split second as if he’s trying to organize all his thoughts about the chocolate. I know that it’s good but, in this moment, I’m metaphorically sat on the edge of my seat, eager to know his thoughts. “Is amazing, sweet and spicy at the same time, who the hell came up with this?”
The second those words come out of his mouth I feel myself beginning to be able to breathe again, the tension in my shoulders dissipates and I reach for my mug, “I did tell you, have some more confidence in me Cole,” I announce proudly and take a sip of the angelic drink.
His eyes watched me, I could feel his stare everywhere on my body, as if he was actually trailing his fingers over my skin.
I put the mug down, half gone already, Cole let out some sort of laugh and shifted closer to me, his hand reached towards my face, and I was frozen. My eyes watching his and his watching mine. Almost automatically my body and face shifted towards him. A smirk quired up on one side of his mouth. He brushed his thumb across my top lip.
“You had a bit of… whipped cream,” he said moving back just enough to show me, he licked it off his finger. Were either of us to move even slightly we could break the distance between us.
I’m scared. Sat here with him like this feels like a fever dream, like any second a sudden move could shatter this illusion, because this couldn’t be real, any second he’s going to pull back with some sort of snarky comment, and I’ll look like a fool.
But he wasn’t moving, and neither was I.
“I saw the music box, you fixed it,” I whispered into the space between us, my voice sounding as though it could break any moment.
“Nothing is ever too broken to be fixed, that’s something else your mom used to say right?” he whispered back, the shadows of the candles and the fire danced across his face.
“I hope you know how much that means to me. Thank you.” I was raw and honest, even with the things between us left unsaid, for the better, he deserved this, “For the music box, for my mom’s quotes, for letting me see the glimpses of the real you,” with each word my heartbeat sped up.
“I would do anything for you if you let me,” He murmured as if speaking any louder would smash this fragile thing happening around us right now. The tip of his finger grazes across my cheekbone, his eyes follow the line. I never feel his touch, just the ghost of it, sending shivers through my body that I try my best to keep from showing.
I scan his face, every beautiful angle and feature that makes him perfect, just the way he is.
I want to. I want to let him in so badly, to let him know every corner of my heart, I want to be fully immersed in whatever this is we’re building here, for him to have me, for me to have him but all that comes out is, “I want to,” because the foundations were building here are rocky and not stable.
His gaze shifts from my one eye to the other then to my lips and again.
“But you can’t because of…” he lets out so quietly I almost miss it
“I don’t have any feelings for him Cole,” there was a shift in his expression at my words, a guilty smile, “but he’s your brother, he’s one of my closest friends and he lives here too, this isn’t just about us, there’s your family,” I argue, but my excuses are sounding weak even to myself.
He moved closer, his knee touching mine, his breath warm.
Without further thought I laced my arms around his neck, running my fingers from the sides to the back pulling him close. A simple kiss, which did not last long enough. It was short, controlled. I pulled back realizing what I had just done. Maybe we just needed it out of our systems.
Still no words were exchanged, we just looked at each other. I knew I needed to move, to get up and out of the room but when his hand found its way to my forearm and pulled me towards him, I just gave in.
His hands explored my neck, cheeks and hair as the kiss became more passionate. I could feel my cheeks glowing a bright red, thankful it would be too hard to see in this light. Finally, he settled them on either side of my face whilst one of my hands found its place on his neck, the other exploring the honey-blonde hair on the nape of his neck.
I don’t know how long we were kissing but when he pulled away to look at me I knew it hadn’t been long enough. Both our chests heaving, me certain that my heart was about to give out. It felt so right I couldn’t let this slip away from me.
I grabbed onto his neck and pulled him towards me again. The kiss wasn’t rough, but it was filled by a burning need. All those months of the back and forth, the uncertain, the toying around the subject and now finally. Finally, I got to feel what this burning passion meant. What I’ve never felt with anyone else.
His hand one hand travelled to my neck, his thumb brushing comfortingly, his other pulling me towards him, I don’t know how much closer we could get until he was pulling me onto him. My legs on either side of his body. Chest to chest. Only clothes between us.
“Cole,” I whispered when his mouth travelled down my jaw to my neck kissing every inch of exposed skin. He paused cautiously, checking with his eyes that I was okay, that he wasn’t taking it too far. I nodded entangling my hand in locks, the hot chocolate long forgotten.
It was a euphoric feeling until my heart stopped when we heard the door open. I pushed off his lap and he helped me up.
“Hey, are you guys alright the lights aren’t-” Alex stopped when he made it to the doorframe to the living room, his eyes quickly found mine, then Cole’s, he hadn’t seen anything, no one would know, but even just seeing us here together, surrounded by candles could give anyone the impression.
“The storm blew out the electric box,” I said, my walls building right back up, keeping this eye contact while I could see the hurt in his eyes was more painful than I could have imagined but I couldn’t look away, then he’d know something had in fact happened. The light came back on with a click in the hallway.
“It’s because of the storm, what happened?” George asked walking into the living room, Katherine beside him, she gave me a weak smile.
“I’m going to check up on the kids, you guys make sure all the candles are blown out, let’s not start any fires tonight,” she added a cheerful tone and a chuckle but the still the tension in the room could probably be cut with a knife. Whether she meant literally or metaphorically I agreed with her, I did not want anything to explode between these two Walter boys.
“She managed to get it to work for a few minutes, but it gave out again, we thought it would be safer to leave the box alone,” Cole confirmed to his dad who nodded in agreement. I didn’t look at Cole as he volunteered to help his dad with the candles in the kitchen.
I thought Alex would say something when we were left alone. It looked like he really wanted to say something, but he just shook his head slightly and ran upstairs. I bit into my bottom lip and closed my eyes. It’s not like I hadn’t told him that I didn’t feel the same way, still the guilt washed over like a destructive wave. I took a deep breath and after a second started to blow out the candles before heading up to my bedroom.
I tossed and turned every few minutes in my bed for what felt like hours. I heard someone come out of their room half an hour ago, I assumed it was one of the Walter’s going to the toilet, but the person went downstairs, and was yet to come back up. Something in me knew it was Cole, he probably couldn’t sleep like me.
After another few restless minutes, I let out a huff and sat up in bed. All of the emotions were still buzzing and brewing inside my body. I threw my comforter off me and put on a hoodie and some outdoor slippers. Before I knew it, I was tip-toeing my way downstairs hoping I was doing a better job than whoever had gone down before me.
Walking out the front door I could see the beginning of the sunrise, at what looked like the other end of the world, out there in the fields the first sights of amber and yellow were rising out of the grass in the horizon.
I spotted Cole immediately sitting on the railing looking out at the view. The ranch was truly a magnificent sight, it was breathtaking, how could anyone not fall in love with this place just seeing this.
I stepped on one of the weaker wooden panels which let out a single sound, Cole looked around instantly, but the smile that shone on his face mere hours ago was not there now.
“I won’t break my brother’s heart ever again” he starts solemnly, “But I can’t not want you, how could I not?” he looked at me, the tears in my eyes are again threatening to spill. He hopped down and walked over to me. Nothing more said.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, laying his head on top of mine. I laced my arms around his torse, holding him tightly in the quiet of the post-storm, looking out at sunrise like it was a painting in a gallery to be looked at for hours.
“Your mom was right when she said it’s a blessing and a curse to feel so deeply” he whispered into my hair and I just tightened my hold on him. She was always right, and hell did I wish she was here now to tell me what I can do to make this all stop hurting.
What’s happened can’t be taken back now, the consequences long-term are yet to be seen and I suppose I’ll just have to take it day by day. Navigate this chaos of events and feelings. Hoping that it’ll all work out.
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strawheart-pirate · 2 years ago
Portgas D. Ace x afab!Reader
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Words: 2658 CW: Alabasta Setting (spoilerfree), NSFW, vaginal sex, blowjob, fingering, tongue fucking, consensual, pet names (babe, my love)
You were home safe and sound thanks to Ace. Your feelings we’re a mess ever since and on top your grandmother invited your savior for dinner to thank him properly. As it was time to part ways your feelings were crashing down on you. A steaming hot sequel to Drought.
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You woke up to the sun, kissing your face the early morning. You lifted your head and grabbed your pillow tight until you realized that you squished the man below you and not your pillow. A deep red blush crept onto your face as Ace woke up from the pressure around his ribs.
“Ugh, no. Is it already morning?” Ace grumbled, his eyes shut tight, as he stretched beneath you.
“Unfortunately.” You mumbled, still deeply embarrassed.
“Just five more minutes.” He said as he turned towards you and held you in a tight embrace.
If your blush was gone seconds ago, it was now as prominent as ever since his bare chest was right inside your face and his arms secured you in a way that left no room for protest.
“Ace, please, my grandma has worried long enough.” You begged.
“Alright, okay. Let’s get going.” He slowly went up and packed a few things. It was clearly visible that he was not a morning person, and you were impressed that he didn’t fell over, given how much he was swaying.
You checked your place for any package or clothing left, but you were done. Ready to go.
As you both walked side by side through the desert, Ace told you about his pirate life. He was very enthusiastic about his stories and you laughed a lot. The lizard followed you in a good distance.
“Do you know my little brother? His name is Monkey D. Luffy and I’ll meet him soon here in Nanohana.” He shoved the wanted poster right in your face.
“He has a precious smile.” You admit.
“I know, right? See, when we were young, we did everything together…”
Ace was rambling about his brother Luffy until you finally reached the gates of the city and parted ways with the lizard. At this point you thought that you knew Luffy better than Ace, but that didn’t matter. You loved the stories Ace told you and even though they were about Luffy, you could clearly read between the lines and gather information about your travel buddy. You didn’t even notice that you smiled admiringly at him and gave him a few side glances until you were at your house.
“Grandma!” you yelled and rushed towards your grandma, who was sitting in front of your house. You hugged her tight and reassured her, that you were fine as Ace watched you two. Tears flowed down your faces and your grandma was clearly relieved that everything was alright. As you both calmed down, you introduced Ace and your grandma to each other.
“Ace, this is my grandma. Grandma, this is Ace. He saved me yesterday.” You said and your grandma scanned Ace thoroughly before she spoke.
“Thank you for saving my grandchild, young man. Please have dinner with us tonight.”
“Oh, I’d like to, but…”
“No buts, you must come. We want to thank you properly, so you will come. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Your grandma demanded and Ace and you were a bit taken aback.
“O-Okay..” Ace stuttered and the old lady chuckled to herself.
“6pm. Be on time.” She said and Ace took his leave, since he had some things to do.
“Now, Y/N, tell me about this man and what happened to you.” Your grandma said and patted the seat next to her.
You sighed and sat down. “Where shall I start…”
It had been an hour until your grandma knew the whole story. She was now in the kitchen preparing the dinner and you did your chores. Although you were busy, your mind drifted off to Ace quite frequently.  Even though he was a pirate, you were sure he was not the nasty type. You owed him your life, yes. And that alone causes admiration to some degree, but you also enjoyed the talks with him. It was clearly visible, that he loved his little brother and his cocky, but cheerful attitude along with his well-trained body left you longing for more.
Oh my, I really got it bad. You sighed as you thought to yourself but smiled anyway.
Evening came and Ace appeared at the doorstep right on time. He had a nice bouquet of flowers in his hand and handed it to your grandma.
“Thanks for your invitation, madame.” He smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, what a lovely young man you are. And please, just call me grandma. I like the connection that comes with it.” She smiled knowingly.
You rolled your eyes at her antics and led your guest into the living room. There, a small table was set up for the three of you by the window and the evening sun gently illuminated the simply furnished room.
“Here we are.” Your grandma said as she put down the pot in the middle and you all got seated.
The dinner was pleasant. At first you talked about random topics, but now Ace was telling your grandma everything about his brother Luffy. You knew the stories and so you leaned back in your chair and sipped your drink. You haven’t seen your grandmas’ eyes shine that bright in a long time. Something about this man was truly special and you followed the conversation with a gentle smile on your face.
It had been three hours and Ace was about to head off to his lodging. The sun was just setting and your grandma hugged the freckled man goodbye.
“Thanks again for that lovely dinner, grandma.” Ace said and bowed to her.
“Ah, you’re welcome. Come by anytime, okay?” she smiled as she took his face in her hands and slapped his cheek lightly a few times.
“Will do.” He said and turned to you. “I…”
“I’ll walk you home.” You beat him to it. Your offer was a bit unusual and you could clearly see the question marks on his face.
“Then off you go.” Your grandma gave you a knowing smile and waved the both of you off.
You took his hand and started walking. He waved to your grandma one last time and quickly got used to the new situation. No one said a word as you walked hand in hand to the address he had given you. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, but you were deep in thought. You felt something for this man and wanted to spend more time with him, but you didn’t know if he felt the same. Before you could even come to a conclusion, Ace stopped.
“Alright, we’re here. This is the inn.” Said Ace, giving you a beaming smile. You couldn’t face him because he would clearly see the hurt in your eyes. You didn’t want to let go but you tried to find the right words.
You started to phrase your emotions. “Yeah, well… Thank you again and maybe we’ll meet…”
Two strong hands grabbed your face and before you knew what was happening, Ace smashed his lips to yours. The kiss was hungry, his lips demanding. He wanted everything from you and you would give it to him without hesitation. You melted in his hands and your lips joined the fiery battle. As you put your arms around his neck, he broke away from you just enough to catch his breath.
“Do you want to…?” – “Yes!” You both smiled as your lips met again and he grabbed your butt to lift you up. A sound of surprise left you and you giggled slightly as he carried you up the stairs and into his room. He set you down and locked the door in one fluid motion, trapping you between him and the door. His lustful gaze traveled over your body from head to toe and back again before he took your face back into his hands and kissed you passionately. You hummed in pleasure and placed your hands around his neck to play with his black strands. His pelvis rubbed against yours in a needy rhythm.
“Ace…” you moaned his name impatiently.
Ace wasted no time and carried you over to the bed and laid you on the soft mattress before removing his hat and coat. The look he had on you was breathtaking, as it looked like there was a fire burning in his brown irises. He slowly approached you, but you stopped him before he could lay on top of you. You slid off the bed and got down on your knees. Your hand wandered over his beautiful abs and you unzipped his pants.
"Let me take care of my savior." You looked at him through half-lidded eyes and stripped him naked.
 A breathless moan escaped the man. His erection was now right in front of your face and you took your time to look at it thoroughly. He had just the right thickness, was long and curved up a little. The tip was a light shade of purple and he had a prominent vein on top. You licked your lips.
"Like what you see?" He teased, though he already knew the answer, and posed a little for you.
You grabbed it gently and let your tongue slide from his shaft to his tip while holding his gaze.
"Oh fuck." He said and looked away for a second as he inhaled sharply. "That’s so hot."
You took his cock all the way into your mouth and gave it a good taste until you hummed in approval. He was delicious. Ace couldn't take his eyes off you and you gave him a glance every now and then as you bobbed your head on his cock. Your hand alternately gently massaged his balls and clasped the lower part of his cock in a firm grip.
Your tongue swirled around his tip and Ace moaned louder and louder. It wasn’t long before he grabbed your head.
"Is it okay if I...?" you hummed in approval and he shoved his cock deep down your throat. You gagged a little, but it was okay, drool pouring down your chin. Your cunt throbbed as Ace used your throat and a few bounces later he painted it white on the inside. You swallowed everything he gave you and licked your lips. He smiled at you, satisfied and a bit exhausted, and you returned his gaze with a perky smile. Ace dropped to his knees and kissed you passionately, his tongue deep inside your mouth, battling for dominance in a demanding kiss until he lifted you up and placed you on the bed.
"It’s payback time."
He peeled you out of your gown, lifted your leg and kissed you on the inside of your thigh. His hands were all over you until he suddenly stopped.
"Let me show you something." He said and you propped yourself up your elbows and watched him hold his finger over your belly. A familiar little flame appeared, and he cautiously ran it over your belly. His touch was warm, but he didn’t burn you. You couldn’t take your eyes off the flame as he approached your nipples. As his fingertip grazed over your bud, the flame flared a little and you gasped at the sensation of his touch and the blazing flame. He smirked at your reaction and you heart skipped a beat. His teasing play continued with the other bud until he let his hand slowly move down until he reached your clit. You moaned his name like a prayer as he traced circles on your clit with his flaming fingertip. Each time the flame slid over your sensitive spot, a crackling warmth coursed through you. You were so fascinated by the flame that you didn't realize what Ace was up to until the flame went out and he slid his finger inside you. You gasped at the sudden intrusion and moved your hips towards him.
"I hope you liked my little trick." he teased just before he placed his lips onto your folds.
He licked a straight line from your entrance to your clit as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of your needy cunt. You tried to move your hips, but he held you back with a strong arm.
"Stay still and let me enjoy my dessert." He demanded and his command increased the tightness of the knot in your belly. He flicked his tongue repeatedly over your clit while he inserted a second finger into your velvety folds.
"Ace…" you whimpered. The pressure was rising inside you. He knew exactly how close you were. The squelching sounds of your soaking cunt and your sweet moans resounded through the room. For the final act, he exchanged his fingers for his tongue. His fingers were rougher and provided more friction on your clit and his tongue penetrated deep into your folds. The vibrations that flowed through you pussy as he hummed with desire send you over the edge.
"Ahh, FUCK!" Your juices gushed all over his face as he tongue fucked you through your orgasm. He licked all your sweet liquids off you before he is looking at you with a pleased smile.
 "You taste like an oasis, babe." he praised, and you blushed. He crawled up on you and gave you a taste of yourself. The kiss was passionate, and your tongues danced lovingly together.
"Wanna ride me, babe, or you want me to rail you into the mattress?" A smug grin on his face. - "Why not both, but I'd like to start riding you while my legs still work.” You suggested.
He smiled devilishly at you and turned you both around so that he was on his back and you were on top of him. You sat up and positioned yourself over him. He held his cock still as you slowly slid yourself down and buried his cock deep inside you.
"You feel sooo good, Ace." You praise him as you put your hands on his abs for more balance.
"Says the one driving me crazy with those needy hot walls."
You chuckled and started riding him at a slow pace. One of his hands was on your hip and the second teased your clit every now and then. Your sweaty bodies moved in harmony and the clashing of your hips filled the room with a sweet symphony that, together with the moans that escaped from both of you in sheer pleasure, created a passionate melody. Your movements became sloppy as the knot in your stomach continued to tighten and Ace placed his second hand on your hips as well, as he began to thrust into you from below.
You gasped as he hit your sweet spot deep inside you and a smirk appeared on his face. Your nails clawed deep into his chest as he hit the same spot over and over, bringing you closer to the edge with every thrust. He hissed in pleasure as your nails dug into his flesh.
“Oh god, you’re so good to me. I don’t deserve you.” – “Ahhh, Ace, please.” You plead as you were about to climax.
“It’s okay babe, cum for me.” He said as he sped up his movements. Your knot snapped and your climax hit you hard. You pressed your shaking legs into Ace’s ribs and clawed into your own breasts as you screamed his name. The sight was breathtaking and your walls squeezed him mercilessly and not a second later Ace was slamming your hips onto his cock, spraying his seed deep inside you.
You took your time to calm your breathing and remained seated on his still twitching cock. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes, the pleasure clearly visible on both of your faces. He reached for your cheek and you leaned down to capture his lips in a kiss. It was so soft and sweet and full of love that no words were needed.
When you pulled back a little, he looked deep into your eyes. "You are so sweet my love, what do you want to try next?"
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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cjsoleil · 7 months ago
Love That I Like You (Seungmin x Reader)
Summary: Having just run away from her arranged marriage, Y/N is stuck walking around with a empty stomach and heels that hurt her feet. On the way, she meets a well dressed man who is more than kind to her. Little to her knowledge, he knows her better than she thinks.
Authors note: If you couldn’t tell, Seungmin is my bias.
People whisper and stare at Y/N as she walks down the sidewalk, but she doesn’t pay them any mind. She tries to focus on keeping the pristine white gown she is wearing clean, so she can sell it on eBay later. Or maybe she’ll keep it and wear the wedding dress around the house like pajamas.
Really, she didn’t plan on the day going like this. She has been preparing for her wedding day for months, since it was arranged by her grandparents' insistence. Sure, she was bothered by the idea at first, but eventually accepted the lack of control she had over her own life. Thinking back, that is as sad as it sounds. She never met her fiancé before, and refused to look at any pictures of him out of pure spite.
“It doesn’t matter what he looks like.” She would say, “I might as well keep him a surprise, just like our proposal.” Her grandparents always got upset when she acted like that, but never commented on it. They were just happy she wasn’t fighting too hard against the marriage. The wedding was just a business arrangement for her grandparents, and her fiancé’s parents' companies. It was all explained to her, but she never bothered to listen to the details.
Anyways, Y/N has got a classic case of cold feet and is now wandering the streets while looking for something to eat. She hasn’t eaten all day and is obviously missing her dinner plans. A place to rest her feet would be nice as well. She’s been walking for well over an hour, not wanting to be dragged back to the chapel. But these heels are not made for long strolls, and she finds herself tripping over air in them. The autumn wind brings goosebumps to her bare arms and has already blown her vail out of her hair. She didn’t bother to try to catch it.
After a few more minutes of walking, Y/N comes across a convenience store. She’s just about to go inside when she realizes her problem.
“Damn it.” She practically huffs when it hits her that she has no money on her person. She left her phone in the car and her purse is at her apartment. Sitting down at one of the tiny tables outside the store, Y/N puts her head in her hands and sighs.
‘I could play the left at the altar card’ she thinks, ‘Who wouldn’t feed a crying bride?’ Just as Y/N is about to make herself cry, she feels a tap on her shoulder.
“Excuse me.” The soft voice makes her look up to see a young man in his early twenties. He has big eyes, short and soft looking brown hair and a somewhat awkward look on his face. Y/N must say, he is such a cutie. He holds up a piece of white fabric, a vail, “I believe this is yours?”
“How’d you know?” She smiles and takes the veil.
“Lucky guess.” He seems to hesitate for a moment, before asking, “Is there something wrong?”
“Not really. I’m just hungry.” The man nods before looking at the store.
“Let’s go then.” Y/N shakes her head with a laugh,”I’ll pay.”
“That’s sweet, but you don’t-“ he’s already walking into the store, making her follow.
Looking at the man now, Y/N can see that the man is dressed pretty formally. A white button down with black dress pants and dress shoes.
“Hey, where are you on your way back from?” Y/N asks as she picks up an instant ramen package, her other hand still holding her veil, “Cause you're dressed so nicely.” She snickers a little when she sees the man’s ears turn red.
“Thank you. I had a… business meeting. Plans fell through.”
“I can relate.” Y/N had only picked up the ramen, but the man bought much more food for the two of them, despite her insistence that she didn’t need much.
“You are my saviour.” Y/N tells him as they eat at one of the small tables the store has, “Thank you- Oh, I don’t even know your name. I’m Y/N.”
“Seungmin.” Y/N lets out a small laugh.
“Funny, that was my fiancé’s name too.” She pauses, “That makes me sound horrible. I promise, I didn’t leave because I cheated or because of something bad.” Seungmin nods and takes a sip of his coffee.
“It’s none of my business.” Y/N appreciates that, but can still see the curiosity in his eyes.
“It was arranged. I don’t know anything about the guy, except that he has good taste in engagement rings. It’s a shame I’ll have to give it back.” She looks down at the ring. It’s pretty simple, the diamond itself is small and the band itself is sparkly, “but enough about me, you said you had a business meeting? What do you do?”
“I work for my family’s business.” He says.
“Oh, how is-“
“I hate it.”
“Ah.” Y/N nods, a little taken aback by his answer, “So, why don’t you quit?”
“Why didn’t you say no to your wedding?”
Y/N smiles when she finishes eating, nodding her head to Seungmin.
“Thank you very much for feeding me. I'll get out of your hair.” As she stands, Y/N winces. Damn, these heels are killing her.
“Are you alright?” She waves off his question.
“I’m fine.” She says bye again but after a few moments, she notices Seungmin following her, “Are you following me?” The question is asked without a hint of anger or annoyance, clear by the smile on her face. Seungmin smiles and shrugs.
“I don’t have much else to do.” Now, any other person, Y/N would have told the guy to beat it. But Seungmin is super cute and nice. Plus if the man who bought her food wants to hang around, who is she to object to it?
“Well, I’m just wandering for a while. I don’t want to hear whatever spiel my family has prepared for when I get back to my place.”
“Let’s go shopping.” Y/N looks over to Seungmin, tilting her head, “Unless you want to wear that day.”
“Maybe I do. This-“ she gestures to herself, “- is going to be the new trend.” She can’t conceal her own laughter as Seungmin shakes his head at her, smiling to himself.
“You’re right. Should I buy one?”
“You can have mine, I don’t really like it anyways.”
“You look beautiful in it.” His words are said so quietly, she barely hears them. But she does, and blood rushes to her face. The dress is pretty, yes, modern. But that’s not what Y/N dreamed of her wedding dress being. She wants something like a princess gown, tulle and sparkle.
They soon end up in a clothes store, and after seeing Y/N wince again, Seungmin forced her to sit down on a cushioned bench in the store as he went to get her clothes. She didn’t try to fight him on it, since he is the one paying. In less than ten minutes, Seungmin comes back to her and hands her a bag.
“What’s your shoe size?”
“Um, seven.” Seungmin nods.
“Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.” Before she can respond, Seungmin is walking away from her. Y/N shakes her head with a smile before she goes to the bathroom to change. Seungmin has cute taste, he got her a pink pleated skort, a white shirt and has even remembered to buy her a bra, which almost makes her die of embarrassment. After getting out of the dress and getting into the clothes, she folds up the dress, though she’s pretty sure you're not supposed to do that, and puts it in the large bag. She puts the veil in there as well.
Back at the bench she was at, she sees Seungmin waiting there with a bag.
“Seungmin, you're doing too much for me.” Y/N tells him, but he only smiles.
“It’s fine.”
“Really Seungmin. I have shoes, just go return these-“
“Sit down.” She does and Seungmin kneels right after.
“What-“ he takes the shoe box out of the bag, before he holds Y/N’s right ankle in his hand and begins to take off her heel. That renders Y/N speechless as she watches Seungmin put a nice but comfortable sandal on her foot.
“Okay okay.” She taps Seungmin’s shoulder and gestures for him to get up, “I got it. Get up.” She notices he has a small smirk on his face. Happy that he got his way, no doubt.
Y/N puts her heels in the shoe box and puts it back in the bag. When she stands up, she sighs at the relief of wearing shoes that don’t hurt. “Thank you so much. You’re so kind to me. The minute I can, I’ll pay you back.” Seungmin rolls his eyes and flicks the girl’s forehead.
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I cared about that.”
“Oh no, that’s not happening. I’m paying you back. Give me your phone.” Seungmin blinks at her with his big eyes, but still hands over his phone after unlocking it. Y/N puts in her phone number in his contacts before handing it back to him.
“There. So you can text me later and we can meet up so I can pay you back.”
“You don’t need an excuse to give me your number.” Seungmin says, and she can see a hint of blush of his ears, “I was going to ask anyway.”
“Then I guess it works out.” Y/N grins and they leave the store together.
“What made you decide to leave?” Y/N hums hearing his question, asking him to elaborate, “You initially agreed to your arranged marriage. What made you change your mind?” The girl shrugs. They're walking around a park, having already dropped off Y/N’s shoes and dress at a donation box.
“A lot of things I guess. I didn’t really want to get married to someone I never met, but…” Y/N trails off for a second before continuing, “When I was sitting in the back of my dad’s car, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I wanted. A winter wedding, a Cinderella dress, a horse and carriage, a man who I actually know and love. Then I was telling my dad I had to go to the bathroom, and ran away.”
“Do you feel bad about it?” Y/N hesitates.
“…No. Like, I feel bad for him and his family, since I’m sure they’ll probably be on his ass about it all. But I decided to not let my family bother me anymore. If they want to disown me for this, so be it.”
“Good.” Their hands brush, “You shouldn’t feel bad. Not for living your own life.” Y/N laughs and bumps into Seungmin’s shoulder.
“What about you? I have no right to say what you do, but if you hate your job, you should just quit. We can be our family’s disappointments together.” Seungmin laughs at that and Y/N just can’t help but grab his hand, interlocking their fingers. He doesn’t pull away. Y/N looks up at him, before taking a single step closer. Seungmin tilts his head down and oh my god, she really wants to kiss him.
“You know something?” Y/N starts before she can actually acknowledge what she’s saying, “If I was supposed to marry you, maybe I wouldn’t have ran away.” Seungmin has an unreadable expression.
“I should tell you something.” Seungmin whispers softly, pulling back. Shit she’s so stupid for saying that.
“What is it?” She must have a odd look on her face, because Seungmin snorts.
“Don’t look so scared, I just need to tell you my last name.”
“Your last name?”
“Kim Seungmin.” Seungmin watches as the gears turn in Y/N’s head before a sense of dread fills her.
“Oh my god, oh my god! I’m such a dumbass.” Seungmin nods, “Don’t agree!”
“You seriously thought You coincidentally met someone with the same name as your fiancé, dressed formally who also had their business plans fall through? Y/N, I’m practically wearing a tuxedo.”
“Seungmin is a common name! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” He grins.
“I thought you might’ve been able to come to the conclusion. Idiot.” The name is filled with fondness. Y/N covers her face with her hands and laughs, because the situation is hysterical.
When she catches her breath she looks over at the man, who is still smiling.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For what? Leaving you at the altar!” Seungmin shakes his head.
“No, it’s a good thing you did. I’m glad you had the confidence to stand up for yourself, something I don't have.” He caresses the back of her hand with his thumb, “I’m happy we got to meet like this. Or we can pretend we never met and go our separate ways.” Yeah, as if.
“Let’s not. I… I really like you Seungmin.”
“I like you too, even if you're a little stupid.” Y/N shoved him and cried out “Mean!”
When they stop laughing, Y/N removes her hand from Seungmin’s and pulls off the ring on her left ring finger.
“Here.” She hands the ring to Seungmin.
“You sure? You can keep it if you want.” She shakes her head.
“We’re not engaged, it’s not right to keep it.” He nods and the corner of his lip twitches upwards. “Maybe one day, I’ll be able to give it back to you.” Y/N nearly gasps hearing him say that. Then she suddenly grabs Seungmin’s shoulders and kisses him, so quickly that he can’t even react. The kiss would have been longer if they weren’t in public.
“You’re so sweet Seungmin, so cute.” She kisses his cheek before she pulls away. They walk around for a little longer, and Seungmin suddenly voices what they were both thinking.
“Are we going to tell our families about this?”
“No.” Her response is immediate, making her back peddle, “I mean, we can if you want. But I don’t. God I’d never hear the end of “if your dating just get married. Why wait?” It’d be worse than if I went straight home.”
“Dating?” Seungmin repeats, a little glint in his eye, “Who’s dating?” Y/N rolls her eyes.
“We ate together, went shopping and strolled through the park. We kissed like two minutes ago, that’s a date.”
“Ask me formally and I’ll consider it.” Y/N scoffs.
“As if you weren’t ready to marry me a couple of hours ago.” She mumbles before forcing a smile that is borderline creepy, “Seungmin dear, would you do me the pleasure of going out with me?”
“I guess.” Y/N pretends to frown and starts to walk away, only for Seungmin to grab her hand and pull her back to him.
Y/N likes Seungmin, but she doesn’t love him. But maybe one day she will. Maybe, when she goes back home he will call her and plan another date, where Y/N will force him to let her pay him back. Maybe, in a few years he will offer her the ring back and she will take it. He will gain the confidence to quit his job in his family’s company. Then, maybe in January, she will take a carriage ride while wearing a white and sparkly ball gown dress and will meet Seungmin wearing a complete suit. With only a few people to bear witness of their elopement, he will say his vows and that he loves her while meaning it, and she will do the same.
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smuggler-hell · 3 months ago
It had been weeks since the incident. The two best friends had gotten drunk after a Rebel Mission together. It was all a bit hazy to Dylan, honestly. They almost wrecked someones car, laughing and taking pictures, before just managing to bolt back home before anyone could spot them. Wouldn’t want a repeat van incident, after all.
Eric had asked to stay the night at his place, seeing as it was the weekend and they had nothing else planned. After much begging, Dylan’s mom had said yes to the two and given them control over the house as she left to stay with a friend.
This meant the two could get freely drunk, and drunk they got.
The most Dylan remembered was the two stumbling down to the basement after nearly half a bottle of vodka had vanished into their systems. The feeling of skin against skin, rough hands grasping him, the desire to take and take and the lust for more and more.
So it was no surprise that, in the morning, the two both pretended they remembered nothing from their drunken stupor. And though Dylan believed Eric and Eric believed him, the two both knew themselves that those memories and lingering feelings never would vanish.
That wasn’t the only problem, however. Dylan frequently found himself harshly woken up in the morning with swings of nausea and forced to hunch over as he retched his insides out.
The mood swings didn’t help, either. He thought he was going insane with the stress of knowing what he had done, his mood swinging faster than a drunken man on a nightclub floor.
He tried his best to contain them, but it didn’t help when he saw who he blamed for all this nearly everyday, Eric. He had slipped up once, and yelled at the other harshly. But once again he felt the swinging of the pendulum and a familiar wave of despair befall him at the sight of Erics widened eyes and his legs taking a few steps back. He tried apologizing, but nothing came out.
He eventually decided to get to the bottom of it, researching online whenever his mother wasn’t home. But the only answer he found seemed so rediculous he felt himself laughing until there were the formations of tears in the corners of his eyes.
Yet as he continued with these bouts of nausea, mood swings, even odd cravings here and there, he got more and more desperate.
So he tried clearing his thoughts and ignoring the dread gnawing at his heart and frontal lobe as he stood at a pharmacy section of a local store, package in hand as he walked away as quick as possible.
All this had led to him not having much time for Eric, and when factoring in his sudden session of yelling at the other boy one day as school ended, he had expected the other to be pissed with him. Though Eric normally seemed pissed about most things these days, it seemed.
So it came as a shock to Dylan when Eric asked to come over one saturday, weeks later. Though the two could pretend nothing happened, the anxiousness of being near the other remained constant.
As Dylan put the home phone down after giving him permission, he couldn’t help but smile despite the crushing sense of anxiety that fell over him.
Dylan couldn’t stop the pacing he found himself doing as he awaited his best friends arrival. Eventually, he forced himself to stop. He marched into the bathroom nearby, taking out the package and tearing it open.
“Better get this over with before he gets here,” Dylan said to himself. He made sure the door was fully locked despite the fact he was, as of now, the only person in the house, the rest of his family gone at some dumb restaurant outting.
The blonde haired man looked deeply into the mirror, as if daring it to stop looking back. When it stayed the exact same, he sighed and pushed back with the palms of his thin white hands.
“Shit, how will I ever tell him?,” he murmured to himself. He knew he could tell his best friend anything. … Right? Yet at the same time, the eternal fear of judgement and abandoment crept over him, its shadowy claws grabbing his body and feeling as if it would tear him to shreds.
“You okay in there, dude?”
Dylan jolted at the sound of the other males voice. He had been so caught up in his own little world he entirely forgot that he invited the other over just now.
“Yeah! Just, uh, give me a second!”
He yelled back. This seemed to be an acceptable answer, as Eric didn’t respond.
He slipped the item he had just finished using into his pocket. Dylan looked up, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and stepped out.
His shorter friend smiled at the sight of him. Dylan saw he already made himself at home in his room, but he supposed it made sense, what with the two being almost inseperable.
Dylan casually sat down at the edge of his bed, which Eric was sprawled out across.
The older man must’ve saw his expression, as his eyes narrowed.
“Something’s up. I can tell,” he put simply. Dylan smiled nervously, but he knew he couldn’t just talk his way out of it like he did with others.
He took a deep breath. He knew Eric better than anyone, he knew he could confess this… he just knew it. Like a pull in his gut that drove him to the man.
“Just- Just promise not to get mad,” he said tentatively, carefully watching the others expression for even a hint of malice in Erics face.
“Okay, fine, you fuckin’ anxious wreck. Promise.”
Dylan smiled at his sarcastic remark and smirk.
“So, you remember how we got drunk a few weeks ago and, uhm, well…”
Dylan trailed off. Those memories were still fresh in his mind like an iron press ingrating it onto his brain. Eric tensed. He expected the other to have forgotten all about that night, with how often he got drunk off his mind. He looked away from the younger man, but after a few moments looked back.
“… Yeah. Why?”
Short and simple, he told himself. Don’t freak Dylan out or anything, don’t scare him off after they’ve already come so far.
He paused when Dylan gulped and fumbled with something in his pocket.
“Whatcha got there, V?”
Eric sat up as he asked this, looking curiously. Dylan sighed. Standing up and on the side of the bed, he looked down at Eric.
In his hand lay a pregnancy test, its sleek white design unmistakable. On a small screen lay two lines, forming the shape of a cross like object.
“Do you want a boy, or a girl?”
Dylan asked meekly, grinning
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lovelytsunoda · 16 days ago
love is a losing game | Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Part IV- God Knows I've Tried
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Chapter Summary: Pete goes to see Jessie, having finally put the pieces together. Time is up for Bradley and Jake, and they've reached a tipping point
Chapter Warnings: Jake basically spends this whole chapter lying to his wife. You know what, this chapter is actually pretty tame compared to the others because nobody d*es! :) Jessie punches a convicted felon after he implies she might be sleeping with Maverick, Bob is in a hospital bed but still alive!
Author's Notes: We made it to the unofficial halfway point! The calm chapter before everything goes nuts again!
Series Masterlist
Jessie Seresin was curled up on her living room couch, dressed in a ratty LAPD Academy hoodie and a pair of flannel pants. The baby monitor sat on her coffee table, next to the scattered files she was flipping through. She was trying to slowly ease herself back to work but hadn’t been able to go into the office for more than two days a week. For now, she was taking conference calls with her team, and interviewing theft victims over Zoom. Unfortunately, from her living room her access to LAPD resources was limited. She had plans to go back to work the following week, assuming that Jake’s parents were still able to watch Rosie for as long as her own parents were out of town.
She heard the front door open, her heart leaping into her chest when she looked over at her husband. His hair was more dishevelled than normal, his skin pale. There was a small bruise on his cheek, already turning different shades of green.
“Jake, oh my God! What happened?”
“I hit a deer coming back from a crime scene in the Hollywood Hills. It’s not a big deal; I took the car to my guy in Echo Park. He gave me a rental. It’s a damn Chevy, but its better than Ubering to work in the morning.” Jake sighed, hugging his wife. He kissed the crown of her head, running his rough fingers through her hair. “I’m fine, sweetheart. No need to worry.”
“The insurance company is going to hate us. Do you know how much they’ve been charging us for the Jetta since the accident? Chargers are already expensive enough to insure.”
Jake grinned stupidly, hand on her lower back as her guided her towards the couch. “Maybe this is our sign to get that Durango.”
Jessie rolled her eyes, thinking about all the flyers and information packages for the mighty Dodge SUV that her husband had been leaving scattered around the house. She was reluctant to get rid of the Charger, given that there were so few of that model year left in circulation, and that the new generation of muscle cars were slated to be solely electric.
“If you wanted a Durango that badly, you didn’t have to total the Charger.”
“It’s not totalled! The airbags didn’t go off, its just the front fender that needs replacing. And the headlights on the driver’s side.”
She rolled her eyes at her husband, turning back to the files on her desk.
“Getting ready to go back?”
“Trying. I couldn’t fall asleep, so I got the files out again. I’m calling it quits come 11:45 though. I just know that as soon as I fall asleep, Rosie will wake up. It’s pointless anyway, the Schreibers’ aren’t getting their Lexus back. After the way Mr. Schreiber talked to me in his victim impact interview last week, I’m not even sure I want to give him the satisfaction of finding it.”
Jake frowned, resting a hand on her thigh. “I’ll be on baby duty tonight. You go and get some rest, I’ll stay out here in case Rosie needs me.”
“You’re a good man, Jake Seresin.”
He swallowed, hoping she didn’t notice his flinch. He felt like far from a good man at the moment. He answered quietly, trying to smile. “I try to be.”
“That could have gone better.” Jessie huffed, hands in the pockets of her uniform pants as she left the courtroom with Pete
She had been subpoenaed to speak at Ansel Howard’s habeus hearing in regards to the evidence box. When she was first demoted to civilian desk work, her main job had been consolidating old cases. The Howard box hadn’t been touched until she was moved to homicide, and whoever messed with the box had written her name on the seal instead of his own. Jess had a feeling she knew who it was, and Penny Benjamin was looking into Terry Spencer to try and find out what his link to Ansel Howard and Edgar Cruise was. Trying to appear more confident than she was, she had gotten her old tactical patrol uniform out of storage and was dressed in almost everything except the bulletproof vest.
“You did the best you could.” Penny encouraged. “Cruise wasn’t allowed to use your record like that.”
“But he did. He tore my credibility apart, Penny. That’s what he wanted. It’s a bad look, the LAPD letting a felon organize their evidence locker.”
“Charges were dropped.” Penny reminded her.
“The only reason Cruise even knows is that slimeball Olivia Zalen.”
Olivia Zalen, the lawyer’s second chair, had gone to school in Sherman Oaks with Jessica. She was a few years ahead, a graduating senior when she was a sophomore, but as luck would have it, Zalen’s brother was the all-American asshole that Jessie hit over the head with a wine bottle during a break in. She would have told Cruise all about it as soon as Jessie’s name popped up in the files.
“You held your own on the stand. You didn’t crack.” Pete’s voice was firm as he gripped her shoulder. “You kept a level head, didn’t offer more information than necessary.”
“I just hope it was enough.” She gripped the bridge of her nose, tilting her head back. She found it ridiculous that the hearing was even able to go forward for a man arrested for murder and sexual assault. It didn’t help that the conviction integrity investigator assigned to the hearing had history with Pete.
It seemed most women in the legal field did.
As the courtroom emptied, it was soon time to bring Ansel Howard back through the main hallway and around to the prisoner entrance. Jessie had initially planned on being far, far away before that happened, but the bailiffs worked fast, and soon Howard was being hauled out of the courtroom, Zalen and Cruise at his sides.
“Hey Jessica!” Howard shouted
“Don’t engage, Jessie.” Penny reminded, resting a hand on Jessica’s elbow. “He’s in handcuffs, he can’t hurt you.”
“You did a great job out there, Jessica, lying to cover yourself like that. Protecting what little credibility you have. Does your fiancé know that you’re working for the most bent cop in the city and allowing him to push you around like his little lap dog? What are you getting out of it, detective? Sleeping with your boss, maybe? Do older men make you run hot? How would Jake feel if I were to tell him, huh?”
The mere mention of Jake’s name was enough to make Jessica snap. Her engagement was so fresh that Ansel Howard and the people working for him shouldn’t even have known about it.
He also shouldn’t have been sending threatening letters from his jail cell, but nobody was stopping them from being delivered to her house at all hours.
She broke away from Penny and Pete, lunging towards the convict. “You keep my fiancés name out of your goddamn mouth, Howard.” She spat, balling up her hand into a fist and swinging it at his face. She caught his nose, and that’s when Pete put his arms around her and tried to pull her back. “If you come near me, or Jake, I swear to God I will make you wish they gave you the fucking needle in 1989 like you deserved. Count your fucking days, Howard, because if you get out I will find you and I will make you wish you’d never even heard my name.”
“This is getting too dangerous, Pete”
Penny Benjamin frowned at the investigator from across the hospital room. Pete had gotten out of the crash mostly unscathed, but Bob was lying in a hospital bed with his neck in a brace, and a nasty bruise forming under his eye. The Polestar was past saving and, as expected, the other car was nowhere to be found.
“I know what kind of car it was, Penny. That narrows it down. We’re looking for a cop who drives a silver Dodge Charger.” Harry insisted. “They came after us because we’re getting close. They pulled you over because we’re getting close. We almost have them.”
“But you still don’t know who they are.”
Days previously, Penny had been pulled over for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, despite not having a drop of alcohol in her system. The car that pulled her over was a Ford Edge, with sirens on the dashboard. The cops weren’t in uniform and had hurriedly and informally identified themselves. Penny had refused a breathalyzer and was thrown in jail for the night. Just twenty-four hours later, after Penny asked Bob to go digging in police records, Pete and Bob were driven off the side of a cliff.
“I’ve still got contacts in RHD. I’ll swing by this afternoon and talk to Detective Garcia, see if he can get me some names.”
Pete was waiting for Garcia outside of One Police Plaza, knowing full well that Garcia and Halo would have to go out of their way to meet with him. It’s not like either detective minded. Garcia was the only one left at Hollywood RHD since Pete had left. The department was changing, and Pete didn’t like the direction it was leaning.
“Pete Mitchell, nice to see you again. How’s the face?” Mickey Garcia nodded towards the bruise on Pete’s cheek.
“I’ve been better, but the driver is in worse shape. We’re looking for a silver Dodge Charger, loud exhaust, later model year. The guy is a cop.”
“Pete, that could be almost any young male cop in Los Angeles, you have to be more specific.”
“Where would he take it if he wanted something fixed, no questions asked?”
Mickey frowned, waving Halo away. Halo looked confused, but conceded to the younger detective, heading towards a coffee cart. “There’s a guy Jessie’s husband uses out in Echo Park. He drives a 2012, gets his parts and labour for cheap from this guy who only deals in muscle cars. Chargers, Challengers, the odd Mustang. Listen, Pete, Jessie and Jake have had a really rough few years. I’d hate to think that Jake is wrapped up in any of this. You really think he could have killed Alexandra Pilcher?”
Pete sighed. He had been feeling the same turmoil. The case was now affecting people he cared about, in more ways than one. “I don’t know. What I do know from that file you gave me is that he ticks a lot of the boxes. He works vice. He did a lot of time on surveillance when he was a uniform. He drives a Charger.”
Penny Benjamin made a positive ID with the men who pulled her over.
“Be careful, Pete. Jessie has only just managed to put her life back together. They have a baby now. If you need someone to help you pick up the shattered pieces of Jessica’s life, you know where to find me. But you have to go see her yourself before you do anything stupid.”
Jessie hadn’t bothered to get dressed before she jumped into her car and sped over to Echo Park. After this case was wrapped up, she didn’t think there was much of a likelihood she’d ever walk through that neighbourhood and not think of Raynard Waits.
There was patrol cars lined up around the block, an even mix of Ford Explorers and Crown Vics. The sirens were off, but the red and blue lights lit up the neighbourhood. She pulled her car to a stop, barely managing to put it in park and cut the engine before she jumped out, pushing her way through the fray.
“Pete!” She shouted, knowing full well that the detective was still in the house. While her coworkers had gone back to the office following the New Year’s eve party at Beau Simpson’s house, Jessie was in no condition to return to work, and had eventually conceded to Tom Kazansky’s suggestion that she go home and get some rest, on the condition that Kazansky call her the second that something happened.
“Jessica!” Detective Kazansky shouted, catching her eye from where he was talking to Simpson. He met her halfway, placing two reassuring hands on her shoulders. “Pete’s okay. We got him, Jessica. We got Waits.”
“Thank God.” She heaved a sigh of relief, resisting the urge to rest her body weight against the detective. She was still wearing her pajamas: flannel pants and a Hollister zip-up. Her roommates had been scared and confused when she woke them so early in the morning, demanding that they unbox her from the driveway so she could get to an active crime scene.
Bathed under the police lights, Pete Mitchell exited the house with a grim expression on his face. He passed his service weapon to a crime scene technician and looked worse for wear as he headed towards his partner. Jessie broke away from Tom, fighting back tears as she ran at the detective.
“Pete! You’re okay!” She threw her arms around the older man, grounding herself and trying to forget the guilt she felt for allowing this to happen in the first place. If she had been quicker setting up that spreadsheet, if she had combed through the files faster, they would have found out who he was.
Of course, she had gotten there in the end, going back to the station and looking at the files before Pete went off on his own, something Jessie would later discover that he did quite often (it was why he'd earned the nickname 'Maverick' within the department). In the end, it had been her that found out who Raynard Waits actually was, and that was the final push they had needed to find him.
Confused, Pete put his arms around Jessie, trying to steer her away from the reporters he knew would soon gather. The last thing he wanted was for the press to think he was sleeping with a younger officer. His affair with Julia Brasher was offering more than enough blowback.
And Jessie didn’t need to have her career ruined so early. She was bright, and smart and would go very far in homicide with the right instruction.
“We got him, Jessie. We got him.”
“You shot him, didn’t you.”
“I had to.”
“Good. It’s what he deserved. For Detective Johnson.”
“For Detective Johnson.”
Pete Mitchell didn’t want to believe it. He went down to Echo Park that afternoon, conning his way into the back of the car by pretending he’d left something important there. It was a long shot, considering this guy obviously knew the Seresins personally, but Mitchell assumed the guy just wasn’t paid enough to ask questions. But here he was, going through the silver Dodge Charger that ran him and Bob off the road, and the nagging feeling in his stomach was just getting worse as he flipped the visor down, catching a glimpse of the image tacked to the material.
It was from Jessica and Jake’s wedding, the happy couple sitting behind a vintage writing desk as they signed the marriage documents, Jake gently kissing the side of his bride’s head. Behind it, Maverick could see the corner of an ultrasound image. The detective eased it out gently, seeing the scan in full. There was no mistaking the patient name printed in the corner: Jessica Seresin.
He called Penny right away, needing to tell somebody while he worked out just how to tell Jessie. He used his shoulder to press the phone against his ear, steering his ancient Jeep Cherokee in the direction of the highway. If Jessie still lived in Culver City, he could be there in as little as thirty minutes. He always wondered why Jessie had decided to live so far away from the station.
“You remember Jessica Statham, right? My desk sergeant from RHD, she helped with the Howard case. Punched the sucker right in the nose after court”
“Yeah, I remember Jessie. Sweet girl. She’d just made detective, hadn’t she? For putting up with, she probably deserved a medal.”
“I just searched the car that ran me off the road. It belongs to Jessica’s husband. The ‘Seresin’ in ‘Bradshaw and Seresin’ is Jessie’s husband Jake. I’d hoped it was a coincidence; I really did. This is going to break her.”
“No.” A sad tone of disbelief seeped into Penny’s words. “That poor girl. What are you doing next?”
“I’m on my way to go and see her now. They live in Culver City. But, uh, there’s something else. Jessica just had a baby.”
"How the hell can two cops in their early thirties afford a house in Culver City? Especially with a newborn."
"They bought it for a steal price from Tom Kazansky's ex-wife. apparently the couple who lived there were divorcing and wanted it gone as quick as possible. Detective Garcia thinks its probably mortgaged to the hilt."
As Pete pulled up to the house, parking by the curb instead of the driveway, it struck him that in the seven years that he had worked with Jessica Seresin, he had only been to her house once, checking in on her after a day in court for the Ansel Howard case. A sport model Jetta sat in the driveway, in front of a modern garage door.
He stood in front of Jessica’s front door for a shamefully long time while he debated if this was really the best idea. But Jessie would want to hear it from him. Pete knocked on the door, hands in his pockets as he looked around nervously. The front porch was tidy, a few small plant pots filled with bright seasonal blooms.
The frosty glass door opened, revealing a spritely young woman in jeans and a tight-fitting t-shirt. Her engagement ring and wedding band glowed from her ring finger, the only jewellery she was wearing.
“Pete!” She beamed, pulling the detective in for a hug. “I didn’t know you were coming; you should have called. Come in.” If she was at all concerned about the real reason for Pete’s visit, she didn’t show it.
“Nice to see you, Jessica. How have you been these last few years?” Pete asked, trying to put off the real reason for his visit as he slipped out of his dress loafers, leaving them at the front door. As he took his shoes off, he noticed the car seat sitting next to the bench, draped in a white cloth with mint green cartoon dinosaurs on it.
“Same old, same old. If you would get on social media, you would know these things.” Jess laughed, guiding him through the small house and towards the living room.
An episode of ‘Castle’ was paused on the TV, and what seemed to surprise Pete Mitchell most of all was the little girl in her baby bouncer. A small picture frame next to the TV showed Jake Seresin in the hospital, holding his little girl for the first time. Next to it, a picture of Jessie doing the same.
“I stopped working homicide almost four years ago, if you can believe it. I’m in auto theft now, crimes over $80K.” she reached for the infant, lifting her into her arms, and coming towards Pete. “And this little bundle of joy is Rosie. Say hi to your Uncle Pete.” Jessie beamed down at her daughter, lifting one of Rosie’s meaty arms to wave at the detective.
“Hi Rosie.” Pete said softly, reaching for Rose’s small hand. “She’s beautiful.”
“She’s just like her father.” Jessica grinned, moving to sit on the couch, Rosie still in her arms. “I’m going nuts being home all day. I just want to be back at work. I’m back at boxing, finally fit into my regular clothes again. Jake’s been really good, though. He takes Rosie with him on his morning run, and when she wakes up during the night he takes for a drive until she falls asleep again. He’s so good with her, Pete. Almost better than me, some days.”
And that was about to make what Pete had to say a lot harder.
“Jessica, there’s something I need to tell you. Jake’s name has come up in something Penny and I are working on.”
Jessie swallowed, nodding stoically. “Let me go put Rosie down for her nap. Then we can talk.”
While Jessica was busy, Pete took a look around the living room. Against the wall, an impressive stereo setup sat underneath an 8 x 10 wedding picture. Jessica was wearing white, a wide smile on her face as she walked out of the reception venue, hand in hand with her new husband. Behind the turntable, a Tina Turner vinyl was on proud display, next to a reprint of the debut album from the Ben Folds Five. It was quite clear which one was Jessie’s and which one was Jake’s.
When Jessie came back, baby monitor in hand, she looked troubled. It was a look Pete had seen many times before. For such a bright young girl, she worked a difficult job. A lot of the things she had seen in homicide put that look on Jessie’s face. Pete figured that was probably why she left in the first place.
“He’s in trouble, isn’t he.”
“I won’t lie to you, Jessica. I respect you too much for that.”
She nodded, fidgeting with her wedding band. “We’ve had some money trouble lately. This house is mortgaged to hell and back, and we spent so much money going to fertility doctors. Things have been hard since you left the department. All of RHD is gone now. Garcia is the only one who stayed. After the last case we worked together, that fire on New Year’s, I had a full scale mental breakdown. Jake came home from work and found me on the floor, crying, struggling to breathe. I was basically catatonic, he said. I don’t remember much, but I remember how scared he looked. I spent six weeks in a treatment facility in Santa Clarita. They got me on meds for my agoraphobia. And it cost us a small fortune. Lovely place, privately run, not like the mental facilities you see on TV, it was more like a hotel with no television or internet connection. After I got out, I put in for my transfer. It wasn’t just the case. There were a few other things that played their roles.”
Jessica stopped talking, moving from messing with her rings to chewing on her fingernail. She wouldn’t meet Pete’s eyes. The detective waited patiently, knowing that there was more she wasn’t saying. She had been through a lot working at RHD. From losing her mentor to getting shot, and then having what was essentially a heart attack, even though the doctor refused to use that word, Jessica Seresin was stronger than anyone Pete knew. Watching her grow and flourish at the department had been a pleasure. Within five years, she had gone from refusing to enter the interrogation room to willingly following him to a max security prison to interview a convicted murderer.
“We were in a car accident on the way back from seeing my parents in Pasadena, and it caused a miscarriage. I was the one driving, and I never really forgave myself for it. I was turning left on a yellow and another car rushed the light and hit us dead on. The insurance company ruled it was an at-fault for me and Jake. I didn’t know I was pregnant. It shattered me. I left RHD shortly after, and then I had the breakdown.”
“Jessie, this stuff that Jake’s involved in…it’s bad. He could be connected to the deaths of at least four people, including Alex Pilcher. And I think it goes deeper than that. Blackmail, extortion.”
He took a deep breath and then began to explain everything he knew, starting with the Alex Pilcher murder and what he and Penny thought had happened. As he was talking, he watched Jessie’s face carefully. She showed no emotion, until he brought up the car accident. Her mouth gaped, eyes starting to well with tears.
“He told me that he hit a deer. I didn’t even think to question it; he just took the car straight to the repair guy. I swear I didn’t know.”
“I know, Jessie. I know.” Pete sighed, reaching for her hand. “You couldn’t have.”
“I’ve been struggling since Rosie was born. The doctor thinks it’s peri-natal anxiety. I think I’m just broken. If I had been my usual self, maybe I would have noticed.” She cursed. “What else is he hiding from me?”
Jessica Statham had spent so long believing that she couldn’t be loved, and when she finally finds a man who makes her feel secure and safe, he turns out to be a corrupt cop.
“If Jake is involved, it’s not his fault. I need you to know that, Pete My husband doesn’t have a violent bone in his body. If he’s involved, it’s because of Bradley Bradshaw.” Jess insisted, voice cracking. “I’ve never liked Bradley. Something about him always made me uneasy. I don’t know if Jake always liked him either, to be honest. He didn’t want to invite Bradley to the wedding but feared it would make things awkward at the office if he didn’t. And I’ve never let Bradley near Rosie, even at the house when he'd be watched by other people. Whatever is going on here, Bradshaw made him do it.”
Bradley Bradshaw. Bradshaw and Seresin.
“Does Bradley Bradshaw drive a Ford?”
Jessie nodded. “An Edge, I think. The thing is a piece of shit but between alimony and child support, I think its all he can afford.”
“I don’t think you should be alone right now, knowing what you know”
Jessie scoffed. “You think I’d do something stupid? With Rosie in the house?”
“No, but Bradley Bradshaw might.”
Jessie shook her head, getting to her feet. “I have to call Natasha. Jake’s sister lives in Echo Park, I’ll see if she can take Rosie for a bit. Fuck, Pete. How did this happen?”
Pete knew exactly how it happened. Jake Seresin got desperate to protect the people he loved. Pete would be lying if he said he wouldn’t do the same for Riley. Jessie had seen firsthand how far off the rails Maverick had flown when his ex-wife was killed.
Desperate men are the most dangerous, in Pete’s opinion.
“Do you know where Jake might have gone?”
“Thai Town, maybe? I don’t know. He’s supposed to be working a job with the crime reduction unit. He’s been trying to get out of vice since Rosie was born. I think becoming a father has changed the way he sees his job.”
“No shit. He goes to work and solicits prostitutes every day.”
“Only so he can bust the pimps and traffickers. I understand that. It’s part of his job. But I think it’s started making him feel dirty, and a little dishonest. He’s been thinking about transferring to internal affairs.”
Harry nodded. “Higher pay, steadier hours.”
“And he’d be away from Bradley.” Jessie wiped her eyes, pacing up and down the length of her oriental carpet before scrabbling through the stacks of pages on the coffee table, trying to find her inhaler. Her chest felt tight, her head screaming and ears ringing. She couldn’t shut down just yet.
She needed her husband home safe first.
“Pete, if you find him, I know you have to bring him in, its your job. But please don’t hurt him. He promised he’d never let me become a single mother. I need him to come home to me. Alive and in jail is better than six feet under.”
“I’ll do what I can, Jessica. Right now, I think I might have to save him from himself.”
Jessie nodded, clutching her phone to her chest with a white-knuckled grip. Her first call would be to Natasha in Studio City, and then to Jake’s sister. And then she was going to find her husband.
“Bring him home, Pete.”
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pinguwrites · 1 year ago
Kinktober 2023 | Day Thirty-One — Jackson Rippner + ghostface!reader
Pairing -> jackson rippner x ghostface!reader
Summary -> In this college au, Halloween is nearing its corner, only for the festive mood to be cut short when your classmate is brutally killed. As the series of murders continues, Jackson Rippner finds himself the next target, oblivious to the fact that his hunter is you, his girlfriend, the ghostface.
Warnings: mention of death, jackson being a simp
Disclaimer: Red Eye characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
This is just an excerpt for the full-length fic that's coming out, bc I felt like this prompt deserved something much longer than just a drabble.
A/N: not me reading over this thing after it's published and seeing all the mistakes 😭
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Jackson Rippner was trying to become more romantic for you, an endeavor that started about a week ago after he noticed you liked passionate men. It was a simple conversation about fictional crushes — you know, the ones you have as a kid when he realized all the men you had pointed out were terribly lovey-dovey and all sentimental-like. A few origami roses here and there, some thoughtful gifts, maybe some poetic letters, and he was sure that he could outcompete all of them. He was the only man you needed, the only man you could ever want.
He knew how it sounded—pathetic. Since when was he the type to change himself for a girl? He was no Romeo or Jack Dawson, and he certainly didn’t want to be. He wasn’t a simpering fool, chasing after a pretty girl like it was his life’s mission, but as it turned out, he was for you. And if you liked your men romantic, then Jackson would be romantic
Starting off with whatever this was: a package of your favorite stuff. For one, two books you mentioned wanting to get but couldn’t spare the money for, which Jackson painstakingly searched through the town for. He finally found them in some niche bookstore on the outskirts of Craven, overpriced for the value—or some other equally stupid bullshit—even though he knew damn well that he could get it for half the price if he drove further into the main city. He would have, but he knew his father would get pissed if he wasted that much gas money, and fearing to face his fist, he settled for the high cost. It’s for her, so it’s worth it.
For second, and last—at least for now, some bath bombs. He made them from scratch, swiping the ingredients from around the house. He used a cedar wood scent for the essential oil, as it was the closet smell he could get to his cologne, and made three bombs, wrapped them in plastic, and put them alongside the books in the bag.
It was perfect. You were going to love it. You had to love it. How could you not?
He closed the bag and placed it on his desk, ready to go to sleep, when the landline downstairs rang. It was probably telemarketers, but it could also be his parents, who were out on date night. 
He headed downstairs and picked up the phone, but the voice on the other end caught him off guard. “Hey,” a woman said, but it didn’t sound natural. It sounded like there was a voice modulator, the ones that criminals used in those crime shows you forced him to watch.
“Hey?” Jackson responded, confused, and a little irritated.
“I know who you are.”
Jackson tried to focus on the sound of the voice. Maybe he could pick out who it was if he listened close enough, but it was a fruitless effort. It was female, but too common to tell.
“You’re the one calling me,” he said, tone laced with amusement, “I should assume so.”
“Do you know who I am?”
“A creep? A weirdo?” Jackson laughed. “A stalker? I dunno. Take your pick.”
It was quiet. For a moment, he thought the woman hung up, but then she spoke again, “A lover. I’m a lover, Jackson.”
“Good for you.” He glanced back at the package he left on his desk. He was tired, and didn’t want to deal with this right now. “Now, how about you either stop acting mysterious and tell me what you want, or I cut the call.”
“Someone’s going to die tonight, Jackson,”  the woman said. Oddly enough, Jackson felt a twinge of excitement at her words. It was oddly thrilling, and adrenaline inducing to hear such a thing. It was at this point he realized with himself that this was a prank, because who would just admit to premeditated murder? but still—it was hot. He wished you would say those things.  
“I hope it’s that girl from my English class. What’s her name? Ah, fuck, I forgot. She’s the bitchy one —all emotion. Screams every time the lights go out. You know her?”
“Yeah, I know her.”
So, she’s been on campus, Jackson thought. Following me, maybe. I can’t believe it! 
“It’s not her, though. But who knows, maybe she’ll be next. Would you like that?”
“Doll, I really don’t care. Do me a favor, and don’t call me again.”
He put the phone down and went back upstairs. What a fucking psycho. He was too tired to deal with this shit. After freshening up, he pulled the covers over himself and turned off the lamp, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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stargazer-sims · 22 days ago
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Journal Entry #9 (part two)
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I felt better after my conversation with Dr. Nelson, but not enough to be totally at ease. Despite her admonition not to worry, I still did. It was practically impossible not to.
I tossed and turned in bed all of Thursday night, and when I woke up on Friday morning I was feeling utterly drained in both body and mind. Pain and tiredness notwithstanding, I managed to get through all my work tasks and I even scraped together enough willpower to bake Victor’s favourite cake once I was finished working in the afternoon.
Baking a cake requires breaking eggs. If I haven’t mentioned it already, I dislike touching food, and my absolute least favourite thing to touch is raw egg, Just the thought of slimy egg white on my fingers makes me nauseous, which is why I generally avoid cracking them myself, but for Victor I’ll brave almost anything, even the dreaded eggs. I put on sterile medical gloves and a mask and I cracked three of them for his cake.
It turned out well. Since I don’t know how to make frosting from scratch, I frosted it with store-bought maple cream that we had left over in the fridge from Victor’s last batch of cupcakes. We both enjoy maple-flavoured sweets, and we always look forward to care packages from his Grandpa Michael who often sends us maple candy or bottles of maple syrup rolled in half a dozen layers of bubble wrap. I think the maple cream frosting was in a care package from Grandpa Michael too, because the label on the container was in English and what I presume was French, and it had a brand logo I didn’t recognize.
After I was finished with the cake, I took a nap. I wanted to be alert and somewhat refreshed when Victor arrived home.
Victor’s flight was supposed to get in at six o'clock, and I’d intended to meet him at the airport myself, but halfway through the day I knew I wouldn’t have the stamina or the mental focus to drive there. I had to ask Kimiko, one of our friends from next door, if she’d pick him up instead. Luckily, she agreed to go.
Around half-past six, I started to get impatient even though I realized Victor wouldn’t possibly be home that soon. Assuming his flight landed exactly on time, I’d probably be waiting until at least seven o’clock. Victor would need time to collect his luggage, and since his passport is issued by another country, he’d also need to pass by our border agents at the airport to have his immigration status checked. Then it would take about twenty minutes for him and Kimiko to make their way back from the airport after that.
I tried to think of ways to distract myself, but I couldn’t focus on anything for more than a few minutes. Every time I heard a car drive slowly down our street, I hurried to the window to check. After about the seventh or eighth time, I was rewarded at last by the sight of Kimiko’s little blue car pulling up to the curb in front of our house.
The second I saw Victor climb out of the passenger’s seat of Kimiko’s car, I wanted to rush outside, but I exercised some self-control. I watched as he pulled his stuff out of the back seat, gave Kimiko a wave goodbye and then trotted up to the house. My restraint lasted about as long as it took for him to reach the front door.
In that instant, I don’t know who was more desperate to see and touch who. The moment Victor came in, he dropped his bags and ran to me even as I was crossing the room as fast as I could toward him. We practically fell into each other’s arms, and Victor held onto me so tightly that it was uncomfortable. I didn’t say anything about it and decided I could endure being squished for a minute. I was glad to have him back. To be in his arms, a slightly too-tight embrace was a small price to pay.
“I missed you!” was the first thing I said.
“I missed you too. Being away from you was so hard. Even harder than I thought it’d be.”
“For me too. I kept worrying you wouldn’t come back.”
“It was touch-and-go for a second, but there’s no way I would’ve let that happen,” he said. “I’ll always come back to you, no matter what.”
“I’d rather if we didn’t have to test that any more,” I said.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t ever leave me again, Victor Nelson.” My words came out in a kind of fierce whisper. “Do you hear me? You’re not allowed.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he slumped in my arms and pressed his face into my hair. I could tell straight away that he was crying. “I won’t. I promise, I won’t ever leave you again.”
“You’d better not,” I said, and immediately felt bad when he whimpered in response.
“Sorry,” he whispered. “If I knew how hard it’d be...”
“No, I’m sorry,” I told him. “I don’t want to tell you what to do. I just don’t like being apart from you.”
“From now on, we’ll go everywhere together,” he said. “I still want to see the world, but not without you. I know that for sure now.”
As terrifying as the idea of travelling internationally is to me, the thought of not being with Victor for even a short time is far worse. I reasoned that if I truly love him to the ends of the earth and back as I said, I could go that far with him. Then and there, I resolved that I would go anywhere as long as he stayed close to me.
“All right,” I said. “If you’re determined to see the world, I’ll see it with you.”
“Yes,” I affirmed.
“Yuri!” He tightened his arms around me again, harder than he had the first time. “I really wanted to hear you say that, but I never thought… I mean, I know it’ll be scary for you, but I’ll be there to protect you, and—”
“Victor,” I said, as gently as I could. “You’re hurting me.”
“Oh! Sorry!” he exclaimed. He immediately relaxed. “I got excited.”
I smiled. “I know.”
“Where do you want to go first?” he asked.
“Honestly, for now I just want to stay right here and enjoy being with you. We’ll have time to plan our adventures together later. There are some important things we need to take care of here at home first.”
“You mean, important things like dinner?”
This time, I was the one who squeezed him. I was laughing and crying at the same time, so absolutely grateful and overwhelmed that I couldn’t even figure out how to express it.
“You’re impossible, and I love you so much,” was all I could think to say.
We stood together for a long time, appreciating the closeness and warmth of one another and not saying anything. Victor smelled like coconut. I breathed in the scent, comforted by its familiarity. Sunscreen. Of course he must’ve used lots of it on Kainani Island, but he uses it practically every day when he’s here as well. When he’s on the mountain he always puts sunscreen on his face, and I’ve noticed its coconut fragrance so often in the past year and a half that now I associate it with him.
After a while, Victor shifted in my arms. ‘Yuri?”
“I really am hungry,” he said against my shoulder. “I don’t want to let you go, but…”
“It’s all right,” I said. I didn’t want to let go either, but I lowered my arms and took a step back. “You get something to eat, and I’ll sit with you. There are some things I need to tell you.”
“Did you remember to go grocery shopping?”
Belatedly, I realized that I hadn’t. Embarrassed, I said, “No, but there’s rice and soy cheese, and stuff for a salad. Also, I made a cake for you today.”
“Maple cream cake?”
“I know what you like.”
“Would it be bad if I like, didn’t cook anything and ate the entire cake instead?”
“If that’s what you want to do, I’m not about to stop you,” I said. “I only hope eating an entire cake doesn’t give you an upset stomach.”
Victor grinned. “You know me. I can eat anything. I could probably eat rocks and still be totally fine.”
Watching Victor eat makes me happy because it’s obvious how much he enjoys it. Just because I don’t like food, I’d never wish anyone else to like it less. I eat because I have to, but Victor eats for pleasure, and I could never resent him for indulging in that simple joy.
Victor didn’t eat the entire cake, although judging by how ravenous he seemed to be, I thought he was going to. I caught myself reminding him to chew his food like a civilized person, and he laughed and made an exaggerated show of chewing with his mouth open, just to vex me. He’s such a child sometimes, but it’s difficult for me to stay mad at him for any reason, even if he’s doing something annoying on purpose.
He ate about a quarter of the cake, and then finished my leftover bowl of vegetables and rice from the day before. Dessert, apparently, was half a litre of vanilla-flavoured soy milk and just a bit more cake because, “It tastes like Sunday morning.”
I knew exactly what he meant. I pictured us cuddling in bed on a Sunday, not quite awake, with cups of tea that had been made with good intentions cooling on the bedside table. I imagined Victor kissing the back of my shoulder just above my birthmark like he always does and calling it my beauty spot. We’d doze off for several minutes and maybe wake up again to the gentle cadence of rain on the roof.
Sunday mornings are comfortable and slow. They’re the essence of contentment. If Sunday morning could be distilled into a flavour, maybe it would be maple cream, soft and sweet and easy. It warmed me inside to think the cake I’d made for Victor evoked similar sentiments for him.
While Victor finished his very unorthodox meal, I filled him in on the events of the previous day. I was considerably calmer about it than I’d been the evening before, so I was able to get through the whole story without losing my concentration or tearing up. It was challenging to say out loud that we’d essentially been evicted from our home, and harder still to say that my parents couldn’t help. I left out what my father had said about him. Telling that part would’ve been hurtful and cruel, and I’d never knowingly do that to him.
“What about my mom?” Victor wanted to know. “I guess this means she’s not coming now, right?”
“No, she’s still coming,” I reassured him. “If anything, she’s more determined than ever to come here. She said she’s going to lend us a hand with packing and organizing everything, and she said she’ll do whatever she can to help.”
He looked relieved. “Good. It’ll all be okay if Mom’s here.”
“Maybe not all okay. I’m glad your mother’s coming and that she’s willing to help us with our move, but we still have to find a place to move to.”
He deflated slightly. “Yeah.”
“And you need to look for work.”
“I’ve actually been thinking about that,” he said. “Do you think I’d make a good snowboarding instructor?”
“According to your reference letter from your boss at your old job, she thought you were an excellent fitness instructor.”
“Yeah, but that was for swimming lessons and aerobic workouts and personal trainer type stuff. Snowboarding is technical.”
“You’re an expert,” I pointed out. “Anyway, what makes you think being a fitness instructor or a personal trainer aren’t technical jobs, too? You had to know a lot of things about health and wellness to help your clients when you worked at the fitness centre back home, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, and I’ve kept my skills up, practicing on you.” He gave me a mischievous look. “You’re my favourite health and wellness project, you know.”
“I know. Between your meal plans and your low-stress daily exercises, you’ve managed to help me not to be in bed for weeks at a time and to be on the mountain more during this past year than I’ve ever been able to in my life.”
“You being so sick that you were in bed for over a week when I first came here literally terrified me,” he said, “I never want to see that happen again, especially if there’s something I can do about it. Plus, anything that helps you get onto the mountain’s got to be good.”
“Absolutely,” I said. “As for your job options, there’s a health club in Kiyosaka. Maybe you could ask if they need someone with your qualifications. If the snowboarding instructor plan doesn’t work out, that is.”
“So, personal fitness coach for posh people from rich families?”
“You’re already doing that with me. You’d just have more clients, and you’d get paid.”
“You’re not all that posh for someone from a rich family,” Victor said.
“I don’t really do posh,” I said. “I couldn’t go to get drive-through takeaway in my pyjamas with you if I had to worry about being elegant and proper all the time.”
“I like you in your pyjamas. I’m glad you’re not posh,” he said. “But… me doing anything with those fancy people in Kiyosaka? They’d probably hate me just as much as your dad does.”
“They might surprise you.”
“I’ll think about it,” Victor said. “But, I’m going up the mountain tomorrow, to talk to the guys at the Recreation Association. I want to see if they’ve got anything first.”
“I’m glad you’ve got a plan.”
“I figured it’s about time I had one,” he said. “I obviously couldn’t live on my savings and my competition money forever, and travelling is expensive. Besides, your family’s never going to accept me if I don’t start showing a little initiative and doing something to prove I can provide for you.”
It’s going to take a lot more than Victor getting a job before my family accepts him, but I didn’t tell him that. “You don’t need to prove anything. You already provide for me in ways that have nothing to do with earning money, and I’m proud of you for being who you are. What my family thinks doesn’t matter.”
“It does if I’m the reason they don’t want to associate with you any more.”
“Victor—“ I began.
“Yeah. You’d probably rather not talk about that, I guess.” He turned away abruptly and started to leave the kitchen. “I’m going to my room for a few minutes. I want to call Mom.”
Victor was on the phone with his mother considerably more than a few minutes. When it seemed like he was going to be a while, I decided to get ready for bed. I wouldn’t actually go to my room because I wanted to wait for Victor, to see whose room we’d finally end up in for the night, but I’d be comfortable while I was waiting, in any case. Or as comfortable as I could be.
I laid down on the sofa, wondering how long it’d be before I’d lose the battle to stay awake. I yawned.
If you try not to close your eyes…
But of course the urge to close them was inexorable. I fell asleep, and I think I must’ve been the next thing to unconscious. When I awoke again, Victor was on the sofa with me and my head was resting in his lap, and I had absolutely no recollection of him moving me into that position.
He smiled at me when he noticed I was awake. “Hey, sleepy boy.”
“Hey,” I said. My limbs and eyelids felt heavy, and my voice sounded creaky. “Time is it?”
“No idea,” Victor said. He poked my chest teasingly. “You were snoring.”
“I don’t snore.”
You do, and it’s cute.”
“Shut up,” I said, dragging out the last syllable in a soft whine. “You’re not allowed to tease me when I don’t feel well.”
“Want me to give you a belly rub?”
“No,” I said, but I actually kind of did want that.
“Know what I think?” he said. “I think it’s way past bedtime for you, Okamoto-san.”
“Yes. Please take me to bed.”
Victor laughed. “I’m not sure that came out the way you intended.”
I felt the heat of a blush under the skin of my forehead and cheeks, but it wasn’t the awkward sort of embarrassment that makes you wish you hadn’t opened your mouth to speak. It was the kind that just made me want to laugh at myself. “I’m so tired,” I said. “I can’t think straight any more. Obviously, you do need to help me into bed, because with my brain like this, I might get lost on the way there.”
“Oh no!” Victor put a hand to his chest in mock-horror. “What if you got so lost that you wandered into my room?”
That time, I did laugh. “All’s well that ends well?”
“I think you just like sleeping with me.”
“I don’t think that came out the way you intended.”
“Sharing my bed,” he corrected himself. “I think you like sharing my bed.”
“You’re right. I do.”
“Well, in that case, let’s go.”
He got up from his spot, and before I could protest, he gathered me in his arms and lifted me up off the sofa too. I gasped, a little from sudden dizziness and a little from surprise. “Victor!”
“Hey,” he said. He gazed into my face. “Are you all right? You’re not going to pass out, are you? Because you look like you’re going to.”
I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “No. I’m good.”
“Good, because you scared me for a second there. I thought carrying you would be helpful, but maybe not?”
“No, it is,” I assured him. “I like it.”
“Okay, then. Off to bed.”
He carried me into his own bedroom, since he likely already knew I’d end up in his bed before the night was over anyway. Carefully, he put me down on top of the blankets. “You okay?”
“Yes,” I said. “I’m okay. Everything’s all right now that you’re here.” And at that moment, it truly felt like it was. All our problems were still there and I was still achy and fatigued, but I was comforted to know that I didn’t have to face any of it by myself. With Victor, I always feel protected and safe, even when our world is spinning completely out of control around us.
“I’m going to take a quick shower,” he said. “Then I’ll be back to snuggle with you, okay?”
I smiled up at him. “I’ll be waiting.”
He leaned over me and kissed my forehead. “I love you, Yuri. Always you. Only you.”
“To the ends of the earth and back.”
“To the ends of the earth and back,” he echoed. “I won’t be long. Think nice thoughts, and I’ll be with you again in no time.”
“Leave the bathroom door open so I can hear you?” I said.
I felt silly for wanting that much reassurance, but if Victor minded or thought it was weird, he showed no sign. “I can do that. Is there anything else you need?”
“Can you bring my hot water bottle, please?”
He chewed his lip and looked contrite. “I guess you really aren’t feeling good. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have teased you.”
“It’s fine. I really don’t mind, even if I sometimes say I do. Sometimes I complain about your teasing just to see your reaction.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Almost as unfair as teasing an ill man,” I said.
“Go on. Take your shower.”
“Let me get your hot water bottle first.”
“No, have your shower first and get the hot water bottle when you’re done,” I said. “That way, when you come back, you won’t have to leave the room any more tonight.”
“You’ve got this all figured out,” he said.
“You always say I’m the organized one.”
“Because you are,” he replied. “I’m a walking disaster.”
“Maybe, but you’re my favourite, so I don’t mind.”
“Your favourite disaster.” He looked amused. “I like it. Give me fifteen minutes, and then you’ve got me for the rest of the night.”
I just hummed in satisfaction, anticipating him next to me.
When he came back from the shower, still smelling of sweet coconut, it was immediately evident that he’d gotten distracted in the ten or fifteen minutes since I’d last seen him. He’d completely forgotten about the hot water bottle. Rather than ask him again, I opted not to mention it.
On the plus side, I ended up receiving the belly rub I’d said I didn’t want. It wasn’t as effective as heat and compression would have been, but I wasn’t about to refuse being tended by someone who just wanted to help me feel better. He moved his hand in slow, rhythmic circles, his palm warm against my skin, and the psychological benefit was worth the shortfall of physical benefit.
Eventually, Victor’s hand stopped moving. He slid his arm around my middle and let it go limp, and I noticed he was breathing evenly.
I stroked his forearm, and he stirred a little and made a sound like “Mmph.”
“Victor? Are you still awake?”
“Mm-hmm,” he murmured. “Sleepy, though. What is it? You still in pain?”
“A little,” I said. “But, I’m just thinking.”
“‘Bout what?” he mumbled.
“Are we going to be okay?”
“Don’t worry,” he said. “S’all good. We got us. More d’we need?”
What more do we need?
A lot more than just each other, I thought, but then I realized what he meant. It was exactly what I’d been saying to myself earlier. We may have material needs, and we may need solutions to our problems, but the thing we certainly dio not lack is the love and support and mutual strength to face whatever comes our way.
Victor was right. We’re together and we will be okay.
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bakugokemkatsuki · 1 year ago
Iwaizumi Hajime X Reader
Oikawa Toru X Reader (Platonic)
**Genre: Angstish/ Fluff???
**Warning(s): bullying
**Reader is Fem/GN (ish)
**Key: Talking; You, Iwaizumi
You’d been in the same class as Oikawa since middle school. You two were polar opposites in every way. You were introverted and pessimistic while Oikawa was extraverted and optimistic . You were always dressed in black, while Oikawa was very colorful. He was athletic and you were not. Anything you two could be opposites about you were. So how did you ever end up friends with him? Well let’s just say you were sure your teachers absolutely loved torturing you. It all started back in middle school with you two being paired together for a project. It didn’t stop there though, it seemed after that your teachers were always finding a reason to have you two work together. This little thing carried over into high school. Now after being paired together so much you were bound to become friends. You ended up really liking his company and you realized there was way more to him than just his pretty setter “fame”. Now being friends with Oikawa meant Iwaizumi as well. They were a package deal. Now though you and Iwaizumi had more in common then you and Oikawa (i.e. you both liked the same music, similar movies, and had similar color palettes for dressing) you two were still pretty close to opposites. The three of you were really close and you quite liked hanging out with them. Having weekend movie marathons at Oikawa’s house binging the Godzilla movies or Alien Documentaries were some of your favorite memories. You though not one to care much about sports found yourself at there games more and more until you were always there at every game. You quite enjoyed seeing them two play the chemistry on the court was phenomenal and way different from them normally. Now what most people didn’t realize was just how hard being friends with them was. Why? Well once you guys hit high school Oikawa had fans popping up left and right. By second year he had a whole fan club. He quite liked his fans but he never saw the dark side. You were normally bullied not a lot but some back in middle school for being weird, dark, different. Now though, his fan girls were ruthless. It started small but when you seemed unbothered it quickly became physical. They’re push you or shove you or trip you just because you were friends with Oikawa. They would constantly harass you. It was getting really bad, but you didn’t want to ruin your friend’s happiness so you stuck it out. Until one day… The girls had caught you on your way to the gym and like usual were braiding you about why you’re not good enough to be around Oikawa. As you tried to walk past one girl shoved you and when you didn’t fall a second girl shoved you again causing you to fall. While they did this they continued hurling insults until they heard a voice. “Get out of here now and leave her the HELL alone.” Terrified the girls fled without another word. You sat there looking down at the ground. “Please don’t tell him.” Iwaizumi offered you his hand helping you up. “Why? You don’t deserve that.” “He deserves to be happy.” Frustration lacked in Iwaizumi’s voice as he said “So do you. He deserves to know.”After a bit more arguing you agree to tell Oikawa everything. You two stood there looking at each other in since when Iwaizumi finally spoke again. “Um… by the way, what they said… you know it’s not true right. You’re the most beautiful person I know.” “Iwa… I can I be honest?” “Sure.” “I don’t want to ruin our friendship dynamic but I have feelings for you.” “Really?” “Yes. I know a lot of people were expecting me to fall for ‘Shittykawa’ but it’s you.” “Funny enough… I like you too.” You two ended up starting to date not long after that and Oikawa did not take the news well. “WHAT MY BEST FRIENDS ARE DATING NOW I HAVE TO THIRD WHEEL ALL OUR HANG OUTS!!”Though he wined a lot he was the most supportive of the relationship and thought how he couldn’t wait to be the best man at your wedding someday. He was happy for the two of you because you both deserve the world.
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iamvegorott · 10 months ago
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt5
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Marvin spent another week traveling around and trying to figure out what to do. He did see Jackie but apparently, it was impossible to not have that man on his mind since he started finding little ‘care packages’ for him around the city. He knew they were from Jackie since all of the little boxes had a piece of paper taped to the top that had JBM written on it. It didn’t take a lot of thinking to connect JBM with Jackieboyman. The boxes were usually filled with food, containers of tea, and bottles of water. 
Right now Marvin sat under a tree in the park, the leaves above him beginning to turn yellow and orange. He was eating one of the ‘care package’ sandwiches while waiting for someone to pick up his call. He thinks he finally managed to find someone that could help him get home. 
“First and last name.” An automated voice asked. Marvin bit back an annoyed sigh at getting a machine and not a person but hoped giving that information would get him closer.
“Marvin…Um…Marvin…” Marvin thickly swallowed.
Why couldn’t he remember his last name?
“Marvin Marvin. Is that correct? Yes or no?”
“No. No. It’s Marvin…fuck.” Marvin hung up the call, suddenly feeling like he wanted to throw up. He stared off at the dying grass and found it hard to breathe, heavily panting as panic started bubbling inside him.
He was Marvin. 
He was Marvin. 
Marvin what? 
The Magnificent. 
Where did that come from? The hell kind of name was that? 
That wasn’t-he isn’t. 
Marvin pressed a hand to his chest, sandwich falling and air suddenly in short supply. 
Breathe, Marvin, breathe. 
“Shit.” Marvin wheezed as he forced himself to his feet, his other hand on the tree as he remained hunched over, slowly working that unwelcomed rush of fear away with deeper and deeper breaths. 
Why couldn’t he remember…why couldn’t he remember anything?
This wasn’t good. He needed to get out of the public. He needed to be alone, he needed some peace. 
Jackie casually jumped from one roof to the other. He had found one of his boxes in the park and the mess that was left behind told him something was wrong. Marvin always cleaned up and put everything back into the box neatly. Jackie had asked around and the few witnesses around said the man had just disappeared and he assumed that meant Marvin was up on a roof again. 
“Tell him he can choke on the entirety of my ass if he has a problem with how I’m doing this.” Jackie scoffed into the phone. “I’m supposed to be the one that brings him to the House so I’m doing it my way.” He jumped onto the next roof, still not seeing Marvin yet. “Remember the last time we went against the prediction? There was a lot of fire. And the time before that took out half a country's power for a whole day. Aren’t we supposed to be like low-key? I’m doing pretty good about that compared to those messes.” Jackie did another jump and this time he saw Marvin, sitting on a raised ledge of this roof, letting his feet hang off the edge. “Found him. I’ll fill you in later.” Jackie hung up the phone and started walking over to Marvin.
But then he paused.
Was that a sniff? 
A sob?
Was Marvin crying?
Oh…it must have kicked in. 
Jackie had hoped it didn’t happen until Marvin was at the House, with more information about everything and with the others around to help. They were a lot better at dealing with this than he was but he couldn’t let Marvin go through his alone. 
It hurt too much to do it alone.
He would know. 
Jackie got confirmation that Marvin was crying when he got closer, hearing it a lot clearer now and as he sat down on the ledge next to Marvin, he could see the wet spots of tears on Marvin’s pants. 
“Did I manage to sneak up on you this time or does this still not count?” Jackie weakly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. He knew it had to be bad when Marvin didn’t give a comeback, he didn’t even look at him. “Are you okay?” 
“I…I can’t remember them.” Marvin’s voice came out soft and raspy as if he’d been crying for a while. 
“That happens. I was told that it’s how we adjust to this new…form. It’s weird.” Jackie also knew he wasn’t the best at this because he didn’t really pay too much attention to the details of what they were. He just wanted to live and thinking too far into his and the other’s reality got sad. Jackie didn’t do sad. Or at least he tried not to. 
“They’re not here. My friends, my family. They’re not here. I don’t have anything. All I have are my clothes and even then the jacket I’m wearing isn’t even mine.” Marvin’s laugh was forced, strained, and almost sounded painful. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“I can’t remember my mom.” Marvin finally looked at Jackie, eyes red and filled with tears that continued rolling down his cheeks. “I had her face in my head just hours ago and now she’s gone.” 
“Forgetting mom is the hardest.” Jackie wished he knew how to comfort Marvin. He felt so useless. “I mean, I know we don’t actually have parents but…but losing that memory still hurts. It doesn’t matter if it was real or not. It still sucks.” 
“I went from having so many people around me to being alone. Or at least I think I had people. I don’t fucking remember anymore. I think I had a cat or was it a hamster? N-No it was a cat…was it? The fuck did I have?” Marvin looked at Jackie with a pleading look, silently begging him to give him an answer. 
“I’m sorry, Marvin. I don’t know.” Jackie placed a hand on Marvin’s shoulder and he felt an ache in his own heart when Marvin cursed, beginning to cry again. Jackie did what worked for him when he was like this and he moved closer to Marvin, pulling him into a hug. 
Jackie didn’t know how long they stayed like that, how long he held Marvin and let him cry into his chest. He didn’t care how long it took, he’d sit like this all night if Marvin needed it. 
Eventually, Marvin did pull away and Jackie let him go. The two sat in silence for a while before Jackie broke it. 
“Wanna see a magic trick I learned?” Jackie asked, getting a confused look from Marvin.
“Cool! Let me see your hand.” Jackie held his own out. Marvin still looked confused but he went with it, placing his hand palm-side up on Jackie’s. “Gotta have a little patience with this one.” He took the very tips of his fingers, using his dull nails, and scratched at Marvin’s palm before closing his fingers over it. Marvin blinked and just waited as Jackie did that gesture several times before just barely pinching the center of his palm and then ‘plucking’ at it. “Eh? Did it feel like I just pulled a string out of your hand?” 
“Yeah.” Marvin was lying, but the way Jackie perked up and gave him the brightest smile made him not feel bad about it. “I don’t get you.” 
“You don’t get me?” Jackie tilted his head a bit.
“I just-” Marvin did a scoff-like laugh. “Why are you so nice? I’ve pushed you off a building and had you fall out of a tree and knocked you off a fence, and yet you just keep making sure I’m the one that’s okay.” 
“I mean, if you actually wanted to hurt me, you wouldn’t have made sure my landings were soft. I might not be the smartest guy, but even I caught on to that.” Jackie did an exaggerated tongue pop and smiled when that got Marvin to laugh. “Oh! If you knock me off the roof again could I have like feathers as my padding? I think the puff of them flying in the air would make a funny scene.”
“You don’t have to worry about a padded landing.”
“Why not?” 
“Because I’ll go with you to the House.”
“You will!?” 
“You already have my hand, you can just walk away with me,” Marvin smirked as Jackie looked down, saw that he was, in fact, still holding his hand, and started sputtering.
“I-I just-I was-uh-distracted and-”
“Take me to the House before I change my mind.”
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onyxrosess · 9 months ago
Pain is My Hometown
vergil x reader [multi-chapter series]
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Chapter III: Only Fools Follow Their Heart
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Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III [you're here!] | Chapter IV | Table of Contents
・warnings/tags: some mature topics.
( cross-posted on ao3 )
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A few days have passed since going out with Dante and the girls, after your conversation with Nero— well it was an argument. You apologized to him the morning after, still feeling a little guilty for your delivery of your concern. Nero of course did not hold a grudge, just brushed it off and resumed life as normal. Later that day Kyrie shouted at you, someone was calling asking for you. Secretly, not really a secret at all, you hoped it was Kane. It had been radio silence since two nights prior. 
And as luck was in your favor, Kane’s voice spoke through the landline. It was different hearing his voice so clearly instead of being suppressed by blaring music and shouting. The conversation went well, giving him Devil May Cry’s number. Since the city had far more job opportunities than Fortuna, you had already started looking at job listings passively, not having to rely on Kyrie’s endless support would be nice for a change. Relying on Dante felt more morally correct, two negatives make a positive right?
Currently, you sorted through a package Kyrie received as a gift for her help in the orphanage. Most of it was household items, as Kyrie never accepted money, she barely even let you help around the house. Selfless woman, but it’s admirable to give without guarantee of something in return. Making a pile of unopened letters addressed to Kyrie for her to read, some of the return addresses had names you recognized, there were a few kids in Fortuna who came to Kyrie for help after a small hell gate had opened. Luckily it had happened when Nero and Nico were in town. It was nowhere near the scale of the artificial hell gates that had opened in Fortuna when The Order was around. But enough to leave kids without parents, or parents to grieve their children’s lives. 
Ringing filled the room as the landline was the clear source. You walked over and held it to your ear as your other hand still had an envelope in it. “Hello?” “Hey party animal.” You rolled your eyes, you had one drunken night in the past 6 months and now you’re the party animal. “Shut it, what did you call for?” “You said you were looking for jobs right?” Your interest was now piqued, instead of just being playfully annoyed with Dante. “Yeah, I am.” “Well, your dearest friend has an offer for you.” Why does this sound like it’s not gonna end well? Back to being annoyed with him. You reluctantly hummed a response. “How about you come help with some of the shop's legal papers. I’ll pay ya.” “I thought you were short on work, where the hell are you gonna get money to pay me?” “I have my ways.” Last time you checked this man was far deeper into debt than you could even imagine. “It won’t be all the time, the stack of papers does end eventually. Plus Trish and Lady will be there sometimes. I’m not a very strict boss.” A sigh left your lips, it wasn’t a bad deal. Filing papers and calling companies didn’t seem that bad. “Fine.” “You’re amazing, I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Yeah yeah, whatever old man.” Dante shouted at you through the phone but just as quickly as that started you hung the phone back up with a satisfying click and a smile on your face.
The sun peaked above the horizon, filling your bedroom with a warm glow, unfortunately waking you up from your slumber. Stretching your muscles in an attempt to also wake them up. Very uncoordinated this morning you swing your legs over the edge of your bed, bashing your ankle into the metal box spring. A prolonged curse left your gritted teeth, at this point, you needed a padded room. You’d probably still manage to nick yourself. 
Putting on something simple, but still comfortable— it’s not like your job for Dante was anywhere near professional, he’s the opposite of professional. Walking down the hallway, passing Nero and Kyrie's bedroom, Nero’s snores seeped through the walls. Into the living room, Kyrie was already up, her hands wrapped around a coffee mug. She was always a morning person. She sat on the couch, the kids must still be asleep too. “Morning, Kyrie.” You addressed her, she turned around somewhat surprised, “What are you doing up so early?”  Admittedly, it was pretty abnormal for you to be up at the ass crack of dawn.  “Dante offered me to work for him. Just temporarily I think anyway.”  Kyrie smiled, “Well, I won’t keep you then.”  “It’s not a worry, he didn’t give me a time to be there.”
Getting a quick bite to eat and snagging some of Kyrie’s coffee, you asked about the kids with Kyrie, and she talked about some returning faces. Chatting back and forth you bid her farewell, leaving into the garage. Pulling your arms through your jacket, you zipped it up before putting your helmet on. It wasn’t too early that your motorcycle would wake everyone up, it wasn’t that loud—or maybe you just are losing your hearing.
The drive over to Red Grave was peaceful, besides the few drivers who you questioned how the hell they got their license. Driving through the gravel alley, you kicked your stand up, like many times before. Turning the backdoor handle, you stepped into the shop, your eyes on the ground while you took off your helmet. As your eyes scanned for life, they landed on Dante. With a towel around his waist and another making a feudal attempt to dry his hair. A little surprised, you hopped up on the bar stool.  “You know Dante, this is your business office too, not just your house.”  “You’re the one who decided to show up at 7 in the morning.” Dante’s voice was still groggy, but that never stopped him from bickering. Rolling your eyes, accepting your defeat, this time. You set your jacket and helmet down on the counter making your way to Dante’s desk, trying not to trip over random objects and trash that littered the floor. How does he live like this? You sigh as you pick up the piles of paper that were not so neatly set on the ground. Dante better pay you well for having to put up with this level of disorganization. 
The first couple hours of your day consisted of organizing which papers were what. You’d assume they would end up sent to collections, after all, the charges were just sitting here for god knows how long. Then again, that never stopped Dante. A pair of footsteps descended the stairs. Almost in perfect timing, Lady barged in the door.  “Why didn’t you tell me (Name) was gonna be here?” Lady took great offense, after all, you maybe saw her once a week or every other week. Dante shrugged, “Dunno, forgot I guess.” “Jerk.” Lady leaned against the desk, looking over at all the papers you had scattered about on the wooden surface. Her head tilted trying to read the papers, the text was upside down to her.  “You got her to do your paperwork? Did he blackmail you?” Lady leaned over to observe you, no amount of money could get her to do his paperwork either. But you aren’t like her, not nearly as badass.  “No, I willingly accepted this offer. I need to start looking for jobs anyway.” A sigh left your mouth, it became a habit whenever you admitted you were broke as shit. Lady stood back up with a hand on her hip. Still skeptical, her eyes scanned your face. As if Dante stuck a device to you that controlled your every move, like in the cheesy sci-fi movies.  “I’m not forcing her, though blackmail’s not a bad idea.” Dante scratched his scruff on his face, a smile lightly tugged on his lips.  “Dante.” You warned him, staring at him, solidifying your warning. “You know I wouldn’t do that.” Dante crossed his arms over his chest. “Let's go, Dante, I gotta make our score even.” Lady tugged her weapon’s leather strap over her shoulder. A smile spread across her face, you suppose they always had the competition. Hearing about young Dante was always interesting when Lady graced you with stories.  “Bye!” Lady waved at you, running out of the door before Dante, as he quickly followed suit. Not without a nod and a smile in your direction. A silent goodbye.
Another few hours drag by. Going through a section of papers, looking at the clock in between. What felt like 45 minutes in reality was only 10 minutes. Now was when you took your unpaid break. You walked over to the white fridge, the jukebox adjacent to it lightly illuminated the surrounding area. The fridge was surprisingly clean, maybe just because there was barely anything in it. A pizza box of course was put into the fridge, classic Dante. There was a carton of milk and a few random take-out boxes. Before completely abandoning ship, you moved things around a little to find a box of strawberries. Picking it up, you eyed it suspiciously, checking for mold. At first glance, they seemed okay. Washing them in the sink, you were still cautious of them, after all, they were in Dante’s fridge. 
Back at the desk, you snagged a recent newspaper, unfolding it in your lap, you took a bite of a strawberry. Better start looking for job ads. Idly eating the strawberries that luckily were still edible, you bounced your leg. Most of the job listings seemed pretty boring, or simply too much work for what they were likely offering to pay. Plus it’s far too late in your life to pick up devil hunting like Lady, so a boring salary job it is. Flipping the yellowing paper, you scanned the other side. The shop was quiet, besides the muffled sounds of people walking by outside or an especially loud car. You filled the silence by humming the rhythm of a song.
“Dante did not tell me he hired someone.” A voice from around the corner spoke, nearly making you jump out of your seat. You had completely assumed you were there alone when Dante and Lady left. You looked over your shoulder to see Vergil standing there. Vergil. The conversation you had with Nero did not leave your mind so easily, you are sure your expression had turned a bit sour. 
“Apparently not.” You turned back around in the chair, resuming what you were doing. You would rather not discuss your utter hatred for him and what he did to Nero. You try not to completely despise him, it is difficult not to, having the experiences you do. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him sit on the red couch against the wall, pulling out a book. Your eyes returned to your paper.  A few silent minutes passed, no longer feeling like you were allowed to make a peep in his presence. What was it? You suppose Dante was quite strange like that when you first met him. Though oppositely, brimming with strength but rather using it to make himself look flashy. This was more of a suppressive strength. Anyone in his presence should think lower of themselves just to lift him higher.
The rotary phone on the desk rang as it lightly vibrated the desk. You picked up the phone, putting it to your ear.  “Devil May Cry.” You tried to imitate Dante’s voice when he said it. Your words did not come out as effortlessly as his does. “Hey, office girl,” Kane spoke through the phone. A smile tugged at your lips, a little giddy from the compliment. “Not for long.” Letting out a small laugh through an exhale.  “Oh really?”  “It’s just temporary, I’m looking for other jobs right now.” You glanced at the newspaper, your pen marks littered the paper. “Maybe I’ll still get to call you office girl. Maybe a secretary.” You could hear his smile through the phone, silly man. You chuckled at his comment, “Whatever your sick fantasies desire.”  “I was calling to formally ask you out on a date, I would’ve called sooner but you know how life gets.”  Your finger twirled around the phone wire while you listened to him. “So you are a gentleman after all.”  Kane’s laughter seeped through the phone, as you couldn’t help but smile a little. “What about tonight then? When do you get off?” Kane asked, and you thought, when the hell do I get off? “I’m not sure actually, probably 5 at the latest.”  “What about 6 then, it’s not formal, so don’t worry about that.” Kane soothed your worries before it even crossed your mind.  “That works for me, I’ll give you the shop's address.” 
The conversation ended after you handed over the information. Now you sat at Dante’s desk with a giddy smile. But, you have to get back to work, or… you could slack a little. A sharp snap of a book being closed pulled your attention to where Vergil sat. He stood, still with the thin book in his grasp. He is such an odd man, but you still see his blackened heart through his exterior. His steps were almost eerily silent as he made his way to the front door, his head turned to look at you from the corner of his eye.  “Do not trust that man.” His words were sharp, but what confused you more was… why? And before you could even defend Kane or yourself that you’re a grown woman and you can make your own decisions, he left. The bad taste that the encounter left in your mouth refused to go away for the rest of your shift. 
The roads were lit with a warm glow of the streetlights, the architecture of Red Grave was always so beautiful. Not nearly as impressive as Fortuna, especially the building the Order once resided in was a sight to be seen. The faded white lines on the pavement passed by you with each dash mark. You hadn’t spoken a word to Kane since you both got into the car. The silence was not suffocating, it was pleasant. It’s been a while since you’ve been able to relax, the radio played quietly, some music you didn’t know but it coaxed you into closing your eyes. Your date with Kane went very well, thinking about it made you smile. His easygoing personality was nice, though unfortunately, Vergil’s warning made you think about what details you shared with Kane. You have no history with Vergil, and you have no idea if his judgment is sound, but it still affected you. And that irked you more. However you started to get lost in your thoughts, and eventually, you did fall asleep, hand holding up your cheek as your elbow rested on the car door.
“Hey, we're here.” Your body jolted awake as you surveyed your surroundings, you were still in Kane’s car. You turned to look at him, and he looked a bit surprised that you were woken so easily. Your body once tense, relaxed. You leaned back against the leather seats of his car, whispering an apology under your breath. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to take you back to Fortuna, but even then I didn’t know where you were staying so-” “It’s okay, thank you.” You interrupted his rambling, and a slight red color rose to his cheeks. His dark blue shirt matched his tan skin, his collarbone peaked out of the neckline. A few strands of his dark hair fell out of the bun he had put it in. You silently wondered what his hair would look like down, the thought made your body pull itself closer to him. His breath fanned over your face as he remained motionless, his eyes were half-lidded, analyzing the curves of your face. You caught yourself doing the same. Leaning over the center console of his car, which was an awkward position for your body, it was all worth it when his lips clashed with yours. It was slow, your hand held onto his forearm as your other played with the baby hairs on the back of his neck. You slowly opened your eyes to take a peek at his face, you wondered if his eyes were squeezed shut or if he had color on his cheeks once again. Instead, you were met by brown eyes looking at your own, his eyelashes cast a shadow over his irises, though this close you could see a ring of orange within the deep brown. Trying to summon your ‘nothing phases me’ facade, was a miserable failure. Your cheeks heat up like a pouring lighter fluid on a raging bonfire, you break away from his lips, trying to hide your face but you are only met with a laugh from Kane. “Shut it.” Once again your tough guy act was not very convincing as you tried to look at him with a stern face but he was met with a different expression. Trying to fight a war with your smile that you didn’t actually want to win, though you would appreciate it if your entire face didn’t feel like it was gonna explode. This only caused Kane to laugh more.
And you were left with no other option but to tug on the collar of his shirt, clashing your lips together in an embarrassing attempt to free yourself from your current position. And your solution did work, as his hands managed to find purchase on your back. The kiss was not as soft as earlier, but you did not dare open your eyes. Instead, through your closed eyelids, the dark lighting inside his car was lit up like the sun suddenly appeared right next to you. Both you and Kane froze, as you struggled to look out the windshield. As your eyes adjusted, you recognized the front of the vehicle that rudely interrupted your activities with Kane. But then annoyance morphed into horror as you realized who was in the driver's seat of that van, Nico. And who was next to her in the passenger seat? Nero. And once again, you fear your face showed your embarrassment. Kane's hands still clung to you as you slowly slipped out of his grip. And even worse, a figure stood outside of the van, Dante. This embarrassment has you praying to whatever god exists. Kane only recognized Dante, he was not so sure why you were so embarrassed, but he relaxed back into his seat as he watched Nico unfold into laughter, which could be heard through the closed windows of Kane’s car. 
You quickly got out of Kane's car, almost stomping over to Nico’s van door. You opened the door with such vigor you could care less if it flew off the hinges. “You shut up!” You pointed a finger at her, through laughs she could barely even speak. “You two love birds!” Then she kept hysterically laughing, but behind her in the passenger seat, Nero just awkwardly smiled. God, this was awful. Kane snuck up behind you as he tapped your waist with his hand, and he looked like he was about to burst out laughing too when he looked at your reddened face.  “You gonna have to apologize to Nero for traumatizing him like that-” “He’s 26!” Yes, Nero was very close to a younger brother to you, but he was an adult! He had a girlfriend and practically kids too, but it just made you boil with unbridled embarrassment. Kane stood next to you, he pulled you close by your forearm. Which surprised you but Nico got out of her car, fanning her face like she was the one who had just been making out with a guy, with an unexpected audience. 
You threatened Nico about 20 more times within the span of a couple of minutes, Nero had since joined the four of you on the sidewalk. Kane had to hold you in place or else you’d run away and hibernate for years. Finally, Nico stopped laughing like a hyena, you were able to ask her what they were doing out here. “We have an overnight job,” Nero answered. You nodded, Kane had since abandoned you to talk to Dante. You pray Dante isn’t sharing embarrassing stories about you, but you immediately knew he probably did just by looking at the stupid smirk that was plastered on his face. Silence came over the two of you before Nero spoke up again, “Is that the guy from the other night?” His words came out awkwardly, being able to stomach conversation about Kane you replied, “Yeah, his name is Kane.” “Right right.” Nero just fiddled with the hem of his worn-out shirt. “I’ll be careful Nero.” You told him, but you knew in that moment Vergil was somewhat right, you need to be careful. As much as you want to believe that Kane is a good guy, morally at least, he’s showed no signs of being anyone crazy. But, neither did you expect your previous boyfriends to be utterly insane. 
Nero seemed less tense after that, but the mood suddenly shifted when Vergil appeared from around the corner, you were the first to notice him. You couldn’t stand to look at him, especially with Nero right next to you. Kane had departed from the conversation with Dante and stood next to you, which you leaned on the side of the DMC van. Nico reappeared from the inside of the van, with somehow more grease on her, yet it had only been 10 minutes. And now it was a standstill, Vergil stood a few feet away from Nero, who was standing on the sidewalk. The air was thick, or at least just seeing Vergil next to Nero made you want to punch Vergil. Maybe it was because you couldn’t deny that Vergil was his father anymore when you looked at the two of them side by side and how similar they looked. Dante exchanged words with Vergil, which you didn’t catch as your focus was swayed to Kane. He squeezed your hand,  “I’m gonna go, you have somewhere to stay here right? I don’t want you driving to Fortuna this late.” You smiled, how sweet of him. “No, I’m okay.” You softly spoke as you could hear the conversation behind you between Dante and Vergil.  Kane hummed as he quickly kissed your cheek, which just reminded you of your embarrassment from less than 15 minutes ago, but not nearly as bad. His hand gave your hand one last squeeze before getting in his car. 
Luckily after you watched Kane drive off into the horizon till his car became a little blip in your vision, it wasn’t silent. You had enough of awkward encounters today, and probably for the next year too.  “We’re gonna leave, (Name),” Nero mentioned as he was about to climb back into the van, you nodded, giving him a quick hug, and you spoke over his shoulder. “Don’t do anything stupid, okay?” Nero only nodded before Nico stuck her head out the driver’s window,  “Him? Stupid? That's all he knows.” Nico spoke while chewing a stick of gum, Nero glared at her, which spurred her on even more. You only let out a breathy laugh, watching Nero get into the van. Dante and Vergil stood closer to the shop, Vergil’s body was straight, and well thought out like his doctor told him he needed to watch his posture. Though you presume he doesn’t even have a doctor– do half-devils have a doctor…? You pushed your curiosity aside, maybe after a shot, you’ll ask Dante sometime.   “Practice caution, Nero.” Vergil’s voice had less of a demanding tone, though his words were similar to the warning he gave you earlier today. Nero nodded, you stared at Nero for a little too long trying to analyze his expression, searching for a reason to smack Vergil. For good measure of course.
Waving off Nico and Nero as she drove maybe a little too fast for that beat-up van. You turned back around to Dante and Vergil, which Vergil quickly retired to inside the doors below the ‘Devil May Cry’ neon sign. You stood in front of Dante, whose shadow covered you.  “Soooo, that was entertaining wasn’t it?”  Dante’s stupid smile, again. “Oh please, I already heard it from Nico.” You turned away from him, trying not to relive the sheer amount of embarrassment that memory would likely hold for a while. Dante chuckled as he put his hands on his hips, so sassy.  “Can I stay the night or are you gonna kick me to the curb to go drive an hour back to Fortuna.”  Dante let out a dramatic sigh, scratching his white stubble with one gloved hand.  “Kicking you to the curb would add to tonight’s entertainment.” You only smacked his shoulder before walking towards the front door. Dante stopped you, pulling your arm as you stumbled closer to him.  “Vergil didn’t say anything weird to you, right? Before me and Lady left.” You bit your tongue, debating if you tell him or not, and you began questioning why you were holding back. To save Vergil from a lecture? You turned your head,  “He just overheard me talking to Kane on the phone and said something like, ‘Be careful’. It wasn’t anything.” You tried to play it off the best you could, because frankly, you didn’t want to start doubting Kane, you would not listen or even consider Vergil’s words. Only your own, and you’ve had plenty enough experiences to guide you to the right decision. You had a hard time looking at Dante right now, his face was oddly serious, his skin lit up by the neon sign.  “Just… Let me know if anything happens.”  “I will.”
You vowed as you both walked in the door in silence. Your piles of organized paper still sat on top of Dante’s desk, the lamp illuminated the otherwise dark room. You sat down on the couch, stretching your arms over your head, letting out a silent yawn. Dante sat down in his chair, moving papers so he could put his feet up on his desk. Thankfully he did not disturb your organization too much. “You can take my room,” Dante spoke as he found another magazine to flip through, how does he not get tired of those?  “You sure? I’m scared I’ll get devil coodies if I sleep up there.” You stood up from the couch. “I can still kick you to the curb, you know.” Dante looked up from his magazine, you knew he was joking, thankfully. “Fine, you don’t have devil coodies.” Dante let out a chuckle, his eyes quickly going back to the contents of the paper in front of him. “Goodnight.” You spoke as you went up the stairs, which creaked under your weight. “Night.” 
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As always, thank you for reading! -onyxroses
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lucycola · 2 years ago
TOS!Spock x Fem!Reader; The Visitor
Modern!AU where Spock is an alien who lands in the reader’s backyard and seeks shelter while repairing his ship. Eventual romance and smut. Inspired in part by this fic here! Reader is an American and shorter than Spock. Barely proofread. 
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood and bodily harm. Language. Sassy reader and sassy Spock. 
Part 1:  You know that I was hoping that I could leave this star-crossed world behind- But when they cut me open I guess that changed my mind
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Damn that dog. 
You were sure she always hated you. She had never truly liked anyone but your grandfather. However, it always seemed like toleration than actually liking him. She came inside when called by your grandfather; your grandmother she had always staunchly ignored. She nipped at visitors when they tried to pet her in her younger days and if anyone ever left their meatballs unattended at the dinner table she’d gobble them up. 
The most you could get away with in later years were a few pets to her head before she huffed and rolled over out of your reach. She barked whenever packages were delivered and snapped at the ankles of your estranged family when they’d try to surprise you. At least she was good for that. 
The dog and the house were left to you when your grandmother died, your grandfather passing only some time earlier. 
You were grateful, truly-but, ever since then the property taxes and Spaghetti, your dog, had been a pain in your ass.
Today especially. 
A loud BAM caused you to jerk from a light doze. You fell off the sofa in a silly manner and sat in shock. For a split second, you thought it had to be thunder, but you knew it wasn’t.  Following the noise a bright, piercing light shined through the back windows of the house, bathing the whole den in white. 
It lasted for a whole fifteen seconds before dying out. You were left in near darkness, the power having gone out. The only light was from a dying fire you had lit hours ago. You had been curled up cozily on the sofa and now you were a pile on the rug. 
Spaghetti gave a little gruff, stepping on and over you. 
You clambered to the kitchen, not giving your eyes much time to adjust, and looked through the bay window to the woods in the back yard. You could see a small line of smoke billowing in the rain.
The old hound barked and you reached the wall phone, an antique to some and tried to dial for the police. No dial tone. 
She barked again. 
“Woof yourself.” 
You did not want to go out there, especially in the pouring rain at night. 
The light was what freaked you out the most.  Lightening didn’t flash for that long. Could it have been a plane crash? There was a small business airport near by. You weren’t even sure if it was still operation and besides, as far as you were concerned aviation crashes didn’t cause that much light for that length of time. If at all. 
Something was out there, though. 
You found yourself frozen, having already donned your raincoat and goulashes. Your hand was shaking thinly on the door knob, your other hand gripping the flashlight. 
You opened the door only a crack and immediately was greeted by a rush of cold air. You almost forgot it was late fall and the rain was freezing.
“Nope no way. I’d rather live,” you said. 
The dog decided that that was a great time to nudge her nose through the crack and force the door open. 
“Spaghetti!” you called, exasperated, heading out onto the porch. 
Damn it!
“Spaghetti, come back!” you cried, moving outside, trying to find her with the light on your beam.
You heard her bark and moved out further into the rain, following the direction of her bark.
The flashlight shined a concise path into the forest and against the opaque haze of rainclouds you could make out the billow of smoke. 
Except there was no fire.
You were trembling as you moved into the woods. The area well known even in the dark from your time as a child exploring them. You stepped on slippery rocks and roots and birthed into a clearing, forcibly made by a...wreckage?
You shined the light on what could only be an alien craft. You couldn’t even begin to describe what it even resembled other than such.
Lo and behold sat Spaghetti sat there, tail wagging, tongue lolled out.
“Come here!” you hissed.
She only sneezed in response and turned her backside to you, sniffing the wreckage.
Turn around right now, your brain screamed. Turn around right now and pretend you didn’t see a thing.
There was the sound of rushed air being let go and the metallic creak of a ramp being lowered like a mote.
Spaghetti began barking again, backing up next to you.
That same white light flashed out over you, although it was significantly duller than before. Silhouetted in the light was a figure, tall and very like that of a human man.
You instinctively shined the light on him. Dark eyes met yours and he took a step forward only to immediately clutch his side and crumple.
He plummeted off the short side of the ramp and you ran to meet him, coming to your knees at his fallen body.
He hardly looked alien if it wasn’t for his elf like ears, framing both sides of his face. You pressed a tentative hand to the side of his face. His eyes fluttered and closed again. You felt something desperate pull at your heart.
You could not leave him here.
How you managed to pull him through the mud and muck back into your home was nothing short of a miracle. You were relieved to see the power had come back on. 
After laying him out on the rug you felt sure you yourself would collapse next to him of exhaustion. You both were soaked and your first mission was to get you and him dry. You hastily went upstairs, tearing through an old dresser in a spare bedroom. You never threw out your grandfather’s old clothes and it would be awkward, but this was the only resource you had.
You didn’t know the extent of his injuries yet so you grabbed a first aid kit you barely knew how to use for good measure.
When you returned he was the same as you found him, making a nice wet stain in the old rug. Spaghetti had laid adjacent to his body, head resting on his chest.
You were appalled at how she had been acting. She was never like this-well, except when your grandfather was sick. The realization frightened you. 
You knelt to him and realized you were still trembling as you pushed his dark hair back to reveal a small gash that was oozing green.
He really wasn’t of this world.
His eyebrows, which stopped growing at the arch, furrowed at your touch and then relaxed again which you forced your shaking to stop.
You removed your hand and then awkwardly moved to undress him. He wore a set of robes that were dark in color with a high collar. The material was unknown to you, but it was heavy.
The whole moment was surreal. Maybe this was a fever dream, you thought, as you peeled off each piece of clothing one by one.
His chest was hairy and you found yourself blushing. At the sight of a deep wound streaming from his left flank, however, you were no longer enamored. You pressed gauze to the wound and held it there for as long as you thought might clot the bleeding. You right hand were nearly soaked with green, but after some time the flow finally stopped and you could remove pressure.
You found peroxide in the kit and were hesitant to use it on his wound. Would it hurt him more than help? Would it even work on his alien body? Would it poison him?
You  retrieved clean gauze and poured a bit of the solution into it. You gently pressed it to the large cut and he was up like a livewire.
He clutched your wrist with a steel like grip, his brown eyes wide and bloodshot.
You squeaked and struggled in his hold.
Spaghetti jumped back and yapped her head off, tail wagging.
He said something evenly, something you couldn’t understand.
You felt tears bubble up in the corner of your eyes and instantly you were released. You scrambled backwards against the fire place and he sat there on the rug, chest rising and falling harshly.
His face, however, was extremely controlled and almost devoid of anything.
“Who are you?”
His voice was deep and something in it excited you.
“You’re speaking English,” you blurted, that being the only thing you could focus on at the moment.
“Astute,” he glanced around and reached for his side again, giving a wince. “Yes. I do not intend to alarm you, but I must inquire of where I am, exactly.”
“You...you’re in my house...” You further clarified by the name of your little home town and state.
“I see,’ he continued to look around and finally settled his gaze upon you.
“And you are...?”
“Y/N.” Your mouth was full of cotton and a thin tremor had taken control of your body.
“Do not be afraid,” he said and tried to stand, on failing at the sharp pain he felt in his side. He clambered back down to the rug, “I mean no harm to you.”
Spaghetti eventually settled down and sat next to you, cocking her head.
He reached for the gauze you had attempted to use to disinfect his wound and turned it over, finally pressing his softly to his side. He winced again but quickly regained his composure.
You drew your knees up to your chest, too afraid to any come closer. He didn’t seem threatening, but the way he had grabbed you frightened you. The wild look in his eye.
You tried to convince yourself he was scared in that moment; shocked to see an unfamiliar face in a place he had never been before.
“How...how do you know English?” you asked.
He looked over you and then met your eyes. Your eyes fluttered down, pink flushing up your neck and reaching your ears.
“My mother is Terran,” he informed you.
“From Earth,” he further elaborated, “My father is of Vulcan and as am I, as it is where I was born.”
You found the courage to nudge yourself a little closer and crawled enough to where you were two feet away.
“What’s your name?” you asked.
He held up his free hand, spreading his fingers into a strange salute.
“I am Spock.”
“Spock,” you repeated, feeling the name on the edge of your lips. You held out a hand, “P-pleased to meet you.”
He only looked at it quizzically and you withdrew your hand awkwardly.
You probably should have been more freaked out that you were, but for some reason you were calmly packing his wound and trying not to wrap the gauze around his midsection so tightly. You didn’t make eye contact-no, couldn’t as you tended to his wounds. Why did you feel so embarrassed? You had seen a man half naked before. You had slept fully naked with multiple people. Was it his ears? You almost had the inclination to pinch them, but seeing as he wouldn’t even shake your hand, that was a big no-no. Even people on earth didn’t do that-well, strangers didn’t.
You remember your grandmother snagging your ear after finding the broken window your baseball had sailed through.
Spaghetti was sitting on his other side, casually sniffing at him. He paid her no mind however.
Jesus, you thought, she’s never been this nice to a stranger.
You looked up and were met with dark eyes, deep and ever so slowly burning into your face.
“Thankyou for your assistance,” he continued, “The location of my wound is approximate five point seven centimeters from my heart and would have been fatal.”
“No problem,” you replied, sticking the final wrap of coban to itself, “Just don’t harvest my organs.”
What was supposed to be a half-hearted joke was met by silence. His brow furrowed for a split second and then returned to its default state of stone.
“I do not comprehend such a statement.”
You felt the color drain from you face a bit.
What if he was here to harvest you? Probe you, splay you on an operation table-wait.
“Your heart is in your stomach?” you back-peddled unintentionally.
“Precisely where a human’s liver would be located.”
Please don’t take my liver, Mister Spaceman.
Your face was still pale, eyes wide. He stared at you a moment. He gingerly grabbed the neatly folded stack of you grandfather’s clothes you provided him.
Spaghetti who had been sniffing him for over fifteen minutes at this point licked a long stripe up his cheek.
He finally acknowledged her, “No, thankyou. I presume this a...companion of some kind.”
“She’s my dog. Spaghetti.”
“Spaghetti,” he repeated. You assumed it was meant to be a question, but it came out more like a statement. His voice was so...even and monotone almost.
“That’s her favorite food.”
He nodded, “I see.”
“I assume you possess a lavatory in this domicile,” he said as he stood. Jesus, Spaceman was tall.
You pointed down the hall, “Second door to the left.”
“I shall return.”
You nodded, mouth feeling dry.
It had dawned on you, all at once, without warning.
You had an alien in your house-who knew where your liver was in your body.
But-you kept reminding yourself, his mother was from Earth. Meaning he was half human his self. What if that was a lie? He could speak English after all.
You glanced at the phone in the kitchen. No police would ever believe you over the phone. Even if someone showed up the wreck and Spock would be seized and then you’d be tossed in a looney bin for good measure. A total cover up, government style.
Maybe you were already in an institution, hallucinating all of this.
“Pinch me,” you murmured.
“Why would I perform such an act? It seems it would be unpleasant to you.”
You looked up to see Spock standing over you, a spectacle in your dead grandfather’s clothes.
“You seem unwell.”
You stood, still a good head shorter than he.
“Spock, why are you here?” you asked, trying to conceal the shiver
“Because you brought me here,” he replied, as if it was the only explanation you needed.
“No, Spock, on Earth,” you urged.
He tilted his head, “As I said before, my mother is Terran. I have always wanted to visit after hearing her stories.”
You nodded, half convinced, “What’s her name.”
“Amanda Grayson.”
“No,” you started, “She’s American?”
“Indeed,” he replied moving over to lean on the side of the couch. His hand had come to rest on his injured side. He did not make any kind of face to indicate he was uncomfortable, however.
“So...” you glanced around the room a bit, feeling around for a not completely obvious way to interrogate him, “What state is she from?”
“Iowa,” he answered simply. “That is where I was travelling to initially.”
“Oh, buddy, you’re way away from there,” you snorted.
“Still astute, aren’t you,” he retorted, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“What?” you asked, thrown off.
“I was simply stating that you are aware of your location in terms of state and distance from my intended location-”
“I know when someone’s being a smartass,” you rolled your eyes. “Anyway, what’re you doing all the way out here. Did you crash?”
Stupid question. You knew that already. You mentally slapped yourself. 
“That-” he answered, “is something I have yet to discover. That of which is something I would like to do now.”
“I’m not going out there with you,” you said, hands on each hip.
Spaghetti whined at his feet.
“I did not inquire upon you to accompany me,” Spock said pulling on a pair of rainboots, also your grandfather’s. It was so odd to see his clothes being used. It almost felt perverse. However, he did change back into his soaking wet clothes-at least the under tunic and slack that were under his robes.
It was oddly respectful.
“I don’t think you should go out there either,” you said, “You’re still hurt and the weather has gotten worse.”
“Precisely why I must return to the ship,” he said, already heading to the door, “There is a medical kit I must retrieve. These bandages will not suffice in helping my blood clot efficiently. The wound is much deeper than I initially realized and I am due to slowly bleed out over the next twelve hours.”
You made a face, fully flustered with him, “Why didn’t you tell me that?”
“I just did.”
You huffed. Men. “What if you get hurt worse than you already are?”
He looked down at you, “I did not say I was opposed to your company. I would let you go alone to retrieve the kit if it were not plausible that you would not get lost or injured in the process.”
“I’m not useless,” you said, pouting a little.
“Strange. You keep reiterating statements that I have not made, “ he remarked, “Mother does the same thing.”
Your neck flushed. You wasn’t sure if that was meant to be sweet or insulting.
“Are you to accompany me or not, pi' veh.”
A sharp thought pierced into your mind, causing your stomach to drop.
That’s just what he wants, isn’t it? To get you on his ship, alone, so he can splice you and-
“Y/N-you look unwell again.”
You grabbed your grandfather’s unused coat that had hung next to your grandmother’s, gathering dust on the hook for several years.
You handed it to him, “Be careful.”
Spaghetti woofed quietly followed by a little whine.
“No, you can’t go,” you said as the extra-terrestrial disappeared. 
You slid down to the floor with your back to the door, leaning your head against the wood. 
Spaghetti wined again. 
“We have to be patient.” 
You place your hand atop her head. She let it stay there for two seconds and then ducked, moving to lay beside you. You tried to scratch her ear, but she rolled over, woofing quietly.
“He said he had twelve hours before he bled out, “you said to yourself, “He’ll be fine.”
You closed your eyes. 
You awoke with a start Spaghetti woofing into your ear. You could smell her rancid breath. 
“Gross,” you shoved her away. How long had you been asleep? 
You looked at the clock. Nearly an hour had passed.  You looked around. The fire had died out completely and your grandfather’s boots and coat were still missing. 
Spaghetti whined louder, nipping at your ankle. 
“Okay, okay!” you sighed, “Fine! But you have to stay here this time.” 
The dog plopped back down on her bottom as if acknowledging your statement.
You shakily grabbed your rain coat, still dripping a bit from earlier. You grabbed the flash light and the fire poker for good measure. 
Gird your livers, folks. 
You stepped out once again and cursed yourself for not changing back into your wet clothes once again like Spock had before. Now you’d be the proud owner of two sets of wet clothes.
Although the rain had lightened some the wet still settled through your coat and stuck like ice to your skin. 
It was a bit easier to navigate down to the wreckage again as you retraced your steps in the flashlight’s beam. The smoke had been stifled and there was no light coming from the ship. The door was still down and you hesitantly took a step onto the ramp. 
You nearly ate dirt as you slipped and fell onto your backside. Embarrassingly you continued forward on your hands and knees, clutching the flashlight in your armpit. 
This is probably a trap, you mercilessly thought, or he’s dead. 
You made it inside a small cargo hold it seemed like and shined your light on what looked like a ladder. Little smears of green were on the bars. 
His blood. 
Shit again. 
You shined a light up into the hole. “Spock!”
No answer. 
“Spock, answer me!”
You took in a deep breath.
“You come down this instant! If you think you’re going to eat my liver you’re wrong buddy!”
“Vulcans are--vegetarian.”
Your heart did a leap at the sound of his voice and immediately settled in your stomach. He sounded out of breath.
“Are you okay?” You carefully began up the ladder, to what may have been your funeral. It was too late now. You were already invested. 
“Spock?” you called again, in a softer voice. 
You crawled into what you could only assume to be a cockpit with its control board and chairs. It was sleek and devoid of much color. It had a wide windscreen which showed blurry stars and rain streaks. 
You turned to see Spock sitting again the wall with a some kind of kit in hand. It looked as if he had begun to staple his wound but had only got halfway. His hands were soaked in green.
“Spock!” you hissed and clambered closer. 
“I thought you were not coming.”
“I thought you were dead.” 
“Or to eat you, apparently.” 
You ears flushed pink. “You’re bleeding all over the place!” 
You noticed a set of shiny fabric squares at his hip and assumed were towels of some kind. You picked one up and carefully pressed it to the unstapled wound. You didn’t know what you were doing. Panic had already settled in. He was pale and you were afraid. 
“The--local anesthetic was obliterated in the crash and I have found it somewhat difficult to operate under such conditions with one hand,” he explained eloquently even while wincing. 
He pulled the towels away to demonstrate. 
“You see, I need to hold the wound closed while I mend, but--” he tried to pinch his skin together, “-it keeps slipping. You must hold it together for me if I am to be successful.” 
Your stomach turned again. “Oh-okay.”
You tucked the flash light between the crook of your neck and shoulder. The vessel was not completely out of light. There were very dims lights outline the windscreen, but it didn’t seem like enough. 
You tried to pinch his skin together without your fingers dipping into the wound. 
“That will do,” he said, continuing to staple. The clicking noise it made reminded you of when your aunt took you to get your ears pierced at the mall. Your grandmother had been furious. Your right ear had gotten infected. 
You hoped furiously this wound didn’t get infected. You didn’t know if you could even get antibiotics for him, much rather if he could even take them. 
“Do you have medicine here?”
“In the bag,” he replied evenly, trying to steady his breath.
Slowly he stapled and you moved your hands along until you both reached the end. He reached into the med kit and pulled out something that looked like a hollow tube filled with an orange fluid. He fumbled it with his bloody grip and you caught it. 
“Press it to my abdomen, right above the sutures. There is a button on the side.” 
You did as he told and he stifled a hiss. You heard a spraying sound, but saw nothing come of it. The orange fluid had disappeared. 
“Medicine-” he answered as if he read your mind. “-to prevent infection.”
You returned the vial to the bag and grabbed a clean towel. You began to try to clean him up, shivering. 
“Let’s go home.”
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