#since Ford is but a smol
thelastspeecher · 1 year
btw I've now decided that in the Foster Ford AU, after Ford reveals who he really is, Angie takes him to the shooting range to teach him how to use a gun. Ford's like "Stanley has already started boxing lessons with me again"
and Angie interrupts him to say "by the time someone's close enough to be punched, it's too late" and proceeds with Ford's first shooting lesson
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charpeach · 7 days
wibbly wobbly timey whimey shenanigans... smol stanley meets young adult ford
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they live in my head rent free ever since I've discovered twins-in-time au. har har.
please consider reblogging over liking to support my art 🤍
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spaceumbredoggos · 1 year
Headcanons for Gravity Falls (pride, and other):
I personally love the common hc that dippy is trans masc.
Mabes is pan. There's no denying it. And so is Wendy.
Fidds was closeted gay for the longest time and that was part of why he went insane.
Not pride:
Dippy is a smol fan of warrior cats. Mabes read half of into the wild, had nightmares of murder cats, and was never the same since.
Ford is secretly an expert gamer, and is surprisingly relevant with that field of new technology (although he's a lost cause when it comes to minecraft.)
Stan is somewhat of a limited gamer, buy has played minecraft since launch.
Waddles probably becomes trained to be an Esa for mabes especially after all that weirdmaggeddon ptsd.
Bill is in other Fandom in other forms here's what follows:
Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
King (Owl house. But that one is obv)
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
i’ve decided to make one smol change to patrick’s canon:
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while he did go to uni for undergrad in london, patrick got his pHD at ox*ford university, ex*eter college which is about an hour away from london by car. it’s also where he met felicity.
after he got his pHD he moved back to london to start a teaching position at his alma mater. at one point though he did consider perhaps once he and felicity got married ( after she finished her pHD!! ) to perhaps switch to teaching at ex*eter since ox*ford was a smaller city and therefore felt like a good place to start a family.
of course, that never happened and so he stayed in london instead. but he still likes to visit ox*ford on occasion with his kids ( and hyuk too when he’s visiting )
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elffriend612 · 2 years
Severitus Fics for the Soul Part 2
Hi ya'll long time no see. Since ya'll seemed to like my first post like this and I am still getting reblogs on it today, I decided to create another one. Maybe there will be another one in the future we will see.
Thank you so much for interacting with me and I am happy to share my love of fanfiction with ya'll. If possible could some of ya'll just say hi or something in the comments? The HP fandom community on tumblr is so nice, but since I still am a newer user and never used it in its hayday its a little bit harder to interact with others. Thank you all again and happy reading!
1. The Smallest Slytherin by amandadbose88
Is a really good fic. I have not read it in a bit, but it was good of what I did read. I have read most chapters, but I can't remember if I am up to date with it or not. The fic is not complete yet and currently has 39 chapters in it.
Author's Summary: "Everything the wizarding world believed about The-Boy-Who-Lived was all lies. Harry’s life has been hell, ever since Dumbledore dumped him on the Dursleys doorstep. The wizarding world thought they could trust Dumbledore; they were wrong. Harry is careful of whom he will trust; but one thing is for certain; Dumbledore will never be one he trusts. What will happen when truths are revealed, and the so-called light is more dark than anyone had imagined? What will happen when Harry has people who care about and protect him from Dumbledore’s manipulations?"
2. Namesake Necklace by WicaBe
A sweet and interesting Severitus fic. It is completed and has 25 chapters.
Author's Summary: "Harry and Dudley are attacked one evening, and Snape is called to fix it. A child sized Harry, who looks much more like Lily than James at this age, was not what he was expecting."
3. How the Potions Master Got His Happy Ending by banana567
I cannot remember the full premisis of this fic, but it was a sweet and fluffy fic, that is completed and is in my bookmarked folder so here you guys go. It is 15 chapters total.
Author's Summary: Just your normal everyday run of the mill Snape rescues smol Harry from the Dursley’s and cuteness ensues. Hopefully with a lot of feels because I love baby Harry.
4. Weeping Willow by MellarkandArt
This is a sweet and fluffy one-shot of Severus and Harry (and a bit of ron in the background) interacting after the flying car incident in their 2nd year. Some secrets are discovered about Harry by Severus, I wonder what? Lol
Author's Summary: "When Harry and Ron crash Mr. Weasley's flying Ford Anglia into the Whomping Willow, Ron broke more than just his wand. As he and Harry argue whether Ron should go to the hospital wing, a certain potion's professor makes the decision for them. Taking the opportunity to scold Harry before Minerva can simply slap his wrist in response to his misdeeds, Severus doesn't expect to cause the child to have a flat-out panic attack... or to notice just how thin he has gotten over the summer."
5. While I Was Fearing It, It Came by willowscribe
This is a one-shot where Harry and Severus come to and understanding in the potions classroom. It is not as fluffy as some of the other fics on this list, but it is still good. I am giving this fic its own TW because even though it is only rated teen, there is some discussion of self harm in it.
Author's Summary: "Snape rolled his eyes. "You're not scared of blood, Potter. For one, you're a Gryffindor. For another, you seem to face down the Dark Lord with alarming regularity. If you were afraid of blood, you wouldn't have made it past your first year in this castle."
"What do you want me to say?" Harry shouted, suddenly filled with the same irrational anger that'd been so hard to shake since Cedric's death. He jumped to his feet, unable to sit any longer. "What would you have me do? I couldn't make myself break skin, okay? Is that so hard to believe?"
Or: a potion requires blood as an ingredient. Harry's afraid of a relapse. Snape just wants to know why Harry Vanished a perfectly decent brew. They come to an understanding."
TW: Most if not all of these fics talk about some type of abuse in varying degrees, so just a heads up.
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artsymeeshee · 3 years
Chibi Stan looks like he needs a beer. Or several beers. Ford is probably dying for a good brandy or sherry… Wishing them all the best!
Aksnskks I don't think chibi Stan drinking alcohol would be wise since he's so smol XD Ford might need to unwind, especially worrying over Stan most of the time
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britishsass · 2 years
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I'm aware I have homework, but anyways-- since I've been too lazy to actually work on anything, have some sketches of the bosses so far in Otto's Ordeal. Image IDs will be under the cut, since I went a bit more in detail about them.
[ID 1: A pencil sketch of Fordbot from Otto's Ordeal. He resembles Ford in Cruller's Correspondence, with oil dripping from his eyes. Bob and Lucy, drawn very hastily, are about the size of the base compared to the rest. Beside him, there are words:
"Fordbot, Otto's Ordeal Chapter 3. -Mostly Fordbot from Cruller's Correspondence -Yellow eyes -Oil dripping from eyes"
An arrow points to Bob and Lucy, labeling them as such and that they are there for scale.
ID 2: A pencil sketch of RoBob from Otto's Ordeal. He seems mostly humanoid, with an appearance somewhere between that from when he is young and that from when he's older. He looks upset, and is holding a bottle. Helmut and Compton are about the size of his hand in comparison. Above him, there are words:
"Ro-Bob from Otto's Ordeal Chapter 4. -Scruffy + Unkept -Locket wrapped in purple tendrils"
An arrow points to Compton and Helmut, labeling them as such and that they are there for scale.
ID 3: A pencil sketch of Comp-u-ton from Otto's Ordeal. He looks absolutely terrified, and is drawn much more hastily than the others. Cassie and Ford come up to about his shoulders and waist in comparison. Beside him, there are words:
"Comp-u-ton from Otto's Ordeal Chapter 5 -Knock off hat -> brain -Smol to other bots"
End ID]
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rantceratops · 3 years
There’s this thing with Dragon’s personality, where I think my brain just goes “smol child! smol! must make meek and always dependent!!”.
And like, it’s okay that she’s a bit dependent, but the meek shit needs to go. I feel like I want her to be one of those characters that’s adventurous and likes solving stuff to the point she might even come off as nosy at times. She needs flaws. Because I recently re-watched Gravity Falls, it makes sense to say I want her to be a bit like how Dipper and Ford are. Nerdy but adventurous and liking to understand/study things and solve problems with unique solutions.
She can and always will still be baby. But I want her to be more than just that. I need to stop thinking that just because she’s smol she has to just be always sitting in the background or just watching things happen and reacting to them.
Like I just don’t know, I’m always afraid I’m giving her conflicting personality traits. It’s frustrating.
(just putting this here since it feels like a bother to message about it)
I’m not good at crafting a coherent character personality.
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Match Maker Lavinia Labrador
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I mean, my first instinct is, of course, Smol!ford, since her summary/history implies that they've met and spent time with together and it might be interesting to explore that in an RP space.
I also think it might be interesting for Poe to encounter her, but I don't have any solid ideas there beyond it being an interesting interaction.
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jenneferofjengaberg · 4 years
Supernatural 4x13 “After School Special” Rewatch
Today’s cold open is Mean Girls but with the violence not played for laughs.
Actually, I’m so disturbed by the implications that this girl is going to go to jail now for murder when it wasn’t even really her.
This is an old school of Dean and Sam’s. That’s a question I’ve always had. How did Sam somehow get enough education to get good enough grades to get a full ride to Stanford, yet Dean had to get his GED? With the constant moving around the country, I’m surprised either of them were even able to attend school regularly. I would assume that there are large gaps where neither of them went to school at all. It seems like they only went to school for a month in this place because John happened to leave them there for a bit. But what about times where they were moving week to week? In the U.S. at least, you can’t just show up to a new school randomly and start going to class. You have to go through the enrollment process, which means getting your previous school records, confirming that you’ve had all your vaccinations, etc. It usually takes a couple of days, at least in my experience of transferring to a new school.
Colin Ford was always the best young Sam. Brock Kelly was ok at sounding like Dean, but I never thought he really looked much like him, or got his personality exactly right.
I’ll try to remember before I analyze this episode too closely that the entire thing probably only exists because they wanted to dress Jensen up in this outfit:
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Dean is just having a wonderful time bullying young teenagers. I’m conflicted. It’s nice to see him happy but...
Oh god noooo. I hate all trauma that involves hands and whirling blades. Like literally, you don’t know how afraid I am of my own blender (and food processor, fans, garbage disposal, etc.). I watched  Amityville Horror: The Evil Escapes as a child and the garbage disposal scene changed me as a person and gave me a whirling blades of death complex.
Possibly unpopular opinion: Dean in the track suit > Dean in the shorts and knee socks
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This is a very common experience™ for kids that grew up in dysfunctional, abusive, or neglectful families. Relating something you think is totes normal and having people be like *chuckles nervously* what the FUCK?
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This scene where they burn Barry’s bones and then discuss it in the car is really sad. Barry never escaped. And neither did Sam and Dean. Well, fuck.
It’s a really good thing this hallway is empty when Sam has to force salt down the throat of this teenage girl.
So the ghost isn’t Barry, it’s Dirk the bully. Who somehow rides the bus? Idk I stopped paying attention when they were explaining that part.
Is it bad that I find “Losechester” like, insanely funny? It’s so fucking stupid that it’s actually pretty good lmao
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The look on Sam’s face when he realizes that “Dirk the Jerk” (equally hilarious tbh) stuck and somehow ruined this kid’s whole life is just...is he seriously going to feel bad for that???
Dirk’s dad: I cremated him. Dean: ...All of him?
What an idiot, I can’t:
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This guy has some serious alternative history going on. He says Sam is “still a bully” (???) and “you jocks” to Sam and Dean. When have either of them played a recreational sport? Does hustling pool count somehow?
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“It gets better” is kind of a hard sell from Sam “I was cursed from birth to be Satan’s vessel” Losechester.
Classy, smol Dean. This girl got his number pretty quick. Not that it’s difficult. With Dean, everything is a performance.
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This discussion with Sam’s teacher in the end is just depressing. He thanks him for trying to help him. None of it mattered even a little bit since he still got burdened with the shitty family business, and he’s very unhappy, but A for effort, I guess.
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
elishevart replied to your post: “bluefrostyy replied to your post: "Look I’m just…”
Now I’m just imagining baby Ford in his bed debating weather to tell Stan the truth or not and it’s eating him and since he is a young child and doesn’t control his emotions and feeling as well, he just starts to cry in his bed. Angie or Stan ears him sniffle and maybe since it’s soon after he moved in, they just think it’s because it’s too much for his small little mind.
Little Ford enjoying the simple domestic life with his brother, like just relaxing and watching tv. Playing with him
Angie and Stan sort of hover outside Ford's bedroom door until he falls asleep the first few nights. They try to be sneaky, but since they keep the door open, Ford can tell they're there. And if he sniffs a few too many times or cries for a bit too long, Stan goes in to check on him. Because yeah, they think he's just a little kid struggling to adjust to a lot of big changes, and they want to offer him comfort if he wants it.
And yes, omg, yes, smol Ford just enjoys time with his brother. Ford falls asleep on the couch a few times snuggling next to Stan, and Stan just about cries from how cute it is and also his own complicated emotions, since he's taking care of a child he thinks is the son of his estranged, missing twin. Stan carries him to bed and tucks him in and whispers to Ford that he'll always be there for him.
Angie and Stan worry about Ford having nightmares, because that was something his foster parents mentioned, so they make sure he knows that he can come in bed with them if he wakes up scared from a nightmare. Ford tries to hold off on doing that, but caves pretty quickly and crawls into bed between Stan and Angie for comfort after a nightmare.
(Which is how he learns that Angie sleeps like the dead and talks in her sleep.)
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@ash-grimmy asked me about how I would write a Gravity Falls/Wingfeather Saga, full AU this time, with Stan and Ford as King and Throne Warden of Anniera, respectively, and since I haven’t decided if I’ll actually write it or not, here’s what I came up with plot wise today:
First off, the only way I can think to do this would be an AU of the Fall of Anniera. Therefore I could be horrible and punny and call it, “Anniera Falls” which is both literally what happens and also playing off of “Gravity Falls”. I’m a horrible person and I know it. xD
Okay, so how the actual plot would go is this;
As the twins have gotten older, Ford has become jealous/resentful of the fact that Stan is the king and he’s Throne Warden, not because he wants to be king, but because having to always be there to look after Stan has kept him from doing things he wants to do. So one day Ford says, “Screw it” and decides Stan doesn’t actually need him (he’s always been able to take care of himself in a fight and everything is peaceful right now so Ford doesn’t need to be there to strategize) and runs off to become whatever a scientist is called in Aerwiar. He ends up in the Green Hollows trying to find out about the monsters called, “cloven” that have begun populating the Blackwood.
A few years pass. Anniera is attacked and destroyed. When Ford hears about this, he freaks out, but before he can really do anything the Hollows are attacked and he has to help there. By the time the war is over and he actually has time to try and figure out what happened to his kingdom and his brother... it seems like there’s not really a mystery to be had. I mean, everyone was killed, right?
Wrong. Some time after the fighting has stopped one of the survivors from Anniera, an old friend of Ford’s, Fiddleford, finds him. Fiddleford’s severely traumatized from everything that’s happened, but he’s been looking for Ford to tell him that Stan wasn’t killed, in fact Fidds saw Stan get captured by the Fangs. With this new information, Ford realizes that as Throne Warden he’s obligated to go try and save his brother. He starts off doing this begrudgingly. Like, yeah, great, his brother’s alive, but he is now in the most heavily fortified stronghold in the whole frickin’ world and how is Ford supposed to rescue him?! It’s terrible, but he kind of resents Stan for not dying and leaving him to mourn his homeland in peace. No, he’s got to cause more trouble for Ford.
Still, Stan is his brother, and deep down Ford does love him, so he goes to rescue him. Fiddleford goes with him for some reason (because I want him to stay in the story).
Uhhhh, that’s what I’ve got for plot I guess. 
Fates of some of the other Gravity Falls characters:
I’m not sure what happens to Ford and Stan’s other brother, Sherman, (he’s probably dead, sorry dude) but he’s their younger brother and he does exist in this AU because if I have him then that means I can have....
...Dipper and Mabel! In this version Stan and Ford aren’t their great uncles, just normal uncles, and they’re still quite smol, but they exist! They are rescued from Anniera by Soos and his wife Melody (because why not) and Wendy. Instead of going to Skree they go to hide with Wendy’s family in the Green Hollows (think about it, that seems like where they would be from, it’s logical xD). Soos and Melody plan to raise them as their own. At some point they all encounter Ford on his quest. (Maybe they go with him??? If I could figure out how to write them consistently??? They probably don’t take the kids, because Dipper and Mabel are tiny little mites, but)
Beyond that I have no idea. 
Ages! Because those are important!
Stan, Ford and Fiddleford are all in like, their early 30′s? So about the age they were when the whole Portal incident happened in GF canon.
Soos and Wendy are the same (ish) ages they are in the show, with Soos in his 20′s and Wendy as a teenager.
Sherman (rip) is probably in his late 20′s
Dipper and Mabel are probably somewhere between 3-5 years old (babies!!). They’re insanely cute.
Right, yep, that’s what I got, hope you enjoyed my outline. xD
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toxikku · 5 years
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SO me and my friend got this time twins au, where smol ford & stan meet their older sib selves, pre and post portal incident respectively (smol stan gets thrown with a paranoid ford; smol ford winds up with mullet stan).
i’m actually a plotting a fic on it, and gosh... pain. they get separated after a bout with time tape, but eventually reunite at the end of the fic after all these time travel shenanigans, and obviously mullet stan is "...” over it (since HIS ford is lost god knows where rn).
anyways these two make me emotional, bye
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meangirlsofderry · 5 years
(Redone) Sally Mueller Headcanons And Personality
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Played by: Nikki Hahn
Richest of the group. Should be the leader of them but follow Greta out of fear.
Is Greta’s 2nd in command and is charge of making sure Greta stays in power. Ex: gathering secrets for her and rigging prom queen votes.
Also the smartest and secretly nicest of the group.
Little miss perfect 
Resting Bitch face and eye roll Queen
Smol, stuck up, snobbish, emotionally damaged rich bitch with a secret soft side.
Is a total sassypants and sarcasm is her first language.
Teased about being petite and smol and it’s the quickest way to aggravate her.
Is very ambitious and strives to be the best in everything she does. Ex: school and field hockey. 
Favorite color is Violet.
Her parents are Hendrick and Sarah Mueller. (Millionaires).
Her family owns a successful lumber company and practically provides all the wood in Derry.
She actually doesn’t hate Beverly and tried to befriend her but Greta put an end to that real quick.
Her parents are cold and neglected her since she was a toddler.They favor her older brother Brandon over her.
Her family’s values are very old fashioned and sexist.
But they also have high expectations of her. Expectations that she constantly tries and fails to meet. They want perfection from her.
This caused her to be obsessed with her flawless image.
She’s the captain of the field hockey team.
She has a secret smoking habit that is caused by the stress her parents constantly put on her to be the best. The only ones who know about her habit is Marcia and Greta. Greta uses it against her a lot.
Her brother loves her and tries to improve his relationship with her but she acts apathetic towards him and makes it hard on both of them.
She thinks most of the Bowers gang is white trash except for Belch who she tutors on Thursdays.
Fun fact Victor’s dad Andy Criss is her father’s accountant.
Although she’s given up on high school guys for the moment.
Has a very pessimistic outlook on romance and love in general. 
Fears about becoming like her mom. Being forced to marry someone she doesn’t love for money and becoming a completely cold and unhappy person.
Takes school very seriously and has perfect grades.
Always wanted to become a Lawyer but she knows her parents would never allow this.
She owns a Samoyed named Ambrosia. Who she loves more than any human on this earth.
Ambrosia is spoiled rotten and a very prissy puppy.
She’s a fan of Pat Benatar and her favorite song is We Belong. 
Constantly has to third wheel with Peter and Marcia.
She drives a vintage hot red 1955 Ford Fairlane.
Is smart enough to know not to trust anyone around her not even Greta and Marcia. She understands how toxic her friendships with Marcia and Greta are and a part of her wants to leave. But she’s been friends with them since the 2nd grade how do you walk away from that?
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happypinesfamily · 5 years
you have an au? i'm intrigued (hopelessly hooked by the words u spoke in ur tags), could you by chance be willing to tell me more?
OF COURSE I’d be willing to tell you more!!!
It’s kinda half my AU, half not mine? I saw this post by @years-late-to-the-party ​and immediately fell in love with the idea! And then the idea grew into a monster which currently sits at 21k words and is nowhere near even halfway done! :D
The general gist is that Stan is, from birth, able to see the future, but there are a few “rules” (made up by yours truly) in the way he sees it and in how much he sees of it, because the story of Gravity Falls wouldn’t be half as fun as it is if he just knew every single thing that is going to happen.
So you have a smol Stan having visions of the future and not knowing that’s what they are until he’s a little older, around ten or twelve, and then, in Stan fashion, using that power to charm his way in and out of trouble and to mess with other people. Ford is the only one he tells (because he loves Shermie but Ford is his twin), and Ma figures it out because whenever he and Ford “help” her with her predictions to customers, a lot of Stan’s jokes end up being too accurate to be just jokes. At some point, Ford starts to think that Stan’s just pulling his leg, since Stan uses “I’ve seen it happening!” as an excuse to do dumb stuff more often than not, and eventually concludes that Stan isn’t actually psychic.
The science fair accident in this AU kinda turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy, where Stan saw it happening, tried to stop it, and actually made it happen, so he unfortunately still gets kicked out. Rather than getting into the salesman business, he becomes a traveling psychic, though he still hops from town to town after people get tired of him or after he happens to piss off the wrong people. He gets by much better than he does in canon, but he still dreams of making a fortune to return home if only to apologize to Ford, who fully believed that Stan had wrecked his project on purpose and was blaming it on his supposedly “future vision” to get off scot-free.
LONG STORY SHORT (since one of my favorite GF moments is Stan vs. Bill in the finale and I’m always a sucker for more of those interactions in fanfics, and relating back to the tags that hooked you in), Bill finds out that Fordsy’s brother can see the future, and after the incident with the portal, he starts invading Stan’s dreams, disguised as Ford, in order to strike a deal with him and access his mind and, therefore, every vision Stan has had/will have. Stan immediately distrusts him, because as far as he’s concerned, someone wearing the face of a person Stan knows and misses and loves to gain something from him can only mean bad news.
After a few significant events, Stan kicks Bill out of his first mindscape (his childhood home) and destroys it, wanting to get rid of Bill’s presence in it, and he starts to build a new one: the shack he’s living in now. Bill has already seen a lot of his memories, but Stan wants to keep the ones he didn’t see hidden, especially the ones regarding or having anything at all to do with Ford, so he tucks them away behind literally locked doors that will not open to anyone but him–not even to someone disguised as his brother.
He keeps up these “mental defenses” for around a decade. Sometimes he’ll have a mindscape dream and see a flash of yellow (Bill’s disguise as Ford always had yellow eyes behind the glasses), and he’ll increase the locks on some of his memories and add even more fail-safes. But after a decade, he stops seeing any sign of Bill around and gets sloppy with his mindscape defenses, so when Bill comes back twenty years later, most of the doors’ protections have faded and rusted away, except for the strongest ones (I’m looking at the Hopes and Fears doors, specifically).
That’s why I liked the theory on this post about Stan being able to create false memories as decoys so much, and why I said it fit with the AU! :D
I have most of the pre-series story worked out? Stan’s life before the kids come into the picture, at the very least, from his childhood to around the time Mabel and Dipper are born, but it’s the series part of the AU I’m struggling with, haha! My idea has always been to kind of split the whole story in two, with the pre-canon being the first part and the “canon” being the second one. The future is its own character, which started as an experiment and then became one of my favorite characters to write scenes for, and Stan believes his visions are unavoidable and set in stone–because it mostly is–until the twins get to Gravity Falls and immediately change the “predetermined” outcome he had seen for their first week in town. I like the idea that Mabel and Dipper are such a force to be reckoned with that they are able to change the future, which brings about its own amount of hijinks to ensue!
I would LOVE to talk more about this AU, because it’s probably my most ambitious project ever and I feel bad about having kinda left it aside for so long, haha! I just didn’t want to go on for too much longer in case I already had talked too much!
(Also, I feel like I should mention that the idea of Bill disguised as Ford while on Stan’s mindscape was hugely inspired by the fic of 1 Step Forward, 20 Years Back by @infriga, which is FANTASTIC and I highly recommend! uwu)
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artsymeeshee · 5 years
Chibi Stan gives me Little My vibes, anyways i loveeeee himmmm so muuuuuch ♡♡♡♡♡♡ (also i imagine Ford making sure nothing bad happens to him waaaa so cutee)
Chibi Stan is life.
Since Stan is smol, Ford does do the occasional short, small jokes but man is his protectiveness over the charts.
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