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canadachronicles · 1 year ago
"Dear @c_sinc12: thank you ❤️⚽️"
Source: CBC Sports Instagram Page
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greedygluttons · 7 months ago
Sinclair missed when he was allowed actual real food when his family was still alive. Forsaking their flesh for metal now meant the dinner table had nothing but, no matter how much he hated calling it that as he didn't want to seem ungrateful, slop. Unappetising, unappealing, it was all drab and dull, sometimes improperly cooked as well. He couldn't help but reminisce on the days of his childhood where his father made him a fancy feast for dinner, followed by his dearest mother bringing in for dessert the most delicious cakes he'd ever gotten to taste.
But now that was all gone, as they had no need for "luxuries" of the sort and could plug themselves in and be satisfied. All skill when it came to food had been thrown out the window, much like their so-called unnecessary feelings, which they could now flick on and off as they pleased.
However, with Kromer, it was different. It wasn’t uncommon for her to take him wherever she pleased when the lunch break bell hit. At first, it was easy to pick him up and chuck him over the school gates, but the more time passed, the heavier he got, which greatly satisfied her. Sometimes, it was an all you can eat barbecue joint that she'd drag him to. Seemingly, those were her favourites, but she also pulled him through store aisles and shoddy, yet still delicious, fast foods, and the only thing she would ever tell him is to eat whatever he wants, anything he likes, unlimited and unbound.
And so, he would.
To taste actual food once more, from delicious cones of ice cream to creamy cakes, from crunchy chicken to juicy grilled steaks, he would eat and eat until it was hard to walk back to class, stomach too full for him to handle, much to his and Kromer's pleasure. Once they'd get back, she always had the custom to hug him from behind and squeeze his belly. It was hard to at first, being smooth as a board, but as it went on, as new rolls would pop up, he could feel Kromer shiver in delight while muttering a small "good boy" in his ear, which, in turn, made him shiver with glee as well.
It was almost time for them to graduate, so he thought of this as a nice gift from her. It's nice to be allowed to take part in one of the many humanly pleasures she talked about.
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fkukso · 1 year ago
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La industria del vino es una de las más golpeadas por el cambio climático. Las alteraciones impredecibles de las condiciones climáticas transforman el equilibrio químico de las uvas y la calidad del vino. En la provincia de Mendoza, corazón de la vitivinicultura argentina, científicos/as estudian la diversidad genética de las uvas, los efectos de la radiación UV y las enigmáticas interacciones entre plantas, suelo y factores ambientales para sí ayudar en la adaptación al cambio climático y la conservación de loa sabores tradicionales de esta bebida. Lo cuento en mi reportaje en Agencia SINC (España)
Se lee aquí
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note-a-bear · 1 year ago
Ftr: the first popular use of mdma was as a therapeutic aid in marriage/couples counseling. The idea being that, since it makes you more open to empathetic experience that it makes it easier to relate and discuss hard topics with your s/o
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asoftspotforangels · 9 months ago
some of my favorite woven tapestries, by Cecilia Blomberg:
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Point Defiance Steps
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Rising Tides
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Vashon Steps
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elexuscal · 6 months ago
"it's concerning if university students are genuinely struggling to read full adult-level books for class" and "don't overstate the reporting of a single news article" and "if this shift is genuinely real, it's reflective of broad curriculum changes in lower education levels, probably at least in part due to remote schooling during COVID, and doesn't mean the new generation is being willfully Stupid and Vapid" and "when reading for personal pleasure people should read whatever they like without shame" and "reading from a broad variety of genres, styles, and authorial backgrounds will improve your understanding of both literature and the real world" and "actively mocking people for their tastes in books does not encourage them to become more adventurous you're just being mean" and also "but seriously adult books are not just boringly pretentious nothingburgers padded with pointless sex scenes, and claiming they are just shows how little you've read" all can and should co-exist.
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cottoncandysprite · 7 months ago
Does tumblr know about the animation union yaoi yet
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blakbonnet · 2 months ago
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peak philosophy in ao3 tags
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vampireghostlawyer · 3 months ago
i will never forget in 2022 when i went to the same starbucks every day for like 4 months. and every day i ordered the same thing (grande iced matcha latte with oat milk). and every day it was the same barista and he was so rude to me every single time. and then one day i got in line and he immediately started making my matcha latte when he saw me and as i went to grab it off the counter, he stopped me and looked in my eyes and said "i'm sorry i'm such an asshole to you every day. this job sucks everyone is such a dick to me and youre the only regular who isnt so i take it out on you. and that probably wont change but im sorry anyway." and then the next time i went, he was rude as fuck to me again like nothing had ever happened. life is so strange.
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canadachronicles · 1 year ago
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Fit for the Queen!!
It would be nice if it lasted more than one night, though. Christine Sinclair Place has a nice ring to it, and she certainly deserves it, eh?
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greedygluttons · 9 months ago
🤲 spare wardrobe malfunction ideas pls.... no character preference i just need someone to eat until they burst out of their clothes
He wasn't that bad of a picky eater, he was sure of it, but when Outis sat down Sinclair to have a talk about his stunned growth, followed by a myriad of dishes being placed in front of him, he couldn't help but think that maybe she was right. He was picky about what he ate. But that didn't deter her, no, not at all. In fact, it only served to make her put more pressure on him.
She got tired at some point, of him playing with his food and talking to avoid having to eat what she had made for him (so kindly as well, all to ensure his skills keep up in battle), and took matters into her own hands. Holding his chin with one hand and a fork with the other, Outis would feed him herself, ignoring the complaints about texture and taste, making sure he was good and eating whatever she shoved into his maw.
When the complaint about his clothes feeling tight came, something shifted in her. Outis was still doing this solely for the good of the sinners' synergy, nothing more. It was just a coincidence that, when his belt began to be covered by his belly, when his buttons began to strain more and more against his stomach, Outis decided to further test his limits.
A button popping from his shirt would be a good sign. Maybe his thighs straining against his trousers, making them hard to zip and buckle, would be an effective way to know he had given up on his picky ways. He did keep eating, after all, even what he complained about. Not to mention, as well, how he never stopped swallowing whatever was given to him even when he was huffing and groaning from the ache in his stomach.
Outis had no reason to stop whatsoever, at least not until Sinclair's belly was peeking from under his shirt, and his buttons couldn't handle his size any longer. Hopefully, he has an extra set of clothes. These don't look like they'll handle much more.
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rioblitzle · 4 months ago
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working retail
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cartoonsinthemorning · 9 months ago
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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sminkus · 8 months ago
first one at the bay gar gets to fuck me
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kazz-brekker · 3 months ago
in dracula there is a cowboy and the female lead lives. in nosferatu there is no cowboy and the female lead dies. ergo, the existence of a cowboy is highly important for the survival of the female lead in a gothic vampire story.
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