#sims: Shep
eulaliasims · 10 hours
Shep round 1, 1/2
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Shep gets to be my trial-and-error sim and go first this round. As you can see, she's super thrilled about it.
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She soon spots Norweni, starting off on her usual rounds from the Seax farm next-door, and rushes to say hello. Shep has only recently set up shop in Veridia, moving out on her own from her mothers' home nearby, but Norweni's travels and younger exploits are legendary in the wider area. Shep would love to hear some stories, maybe over a cup of mead sometime--
Norweni: That's all in the past. I prefer not to talk about it. Everything good here? You need anything?
Shep: Uh, no--
Norweni: Great. Let me know if that changes.
Can we all stop standing in the decorative cart???
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Okay, Norweni's kinda brusque, whatever. Shep has stuff to do anyway, like trekking over to the public well to draw water--
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--and, more importantly for a Popularity sim, socialize! One of her new neighbors introduces herself as Derelei. Derelei is quick to catch Shep up on everything from the newest gossip to the recent weather.
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Eisu: Ahh, I remember that stage. It'll pass, heh. You just gotta let them test their independence!
Wolfric: :(
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Derelei: Here's a free sample for you to mess around with!
Is it the fucking widescreen TV
Derelei: (: (:
Of course it is.
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Shep has to skedaddle home before long with her illicit TV. Seeds need sowing, and she needs to check on the skep. Her mothers insisted she take a queen cell to start a hive at her new homestead. She's not looking to start making mead like them... but the honey would be nice.
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I'm having to spend a lot more time managing Shep's needs than I'm used to! That will probably be easier in the multi-sim households, where the work gets spread around more, I hope.
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After a hard two days of planting, Shep treats herself to a trip to the bathhouse and Veridia's mead hall. The cook at the hall makes a mean pasty, and Shep spends some time afterward introducing herself to more locals, like Fial, Norweni's sister, and Helenet the midwife. Shep heard rumors that Helenet is some sort of witch or fae, but she doesn't see any pointy ears, and Helenet seems perfectly nice, if a little shy.
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The wheat is coming along nicely; the weeds are also coming along nicely. Gardening works up quite an appetite; Shep has to admit, she misses having Mama's fresh bread and cheese ready and waiting at noontime.
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Shep has a much less awkward chat with Norweni at the well when Norweni inquires about how the garden is going. Apparently she just really isn't interested in talking about past things.
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Also at the well is Shep's new friend, Derelei! She's so easy and fun to talk to.
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snowlilisims · 11 months
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Today's villager is Shep! Just a simple lad.
Thanks a lot to all CC creators <3
[MaddieEddie] @lady-moriel @the-daydream-archives @miikocc @octetsica @remussirion @sagittariahx @simandy @simbience @strangestorytellersims [Toskami] @trillyke @vibrantpixels
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blackbloodedisabel · 3 months
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what if you were a big powerful respected woman in your field who was terrified of vulnerability and your bosses made the decision to bring in someone to supervise the wellbeing of your whole department despite how much you protested and it turns out she's this goofy sad little scrunchie of a woman who makes you feel a bit dizzy when you make eye contact with her and even though you tried soooo hard to shut her out she sees right through your whole whole shtick and shows superhuman levels of patience for your bs and helps you reconnect with your daughter and you relied on her so much and she got you through everything but then something in you head just gave way and you couldn't fucking do this anymore but you still couldn't let anyone see that so you were awful to her in the hopes that she wouldn't see straight through you but she did so you made her life a literal living hell because you couldn't stand that she was still here and still being kind and patient and understanding and treating you like something sick or fragile or something to be pitied and gently cared for which you aren't. and then you started ignoring her and pretending she didn't exist even when she was right next to you trying desperately to talk to you and maybe that was the final straw for her because one day she stopped showing up to work and a week later they pulled her body out of the river. and it was all your fault but there was no-one you could go to who would listen without judging you (there used to be) but at your lowest points you always hallucinated her and she talked you through it and life was just. stagnantly awful for a while and then a bunch of plot stuff happened. what then
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the-lonelyshepherd · 5 months
I want to trap you and your OCs in my puter
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and put them in little fish shirts
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love this game
KHEFGKHADGCSJB she caught a lemon...... so talented
also the way i immediately started naming every fish on shays shirt. thats a dwarf gourami a rummynose tetra a kuhli loach a harlequin rasbora etc etc. wtf
what other activities can they do in this game this is so intriguing....... can seagulls attack catalina please please please. it would be just like in the real story.
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gammija · 2 years
Do you think jon puts his rib in the dishwasher after the whole dumpster debacle
fhdkdhdj for sure - depending on how gruesome Jareds operation was, he might have done that already anyways
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jasonntodd · 1 year
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xoshepard · 9 months
i had a short section early in the fic where they have shore leave on the citadel and because i had already spent a lot of time on the citadel early in the fic i kinda summarized the shore leave portion so that i could move forward w the plot, but i thought about it and realized that both me and my future readers want DETAILS and the further i get into the plot the fewer opportunities there'll be for developing relationships, so im going back and fleshing out that section and it's so fun....
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shepscapades · 2 months
DFJBSFKGBNSFGBDJ LISTEN it’s not even really ddlc it’s really just more like a dating sim. Also a literature club is there I guess DFLVSNF I’M NOT MAKING THIS INTO AN AU OF AN AU I’M NOT!!!11!1
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So I know I have like 2 followers but I recently started a new save file on the Sims 4 and naturally I had to make the modern Bad Batch Au of my dreams. I thought some people might want to see a couple of screenshots I took!
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Please ignore the floating ball. My game's Echo is really fond of the basketball hoop I put on their house lol.
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Tech of course spends the mayority of the day tinkering in the robotics station
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Let me know if you want to see more screenshots! I've had so much fun playing in this save file and plotting their little story. I didn't add it here but I made a modern version of Phee, Shep and Lyanna as well so they can be friends.
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sabiami · 4 days
My Sims are custom made! Part 2
Maggie Lindemann
Vyxaria from novel Soulless
Lane from nolel Heaven's Secret: Requiem
Boris from novel Heaven's Secret: Requiem 
Lucius Malfoy (actor Jason Isaacs)
A character created from a reference.
Vincent Sinclair from novel The Law of the Beast
Scarlett from novel Law of the Beast
Matt Bomer
Medium Alexander Sheps
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stardustloki · 4 months
Water Fight!
Lyana invites the Batch to take part in a water fight on Pabu. Used to combat sims on Kamino, they take this a little too seriously. Thankfully, their new family are around to correct their misunderstanding.
Tags: Gen, No warnings apply, Hunter-centric, slight angst, fluff, happy ending, Hunter thinks he's meant to be training Lyana in combat and as a good uncle he takes this Seriously
Read it on ao3 here.
Or below the cut...
The hot sun beat down on Hunter’s unarmoured body as he crouched behind a low wall, gripping the brittle blaster tight in his sweating hands, listening intently for any of their pursuers. Lyana crouched beside him, eyes wide, clutching her own blaster close to her body and breathing heavily.
“Did we lose them?”
Her whisper was quiet, but there was a chance it wouldn’t be quiet enough. Some enemies would have scanners trained to pick up on the frequencies of human voices. As Hunter shrugged in response, he made an internal note to teach her battle sign.
She nodded in response, jaw set, eyes serious.
They’d started off together, he, Lyana, Omega, Crosshair and Wrecker, before an ambush had forced them to separate. He cursed himself for not paying better attention, for assuming that the villagers had just been going about their everyday business, sipping cool drinks on their shaded verandas. Oh how wrong he had been.
Now, they were out in the open, cut off from the others, with no idea of the true number of hostiles they were facing.
“Do you remember how to get to the rendezvous point?” Hunter asked lowly. Lyana nodded. “Good. I want you to follow my lead, but remember, if we get attacked and I go down you do not stop for me. You get to the RV. Make sure to use as much cover as you can and try not to run in a straight line, the more obvious your movements are the easier they’ll find it to get a lock on you.”
“Yes, sir.” Lyana gave him a salute so poorly executed that his breath almost hitched. It was a good thing she hadn’t been raised on Kamino, but still, he should probably teach her how to salute properly in any case, it might be a useful skill.
Hunter nodded, satisfied at her words at least, and gestured for her to stay behind him. He didn’t think there were any hostiles nearby, but they were about to break cover and they needed to be careful.
At least, he consoled himself, if Lyana did get hit, the bursts of water wouldn’t hurt in the same way training rounds did.
He had to admit that he’d been surprised when, an hour earlier, Lyana had shown up at their house, informing them that the outside temperature meant that today they’d be having a water fight. Of course, he’d been thinking Lyana should probably be combat trained at some point - there was no guarantee that the Empire wouldn’t show up again, or that her Aunt Phee wouldn’t be followed home by some people she’d pissed off as part of her work - and had started to discuss the possibility with Shep. What he hadn’t been expecting was Lyana to take the decision into her own hands. Still, it was a promising step, and the Bad Batch had wasted no time in figuring out the training weapons and devising a strategy, making sure to explain everything to Lyana and make sure she could fire with… okay it was pretty terrible accuracy and that was something they would desperately need to work on. But there was a one in ten chance she’d hit her target if it was stationary.
Omega had been particularly excited about all this, grinning wildly and bouncing on the balls of her feet, talking to her friend a-mile-a-minute about how happy this made her.
By the time the combat had started, they’d been ready. What they hadn’t counted on, was how numerous their enemies would be.
Hunter and Lyana made their way carefully between the houses, sticking to shady alleyways as much as possible. He made sure to keep his eyes flickering up to rooftops or upper windows - he knew well from Crosshair that people didn’t often expect an attack to come from above. He wouldn’t let this be their downfall.
Thankfully, they made their way to the small plaza without incident. On their way to this rendezvous point, they had been spotted by some locals, who’d grinned at them and gave them a cheery wave - Lyana giving one of her equally cheerful but awful salutes back. Hunter just hoped that they wouldn’t give away details of their movements to the other side.
In the street across from them, Omega snuck into view, pressed into the shadows. Wrecker followed behind her, slightly less well hidden. They both gave Hunter a salute, which he returned. Now they just needed to wait for Crosshair, provided he hadn’t already been taken out.
In the centre of the shaded plaza, a large fountain bubbled. It would be an excellent place to resupply their ammo, but moving to the centre of the plaza would render them more exposed to enemy fire.
With his focus half on the fountain, it took Hunter longer than he should have to realise that the movement behind Wrecker wasn’t Crosshair joining them. Fortunately, Wrecker seemed to notice the extra person at the same time as Hunter did, and threw himself on top of Omega, sending them both tumbling to the ground at the same time as a blast of water went right through where they had been a second earlier. Their assailant didn’t get another chance to fire however, because they were hit by a strong blast of water to the head from above. Hunter grinned. Crosshair.
“Hey, not fair!” Wrecker’s voice rang out across the street and Hunter cursed. Staying hidden and winning this fight was gonna be a lot harder if his brother acted as a homing beacon for the hostiles. Still, they’d survived much worse. They wouldn’t fail this exercise. “I shot you earlier! You can’t get up and keep attacking us.”
“Sure I can,” Phee replied, wiping water out of her eyes. “That’s how water-blaster fights work.”
Even as he gestured for Lyana to stay hidden behind him, Hunter could see Wrecker and Omega shooting each other looks of confusion as they scrambled up off the floor.
“Then how can you tell who wins?” Omega asked, frowning. He noted with a burst of pride that her blaster was still trained on Phee.
“It’s not about winning,” Shep replied, emerging to stand in the sun next to Phee. “It’s about cooling down during a hot day, getting yourself and the other team as drenched as possible.”
Hunter was pretty sure Omega and Wrecker’s dubious looks matched his own.
“Look,” Phee said. “If y’all would be happier treating this like another battle, I ain’t stopping you. But, in my opinion, this way’s more fun.”
It was at that moment, Lyana sprang up towards her father, yelling and firing her water-blaster at him. Too late to grab her, all Hunter could do was provide extra fire at Shep, while Crosshair automatically did the same to Phee. Hopefully, their covering fire would allow Lyana to make her escape without getting hit.
All too soon, they were all out of ammo.
Spluttering, Shep dropped his blaster and wiped water from his eyes, but instead of giving in, he grinned and scooped Lyana up into his arms, before spinning her round and dumping her into the fountain. He laughed uproariously as she emerged, completely drenched, yelling incoherently at her dad, splashing waves at him from where she sat in the pool of water. 
When she turned towards Hunter, he could see she was grinning too.
Oh. Okay. If the rules didn’t really matter then.
Hunter broke cover and raced towards Omega, sweeping her up before she knew what was happening, and dropping her into the fountain beside her friend.
“Hey!” she shouted, but in the second between her yell and Wrecker barrelling into him with a cry of “Traitor!”, he could tell she wasn’t really mad at him. He didn’t bother bracing himself, and instead let Wrecker push him into the pool of water beside them, laughing as he surfaced, pulling back his wet hair from where it stuck to his face.
All too soon, Omega and Lyana were on him, scooping water up and throwing it at him, cursing his betrayal. It was all Hunter could do but howl with laughter as Omega tried to duck his head under the water and he succeeded in doing the same to her.
Of course, there would come a time where Lyana did need to learn how to defend herself, but, for now, in his happiness, Hunter couldn’t find himself much caring.
For now, life was good.
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schmooplesboop · 27 days
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God I remember when BioWare first announced that you could customize Shep's apartment and all the gamer bros were angry and crying about it bc "Mass Effect isn't The Sims it's SERIOUS!!1"... and then you could customize like...... four things LMFAO
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dreamywakes · 9 months
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More Animal crossing inspired sims? Yes, I don't think I'll ever stop making them tbh.
Today we have Carrot, Sherb, Shep, and Raymond.
I really need to make a banner for these posts at this point.
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blackbloodedisabel · 5 months
hola it's my 15 questions for 15 friends.. thank you for the tag @the-lonelyshepherd<33
yeah I plagiarised your cut what are you gonna do about it
(are you named after anyone?)
not my first name but I got my middle name from one of my great-great aunts or something I'm not 100% sure
(when was the last time you cried?)
probably about 3-4 nights ago when I was crying a weeny bit over misty quigley but the last time I FR cried was like 2 and 1/2 weeks ago when I finished aurora by kim stanley robinson which was AUUgh
(do you have kids?)
I count many of my sims and OCs as my children but no I don't really
(what sports do you play?)
I HATE sports but I'm very unfit so I'll probably have to start cycling again yayy
(do you use sarcasm?)
I dabble.
(what's the first thing you notice about someone?)
I genuinely couldn't tell you. probably their eyebrows idk
(what's your eye colour?)
it's green in the middle bit and brown everywhere else. some people call it hazel I call it beer bottle
(scary films or happy endings?)
I hate both<3 happy endings can be ok I guess but I'm biased because I'm trying to write a fanfic (trying😒) which does not have a happy ending. but it's the happiest ending possible! I love tragedy
(where were you born?)
(any talents?)
I can write. if I so choose. I can also go very long without consuming any fluid and factorise quadratic equations
(do you have any pets?)
I count many of my sims and OCs as my pets but no I don't really
(how tall are you?)
idk like 160-something centimetres, so like. just below average. shortest in my family (AAAAAA!!) because I inherited the weeny genes from my maternal grandparents
(favourite subject at school?)
I like physical geography and maths occasionally
(dream job?)
would love to do something geography related like volcanology, seismology OR something like meteorology (more physics based). might be interesting to do environmental science-related work. if nothing works out I'll become a maths teacher and die before I retire. being an author would be cool but definitely as a supplement to a reliable job. right now (I need a job) I'd do great in a garden centre or as a swim assistant. if any employers are listening (leave my tumblr immediately if so!!)
optional tag list (scary I hate tagging.. guys you don't have to do it)
@ambp (so people don't think you're a botgirl), @sickfade, @holyfacehead, @stonergirrrlwrites, @namnjj, @bratyonce, @aziraphaleapologist
if you're supposed to tag 15 people I'm fucked😋😋 I have intimidating mutuals guys and several shep has tagged. if we are moots but I didn't tag you consider yourself a) very scary and b) invited to join in
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yourbeginneranimator · 7 months
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Shep def plays cooking sim. And blows up the kitchen every time
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ltleflrt · 8 months
I always see those posts going around about how there's a pattern in your favorite blorbos, and sometimes I can see it but most of the time I don't. Here's my list that make me feral:
Dorian Pavus
Cullen Rutherford
Dean Winchester
Jonathan Sims
Martin Blackwood
Now the main connection I see is there's a lot of shipping involved between the characters on the list, because ships give me happy brain chemicals. But on a character by character basis... there's brooders, cheerful guys, hopeful dudes, hopeless dudes, optimism, pessimism. There's variety there.
One thing is for sure tho, if someone glows blue, they're usually gonna end up on the list lol
Edit: Oh wait, I see it. It's the past traumatizing them. Okay okay, makes sense now.
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