#simon snow's wings
vebokki · 4 months
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number one truther of simon drools in his sleep and baz finds it terribly charming
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rosaart · 3 months
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Simon's beautiful in battle: He never stops. You never see him plan his next move. He doesn't plan, he just moves.”
Wayward son @rainbowrowell
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krisrix · 10 months
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COC 12 ⁘ Wings
Pixel brushes for Procreate by Ittai Manero
True working size version (200px x 300px) under the cut.
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Stitchy Sunday!
As predicted, this is a day late, but I was off having a lovely cottage on the lake weekend with my friends followed by a Hobo Johnson concert. We're just going to pretend this is on time.
So thank you to @roomwithanopenfire @thewholelemon @blackberrysummerblog @tender-ministrations @artsyunderstudy
@emeryhall and @ic3-que3n for tagging me in your S-allerated Sunday posts!
As promised, today is the final outfit reveal for my Simon-inspired Ren Faire wings!
Wings closed, front and back:
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Wings open, front and back:
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I didn't get to make any of my other adjustments (like stronger magnets), but I did discover that the magnets are adjustable, meaning I can loosen or tighten the screws they're on to make the wings sit a little higher/lower and ensure the wings aren't tilted. I made them as tight as possible (so they sat as high as possible) and tbh I had no issues with them?? Was this the fix I needed all along?
When we arrived at the fairgrounds, I put the wings on, and as I tightened the straps the rivet popped off the left strap. I thought "Did I just do all this work to break them at the last minute and not be able to wear them?" Yet I was oddly calm, resigned to my fate. I asked Kat to see if she could jerry-rig it just in case. She slipped the disconnected top strap through the adjuster-thingy and... it worked??? We are unsure why this was so successful, but I had NO problems with it all day.
I got lots of comments, complements, and a few picture/video demonstration requests, validating my own belief that the wings are cool as shit. The LARPers were especially impressed. And becuase the fair was expanded this year, including more open space and less crowded walkways, I was even able to walk around with them open for a bit! And I didn't knock anything over inside the booths, either!
I also got my first trinkets from trinket-traders because they liked my wings!
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I did not come prepared with my own trinkets as I have never been cool before, so I'm workshopping some ideas for next year, including: polished rocks (dragon horde shinies), painted bottle caps (perhaps with a dragony logo on each one?), sea glass (does require effort of going out and finding the sea glass...), scales (not sure what they'd be made of, though. 3D printed and painted? acrylic? gotta be a simpler solution...). Suggestions welcome.
Bonus: As we watached the joust, I of course started to build a Snowbaz Ren Faire AU based around the semi-scripted joust performances we have each year. I doubt I'll ever write it, but it's fun to think about!
I would like to thank Kat for being my Ladie's Maid every year and helping me get into my corset and, now, wings. Also for driving. I would also like to thank Dropout's D20: A Starstruck Odyssey and Netflix's Dead Boy Detectives for being my companions throughout this project. And of course, thank you to all of my Simon Snow friends for the enthusiasm and encouragement along the way!
Next year's upgrade: Tail!
Tagging even though it's late:
@bookish-bogwitch @onepintobean @technetiumai @martsonmars  @cutestkilla
@fatalfangirl @ileadacharmedlife @moodandmist @palimpsessed  @skeedelvee
@theimpossibledemon @shrekgogurt @cccloudsss @mooncello @monbons
@theearlgreymage @youarenevertooold @larkral @facewithoutheart @messofthejess
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plantsnpeace · 7 months
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Felt like sketching Simon today. 🫶🏻 I’m pretty sure I would give anything for @rainbowrowell to write another Simon story (although I’m really excited for Slow Dance!)
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valeffelees · 3 months
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a little more bite and a little less bark a little less fight and a little more spark
bonus: his cute little face :)
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Carry On Countdown, Day 1: Creature
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(Quotes from "Wayward Son" and "Any Way the Wind Blows" by @rainbowrowell)
My first ever @carryon-countdown! I immediately saw this image in my mind when I read the prompt for day 1.
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monbons · 4 months
Simon's Boudoir Photoshoot
Do you wish you could see that centerfold spread from Monsters and Minxes in real life? Wish no more...
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Is that velvet? Absolutely.
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Blue with a bit of sparkle just like Simon's eyes? Yes, please.
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Even in B&W, Simon is a babe.
If you aren't already reading Only Creatures by @emeryhall, do it now. So, so good.
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simon-pitch · 2 months
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some of the latest doodles from my scrapbook
(open for higher resolution)
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Day 12: Wings
silly silly (I don't know how to draw curly hair which is partly why Simon has been missing from all of the draws thus far) (that and I've just had other ideas) but here he is!
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Inktober 2023
Day 26 - Remove
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Dr. Wellbelove said he could remove the wings. And the tail. Whenever I'm ready. I could go back to school then, or get a job—I think I'd rather get a job. Earn something for myself. Pay my own rent.
It feels good to think about.
Wayward Son, Prologue, Rainbow Rowell.
Simon Snow's journey to accept his wings and tail as part of himself is one of my favourite themes in these books.
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Happy birthday Simon Snow!!! In your honor I'm doing a lesbian reenactment of the end of Carry On by moving in to a new apartment w my girlfriend and their best friend
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ic3-que3n · 1 year
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Inktober day 10: Fortune(ate)
Baz looking at Simon and thinking how fortunate he is.
Also as with last year’s inktober all of my inktober drawings will be done in 15 minutes or less.
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drowninginships · 5 months
Wip Wednesday
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Very excited that I finally made a banner! Did I do this instead of actually writing something for this post? Yes! Did I let it stop me? Absolutely not. Everyone has a banner and I wanted to fit in.
Anyway, thank you for @monbons for tagging me! You're so nice and you make my heart happy <3
So I guess I'm finally gonna share a snippet from the (currently untitled) Wing Fic. I'm writing this as a gift for my best friend @valeffelees even though I have never ever written wings in anything. But I love him, and for him, I will learn.
I'd rate this M, but I'll just put a disclaimer here, this is pretty mild but technically NSFW :)
Against my will, my eyes slip closed and my world goes dark. There's only pressure, only friction, only heat. Only Simon. Only ever Simon. When I finally manage to pry my eyes open again, hoping to see the expression on his face, my breath is stolen from my lungs. Red. Everything is red, and orange, and soft, and warm. Simon's wings have fully expanded in his passion, and as I gaze through the clouds of my lust, I can see the sunlight shining through the thin leathery membrane. Small, delicate red veins spread like a mosaic before me. I've never seen something so exquisite.
And there, that's all you're getting from me today. I hope you like it, please let me know what you think!! And I'm gonna add some no-pressure tags <3 @beastmonstertitan @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @mooncello @thewholelemon @youarenevertooold @raenestee @blackberrysummerblog @prettygoododds @brilla-brilla-estrellita and anyone else that wants to participate!
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Wing Update/Wipsday/Wingsday?
Thank you to @mooncello @monbons @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire and @theimpossibledemon for tagging me today! This is more like a "WIP is complete" celebratory post because nothing is actually in progress anymore now that SSCoNE 2024 is over! I debuted my wings at our tea party at The Bookworm!
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Overall, it went well and I still love them, but boy do I have a new appreciation for poor Simon. Even with them closed, I spent so much time walking sideways to not run into the bookshelves or people, and they open and close themselves if I lean too far one way or if the wind blows strong enough (which, as it turns out, is not particularly strong). People could only sit so close to me without the wings getting in the way. If I could operate them like an appendage, maybe it would take away a little bit of the struggle that manual operation causes, but there's really no way to get around the fact that I'm just wider than I'm used to, and in the back where I can't even see it!
I seem to have only taken one picture with them closed, and I’m behind a car picture frame (done by the amazing @technetiumai), so oops on that. But it’s a cute picture!
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Future Improvements Wishlist:
Holding open position: The wings are held open by a magnet that attaches to a screw. I want to see if I can find a stronger magnet to keep them from closing on their own.
Holding closed position: I'm not sure what to do about them opening when I lean, though. There's nothing really holding them closed the way the magnet holds them open.
Easy-open mechanism: I would love to be able to open them a little more smoothly. As it is, I struggle a bit to push on the bottom joints at the same time with enough strength to open them both. If I stretch my arms first, it goes a little better, but it's just kind of an awkward angle. I've seen other wings that have strings you pull to open them, but because of how these are structured, that won't work, and I'm not sure what kind of mechanism would work.
A better way to keep the spikes on top and bottom fleshed out and not looking flat/empty. I used little pieces of the same garden wire that I put inside the finger channels, but nothing is really keeping them in position, so they fall out after a little while. Maybe I can just sew a little patch of fabric underneath them so that they're sitting in a little closed pocket?
Before that, I will be making a completely new cover to go with my ren faire outfit! I have about one month to get this done, and I refuse to dye fabric this time around.
Tags below the cut!
@shrekgogurt @onepintobean @bookish-bogwitch @martsonmars @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @emeryhall @fatalfangirl @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @moodandmist @palimpsessed @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @skeedelvee and... Rainbow???? @rainbowrowell I just want to show off my wings 🙈
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benthehat · 1 year
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