#simon seems the type to get things done on the first time
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shotmrmiller · 7 months ago
ghost getting himself a cute, soft girl he doesn't talk about much but is clearly obsessed with and price just thinks it's nice he's finally settled down, approves of the home he's made for himself, definitely approves of the one he's taken for himself.
soap asks kyle if he's seen you and he says, "yep. lovely bird he's got tucked away in her little dollhouse. makes great food, too." soap swears there's a subtle shift in his tone when he says "lovely", a hint of something deeper that flickers in his eyes for just a moment. soap simply sucks on his teeth, letting it slide. (although he knows that kyle's always been one to appreciate the good things in life.)
interest gnaws at him, a persistent itch he can't scratch. price likes you just fine, as does kyle. well what about him? he decides to bite the bullet and goes to simon with a knot between his brows, the corners of his lips tugged downwards. they've shared clothes, bullets, beds. if the other two got to meet you, why can't he?
"ya can come over for dinner on tonight. she'd 'ave my neck if she didn't formally meet ya anyway."
soap then asks, out of genuine curiosity more than anything else, if simon would have kept you in the dark from him hadn't he brought you up himself.
"ya meet 'er when i want ya to, boy, and not a moment before." the tone he takes is unmistakeable. his words are a command, not a suggestion, and soap instantly knows to not push further.
soap nods. "ah'll be there."
"course ya will. she'd be terribly disappointed otherwise."
yeah, he'd hate to have that.
soap sits in the living room, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm light over the cozy place. with a full stomach and an unfastened belt, nursing a glass of kentucky. he can't remember the last time he ate that well or that much.
maybe it's the alcohol that loosens his tongue, or the fact that he wishes he also had a sweet little thing to keep at his side just like simon's doing with you now, but the thoughts he's been mulling over all evening since he first saw you tumble out of his mouth.
"while ah can attest to yer taste in sweethearts, can't say much about your alcohol. bourbon, LT?" he says, chest warm.
simon's arm tightens around your hips, fingers splayed possessively over your thigh. he shrugs, completely unbothered by the backhanded compliment. "can't be perfect in everythin', can we, sergeant?"
soap's cheeks burn furiously hot when you come to his defense with a smack of your palm onto simon's chest. "be nice to johnny. he's got a face that make up for some of his other flaws."
the teasing lilt in your voice unashamedly gets his southern blood pumping. he can't help it if certain things stir when someone as pretty as you look at him like that. soap swirls the amber liquid gently in the glass while keeping his limpid eyes on you, not even trying to hide the fact that his gaze hasn't wavered since your cheeky little comment.
you then whisper something in simon's ear, your cupped hand not even half the size of his head and soap has to rearrange himself from the outside when your teeth catch your bottom lip. simon looks up at you then, eyes heavy and half lidded, and a smirk plays at the corners of his mouth.
"'m not sure, love. you'll just 'ave to ask 'im yourself. go on."
you open that sweet mouth of yours, but simon cuts you off with a decisive wave of his hand. "no. you know how to ask for things."
your reaction to that is visceral, and you're on your knees faster than his alcohol-muddled brain can comprehend. don't look down 'er shirt, don't look down 'er shirt, don't-
"johnny, will you touch my pussy?"
he splutters at your question, completely taken aback, but it seems you're not done just yet.
"hands to yourself, sergeant. tha' not all."
you pout at simon, one that earns you a look that promises consequence, but do as he says.
"will you touch my pussy, johnny? pretty please?"
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partiallysame · 1 month ago
Price’s lil Wife Poly!141
Price’s rules for the boys
- work and home are separate. He can not stress this enough. No call signs used in the house. No ghost mask (told Simon this the very first time he met you. No mask. Not now. Not ever)
- soap used “gaz” once and price made him run laps around the neighborhood (the other housewives loved it)
- No talking about any mission any op. Complaining about recruits or higher ups was allowed. Only can talk about what happened on base.
- The missus was kind and pure and he would not let the type of work they do reach her
- When it came to what could and could not be done physically that was fully up to you “stop asking me. It’s her bloody body for christs sake” after the thousandth awkward “can I please fuck The Missus tonight 👉🏻👈🏻”
- If you wanted one of them one night? Just fine. All of them one night? Also fine
- In fact most things in this new relationship were completely up to you. If they stayed/lived in extra rooms, what they called you, how often and how they got to touch you
- Other than the No Work rule the only other thing Price (tried) to put his foot down on was “if she sends you a voice message. Don’t. Fucking. Open. It. In. Public” well that just seems weird now doesn’t it? No lil Mrs price was a lil tease and now she has more men to mess with????
- Only a week or so in to this whole thing Johnny was the first to get one and did he forget or just choose to ignore Price’s rule? The world may never know but he pressed play (full volume bc men always have their volume up for no reason) and the sweet sounds of you moaning his name played so fucking loud in the grocery store. The rest of the boys made the same mistake. Price tried to warn them, he really did.
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callmecoke · 4 months ago
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Thinking of the first time the 141 discover you on a website for Sugar Babies...
TW: Sex work, specifically being a sugar baby. Mention of insanity, but it's mostly exaggeration; this one's pretty SFW, but I would proceed with caution because the subject matter is adult. Not Proofread!!
This is the first instalment of something I’ll continue writing about!!! And also my first post!!!! Yipeeee😆😆😆
I’m thinking about one tired, slow, dull day with our favourite 141 boys as they sit around waiting to receive orders and go-tos from higher-ups. They’ve done everything they could to pass the time: Polished and prepared the weaponry, sorted and stored old files, and Simon even got desperate enough to fold, wash and tuck in bedding for the second time. But eventually, they ran out of little distractions and were left waiting for orders that might never come. Bit by bit, it was driving them mad. The first to snap was Gaz, who was already pacing up and down the base like a madman. Out of desperation, he grabbed his laptop that he hid under his bed and opened it. He knew he wasn’t allowed to access electronic devices while at base; frankly, he wasn’t even supposed to have them at all. But Price couldn’t be bothered to chastise his sergeant, as he was equally starting to get desperate for some action too. 
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Gaz just started opening tabs, looking for anything to pass the time. He wasn’t sure what his goal was other than to find something that might quell his building insanity. That’s when he saw it. Some sort of…dating website? No, not entirely that. It was filled with livestreams, gorgeous younger men and women just talking. He looked further and found it was some kind of sugar baby service where people could come on and interact with lonely rich fellas with cash to spend. Interesting, but not his thing. He was about to exit the page when he spotted your livestream. You were attractive, no doubt about that, but you also seemed a lot more nervous than the other ‘sugar babies’ on this website acted. Like you were new to all this. Your live stream was just you sitting on your bed with the laptop in front of you, only having a dozen or so viewers at most. Curiosity struck him, and his finger moved to click on your livestream. 
The audio of you talking played out of the speakers on the laptop, making the other three men's heads turn in Gaz’s direction. You spoke softly, careful with your words as you talked about yourself and your day, answering questions now and again. It was intriguing. You had each of their attention with the way you spoke. None of them had spoken to a civilian for months. Outside of the 141, they barely even saw another human being with the way they were stuck there. So hearing your voice felt like singing angels to them, one that came to pull them out of the darkness of their minds. Soap and Simon silently shuffled to where Gaz was and leered behind him, watching you talk over his shoulder. Price continued to sit on his side of the room, but he was still entranced by your voice. Even ordering Gaz to turn up the volume if it got too quiet.
Gaz soon realised that the livestream was nearing its end. You hadn’t earned a lot of money, and you were slowly losing steam. But Gaz was desperate. He needed to hear your voice again. To talk to you, speak to you, interact with you somehow. His fingers moved before his brain did, and he input his card details into the website faster than the speed of sound. You had to pay in order to leave a comment and interact on this kind of website, so he tipped you a healthy sum of cash before typing out the quickest sentence he could to get your attention.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 1 year ago
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!reader
From the request here
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: When a movie night has you questioning your bodies worth, Simon catches you in the shower to show you that your body is perfect just the way that it is.
Word Count: 4.3 k
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“Look at the jugs on her,” one of the guys says at the busty blonde that has just been introduced for the first time in the film. A few others follow suit, whooping at the gorgeous, petite female main character popping up on screen as the movie really gets going. “That’s a woman you could lose yourself in. Fuck, I wish I could find a girl like her; I’d be a happy man for life. To have that waiting at home for me, I’d never even be tempted to stray.”
This is usually how movie night on base goes: people piling into the rec center ready to watch the latest movie from the personal collection from one of the members, but mostly it just devolves into a testosterone fest of horny boys itching to have something to focus their sexual frustrations on by ogling at the new pretty little thing on screen. Usually it doesn’t bother you, you’re used to being around all that chaos, but tonight just feels different.
Simon isn’t one for this type of gathering, but he comes to keep an on the crowd and be nearer to you and as he watches out of the corner of his eye from his place standing towards the back, he notices how your body language changes as the guys continue to raucously talk about the leading lady and how beautiful she is. It’s almost imperceptible the way you shift in your seat while you pick at the skin of your lower lip with your teeth, your shoulders slumping down as you cross your arms, but he catches it outright. He knows you and he knows this isn’t normal. 
Something is bothering you.
The longer you sit there the worse it gets. Their lustful words just cut different tonight; maybe it’s exhaustion from being overworked or perhaps you’re just having an off day, but the longer they hoot and holler over the girl plastered before your eyes, the more you want to crawl out of your skin.
It’s about halfway through the movie when you slowly get up from your seat, trying not to draw attention to yourself by leaving too quickly and exit the rec without looking back. Simon is instantly concerned and wants to rush after you, but one of the newer recruits that seems to be the ringleader in all this turns to him as if to drag him into the depraved fun.
“Whatcha think; gotta admit she’s a fine thing, ain’t she Lieutenant?” he asks, nodding back at the screen. “Come on, even you gotta admit she’s perfect. Couldn’t hope to find anyone better.” 
The look that Simon gives the young man through his mask, that stone cold glare that could make even the bravest man shiver, instantly shuts him up and has him facing forward again to join his brothers in arms in their jokes. His brow furrows angrily behind the fabric as he looks over the crowd of boys once more before heading out, leaving quietly like a specter on his way to find where you had gotten to. 
Simon checks all the usual places, but you are nowhere to be found: the little area outside the rec where you usually join him for a smoke break, the mess hall, even your barracks are empty. Then he hears movement in the communal bathroom and knows he’s finally found you. 
It looks like you’ve been rushing to get done before anyone can catch you. Your hair is damp from the shower and it drips down to leave dark stains onto your t-shirt as you stand staring at yourself in the mirror behind the sink. Simon watches quietly from his obscured place by the door as you look yourself over, scrutinizing each detail from head to toe before you give up with a sigh and a diversion of your eyes, focusing on your toothbrush instead as you pick it up and turn on the faucet. So absorbed in what you are doing, you don’t hear the lock click closed or the pair of heavy boots that cross the length of the room until there is a presence upon you. 
“God, you’re so beautiful baby,” you hear that deep, gravelly voice sound from behind you while a bulky arm wraps itself around your waist from behind as Simon presses up against your back. You look back up into the mirror in front of you and are instantly met with a pair of brilliant brown eyes as he slowly removes his balaclava. “Just standin’ there fresh outta the shower and ya look like a fantasy.”  
Setting the mask on the sink he joins his other arm around you and leans his face in, the tip of his nose nuzzles into the side of your neck before he presses his lips against your jugular. His lips catch the feeling of your pulse quickening through the vein at his touch. Rough hands begin to splay across your clothed stomach, running across and down to your hips with gentle caresses that make you pause. Your eyes stare into the mirror to take in your combined form as he drapes himself over you, hot lips peppering your skin with no sign of letting up.
You chuckle dismissively, trying to play off his words as a joke. Your head still isn’t in the right place and even though you enjoy the feeling of his touch, disastrous thoughts still circle throughout to cloud your mind so that you second guess even his affections. 
“Oh, come off it,” you return as you grab the toothpaste off the countertop. “I do not.” 
There is no hesitation in his reply. “I’m serious,” he breathes that husky whisper against your skin as his lips continue down to your shoulder as his fingers pull the t-shirt away from your collar bone to reveal more skin for him to adorn with his mouth.
You roll your eyes in the mirror so that as he looks up briefly he catches the movement. “Yeah, sure,” you again dismiss him. “Whatever you say.”
Before you can even unscrew the cap to the toothpaste, Simon reaches past you to turn off the tap and take your things out of your hands before he rotates you around so that you face him. Your backside presses into the edge of the sink as you rest up against it, mouth scrunched to one side as he gazes back at you with intent. There is a subtle frown on his lips and an anxious look in his copper eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, concerned. “Somethin’ happen? Cause I did see ya leave in a hurry back there.”
You divert your eyes, ashamed of your lack of confidence that has come forward tonight. “I don’t know, it’s nothing,” you shrug, but he isn’t buying any of it. 
His large hand rests itself up under your chin, pulling your head back up to look into his face. “I think ya do know,” he says. “Will ya tell me?”
Clearing your throat, you give yourself a moment to figure out how best to proceed. “It’s just,” you say hesitantly, “I guess sometimes I just wish I looked like that, you know? I know I’m usually not this self-conscious, but tonight I guess I just hit a rough patch with my insecurities and something about the shit they were saying just got to me I guess. You see the way the guys talk about girls like in that movie, like she’s the most gorgeous thing in the world. She’s so perfect and… I…”
You gesture with your head down the length of your body to emphasize your point that you are nothing like the actress: your breasts are on the smaller side, your thighs are incredibly thick, and your stomach is not completely flat. Simon follows your hand, looking you up and down before his eyes meet yours again.
“I’m not. I know it’s fucking stupid and I shouldn’t care about all that, it doesn’t really matter, but sometimes it’s just hard to ignore. I’m not the standard when it comes to beauty, but sometimes I just want to feel like I’m the most irresistible person in the room.”
It seems like he wants to say something, you can see his mouth shifting, but instead his gaze drifts down to your lips and he pulls your chin forward to close the distance between your mouths. Instantly he overtakes your mouth with his own, tenderly capturing your lips over and over with a gentle desperation that makes him shudder against you as he moves in closer. 
“Who the fuck said ya ain’t perfect?” he asks, his voice breathy against your lips. “Gimme that bastard’s name. You tell me right now so I can go ring their fuckin’ neck. Cause that is a goddamn lie.”
“No one said anything like that, it’s just the way I feel,” you answer honestly. “And you’re only saying that because you like me.” 
Immediately Simon pulls you into another long kiss as if he is trying to take those insecure words right out of your mouth before you can say anything else. Breaking the kiss, Simon licks his flushed lips and shakes his head. “Really? Ya don’t think your body can drive someone wild? Then what’s this, hmm?” he asks, grabbing your wrist to pull your hand forward so that he can place the palm over top of the soft bulge growing in his boxers. “See whatcha do to me, sweetheart? Ya think that’s lyin’?”
Your hand rubs over the swell and his hips unconsciously buck slightly against your hand as he hums in approval of your touch. It is instantaneous the way you have him begging for even a simple touch from you; no other has ever held that kind of power over him, not anyone that he would give it to so freely like he does you. The warm pressure from your hand causes the pulsing to intensify as he grows harder and you find your heart beat starting to match its throbbing.
“Ya don’t think I catch the men lookin’ at ya from time to time?” he asks as he leans his head forward until it rests against your own, hands moving up under the hem of your shirt to play with the toasty skin of your abdomen as he talks. “Ya don’t think I see that their eyes glaze over as they linger on your body a bit too long for my fuckin’ likin’? Just cause they won’t say it out loud doesn’t make it any less true that you have something about ya that would drive any man wild.”
His words are like a balm to your mind and the longer he speaks the more you find yourself falling under their spell. Rough fingers are pushing up higher into your shirt, pulling it up over your waist as he runs his palms across the area while his hips press into yours. He’s not forceful or harsh, his advances are only full of adoration in that type of intense devotion that only Simon Riley is capable of when it comes to savoring the best damn thing he has ever had.   
“Don’t let what ya heard back there hurt ya,” he says softly. “Yeah, ya don’t look like that bird on the screen, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t an absolute beauty. You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen and I ain’t just sayin’ it, baby. But ya don’t just have ta take my word for it. Let me show ya that no one can hold a candle to what ya got.”
Simon pulls you over to one of the empty showers and gets it going, fiddling with the taps to make sure the water is going nice and warm before he turns his undivided attention back to you. Instantly his mouth is back on yours as one by one each piece of your clothing is removed and set aside in tandem with his own until you both stand before the other bare.
“I’ve already showered,” you mutter out between pauses as merely just a statement of fact rather than a reason to deny him.
Simon murmurs his disagreement into your mouth. “Don’t care,” he replies through a break in his kiss, continuing to take off your clothes as he dizzyingly tries to get at your body. “Can’t be havin’ those fuckin’ negative thoughts in that head of yours. Wanna take care of ya, make ya feel like the true beauty ya are.”
More kissing, so much that your lips are burning and raw from the friction. His mouth must be aflame too, but he doesn’t let up; he can’t, he’s captured in the wake of your allure and there is no getting out. 
“What if someone comes in?” The last of your questions spills out quick.
He chuckles at your needless worry. “Already locked the door sweetheart.”
Stretching his hand out, he checks the temperature to be sure it’s right before dragging you inside the steamy oasis. The curtain is barely pulled closed before he has you pinned at the back wall, his stocky torso rubbing against your voluptuous naked body as he steals the breath from your lungs, kissing you so thoroughly that there is no distinction between faces anymore.
The change in temperature has your nipples hardening, the blossoms spiking forward at attention, and Simon can feel them poking against his chest the longer he has your mouth locked in that dance of back and forth. The moment he is aware of their presence his mouth is salivating to get at them. 
You might think they are not perfect enough, but to him they are exactly what he wants.
Breaking the kiss abruptly, removing his mouth so quickly that a trial of spit still connects your lips a moment, he tilts his head downward. Being on the smaller side, he can fit your breast almost entirely in his mouth and he does, filling the cavity with as much of your tit as he can without choking. 
You can hardly remember anymore why the stupid comments had you so upset in the first place when you have a man like Simon who will dote on you like you are royalty. His is the only opinion you have come to care about and it is clear that there is nothing he will ever want more than you. 
He moans deep and guttural into your breast as he sucks while letting the end of his tongue flick around the nipple, circling the sensitive tissue until you are writhing against him as he holds you steady to the wall so that he can work. There is another breast after all that requires his attention and he intends to show it the same amount of affection as the other. Switching sides, he gets to work, keeping the first breast warm by cupping it in his hand.
It’s minutes of you quivering and whimpering before he emerges panting with his lips swollen and red, satisfied with his work so far. Giving his lips a break, Simon gently strokes your cheek with his fingers as he gazes into your eyes, swaying your bodies from side to side in easy movements. “Stay with me luv,” he says softly as he watches you take heavy breaths, “I ain’t done just yet.”
Those lips are on the move again to decorate your body, over your sternum and waist, until he has to kneel before you to get any further. He’s on his knees, all 6’4” of him bent to you as he places kisses across your belly while the heated water runs over his dirty blonde hair and down his back, rippling across the muscles in his shoulders as he holds your hips squeezed securely between his broad hands. 
“You’re perfect just the way ya are, baby,” he groans against your moist skin, letting his lips linger wherever he puts them. “Just like this: real, curves for fuckin’ days, so much skin I get drunk tryin’ to get at it all. And the best goddamn part is that it’s all mine.”
More kisses he places along all the areas you think unworthy of adoration, but that he finds absolutely exquisite. “Mine, all mine.”
His words devolve into incoherent babble as he nestles his face into your abdomen to leave burning trails of his desire with his lips that even the warm water cannot wash away from your skin. Your body writhes in his double-handed grasp as your head falls back to rest against the wall as every inch of tender flesh prickles with the overstimulating sensation of being doted upon. 
Lips keep trailing further downward from your stomach to the mound of your sex, through the trimmed patch of hair at the top of your pussy, before they sink into the bulk of your thick, stocky thighs.
“Ya think I get on my knees for any girl?” he asks from his place at the bottom of the shower as he stares up into your face with half-lidded eyes that darken the more he plays with you. “You’re the only one who can bring me to fuckin’ kneel, baby. You and your gorgeous body. I’m at it’s goddamn mercy.” 
Placing his hand on your calf, he nods and you know exactly what he wants: that juicy cunt smothering his features, your bulky thighs crush against his ears. Carefully he helps you to adjust your footing so that he can lift your leg. Propping it up on his own thigh, he sits back on his calves so that his face sits at the same level as your pussy and he leans in, smothering his face right between those dangerously thick pieces of flesh as you widen your stance with his guidance to make it easier. Hardened fingertips dig themselves into your body, forcing you even more firmly against his face until his nose is pressed into your clit and he moves his head back and forth to stimulate it with the tip. 
There is little oxygen to be had between the heat from the water and the heat between your legs, but it doesn’t matter. The sound of your soft, breathy gasps and moans as he penetrates your entrance with his tongue is enough to sustain him until he can come up to breathe. Lapping and thrusting, wriggling and applying pressure, if there is even a whisper of a negative thought left in your brain it is overshadowed completely now by the overwhelming euphoria of being devoured to the brink of insanity.
You buck wild and untamed, panting heavily as the warmth in your belly begins gathering quicker than you could have thought, the coil pulling tightly as minute by aching minute Simon draws your body to the edge of its release. He is relentless in his endeavor, putting your needs above anything else- even breathing. That tongue has moved up to your clit now and with weighty presses over the tiny bean you soon are spilling over the edge and he has to hold onto you tight so that you don’t slip and fall.
Simon stays locked to your pussy until the very last second, keeping his movements going even as you try to pry him off from the sensitivity that is almost too much to handle. It isn’t until you finally stop writhing that he emerges from between your legs with a smile that has your stomach doing somersaults as he wipes his mouth clean of your cum. 
“Second course,” he growls before you even have a chance to fully come down from your high.
Oh you have got him down bad tonight. 
He carefully flips you round to face the wall and uses his feet to make you spread your legs as wide as you can get them. A hefty hand runs itself over the curve of your ass, following the line down all the way to the underside before he grabs it in his hand and gives the meat a firm squeeze.
“Those little boys just don’t know how to handle this much woman; all these fuckin’ curves are too much pleasure for a bastard that don’t know the treasure he’s got. But I know what a fuckin’ feast ya are,” he groans as he aligns your hips and enters you from behind with a forceful grunt that reverberates off the enclosed space of the shower. 
You push palms flat against the wall to steady yourself. “They don’t know how ta treat ya right, how ta love a body that just keeps givin’ and givin’. But I don’t have that problem, sweetheart.”
Simon’s devout words are like liquid fire and as his cock stretches you wide, the euphoria of his talk runs through you to make you burn. Your body is his religion and goddamn does he always worship it right. All those cares, all that self-loathing and doubt entirely evaporate from your mind as he pushes your shoulders forward to make you arch your back so that he can pound into your pussy hard and deep from behind, making your plump ass bounce off his pelvis with a recoil that draws his gaze.
“Fuck,” he breathes, so obsessed with the way you look around him that he is trying to ingrain the image in his mind.  
His aching exclamation thrills you, making your heart skip a beat as his thrusts continue to rock through you. To be craved in such a way, to be thought of like the woman in the movie, that is what he is giving you now and it is euphoric. His intensity is orgasmic and your body responds in kind as he grabs you to move you closer.
“Don’t concern yourself with the bullshit ideas of some puny little boys when ya got a man who will always make sure you feel like a fuckin’ princess when you’re in his arms,” he says in a whisper at your ear as he pulls you back to leans against his chest. “Cause ya are, sweetheart. Your my fuckin’ goddess of a woman.”
The way he says it makes you ache all over and you can feel it twinge in your clit. “Say it again,” you beg, needing to hear him make those sweet combinations of sounds once more until your body vibrates with pleasure. 
His hand comes up to cup around your breast so that he can massage the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, causing you to mewl at the sensation. “You are so fuckin’ beautiful baby, so goddamn perfect just like this, and I love every last fuckin’ inch of ya. My princess.”
Your cheeks feel like they are glowing and on fire as thrusts after thrust he pounds into you, stretching you and filling you full on all of his passion for your body. You will never be able to make everyone see you for the gorgeous being that you truly are, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Simon is more than enough to keep you feeling like the most beautiful girl in the whole world; you are safe with him.
Your head falls back against his shoulder, eyes fluttering shut as his arms that are filled with your waist clamp down tighter to secure you to him so that he can shove his cock even harder into your now dripping core. “Yes, yes,” you whimper out. 
“Come for me again,” he practically demands as he watches you falling apart once more. “Come on, pretty girl, one more for me. One more together.”
Your limbs are tingling with each snap of his hips against your ass. It’s close, right there, you can almost feel it again as the coil wounds itself tight once more in the pit of your stomach. You clench down on him, making him falter before recovering and continuing on. A few more pumps of him deep in your core and it is right there at the precipice.
“Let go for me,” he whispers into your ear as you clench once more around him and something about the way he says it sets you off. You come for the second time, the orgasm rocketing through you until you can feel it like fire shooting through your veins as you shake with the intensity of it all. 
Quickly he pulls out just in time as he too pops off and comes between your thighs as you clamp them together around his cock. The ejaculate runs down your legs as he milks every last bit out of the tip until his body hangs limp and his head falls down to rest the forehead against your shoulder. Still he holds you close, murmuring soft praises against your neck about how fucking amazing that was and how there is no one else that will ever look more beautiful all flushed and exhausted.
Holding onto you, Simon takes a few steps back forcing you to come along until you are both submerged under the showerhead to let that soothing water run over your bodies until you can both come back down from your high. There are no words yet, none that need to be said out loud, all he needs to do is keep you wrapped in his arms a little longer.
It’s quiet, just the sound of the water rushing filling the silent space for a while, until a noise breaks you both out of the moment. There is a banging on the door from the outside, repeated knocking loudly and clearly; you’ve been in here for too long, but Simon doesn’t seem to be bothered. There is no attempt to leave the steamy oasis yet and soon the sound subsides and you are both left in the silence once again. 
“They’ll just have to fuckin’ wait,” he says against the side of your head in a hushed whisper, lips tempting your earlobe. “They can consider it a punishment for making ya upset. Besides, I’m still busy and you’re not goin’ anywhere.”
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novemberheart · 7 months ago
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{overview} your pack comes back…. it's not a happy ending for everyone though
{warnings} fem reader, a/b/o dynamics, poly141, cursing, fighting, intimidation, Simon and Kyle both pop off in this chapter, mentions of torture and violence, threatening, protective boy
Chapter 17 <- Chapter 18 -> Chapter 19
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Today was the first day you had nothing planned. Just you and your thoughts. You slept in till noon until you decided to get up and make some pancakes. The boys had fully stocked all of your favorite things before they left. You had no business being in the cafeteria without them- Johnny's words, not yours.
It was kinda nice actually. You’re not sure if you've ever had a full day to yourself your whole life. You dragged your desk chair outside on the patio to eat your pancakes. You even made friends with a pigeon. When you went back inside you decided to look up yoga tutorials on TV. Couldn't hurt to be flexible, could it?
It was a new feeling of freedom. You didn't have to worry about any housemate or watch yourself to make sure you weren't a disturbance. You could play music and sing as loud as you wanted. You could learn a new dance. Try a new recipe. Or you could just sleep all day and no one would be able to judge you.
You decided on a bubble bath.
It was that time of night again. Choosing between who's room you wanted to crash in. Your eyes darted back and forth between Kyle and Johnny’s room. Yet there was a tingling sensation at the base of your neck at the thought of John’s room. He never gave you explicit permission and you had never slept in there before.
But he doesn't seem like the type to get mad at you for that. Maybe in two days, your scent will wear off and he won't even notice you slept in it. You were on high alert like a bandit about to be caught. Your knees nearly crumbled as you opened the door to his room. His scent permeated into every surface, your eyes lulling closed. You shook yourself awake, making your way over to his bed. There was a jitteriness about you, the flesh under your skin buzzing. Something wasn't right. It wasn't cozy enough. You huffed back to your room grabbing pillows and an extra blanket, getting to work.
You kept John's pillows against the headboard and added one of yours to the side of the bed against the wall and one on the other side so you would be cocooned in the middle. His blanket and top sheet were pulled tightly against the bed and you tried your hardest to climb in without disrupting them. You folded your blanket and laid it down on the edge of the bed, so your cold feet would have a few extra layers. You held your jellyfish close to you and nuzzled your way under the covers.
Heaven. That was the closest way to describe it. You were quite proud of the nest you had made, well John did help- unknowingly. You gasped softly, your eyes snapping open.
A nest. You had made a nest.
You had only ever done it in your heat and when you did it then you had no materials to work with. You have heard that some omegas nest even when they aren't in heat. Happy ones at least. You grinned curling up on your stomach, your face melted against his pillow.
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“You smell that?” John asked, stepping inside. They carefully putting their bags by the door, trying to not alarm you. Johnny groaned from behind him.
“Happy girl,” he commented. The tightness and anxiety his body was storing slowly ebbed away at the smell. He knew that scent. It was extra strong when you were sleeping since you weren't able to hold anything back. He could picture you in his head, curled up against his chest, a sleepy smile on your face with very little awareness of your surroundings. Your soft skin twitching under his rough hands, warm from absorbing his body heat. Your warm peachy scent developing an undertone of cinnamon and spice from his. It sent a shiver up his spine, the hair on his arms standing up.
“Go take a shower. You'll get time with her in the morning.” John yawned. He made his way to your bedroom with the intent to check up on you, only to realize his door was open. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness quickly and he could make out a rather apparent lump on his bed. Although you wouldn't take up that much room. He snuck over a smile etched on his face. Warmth spread through his body at the sight before him. You were comfortable enough to not only sleep in his bed, but make a nest out of it. The overwhelming urge to crawl in there with you made his shoulders twitch.
He quickly made his way out of the bedroom, making his way to Johnny’s bathroom. He didn't want the sound of water to startle you and he couldn't climb into bed with you stinking like he did.
“She nested,” John spoke peeling off his clothes.
“She did? In her bed?”
“No, mine,” John clarified quickly.
“Great, now it's going to smell like horny, pompous alpha in here.” Johnny groaned, scrubbing at his scalp, making room for the broad alpha under the running water.
He picked the clothes out of his closet quietly. It was about time he used his training for good.
“Sweetheart,” he greeted. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of those claws if you got scared. He’s seen the damage they could cause. Your eyes opened harshly, making him wince.
“You’re back?” you couldn't quite believe it. They weren't supposed to be back for another two days. You pushed yourself out of bed, your fingers holding onto his shoulders for dear life. “Why are you back? Is everything okay?”
He hummed in assurance.
“We were able to finish up early,” he explained. “Came back as soon as possible.”
The truth was everything was different. They were different. The team had always been “the best of the best”, but with the addition of you, they had turned practically untouchable. It was easier to move, easier to think, and most importantly they had a reason to get home. It might've just been luck, but they knew instinctively there was a change- a natural one. Their bodies transforming into vessels to protect and provide for you. It has been that way forever, consequently why the government has always taken advantage of this evolution. That didn't matter now.
“Is Johnny back?” you mumbled against his shoulder.
“Yes. He's tired though, already crashed,” it was a lie, one he was hoping you wouldn't investigate. It wasn't that he wanted to keep Johnny from you, he wanted to keep you from Johnny. He knew the Scot would get you curled up in his arms before John could blink. It was his turn to have you. “Let's get you back to sleep, pretty girl,” John sighed, setting you back down in the bed, and tucking the sheets tight around you once again. He crawled in next to you, his arms wrapping around you trapping you against his chest. You nuzzled your way closer, a now familiar warmth spreading throughout your body. You were safe.
“So happy you're back,” you mumbled, already growing tired again.
“Me too,” he whispered, keeping his lips pressed against your temple.
“Is it okay that I nested here?”
“Course. I'd be happy to leave it if you wanted. I know you like to cuddle with the betas, but I wouldn't mind being worked into that routine,” he chuckled as you smiled against his chest.
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You squealed as you were picked up and spun around. Johnny held his grasp on you as he flopped down on the couch, you perched atop of him. You leaned down peppering his face with kisses.
“Thank you for not being gone too long,” you smiled against his cheek.
“Had to get back home to our girl,” he purred, flipping you on the couch so you were under him. His blue eyes were sparking, making you feel a bit nervous. He was inspecting you. “Can I?” he asked softly, his forehead resting against yours.
“Please,” you whispered. He wasted no time connecting the distance. You were a bit unsure what to do. All your kisses with John had been little pecks.
“Relax, hen. Follow my lead,” he murmured, making your lips tickle. You did and once you found your rhythm you didn't want to pull away. Your hands clasped behind his neck, pulling him as close as possible. He chuckled against you, his smile interrupting the kiss. “Knew you’d get addicted,” he smirked.
“You’re right, come back,” you murmured, pulling him back down. He gasped but quickly regained his footing, hoping to keep you occupied long enough for the burning of his cheeks to disappear. He wasn’t used to someone so responsive. Eight times out of ten he had to instigate physical contact, but you were so accepting and matched his effort. You whined as he growled against you, pulling away before it all became too much. He chuckled against you as you panted, kissing across your cheek stopping just below your ear.
“Thought about you a lot you know. It was hard, especially at night. You were alright here by yourself, aye?” he questioned, his eyes softened to a point that it made your breath hitch.
“I was alright, Tavy,” you assured, resting your forehead against each other.
“Peaches, I need to tell you something”-
The door sprung open. The words “I love you” getting caught in his tongue.
“There you boys are,” John was the first to greet them. You shimmied out from under Johnny and he let you, watching as you nearly tackled Kyle to the ground.
The force of it knocked Kyle back into Simon.
You growled as all you got were scent blockers instead of fresh linen.
“I know, lovie, I know,” Kyle soothed. “Fuck,” he groaned, your scent hitting him like a tidal wave.
“Steady yourself,” John chuckled. You wormed yourself away from Kyle and wrapped your arms around Simon. He ran his hands up and down your back and you gave him one last squeeze before pulling away- not wanting to push it. “You’re both good?” John hummed, his hands resting on Kyle's shoulders. Kyle dived in for a hug and John quickly reciprocated, the feeling of finally being home settling in. You figured it was time to allow them some privacy and so you bounded into your room to change out of your sleep clothes.
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“Can I talk to you two?” you questioned, closing the patio door behind you. They were having a smoke. Simon hummed in acknowledgment putting the cigarette out so you wouldn't be forced to breathe it it in such a small space.
“Something wrong?” John asked, putting his cigar out as well.
“Not really, but something happened while you two were away and I think you should know about it,” you explained hesitantly. They shared a look, before Simon nodded his head towards the inside. You took the hint as he opened the door for you. It wasn't that you didn't want the betas to know, you just felt that the alphas would want to be the first to know. “I went out with Priya one day”-
“Who’s that?” Simon interjected. John looked over, smacking him with his leg.
“Let ‘er talk,” he directed.
“I met her at that breakfast in the park thing. We have hung out a few times,” it was partially a lie. “Anyways, we were trying to figure out what to do and she said that the hospital had a rec center so we went there.” You paused trying to get a gauge on them. Their faces were like stone. You began losing the confidence you had.
“Go on,” John encouraged, his voice soft.
“Well she left to go to the bathroom quickly, and it was right across the hall. Then this doctor came over and he thought I was a freelance healer so he grabbed me and”-
“Grabbed you?” Simon interjected again.
“Where?” John pressed. You tucked your arm into your sweatshirt, pulling the hem up to show them the bruise on your upper arm. It had faded a decent amount since the incident, but there were still greenish-yellow fingerprints.
“Name,” John commanded.
“I'm not done,” you asserted. They were stiff in their seats now, John was trying his hardest to be level-headed. How many times did they have to prove not to fuck with you? This had been one of the reasons they were so unsure about an omega to begin with. “He grabbed me and put me into a room, with two”-
Simon stood up, heading towards his room to collect one of his balaclavas. He and John couldn't just stay home after this information.
“Simon, keep it together,” John snapped, his eyes still trained on you. He knew nothing too bad could've happened to you. You were fine last night- fuckin’ glowing actually.
“One was an alpha I had never seen before, the other was a beta. The beta that had attacked me by the water fountain.” John’s breath hitched and you could feel Simon stiffen from behind you. “He apologized and begged me not to hurt him,” you nearly chuckled. “I know that you two handled it- obviously, but he was talking about Lieutenant Hale,” you peaked over your shoulder at Simon. He had his back turned to you, his head facing the wall. “He wanted something with me- the beta didn't know what. I'm sure you both know much more than I do, I just wanted to let you know,” you finished.
“Thank you”-
“Thank you?” Simon snapped. “You’re on house arrest,” Simon growled pointing at you.
“What?!” you exclaimed, standing up yourself. “I'm not a child, Simon. You can't do that.”
“Like fuckin’ hell I can't. Until you can learn to not be abducted, attacked, or threatened by bloody strangers you're not leaving this fuckin’ flat,” he snarled.
“John, do something, please,” you begged, turning to John.
“I agree with him.” John sighed. “Not for long but until we figure out strategies to keep you safe,” he reasoned.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you sputtered. “It's not my fault these things are happening,” you shot back.
“No one is saying that”-
“Simon just did! He said and I quote “Until you can learn to not be..” he blames me!” you recalled.
“It's not forever,” John continued, trying to diffuse the situation. “Your incidents happen when you are left completely alone. We just need to make sure you're not”-
“You can't do that. You two have enough control over me as it is!” you spat. “I know it's the destiny of an omega to be under the pack's thumb all the time, but this is ridiculous and I think probably illegal.”
“Now I know it may feel like that at times but we do it to protect you,” John said.
“Not that it's working,” Simon grumbled.
“Fuck you, Simon,” you growled. You couldn't believe the turn of events. Just yesterday you had your hand down your pants thinking about them and today you didn't even want to be in the same room. You wished the betas were here. You wished you never said anything. Simon's deep chuckle made you falter. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, as he raised a hand to his mouth to stop the sudden onslaught. “Are you laughing?” you muttered.
Truth be told he has never enjoyed you more than right now. You, of all people, cursing at him with complete rage. Even now, your face scrunched in confusion and lingering anger, your whole being flushed with a beautiful heated glow.
“Alright, pup. You proved yourself. You're still on house arrest but just till we go on leave. Then hopefully people will have moved on to some new drama by the time we get back.” He sighed, heading towards the front door, John following close behind. Leave was scheduled for three days from now.
“Wait, are we still fighting or not?” you questioned slowly.
“I can keep going,” Simon smirked.
“No,” you replied a bit dumbfounded.
“Did I win? I feel like I won,” you mumbled, the adrenaline slowly wearing off.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, pup. Come on, let's go get dinner.”
“What is happening?” you murmured, beginning your trek to the door.
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A knock on his office door caused him to raise his head. He flinched at the sound, harsh against the silent hallway.
“Come in,” he sighed, spinning his chair around to face the door. The door opened slowly and the reveal had him shooting up from his chair.
“Dr. Malcolm?” Kyle clarified. Johnny followed behind him, shutting and locking the door. “Easy, mate,” Kyle soothed his hands extending forward. “Just here to ask a few questions,” Kyle offered a smile, sitting down in one of the other office chairs. “At least I am. That one over there is still a bit worked up,” Kyle chuckled, nodding his head towards the Scot leaning against the door. The glint in his eyes was heart-stopping and Kyle’s relaxed nature only added to the uneasiness in the air. “Now we heard her side of it and we saw what happened on the cameras but I think it’s only fair if we heard your side of it before making any rash decisions,” Kyle explained. “Right, Soap?”
“There’s a lot riding on your answers. That’s for sure, doc,” Johnny spoke.
“He’s right. I imagine it being hard to do your job missin’ a few fingers, yeah?” Kyle hummed. The doctor was leaning against his desk now, knees too weak to do anything else.
“I'm not afraid of you, punks,” Dr. Malcolm managed. Kyle winced.
“Strike one,” Kyle tsked, as Johnny took a few steps forward. Dr. Malcolm quickly held his hands up, shaking his head profusely.
“Wait, wait,” he pleaded. “Alright. I made a mistake. We get freelance omegas from holding housing all the time to help with healing. I just assumed she was one of them. Honest mistake,” Dr, Malcolm sputtered, his hand still surrendering.
“That’s interesting,” Kyle sighed, coming to a stand, his broad shoulders blocking most of the light from Dr. Malcolm's frame. “Because to me, an honest mistake would you be askin’ her if she was a freelance omega. Her saying ‘no’. You takin’ that ‘no’ as an answer and going about your day. Not you dragging her down the hallway as she fights against you. Your fingers leaving bruises on our girl's arm,” Kyle finished. “You get that, right?”
The reasons behind why they wanted to take his fingers becoming more and more clear to Dr. Malcolm.
“You’re right. Completely and utterly right. I'm ashamed of myself, honestly,” Dr. Malcolm appeased. “I can transfer,” he offered. Kyle’s eyes widened a smile spreading across his face.
“That's a brilliant idea,” he praised, making the doctor's shoulders begin to relax. “But that's unfortunately not going to work for us,” Kyle became tight lip, a disgustingly fake sorrowful look on his face. “You see if we just let you go, then that's sends a message, that anyone can just come in and make our omega feel unsafe”-
“I didn't know she was yours!” Dr. Malcom nearly sobbed.
“Well, we’ll just call that strike number two then,” Kyle cleared his throat. “Now you know. And when you walk out of this office, everyone in the building will know too,” Kyle smiled.
“Gonna be missing a few pieces, though,” Johnny grunted, heading towards the doctor. The doctor's shout was quickly cut off by Johnny’s hand.
“Not to worry, mate. Sure you can find someone to attach them back,” Kyle smirked.
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Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It has honestly been my favorite to write…..what does that say about me….Anyways Love all of you! Thank you for your support and interacting with this post! 🧡
P.S. See you in three days for chapter 19!
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mrsparrasblog · 11 months ago
You're losing me pt 4.
prev part. part 1 next part
TW: Drug use, mentioned rape, mention of violence, medic is the worst human on earth
Simon sat down next to Johnny on his bed, holding the Scotsman's hand while giving him a reassuring nod. "We have the whole day time."
"It's complicated."
"I will understand."
"Promise to believe me."
"Promise." Simon didn't know exactly what had happened or how Johnny got this way. He always admired Johnny for his confidence and the way he made everything seem so easy. Seeing his boyfriend like this broke his heart. He knew Johnny would never cheat on you; he loved you, everyone loved you. He remembered that one day Johnny got piss drunk on a mission and a bird approached him. He showed her pictures of you for 10 minutes, telling everyone he had the most beautiful lass on earth. This man wouldn’t cheat, especially not with her, definitely not his type.
Simon thought she had just gone into Johnny's bed at night, removing her clothes and gaslighting him that he cheated. But when Johnny told him everything about the drugs, about the rape, about the way she tried to blackmail him, he felt like he needed to throw up. He was too young to protect his mother from this. He couldn’t do anything when it happened to him. He didn’t know you when it happened to you. But this time, he was going to kill the rapist. "You’re a good man. Don’t let her manipulate you into something you aren’t."
"I feel like shit."
"This won’t go away easy, love."
"I don’t know what to do." And he really didn’t know. Everything seemed and felt so lost. Simon believed him, right? But what if she tells everyone he raped her? It will be over with his military career. After she pulled that stunt you wouldn’t believe him anymore. The look in your eyes almost broke him completely. This was wrong. It went too easy for her like she had done this many times before or had been planning this for years. It was too easy.
"Let me fix it for you, Johnny." He was determined to do this. Through his head already went 1000 ideas on how to kill her. But every way was too easy, too nice for her. Rip her head off. Sell her off to the black market so she will experience first-hand the crimes she did to others. Burn her alive. Many possibilities.
"Don’t kill her, Lieutenant."
"You know she will do it again. Not only to you but to others."
"Do you think she already did this?" Johnny fiddled with his wrist. The bracelet that you bought him to help with his ADHD was gone. It always calmed him. You told him how you searched through whole Etsy to find some gems that should calm him down. He didn’t believe this shit, but it indeed calmed him down since it reminded him of you. And right now, you were the only thing he needed. He needed you to tell him that he isn’t dirty, that he isn’t at fault, that he is a good man.
"Would explain why she was transferred so fast to us from her old unit."
"Fuck." This needed to stop. He couldn’t let that happen to more innocent people.
"Let’s talk to Price, then I’ll take care of her, and after that, we get our girl back." Simon missed you just as much as Johnny did. For a split second, he was afraid that you were mad and disappointed that he didn’t check on you. But that wasn’t the selfless girl he fell in love with. He knew you would understand if you only knew. He could already imagine how you would apologize even though you didn’t do anything wrong. You were different than the medic scum.
"Do you think she’ll take us back?"
"Yes, promise." He placed a small kiss on the shaved part of Johnny's mohawk, a small gesture that the Scot always loved. Simon always knew how to calm him down. With that, they left in the direction of Price's office.
He woke up with an immense headache and the urge to throw up. John really drank too much the last few days, but this will end now. He will concentrate on you and the job again. You forgave him for lying, at least that was the last thing he remembered before you brought him to his bed. On his bedside table stood a glass of water and one of your self-made brownies with a small note. "Take care of yourself, bear." You always jokingly called him a bear because that was what he was to you. John was the big cuddly bear who always kept you safe.
He knew by the amount of alcohol he drank yesterday, he should probably head to the medical department for some meds. He would never tell anyone, though. He was a hypocrite sometimes, always letting the other hungover soldiers run miles to torture them for being so irresponsible to drink before training. But he could afford the luxury of taking meds against his hangover.
So John went to the medical. He was annoyed when he only saw her there.
"Hello, Captain." She smiled brightly, which made him almost throw up on the spot. There was always a difference between the real, sweet-like-a-cake, like his girl, and the artificial acting sweetness she faked. It was disgusting. "Is there another medic or nurse in here today?"
"No, sorry, Captain."
"I'll go then."
"Come on, Captain, be professional. What do you need?"
"Just something against my hangover." He can be professional and still respect you, right? You won’t be mad he talked to her.
"That was easy. I'll bring you something."
She came back, still with that creepy artificial sweet smile. In her hand was a glass of water with, judging by the displaced white particles, meds. "Just some pain meds against headache and dehydration. Drink up, Captain, and then stay here for 20 minutes for the next med."
John drank it up. After a few minutes of sitting in the chair, he felt his limbs tingle weirdly. This must be one of those side effects of the meds.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Weird name.
"Don’t call me that." He tried to leave, but it felt like his body didn’t do the things he wanted anymore like he was paralyzed.
"I wouldn’t do that, John."
"What was in there?" This can’t be fucking true. This is one of those weird drunk dreams.
"Oh, baby, just some mild paralyzer. Don’t worry, it only lasts three hours, and you can still talk. That’s great, isn’t it? Oh, and Viagra."
Fuck, this is true. This is how she got Johnny. She is fucking sick. "What do you want?"
"You know, I really tried to be nice, but you all only talk about her all the time, so I took matters into my own hands." She said as she slowly sat down on his lap. John tried hard to do anything, but he wasn’t able to move.
"Look, you’re a pretty girl. You don’t need us. There is someone who loves you." He tried to be nice, and use his words to come out of this situation, but she already removed his pants. He knew it was over there until he heard the sudden voices of Johnny and Simon. He knew she could never outsmart them, and she knew it too.
"Fuck, fuck," she screamed, gathering the remaining meds and her things. She ran out of the room the second she saw the door open.
"Fucking hell, Captain, you're okay?"
"That fucking cunt drugged me. Get a fucking nurse here." This all didn’t go like Simon's plan. It felt like she was always a step ahead of them.
Kyle didn't notice any of the drama going on in medical as he used his time in the gym. Well, more of texting you instead of being productive, until.
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"Fucking hell."
Tag list: @littlechomper @ab12305 @darkangel4121
A/N: I know you are waiting for her downfall, it will come promise.
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trippinsorrows · 9 months ago
with me + part seventeen
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authors note: hi! this one isn't as long as some of the most recent, but it is fluffy! well, for the most part. next one will probably be a lil longer and def not as fluffy.....
also, ya'll fake asf for not telling me i put 'simone' as reader sister's name when it's 'bianca' at the end of the last update. i may or may not watch crime docs sometimes while writing......
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: fluff, language, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 5k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @msbigredmachine @yolobloggers @southerngirl41 @wanderingreigns
You don’t typically get nervous.
It’s just not a trademark of your personality, but for this….for this, there’s definitely a fair amount of trepidation. For one, outside of the fact that most of your favorite outfits suddenly seem too unflattering or fit a bit too snug. For two, you can’t seem to get your hair to cooperate with the same updo you’ve done since you were in your teens.
Not to mention the fact that you were so in your head about this damn lunch during your shower that you weren’t paying close enough attention as you were shaving down there and nicked yourself. On a fucking lip of all things. So now you walk with a bit of limp because that fucking cut keeps brushing, burning, against your underwear.
Truthfully, all of this just feels like a sign that you shouldn’t be doing this. That you should text Bianca some excuse as to why you can’t make it to lunch.
But, it’s the image of Callie’s sweet, smiling face and ardent excitement as you told her Bianca was coming in town and bringing Taylor that you realize you can’t do that to her. She’s so excited about seeing and playing with Taylor again that it feels almost cruel to take that away from her.
So pushing aside your injured pussy lip, crooked bun, and unflattering outfit, you do what needs to be done for the sake of your daughter.
And yourself, really. 
Of course, you got Callie ready before yourself, as she’s much much easier. So, it’s nothing to grab her once you’re done overthinking to head out and go. But not before snapping a selfie of the two of you and sending it to your close friends story and Joe. Cause God forbid this man learns what Stories are and how they work. 
You may not be thrilled with your appearance, but Callie is just too cute to not photograph.
You two arrive at the restaurant before Bianca and Taylor, which you’re mostly grateful for. It allows you to work through the remnants of your anxiety and catch up on a few texts. The first thing you have to reply to though is Joe who texts you in response to your snap.
Joe: Why does it go away so fast?
Joe: Just text me the photo.
His messages make you laugh aloud, forcing you to smack your hand over your mouth not to draw attention to yourself. Joe’s paltry skills with social media, or just Snapchat, really is both comical and sad as hell.
You shake your head, typing out your reply. 
You: babe, how many times do i have to tell you? just screenshot! 
Joe: That’s too much work.
Laughing again, you see Callie briefly look your way before she focuses her attention back onto her tablet. She’s been using it a bit more often than you’d like, but considering everything ya’ll have been through the past couple weeks, it’s hard to put limits there.
It is something to be mindful of though.
Hell, maybe she can help her dad learn a thing or two about how to work technology. 
You: i’m signing you up for some type of tech class or shit for your birthday, cause this is ridiculous. 🥴
Joe: Lol.
A thought then crosses your mind as you shoot him another text.
You: what do you want for your birthday, btw?
You: and remember, only one of us is rich. 🙃
Back when you and Joe were dating, the most he’d get from you is a birthday text or maybe some baked goods if he happened to be visiting near the time of his birthday. But, this is obviously very different. You’re now in a committed relationship, about to move in together to raise your daughter.
And with all Joe has done for you these past months, both financially and emotionally, it would be almost criminal to not get him something.
Of course, you also know that your man is just about as stubborn as you are, hence your expectation that he’ll simply say nothing or find some bullshit reason why you shouldn’t or don’t need to.
If only you actually planned to listen to him. 
And it’s also only March, giving you like two months to wear him down into just accepting your gratitude. 
Joe: Just say yes when I ask.
Reading his message makes you frown, your nose turned up in confusion. What is he talking about?
Joe: That’s all I need. All I want.
He’s successful in providing a nice distraction, sure, but this man is also confounding the fuck out of you. He’s always on some elusive, coy bullshit. 
You: what? what kind of man code speak shit is that? yes? yes to what? anal? 
You: we been over that shit. you’re too big. i’m down for anything but that.
Then again, Joe does have an uncanny ability to make anything feel good. And comparing a sexual experience with Amir to Joe is literally fucking apples and oranges. Much like his wrestling persona, Joe is on some ‘god mode’ type shit when it comes to sex.
Joe: Shut up. You’re gonna make me hard in this fuckin meeting thinking bout that pussy….
Naturally, you angle your body away from Callie a bit to ensure she has absolutely no way to see your phone, to see that message that has you pressing your thighs together. It’s definitely been too long since you’ve had him inside you, and him being nasty right now isn’t helping that. 
You: stop being nasty, please. callie is literally sitting next to me, and i don’t feel like soaking my panties.
You don't need your daughter knowing her parents are freaks.
You: i’ll see about when’s the next time we can come visit though 👀
Joe is hella deep in WrestleMania season, so it’s virtually impossible for him to get away, hence you needing to be the one to take her to go see him. Granted, you’re also busy as hell, trying to wrap up things at home, gradually transitioning to the house in Florida.
The house that you and Joe now officially own, because true to his word, as always, your name is on everything. You attended the signing with him which made it official. It’s also when you got to see just how much Joe spent on said house, the number nearly making you pass out in your seat.
Even more, to speed up the process and ensure you could move in much sooner than what’s typical when buying a house, he paid over the asking price. 
It’s most definitely not possible to love this man more than you already do.
He follows up with another text shortly after, respectfully changing the subject in a way that makes you smile warmly. 
Joe: Don’t be nervous. 
It’s a bit unreal how good he is at reading you, even through texts.
You: lmao how’d ya know?
Joe: Cause I know you. 
Joe: You two already connected before you even realized who she was. Lean into that. Try to take your father out of the equation. This is about you and her. Not him.
Reading over Joe’s message once, twice, three times really does something to help your anxiety. He’s right. If you had never even known who Bianca really is, you guys would probably be even closer now, chatting it up frequently. There’s so much more potential there than there is danger.
You: thank you….i love you ❤️
Joe: Love you too, baby. Text me when ya’ll finish. 
Switching threads, you send out a few more texts and work out a date and time with Kaylah for her to accompany you and Alexis furniture shopping when Callie’s sweet, excited voice pulls you from your phone.
“Taylor!” Callie swiftly pushes her tablet to the side and climbs off the bench you two were waiting on when she sees Taylor’s smiling face.
It’s with an absolutely full heart you watch the two run to meet each other for a big hug, embracing like they’ve known each other for years.
Like they’re family.
Your attention switches to Bianca who’s standing just a few feet away from you, clearly torn on whether to offer her hand, initiate a hug, or what.
Remembering Joe’s words of wisdom, you take a deep breath and hug her. “Hi, Bianca.”
You can literally feel the anxiety melt off of the both of you as you pull back and see she has unshed tears in her eyes. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.”
You’re able to offer a smile, a genuine one too, especially as you glance over at the girls who are now sitting on the bench, looking and talking over Callie’s tablet. “I think it’s worth it just for that alone.”
Bianca looks and laughs. “She’s been asking about Callie.”
That dims your smile a bit, a strange sort of sadness. “Callie has been asking about her too.” You feel bad depriving the girls of seeing each other, scheduling out this meeting so far in advance, but it wasn’t entirely of your choosing.
The past three weeks since you found out Joe literally bought a house for three of ya’ll has been filled with nothing but preparing for the move. Working as much as you can, trying to transition your students as best as possible. Trying to figure out who to hire to move you all, flights back and forth from your town to Florida as you work on things for the house like getting the lights and water turned on and in your and Joe’s name.
Just a lot of shit.
So while you weren’t itching to pencil this in ASAP, you also would have been okay if it happened a bit sooner and closer to when you finally responded to Bianca’s text.
The four of you are escorted and seated in the restaurant, you and Bianca having Callie and Taylor sit in the booth across from you. 
This isn’t a conversation they need to overhear, not that they’d want to. They’re in their own little world.
After ordering and making small talk over your meals, Bianca is the one to make the first move. “I guess it’d be remiss of me to not start off with the big elephant in the room.”
There’s an unfamiliar sense of anxiety that starts to stir in your stomach, but you push it away, joking, “just one? I think we have a couple.”
She laughs and then starts off with, “I remember that day, you know.” Your confusion must show because she adds with an almost gentleness. “That day in the police station.”
And the anxiety is back, your eyes dropping to the plate of food as you try your best to keep your shit together. “Oh…that.”
“This probably sounds crazy, but….there was something about you that seemed familiar almost. But when I asked dad who you were….well…..”
“What did he say?” A part of you wants to know, but a large part of you doesn’t. So whether she answers or not, both are okay with you. 
There’s clear hesitation but she still answers, nonetheless. “He just said you were a troubled teen.”
You scoff, shaking your head. Typical. That man is bottom of the barrel trash, and if not for Bianca probably thinking decently of him, you’d say as such. “Of course he did.” 
“When I first asked him about you, he lied. He said he had no idea who you were, but I refused to let it go because…..because I could see the hurt in your eyes that night. I knew there was a story there, and I wasn’t going to give up until he came clean. And when he did…..” She shakes her head, tapping her fork against her plate. “We haven’t spoken since.”
That surprises you. You’d take a guess that Bianca and that man were close, or at least semi-close, so the fact that they haven’t spoken…..you feel bad. Not for him. Fuck him. But for her. “Bianca, regardless of what happened between me and….him…that shouldn’t get in the way—”
“I always wanted a sister, Y/N,” she interrupts, and you can hear the emotion arriving in her voice. “I begged my parents for years when I was a kid for them to give me a sister. And he knew. They both knew about you. They knew about you, and they kept us away from each other. He kept us away from each other.” She angrily wipes at her eyes. “I–I don’t know how to forgive that.”
Her emotions and feelings are valid. You feel the same way just for slightly different reasons, though forgiveness isn’t even something you’ve thought about. There is no forgiving that man for what he did.
But, just because that’s your story doesn’t mean it has to be Bianca’s.
“You need time to sort through it all,” is the best guidance you can give her. Anything more would be the emotionally blind leading the emotionally blind. “The same way I needed time before reaching out to you.”
She nods, sitting on your words. “And I really do appreciate you giving this a chance, Y/N.”
You’re starting to as well, but before things can move forward, you feel the need to set some ground rules. “I’m open to this….to getting to know you more, to letting the girls continue to know each other more, but…..I have a stipulation.”
Bianca swallows. “I’m listening.”
“Anything I share with you regarding myself and my family, I need it to stay between you and me. Your husband is fine, but your parents and brother…..I don’t want them knowing anything about me and especially my daughter.” Fingers nervously tapping against the table, you disclose, “I just had a really messed up situation happen that I’m still trying to fully process, so I’m even more protective of Callie and myself at this point in my life. And I like you, Bianca, but this isn’t something I can compromise on.”
“And you shouldn’t.” Her initial response surprises you a bit. A part of you was worried she’d try to convince you that you should at least be open to the possibility of getting to know the rest of the family. But given she’s not even speaking to her parents right now, your stipulation must not be a hard sell. “I completely understand, and I’ll respect your wishes. It’s probably better this way, actually.” 
Her agreeing and being respectful really means a lot to you, and you express as such. “Thank you, Bianca.”
Her smile is warm and welcoming as the both of you happen to glance over at the girls at the exact same time while they’re in the midst of a giggle fest. It makes you laugh as she asks, “so, you mentioned something about moving?”
“Yeah, umm, we’re moving to Florida with Callie’s dad.” For a brief second, you second guess telling her this information. Second guess how much you want to disclose. But, you decide that if Bianca is willing to meet you halfway, you need to do the same.
“Seriously?” you nod. “You know we live in Florida too, right?”
Yes and no. You remember Bianca telling you she lived further down South, but it isn’t until this very moment that you recall Bianca lives in Florida. You ask where and realize she’ll only be about 45 minutes out from your house.
Callie and Taylor are going to love this.
“So…..” She starts off, facial expression giving away that she has a question she’s burning to ask but is trying her best to keep to herself. “Callie’s dad…..”
Instantly, you’re laughing. It’s comical seeing her try so hard to be respectful. “You wanna know how we met.”
She releases a heavy sigh, planting both hands on the table. “Girl, you cannot just have Roman freaking Reigns fine ass be your man and daughter’s father and not expect me to ask.” Your laughter increases as she adds on, “respectfully, of course. I’m happily married. But, I still have eyes.”
Fair. Very fucking fair. “It’s….a bit of a complicated story.”
She darts her eyes over to the girls who seem like they’re still only in the first stages of play. “I think we have time.”
She’s not wrong.
Leaning a bit closer to her, extra mindful of your volume, you start of this wild yet epic love story. “So it all started at a Smackdown show….”
“Alexis, why the hell is your mugshot your instagram profile pic?”
It’s a question you never thought would leave your mouth, nor something you thought you’d ever see. 
You still feel bad about that, about Alexis getting arrested for assaulting Mariah. Granted, it’s obvious Alexis doesn’t. Not one bit. She’s said as such to you, that she would do it all over again, arrest and all.
And it does help, slightly, that just as she predicted, the DA chose not to pursue the case on the grounds of lack of evidence. How much of that was Alexis being rich working in her favor vs there not being enough concrete evidence to sustain a case is beyond you. Regardless, you’re just happy she’s not in any major legal trouble because of you.
She looks over and flips her recent sew–in over her shoulder. “I look cute.”
She’s not entirely wrong, but Alexis looking amazing at any point and time isn’t a hard thing in general considering she’s naturally fucking gorgeous. “It’s a mugshot, Alexis.”
“And? Booking or not, I look cute.” You can see her observing some of the living room sets you two pass while making your way back to Kaylah and Callie from your bathroom break. Your bladder has been freaking irritating, with you needing to pee more than usual. And of course, Alexis couldn’t turn down an opportunity to snap bathroom selfies. “What about this?” 
Sliding your phone back in your purse, you see it’s a bedroom set, immediately reminding, “I’m waiting for Joe, Lex.”
“Girl, isn’t WrestleMania in like three weeks? You can’t wait that long to get a damn bed.” Before you can protest, she lifts an acrylic stiletto nail to silence you. “How you gonna be sleeping in a million dollar house on a damn air mattress, Y/N? You suck at this rich bitch shit.”
“I’ll be fine. We just need to get Callie something today. That’s the priority.” And it’s the truth. Callie having at least the essentials in her room is why you’re perusing this fancy ass furniture store in the first place. “As long as my baby is good, I’m good.”
“Whatever, but do you at least like it?” Her question is valid, so you observe the bedroom set. It’s a seven piece, dark wood, silver accents. “It is nice. Looks like something for a man too.”
That’s the thing though. You feel a bit wrong buying a bedroom set that’s for two people when only one is present. Joe made it clear he’s cool with whatever you get, but considering he’s paying for it, he should have a say.
Alexis then points out. “It even includes a full body mirror that way ya’ll can watch yourselves fucking.”
“What?” She smacks her teeth, hand on her hip. “Is it a lie?”
Your mouth opens and immediately snaps shut. She’s right. It’s not a lie. Joe loves making you watch him fuck you, finger you, eat you out. You name it. And it’s not like you object either….
But, that doesn’t mean you need it pointed out in a damn furniture store.
“Let’s just get back to Callie,” you murmur, certain that your cheeks are tinged red. Thank black Jesus for melanin to hide embarrassment in moments like this. 
Callie spots you before you can even catch her attention. “Mommy!” She runs over, taking your hand as she guides you over to a display. “Look!” Immediately, you can understand why she wants you to see it. 
It literally looks like something out of HGTV magazine. White bedroom pieces adorned with pinks, purples, yellows. All of Callie’s favorite colors. The bed is actually a bunk bed that’s designed like a castle, the larger bed on the bottom and the spiral staircase leading up to the second bed a bit smaller.
It’s so excessive and so Callie.
Kaylah comes beside you with a knowing smirk. “I think she’s found the one.”
“Can I get it mommy, please!” Callie is peering up at you with those big brown eyes, holding onto your legs. “We can ask daddy!”
That last part makes you chuckle. You already know that man would have his card out by now, signing for the transaction. Whatever she wants, he makes it happen.
You do ask though, looking for a price tag or something. You know it’s gotta cost a pretty penny with how excessive and grandiose it is. “How much is it…..”
“Who cares?” Alexis suddenly sounds, walking over with an annoyed expression. “You know Joe is good for it. Time to pull out one of those fancy new cards he got for you.”
She’s referring to the new set of debit and credit cards in your wallet, all the result of Joe adding you on as an authorized user on all of his accounts. For some reason, you’ve hesitated to actually use any of them, regardless of the fact that all of the shopping you need to do is for the house you’re all living in together.
Kaylah gently bumps into your side. “You already know what he’d say.”
His deep voice is in your ear as if he’s standing beside you. My little girl gets what she wants.
“Girl, he’d be at the register by now.” You laugh, looking down and bopping Callie’s nose. “Daddy already said you can get whatever you want, Callie Bear” Wanting to be sure, you lean down, asking, “is this really the one you want?”
“Yes!” She cheers, jumping up and down and hugging you. “Mommy! I’m gonna be a princess!”
Rubbing her cheek, you lean over to kiss her forehead. She’s not entirely wrong. Especially when she sees the surprise Joe is working on for her new bedroom.
Feeling slightly ganged up on but also content with making a purchase that will make your little girl happy, you stand up, announcing, “then let’s get it for you, baby.” Callie continues to celebrate at the pending purchase of her new bedroom set as you grab your phone to check the time. The OB-GYN happened to have a cancellation today, which works perfectly cause the initial appointment they gave you wasn’t until the end of April. So, you snatched it up. “Come on, let’s go use one these fancy new cards.”
Alexis nods with such pride, giving a fist pump and high five to Callie after Kaylah does the same. “Let’s fuc—”
After purchasing and arranging an expedited delivery date for Callie’s new bedroom set, the three of you head back over to the new house. Kaylah leaves shortly after, needing to go pick Ellie up from school. 
But Alexis stays and keeps Callie company while you shower and get ready for your appointment. Callie asks if she can come with you, and you explain that you’ll come right back home after, which seems to somewhat settle her. But, you can tell she still doesn’t like the answer. 
It’s something you make a mental note to discuss with Joe. 
She’s been asking a lot of questions like ‘when are you coming back,’ and ‘can i come with you?’. 
You’ve noticed an increase in her separation anxiety since the whole DCFS nightmare. Not that you can blame her. You also have a small amount of anxiety any time you have to “leave” her, a brief irrational thought that they could take her away from you again.
Yeah….definitely something to discuss with Joe.
The doctor’s office is only about a 15 minute drive from the house, which is super nice and the office atmosphere is automatically welcoming. Right off the bat, you feel comfortable. Approaching the receptionist who offers a kind smile, you provide your first and last name, explaining you’re here for a new patient appointment.
She types on the computer, asking in a kind voice, “were you able to fill out the paperwork?”
“Uhhh, no, I’m sorry. We’re in the process of trying to move here, so I’ve been back and forth, and it just slipped my mind.” You’re probably offering more information than what’s necessary, but as someone who gets heavily annoyed when people don’t follow through on tasks, you can understand if there’s irritation on her part. “But, I came a little early to see if I can just fill it out now?”
“Of course, honey.” Her voice is honey sweet as she rolls in her chair, grabbing a clipboard that has paperwork attached. Handing it to you, she explains, “just answer as best you can and be sure to signature and initial when it asks for either. If you don’t finish by the time they call you back, don’t worry about it. You can finish it with the nurse.”
“Thank you so much.” As she hands you back your drivers license and insurance card, you place both back in your wallet and find an empty seat in the waiting area. Using the pen attached, you start to complete the paperwork, unsurprised by how thick the packet is. Specialty doctors typically have a lot of information they need. Unfortunately, some of it requires you to pull up your phone to log into your MyChart. This makes the process take even longer, so much so that you’re only about halfway done when an older black woman, probably around your mom’s age, calls you back.
Seeing so much melanin instantly puts you at so much ease. You can see why Kaylah highly recommended this practice. You haven’t even met the doctor yet, and you’re already sold. 
The nurse, Helen, as she introduced herself makes nice pleasantries with you as she takes your blood pressure before directing you to stand on the scale.
It’s one thing to suspect that you’ve gained weight but another to actually have it confirmed. And that’s exactly what the scale does.
It’s nothing major, but definitely something to monitor. You’ve never been super anal about your weight, but you also know you have to keep an eye on it, to some extent.
Helen takes the incomplete paperwork from you, kindly explaining that she can just take the information from you verbally as she types it into the system. You’re grateful because your hand is already cramping.
Her questions are mostly easy, some requiring you to use the MyChart as well as dig deep into your long-term memory to retrieve those long forgotten tidbits of information.
But, it’s one question in particular that changes everything. 
“And what was the date of your last menstrual cycle?”
Naturally, you unlock your phone again to open Flo, but your finger is hovering over the pink icon when it slams into you. A whirlwind of little things that create a much bigger, life changing picture.
Nausea. Vomiting. Emotionality. Breast tenderness. Weight gain. Frequent urination.
No cycle.
“Oh my god…..” Your phone drops in your lap as you bring your hands to cover your mouth, eyes wide and focused on nothing in particular. “Oh…..” How you didn’t put the pieces together much sooner is a bit beyond you. A large chunk of it, you’d guess, was because you chalked it all up to the high stress you’ve been under the past few months. Many people would react the way you did, but this isn’t just that.
It’s more.
So much more.
Helen is suddenly crouched in front of you, hand on your knee. “Is everything alright, baby?”
Watery eyes snapping to her, you nod fervently, starting to wipe at the tears that have already started to spill. “Yes. I’m sorry. It’s just—” You get choked up, releasing a perfect mixture of a sob and laugh. “The last time I was in this position, I sat in my doctor’s office bawling my eyes out because I was so scared and nervous and just not in a good place mentally. But now…..” It’s hard for you to fully explain all of the wonderful emotions coursing through your body. “I’m doing the same thing but for entirely different reasons.” Your hand goes to your stomach as you look up and tell her with the happiest voice. “I’m pregnant.”
It’ll take a couple days for the results of your pregnancy test to come back, as explained by Dr. Young, whom you already love and trust to assist you through your pregnancy. 
But, you don’t need test results to confirm what you already know.
There’s not a doubt in your mind that you’re pregnant, and that thought alone is enough to bring you to tears. It’s why you’ve been sitting in your car for almost half an hour just crying. Tears of joy, of course.
The first and only thing you want to do is call Joe. You want to tell him with everything in you.
You can’t.
Not yet anyway.
He was deprived of so much with Callie, lost out on so many special moments. You can’t do the same with this pregnancy. You need to make this as special for him as possible, from the moment he finds out to the moment he holds this new baby for the first time.
It’s why you know that you can’t tell a soul. Not Alexis. Not your mom. Not even Callie. 
Joe was the last to find out before, but he’ll damn sure be the first to find out this time. 
It’s also why you make the somewhat difficult to keep Callie out of the loop too. A part of you thinks it could be sweet to have her help you break the news to him, but you also don’t want to deprive him of telling Callie with you.
So, you decide that this has to be a solo venture.
The first thing you need to figure out is the timeline. Figure out when you can go see Joe to tell him in person, because with WrestleMania right around the corner, there’s no way he’ll be back here before then. You and Dr. Young predict you’re about 10 weeks along, which means you’ll be hitting three months in less than a month. That works out good, because you were about four months pregnant with Callie before you started showing, so there’s some grace there.
Granted, it is a little odd that you’ve already gained the amount of weight you have given you’re not even three months along…..
The phone ringing pulls you from your thoughts. The ringtone tells you it’s Alexis before you even look at the phone. 
It takes a second for you to gather yourself, knowing her perceptive ass will pick up on something right away if you don’t. Three deep breaths help you to feel adequately prepared before you hit answer. “Hey girl. I’m on my—”
“I swear to God, Y/N, I’m literally going to kill that bitch! I don’t even fucking care anymore! I’m going to prison!”
You’re used to Alexis being dramatic and over the top, but there’s an unfamiliar level of alarm in her voice. “Lex, wait, slow down. What are you talking about?”
She pauses on the other end of the phone. “Fuck. You don’t know yet, do you?” She curses. "Damn, I figured you did by now, considering my phone has been going off with notifications from all the major news outlets the past hour."
Your throat suddenly feels dry. “Know what?” She doesn’t say anything, so you snap, “know what, Alexis!”
There’s a heavy sigh on the other end of the phone followed by her directing, “go to TMZ. Right now.”
Your panic instantly melts away. Alexis and her damn obsessiveness over pop culture. 
Sucking your teeth, you laugh and shake your head. “Girl, you are so dramatic. Had me thinking something happened.” Switching to speaker, you open up your browser and start to type. “This better not be about the housewives, cause…..” Your voice stops and stomach drops when the splash screen loads, allowing you to read the headline.
A headline that includes a picture of you and Callie. 
Click for pictures and videos! Read the scathing story and watch the exclusive tell all interview with mistress childhood friend!
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lxvme · 4 months ago
jus thinking abt how simon ‘ghost’ riley wld be ina relationship…
hc list under cut
simon riley is said to have his mask on for oh so long in the first half of his relationship. this, i kinda see. i think he would wear his balaclava, per say, but he’d def wear those lil surgical masks everywhere. does he wear it in his house? sometimes. if he has company (rarest occasion on earth) he isn’t entirely close with, like a friend of soap’s or something, its likely you’ll be greeted with a mask. (in mw2, he did take his mask off in front of ale and rudy, though, but thats maybe bc they almost died tg 😭 civvies n friends r different) i think if you two r having sex within two months of the relationship, you’ll be seeing his face.
kinda going from above, simon riley doesnt keep his mask on to hookup. he’s not simon riley in the mask, he’s ghost. he doesn’t want for his lovie to see that he’s a ghost, if they’re showing themselves to each other. im not sure he’ll like it if you try n wear one of his masks to turn him on, either- it just wouldn’t work. even if either of u is getting head, mask stays off. (that being said, if you’re just a hookup, and not a gf of any kind, mask is on fs)
hugs. from. behind. this man, when close with his girl, will be clingy. always needs a hand on you, in fact- to prove he isn’t crazy and hallucinating, and to make sure youre safe (he’s extremely paranoid abt u getting hurt because you can b bait for him, due to his job- more on that ina minute) he also likes how small you can be compared to him, it makes him feel quite prideful he can protect his lovin’ bc he’s a big boy. BUT, continuing he’s clingy- you’re cooking? he’s latched onto u the entire time, asking if you need help. reading? his head is rested on your thighs, underneath as you hold ur book above his head. (bonus points bc he might be reading too) he’s home from literally any other place than home? well, he missed you, so ‘gimme a kiss, love,’ and then proceed to hold him, or just let him hold you. laundry? oh, well, he’s actually already done it. (housewife.)
he’s veryyy paranoid that an enemy or sum will end up taking you for bait. in fact, he’s already very hesitant to date in general- he’s not used to the feelings it brings and whatnot. (ill b expanding on this in the future) and thats why he can b extra protective- he wouldn’t be able to handle it if his pretty girl was kidnapped, all because of him? the horrors it brings to him are a little much for him to take, sometimes, so he’ll end up pushing u away for a lil while. (i genuinely live for poor bb simon)
like laundry, among other things, he’s suchhh a housewife at heart. mainly because, he likes to be clean and tidy- it helps him rid the dirty feeling that seems to linger from missions. dishes? he did them this morning, possibly in a hope to drown out those nightmares and plaguing thoughts that always seemed to shatter his mind. all in all, the man needs cleanliness. however, if youre a messy girl (in the sense that there are clothes everywhere and tossed aside blankets and pillows on every surface, sometimes a small pile of dishes in the kitchen sink, and a general ‘lived-in mess,’ also this is def not catered to how messy i am) he can definitely adapt, it’ll just take around 3 years :)
showering tg. bae adores to hold u against his chest, water dripping on both of you, while his other hand is in your hair, gently rinsing out soap. (i’m not sure whether to base my simon hcs n writing off of the comics or not, bc reboot!ghost is NOT the same 😭)
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moving onnnn… simon riley is the type of boyfriend to:
stalk the absolute fuck out of every single social u have- in fact, he didnt even know what pinterest or instagram was until he saw you on it. (he’d definitely make an spam account that’s pretending to be another girl)
make you a lot of lil gifts out of his own things- keychains, a lil necklace (mhhh my hearttt) or a bracelet out of the collar of his t-shirt (he’d also def make himself a bra bracelet, if u two dont already have matching ones x)
be your handyman. no other words.
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thats all i have for u lot bc i have ZEROOOO motivation, but i’d like to expand ona few more things eventually. i’ll also start writing for other cod men when simon riley loses his fucking death chokehold on me (maybe he’ll have it forever…)
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soapsbaby · 1 year ago
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Summary: Your CoD Partner finds you reading a smutty novel. Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" Mactavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Kate Laswell, König, Alejandro Vargas, Rudy Vargas, Valeria Garza, all x gn!reader Rating: NSFW (mdni) Word Count: 600ish
He doesn’t fully get it but if you love them, he does too. He's never once criticized any of your hobbies, if they make you happy, he supports it.
He has definitely found his way to have fun with it though, his favorite way is to make you read them out loud while he eats you out, making you repeat every line you didn’t manage to get out clearly enough for him to understand.
“Oh, Baby, what was that?”
He loves your voice, he could listen to you for hours, so he loves when you read them out to him. Usually he’s just sprawled out on top of you, head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair and read to him.
He keeps commenting everything to make sure you know he’s still awake, with little sentences like “Hm. Would you like that?” or “We should try that” or “That sounds horrible, I’m sorry.” if it’s a particularly wild scene.
Definitely falls asleep at times, though.
It started with you telling him all of the plots of the books you were reading but since he seemed so intrigued you just started leaving the books on his bedside table once you were done with them so he could pick them up too.
It has become a tradition for you to leave little sticky notes on parts you especially enjoy so he can take inspiration (and he does).
He enjoys them, especially since it makes it easier for you to express your needs and desires to him when you can otherwise be a little shy about them. He likes having you cuddled up to him and reading them out to you, reenacting them while he does, if possible.
She picked up a few of the ones you finished and wasn’t convinced, telling you they were silly and unrealistic, but the next time you picked up your e-reader, she downloaded your favorite authors’ entire bibliography for you.
If you love something, he loves it too, but it took him a while to get used to those books, he was scandalized by the types of things you decided to read. 
“Listen, I thought I was mostly fluent in English… But the words in here…” 
Now this man will indulge you. Be it reenacting scenes, taking inspo, hell, he’ll even dress like your favorite characters if you ask him nicely enough.
He’s into roleplay anyways so it’s not that much of a far cry for him to get into the characters you find yourself fantasizing about. 
He’d be lying if he said he fully gets it, but it’s your interest and so he appreciates it as much as he appreciates you and always shows interest when you wanna share any of the stories with him. 
He’s a huge bookworm as well, so a lot of the time you will cuddle up together somewhere, both reading your books.
He sporadically looks over your shoulder and if he spots you reading a particularly explicit scene his fingers will find their way between your legs, getting you off while you read .
When she first saw you reading one of your smutty little novels she grabbed it from you, reading it out loud to you to fluster you (which worked, of course).
“Cariño, what the hell are you reading, hm?” You straddled her, desperately trying to grab the book out of her hands, miserable failing to do so. "Wow, you little slut."
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insomniac4000 · 23 days ago
Chained Together George Clarke Part 8
“Good night?” Harry smirked the next morning as he walked into the bedroom where George and Florence had stayed that night. The pair were both sitting up in bed, both of them scrolling on their phones.
“I would come up with a quip but you have the keys,” Florence uttered. She didn’t have a particularly restful sleep, she kept waking up and from what she could sense from George he was the same.
“Well you have twenty minutes of rest bite. Use it wisely.” Harry smirked suggestively. Florence rolled her eyes but had a small smile on her face. She rubbed her wrist when the cuffs were taken off and took herself off to the bathroom, feet padding on the floor.
“I tell you what you definitely won out the lottery,” Harry nodded to the direction Florence had gone in. The sound of the shower raining down let them both know Florence was well out of ear shot.
“What do you mean?” George asked running a hand through his hair.
“Well most of us said if we wanted to be stuck with anyone it would have been Florence,” Harry replied.
“You can’t deny she’s an attractive girl,”
“That may be so, doesn’t mean I like her,” George huffed as he finally got off from the bed and walked over to his duffle bag to get his outfit for the day.
“Alright mate. Harry smiled again before exiting the room.
Breakfast was unusually quiet, it seemed no one had slept well and there was another night to go. The ate their fruit and pastries and sipped their coffee in near silence when the door swung open and Simon came swanning in, the rest of the boys behind him.
“Good morning everyone!” Simon was far too chipper for that time of the morning, he got a couple of groans back, everyone anticipating what was about to come next.
“Ready for your second challenge?” The tall Youtuber asked and once again he was only met with some grunts.
“We’re barely half way through guys,” Simon laughed as he handed out three coloured envelopes to each pairing which were numbered with one, two and three. They opened them together with instructions to read them in turn. Chip read first, then Cal and finally George.
“Through mud and walls, we twist and turn,”
“Hand in hand, we leap and learn.”
“Bound together, swift we race—who will win this tricky chase? Does this mean what I think it means?” George whined, Florence glanced at him a little before looking back to Simon.
“If you all want to come out to the garden,” Simon replied with a smile, Ethan and Harry were giggling away like schoolboys at the back.
“I’m very worried…” Arthur said as he took a bite of cereal.
Within ten minutes everyone downed their coffee anticipating they would be needing it before they all made they way to to the garden of the rented property. To everyone despair an obstacle course was waiting for them. There was a net on the floor which they needed to crawl through to get to a wall climb, somehow get over that and then run the length of the garden which was about 25 minutes before getting an egg and a spoon they needed to run back with balancing the spoon and egg with their cuffed hands and over the finish line.
“This is fucking stupid area,” Chip grumbled causing everyone to smile and nod in agreement.
“The winner will get and extra ten minutes tomorrow morning and the losers have a horrible forfeit to do,” Simon advised everyone. Florence turned to George, her game face was well and truly on.
“Okay no matter what has happened if we have any chance of doing this we’re going to have to work together,” Florence looked at George with grit, determination, the type of fight she needed to have all throughout her life. George nodded slowly as he looked in her green eyes, he was beginning to understand her a little bit more. She was determined, she worked hard she thought things through, that’s why she had done so well that’s why she was in all of these videos he knew because he was exactly the same. There was still something he couldn’t shake, why was she like this? What was her story?
“Let’s do this,” George nodded and lifted his hand out for a shake. Florence took it tentatively handling it lightly as they shook, her hand feeling incredibly cold as he dropped his arm.
 “We’ll have to match each other down the net, you make your arm movements as big as possible I’ll try and keep mine slightly smaller. Same with the wall, we’ll just go one rung at a time.”
“You climb don’t you? I do too so hopefully it wont be too bad,” Florence said trying to ignore George’s hair blowing in the wind, it looked effortlessly good.
“I do. That’s good to know that could be our advantage point.”
“COME ON YOU TWO!” Ethan’s voice boomed from the other side of the garden. George and Florence went over and lined up next to the others. Theo and Cal were both jumping up and down in order to warm up, the latter warning the former about his hip and Chip had his hands on Arthur’s shoulders giving him a pep talk.
“Okay are you ready?” Simon asked all six contestants who gave a more enthusiastic response of YES and LETS GO.
“Three, two, one, GO!” Simon blew his whistle and it started. Typically Theo and Cal raced through the net as the tallest pair. Florence and George were sticking to their plan and as such were making steady progress, Chip and Arthur were both a disaster, Chip kept getting his foot caught in the net and both were bumping their elbows in each other’s faces.
The wall was next and George and Florence’s hobby really helped, George was impressed at the speed Florence was going but they still stuck to their one rung at a time rule to keep them on an even playing field, they were just very rapid. This was where Cal and Theo got stuck, Theo tried to pull himself up faster than Cal could, leading to their cuffed hands being dragged forcing Cal to lose his entire grip on the wall.
George and Florence were ahead, the run was a bit difficult as George was a little too fast and there was some pulling on his part but Florence managed to not stumble. They got the spoon and egg, Florence with the smaller hand had hers in front and George had his hand behind gripping near the end of the spoon, they tried to match each others steps as best they could. Ignoring all of the commotion and arguing which was going on behind them and purely focusing on what was in front of them.
“Slow and steady wind the race,” Florence muttered to no one in particular as they carefully made their way across the garden and made it to the finish line, Theo and Cal were arguing over their broken egg while Arthur and Chip had still yet to make it up the wall.
Simon gave his whistle three big blows signalling the winners. The race wasn’t over however, the last place pair would have a gruelling forfeit to complete but even at this stage it was impossible to imagine Arthur and Chip not coming last.
“Well congrats, you get more time away from me,” Florence spat before turning to Simon who approached the couple, her face broke out into a smile immediately.
To the surprise of no one Arthur and Chip lost,  their punishment was to cook dinner for everyone else, with their legs shackled as well as their wrists. George and Florence were able to choose when they wanted their twenty minutes of freedom and they had chosen just before dinner as they both wanted to freshen up a little. George has opted to take a shower while Florence simply changed into a grey tracksuit and was watching Arthur and Chip fail to cook some steak and chips.
“Can I ask you something?” Florence asked Arthur sipping her glass of wine on the counter, it was approaching eight o clock and she was starving, the breakfast bar was basically holding up her body weight.
“Go on,” Arthur replied despite being slightly panicked at the sight of the mushrooms.
“Yesterday when you said I had a story, I’m not mad but I was just wondering how much you knew?” She asked. She knew the cameras were on but didn’t much care, she had consumed a glass and a half of wine on an empty stomach, her inhibitions were lowering by the sip.
“No details. Just Chris had said that Esme said you had led an interesting life. You strike me as someone who lived abroad,” Arthur replied. Florence smiled, she knew she could trust Esme which was why she wasn’t mad at all.
“Well she’s right but you’re wrong. Sorry to say you couldn’t be more wrong,” Florence gave a small smile, it was hard to make a joke out of things but it was one of the few ways she knew to try and deal with it.
Arthur was going to open his mouth to ask another question but Harry came bounding in dragging George behind him, cuffs in hand. Little did anyone know George and Harry had their own conversation.
“Five minute warning mate,” Harry told George who was just getting dressed in the room.
“Cool thanks,” George sighed placing his grey T shirt over his head.
“You okay Clarkey? You don’t seem yourself,”
“I’m good, just a hard video,” George mumbled sitting back on the bed.
“You seemed to do well on the obstacle course though,”
“Yeah well an extra few minutes of freedom is welcome,” George laughed a little awkwardly before looking down at his lap.
“Are you seriously saying you don’t like her?”
“Women like her and guys like me aren’t compatible, someone who has it all and just some unfunny trying to make people laugh on tiktok. Let’s get these cuffs back on,” George sighed and walked out of the room, Harry following with small smirk on his face.
“Arthur did your mother never teach you to cook?” Chip complained.
“No, there I was the only boy for years, I never needed to, I know that sounds ridiculously sexist ”
“Don’t you have like twelve siblings?” Harry asked cuffing George and Florence together once more.
“I’m one of nine.”
“I’m pretty sure I told you this before but you do really remind me of my younger brother,” Florence smiled sadly, fiddling with her fingers.
The whole conversation turned into people talking about their families. For the most part Florence just listened and fiddled with her hands, George couldn’t help but notice the unrest for the person sitting next to him.
“You’ve been quiet.” George noted, Florence just nodded.
“Worried people would be jealous of your perfect upbringing.”
“When did you hear I had a perfect upbringing?” Florence asked placing her wine glass down, she could feel everyone’s eyes on her and she didn’t know what to do. George was so good at pressing her buttons she could feel the angry bubbling up inside.
“It’s just your type. Perfect, never been told no.”
“You couldn’t be more wrong,” Florence protested, she sighed as she tried to walk over to the living area to sit down but George pulled her back as he stared her down. Noses almost touching. Florence’s face crinkled.
“No come on. You keep saying I’m all wrong about you and all the rumours are untrue but you’ve never said or done anything to keep people thinking otherwise,” George snapped, his voice low.
“They’re all dead.” Those three words floored George, he let go of her, his face in shock. Hers momentarily going from upset to anger. How dare he, how dare he make her tell a room full of strangers and cameras things she wanted to keep private. If it wasn’t for the metal keeping them together Florence would have ran.
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shotmrmiller · 4 months ago
god going on a date with johnny whom you matched on tinder and he's the type of guy you avoid like the plague; jaw-dropping good looks, cheeky ㅤㅤsmiles, hits the gym more in a week than you've done all year and worst of all, could charm the pants off a snake.
so it's truly no wonder that you end up letting him bury his face between your thighs and lap at your glistening sex until your moans almost turn into screams and you haven't even left the bar's driveway, then left to watch johnny wipe the condensation off the windshield with a spare shirt so he can drive you home all the while his chin drips with your slick.
he fucks you against the front door once inside, legs hooked over his arms, then again over your couch, hand curled around your throat, and again, in front of your full length mirror while he tells you how pretty you look taking all of him, to look at how pretty you look, his crystalline eyes latching onto yours through the reflection, pretty as a peach.
then he leaves you with his spend sticking your thighs together, a languid kiss that tastes of you, and with his personal number on a scrap piece of paper.
and that's the last you hear of him. he'd said that he's quite a busy man, military and whatnot, and all in all, while you'd raked your nails down his back on the first date, it had been a date. you require more than good sex to get into a committed relationship.
a swipe of your thumb brings up tinder again, and you match with another bloke not your type. big, broad man, biceps the size of your thighs with a deadpan stare that sees right through false bravado. but he's doesn't seem to care in the slightest that he makes you nervous, doesn't care that you stutter out responses to his rather abnormal questions.
simon takes you home and sits eerily silent with his hands dwarfing the steering wheel as you chew on your lip before tentatively inviting him in for a nightcap, and you must be the luckiest person on the planet because he's just as devoted to your pleasure as your last partner.
he brings you peak after peak with his tongue, his fingers, swirls your pearl with the tip of his misaligned nose. then he lets you be on top first, concentration knitting your brows togethee as you try to fit all of him in and pride warms your cheeks when you can hear his teeth audibly grind as his fingers bite into the soft of your waist once you take him to the root, thighs flush against his hips.
you come undone more times than you can count, the neighbors more than likely knowing his name by the time he walks out the front door (after checking the locks on your windows) and that's that.
until it isn't because a text from johnny awakens your phone screen, an invite to a restaurant downtown next saturday, one you've only ever fancied of eating at and well-
a date is a date, isn't it?
you tell him to pick you up at seven and he tells you to wear something you wouldn't mind letting him keep underneath, preferably something in red. (must've seen that particular number while you looked for some sleeping shorts before he left that night.)
hopefully you won't feel too bad breaking things off with whoever doesn't ask you to be theirs first.
(simon and johnny fuck each other to the thought of you back at base, simon's fist viciously tight around johnny's cock as he's got him drooling into the flattened pillow, almost like she's fucking you too, eh, johnny?)
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bearyzdiary · 1 year ago
Simon x Reader
This diary entry contains…some suggestive stuff | making out | drinking | smoking | established relationship | I thought of this last night while having a Simon brain rot😵‍💫 | basically just attractive things about Simon and attractive things he does🤗 | short 😓
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Simon was probably one of the most attractive people you had seen in this shitty town.He had seen you as some type of angel when you first talked to him.His eye bags and his half lidded sleepy eyes did something to you that nearly made you do a triple flip onto his lap.
Or the way he would nod and let out a hum as you would explain the most complicated thing on earth to you.by the time you would be done explaining your topic he would be able to repeat it back to you perfectly because he’s such a great listener.
Once you two became a thing you would tell him how you found him so fucking attractive that you wanted to ask to marry him the second you opened your mouth.he was in shock but felt like a little teenage boy who just held hands with his crush.
You love the way how messy his hair looks and his facial hair…whenever he cuddles up to you and has his face buried into your neck you nearly start to giggle from the way his facial hair rubs against your neck.
For his hair you could play with it for hours.it felt soft surprisingly and he finally fessed up his secret that he uses dry shampoo.
We all know Simon is a smoker but good god how attractive he makes it.you remember how one time you decided to spend the night with him and the two of you stayed up for most of the night just talking.He never really liked smoking around you but you didn’t seem to mind.
You felt your stomach do backflips as he brought the cigarette up to his chapped lips and messed with his lighter for a couple of seconds.the way he inhaled before blowing it out and looking at you with that lazy look in his eyes made you scream inside.
Speaking of his eyes the way he looks at you makes you sweat and blush like crazy.his eyes would follow your every move and would study your features like you were his favorite book.his eyes were most of the time half lidded when staring at you knowing that was your main weakness.(men with lazy eyes make me go CRAZYY😵‍💫😵‍💫)
When Simon get drunk,He’s a stumbling,mumbling mess who always says the most random but cutest things.He always tells you how pretty you look and how he’s madly in love with you.he gets extremely pouty also.He denies everything by the time he’s sober again.
When you guys make out his hands are always somewhere on your waist,hips or ass,Squeezing the areas as he bites at your bottom lip.
He makes you his Lock Screen on his phone mostly because he can’t always see you.he has a photo of you in his wallet that you took on his camera.he found it silly and got it printed and put it in his wallet.its like his own way of having you with him at all times.
His cuddles are the best as he doesn’t mind being the big spoon or little spoon,you laying on top of him or him laying on top of you.he’s up to try anything new with you as in the end he might like it.
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lunarw0rks · 2 years ago
Hii, I‘ve already asked a lot of creators but it seems luck is not on my side..😵‍💫
I‘ve just read your Story with Simon „Too old for you“ and am already in LOVE with your writings!♥️
Could you maybe write one with John Price and a younger reader(between 23 to 25) that is head over heels for the Captain but he doesn‘t really know what to do with the constant flirting of the younger Female.
If you can write it or not Thank you anyway for your amazing Stories!🥰
∘⋆․⊹․∘⟡˖*⊹ pining for price | headcanon/drabbles
Warning(s): sfw, hints of nsfw, age gap [reader is mid-twenties, price is late thrities/early forties], 141!reader, fem!reader Word Count: 569 ── 『♡』 masterlist ♡ rules ♡ ask box
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
──── AT FIRST, he thought you had picked up on mixed signals.
☆ like yeah, he's a handsome man. he's a natural leader, a supportive one at that. He started to question every interaction with you; had he been too forward unintentionally? were you confused?
☆ but it didn't take long for him to succumb to the flirting. the way you would playfully tease him, find him in every crowded room on the base and how you'd invite him to things he would otherwise have no interest in.
☆ would he show up? not unless it was just going to be the two of you. sometimes, he truly didn't have the spare time or energy to join you. others? he was using work as an excuse to rid you of his thoughts - which was no simple task.
☆ there was no fighting desire, though. no matter how old-fashioned, how respectful, how civil he was.
☆ your enamored expression through your lashes, had him weaker in the knees than he cared to admit. or ever would. perhaps, you weren't interested in him, but only the idea of an older man.
☆ but... you were never the type. not once had you mentioned a boyfriend/husband, not even a date you had been on. you only had eyes for him, it was obvious. even after months of remaining platonic, brushing you off intentionally and unintentionally — you were damn persistent.
☆ he admired the effort, whether or not he was ever going to cave. vigor is what he needed on his team; inappropriate or not. at least, that's how he would rationalize it anytime he'd indulge your flirting.
☆ Besides — he had very little game. his flirts could be downright cringe-worthy at times. either that, or they were extremely dated. it's a nice change, being the recipient of the attention for john.
☆ for many years, price thought he was long past his prime. wife, kids, home life; it was an afterthought, an oppertunity he let go of a long time ago. his life is work work work and more work...
☆ so, why not take the edge off every once and a while; and reciprocate the attention? linger a little longer at your workstation? even tell you he was proud of you in that sweet, raspy voice.
☆ however this little banter game ended, whether in your bed or his, or not at all — he cared little. it's not easy to get the captain soft, but somehow you had done it.
☆ the evening you had a nightcap with him, everything changed. the day was long, anxiety-inducing, but successful. no one was injured, no one left behind, and nothing catastrophic happened. for the first time in a while, his team was guaranteed safety until the next threat arose.
☆ you looked at him that way again. subtly looking the burly Captain up and down, all while you wrapped your lips around your glass. just the two of you, in intimate lighting.
☆ he could ravish you — but he wouldn't. not yet.
☆ restraint was always one of price's strongest attributes. he had to be in his profession and in his rank. why stop now? why not prolong the inevitable to enjoy the reward a thousand times more, later?
『 "should let me buy you a few drinks sometime, love. off duty. what do you say, hm?" 』
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 4 months ago
Whoever wrote that percy jackson au of the dead boy detectives, you live under my skin and I love you. So much so that my brain tried to think of a way to make it even more canon-accurate without making them dead. or reborn Hazel Levesque style.
What I have so far is playing on the whole West civilization bit and how it moved to the.. well west - but also that World War 2 was a big three kid conflict? So. I have sort of a time-table and I'm throwing it out of the window.
Edwin is a child of Athena - that much stays the same - who is very bookish and very studious but not in the way the rest of his siblings are. They are handy and crafty, strategic and interested in architecture or design. He.. is not. (I need a reason why his siblings didn't come to help him when the "death scene" happens.)
The whole boarding school is one of many spread across the London countryside - Chiron moves a lot. They teach both ancient and modern warfare because magic or not you can't escape the bloodshed forever - you either get drafted or you run and get blacklisted somewhere or another.
(St Hilarion was actually a son of Apollo that got really popular during the Crusades - Zeus didn't smite the school when it was established because times are different and Hera would be angry if there was another big fire with no explanation that put their soldiers'- eh-hem- kids' lives at risk.)
They still teach Latin alongside Greek because it was what all normal boarding schools did and that's what they were. Maths, English, and Sciences - were all taught to the boys. The girls went to another school - where they were taught the bare minimum to survive. Because sexism was rampant and if the Romans were on the wrong side of the civil war, that means no matter how progressive the gods could have been in certain areas, they aren't now/then–
Artemis really, really hated that time period. Zoë or this version of Zoë got a kick out of shooting so many assholes in the face. Or in their dicks. They also got way more recruits than in later years. Silver lining.
Anyways: Simon - son of Hecate - and the bunch of boys, one of which was a son of Hades, do the whole let's sacrifice Edwin. Only the book is a Christian book on witchcraft that Simon truly didn't think would work. He and the rest - Hades boy included - did the whole preparation of the sacrifice as it was absolutely terrifying for Edwin to experience on top of everything else. They didn't know it was a real thing - but is the only reason why Edwin stays alive.
It's essentially a stasis charm that lets the ritual run for as long as needed without the poor victim dying beforehand. It requires bloodletting and "runes" and such. The thing is scary, traumatizing stuff so it seemed like a fun thing for Simon and his buddies to do. So they did it.
They skimmed the reading. Blood with power is spilled, ritual that is very real gets haphazardly done and so monsters get involved.
Fun fact, that I'm really hoping is actually true - sometimes monsters with names similar to other religions' occult beings pick up the summoning calls. If the ritual is shoddy enough for them to hear, the participants all die either way, it's only important who gets there first.
So. The bullies get killed and a fury-type thing drags Edwin's whole being to the fields of punishment so it can feast on its offering. He gets dusted Sally Jackson style.
We enter his hell era. ( Part 2, Part 3, TBC )
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eliecasa · 2 years ago
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summary: reader see’s a man spank a box on tiktok & it awakens a monster
warnings: minors i know I said I wouldn’t but we all lie as humans. this is one of those times where you mustn’t interact, plss ( contains these mentions: asphyxiation, verbal, and spanking kinks ) the reader is mentioned to have a vagina.
wrdcnt: 2K
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A small huff of frustration pushed from your nostrils as you’re once again opening your eyes to stare out into the rainy darkness of the night. The sight is usually lovely and heart-warming as it was Simon’s wish to live somewhere with nature all the while staying a generous 20 minutes away from the city. It’s quiet here but there’s a memory that echoes loud and vibrantly in the back of your mind.
Simon sat still, sleeping as quiet as a mouse as you squeezed your eyes shut and subtly rubbed your thighs together. If you’d never downloaded tiktok, you’ll probably be sound asleep and dreaming of a dog handing you something as strange as a sweater with your own face sewn into it. Soap suggested that it be a good idea to keep a good balance of humor and seriousness since Simon would be left alone to tease you without anyone else jumping in to defend you, and the only way to do that was to give in and download the god-forsaken TikTok app.
Oh how you wish you’d never listened to him.
The first thing you’re greeted with is a video of a buff man underhand smacking a box to fit evenly with the others atop and below it. It came immensely loud from your headphones and caused a barely-audible yelp to part your lips. Your first thought was to get out of there so, you did… by scrolling one video down as Simon came over from the kitchen and asked what was wrong. And of course, having lacked a good answer, you merely waved him off and cleared your throat, saying that your headphones were accidentally turned to maximum volume.
He squinted those dark and suspicious eyes before humming and going back to make dinner- which was the deal for an old bet that he lost. Anyway, you’re instantly back on the video and fluttering with little butterflies of heat and embarrassment… that was until you opened the comments and saw that everyone else was thinking the same. Even married people were saying things such as “I try to get my husband to do this but he doesn’t know manual labor too well” which tickled you a little bit.
Though you were laughing at the time, you found yourself staring at Simon’s hands a bit longer than usual as the two of you ate dinner together. Don’t be mistaken, Simon had done nearly everything you desired with those strong pair of hands but still, that new seed planted in your head was quickly taking over and growing vines up and down the walls of your busy mind.
“What’s on your mind?” He said after watching you daydream for five minutes. It almost seems deliberate as he moved to hide his hands underneath the table. Classic Mr. RIley.
“...Nothin’,” you shrugged, connecting your gaze before promptly taking a good chunk of spanish rice.
Simon paused and did that empty stare where he kinda just assessed you before going back to whatever business he was originally doing. The judgemental gaze causes the slightest of shame to boil your skin as you roll your eyes. He’s your husband and has seen and touched every nook and cranny of your body and for some reason, you don’t want to tell him what’s bothering you.
Fast forward back into the present. The fluffy white comforter seems to get unbearably hot just as the heat radiating from Simon does. Sex and experiment is no taboo between the two of you and your coyness was just overall pitiful, however, that small little angel in your head keeps saying “Well, you have to really ask yourself if he’s the type to wound his loving spouse” while the devil said “Tell him to throw you over his lap and spank you like that goddamn cardboard!”
Again, you rub your thighs together. Maybe your mind was turning into one of those awful hormone monsters from a show that shall not be named. A small sound of anger escaped your mouth as you try to clear your mind, knowing that Simon would get woken–
“Having a strop, are ya’?” His heavy voice felt heavy and trapping as you knew that this was the most reasonable time to just get it over with.
Almost too quickly, you flip in his arms and lock eyes with him. Well, he was still waking up but your patience led you to gently pinch various areas of his face before he’s basically stretching his neck to be freed.
“Fuckin’ stop will ya?”
“Why haven’t you ever gotten rough with me?”
In the moonlight that shows through your windows, you can see the way that Simon’s face bunches into one handsome twist of confusion and tiredness. His eyes slowly open to look at the ceiling before he turns his head and stares dead into your eyes.
“What do you mean?”
Your right hand moved back a couple of inches and came back to gently slap him as his face remained cradled in your hands. A small chuckle escapes him before he pinches your thigh.
“Why’re you kicking my ass instead of explaining–”
“I obviously mean- like during sex,” you spoke with the tiniest amount of annoyance in your voice as the sexual frustration was beginning to plague.
The hand on your thigh rested as his face relaxed.
“I do… it was your idea to get into the choking thing-”
“No! I mean- yes that but why don’t you ever hit me?”
He seems to relax into the pillows a bit more as his eyes darted back to the white and plain ceiling. Simon was taking a moment to actually think if he’s never done such since it seems like a problem that could have been bothering you for who knows how long. Maybe you were doing that classic tactic of trying to alter his memory for your own benefit. There’s been multiple times where you’d lay on top of him and ask when was the last time he’d give you proper praise despite him clearly remembering it happening two days ago. He tilts his head, thinking of the past five months. The two of you had gotten into a couple new positions, areas to have sex, as well as experimenting with verbal kinks. Not to mention that asphyxiation kink that appeared to stay and make an appearance during each session.
“I know, I know… just making sure you aren’t lying,” he said, casually sitting up to turn on the blinding light next to the bed. You try not to grab him as he moves from over you to settle back and rub his eyes.
“What needs to be done to get you sound, eh?”
A lightning bolt strikes as you pretend to think as if Apollo was saying “Don’t you dare waste that man's time, Y/N.”
So, instead of pissing anyone off, you decide you sit on your knees and face Simon with your chin up and your shirt covering your sweaty palms that were hidden underneath the oversized fabric. You’re ex-military and you’re especially all but a coward. Simon Riley will not stop you from reaching your dreams.
“I want you to start…” your lips twist in the slightest as you try to find the right words just to settle on “spanking me…”
He tries not to seem surprised but the smallest raise of his eyebrows gave it all away.
“Today,” you finish, almost coming off stern and unmovable.
Many would disagree with this but you could say that Simon had very telling eyes and right now, he was not only questioning just how freaky you were as well as how much of a possible masochist you were underneath that loving and soothing base of your personality. The asphyxiation thing was brought up during sex so he couldn’t really so no to you in the heat of the moment but now you’ve caught him fresh out of an innocent sleep.
“Are you… sure?--”
“Simon,” you dare, looking away for a second before shaking your head at his timidness.
He wasn’t following the script; you’d admit that you wanted to be spanked and he would pat his lap and get to work. That’s how it was supposed to go! However, Simon wanted to play the long game and see how long he could drag this until the sun began to rise.
“Why didn’t you say this instead of staring at my hands the entire meal?”
“Who the hell would just come out and say ‘Hey, mind hitting my ass when we fuck’?”
A small smile spreads his pink lips as his shoulders momentarily hunch.
“You’re not shy any other time.”
For the 800th time, your pupils roll to the back of your head. As you’re shaking your disappointed little head, you pause to see that the storm seems to calm down a bit, instead turning into a windless pour that wouldn’t wake anyone if they were sleeping. The silence left you no choice as Simon indeed began to follow the script written in your head.
“Guess we’d better get to trying before you’re all snappy then,” his heavy mancunian accent coming loudly as he stood up and stretched.
The movement caught your attention and glued it onto his strong thighs. Simon was a brief type of guy— which was honestly a bit surprising when you first discovered it. The soft fabric remained comfortably on his strong thighs that would soon have you stretched across them.
There’s a couple of heavy steps across the bedroom floor before he settled on the front of the bed and in front of the black screen of the television.
“Are you serious?” you purse your lips, crawling towards him as he looks at you from over his shoulder.
Instead of being verbal, he jerks his head to coax you over as a barely-noticeable smile squints his eyes.
And be damned; you were over there in no time. But instead of instantly giving you what you wanted, Simon couldn’t help but tease you a while longer. Only now do you wish he was a quick mover that despised roleplay. Your hips jump a little as two of his slightly-calloused fingers slid down the smooth and silk skin and dew of your cunt.
“Why the long face, doll?” He laughed, taking a glance at the way your lips and eyes were tightly closed shut.
“Do your thing, Simon,” you spoke quickly to muffle a sound of pleasure by covering your mouth and turning away from his eyes-view.
“I just wanted to feel you a little bit, no harm done,” he gently slapped your soppy cunt before lifting your shirt to bunch around the waist. Tonight, you were just wearing a normal pair of lace panties without the partner of a bra. Bras are vibe killers and the world could do without. Plus– it gives your lover easier access to rest or warm his hands when he’s bored.
Anticipation made the fabric become nearly insufferable as the room seemed to double in heat.
“Keep these on?”
You thought, looking at the shiny oak of your bedroom floor before giving him a muffled response.
“I don’t mind them staying on.”
As so, his ring finger released your panty and turned into a palm that smooths over the entirety of your plump ass. The feeling of Simon’s hands on your bum had often aroused you more than it probably should have. He’s never spanked you but he's grabbed it and caressed it as often as you allowed. The way he’d squeeze long enough to make it hurt had always brought out the bedroom hormones even though sometimes he would do it somewhere other than the comfort of your home. anything that made you feel like his was enough to keep it wet for hours.
“What are you waiting fo-AH!” you nearly turn into a flailing mess before your hands quickly resettled onto Simon’s strong thigh which was trembling with amusement.
For someone who was wary of hitting you, he’d come down really heavy handed. You’re a first-timer, it wouldn’t have killed him to at least warn you. However, the hot and stinging feeling is an arousal-multiplying sensation that has your mouth feeling a little numb and your adrenaline flowing.
Your eyes nearly comically blow wide as the two of you make eye-contact, Simon’s face being one of subdued delight as you gently pant out.
“Do. That. Again.”
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auspicioustidings · 1 year ago
Firewatch Part 10
Summary: Simon tries to bring you back from the edge.
Words: 2.2k
CW: Kidnapping
Simon did not know what he expected to walk into and couldn't really come up with any ideas. His mind was too clouded with the need to see you, to confirm with his own eyes you were alive. He sprinted through the forest barely tempering his reckless pace through the darkness. When he reached the cabin he barrelled in without much ceremony and locked eyes on you.
You looked smaller somehow. It wasn't a physical smallness, it was the way that fear rolled off of you in waves. You were curled against Price, willingly burying yourself into him next to the fire. All of your fight was just gone. He hated it. He hated seeing you like this.
Simon had always been a bit more realistic than the others when it came to you. He had been in your cottage after all. It was chaotic but there was so much of you that shone through in the chaos. Half finished craft projects everywhere (you were clearly passionate but lost interest easily if there was nobody to keep you on task), books neatly put away by genre and not alphabetically (he could tell you were someone who took great care with them, the type to use a bookmark instead of folding down any of the edges, and the adventure and fantasy books told him you were someone who dreamed big), several different types of tea (you must like variety).
There weren't any photos up, it had annoyed him. You didn't seem to have much in the way of loved ones but for your cat who you clearly spoiled if the cat walk lovingly built along the walls was any indication. He knew you were stubborn and had a temper, he could tell from the butchered bit of wall from where you had clearly struggled to get one of the shelves to sit straight. He knew you were messy, messy enough that it would probably get on his nerves when you lived together. 
He loved you despite it. He loved seeing your passion in every inch of that cottage. He loved seeing your wild recklessness through the well used first aid kit that was lying out ready to be used again. He loved seeing your tenderness in how Dosia had subtly blocked him from touching your hair as you slept, the little thing fiercely protective even against a predator many times her size. She loved you because you had loved her and that was a beautiful thing.
This you? Dull eyed and clinging to Price like a lifeline? It wasn't right. It didn't fit properly. He would take you kicking and hissing and biting at him over this affection born from trauma. It was the reason he never tried to use the fact it had been him that carried you out of that burning cottage against you. He didn't want a version of you that had to bend to what would make him happy. He wanted you just as you were.
Price found himself in a similar mindset. 12 hours ago he would have killed to have you like this, soft and clinging to him like he was the only thing in the world. Not like this. Not broken from fear and hypothermia. 
His heart had nearly stopped when Soap had shouted that he found you, his voice laced with panic. Him and Gaz had gotten to you as quickly as they could in the dark. You were cold and you were beyond scared, tear tracks from what must have been hours of sobbing dried onto your cheeks. You thought they wouldn't come for you. You thought you would die. 
He knew how bad it was when Johnny was crouched in front of you trying to get a response and you had just slowly, painfully slowly, leaned forward to crumple into him. He saw Soap tense for a moment before scooping you up and murmuring soft words into your hair, his accent having gotten so thick Price couldn't pick up any of the words properly. He carried you like that, your legs wrapped around his waist and your head tucked into his shoulder, back to the truck.
It was barely even a two minute walk from where you were to the road but Price was telling you how fucking thankful he was you had stayed where you were, assuring you that you had done the right thing. If you had tried to get back and went the wrong way they might never have found you. You didn't respond. 
It was like you weren't even really there. He drove and you clung to Soap in the back while him and Gaz tried to coax you to talk, but they got nowhere. It was shockingly easy to pass you between them, you were just eager to be holding a warm body, to have someone enveloping you. 
Christ they could do anything to you in this state, you'd let them do anything if it meant they wouldn't leave you. It made him want to throw up. He radioed Simon on the way back, deciding to get you inside as soon as possible rather than going to pick him up. 
It was Gaz who carried you in, he was shaking himself, looking like he was liable to fall apart at any moment. This was his team, time to be a leader. Price gently took you from Gaz's arms and softly gave instructions for him and Soap. Get warm clothes and a blanket, make tea, keep the fire going, clear the now stale brunch and get something warm and easy to eat started. 
They found it difficult to not be near you, but being near you was clearly causing them to freeze up and not know what to do, so giving them a task list helped. He settled into one of the armchairs by the fire with you, letting you hold him and tucking his chin onto your head so he was enveloping you fully, keeping you warm and safe.
“You're OK little bird, I've got you. You're safe. Not going to let anything happen to you” he said in a hushed whisper to you, half because you really did remind him of a little bird that might get spooked if he was too loud and half because a torrent of emotion that felt too big for his body was choking him up. 
Even when Simon came crashing in you didn't react. 
“What happened?”
“It's our fault Si, we didnae even see her through the windae. Got all wrapped up in whit we were doing.”
“Jesus Johnny” Simon said, seeing how he looked like he really believed this was his fault. 
Price gave Simon a look and a little nod, he had you but Simon needed to keep everyone else together, calm them down. He went over to Johnny who had a plate of cold scrambled eggs in hand, clearly was midway through getting rid of them but had frozen up. He could see the plate was shaking. 
“Wasn't anyone's fault Johnny. Hey, look at me. This was not your fault.”
He took the plate gently out of his grip and started to clean away the food. It helped Johnny to sink back into the task when Simon was there helping him. Gaz came in with clothes and a blanket and swallowed thickly when nodding a hello towards Simon, like he wanted to put off going and helping get you out of your clothes that were cold and dirty and into your cosy fresh ones. 
“You got this?”
“I- yeah, I got it. I'm solid.”
Kyle didn't really know if he believed himself but he pressed forward because he could not leave you in those clothes. 
“Can one of you bring over the first aid kit? Her feet need looked at.”
Issuing an instruction made him feel a little calmer as he gently rubbed your back, crouching a little so he could speak softly to you.
“Hey luv, it's just me, it's Kyle. Pretty name remember? Need to get you changed OK? Going to make sure you get nice and warm and comfortable” he said gently, starting to coax your hoodie and top off with Price's help. “Making you safe right? I'll always save you.”
It was agonising. You let them get you out of your clothes like it didn't bother you at all. It bothered the hell out of him. They were fast in changing you because it felt wrong that this was how you'd be naked between them. It felt awful that the brush of his hand against your breasts as he pulled clothes off and on you wasn't something that caused you to hiss at him. 
He had never been more grateful for Simon Riley is his life when the man came over once you were changed to take you from Price. He knew it was jarring for them to see you so vulnerable and bare like that, a hideous bit of lust creeping in and making the both of them hate themselves over it.
You went to him easily, far too easily given your last encounter. Price focused on getting your feet cleaned and bandaged while Gaz went to knock his forehead against Soap's, needing some sort of comfort for this whole fucked up mess. They could easily have lost you tonight. They still might. Price did give Simon somewhat of a warning look but let him say his piece as he traced patterns on your back.
“What were you thinking sweetheart?” he said, gentle but with upset simmering right under the surface. “As soon as you're feeling better we are going to have a long chat hm?”
He wanted a response from you. He wanted something. You only clung to him. He nosed at the mark still healing on your neck and you still didn't react. There was a warning growl from Price when he kissed it, but Simon gave him a firm glare. He needed you to come back no matter what it took. When he kissed a little harder he could feel the slight tense of your muscles, the hint of annoyance. 
The others noticed when you twitched as he moved to suck a mark just next to the bite and watched on, hoping against hope that it meant something. It was a good thing Simon Riley was a persistent asshole.
“Think I'll leave another mark, make your neck all pretty. That what you need? Someone to bite hard, put you in your place a little?”
You didn't really remember what happened, it was a bit of a blur. You knew that you felt warmer now and that you never, ever wanted to be that cold again. You knew that behind your heavy eyelids was a soft light and that you never, ever wanted to be in the pitch darkness again. You liked that there was something living underneath you, something warm with a strong heartbeat encouraging your own.  
Somewhere in your mind when your clothes were being taken off you thought you'd just let them have their way with you. If they would just stay close, keep you warm, keep you in the light, then you could let them. You didn't care about anything else. 
There was a spark of something when lips were pressed to the tender mark on your neck. The lips pressed harder and you dimly recognised it was Simon. He sucked a mark and you remembered what happened last time with him, felt a bubbling annoyance take over that void of feeling nothing. Hadn't you been beating yourself up thinking he was a good man and now he was right back at your throat?
You actually heard and understood words then, came back to yourself a little. This fucking jerk. It's what he had said before. Well last time you had booted him between the legs and gotten him punished so who the hell did he think he was to try again when you were being nice?!
You were straddled on his lap and bundled up in him so you couldn't do much groin kneeing. You could give him a taste of his own damn medicine though. Simon groaned low when your teeth sunk into the juncture between his shoulder and neck and then grumbled out a laugh through the sting. 
“There's my girl.”
You pulled back to find him grinning at you, seemingly not bothered at all by the indents you had left. This guy was a maniac, but fuck you were suddenly glad to see him. You were so, so terribly glad he was here and you were warm and safe. Maybe. You held his gaze, not willing to face the two men who had been casually discussing your murder. 
“I don't want to die.”
“Then don't pull stupid shit like that sweetheart.”
“Don't kill me.”
“You have my word.”
Price held a hand up to Soap and Gaz, telling them to stay quiet and let Simon handle this.
“Don't let anyone else kill me.”
“If anyone tries, I'll serve them to Dosia.”
This has been the most awful night of your life so for the sake of your own will to keep going, you chose to believe him.  
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