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xsafehaveninfo-blog · 7 years ago
Admin Rules
ADMINS *Updated Rules* Here’s a copy of team rules, I’d suggest maybe saving them somewhere. 💛
Introduction to Safe Haven Support Team: Thank you for your interest in becoming apart of our team. Here at Safe Haven, we do everything we can to keep this group a safe and clean environment for everyone. We inspire to make this group as loving & unique as possible. We are very interactive with our members! Everyone starts out as a Moderator & will build their way up to being an Admin (if they want to be.) Below, are some things to know & guidelines to follow. Please read all of this very carefully. ⦁ You will be entered into a group message on facebook with all other Admins/Moderators. In order to be apart of the team it is mandatory to stay in this group chat. This is where we discuss any issues/concerns about the group & its members. If the notifications become too much, you can “mute notifications.” However, if you leave the group chat, it will be an instant removal from the team. Communication is very important here. If you become a team member you will also start getting some notifications concerning the group. ⦁ There is a minimum requirement of at least 30 mins free time daily for Moderators/Admins (unless you have something going on.) If you want to take a little break or have something going on to where you can’t be active, that is fine, just please let us know in group chat, or message me personally & let me know. We take our group & caring for our members very seriously, so this IS a responsibility. We need dependable team members in order to keep the group functioning properly. ⦁ We ask that Moderators/Admins put -Mod or -Moderator or -Admin after all comments/posts made. This is so the group members will become more familiar with our team. As stated above, if you’re new to the team your role will be: Moderator. The team & everyone’s roles are listed in the pinned post on the top of the group page, if you somehow forget your role on the team.   ⦁ Post interactive posts frequently. For example; How is everyone today? How is everybody feeling? What’s on your mind today? What’s everyone’s favorite song? etc. ⦁ As an Admin/Moderator you are accepting that members are allowed to message you personally if they feel they need to talk or have any issues/concerns. ⦁ We bring & discuss most things to our team group chat. Screenshots are very useful in this group. Any removing of posts, comments, or people should be discussed in group chat first so everyone has a heads up. ⦁ Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the group rules. (GROUP RULES/HOTLINE NUMBERS/TEAM MEMBERS & ROLES ARE LISTED IN THE PINNED POST AT THE TOP OF THE GROUP PAGE.) ⦁ Member Requests; If someone is requesting to join our group we have 3 pending questions they need to answer before being approved. If they requested without answering all 3 questions correctly we message them saying something like “Hi I’m from Safe Haven Support Group, we’d love to get you approved but we need you to answer the 3 pending questions first & decline their request & have them resend it with the questions answered. If they “can’t see” the questions for some reason, they are allowed to answer the questions to you in a PM. If you feel their answers are acceptable, then you can approve their request. Our 3 pending questions are: Do you agree to read the pinned post and follow all rules? What makes you want to join our group? & Are you 18+? Also, we don’t accept anyone who’s profile was created 3 months ago or less. We also check out the profiles of anyone requesting to join to try to make sure it isn’t a fake profile/someone trying to troll. ⦁ If you approve someone’s request to join our group, we try to make a welcoming post for them. So, whoever you approve to join, make a welcoming post for them & tag them (if you can.) If you can’t tag them, just write their name out (so remember their name when you approve them) on the post, and let us know in group chat, & one of us will try to comment & tag them to ensure they see your post you made for them. ⦁ Try to promote the group from time to time. Tell your friends/family. “Share” it on your personal page or to other groups/pages. We want to reach/help as many people as we can! ⦁ One of the MOST important rules. We have to “approve” member’s posts before they go public to the group page. Before approving anyone’s post; 1st) Make sure there isn’t any rules being broken in their post. 2nd) If a rule is being broken we always bring it to group chat. Depending on the rule broke, we will decide as a team whether they should be warned or removed. 3rd) ALWAYS make sure to comment and interact with ANY & EVERY post you approve. Once you approve someone’s post, that post is now your responsibility. We don’t want anyone’s post to go unnoticed. ⦁ No changes to the settings, pinned post, cover photo, group name etc. are to be made by any Admin/Moderator. I will handle the settings/group changes. ⦁ In your daily free time on the page you can: post interactive posts, scroll the group page to make sure the rules are being followed, post positive quotes, do live videos, create polls, find interactive facebook games.. etc. Make sure to try to interact with as many posts as you can. ⦁ In case of a suicidal post; direct suicidal posts are NOT to ever be approved. If you see a suicidal post & have reason to believe somebody is really going to harm themselves, we are to report it to facebook. Decline the pending post, but make sure to message the person that posted it or make sure somebody from the team is messaging them.. we try to keep them talking, and direct them towards the pinned post with worldwide hotline numbers. ⦁ If you are inactive from the group for more than 3 days (without anyone knowing why) you will be removed from the team. I check admin activity frequently. We need everyone to do their part to keep stress off of other team members. ⦁ If you’re a moderator & interested in becoming an Admin eventually, there’s certain things we look for. For example: Moderators who are active more than the minimum requirement, moderators who have well thought out comments/advice, moderators who pick up on all the rules etc.. (Admins have just a bit more responsibility than moderators.)
• Keep in mind any type of removals, post declines, & any concerning posts are to ALWAYS be brought to our SafeHaven group chat message.
Extra ADMIN ONLY Rules: (Newly Updated) ⦁ Along with everything stated above, you are to help lead our moderators by helping them learn the rules & ways of everything, & nicely correcting any mistakes they make if you notice. If you see they forgot -Mod or -Moderator comment on their post nicely asking them to re edit it correctly. We now newly have a Training Group for members wanting to become Mods. Admins run this group. (See below) ⦁ Admins are to know all the rules very confidently to be able to answer most questions from moderators/group members. ⦁ Admins should normally be the “most active.” ⦁ Big decisions (removals, approvals etc.) can be finalized by any Admin. ⦁ There is an “Admins ONLY chat” which is only there to discuss Moderators progress/lack of progress or any concerns with any moderators.
TRIAL GROUP: Our Trial Group consists of helping new (wanting to be) Moderators learn the ways/rules of the group. All Admins will be in a 1V1 MOD TRAINING group chat message with who we are training. We will ask them questions & answer any questions they may have for us. We discuss their progress/concerns in "Admin ONLY" group chat & we make our final decisions on things in our "Admin ONLY" group chat. We need to correct all their mistakes so they can learn. I ask for each Admin to try to participate in this whenever you can. We can get through the trainings a lot faster with help. I MUST be available for each and every training. I will need at least one other Admin to assist me when I do these. More than 2 of us can participate as well. We do all training sessions 1 on 1 with these individuals in the "1V1 MOD TRAINING chat." So in the 1V1 MOD TRAINING chat, it should only be you, the other Admins, & one trainee at a time. Each Admin will also be entered into a group chat called "Trial Group Waitlist" here is where people who need their training to become a Mod are at.
Trial Group/ 1V1 MOD TRAINING: I will be handling most of the training. I will send the introductory videos & posts to them in the 1V1 Chat. All I need you Admins to do is monitor these trainings in the 1V1 Chat. You don’t have to do anything on the actual Trial Group Page unless later requested to. I will need you to help me correct them when they’re wrong/tell them what is right to do, & also come up with a couple scenario questions to ask them. We will discuss any concerns with these trainings in “Admin ONLY” group chat. Thank you!
*Please type “read & agreed” to these updated rules if you want to stay on or join our team. If you feel it’s too much please don’t join/stay on the team. No hard feelings. If you are on the team, I’d suggest maybe saving these rules somewhere. Thank you!*
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xsafehaveninfo-blog · 7 years ago
Moderator Rules
MODS *Updated Rules*
Here’s a copy of team rules, I’d suggest maybe saving them somewhere. 💛
Introduction to Safe Haven Support Team: Thank you for your interest in becoming apart of our team. Here at Safe Haven, we do everything we can to keep this group a safe and clean environment for everyone. We inspire to make this group as loving & unique as possible. We are very interactive with our members! Everyone starts out as a Moderator & will build their way up to being an Admin (if they want to be.) Below, are some things to know & guidelines to follow. Please read all of this very carefully.
• You will be entered into a group message on facebook with all other Admins/Moderators. In order to be apart of the team it is mandatory to stay in this group chat. This is where we discuss any issues/concerns about the group & its members. If the notifications become too much, you can “mute notifications.” However, if you leave the group chat, it will be an instant removal from the team. Communication is very important here. If you become a team member you will also start getting some notifications concerning the group.
• There is a minimum requirement of at least 30 mins free time daily for Moderators/Admins (unless you have something going on.) If you want to take a little break or have something going on to where you can’t be active, that is fine, just please let us know in group chat, or message me personally & let me know. We take our group & caring for our members very seriously, so this IS a responsibility. We need dependable team members in order to keep the group functioning properly.
• We ask that Moderators/Admins put -Mod or -Moderator or -Admin after all comments/posts made. This is so the group members will become more familiar with our team. As stated above, if you’re new to the team your role will be: Moderator. The team & everyone’s roles are listed in the pinned post on the top of the group page, if you somehow forget your role on the team.
• Post interactive posts frequently. For example; How is everyone today? How is everybody feeling? What’s on your mind today? What’s everyone’s favorite song? etc.
• As an Admin/Moderator you are accepting that members are allowed to message you personally if they feel they need to talk or have any issues/concerns.
• Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the group rules. (GROUP RULES/HOTLINE NUMBERS/TEAM MEMBERS & ROLES ARE LISTED IN THE PINNED POST AT THE TOP OF THE GROUP PAGE.)
• Member Requests; If someone is requesting to join our group we have 3 pending questions they need to answer before being approved. If they requested without answering all 3 questions correctly we message them saying something like “Hi I’m from Safe Haven Support Group, we’d love to get you approved but we need you to answer the 3 pending questions first & decline their request & have them resend it with the questions answered. If they “can’t see” the questions for some reason, they are allowed to answer the questions to you in a PM. If you feel their answers are acceptable, then you can approve their request. Our 3 pending questions are: Do you agree to read the pinned post and follow all rules? What makes you want to join our group? & Are you 18+? Also, we don’t accept anyone who’s profile was created 3 months ago or less. We also check out the profiles of anyone requesting to join to try to make sure it isn’t a fake profile/someone trying to troll.
• If you approve someone’s request to join our group, we try to make a welcoming post for them. So, whoever you approve to join, make a welcoming post for them & tag them (if you can.) If you can’t tag them, just write their name out (so remember their name when you approve them) on the post, and let us know in group chat, & one of us will try to comment & tag them to ensure they see your post you made for them.
• Try to promote the group from time to time. Tell your friends/family. “Share” it on your personal page or to other groups/pages. We want to reach/help as many people as we can!
• One of the MOST important rules. We have to “approve” member’s posts before they go public to the group page. Before approving anyone’s post; 1st) Make sure there isn’t any rules being broken in their post. 2nd) If a rule is being broken we always bring it to group chat. Depending on the rule broke, we will decide as a team whether they should be warned or removed. 3rd) ALWAYS make sure to comment and interact with ANY & EVERY post you approve. Once you approve someone’s post, that post is now your responsibility. We don’t want anyone’s post to go unnoticed.
• No changes to the settings, pinned post, cover photo, group name etc. are to be made by any Admin/Moderator. I will handle the settings/group changes.
• In your daily free time on the page you can: post interactive posts, scroll the group page to make sure the rules are being followed, post positive quotes, do live videos, create polls, find interactive facebook games.. etc. Make sure to try to interact with as many posts as you can.
• In case of a suicidal post; direct suicidal posts are NOT to ever be approved. ALWAYS screenshot the post/comments or anyone self harm posts/comments & send them to Team Group Chat. If you can’t screenshot, make sure to always let us all know in group chat. If you see a suicidal post & have reason to believe somebody is really going to harm themselves, we are to report it to facebook. Decline the pending post, but make sure to message the person that posted it or make sure somebody from the team is messaging them.. we try to keep them talking, and direct them towards the pinned post with worldwide hotline numbers.
• If you are inactive from the group for more than 3 days (without anyone knowing why) you will be removed from the team. I check admin activity frequently. We need everyone to do their part to keep stress off of other team members.
• If you’re a moderator & interested in becoming an Admin eventually, there’s certain things we look for. For example: Moderators who are active more than the minimum requirement, moderators who have well thought out comments/advice, moderators who pick up on all the rules etc.. (Admins have just a bit more responsibility than moderators.)
• Keep in mind any type of removals, post declines, & any concerning posts are to ALWAYS be brought to our SafeHaven group chat message.
*Please type “read & agreed” to these updated rules if you want to stay on or join our team. If you feel it’s too much please don’t join/stay on the team. No hard feelings. If you are on the team, I’d suggest maybe saving these rules somewhere. Thank you!*
0 notes
xsafehaveninfo-blog · 7 years ago
Worldwide Hotline Numbers
*Worldwide helplines are listed below* Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696 Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433 LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255 Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743 Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438 Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673 Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272 Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000 Exhale; After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253 Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines: Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected] Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111 Mental Health Info: 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected] Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected] Eating Disorder Support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected] Eating Disorder Support (for under 25’s with eating disorders):08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected] Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600 Drinkline: 0800 9178282 Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected] Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614 India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669 Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868, Free and available 24/7 suicide hotlines; Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430 Australia: 13-11-14 Austria: 01-713-3374 Barbados: 429-9999 Belgium: 106 Botswana: 391-1270 Brazil: 21-233-9191 China: 852-2382-0000 (Hong Kong: 2389-2222) Costa Rica: 606-253-5439 Croatia: 01-4833-888 Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67 Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908 Denmark: 70-201-201 Egypt: 762-1602 Estonia: 6-558-088 Finland: 040-5032199 France: 01-45-39-4000 Germany: 0800-181-0721 Greece: 1018 Guatemala: 502-234-1239 Holland: 0900-0767 Honduras: 504-237-3623 Hungary: 06-80-820-111 Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90 India: 022 2754 6669 Israel: 09-8892333 Italy: 06-705-4444 Japan: 3-5286-9090 Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292 Malaysia: 03-756-8144 (Singapore: 1-800-221-4444) Mexico: 525-510-2550 Netherlands: 0900-0767 New Zealand: 4-473-9739 New Guinea: 675-326-0011 Nicaragua: 505-268-6171 Norway: 47-815-33-300 Philippines: 02-896-9191 Poland: 52-70-000 Portugal: 239-72-10-10 Russia: 8-20-222-82-10 Spain: 91-459-00-50 South Africa: 0861-322-322 South Korea: 2-715-8600 Sweden: 031-711-2400 Switzerland: 143 Taiwan: 0800-788-995 Thailand: 02-249-9977 Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800 Ukraine: 0487-327715
0 notes
xsafehaveninfo-blog · 7 years ago
Safe Haven Group Rules
- YOU MUST BE 18+ If we find out you are younger you will be removed.
- We (Admins/Moderators) do not require permission to privately message any members about any concerns that we might have.
- We run this group as a team, so we do a lot as a team. We can & sometimes will discuss concerns regarding members & their issues at times.
- No contacting ANYONES family/friends from outside of the group and what is stated in the group is to not be shared outside the group.
- By privately messaging a new member before acceptance into our group, we are not in any way causing an invasion of privacy, we are simply protecting the group and it’s members from any form of corruption/harm.
- If you message a team member, please be patient for a response.
- No promoting unless you get it approved by an admin. We do share for shares sometimes.
-No posts are allowed about politics.
- Please post *Trigger Warning* before posting any type of sensitive/triggering material. A few examples; Self Harm, Abuse, Rape, Drugs/Alcohol etc.
- We approve posts before things get posted on the group page to ensure the rules are being followed.
- NO suicidal posts; they will not be approved, & if we believe you are a harm to yourself or others we will have to report that. If you (as a member) see a suicidal comment please contact a team member and report it to facebook. If you yourself feel you are a harm to yourself or others please contact the police or go to a hospital.
- Do NOT ask anyone for money. This is for emotional support, not financial support.
- This is also NOT a dating site. Don't make "looking for partner" posts.
- To keep this a clean environment, there is NO tolerance for racism or any disrespectful comments of any kind towards anyone. Please refrain from cursing, as several people find it offensive. NO arguing over ANYTHING. You WILL be banned. If you see something you don't like or agree with, scroll past it. Be respectful always.
- It is YOUR choice if you accept someone's friend request or personal messages. Take caution with doing that. (Please ask before sending someone a friends request)
- ANY type of unwanted attention (harassing, constant messaging someone who doesn't want to be messaged, unwanted sexual comments or flirting etc) brought to a group member will result in an instant removal/block from our group.
- No blocking of any moderators or admins.
- Keep in mind we aren't professional therapists, we're just normal people like you trying to help other people out of the kindness of our hearts. If you or someone you know is in danger ALWAYS contact the police.
- If you fail to abide by these group rules, you will either have a "warning" or depending on what rule was broken, be removed.
- If you have any questions, concerns, or need to talk to someone feel free to contact me personally, or another team member.
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