#sim: paul allen
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Please, fellow men and women of faith, pray with me and Paul for our dear daughter Susanna!
She's totally out of control - always destroying things and throwing tantrums and making messes outside our beautiful home! Today she even made poor Esther cry! Even Paul can't control her anymore!
I just want my little girl to be sweet and loving again - to be gentle and meek and obedient, just as The Watcher created her to be. I'm praying for her... praying with all my heart that He will guide her and show her the way.
#sim: susanna allen#sim: paul allen#sim: esther allen#sim: sophia martin#family: allen#afundiebunch#fundie simblr#fundie sims
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I finally made Jean in Sims 4 😛😛
#american psycho#patrick bateman#paul owen#paul allen#patrick bateman x paul allen#dorsia boyfriends#jean american psycho#jean#sims#sims 4
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Peru - Salkantay Trek
27.04.23 – 02.05.23
Wo ging es dann am nächsten Tag hin? Nach PERU – so verrückt!! Der Wecker hat wieder um 5 Uhr geklingelt - damit wir uns schonmal an den neuen Rhythmus für die kommenden Tage gewöhnen… Mit dem Uber ging es erneut zum Flughafen und wir haben Mike (Philis Rucksack) abgegeben. Bei der Security wurden wir gefühlt gar nicht überprüft, Trinken und alles Mögliche an Essen ging mit durch, was man hier eigentlich gar nicht mit ausführen darf. Auf dem Flug habe ich viel geschlafen und Phili hat wunderschöne Schlafbilder von mir gemacht. Der erste Flug nach Lima hatte extreme Verspätung und wir wussten nicht, ob wir den Anschlussflug nach Cusco noch kriegen. Wir hatten 45 Minuten, um Mike abzuholen, in Peru einzureisen und erneut durch den Check In und Security Kontrollen zu kommen. Wir haben es gerade so geschafft und wir wurden mit Mike als Handgepäck durchgeschickt!? In Deutschland war Mike Sperrgepäck und hier einfach Handgepäck. Dafür mussten wir noch 40€ draufzahlen, das kriegen wir aber noch wieder (hoffentlich...) :-)
Der Flughafen in Cusco war echt zum Lachen klein (gefühlt so groß wie unsere Mensa-Halle am BRG). Mit dem gebuchten Transfer vom Hostel wurden wir sogar mit einem Schild mit meinem Namen abgeholt und zum Hostel gefahren. Allein diese 15-minütige Fahrt war richtig beeindruckend und die Stadt, genauso wie das Hostel waren wunderschön. Angekommen haben wir nach und nach meine Leute von der Uni getroffen, die alle gestern schon nach Cusco geflogen sind. Phili hat dementsprechend alle kennengelernt, unter anderem Leonie und Mira mit Freund Tim. Nach dem kurzen Ausruhen ging es in die Stadt um Bargeld, SIM-Karten und Snacks zu besorgen. Die City war echt schön und zum Abendbrot sind wir mit allen 13 Leuten von meiner Uni plus Anhängseln essen gegangen – sooo günstig hier! Es gab Hähnchen und ‚Lomo Saltado‘.
Um 20 Uhr haben sich alle bei dem Treffpunkt für unsere kommende Tour getroffen. Paige und Paul waren auch wieder dabei. Wir sind eine Gruppe von 15 Leuten und nachdem Paige ihren Verlobungsring präsentiert hat, haben wir unseren Guide Brai kennengelernt, der uns alles Wichtige für die nächsten 5 Tage erklärt hat! Es geht nämlich los zum Salkantay Trek – 5 Tage wandern mit Machu Picchu als Endziel. Nachdem wir alle nochmal schnell Geld geholt haben, und unsere Sachen umgepackt haben, ging es schnell ins Bett.
Es wird immer früher… Der Wecker hat uns um 3:50 Uhr aus dem Schlaf gerissen und wir sind zwei Stunden mit Brai im Bus gefahren. Beim ersten Stopp gab es leckeres Frühstück mit Pancake und Obst. Dann ging es erneut für 1,5 Stunden in den Bus schön die Berge hoch mit kurvigen Straßen. Und dann ging es los: der Salkantay Trek! Vorab: Es war eine Abwechslung von Staunen, Freude, Qualen, Stolz, Tränen, Verzweiflung, und noch mehr Stolz und Begeisterung.
Es ging los damit, dass wir uns einen Gruppennamen aussuchen sollen, damit Brai uns rufen kann… Wir sind ab sofort die FAT LAMAS, mit dem Ziel am Ende die SEXY LAMAS zu sein. Und dann ging das Wandern los mit ‚Peruvian Flat‘, ein kleines auf und ab und kleine Hügel. Das war noch okay, aber sobald es auch nur ein bisschen hoch und steil ging, ging bei uns die Luft aus. Auf 4.000m Höhe merkt man die Knappheit an Sauerstoff sehr und das Herz pocht und pocht immer schneller. Um besser mit der Höhe klarzukommen, haben wir regelmäßig Koka-Blätter gegessen (wie so ein Lama) und damit es besser und süßer schmeckt, haben wir dazu Hash bekommen… Natürlich alles ohne Drogen :-)
Auf dem Weg hoch zur Lagune haben wir viele Maultiere und Pferde gesehen. Der Weg war echt anstrengend. Als wir dann hinter der letzten Ecke die Lagune sehen konnten, kam dann aber die Begeisterung und Freude. Das strahlend blaue Wasser vor dem hohen schneebedeckten Berg war echt wunderschön. Während unserer Pause haben wir Snacks gegessen, sind zu kleineren Aussichtspunkten gelaufen und haben viele Bilder gemacht. Alle haben die sogenannte ‚Inca-Toilette‘ (die im Busch) benutzt und dann sind wir wieder runtergelaufen.
Vor lauter Fluchen sind mir irgendwann keine Schimpfwörter eingefallen, als wir dann nochmal den Weg zur Essenshütte hochmussten. Nachdem wir bei unseren ‚Huts‘ für die Nacht angekommen sind, mussten wir diesen blöden Berg noch hoch zum Essen. Wer baut die Essenshütte so weit weg vom Schlafensplatz!? Das Essen war aber ganz lecker und auch sehr nötig. Wir haben alle unser Bag und Schlafsack bekommen (die während der 5 Tage von Pferden oder Autos transportiert werden) und sind in unsere kleinen Häuser eingezogen. Die Mädels waren noch bei Phili und mir und wir haben gequatscht, bevor wir erneut diesen schei* Berg hochmussten zur Tea-Time und zum Abendbrot. Das Essen war wieder lecker und Brai hat uns erklärt, was am nächsten Tag passiert. Leonie war das schon zu viel und sie kam nicht so gut mit der Höhe klar, weswegen wir sie trösten mussten. Phili hatte Probleme mit ihrem Knie und hat Brai nach einer Schere für ihr Tape gefragt. Er hatte leider keine dabei, aber kam dann kurz später mit einer Schere in der Hand wieder… Er ist mal eben schnell ins Tal gelaufen, hat eine Schere besorgt, um dann den Berg wieder hochzulaufen… Ab da an war Brai unser bester Freund und wir haben ihn alle geliebt. Beim Zähne putzen konnten wir draußen den schönen Sternenhimmel bewundern. Wir haben uns nach der Erklärung für den nächsten Tag Sorgen gemacht und wir konnten uns bis zum nächsten Morgen entscheiden, ob wir mit einem Pferd den ganzen Salkantay Mountain hochwollen.
Nach der Nacht, die nicht so kalt wie befürchtet war, wurden wir um 4:55 Uhr mit Koka-Tee geweckt. Was der Tag bringt? 9 Stunden reine Wanderzeit, insgesamt 11,5 Stunden unterwegs und hoch auf 4.630m Höhe. Wir haben unsere Sachen wieder zusammengesucht und sind noch im Dunkeln hoch zum Frühstück gelaufen. Der Pancake mit Mango-Füllung war echt lecker und nachdem wir noch Snacks bekommen haben, ging es los… Kauend auf Koka-Blättern ging es den Berg steil hoch. Auf diesem Part haben 6 Leute von unserer Gruppe sich für ein Pferd entschieden und viele der anderen Gruppen haben die Tour schon komplett abgebrochen und sind zurück in die Stadt, weil die Höhenkrankheit angeschlagen hat. Phili und ich sind fluchend mit Ehrgeiz den Berg hoch… Wer braucht schon ein Pferd!? Von weitem konnten wir Lawinen auf den Schneebergen beobachten. Wir haben 600 Höhenmetern hinter uns gebracht und sind bis nach ganz oben auf 4.630m gewandert. Es ging 4 Stunden steil hoch und es gab kaum Luft. Phili musste würgen und ihr war schlecht und bei mir liefen auch Tränen der Verzweiflung und Anstrengung. Oben angekommen kamen dann Tränen vor Stolz und wir haben erstmal eine lange Pause gemacht. Es gab ganz viele Fotos mit der mega Aussicht, wir haben Brai’s Tradition mitgemacht und jeder hat drei Koka-Blätter bekommen und wir konnten Wünsche aussprechen, die wir dann mit Steinen und Rum obendrauf versiegelt haben. Auf dem Weg nach unten hat Phili ihr Knie verdreht und es liefen Tränen vor Schmerz. Mittag gab es in der roten Hütte und Phili hat sich mit Ibus gegen die Schmerzen zugepumpt. Dann ging es nochmal 2 Stunden weiter runter… Wo hört der Weg nur auf? Eine Ecke noch? Den ganzen Vormittag und auf dem Salkantay Mountain sind wir mit dicken Jacken und zig Schichten umhergelaufen und jetzt plötzlich kam eine Hitze... Wir hätten uns am liebsten mit einem Bikini in die Sonne gelegt. Es wurde viel grüner um uns, und die Mücken fingen an uns zu attackieren. Kurz nach 17 Uhr waren wir dann endlich am Camp und jedes Pärchen hat wieder einen der Huts bekommen. Die warme Dusche tat gut und mit Wlan konnten wir wieder ein Lebenszeichen von uns geben. Das Abendessen war lecker, aber nachdem sich alle mit Bärenhunger darauf gestürzt haben, war es auch schnell alle. Es ging schnell ins Bett und wir haben alle zeitig geschlafen.
To be continued...
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Resultados 24h Daytona
Top 10
1-7-Nasr\L.Vanthorn\Tandy-Porsche 963-Porsche Penske Motorsport-GTP-781 Laps
2-60-Rosenqvist\Dixon\Braun\Blonqvist-Acura ARX06-Mayer Shank Racing-GTP
3-6-Estre\Campbell\Jaminet-Porsche 963-Porsche Penske Motorsport-GTP
4-24-D.Vanthorn\Marciello\Magnussen\Eng-BMW M LMDH-BMW M Team RLL-GTP +1 Lap
5-10-Albuquerque\R.Taylor\B.Hartley\Stevens-Cadillac V Series R-Cadillac Racing Wayne Taylor Racing-GTP + 1 Lap
6-85-Wherlain\Bruni\Aron\Helm-Porsche 963-JDC Miller Motorsports-GTP +1 Lap
7-25-Rast\Frinjs\Van der Linde\Witmann-BMW M LMDH-BMW M Team RLL-GTP +4 Laps
8-8-Uiter\Bourdais\Alvarez\Farano-Oreca 7-Tower Motorsports-LMP2- +16 Laps
9-22-Lindh\Allen\Di Resta\Goldburg-Oreca 7-United Autoesports-LMP2 +16 Laps
10-74-Robisson\Burdon\Fraga\Massa-Oreca 7-Riley-LMP2 +16 Laps
1-65-Olsen\Vervish\Mies-Ford |Mustang GT3-Ford Multimac Motorsport-723 Laps
2-3-SIMS\JUCANDELLA\Garcia-Corvette C8 Z06 GT3 R-Corvette Racing Pratt Miller
3-64-Priaulix\Cindric\Rockenfeller-Ford Mustang GT3-Ford Multimac Motorsport
4-1-K.Van Der Linde\De Philippe\Verhagen\Snow-BMW M4 GT3 Evo-Paul Miller Racing
5-69-Schiller\Stolz\Martin\Bartone-Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo-GETSPEED
1-13-Kern\Bell\Kirchoffer\Fidani-Corvette C8 Z06 GT3 R-AWA-719 Laps
2-120-Guvan\Skeer\Sargent\Adelsson-Porsche 992 GT3 R-Wright Motorsport
3-27-Drudi\Gambel\Robichon\Stevensson-Aston Martin Vantage GT3 Evo-Heart Of Racing
4-57-Auler\Dontje\Ellis\Ward-Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo-Winward Racing
5-96-Foley\Klingmann\Walker\Gallagher-BMW M4 GT3 Evo-Turner Motorsport
0 notes
NFL Players from St. Mary's Prep H.S. (Orchard Lake Village, MI)
HSt. Paul in Orchard Lake Village, MI. An up-to-date list of all NFL Players from St. Mary’s Preparatory High School. The list only includes players who played in an NFL game. St. NFL Players from Mary’s Prep HS Actor Exposure Teams From With Allen Robinson W.R. JAX,CHI,LAR,PIT,DET 2014 2024 Josh Ross LB HONEY, SEA 2022 2024 Dion Sims THE I AM, WHO 2013 2018 Morgan…
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Celebrity Deaths 2023
Gangsta Boo - Jan. 1 (Rapper)
Fred White - Jan. 1 (Drummer)
Immy Nunn - Jan. 1 (TikTok Star)
Galee Galee - Jan. 1 (Rapper)
Ken Block - Jan. 2 (Race Car Driver)
Frank Galati - Jan. 2 (Director)
Suzy McKee Charnas - Jan. 2 (Novelist)
Alan Rankine - Jan. 3 (Singer)
Elena Huelva - Jan. 3 (TikTok Star)
James D. Brubaker - Jan. 3 (Producer)
Peter Rawley - Jan. 3 (Producer)
Asia LaFlora - Jan. 4 (TikTok Star)
Sim Wong Hoo - Jan. 4 (CEO Of Creative Technology)
Hans Rebele - Jan. 4 (Soccer Player)
Arthur Duncan - Jan. 4 (Dancer)
Richard Thornton - Jan. 4 (Swim Coach)
Taylor Lewis - Jan. 5 (Reality Star)
Earl Boen - Jan. 5 (Movie Actor)
Mike Hill - Jan. 5 (Film Editor)
Russell Pearce - Jan. 5 (Politician)
Quentin Williams - Jan. 5 (Politician)
Michael Snow - Jan. 5 (Multimedia Artist)
Gianluca Vialli - Jan. 6 (Soccer Player)
Owen Roizman - Jan. 6 (Cinematographer)
Adam Rich - Jan. 7 (TV Actor)
Noah Brady - Jan. 7 (TikTok Star)
Russell Banks - Jan. 7 (Poet)
Joseph A. Hardy III - Jan. 7 (Entrepreneur)
Lynette Hardaway - Jan. 8 (Activist)
Bernard Kalb - Jan. 8 (Journalist)
Melinda Dillon - Jan. 9 (Movie Actress)
Ahmaad Galloway - Jan. 9 (Football Player)
Charles Simic - Jan. 9 (Poet)
King Constantine II - Jan. 10 (King)
George Pell - Jan. 10 (Religious Leader)
Patriarch Irenaios - Jan. 10 (Religious Leader)
Jeff Beck - Jan. 10 (Guitarist)
Tatjana Patitz - Jan. 11 (Model)
Carole Cook - Jan. 11 (Stage Actress)
Taylor LeJeune aka Wafffler69 - Jan. 11 (TikTok Star)
Ben Masters - Jan. 11 (TV Actor)
Charles Kimbrough - Jan. 11 (Stage Actor)
*Lisa Marie Presley - Jan. 12 (Rock Singer)
Lee Tinsley - Jan. 12 (Baseball Player)
Robbie Bachman - Jan. 12 (Drummer)
Odele Cape - Jan. 12 (Family Member) *John Ventimiglia's Daughter*
Paul Johnson - Jan. 12 (Journalist)
Robbie Knievel - Jan. 13 (Daredevil)
Al Brown - Jan. 13 (Movie Actor)
Yoshio Yoda - Jan. 13 (Movie Actor)
Julian Sands - Jan. 13 (Movie Actor)
Wally Campo - Jan. 14 (Movie Actor)
C.J. Harris - Jan. 15 (Country Singer)
Yung Hashtag - Jan. 15 (Rapper)
Yoshimitsu Yamada - Jan. 15 (Martial Artist)
Lloyd Morrisett - Jan. 15 (Psychologist)
Gina Lollobrigida - Jan. 16 (Movie Actress)
Jay Briscoe - Jan. 17 (Wrestler)
Michael Lehrer - Jan. 17 (Comedian)
Lucile Randon - Jan. 17 (Supercentenarian) *She Was 118 Years Old*
Edward Pressman - Jan. 17 (Producer)
Sandra Seacat - Jan. 17 (Movie Actress)
Violet Flowergarden - Jan. 17 (YouTube Star)
Renee Geyer - Jan. 17 (Jazz Singer)
Chris Ford - Jan. 17 (Basketball Player)
Van Conner - Jan. 18 (Bassist)
Yun Jung-Hee - Jan. 19 (TV Actress)
David Crosby - Jan. 19 (Guitarist)
Anton Walkes - Jan. 19 (Soccer Player)
Sal Bando - Jan. 20 (Baseball Player)
Stella Chiweshe - Jan. 20 (World Music Singer)
Ava Wood - Jan. 20 (TikTok Star)
Deborah Barak - Jan. 21 (Business Executive)
Slick Goku - Jan. 21 (YouTube Star)
Linda Kasabian - Jan. 21 (Family Member) *Robert Kasabian's Wife*
Sal Piro - Jan. 22 (Movie Actor)
Nikos Xanthopoulos - Jan. 22 (Movie Actor)
Leopoldo Roberto Garcia Pelaez Benitez - Jan. 23 (Comedian)
Lance Kerwin - Jan. 24 (Movie Actor)
Jeremy Ruehlemann - Jan. 24 (Model)
*Enkyboy - Jan. 25 (TikTok Star)
**Cindy Williams - Jan. 25 (TV Actress)
Shantabai Krushnaji Kamble - Jan. 25 (Non-Fiction Author)
Jesse Nathaniel Lemonier - Jan. 26 (Football Player)
Billy Packer - Jan. 26 (Sportscaster)
Gregory Allen Howard - Jan. 27 (Screenwriter)
Sylvia Syms - Jan. 27 (Movie Actress)
Alfred Leslie - Jan. 27 (Painter)
Floyd Sneed - Jan. 27 (Drummer)
Lisa Loring - Jan. 28 (TV Actress)
Kevin O'Neal - Jan. 28 (Movie Actor)
Tom Verlaine - Jan. 28 (Guitarist)
Annie Wersching - Jan. 29 (TV Actress)
Brandon Smiley - Jan. 29 (Family Member) *Rickey Smiley's Son*
Kyle Smaine - Jan. 29 (Freestyle Skier)
Barrett Strong - Jan. 29 (Songwriter)
George R. Robertson - Jan. 29 (Movie Actor)
Hazel McCallion - Jan. 29 (Politician)
Gabriel Tacchino - Jan. 29 (Pianist)
Conner Flowers - Jan. 30 (Family Member) *Olivia Flowers's Brother*
Ann McLaughlin Korologo - Jan. 30 (Politician)
Bobby Hull - Jan. 30 (Hockey Player)
Charlie Thomas - Jan. 31 (Blues Singer)
Joe Moss - Jan. 31 (Football Coach)
Andrea Thompson - Jan. ?? (Family Member) *Tristan Thompson's Mother*
Stanley Tobias Wilson Jr. - Feb. 1 (Football Player)
Lanny Poffo - Feb. 2 (Wrestler)
Butch Miles - Feb. 2 (Drummer)
Yung Trappa - Feb. 2 (Rapper)
Gloria Maria - Feb. 2 (Journalist)
Gerardo Islas - Feb. 2 (Politician)
Paco Rabanne - Feb. 3 (Fashion Designer)
Paul Martha - Feb. 4 (Football Player)
Arnold Schulman - Feb. 4 (Playwright)
Pervez Musharraf - Feb. 5 (Politician)
Lilly Kimbell - Feb. 5 (Tennis Player)
Christian Atsu - Feb. 6 (Soccer Player)
Billy Thomson - Feb. 6 (Soccer Player)
Burt Bacharach - Feb. 8 (Composer)
Branka Veselinovic - Feb. 8 (Movie Actress)
Miroslav Blazevic - Feb. 8 (Soccer Coach)
Cody Longo - Feb. 8 (TV Actor)
Kaleb Boating - Feb. 9 (Football Player)
Marcos Alonso Pena - Feb. 9 (Soccer Player)
Kiernan aka Forbes - Feb. 10 (Rapper)
Larry Coyer - Feb. 10 (Football Coach)
Hugh Hudson - Feb. 10 (Director)
Carlos Saura - Feb. 10 (Director)
Dave Hollis - Feb. 11 (Entrepreneur)
Austin Major - Feb. 11 (TV Actor)
Howard Bragman - Feb. 11 (Publicist)
Tito Fernandez - Feb. 11 (World Music Singer)
Brianna Ghey - Feb. 11 (???)
David Jolicoeur - Feb. 12 (Rapper)
Diana Deets - Feb. 12 (Model)
Coconut Kitty - Feb. 12 (Instagram Star)
Conrad Dobler - Feb. 13 (Football Player)
Savannah Watts - Feb. 13 (Family Member) *Laura Lee Watts's Daughter*
Tony Schnur - Feb. 13 (Movie Actor)
Jerry Jarrett - Feb. 14 (Wrestler)
Tohru Okada - Feb. 14 (Music Producer)
Raquel Welch - Feb. 15 (Movie Actress)
Paul Berg - Feb. 15 (Biologist)
Paul Jerrard - Feb. 15 (Hockey Coach)
Buncha - Feb. 15 (Dog)
Simone Ann-Marie Edwards - Feb. 16 (Basketball Player)
Tim McCarver - Feb. 16 (Baseball Player)
Kyle Jacobs - Feb. 17 (Songwriter)
Stella Stevens - Feb. 17 (Movie Actress)
David O'Connell - Feb. 18 (Priest)
Barbara Bosson - Feb. 18 (TV Actress)
Jim Thomas Broyhill - Feb. 18 (Politician)
Richard Belzer - Feb. 19 (TV Actor)
Greg Foster - Feb. 19 (Olympic Athlete)
*Jansen Panettiere - Feb. 19 (Movie Actor)
Dickie Davies - Feb. 19 (TV Show Host)
Maliboo Ziegler - Feb. 19 (Dog)
Ryan Keeler - Feb. 20 (Football Player)
Alicia Allain - Feb. 22 (Family Member) *John Schneider's Wife*
Ahmed Qurei - Feb. 22 (Politician)
John Motson - Feb. 23 (Sportscaster)
Tony Earl - Feb. 23 (Politician)
Walter Mirisch - Feb. 24 (Film Producer)
Matt Pobereyko - Feb. 25 (Baseball Player)
Gordon Pinsent - Feb. 25 (Movie Actor)
Ali Yafie - Feb. 25 (Religious Leader)
Betty Boothroyd - Feb. 26 (Politician)
Ricou Browning - Feb. 27 (Movie Actor)
Just Fontaine - March 1 (Soccer Player)
Jerry Richardson - March 1 (Football Player)
Irma Serrano - March 1 (Fold Singer)
Anise Koltz - March 1 (Poet)
Steve Mackey - March 2 (Musician)
Tom Sizemore - March 3 (TV Actor)
Sara Lane - March 3 (Movie Actress)
David Lindley - March 3 (Guitarist)
Phil Eugene Batt - March 4 (Politician)
Gary Rossington - March 5 (Guitarist)
Denise Russo - March 5 (Reality Star)
Bob Goody - March 5 (TV Actor)
Georgina Beyer - March 6 (Former Mayor Of Carterton)
Tom Love - March 7 (Executive Chairman Of Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores)
Peterson Zah - March 7 (Politician)
Matt Davies - March 7 (YouTube Star)
Jim Durkin - March 8 (Guitarist)
Jeff Thomas - March 8 (Model)
Chaim Topol - March 8 (Movie Actor)
Pearry Reginald Teo - March 9 (Director)
Satish Kaushik - March 9 (TV Actor)
Dick Haley - March 10 (Football Player)
Naonobu Fujii - March 10 (Volleyball Player)
Jesus Alou - March 10 (Baseball Player)
Robert Blake - March 11 (TV Actor)
Bud Grant - March 11 (Football Player)
Chen Kenichi - March 11 (Chef)
Ignacio Lopez Tarso - March 11 (Soap Opera Actor)
John Jakes - March 11 (Novelist)
Dick Fosbury - March 12 (Olympic)
Costa Titch - March 12 (Rapper)
Felton Lafrance Spencer - March 12 (Basketball Player)
Jim Gordon - March 13 (Drummer)
Patricia Schroeder - March 13 (Politician)
Joe Pepitone - March 13 (Baseball Player)
Bobby Caldwell - March 14 (Pop Singer)
Mimis Papaioannou - March 15 (Soccer Player)
Peter Hardy - March 16 (TV Actor)
Lance Reddick - March 17 (TV Actor)
Jehane Thomas - March 17 (TikTok Star)
Fito Oliveres - March 17 (World Music Singer)
Paul Grant - March 20 (Movie Actor)
Luri Lapicus - March 20 (MMA Fighter)
Gunter Nezhoda - March 21 (Movie Actor)
Jasmin Voutilainen - March 21 (TV Actress)
Peter Werner - March 21 (Director)
Willis Reed - March 21 (Basketball Player)
Rebecca Jones - March 22 (Soap Opera Actress)
Tad Devine - March 22 (TV Actor)
Tom Leadon - March 22 (Guitarist)
Wayne Swinny - March 22 (Guitarist)
Ben Shelly - March 22 (Politician)
Jerry Green - March 23 (Journalist)
Jeffrey "JV" Vandergrift - March 24 (Radio Host)
Nicholas Lloyd Webber - March 25 (Composer)
Chabelo - March 25 (TV Show Host)
Ron Faber - March 26 (Movie Actor)
Daniel Chorzempa - March 27 (Pianist)
Peggy Scott-Adams - March 27 (R&B Singer)
Paul O'Grady - March 28 (Comedian)
Bill Leavy - March 28 (Referee)
Ryuichi Sakamoto - March 28 (Composer)
Bill Saluga - March 28 (Comedian)
Myriam Ullens - March 29 (Entrepreneur)
Brian Gillis - March 29 (Pop Singer)
Harrison Gilks - March 30 (TikTok Star)
Mark Russell - March 30 (Comedian)
John Brockington - March 31 (Football Player)
Chelsea Lawrence - March 31 (TikTok Star)
Rabbie Namaliu - March 31 (Politician)
Christo Jivkov - April 1 (Movie Actor)
Ken Buhanan - April 1 (Boxer)
Robert "Buchwhacker" Butch - April 2 (Wrestler)
Judy Farrell - April 2 (TV Actress)
Seymour Stein - April 2 (Entrepreneur)
Bob Lee - April 4 (Business Executive)
Andres Garcia - April 4 (TV Actor)
Craig Breedlove - April 4 (Race Car Driver)
Bella Echarri - April 5 (Instagram Star)
Sudhir Naik - April 5 (Cricketer)
Leon Levine - April 5 (Entrepreneur)
**Paul Cattermole - April 6 (Pop Singer)
Norman Reynolds - April 6 (British Production Designer)
Bruce Petty - April 6 (Cartoonist)
Ashley Morrison - April 6 (Instagram Star)
Ian Bairson - April 7 (Guitarist)
Lasse Wellander - April 7 (Guitarist)
*Michael Lerner - April 8 (Movie Actor)
Travis 'Honcho' Taylor - April 8 (TikTok Star)
Elizabeth Hubbard - April 8 (Soap Opera Actress)
Julian Figueroa - April 9 (Family Member) *Joan Sebastian's Son*
Richard Ng - April 9 (Movie Actor)
Anne Perry - April 10 (Novelist)
Raymond Sawada - April 10 (Hockey Player)
Lesley Swink-Van Ness - April 10 (News Anchor)
Al Jaffee - April 10 (Cartoonist)
Jung Chae-Yul - April 11 (TV Actress)
Miles Benner - April 11 (TikTok Star)
Blair Tindall - April 12 (Journalist)
Don Leppert - April 13 (Baseball Player)
Craig Breen - April 13 (Race Car Driver)
Mary Quant - April 13 (Fashion Designer)
Mark Sheehan - April 14 (Pop Singer)
Murray Melvin - April 14 (Movie Actor)
Ahmad Jamal - April 16 (Pianist)
April Stevens - April 17 (Pop Singer)
Charles Stanley - April 18 (Religious Leader)
Otis Redding III - April 18 (Guitarist)
Don Mcllhenny - April 18 (Football Player)
Keith Nale - April 18 (Firefighter / Reality Star)
Koko Da Doll - April 18 (Rapper)
Moonbin - April 19 (Pop Singer)
Dave Wilcox - April 19 (Football Player)
Carlo Saba - April 19 (World Music Singer)
Esther Jenner - April 20 (Family Member) *Caitlyn Jenner's Mother*
**Len Goodman - April 22 (TV Show Host)
Barry Humphries - April 22 (Voice Actor)
Dale Meeks - April 22 (Soap Opera Actor)
Keith Gattis - April 23 (Country Singer)
Ginny Newhart - April 23 (Family Member) *Bob Newhart's Wife*
Rachel Marshall - April 24 (Founder Of Rachel's Ginger Beer)
Harry Belafonte - April 25 (Pop Singer)
Parkash Singh Badal - April 25 (Politician)
Moneysign $uede - April 25 (Rapper)
Frank Agrama - April 25 (Director)
Violeta Marujoz - April 26 (YouTube Star)
**jerry Springer - April 27 (TV Show Host)
Dick Groat - April 27 (Baseball Player)
Barbara Young - April 27 (TV Actress)
Robson Gracie - April 28 (Brazilian Martial Artist)
Tim Gregg - April 28 (Guitarist)
Mike Shannon - April 29 (Baseball Player)
Ralph Boston - April 30 (Long Jumper)
Jock Zonfrillo - April 30 (Chef)
Felipe Colares - May 1 (Brazilian Mixed Martial Artist)
Eileen Saki - May 1 (TV Actress)
Gordon Lightfoot - May 1 (Pop Singer)
Mostafa Darwish - May 1 (TV Actor)
Jordan Blake - May 1 (Rock Singer)
Valentin Yudashkin - May 2 (Fashion Designer)
Tory Bowie - May 2 (Long Jumper)
Linda Lewis - May 3 (Soul Singer)
Lance Blanks - May 3 (Basketball Player)
Sonia Pizarro - May 3 (Reality Star)
Sienna Weir - May 4 (Psychologist)
Rob Laakso - May 4 (Record Producer / Engineer)
Jack Wilkins - May 5 (Guitarist)
Nick Gilbert - May 6 (Family Member) *Dan Gilbert's Son*
Vida Blue - May 6 (Baseball Player)
Frank Kozik - May 6 (Graphic Artist)
Newton Minow - May 6 (Lawyer)
Carlos Parra - May 6 (World Music Singer)
Sam Gross - May 6 (Cartoonist)
Vic John Stasiuk - May 7 (Hockey Player)
Don January - May 7 (Golfer)
Peterson Zah - May 7 (Politician)
Grace Bumbry - May 7 (Opera Singer)
Joe Kapp - May 8 (Football Player)
Rita Lee - May 8 (Rock Singer)
Denny Crum - May 9 (Basketball Coach)
John Bland - May 9 (Golfer)
Heather Armstrong - May 9 (Blogger)
David Miranda - May 9 (Business Executive)
Ed Flanagan - May 10 (Football Player)
Jacklyn Zeman - May 10 (Soap Opera Actress)
Ana Paula Borgo - May 11 (Volleyball Player)
Barry Newman - May 11 (Movie Actor)
Kenneth Anger - May 11 (Director)
HAESOO - May 12 (Pop Singer)
Owen Davidson - May 12 (Tennis Player)
Bernard Membe - May 12 (Politician)
Gerry William Hart - May 12 (Hockey Player)
Samantha Weinstein - May 14 (Movie Actress)
Ingrid Haebler - May 14 (Pianist)
Marlene Hagge - May 16 (Golfer)
Superstar Billy Graham - May 17 (Wrestler)
Jim Brown - May 18 (Football Player)
Helmut Berger - May 18 (Movie Actor)
Andy Rourke - May 19 (Bassist)
Martin Amis - May 19 (Novelist)
Veno Taufer - May 20 (Poet)
Ray Stevenson - May 21 (Movie Actor)
Lew Palter - May 21 (Movie Actor)
Ed Ames - May 21 (Pop Singer)
Chas Newby - May 22 (Musician)
Rick Hoyt - May 22 (Runner)
Daniel Brooks - May 22 (Director)
Sheldon Reynolds - May 23 (Guitarist)
John Dunning - May 23 (Novelist)
George Maharis - May 24 (TV Actor)
**Tina Turner - May 24 (Rock Singer)
Micky Jagtiani - May 26 (Entrepreneur)
Milt Larsen - May 28 (Magician)
Antonio Gala - May 28 (Poet)
John Beasley - May 30 (TV Actor)
Sergio Calderon - May 31 (Movie Actor)
Ms Jacky Oh - May 31 (Instagram Star)
Ama Ata Aidoo - May 31 (Playwright)
Mike Batayeh - June 1 (Movie Actor)
Anna Shay - June 1 (Reality Star)
Pacho Antifeka - June 1 (Rapper)
Jim Hines - June 3 (Runner)
George Winston - June 4 (Pianist)
Astrud Gilbarto - June 5 (World Music Singer)
Robert Hanssen - June 5 (Criminal)
Pat Cooper - June 6 (Comedian)
Paul Eckstein - June 6 (Movie Actor)
Matulu Shakur - June 6 (Activist)
Tony McPhee - June 6 (Guitarist)
Iron Sheik - June 7 (Wrestler)
Pat Robertson - June 8 (Entrepreneur)
Julee Cruise - June 9 (Pop Singer)
Don Hood - June 10 (Baseball Player)
Tony Lo Bianco - June 11 (Movie Actor)
*Treat Williams - June 12 (TV Actor)
John Romita Sr. - June 12 (Comic Book Artist)
Silvio Berlusconi - June 12 (Politician)
John Fru Ndi - June 12 (Politician)
Carl Eiswerth - June 13 (TikTok Star)
Cormac McCarthy - June 13 (Novelist)
Glenda Jackson - June 15 (Movie Actress)
Ray Lewis III - June 15 (Family Member) *Ray Lewis's Son*
Paxton Whitehead - June 16 (Movie Actor)
Angela Thorne - June 16 (TV Actress)
Michael Hopkins - June 17 (Architect)
Big Pokey - June 18 (Rapper)
Shahzada Dawood - June 18 (Business Executive)
Stockton Rush - June 18 (Business Executive)
Britney Joy - June 19 (TikTok Star)
Robert Elegant - June 20 (Non-Fiction Author)
Betta St. John - June 23 (Movie Actress)
Fredric Forrest - June 23 (Movie Actor)
Terry Price - June 23 (Coach)
Sheldon Harnick - June 23 (Composer)
Richard Ravitch - June 25 (Politician)
Nicolas Coster - June 26 (Soap Opera Actor)
Alfredo Victoria - June 26 (Instagram Star)
Ryan Mallett - June 27 (Football Player)
Maria Del Carmen Garcia - June 27 (TV Actress)
Sue Johanson - June 28 (TV Show Host)
**Alan Arkin - June 29 (Movie Actor)
Christine King Farris - June 30 (Family Member) *Martin Luther King Jr.'s Sister*
Darren Drozdov - June 30 (Wrestler)
0 notes
tem mwm? dos players tbm? quem vcs querem ver na dash?
mwm fcs?
tem sim, cinzinhas! abrindo pra quem tiver interesse em sugerir também:
mwm: justin h. min, dev patel, rahul kohli, mike faist, harris dickinson, alfie enoch, jacob elordi, oliver jackson-cohen, michael b. jordan, elliot page, anthony keyvan, pedro pascal, seo kangjoon, andrew garfield, boyd holbrook, paul dano, oscar isaac, lee dohyun, aneurin barnard, callum turner, jeremy allen white, jeffrey dean morgan, manny jacinto, robert sheehan, tom hiddleston, taz skylar, seo inguk, woo dohwan, kit connor, ncuti gatwa, jack quaid e aaron taylor-johnson.
0 notes
Seen-it-all New York detective Frank Keller is unsettled – he has done twenty years on the force and could retire, and he hasn’t come to terms with his wife leaving him for a colleague. Joining up with an officer from another part of town to investigate a series of murders linked by the lonely hearts columns he finds he is getting seriously and possibly dangerously involved with Helen, one of the main suspects. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Frank Keller: Al Pacino Helen Cruger: Ellen Barkin Sherman: John Goodman Terry: Michael Rooker Frank Keller Sr.: William Hickey Gruber: Richard Jenkins Serafino: Paul Calderon Struk: Gene Canfield Dargan: Larry Joshua Lieutenant: John Spencer Gina Gallagher / Lonelyheart: Christine Estabrook Miss Allen: Barbara Baxley Older Woman: Patricia Barry Murdered Man: Mark Phelan Raymond Brown: Michael O’Neill Doorman: Michael Fischetti Omar Maldonado: Luis Antonio Ramos Efram Maldonado: Rafael Báez Black Guy: Samuel L. Jackson Ernest Lee: Damien Leake Tommy: John Thaddeus Willie: Joshua Nelson Supermarket Manager: Christofer de Oni Supermarket Cashier: Dwayne McClary Helen’s Mother: Jacqueline Brookes Toastmaster: Thom Curley Cable Supervisor: Fred Sanders Clipboard Guy #2: Larry Mullane Clipboard Guy #3: Anthony Catanese Bartender: Thomas Wagner Doorman: Manny Alfaro James Mackey: Brian Paul Tense Woman: Deborah Taylor Sasha: Ferne Downey Raymond Brown’s Wife: Nancy Beatty Clipboard Guy #1: Tony De Santis Yuppie Detective #1: Jackie Laidlaw Yuppie Detective #2: Paul Hubbard Surveillance Team Member: James Kidnie Sherman’s Wife: Bridget O’Sullivan Criminal Type: Franz Fridal Hallway Cop: James O’Regan Hallway Cop: Wayne Best Young Cop: John Bourgeois Young Cop: Hugh Thompson Bride: Miranda de Pencier Groom: Ty Templeton Denice Gruber (scenes deleted): Lorraine Bracco Film Crew: Editor: David Bretherton Director: Harold Becker Director of Photography: Ronnie Taylor Unit Production Manager: Louis A. Stroller Producer: Martin Bregman Costume Design: Betsy Cox Script Supervisor: Blanche McDermaid First Assistant Camera: Yves Drapeau Second Assistant Director: Rocco Gismondi First Assistant Director: Michael E. Steele Second Assistant Director: David Sardi First Assistant Director: Thomas J. Mack Camera Operator: Andy Chmura Casting: Mary Colquhoun Production Design: John Jay Moore Second Assistant Director: Madeleine Henrié Additional Photography: Adam Holender Associate Producer: Michael Bregman Makeup Artist: Irving Buchman Hairstylist: Bryan Charbonneau Hairstylist: Bob Grimaldi Makeup Artist: Irene Kent Key Makeup Artist: Leslie A. Sebert Stunts: Dick Ziker Writer: Richard Price Stunts: Glenn R. Wilder Stunts: Buddy Joe Hooker Production Assistant: Liam Kiernan Stunts: Kenny Bates Stunts: Steve Boyum Stunts: Rick Parker Stunts: Shane Cardwell Production Manager: Barbara Kelly First Assistant Camera: Michael Hall First Assistant Camera: Horace Jordan Location Manager: Debra Beers Production Accountant: Dorothy Precious Production Coordinator: Toni Blay Sound Mixer: Keith A. Wester Boom Operator: Steve Switzer Gaffer: Rae Thurston Best Boy Grip: Howie Balbraith Grip: Randy Tambling Dolly Grip: Robert DaPrato First Assistant Art Direction: Lucinda Zak Set Decoration: Gordon Sim Set Dresser: Raman Majlath Property Master: Vic Rigler Wardrobe Master: Gail Filman Second Assistant Camera: Rick Perotto Assistant Location Manager: Anne Richardson Assistant Accountant: Karen Demontbrun Assistant Set Decoration: Richard Ferbrache Assistant Property Master: Jeff Poulis Wardrobe Assistant: Debi Weldon Production Secretary: Regina Robb Carpenter: Boyd Allen Scenic Artist: Reet Puhm Transportation Coordinator: Neil Montgomerie Unit Publicist: Joan Eisenberg Still Photographer: Rob McEwan Casting: Stuart Aikins Extras Casting: Scott Mansfield Additional Editing: John Wright Assistant Editor: Francine Fleishman Assistant Editor: Irvin Paik Assistant Editor: Charlene Olson Assistant Editor: Haydn Streeter Supervising Sound Editor: Norval D. Crutcher Supervising Sound Editor: Randle ...
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Linda Celeste Sims & Glenn Allen Sims in Christopher Wheeldon’s After the Rain Pas de Deux, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, December 2015. © Paul Kolnik.
As for After the Rain, it doesn’t really suit Linda Celeste Sims and Glenn Allen Sims; they power through it, looking invincible rather than vulnerable.
#photograph#dance#Linda Celeste Sims#Glenn Allen Sims#After the Rain#Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater#Paul Kolnik
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P⬤21 Score Dune Hans Zimmer The Green Knight Daniel Hart The Lost Daughter Dickon Hinchliffe Luca Dan Romer Minari Emile Mosseri No Time to Die Hans Zimmer The Power of the Dog Jonny Greenwood Supernova Keaton Henson Swan Song Jay Wadley Soundtrack The Harder They Fall Judas and the Black Messiah Luca Nomadland Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Swan Song Canción “Akh Lar Gayee (ft. Surinderjit Singh)” — Prem-Hardeep Prem-Hardeep, Surinderjit Singh The White Tiger “Dos Oruguitas” — Sebastián Yatra Lin-Manuel Miranda Encanto “Fight For You” — H.E.R. Gabriella Wilson, Tiara Thomas, Dernst Emile II Judas and the Black Messiah “The Harder They Fall” — Koffee Shawn Carter, Jeymes Samuel, Mikayla Simpson The Harder They Fall “Lead the Way” — Jhené Aiko Jhené Aiko, James Newton Howard Raya and the Last Dragon “No Time to Die” — Billie Eilish Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell No Time To Die “Rain Song” — Han Ye-ri Stephanie Hong, Emile Mosseri Minari “Run It (ft. Rick Ross & Rich Brian)” — DJ Snake William Sami Étienne Grigahcine, Brian Imanuel, Christian Dold, Rick Ross, SIM Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings “Speak Now” — Leslie Odom Jr. Leslie Odom Jr., Sam Ashworth One Night in Miami... Mezcla de Sonido Dune Ron Bartlett, Doug Hemphill, Alan Meyerson, Thomas J. O'Connell , Mac Ruth, Don White Encanto David Boucher, Scott Curtis, David E. Fluhr, Gabriel Guy, Doc Kane, Paul McGrath, Alvin Wee In the Heights Vinny Alfano, Ryan Collison, Lewis Goldstein, Eric Gotthelf, Drew Kunin, John Marquis, Connor Nagy, Aaron Southerland, Jerrell Suelto, Tami Treadwell No Time to Die Mark Appleby, Al Clay, Simon Hayes, Stephen Lipson, Paul Massey, Adam Mendez, Mark Taylor Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Sona Balam, Onnalee Blank, Jason Butler, Peter J. Devlin, Richard Duarte, Lora Hirschberg, Doc Kane, Yung Q, Fred Runner West Side Story Doc Kane, Tod A. Maitland, Shawn Murphy, Andy Nelson, Frank Rinella, Gary Rydstrom Edición de Sonido Dune David Bach, Clint Bennett, Theo Green, Mark A. Mangini, Ryan Rubin, Dave Whitehead The Green Knight Christopher Barnett, Richard Gould, Chris Manning, Johnny Marshall, Greg J. Peterson, Mark Jan Wlodarkiewicz Luca Barney Jones, Justin Doyle, André Fenley, Pascal Garneau, Samuel Lehmer, Justin Pearson, Larry Oatfield, Christopher Scarabosio, Lodge Worster No Time to Die Hugo Adams, Christopher Benstead, Bryan Bowen, Michael Fentum, Dawn Gough, James Harrison, Eilam Hoffman, Michael Maroussas, Becki Ponting, Oliver Tarney A Quiet Place Part II Erik Aadahl, Nancy Allen, Ramiro Belgardt, Malte Bieler, Chris Diebold, Brandon Jones, Vanessa Lapato, Nancy Nugent, Jim Schultz, Del Spiva, Ethan Van der Ryn Raya and the Last Dragon Chris Frazier, David C. Hughes, Shannon Mills, Samson Neslund, Steve Orlando, Brad Semenoff, Jim Weidman
#Film#No Time to Die#Dune#Luca#Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings#The Green Knight#Swan Song#Judas and the Black Messiah#Encanto#Raya and the Last Dragon#Minari#The Harder They Fall#Awards#Score#Soundtrack#Song#Sound#O21#MG#⬤
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autistic podcast characters (because i’m tired and also autistic)
- oliver ritz (basically canon i mean. come on.)
- adam hayes
- jonathan sims
- tim stoker
- lloyd allen
- all the posties in astonishing tales, actually. including raven <3
- juno steel
- rita redacted
- fitzroy maplecourt
- kravitz mcbone boy
- indrid cold
- sir angelo
- sir talfryn
- all the knights in the second citadel actually. and ale.
- cecil palmer
- carlos as well :)
- owen green
- thomas passenger list :))
- paul wayward guide can’t spell his last name but he’s autistic
- so is artemis
- and that one guy. the bank dude. him.
- georgie crusoe
- doug eiffel
- isabel lovelace please tell me i spelled it right
- feston pyxis
- everyone in archive 81 no im not kidding
#yes this is literally just characters i like and relate to#and what of it#podcasts#tbs#the bright sessions#tma#the magnus archives#astonishing tales of the highly improbable#tpp#the penumbra podcast#taz#taz g#taz b#taz amnesty#second citadel#wtnv#welcome to night vale#passenger list podcast#wayward guide for the untrained eye#wooden overcoats#wolf 359#startripper#archive 81
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Isaac started high school today - a secular high school. I can only pray that his faith will stay strong, while he's surrounded by all those un-Watcherly people and ideas... may The Watcher guide him and bless his soul!
I really, really didn't want him to go, but Paul insisted - and even if he's not a man of faith anymore, he's still my husband and headship. I just have to be submissive, and trust him to decide what's best for our son... even if it's difficult sometimes.
At least I'm still allowed to homeschool our daughters - to teach them how to be women of The Watcher, how to be pure and sweet and obedient. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't keep them safe at home with me - Watcher save them all!
#sim: sophia martin#sim: isaac allen#sim: paul allen#sim: rachel allen#sim: eve allen#sim: esther allen#sim: susanna allen#family: allen#afundiebunch#fundie simblr#fundie sims
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#american psycho#patrick bateman#paul owen#paul allen#patrick bateman x paul allen#dorsia boyfriends#sims 4#sims#wicked whims#paul allen gets his ass smacked like a drum
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Last Time on Family Matters- Session 15
Nov. 18th (Cont’d)
In their own words, my players have “turned this game into a dating sim”. Honestly, I’m not mad about it. Is there anything more entertaining than picking up yours and your friend’s oc’s and mashing them together like barbie dolls? I think not. This session was goofy and fun and we made our pretend vampires kiss each other and that’s what life’s all about.
Ronan made it back to the manor first, with the rest of the crew not far behind. As that old man pretended to wheeze on the porch (emphasis on pretend, because he is a vampire and doesn’t need to breathe), Soup and Wolfgang thought he was throwing it back and so they joined in.
Akari had her boy take her upstairs, both because she needed him to patch up her literal bullet wound and also because. Well. It’s the Fuck Session, what do you think?
Meanwhile, Paul Allen has found himself once again lost in Venice. This time, with a kid. He has the kid piggy back him around for a while. He eventually called Wolfgang for help, but Wolfgang didn’t want to help him. No, what Wolfgang wanted to do was sit outside of Akari’s room with Soup and listen to her get her back blown out. So Paul Allen calls Akari instead, and she apparently has no qualms about answering the phone with someone’s dick inside of her, and when Paul Allen asks for the manor’s address she realizes that she doesn’t actually know. So she asks Anthonio. They are still mid-fuck at this point. And he gives Paul Allen the address because like what else are you supposed to do in that situation??
Paul Allen and his new ghoul finally make it back. Ronan goes upstairs to see Eleanora, and she’s pretty pissed off that they didn’t succeed in the mission she sent them on earlier. I can’t remember exactly why, but after their little conversation Ronan heads out. I think to cause mischief but I can’t remember any actual mischief.
Anyways, Eleanora corners Paul Allen and says that she needs to talk with him. Back in her room, she says that she knows Paul Allen and Ronan used to be very close, and she asks him what he knows about Donovan. Paul Allen decides to just lie and say that Donovan never existed. Eleanora knows damn well that Donovan existed, she was stalking you guys when you first landed in Venice AND she just spoke with him. But whatever. She realizes she won’t get anything out of Paul Allen, and decides that she can’t keep dealing with people who don’t take her seriously.
And she hates Akari, but she hasn’t done anything to antagonize her since moving into the manor and Eleanora begrudgingly realizes that Akari is her best bet here.
So Eleanora heads to Akari’s room, promptly kicking Anthonio out and telling Akari she needs to discuss something with her, but that Akari HAS to keep it between them. When she asks about Donovan, Akari tells it plainly. Donovan was there, and then he wasn’t. Eleanora asks if Donovan had any resentment towards Ronan, but Akari said he didn’t seem to have much personality at all, he was kind of just a shell.
Eleanora heads back to her room, having gotten all the information she could.
Now, at this point, Paul Allen decides he’s going to give his new ghoul some life advice. He asks if he wants to follow the path of pleasure or the path of money. Mattia asks if money can buy pleasure, and Paul Allen says “no”. So Mattia chooses pleasure, because he’s an 18 year old boy.
Paul Allen tells him that there are four women in this manor, and Mattia just has to go tell all of them that Donovan never existed.
Mattia starts at Akari’s room, where she and Anthonio are just kinda chilling now, but Akari still is only wearing like. An oversized T Shirt. Pussy out. So Mattia waltzes in and says that Donovan doesn’t exist and sees Akari’s whole ass and short circuits, but Akari yells at him and then storms off to go tell Paul Allen to control his ghoul.
Mattia is still staring at Akari’s ass as she storms off, so Anthonio decides to drag the kid down to the kitchen by the back of his shirt collar like a kitten. Wolfgang blushes a little bit about that.
After yelling at Paul Allen a bit, Akari heads into the kitchen where she saw her Boy taking Mattia, and when she gets there they’re just. Chilling. Drinking some wine together and chatting amicably in italian. When Akari arrives, Anthonio shoos Mattia off back to Paul Allen, and immediately looks tired as soon as the kid leaves, telling Akari that he’s gonna have to kill him. And Akari just hugs Anthonio cause. An 18 year old ghoul that should be mercy killed before he can get too fucked up sounds just a liiiiittle too familiar :/
Ronan returns to Eleanora, and she very politely asks how his walk was and did he have fun :) which immediately pings his bullshit alarm. He doesn’t quite win his insight roll though, and so when he asks Eleanora what’s wrong she just gets mad and says that he didn’t seem to care when she tried to tell him her troubles the night before. So this time he listens as she unloads her worries about her fighting with Rosario. She says she feels that ever since the party arrived, he’s been belittling her at every chance, and Ronan decides to throw the others under the bus and claim that some of those in his party have been trying to win Rosario over to their side and turn him against Eleanora. He specifically names Akari in this, and Eleanora genuinely starts crying cause she thought she’d had a bonding moment with Akari literally minutes before and now she’s being told that her new not-quite-friend-but-the-closest-she-has is turning her brother against her.
It’s at this point that Mattia decides to continue his quest for pleasure :)
He barges in and says that Donovan isn’t real, and Eleanora immediately throws shit at him to get him to leave. She cries harder.
She then willingly tells Ronan that she’s been asking around about Donovan, and explains how she met him. Her then confides in her that Donovan wasn’t his first diablerie, and Eleanora assures him that she’ll do whatever she can to keep his past secret, because her family will kill him and she doesn’t want him dead yet.
Then Ronan Gets Some, cause as I mentioned at the beginning, this was the horny session.
Mattia leaves dejected, and decides to go chill with Wolfgang and Soup who are still just vibing in the hallway. He tells them his troubles, and they all kinda vibe together for a while, until it somehow comes up that maybe he just needs Big Dick Swag. Soup decides now would be a fantastic time to show off how canonically hung he is. Upon seeing Soup’s giant dick, Mattia just gets sad and leaves back to Paul Allen.
Now. At the beginning of the session, I let my players level up, and Paul Allen wanted to test out some of his new powers. So he asks Mattia to go grab him a giant knife from the kitchen to coat in his new scorpion blood or whatever that discipline is called idk.
However. Paul Allen was already PRETTY hungry. And coating the weapon in blood cost him a hunger point. Which pushed him to 5. And he failed his frenzy roll. And, well.
Mattia was closest.
Paul Allen pounced, however, his strength and brawl scores are absurdly low, and while he got a good chunk out of Mattia’s neck, the kid was stronger than him and managed to push a crazed Paul Allen off of him and bolted.
Akari and Anthonio heard the struggle from the kitchen, and while at first they didn’t care (because Paul Allen killing Mattia now meant Anthonio wouldn’t have to later), when Mattia made a run for it, they chased after him.
Anthonio shot him a ways down the drive, and he and Akari disposed of the body together. Could this be considered their third date? Maybe.
Meanwhile, Wolfgang wants to see if Soup can windmill their giant dick. Rosario just so happens to be coming up the stairs at the point, presumably to grab some of his art supplies from his old bedroom that the two of them are still vibing in front of. With the commotion, the two of them pretty quickly grab his attention, which is good, because if those two hadn’t been there fucking around Rosario DEFINITELY would have heard Ronan plowing his sister, which wouldn’t have ended well because Rosario fucking HATES Ronan.
However, with Soup’s cock already out. Well, Wolfgang jokingly comments on how Soup propositioned him a few nights ago, and Soup says the offer is still open. So the two head off and then Soup. Invites Rosario too.
And I’ll be frank, I did NOT see this three way coming. I don’t know why. Like I guess it makes sense, given the character’s personalities. But it just. Was not an outcome that I had ever been expecting.
So uh, congrats on pulling a fast one over me, guys. I’m still a little baffled by this. It was NOT part of my plan, but good on you guys.
A great session overall, cause so much happened but at the same time literally nothing happened.
I love you guys.
(Author’s Note: At some point in here, Paul Allen got the shit kicked out of him after throwing some racially charged statement around to the two male Giovanni guards outside Mercer’s room. He also bargained for a $1 raise from her if/when they all get out of this)
(Additional Author’s Note: Please note that Miss Mercer pays the party by the job, not by the hour)
#last time on family matters#here's last week's session#posted just in time for our game tonight lol#family matters
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You won’t hear this from the media, but we are 123 days into this year and have lost 119 law enforcement officers in the line of duty. There were also 3 Police K-9’s killed. Many in America don’t know their names.
Here they are Liberals, SAY THEIR NAMES...
Sergeant Gordon William Best Sergeant Daniel Marcus Mobley Lieutenant Jeff Bain Deputy Sheriff Nicholas Howell Sergeant Randall Sims Deputy Sheriff Jonathan David Price Police Officer Jay Hughes Officer Brian David Sicknick Sergeant David G. Crumpler Lieutenant William Lyle Gardner Conservation Officer Steven Reighard Police Officer Arturo Villegas Master Corporal Brian Roy LaVigne Agent Luis A. Marrero-Díaz Agent Luis X. Salamán-Conde Agent Eliezer Hernández-Cartagena Police Officer Melton "Fox" Gore Sergeant Frederick H. "Butch" Cameron Detective Sergeant Stephen R. Desfosses Chief of Police Tony M. Jordan Corporal Christine Peters Constable Sherry Kay Langford Lieutenant Treva Preston Corrections Officer IV Alfred Jimenez Police Officer Jerry Steven Hemphill Sergeant Edward John Marcurella, Jr. Lieutenant John Reynolds Corrections Officer Joseph A. Martini Deputy Sheriff Adam Gibson Police Officer Brandon M. Stalker Warrants Officer Toby Keiser Deputy Sheriff Jacinto R. Navarro, Jr. Officer Byron Don Shields Lieutenant Frank Arnold Special Agent Wayne Douglas Snyder Captain Michael D'Angelo Garigan Lieutenant Juan Rafael Rivera-Padua Auxiliary Sergeant Louis M. Livatino Director of Field Operations Beverly Good Sergeant Tommy W. Cudd Sergeant Jeffery Robert Smith Special Agent Robert Allan Mayer, Jr. Sergeant William Brautigam Correctional Officer Juan Llanes Sergeant Grace A. Bellamy Lieutenant Michael Boutte Special Agent Laura Ann Schwartzenberger Special Agent Daniel Alfin Detention Officer Robert Perez Agent Juan Rosado-López Patrolman Darian Jarrott Detective Pedro Junior "Pete" Mejia Officer Cesar Dangaran Sibonga Deputy Sheriff Ross Dixon Corrections Officer IV Vicky James Investigator Eddie B. Hutchison, III Chief of Police Timothy John Sheehan Deputy Sheriff Donald Raymond Gilreath, III Police Officer Mitchell Penton Officer Genaro Guerrero Corrections Officer IV Tawiwo Obele Major Estaban "Stevie" Ramirez, III Deputy Constable Manuel Phillipe De La Rosa Sergeant Richard Paul Brown Deputy Sheriff Michael Magli Police Officer Horacio Dominguez Lieutenant Eugene Lasco Natural Resources Officer Jason Lagore Parole Officer Troy K. Morin Officer Carlos Mendoza Deputy Sheriff Thomas Albanese Reserve Deputy Constable Martinus Mitchum Police Officer Dominic Jared Winum Captain Justin Williams Bedwell Police Officer II Jose Anzora Corrections Officer III Tracey Adams Officer Crispin San Juan San Jose Officer Jesse Madsen Sergeant Barry Edwin Henderson Deputy Sheriff Stanley "Allen" Burdic Police Officer Gary Hibbs Border Patrol Agent Alejandro Flores-Bañuelos Police Officer Kevin Valencia Sergeant LaShonda Owens Police Officer Eric Talley Chief of Police Fred Alan Posavetz Correctional Officer Robert McFarland Senior Master Trooper Todd A. Hanneken Corporal Kyle Jeffrey Davis Trooper Joseph Gallagher Sergeant Shane Owens Reserve Deputy Sheriff James Driver Trooper Chad Walker Corrections Officer Luis Arturo Hernandez, Sr. Police Officer William Evans Lieutenant James Kouski Police Officer Brent Nelson Hall Deputy Sheriff Christopher Wilson Knight Sergeant James K. Smith Deputy Sheriff Thomas Patrick Barnes Deputy Sheriff Carlos Antonio Hernandez Border Patrol Agent Christopher Shane Simpkins Police Officer David Parde Constable Edward F. Ryan K9 Figo K9 Riley K9 Luna
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JUMP Dance Convention, Dallas, TX: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
JUMPstart Solo
1st: Mikaela Florez-’Stop Go’
2nd: Mackenzie Glover-’Suddenly’
3rd: Audrina Mossembekker-’Fields of Gold’
4th: Arianna Claxton-’Ride’
5th: Avery Redus-’Lost Boy’
6th: Zephira Duran-’Little Weaver Bird’
7th: Nora Davis-’Broadway Banana’
8th: Symone Armijo-’Rotten To the Core’
Mini Solo
1st: Braylynn Grizzaffi-’Path5′
2nd: Sophia Gil-’Film Credits’
2nd: Anna Holley-’Reminisce’
3rd: Landry Silas-’Cheek to Cheek’
3rd: Allie Plott-’The Path’
4th: Lexus Natalie-’Alternate World’
4th: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
5th: Harper Ducale-’Change Is Everything’
5th: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
5th: Kinsley Oykhman-’Life Could Be A Dream’
5th: Carolina Sterkel-’Thoroughfare’
5th: Kalista Greer-’Yesterday’
6th: Zoey Claxton-’Moonlight Sonata’
6th: Noah Johnson-’Scanner’
6th: Channing Embry-’Whatever Lola Wants’
7th: Denise Torres-’Drag Shift’
7th: Presley Nava-’Pure Imagination’
8th: Cora Woodhouse-’Pulling On A Thread’
9th: Avery LeSaicherre-’Hide and Seek’
9th: Patience Hughes-’Weird People’
10th: Dennis Paul Haggerty-’Beautiful Dream’
Junior Solo
1st: Laci Stoico-’Mibiso’
2nd: Graham Johnson-’New Shoes’
3rd: Lilly Allen-’Femme Fatale’
3rd: Ciana Ciulla-’Nana’
4th: Zoe McDonald-’U Can’t Touch This’
5th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh-’Concentration’
5th: Colby Rich-’I Lie’
5th: Jazlyn Quintero-’The Deep End’
5th: Lincoln Blakely-’What I Came To Do’
6th: Kanon Greer-’To The Sky’
7th: Caroline McGowan-’Everything Evaporates’
7th: Makaia Roux-’Everything I Wanted’
7th: Kenlie Winsett-’Patterns of The Tides’
7th: Carolyne Knutson-’Peace’
7th: Campbell Thurow-’You Can’t Touch This’
8th: Jade Bontron-’A Night In Paris’
8th: Jocelyn Nguyen-’I’m Not Myself’
8th: Ava Mogote-’Somewhere Over The Rainbow’
8th: London Campayno-’Valis’
9th: McKenna Markham-’Shrine Tooth’
9th: Nyah Jackson-’Slow Meadows’
9th: Stella Eberts-’Valley’
10th: Addison Haggerty-’Ghost In The Wind’
10th: Scarlett Petty-’Stars’
10th: Kylie Carter-’The LOOK’
Teen Solo
1st: Garris Munoz-’Enlightenment’
1st: Avery Lau-’Fear of the Unknown and The Blazing Sun’
1st: Hudson Pletcher-’Forged Imitation’
2nd: Sarah Kate Kurzius-’Charmed’
2nd: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
3rd: Carmen Beiner-’Dyonisis’
3rd: Braylon Browner-’Run From Me’
3rd: Sabine Nehls-’Shout’
4th: Beth Anne McGowan-’Heart Is As Black At Night’
4th: Ella Williams-’The Garden’
5th: Macie Krause-’Menace’
5th: Dasha Vishnyakova-’Partita’
5th: Caroline Belknap-’Sonata De Le Muerte’
5th: Kali Knewitz-’Wake Up Your Eardrums’
6th: Kathryn Martinez-’Another Brick In The Wall’
6th: Gianna Garwacki-’Epiphany’
6th: Sophie Bishop-’La Mamma Morta’
6th: Isabel Reese-’Spectral Density’
7th: Ella Hendricks-’Ella and Ella’
7th: Faith Stoner-’Solids’
8th: Brielle McCoy-’My Brightest Diamond’
8th: Trinity Kelly-’Sorrow’
9th: Sofia Ramirez-’Long Train Running’
9th: Peyton Koepke-’On The Horizon’
9th: Natalya Toirac-’See how they run’
9th: Jillian Sims-’Shadow Journal’
10th: Dru Neal-’Bringing Back A Past’
10th: Caitlyn Herrin-’Hour After Hour’
10th: Macy Orvis-’Look At Me’
10th: Mia Miller-’Only The Voices’
Senior Solo
1st: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’FOUR’
2nd: Ruby Castro-’For You’
2nd: Paige Mcmanaman-’Vienna’
3rd: Jordan Apodaca-’Standing Over The Horizon’
4th: Chloe Lopina-’In Love In Vein’
4th: Lainey Myers-’You Are The Reason’
5th: Raegan Davidson-’After That’
5th: Raegan Stafford-’With All My Love’
6th: Peyton Winsett-’Distortion’
6th: Emily Fluker-’I Will Follow’
6th: Clara Gough-’Snow Queen’
6th: Haley Beck-’Upside’
7th: Karsyn Kelly-’Don’t Make Me Over’
7th: Gracie Lee-’Love of My Life’
7th: Cahntal Le-’Tear Jerker’
7th: Jonah Tran-’Unburdened and Becoming’
8th: Elise Knecht-’Corps’
8th: Emma Sucato-’Memories’
8th: Haley Bogdon-’The Mourning’
8th: Kylie Sicillan-’Time & I’
9th: Emmalyn Mackaron-’San TOI’
10th: Ella Berner-’Grief Point’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’American Boy’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’G.I.R.L’
3rd: Centre for Dance-’Faith’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Artistry In Motion Performing Arts Center-’Cringe’
2nd: Dance Company of Wylie-’Machine’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Next Step Dance-’Georgia’
2nd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Listen’
3rd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’Strangers In The Night’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Tea For Two’
2nd: Texas Academy of Dance-’Do The Sacred Mass’
JUMPstart Group
1st: Next Step Dance-’Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Boy From New York City’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Milly Rock’
Mini Group
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’We Love to Bebop’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Strings’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Ain’t Your Mama’
Junior Group
1st: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Dance With You’
1st: The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Send In The Clowns’
2nd: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Image Deconstructed’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Letters To’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Threads That Bind’
Teen Group
1st: Next Step Dance-’Maria Bonita’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’A Women Left Lonely’
2nd: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Herd of Defense’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Wish We Could Turn Back Time’
Senior Group
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Embraceable You’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’A Human, A Light’
3rd: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Can You Hear That?’
Mini Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’The Chain’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Spring’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Sweet Dreams’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’We’ve Got a Ways to Go’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’The Ladies of the Wild West’
Junior Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Mi Mujer’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Opening’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-‘Salute’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Vogue’
3rd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’We Are The Ones’
Teen Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Tarantella’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Dead Hearts’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Where Is My Body’
Senior Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Devour’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Invocation of Lust’
JUMPstart Extended Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Ridin Dirty’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Hey Diddle Diddle’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Rock Star’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Runaway Baby’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Footloose’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Next Step Dance-’Bridge Over Troubled Water’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Flatline’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Don’t Stop’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’American Pie’
1st: Next Step Dance-’Snowing’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Overture In A’
3rd: Next Step Dance-’Technologic’
3rd: Kim Massay Dance Productions-’You Know Me’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Hotel California’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Sexy Crazy’
Mini Production
1st: Next Step Dance-’42nd Street’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Game On’
Junior Production
1st: Next Step Dance-’Let It Cook’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’Everlasting Love’
3rd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Wanna Rock’
Teen Production
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Goodnight’
2nd: Next Step Dance-’All That Jazz’
3rd: The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’RELAX’
Senior Production
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’CRUNK’
High Scores by Performance Division:
JUMPstart Tap
Next Step Dance-’Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’
JUMPstart Hip-Hop
Next Step Dance-’Milly Rock’
JUMPstart Jazz
Next Step Dance-’Boy From New York City’
JUMPstart Lyrical
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Gypsy’
Mini Jazz
Next Step Dance-’Knock On Wood’
Mini Tap
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’We Love to Bebop’
Mini Contemporary
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Strings’
Mini Ballroom
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Ain’t Your Mama’
Mini Ballet
Next Step Dance-’Spring’
Mini Lyrical
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’We’ve Got a Ways to Go’
Next Step Dance-’Sweet Dreams’
Mini Hip-Hop
Next Step Dance-’Game On’
Junior Jazz
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Dance With You’
Junior Lyrical
The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Send In The Clowns’
Junior Ballet
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-‘Salute’
Next Step Dance-’Opening’
Junior Contemporary
Next Step Dance-’Mi Mujer’
Junior Tap
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Letters To’
Junior Specialty
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Marquises’
Junior Hip-Hop
Next Step Dance-’Let It Cook’
Junior Ballroom
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Don’t Stop’
Teen Contemporary
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Goodnight’
Teen Specialty
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Dead Hearts’
Teen Jazz
Next Step Dance-’Technologic’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’You Know Me’
Teen Lyrical
Next Step Dance-’Snowing’
Teen Tap
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’American Pie’
Teen Hip-Hop
Next Step Dance-’#FreeBritney’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Roses’
Teen Ballet
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Overture In A’
Teen Ballroom
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Distortion’
Teen Musical Theatre
Next Step Dance-’All That Jazz’
Senior Contemporary
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Hotel California’
Senior Specialty
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Evermore’
Senior Tap
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Embraceable You’
Senior Lyrical
High Attitude Dance Academy-’Because You Loved Me’
Senior Ballet
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Completely Gone’
Senior Jazz
Eminence Dance Complex-’Cold Hearted Snake’
Senior Ballroom
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Sexy Crazy’
Senior Hip-Hop
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’CRUNK’
Best of JUMP:
Next Step Dance-’Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Gypsy’
The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Where The Light Gets In’
Next Step Dance-’42nd Street’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’We Love to Bebop’
Next Step Dance-’Mi Mujer’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Dance With You’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Threads That Bind’
The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’Send In The Clowns’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’You Know Me’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’American Pie’
The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’A Destination’
Next Step Dance-’Snowing’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Can You Hear That?’
Next Step Dance-’Half the Man’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Hotel California’
Best In Studio:
Next Step Dance-’Snowing’
Kim Massay Dance Productions-’Can You Hear That?’
The Pointe Performing Arts Center-’A Destination’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre-’Hotel California’
13 notes
View notes