#silmarillion fic recs
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meadowlarkx · 3 months ago
8+8+8 Silmarillion Fic Recs 2024!
I was inspired by @sallysavestheday and @polutrope's recs to revisit some of the Silmarillion fandom fics I read and loved in 2024, arranged in lists of 8 long fics, 8 short fics, and 8 bite-size fics that made my year delightful. With plenty of things still on the TBR, I figured I would nonetheless share a few faves!
Fics and summaries under the cut!
Longer fics
Penumbra by @imakemywings (Maedhros/Thingol, M, 18k)
Maedhros presents himself as a diplomatic guest to Doriath, certain he can convince the king to do as Maedhros wishes him to if he only had the chance. It is possible Maedhros is less than prepared for Doriath than he expected.
This is the kind of longer fic that feels so beautifully fleshed out and lived-in to read. Thingol characterization here is INCREDIBLE as is the slow build court romance, political dynamics, and light mentor/mentee. So key to my conception of this amazing ship.
naught green upon the oak series by @welcomingdisaster (Maedhros/Maglor, E, 37k)
Maglor returns from the Bragollach. Or someone returns, anyhow.
I love this Gothic widower Maedhros so much. This CoH-inspired Maedhros/Maglor (in which much is being compartmentalized) is so dreamlike to read. Himring feels like a house in a fairytale, Maglor its lost princess. Also, really sexy.
Mélamar by @buds-of-marjoram (Maedhros/Maglor, E, 40k)
Nelyafinwë doesn't have the sight, yet his dreams are filled with blood, fire and screams. Even in the peace of Valimar.
Please imagine a world where Maedhros foresees the dreadful events and moral spiral of Silm in advance, shares his misgivings with Maglor, and then the tragedy is averted by their close bond and increasingly public D/s relationship as Maedhros takes the reins of politics in Valinor to arrange the pieces on the board differently than in canon. This lavish, sexy fic brings me SO much joy.
What Blooms on Ard-Galen in the Springtime by @jouissants (Maedhros/Maglor, E, 8k)
The grasses and flowers sleep beneath a blanket of white feet thick. When spring comes and Maglor walks among them again, all will be different.
I could not resist the chance to rec Maglor lady-lord of Himring of my heart. This accidental pregnancy AU is so gorgeous and tender. Maglor doubting Maedhros' valuing of him and then it being so plainly affirmed and reaffirmed heals me. Please also read jouissants' absolutely epic postcanon Strange Currencies, which I can't say enough about!!
The Worst Are Full of Passionate Intensity by steadfastalysanne2022 / @last-capy-hupping (Thuringwethil/Ungoliant, E, 7k)
In which Ungoliant comes to Middle Earth, nearly slays Morgoth, and recruits a new servant within a week.
This is so incredibly hot and unhinged and such a gift to fandom femslash. Thuringwethil attracted to power and enmeshed in its hierarchies, served by others and seeking someone worthier/worthiest to serve herself, then biting off way more than she can chew with Ungoliant, is all just so good. Reading it for the first time made like my whole week.
And Love Grew by @polutrope (Maglor & Elrond & Elros, T, 23k)
As a host of survivors makes the journey from Sirion to Amon Ereb under Maglor's leadership, old bonds unravel and loyalties crumble. But from the scraps and ruins, new and unlikely bonds take shape. A story of perseverance through suffering.
This is written in such a classic and considered style--it's beautiful canonverse feelings and atmosphere. I love this story's grim yet so expressive tragic hero Maglor and very bleak (hurting me) leader Maedhros.
Kiss and Marry by @thecoolblackwaves (Celegorm/Curufin, M, 4k chapter fic)
Curvo and Tyelko get married. What could possibly go wrong with these two together?
Curufin thinks carefully and chooses a spouse: who better than Celegorm? This is such good crackfic, it had me cackling aloud to read. This isn't a ship I usually have a lot of feelings about, but the marriage premise and the hilarity/sincerity of it all really made it for me.
Laurë by Huiniel (Glaurung/Maglor, Fingon/Maedhros/Maglor, E, 29k)
Glaurung takes Maglor captive, hypnotizes him, and fucks him on a pile of gold. That's all I have.
(I love this summary, which I read via googletranslate, along with the rest of the fic--it's originally in Russian if you prefer to read in the original!) I can't not mention this fic, updates of which have been such a prominent (and thrilling) feature of my 2024 reading experience. Maglor is rescued from Glaurung's clutches, but he isn't the same as he was before. I love the dynamics between Maglor and Maedhros and Maglor and his other brothers and the angst and smut of it all.
Shorter fics
one whole with my other by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor (Míriel/Indis, E, 4k)
“Indis-i-Noldóran,” spoke the Maia through a mouthful of rain. “I bear news of one who will return to your house.”
God... god. So poetic and beautifully written, so tender and sexy. This fic makes me cry every time I reread it. I love arranged marriage setups and this story, with newly and vividly alive Míriel returned to a lonely, proud, and noble Indis in a reconfiguration of the Finwë-Míriel-Indis relationship/Statute, is such a beautiful take on them.
The Patience of the Oak by @imakemywings (Galadriel/Melian, G, 3k)
Galadriel is determined to show Melian she is capable of more than Melian believes. Melian wonders if her pupil grasps her lessons.
This is just incredible--so poetically written, so magical and atmospheric. The power dynamics and mentorship and osanwë are amazing and Melian's vast and eerie presence are peak weird Maiar. Young, reckless, proud Galadriel is captured perfectly. Also, one of the sexiest G-rated fics out there.
To Wear a Heart So White by Tilion / @tilion-writes (Maedhros & Maglor, T, 2k)
“Will all great Ulmo’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?” Maglor whispered hoarsely. “No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.” “My hands are of your color,” Maedhros growled, “but I shame to wear a heart so white.”
Maedhros and Maglor at Sirion, and dialogue from Macbeth. I've been captivated by this ever since I read it. Each line is so well-placed and the dynamic between them sings. I love the way this concept is used to express the canon violence and tragedy of it all, too.
Banked Fires Blaze by Chestnut_pod (Aerin & Fire Pot; Aerin/Brodda, T, 2k)
What is it to be made for a kinder world?
This fic is SO creative and brilliant--telling Aerin's story and the burning of Brodda's hall as part of a longer folktale/myth about women and hearths and Brodda's people and the coming Dagor Dagorath. I really love examinations of non-normative/human/"bad" traditions and cultures in Tolkien and I was blown away by this portrait of a different kind of Silmarillion myth!
Proxy by @aipilosse (Celegorm/Celebrimbor, E, 3k)
Celegorm's nephew seeks him out one evening in Nargothrond. Celegorm is playing king, but Celebrimbor's game is less clear.
This is so juicy and gendery--masc transmasc Celegorm comparing Celebrimbor to Lúthien. Celegorm leaning further and further into playing the villain and Celebrimbor struggling with the family's deeds, the break between them imminent, makes for such a good dynamic. Dark and sexy and fraught!!
the ways of birds by @welcomingdisaster (Maglor & Maedhros, T, 4k)
When Maglor is captured in the aftermath of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, he doesn't expect a rescue.
Whump in the venerable whumpfic tradition and honestly so formative to me. I love how gritty this is and how vividly I can picture the wretched goblin march through the landscape. I LOVE Maedhros rejecting political expediency and rejecting pragmatism to save Maglor.
My Son by @polutrope (Fëanor/Maglor, E, 3k)
“Father, I assure you: it is nothing. I would choose you a thousand times before any husband. Ever would I choose my own blood before that of a stranger.” After his exile to Formenos, Feanor locks himself in the vault with the Silmarils. Makalaure goes to him.
This is such an eerie and beautiful dark fairytale. With how entwined the Feanorians all are by the Oath and their loyalty to Fëanor, this relationship makes only too much sense in this story. I love Maglor's desire and the gender and selfhood of it all, and how unsettling and selfish Fëanor's taking possession of him is.
make me come alive by @queerofthedagger (Maedhros/Maglor, E, 6k)
Maglor struggles to give up control. Maedhros makes sure that he learns.
MY SILMSMUTEXCHANGE GIFT!! Himring Maedhros + osanwë lifestyle BDSM + Gap Maglor. This builds deliciously--it is sooo sexy. Maglor's loyalty and Maglor struggling to accept Maedhros' authority--but needing it, it settling his guilt and unease--are fantastic. One of the hottest unhinged Maedhroses I have read. I love the way his presence looms in Maglor's mind even in his absence and how convinced he is that he has Maglor's best interests at heart.
+ 1 extra: Forbidden Prey by @whovianofmidgard (Celegorm/Maglor, M, 3k)
Celegorm doesn't know that he is attracted to his older brother, Maglor. He ends up pushing him away, while searching for Maglor's traits in his other potential loves.
I have to mention this fic because I simply enjoyed reading it SO much. I love a feminine Maglor and a Celegorm who wants Maglor and is taking that out on him. The hints of background Maedhros/Maglor, Celegorm's jealousy and obsession, and the way this spirals into Celegorm's attraction to Lúthien are all just catnip to my brain.
Really short fics (under or around 1k)
The Fortress by TheLegendCreator (Himring & Maedhros, G, ~500 words)
A Dwarf visits Tol Himling and wonders about the craftsmanship. He listens to the stone-song, and it tells him the tale of an Elf-lord that wove his heart into stone.
I love the mythic/fairytale vibes of this--the way Himring's stones remember Maedhros, and the dwarven OC is chilled hearing his tale. It strongly evokes to me the "deep they delved us, fair they wrought us" memory and history of Tolkien's ruins and landscapes.
sundial by @swanmaiden (Pengolodh/Dírhavel, G, ~500 words)
Pengolodh meets a kindred spirit in the market square at the Havens of Sirion.
This is so bittersweet--the humble but bustling life of Sirion before the kinslaying and the mutual recognition of these two historians and tellers of tales. Knowing what's to come makes their brief connection and Pengolodh's resolution to share his feelings hit all the harder. You get the feeling that he never gets the chance to.
One Thousand Days by @melestasflight (Uldor & Maedhros, T, ~800 words)
Uldor has spent one thousand days carefully observing the Lord of Himring. Because everyone has a weakness, and Maedhros’ weakness lies in the West.
I just love the POV switch here on Tolkien's "villainous" peoples, the way this story makes Uldor's betrayal seem not only compelling but reasonable from his perspective. The arrogant preoccupation of Elves with other Elves, the rumors of the kinslayings, Uldor's dying curse flung at Maglor.... all so good.
Fire by @buds-of-marjoram (Maedhros/Maglor, M, ~300 words)
My brother came back; an inferno.
This brief ficlet is so evocative and so sensual. I love the BDSM dynamic here and the Maglor POV of Maedhros--the way Maedhros has changed, become cruel even, but they adore each other and are completely entwined.
Let the water hold me down by BloodwingBlackbird (Daeron/Melian, E, ~900 words)
Daeron and Melian and songs.
Melian captivates Daeron and Daeron gives himself and his music over to her as her conduit. An absolutely incredible eerie, otherworldly Melian and the patron/artist dynamic is so sexy. Daeron's juxtaposed with Maglor--who can't understand what he shares with Melian and can't decide whether to pity or envy him for his queen's patronage. So vividly and poetically written. My Innumerable Stars gift!!
crowns and other trinkets by @thelordofgifs (Maedhros & Maglor, G, 1.4k)
In the years of Maedhros’ captivity Maglor would indulge himself, sometimes, and open the chest, and admire the treasure within as though he were yet a fanciful child trying on his brother’s baubles; and he would tell himself that he would hear Maedhros’ laughing voice at the door any moment now, saying, Are you going through my things again, little magpie? Before the Mereth Aderthad, Maedhros and Maglor sort through some jewellery.
I always adore Maglor haunted by guilt from his "kingship" and this scene brings so much of that for me in subtle ways. I love Maedhros' attention to Maglor, the way he wants to foist adornments on him, and the way the pieces of jewelry link past and present, bringing younger and happier moments into the room in bleak Beleriand where they must decide which of their few things to part with. Hints of Celegorm being cruel and accusatory to Maglor during Maedhros' captivity are the cherry on top for me.
Atonement by @jouissants (Maedhros/Maglor, G, 1.5k)
Maedhros and Maglor, home at the end of the world.
Out of so many amazing fics and amazing Maedhros/Maglor fics from jouissants this year I struggled to pick what to put on this list but it had to include this one--so comforting and tender, I've reread it so many times. I LOVE this weary canon divergence Maedhros--how determined he is to love Maglor well despite everything, to stay with him, to not choose death--how he's deeply satisfied by Maglor's small comforts, too, despite things not being easy and their life being so humble. Maglor pregnancy literally can fix them I believe it.
Surfeited by sabcatt / @shinraelectricpowercom (Celegorm/Dior, E, 1.1k)
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die. After the Ruin of Doriath, Celegorm has some fun with his prize. Dior would like to get off this ride.
This is like the best evil "tender"(-ish) noncon ever. Celegorm/Dior is such a good ship all the time but especially when Celegorm gets the chance to be horrific and to take out his thwarted attraction for Lúthien on Dior. This brilliantly crafted smut is bringing it all. Go read it...
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likesdoodling · 7 months ago
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So. I read a really cool fic recently called The Harrowing by Chthonion which I would highly highly recommend-
I absolutely love it so much-
I'm gonna go with how my sister recommended it to me, since that was what got me excited about it-
Imagine~ Sauron trying to be a good person. And having a very hard time of it because he has these things... I've heard they're called 'feelings'... Anyway. He's finding it a bit hard to deal with, but long story short, think Sauron getting a second chance and go from there.
And if you have read it-
Then you probably know exactly which moments I'm referencing here, but just in case,
No. 1 is Finrod, just before Annatar is about to have his first full on emotional breakdown, and the No.2 is Maedhros saying thank you. Which is fairly obvious. But still.
I love this fic so much!!!
(this is definitely not the last fanart I'm gonna do from this. Chapter 39 has some amazing moments that I am so gonna draw when I next have time~)
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thetiredprometheus · 1 month ago
does anybody know a "watching their living relatives from the halls of mandos" fanfiction they'd recommend?
About, like, Feanor watching his sons' lives, or Miriel Feanor's, or Curufin reacting to Celebrimbors torture, or literally anyone with Maglor?
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melestasflight · 2 months ago
Arafinwëan Reading List
compiled by Melesta, in no particular order, for @arafinwean-week. Why not find someone new to read?
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Wanderlust by @cuarthol The finrodest Finrod. Finrod the explorer, the one who seeks and finds beauty in all things. Fenomenal worldbuilding.
Finrod: 30-Day Character Study also by @cuarthol An in-depth exploration of Finrod’s character, canon analysis, headcanons, beautiful written and visual creations to inspire.
Many a Dreadful Path, part of the Atandil series by @eilinelsghost Beren comes to Nargothrond in hope and grief, and stirs Finrod’s oath to wakefulness. The entire Atandil series is a masterpiece, but this segment is fresh in my mind and had me gasping.
keepsake by @welcomingdisaster Another fantastic piece on Finrod and his Bëorians over the generations. A family archeology and a nice dose of heart-wrench. 
The Gift by @fadesintothewest An oldie but goodie, pairing my beloved Finrod with Russingon. Full of magic, songs, eroticism and all that good Finwëan rebelliousness.    
Little Lords of the Brine by @eilinelsghost One more by frankie that’s close to my heart: Finrod and Orodreth reborn, all feelings and a new beginning.
Let Not My Love Be Called Idolatry by @sallysavestheday In a Dark Wood Wandering by @elentarial Speaking of Orodreth, I have been thoroughly sold on the appeal of the Orodreth/Túrin ship, particularly by these two stories.
Across So Wide a Sea by @emyn-arnens Half-way through this Galadriel epistolary piece and loving it so much already. Digging into the little-explored “what after Beleriand.” 
Scion of— by @gwaedhannen A short thing that, nevertheless, bites. On Galadriel and the newest High King of the Noldor.
Tapestry of Years by @niennawept The Patience of the Oak by @imakemywings I have a weak spot for all things Galadriel/Melian and these two pieces tick every box about this ship.
Snakes and Ladders by @polutrope A Valinor smut burlesque featuring the Arafiinwëans and their respective Fëanorian lovers. Young Artanis under polu's pen is quite something, trust me.   
empty spaces by @queerofthedagger An angst fest of the highest quality, starting with papa Finarfin and going down the line. This one has me in a chokehold.
in the hills of dorthonion by @emyn-arnens More by Arveldis because they are my go-to Aegnor/Andreth writer. Stories full of feelings, of gorgeous nature, of all the bittersweetness that keeps this pairing so close to my heart.
Fire Dance by justonelastdance Aegnor/Fingon, tethering on that sweet border between friendship and romance, is a pairing that I have been stuck on for ages and justonelastdance finally made my dreams come through.
Sundering by @zealouswerewolfcollector Fingon faces the Arafiinwëans in the aftermath of his participation in the kinslaying at Alqualondë. I’ve read this 3 times, at least.  
Song of Sirion by @welcomingdisaster I learned to love Finduilas with this fic. Featuring long journeys, battles, dogs and her emerging friendship with Edrahil. 
one whole with my other by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor Indis rules, endures, lives, until one by one, her beloved people return to her from the Halls. And yes, she is on this list, because without the matriarch there would be no Arafinwëan anything. 
The Forest House by @balrogballs Every Blessed Mark by @searchingforserendipity25 Two gorgeous Celrond pieces, my comfort pairing, featuring love, scars and the complexity of all things endurance over the ages.
Some of my own attempts to tackle the Arafiinwëans:
Voices That Were Once Ours Finrod and Maglor rebuild a friendship and compose the Noldolantë. 
crowned with the Sun Celeborn expects his first meeting with the golden Noldo princess to be a tense diplomatic ordeal. He’s quickly proven wrong.
as a naked flame and The Golden Poppies of Dorthonion Aegnor and Andreth, Edain lore and foresight.
Stay, Forever and filled with wonder and delight Celebrían and Elrond, falling in love, staying in love.
Scion of Kings  Finduilas and Orodreth at the doorstep of Nargothrond’s fall.
seducing the Edain Finrod, Aegnor and Fingon at Barad Eithel, co-written with @polutrope
This list is most definitely incomplete -- I pulled only what was in my recent-ish bookmarks. Always looking for more recs.
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saintstars · 2 months ago
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"His soft neck was between my hands before even he could elude me. Instantaneously, the gold in his eyes sparked with realization and horrified shock of what I was about to do in a split heartbeat ere I was upon him."
Of Fairest Flame by @perlen-gold
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kanskje-kaffe · 4 months ago
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Frodo holds his card up between two fingers.  “My card,” he says, “is ring.” There is a short, stunned silence, and then— Annatar starts to laugh. It is not a huff of amusement, or a bark of half-laughter; it is the full-bodied kind of laughter that only ever comes of honestly finding something irresistibly hilarious.
From The Harrowing chapter 14 by @chthonion . Just a little warmup sketch of Annatar laughing!
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general-illyrin · 3 months ago
Plz,give me the list of ur favourite Tolkien fic.
Thank you so much for the ask; I'm happy to do so! I'll start with a disclaimer that I read almost exclusively Silmarillion fic. However, I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I've read from ceterisparibus on Ao3 as well as this Gimli and Legolas fic by @griseldabanks and the poem "To the Bitter End" by megSUPERFAN that I love.
For Silm-centered fics, here are some that I love:
"The Harrowing" by chthonion
"What the Hell is Happening" by Leader_in_Red
"When Alliances Fell" also by Leader_In_Red
"What Mercy Means" by @hirazuki (Ao3 link)
"An Evil Cradling" by theeventualwinter
"On Elrond Peredhel" collection of fics by leodesic
"Reunions" collection by JazTheBard (especially parts 3 and 4)
"Feanorian Week 2023" (day 6 here) collection by @dreamingthroughthenoise. (Ao3 link)
the Maglor acting as Celeborn AU also by @dreamingthroughthenoise
"ave atque vale" by @dialux (Ao3 link)
"The Night the Wolves Were Silent" by Lingwiloke
"and all his towers cast down" by oswinry
this Finrod fic by @that-angry-noldo
"Who Killed King Finwe?" by Lingwiloke
this Finarfin and post re-embodiment Finrod fic by @actual-bill-potts
this Finarfin in Angband AU by @that-angry-noldo
and "Never Sure of Who I Am" by @erdariel
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the-golden-flame · 5 months ago
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Modern day literature professor Erestor, from @glorfindel-of-imladris’s amazing (and spicy 🔥) Glorestor fic Naughty, Naughty. Ulan, your work astounds me as always!
I cannot get this version of three-piece-suit-wearing Erestor out of my head.
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eilinelsghost · 11 days ago
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Ecthelion remembers a circle of torches, early on the Ice, before the true nature of what they faced was understood. They had cleared a level patch for weapons drills, swordsmen eager and antic in the freezing air. Glorfindel lunged and parried in the wavering light, all long arms and legs and hair, laughing as he toppled challenger after challenger, supple and deadly, radiant with joy. Afterward, he led the dance: Vanya-light, graceful, aglow. Ecthelion tried to find him ridiculous. Too beautiful. Unreasonably blithe. Impetuous and naïve. - from I Have Found What I Sought Not by @sallysavestheday
Over the last couple weeks, I've been rereading @sallysavestheday's gorgeous series The Flower and the Fountain and have been struck all over again by what a delight it is - both as individual works and especially as a cohesive whole. If you haven't had a chance to dip into it so far, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It remains one of my favorite Silm fics I've read so far.
Anyway, here's Ecthelion trying very hard to be annoyed by Glorfindel in the first installment from that series (linked above).
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tanoraqui · 4 months ago
one of my favorite tiny tiny genres of Silmarillion fic is fic in which Celebrimbor ends up, either accidentally or deliberately, in the way of a kinslaying, and his uncles and/or father effectively do the thing where when your small pet is obnoxiously in the way, you gently, lovingly, pick them up and put them to the side and continue your task, and they (Celebrimbor) can do nothing at all to stop this.
Examples (the only ones I know):
Celebrimbor in Sirion
a similar one-scene fic of Celebrimbor in Doriath that I can’t find again, but he was working on something and didn’t even notice when the fighting started; then just as he did notice, Curufin walked into his workroom, assured him that there was nothing he could do to stop this, and locked him in.
Honorable mention: Celebrimbor in Nargothrond
I think it’s the ‘the love was there’ of it all. The contrast of the love to the Everything Else makes the Everything Else—the violence, the helplessness to stop the violence, etc—so so so much worse. But the love was there.
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lotr-sesa · 2 months ago
Lord of the Rings Secret Santa 2024 Masterlist!
There are twenty-seven works in the collection: twenty-three fics and four pieces of fanart. The mods would like to thank all the writers and the artists and the pinch hitters, and also extend a special heartfelt thanks to those who filled prompts without signing up with any prompts of their own. Thank you all! ❤️
All the links in the masterlist go directly to the work on AO3. Go, read and enjoy, and please don't forget to leave kudos and/or a comment! And if you received something, please thank your writer or artist!
The color of the sea by FiammaGalathon for Empy (Imrahil/Legolas; rated G)
Counterparts by timelessutterances for hereforever (Elrond Peredhel & Elros Tar-Minyatur; rated T+)
Dwarves in Denial by Thornessar for octopus_fool (Bilbo Baggins, Dwalin, Fíli, Glóin; rated T+)
Fíli Gold-foot by Empy for ibissal (Fíli, Dwalin, Kíli; rated G)
A good match by I_did_not_mean_to for ingenious_spark (Fëanor/Nerdanel, Fingolfin, Mahtan Aulendur, Fëanor, Indis, Finwë, Finarfin; rated M) Mature
Halt mich noch ein bisschen, bis ich schlafen kann by I_did_not_mean_to for Anonymous (Maglor & Nerdanel; rated G)
I like you when you are silent by mai_komagata (irreality) for Kanskje_Kaffe (Annatar/Celebrimbor, Celebrimbor/Sauron; rated E)
In the Face of Epics by hereforever for like_giants (Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Elrond Peredhel; rated G)
Knit One, Purl Two by ingenious_spark for McShizzleSupreme778 (Gimli/Legolas; rated G)
Life Between the Tides by BaccaratBlack for Anonymous (Anairë/Eärwen/Nerdanel, Anairë/Fingolfin (implied), Eärwen/Finarfin (implied), Fëanor/Nerdanel (implied); rated E)
Lights by Adlanth for Anonymous (Elrond Peredhel/Ereinion Gil-galad; rated T+)
master in deciphering poor handwriting by Handlemewithcare for McShizzleSupreme778 (Frodo Baggins, Merry Brandybuck, Sam Gamgee, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas Greenleaf; rated G)
Mistake As Medium by Kanskje_Kaffe for i_did_not_mean_to (Fëanor/Nerdanel; rated E)
Seeds of Summer by Elleth for Unlos (Fingon/Fingon's Wife; rated G)
stranger, you're a like brother (sister) to me by Handlemewithcare for Zorbo_Jorks (Merry Brandybuck & Éowyn, Éomer Éadig & Éowyn; rated G)
The Sundering Sea by Unlos for timelessutterances (Celebrían/Elrond Peredhel; rated G)
Thaw in the Winter Woods by ingenious_spark for Wowstrawberrycow (Elrond Peredhel/Thranduil; rated E)
The Tree that Bends by selfdestructinganimal for Melime (Disa/Durin IV; rated T+)
Very Old Friends by like_giants for Anonymous (Éowyn/Faramir, Diamond Took/Pippin Took, Estella Bolger/Merry Brandybuck; rated G)
Windsmith by saintstars for kanskje_kaffe (Eönwë/Sauron; rated G)
Wonders in This World Beyond Our Wandering by saintstars for facethestrange (Elanor "Nori" Brandyfoot, Poppy Proudfellow, Marigold Brandyfoot, Largo Brandyfoot, Dilly Brandyfoot, Uinen; rated G)
Wounded but not Replaced by ChillinbytheFire for the_minstrell (Fëanor & Fingolfin; rated G; TW: self-harm)
Written in Water by Empy for Handlemewithcare (Gimli/Legolas; rated G)
Beautiful View by facethestrange for ingenious_spark (Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf; rated G)
Do You Think They'll Recognize Us? by octopus_fool for Anonymous (Eärendil the Mariner/Elwing; rated G)
Hold on by Unlos for Empy (Empyreus) (Dwalin, Thorin; rated T+)
Meeting of Faramirs by Anne_Wolfe for Zorbo_Jorks (Diamond Took/Pippin Took, Éowyn/Faramir; rated G)
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sunnyshinesunshine · 5 months ago
A Tolkien Fic Rec
let the gods look down on this and wonder by @dialux & rainforezt - Aredhel-centric, 22.5k, rated T (complete)
This post canon Valinor fic has everything. Aredhel being a flawed badass. Nolofinwean drama. Complex mother-daughter relationships. Come for female-focused Silm Fics, stay for Aredhel breaking Valinor while dealing with her family. Cannot recommend enough.
A Boy, A Girl, And a Dog: The Leithian Script posted to Ao3 by GammaCavy (originally by Philosopher At Large) - Lúthien/Beren, 593k, rated G (complete)
A retelling of the Lúthien and Beren in script form based vaguely on Ol’ Will Shakes. I rarely read true canon compliant works, but this is worth every heart wrenching second. It’s funny, poignant, and deserves to be produced as an actual production. I would pay money to see it.
Aurë entuluva - series by @theheirofashandfire - multi pairing mainly Fingon/Maedhros, 589.5k over 17 installments, rated G-M (ongoing)
THIS. This is The Silm Fix-It. Begins with A Thread Unraveled, a Nirnaeth Arnoediad Ground-Hog day style fix-it centered on Maedhros, then expands. The author does a great job with the politics and the fallout of the Nirnaeth being a success and how that changes the rest of the events of the Silm. I especially love her characterizations of Melian, Finduilas, Turgon, and all the Brothers Fëanor.
The Last Spring by clothonono on ao3 - Finwëan fam + background Fingon/Maedhros, 26.2k, rated G (complete)
This right here is how I imagine the Family Finwë pre-canon. Fëanor brings his children to visit Tirion for the first time. The tension between the children of Finwë is delicious. The characterization of Fëanor is delicious. The foreboding ending, also delicious. This could be an entire six course meal if it was edible. Also baby Galadriel is amazing and terrifying.
As a Star Upon a Hill by @mynameisjessejk - Lúthien/Beren & Fingon/Maedhros, 11.9k, rated T (complete)
A fix-it au where Celegorm and Curufin decide to not be assholes, Beren and Lúthien steal all three Silmarils, and everyone agrees that dads kinda suck. Borderline crack, but such a feel good fic ugh it makes me happy.
Light Touched by whovianhiddlestoner on ao3 - kidnap + peredhel fams, 48.9k, rated T (complete)
Another (relatively) lighthearted fic where everyone who touches the Silmarils get to be Eldritch and Elrond has a lot of family reunions. Mainly set in the third age, ending in Valinor. Beautiful language all around, and also Maedhros’ hair is on fire. Which is awesome.
The Iron Ring by lulumiche on ao3 - Glorfindel/Maeglin, 39.2k, rated M (ongoing)
Post-canon in Valinor. Maeglin was actually in love with Glorfindel, which no one but Idril knows. Come for the discussions of homophobie in elf society, stay for some of the realest feeling characterizations I have ever read. Seriously, I don’t really like Maglor as Lindir but I ate it up here. Also lots of interesting magic.
The Silver Rule by SpaceWall on ao3 - Celebrían/Elrond/Gil-galad, 70.4k, rated T (complete)
More post-canon Valinor shenanigans. This time, Celebrían argues law, makes friends, and wants her husband back. I love breaking Valinor, and I especially love when Tolkien women do it. And let’s be honest, the Statute of Finwë and Míriel is utter balogney.
I Do; I Will by @littlewhitemouseagain - Fingon/Maedhros, 22.8k, rated M (complete)
The one in which everyone is on their worst behavior and the sons of Fëanor challenge Fingon to duels over his crown. I cannot emphasize enough how this is The Fingon Fic. His flaws are exposed and addressed in such a way that I’ve never seen before. The insights into the Fëanorians, especially Mae, are also really super poignant. This deserves so much attention.
Across The Table by Tuginda on ao3 - Gimli/Legolas & Glorfindel/Erestor, 9.5k, rated G (complete)
A conversation between two couples at Aragorn and Arwen’s wedding. Beautiful, sweet, and containing one of my favorite things: crotchety old Fëanorian Erestor. Somehow feels like both a conversation about dwarves and elves, and a lovely tribute to the Noldor.
+ 1
of drowning men by bimmyou on ao3 - Isildur/Valandil, 26.5k, rated E (complete)
The best Rings of Power fic I’ve read so far. Nails all of Isildur’s character flaws and gives such an incredible depth to Valandil.
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thelordofgifs · 10 months ago
Friday Fic Recs: Long WIP edition
I’ve been thinking a little bit about the (very arduous) process of writing longfic, and how much of a difference support and cheerleading can make on that particular journey; so, although it’s been a while since I’ve made a Friday rec list, I thought I’d put one together celebrating all the incredible in-progress longfics in the Tolkien fandom I’m keeping up with at the moment!
Atandil series by @eilinelsghost. Such a gorgeous graceful moving exploration of Finrod and his relationship with Men, and the slowest and most sensual of slow burns in his romance with Bëor. The amount this series has made me THINK – about love, and hope, and memory, and Taliska grammar – is off the charts, and to top it off it’s written in the loveliest most Tolkienesque prose.
we will make this place our home by @leucisticpuffin. Ohh this AU is just like a warm gentle hug after a long day. The “kidnap fam but make it a classic children’s novel” concept is so so inspired, all the characterisations are so nuanced and moving (Maglor my beloved!!) and the OCs will steal your heart.
And Love Grew by @polutrope. On the other end of the kidnap fam spectrum, this complex and careful examination of the time after the Third Kinslaying is SO brilliant. Incredible characterisations of all the key players, some truly fascinating OCs (Dornil!!) and of course beautiful graceful prose.
tongues of the sky series by @welcomingdisaster. The first fic in this series, seabird, was written for me and I can be SO obnoxious about this :) but also it’s a wonderful moving ultimately hopeful fix-it AU with note-perfect russingon and m&m dynamics. The sequel, sparrowhawk, is currently in progress and soooo good.
ashes, ashes, dust to dust — the devil’s after both of us by @that-angry-noldo. This is SUCH an original and fascinating take on an AU where Maedhros and Maglor take Finarfin captive to bargain for the Silmarils, featuring incredible character dynamics and a terrifyingly eldritch Eönwë.
and all his towers cast down by @actual-bill-potts. What if Finrod survived the events of the Leithian? Well, angst and trauma, to start off with. And also beautiful beautiful writing, impeccable characterisation and a Maglor-Lúthien teamup!! I adore this AU.
All That Glitters Gold Rush AU series by @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush. This one is LONG LONG LONG, but also SO worth it. Ever wanted to see the entire Silmarillion retold as a western, complete with a terribly tragic and complicated Maedhros, Morgoth the terrifying slave-owner, and a beautifully multicultural Doriath? The authors have you covered.
And the Stars Shine the Same series by @runawaymun. OC-centric fic is such a rare delight and this series set in early Third Age Rivendell is just wonderful, tender and complicated and with a truly incredible Elrond.
Retelling the Hobbit comic by @retellingthehobbit. Something a little different, but I binged all of this comic retelling of The Hobbit on a plane recently and GOD it’s so so beautiful. A truly gorgeous art style, and slowly converting me from a Bilbo/Thorin sceptic into an enjoyer!
In Heart by @tanoraqui. An AU where Fëanor takes the Doom of the Noldor as a what-not-to-do manual and ends up making better choices! Featuring incredible worldbuilding and fantastic characterisation.
Please add on the longfics you love in the reblogs! Let’s get some love going for these difficult beasts!
(Couple of incest recs under the cut.)
naught green upon the oak series by @welcomingdisaster. A CoH-inspired Maedhros/Maglor AU in which Maglor winds up with amnesia after his encounter with Glaurung. I’m SO insane about this series that I can’t be coherent but it is fantastic and chilling and devastating with the most beautiful prose aahhh.
Strange Currencies by @jouissants. Maedhros is re-embodied at last only to learn that he is married to Maglor: a touching and painful post-canon fic interleaved with incredible flashbacks to the First Age.
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curufiin · 6 days ago
u have been gracing my dash w curufin/eol today and i must admit i have never rly thought about them.... but i am interested.... do u have any thoughts and or content to share
HELLO SORRY FOR ANSWERING LATE I got a bit carried away + had to drive for a few hours but. Yes i do >:)
woe! Bullet points be upon ye!
So first off I actually think it’s super interesting that Curufin knows Eöl by name. Curufin has absolutely no reason to know any of the Sindar save some of the royals, and clearly Eöl was living in Nan Elmoth for quite a while before the Noldor showed up in East Beleriand, which means further that Curufin literally would have no way of knowing him realistically.
Except this curious coincidence: Curufin’s knife was gifted to him by Telchar, a dwarf of Nogrod (in other sources it was a dwarf of Belegost, but the point is Curufin is clearly buddy buddy with the dwarves). Curufin also speaks fluent Khuzdul: “…but Curufin was most interested in the alien language of the Dwarves, being the only one of the Noldor to win their friendship. It was from him that the loremasters obtained such knowledge as they could of the Khuzdul.” (Peoples of Middle Earth) (i’m so fucking obsessed with this too just saying. oh curufin…)
Eöl was also, notably, a dwarf friend: “Now the traffic of the Dwarves down from the Blue Mountains followed two roads across East Beleriand, and the northern way, going towards the Fords of Aros, passed nigh to Nan Elmoth; and there Eöl would meet the Naugrim and hold converse with them. And as their friendship grew he would at times go and dwell as guest in the deep mansions of Nogrod or Belegost.” (Of Maeglin)
We can also assume that Curufin was likely a guest in dwarven halls as well, since the Dwarves were notoriously secretive about their language. If they let some elf learn it to the point where he is the de facto Dwarf Language Guy for literally everything we know about Khuzdul, it’s more than likely Curufin’s stayed in their cities too.
But wait… zoom in. See that? Eöl dwelled in Nogrod. Which dwarven city did Telchar come from? Nogrod. Hmmmmmmm……
And so begins their fated meeting…
I think Curufin was actually pretty amicable with Eöl at first. He knew literally no one else who shared his interest in Khuzdul, and I don’t think Maedhros was really all that notable of a dwarf friend, at least not in the sense of whatever dwarf autism Curufin has. So he was pretty excited to meet a guy who also thinks these people are amazing and cool.
Maybe Eöl shared the same sentiments! Maybe he’ll finally meet someone who’s like him. And then he learns this is The Kinslayer Of The Noldor. The Boat Burner (if you HC that only Curufin participated in the ship burnings because of that one line from shibboleth of feanor).
From that day forward, they hated eachother forever.
Okay onto actual shippy thoughts LOL. Tbh I like my ships to be funny and lighthearted because it’s just more fun that way. Curufin can’t stand Eöl but also he has to admit that Eöl is, factually speaking, a talented smith. His real obsession with Eöl began when he found out Eöl invented a metal.
What???!?!?!?!? INVENTED A METAL?????? He can’t get out-smithed by some fucking Sinda loser who lives in a forest and kidnaps wives for fun!!!! So he spends a LOT of time in Nogrod trying to snoop around and find out how Eöl made his metal and how he could possibly recreate it but maybe better.
Also the dwarves absolutely know these two have some kind of fucked up homoerotic tension and they constantly bet on who’s going to say something weirdly gay or if they’ll get together or not etc etc. They think it’s the funniest shit ever. Neither ot them are aware of this
The worst part for Curufin is that Eöl is absolutely his type. Tall elf?? High kin of the Teleri???? Noble but grim of face?????? Piercing eyes that can see deep into shadow and dark places?!?!?!!?! God just fuck him already
I also hc curufin as being in denial about the fact he is gay LMAO so there’s another thing. he’s so into eol but he can’t even admit it because that would mean… nay… he shall not think about it…
Unfortunately for Curvo he’s stared at Eöl weirdly far too many times and maybe caught Eöl in a more casual smithing outfit with his sleeves rolled up and his chiseled arms out and ohh my god……….
Celegorm hates EVERYTHING about this btw. The SECOND he found out Curufin was into this guy he was ready to dropkick his brother into the sun
I have an AU with some friends where Aredhel books it from Nan Elmoth by herself and Curufin ends up there somehow and basically becomes Eöl’s new divorced spouse and they argue every single day. But that’s also how they flirt
Also I think Curufin is the exact right type of obnoxious for Eöl because Curufin is actually not that tall or menacing nor does he have Fëanor’s presence. He’s just some lanky short guy who thinks he’s tough shit and it’s both fascinating to watch and infuriating to be around. And worst of all Curufin is 1. Feminine 2. Good looking 3. Vaguely Looks Like Aredhel If You Pretend He Isn’t A Guy
And omg he has these beautiful curls and eyes that shine like stars and an intensity about him and Wow He Wants To Smash Curvo With Hammers
Yeah this is my ideal eol/curufin dynamic LMAO they’re in love. they can’t stand eachother. eol is curufin’s beloathed and curufin is eol’s boyfiend. They are not gay.
Also in said AU Eol is nicer to Celebrimbor than he is to Maeglin which… yeah…….
@maironsbigboobs wrote this fic about these two and augrhhhhh it’s so!!! It’s so good!!! And this one!!!!! Actually you should just go read heather’s eol hcs bc it turned me from an eol hater to an eol lover
I think these lines describe them best: “It filled Eöl with the overwhelming desire to possess him, to hoard him away like the treasure of a great king.” // “But... he found himself reluctant to flee. It was not that he was fond of Eöl, no, but he would miss the company of a fellow craftsman. None in Himlad could have the same long conversations on metal properties and shaping methods. He had friends among the Dwarves who could, but they were Eöl’s friends too, and he would hate for murder to come between him and Telchar’s kin. Yes. He stayed for politics, nothing else.”
They’re just so… fucking delusional…….
Also @littlewhitemouseagain wrote this incredible fic that i also indulged in and oh my GOD it’s so fucking good. Like. this is THE fic i would send you if you said show me one and only one fic to convince me curufin/eol is great actually. i mean shit i rarely read fic that isn’t written by friends but this is genuinely amazing so. Please read it!!! It fits my vision of eol and curufin exactly!! I can’t stand them!!! I’m gonna lose my mind HAHAHA
Okay post over pack it up boys i wish i had art to show but man even drawing angbang took my soul and then some LOL maybe i’ll have real ship art one day… but you can always snoop at my curvo and eol threads with heather i welcome all snooping
EDIT: OKAY WAIT ONE MORE BULLET but for more Serious Ship Lovers: basically their whole thing is that they’re Really similar to eachother and Curufin Loves people who are like him (and so does Eöl given. Everything about him). And they’re drawn in by both fascination with the other and also mutual hatred except i think both of them are Very possessive. When Curufin loves someone he needs to Have Them Forever. he can’t stand the idea of not being someone’s absolute favorite and biggest priority in life. Eöl also happens to be crazy possessive to the point of murder. But they’re also toxic and awful to eachother and mean and hate admitting their faults. Except they’re also just so obviously messed up that yeah… There’s a lot to work with if you like fucked up angbang style ships >:)
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sotwk · 6 months ago
do you have any recommendations for writers of gen fic? <33
*trips over myself in the rush to answer this Ask* DO I EVER!!!
I happily and highly recommend the following Tolkien Gen Fic Writers, and have included their Ao3 accounts for easy binging access:
@emyn-arnens - Ao3: Arveldis
@hobbitwrangler - Ao3: obsessive_combustive
@cuarthol - Ao3: cuarthol
@cycas - Ao3: bunn
I must also mention a couple of my favorites who have written excellent Gen/Family fics alongside their ship/romance fics:
@from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras - Ao3: Showed_Up_Late_To_The_Muster
@scyllas-revenge - Ao3: Scyllas_revenge
Thank you so much for Asking, Anon! I don't get to make rec posts often enough, so I'm so glad when I'm pushed to do so by Asks. :)
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lok1needsahug · 3 months ago
i need silvergifting (celebrimbor x annatar/sauron) recs, please im desperate
(ao3 preffered thanks)
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