#silm ic
eunoiaastralwings · 10 months
if you liked to be tagged too - let me know :)
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sesamenom · 5 months
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Festival of the Trees in Rivendell (very much outdated) vs Festival of We Got Another Wine Shipment in Mirkwood (invented three hours ago)
somewhat inspired by this post by @elvinye
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thelien-art · 6 months
Aredhel the White Huntress of the Noldor
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braxix · 3 months
Do you think that some of the elves that came over with Fingolfin have missing toes and/or fingers because of the cold and ice? Like frostbite? Fingon arrives to save Maedhros and he's missing parts of various fingers.
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march-of-the-noldor · 7 months
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March of the Noldor
What is it?
A month-long event to commiserate the grueling walk the Noldor took, across the Helcaraxe, from Aman to Beleriand.
When is it?
March 1 - March 31
How do I participate?
Post something regarding the march and mention @march-of-the-noldor. Everything made will be reblogged here.
Go forth and create something New!
But this is also a great time to reblog older works relating to the march too!
What is allowed?
Art, fic, meta, moodboards, poems! It's all welcome!
Want to do a character study? Awesome!
Make a collage of the kind of wild life the Noldor might encounter? Amazing!
Talk about the different types of ice the Noldor walked across? Fantastic!
Record a list of new traditions that developed during the walk? Bring it on!
We shall depart on this voyage together!
If you have any questions please ask them! <3
header by Adam Excell - unsplash
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leucisticpuffin · 1 year
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watching the world figure skating championships and i am once again thinking about elves on ice so here's some old art of Maitimo teaching his favourite cousin to skate
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junk-whunk-punk · 5 months
That's not a secret that my bbys @a-world-of-whimsy-5 and @cilil wrote some delicious smut with Melkor×Langon×Mairon trio (still in delight kittos) and this inspired me to draw even more weird stuff with poor raven boi Langie. And let's finally admit, this is no longer justified by prostate lessons, we just like to watch these two hunks torture Langon with caresses💅
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He needs also some theory, not only so much practice!! I believe only Thuri can explain properly what the prostate is, and the others are like 'No need to know... Just feeling it is enough...🫦' Ahaha... poor boi... xdd
Cursed stuff ⬇️lower⬇️ cuz TUMBLR STOP HIDING MY SMUT
Mai finds his place even here🤝
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aylen-san · 27 days
Of the icy cold of Arda
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"The winter that swept over the land was not just cold, it brought with it a vast stillness in which nature lay silent, as if waiting for a new beginning. The winds blew across the wastelands, filling the air with small shards of ice, and even the seas turned to silent icy deserts, their calm waves now frozen like statues petrified under a white cover. I saw the light of the moon reflected on the glittering mountains of ice, as if Arda itself were shackled by ice and time. Even the forests, once green and vibrant, now stood grim guardians, with branches twisted and icy like ancient warriors fallen in battle.
The birds had left these parts, and their voices no longer rang through the air; the beasts hid in their dens, burrowing in the dry leaves and moss that now seemed so helpless before the inexorable onslaught of winter. I wandered through these icy wastelands, feeling every movement with difficulty as the frost penetrated the very depths of my being. The ice chained not only the ground but also my soul, making me forget that once there was life here, warmth, flowers, a laughing brook. Even silence sounded different at that time, as if it were the sound of the heart of the earth itself, beating slowly beneath the thick layer of ice.
And yet, in spite of this harsh cold, I felt a certain power and majesty of these times. In every movement of the wind, in every crackle of the ice, I heard the music of nature that could not be put into any one tune. It was a reminder that even in the deepest darkness and coldness there is hidden beauty. The ice caves I entered glistened in the light like crystal palaces erected by nature itself. Transparent stalactites like huge gems hung from the ceiling, and every step in this ice palace echoed off the cold walls.
However, as beautiful as those memories are, I am glad that period is behind me. Ice and cold can fetter the earth, but they cannot snuff out the flame of hope in the hearts of living beings. And now, as spring comes again to these lands, I remember those times as part of the great dance of Arda, where ice is replaced by warmth and darkness by light. The first flowers breaking through the melting snow reminded me that life will always find a way to reclaim its rights. And although the memories of that icy era remain with me as a reflection of the other side of existence, I know that they only shade the joy that each awakening of nature brings, each morning when the light of the sun floods these lands with warmth and light once again."
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gwaedhannen · 9 months
Preamble: the state of Beleriand after the First Battle
Ah fuck guess I'm writing this now. Bullet-point style because all the best AUs use it (yes I'm talking about @thelordofgifs's The Fairest Stars) and definitely not because I'm lazy.
Quick synopsis of the First Battle in Y.T. 1497:
Morgoth upon his return sends two orc-hosts through the northern passes, the west-host down Sirion and Narog and the east down Celon and Gelion.
The east-host is beaten by Thingol and the Laiquendi, but the Laiquendi take heavy losses, and their king Denethor and his kin are all slain on Amon Ereb before Thingol can reinforce them.
The dwarves of Mount Dolmed deal with the surviving orcs.
The west-host cuts Thingol off from Círdan, and the Falathrim are driven back to Eglarest and Brithombar and besieged.
The aftermath:
Thingol pulls his people into Neldoreth and Region, and Melian raises the Girdle. Doriath is founded.
The surviving Laiquendi either scatter into Ossiriand or join with Thingol's people.
Orcs have the run of West Beleriand.
Eglarest and Brithombar are besieged until Fëanáro's host arrives and the siege is called off to go deal with them (and they're destroyed by Tyelkormo's forces).
...But in this universe, Fëanáro and the rest of the Noldor are still on the Helcaraxë for another 25 solar years.
Now we're getting into conjecture:
In canon, Eglarest and Brithombar are besieged and destroyed a year after the Nírnaeth, thanks to Morgoth's siege engineers. This is despite the elves of Nargothrond helping to rebuild the cities during the Long Peace, and the Falathrim's reinforcement by survivors of the battle and the fall of Hithlum. Only a few survivors escape with Círdan to Balar and the mouths of Sirion. Three fleeing ships also sail far further south and found Edhellond near where Dol Amroth will eventually be. The rest of the Havens' inhabitants are killed or captured.
It's still Y.T. 1497. Morgoth hasn't had centuries to innovate his siege technology, but Círdan's cities also haven't been rebuilt with Noldor walls.
The Grey Annals says Fëanáro's host arrives some seven solar years after Melian raises the Girdle.
(Yes if we go by the usual "1 tree year = 9.582 solar years" then it could've been upwards of 25 solar years since the Darkening in 1495 before the landing at Losgar.)
(I hate Tolkien's timelines sometimes.)
Círdan holds out for over a decade. The orcs can't completely starve them thanks to the ocean, but repeated assaults on the walls wear down the defenders, and there's only so much fish and seaweed.
Meanwhile, the Northern Sindar of Mithrim and Nevrast are constantly harassed by the rest of Morgoth's west-host. Círdan sends ships north to evacuate those he can, but he only has so many ships and men.
The orcs have them cut off from Doriath, but they're not living this far away from Menegroth because they like Thingol's rule. They theoretically acknowledge him as king but realistically mostly ignore him.
(Any claims that Thingol hates them due to closeness to Angband and rumors they sometimes serve as Morgoth's spies are unfounded exaggerations.)
And while normally he'd ignore them in turn, they're still his people in some form or another.
Thingol sends what sorties he can to harry the west-host, but Doriath's forces are still exhausted from the First Battle and much of the kingdom's resources are tied up in getting the many refugees settled.
It also doesn't help that Melian warns him that should he die, her grief will not allow her to stay on the continent and maintain the Girdle.
One of his chief vassals is dead, and the other is besieged. His lands are being ravaged. But he can't leave his borders, because he isn't willing to risk himself (and therefore the Girdle) falling and exposing the main part of his people to attack.
So he throws himself into making sure his people are as happy as can be and entrusts the war to his captains.
So that's the state of things for the next 15 solar years. Orcs gradually hunt down the remaining wandering Sindar who don't find shelter in Doriath or some hidden refuge. Mithrim and Nevrast slowly depopulate from the Falathrim's evacuation missions, orcs, and what few refugees can sneak by Morgoth's forces to Doriath. Thingol holds lavish banquets and listens to Beleg and Mablung's reports while everyone else sleeps off the wine. He doesn't permit himself time to cry.
Midway through Y.T. 1498, Brithombar falls.
(to be continued eventually)
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victorie552 · 8 months
You know, I wonder how Fingolfin's people were holding on while on Ice, like, spiritually. (not the royal family, their people) I think that, after few years, at least some of them were treating the Ice as a Valar punishment for Alqualonde.
When they came to Beleriand, the Moon rised for the first time, not to mention the Sun. They could see it as being forgiven. And of course there was Fingon rescuing Maedhros with eagle's help, which solidified the belief for them.
it suprisingly didn't make things between Feanorian and Fingolfin's people worse during Long Peace. It absolutely broke the Noldor after Nirnaeth, when everyone blamed Feanorians lack of repenting to the Valar for losing the battle.
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I can excuse kinslaying, but I draw the line at kidnapping a girl and trying to forcefully marry her for political advantage
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sesamenom · 7 months
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inspired by @caenith here
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thelien-art · 1 year
i'd love to see your take on edrahil if requests are still open!
I really loved this request as it gave me an excuse to talk about my headcannons regarding Noldor hair (which is under the cut with a small explanation for his skin too), but here you have an Edrahil in his formal Nargothrond guard outfit, hope you like him!
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I headcannon that Noldors use braids to show status but it´s not a must, more like something they will do if there´s something important happening or something like that, a few do choose to wear their braids most of the time, like Edrahil.
I haven´t figured it all out yet (I´m working on it) but I have some notes on soldier braids (the ones Edrahil wears the most)
Soldier braids are a way to braid hair out of the way; if there's a fight all soldiers have their hair braided back and pulled into a braided bun, some choose to still have their symbols braids (the ones I´m trying to figure out a system for) out and others only braid some of it into a bun letting some lose, but it is a must to have a braided bun so that others don´t take you for a healer. If in wear of a helmet the bun is just moved down or there´s a small hole on top of the helmet for the bun.
Noldors, Vanyar, and Teleri are more prone to being born with discoloration, or physical, as well as mental, disabilities due to living so close to the Ainur in Valinor. It is seen in Doriath too a little, and in escaped thralls born in Angband a lot too as the Ainur there do it on purpose at times. In Angband, it´s also seen a few times in elvers born outside of the fortress, prime example are the orcs (an orc HC I have is that the first orcs were elvish tribes who came to Melkor and let themself be turned volunteer with the promises of power and protection (aka being able to survive as beleriand was hard to survive more then probably))
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Reading the Doom of the Noldor in today’s Silmarillion Daily email and being reminded that Mandos literally laid out that the Oath would come to nothing! He warned them that the Feanorians would only bring death and destruction and ultimately fail in their quest! That they would become the Dispossessed! That they swore an oath that they could never fulfill! And the Feanorions renewed it anyway! Finwean stubbornness at its peak!
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bleuarte · 2 years
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again inspired by house of finwe sigil ,❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
(not allowed for personal use or reposting on personal acc.)
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