#silly guys hee hoo
officiallythatboi · 11 months
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The circus is here
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YAYAYAYAYAYAY YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!! FLUFFY MEGA GAY KINGS!!! have a warm-up scribble of them co-selling beans <3
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rainbyte · 1 year
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yogoblog · 1 year
ah… my concern with signing up for dracula daily this year after missing out on it last year was that there wouldn't be as much draculaposting since everyone got it all out last time around, but now it has been displaced by the concern that a good chunk of this year's draculaposting is just going to be reread commentary with the well-meaning but slightly alienating energy of that one friend who's already seen the show you're watching and keeps making Unsubtle Pointed Remarks during every scene
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sea-of-dandelions · 2 years
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hi sorry i blacked out and woke up with a bunch of this guy in my notebook? weird.
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lynxz-studios · 2 years
hmm an actual better tempest post for @smallartistocbracket !!!
tempest is an ignius kiezadrius (a species i made up, they’re kind of like a cross between a dragon, fox, cat, deer, and wolf) and he uses he/she/they pronouns. she is very strong and extremely loyal and protective of those they care for, but rather reclusive when she’s by himself.
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the cause for the solitude (excluding their brother eclipse) stems from tempest having to raise herself and his brother at the same time after witnessing their mother be attacked and killed by a pride of kohenkah (predatory feline species i also made) when tempest was a few years old (around 11 in human years)
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ever since then, tempest has been deathly afraid of kohenkah but she denies it and covers it up with anger, taking any opportunity he can to kill them. after a few years of fending for themself and her baby brother, tempest was offered a home in the village at the base of the volcano. tempest accepted this hesitantly, and was constantly on edge for the first month of living there.
once tempest got more comfortable, she decided that he wanted to join the patrol guard because they were already quite familiar with the terrain outside of the villages, and she quite liked being in a smaller group and away from the noise of the village.
eventually tempest was taken off of the guard because of his recklessness and refusal to ask or accept help from others, always fearing there was some kind of ulterior motive or punishment they would face for receiving help. even if it meant trying to walk off a broken leg, or fly with a dislocated wing.
tempest began to make a name for herself across ignius island, becoming known solely as the kohenkah hunter by the other kiezadrius tribes. he hated the attention, but decided to deal with it since it meant eclipse was happy and got to tell all his friends about tempest.
after the assassination of emperor blitz and emperor singe’s rise to power, tempest led a small revolution against singe. this ultimately ended in injuries, near-deaths, and tempest being exiled from the island.
eclipse keeps tempest’s necklace as a sign of hope that one day, his sister might come home.
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bitessback · 1 year
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❝ @johnnysslaughter asked : # : [sender] + [receiver] bumping into each other
a   swift   turn   with   their   drink   and   they   come   crashing   into   someone's   sturdy   chest,   a   good   portion   of   their   old fashioned   now   on   his   shirt   as   their   face   flushes   with   embarrassment.   jaw   slack   a   moment   as   they   gasp   and   their   eye   widens   in   terror.
❝   o-oh   shit !   -   I   am   so   sorry.   I   -   I   -   I   didn't   see   you   there.   aha uh literally,   y'know,   only   got   the   one   eye   and   all,   haha   [ . . . ]   ❞
sheepish   grin   curls   onto   their   scarred   features   as   they   try   to   smooth   things   over   quickly,   obviously   concerned   that   he   would   be   intent   on   beating   the   ever-living   life   out   of   them   after   their   mistake.   head   lowering   just   a   touch   like   a   frightened   mutt   fearing   punishment,   the   red   on   their   face   making   the   scars   and   the   beauty   marks   pop   out   more.
they   really   only   stopped   here   for   the   night   to   grab   a   drink   before   heading   back   to   their   hotel,   passing   through   as   usual,   not   really   intending   to   stay   (   lest   the   ones   they   left   behind   catch   up   and   find   their   trail   )
mind   floods   with   ways   to   try   and   assuage   any   anger   the   man   might   have.   doubling   down   on   the   only   real   charm   they   had   as   they   attempt   to   bargain   with   him.
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❝   uh   c - can   I   ...   buy   you   a   drink?   --   ❞
wait   ...   no.   brain   connects   the   potential   misunderstanding   far   too   late   and   they   flock   to   try   and   fix   that,   blurting   in   a   panic.
❝   --   just   ...   you   know,   to   -   fo   -   for   -   for   spilling   all   of   mine   on   you?   s'only   fair,   yeah?   what're   you   uh   ...   what're   you   drinkin?   ❞
smooth,   jamie.   real   smooth.
° ˈ· • [ 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃 ] . . . accepting !
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punk-pandame · 2 years
I love seeing ur tag parahraps in my notifs, im like oh my lil guy has thoughts, imma read it all
tumblr didn't tell me this was here and i have no idea how long it was sitting in my inbox but i see it now and awww, im glad it doesnt bother you <3 i read your tags too aksjldhgjkahds <3
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birbhouse-doodles · 2 years
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All I do lately is paint my d&d characters, shrug emoji
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cruweldevil · 2 years
After a few days, i finally cropped this image!!!!
Take this one, will wood tumblr!!
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More problems should be able to be resolved by biting, actually
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future-crab · 8 months
A lot of Magnus Protocol fans are concerned about what sort of horrible purgatory state Chester and Norris exist in, but my main reaction has been “hee hoo silly little guys are telling me about the horrors again 🥰🥰🥰”
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gingerbravecookie · 10 months
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GingerBrave's Lord of Broken Time (alt. Broken Time Cookie)
Multiple reports have been surfacing in the Time Balance Department's board. It seems that some cookie keeps altering timelines from left to right! And it seems to have worsened after the former Director's dissapearence too! However, what does this cookie want? Why do they keep breaking timelines with no coherency? Could they be looking for something? Or... Trying to fix something they can't quite remember?
finally drawing a decent sprite of this guy and giving him an actual proper updated design. i think about him all the time i spin him in my brain like a microwave
btw if ya didn't know this is a redesign and thecnically redraw of this guy (and a rewrite of this also ithink) i made a couple years ago!! i would love to work again on broken actually after this and maybe i do have something cooking for him who knows/silly
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elizakai · 6 months
Was wondering if you would consent/allow me to use your Out of Pocket Dust entity design for a story? (Dustverse)
And if yes, may I know more about him (if he has an AU) or be allowed to expand on the concept?
Absolutely feel free to say no or ignore this ask
Have a wonderful week!
ABSOLUTELY YOU CAN!!!! I love that we spawned the dustverse LMAO
also ok i’ll be so fr, he spawned into the world as i was drawing, and thus has no au
however, allow me to quickly Bs the concept, and if anyone’s interested i can actually polish it later hee hoo (also feel free to use whatever concepts you like, it doesn’t have to be related to this if you’d prefer i don’t mind ehehe)
Detritus Is a Low-Level deity, at least in the hierarchy of other deities he is involved with.
He is an anomaly by their standards, the death of a star gave birth to this child of decay, he is reluctantly taken in by the others
He is younger, around 8000 years old id say😔
Detritus doesn’t know much about lower level beings, as the knowledge he has access to is rather restricted, furthermore, he doesn’t quite know his place, as he is not often given tasks.
he also doesn’t know much about just. normal life. he’s been shown things on. a very large scale but never when you zoom in and see the small things
Other deities claim grand titles and roles, but he is but decay, leaving him with no actions to take and no purpose to fulfill. they perpetuate this inaction with excuses
he befriends a star. this star is considered a lower being. this star makes him question the validity of the hierarchy of beings he’s been taught.
he begins to question why they are considered “gods”. who put them in that place? are they not just self assigning these titles and using it to justify causing strife? who are they to dictate lives. however he isn’t really sure on any of this
at some point due to these thoughts (and or an action) his friend the star is disposed of, and he is cast out. he is told he will live amongst mortal beings, to witness for himself their vileness and wicked souls.
He is but dust cast to dust
so taking on a more normal form detritus, taking being called dust LITERALLY, now adopts a new form and name. (he’s a silly little guy)
he meets a few mortals (ahem ahem you can guess who) (i’ll expand later if this interests anyone)
he is lucky for this, as he has no idea how their lives work and would just end up with someone sending him to a lab to be dissected for his “inhuman” um, abilities.
instead of learning of mortals wickedness, he only experiences kindness. he’s a bit curious, he tends to take things literally, but if you say something that is opposing to what he’s been taught, he will assume it’s sarcasm.
he’s quite funny but he has a weird sense of humor.
he’s under the impression that he’s fated to destroy any relationship he might have and thus feels guilty for making ties. he also expects to be taken home eventually
(honestly. they just wanted to get rid of him. don’t tell him that.)
Detritus, now Dust, doesn’t really have a solid form, so the one he takes on isn’t really as restrictive as you’d think. His body could contort like some demon from hell out of nowhere and then be completely normal the next second. he has to be told not to do this.
When he first took on said form, he couldn’t figure out how the fuck to form hands. his hands were very deformed and gross looking so he hid them. one of the first mortals he meets is in for a horrific experience until he figures out how to properly project how a hand moves😭
um. oh also, i keep saying he, but they’re semi genderless and wouldn’t bat an eye if you called him literally anything else. i don’t think detritus really understands gender, just things
he’s very thoughtful about inner workings of the universe but then doesn’t know what the fuck a comb is and continuously throws his new friend for a loop
he’s kind of skittish, like a cat that wants to dip its toes into the water and then immediately runs and hides but. will do it again five minutes later.
he’d probably think a butterfly is like an angel to be worshipped if he saw one
he doesn’t think mortals are evil, he compares them to his experience with the star.
he’s not immortal either, he’s more of a demi god then anything
he begins to wonder if he even wants to go home, or if it is his home, after a while of living with these new companions around. there’s definitely going to be some runs in with government authorities and cryptid hunters :))
ANDDD all of this is subject to change if i actually clean this up, as i sped typed this with very little thought beforehand ok BYEEE anyone can ask questions if you have any somehow and i’ll bs more lore 😭
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memendoemori · 8 months
Sometimes I look at all the silly little guys I hyperfocus on in fiction and I briefly have a sobering moment of "god what the fuck is wrong with me" before I go hee hoo more sad wet cats please
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oll13v3r · 2 months
Guys... Cove holden playlist!!! Tee hee hoo (I've posted about this playlist before but it will not stop me from doing it again)
shuffle that motherfucker while you listen because I haphazardly put songs on there in no particular order /silly
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