#silent night is always number one for me. but little drummer boy
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hballegro · 3 months ago
folks whats your favourite christmas song. religious, non-religious, not even christmas and just winter holiday, idgaf. tell me the song. leave it in my comments or in tags. me wanna hear
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delacyrose224 · 4 years ago
Long Story Short
-Pairing: guitarist!Jin x reader (named)
-Premise: You've been hurt in past relationships, but there's a goofy guitarist that seems to be passing every test you throw at him. Now what?
-Genre: rock band!AU, fluff with a sprinkle of angst (as always)
-Warnings: cursing, douchebag Namjoon, shirtless Seokjin (which always deserves a warning for heart health)
-Word Count: 4.8k
-Author's Note: This is conclusion to the evermore trilogy/Gold Rush universe. Based off of 'long story short' by Taylor Swift, but once again, you don't need to know the song to enjoy!
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*Bzzt bzzt*
You hear the buzzing of your phone from across the room where you’re curled up in a blanket watching tv. Who the heck is calling you on a Saturday morning at 10am? You fling the blanket off yourself and pad over to your bag, fumbling through its contents until you find your phone, angrily screaming your ringtone even louder as you remove it from its hiding place.
Incoming Call: Jin
Uhh...okay. You’d gone out on a date with him a few days ago, and last night you and your best friend had hung out with him and his band. That didn’t explain him calling and interrupting your me time on Saturday morning.
“Margot?” Jin sounds far away from the receiver for some reason.
“...live and in person. Well, not in person. You know what I mean. What’s up?” you reply, not knowing where this is all going.
“Can’t I call a pretty girl on a Saturday morning because I miss her?” Jin retorts, still sounding far away from the phone. Good thing he’s not here to see the flush creeping onto your cheeks.
“You can, but you literally just saw me last night. Like 12 hours ago, less even. Why do you sound like you’re calling from outer space?”
“You’re on speaker...I guess I should have started the conversation with that bit of information. I’m making the boys brunch because I’m apparently the only one who can cook around here,” you can almost see how hard Jin is rolling his eyes at this statement.
“Hi Jungkook! Hi Yoongi!” you raise your voice to make sure you’re heard in their apartment.
“...hey.” you hear Yoongi close by, followed by Jungkook yelling across the room. “Hey M!! Jin won’t shut up about you, I think he might be in loooooove,” he singsongs.
“And that’s enough of that,” Jin swiftly turns off speakerphone and you can hear him much more clearly all of a sudden.
“Is it true? Are you in loooooove with me?” you mimic Jungkook’s voice.
“Have I ever told you how pretty your singing voice is?” Jin deflects smoothly. You’re so taken aback by the response, you don’t know what to say next.
“As I see I have made you speechless-I tend to have that effect on women-and men, actually...the world is just stunned by my beauty, honestly. No one is immune,” he derails quickly from wherever he was originally going with his sentence, and you giggle.
“Jinnie-you called me at 10am on a Saturday morning, because why…?” you steer the conversation back to where it needs to go.
“Ah yes...I called because I wanted to see if you wanted to cash in on that second date I promised you earlier this week tonight?” he questions.
“I think I would like that,” you smile, remembering your first date three days ago. He had taken you to dinner at a hole in the wall diner where he seemed to know all the elderly waitresses by name, and after the two of you had gone to a drive-in movie.
“Great. I’ll swing by your apartment to pick you up at 7, if that’s okay?” he sounds a little unsure of himself, unusual for him.
“Sounds perfect. Is there anything specific I should wear?”
“Just something casual, nothing fancy. I’ll see you then, pretty girl.”
“See you...oh, and Jinnie?” He hums in response.
“I missed you too,” you smile.
You flop back down on the couch after hanging up with a smile on your face. Jin’s very sweet, and not quite what you expected. He’s the lead guitarist for the band Gold Rush, who you’ve been a fan of for about half a year. You’d happened to catch them as the opening act for another band you’d gone to see, and immediately had fallen in love with their music. It didn’t hurt that all the band members were cute either...you’d only seen them that one time as an opener, until you’d seen a flier for a show of theirs at The Dynasty, a small local bar. You’d immediately decided to drag your best friend to see them, making it a game with yourself to try and get Jin’s attention, and to your surprise, it had worked. He and the drummer, Jungkook, had asked the two of you to hang out after the show. After grabbing food, Jin had asked for your number and taken you out on a date the next day, eagerly promising you a second the following weekend.
If you were being honest with yourself, Jin fell into the trap of being your ‘type’. He was in a band, could sing and play guitar, and had healthy (bordering on sometimes too much) self-esteem. He reminded you of your ex, Namjoon. Also in a band, also a lead guitarist, also could be full of himself. All Jin was missing was an undercut and a few scattered tattoos. You supposed Jungkook had enough for the two of them combined.
You sigh deeply as you wrap yourself back into your blanket. Namjoon had destroyed you when it came to relationships in some ways, even though he had started off as a rebound from another toxic relationship. He had fallen into all the stereotypical ‘guy in a band’ tropes: his needs were more important than yours, he had cheated on you multiple times with groupies, and he gaslit you when you tried to talk through what was going on. You had put up with his shit for far too long, until your best friend had opened your eyes to how different you’d become. Quiet, less likely to speak your mind, and even less willing to be social. Once you’d left him, you’d felt a giant weight lifted off your shoulders, but it had made you extremely wary of relationships.
Jin was cute, and you didn’t see the harm in a couple of dates. He was funny and talented, and he hadn’t pissed you off yet, which was a win in your book. There’s no way he was actually interested in a real relationship...he was clearly a flirt, as you’d witnessed the night you met when he gave you his guitar pick, and he was too busy. He was in a band that was trying to break into the larger music scene in your city. You’d both have your fun, and move on with your lives.
You busy yourself the rest of the day by completing household chores. By the time you’re getting ready for your date, you’ve managed to vacuum, do several loads of laundry, wash the dishes in your sink, and rearrange your bookshelf in your bedroom. You hop in the shower at 5:30, and contemplate your outfit choice while washing your hair. A sundress should work...it’s been warm outside lately, but it’s still cute while being casual. You’ll wear sneakers with it just in case you end up walking somewhere.
You throw on said sundress and sneakers after toweling off, and decide you’ll go for fun accessories-specifically a pair of dinosaur earrings and a crossbody bag in a bright shade of pink, swiping on a lipstick to match. You smile in approval at yourself in the mirror just as you hear a soft knock at the door.
You step into your living room, opening the door to see Jin looking rather nervous. “Hey handsome,” you grin. He’s wearing a pair of dark wash ripped jeans with a lavender hoodie that’s a little too big on him. Cute.
“Hey you...you look nice,” he returns your smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “You ready to go?”
“Yep! Where are we going?” you ask as you grab your keys and shut the door, making sure it’s locked behind you.
“Well, I figured we could start with a walk through the park. It’s still light out for a little while, but we might be able to catch the sunset...there’s also a great ice cream stand off one of the trails, so if you want to, we can grab some. After, I figured we could come back to your place and watch a movie, your pick, obviously. Does that sound okay?” he glances over at you as you both take the stairs down to the ground floor of your apartment building, opening the door for you as you reach the outside.
“Hmm…” you pretend to think as you turn to walk the two blocks to the park. Jin’s eyebrows raise, as he quickly jumps to conclusions-that the park was the worst idea you’d ever heard.
“I think it’s perfect. I’ll race you to the park, loser buys the other ice cream!!” You laugh and sprint off in the direction of the park, silently thanking yourself for wearing sneakers.
“You little...oh, come on!” Jin starts running as well, his long legs giving him an advantage as his wide strides let him catch up to you quicker than you thought. You’re neck and neck for most of the second block, sweat starting to form on both your brows.
“You’re...not...beating...me!” You huff, nimbly dodging around a pedestrian walking their dog.
“Oh...really?” Jin breathes out harshly, leaping over someone’s spilled smoothie in the middle of the sidewalk. You can both see the entrance to the park, it should only take a minute more to get there...suddenly, Jin puts on a burst of speed, sprinting his way to the entrance before you can even say anything in protest.
You arrive a few seconds later, huffing and puffing as you place your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath.
“I believe you were saying something about me not beating you? What was that?” Jin is beaming, his eyes glinting mischievously as he looks down at you.
You still can’t manage to catch your breath enough for a response, so you settle instead for glaring daggers up at him.
“C’mon, loser. I promised you a leisurely walk, so let’s go...even though you already took us both for a run no one asked for,” Jin chuckles, grabbing your hand as you stand up and interlocking your fingers.
Your face warms, and not just from the sprinting. You’re surprised that Jin isn’t annoyed with you for pulling the stunt you just did...it wasn’t like you planned it exactly, but it worked well as a sort of test to see exactly how much nonsense Jin would put up with. So far, more than you thought he would. You smile to yourself.
“What’re you grinning about now? If it’s another race, I give up, you win!” Jin exclaims loudly, drawing stares from several passersby on the trail you’ve chosen.
“Shhh…” you shush him, trying to place a finger in front of his lips. He playfully bites at it before kissing it quickly. Your eyes widen. “People are staring,” you half-whisper, slightly embarrassed.
“...and? Let them stare. I’m on a date with a pretty girl, and I don’t care if the world knows! Isn’t Margot wonderful?!” he raises his voice for the last bit, that mischievous glint back in his eyes. The warmth from earlier returns, creeping even further up your face. You must be entirely red by now by the levels of heat you feel like you’re radiating. Jin takes advantage of your flustered state by taking your other hand and pulling you close. He wraps both arms tightly around you and buries his face in your hair, kissing you lightly on the top of the head. You pull away, eyes widened in wonderment at his actions. Who is this guy? You can’t quite figure him out.
“What? You’re pretty, I’m lucky you’re on a date with me, and I’m an affectionate guy. Sometimes. Well, maybe only with you. But only if you’re okay with it…” Jin rambles. His ears look close to emitting steam with how red they’re turning...you’re glad you’re not the only one being thrown off your game with how this date is going. It’s endearing how he switches so easily between being confident and shy depending on your reactions to him.
“C’mon, Jinnie...I think I owe you some ice cream, right?” you smile as you reach for his hand, leading him further along the trail you were walking along.
You walk along quietly for a bit, the silence only broken when Jin coos over dogs as you pass them. It warms your heart to see just how kind and soft he truly is...not what you expected from your previous experiences with a certain lead guitarist.
As you round a bend in the trail, Jin picks up the pace significantly, forcing you to speed walk to catch up. “Hey, where’s the fire?” you question, legs starting to burn as you attempt to keep pace.
“Huh? Oh sorry, the ice cream stand is just up here, I got excited.” He gestures ahead of the two of you with your intertwined hands. Sure enough, there’s a small ice cream stand a few paces away.
As you walk up, you see that the stand is manned by a kindly looking old woman who looks like she could be your grandmother. “Oh, you two are such a cute couple! How long have you been dating?” she asks.
“Oh, um...this is only our second date,” you answer, feeling slightly awkward.
“Could’ve fooled me! He looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky. What can I get you?” Jin coughs suddenly at the old woman’s observation, his ears reddening for the second time that night.
You look over to the menu propped up on the counter of the stand.
Mint Chocolate Chip
Cookies and Cream
“What do you say, Jinnie? Strawberry? Mint Chocolate Chip?”
“If I wanted to have mint flavored anything, I would have just brought my toothpaste with me...mint chocolate chip? How can you think so lowly of me?” he pouts at you, supremely offended that you even suggested such a thing.
“Okayyyyy...didn’t realize you were so picky about ice cream flavors. What do you want, then?” you roll your eyes at him, but not without grinning.
“I’ll take a vanilla cone, thankyouverymuch,” he replies grinning back at you.
“One vanilla cone, and one cookies and cream cone.” You hand the woman cash and she begins to fill your order. Soon after she is handing you both ice cream encased in freshly made waffle cones. You both thank her and continue your walk along the trail. You bite into the top of your ice cream, relishing the coolness in the warm evening that surrounds you.
“...you bite ice cream?” Jin is staring at you open-mouthed in horror.
“Yes? If I just licked it, it would all melt before I could eat it. Don’t judge me!” you glare over at Jin.
“Oh too late for that, sweetheart. First you asked if I wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream, and now I find out you bite your ice cream? What are you, a serial killer?” he raises an eyebrow at you questioningly.
“Wouldn’t you love to know?” you turn menacingly towards him, brandishing your cone like a weapon. “They call me...The Ice Cold Killer. Beware!”
“Ooo, I’m scared. Someone help me,” Jin chuckles, his empty hand raised in surrender as he takes a lick of his ice cream.
“You should be scared, handsome,” you continue walking towards him, raising your cone ever so slightly with each step.
“...what are you doing? Oh no, you don’t!” Just as you go to smush your cone into his face, he grabs both of your wrists. “I think not,” he grins, lowering your hands to the level of your waist.
“Boo, you’re no fun,” you pout, looking up at Jin. When he’s this close, it seems like he’s towering over you...and as you make eye contact, you notice his attention keeps flickering between your eyes and your lips.
“Oh, I can be lots of fun,” he whispers lowly as he leans in closer to you, so close you can feel his breath on your lips. Just as his lips start to ghost over your own, someone clears their throat behind you. You both spring apart, whipping around to see who’s interrupted you.
Tall, dressed in all black, tattoos scattered across both arms. A sneer on his face as he takes he two of you in with his gaze.
“Well, well, well...how’s it going, Margot? How’d you end up in the middle of the park with this loser?” Namjoon asks. You have no clue why he’s here, and it feels like you’re suddenly trapped in a nightmare. Jin looks confused, glancing between the two of you, trying to figure out how you’re connected.
“Don’t think too hard, lover boy. I can see the steam coming out from your ears with how hard you’re thinking about this-Margot and I used to date.” Namjoon provides, still with that same smirk on his face. Jin’s eyes widen in understanding, but then narrow again as he processes the way he’s being talked to.
“It’s Seokjin, actually. What are you doing here, Kim? Didn’t Gold Rush beat your stupid band in our last exhibition?” Jin spits out harshly.
Namjoon doesn’t deign to give him a response, instead turning back to you. “Margot, really...this is who you went to after me? You know he has no talent, right? Yoongi writes all their songs, and Jungkook is the visual draw for their band. I expected better of you…” he chuckles. “But maybe not...you never did know what was best for you. You let me walk all over you, didn’t you?” he smirks.
Jin moves to reply, but you’re faster. “Yes, I did let you walk all over me and treat me like shit for entirely too long, Namjoon. Thank goodness I had people in my life that cared enough about me to open my eyes to how much of a giant ASSHOLE you were...and Jin? Jin has more talent in his pinky than you’ll have your whole career-I would know because I spent entirely too long going to your boring shows. Jin has treated me better in two dates than you ever have! And how’s this for knowing what’s best for me?”
You stride forward, ice cream cone in hand, until you’re directly in front of Namjoon. Eyes wild, you lift your cone and smash it into his chest. Cookie bits and ice cream smear into his shirt as your waffle cone shatters into pieces on the ground.
“You bitch!” Namjoon roars, rearing back, looking for all the world like he’s about to slap you. Before he can get very far, a large hand wraps tightly around his wrist.
“Leave. Now.” Jin is glaring darkly at Namjoon from behind you. As Namjoon starts to speak, Jin tightens his grip. “I said...leave.”
Namjoon jerks his hand out of Jin’s grip and rubs his wrist where the other man’s hand was. “Fine. You two deserve each other,” he glares as he marches away.
Once Namjoon is out of sight, Jin immediately turns to you. “Margot, are you okay?” he rests his hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes.
You’re frozen in place, still shocked at everything that just happened.
“...I just smashed an ice cream cone on Kim Namjoon…” you utter softly.
“Yes, you did. And it was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, if I’m being honest.” Jin rubs the back of his neck sheepishly with one hand, chuckling.
His comment brings you back into the moment. “Everything that just happened, and that’s all you can think of?” you ask him in disbelief.
“Not all!” Jin retorts. “I have a lot of thoughts right now: 1. How did the two of you ever date? 2. Why am I not surprised that he’s a giant asshole? He always is the worst any time we play shows at the same venue. 3. Yeah, my third thought is that you standing your ground and giving him what he deserves is hot, so sue me.”
You laugh. “Three thoughts isn’t a lot of thoughts, but yes, we did date a while, biggest mistake of my life. I fell for the tortured, tattooed lead guitarist thing.”
“Should I get tattoos then? I mean, I thought I was handsome enough as is, but if this,” he gestures at himself, “isn’t enough, then I’m happy to oblige. Your name in a heart with an arrow through it? A skull with a snake around it? You say the word, beautiful, I’ll do it.” he smirks playfully at you.
“Be careful what you wish for, or you’ll end up with a tattoo on your ass,” you giggle as you elbow him.
His eyes widen in momentary fear. “I’m kidding, silly. Let’s go back to my place and watch a movie.”
The two of you walk hand in hand through the rest of the park, Jin passing you his ice cream cone to share since yours ended up destroyed.
“I guess you really are The Ice Cold Killer...of ice cream cones, that is,” he remarks as you walk through the exit and head back to your apartment.
“I told you you should be scared.”
You both sink down into your couch once you arrive at your apartment, Jin placing a blanket over the two of you.
“So, what’s the feature presentation this evening?” he queries, putting an arm around your shoulders.
“Moulin Rouge!” you happily reply to his chagrin.
“...isn’t that a musical?” he asks, to which you nod in the affirmative.
“Is that a problem?” You knew that musicals were another one of your tests for the guys you dated. You did honestly enjoy them, but you needed to know if the men you dated would put up with them.
“Nope. I mean, I don’t think I would pick one, but I said it’s your choice. Plus, you’re the one who destroyed a douchebag tonight, so your pick is definitely earned.” He settles back into the couch as the movie starts to play, and you place your head on his shoulder. It fits perfectly into the crook of his neck, and the smell of his laundry detergent mixed with the park you just walked through is extremely comforting. So comforting in fact, you can feel your eyelids getting heavy about a third of the way through the movie.
The lack of background noise is what slowly wakes you up...the movie must be over. When did you fall asleep? You lift your head off of Jin’s shoulder, only to see he has remnants of tears on his face.
“Jinnie? What’s wrong?”
“Oh, you’re awake,” he says, quickly swiping at his face to remove any lingering evidence of his tears. “I...I cried at the end of the movie, that’s all. Satine died! Musicals are supposed to be happy-I’m appalled!”
Your heart feels like it’s blooming with all the warmth that’s spreading through your chest as you look at the man beside you. As you begin to say something in response, your eyes catch the digital clock blinking from your microwave across the room. 12:30AM.
“Oh, it’s late...do you want to stay over so you don’t have to go across town at this time? The busses stop running soon anyway.” Jin’s eyes grow wide at your question.
“N-Not like that! I meant to sleep, just sleep. Only if you want to!” You bury your face in your hands in embarrassment.
Jin reaches out and removes your hands from your face, tilting your chin up with his finger so you make eye contact with him.
“I’d love to,” he smiles softly at you, his hand remaining on your chin, pulling you slowly closer to him as he moves closer to you as well. Your faces are inches apart again, his breath ghosting over your lips.
“Is this okay?” he breathes.
You grab the sides of his face in response, crushing your lips to his. He is impossibly soft, and warm. His hands wrap around your back again, tenderly bringing you as close as he can to himself. He’s holding you as if you are tethering him to Earth, like you are what hung the stars in the sky. You sigh into the kiss, and he takes that as a cue to deepen the kiss further. He’s more insistent, holding you tighter. Before it can get too heated, you break apart for air.
“Sorry I got a little carried away,” he chuckles, gently pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. You laugh as you clearly get a look at his face.
“What?” he pouts at you.
“Come here.” You stand up, pulling him with you to the bathroom attached to your bedroom. You flip the light on, positioning him in front of the mirror. As both of your eyes adjust to the extra light, his widen impossibly-he’s got pink lipstick messily smeared around his mouth from kissing you.
“So much for world wide handsome, huh?” you laugh.
He turns towards you. “I’ll have you know, I am handsome no matter what I look like!” he huffs indignantly. Nevertheless, he turns the faucet on and starts to wipe away the makeup.
You leave him to get ready for bed in the bathroom while you trudge to your closet to find something to change into, settling for an oversized tee with shorts. As you close the door behind you, Jin leaves the bathroom in only his boxers. Your eyes become wide as saucers as you notice his lack of clothing in addition to how in shape he is.
“Oh, um...sorry, I usually just sleep in these. I can put my shirt back on if I need to?” he questions shyly.
“No, you’re fine, I just don’t normally have half naked men walking around my apartment,” you laugh quietly.
Jin climbs into your bed and starts to scroll through his phone as you head into the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed yourself. You climb in beside him ten minutes later, turning your lamp off and staring up at the ceiling...you’re not sure exactly how this is supposed to go. You’re not in a relationship, but you’re in the same bed, and he had seen you completely lose your cool on your ex. What was even appropriate in this situation?
After what feels like an indeterminate amount of silence, Jin speaks into the dark.
“So...what exactly happened with you and Namjoon?” he sounds nervous, his voice much quieter than normal.
You sigh. “We met after one of his shows. He was charming at first, but then he started making everything about him and his band. Then he cheated on me. Three times. Gaslit me when I tried to talk to him about it. Long story short, it was a bad time,” you grimace, even though you know Jin can’t see you.
“...come here.”
You’re surprised that this is his response, but you comply by scooting next to him. He wraps an arm around you and squeezes tightly.
“You know I would never do any of those things, right?” He looks down at you with such warmth in his eyes, you can’t help but fold even further into him, your head on his bare chest.
“...I know,” you whisper, body still tense from talking about your ex. Jin traces shapes onto your back, helping you slow your breathing and relax.
Just as you’re about to fall asleep, Jin’s voice vibrates through his chest beneath you.
“I can’t believe my girlfriend is The Ice Cold Killer…” His own statement amuses him so much, his squeaky windshield wiper laugh makes an appearance.
“Hey! Who said anything about me being your girlfriend?” You prop yourself up enough to look him in the eyes.
“Oh please, if you thought after tonight I wouldn’t try to take you off the market, you are sorely mistaken...you’re perfect, pretty lady.” He smiles at you, faltering once he sees you raise your eyebrows at him.
“...only if you want to be my girlfriend, of course,” he adds softly.
You narrow your eyes at him. “I’m not perfect,” you state simply, lowering yourself back down onto his chest. Namjoon had made sure you knew that much.
“You’re perfect to me.” Jin leans down to place a tender kiss on top of your head.
You look back up at him. “You know you’re going to have to be one of my henchmen now, right? The Ice Cold Killer can’t do everything on her own.”
“Oh, I know. I plan on starting henchman duties in the morning when I make us pancakes, love.” Jin smiles softly down at you as you attempt to snuggle even closer.
It’s only the second date...but Jin feels like home. Maybe you’ll survive this relationship after all.
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fangirl-writes · 4 years ago
Roger Taylor x Reader
Warning(s): Smoking, swearing, references to sex.
Notes: DISCLAIMER - Fake Wife. Fake Child. All things said and implied in this fic are fictional and have nothing to do with real life. No hate towards any of Roger's Previous or Current Relationships.
I imagined 80s!Roger, but you can go for Ben!Rog if it suits your fancy.
(PS This Roger Can Fuck Me Up)
Summary: After Roger's son mistakenly calls you mom, Roger begins to realize some things about you.
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Roger was tired.
The moment he walked into the studio, you could tell.
His sunglasses were covering his eyes, but he was slightly hunched, his hair was a mess, and he only muttered a ‘morning’ instead of his usual boisterous announcement.
The other boys almost didn’t notice his arrival, too focused on tuning their instruments or going over some lyrics. It wasn’t until his son, Alexander, screamed at the sight of you did they look over.
“Hey, the little man is here,” Brian said with a smile as the boy let go of his father’s hand to fling himself into your outstretched arms.
You stood up and propped him on your hip before giving Roger a look. It wasn’t the first time he’d come in like this.
He turned away from you and started to head for the drum set.
“Hey,” you said, grabbing him abruptly by the elbow. “Are you okay?”
He didn’t meet your eyes through the dark sunglasses and was suddenly very interested in the color of the carpet. “Yeah, m’fine.”
“Really, Y/N, m’fine. Just drop it, okay?”
You released him, not satisfied with his answer, but you didn’t want to get him going this early in the morning. It wasn’t worth it.
Alexander pulled at your necklace to get your attention.
You smiled at him, pulling the chain gingerly from his fingers. “Let’s go sit down, and we can watch your daddy and uncles practice, okay?”
Alexander nodded excitedly, and you took a seat on the couch in the control room, so it wasn’t too loud for the little boy’s ears.
Alexander’s mother, Cheryl, wasn’t exactly the perfect wife and mother. She and Roger had been involved in an unhappy marriage for quite some time now. You absolutely loathed the woman.
At first, all the boys thought you were just jealous, but over time they came to see her for what she truly was and never doubted your judge of character ever again.
Cheryl was one of those women who liked the celebrity life more than the celebrity. She liked Roger for his money and his fame, not just because he was Roger. It was despicable. They fought nearly every night, Roger would sometimes drink himself into a stupor, and poor little Alexander would call you on the phone to tell you that “Daddy’s had too much juice.”
He never said anything about Cheryl, but she was never there when you came over.
You’d known Roger wanted her only for a good shag the moment you’d met her and he’d accidentally called her Crystal.
“Really, Rog, it’s never going to last if you can’t even remember the girl’s name. And honestly, she seems like a bitch.”
You and Roger were sat outside Freddie’s place, passing a cigarette between you.
He glared at you. “Oh? And what’s your fuddy-duddy boyfriend’s name again? George? Jacob?”
“Jeremy, actually. But I’ll tell you a secret,” You said, leaning closer to the drummer. “I don’t think it’s going to last either.”
You took a drag from the ciggy.
“Shall we bet on it then?”
You laughed, the smoke exhaling from your mouth. “What?”
“Bet on it. Whichever of us dumps our piece first owes the other. Mm. Twenty?”
“Twenty?” You leaned even closer to him, nose to nose and voice just above a whisper. “Quite low for a Rockstar, don’t you think?”
Roger hummed in agreement, looking at your lips with desire behind his eyes. “Perhaps...”
You ran a finger across his jawline. “Unless, of course, you desire something else from this bet?”
He licked his lips before taking the bottom one between his teeth. “Maybe I do...”
“And what would that be?”
“I think you know very well what that would be.”
“Do I? Maybe I need a reminder.”
“Ah, a reminder...”
He was so close now. You could smell the scotch he’d stolen from Freddie’s cabinet on his breath over the tobacco. It was as intoxicating as the drink.
He was about to inch forward again when-
“ROGIE!” Cheryl called from inside. “Where have you gone?”
You scowled as Roger immediately pulled back from you and took the cigarette from your fingers, taking one last drag before snuffing it out with his shoe.
“Coming, er-”
Of course, you’d lost the bet because Cheryl became pregnant, and you didn’t think you could stand Jeremy for another nine months. Sometimes you thought he married her just to spite you.
You were a different woman then, and he was a different man. You grow up, and you change, and you get over petty feelings for someone you couldn’t have.
“It doesn’t fucking need slowing down! God, it’s fucking creeping at the moment!” Roger shouted.
The boys began bickering back and forth, causing Alexander to stir in your arms.
You laid the boy out on the couch and entered the recording room. “Would you be quiet! Alexander just got to sleep, and you’re arguing over a stupid pacing problem. Pick it up, slow it down, who the hell cares! Just be quiet.”
Brian and Roger shared a look before muttering to themselves and returning to their instruments.
“Thanks, mum,” John called from his chair. 
You stuck your tongue out at him.
Roger pulled off his sunglasses to rub a hand down his face, and you caught a glimpse of the dark circles under his eyes. You frowned. Oh, how you wished you’d been wrong.
He caught your eye, looking guiltily away from you. Confirming all of your suspicions.
“I think we should take a break,” Freddie said, noticing your silent conversation.
All the boys seemed to agree and put their instruments down to follow you into the other room.
You picked up Alexander again and he moved against you.
“Shh, it’s okay, buddy, go back to sleep.”
The boy cooed against you, snuggling into your shoulder. “m’kay, mommy,”
Your mouth dropped open, Brian ran into the control board, John dropped his newspaper, Freddie’s eyes were wide, and Roger looked like he was going into shock.
You cleared your throat and rubbed Alexander’s back, swaying back and forth to put him back to sleep. Too surprised to say anything.
Roger seemed in the same boat because he wouldn’t stop staring at you, even after he’d sat down. It made you slightly nervous.
“Where’s Cheryl today?” Freddie asked, barely hiding the smile on his face behind his coffee cup.
You glared at him. He pretended not to notice.
“She uh-” Roger still wouldn’t stop looking at you. “Went out with some friends...I think. Wasn’t home when I got up.”
You scoffed. Of course, she wasn’t. Was she ever there?
Roger had just come to the same conclusion. It was no wonder his son called you mommy. When was the last time Alexander ever woke up to Cheryl being there? Or when he went to sleep? He couldn’t remember.
But he could remember you being there.
He guiltily remembers all the nights that Cheryl drives him to drink, and Alex has to call you for help. No little boy should have to use the phone, let alone memorize your number.
But you always came.
He started to wonder how many dates you had to cancel, how many friends you had to bail on. Just because Roger couldn’t get ahold of himself.
Had you always been that beautiful? He wondered, watching you stroke Alexander’s head. ‘Course you had. He could remember in the early days when you and him...
“I think I’m gonna divorce her.”
The words were out of his mouth before he had a chance to think about it.
Brian choked on his coffee, John looked up from the newspaper with his eyebrows raised, and Freddie looked positively gleeful.
You were looking at him with wide-eyes.
“Is that so?” Freddie replied, barely hiding his joy. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. You know, I always thought you and Y/-”
Brian elbowed him in the ribs.
The tables had now turned. You were avoiding Roger’s eyes while he stared at you intently.
Suddenly, a memory came flooding back to Roger. One blocked by his drunken brain.
“Roger,” You said, shaking his shoulder. “Come on, Rog, talk to me,”
Instead of replying, he garbled something sort of like words and you sighed.
“Well, at least you’re not dead. Come on,” You threw his arm over your shoulder and hefted him from his seat at the kitchen table.
Roger grumbled. “Alex...where’s-”
“He’s in bed. He called me.” There was bite in your voice, but he was too drunk to really notice.
“Mmmm...good. Always so good, y/n.”
You rolled your eyes. “God, you need a shower. Vodka, really? Picked the fucking worst thing to get wasted on.”
You dragged him into the nearest bathroom and dropped him in the shower before turning on the cold water.
“Bloody hell!” Roger yelled and you smacked your hand over his mouth.
“Keep shouting and you’re gonna wake up your son. Bet he’d be really overjoyed to see his father sitting in a shower fully clothed. Bet he’d ask a lot of questions-”
He smacked your hand away. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.”
“Good. Now undress.”
He seemed to get shy for a moment, surprised by your request.
You rolled your eyes. “Come on, Rog, you can’t do this yourself, and it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before.”
Seeing your logic, he relented and started undressing. Pulling his shirt over his head and handing it to you.
You smiled at him, taking it and setting it on the counter next to the sink.
He fiddled with his belt, grumbling as his fingers wouldn’t remember the action  that they’d done a thousand times before.
You set your hands on his gently. 
He looked up at you. “Let me.”
He dropped his hands and watched dumbly (and a little embarrassedly) as you undid his belt easily and pulled down his trousers.
Normally, he’d make a joke or cheeky remark about you wanting to get into his pants, but something about that night seemed to screw his mouth shut long enough for his eyes to really see you.
When he was finally naked (there was some trouble with the socks, he fell, you laughed, Roger cursed, you told him to shut up), you turned on the water again as he sat on the floor of the shower.
Roger swore under his breath. “Still gotta be fuckin’ freezing?”
“Yes. It’ll help sober you up,”
He pouted as you sat back down with the shampoo, conditioner, and soap, crossing your legs under you.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and gently pushed him back underneath the stream of water to wet his hair. “You really need to stop doing this. One day, I might not be available.”
Roger hummed in response as you guided him back forward, removing your hand to pour the shampoo into it. “I know.”
You rubbed your hands together to make suds before running your fingers into his hair. “Honestly, I don’t know why you don’t just divorce Cheryl. She’s never there for you, and she’s definitely not there for Alexander like I-”
You didn’t continue, blushing mildly, but Roger understood what you were gonna say. ‘Like I am.’
Your fingers lathered the shampoo over his scalp and massaged his head. He felt like he was on cloud nine at the feeling of your hands running through his hair.
He whined when you stopped and you grinned. “Gotta rinse, ya big baby,”
He did as he was told, leaning back into the water without your help.
You smiled before getting up and sitting on the edge of the tub to help him get all of it out as well as washing the suds from your hands.
You repeated the notion with the conditioner.
“Think you can handle washing your body without help?”
Roger smirked. “I don’t know. I might need you to come and shower with me. Only way to really get me all.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, you’re definitely sober now. I’ll get you some new clothes and throw the other ones in the laundry.”
Roger missed you when you left.
He missed the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
It was weird. You two had had sex in the past, but it felt like that was the most intimate thing that you’d done. Roger felt taken care of. He hadn’t felt like that since...well since he was a kid.
Cheryl had never made him feel that way. They hadn’t even ever showered together, their intimacy was only sexual, it wasn’t loving or soft like-
Like you.
"Roger? Hey, Roger!”
He snapped out of his daze as Brian clicked his fingers in front of his face.
“You zoned out on us there, buddy, you okay?”
Roger blinked rapidly for a minute. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. I was just lost in thought, I guess.”
“Please,” You finally spoke up. “You’re tired, Roger. We’ve all noticed.”
But you were the only one who would say anything.
“Y/N I-” He stopped. Unsure of what to say.
You were looking at him expectantly, curiosity filling your pretty (e/c) eyes. Did they always shine like that before?
“I- uh...” Why couldn’t he say anything? Why was it so hard to say what he was feeling? Was it because the guys were right there?
You sighed. “Roger, I really need to pee, so if you could take Alexander while you figure out what it is you need to say to me.”
You handed Alex gently over to Roger’s arms, the little boy’s sleep going uninterrupted. 
You left the room, and once you were out of earshot, all the boys turned to Roger with raised eyebrows.
“Are you okay?” John asked.
“What? Of course, I am, what do you mean?”
“Well, for starters, Alexander called Y/N ‘mommy,’ and then you totally shut down. Like you stared at her for a good fifteen minutes.”
Roger felt the heat rise to his cheeks.
“Then you said you were going to divorce that retched Cheryl, which I hope you were serious about, by the way,” Freddie said.
“Of course, I was serious about it. I think it’s time I got rid of ‘er. Honestly, Y/N’s been telling me for years-”
All the boys started grinning.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything else?”
“What? Do you menaces want me to say I’m in love with Y/N? Because you already fucking know that.”
Brian handed John a few bills.
Freddie clapped his hands together. “Well, finally! Honestly, I’ve been waiting for you two darlings to get together and honestly-”
“Fred!” You scolded, coming back into the room just as Alexander sat up from Roger’s chest.
“Daddy?” The boys said sleepily. “Daddy, where’s mommy?”
You frowned. “Alexander, you’re mommy is-”
“Right here,” Roger said, making you look at him with surprise.
Alexander gestured with his hands for you and you picked him up off of Roger, who was grinning ear to ear.
“You think you’ll ever want to be a mother?” Roger asked, running his fingertips along your arm. The two of you were laying in his bed, cuddled up together, his gray sheets the only thing covering your bodies.
“That’s an odd question, considering,”
He rolled his eyes. “Just answer,”
“Someday, yes, with the right guy,” You replied. “What about you? Any plans on becoming a daddy?”
He smirked at you. “Well, I mean, occasionally-”
You lightly smacked his chest. “You know what I mean.”
He chuckled a moment before looking down at you. “Yeah. Someday. Not soon, though. My life’s too unpredictable right now. I’m hardly in one place.”
You hummed. “You still find time for me.”
He kissed your temple. “I’ll always find time for you.”
“And I’ll always be there for you,”
Looking back on it, Roger had been in love with you even back then. Friends didn’t do what you two did. What a fool he was for not acting on it. Perhaps he’d been afraid of love.
But, now, looking at you, he wasn’t afraid at all. His heart was full.
“Roger, what’re you-”
“Can I talk to you? Outside?”
You nodded, not about to turn him down.
You passed Alexander to John before following Roger out of the studio.
You stopped just out front and watched as he dug into his pocket and pulled out his lighter and package of cigarettes, taking one out before offering the pack to you.
You shook your head. “I don’t do that anymore.”
He smiled, stuffing them back into his trousers and lighting the cig. He breathed in deeply before exhaling, the white smoke falling from his lips. “I shouldn’t.”
“I know. I’ve told you,”
You had a strange sense of Deja Vu as you watched Roger smile, pressing the cigarette to his lips.
You shivered, crossing your arms, goosebumps crawling up them.
“Here,” Roger shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders.
Accepting the offer, you slid your arms in the sleeves and pulled it tight. It was surprisingly warm and smelled like his cologne.
He reached over and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers.
You looked over at him as he took another drag from the cigarette.
Suddenly frustrated, you plucked it from his fingers and extinguished it with the heel of your boot. 
He turned to you, surprised, sunglasses covering his eyes. You reached up and pulled them off, revealing his tired blue eyes to you.
You sighed, reaching up and running your fingers through his soft hair. “What are you doing, Roger?”
“Trying to work up the guts to tell you I love you.”
You were shocked, hand stilling at the back of his neck. “You- you do?”
He smiled. “I think I always have. Just never realized it until now.”
You laughed, tears coming to your eyes. “I don’t know what to say,”
“How about that you love me too?” Roger replied, his own eyes watering.
“I love you. Rog, I’ve loved you for years.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, a soft laugh passing his lips. “Well, that’s a relief. If only that was it. If only we were ten years younger and I was gonna take you back to my hotel room and show you exactly how much I love you.”
You laughed. “Sorry, Rockstar,” - you placed the sunglasses back on his head - “but you’ve got a kid I adore to take care of and a nasty wife to divorce.”
“Ah, well, right now, all I wanna do is kiss you like I’m twenty-five.”
He leaned closer to you, nose bumping with his. His breath smelled like tobacco, but it was the furthest thing from your mind.
“And perhaps I’ll let you,”
This was all he needed before advancing the last few inches and pressing his lips to yours.
It was different than how you had kissed in the past. This was new. It was full of love and longing. It made your heart ache with happiness as you clung to him.
Roger sighed into the kiss, absolutely blissful. You tasted sweet, just like he remembered. His hands slid up your back, the leather of his jacket cold against his fingers.
“Mommy! Daddy!”
It almost pained Roger to pull away from you.
You grinned, turning around to see Alexander running out of the door towards you. John was standing in the doorway, mouthing an apology as Brian and Freddie peaked over his shoulder.
You bent down, brought the little boy into your arms, and stood back up to look at Roger.
He couldn’t help but smile as his two favorite people beamed at him.
Roger ruffled Alexander’s hair, making him giggle.
Freddie grinned from behind John. “What a perfect family.”
Brian shook his head with a small laugh. “It’s not over yet.”
“Far from it,” John added.
Freddie waved their comments off. “Well, right now, I think they look pretty happy. In fact, Brian, would you do the honors?”
Brian brought his camera to his eye and snapped a photo. 
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gohnnyjuitar · 5 years ago
no tomorrow
Sometimes- when those old world blues get a little too heavy- it’s nice to unload onto someone you’re learning to trust.
Deacon / OC (Anthony Rosario)
Anthony had this piece of paper, this picture, that he'd untuck from his jacket pocket when he thought Deacon wasn't looking. He'd seen the vault dweller glance over it many times since they'd started traveling together, an uncharacteristic frown pulling at his lips and making him look older than he ought to. Deacon never pried, though. Sure, intel was his game, but some things just needed to be left up to his partner to disclose.
One evening, their travels cut short by an approaching rad storm, they ducked into a nearby building- some old clothing store, Anthony had idly commented- and hunkered down for the night.
Deacon filled the comfortable silence with idle chatter, spinning tales as he started a small fire that, normally, would have his partner in crime stifling laughter and rolling his eyes. When Anthony remained silent, Deacon glanced up through his shades. A brow arched when he saw the paper he was holding, green eyes wistful. He didn't ask, didn't have to. Anthony cleared his throat softly and looked across to Deacon.
"Her name was Patricia. Pretty blonde, hazel eyes. Sweetest, most stubborn woman I've ever met," he chuckled, then, "Patty, she was... Something else."
Deacon watched on curiously as Anthony folded up the photo and returned it to his pocket. He leaned forward, eyes downcast behind the flames that danced in the frames of his glasses.
"Met her during college, she was working on a degree for journalism and I was some dumb kid there on a sports scholarship. We were both at a party, my friend kept hitting on her and when she turned around to finally punch him, he'd ducked and she decked me right in the mouth," The laughter in his eyes was somber and it twisted at Deacon's heartstrings. "I had a busted lip and a nasty bruise for days. Must've been pretty charming, though, 'cause she wrote her number on my hand."
Deacon's legs moved as if by their own accord, plopping himself down next to the other man. A small smile was his reward and their knees bumped as if to prompt him into continuing.
"We dated through college, met each other's parents; the whole nine yards. She was real big on charity work, always fun to go out and watch her run things. She rang me after each of my routines during the games, too, and always told me how proud she was of me. I wanted- I was going to marry her. I had the ring and I- The bombs fell and I,' His voice trailed, catching. His frown deepened at the small flames before he continued with a shuddering breath, "I didn't even fucking hesitate. I booked it to the Vault, didn't even try to reach out to her or anyone. I'd signed us both up and I just- I left her."
Light flickered off the steady stream of tear tracks down Anthony's cheeks and Deacon furrowed his brows, equal parts concerned and surprised as he watched the other remove his glasses to rub at his eyes. He hesitated a moment, unsure, before resting a hand on the other's back, rubbing over the worn leather as he choked back a sob.
"Y'know what I think, boss? Bet she'd still be proud of you. Hear me out; you bend over backwards to help out strangers in need. Literally, physically bend over. I've seen it." A weak chuckle answered, and Deacon pressed on, "What you did, it was all fight or flight mode and it's done. Can't change that. I don't think she'd blame you."
When Deacon felt weight on his shoulder and the soft tickle of hair on his cheek, he tensed, only to force himself into relaxing for his partner's sake.
"I- Thanks, Deacon."
"Sure thing, pal. Now I can't wait to get back and tell Drummer Boy you got wailed on by a girl half your size."
Anthony didn't bother stifling his laughter at the offended look he received after swatting at the other man's arm.
20 notes · View notes
Strawberry Kisses: The Night Before
Marcy’s roommate, who is dating Sungjin, takes her to a get together with Day6. There, she’s informed that someone in the group likes her, but she couldn’t depict who.
A/N: I could write this forever, I love Marcy and the boys. I’m in the process of making Part 3 (currently unnamed), but will not be posted as quickly as Part 1 and 2 (but it’s my goal). Also, low-key had my own housemate be the inspiration for Marcy’s roommate (because she’s a trip and I adore her).
Warnings/Themes: This is more plot and fluff than smut, but does have some spice. Heavy petting, dry humping, some dirty talk, praise, marking (overall pretty light compared to the last chapter)
Word Count: 5.1k 
I have nothing to be worried about. My best friend, Seo Yeon, or So-Yo, is taking me to a party at her boy-toy’s place. She’s been seeing this guy who’s a leader of a Korean rock band that is currently stationed in the states, don’t ask me how, she can’t even explain. I met this guy a couple times, as well as his bandmates and they’re pretty great. Their music is phenomenal and their personalities are outrageously fun. Her boyfriend, Sungjin, may be goofy, but he has a good head on his shoulders and is gradually making So-Yo a better person. Not saying she was a bad person, but she’s becoming a happier and healthier version of herself. Overall, he’s someone she needed and I cannot be more grateful for her relationship with him.
The others, on the other hand are all eligible bachelors and So-Yo wants to set me up with one of them so bad. Sungjin wants to stay out of it, but that’s because he knows something, but won’t tell me what it is. So-Yo thinks it’s because some of the members might like me more than they lead on.
Like I said, I only met the whole group a couple of times and I treasure every single one, so if the choice was mine, I don’t know who I would pick. They all gave me their numbers, but the other guitarist, Jae, texts me the most, but it’s mostly exchanging memes. The bassist, Brian or Younghyun, who has the stage name Young K, but no one calls him that, is by far the prettiest boy, and he is quite the gentleman to me, but he’s still kind of shy. The keyboardist, Wonpil, is an absolute sweetheart and always finds a way to make me smile, but at first, he was too timid to even look at me without blushing. Lastly, the drummer, Dowoon, still struggles with his English, but the last time I saw him, I helped him out a bit and he’s such a goof ball it was hard to concentrate.
Tonight, could make things different. So-Yo encouraged me to bring my swimsuit, in case we want to take a dip in the pool at their place. I chose to wear something slightly out of my comfort zone: a black lacey romper that could easily pass as lingerie. Instead of my usual jeans and a t-shirt. I didn’t intend on wearing something different, but So-Yo encouraged me to show some of my wild side that we missed so much.
I keep bugging So-Yo to tell me who likes me, the curiosity is giving me nostalgia to high school. She won’t tell me, because she doesn’t know for sure, but she knows Sungjin does. I ask her to butter him up so he could tell her, but sadly he’s not that dumb to fall for that.
We head over to their place. I’m extra nervous to go, not only because I’m wearing something different, but one or more of the four bandmates likes me. Holy shit, what if all of them like me? I’d like to think I’m a delight, but it would make sense on some of them. Wonpil is a blushing/smiling buffoon, Dowoon is super silly shy boy, Brian is a suave mysterious man and Jae is a humorous dork. I pull out my compact mirror to check out my makeup. I went with a nearly bare face, due to us probably going swimming. Of course, I put on waterproof mascara, but I still wanted to look a bit “natural”.
“You look fine”, So-Yo compliments me as we walk down the hallway to their front door.
“Fine might not do it. I’m solving the mystery on who likes me, if any, till it kills me”, I groan. I stuff my compact in my little backpack, between my extra pair of panties and my swimsuit.
“I mean, they all like you, Marcy, but if any of them like you? I already told you, I don’t know, but I have a strong guess who does”, she shrugs.
“Who?”, I whisper.
“I can’t confirm anything, it won’t be fair to the guy. I could be wrong”, she slaps my arm.
“But tell me who you think?”, I beg. So-Yo knocks on the door.
“I’m not telling you shit, because I love you and I love these boys. Would I love for you and one of my boys to be together? Hell yes, but I can’t tell you who to choose”, she whispers. Tell me who to choose? So, does everyone like me then? Sungjin answers the door and welcomes us with big warm hugs. He’s definitely a teddy bear. I hear Jae in the kitchen shout for us. We all head to the kitchen, where we’re summoned, and see all of the guys leaning against the counters/appliances. They obviously had some drinks before we got there.
“We’re starting with some shots. We all need some time to chillax”, Jae welcomes us with some shots of clear liquid, probably vodka.
“Shots? Oh shit, you guys haven’t seen Wild CC yet”, So-Yo laughs before accepting the shot. The boys are intrigued.
“There’s a Wild CC?”, Brian chuckles before sipping out of his red solo cup. So-Yo nudges my arm.
“It’s been a long time since she’s seen Wild CC, but I still got it in me”, I bashfully accept the shot glass.
“Do you?”, she squints her eyes at me. Jae gasps. I scrunch my nose, pouting and take the shot like a champ. The shot was definitely not vodka. If there is one thing So-Yo and I bond over, it’s bets. The boys cheer for me as Jae pours me another one.
“Get it, C!”, Dowoon cheers. He calls me C, because it was difficult for him to say my name, so he gave me the nickname “C”. Jae tends to call me Mars, Brian calls me Marcy or my full name, Marcella, while Wonpil and Sungjin also call me Marcy.
“Did you eat before coming?”, Sungjin asks, being the dad of the group. So-Yo whispers to him. He exits the room, slightly worried.
“He’s going to order some food. Go meet your bachelors”, she whispers to me before taking her shot and following Sungjin, taking our bags with her. Now, I’m left alone with four beautiful Korean men.
“Am I going to take shots alone?”, I incite a group shot. The boys lift up their shots.
“May friendships never die, work hard play hard, hugs not drugs”, I toast before tapping my shot to the counter and shooting it back. They all laugh from my toast. At least I get them to laugh. The shots are getting tougher to take, but dammit, this is helping my nerves.
“Another”, I tap my glass to the counter, asking for a refill.
“One more, then you’re taking a break”, Brian puts his hand on my back, concern in his voice. I inhale sharply. He’s hugged me before, but his hand is touching my exposed back, his fingertips burning against my skin.
“Of course”, I smile at him. We all prep for another shot.
“May the memes be dank, music be fresh, and sex be mind blowing”, I pull straight out of my ass, avoiding eye contact with all of the boys. They are taken by surprise over the sex portion of my toast. I take my shot and look at them. I shrug my shoulders and they take their shots. So-Yo comes back to the kitchen.
“Holy shit, how many did you guys take?”, she questions.
“I’m on my third”, I give her the sign for three, so far not feeling any effect.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, but let’s sit down before it hits you all at once”, she gestures for me to exit the kitchen. I follow her out of the kitchen and straight to the living room.
“So, I got some tea from Sungjin”, she whispers. Shit, so that’s why she pulled me out of the kitchen!
“Like what?”, I silently squeal.
“So, they all really dig you, don’t worry about that, but he definitely knows of two of them who were bickering earlier about which one you like more”, she confesses.
“Which one I like more?”, I point to myself. She nods and sits me down on the couch.
“I don’t even know which one I like more”, I mumble to myself.
“Come on, there has to be one of them you like more”, she scoffs at me.
“Sort out the pros and cons and I’ll go grab us some snacks”, she blows me a kiss before heading back to the kitchen. I hear her chat with the boys in Korean. That sneaky bitch, I love her. Pros and cons for the boys? Well Younghyun/Brian is stunning, always finds the right things to say, and looks out for me, just like a minute ago. Cons? He can be pretty uptight, can’t read his face, and is almost too pretty to be single, if that is a con. Jae is funny, extra, adorable, and is always down for something stupid. Cons, he might be a little too extra, a little too loud, and I have yet to see his serious side more than once. Wonpil is a sweetheart, looks good in any outfit, and is lowkey teaching me piano. Cons, he is still too shy around me. Dowoon is goofy, has the best facial expressions, always finds a way to make me smile. Cons, is still too shy around me, similar to Wonpil, and his English is very beginner so it would be difficult to communicate with him at first.
I hear my name within their conversation in the kitchen. I peak my head in.
“Talking shit?”, I spook So-Yo.
“No, I was just telling them about your progress in grad school”, she pulls out of her ass. They all give me a round of applause. I squint my eyes at her. She gives me a little wink.
“Bullshit she told you, but thank you guys”, I thank them while I do a botched curtsy.
“To break the ice and to get to know each other. Let’s play a game of truth or lie”, So-Yo changes directions, showing her inner camp counselor.
“It’s where someone in the room says something about themselves or something that has happened, could be true or made up, hence the name. The rest of the group has to guess if it’s true or a lie. If everyone gets the answer right, the person telling the truth or lie has to drink. If the group splits answers, whoever is wrong drinks. It’s simple”, So-Yo explains the game then translates in Korean. They all seem pretty excited to play. We all crowd the counter to make ourselves some mixed drinks to use for the game. We all stand in a circle in the kitchen with our drinks. I wanted to stand next to So-Yo and Sungjin, but she low-key puts me in between Jae and Brian while she stands on the other side of the circle. They are both so fucking tall compared to me, I’m feeling intimidated.
“Since I suggested the game, I’ll go first. Marcy is the first friend I made in the US. Truth or lie”, So-Yo starts off the game. Nearly everyone says truth, except for me and Jae. It was a lie, I was the second friend she made in the US, but our friendship is the longest. The losers take a swig of their drinks. We go along a circle for more truth or lie.
“The longest sleep I ever had was fifteen hours. Truth or lie”, Sungjin contemplates. We all say lie, which was correct. He laughs and says he never counted the longest sleep he ever had and takes a big gulp of his drink.
I keep my eyes on So-Yo to avoid looking at the boys. Brian nudges my arm.
“Are you ok?”, he worries. My grip on the cup tightens. I nod. He puts his hand on my back again, this time his fingertips feel like ice against skin.
“Don’t tense up, we’re all friends here”, he mouths. I hold the cup up to my face to hide my blushing cheeks. He flashes a smile at me.
“You’re cute when you’re shy”, he whispers before putting his hand in his pocket. Say what? Did I hear him correctly! It gets to my turn and so far I learned that Wonpil can’t lie to save his life, reminds me of myself, while Brian can lie through his teeth, proving my theory of him being mysterious.
“Marcy, truth or lie”, So-Yo purses her lips. All eyes are on me.
“What could I say?”, I try to gain inspiration.
“Be bold! Bet you won’t say something crazy”, So-Yo raises an eyebrow. Bitch knows how to get me. Everyone ooo’s at me, acknowledging the challenge.
“Fine, I’ll go bold”, I mumble.
“I play your songs as background noise while I masturbate. Truth or lie”, I shrug. So-Yo falls to her knees laughing. That bitch knows it’s true. There are mixed reactions around the room. Wonpil is blushing more than me, nearly turning as red as our cups. Dowoon didn’t understand the question so Jae explained it to him in Korean, resulting in him taking a huge gulp of his drink. Brian taps his leg nervously. Jae squints at me, trying to see through my poker face. Jokes on him, I can’t lie to save my life and today they’re going to learn that. Sungjin just does his iconic “what the fuck did I just hear” look at So-Yo, who is still on the floor laughing, this time nearly crying.
“Is it the truth or is it a lie?”, I ask the room.
“Which songs?”, Jae incites more information.
“Which songs I play? Well, Shoot Me, Time of Our Life, Dance Dance, I Wait, How Can I Say, Chocolate, I can say more if you want”, I list.
“Oh, it’s definitely a lie, you can’t masturbate to those songs”, Jae shakes his head.
“I didn’t say I masturbate to those songs, I play those songs in the background”, I explain.
“Dowoon?”, I ask for his answer.
“Truth”, he hesitates.
“I’m saving you for last, everyone is just going to copy you”, I point to So-Yo.
“Sungjin?”, I gesture to the sweet teddy bear who desperately wants to give me the disappointed dad face.
“Lie”, he shakes his head, sipping his drink.
“Lie”, Wonpil avoids eye contact with me. That poor boy must be dying of embarrassment. I guess he doesn’t want to accept that I listen to his singing while I pleasure myself. Oh well.
“Brian?”, I twiddle my thumbs.
“Lie”, he smirks at me. Sucker.
“So-Yo, what is it, truth or lie?”, I point to my best girl.
“It’s the fucking truth! Drink up!”, So-Yo cheers. Everyone exclaims their non-belief.
“She’s my roommate, you don’t think I won’t notice that shit? Let’s just say, she’s not quiet”, she teases before sipping her drink. I gasp. Jae and Brian look at me, wondering what I’m going to say next. 
Realizing I completely embarrassed myself, I scurry out of the room. I should just go. I lost my chance, I should’ve just stayed home. I fight the urge to cry as I run to the bathroom. My hands grip onto the sink, having water run to fade out the noises of me almost crying. The more I think about it, the worse it gets. I didn’t realize how tipsy I am till I look at my hands and notice how much I’m swaying. I should just go home and sleep, forget this night happened.
I hear a knock on the door. I fan myself to dry any tears.
“Yes?”, I ask, hoping my voice didn’t crack. The door creaks open.
“Marcy. It’s just me”, Brian whispers. I turn my back to him.
“I could be peeing, what the fuck”, I laugh, wiping tears off my cheek. Brian closes the door behind him.
“I learned that you can’t lie. Also, you would’ve actually yelled at me if you were”, he laughs before hugging me from behind. His arms wrapped around me makes me feel so secure and safe.
“Talk to me”, Brian whispers, putting his head on my shoulder.
“Did I fuck myself up by telling you guys about the thing?”, I hesitate.
“Don’t overthink it. It’s flattering, actually”, he chuckles. Thinking of him taking this as a compliment makes me giggle. Of course, out of all people, confident Brian would take this differently. Or he’s just saying this to make me smile.
“Let’s go swimming. We all need to cool off”, he squeezes me tighter. I grab his forearm and rub my thumb against his skin.
“Thank you”, I whisper. His heartbeat pounds against my back.
“We’re all friends here”, he mumbles. He kisses my head and storms out of the bathroom. First, he puts his hand on my back, calls me cute, comforts me in the bathroom, and now he kisses my head! I may be a dumb bitch, but I’m not that dumb.
Where did So-Yo put my bag? I peak my head out of the door, hoping to see it close by. I notice Sungjin and So-Yo sitting in the couch, giving each other googly eyes, already dressed in their swimsuits. Gross, but I love them so much. I find my bag by the corner of the hallway where the bathroom is. I manage to snag it without being noticed.
I change into my swimsuit, feeling more vulnerable. Stepping out of the bathroom, I’m welcomed by So-Yo.
“I got more tea”, she whispers. I’m all here for the tea!
“I know the two who were bickering”, she recalls the conversation from earlier.
“One of them has to be Brian, we just had a moment in the bathroom”, I gesture a hug.
“Oh”, So-Yo eyes widen. Oh?! Is one of them not Brian?!
“Do you like Brian?”, she mouths. I blush.
“Maybe I do?”, I shrug.
“That’s a yes”, she smiles at me.
“Why, who’s the other person?”, I slightly panic.
“You really haven’t noticed the way Jae looks at you?”, she expresses her shook face. I grab the door frame beside me.
“What?!”, I exclaim. 
Sungjin walks in and gathers us to join the rest of the group at the front door. Brian raises his eyebrows, seeing me in my bikini for the first time. Wonpil’s eyes widen. Jae does a little shuffle in place, trying not to look at me. Looking at these boys in their swim shorts makes me want to audibly whine “why the fuck are you all so pretty?!”. Why the fuck do they all look so good? To stop myself from staring, I keep my eyes on So-Yo. Sungjin hands So-Yo and I some towels and leads all of us to the pool on the roof. I leave my phone to charge, also to not get it wet.
It’s Jae and Brian that like me? No fucking way. Brian is at least flirty, Jae hasn’t shown any sign of him liking me. Oh shit. I forgot about the late night texting of random shit, shower thoughts type of dumb topics. I am truly a dumb bitch.
We get to the pool and it’s deserted. Jae swoops me in his arms and carries me to the edge of the pool.
“Jae!”, I squeal, terrified of him dropping me.
“I’m not going to drop you”, he cackles.
“Good”, I huff.
“I’m taking both of us in”, he shouts before jumping into the pool. I splash at him when we get to the surface. Everyone joins in on their own. Brian giving an expressionless face. Oh no, does he think I like Jae? Wait, do I like Jae? I swim to So-Yo. I try to be quiet enough for Sungjin to not notice.
“What do you mean by the way he looks at me?”, I whisper.
“He looks at you like you two are in a fucking Disney film”, she scoffs.
“Do you like him?”, she continues.
“I don’t know” I mumble.
“You’re still wondering who likes you?”, Sungjin chuckles. I shush him, trying to not catch the others attention.
“She knows it’s Brian and Jae. She can’t pick which one she likes”, So-Yo informs him. He gives me his “I really want to give you advice” look.
“It’s ok if you don’t know right away. When you know, you just have to talk to them”, he shrugs. I groan.
“That’s the hard part”, I mouth.
“Take each of them out on a date. See who you like more”, she suggests. This is getting overwhelming.
“A date?”, I exhale. I hear Brian call for me from a distance. So-Yo nods at me while I swim to the direction of his voice. Brian is sitting at the shallow end with the rest of the guys.
“We want to get to know you some more”, Jae grins at me. Oh Lord, they know I masturbate with their songs playing in the background and they still want to know me? Fuck. Maybe I am a delight.
“What do you want to know?”, I nervously rub my hands together.
“What was the weirdest nickname you ever had?”, Jae takes over with the questions.
“Weirdest nickname. I don’t know what would be considered weird”, I wonder.
“Tell them about Strawberry!”, So-Yo shouts, slowly swimming her way to us.
“Strawberry?”, Wonpil asks.
“Oh, goodness”, I laugh, hiding my face.
“Tell us about Strawberry”, Brian looks at me, eager to know.
“So, when I was really little, I really liked this boy. Probably my first crush. One day, he confronted me about my crush because his friends were teasing him about it. I was blushing so hard that my face was all pink, and back then, my freckles were more noticeable, so the boy told me I looked like a strawberry. Some kids overheard and proceeded to call me Strawberry. The name stuck all throughout my school years, it fucking sucked but looking back at it now, it’s cute. I don’t mind it anymore”, I share. Everyone was all awing my story.
Sungjin runs out of the pool and rushes downstairs. So-Yo reminded him about our food, that’s why. He gets back to the roof and tells us food is ready. We all groan about leaving the pool so early, but there’s food, we can’t complain too much.
We go back to the apartment and stuff our faces with food, sobering up pretty quickly. We exchange some stories, some laughs. So-Yo turns on a movie to keep us occupied till we get tired. 
Sungjin was nice enough to tell us we’re staying the night, there was no way we were going to go back home in our condition. Brian offers his bed for me, saying he’ll take the couch. What a gentleman.
After the movie, it’s time for all of us to go get some sleep. Dowoon stays up to play some video games. Wonpil gives me a hug goodnight, which is shocking, and heads to his room. Sungjin and So-Yo head to his room, waving good-bye, while So-Yo gives me a wink. Jae hands me my phone that I nearly forgot about, for once.
“Night, Strawberry”, he sticks out his tongue. I pretend to hit him with my phone. He dramatically flails in pain as he goes to his room. Then there’s just Brian and I. He escorts me to his room. He digs around his closet and tosses me a t-shirt.
“It’s good to sleep comfortably”, he smiles. I look at the shirt, loving the material. It’s a simple white tee but the material is soft and smells beautiful. I grab my bag and pull out my extra panties so I won’t have to wear dirty underwear to bed. Brian notices the panties and blushes. I don’t recall him ever being flustered.
“Thank you so much for tonight. We should do this more often”, I sigh.
“We should. Sweet dreams, Marcy”, he bows his head and leaves his room, giving me privacy to change. I strip out of my swimsuit and into this heavenly shirt and clean panties. Fuck, I love this shirt. I take a whiff of the scent and holy shit I’m swooning. It smells like his cologne, but also smells clean, basically smells like boy.
I crawl into bed, absorbing myself in his soft sheets. I imagine him sleeping in this bed and it brings butterflies to my stomach. I hear a knock on the door.
“It’s your girl”, So-Yo whispers before opening the door. I wrap myself like a burrito.
“You’re loving his bed without him in it? That’s sad”, she cackles. I shush her to keep quiet.
“I can call him in, he’ll be happy to be here seeing you be a caterpillar”, she giggles.
“Do it, you won’t”, I groan at her before I spread out the blanket. I turn off the light so I can actually sleep. So-Yo didn’t close the door, that monster. Whatever, I’ll sleep through it. I roll around to find the best position to sleep.
There’s another knock on my door. I grunt to show a lack of interest in talking. I didn’t hear anything afterwards, it must’ve been my imagination. I feel a dip in the mattress.
“It’s just me”, Brian whispers, scaring the shit out of me. I flip over and see him perfectly from the moonlight glistening him.
“Holy shit, she did call you in”, I mumble. He chuckles under his breath.
“May I?”, he lightly tugs on the blanket. Don’t have to ask me twice! I flip open the blanket for him to crawl inside.
“Can we snuggle? You can say no”, I test the waters.
“You don’t have to ask”, he cackles before taking me in his arms. Fuck, I really needed this. In this snuggle party: I’m on my side, facing him, while he lays on his back, one arm supporting my head and the other is wrapped around my waist. Out of impulse, I put my leg against his, almost putting it between them. My silky smooth leg low-key rubs against his leg hair. Wait, is he wearing just his underwear? Dare I check?
“Are you just wearing your underwear?”, I mumble.
“Shorts”, he whispers.
“Are you wearing just your underwear?”, he turns the direction to me. His heart is nearly pounding out of his chest. It’s interesting that he gives off his confident exterior, but his heartbeat says otherwise.
“We’re not talking about me here”, I tease. He combs his fingers through my hair.
“Thank you for being comfortable with me”, he whispers. His voice is different. Not the cute, handsome voice that I’m used to. This voice is deeper, solem almost. My hands were wrapped around myself to be a little mummy, but I slowly unraveled to place one hand on his chest and the other rubbing my knuckles on his cheek. How am I nervous around you, but am still so comfortable? I can still see him perfectly from the illumination of the moonlight. He’s even more handsome than I could imagine.
“Brian”, I hesitate. He turns his head and gives me a peck on the lips. I lay there speechless over him taking the plunge that I was going to do.
“You do look like a strawberry when you blush like that”, he scrunches his face. I grab his face and kiss him back. He pulls me by the waist to get on top of him. I sit on his lap, loving the loose clothing keeping us from touching skin to skin. I continue kissing him, slowly rolling my hips. He grabs my hips and guides me to a perfect rhythm. His dick gets hard in seconds, teasing me from how close it is to me.
“Oh, fuck”, he moans.
“You feel so good”, he whispers.
“Do I?”, I tease. I put my hand under my crotch to palm him through his shorts. His moans turn into a raspy growl. He flips me over so that I’m on my back, having him hover above me. His hand goes straight to my folds, his index finger doing a long strip along me. I groan from the contact. His mouth latches to my neck, ferociously kissing and sucking, as if he’s hungry for this. His heavy petting is making me weak. I continue to palm him, feeling his dick twitch from my contact.
“You’re already so wet for me. Fuck”, he moans against my skin.
“Brian, please”, I manage to speak.
“Tell me what you want, baby”, his voice deepens.
“I want you”, I whine. He bites down on my neck, definitely going to leave a visible mark that will be noticeable in the morning. He slams his clothed dick on me, rubbing himself against my wet panties.
“How do you want me?”, he continues. His pace quickens.
“I want you inside of me”, I moan in his ear. He groans and pulls himself away from me entirely, sitting beside me with his knees to his chest.
“No, not like this”, he brushes his hair back, wiping the sweat off his forehead. I sit up and nudge his arm.
“What’s wrong?”, I mumble, trying to keep my composure.
“You’re my friend. Friends don’t do this”, he pants.
“Brian”, I grab his hand.
“I just need some time. I know I like you, I like you so much, I just need some time to know if I want a relationship yet”, he confesses. I’m still compiling what the fuck just happened, but I’m flexible.
“I understand”, I smile. He’s very open with me about his past relationships, which I am very thankful for.
“If you don’t want to wait, I understand”, Brian starts to ramble. I never saw him like this, collapsing. He always looked to have his shit together, but seeing him this way, being human who can break, is cleansing. I squeeze his hand to get his attention.
“Let’s just get some sleep. We can talk about this later, alright?”, I suggest. He nods and lays back down.
“Would you still want to cuddle?”, he murmurs. I get all snuggly in his arms.
“You don’t have to ask”, quoting him from earlier.
“We have a small concert tomorrow night if you want to come. We snagged a ticket in case you weren’t busy”, he invites. I bury my face in his chest.
“I’d love to finally see you perform live”, I scrunch my face.
“Perfect”, he chuckles before getting into a deep sleep.
There’s no fucking way So-Yo is going to believe this shit. No, no, I shouldn’t tell her, not till him and I talk for real about what’s going to happen with us.
He looks like such an angel, doesn’t even snore. I hope we can move on from this, my feelings for him become even more clear, reflecting on how he was with me earlier tonight and just now. I wonder what he has in mind for our conversation.
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ohtheseboysilove · 6 years ago
The Devil with angelic eyes [Roger Taylor x F!Reader]
Words : 2, 200 K +
Warnings : mention of smut, language, age gape
Summary : Roger tell the band about a girl he shagged. Turned out he shouldn’t have.
Note : omg guys i don’t know what happened with this request but it is way more different that what I planned to do at the beginning....anyway I love this request and there will be obviously a second part to respect the request! I hope you all enjoy this one, it doesn’t make any sense but it was supert funny to write !
Please tell me what you think my loves xx
🌼Request are open🌼☀ Masterlist ☀
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“Dear god, Roger, you look terrible” Freddie commented as his friend passed the door of the studio, looking like hell.
The blond grunted annoyingly and poured himself a hot cup of dark coffee, ignoring his bandmates.
“Who keep you awake all night this time ? Shelly ? Or was it Lola ?” John pipped in, seating criss-cross on the sofa, a mocking smile on his face. “Must be exhausting to have so many girlfriends”
“And only one cock” Added Fred with pout. “I read an article about a man having two cocks, lucky bastard”
Brian looked at the singer horrified and shook his head.
“Freddie, it not possible. Even, if he do have two penis, there no chance he can use them both” His scientific side couldn’t stay quiet hearing this absurdity. “It’s useless like people who are born with six fingers”
“I would make good use of an extra finger, trust me” Freddie chirped and threw a smile to Deaky, the only one to laugh at his joke. Brian closed his eyes with a grimace and busied himself with his cup of tea. “But that wasn’t the conversation, Roger, darling, who is this little creature who don’t let you sleep at night ?”
“Don’t want to talk about her” Roger spat and fell in the chair, massaging his temples. “She is the fucking devil”
“You said the magic word, I need more details now !” Freddie brought his chair closer and looked expectingly at his friend. “Does this delicious woman have a name ?”
“Honey” The blond replied, chewing his bottom lip at the thought of the delicious girl.
“Honey ? That can’t be her real name !” Brian gasped. “Which parents would call–“
“I know very well it’s not her name, twat” Roger bit back, annoyed by Brian’s useless comment. “But I don’t give a damn about that, honey is more than fine with me”
“She sound like a little cock teaser. I have this feeling. Am I wrong ?” Freddie asked with an arched eyebrow. His curious smile turned into a smirk as Roger blushed, clearly a bit upset. “Oh she is, she totally is ! I like her even more !” He clapped his hands happily and the blond rolled his eyes.
“She is the worst okay ? Never a girl make me crawl so hard to have her” The drummer confessed, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
“Roger Meddows Taylor, crawling for a girl ? Unbelievable” John snickered and earned a death glare from his friend. “Well, did she was worth it at least ? You looked pretty exhausted, must be a good night”
The blond pinched his lips into a line, irritation bubbling in his blood.
“I still didn’t fuck her” He confessed, cheeks red with frustration.
“Seriously ? But you met her last month ? And you seeing her almost every night !” Brian asked with furrowed eyebrows, rather surprise of the grip the woman had on his friend.
“I fucking know that ! It had been six weeks and she did nothing else but tease me ! Sucking my cock then stop right before I cum ! She is...I can’t explain, she is so hot, everything about her is fucking erotic, I want to fuck her so badly, it’s painful” Roger whined, head dropped on the back of the chair, sharing his desperation with his bandmates.
“Hell, even me I want to shag her” Freddie said, lighting a cigarette, pressing Roger to continue to speak about this girl. “Tell us more, what she looks like ? What she do to make you so crazy for six fucking weeks ?”
Brian and John, both were married but couldn’t say no to hear about the beautiful girl torturing the infernal blond.
“She got the dirtiest mouth I ever heard, I swear everything she said is filthy, making me hard every fucking time she whispered in my ear. And she do the best deep-throat blowjob, without any gagging. Must be fucking experienced because she clearly know how to use her tongue around me” Freddie hummed appreciatively and John and Brian’s cheeks were slightly flushed, eager to know more about this – apparently – perfect woman. “Fucking beautiful tits too, she got a piercing on her right nipple and it’s bloody hot, always poking under her top, naughty girl never wear a single bra in her life I’m sure” He stole Freddie’s cigarette and took a deep puff, smirking at his friends, very attentive to each of his word. “Well, well, well, no smartass comment to make Brian ? John ? Look at these flushed faces”
“Oh come on, we are married, fantasy is all we got now” Brian grunted and rolled his eyes. “Help a friend in distress with his wife” Freddie giggled loudly.
“I’m perfectly happy in my marriage” John shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh yeah ? So you don’t want to hear about Honey’s pretty little cunt ?” Roger teased, tilting his head on the side to see his friend swallowed with difficulty. He stayed silent and motioned him to continue. “That what I thought too. So the sweet honey got an ever sweeter pussy, pink and a delicious juice. And fuck, she do the more erotic little moans, very vocal and not shy at all” He sighed loudly, chewing the inside of his cheek at the memories of the girl kneeling in front of him, does-eyes but with a devilish smile.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Roger, did you found the goddess of sex or what ? Never heard you praised a girl that much. Without even fucking her yet !” The singer smirk rather impressed, this girl was certainly something, turning Roger into lost puppy wasn’t an easy task.
“Aphrodite” The guitarist said with sweaty hands. Freddie glanced at him, wondering what this was about. “The Greek goddess of sex and beauty is Aphrodite”
“You also have Hedone, goddess of the pleasure, seems to match too” John added with an amused smile.
“Roger, you have to shag this girl” Freddie said in a serious tone and the two other nodded.
“I will, don’t worry” He smirked with confidence.
“By the way, how old she is ? Must be younger to be so wild” Deaky wondered as he gave to all his bandmates a paper with lyrics for a new song he wrote.
Roger cleared his voice, embarrassment flushing his face. “twenty-one” He replied and immediately a stream of disgusting noises followed.
“For god’ sake Rog ! You’re forty-two years old !” Brian scoffed with a grimace. “You’re a pig”
“She could be your daughter” John commented, his lips pinched in a thin line.
“Well she is fucking not ! And you weren’t complaining five minutes ago” Roger grunted as he crossed his arms, vexed. “She’s hot okay ? And she’s the one who start hitting on me, she can be very persuasive, trust me”
“Age is just a number my darlings, let Roger have his fun, just don’t knocked her up, you would ruin her young life” Freddie relaxed the atmosphere, even more amused by the scandalously young age of the girl. “Let’s go to work now, we already way behind schedule boys.
Two weeks later, Roger bursted into the studio, wearing a giant smirk.
“I did it ! I fucking did it ! I finally shag honey and she bloody squirted !” He yelled in a victorious tone, earning a round of applause from Freddie.
“Well done darling, but that not really the moment. Our darling Brian is having a bit of an existence crisis right now” Roger lose his smile and came to sit next to his best friend, furrowed his brows in worry.
“What’s going on ? Chrissie and the kids are okay ?”
“Yes” Brian mumbled. “Do you remember Maddy ? The groupie when we where still in Smile ?”
“The one who get an abortion ? ‘f course I remember her. She gave us a hell of fear” Roger chuckled bitterly.
“Well, guess what ? She never had the abortion, she kept the baby” The guitarist dropped the bomb as Roger’s eyes widened with shock. “She contacted me few days ago, claiming I have a twenties something daughter who want to meet her dad” He hid his head in his hands, sighing deeply.
“Are you sure it’s yours ?” John questioned. They were rich and famous, the best target for good money.
“We did a blood test and she wasn’t lying, I have a daughter that I never fucking met in my life. I just spoke to hear on the phone, she seems sweet, I invited her this afternoon, was too fucking afraid to meet her all by myself”
The boys spent the ten next minutes trying to cheer up Brian, it wasn’t his fault after all. And the girl wanted to meet him, she probably wasn’t too upset about the situation. Then Freddie’s voice echoed in the studio, making everyone eyes popped up from their heads.
“Roger, am I dreaming or you spent to much time handcuffed to the bed yesterday ?” The blond reddened furiously. “Look at these poor bruised wrists !” Freddie pushed his sleeves to expose the purple flesh of the drummer, giggling hysterically.
“Oh my– did she spank you too because you were a naughty boy ?” John snorted loudly as the blond bit his bottom lip, hiding back his wrists. “I’m sure she did. Hundred percent sure” He added more seriously then bursted in laugher with Roger’s silent agreement and death glare.
The three friends giggled like kids, almost peeing themselves at the flushing face of the blond. He shifted in his sit and involuntary grimaced at the soreness of his ass cheeks, making his bandmate cried, real tears rolling down their features.
“God, I need more details, please do darling” Freddie wiped his teary eyes, his chest still shaking with laugher slowly dying but he was practically panting.
“You said it wasn’t the moment with Brian” Roger hissed, sliding his sunglasses on his nose.
“I want to hear the story too, I need to clear my mind anyway” The guitarist smirked and every gazes fell on the blond, making him sighed.
“It was fucking good” Roger blurbed out, his tongue absent-mindedly licking his parted lips. “She is fucking wild I swear, she handcuffed me to the bed, I was bloody naked and she was wearing this tiny little red strappy bustier, barely covering anything, her breasts was outflanked, was a beautiful sight” The blond scratch his red neck. “She teased me for fucking ages, rubbing her soaked pussy against my face but I couldn’t even fucking taste” He groaned, annoyed at the memory.
“Why not ?” Freddie arched a brow then gasped excitedly. “ Oh! What did she use ? Bone gag ? Ball gag ?”
“Just a pair of panties” Roger replied, all of them looking at Fred like he was coming from another planet.
“Oh don’t be such bore darlings, bondages is fun, you should try. Especially you Brian” The curly brunette gasped a surprise me? “Yes, maybe Chrissie would like it” He winked and Brian swallowed nervously.
“Right, if you want to try Brian, I can ask Honey where she buy all of her stuffs, she has a box full of toys and some scary stuffs too. Was rather surprise, she can look so angelic when she want” He shook his head with a chuckle. “I also have a blindfold at the beginning but I didn’t like at all, so she nicely accepted to take it off”
“And she punished you for that ?” John pipped with a smirk.
“Hell yes. Nipple clamps with chains but I thought it was for her, was bloody excited but she put them on me, dear god, it’s painful ! But good too, they do the trick I guess”
Brian and Deaky grimaced at the thought of the pain but Freddie didn’t seemed too interested, shrugging simply.
“Are you sure you fucked her ? Because all of that sound more like she fucked you darling”
“I know ! She rode me first, bloody good pussy she got there, thigh and her moves...jesus the woman is insatiable, shoving my dick in her mouth like it was a fucking treat” Freddie hummed in amusement, his friend seemed like he had the time of his life last night. “We fucked literally all night, testing her weird accessories and food fantasies, pretty good actually. But when she finally let me lead, I wrecked her” Roger smirked with satisfaction. “Tugging on her hairs until her back arched completely, cuming on these perfect tits of her, she even let me take her by both of her hole and bloody hell, I wished I had another dick yesterday, could have been useful to satisfy this voracious little slut. She begged and cried until I completely ruined her” His was was drooling with pride.
“Okay too much details Roger” John grimaced with flushed pink, his fingers scratching his chin awkwardly. 
Roger and Freddie never had any problem to share the details of their sex life with everyone but Deaky wasn’t really like that. Brian was in the middle, depending of his mood, the girl he shagged and the situation.
“Coming from the man who wrote a bloody song about cuming too fast, it’s pretty funny” Roger immediately shot back, knowing that this argument always worked.
Deaky rolled his eyes and showed him his middle finger, bored that they still teased him about his song Misfire, years after he wrote it.
“Are you gonna see this girl again ?” Brian asked to close the argument between his two bandmates.
“Hell yes, she is probably the best lay I had in years, she definitively know what she does and she fucking flexible, that drive me crazy” The drummer bit his bottom lip, smirking as Brian scoffed, remembering him she was bloody young but if Roger was a bit awkward at first about her age, now that she saw what she was capable of doing, he didn’t care anymore.
Freddie was about to make a comment when a soft knock echoed in the room and Brian immediately stood up, knowing it was probably his unknown daughter. He exited the room and spoke with her for several minutes outside as Freddie, Roger and Deaky waited nervously, hoping everything was going fine for their friend.
The door opened again and a flushed and smiling Brian appeared, followed by a smallest person, hiding behind him.
“Guys, this is my daughter (Y/N). (Y/N), this is John, Freddie and Roger”
The girl was wearing a little white dress, her hairs sweetly put into two plates attached at the back of her head, letting the rest of her hairs falling loosely. She had big doe eyes, looking absolutely adorable. A perfect little angel.
The drummer stopped breathing as soon as his gaze fell on the girl, his face turning livid at the realisation. (Y/N) smiled timidly to everyone, tucking her hairs behind her ear but Roger didn’t miss the discrete wink she sent him.
Honey and (Y/N) May was the same person. She was Brian’s daughter. Roger fucked his daughter’s best friend and gave him all the bloody details. 
permanent tag list : @jennyggggrrr
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motleycrueroadie · 5 years ago
Along for the Ride (pt.5)
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Author’s Note: Thank you to anyone that is reading this! I apologize if the pace of this is slow, now that I have my character established I’ll be moving through the scenes. This is Mick’s audition and the next one will include meeting Vince and so on!
Previous Chapters: One I Two I Three I Four
Over the course of my life, I think it’s safe to say that I have become fairly acquainted to fresh starts.
Leaving Deanna 
Moving from one end of the West Coast to the other
Changing my name to Nikki Sixx ( leaving Frank Carlton Serafina Feranna Jr. behind)
And now, leaving London for another fresh start.
 In the time that I’ve been alive, I have learned the quick and harsh lesson that you are the only person you can count on, so whether I want to have 0 or 40 fresh starts, that’s up to me. I’m not saying these are always going to work out in my favour, or that I am always going to make the right decision - quite frankly I make stupid ass decisions mostly - but I am the only person that I can truly count on. 
Do I regret leaving London? No. Do I regret the way I left them? Absolutely fucking not. However, am I feeling a little pessimistic about this band, considering that it consists of a drummer I met at a diner and some guitar player he’s dragging along? You can bet your fucking ass I am. 
Sometimes a fresh start begins with a blind shot in the dark and that is what I was doing right now. Last Friday, I met Tommy in a diner and today, the following Sunday, I’m waiting to see whether this is beginning on a good or bad note. I mean, fuck, I haven’t even heard Tommy play, he could be dog shit for all I know, but I trusted him. The kid must know his way around a set of drums, the way he was spinning those stupid fucking sticks around his fingers. 
The funny thing about quitting a band is that you have a lot more free time on your hands. Since I didn’t really have much else to do during this week, I figured I could bug Janis, and she didn’t seem to mind. Our routine remained intact. When I got off work, I waited for her to be done with her run before coming over for dinner. One of the only things that changed was how much time I spent at her place. She started letting me come over while she was in the shower, after I complained that I had nothing to do while I waited. Of course, everything Janis allowed me to do came with a price she told me. Janis explained to me the other night that because she was no “Mother Teresa” as she put it, that I would need to start earning my keep if I was going to be eating her food. We both knew she was joking, but I couldn’t let her joking go without consequence. The shades of red she blushed when I offered to do some of her chores while she showered and got dinner ready were well worth the work I put in. Janis gave me a quite modest list: water the houseplants and vacuum any dirt off the carpet that I got on the floor while I watered them. The chore itself never took me more than 20 minutes, which left enough time for me to be nosy. Somehow, Janis managed to fill every square inch of the apartment with something, all without making the place seem cluttered. She had knick-knacks and photos lining the wall and she also had this large bookcase in her living room that held all sorts of things. The radio and a cassette collection occupied the first shelf, board games on the second and on the bottom were a couple thick photo books alongside her high school yearbooks. I knew Janis was a runner from past conversations, but I had no idea she was a state champion. In fact, Janis seemed to have been the whole package in her high school days. She was a state champion runner, graduated with honors according to her diploma and had great grades but yet I didn’t see a college degree on her wall. I hadn’t brought this up yet, but I want to ask her about these books soon - she doesn’t know I’ve been through them though so I figured it could wait. 
The clock on the stove reads 3:45 when I hear a lot of noise outside my apartment. Rolling my eyes I headed towards the door, only to open it to see Tommy and his buddy Greg carrying equipment up the stairs. 
“Didn’t I tell you guys to come here at 4?” Despite the fact that it’s often polite to be early, I had told these guys to show up no earlier than 4 for our first practice because I didn’t want to disturb Janis while she slept. 
“Dude, it’s going to take me a bit to set this shit up, if we want to get started at 4 I should’ve been here earlier” Tommy grunted back intermittently, while trying to help Greg carry an amp up the stairs.Either I hadn’t made myself clear on the phone or Tommy doesn’t listen. Tommy was doing more of the heavy lifting than Greg by the looks of it, which wasn’t a good sign to me. 
“You the minivan?” I asked him, my way of offering help. He nodded to me while steering towards the door. As I went down the stairs, I glanced back up at Janis’s apartment to see if the noise had woken her up. I know it’s only 15 minutes of sleep but 15 minutes is a pretty big deal. To my surprise, she was leaning against the railing on the balcony. 
“Think you could come down here and help us out Joplin?” I call out to her, squinting up against the sun to see her in her pajamas and fuzzed out hair. 
“You boys look like you’re doing just fine!” She said, motioning with her hand for me to continue what I was doing. I hadn’t noticed Tommy walking down the stairs until he was beside me. 
“Isn’t that the waitress from the diner?” He asked me as we continued down the stairs to the minivan. 
“You tell me.” I smirked at him, knowing full well he remembered who she was. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I turned around to find her still there.
“Can we postpone dinner until after practice?” I yell up to her. 
“Only if you play Barracuda as your last song.” She replied. I furrowed my brow, confused at the request.
“Why?” Tommy was the one to reply for me. 
“I like it.” She said, and I laughed at how matter of fact she stated this. “Plus it tells me when you’re done. Food will be hot half an hour after the opening chords.” Flashing a thumbs up back at her I turned around to continue what we were doing. 
“Do we get food too?” This came from Greg. 
“No.” I quickly replied, even though I knew Janis would feed them. I just didn’t want them there. 
We started practicing around half past 4, and finished at half past 8. In the four hours that we had spent in my apartment, I had shown Tommy and Greg a couple of songs and tried to get to know them. All I had learned was that Tommy and Greg were both in a band called “Suite 19” before this and that Greg couldn’t play the way I wanted him to. At 8:25, I had told them to start playing Barracuda because I was getting hungry and my patience was wearing thin. Heading up the stairs towards Janis’s apartment, I felt relieved to know I would be in her presence for the next little bit. Before rounding the corner I could hear Janis, not the girl that lived above me, but Janis Joplin singing Me and My Bobby McGee. Pushing open the door, I reached up to catch the bell before it could ring so as to not alert Janis that I was in the apartment. She was standing at the stove, swaying back and forth while lightly singing along to the song - just faint enough that you almost couldn’t hear her if you weren’t paying attention. Leaning against the door, I tried to keep as quiet as possible just to watch her. Suddenly, she stopped swaying and I thought my cover had been blown. 
“It’s been 30 minutes, I wonder what he’s up to?” She was thinking out loud. 
“He’s waiting to see if you notice that he’s in the apartment.” She whipped around, visibly surprised. 
“Sixx!” she practically yelled, clutching a hand to her chest. I could only laugh, and the stunned look she held on her face quickly faded into a laugh. That was one of the things that I enjoyed most about Janis’s company, she was never one to dwell when she was in a bad mood. She ebbed and flowed with the mood of the conversation. “I’m surprised you could be that silent, considering all the ruckus you’ve been making for the past four hours.” Crossing her arms, she leaned against the counter top while being careful not to disturb the pan on the stove. 
“By ruckus, do you mean a bass player and a drummer that know what they’re doing while the guitar player doesn’t?” 
“I suppose so.” She turned back to the stove, turning it off and bringing the pan over to the opposite counter to pour what looked to be meat into two bowls with fixings. She caught me watching her do this and must have noticed the confused look on my face, “We’re having taco salad Nikki. You’ll like it.” Reaching into the fridge, she grabbed a bottle of dressing and drizzled it across the two bowls before handing one to me. 
“So tell me, if this guitar player -” she motioned with her hand to indicate she didn’t know his name as she reached into a drawer for utensils.
“If Greg isn’t what you’re looking for, then why haven’t you called that guy from the newspaper ad?”
She was referring to an ad that I had shown her from the newspaper. Someone who described themselves as a “loud, rude and aggressive guitar player” had caught my eye. They listed a phone number, but after Tommy had mentioned Greg, I hadn’t thought to give them a call. 
“Well you see, Greg is a friend of Tommy’s from his old band” I figured I would cut the story off there and she would pick up on the rest. She snickered to herself. 
“You’re telling me that the man with jet black hair and a name like ‘Nikki Sixx’ is afraid to hurt Greg and Tommy’s feelings?” She motioned a tear running down her cheek while pouting and I scoffed at her. “Does Tommy know that Greg doesn’t fit your vibe?” She questioned, returning to her food. 
“He won’t say it cause Greg is there but yeah.” I said honestly, between bites. She nodded while continuing to chew on her food. 
“I didn’t hear a whole lot of singing going on down there tonight.” She looked over  at me expectantly, though I’m not quite sure what response it is she was looking for. “So it has been a little over a week, you’ve got a drummer you like and a guitar player you’re not so sure of and zero singer….” 
“Get to your point here Janis Jade Smith.” She laughed at how I had used her full name.
“Point is, when will I be attending this show of yours?” she was smirking but trying to hide it. Flipping her off, she laughed and we continued eating with one another in a comfortable silence.
Another week had passed since Tommy and Greg had arrived at my apartment, and things were  no better. I have little patience to begin with, but I had used it all on trying to teach Greg the way I wanted him to play. Sick of listening to me complain about the man, Janis told me that if I wasn’t going to pull the trigger and call the guy from the newspaper ad then she would. Before I had the time to process what was going on, Janis had left the apartment during the middle of dinner and returned 15 minutes later only to say “Sunday. He will be here at 4:00 pm sharp. If you like him, you tell Greg to hit the road.” So today, I was standing out on the balcony with Tommy letting him know the deal with this guy coming to audition. The faint sound of a bell caught my attention, knowing it was just before 4:00 I guessed that Janis woke up early. 
“That you up there Janis?” I called out, Tommy leaned over the railing to look up at the next floor. 
“Just came out to make sure that he shows up.” Answered my question.
“Listen man, how are we going to tell Greg to leave if we like this guy?” Tommy asked me as he moved his weight between each of his legs. If there was one thing I learned about Tommy in the short time since I had met him, it was that he had enough energy for the both of us. I could only guess that he’ll be a good partner in crime once the drinks are flowing. I shrugged my shoulders while smirking at him. 
“Act like you’re serving him a shot.” I heard a snicker above me as Tommy initially looked confused but then realized what I was getting at. 
“Give it to him straight..” Tommy mumbled under his breath as we watched a red car pull up in front of the apartment building. 
“Right on time!” Janis called out from above us. “Bring whoever is still around at 6:00 up for some dinner!” Sticking out a thumb over the railing, I heard Janis go back into her apartment as Tommy went down the stairs to help out the ad man with his equipment. I liked the looks of him, he almost resembled a slightly older version of me. 
By the time 6:00 rolled around, everyone was ready for a bit of a break. The guitarist that we kept was the man I came to know as Mick Mars, and we gave Greg the news as straight as it could be. If his ability to take news is anything like his drinking skills, I would say that he prefers mixed drinks. 
“Mick, my upstairs neighbour has offered to feed us dinner. You down for a break?” I asked him, knowing that Tommy already heard the offer.
“Why is your neighbour offering to feed us? I sure hope you aren’t taking charity because I don’t”
I know this apartment looks like a dump, but I’m not a charity case. 
“Janis and I have dinner together all the time. I’m not taking charity, I’m taking a free meal from a friend who is offering.” He appeared skeptical of my explanation. Glancing between the two of them, Tommy looked impatient. 
“I’m just hungry so do you think we can go?” Tommy asked. Motioning for the door, I began to walk out and up the stairs to Janis’s apartment. The three of us were rounding the corner to the landing where Crazy Train could be heard from her slightly ajar door. Glancing over my shoulder, I could see Mick and Tommy looking almost intrigued at this. Opening the door to the apartment, the usual bell alerted Janis to our arrival and she turned around with a pan in her hand. 
“Lasagna, salad and garlic bread tonight!” She exclaimed excitedly as she placed the baking sheet on the stove top. 
“It smells good Janis!” Tommy said as he bounded towards the kitchen, as he entered Janis handed him a plate and pointed towards the oven so he could grab himself garlic bread. 
“You must be the man from the ad that I talked to on the phone the other day.” She addressed Mick, who looked to be almost confused by the whole situation. Janis walked towards him from the kitchen with her hand extended, coming in to shake Mick’s hand. He returned the gesture and shook Janis’s hand. 
“Mick Mars.” 
“Loud, rude and aggressive guitar player. It’s nice to meet you. Janis Smith.” She began walking back into the kitchen, motioning for us to follow. We were each handed a plate and utensils while being told that we could grab a slice of garlic bread. Tommy had already planted himself on the couch in the living room, making himself at home.
“Anyone want something to drink?” She asked as Mick and I made our way to the couch in the living room. I noticed that there wasn’t going to be room on the couch for Janis, so I remained standing. Coming out from her bedroom, Janis dragged out a beanbag chair and placed it in front of the coffee table. I went to sit down on the chair when I was interrupted, “Sit on the couch Sixx, that’s mine.”
“Beer?” Tommy called out.
“One for everyone?” 
A collective yes was mumbled and Janis returned with 3 beers in one hand and her plate in the other. 
“Y’all sounded much better today. It was nice to finally hear those songs played correctly after listening to that sad sap try and keep up pace for the last week.” Now that Greg was gone, I think that Janis had given up putting on a good attitude about him. 
“We will sound even better once we have a singer.” Tommy replied, which started me on my train of thought. 
“Someone along the lines of David Lee Roth and Bowie!”
“So we want a skinny blonder fucker with moves?” Mick asked and I nodded, he was on the same train of thought. Sparing a quick glance over at Janis, she was eating quietly while watching the conversation. 
“I think I know who could be our guy!” Tommy exclaimed. 
Next Chapter
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Being with Roger would include...
A/N: This is my first time doing headcanons so please feel free to give me criticism!
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Meeting him:
Deaky had been the one to introduce you both
Roger called Deaky, hoping he wasn't busy
And Deaky had invited him to come to help him help a friend fix her grandparents garden
And bc drummer boy had no one nothing to do
So he came to the address
There you were
Bent over, pulling old soil out of a pot that was basically falling apart
Roger could barely pull his eyes away from your ass until Deaky nudged him
“You’re staring, Rog,” Deaky warned
Bc we stan a protective best friend
And Roger rolled his eyes
He knew he wanted you.
From what he could see at least
So your ass, basically
Then you turned around, pulling a glove off to wipe your forehead
Leaving a brown stain across it
It was hot as fuck
So everyone, yourself included, was wearing shorts
Your brother had even taken his shirt off
You were wearing a light blue tank top, a dark stain decorating the front of it with denim shorts
Your knees were bruised from kneeling on the floor to pull up dirt
But Roger felt his heart sink
You were already taken
His eyes wandered over to your brother
Not knowing that he was, well, your brother
Suddenly, you sprinted over to Deaky
And wrapped your arms around the fluffy haired boi
“Hey, Deaks! Thanks for coming to help!”
“Hi, love, no problem. It’s nice that you’re helping your grandparents”
Deaky felt Roger tense beside him
But as soon as you both made eye contact, you daren’t look away
He was gorgeous
Big blue eyes and soft blonde hair
Your mind just went “woah”
Roger felt very much the same
Before Roger could even introduce himself, you had pulled him into a hug
Boy was s h o o k
But you pulled away as quickly as you had hugged him
“Sorry, I’m a hugging person. Name’s (Y/N)”
You were grinning and looked so shy behind your pink tinted sunglasses
Rogie just fell for you right there
He was so fucking anxious tho
He’d never felt like this for anyone
So he pushed it aside
Hoping it would go away
(It didn't)
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m Rogah Taylah,”
You couldn't help but giggle at the way he pronounced his name
Roger’s heart fucking soared
“Good to meet you. Thanks for coming,”
A little girl ran towards you before Roger could say anything
Roger’s heart sunk more as you picked her up, spinning her in circles
“Auntie (Y/N)!”
Poor boy felt like he could breathe again
“Hiya, Ally! How was school? Was your daddy late again?”
Deaky had already wandered off, taking position by your grandparents, chatting to them as he weeded one of the healthier flowerbeds.
“Daddy wasn’t late!” Your niece cheered
“When I was your age, your daddy was always late picking me up! Now, why don’t you go help your daddy over there!”
Ally sped off and Roger couldn't keep his eyes off of you
Boy was whipped already and he didn’t even realize it
You turned back to the blonde and he snapped his eyes away
Fucking embarrassing
But you just smiled at him, grabbing his hand with your gloveless one and tugging him over to where you had been working.
Deaky watched as red rose on his friend’s cheeks, eyes narrowed slightly.
It turns out, you were emptying a broken pot to replant some sunflowers in a new pot
You gently instructed him on what to do, adjusting your sunglasses every so often before gesturing for him to start on the pot next to your own.
Eventually, he got to work, following your instructions and pulling the old soil out of the pot, only to have the pot begin to crumble a few seconds later.
You laughed at the panicked expression on his face as he desperately shovelled the soil from the pot into a bag.
Roger suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe, his heart fluttering at the sound
That boy fucking  B L U S H E D
After fifteen minutes or so, Roger had shrugged off his jacket, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows
And you couldn’t stop watching the muscles in his arms move whenever he moved.
However, despite how secretive obvious you were being
Roger caught you and sent a wink your way.
Your cheeks turned pink, and you turned back to the sunflowers you were planting.
Roger then noticed the new pots had delicate sunflowers adorning the bottom of them
“Did you do that?”
You looked up in surprise
No one else had noticed
“Did you paint the sunflowers onto the pot?”
“Um, yeah. It’s probably weird. I just like sunflowers,”
“It’s not weird. It’s cute. I love it,”
Your stomach felt like it was full of butterflies
“C’mon we need to finish planting these then we can start getting some of the weeds out of the grass and refill the bird feeders,”
It was then that your dog, a fluffy husky with heterochromia eyes decided it was the perfect time to jump on you.
You toppled sideways, falling into Roger’s eyes and you both burst out into warm laughter.
Everyone’s eyes looked over to you and they all smiled while your dog, Alfie just barked at you.
So you hopped up to get him some more water and a little of the food you had stashed at your grandparents just in case.
As soon as you’re gone, Deaky wanders over, leaving your brother and niece with your grandparents.
Deaky’s cleaning off one of the outside ornaments that had been a little neglected in its time in your grandparents garden
“So, you seem to be getting on with (Y/N) very well,”
“Yeah, she’s lovely-”
“Cut the bullshit, Roger. You like her. I just want you to know if you hurt my best friend, I will fucking end you, band or not,”
Roger gulped and nodded harshly, directing his eyes back to the sunflower he was trying to plant
“Need some help there, Rog?” You came back outside, placing the bowl of food and water in the shaded area your grandparents were sat
But you bent over
And all rog could see were your boobs
And that boy nearly melted
And not because of the sun either ;)
But Deaky saw and kicked the drummer a little too harshly before going to help your sister-in-law with trimming some of the overgrown bushes
“Uh, n-no, I- I think I’m alright th-thanks, love,” Roger snapped his eyes away from you
“Really because you’re trying to put more seeds in instead of soil?”
You were teasing but Roger could feel his ears heating up.
But by the time the garden is finished, a whole six hours after you’d started, it was all worth it.
You were all sweating profusely, covered in dirt
But your grandparents were overjoyed.
So, you began loading some of the rubbish bags into your car to take them to a gardening recycling centre on your way home
Roger and Deaky were helping
You happened to come out as Roger was struggling to pick up a particularly heavy bag
Then you just lifted it up like it weighed nothing
That's when he fell in love
“It was nice to meet you, Roger,” You smiled after strapping your dog into the back seat of your car.
The drummer scratched his neck
“It was nice meeting you too, darling,”
Without another word, you pressed a bit of paper into his hand and kissed his cheeks before adjusting your sunglasses and getting in your car.
Roger grinned as you drove off
You’d given him your phone number
Being with him:
Calls you sunflower
Him being the best dad to your fur baby
Cuddles all the time
Constantly holding hands
In the studio? Must hold hands
At a dinner with his bandmates or your friends? His fingers are locked with yours
Sex? You can bet that boy is holding your hands tighter than ever before
He’s your best lay ever btw
Him constantly waking you up with late nights drumming sessions
When Queen gets big, he buys a huge house with a massive garden
And you two spend every spare moment in the garden
Decorating the place with sunflowers
Loves bringing you to shows
Because right at the end he gets to take you on stage for a few seconds 
And he likes showing you off
Gets so fucking mad if he hears a groupie talking shit about you
or anyone for that matter
Brian literally had to pull Roger off of Paul after he called you a slut
Roger nearly fucking murdered him
Deaky is so protective
He’s constantly asking if Roger’s treating you right
Honestly, Deaky is glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy
He just knows roger’s reputation
But because he spends so much time with Roger, he can make sure Roger doesn’t cheat
When Roger proposes, it's so calm
he hadn’t even been planning it
he just blurted it out one morning before he left for tour.
But he didn’t regret asking you
not one bit
He fucking adores you and your husky.
You both own his heart
He doesn’t know who he’d be without you
Tears are rolling down your cheeks and you nod silently, pulling the blonde into a kiss
and you’re both so happy.
Life couldn’t get any better
tags:   @writingfortoomanyfandoms @metaphorical-love-for-a-car@queens-n-roses @freaky-dcaky @yourealegendfred@fierce-bab@dusthas-beenbitten  @bensroger @iaminlovewithmydrums @strangeandwonderfulconcepts @babebenhardy @benhardyjones @silvver-rose  
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littlejeanniebean · 5 years ago
Ep. 2 | The Marauders: Moonlighter Sessions
A/N: Wolfstar in the recording studio! I repeat, Wolfstar in the recording studio! Art by the lovely @arthurstrangerguy​ <3 
More Marauders in my masterlist! 
Ep. 1: Chase Her 
Read on AO3! 
- J xx
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The studio they’d been practically living in for the past eight months had red velvet walls and a leather couch to match. It was dimly lit despite the mid-morning hour. 
James moved some pieces of paper with their song titles scribbled on them around their magnetic white board, “Right, so we have Chase Her, Seek You Out -”
“You can’t have those two next to each other,” Sirius and Remus, who were doing each other’s nails, said simultaneously.
“Desire’s Looking Glass is a good second track, I think,” said Peter, his fingers lightly skimming over the keys, “Shows we’ve got range.”
“Good, good,” James nodded, “I like Ordinary No. 4 but it doesn’t really fit anywhere…”
“Put Tapestry before it, after Seek You, but have Dragon Slayer between Desire and Seek You,” Remus tapped his chin thoughtfully.
“I like that,” Sirius seconded.
“Sticks and Swords before Dragon?” James proposed.
“Too much of a mood shift,” Sirius and Remus said. The latter added, “Put it after No. 4.”
“That leaves Frequent Flier, then Lucky Number 7 as the closer, which I like the sound of… I just feel like something’s missing between Desire and Dragon…” 
“I agree, ten would be nice, as nice could be, nicer than nine,” Peter crooned with his piano.
“Hey, Pete, could you play that again?” Remus closed his eyes and placed his hands on his knees. For a while, the room was filled only with the calming tinkle of keys. Finally, he said, “We need strings. Not too many. Just a cello.” 
“I’ll make a call,” Sirius went out into the hall.
“Tonks!” James cheered from behind the drum kit when he saw the pink-haired girl fifteen minutes later, lugging her cello case behind her with ease.
“Wotcher, lads!” the musician set down her instrument and tousled her page-boy cut so she actually cut a figure that mirrored the drummer. 
“How’s Andrea?” Peter set up the sheet music he had jotted down so far for her, “I saw the latest Bake-Off episode last night - that was brutal.”
“Oh, she’s got a comeback all planned,” Tonks grinned, setting her bow to the strings, “Mum is a force of nature.”
The low, earthy hum of the cello stunned them into silence. 
“Alright, Remy?” asked Sirius.
The pale boy’s blue eyes had watered and he blinked profusely, “Erm, yes, that was beautiful, Tonks.”
“Thank you,” she blushed, “Peter, if I may… improvise a bit?”
“By all means!” the chubby blond, who was a classical musician by training, nodded eagerly.
Tonks swooped her bow and brought them a crescendo, “Whew! Did you get that?” 
Remus had one headphone pressed to his ear and gave her a thumbs up, “Do you want to try layering some staccato over the runs?” 
“Yes!” she donned a pair of headphones, which looked too large for her petite head but only added to her cuteness.
Their usually shy bassist and mixer was overflowing with ideas and the song just kept building between himself, Tonks, and Peter. He caught Sirius’ eyes watching him with… pride? Love? Then, he did something he never had before: he sang solo.
The gift of your melody
How did I ever live
‘Til the day I heard it
The way you look and see
Into my very soul
Parts I’d rather let alone
His voice wasn’t strong like James’ or husky like Sirius’, or even smooth like Peter’s, but no lyric on their album until now sounded quite so raw and vulnerable.
The stars can try to burn me
All I feel is warm under your sun
You’re the only sign I see
All we have is suddenly enough
Remus seemed to realize he was singing out loud in front of an audience and ducked his head with pinked cheeks.
“Do you lot always write songs this fast?” Tonks looked between the band members in amazement.
“Hardly. It seems you’ve inspired ol’ Remy,” James’ chuckle was interrupted by the door slamming, leaving a vacant space where Sirius once stood.
“What’s gotten into him?” Peter reached into the biscuit jar. Music always made him hungry.
“It’s probably Walburga again,” James sighed, “She’s been texting - harassing - him to come back to the show, but now that he’s eighteen, she can’t bind him to his contract anymore.”
“I swear half the ratings are from his presence alone,” Tonks shook her head, “All the girls at school love him and ask me about him all the time.”
“But… he came out last season,” Remus puzzled.
“They’re convinced it was a stunt for the show,” she played with the silver charms on her bracelet, “or that he just wanted to twist Burga’s guts.” 
“That sounds like our Sirius,” James covered his lopsided grin with his hand.
Remus was silent and put away the nail polish tubes with an almost imperceptible sulk to his lanky stature.
Peter frowned and went off to find their friend. He stopped short at the sound of snuffles coming from the washroom. He sat on the floor beside the weeping boy and held his shaking shoulders.
“Never fall for a straight boy,” Sirius sniffed woefully.
The pianist pursed his lips, “He’s technically never said that he -”
“You saw him in there! He said more than he ever had to any of us! Tonks is a nice girl… I mean… she’s my niece so that’s going to be awkward… God, have you ever seen Remus open up like that to anyone?” he fisted the front of his Rolling Stones t-shirt in his veiny hands, “Her music spoke to him… or maybe we just haven’t been listening to him enough? I mean… I know I’m loud… Am I a terrible friend, Pete?” 
“No, you’re not! I think… if you like someone… you need to tell them. You and James both. There’s no romance in pining. It’s just a wretched feeling.”
“But I’m too late,” Sirius moped. 
They sat there awhile longer before Peter insisted that he’d feel better if he had some lunch. 
“Petey, do me a favour, take everyone out to eat… I just… I just want to be alone with Kitty for a bit,” Kitty was his electric guitar.
Peter wanted to scream, “He loves you too, alright?!” but this was something they had to talk out themselves, so all he said was, “Sure, whatever you need.”
Alone in the studio, Sirius played a few mournful notes before carressing the strings in a light strumming pattern, swirling up his feelings from where they slumbered within, until he couldn’t bear it anymore. He stood suddenly and hit the record button.
Let me be your moonlight, moonlighter love
Let me be your low-light, hold tighter love
Let me be your good time, feels righter love
Let me be your moonlight, moonlighter love
Kitty let out a few lingering wails at his command.
Remus was the first of the group to return and when he saw Sirius in the booth, he smiled so his dimples popped and put on the headphones so he could listen from the outside.
Let me be your moonlight, moonlighter love
Let me be your midnight, ghost-rider love
Let me be your closed-eyes, lonely-nighter love
Let me be your moonlight, moonlighter love
Remus seemed to be transfixed on the dark-haired crooner as the last electric hum left Kitty’s baby pink body.
“That’s all I got,” Sirius said finally. 
“Right, right…” he ended the recording, “D’y’mind if I layer that over what we made earlier?” the mixer asked softly, “I think that’s the sound we’re missing and it’s a beautiful chorus.”
“It doesn’t really go with that sun and warmth bit you had going, does it?”
Remus tilted his head like a wolf pup might, “The best love has a sense of duality and balance.” 
Sirius nodded and came out of the booth. He laid his head on his friend’s - for that was what they were, he thought, all they were - shoulder while the track was built. “You need to use more aloe vera.”
“Scars on your chin from our little motorcycle accident,” a pang of guilt shot like a pinball around his chest cavity. He’d been the one driving.
“But I like them. It makes me edgy.”
“What?” Sirius couldn’t help but laugh.
Remus blushed, “You and James - but you especially - are… tough lads, you know? And then there’s me… homely, gay band junkie -”
“Wait, say that again?” Sirius sat up so they were practically nose to nose.
“I’m a band junkie?” 
“No, before that!”
“I’m homely and gay?” 
“Yes!” Sirius cheered and then kissed him hard.
Remus’ initial confusion gave way to passion as he entangled his fingers in the other boy’s long locks.
“Mm!” Sirius only pulled away to say, “I’ve got the last chorus!”
Let me be your moonlight, moonlighter love
Let me be your take time, take higher love
Let me be your goodnight, sweet sigher love
Let me be your moonlight, moonlighter love
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zombryz · 6 years ago
A drummers hands (Part 1)
~ Machine Gun Kelly as Tommy Lee Imagine ~
Just a heads up! Read before continuing:
Currently, I do not know how many parts there are going to be so hop in and enjoy the ride! 
**There is cursing, mentions of sex, alcohol, and bi-sexuality**
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Tom was wearing a yellow and blue plaid shirt. You helped him get dressed that night.
“I’m really nervous,” he says as you continue to brush his long brown hair to the side of his face. “I really hope they let me sign them… that would mean the WORLD to me.” He smiles as you put the comb down to talk to him.
“I know Tom, I just… I don’t want them to take advantage of you. Boy bands can be….. crazy.” You replied while looking down at your feet, you didn’t want him to think you were upset.
You and Tom had been best friends for years, you did everything together. He would take you to movies, go to the fair, even have sleep overs. Just last week the two of you saw Raiders of the lost ark 3 times in a row. Sometimes even his parents would joke around about you two getting married one day. You didn’t see that though, to be honest you were too wild for Tom. He had this dorky way about him, which you adored, but you would never be afraid to do a dare just for the hell of it. You saw that the nights were young and all you wanted to do was have fun.
“It’s going to be okay, (Y/N) nothing is going to get in between us,” he pulled you in for a hug because it seemed like the right moment. “Ewww, yuck let go of me you dork!” you laughed loudly as he started tickling you. You hated being tickled and he knew that better than anyone. It was going to be an interesting night.
After not being let into the show by the security guard, you and Tom decided to wait and follow the band to whatever joint they were going to hit up next. “That’s them!,” you shout for Tom to follow. He pulls behind an old rusty van that the band was driving, finally arriving to a bar that you both know far too well. You’ve danced on the tables and have been kicked out one too many times. Tom goes in first. You spot them at a round table in the center of the bar, it’s a perfect moment for Tom to introduce himself so he takes it.
“Hey, guys. I’m Tom Zutaut. I work for Elektra Records!” you followed behind him letting him have the spotlight, after all you didn’t want to be kicked out again. “Hey man!!” a boy who looks about your age with shaggy, long, dark hair replies in the booth with a cig tucked under his lip. You can’t help but laugh and the man immediately looks at you as the cigarette falls into his lap. “uhhh, wanna sit down?” he says, his words seem flustered as he tries to take his eyes off you. Motley Crue moves closer together making room for you and Tom.
You were wearing black leather pants that Tom picked out which he says, “make you look less nerdy,” matched with a pink crop top and knee high boots. Your hair is teased and you’re wearing your iconic bad girl black eye makeup, it makes you feel more dangerous. As you sit down you feel hands run up your legs, someone tries to unzip your pants and once realizing you wouldn’t be needing a blow job this evening under the table, a blonde haired women pops her head up looking at you with sex in her eyes. You reach down to her and cup her face while you plant a kiss on her lips. She gets out of the booth and puts her number on the table while mouthing the words, “call me” before walking off. Tom clears his throat, “ so *cough*… uh, this is (Y/N).” You look around and all the boys are taken back from what just happened and they all go silent. The drummer looks at you and instantly holds his hand out to shake your hand, “Hi (Y/N), I’m Tommy!” he says grinning from cheek to cheek. One by one the boys introduce themselves, Vince, Mick, and finally Sixx. You looked back at Tom and winked, you knew that the band would sign themselves to Elektra records after what you just did. Nikki celebrated by slamming the drummer’s head against the table, you don’t know why but you have a feeling you’re going to like these boys. You can’t help that you find their drummer extremely attractive either.
You and Tom leave the boys and go home to watch your favorite late night talk show with David Letterman. You lay in bed with Tom as you laugh along to David, “I really like those boys,” you say with a gentle smile looking up at Tom. You can only see his figure in the dark but you knew he was there. “yeah, me too,” he chuckles. “I think the drummer is cute,” you respond placing your palm on your forehead wishing you hadn’t, you regret what just came out of your mouth. Tom sits up and looks at you, “(Y/N), no.. that’s a bad situation waiting to happen.” He holds out his arm and puts them around your neck to wrestle you, he was so childish sometimes. “Fine, I won’t do anything.. ok dad?” You always joked around with him by calling him dad when he would talk to you in a stern way, it was funny. “but,” you said quietly. “No! He probably gets with 10 girls a night and I don’t want him to hurt you or I’ll have to stick one of those drum sticks up his ass.” You both go silent and you don’t remember falling asleep.
A few days pass and the band was leaving for their next city while touring around the US. You and Tom decide to tag along seeing as now the band had a full team. Tom was there to make sure things went smoothly for their record deal, Doc was their now band manager and you felt like you were kind of his sidekick in some ways. Then there was you, you were kind of just there to have fun. The band did some stupid shit but in some ways you thought you were too wild for even them. Everyone rode in a tour bus that Elektra records paid for. “Man, this is sick!” Vince said climbing aboard the long tan bus. The seats inside resembled couches and the back of the bus had beds on the sides with one big room in the back which the boys and you decided to later give it to Doc. This was your home for the next 6 months and you were not complaining. Vince ran to the back of the bus as fast as he could, “ooOOOo, I’m going to have so much fun back here bringing girls here after shows!!” he says while humping and smacking the air imitating him fucking a girl doggie style. “Not if I get to first,” you yell at him while sticking your tongue out you pass him to jump on the bed. Tommy runs after you and also jumps on the bed. You and the drummer boy started jumping like children before he grabbed you and flipped you over his back in the fireman carry position. He playfully smacked your ass as your punched his lower back hanging upside down, you couldn’t stop laughing. Tommy spun you around before throwing you back down onto the bed. He hovered over you and you stared longingly into his blue eyes, they were like staring into an ocean that you wanted to admire all day. The two of you shared silence before the room filled with awkward coughing and clearing of throats. You knew Tommy had a girlfriend who he “supposedly” loved. Her name was Roxie and she was the perfect girl for a rock star, she had the dark hair and the red lips. You couldn’t compete, and you remembered that Tom told you not to pursue it anyways, maybe he was right.
You got up and walked back to stand with Tom, he made an irritated face at you and you felt like a puppy who was getting in trouble for peeing in the house when you didn’t feel like you did anything wrong. “Nice going dude,” Nikki patted Tommy’s shoulder as he took a seat in one of the couch seats. “ yeah, whatever man.” He started swinging the drum sticks in his hand. You and the band were actually on your way to pick up Roxie while you thought to yourself that you wanted her to just stay home, this summer could’ve been great getting to know Tommy. You put a stop to your thoughts and look up at Tom who was already looking at you, he mouthed the word “stop” as you rolled your eyes at him. You thought to yourself again, what if I just hooked up with a different band member, it doesn’t have to be Tommy.. this summer was about fun. You thought about Vince, nope, he probably has an STD. Mick was sweet but you felt like he would suck your blood in the middle of the night. That left Nikki, Tommy’s best friend. Nikki was hot and mysterious but you didn’t think he was that into you. Operation get Nikki to like you was a go, you smiled to yourself and looked over to Nikki. Nikki winked back at you and little did you know that Tommy was staring at both of you with stirring jealousy in his eyes.
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fluffyunicornofdanger · 6 years ago
Author’s Note: My box has been flooded with requests and I couldn’t be happier! I’m not sure how long it will take me to get all of them done, so please be patient and I will probably get a master list posted in the next few days. I’m home sick today, so I will probably have a few posted today. I really hope that you guys enjoy this one-shot as I love it with all my heart, but I’ll probably say that about every one-shot that I write. Requests are open at the moment, so don’t be shy.
Prompt List
Roger Taylor x Reader
Requested by @acidrainslutt
4. “Are you safe?” “I-I don’t know.”
26. “Shit, you’re freezing, let’s get you warmed up.”
Word Count: 1,940
Warning: Swearing, fluff
The London streets were dark as Y/n stumbled down them, her heels wobbling on the cobblestones as she did so. Old buildings loomed around her, lights sweeping through the windows, lighting up the street. Wrapping her arms around herself, trying to shield her bare arms from the cold air, she turned a corner before coming to a stop. The buildings that lined the street didn’t spark any memories. When it came to her map of the town, they weren’t on it. She had no clue where she was. She sighed, turning in circles, trying to find something to anchor her to her location. None of the street names that she could see looked familiar. But then again, in her drunken state even things that were familiar to her seemed so foreign.
At that moment she was silently cursing herself for going drinking. She hadn’t gone alone, going to a new pub with a few of her friends. But as they started to knock back shots that seemed to get stronger each time, the group split up. Y/n remember that two of her friends had stumbled out of the bar together and another was lead to a back room by someone. That left her all alone in a smoke-filled room full of strangers. The rational part of her brain that hadn’t been fogged over by liquor, told her that it was best if she left, so she did. But her brain hadn’t told her that leaving by herself in a city full of strangers wasn’t a good idea. Not until she had gotten herself lost.
“Bloody hell,” she grumbled to herself, as she started down the street, looking for a phone booth. Coming upon a lamp post, she leaned against it with one hand and unlaced one shoe at a time before taking them off. Once on flat ground, she let out a sigh, her feet relieved of the pressure that the heels caused. Now she didn’t have to worry about breaking one of them on the uneven stones.
The pavement was like ice as she continued searching for a phone, but it was more parable then having her shoes on. Turning a corner, shoes in hand, she spotted a phone booth. Smiling up at the night sky, stars scattered around, she thanked God for her luck. Now she just prayed that it worked.
Before she could get far, a car door slammed across the street causing her to turn in the direction of the sound. Y/n watched as a group of men squabbled with each other as they walked in her direction. “Shit,” she muttered, picking up her pace. They looked friendly enough in the little light that the street offered, but that didn’t mean anything when she could easily be taken advantage of in her state. 
She should have just stayed home. She could have bought whatever she’d had at the pub, in large bottles that could have been saved for later, and drink in the comfort of her own home. That way she only had a little ways to go to get to her bed. And it would have been so much safer.
But where’s the fun in that.
A weight was lifted off her shoulders as the men didn’t so much as glance at her as they walked into a run-down restaurant. But that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t come back outside to look her over.
Reaching the phone booth, Y/n pushed the door open and closing it behind her, before rummaging through her for clutch looking for coins. Pulling enough out, she slid them in the coin slot and dialed the number to the flat she shared with her boyfriend, Roger. She hoped to god that he was there. If he wasn’t, she wasn’t sure who she would call next.
Y/n had a feeling, though, that he wasn't home. He normally wasn’t. Ever since she had known the man, he’d earn a living making music with his band, Queen, as their drummer. Y/n loved it as she could tell how passionate he was with making music. So, when he wasn’t home, he was out with his bandmates: Freddie, Brian, and John. They often worked into the night on songs when their brains allowed them to. But that was always when Y/n was either out of town or doing something with her friends that would keep her ‘till the wee hours of the night.
The phone seemed to ring forever, the sound pulsing through her head. Leaning against the wall of the booth, she groaned at the sound. “Come on, Rog. Come on,” she whispered into the phone. The air around her was starting to get colder as she could see her breath turn white in front of her. She should have been more prepared then she was as bringing a jacket had never crossed her mind. And it didn’t help that she was in a short dress, goose bumps covering her freezing legs.
She was just about to place the phone back on the hook when the ringing stopped and her ears were met by faint laugher on the other end of the phone. She smiled as she heard a faint voice that she recognized say, “Haha. Very funny, Freddie.”
“Hello,” a male voice said into the phone as the laughter continued.
“Roger,” Y/n ran her free hand over her face. “Can… can you come and get me?” she slurred into the phone.
Roger must have done something to get the attention of the people in the room with him that told them to be quiet as she could only hear his breathing coming through the phone. “Where are you?”
Roger ran a hand through his hair, blonde strands falling in his face. He turned to the boys who looked at him with concern. They all had a feeling they knew who was on the other end of that call. Brian stood from the dining room table first, where they were in the middle of a poker game, going to Roger’s side.
“Hold on a second, love,” he spoke through the phone. The drummer nodded his head as he signaled for Brian to get him a pen and paper. With a notepad in front of him and a pen in hand, he scribbled down two street names. Ripping the piece of paper off the pad, he handed it over to his friend. “Y/n, Y/n, hey, I’m gonna come get you. Okay?” With that Freddie and John pushed their chairs away from the table and went to go get their coats. “Hey, love? Are you safe?” he asked as he recognized the street names she gave him as a part of town that no one should wander around alone. Especially someone who has had one too many drinks.
“Um… um,” she mumbled into the phone. “I-I don’t know.”
Roger sighed as Brian grabbed his keys. “Okay, well stay in the phone booth for me, alright?”
A small confirmation came through the line before he told her that he loved her. He set the phone back on the hook as he went to the front door where John, Freddie, and Brian were standing with their coats on. Roger reached for his coat as Brian opened the door, giving his friend a weak smile, “She’ll be alright, Rog. We’re only a few minutes away.” Roger grumbled in response as he slid his coat on and followed his friends out the door.
Just because they were only a few minutes away didn’t mean that she would be fine by the time they reached her. Anything could happen in only a few minutes and that made Roger feel uneasy. He loved Y/n with every fiber of his being and he wasn’t sure what he would do if something were to happen to her. He was afraid to find out.
Like Brian promised, it was only minutes before they spotted a phone booth with a woman leaned against the wall on the inside. Before Brian could pull completely against the curb and turn the car off, Roger had the door open and slipped out. He ran down the sidewalk, the cold air biting at his cheeks.
The door of the phone booth slide open and Y/n stumbled out just in time for Roger to catch her. “Wow, wow,” he let out as she leaned her weight against him. “Shit-” He rubbed his hand against her arm. “-you’re freezing, let’s get you warmed up,” he stated as he shrugged his jacket off and wrapped it around her arms before leading her to the car.
When they reached the car, Freddie opened the back door, giving the woman a weak smile, which she returned. Y/n ducked her head, sliding in next to John with Roger not far behind her. When Freddie and Roger were in the car, Brian turned the key, the engine roaring to life. Letting out a deep breath, Y/n leaned her head against Roger’s shoulder and he grabbed her cold hands, cradling them in his own.
“You really had me scared there for a second,” he whispered to her, kissing the top of her head. Y/n nodded in agreement as they drove back to their apartment. “Turn the heat on.”
Freddie turned a dial as heat blasted through the car. Turning to the back he looked at Y/n who had melted into Roger’s arms, “That good, darling?” he asked, earning a weak nod as Y/n closed her eyes. The liquor from earlier exhausting her, no help to the cold.
Roger carried Y/n’s sleeping form in the house, his bandmates not far behind him. They went to clean up the game they had been playing as the drummer took her back to their shared bedroom. After a little while, the blonde emerged from the room to find his mates in the kitchen. John was the first to see him enter, nudging Brian’s arm as he turned to Roger. “How is she?”
Leaning against the counter, he shrugged, running a hand down his face. “‘Bout as good as someone who’s drunk can be. She’ll sure have a hangover tomorrow.”
“At least nothing happened to her,” Freddie commented, sipping on a cup of tea. “Then we’d probably have to find a new drummer.”
The group nodded as they knew how Roger could be when he was full of rage. If Y/n had so much as a scratch, the would probably have to hold the man back from hurting someone.
Roger shook his head as he pushed himself away from the counter. He returned moments later from the living room with a small box. Stopping in front of his friends, Roger opened the box to reveal a small golden band with a simple stone in the center. “I’m planning on asking her to marry me, so if something had happened to her tonight,” he paused, not wanting to think about what could have happened, “there would be hell to pay,” he told them as Freddie took the box from his hand.
As his friends examined the ring, Roger braced himself against the counter.
“It’s not very flashy,” Freddie quipped as he closed the box, handing it back to its owner.
A smile grew on his face as Roger set the box on the counter. “Well, she’s not going to be wearing it for long. The other one, however-” He shook his head at the thought of it, his smile growing. “-now that one will not only be big, but flashy as well.”
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beanfic · 6 years ago
Summertime Sadness - Ch. 3
Word count: 1990
Warnings: Talk of porn, alcohol, underage drug usage and language
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! It made me giggle when rereading it! Also, music played a huge role when writing this series so I am going to do song suggestions to listen to while reading the chapter! At the very end of the series I am going to make a huge playlist of all the songs but I don’t want to accidentally spoil anything with a song...if that is even possible. Oh well, enjoy chapter 3 :)
Song suggestion: Red Red Wine by UB40 & LDN by Lily Allen
You flickered your eyes open to see your little sister staring at you. The light in the room immediately killed your head, and you slammed a pillow on top of your face groaning into it.
“I heard you got drunk, and vomited all over Johnny.”
“Yep, that all happened. God my head is fucking killing me.”
“You’re not supposed to say fuck in front of me.”
“You just said it though, Bri.” You peeked underneath your pillow and she was still staring at you.
“Did you have your first kiss? Did you have sex?” she asked eagerly.
“Bri, if I had sex I wouldn’t be home right now.”
“Okay, so no sex. Did you kiss anyone?”
“Sort of,” you rubbed your eyes and sat up. “We played spin the bottle and I had to kiss this really attractive guy, but it was just a peck.”
“There we go! One day you will finally tongue dance with someone, don’t worry.”
“Tongue dancing? That sounds disgusting.” You threw your sheets off of you and started to get up.
“I can’t believe you got drunk though, I want to drink.”
“No. No you don’t. It sucks.” You held your head again as a sharp pain shot through it.
“Mom and Dad are really mad.”
“I know, I’m grounded.”
“Why did you come home then? If I were you I would have just stayed at Mariah’s.” She had a point, but you knew that Johnny also told you to call him in case you wanted to go home.
“I hate that you have more street smarts than me.”
She shrugged, “What can I say.”
Bri finally left your room, and you started to get dress. You knew you had to go downstairs and confront your parents sooner or later.
On your way downstairs you ran into Johnny. He just glared at you, and then started to chuckle to himself as he headed back to his room.
“Goodmorning,” you mumbled to your mom who was sitting in her chair drinking a cup of coffee.
“How are you feeling?” She looked up from the book she was reading and started to analyze you.
“I’m fine,” you lied. The last thing you were going to do was explain to her that you were severely hungover. “How long am I grounded for?”
“I talked to your dad and we decided to not ground you, but you are going to have a curfew from now on. Be home by 11 every night.”
“11? Mom it’s summer! That’s so early.”
“Would you rather be grounded and not able to do anything?”
“No. Thank you for not grounding me.”
“No problem. Next time don’t drink while you’re underage.”
You wanted to argue with her and tell her how Johnny use to drink, and he has smoked pot, but it was no use to start another fight. You were happy that you weren’t grounded.
You ate your breakfast silently, and a text from Mariah got your attention.
Want 2 go 2 the carnival w/ me 2night?
“Hey mom, Mariah invited me to go to the carnival with her tonight. Can I go? I’ll be home by 11, I promise.”
“As long as you don’t break any more rules.”
“I won’t.”
You texted mariah back.
Yes! That sounds fun, can u pick me up?
You finished your breakfast and headed upstairs to take a shower. It was already around noon since you slept in so much. Your shower was quick, and you braided your hair instead of letting it air dry.
You still had a few couple hours before Mariah was going to pick you up so you decided to go write some poetry. You had been writing poetry for the past four years. It was like journaling for you, it helped you fight those internal battles.
You sat on your bed and grabbed your poetry notebook, which was a leather book, and grabbed a red ballpoint pen.
A kiss. Soft & Sweet.
You looked out your window for inspiration but none was really coming to you. You looked down at what you had wrote, and laughed to yourself. It was four words but pretty much summed up last night.
You wished that you had at least got his number. You knew you could probably ask Tyler for it, but you didn’t to be that girl.
You decided to head over to Jonny’s room and talk to him for a little. He always made you feel better when you were down.
His door was closed but you didn’t knock, instead you shoved the door open. He was sitting at his desk, and up on his computer screen was porn.
“Do you ever fucking knock?” He screamed as he quickly exited out of the tab and pulled up his pants.
“You shouldn’t watch porn, that’s gross.”
“You should learn how to knock. What do you want?”
“Sorry was I busy interrupting something? Should I leave?”
“Stop being annoying.”
You laughed at his annoyance, and threw yourself on his bed.
“I’m bored and I wish I got this guys number from last night.” You flipped through a magazine that he had on his nightstand. It was about cars so you didn’t really understand it.
“Who’s the guy?”
“His name was Josh, but I didn’t get his last name. He’s friends with Tyler.”
“Tyler Joseph? Like Mariah's boy toy?”
“Yep, that Tyler.”
“It’s probably Josh Dun. I know him from high school, he’s a total douchebag though.”
You didn’t want to believe your brother, he probably was thinking of another Josh. Josh was a pretty common name.
“Do you want to play Mario Kart with me?” you asked him so you could keep your mind off of last night. Your brother agreed, and you spent the next hour or so beating your brother at the game.
“How are you so good at this game?” he asked you. You shrugged.
“I’m going to go get ready for the carnival, Mariah will be here soon.” You headed back to your room to figure out what to wear.
You thumbed through your closet until you decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a black tank top with a dark green cardigan. You took your hair out of your braid so it was now wavy. You applied some mascara and you called it good.
You got a text from Mariah signaling that she was here so you headed downstairs.
“Mariah’s here, I’ll be home before 11!” you kissed your mom on the way out. You could hear her yelling something behind you but you decided to ignore her.
“Hey girl!” Mariah said as you opened the door and got in.
“How are you feeling?” you asked.
“I felt horrible this morning,” she laughed. “How about you?”
“I had the worst headache ever.” You laughed as well.
You both jammed out to music all the way to the carnival. You found parking and got out. It was about a five minute walk from the parking lot to the carnival grounds. It was dirty and you instantly regretted wearing white shoes.
“I see Becca and Grace!” Mariah said, pointing ahead. You saw your two friends standing there three other guys.
“Hey Becca! Hey Grace!” you hugged each one.
“Hey Y/N, this is Theo, and this is his boyfriend Dylan!”
“Hey nice to meet you two!” you shook their hands.
“And this is Mike, he’s Dylan’s cousin!”
“Hey Mike, I’m Y/N!” you shook his hand.
“I found a good corner to go smoke, let’s go!” Theo said, grabbing Dylan’s hand and walking away. Becca, Grace and Mike followed them but you grabbed Mariah’s hand.
“I didn’t know we were smoking.”
“I didn’t know either, but who cares?”
You both met up with them in this corner behind a bathroom building. Theo pulls out a small glass pipe that was translucent rainbow. He took out a little grinder with marijuana in it. He filled the hole, and took out a lighter that was also rainbow colored. He lit it and took a hit.
You really hated the smell of weed so you decided to go on a walk. You told Mariah you were going to be right back, and you headed around the corner towards the games.
You spotted one of those games where you threw balls at pins. You gave the attendant a dollar bill, and he handed you four balls. The first one you threw missed completely, and the second one barely grazed by one of the pins. You wounded up your arm, getting ready to throw the third ball before you were startled by a voice.
“I think you’re supposed to hit the pins.”
You turned around to see Josh, from the party last night, smiling at you. He was wearing a red shirt with black ripped jeans again.
“Oh hey! If you think you could do better then be my guest,” you handed him the last two balls.
“Watch this,” he gave you a little wink making your stomach start fluttering again. You watched him throw both balls hitting two pins down. You were shocked.
“How did you do that?”
“I’m a natural! Plus I’m a drummer so I have lots of arm strength,” he lifted his arm up to flex, making you smile like a dummy.
The attendant handed Josh a little beanie baby for knocking two pins down. It was a little bear wearing a red dress.
“Here you go,” he handed you the little bear.
“For me?”
“For you!”
“Why thank you!” You took it and started to look at it, trying to not smile like an idiot.
“Want to go on a walk and talk?” Josh asked and you nodded.
“What’s your full name?”
“Joshua William Dun.”
Shit. Johnny did know him.
“Dun? That’s a cool last name.”
“What’s your full name?”
“Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N.”
“Do you have a brother named Johnny?”
“Yeah, I do!” you said nervously. What if he didn't like him. You didn’t want your brother being a reason you and this handsome man don’t start talking.
“Do you want to go on a ride?” he asked, changing the subject.
“I get sick easily,” you lied. You hated rides, you were especially terrified of carnival rides.
“Oh c’mon, I’ll hold you so you feel safe.”
Wow. He was smooth, you had to admit.
“Okay, Dun.”
“Okay, Y/L/N.” He smiled at you, making you smile in return. He walked you over to this ride that goes really fast and round. Your heart started to race as you stood in line.
“Hey Josh, can I ask a question?” you broke the silence.
“Go for it.”
“How old are you?”
He laughed, “I’m 22, almost 23.”
“Wow, I’m only 18, but my 19th birthday is in September.”
“You look old for your age,” he looked at you up and down making you blush.
“I get that a lot.”
It was your guys turn to go on the ride, and your hands were sweating. You followed Josh to a seat of two. You buckled your seat belt, triple checking it was on right.
The ride was intense, but it didn’t last that long. You tried not to scream, but when you saw Josh letting out tiny screams you decided to do it too. He kept on looking at you during the ride, even though you kept your eyes closed most of the time.
When the ride was over, you could barely walk. Your head was rushing and your breathing was short.
“That was intense,” you whispered.
“Yeah, it was,” he smiled at you again. “Hey, can I get your number?”
“Yeah!” you took your phone out and handed it to him. He put his number in and named his contact ‘Dun’.
“You know, Y/L/N, you’re gorgeous when you’re nervous,” he reached over and touched your shoulder, taking your breath away.
Tag List (lmk if you want to be added!)
@takenvysleep @ohprettyweeper @oncemorewithfeelingg @gaiatheroyalrabbit @svintsandghosts @krispy-cakes @patdsinner33 @breadbinishigh
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bluenet13 · 6 years ago
Marty’s Wish - A Densimber Christmas Story
The little boy lay flat on the ground collecting the pine needles that had fallen from the Christmas tree that loomed over him. Sitting on the corner of the cluttered space, and decorated with a few ornaments, and a single string of light, the tree was the only bright spot on the otherwise dark room.
Lost in thought, the boy jumped with remembered fear when the door swung open and an adult voice spoke from behind, but upon recognizing the voice of his mother, his shoulders slumped down and his breathing evened out.  
“What are you doing, baby boy?” Roberta Deeks asked, as she set the grocery bags down, taking notice of her son under the Christmas tree. The object unfamiliar on the Brandel household, but it’s blinking lights still able to push the shadows into retreat. 
Crawling back from under the tree, little Marty slowly lifted himself off the ground, careful not to knock any ornaments down and always protective of the tree he had begged his mother to get. “I’m collecting pine needles, mama.” The boy answered in a cheerful tone, before extending his small frame until he was able to press a kiss onto his mother’s cheek. A single Ziploc bag cradled on his hand.
“I can see that, Martin. But why?” Not easily surprised by her son antics anymore, Bertie still felt perplexed seeing the clean tree skirt that only that morning had been covered with pine needles. The pointy leaves now collected on a series of small bags on top of the coffee table, a pot of water next to them.
“Air fresheners.” He answered matter-of-factly, his small hand pointing to the coffee table. “Pine needles, and water, mama.” He continued to explain, confident his reasoning and wording all made perfect sense.
Head turning sideways, Roberta silently wondered what had brought this new silliness to her son’s mind. Part of her wanting to laugh and smile, but the rational part of her brain counting the minutes until her husband would come home. “I don’t think it works that way, baby.” She answered softly. “And we don’t need artificial pine scent, Martin. We have a real tree, remember? Cut in front of us and all…” She continued to explain, the memory of her son begging for said tree fresh on her mind, and the consequences fresh on her skin.
“They’re not for us, mommy.” Little Marty said doubtfully, having felt the uneasiness radiating from his mother, his own worry increasing as guilt started deep on his gut. The boy not wanting to cause any troubles or for his mama to be hurt. “I know we have a tree. I… just…” He stalled.
“You can tell me anything, Martin. You know that.” Bertie coerced as she continued to stare at the ticking needles of the clock out of the corner of her eye.
Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, Marty eventually went back to the table and picked up one of the bags, little pine needles swimming in the bit of water that he had dumped on top. “I… wanna sell them in the neighborhood.” Noticing his mother’s eyes starting to go wide, and wanting to stop the explosion that would surely come, he lifted his one empty hand in a placating motion. “I just want some coins in exchange, mama. Maybe some little boy or girl with no Christmas tree could get it and bring some joy into their rooms.” He finished his justification, the certainty of before gone, and his voice sounding shaky this time around.
Bertie’s eyes softened as soon as she heard her son’s explanation. The kind gesture not unfamiliar to her, her baby boy always displaying a heart much larger than his body. “But why are you selling them, Marty? Wouldn’t it be better to just give them for free?” Choosing not to delve on the inaccuracies of her son’s ideas and the fact that air fresheners were more complicated than that, Bertie instead focused on the one thing that remained unexplained.  
Looking down at his feet, Marty tried to make himself small. His blue eyes losing their spark, and his grin turning downwards into a sad smile. “Just a selfish reason, it was a bad idea after all.” He then grabbed the bags and moved to drop them on the kitchen’s trash can, but his mother stopped his progress with a commanding hand on his shoulder.
“Tell me, baby boy.” She said simply, as she pulled her son’s hand towards the sofa until both Deeks’ sat down.
It took a few minutes for the blonde boy to gather his courage and for his thoughts to turn into words, but the reasoning eventually came out. “Just wanted some coins to get myself a Christmas gift. I get it, mama. Santa is busy and there must be some other little boy or girl that deserves it more than me, but I really wanted…” The rest of the words falling into a deep abyss, and Marty slumping back onto the couch, still trying to make himself small. “I’m sorry. It was a dumb idea… I will clean up the mess and go to my room.”
“Stay.” Bertie directed as she tried to gather her thoughts. The idea that her son believed that he didn’t deserve a gift from Santa, and thus needed money to get himself one, breaking her heart. And the knowledge that the real reason was that her husband spent their money at the local bar and liquor store making her son’s words hurt even more. “What do you want to get, Martin?”
“A train…” He responded softly. Eyes still looking down and his usually happy words sounding uncharacteristically dejected.
Old letters to Santa flashed back on her mind, Marty having asked for a model train for the past 3 Christmases and his father always denying him the joy. “How many do you have available?” Bertie asked, spinning the conversation around.
Turning to look at his mother with confusion all over his features, Marty remained silent as his young mind tried to decipher her words.
“Bags? How many bags do you have available, sir?” Bertie asked again. Speaking to her nearly 7 year old son as if he was a salesman. “I would like to buy some.”
Slowly catching up to his mother, little Marty turned back towards the table so he could count the bags. One little finger touching each as he slowly said the numbers under his breath, not wanting to mess up in front of his mama. “6.”
“I want them all. How much would that be?” Bertie inquired as she stood up and walked to her purse so she could get her wallet.
“…But mama, we don’t need them. Tree, remember?” Marty said, one hand pointing at the tree, the other pushing his hair backwards, a gesture he always did when he was nervous.
“I’m not your mother, Martin. I’m a customer. I can give them away to some of those kids you mentioned… bring some joy into their rooms, yeah?” Using his own words, Bertie tried reminding Marty why he had started this whole ordeal in the first place. “So again, how much is it going to be?” Sensing her son wouldn’t answer, Bertie opened her wallet and started counting small bills. “Would this be enough, kind gentlemen?” She asked, pushing a few dollars and coins onto his hands.
“Hmm.” Marty murmured, his eyes shining and looking past the money on his hand, his imagination running wild and already picturing the train he could get.
Grabbing the Ziplocs, Bertie went into the kitchen to get an empty grocery bag to set her purchase inside. Knowing the bags weren’t really air fresheners and that she couldn’t give them away, but her son’s idea starting a fire on her heart, and a desire to help during this holiday season.
Walking back into the living room Bertie motioned for his son to get to his room, time running out and both knowing that nothing of this could be visible when Gordon walked through the door. “Get on your pajamas, Martin. I will be up to kiss you good night in a few minutes.” Marty did as directed and silently got up the couch and started walking up the stairs, feet dragging and shoulders slumped down. “Tomorrow I will pick you up after school and we will go get your train…” Bertie finished. His usual grin back on Marty’s face upon hearing the words all Roberta needed to remember why she got up each day to put up with her husband while she tried to carve some happiness for her baby boy.
When Marty was out of sight, Bertie quickly cleaned the coffee table and then started making some quick calls. Anything to make sure the following day wouldn’t be a disappointment for her son.
Next morning came and Marty was ready for school in record time. The smile never leaving his face and the boy laughing and joking even more than in other days. School went by quick with the boy daydreaming during each class, math and science not nearly as interesting as the train he would finally get.
A few hours later, when the bell rang, little Marty grabbed his backpack and ran outside, his grin turning even bigger when he saw his mama’s car parked in front of the school.
Roberta smiled as her son got inside the car, in a single motion kissing her on the cheek, one hand hugging her, while the other pressed play on the car stereo. Little Drummer Boy then started playing from the single Christmas CD the family owned, the thing almost scratched from how many times the blonde boy played it on repeat.
“Ready, Martin?” Roberta asked as she parked the car in front of a thrift store located a few miles from the family’s home.
Marty nodded eagerly, the excitement so big that he wasn’t even rambling as he usually did. “Yeah, mama. I will finally have a biiiig train.” He eventually said with a happy smile on his face, his arms spreading wide as he jumped out of the car.  
“Isn’t that too big for your room, baby boy. We will need a tow truck just to haul it inside.” Roberta’s eyes sparkled while she said the words, every moment with her son making the nights with her husband worthwhile.
“Not that big, silly mommy.” Marty giggled. “I promise it won’t be that big.” He continued more seriously this time. “Small so I can hide it in my closet, promise no one will see.”
Her son’s grasp on reality never failing to amuse her, even at just 6 years old, Marty instinctively knowing that things would be better if his father didn’t see the train. Nonetheless the words making her smile no longer mirror her son’s, as her lips turned downwards and the spark left her bright blue eyes.
“Why are you sad, mama? We don’t have to get the train if you don’t want.” Marty said with certainty, the boy already used to disappointments.
Shaking her head, Bertie reminded herself her son’s words the previous day. She couldn’t let him grow up thinking the world was a sad place in which little boys didn’t deserve the trains they wanted. As much as possible she was determined to preserve his innocence so he never saw how truly unfair the world could sometimes be. “I’m not sad, Marty. I’m just thinking you will be so happy with your train, you will forget all about your mama.”
“Nope. Never, mommy.” Succeeding in her effort to distract her son, Bertie smiled as her son’s little arms moved to hug her legs.
“Let’s go then.” Mother and son then walked hand in hand into the store.
Walking inside, Roberta moved to speak to the old man behind the counter, asking to see the trains they had available and casually mentioning their names hoping Marty wouldn’t think anything of it. The store, known for their eclectic arrangement of hobby-style items, had a nice assortment of collectible trains and some more colorful, toy ones.
Seeing the little boy, the store’s attendant looked inside a box and placed a bright blue Thomas the Tank Engine toy on the counter. Waiting to see a smile on the boy, the man was disappointed to see a frown instead. “What’s wrong?” He asked in confusion.
“I don’t want Thomas... I want a real train.” Marty muttered under his breath.    
The man turned to look at the mother and after receiving a nod of approval he grabbed another box and, this time, placed 5 different Märklin model trains on the counter. His smile returning after the boy’s eyes went wide and his small hand moved doubtfully to touch one.
No one said anything as Marty inspected each train and rearranged them in a different order. The boy ranking them on his mind as he tried to decide which one to get. After around 15 minutes, when he had seemingly decided, he grabbed two and asked the attendant for the price. Smiling the man gave him amounts that were much lower than the actual cost of the collectibles, one still being more than the other as the size was bigger, but both amounts Marty could pay with the money his mother had given him.
“This one.” The boy said. Picking the smaller and cheaper one, and setting the money on the counter.
“But why, son. If you have enough to get the other one. Your mother here, mentioned you wanted a big train.” The attendant then spread his arms wide echoing the gesture Marty himself had done before.
“How much for that?” Marty asked instead, ignoring the man’s question and pointing to a single chain necklace with a heart pendant that hang from a display located on top of the counter to their right.
Head twisted sideways, the man was at a loss. Turning to the mother he saw her nod, and again gave the boy an amount under real market price. One he could still pay with the money he had available.
“I will take it too.” Marty said with a smile. Putting all of the bills and coins on the counter, the small train he had picked never leaving his hand.
The man moved to unclasp the necklace from the display and put it inside a small bag which he passed to the boy after making an act of counting the money. “Merry Christmas, Marty. I hope you enjoy your new train and necklace.” He said bidding goodbye, then shaking the mother’s hand, little Marty never noticing the other exchange that went through.
“…And that’s how Martin got his first train.” Roberta finished her explanation, the little train they had bought from the old man at the thrift store sitting on her palm. A few scratches on the paint, but the train shining as bright as it had done on that day 35 years ago.  
Kensi wiped away a single tear that had managed to escape during Roberta’ story. While at the same time she smiled thinking of the little, happy boy Deeks had been, even in between what she knew he had been forced to live at home. “What did he want the necklace for?” She eventually asked, although she thought she knew the answer.
Roberta reached under her shirt, revealing a necklace with a heart pendant that she always kept locked around her neck. “It was his Christmas present for me.” She said simply, showing Kensi the piece that had also been part of the story. A tear now escaping her eyes as every time she thought back to her baby boy picking a smaller train just so he could also get something for her. “My Martin sure was a good boy.” Bertie finished absent-mindedly.
“And now he’s a good man. Thanks to you.” Kensi said to her soon to be mother-in-law. “Did he ever find out you had called the owner in advance and passed him more money as you shook hands?”
“…Not until now.” Deeks said as he walked into the attic. “What’s going on here?” He asked as he noticed the empty boxes and little train that sat on his mother’s palm.
Eyes wide, Kensi’s check instantly colored in embarrassment and she turned a panicky stare to Roberta. “I’m sorry.” She slurred the words as she tried to cover her slip.
“It’s okay. It’s been a while that I suspected something more went on that day.” Deeks explained, not wanting to make Kensi feel bad. “So… what’s going on?”
Roberta placed the toy back into his box and moved to hug her son. “We were just getting the Christmas decorations out of the boxes when we found this one that Kensi didn’t recognize. We found your train and Kensi wanted to hear the story.”
Deeks hugged his mother back and a sad smile started on his face. The memories of that train some of the happiest of his childhood, from how he got it, to the many nights he played with it under his bed. But the happy memories also hiding how he had hoped the imagined noise of the engine would silence the sounds coming from outside his room.
“I’m sorry I never told you, Martin. That night I called some stores before your father got home. I wanted to make sure you would be able to get one and not end up disappointed. I arranged with the owner the prices he would tell you and he knew I would get him the rest.” Bertie explained hoping her son would understand and this wouldn’t start an argument.
“Why didn’t you just get it for me, then?” Deeks asked, understanding her mother’s reasoning but not that part.
“I wanted you to know that with hard work you could make your own destiny, Martin. Be it something as simple as a train, but also… you know, becoming a lawyer… a cop… making something of yourself… getting married. Having a happy family better than the one you grew up in.” She finished lowly as one hand grasped Kensi’s and she smiled sweetly to her soon to be daughter-in-law. “As you have known for a while, Santa is not to blame for you never getting that train, but…”
“I know, mama.” Deeks answered, cutting her off, and mirroring the words he used to speak so often as a little boy. “You wanted me to know I could grow past Gordon.” He summarized.
“And you did.” Bertie said with pride, taking a look at the happy household around her. The strings of lights, many ornaments, and garlands peeking out from the recently opened boxes, the complete opposite to that small tree decorated with a single string of light and few ornaments under which little Marty had gathered pine needles.
A loud awww broke the moment between mother and son, Kensi having taken advantage of the opportunity to take a peek at the box from where the train had come out. Her sights zeroing on a photo album and her hands quickly moving at the same pace as her mind.
Now she stood to the left, with a picture of a little, blonde boy wearing a way too big chef hat that fell over his eyes, and a younger Roberta standing next to him with a spatula on her hand. The kitchen around them a mess of flour, eggs and cheese.
“Oh, that’s the day I taught him to make Bertie’s famous frittata.” Roberta started, again reminiscing old times. “I asked him to put a whole egg into the mixture and he went to throw in the whole thing, shell and all.” She explained as she flipped the page and the next picture showed little Marty with tears on his eyes, a broken egg on the floor and Bertie giggling next to him.
While Roberta and Kensi shared a good laugh, Deeks looked mortified. “No time for stories. Let’s go, we have some Christmas decorations to set.” Picking up boxes full of Christmas stuff, Deeks urged his mother and girlfriend to follow.
Ignoring her fiancé, Kensi continued to flip pages of the album until she reached another picture that caught her attention. Mother and son standing behind a kitchen counter, Santa Hat on Deeks blonde locks and a bowl of soup boiling at their backs. “Is this…?” Kensi left the rest of the question unspoken.
“…The first time we volunteered at the soup kitchen.” Deeks finished for her. “I never thought about it, but… that tradition started on the same year as the train.”
“You weren’t the only one that learned something that day, Martin. Your idea of giving the air fresheners to kids that might not have a tree for Christmas made me think of other ways to help and I realized many families didn’t even have food for the holidays. So, I did some research and found that nearby soup kitchen. It became our tradition after that.”
“And now it’s ours.” Deeks said with a smile as he grabbed Kensi’s hand and pulled it to his lips so he could press a sweet kiss over her ring finger.
“And this Christmas we could all go together.” Kensi proposed as she continued to stare at the photograph of another event in the Christmas that had helped shape Deeks into the man she would soon marry. “I’m sure my mom will be eager to join us… And to hear some more stories.” Kensi finished with a wink.
“No, no. No more stories. Decorations, we need decorations.” Deeks took the album from Kensi’s hand and pushed a box in its place and motioned mother and fiancé towards the stairs. He then went to turn off the lights, but not before he reached into the box and grabbed the little train. Hoping to be unnoticed but Roberta and Kensi watching from the corner of their eyes, and smiling to each other. Mother, son and future wife agreed, that train didn’t belong in a box.
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readyplayerhobi · 7 years ago
Little Drummer Boy
Tumblr media
; Metal Band!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Smut, fluff
; Word Count: 6.8k
; Warnings: Sub!Hoseok, Dom!Reader, blowjob, face sitting oral (receiving), light biting, restraints, unprotected sex, creampie,
; Synopsis: Entrusting the task of building a bed to your new husband should have been easier, but there’s a reason he’s a professional drummer and not a carpenter. Maybe a little fun will encourage him to remember to follow instructions in the future.
; Behind the Mask Masterpost
; A/N: This was my way of getting over writer’s block. It’s fluffy smut that I just needed to cheer me up, and hopefully cheer everyone else up too!
Placing your hands on your hips, you looked over the wooden bookcase that you’d finally finished building. DIY was not your forte but you’d been determined to not be defeated by a damned bookcase, which was why you’d spent the last hour carefully studying the instructions and putting it together slowly.
It may have taken you a while, but it looked good and it was sturdy. Smiling to yourself in pleasure at having completed it, you dragged over the box marked ‘BOOKS’ and began to place them on the shelves carefully. You had no particular system of ordering, just making sure that books by the same author were placed together. The only thing you required was that the sizing looked okay.
Nothing was more annoying than having a really tall book in the middle of everything, ruining the image. Once the books were in place, you contemplate for a few moments what kind of decorations you can add to make it look a little bit more homely. One of Hoseok’s bandmates had bought you both a light box that had been made to look like a traditional cinema sign.
Though packed away, you knew that it said both of your names and you figured it would look pretty cute on here. You’d add it, but you weren’t entirely sure what box it was in yet. Eyes glancing around the room, you let out a deep sigh as you noted all the full boxes that still remained around your new house.
Your rigid and unforgiving family had meant that you’d lived alone for the four years that you’d dated Hoseok. Secretly dated. Though he’d basically lived at your apartment by the time he’d proposed, but the two of you had decided that you’d buy a new house together. A house that was big enough to raise a family in.
Opening up the box that was simply titled ‘MEMORIES’, you pulled out the large, black picture frame that was made up of lots of smaller frames. Each one was filled with a photograph of Hoseok and you, from selfies that included big smiles to candid photos taken by your friends of intimate moments.
Scanning the main room with a firm eye, you note the perfect place for it and rest it against the wall on the floor. You’d need to buy hooks to start putting up the picture frames but for now, you’d just put them in places that you think might work. Hoseok might have a different opinion but he was free to give his thoughts.
Pulling out a single photo frame, you stare down at it before chewing your lip slowly. It’s of you and your brother, Jimin, on the night of your engagement party. His black hair is parted just off centre and styled away from his forehead while a black and white letterman style jacket adorns his torso, a plain black shirt underneath matching the skinny black jeans he’d worn.
The entire image he gave off was casual but unattainable. His jacket looked like something anyone could wear, but it’s only when you looked closer that you would notice the Louis Vuitton logo that immediately put it far above what most people could afford. Your brother made style effortless and it made him popular with the ladies.
He looked every inch the playboy businessman he was, but it still made your throat thicken when you looked at the image. Your brother had supported your relationship with Hoseok 100%, keeping your parents attention firmly away from you and coming up with a million excuses as to why you weren’t at a dinner, or why you didn’t want to go on holiday. He’d been the number one supporter of Hoseok proposing and had apparently been the one to convince him to finally pop the question.
Poor Hoseok had wanted to for a year, but he’d never even bought a ring as he’d thought it was a pointless and futile endeavour. There was no way your parents would ever approve of marriage to him; they wouldn’t have even approved of you dating. The terror of your parents had manifested itself in Hoseok to the point that every time you went to tell them about your relationship, he’d panicked and stopped you. A secret relationship was better than no relationship, he’d argued.
It had broken your heart to know that your sweet and kind husband had been content with the idea of remaining a secret from his other half’s family, possibly forever. He must have let it slip to Jimin though, which had resulted in Jimin convincing Hoseok to give it a chance. You had no idea what he’d said, but you suspected it was something along the lines of ‘you love my sister, not my family. We don’t even love our family’, or at least that’s what you imagined.
Unsurprisingly, your parents had gone nuclear when they’d been introduced to Hoseok. You still cried today about the things they’d said to him, finding everything possible to pick apart about him. His piercings and tattoos had produced a physical reaction of disgust, despite the fact he’d dressed nice for the occasion.
The fact that he was rich, very rich, and successful with his band didn’t even register to them. They’d focused on his poor upbringing, the poverty he’d grown up in and the dangerous school he’d been educated in. They’d sneered at the fact he’d dropped out of high school to join the band, drums being his one escape from his life that a kindly music teacher had encouraged him in.
Everything that they could have skewered Hoseok with, they did until eventually you had a full on screaming match with them. Your father and mother were used to being obeyed though and they’d thought that you would eventually back down, as you always had. But they’d underestimated just how much you loved the man who had sat there and taken their verbal abuse without so much as a flinch, all because he loved you.
And so you’d refused to break the proposal and refused point blank to leave him either. That had enraged them and led to you becoming disowned from the family, cut off from any funding and banned from any family events. They’d tried their hardest to enforce it on Jimin, but he’d quite plainly told them they either let him continue his relationship with you, or they could disown him as well. And he was more important than you to the family.
The harsh severing of your family ties had upset Hoseok intensely, leading to him suggesting that perhaps you might want to leave him. Family was important to him, with his band members being his adopted family that he relied and depended on intensely. But you’d simply noted that he was your family now, and one day you’d have a family that you would both love without reservations. It just so happened the people who had given you life didn’t want to be part of that.
Running a finger along Jimin’s face, you give a soft smile that wobbles ever so slightly. Jimin was the only blood family you would claim now, and you wished him to have the happiest life possible. He was the one who had walked you down the aisle and the one who had cried like a baby giving his speech at your reception.
And he was the one who had given Hoseok courage to do things he’d been terrified of, becoming your husband’s brother just as much as your own. Placing the frame on the bookcase you’d built earlier, you vowed to call him over to show him your new home as soon as possible.
Realising that you’d been putting the frames out in complete silence, you frown slightly before heading over to the bedroom. The door was shut, but you open it quietly before leaning against the frame, tongue in your cheek as you watch the spectacle in front of you.
Your new husband is sat on the floor, his ripped black jeans stretching over his muscular thighs while his plain white shirt makes the colourful tattoos rippling along his arms and neck stand out even further. His black hair is a complete mess on his head, and his hand running through it once more lets you know why.
Watching in silence, you smirk slightly as he sucks on of his lip rings into his mouth idly, the soft clinking of the metal ring against his teeth the only noise in the otherwise silent room. His brow is creased as he reads the instructions on the sheet in front of him, mouth twisting into a confused expression before he looks back at the bed he’d said he’d build.
You’d both opted to fill the large master bedroom with a queen sized bed, allowing the two of you plenty of space to sprawl without interrupting the other. As great as relationships were, sometimes sleep just required you to have your own space without getting tangled in someone else.
He’d taken charge of building the bed while you had opted for the bookcase, though maybe you should have let him build the bookcase instead. Or maybe nothing at all as you look over what is apparently supposed to be a bed. It was a four poster bed which required piecing together carefully, and it was with lots of bemusement and a little frustration that you note that your husband has managed to put half the bed together one way and the other half the other way.
How he’d managed that, you’ll never know.
The shifting of your feet catches his attention and he looks over suddenly, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Said eyes flicker back to the deformed bed before he looks back over, a sweet and innocent smile causing his cute dimples to appear.
“Hi.” He says simply, fingers tightening slightly around the instructions while a dusky rose brushes his cheeks. Stepping into the room, you let the door close behind you before crouching down next to him and simply observing the bed.
“I thought you said that you could put it together?” You ask, tone carefully neutral. He reluctantly looks at the bed too and gives a tiny shrug, his shoulders rising slightly in embarrassment. Lifting the instructions he waves them and the crackling of paper takes over.
“I totally could. It’s just...these instructions make no sense.” He mumbles towards the end, sucking a lip ring in again as he nervously chews it. Pressing your lips together to try and stop the smile that wants to spread, you reach forward and gently tug the lip ring back out.
“You always eat that ring when you lie baby. You didn’t read the instructions did you?” Hoseok’s mouth opens to refute your statement before he realises that you obviously know. Letting out a deep sigh, his shoulders lower as he nods, pretty pink lips puckering into a pout.
Laughing quietly, you lean forward and press the quickest kiss to those lips before leaning back. “I told you to read them. I read my instructions and the bookcase is done.” He fumbles for a moment, trying to figure out what to say before giving you a dejected look.
“I thought it would be easy.” The corners of his lips turn down before he suddenly brightens up, his expression getting light and happy as he points at the queen sized mattress taking up the corner, covered in the duvet and pillows you’d bought to combat the cool nights of autumn.
“I put the covers on the duvet though! They’re pretty…” He trails off, gaze looking down before he looks up at you through his lashes. “Like you.” You laugh out loud at that, noting the neutral flower pattern that you’d both chosen at the home decoration store.
“You’re such a charmer. That mouth will get you anything won’t it?” You grin, dropping to your knees and pressing another kiss to his forehead. When you pull back, you note that his eyes have closed in contentment while a tiny smile graces his face.
“You’ve never complained about this mouth before.” He whispers, voice low and raspy as he opens his eyes to reveal them slightly glazed. A tiny smirk raises the corner of his mouth before he’s tugging you into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and rocking slightly as you squeal and laugh.
Stopping, you simply admire his face for a few moments while he does the same in turn to you. The septum piercing that had sent your mother into fits combines with the two lip rings to always give the impression that this is a man who likes the wilder side of life. A few of your friends wonder why on earth he would choose to interrupt such an arresting face, but you liked his piercings.
They turned a sculpture perfect face into something more realistic, intentionally interrupting the model worthy lines that swoop and swerve to produce the face you’d fallen for years ago. Running your fingers through his soft hair, you let your nails gently drag along his scalp and take enjoyment out of the soft shudder of pleasure that runs through his body.
Your other hand comes up to play with his earrings, the black plugs that take up space in his ear lobes, the industrial piercing in his left ear and the countless rings that scatter across his right ear. You’d teased him plenty of times for being addicted to piercings as well as tattoos, particularly when he decided to get his lip rings but he’d simply shrugged.
“I thought you wanted me to build the bed.” A gravel like tone makes your insides quiver and the heady look in his eyes has you squirming slightly. Despite his words, his hands are slowly running the length of your waist in slow and calculated movements.
Looking back at the bed you’d have to dismantle, you shrug before looking over to the mattress on the floor. “We don’t need a bed, just a mattress.” Tugging your lip into your mouth, his eyes watch the movement intently and you feel his hands tighten ever so slightly. Reaching down, you take his left hand and slowly bring it to your lips, pressing feather soft kisses on the pad of his fingers.
When you kiss his ring finger, you go one step further by slowly sucking it into your mouth, pressing your tongue firmly against him until your lips meet his new wedding ring. He watches with an open mouth, the softest groan leaving him at the sight while his eyes go hooded as you swirl your tongue around his ring.
Pulling his finger out slowly, you press the final kiss to his pinkie finger before leaning forward to meet his lips. He’s eager and you feel more than a few wisps of neediness as his tongue meets yours, fighting for dominance until you’re both gasping for breath. Normally you’d give him it, preferring to let him control the sex and rule over you.
But today you feel like turning the tables and it takes so little effort to tug at the silky strands of his hair. He lets out a quiet noise of annoyance at not getting way until your tugging becomes firmer, gripping tight and pulling until his head slowly rolls backwards.
You don’t move though and the seal of your lips breaks, leaving you both panting at each other as he looks up at you with defiance and lust. The thick column of his throat moves as he swallows, the angle causing it to be more defined than normal and you let out a muted moan at the sight of his Adam’s apple bobbing.
The vibrant splashes of colour that line his throat are even more visible at this angle, easily seen from above the low cut of his collar. Vivid red roses clash with yellow sunflowers, tiny little skulls visible in the gaps inbetween and without a thought you’re mouthing along them. His body stiffens and you feel him trying to pull his head back, but the firm grip you have on him stops him.
The tattoos provide the perfect canvas to trail and you slowly run your tongue along the bold black outlines. He shudders and a deep groan vibrates through his throat onto your tongue, the vibrations acting like a direct line to your pussy as you clench around nothing.
“Baby, we don’t have any of our toys.” He manages to get out and you pull away, looking down at his flushed face. Smirking, you close in on him and watch his wide pupils blow out at the look in your face. Your tongue lazily plays with his lip ring, causing him to open his mouth slightly and let you see a glimpse the tongue piercing he’d gotten a few months before your wedding.
“I don’t want to be your little bitch today. You messed up the bed, so I think it’s time for my little drummer boy to shut up and let Mistress have some fun, yeah?” He fights it for a moment, a whole myriad of emotions fleeting across his face quickly from annoyance to craving.
Your sexual relationship with Hoseok had nearly always been with him in the driving seat. Under his caring and experienced hands, you’d reached new heights of pleasure that you’d only read about in books or seen in films. It had taken you over a year before you finally realised that Hoseok was not, in fact, a sole dom but that he also enjoyed switching into submissive on occasion.
It was usually when he felt like it though and you rarely engaged in it, preferring to have your Master take care of you. But sometimes, like today, the Mistress just came right out with a need to bring him under control.
You watch with eager eyes as his expression finally flattens out, deep brown eyes watching you carefully as every muscle in his body relaxes under you. His next words have your body shuddering with excitement and pleasure, hearing something you never thought you’d be interested in but had learnt to love. “Yes Mistress. I’ll be a good boy.”
A caring smile paints itself on your face and you let go of his hair lightly, gently running your hand along his jaw while your thumb strokes his cheek. Pushing off him, you stand and point to the mattress. “Strip and lay down. And do it slowly, I want to enjoy it.”
He stays still for a moment before his pink tongue flicks out, licking his lips quickly. Moving over to the mattress with long, confident strides, he turns around and gives a slight smirk. Gripping the hem of his shirt, he slowly lifts it before tugging it over his head, leaving him standing in just ripped black jeans.
There’s absolutely no sound between the two of you as he watches, his eyes daring you to do something and you note that he has no intention of being a good boy. He never did when you took control. His fingers slowly move down his torso before reaching the button of his jeans and he moves achingly slow as he undoes them.
Keeping his eyes firmly on you, he lets the jeans slowly drop down his legs, revealing incredibly toned thighs and calves, the golden skin occasionally broken by the odd smattering of colour. With a casual movement, he throws both items of clothing to the side and stands before you naked, his semi-hard cock bobbing slightly in the air.
“I get the feeling you’re not being a good boy,” You murmur, tugging your clothes off quickly to make sure he doesn’t get the pleasure of seeing you strip for him. It doesn’t stop the flare of desire that lights up in his eyes though but he stays quiet.
Once you’re naked, you click your fingers and point to the mattress and he slowly lays down, watching you out of the corner of his eyes. Moving over to him, you smirk at the look of defiance that he gives you before leaning over and biting gently on his side. He hisses immediately, body shifting slightly to get away from you but you simply lave the sore spot with your tongue slowly.
His chest is taken up with a huge tattoo of a phoenix, golds and reds exploding across his chest in a vision of fire which slowly transform into dragons, fighting over his stomach. You take your time to repaint the pictures with your tongue, making sure to keep the touch light so as to drive his senses crazy.
“Baby…” He moans out as you hit a particularly sensitive spot, his twitching erection catching your attention out of the corner of your eye. You curse the fact that your toys are all gone, desperately wanting to put his cock ring on him, but when his hand twines in your hair, you decide to improvise.
Reaching back over, you grab your shirt and take his hands, pressing them together before tying the fabric firmly around them. He scowls at you but stays quiet, being good for once though the lip rings ruin the image completely.
“I don’t have much to make you be good little drummer boy, but you will be good otherwise you won’t cum. Got that? I’ll leave you hard and aching, and if you get yourself off then you’re not having sex for a while.” He gapes at you slightly and goes to complain before snapping his jaw shut with an audible click.
“Yes Mistress.” Hoseok mutters and you laugh, dragging your fingernails along his stomach and enjoying the way his muscles convulse immediately. Leaning down, you let your tongue circle one nipple, peaked from the cool temperature, and he’s letting out a restrained grunt.
You move down his stomach, enjoying the way his toned muscles flex underneath your mouth before you reach the patch of hair that surrounds the base of his cock. Nosing along the soft skin, you smile slightly when you feel the tip of him brush against your cheek, leaving a wet trail behind.
Looking up at him, you smirk as his face scrunches up at the sight of his precum that streaks your cheek. You decide to leave it there, knowing how much he loves it when your face gets messy from him but abandon that area of his body completely. Even though he’s trying to follow your orders, he can’t stop the ghost of a whine that leaves his throat as you move away from the area he wants you in most.
Throwing a leg over his waist, you look down on him from your lofty position and smile brightly. His face shifts into a look of confusion before his eyes narrow in suspicion. You say nothing for a moment, simply lowering yourself and slowly grinding against his stomach, letting out a quiet moan as he unwittingly stimulates your clit.
Immediately he’s lifting his head and looking at the spot, letting out a breathy sigh at the sight of you leaving behind wetness on him. Pushing at his shoulder, you make him lay back down and continue to rotate your hips slowly, eyes fluttering closed as you use his body to give you pleasure.
You carry on like this for a few minutes, your pants slowly growing louder while his face looks more pained the longer you go on. Stopping your movement suddenly, you look down at the wet mess you’re making on his stomach and grin broadly, shifting further down his body in slow and sensual movements.
His cock brushes against your clit as you move, causing him to choke on a breath at the oversensitivity he’s suffering from not being touched. “Watch me little drummer boy.” You whisper low, voice gruff and immediately his bringing his head up to watch you.
Keeping firm eye contact with Hoseok, you lazily lap up the wet patch of your juices on his stomach and hum contently, causing a whistling whine to leave his throat at the sight. “Do you want to taste me too?” You ask innocently, making your eyes go big and wide as you pout your lips ever so slightly.
His head is moving in a nod before you’ve even finished your sentence and your lips tug into a smile. “Yes Mistress, please Mistress.” You sit back on his thigh, finger tapping your lips as you consider for a few moments just to prolong his need before giving a cute nod.
“Okay, you can taste Mistress.” He’s about to move, muscles rippling across his body as he expects you to lay down and for him to nestle between your legs. But instead, you press a hand firmly onto his stomach, leading him to frown in confusion.
Without a word, you crawl up his body slowly, a predatory gaze of seduction in your eyes that has him swallowing thickly. You keep going until your positioned directly above his face, giving him the perfect view up your body, but most importantly of the achingly empty and wet place between your thighs that’s just begging for his tongue.
“Eat.” You order, grinning as you lower yourself enough so that he can reach you without getting neck ache. There’s a moment of nothing as he simply watches you with blown out eyes before he opens his mouth and slowly extends his tongue. The sight has you shivering, but it’s the gentle touch of his tongue to your soaking entrance that has you moaning out loudly.
He doesn’t bother with your clit for the moment, instead sinking his tongue as far as he can into you before slowly pulling it back out. Hoseok repeats the action for the next minute, going as slowly as he can until your hips are pushing down on him desperately, body tightening around the thick, wet muscle.
“Speed it up, drummer boy,” You curse quietly, voice demanding and sharp as you reach down and grip at his hair. He grunts in response before acknowledging your order, his tongue beginning to simulate his cock as he fucks you faster. Each curl of his tongue inside your pussy has you gasping out, face creasing in concentration as your thighs tremble.
It’s made even more pleasurable by the ball of his tongue piercing pressing against your inner walls, each stroke pressing the metal against you firmly and sparking tiny wildfires of pleasure in your body. He pulls his tongue out of you and slowly licks up to your clit, playing with the engorged bundle of nerves lazily with the tip before pressing firmly against you.
His piercing hits your clit perfectly and he can tell by the way your body jerks forward slightly, an animalistic groan leaving your throat as your hand tightens in his hair, other hand falling forward onto the mattress. Tiny movements of his tongue stimulates your clit, which when combined with the overwhelming wetness of his tongue has you letting out noises that would have embarrassed you years ago.
“Make me cum little drummer boy, make me cum on all over your face yeah?” You whisper out, voice haggard from your moans. Wrapping his lips around your clit, he hums in acknowledgement before his tongue goes to work. The flexing of his hands underneath the shirt restraint lets you know that he’d be fingering you right now he could get his hands into position and the knowledge makes you clench.
It’s a heady combination that tips you over the edge, sparks of pleasure erupting from your stomach outwards as your husband’s talented tongue makes you orgasm for what feels like a whole minute. He doesn’t stop either, continue to kitten lick at your overly sensitive clit until your hissing, lifting yourself just enough that his tongue can’t reach you anymore.
Moving a jelly like thigh over his body, you slump against the wall and pant as you watch him. He eyes you with a smug look, licking his lips slowly and you’re clenching around nothing at all at the sight of his wet cheeks and chin. Leaning forward, you ignore the complaints of your thigh muscles as you ever so slowly tongue yourself off his face, enjoying the hissing sigh he lets out as you do.
“You were a good boy. I think I should reward you.” You murmur, pressing an open kiss to his mouth and moving away before he can react. Before he can say anything else, you grab a tight hold of his cock which has his hips jerking up automatically.
Eyeing the thick member with hunger, you squeeze tightly while stroking upwards, the skin hot and silk soft underneath your hand and encasing what feels like steel underneath. Whiny pants leave his throat at your touch, morphing into a low groan when you reach his tip and swipe a thumb over the slit there, wiping at the pre-cum currently leaking from him.
“So hard, I think someone likes being dominated by his wife right?” You ask, voice pleasant and smile sweet as you look back at him. He twitches in your hand at the word ‘wife’ and you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from saying something. Even in the midst of being dominated, he gets turned on you calling yourself his wife. Cute.
Twisting your hand around his shaft, you stroke in a consistent manner that has him writhing on the bed. His precum isn’t providing enough lubrication for you and so you engulf him in your mouth, his frustrated red tip being swallowed whole as you move him even further till he hits the back of your throat.
Staying there for a moment, you continue to stroke him from his base to your lips before you swallow around his tip, causing him to cry out. You keep him firmly in place by pressing your other hand to his hips hard before you slowly pull your head up, tongue leaving a slick trail up the underside of his cock as you do so.
Shifting your hand, you cup his balls gently, playing with them while you lick at him with tiny, almost non-existent licks. It amuses you slightly how you push his cock away with your tongue and how it comes back immediately, desperate for your touch.
Looking back at him momentarily, you note his closed eyes and the look of pleasure and frustration that has his face creasing. His colourful arms are tensed, the muscles gained from drumming prominent, yet you note with pleasure that he’s following orders and hasn’t moved them.
Turning back to his dick, currently swaying as if trying to get your attention, you smirk before making your next move. Squeezing his balls just enough to be pleasurable, you lick along his frenulum at the same and enjoy the explosive curse words he’s shouting out.
Grinning, you take him fully into your mouth once more and begin to hum along to one of his songs that is in your head. You know the vibrations are driving him wild from the tiny thrusts his hips are making before he’s suddenly letting out a strained laugh. “Good one Mistress, singing my song to me.”
You pull off him with a wet pop before grinning back at him, giving him a slow wink before licking along the thick vein of his cock like a lollipop, all the while maintaining eye contact. He grits his teeth at the sight, letting his head fall back with a frustrated cry.
Getting bored of blowing him for a few minutes, you let his cock fall to his stomach before sitting back and looking at him. He lifts his head up to gaze at you again, expression fucked out and hair even more all over the place than when you’d first come in here.
Smiling at him, you straddle his waist before taking a firm grip of him, rocking your hips lazily so that he’s slipping between your lower lips, pressing against your clit and getting covered in a delicious wetness. Hoseok bites his lip at the sight and you enjoy watching your husband, tattooed, pierced and normally so dominant, being so pliant and submissive between your legs.
“Do you want to be inside me?” You ask charmingly, a coy smile on your lips. He reverts his focus from between your thighs to your eyes, nodding before he even realises what he’s doing apparently.
“Okay, you’ve been a good little drummer boy today haven’t you?” You say, slipping the tip of him inside you and letting out a soft moan as your slickness makes his entrance easy. He lets out a responding groan, the sound elongating as you slowly sink down his length.
Your eyes rolls back into your head as he bottoms out, your thighs releasing any tension as you rest on top of him for a moment. It fascinates you how he always feels so damn good inside you, cock filling every empty space and pressing against all the spots that make you cry out in bliss.
Squeezing around him experimentally, you can’t help but beam at the ceiling as you feel your husband jerk underneath you. Letting your head fall back down, you clench your thighs to lift yourself up, almost to the point he’s in danger of slipping out of you before slowly sliding back down him.
The next few minutes are just filled of that, the heady sounds of both of your pants and along with the slick sounds of his dick moving in you. Pressing a hand to his stomach and letting the other rest on the mattress, you use the position to speed up your movements, hips rotating on each rock and causing him to press against the extra special spongy bundle of nerves inside you.
“Hoseok…” You whisper, your willingness to continue on the dominant role disappearing with each thrust. This was why he was the better dom, as he had an iron control over his desire and could keep it up for ages. You on the other hand put up a reasonable start before dissolving into fits of need.
It’s hard to care though when you open your eyes and see him watching you, mouth open as he gulps for breath while sweat is already causing his tanned skin to glow even more. Any control you have vanishes as you lean forward, catching his lips with your own and whining at the feel of the cool lip rings pressing against you.
He can tell that the game is up, resulting in his arms flexing for a few moments before there’s a quiet ripping sound and his hands are free. If you weren’t so completely gone on the pleasure his cock is providing, his own hips moving up to meet yours, you’d have complained at him ruining yet another shirt.
Instead, you simply open your mouth when he swipes his tongue along it, the taste of yourself still strong, and let him take over. Growling slightly, you feel his body tense momentarily before he’s suddenly pushing you over, rolling on top of you without even leaving your body.
“What happened to Mistress?” He asks, low and strained with effort as he begins to lazily thrust into you, hips snapping forward. You let your head roll back onto the mattress with a sigh as your legs wrap around his lean waist, pressing your feet into the small of his back to encourage him deeper.
“She went away, I want to make love to my husband for the first time in our house.” You whisper, cheeks flushing at your words. You’d worry that he’d find it sappy, or be annoyed that you’d stopped the dominance game with him but instead he just gives you the sweetest smile, his face brightening up as it takes over.
“I can do that.” He murmurs, lowering his head to recapture your lips as his hips continue to move, each thrust of his hips building the ball of pleasure inside of you. One hand leaves your hair to slowly trail down your body, his fingertips igniting fires of pleasure along your sensitive skin until he finally reaches your engorged clit.
Pressing down, he uses two fingers to make tiny circles on the nerve bundle, pressing down until your body twitches in pleasure and letting him know he’s got it right. He makes a circle in time to his movements, angling himself until his penis is pressing firmly against your g-spot with every thrust and you’re letting out quiet whimpers into his mouth.
Each touch of his fingers, combined with his relentless assault on your pussy, eventually has you writhing around on the mattress. “Hoseok please.” You beg, pulling away from his kiss to let your pleading breaths brush against his lip lightly.
“That’s it, come on baby. Cum for me.” He encourages quietly, fingers circling even faster as his hips move even faster. The feeling becomes too overwhelming and suddenly your head is pressing back against the mattress, face contorting into pleasure as a long, low moan is ripped from your throat.
Your inner muscles are convulsing around him continuously, causing him to grunt out in a combination of pain and pleasure, while your hips swivel wildly from the force of your orgasm. Only when you let out a sob of oversensitivity is when he removes his fingers, instead resting his elbow next to you while his head buries itself into your neck while he soon begins to chase his own high.
As you pant desperately, whimpers of pleasure being pulled at the feeling of him fucking into you in your post-orgasm bliss, he begins to let out low grunts and moans. The unbelievably wet sound of him thrusting into you stops suddenly as he presses himself fully inside, body shuddering as he lets out a long sigh that’s filled with satisfaction, cock twitching inside you as he empties himself.
Neither of you move afterwards for a minute, both simply enjoying the quiet moment between the two of you as the sweat on your skin begins to dry, causing your skin to goosebump in the cool air. Lifting his head, he looks at you with a tired grin which ignites a reciprocal smile from you.
Running your fingers through his sweat soaked hair, you tug his head down for another kiss. It’s sweet and chaste compared to what you’d done, but filled with so much love and happiness that you can’t help but sigh as your chest swells with emotion.
Rolling off you, Hoseok lays to your side and simply watches you, chest heaving as he works to regulate his breathing. Wrapping a tattooed arm around your waist, he tugs you closer before resting his head on your shoulder. The atmosphere is calm and relaxed, and you can’t help but bury your nose into his hair, inhaling the enhanced sweaty scent of him and the strawberry shampoo he’d used this morning.
“Are you happy?” Hoseok asks softly, his warm breath tickling your throat. Today was the first day you’d come into your new home, with the last two weeks spent in Greece on your honeymoon. Despite how content you’d both been, you could hear the slight anxiety and worry in his voice and it caused your heart to clench.
He was still worried that you’d realise one day that you’d made a mistake by marrying him. By choosing him.
Rolling onto your side to face him, you trail your fingers over his cheek gently before giving him a reassuring smile. “I’m happy with you.” You say firmly, trying hard to put your love and belief in him into your voice.
He stays quiet for a moment, chewing on his lip in a desperate effort to try and prevent a smile. It’s futile though and you see it creep along slowly, the tiny mole on his upper lip prominent. In an attempt to create a distraction, he nods over to the monstrosity he’d created earlier. “Even though I can’t even build a bed?”
You laugh softly and kiss his chin. “Beds are overrated. But I believe with my whole heart that you’ll definitely be better at building a life with me.”
“Is your name Mozzarella? As apparently I married a giant cheeseball.” He snorts, but he can’t stop the tinge of rose that spreads across his cheeks, or the content smile that makes its way across his face. You feel relief to see that.
Pushing at his bare chest lightly, you whine softly before cuddling back up to the warmth he offers in the cold and empty room. “You love it.” You whisper against the phoenix that adorns him.
He quietens before hugging you tighter, his hands stroking up your back. “I love you.”
“Hi Mr Cheddar, my names Mozzarella and it’s nice to meet you.” You say cheekily, grinning at his exasperated sigh.
“I love you only sometimes.”
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aimeesuzara · 7 years ago
How We Learn to Hate Our Skin or, a Late Blossom into Self-Love, When Growing up Brown in a World that Makes You Want to Be White (For A History of My Body Blog Series)
 In the summer of 2016, I arrived in Santiago de Cuba with a dance group, and the first thing we attended was a performance by Danza Del Caribe. There, in a dark theater, with very few people in attendance, emerged the lithe, dynamic dancers -- the music, driving and sensual, the bodies, athletic and slim —the dance, modern, though there was something distinct about the movement that was very Cuban, its expression, the undulations of their torsos and hips.  Soon, there was another dance featuring traditional drummers and singers and all in costumes, reenacting a fiesta in the streets, and now, I could see the Afro-Cuban roots, the movement beneath the movement.  The music and the dance immediately seized us, a welcome that was neither superficial nor subtle.  Outside in the night, we piled into cars where Jacob Forever's song "Hasta Que Se Seque el Malecon" blared, and I realized I was listening to this song for the first time in Cuba.  I realized: I am IN Cuba!  That I had taken Cuban dance, from folkloric to Cuban salsa, and had become nearly addicted to dancing casino to Salsa-Timba, needing to dance at least once, if not three times, a week, faithfully attending class at my gym taught by one of the leaders of this very trip -- had always seemed strange if I were never to come here. Of course, it was a privilege to travel, a privilege that is very “American.”
As a person whose culture has not quite suffered the amount of co-opting that other cultures have (what comes to mind is yoga-fied Indian, anime-ed Japanese, kitschy or cutesy Chinese, boy-band Korean, luau'd Hawaii, cigar-and-salsa Cuba – to name just a few)-- I always wonder, "when and if this happens to us, how will I feel?" for example, how would I feel if I went to a Filipino tribal dance class from, say, Mindanao, and all of the attendees were white?  Sure, they could learn the language and the gestures, but could this be right?  And what if the consumers of such traditions had never been interested in my country nor never attempted to know and understand and have true relationship with not only the symbols of, but the actual inhabitants or descendants of my islands? I always imagined entering a class like that and basically losing my mind, giving everyone a piece of my mind.  And yet I, too, have done my fair share of being fascinated by and borrowing and romanticizing cultures other than my own -- I am guilty of it, certainly -- I do not deny that living in India in college, studying Buddhism and Hinduism and an extended stay of 9 months,  then returning here to attending yoga classes where few if any people were actually Indian -- that I was participating in the consumption of culture.  I also do not claim that my fascination with Cuban culture, spirituality, history, are entirely devoid of romanticism, idealizing.  And yet, there is something here to consider.  I do not consider myself a part of the (at least racial) dominant class.  That I have grown up with economic comfort, an excellent education, and two parents who lived together and were committed, raising me with everything I needed -- that I grew up with at least some semblance of identity connected to a homeland -- I do not deny the privileges I have inherited.
But as I've gotten older, I realize that my suspicion that we were always second-class citizens in many peoples' eyes, in the system's eyes; that we are dispensable, as labor, as intelligence, as optional colors to throw into a melting pot that somehow was and should be neutral, in other words, white; that I have never nor ever will experience whatever it is to feel I was neutral or normal or the regular, that things were made and meant for me; though I strove for, and lived at times under the illusion that I could be, a part of it.  As a child, I wanted my mom to have m & m's and pizza and popcorn around like the other kids; not soy sauce, fish sauce, hot peppers and rice.  I wanted us to sit down to an “American” Thanksgiving Dinner, since that's what everyone else did.  This became instated, at my insistence at the age of eight or nine: we had turkey, canned cranberry sauce, powdered whipped potatoes.  I was content to be like the other kids, not realizing that what was being replaced was whatever Filipino we had left. For a mother who was not that into cooking, those small symbols were what we couuld and should hold onto.  My Dad's Adobo; my mom's pancit; the ginataan that I half-loved and half-was disgusted by; the odd sweets and bottles and jars filled with sugary beans and coconut jelly for making Halo-Halo.  Instead, I opted for the can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce, not knowing how easy it was to make fresh sauce from scratch; the microwaved dinners like Hungry Man's potatoes and gravy and meatloaf, also not realizing that these were the easiest foods to make from scratch; popcorn and eggs, likewise, easy to to make and inferior when made in our enormous microwave oven.  I fought hard to lose our culture in order to be  part of the crowd, only realizing later that I would never the part of the crowd.  I would always be different, exotic, cute.  I would always stand out, could not really hide behind my hair like I thought I could; wearing black as a teen probably made me stand out more; I could never be "goth" -- my melanin prevented this. 
The illusion of belonging to a dominant class was broken at moments of my parents being talked down to; or my mom being called "cute" --my lunchbox food called weird, and people fascinated by my hair and eyes.  At a point in fifth grade the adoration turned to a silent segregation, and I distinctly remember sitting, as though on a faraway island, looking at my increasingly distant best friend, freckles and blue eyes, and her other newer best friends, blond and red-haired, all pale like Strawberry Shortcake and Barbie and Madonna; all perfect American little girls, as they became a click and left me with Jasmine and Keisha, whom I liked and got along with but also resented because they reminded me of my darkness; somehow being with the two black girls made me feel that all together we were just this big blotch of ink; a shadow on the playground; invisible and disappearing while the rest of the world marched on. A child of ten does not invent such a feeling, and especially not in a small town like Pasco, given that race or racism was never directly talked about by my parents nor in school, that my friends were all oblivious to the subtle ways in which racism was being perpetuated and carried on by their parents.  I remember Luis and Juan and some sense about them being just weird or less-than; I remember Pedro who broke his arm doing antics on the slide; they were Mexican and were seen as the comic relief; they were the jokesters, the pranksters, and so they were loved.  But in a sort of adorable, little-brother way, not to be taken seriously, and certainly not to be the object of a crush.  There was my Indonesian friend, also adorable and smart but never to be the object of a crush; crushes would be reserved for the classically white-cute Jeff or John. (*all names have been changed)
I probably had picked up on or heard snippets of my fathers' frustration, when he was deflated or downright angry about the dynamics at the hospital.  It seemed that the Filipinos were helping the Filipinos but not enough (and what was it they need to help each other for, I wondered?) and the Indian doctors had to leave; and the white doctors all supported one other were not supporting him. We left the Tri-cities nearly losing everything, in debt and abandoning the beautiful house on the hill; I disappeared for years from the scene and moved like a nomad across the country five times before I was a sophomore in high school.
But that is another story.  Let's begin with the body here and see where it all changed.
In Houston, Texas, I learned, as abruptly as you could at the age of 11 in sixth grade, that yes, we were second class citizens, people who should go back "home" (and what home was that?) and who smelled (this being the Indian slur applied generically).  Or it was "ching chong" which really got me because immediately the sound summoned the most slanty-eyed cartoon I could imagine, someone who couldn't even see through the slits of their eyes; and I was proud to have large, almond eyes, eyes my father and others said were due to my Spanish ancestry.  Deer eyes, round eyes, eyes that were expressive.  And I loved to sing, and talk and dance, so how could anything be Ching Chong from my lips --what a bunch of gibberish; I knew nothing about Chinese culture, but I knew no one spoke like that.
I remember, too, that in Texas, my two best friends and I clung to one other, protecting one another from the harsh slurs and taunting and just plain stupidity of the typical hormonal 6th-grader.  We created a fortress by linking arms and always walked together in the narrow halls.  I remember being conscious of Shalini, our Indian third, being made fun of for her hairiness and/or her odor.  Grace was nearly perfect, I thought, but her being Vietnamese and me Filipina, still, we were Asian and this was something, apparently, bad.  Our biggest steretotype was perhaps to be too smart (how terrible). But this also had to go hand-in-hand with, or mean, not-attractive. God forbid you could be brown, smart and pretty at the same time; that idea was only a fantasy.
There is something that extends beyond the number of incidences that I may be able to name that were "racist" -- micro-aggressions, and simply systematic and historical realities that, once you are aware of them, you could not become unaware.  It was only much later, after college, that I became aware that we live in a society built upon slavery, and exploitation, and the murder of brown-skinned people who lived here before. Then I learned that in my islands there were indigenous people before came the Spaniards, and the Dutch, and the British, and the United States, before capitalism and westernized culture infected the minds and hearts and bodies; I learned that people in my islands wished to lighten their skin and go to great lengths to be light, to appear or be white, to speak white, to be Western, and to look down upon their own even before coming to the USA-- the exact process described by Fanon and Cesaire as internalized colonialism, internalized inferiority. I inherited the internalized inferiority complex: I wanted blond hair and blue eyes; I wanted a tall nose; I wanted to lose my melanin and tried to hide my shadow in the brightness of light-skinned people for much of my childhood and teenager-hood. I bought into believing my parents were less-than with their strong accents and "foreign” ways. If I did not -- how else would I ever belong?
It had to be systemic: how could a 10-year old invent the kind of complex that I recall dawning upon me like a heavy mist, a poisonous web, that I breathed into my lungs, that permeated my body.  To be ashamed of my parents' tongue, our skin color, our bone structure, our food, our culture, to be ashamed.
To be ashamed as a woman may be something very universal, and especially under Catholicism, the gift of the conquistador to the natives of our islands and the other islands they descended upon.  But to be ashamed to also be brown, to also hail from what I learned later were islands resembling, no, are actually, Paradise?  Why and how could we feel ashamed of this?  Why and how could we feel ashamed to come from Paradise, where people are warm, loving, communally-minded, resilient, culturally rich, creative, how can you possibly hate the place you came from that was Paradise?
The shame of our own bodies as brown and Filipina is a sad and shared experience.  And now there is the irony that while in most of the world, it's more superior to be light, but there is also the fascination, the desire to be darker, to nearly consume, our golden skin.  The irony that while lightness gains privilege, those same privileged envy – no, desire -- our melanin, our eyes and hair.  To be envied yet to be looked down upon at the same time.  To feel invisible in one moment, unimportant, seen as part of the help or someone who cannot speak for herself; and then in the next, seen as extremely intelligent, eloquent, and exotic.  I never really knew how to accept the "compliment" of being exotic; was I a fruit?  Was I something to eat?  Why not be beautiful, like a fully-conscious and complete and (in my mind, neutral or standard) person could be?  Couldn't I be complex and whole, too? Could we focus on normal things like ice cream flavors and what we liked to do, rather than dwell on the uncomfortable differentness of our bodies? I would have preferred to be smart, interesting and cool than to be exotic, any day.  The journey of loving this body and this skin has been many years in the making.  People are often surprised, because they see me as very Pinay proud, embracing my heritage and loving my body and brown skin.  It’s been an evolution.  For those of us who have lived outside of the liberal or progressive Bay Area, we’ve been exposed to different messages.  Even IN the liberal Bay Area, we have to fight to drown out the noise; to make our own voices of self-love even louder.
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Baby Steps
 Fandom: Queen/ Bohemian Rhapsody
Specified gender: Neutral ( or at least I tried, I may have fucked up a few times)
Pairing: Roger Taylor X reader
TW: language, mention of death
Genre: angst with a fair bit of fluff
Word Count: 2.4K
Request:  can you write a roger x reader in which the reader is sad and roger consoles her and then he tries to kiss her and she gets angry with him because she thinks he is taking advantage of the moment of sadness to have sex with her but in the end, he confesses his feelings
A/N: I honestly feel like I could've written this better. Sorry guys.
Requests: OPEN
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"I put my heart and soul into this song "Roger growled, moving the bacon around the pan aggressively. You strolled in, leaning on the counter between John and Brian. Bri waved silently.
"No one is disputing that, "John replied, pointing his fork in the air.
"And you don't like it because you want your song on the album" Roger accused and Bri slid you a cup of coffee.
"It's not that Roger." John huffed, his long hair following as he tilted his head in annoyance. Your rolled your eyes and Roger prickled angrily. Out of all the boys, you were the most distant with Roger. You two didn't hate each other, you just didn't have too much in common. He still cared about you, as you did him, you guys were a family after all.
"Then what is it?" Roger snapped. Grabbing the lyrics of his song off the counter, your eyes scanned the page and your face scrunched up in confusion and in slight disgust. Then a certain line pulled a laugh from your throat and Roger glared daggers at you.
"'I'm In Love With My Car'. Maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested, sarcasm tinting his smooth voice.
"What does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger exclaimed before Freddie wandered in, taking his place beside John.
"I know I'm late, what did I miss?" Freddie asked, bringing the mug to his lips.
"Discussing Roger's car song," John answered with a raised eyebrow
"Is it strong enough? That's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here then I apologize." Brian stated, raising his hands.
"How does your song go then?" Roger angrily snatched Bri's song from the table, crushing one of the corners accidentally. "You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese'" he read, throwing his arms down.
"I mean, it's good." You responded and Roger's eyes turned to you.
"Wow." He hissed sarcastically.
"What? 'When my hand's on your grease gun'?" You shot back, carefully folding the paper and handing it to Bri. John was hiding a smile behind his mug and Freddie wasn't even attempting to contain his laughter.
"That's very subtle isn't it?" Bri enquired, shooting Roger his signature bitch face.
"It's a metaphor, Brian!" Roger snapped, eyes narrowing at the curly-haired guitarist.
"It's just a bit weird, Roger. What exactly are you doing with that car?" John interjected. He was clearly teasing, but Roger didn't get the memo.
"Children, please. We could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie stated, taking a sip of coffee.
"Statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up," John responded between mouthfuls of food.
"Why the hell would you say something like that? Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen." Freddie said, keeping his eyes trained on Roger.
"You know why you're angry Roger?" Brian began. You shot him a side-eyed glance, knowing he was about to reignite the fire.
"Why?" Roger requested, frustration clear in his voice.
"Because you know your song isn't strong enough," Brian answered and Roger grabbed some bacon, flinging it at Brian's face.
"Is that strong enough?" Roger yelled, before throwing some bread and eggs at you and John.
"How about that?" You rolled your eyes, knowing you'd have to wash your hair again to get it out your hair. Roger grabbed the coffee machine, lifting it over his head.
"NOT THE COFFEE MACHINE!" You all shouted and Roger stopped mid-air, steam practically rolling from his ears. Roger slammed the coffee machine back down before storming off. You watched him for a second as John and Bri continued eating.
"Sorry about that (Y/N). You're gonna have to wash your hair to get that crap out"Bri apologized and you shook your head.
"Don't worry, hun, I signed up for this when I joined the band." You grabbed another piece of bread and slotted it in the toaster.
"He'll be over it in at least half an hour," John added, standing up and placing his plate in the sink.
"Is he always this ... on edge?" You asked. You'd only been part of the band for a few weeks after being kicked out of your own band. You were a drummer and a backup singer, though singing was most definitely your strong point. Your bandmates were some people you used to be friends with in college. They were a bunch of dicks and the lead singer constantly wanted attention to an absurd degree. His name was Mike. Mike wasn't a very good singer, but because he knew singers usually got the most attention, and he wanted all the limelight, he took that up. Despite knowing that you were a better singer, he forced you to learn drums and continuously pushed you past your limit, resulting in countless scars on your hands. Every day led to a new argument, but apparently one day you 'went too far' and they kicked you out. However, a group called Queen had seen you playing and found you mid-argument. After seeing you getting kicked from your band, Freddie practically demanded you become part of theirs.
"He's got an explosive temper, threw a TV out the window once, "Brian answered. You rolled your eyes. Sounds like Roger. The toast suddenly popped up, causing you and John to jump in unison. You pulled the toast out, taking a bite as Brian began washing his and John's plates.
"Where'd Freddie go?" John inquired.
"Probably with his little pet." You muttered bitterly, mouth full of toast.
"Probably," Brian remarked. You soon finished your food and Brian took your plate off you to wash.
"I'm gonna go get this shit out my hair. I'll be back in time to record." You told the boys before sauntering towards the bathroom.
You walked into the studio, towel in hand as you dried your hair.
"Ten minutes late, my dear," Freddie commented from his seat on the couch beside John and Roger. Brian was in the recording booth with his guitar, playing a tune you'd all agreed upon for 'Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon'.
"Rich coming from you, Fred. Besides, I wouldn't be late if someone hadn't thrown an egg in my hair." You responded, slumping between John and Freddie on the couch.
"Fuck off." Roger murmured, adjusting his necklace.
"Phone's been ringing for you for the last 15 minutes." John butted in, trying to focus on Brian.
"You know who's calling?" You asked, standing up again and walking over to the phone.
"Your mother. Number's written over there." Roger said, pointing at a note beside the phone set. You thanked the three before dialling the number and bringing the phone to your ear.
"Hello?" Your mother's voice crackled through the phone.
"Hi, ma. It's just me. Is everything alright? John said you'd been calling?" You requested, speaking quietly so Freddie and Bri could converse.
"Oh, (Y/N), darling. I need to tell you something." She replied, voice weak.
"Oh sure, what's going on?" You questioned, beginning to feel anxious
"(Y/N), you know your dad hasn't been very well for a long time..." she began. You felt your heart stop.
"Yeah..." You muttered
"Well...he passed away last night. We rushed him to the hospital but h-he didn't make it." She finished. Your hand shot to your mouth and tears pricked your eyes
"We'd really love for you to come home. Your brothers will be here. Alex is coming in from Australia and Danny managed to get a break from his work to visit." She added.
"Ma, I can't come home right now. I'm recording an album with the guys. I don't really have a way to get to your house in America right now." You reasoned
"Oh. Okay. I suppose we'll see you soon." Your mother replied, disappointment clear in her voice.
"Yeah, mom. I'm sorry. I wish I could come home. Say hi to the boys for me. Bye. I love you." You mumbled before placing the phone back. You sniffed, quickly wiping your eyes.
"Everything alright, dear?" Freddie asked, glancing up from the paper he was writing on. Roger had gotten up, standing next to the sound guy, talking to Brian in the booth.
"Y-Yeah. Everything's... everything's fine, Fred." You coughed, wiping your nose, fighting back a new onslaught of tears.
"Are you sure? You're acting a bit odd." Deacy pushed and you nodded.
"Does, uh, does anyone want some tea?" You asked, trying to find any way of getting a little bit of alone time without looking suspicious.
"Me, please, darling. Bring one for Brian too."
"I'm good, thank you (Y/N)."
"I'm in the booth next, so I'm alright."
Three voices rang out and you rushed out of the room as fast as your legs could carry you. Upon reaching the kitchen, you set the kettle to boil before breaking down into sobs. Tears streamed down your cheeks and you covered your face, attempting to fist away the water running from your eyes. You should've been there for him. Now you'd never see him again. you'd never hear his shitty dad jokes, never have your hair ruffled by him again, never hear his laugh again. Never see him smile.
You were so caught up in your grief, you didn't realize that someone else had joined you in the kitchen. A hand was placed on your shoulder, the other on your cheek.
"(Y/N), what's wrong? Did something happen? Talk to me." Roger watched your every move with eyes swimming with concern. You couldn't even form words so you simply allowed yourself to collapse into Roger. He wrapped his arms around you protectively before slowly sliding down to the floor so it was either for the both of you. After spending a few minutes in that position, your tears soaking Roger's shirt and his fingers running through your hair calmingly, you began to shakily explain what had happened. Roger couldn't find a way to describe how he felt. He was freaked, to be honest. Seeing you, strong, independent (Y/N) broken into pieces was unnerving. But overall, he couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked, despite the tear stains and messed hair. And he couldn't stop himself from kissing you.
He regretted it immediately.
You shoved him back, feeling hurt and betrayed, putting distance between you.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! I'm here, crying because my dad is fucking dead and you think it's perfectly acceptable to fucking kiss me?!"  You yelled harshly, scrambling to your feet.
"I didn't mean-" He tried
"And just when I started thinking that you care about me because I'm your friend or your bandmate! I'm not your friend. I'm just another fucking girl for you to score then throw into the gutter!" You continued, feeling more tears well up.
"You're not-" Roger started
"Fuck you, Roger Taylor! Fuck. You." You exclaimed, raising your middle finger to the blonde haired drummer before running out, leaving Roger on the floor, calling after you. You didn't attempt to go back to the recording studio. You couldn't face your friends right now. You felt too... embarrassed...used. You threw yourself on the bed and swiftly pulled the covers over your head, wanting to hide from everyone and everything as the river returned to flow from your eyes. You loved him, you truly did. But he wasn't the time of person for commitment. He only wanted you when you were vulnerable. He could never love you.
It'd been a few hours since the whole 'Roger' incident and you'd made no attempt to move from the room, only opting to angrily song write. Your grief mixed with the awful feeling Roger had left you with left no room for anything other than anger. Suddenly there was a gentle knock on the door.
"(Y/N)? Roger said you weren't feeling so good. I brought you some soup for dinner. You're free to come to eat with us if you feel up or it." John's voice broke through the cracks in the door. You carefully placed your pen and paper down before opening the door and taking the soup with a small smile.
"Thanks, John. Sorry I missed out on the recording. Freddie's probably pissed." You mumbled, voice hoarse from crying. You placed the soup on the small table by the door, but as soon as you placed it down, a body was thrown at you, colliding into you and making you fall to the floor. The door slammed shut and after a second of groaning, you realized who had fallen on top of you. You raced to get out from under him, and you turned your back to him.
"(Y/N), I know you're angry with me. Just hear me out." Roger said quietly, you tilted your head to let him know you were listening.
"I wasn't thinking. I should've been more tactful. Kissing you was not appropriate at that moment in time. I just... you looked so broken, it hurt me. I just wanted to distract you from the pain. And I know after this, you'll probably be mad at me still but I want to say I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to take advantage of you in any way and I'm an idiot for not realizing that that's the way it would be taken. I really care about you, as more than a friend or bandmate. I would do anything to make you happy. But that kiss wasn't appropriate at the time and I'm so fucking sorry."Roger explained. You sighed, turning around, looking anywhere but the drummer's eyes.
"Rog... I love you too but I need time. I'm going through a lot at the minute and something is telling me that it's not going to get any easier in the next few months." You replied softly. Roger cupped your cheek, pulling your face up to his.
"I want to be for you (Y/N). I want to help you through what you're going through. I want to be there for you in your darkest or best moments. We can take it slow. Baby steps. Just give me a chance. Please." Roger pleaded. You could never say no to those eyes.
"Baby steps..." You agreed after a long pause. Roger broke out in a grin and he carefully entwined his fingers with yours. Maybe this could work.
Tags: @writingfortoomanyfandoms @queens-n-roses @yourealegendfred @fierce-bab @dusthas-beenbitten @silvver-rose @benhardyjones @bensroger
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