#silent marketing
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oennpellmell · 2 months ago
I was thinking that the other after reading a yet another discussion about how women didn't have any sex drive nor phantasm because it wasn't in our evolutionary nature as a mean to reproduction. You the usual "only male orgasm is necessary"... as if nature gave a damn about only giving pleasure center to the beings with semen or had any write in stone logic about reproduction. But I digress.
So while all those men debate on why it wasn't technically possible for female to, you know, like sex, or anything related to it, the same way men did (as an argument as to why it was more difficult for men to control their libido), I though: "Does any of those weirdos not realize that the erotic industry is literally dominated by women consumers. That most of fandoms shipping and fanfics are in majority carried and created by girls and women, which HIGHLY contribute to the success of a media, as the more they are involved in said fandom, the more likely it will gain popularity. That there is an entire genre (Yaoi) catering to the ladies pornographic and erotic interest and that in any bookstore, the entire erotic section is practically entirely sold to a female audience?"
And it isn't just the naughty side of fandom/media. I cannot prove it because it is anonymous, but I convinced that AO3 is mainly composed of a female community, that is on the author side than in the readers side. Every time, I read one fan fic I can tell from the way it is written that a woman is being it. Women have always been the most efficient silent marketer of all those medias and when I read guys saying women don't understand anything about video game and fake interest into, I am thinking that if I type said game on the Google search engine, I know that all the fan merch and creation I will find will be mainly done by girl. Or queer people, because their community is also a big factor into that underground marketing. And I am a bit tired of this hypocrite view. Producer and big studios keep on saying that things that could cater to a female (and/or a queer) audience will not work, because, in fact, they are afraid that it will chase away their precious male consumers if the latter hear it isn't just for them. They think only their view matter so they choose to completely ignore what the real demographic of a fandom is really made of. It is the equivalent of an immature boy club that have build a tree house with a "no girl allowed" sign: If girls were not talking about it, that treehouse would lose its interest in a week. That is why they continue to do marketing survey with teenage boys (and when they do create stuff that is based on it, it is usually a flop) instead of expending to the entire human population. And when they do on piece of media they claim to be for everyone, they made so insanely badly without much effort to let people know about its existence, which they use afterward as an excuse to go back to their usual way because "obviously it isn't working."
Leading to douchebags claiming afterward the "females" do not and cannot enjoy media nor have elaborate taste of it, the way males do, because they cannot project nor comprehend the deepness and multilayer of a fiction. As they are creature of present, therefore their brain can't imagine meaning beyond concrete representation; that they can even understand that two actors not really related by blood in real life can play member of the same family on screen. thus, they only pretend to be interest to attract the male attention. this is pretty toxic and I would really like it to end.
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todaysanother · 2 years ago
tessa: *literally screams in pure horror when first sees a silent brother*
also tessa every time she sees jem as brother zachariah: BEAUTIFUL ✨️ GRACEFUL ✨️ ANGELIC ✨️ DELICATE BUT STRONG ✨️ HOT AF ✨️.... i know we're waiting for a cure, but would it REALLY be SO bad if we tried to fuck along the way also? haha just asking. of course i'm not serious!.... unless??
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foursaints · 1 year ago
barty's inscrutability is so funny just because its like. he's winning the repression olympics without even realizing by wrapping his true self away in endless untraversable turns like a conch shell. having a situationship with him is like volunteering to lock yourself in the torture labyrinth bro you are never making it out of there!! you will spend years trying to unravel his feelings and get absolutely nowhere but still constantly feel like you’re on the verge of getting there!!! (reg lived this #survivor)
but just imagine finally meeting the ONE (1) person who has ever managed to lock barty down. and it’s this tiny utterly demented blonde who dresses in lumpy estate sale cardigans and always smells a little bit like formaldehyde and mothballs and the inside of a hearse. he has the thousand-yard-stare and pop culture references of a feral child raised by coyotes because he didn’t have a single interaction with someone his own age (besides his equally strange sister) until he was like 17. he’ll cut you with zero hesitation 🔪. he's the most autistic person youve ever met in your entire life and whenever Notoriously Unattainable™️ Barty Crouch looks at him he’s like please evan let me lay down to be the ground under your feet so you never have to touch the earth again only me forever PLEASE
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silentreigns · 4 months ago
If it wasn't for WhatTheVlog I feel like new tennis fans like me wouldn't know a single thing about women's tennis. The WTA has to do better, like the women deserve so much more and their stories should be highlighted. The marketing for one of the biggest events of the year is abysmal. Meanwhile on the ATP channels we see a wide variety of men regardless of their ranking being showcased 🤥
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scullyloves-science · 2 years ago
A little bit of pondering
As the SS promotion campaign is in full swing, I have been thinking about what it is that is making me uneasy about the whole thing. Is it the shameless, often older female crowd that treats the whole thing as a “physical” gratification fest, or the weird, campy feeling of the videos and photos that Sam and Co post in abundance? What is the message of the brand? Not entirely sure.
The product seems to be a good contender for the market: a beautiful backstory that will connect the buyer emotionally if they are interested in that; an interesting and elegant design of the bottle, admit it we all love a graceful bottle of alcohol, it sets the mood for the evening; the taste, according to feedback and multiple awards, is of quality and authentic. So, what is it that rubs me the wrong way?
In the US liquor market, 40-50$ will afford you a decent, very good bottle of whisky; 60-70$ and you will get a great bottle of whisky that is aged and from a good-name distillery; enter the 100$+ market and you are in an elite club of whisky connoisseurs that are rich and go to a cigar lounge for a business meeting or a lazy evening in a good company. Those price points also depict different markets, markets dictate the tone of the promoting campaigns, their mood, feel, and approach to reach those masses effectively. That is where my misunderstanding comes in: on the one hand, we have a premium product, taste, look, appeal, and story and on the other hand, we have a promotion campaign that is lacking integrity.
So, we need a selling campaign that screams elegance and elite club membership for the SS whisky brand considering the price point but what we got is a marketing affair of bad congruence with “shameless granny #ss grabbers” and “bimbo-looking girls” that do not look old enough to read or even drink for that matter. Not a good look. If I could roll my eyes any harder they would get stuck in the back of my skull.
Sam`s team`s focus should be on displaying their premium product in a way that conveys elegance and luxury, uniqueness of the experience, and exclusiveness. But so far it has been a miss for me. I hope that they will be able to acquire as much momentum to carry their brand further and build a stronger following that can penetrate the, oh so tough, liquor market of the US. It is so oversaturated that it is hard to break through the multiple, multiple much cheaper options with greater distribution routes that the whisky US market has to offer to its consumers.
He needs repeated business from nonfans and, possibly, the business crowd. And a new campaign manager as far as I can see.
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green28go · 9 months ago
I know most of the people in the TSC fandom would want to be a shadowhunter, warlock, vampire, werewolf, or fairie when asked but I would definitely go for a silent brother. Like...
Person: Who do you want to be?
Me enthusiastically: A Silent Brother!!!
Person: Why?
Me: I hate talking a lot and I like looking unapproachable for fun activities and sneaking up on people and making it look like it is normal for anybody to do is absolutely a great addition. Especially when that person is annoying and then I just loudly speak into their mind.
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frnkiebby · 1 year ago
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this one??? this oNE RIGHT HERE???????
my FUCKING favorite.
talk about a wet t-shirt contest.
jesus fucking christ
@standing-in-v-formation, right up your fucking alley too. ~🎃
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weedle-testaburger · 1 month ago
nothing makes me more thoroughly depressed than worrying about a worst case scenario and that worst case scenario turning out to be exactly what's going on
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animangapolls · 10 months ago
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sekaicards · 4 months ago
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thesearchforbluejello · 3 months ago
Okay first of all it apparently rolled out months ago and even though my app is set for automatic downloads, I just got it, but THE DUOLINGO OWL MAKES A SOUND NOW?!?!?!
The sound immediately made me think of the Moopsy, which is SO on brand.
But this better not be a Geico gecko situation because as a millennial I am old enough to remember the gecko commercials from before he talked in all of them, and how much LESS ANNOYING they were. I am begging for Duo to never actually talk.
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frozenfirecats · 1 year ago
what is it with Khrysalis npcs and mourning after someone who is literally alive and standing around nearby?
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"Who wore it better?"
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Sannyo Komakusa and Watatsuki no Yorihime.
[All art Alphes style art by Dairi ]
Some might be tempted to think this is the result of Zun accidentally repeating his earlier design, but it's actually a subtle piece of visual storytelling.
You see during the event of Touhou 15, Sannyo actually went to the lunar capital, where the Lunarians were so awestruck by her flawless balance of cute and cool that they were able to ignore her impurity, dubbing Sannyo to be "Pure Awesome" to such an amazing degree that it overcame all other impurities. She then walked up to Yorihime who said: "Sannyo, I'm your biggest fan, I even copied your hairstyle" They then fist bumped. After which time Yorihime gave Sannyo her hair bow.
Soon after Meira from Touhou 2 showed up and said: "wow, Yorihime, you are a fan of Sannyo too? I'm also a huge fan and copied her hairstyle as well.
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Meira then said a few things that can't be stated here because they will get her canceled, but they decided to forgive her because she has good fashion sense.
Immediately after that Kotohime from Touhou 3 showed up and said: "Sannyo, put down the pipe, you are under arrest for being too cool and adorable "
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And followed up by saying: "just kidding, I'm a big fan as well, I also copied you"
And then Konngara from Touhou Highly Responsive To Prayers showed up.
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But she didn't say anything because she's from Touhou 1. Instead she just floated there, at which point everyone understood each other's mutual love of Sannyo and became closer because of it.
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kakunamatatq · 1 year ago
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Blue Ruin (2014) | Silent Hill 2 (2001)
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t4tails · 10 months ago
the action in this glorified toy commercial is surprisingly well choreographed and animated
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torchickentacos · 10 months ago
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