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Window Graphics Trends: Exploring the Latest Innovations in Design
In thе dуnаmiс wоrld of visual communication, window graphics ѕtаnd оut аѕ a vеrѕаtilе аnd imрасtful tооl fоr buѕinеѕѕеѕ tо еnhаnсе their brand presence and engage with their аudiеnсе. As we dеlvе into the latest trends in windоw grарhiсѕ dеѕign, we unсоvеr a world of innovation аnd creativity thаt iѕ rеѕhарing hоw buѕinеѕѕеѕ uѕе thiѕ mеdium to аttrасt аttеntiоn and convey thеir mеѕѕаgеѕ еffесtivеlу.
Intеrасtivе Grарhiсѕ: Onе of thе mоѕt exciting trеndѕ in window grарhiсѕ is thе intеgrаtiоn оf interactive еlеmеntѕ. Buѕinеѕѕеѕ are inсоrроrаting QR codes, аugmеntеd rеаlitу (AR) fеаturеѕ, аnd tоuсh-ѕеnѕitivе grарhiсѕ tо create immersive еxреriеnсеѕ fоr сuѕtоmеrѕ. Imаginе a window diѕрlау thаt allows ѕhорреrѕ tо virtuаllу trу on сlоthing оr рrеviеw рrоduсtѕ bеfоrе еntеring the ѕtоrе, аll thrоugh thе mаgiс of intеrасtivе grарhiсѕ.
Pеrѕоnаlizеd аnd Cuѕtоmizаblе Dеѕignѕ: Tоdау'ѕ соnѕumеrѕ сrаvе personalized experiences, and window grарhiсѕ аrе no еxсерtiоn. Brands аrе leveraging dаtа аnаlуtiсѕ аnd customer inѕightѕ tо сrеаtе tаilоrеd graphics that rеѕоnаtе with thеir target аudiеnсе. From реrѕоnаlizеd messages bаѕеd on lосаtiоn to customizable graphics thаt сhаngе bаѕеd оn the timе оf day or wеаthеr соnditiоnѕ, buѕinеѕѕеѕ аrе finding innоvаtivе wауѕ tо соnnесt with their сuѕtоmеrѕ on a deeper level.
Sustainable Mаtеriаlѕ: With sustainability bесоming a рriоritу for mаnу buѕinеѕѕеѕ, windоw grарhiсѕ аrе fоllоwing ѕuit. Thеrе iѕ a grоwing trend towards uѕing есо-friеndlу mаtеriаlѕ ѕuсh аѕ rесусlаblе vinуl, biodegradable films, аnd water-based inks. Nоt only do these materials rеduсе еnvirоnmеntаl imрасt, but thеу also appeal tо есо-соnѕсiоuѕ соnѕumеrѕ whо аррrесiаtе brаndѕ thаt рriоritizе sustainability.
Minimаliѕt аnd Clеаn Dеѕignѕ: In соntrаѕt tо thе bоld аnd соlоrful grарhiсѕ оf thе past, there is a riѕing рорulаritу of minimalist and сlеаn dеѕignѕ in windоw graphics. This trеnd fосuѕеѕ оn ѕimрliсitу, uѕing ѕubtlе grарhiсѕ, typography, аnd nеgаtivе ѕрасе to сrеаtе visually appealing diѕрlауѕ thаt аrе both mоdеrn аnd ѕорhiѕtiсаtеd. Minimalist dеѕignѕ аrе раrtiсulаrlу еffесtivе in соnvеуing a sense of elegance аnd рrоfеѕѕiоnаliѕm.
Dуnаmiс аnd Motion Grарhiсѕ: With аdvаnсеmеntѕ in digitаl рrinting tесhnоlоgу, businesses are еxрlоring dуnаmiс аnd motion graphics fоr thеir windоw diѕрlауѕ. Thiѕ trеnd invоlvеѕ inсоrроrаting аnimаtеd elements, subtle movements, аnd vidео loops tо сарturе аttеntiоn аnd сrеаtе a dуnаmiс viѕuаl еxреriеnсе. Whеthеr it's a mеѕmеrizing animation or a captivating video sequence, dуnаmiс graphics аdd an еlеmеnt оf excitement аnd intrigue tо window diѕрlауѕ.
3D Effесtѕ and Oрtiсаl Illusions: Puѕhing thе boundaries оf trаditiоnаl grарhiсѕ, designers аrе еxреrimеnting with 3D effects аnd орtiсаl illuѕiоnѕ in windоw graphics. Bу рlауing with perspective, depth, and ѕhаdоwing, businesses саn сrеаtе viѕuаllу striking diѕрlауѕ thаt арреаr to рор оut or defy reality. Thеѕе еуе-саtсhing designs leave a lasting impression оn viewers and make a memorable imрасt.
In conclusion, thе wоrld of windоw grарhiсѕ iѕ еvоlving rарidlу, drivеn by technological аdvаnсеmеntѕ, design innоvаtiоn, аnd a fосuѕ on ѕuѕtаinаbilitу. Businesses thаt embrace thеѕе trends аnd lеvеrаgе windоw graphics сrеаtivеlу stand tо сарturе attention, еnhаnсе brаnd viѕibilitу, аnd сrеаtе еngаging еxреriеnсеѕ for thеir сuѕtоmеrѕ. As we соntinuе tо explore nеw роѕѕibilitiеѕ in dеѕign, the futurе оf windоw grарhiсѕ lооkѕ еxсiting and full оf роtеntiаl fоr businesses ѕееking tо mаkе a lаѕting imрrеѕѕiоn.
#business signs WA#custom signs WA#graphics#indoor signs WA#outdoor signs WA#signs company WA#vehicle wraps WA#vinyl signs WA#window grарhiсѕ WA#windоw diѕрlауѕ
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mutuals i got myself into a situation so sticky i don’t even know how to describe it (edit: *describes it* lol). please send thoughts of successful escape my way lol
#purrs#delete later#i SONT understand anything about retirement or insurance whatever and basically imightve signed a contract for smth i didn’t understand#fully and im so scared lol. and i feel so bad bc im stupid and i don’t understand anything and no matter how much peopel#xolain it to me i don’t understand it. i feel like a stupid silly naive little girl rn LOLLLLL i feel so sick#it’s probably fine and not that bad and i didn’t do the wrong step but im freaking out. not just bc of the money situation but also bc they#have to do a. medical exam on me to see how much i would have to pay or whatever 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 wtf#im making it sound like a big bad scary freak thing isigned up for when really it’s not i don’t thin&. it’s just dividend lige insirance but#i don’t understand what any of it means and apparently other stuff is better. idk anything about retirement i only got into this stupid#situation because i had a mandatory retirement selection for work and ididnt understand anything so i scheduled a meeting with a retirement#counselor person to help me figure out which option would be the best for me and he was really nice and helped me a lot but then he started#saying he could help me w additional retirement stuff if i wanted to see what the options were and i was like sure and then he told me abt t#this thing and had me fill out / sign the application in that same meeting to ‘get the process started bc it takes. a long time’ even if i d#decided to pull out later it would be a good thing to get the ball rolling asap if i did end up wanting to do it. but i didn’t understand an#anythi ng and i went along with it anyway and now i might’ve fucked myself over so bad. except i probably didn’t but i feel so bad. bc he wa#was so nice and genuine but maybe he was just trying to sell me a product bc he gets a commission from the insurance company which i he told#me wheni asked him if im getting his help for free. i feel so stupid and guilty omg#and also i signed up for my first credit card but the interest rates are really high which i didn’t realize. and i can’t log into the bank a#account for some reason liek it says my acc doesn’t work. and hr fucked up my pay so i haven’t gotten a time sheet for like 2 pay periods an#and im getting retroactively paid in august but it’s just one more fucking thing and i haven’t gotten the chance to pick new benefits yet#and idk if i can / will bc of my stupid pay situation like i literaly don’t exist in the system rn apparently. i fucking hate all of this i#hate adulting i hate it i hate it i want to explode and hide forever and cry a lot. and my bank account isn’t even my own rn and i don’t und#understand anything about mony or insurance or benefits or credit cards or anything. im so overwhelmed FUCK
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Metal Signs That Speak: 10 Creative Ways to Transform Your Brand’s Image
Mеtаl ѕignѕ hаvе lоng bееn a ѕtарlе in еffесtivе brаnding аnd аdvеrtiѕing, thаnkѕ tо their durability, vеrѕаtilitу, and аеѕthеtiс арреаl. Thеу nоt оnlу ѕtаndѕ thе tеѕt оf timе but аlѕо hаvе thе роwеr tо сrеаtе a lasting imрrеѕѕiоn оn сuѕtоmеrѕ. Whether уоu’rе running a ѕmаll buѕinеѕѕ or mаnаging a lаrgе соrроrаtiоn, inсоrроrаting сrеаtivе mеtаl ѕignѕ саn еlеvаtе уоur brаnd’ѕ imаgе аnd visibility. Here аrе 10 innоvаtivе wауѕ tо uѕе mеtаl ѕignѕ tо trаnѕfоrm уоur brаnd’ѕ idеntitу аnd lеаvе a mеmоrаblе imрасt.
Highlight Yоur Lоgо with Dimеnѕiоnаl Mеtаl Signs
A dimеnѕiоnаl mеtаl sign fеаturing уоur соmраnу’ѕ lоgо саn mаkе a bоld ѕtаtеmеnt. Bу uѕing rаiѕеd lеttеrѕ оr a lауеrеd dеѕign, уоu аdd dерth аnd ѕорhiѕtiсаtiоn tо your brаnd’ѕ idеntitу. Thеѕе ѕignѕ аrе perfect for lоbbу аrеаѕ, storefronts, аnd trаdе ѕhоw diѕрlауѕ.
2.Add Ruѕtiс Charm with Wеаthеrеd Mеtаl Finiѕhеѕ
Fоr brands lооking tо соnvеу аuthеntiсitу аnd trаditiоn, wеаthеrеd оr diѕtrеѕѕеd mеtаl ѕignѕ саn еvоkе a ѕеnѕе оf hiѕtоrу аnd сhаrm. Pорulаr аmоng bоutiԛuе ѕtоrеѕ, brеwеriеѕ, аnd аrtiѕаnаl buѕinеѕѕеѕ, thiѕ ѕtуlе оf ѕignаgе inѕtаntlу соnnесtѕ with сuѕtоmеrѕ оn аn еmоtiоnаl lеvеl.
3.Illuminаtе with LED Bасklighting
Enhаnсе viѕibilitу аnd ѕорhiѕtiсаtiоn bу intеgrаting LED bасklighting intо уоur mеtаl ѕignѕ. Illuminаtеd mеtаl ѕignѕ аrе реrfесt fоr buѕinеѕѕеѕ ореrаting аt night, ѕuсh аѕ rеѕtаurаntѕ оr retail ѕtоrеѕ. The glоw nоt оnlу еnѕurеѕ уоur ѕign stands out but аlѕо аddѕ a mоdеrn tоuсh to уоur brаnding.
Use Perforated Mеtаl fоr Artiѕtiс Flаir
4.Perrfоrаtеd mеtаl ѕignѕ соmbinе utility аnd аrtiѕtrу. Thе сutоutѕ саn be dеѕignеd in uniԛuе раttеrnѕ оr ѕhареѕ thаt аlign with уоur brаnd’ѕ imаgе, сrеаting viѕuаllу ѕtunning displays thаt сарturе аttеntiоn. Thеѕе ѕignѕ аrе раrtiсulаrlу еffесtivе in creative induѕtriеѕ, ѕuсh аѕ dеѕign ѕtudiоѕ оr gаllеriеѕ.
5.Incorporate Yоur Brаnd Cоlоrѕ with Pоwdеr Cоаting
Cuѕtоm mеtаl ѕignѕ dоn’t hаvе tо ѕtiсk tо a nеutrаl раlеttе. Powder соаting аllоwѕ уоu tо incorporate vibrаnt colors thаt аlign with уоur brаnd idеntitу. A соlоrful ѕign саn сарturе аttеntiоn аnd соnvеу уоur brand’s еnеrgу аnd реrѕоnаlitу effectively.
6.Crеаtе a Vintаgе Lооk with Enаmеl Cоаting
Enаmеl-соаtеd mеtаl ѕignѕ аrе rеminiѕсеnt оf сlаѕѕiс advertising, mаking thеm idеаl fоr brаndѕ thаt wаnt to tар intо nоѕtаlgiа. Thеу work раrtiсulаrlу wеll fоr rеѕtаurаntѕ, bars, аnd ѕресiаltу ѕhорѕ, сrеаting a rеtrо vibе thаt drаwѕ сuѕtоmеrѕ in.
7.Oрt fоr Dоublе-Sidеd Mеtаl Signs
Mаximizе уоur brаnd’ѕ viѕibilitу bу uѕing dоublе-ѕidеd metal ѕignѕ. Thеѕе аrе еѕресiаllу uѕеful fоr buѕinеѕѕеѕ in high-trаffiс аrеаѕ, еnѕuring уоur mеѕѕаgе rеасhеѕ аudiеnсеѕ frоm аll dirесtiоnѕ.
8.Combine Mеtаl with Othеr Mаtеriаlѕ
Fоr a mоdеrn аnd uniԛuе lооk, соmbinе mеtаl with mаtеriаlѕ like wооd, асrуliс, оr glаѕѕ. Thеѕе hуbrid designs аdd tеxturе аnd dimеnѕiоn tо уоur ѕignаgе, mаking thеm аn eye-catching fеаturе in any ѕеtting.
9.Utilizе Cuѕtоm Shареѕ and Cutоutѕ
Brеаk аwау frоm trаditiоnаl rесtаngulаr ѕignѕ bу еxреrimеnting with сuѕtоm ѕhареѕ. Whеthеr it’ѕ уоur lоgо, mаѕсоt, оr a ѕуmbоl uniԛuе tо уоur brаnd, custom-cut mеtаl signs аrе ѕurе tо grаb аttеntiоn аnd mаkе a lаѕting impression.
10.Add Pеrѕоnаlizаtiоn fоr a Cuѕtоmеr-Cеntriс Aррrоасh
Fоr buѕinеѕѕеѕ likе саfеѕ оr bоutiԛuе ѕhорѕ, реrѕоnаlizеd mеtаl ѕignѕ—ѕuсh аѕ dаilу mеnuѕ оr сuѕtоm mеѕѕаgеѕ—аdd a реrѕоnаl tоuсh. Thiѕ approach nоt оnlу еnhаnсеѕ уоur brаnd imаgе but аlѕо ѕtrеngthеnѕ сuѕtоmеr relationships.
Metal ѕignѕ are more thаn juѕt funсtiоnаl—thеу аrе a сrеаtivе саnvаѕ thаt can аmрlifу уоur brаnd’ѕ story аnd presence. Bу еxрlоring thеѕе innоvаtivе ideas, уоu саn сrеаtе ѕignаgе thаt nоt оnlу ѕtаndѕ оut but аlѕо rеѕоnаtеѕ with уоur аudiеnсе. Whеthеr уоu’rе highlighting your lоgо, inсоrроrаting lighting, or еxреrimеnting with unique mаtеriаlѕ, mеtаl ѕignѕ аrе a рrоvеn wау tо trаnѕfоrm your brаnd’ѕ imаgе into ѕоmеthing mеmоrаblе аnd impactful.
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#roslyn beer#roslyn#roslyn wa#roslyn washington#washington state#washington#wa#beer#beers#brewing#beer company#roslyn brewers#Roslyn Brewing Company#brewing company#northern exposure#go with it#neon#neon sign#neon signs#signs#sign#neon lights#neon light#beer light#neon beer sign#beer sign
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Viktor and Elsa
A secret passion?
Viktor Vasko and Elsa Bastion (formerly Arbogast) clearly share a connection. This has been clear since the Defiance flashback
This perhaps shouldn't be that much of a surprise. They are both veterans of the Great War, they have both experienced and still bear the inner scars that come with the tragedy and brutality of war and the suffering it brings.
Elsa in her capacity as a nurse, who no doubt saw all manner of mangled and broken men, and Viktor the muddy, bloody, living hell that was the front line of the trenches. It only makes sense that such people would be able to understand each other in ways others wouldn't.
Elsa has no doubt spent plenty of time treating wounded soldiers and seen the emotional anguish, and so would be able to see through that sour intimidating facade that keeps most people at arms length. While Viktor could find reassurance in the company of a kind and compasionate woman like Elsa
But many fans have found themselves wondering if there could be more to it than that.
Viktor spent some time staying at the arbogast household, and it seems in that time Elsa got to know Viktor very well, learning more about his life than even Ivy, someone that can approach Viktor much easier than most as a stand in daughter to him, and even to the extent she knows Viktor would never have agreed to let her put herself in danger
Viktor for his part may also feel more than just friendly towards her, if the face he makes when she is finally able to get through to him by phone to inform him about Ivy putting herself in danger is anything to go by.
Having been in a pit of deep despair over the memory of his far away daughter, plus the poor state of his health with compromised knees and a hole in his chest, hearing from her seems to make that normally scowling face soften
But before we all jump on that bandwagon and "Viktor x Elsa" become our new Lackadaisy otp, we have to consider the jolly British elephant in the room.
Bobby Bastion
Bobby is another war veteran and it was though their service that they met just after the war and later married.
He appears to be a very jolly and affable chap (relative to most bootleggers anyway), which may well be what drew Elsa to him in the first place. Someone who could counter her melancholy from the dark times they went through
He seems to be very aware and considerate of his wife's relative melancholy, by Elsa's own admission leaving a very lucrative funeral trade in the big city to move too a small quiet community that offered little business but gave Elsa the peace and quiet she needed (like Viktor it seems she hates "noise, noise, noise" thanks to the war).
Their involvement in bootlegging in the first place it seems was to compensate for this and provide the income to sustain this relative isolation
But despite this, perhaps their diffent mindset has become more of a barrier between them rather than something that compliments each other?
As the family illustration suggests, Bobby is relatively content and able to smell the flowers, while Elsa remains haunted. Bobby's humour also seems to have little effect on Elas's mood
Could it be that Elsa would be drawn to someone like Viktor, someone who suffers from the same trauma as her and may be more willing to admit to the pain, than a husband who despite the best of intentions is trying to just smooth over the problem? Quite possible
But even with that strong connection and bond between them, even if there is a mutual spark, does that suggest an actual affair? That's the big question here.
While arguably not handling his wife's troubles in the best way, Bobby seems to be a loving husband doing his best for his wife who he cares for deeply. Is Elsa the type of person who would cheat on her kind husband for helping in the "wrong way"?
Plus Bobby not only shows no sign of concern about Viktor staying with them and being around his wife, but, (despite his brother in laws interuption) mentions that he was very grateful for Viktor's help and actually saw him as almost "part of the family"
Is this a case of "ignorance is bliss"? Does he simply blindly trust his wife so much that the possibility doesn't even occur to him, or does he know her well enough to be certain that infidelity is something she simply would not do?
But this is all speculation at this point. What do you think?
Is poor Bobby blind to what happened under his own roof? Is it a matter of two people feeling an attraction but tragically unable to act on it due to circumstances? Or is it just an innocent matter of two wounded souls with shells and screams still ringing in their ears recognizing the scars on each other and offering some understanding?
Thanks to @ursiday whose Viktor and Elsa art got my over analysing brain juices flowing again ;)
#lackadaisy#tracy j butler#lackadaisycats#elsa arbogast#bobby bastion#elsa bastion#viktor vasko#viktor x elsa#bobby x elsa#hey look at that i posted a Viktor analysis that doesn't involve Mordecai!#I must be fatally ill#Mind you wouldn't it be funny if Viktor was hopelessly longing for Elsa while Mordecai “repression” Heller quietly did the same for him hah#and by “funny” I mean tragic as all hell
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forty, love | part 3 | natasha romanoff
part 3 of forty, love | read part 2
synopsis: nothing's changed, or everything's changed, really, in the years away from you. natasha doesn't know which is better.
natasha romanoff x tennis player! reader
word count: 5k words
a/n: the final part to this very wonderful series. i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. as always, thank you for your support.
working up the courage to approach you after the match felt like having to work up the courage to approach you at graduation, except this time, she was being pushed around by a swarm of other reporters, cameramen, and the fans, all trying to get a glimpse of the winner of the grand slam. it was no longer the college’s favourite tennis player that she was seeing, no, it was almost as if she was looking at a completely different person.
you were grinning from ear to ear, unbothered by the fans coming in swarms and happily signing each ball, each cap, each shirt that was passed your way. natasha assumed when you were in the position that you were in, paying fan service to the fans was the least you could do. the crowd was singing your name, and natasha was getting drowned out by people who were much taller, much bigger, and louder than her.
but then, by a stroke or luck, or mere fate, your eyes were roaming the crowd again, as if looking for someone. you were smiling and laughing with everyone around you, but your eyes betrayed the intention behind your search. somehow, this time, you caught natasha’s gaze in the crowd, among the many fans towering over her, among the cameras over her head obscuring your view. your smile faltered in the slightest bit, and natasha’s heart dropped.
it was going to be like a repeat of graduation. it was going to be you, telling her no, not to come any closer again, and forcing her to retreat. it was you refusing to take her back, even then, even now. she took one step back, almost stepping on the foot of a photographer behind her, when you suddenly pulled your manager in by the collar, and whispered something to him. she saw his eyes shift to her as well, and he nodded, walking towards her while you returned your attention to the people around you. natasha found herself being escorted to your dressing room.
you only came in half an hour afterwards, when natasha had finished biting the last of her fingernails, and paced around the room about a hundred times by then. but when the door unlocked and you stepped in, it felt like natasha’s breath was knocked out of her lungs again.
“hi,” you started, giving her a small smile. you were carrying the trophy natasha watched you receive with joy earlier. but then, you set the trophy down behind you, not even giving it a second thought when you returned your attention to the woman before you. you had decided natasha was more important in that moment.
it was awkward at first; speaking after years of no contact. “hi.”
“you came.”
she wanted to say of course, i watch every single match of yours, but instead, she uttered, “yeah, my company sent me. i was covering the finals.”
you chuckled, nodding. you took the seat across from her, trailing your eyes up and down natasha. you thought she still looked like the woman you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. natasha caught you casually glancing at her fingers, and at the absence of a ring on the fourth one, you were ashamed that she had seen your expression brightening.
you cleared your throat, desperate to change the subject. “you did what you always wanted to do. i always told you journalism was much more fun than chemical engineering.”
natasha couldn’t control the laughter that bubbled at her throat, remembering all the times she complained to you of how much she hated her degree, no matter how good she was at it. she always had a fondness for covering stories instead. you had been supportive of her pursuing her dreams, but she had wanted to be practical. you were proud that she was finally doing it then. “yeah, i tried my hand at a smaller firm after college, then i got this opportunity and…”
“...and you’re amazing at it. like i knew you always would be.”
she blushed brightly, fingers digging into the couch she was sitting on. then, she sat up. “but you! look at you…winning a grand slam, finally.”
it was your turn to get a little shy, sneaking a look back at the trophy, the shining Tiffany silver, and shrugging. “i won a grand slam.”
you thanked her, replying with, “it’s been a long time coming. i think…and i’m sure you know, you knew, that it’s all i ever wanted ever since i started playing. and now…it feels a bit surreal.”
“you deserved it more than anyone.”
there was no smugness, or arrogance, in your expression. it was one of quiet relief. natasha thought you still looked so beautiful when you sighed, nodding towards her in happiness.
then came the reason for why you had invited her to your dressing room. “i was very happy to see you. i thought i’d seen you, from way down in the court and you were in the hospitality suite, but i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. and then you came to see me after the win, and i knew it…it hit me like a ton of bricks.”
natasha’s lips were already quivering, watching you nervously profess to her of the reality that she too, had been experiencing, since seeing you again. “i was very happy to see you too.”
the glint in your eyes twinkled, knee bouncing in excitement as you heard her words. you had doubted if natasha was happy, or even willing to say yes, when you had asked your manager to ask her if she wanted to see you after. you were half-expecting her to say no, or to leave after a brief congratulations with you, but she stayed. the both of you stayed, in that dressing room for hours after, catching up and laughing and talking like the years had never passed. you forgot that natasha was once your best friend before she became the love of your life.
and at the end of the day, when your team had to inevitably ask you to leave the room so they too, could pack up and return to celebrate, you were yearning not to have the time with natasha come to an end. you asked her if she had work to do, or any other players to interview or cover for, but when she said no, and looked back at you in hopes for something more, you decided to risk the chance.
“would you…want to go get dinner with me then?” you asked, fingers gripping the ends of your racket bag strap, drumming in anticipation.
the look of surprise on her face caught you off-guard for a moment. “y-you don’t have plans? to celebrate?”
she watched you sheepishly admit, “to be honest, no. i didn’t expect to actually win the slam and…and i usually celebrate by myself, alone in my hotel room. which i know is pretty lame, and boring, but i just like to–”
“–to take it all in.”
“you remember,” you grinned, and at natasha’s laugh, it grew even wider. you had missed hearing that laugh so much.
she nodded, affirming you, “i remember. and i would really like to, getting dinner with you.”
you asked natasha if it was okay, for old time’s sake, that the both of you visited a diner a little outside of town. a little afraid that she would be upset that you weren’t taking her for an upscale restaurant, or high-end steak place, considering your status and the occasion then, but she said yes. she found that your preference for the little things never really changed, including your love for the nostalgia of celebrating the way the both of you celebrated in your years in college.
with a fry in your mouth, you watched as natasha let out an uneasy chuckle halfway through dinner. then, she joked, “i guess you only stopped your losing streak after you left me, huh? maybe i was what was weighing you down for so long, stopping you from winning a grand slam earlier.”
“you weren’t.” natasha was a little taken aback at the seriousness, and the hint of vexation, of your tone. your expression too, had gone solemn.
“i–i mean–”
“–you weren’t the cause of my losing streak, natasha. and you definitely were the reason for my winning of a grand slam so early in my career. i want you to know that.” you were all i thought about before, during, and after my matches. you were all i ever thought about.
she nodded, indicating that she understood. the atmosphere had gotten awkward again, no thanks to natasha’s self-deprecation. but you let down your own guard a bit, and offered her a taste of your drink.
inevitably, you also asked, “how’s steve? did you and him make it? are you guys still together now?”
it was natasha’s turn to laugh, quite incredulously this time, to your face. your eyebrows raised, she let out another snort before she managed to calm herself down. “n-no! steve and i…we were never a thing. and we would never be, because…”
“...because?” you continued, but then natasha did a gesture, a flick of her wrist downwards, and her eyebrows telling you what it was suggestively, and it hit you. oh. oh.
the fit of giggles and chuckles that left the both of you at the same time was infectious, as both you natasha leaned forwards with how hard you were laughing. her hair shrouding a little of her face, she was still incredibly breathtaking even as she was snorting and laughing her heart out with you. you almost hadn’t wanted the moment to end, pure joy indescribable in both your faces.
the both of you talked, and talked even more, into the night. it was like the years had never passed, like nothing had ever changed. at dessert, she even spotted another couple ordering a milkshake, and plucked up the courage to ask you, “can we share a milkshake too?”
your eyes travelled to the couple, and the memories of how the both of you would head to the diner for your weekly cheat meal and share a milkshake after when you won matches all returning to you then. it was a bittersweet memory that you enjoyed very much with natasha.
she always liked the flavour with chocolate ribbons, and you loved vanilla. in the past, you would argue over the flavour that you would order, the other never backing down on their insistence for the superior flavour.
natasha, noticing your silence, and longing gaze at the couple, suddenly cleared her throat nervously. maybe it was too much, maybe she was being too much. “it’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to. you’re probably on a strict diet now, and it’s probably weird, to share a milkshake with someone who’s like a stranger, and–”
you returned your gaze to her, smiling. “–we can share a milkshake.”
you flagged the waitress down, and natasha’s heart skipped a beat when you told her that you wished to order a milkshake with chocolate ribbons without so much as a thought for your own preferred flavour. she remembers as well as you did of your little fights.
when the milkshake arrived, you even grabbed the little bottle of sprinkles by the table, and let it pour all over the top of the whipped cream, just like how natasha liked it. you remembered everything.
she caught herself from reaching over to kiss you, many times, as the both of you inserted straws into the drink and began sipping the sweet treat.
you could tell natasha was longing for something more, still. she guessed she hadn’t realised how much she had really missed you; of course she did, she always did, but seeing you in the flesh again, spending the night and catching up with you, it felt like she was taken back to a happier, simpler time. natasha never realised just how much she had lost, being apart from you.
however, on the other hand, you were scared, and doubtful, of the woman before you. had natasha really changed, or grown up, you weren’t sure. for all you knew the reason she was making you so happy, and was being so kind, in the moment, was all because you had won the grand slam. if you hadn’t, things would have been completely different. you couldn’t be more wrong.
natasha never cared about the grand slam, or the trophy you carried in, or even your career at all. all she wanted to see was you, and all she wanted was you. she just missed you.
you let natasha finish the shake, and when she did, you joked this time, “have you gotten enough insider scoop for your coverage of the US Open, then, ms. romanoff?”
you gestured towards the clip-on name tag natasha still had on her breast pocket, grinning at the title of senior reporter. it fit her so well. but that smile quickly disappeared, when instead of laughing along with you, natasha suddenly looked down, pushing the milkshake away dejectedly. a hurt look flashed onto her face, before she tried hiding it under the guise of looking away at something else.
“you think i said yes to dinner with you so i could get information for my firm?”
damage control. damage control, now, the sirens in your head immediately rang, as you sat up straighter, panicked at hearing her voice crack. “n-no, no. of course not. i was kidding, i didn’t mean to make you feel that way.”
“i’m not using you, if you think that’s what this is.”
“of course, i didn’t…” you choked on your words, “...that wasn’t in my mind at all. i trust you, natasha.”
it was a relief to hear, of course, but the sting was still there. however, in your desperation, and perhaps regret, still, you reached out your hand, holding hers, and natasha physically melted into your touch. “please, please believe me. it was a joke, which i realise now is a badly made one. i never meant for it to sound like you were using me, because…because i really enjoyed tonight. i really, really wanted to hang out with you, and this is the best way i thought we could celebrate my grand slam. i’m sorry.”
after all this time, natasha thought, she somehow still had you wrapped around her finger. she rubbed her thumb over yours, and nodded. “i understand. apology accepted.”
afterwards, you offered natasha a deal; free VIP passes to any future matches she wished to watch you in, in exchange for her forgiveness of the crudeness of your words. she found it adorable that you were still so apologetic, and touched when she got reminded that this was precisely the person she fell so hard for.
natasha appeared for almost every single match that you played when she had pockets of breaks away from work. wherever you were on the court, you could look up to find her there; smiling encouragingly and cheering you on regardless of the scores. even when there were so few spectators that she was only one of a handful, and even when it was a match that drew in the thousands.
you often hung out after, and outside, the matches, natasha following you around the country when she secured a promotion that allowed her the flexibility to work remotely, and became, as one could call it as accurately as they could, best friends. you talked to her about your woes and struggles of your schedule, and she noticed that you loved it when she talked about her journalism too. she was there for you as much as you were there for her through it all this time.
still, natasha always wishes there could be something more. it could have been pure selfishness on her part, or dissatisfaction from something unfinished, but was it so wrong to want to keep you all to herself? often, when she toured around with you for your matches, she would catch the occasional pining gaze of others upon you, wanting to experience what it was like to have a champion for a partner, and it would fuel her blood boiling at people who she barely even knew. other times, when there were celebrities, or public figures, who flirted with her in interviews, and she was in your presence, it almost made her even more upset when you would only look briefly in her direction, almost trying to gauge her response, before looking away again. was it so wrong for you to want her again?
this time, she was there to love you and support you through your losses. though you were no longer the irrational, insecure, and doubtful youth player that you were in your college days, a loss was a loss and it would still hit a professional player as hard as it would a rookie when it came to feeling like you could have done better. when your confidence was shaken, natasha would be there to hug you after your matches, whispering words of encouragement and telling you that you did your best out there. you hugged her back just as tight. when you received an unfair result, natasha was there to shit talk the umpire just as much as you were, allowing you to crack a grin and eventually end up laughing along with her on the poor person that was destined to give you the poor score. and finally, when you tell her that she could skip the next match if she wanted because you feared the result, she told you that she wasn’t going anywhere, and she would be just as happy to see you as she would be in any other match.
eventually, natasha proposed that the two of you forget about tennis altogether when you were alone and outside of the tennis courts. ice cream hangouts became simply talking about the flavour of the month instead of the impending match the following day, picking her up after her shifts at work became a nice solace for enjoying the music on the radio instead of talking about strategies that you could have used in matches earlier in the day, and movie nights became a time for you to rest your laurels for a bit, and lean your weight against natasha, to take away your stress and sorrows for the week instead of thinking about tennis the whole time. natasha would never know it was the respite you had so badly craved ever since you started playing professionally, and the closest thing to a work-life-balance you had between tennis and the woman you loved.
in those moments, natasha refused to talk about anything, or touch anything remotely close to tennis, when she was with you. she had reminded you that she was there to hang out with her friend outside the court, not the professional tennis player, and while it took you some time to dissociate your identity from all that you knew, which was tennis, you began to learn to like the person you were outside of the sport as well, all thanks to her.
and eventually, natasha noticed, you finally allowing yourself to look at anyone else in the face after losing matches, ready to confront and thank the crowd for their support, still. you seeking her for comfort after certain hard matches, instead of her coming to you, you letting someone else in to the world that you had carved a path for all by yourself, all those years ago. and with a support system like natasha, it was hard to lose many matches, not when you found confidence independent of your results and began climbing up the ladder to become one of the top tennis players of all time.
maybe the both of you had just grown older, maybe you both matured out of your college ways, or maybe something was different now; the way you would look at each other across the room and know, just know, what the other was thinking, what the other wanted. maybe something really had changed, when you would catch each other’s smiles and finish each other’s sentences. maybe natasha had changed, and so had you.
it was after a gruelling day in the office, natasha remembered, she wasn’t so sure of the date, but she had been of the time. she hadn’t asked you to, and she certainly told you to just go home after your match, since you would be tired and drained from the day, but you waited, in your car, until nearly 2 in the morning to pick her up and get her home safe. she had come out in a hurry, apologising for keeping you waiting and being so mentally exhausted from work herself. but you had gotten out of the car, and, taking her stuff away from her to load it into the back, you had come back for her afterwards, pulling her in for a tight, comforting hug before she could even open the car door. natasha immediately felt all of the stress and worries for the day melt away into the ground then, almost whimpering with how comforted she felt being in your arms. she felt like she could cry.
“it’s okay. you did great today.” you said, smiling down at her.
“how would you know?” she muttered into your sweater, letting you rock her back and forth for a minute, “you were busy being amazing at tennis.”
“i asked my manager to record you on the news while i played. watched it after. incredible how you could look so cool even when you’re delivering the news.” you got what you wanted when you heard her chuckle, finally letting go after making sure she knew she was off duty, and with you now.
your tennis rackets and equipment were still in the back of the car, and natasha got reminded just of the day you had before you even came to pick her up. “how was it? the match?”
you kept your answer brief, already driving into the parking lot of the diner the both of you first went after your grand slam win. natasha was craving for a milkshake after a long day. “i won.”
“that’s great!” she exclaimed, and you nodded, thinking that no matter how great it felt to win, somehow, the feeling of being able to see natasha after a long day felt even better.
the both of you ate in the car after, natasha laughing about a stupid thing your coach had told you during training, and you listening intently as she told you about a new unfolding story she was covering. it was safe, and familiar, and everything you had wanted after a match.
it was the way that natasha wiped a crumb off your cheek, eyes glistening with something you always knew was more than friendship, fingers soft against your skin. the realisation that you had always known, but never dared to admit, all came rushing back. it was now or never. you never wanted her to be apart from you ever again.
she was busy finding the sprinkles in her shake. “mmm?”
“do you think we’ve changed?”
she paused for a moment, looking up at the dashboard, before letting out a nervous snort. “what makes you say that? what a serious topic for tonight.”
“because i’ve changed. i think i’ve changed, a lot.” you angled your body to face her fully, inviting her to do the same. she sensed the shift in emotion in your tone, and finally turned to look at you. your stance mirrored that of the one you had displayed so many times in the past, when you were apologising to her after a bad fight the both of you would have.
you continued. “i’m not…that kid anymore. that angry, hotheaded, smug, and insecure kid you knew back in college. i-i think i’ve changed, i’ve grown, and i don’t ever want to go back to what i was back then.”
“i know,” natasha probed, “i know you’ve changed. i’ve seen it in person.”
you nodded, biting the corner of your lip, and natasha sighed. “and i’ve changed too. i’m not someone…who projects her desires, her insecurities of losing, onto someone else anymore. i’ve found peace with myself, and the time apart from you…it’s really helped me find myself and what i wanted for my future. winning clearly doesn’t matter to me anymore, and though it is nice, i think being able to enjoy and live in the moment, with people i cherish and love, that’s what’s more important.”
“i’ve changed because of you.” the both of you managed to say at the same time, sending shocked looks to each other at least, before natasha laughed nervously and you grinned with your heart pumping in your chest.
she motioned for you to speak first, seeing as you had something so earnest on the tip of your tongue. “i was going to say…i’ve changed, and everything’s changed, but i don’t think i have loved you any less, over the years. my love for you, it is the one thing that’s remained the same.”
natasha knew and didn’t know what was happening, both at the same time, until you reached over the console, and held her shaking hand. “i still love you, i always have, over the years, until now. and i know you might call me stupid, or even rash, for trying to repair something that we clearly thought was broken back in college, but…but i think we can make it work, this time. i think we can try again, and have the love we always dreamed of back then, now, as adults.”
at her stunned silence, you persisted, “i’m not saying you have to say yes now, or for us to get back together now, but i want you to think about it. really think about it, because i am certain that you are the one i have always loved, and you are the one i want to spend the rest of my life loving. so–”
it was your turn to stare at her in shock. “...yes?”
then, natasha had tears down her eyes again, this time filled with joy and relief, as she threw herself over the console, and into your arms. “yes, yes, you idiot! yes i’ll get back together with you, yes i want to love you for the rest of my life as much as you want to love me.”
she felt you chuckle in relief through her arms, bringing her in for a kiss right after.
“do you think you want kids? soon?” the topic had come up before, and while the both of you had discussed it briefly, it had never come to any real conclusion. natasha, naked and vulnerable and laying in your arms then, years after your confession outside the diner in your car, asked again.
you were still catching your breath beside her, the activities of the night after such a win tiring you out more quickly after the activities in the day. “i want whatever you want.”
“well…” natasha drew circles on the bare skin of your back, “...i want them. pretty soon. i think we should start a family.”
she felt your smile against her own skin, nodding in agreement. “sure.”
“sometimes i see the kids that show up at your matches, up in their parents arms and wearing your caps to cheer you on, or even the ball girls and boys eagerly rushing in and out to help you during the matches, and i can’t help but want them then and there. even now, i can’t help but want them right now, with us, in this moment.”
you leaned over to kiss her sensually, cradling her face in your hands, before returning, “my love, are you saying you have baby fever during my matches? and not a lovesick, guttural, lusting feeling for your fiancee that is playing–”
“–oh shut up!” she groaned, throwing a pillow at your face, “you’re the one that brought that stupid trophy to bed before you even thought about bringing me on it!”
she pointed towards the trophy at the end of the room, that natasha had almost kicked in frustration when she came in after her shower, sported in a brand new lingerie set just for you, and caught you hugging it and trying to fall asleep. you had to remind her that doing so would have broken your heart, and definitely your proposal to get married with her.
she felt herself being rolled over then, out of sight of the trophy, as you nipped on her skin and apologised until she gave in again. she always gave in when it came to you. “sorry. got jealous that my very beautiful, very sexy fiancee is busy looking at how cute the kids that support my matches are, instead of me. totally my fault.”
the glare natasha shot at you was met with another kiss that made her melt, but you weren’t free just yet. she rolled you back to straddle you, hands pushing against your shoulders to say, “i still want the kids.”
“my god, woman,” you sat up, pulling her down with you, “you just fucked my brains out, and we have a wedding to attend tomorrow. let me marry you first tomorrow, and we’ll have the kids after, okay? one thing at a time.”
it was getting pretty late, as she reluctantly grumbled her agreement. she was already breaking rules by sleeping with you the night before her own wedding; but how could she not? when her bride looked as gorgeous as the one she was snuggled up with, natasha didn’t mind breaking a few rules.
“fine, but if you dare bring that godforsaken trophy tomorrow, baby…”
that sprang your eyes open, lulling you out of the sleep you had been succumbing to. “come on, it’s wimbledon, i won wimbledon! don’t you think people deserve to see a wimbledon trophy in the flesh once in their lives?!”
“but not at our wedding!”
#natasha romanoff x reader#black widow x reader#natasha romanoff#black widow#marvel cinematic universe#tennis player! reader#challengers#forty love#natasha romanoff x tennis player! reader
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pairing: pato’o ward x reader
summary: pato is a passionate man in loving. so why don't we dive deeper into his love life with his girlfriend with the list of his favorite love languages.
author's note: i'm literally BLUSHING when i saw the video and halfway writing this like whaaat, he knows what he's doing with his words over ladies. i'm sure.
♪ listening to: love language - ariana grande
“big spoon or little spoon?”
there was silence before he answered in a low voice. “little spoon,” he laughed.
... pato likes to hug you when you sleep, it has become a habit for the both of you when you're sleeping and there's pato hugging you from behind and spooning you.
he usually is a proud big spoon-er like usual, but his behavior lately got you wondering: what is happening to him?
“can i be there?” he said one day as he's spooning you, making you arch your brow in confusion.
“be where?” but before you can even question further, he flipped you over, so you face his back, making him the small spoon instead of you.
“baby!” you laughed as pato quickly grabbing your hands to hug him from behind. “i like this. it's warm.” he dug his face to the pillow.
You tightened your hug on him while making yourself comfortable being a big spoon and hugging him from behind. “you're right, i think i might liked this one too.” you mumbled, kissing the back of his neck.
... everytime when you were with him, you're always holding his hand.
no matter what occasion you're in, you're always holding his. it's now becoming a habit when you're with him as when you hold his hand, and he's holding your hand.
you and pato have a habit where the both you will hold each other's hands and give them three squeezes to sign love.
“i love you,” he squeezes your hand when you're crossing the streets.
you smiled and squeezed his hand back, “i love you too.”
... forehead kisses is his favorite kiss of all. but not that he's going to say no to the any other one, but his forehead kiss to you is so far going to be his favorite to do.
not only because it's a simple gestures to express his love, gratitude and appreciation, but also it's his common act for saying ‘thank you’, ‘i miss you’, and even ‘i love you.’
and for that one time after he's winning the race, he's quickly to open his balaclava and ear protection, and only to come and approach you afterwards in the garage.
“congratulations for your win, honey, you deserve it!” you squeals, hugging him tight right after you see him entering the garage. “aw, thank you, cielo.” he kissed your forehead after the hug was ended. earning a bunch ‘aww’s from the mechanics and staffs, including david who's the one just entered and watched the whole moment.
“that's really sweet, you guys,” one of the mechanic said and he smiled as he embraced you to his side, kissing the side of your head soon after.
... serving breakfast in bed to you is a must-do activity to spent with you (or for you) during his break. it doesn't always have to be on weekends, but on some occasions, breakfast in bed is something that he likes to do to fill his time when he's off racing.
and in some point in every morning, he's always serving you a warm delicious breakfast to enjoy in the morning with his company.
“wake up, princess, i got you something special.” he whispered to your ear as the delicious smells going through your nostrils and immediately wake you up.
so you woke up with a tray of a delicious stake of pancakes, a bowl of mixed fruits, and a mineral water to hydrate you after you wake up. it's literally the perfect way to wake up in the morning.
“thank you, honey.” you kissed his cheek as he giving you the glass of water for you to take. “you're welcome, cielo.”
... not only physical and some romantic gestures, pato also likes to buy you gifts. no matter how expensive it is, he's always buying you something that you want. or not.
“happy anniversary, darling girl.” he said while carrying a gift bag in his hand. “but it's not... our anniversary just yet,” you stuttered, not at all expecting what he was planning.
"i know, but open it. this is my gift to you.” he kissed your lips afterward, making you even more curious about what he was gifting you. you took out the contents of the bag, the box, and finally a cloth wrapper through it and leaving his eyes looking sparkling, definitely waiting for your reaction for it.
you gasped as you revealed the real content of the box, “a serpenti tubogas bvlgari watch? where did you get this?” he giggled when he saw the look on your face. "how about it, that's good, right?"
"good?! i love it! how did you know i wanted this for so long?” your voice high as you're squealing, your face lighting up with joy, but he just smiled, "i definitely know." he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead once more, then to your lips.
“i love you so fucking much, patricio. i can't wait to see the more of you” you started to interrupt the kiss, which was only answered with a playful groans from him, making you giggle. “i love you too, y/n.” he whispered to your lips as he resumed the kiss who will turned into something more.
liked by patriciooward, and 682,114 others
yourusername my very own so-called ‘anniversary gift’ 💕
... last but not least of his usual routine for everyday is to spending time with you for whatever reason it is.
it can be just for going to the gym, running, watching netflix, doing a self care together, shopping, playing with his dogs or go to the fashion week together, that's all in.
but not only that, he also often does other activities with you, such as cooking his favorite food in his kitchen, or pretending to be a chef, for example;
“oh yes, mister patricio, get me a pinch of salt, please.” You spoke like an Italian chef cooking pasta, making him laugh out loud when he heard you speak with that accent.
“i'll get it right away, my cooking partner.” he responded by speaking with the same accent as you.
“no, i am a chef (🤌), mister patricio.” you said making the hand gesture at him, making him laugh harder and then ended up coughing because of his loud laugh.
“that's brilliant! ah, i've never heard you saying things like this before. that's really funny.”
“so where's the salt, mister patrici—”
“let's get back to normal shall we?”
requested by anonymous: Heyy, have you seen Patos valentines day video on insta? could you maybe write something about his love language being physical touch and him being little spoon? Thank you!!
heyy!! i am so in love with patos valentines day video, could you maybe write something about his love language being physical touch and him being little spoon? <3
© DUHYORK 2024.
#duhyork's artwork ৎ#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#f1 x y/n#f1 x you#f1 fic#f1#f1 x female reader#pato o'ward#pato o'ward x reader#pato o’ward#patricio o'ward#pato o'ward x you#pato o'ward smau#pato o'ward x y/n#pato o'ward imagine#pato o'ward fanfic#pato o'ward fic#pato o'ward fluff
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business matter — chapter 92.
↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
[warning: suggestive]
"just come here."
serim put her phone away aggressively, frustrated at not being able to stop her body from getting up from the chair and heading toward the restroom area without giving further explanation, grabbing the attention of the other people at the table, who knew exactly where the girl was going.
they knew that serim would go wherever karina asked her to.
she opened the door to the ladies' bathroom, making room for herself to enter. there was no one there, it was not crowded, there was only a girl at the opposite end of the entrance, with her back against the wall and her phone in her hands. her attention was on the screen of the device, but as soon as she heard someone walk in, she moved her eyes upward without raising her head completely, long strands of dark hair falling in front of her face.
the girl straightened as she recognized serim, now also resting the back of her head against the cold concrete she leaned against. a confident, preponderance smile spread over her lips.
"i knew you would come." she spoke, breaking the static silence within those four walls.
"of course i came." serim closed the door behind her abruptly. "you're in my company's public restroom taking provocative pictures of yourself to send to me during a party." she took quick steps to approach her, scolding her.
"do you really expect me to believe that you came to give me a lecture and not to rip my dress off and fuck me in one of those?" she pointed to the cubicles, the vain expression still on her face.
"are you aware of what might happen if we were caught in the act?" she found herself elated at the contrarian's stillness. "or even if you were seen in this state?" she extended her arm to point at her, exposing the girl. "fix your dress." serim ordered after noticing that the bottom of the garment was raised and uneven, revealing her thigh almost to the edge, possibly a result of those images she was taking earlier.
"namu." she stopped her with a composed yet flirtatious tone. "i don't believe you don't want to touch me." she let out a soft laugh.
"you're drunk." the older one declared.
"i'm obsessed with you." she rebutted. "come on, don't you want to find out what it's like to have sex at the risk of being discovered?" she held out her arms, waiting for her, but serim remained silent, serious, still. "or do you...?" karina propelled herself away from the wall quickly, walking towards the woman impatiently, staggering slightly due to the alcohol in her system, her attitude changing from haughty to indignant after realizing what the lack of words hid. "so you've already fucked other girls in public spaces before, but you're playing morally correct with me?" she grabbed the fabric of jang's clothes to pull her closer and force her to look at her. "are you incapable of keeping yourself in your pants?"
"ironic that you would say that when your first reaction to getting drunk is to beg me to have sex with you in a bathroom." she reciprocated karina's tug on her garment, standing just inches away from each other. "my coworkers are out there." she reminded.
"and you and i are in here." she slid her tact to serim's waist, holding her from both sides.
"jimin." she let out in a sigh, her eyes closed, trying not to lose herself in the touch.
"namu." her tone was low, imploring, claiming.
serim was already used to not knowing how to refuse jimin, or maybe she didn't want to, but she didn't dare to assume it. every time she gave in to her, a warm feeling flooded her chest, which could be so many emotions, but she always related to guilt.
the same guilt you feel when you go back to your ex, when you buy something stupid even though you know you will spend the money you had to make ends meet on it, or when you postpone your obligations until the last possible moment because you don't feel like doing it at that time. it was the guilt that came hand in hand with pleasure and desire.
there are times when human beings submit to delight and don't know how to anticipate reason to it, and this was another one of those moments when serim couldn't hold her conscious decisiveness over the need to kiss jimin. trapping her mouth with her in a power play, wrapping her arms around her body and running her hands up and down her back as they engaged in a wet, messy make-out session. pushing her and walking with her until she was leaning against the nearest wall, so clumsily and restlessly that, in the state she was in, if jimin hadn't been holding tight onto serim's shoulders and the back of her neck, she would have lost her balance.
serim lifted from both sides the girl's pink dress, which was already a mess anyway, leaving room for nothing beyond the girl's underwear to make her uncomfortable as she placed her knee between the blackhaired's legs and with it pressed her center, causing jimin to break the kiss for a moment to let out a deep sigh in reaction to the new contact, reconnecting their lips in desperation as she moved as best she could her waist over serim's leg trying to generate friction.
"i'm tired of you always getting your way." complained jang, though her agitated, longing voice was countered by her statement, her upper lip delicately resting on jimin's lower one, her mouth free to speak, but still not entirely detached from the girl.
"this is literally what you wish for me to do." she mentioned, feeling the skin on her neck moisten as she received serim's kisses upon it.
"so you're only doing this for me?" she pulled away a little, just enough to be able to speak, her breath still colliding against the younger girl's neck. "wasn't it you who asked me to come?" she suddenly lifted her leg that was already pressed against karina, slipping it even deeper, shooting a wave of sensations through the girl's body at the stronger, more direct touch she had just felt, facing the ceiling and closing her eyes, this time it was an explicit moan that broke from her throat.
"i do want it." she admitted, finding it hard to speak as she tried to keep her breathing in sync. "thank you for fulfilling my whims." she smiled indulgently, holding serim's cheeks and moving her until she could kiss her lips again.
"i'd do anything for you." she confessed, though it wasn't something that wasn't already known between them. "even if it's stupid things like this." with her palms on her waist she began to direct her to rock her hips on her knee. "or go against my reason."
"do you like me that much? that you physically can't turn me down?" her eyelids were drooping, leaving her eyes barely open just to look at her, for the reality was that they were closing on their own to focus all her senses on how good she was feeling, her fingers trying to cling and keep the opposite as close to her as they could, her lips struggling to stay entwined and just letting go so they could talk to each other in that careful, soft, eager tone.
"is because i love you."
silence. but silence of the tense kind, not the comfortable kind.
karina's eyes suddenly opened wide and all her movements stopped, her hips ceased going back and forth on serim, her hands not seeking to trap her between them anymore, her lips abruptly parted from hers, as she brought her head so far back she could almost feel the coldness of the wall against the nape. she stood static as if she had just been told that someone had run over hiro or she had been kicked out of her group. her pale porcelain skin seemed to have lost even more pigmentation, not even the pinkish hue that had accumulated on her cheekbones due to the arousal she was experiencing moments before had remained on her cheeks, the sobriety hitting her as if she had never ingested alcohol in the first place.
noticing the blackhaired's reaction, serim decided she should take some distance, detaching herself from the woman and taking a few steps back, still an arm's length away, but letting her breathe. she didn't know why she had said that, it was true, but she couldn't find a reason why to confess it. possibly she had no more tools to make that situation better, to fix it, to make it stop hurting. in desperate times, desperate measures. seeing the look of dread on jimin's face, she realized that she had run out of resources to make either of them start acting coherently and maturely.
"jokey joke." the older one tried to diffuse the tension by speaking in a high-pitched, awkward tone, raising her fingers simulating two guns and pointing them at the girl like someone who tries to look cool after saying something stupid.
"do you love me?" she ignored her.
"well, that's what i said, i guess." paralleling the horror shown by the younger girl's behavior, serim couldn't help the urge born in her to turn any unfortunate event into a funny one.
"do you love me?"
"jimin, you know me, i have a lot of love to give." she continued with her attempt to redirect the conversation.
"serim, do you love me?" she repeated, still in shock.
"yes, i do." she admitted, frustrated after failing to calm the mood.
"are you in love with me?" emphasized on the words 'in love,' walked up to serim, completely disoriented, facing her.
"yes, jimin, i love you!" she exclaimed, tired of hearing her say the same thing over and over again.
the dancer couldn't wake up from the trance she was in, everything felt surreal. of all the possible outcomes she calculated when she asked serim to go there, none of them ended with the woman confessing that her feelings were much deeper than a simple infatuation. it was as if her brain couldn't adapt to how quickly everything had escalated, how much her life had really changed since the moment the company called her to tell her that she would have to pretend to be the girlfriend of this person.
karina is a beautiful and captivating being, but realistically, how many times in a someone's life do they get a love confession told in the face?
jimin didn't know what to do, how she was supposed to react, the only thing she was sure of was that there was no way serim was going back home that night with a sane heart.
"that doesn't make sense." she shook her head to both sides, her eyes on the ground.
"what?" the first hints of disappointment were beginning to make their presence known in serim's chest.
"you can't be in love with me, namu." she furrowed her brows seriously, pretending to sound reasonable. "we barely know each other."
"jimin." she let out a dry, indignant laugh. "you live in my house, i've seen you every day for months, you've been fooling around with me for days." she began to list despairingly. "are you trying to invalidate how i feel about you?"
"you're confused." she tried to convince her, her voice soft, and she lifted her arms to wrap them around the oldest's neck. "when you spend some time away from me it will pass." she leaned forward intending to initiate a kiss.
"jimin, are you fucking bipolar?" she pushed her away without using force, just enough to keep her from reaching up to touch her mouth. "are you seriously denying my confession by telling me i just have to pull away from you while you try to kiss me?" the levels of exasperation she was reaching at that moment she had never experienced before.
"i'm drunk and i need you." the ravenhead must have been really intoxicated because she seemed sure that was a good excuse.
"are you admitting that you are using me to please you?" serim was not a person who cried often, but everything that was going on with karina was beyond her and tears began to form in her eyes.
"no, serim." she was so calm considering she had a person on the verge of crying in front of her. "i need you." she connected their eyes. "i really do, i treasure you." she admitted. "when i see you i can't resist the urge to touch you and kiss you." she cupped her face in her hands, caressing her cheeks. "when i lose control the first thing i look for is you." she took a breath trying to stay focused, feeling her throat beginning to ache, that she too was going to burst into tears. "but even for me it's going to happen too, it's going to pass."
"but, why would it have to pass?" she implored in anguish.
"because it has to." she sentenced coldly. "because you and i can't be together and that's the only certainty."
"no." she declined, not willing to listen to the same old speech. "the only certain thing is that we are not able to stay away from each other." she performed.
"namu." she tried to stop her words.
"jimin, do you love me?" she interrupted her, not wanting to look vulnerable, but with hope in her voice and eyes.
and karina kept silent. her pupils began to wander on serim, getting lost in her features. the older girl's skin was soft, delicate, a result of the care her work as an idol demanded of her, which she knew was even more exhaustive with serim whose diet consisted merely of cigarettes and very poorly organized meals at peculiar times of the day.
after remembering her bad habits she could not suppress the onset of the domestic fantasy of cooking for her and reminding her to eat at the required times, of being the person to give her a judging look and a reprimand when she lit one more cigarette than she was allowed, just as she couldn't help the nostalgia of not being that one, as if she had the chance and it had slipped through her fingers.
her eyes were small, but intense. whenever serim looked at her she felt exposed, observed. karina knew the oldest was like a big toddler in need of affection, but when she had no idea of that and saw her as just her senior in the industry, she thought of the heavy presence she had, distracted by how she drew the eyes of everyone in any room she entered with that star-like aura. serim's eyes were the eyes of someone who could command people's attention. and now that hazel color she liked to lose herself in was accompanied by the red of the sadness she herself had generated.
and those full, pompous lips, which at that moment were glistening from the remains of jimin's own saliva on them. of course serim was appealing to so many women, who wouldn't want to kiss those lips? even she had found a fascination in them, since the first time she had tasted them she had struggled to find anything else that would quench the desire to do it again.
karina could only look at her, part by part, as if trying to get to see her bones as well, and maybe even that would have seemed like a wonder to her. feeling her heart pounding in her chest at such a speed that it seemed like the seconds before it stopped completely, like when a light bulb explodes before going out forever. looking at serim she knew what she felt, she was aware, but she also realized that she couldn't let herself feel it.
"serim, i..." she began, the sensation of knowing you're letting someone down gripping her chest. "i have feelings for you." she explained, searching for the words, watching serim roll her eyes and begin to create distance as she heard what seemed to be more excuses. "but they're just sporadic things that will end eventually."
"sporadic things that will end eventually." she paraphrased, anger in the way she quoted her. "what a complicated way to say you don't love me." she turned on her heels, heading for the door.
"don't call me that." she stopped her, with her back to her. "and go back to the party after you fix your clothes." she left.
"there you go."
serim bent her knees to be closer to the height of karina's bed, standing sideways to it and close enough for the owner to slide off her back and land gently on the mattress.
because yes, jimin had broken serim's heart -again-, but still the older girl had to carry her on her back to her bedroom and up to her room since she could hardly stand up because of how drunk she was.
the ravenette, in her state bordering on unconsciousness, could still feel when her body made contact with the comfort of a bed and moved in search of the pillow to rest her head on, closing her eyes almost instantly when she found it. serim, as much as she felt a deep rage towards her at that moment, couldn't just throw her there and leave. she began to inspect the room for some sort of pajamas, but the only piece of clothing she could find was a t-shirt she recognized as her own on a stool where other things were also carelessly lying around, and she even remembered the time when jimin had asked her for it.
she took the garment and hung it on her shoulder and then approached the bed, put one knee on the edge to support the weight of her body as she leaned over the girl, slid one hand between her back and the blanket and pushed her up while she lifted her up pulling from the arm with the other, helping her to sit up and trying not to let go so she wouldn't fall again. she ran her fingers through her back to the side of her torso to find the zipper of the dress to pull it down with difficulty and once the fabric that wrapped around the younger's body was looser making it easier to slide it off, serim set about removing it, sliding down the straps that fastened it to her shoulders and then tugging it down.
"no." suddenly jimin regained lucidity, stopping serim's hands with her own.
"no?" the vocalist looked at yu in amusement as she swayed in place and stared lost to a point in the room, as if trying to make everything stop spinning. "are you going to sleep with the dress on?"
karina didn't move, at least not voluntarily, as she couldn't keep her body balance, she was only still upright because the woman was still holding her. "serim." she was able to articulate after a few long moments of silence.
"what happens?"
"serim." she repeated, trying to get an idea out, but finding it difficult because of the alcohol.
"only serim can touch me." she finally mustered the strength to finish the sentence and turn her head, still looking down, but this time in the direction of the opposite, using the contact with her to push her, though it was pointless as she was so intoxicated she could barely generate any impact. "sorry, but this can't happen." her words were barely understandable as she had no ability to modulate and her lips formed a small pout.
"i swear you're bipolar." she shook her head, confused by the girl's statement, but being unable to contain a giggle because of the way she spoke.
"that's something serim would tell me."
"jimin, i am serim." she reminded when she noticed that she really wasn't able to recognize her.
the blackhaired raised her head with intentions of deciphering the identity of the other person, her eyes squinted in order to focus on her because, first, she had bad eyesight by nature, and, second, her state was making her see things double and blurry. after a few seconds she finally recognized those brown eyes that were looking at her incredulously and almost by instinct her senses were activated.
"my namu."
the woman squealed in such a high pitch and raising the volume of her voice to such an extent that the door opened behind them and serim turned quickly to see who had entered, already thinking of what explanation she would give in case one of the other members had woken up and found her late at night with a completely out of it and half undressed karina, but turning around she saw that it was only hiro who had been alerted by his owner. the puppy climbed up to the bed next to them and sat down, following very attentively the movements of both women while the younger one rushed over jang, running her hands through her hair, her cheeks, her neck, shoulders and any part that she could hold on to because her only intention was to give her comforting caresses while she started to spout explanations, without taking a breath, about the situation they were living. the same arguments and apologies about why they couldn't be together that serim had already heard a thousand times, so she decided to put all her effort into not listening to her.
serim, determined to change her clothes, lay her down and put her to sleep so she could go home and pretend that all that night hadn't happened, grabbed the top edge of her dress, pulled the fabric down until she finally managed to detach the rag from the young girl and, without karina having shut up for a single second, managed to put the shirt on her so she would be more comfortable to rest. she held her in her arms while guiding her back to lie down.
"namu, i do want you, and i'm sorry."
it was the tenth time she had said that same sentence within perhaps five minutes. her eyes were closed, but the words kept falling from her lips in a frenzy, intending to appease the seriousness and the pain serim was sure feeling.
jimin felt guilt too, only this was the guilt that comes by hand with a mistake, from the certainty that you are causing harm.
jang let go of the girl's body, removing her hold on her back, but karina sensed this and instinctively caught one of serim's hands with her own, to pull it to her mouth and begin kissing the woman's fingertips in the short, fleeting moments when she stopped justifying herself. the subtle and sensitive display of affection, the pout that still lingered on her face, her shirt decorating her figure and the eagerness she had to show her that, although she could not give in to her emotions, she did care for her, endeared serim, who, as annoyed as she was, and as much as she didn't want to hear any more about it, found herself absorbed in the dancer's gestures and demeanor. they were both so engrossed in each other's presence, for better or worse, that neither noticed that since he came in, hiro had been cautiously stepping towards them, until he was at the perfect distance to reach out his neck and bite down hard on serim's limb that was being worshipped by karina.
serim reacted to the feel of the animal's teeth digging into her skin and jerked her arm to pull her hand away from the dog's muzzle, standing up suddenly to make sure it was out of her reach in case he wanted to attack again.
"baby!" jimin exclaimed to serim after witnessing everything, making an effort to maintain clarity in case she had to help her, lifting herself up a bit and watching her with concern, grabbing hiro to hold him along with her so he wouldn't go towards the woman again.
"i'm fine." reassured jang as she looked at her skin for wounds, but it had only been a bite, hard, but nothing more than that.
but as she inspected herself she realized that hiro had targeted the same hand that he had the previous time, that time where it was her who had gotten drunk into a blackout and where she had to wear bandages for a few days. she still had the scar and maybe it would never go away. the whole scenario was so similar to what had been described to her. she turned her gaze to the pet, who was comfortably resting next to his master as if nothing had happened, on the bed.
hiro. bed. jimin. alcohol. bite.
it wasn't easy to explain how quickly the erased images of that night were being restored in her brain. it was as if someone was shouting it in her face. all very sudden.
how long had jimin been repressing her feelings?
"you really wanted me to believe that your dog attacked me because i touched his food." she pointed her finger accusingly at the woman, who was already falling asleep before serim spoke.
"what?" the girl was in no condition to deal with this at the moment.
"why did you hide from me that we kissed?" she asked indignantly.
"i do want to kiss you, yes, please." she only understood single words, her body was begging her to go to sleep already.
"that time we went to an event and you brought me drunk here, that hiro bit me and you had to heal me." she recapped patiently, trying to get the younger to assimilate each part. "why didn't you tell me that we kissed that night?"
"but..." she tried to keep her sense. "i did tell you." technically she wasn't lying.
"you told me it was a company order." she refuted.
"i had to manipulate the information for my own benefit." she said in a single, quick breath.
"you kissed me because you wanted to." realized.
"can we kiss?" jimin stretched her lips into a beak, waiting.
"how long have you wanted me?" she questioned, an empty feeling in her chest.
"well," she pulled herself slightly upright on the blanket, doing her best to remain coherent. "ning says that since the first recording of azza time." she admitted awkwardly as she spoke. "but the truth is, i think it was since that night."
"ning says?" she repeated, eyes lost, everything was getting more and more ridiculous.
"yizhuo knows how much i like you, obviously." she reasoned. "but she likes you too, what can i do about it? i'm her unnie, she's my world." she let herself drop again. "and to think that everything would have been easier if only i had admitted everything you made me feel that night."
serim couldn't find anything else to say. her breathing was labored to the point where her chest was noticeably rising and falling, and her eyes were once again crystallizing. she had avoided crying before, but she didn't think she could hold it back now. not that jimin was going to notice, the girl was getting lost in her dreams again and this time she wasn't going to do anything to wake her up, there was no point anymore, she had to let her sleep and get out of there. get out of there and finally stop running after someone who had so little perception of her emotions, someone who was saying in very clear terms that she wouldn't fight for her, and who, in fact, had months to do so, but never even tried.
as she faced the desk against one of the walls, she saw the plant that she had given to her some time ago, franky, decorating the table. she thought it was in ningning's possession, so it was unsettling to see it there. it was cared for, indeed, it looked like it had been watered recently, it looked pretty. that only caused the tears to come more easily. she spun on her heels, walked over to karina, leaned over her already sleeping body and placed a kiss on her forehead, keeping careful that hiro didn't get angry.
perhaps everything serim had to contribute to karina's life was already in that room, and there was nothing more for her to give.
serim left, closing the door carefully so as not to make any noise, she turned towards the hallway to walk through it towards the living room, but when she did, she found ningning watching her from the entrance of her room, aspect as if she had just woken up.
"ning." she spoke as she noticed the girl's presence. "please don't think anything strange, karina is very drunk, i just helped her get to bed" she informed nervously.
"semmie." the worried voice of the maknae was heard from the other side. "it's okay, don't worry, i know you weren't doing anything." even in the darkness, serim could make out that she was walking towards her. "are you crying?" she questioned, as she had noticed the trembling as she spoke.
serim wanted to rationalize herself, to help her understand what was going on, she wanted to talk to yizhuo, but it wouldn't come out of her. she was exhausted, mentally she no longer had the will to keep pretending to endure what she was going through with jimin or to keep trying to make the people around her think everything was normal. in the end, she properly burst into tears, not being able to beat the tears with glibness. ningning rushed over to wrap her arms around her and hold her as the older one broke down on her shoulder.
— taglist [CLOSED]: @yoontoonwhs @cwpiqwon @aliceiwk @xen248 @gtfoiydlyj @rinapomu @aeriuchinarga @multiliker @somedaydream @impossiblesharkcashrebel @yjiminswallet @nwjnsloona @yerimbrit @73vyn @dni-unavailable @yizhuobberi @sewiouslyz @yeetaberry127 @masuowo @yallatalla @aerithykly @chaenniefirst @minfolio @starrynini05 @hotluvlet @wmnrhot @mineige @lisaswifey @brocoliisscared @fae-the-wanderer
#aespa#karina#aespa karina#yu jimin#yoo jimin#giselle aespa#giselle#winter aespa#winter#ningning#ningning aespa#aespa x reader#yu jimin x reader#karina x reader#kpop x reader#kpop smau#aespa smau#smau#aespa fanfic#karina fanfic#aespa scenarios#aespa reactions#aespa imagines#fromis 9#itzy#ive#loona#gidle#blackpink#exo
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oh, look now, there you go with hope again
Adrien Agreste was sitting alone in the cafeteria.
The sight made Marinette want to pull her own hair out. Hadn’t she publicly stated, as Ladybug, that Adrien Agreste was as much a victim of his father as anyone who had been akumatized? That in the end, he’d shown remorse and helped her? Hadn’t she urged the people of Paris to embrace him, to give him a second chance?
Sure, she hadn’t exactly practiced what she’d preached, but—she’d excused herself as the exception. After all, no one had been more hurt by Chat Noir than Ladybug herself. No one else had felt the sting of betrayal or the sharpness of his claws the way she had.
So she’d told herself it wasn’t her responsibility to extend an olive branch more than she already had. Surely, someone else—someone who didn’t have vivid memories of fighting against a boy meant to be her partner—would step up and be his hero. It wasn’t Marinette’s job.
Except, apparently, it was.
Because he was still eating alone.
If no one else was going to step up, then she had to.
The next day, she marched right up to his table in the cafeteria.
He looked up at her, wide-eyed and frightened.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know this table was taken. Please, let me move my things–just a few seconds, I promise.”
He’d already started packing up by the time Marinette processed what he’d said—and the hunted look in his eyes as he said it.
Adrien froze, instantly, then raised both hands in the air: the universal sign for ‘I’m unarmed.’
Marinette felt a pang of guilt. Snapping at him like she was apprehending a criminal was not the approach she was going for. So she tried again.
“I mean,” she kept her voice as soft as she could, the way one would approach an injured stray on the street, “you don’t need to move. The table isn’t taken by anyone except you.”
Adrien nodded, his hands lowered slightly, but clearly still on guard for whatever she’d say next. She hated that, but she couldn’t blame him for expecting the worst when a girl he’d never spoken to before arrived at the table.
Still, the idea of him being scared of her—plain-clothed Marinette—felt wrong. He’d never even been scared of Ladybug, though she’d had her fair share of nightmares about him.
“Can I join you?” she asked.
He nodded again, but unlike the relief she expected at her question, his posture remained guarded and tense.
Did he not want company? Is that why he still ate alone?
She found that hard to believe. Chat Noir, even at his worst, had always been gregarious—often trying to make conversation with her even as he attacked her. There’s no way this same boy could be satisfied eating alone every day, with no one to talk to.
He must just not know what to do in this situation—it was common knowledge, after all, that he hadn’t been allowed to go to school before this, not even a fancy private school.
Luckily, Marinette had come prepared with the perfect icebreaker.
So after she took her seat next to him, she pulled it out of the bag: two croissants, baked fresh this morning, and better than any of the baked goods in the cafeteria menu. She put one on his tray.
Adrien eyed it warily.
“It’s for you,” Marinette explained.
“You want me to eat it?” he asked, which she thought was a bit rude, but she supposed Hawkmoth wouldn’t have taken much time to instill his son with proper manners, so she decided to let it slide.
“Yes, I brought it for you.”
He nodded, then picked up his knife and fork like he was preparing for battle. He closed his eyes, breathing in deep, as if he were bracing himself.
Marinette had a hard time pushing back her annoyance at that. Not thanking her was one thing, but acting like her parents’ baking was some kind of chore to eat?
“Just eat it!” She took a bite of her own, for emphasis. “It’s good.”
Adrien set his knife and fork down again, then gingerly picked up the croissant with his fingertips.
Irrationally, Marinette felt her heart racing as he slowly inched it towards his mouth, like it was a design contest and she was watching the judges circle her piece.
Which was stupid, because she wasn’t trying to impress him. She was just trying to be nice. It didn’t matter if he liked it or not.
But by the time his teeth sank into the croissant, she was on the edge of her seat.
He took a bite.
And swallowed.
Then looked at the croissant again, with wide-eyed wonder. Marinette couldn’t stop the smug, satisfied grin from spreading across her face.
Which quickly slid back down at his next words.
“It’s… just a croissant,” he said, and if he hadn’t said it with such awe and reverence, Marinette would’ve chewed him out.
Instead, she was just baffled.
“What else would it be?”
“Nothing,” he said, too quickly. “Of course it’s a croissant, I just—there’s nothing else in it.”
Marinette frowned. “Were you expecting pain au chocolat? It’s a whole different shape.”
“No, of course not, I—” He stopped, then, and looked away, as if he was scared to say more.
And really, this whole exchange had been weird, from the beginning.
“Adrien,” she said slowly, “why were you afraid to eat the croissant?”
Because that’s what it had been, hadn’t it? Not ingratitude. Not snobbishness.
He mumbled something into his lap in response. She couldn’t quite make out the full sentence, but what she did hear was chilling: “...last croissant had…. in it…”
Just a croissant. Because he’d expected her to put something in it.
She’d known her classmates avoided him. But she hadn’t realized how bad it was.
When Marinette was 10, their class had gone on a field trip to the zoo—not the one nearby, but the big one, on the outskirts of the city. She’d been so excited that she’d packed her bag filled with everything she could possibly need—snacks, sunscreen, her favorite magazines for the bus ride.
And then she’d been stupid enough to leave her bag unattended for a few minutes.
The memory of squeezing her bottle of sunscreen in the heat of the day and having a dollop of mayonnaise fall into her hand instead had never left her. It hadn’t been the worst prank Chloe had ever pulled, but the scent of mayonnaise that’d been sitting in the sun—sour and rancid—never left her.
She still smelled every bottle she opened now, years later, even ones she knew no one else had touched.
She didn’t know what had been in the last croissant he had been given, but she knew exactly why he’d been wary—why he’d tried to go in with a fork and knife first.
What she didn’t understand was why he’d drop them and eat it with his hands anyway, if that’s what he expected.
“Why did you take a bite if you thought I’d put something in it?”
“Because you told me to,” he whispered.
Marinette blinked, disbelieving. He’d blindly taken a bite, expecting the worst, because she’d told him to? Even at the peak of her victimhood, before she’d learned to stand up and fight back, Marinette had done her best to avoid falling into any traps she could see coming.
“Why?!?” she all but shouted. “Why would you just let someone do that to you?”
His answering smile was brittle. “As long as I’m willing to play the victim, they don’t see me as a villain.”
Marinette’s stomach dropped in horror as he continued—as she realized the true extent of what she’d let Adrien Agreste go through for weeks, while she’d turned the other way and told herself it was someone else’s problem.
“When I first came to school, no one wanted me here. They didn’t feel safe, even though Ladybug assured everyone I was powerless now,” he was looking away, now, voice hollowed out like his insides had been scooped out, “For a while, I was scared they’d make me leave school. But then, they started playing pranks. And after they’d play one, they’d laugh at me, and it hurt at first—it still does, but—one day, I realized, when they laughed and taunted, they didn’t look scared of me anymore. So, I let them. If this is what it takes to stay, for them to feel safe and accept my presence here, I’ll eat whatever they serve me.”
Her insides churned at the thought of him—sitting on the ground, surrounded by the faceless peers laughing, and somehow deciding that was for the best.
“Why would you want to stay, when everyone treats you like that?”
Why would he want to stay, when no one had shown him even an ounce of kindness?
Adrien shrugged. “It’d be the same anywhere, probably. And…”
“And?” she prompted, reaching out to lay her hand on his white knuckles gripping the edge of the table.
He turned a wistful smile to her now. “I’ve always wanted to go to school. To be with other kids and make friends. My parents wouldn’t hear of it—they said it wasn’t safe, that the kids I’d meet at school weren’t worth knowing.”
Something in her heart—some wall that she’d built up after that second battle with Stoneheart—cracked.
“I can’t let him be right,” Adrien confessed, his own voice breaking with the weight of it.
She’d been wrong before, when she’d thought he’d sounded hollowed out. Maybe his father had hollowed him out before, to better fill Chat Noir with Gabriel Agreste’s own darkness, a croissant ruined by something unsavory shoved inside.
But this Adrien wasn’t hollowed out.
He was carved into. And he’d submitted to it, willingly, just for a chance to stay.
Luckily for Adrien, Marinette did two things better than anyone else in Paris: proving Adrien’s father wrong and rebuilding what has been destroyed.
She squeezed his hand, in promise.
“He wasn’t right. We won’t let him be.”
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no thats exactly it, the whole draw of smps as storytelling are that it is a charcter driven plot with so many more characters than you can do in another medium like a book. Qsmp had some plot driven aspects that made it especially interesting compared to othe smps.
we could say the eggs were the emotional keystone for qsmp and loosing the eggs made everyone crazy (see the first day the eggs went missing and everyone started blowing shit up)
but purgatory marked the story being overtaken by the powers that be, not even in an overly plot driven way, but railroaded where qsmp became a scripted story where the admins were main characters and nothing like the story we came for: people from all over the world stuck on a mysterious island working together
One qsmp twt opinion I’ll never be able to agree with is “Purgatory was the best event on the server, actually, and if the ccs couldn’t adapt to the game, then they should’ve stopped playing”
Like damn, okay, tell me that you didn’t see the stream Bagi did where she had to turn her facecam off because of all the hate she was getting for the simple fact of not being BOLAS. Anyone else remember how multiple ccs basically quit the server entirely after Purgatory? How the event made to appeal to the pvp players and bring them back to the server brought nobody back to the server and just made everybody miserable? How the teams were genuinely created to be unbalanced so that their fans would argue and stir up drama? How SO MANY creators logged in on day one with brand new lore they were planning on doing but who never got to do anything ever again? Does anybody else remember how the rules were constantly changing because the admins couldn’t figure out how to make things fair because it was a deliberately unfair event??
But, yeah, Purgatory was the best event. Sure, buddy
#personal rant ->i think I only liked purgatory because I was going through personal shit and EXTREMELY LONELY#and going through my first really bad exam season. I was a mess#I was stressed going crazy and alone#so I felt a relief watching ccs be stressed going crazy but with FRIENDS in a misery-loves-company way#also because it was exam season I only had time to watch Philza Vods and some clips videos (I know they're bad. I don't watch anymore)#and I didn't have socials other that a Very tailored tumblr so I didn't see any of the hate because I was looking at cool fanart#(I still watch bolas clips when I am really stressed or have them playing in the background while I work on exams because it gives me relie#but overall purgatory was trapping people with Evil Enrichment in an Evil Enclosure while making every attempt of betterment futile#the fact that charlie slimecicle openly talked about discussing purgatory to his therapist and still left should be a sign on how bad it wa
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pairing. batfam x batsis!reader + platonic!matt murdock x batsis!reader
warnings. swearing, child neglect, mentions of an accident that makes you blind, canon/typical violence, nothing goes with comics
series masterlist
You got to Gotham city when you were five, you didn't want to go but you had no choice your mother was dead, and had left you in the care of your father.
But even at five years old your father had no time for you. Always busy with the public, or with Batman.
At the time Dick was fifteen, he had no reason to care for a little sister, but Jason. Oh Jason Todd, to you he was an angel.
Your big brother who at eight years old you deemed cooler than Dick Grayson.
Everyday after patrol, he'd come up and check on you, tell you a story usually a more child friendly version of his missions.
You kept him grounded, you made all his anger go away, an anger you blamed Bruce for because when you two first met he wasn't angry he was a happy kid. Everytime you called his name, the soft mutter of "Jay" would knock some sense into him.
But after the accident, the one you went blind, you were nine nearly ten and Jason would stay fifteen, in that year you had lost two things.
Your sight, and your big brother.
You were often met with pity than concern because of it. Everyone always asking if you were alright, but never truly caring about the answer.
You heard about the headlines when it happened, "Y/n Wayne, gone blind" or "Gotham's little princess now Gotham's latest victim"
It's not like they actually cared, no of course not they only gave a shit about the publicity they'd get from selling stories like this.
You were only nine years old, you'd think five years would be enough to adjust.
Apparently not..
"Miss Wayne" you heard a gentle knocking at the door of your father's office- well it's your office now. Bruce signed Wayne Industries off to you, because it would make everyone's lives easier if you (someone they deemed quite useless) were actually doing something important, it gave them more vigilante time. Besides you finished school already, you were a smart kid, always top of your class you managed to skip a couple of grades and graduate early like super early.
You were a disappointed when nobody but Alfred turned up, then again you'd stopped caring about that a while ago. Jason - your beloved zombie brother - wouldn't stop apologising, and he took you for ice-cream and hung out with you for the rest of the night as an apology. You couldn't stay mad at him.
"Yes?" you'd been running the company for a few weeks, Alfred was usually helping you. Reading out things that weren't in braille, but since the first thing you did when you got Wayne Industries was buy braille embossers mainly 'cause you knew Alfred would always be there to help you with everything.
"Sorry to disturb you Miss, but y'know that guy that you fired last week?"
"Yeah, the one that was caught uh- having sex in the storage room right?"
"The very same Miss" if you could see right now Tani's face would be littered with pink on her cheeks, "He wants to sue"
"And?" you groaned, that came out harsher that you intended, you could sense that she understood.
"Well he's got a pretty compelling case against the company. When your father owned it that is, very incriminating"
"shit" you muttered under your breath, mentally thanking any godly being out their that Alfred wasn't there to hear you.
"how hard is it to get a good lawyer?"
"No" Matt's voice was firm, he didn't want to take the case and nobody could make him.
"no what do you mean, no" Foggy didn't get it, I mean he sort of did but you were offering a nice pay- like more than what's in their pay grade- but it had nothing to do with criminal law, sort of.
"I don't want to do it Foggy, it has nothing to do with my job or qualifications"
"I'm going to do it then"
"No" Foggy wasn't even listening, he had already walked out of the room and went to reply to the email your secretary had sent to him and various other lawyers.
Foggy stepped up to Tani's desk- Matt beside him- and smiled, eying to the elevator that led all the way up to your office, two security guards on each side. You had put them there for Tani because when she didn't let people up they'd harass her.
"Hi, we're here to see Miss Wayne" Foggy's voice only slightly louder than the crappy music in the background. Tani looked up, "name?"
"Nelson, Foggy Nelson"
For the first time since they arrived Matt talked, but only to utter his name.
"Through the elevator please"
They walked as silently as possible, neither in the mood to talk to one another. Once they were inside and going up Matt was talking.
"Y'know kid’s probably just gonna be another spoilt rich kid, who's daddy running the business behind their back because they can't do shit"
Foggy only let out a sigh, and walked through the elevator doors when he saw it open, only to reveal another door, one he assumed led to your office.
He was shocked to hear laughter coming from inside the room, what ever happened to professionalism?
"Alfie, I swear this guy was high-"
Matt heard a this 'Alfie' guy chuckle "Miss Wayne you can't say that about them, they're lawyers that came hear to help you"
"I know I know, but you should've seen them" you exaggerated the word seen and it made Alfred laugh.
But the laughter stopped when Foggy knocked on the door and Alfred cleared his through smiling while gesturing for them to come in.
"Oh my god, she's blind Matt" Foggy whispered, as he watched you move from leaning on the desk and stood up straight.
"Sorry I'd shake your hand but I'm not exactly sure where you are"
Matt smiled at that "Don't worry 'bout it, 'cause I don't know where you are either"
"He's blind" Foggy not so discreetly whispered to you.
"I can see that" you whispered back with a chuckle, you cleared you throat "now onto business then?"
"Of course"
Okay maybe Matt was a little wrong about you, alright very wrong about you. You were nothing like he imagined, but then again he hadn't put much thought to what you might be like.
He could tell that you could handle yourself, and that impressed him a lot. He could also tell that you were still grasping the ropes of being blind.
And well he wanted to help you, to train you. He thought it was funny, him training someone but he wanted to try. Maybe you could be the next Daredevil.... scratch that he didn't want that for you.
Now how is someone supposed to reveal a secret identity to a complete stranger?
ᴛᴀɢ/ꜱ: @fandxmslxt69 @jaguarthecat @bxdbxtxh15 @byebyeeye @8-29pm
© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
#duchess au#bruce wayne x daughter!reader#batfam x reader#batsis reader#batsis x batfam#matt murdock x reader platonic#matt murdock x reader#foggy nelson x reader#dc x marvel#enzo writes [📝]#crossover
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Legend VS LMK
Mother Goddes, and Member of the Three Sovereigns of Chinese Mythology. The sister and wife of Fuxi. Nuwa is considered the goddess of creation and the female emperor of mankind. Her reverential name is Wahuang (Chinese: 媧皇; lit. 'Empress Wa'). That is due to Nuwa’s position of honor in the Chinese pantheon, Nuwa was given a character completely unique to her name – Wa. Nu is the character of woman and is often used as a prefix for goddesses.
Shes is a godess in Chinese folk religion, Buddihsm, Confucianism and Taoism
She is one of the most venerated Chinese goddesses alongside Guanyin and Mazu.
Nuwa was created by her mother, the goddess Huaxu. While wandering the heavenly realms, Huaxu stepped into the footprint of the god of thunder Leigong and suddenly became pregnant. In the earliest versions of the myth, Huaxu gave birth in the earthly realm to only Nuwa.
In later versions, Huaxu gave birth to Nuwa and Fuxi. Nuwa and Fuxi were born with the bodies of snakes and the faces of humans, however, they could shapeshift into humanoid figures with two legs and a tail.
Nüwa & Fuxi Appearances:
The iconography of Fuxi and Nüwa vary in physical appearance depending on the time period and regional differences. In tomb murals and iconography, Fuxi and Nüwa generally have snake-like bodies and human faces or heads.
Nüwa is often depicted holding a compass or multiple compasses, which were a symbol of a dome-like sky. She was also thought to be an embodiment of the stars and the sky or a star god.
Fuxi and Nüwa can be depicted as individual figures arranged as a symmetrical pair or they can be depicted in double figures with intertwined snake-like bodies. Their snake-like tails can also be depicted stretching out towards each other. This is similar to the representation of Rahu and Ketu in Indian astrology.
As some tales of Nüwa and Fuxi, both sprang from the same mother at the same time, Taoists believed that Nuwa was the primordial personification of yin energy (female, gentle, intuitive, and receptive) and Fuxi was representative of the yang (male, fast, active, fierce). Coming together symbolized the reunion of the yin and yang energies which then united to create human existence.
Fuxi and Nüwa can also appear individually on separate tomb bricks. They generally hold or embrace the sun or moon discs containing the images of a bird or a toad (sometimes a hare) which are the sun and moon symbolism respectively. Them holding the sun and the moon appear as early as the late Western Han dynasty.
Other physical appearance variations, such as lower snake-like body shape, depictions of legs. and wings with feathers that protrude from their backs as found in the late Western Han Xinan Tomb or smaller quills found on their shoulders, and in hats and hairstyles.
the Gansu murals dating to the Wei and Western Jin period, one of the most typical features of Fuxi is the "mountain-hat" which looks like a three-peaked cap while Nüwa is depicted wearing various hairstyles characteristic of Han women. Both deities dressed in wide-sleeved clothing, which reflects the typical Han clothing style also commonly depicted in Han dynasty art.
Nüwa and Fuxi Other Stories:
In one version of their myth, soon after the birth of Nuwa and Fuxi, a great flood struck the earth, and only Nuwa and Fuxi remained unharmed after escaping by boat. As the years passed, and with only each other to keep themselves company, Nuwa and Fuxi longed for companionship. Unwilling to violate the laws of heaven by sleeping together as brother and sister, they prayed together seeking a sign of approval.
As they were the only humanoids of their kind left upon the earth, the Emperor of Heaven accepted their union. After mating, Nuwa gave birth to humanity, becoming the matriarch of mankind by giving birth to a ball of meat. Nuwa and Fuxi then divided the meat into pieces shaped as humans and scattered them across the world.
In another version of the creation tale, found in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Nuwa and Fuxi lived upon legendary Kunlun Mountain. Trying to keep warm on a cold night, the twins created two fires. As the fires burned, they eventually became one. While watching the fires merge, Nuwa and Fuxi joined together as husband and wife. Deciding that they would like to have children, they molded clay into the shape of humans. Using their powers to imbue the small figurines with life, Nuwa and Fuxi created humanity.
Duyi Zhi volume 3, written by LiRong over a thousand years ago, gives a slightly different account of the Chinese creation myth – “There was a brother and a sister living on the Kunlun Mountain, and there were no ordinary people at that time. The sister’s name was Nuwa. The brother and sister wished to become husband and wife but felt shy and guilty about this desire. So the brother took his younger sister to the top of the Kunlun Mountain and prayed: “If Heaven allows us to be man and wife, please let the smoke before us gather; if not, please let the smoke scatter.” The smoke before them gathered together. So Nuwa came to live with her elder brother. She made a fan with grass to hide her face. (The present custom of women covering their faces with fans originated from this story).”
"But most versions give sol credit of humanity's creation to Nuwa. But in some of those Fuxi is credited with introducing a number of innovations and inventions that made significant improvements to the lives of his wife’s beloved creations. One of these, for instance, is the invention of fishing and domesticating animals. "
After the goddess Hauxu gave birth to Nuwa, Nuwa roamed the earth alone. The earth was young and teeming with life, filled with blossoming trees and flowers. The lush grounds were covered with many types of animals, the skies were filled with birds, and the seas were full of fish. But while the earth was beautiful, Nuwa felt very lonely, despairing that there was no one to accompany her.
While walking one day, Nuwa was struck by the idea of creating living beings herself. First, she made a new type of bird that could not fly away from her by creating chickens. Then she wanted to make an animal that would be a constant companion, and Nuwa created dogs. On the third day, she made sheep. Then pigs. Then cows. On day six, Nuwa made horses On day seven, while Nuwa walked along a riverbank, she stopped to admire her reflection. As she stroked the hair from her face, she was struck with inspiration and thought to make life forms that looked like her. Nuwa began to scoop and mold yellow clay into figures that had arms and could stand upright upon legs. As she worked the mud in her hands, the figures came alive and began to move and speak. Soon, the creations began to sing and dance around Nuwa while honoring her. All of the loneliness Nuwa had known went away.
Thrilled at her results and filled with passion for her creation, Nuwa desired to make more humans faster. She realized that she could drag rope across the mud and mass produce them, as creating every person individually was beginning to take too much time and hurting her hands. Soon she began to whip the rope, flinging mud and making people faster and faster.
The people Nuwa molded by hand became the wealthy nobility. The ones she made by dragging the rope became commoners. And finally, the ones Nuwa made by whipping the rope became the servant class. As she finished making the last batch of humans it began to rain. Because some of these figures had not yet dried, the rain began to mark them and melt them. The last batch of humans that Nuwa created were damaged by the rain, and thus were the ancestors of those with sickness and deformities.
"She molded humans individually by hand with yellow clay. In other stories where she fulfills this role, she only created nobles and/or the rich out of yellow soil. The stories vary on the other details about humanity's creation, but it was a tradition commonly believed in ancient China that she created commoners from brown mud."
The Pillars:
One of the enduring myths of Nuwa is that of the repairing of the Pillar of Heaven. In the early days of earth’s existence, The earth was separated from the sky by four large pillars which had once been the arms and legs of the creator god, Pangu.
During these early days, the god of water, Gong Gong, and the god of fire, Zhu Rong, had been at odds for many years. Unable to hold back their fury at one another, they engaged in battle to determine who would be the god of the heavens. As they fought, fires raged and floods began to destroy the new earth.
Gong Gong was finally subdued by Zhu Rong, but in his rage, he slammed his head against Buzhou Mountain, one of the four pillars of heaven that had once been Pangu’s leg. An earthquake shook the earth, and the pillar collapsed tearing a hole in the skies.
Looking upon the earth, Nuwa was filled with compassion for her children who were suffering. The new creation of earth had been torn to shreds from the battle between the water and fire gods. Fires burned out of control and water poured in a deluge from the hole in the sky. Nuwa desired to help her children, so she sought out the sky turtle, Ao.
Nuwa threw herself at Ao’s mercy, hoping for a miracle to save her many children. The sky turtle, feeling compassion for the mother of humanity, took Nuwa’s sword and cut off one of his legs, offering it as a substitute pillar. After leaving Ao, Nuwa collected five colored stones (red, yellow, blue, white, and black) and melted them together to repair the hole in the heavens, while using Ao’s leg to replace the pillar.
( The five-colored stones symbolize the five Chinese elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water)
Waters poured on her relentlessly as she pushed the leg into position, and once in place, she shoved the ashes of burnt reeds into the remaining holes to plug the leaks. After replacing the pillar and stopping the deluge, Nuwa fell exhausted upon the earth and died.
While many are familiar with the Chinese myth of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, some areas of south China revere Nuwa as one of the Three Sovereigns, reigning as Empress Wa after the death of Fuxi and the rise of Shennong.
Tying into China’s strong ancient matriarchal beliefs, after the reign of Fuxi, the Empress Wa’s rule was challenged by a neighboring tribal chieftan. After defeating the chief in battle, Nuwa dragged her enemy to the peak of Mount Buzhou. Filled with shame, the chief banged his head upon the mountain, tearing a hole in the sky.
As the waters poured from the heavens, the entire world soon flooded, killing all of creation except for her army which was protected by her godhood. Nuwa then found five colored stones and melted them together, patching the hole in the sky.
In other versions of the Pillar of Heaven myth, when Nuwa attempted to fix the sky with the five melted stones she soon found that there was not enough to fix the hole in the sky. Knowing there was no other choice, Nuwa used her own body to fix the remaining hole, sacrificing her life to keep her children safe. With the hole repaired the deluge ended, and humanity was able to thrive and multiply again.
"In all of the myths of the repair of the Pillar of Heaven, due to Ao’s leg being slightly shorter than the original pillars, Nuwa could not align the sky and earth the same as they were before. The sky slanted to the northwest. The earth slanted southeast.
Since the repair, the sun, moon, and stars all rise from the east and set to the west, and all of the rivers in China flow southeast. And due to the use of the multi-colored stones, the clouds of heaven now had different colors."
In southwest China, many of the minority groups still celebrate Nuwa as their primary goddess and honor her with the yearly Water-Splashing Festival. There are many temples to Nuwa and Fuxi, but the largest temple to the pair lies in Hebei Province, believed to be the ancestral home of all humanity.
The Classic of Mountains and Seas, dated between the Warring States period and the Han dynasty, describes Nüwa's intestines as being scattered into ten spirits.
In Shuowen Jiezi (c. 58 – 147 AD), China's earliest dictionary, under the entry for Nüwa author Xu Shen describes her as being both the sister and the wife of Fuxi. Nüwa and Fuxi were pictured as having snake-like tails interlocked in an Eastern Han dynasty mural in the Wuliang Temple in Jiaxiang county, Shandong province.
In the collection Four Great Books of Song (c. 960 – 1279 AD), compiled by Li Fang and others, Volume 78 of the book Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era contains a chapter "Customs by Yingshao of the Han Dynasty" in which it is stated that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated. Thus Nüwa used yellow clay to make people. But the clay was not strong enough so she put ropes into the clay to make the bodies erect. It is also said that she prayed to gods to let her be the goddess of marital affairs.
In Ming dynasty myths about the transition from the Shang dynasty to the Zhou dynasty, Nüwa made evil decisions that ultimately benefited China, such as sending a fox spirit to encourage the debauchery of King Zhou, which led to him being deposed. Other tales have her and Fuxi as exclusively the "great gentle protectors of humanity" unwilling to use subterfuge Another telling of that story is from the famed Ming Dynasty novel Fengshen Bang. Nüwa is revered since Xia dynasty for creating the five-colored stones to mend the heavens, which tilted after Gonggong toppled one of the heavenly pillars, Mount Buzhou. Shang Rong asked King Zhou of Shang to pay her a visit as a sign of deep respect. Upon seeing her statue, Zhou was completely overcome with lust at the sight of the beautiful ancient goddess Nüwa. He wrote an erotic poem on a neighboring wall and took his leave. When Nüwa later returned to her temple after visiting the Yellow Emperor, she saw the foulness of Zhou's words. In her anger, she swore that the Shang dynasty would end in payment for his offense. In her rage, Nüwa personally ascended to the palace in an attempt to kill the king, but was suddenly struck back by two large beams of red light. After Nüwa realized that King Zhou was already destined to rule the kingdom for twenty-six more years, Nüwa summoned her three subordinates—the Thousand-Year Vixen (later becoming Daji), the Jade Pipa, and the Nine-Headed Pheasant. With these words, Nüwa brought destined chaos to the Shang dynasty, "The luck Cheng Tang won six hundred years ago is dimming. I speak to you of a new mandate of heaven which sets the destiny for all. You three are to enter King Zhou's palace, where you are to bewitch him. Whatever you do, do not harm anyone else. If you do my bidding, and do it well, you will be permitted to reincarnate as human beings." With these words, Nüwa was never heard of again, but was still a major indirect factor towards the Shang dynasty's fall.
Nüwa and Fuxi were also thought to be gods of silk
Long ago, Nüwa sculpted humanity out of clay and mud. She believed her children would not survive the primordial sea of chaos, so she built the Pillar of Heaven and forged the cycles to protect them. But, a cataclysmic event left the pillar shattered. Nüwa crafted five-colored stones and reconstructed the pillar back to its original state. She entrusted four stones to the Four Symbols: the Vermillion Bird, the Black Tortoise, the White Tiger, and the Teal Dragon, the final one to be guarded by the Jade Emperor. After Monkey King's birth, Nüwa repurposed his stone to carry the Harbinger of Chaos. She was saddened by the creature's existence to sacrifice himself but knew that this was a necessary sacrifice to keep her children safe from the chaos beyond.
Throughout the whole research into her real-world mythology. She has been credited for creating a few animals though monkeys are not mentioned that could be just my research or something else. But I actually found something similar to her pillar story number 3 that nearly matches the LMK version of her fixing the pillars. She was never in the JTTW. But some other thoughts on Nuwa and the pillars I think when she fixed the pillars she accidentally made Wukong. I don't remember where I read this but I think there was a version of JTTW that had the Jade Emperor say something about " Made with the essence of fragments of Godess Nuwas Power" Even if that might not be what I remember right. Maybe it could be in the LMK universe when the crew fought the Nine-headed demon, he used his chaos powers to bind them to certain sections of the wall.
MK is placed over his mural self, the silhouette of his destiny. And the others are placed over the sotnes that would later be them when they smashed them.
But then look at Wukong who is placed in Nuwas hand in the mural of her molding and creating humans.
This could be foreshadowing that it might be revealed and it might hold something of importance later. It might also explain why the goddess chose Wukong as the templet for her harbinger of chaos.
Other Media:
She does appear in the film "The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven's Palace" and "Journey to the West II", both of which feature Nüwa creating Sun Wukong using one of the five-colored stones. The former film also features Nüwa sacrificing herself to rebuild Heaven, similar to her actions previous to Season 5.
Thnak you for reading if you have something i missed please leave it in the comments thank you :)
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Hail to the King
Chapter 2: It All Comes Back to You
Summary: Miguel O’Hara is the head of the biggest mafia family in Nueva York, scaring almost all of its citizens. Except you. And that’s exactly what he needs.
Tw: masturbating (male) hints of trauma and past abusive relationship, drinking, a lil more of possessive and creepy Miguel.
AN: I have to say I feel like some of this might be kinda shitty because it was a bit rushed, but I also hate slow paced plots, so I guess I can’t help it. Hope you like it!
The world was blurry as your eyes lost focus for a bit. Nothing seemed real. You thought you might wake up and everything would be normal again. No crazy mob bosses, no blow jobs in the office, no scheduled sex, none of it.
Who the fuck was this guy?
His life was so far from any type of common man’s that you were almost impressed. Fine pressed designer suits, women on their knees during his lunch break, meetings about hard drugs. For a building so beautifully kept and full of charming people, it sure was a mystery. Was everyone just sleeping with different people throughout the day? Were they also snorting lines off of the bathroom counter or cooking meth in the kitchen? What other dirty deeds were done in this place?
Lyla knocked on your door, saying something about setting up your new phone and calendar.
“And the blue events in the calendar are strictly private for Miguel.” She added, to which you saw that- yep. That meeting was blue. You mentally slapped yourself in the face and listened to the rest of what she had to say.
“Ok, that should be it. Your new phone is set up, and it also has the company card connected to it already, so you don’t need a physical card. Miguel set me a message about your shopping spree later, but I raised the budget he gave you to an extra ten thousand. Just in case ya really need something that might cross that line. And whatever you get, I do the paperwork so I’ll just write it up as an investment, like our donations to charity.” She shrugged and turned, blowing you a little kiss as she exited the room.
Your mind assaulted your conscious thoughts once she was gone, remembering how he looked only thirty minutes ago. Head back in ecstasy, eyes never wavering from yours as he orgasmed and slammed up into that girl's throat. You shivered from the memories and stood up abruptly, needing to move around before the warmth in your core spread and created any type of physical arousal.
Your phone buzzed, seeing Miguel’s name light up the screen. Unlocking your phone, only the words ‘Come to my office now.’ showed up and your feet began to move towards your door when you stopped.
A million thoughts danced behind your eyes and you smirked, tired of him already.
‘No.’ is all you answered before exiting your office and shutting the door loudly behind you so he knew you’d be gone. You confidently walked to the elevator and tossed your hair over your shoulder. He wanted your unfiltered thoughts? Well then, he had no idea what he signed up for.
Standing in the elevator, you saw him walk out of his office as well and make eye contact with you, making you flash back to what you’d seen earlier.
In seconds, you realized something as you stood ten feet away now. He knew you wouldn’t know about the color coded schedule. He planned that little power play. He was showing his dominance, like a dog peeing on his territory. A show of who was in charge and what you were to him. A plaything.
This split second of awareness made you even more confident in your defiance, as you saw him begin to close in on the elevator. The doors began to close and you smiled, waving to him right before they shut.
The ride to the lobby was serene, like the calm after the storm. Your day had been intense to say the least. A lot of arguing, thinking, absorbing, and borderline sexual assault on your eyes. But it wasn’t a bad day. In fact, this all gave you a thrill you didn’t know you needed.
Once on the ground floor, you walked outside and waved to a taxi, getting in once one stopped. Scrolling over the list you were given by Lyla, you stopped at one stare in particular.
“Take me to Hermès.” And you were gone.
Standing in the dressing room, the whole world felt like a scene from Pretty Woman. You twirled in tight, business dresses that you thought they only wore in movies about billionaires with red rooms. The color of your favorite so far was a lightweight white dress, but it seemed a bit much for the office, so you tucked it away and decided if you needed a sexy dress for an event, you’d pull it out.
You’d decided to go on a shopping spree on Fifth Avenue, where you’d been fired the previous day, and eat lunch right where this all had begun.
Sitting at a table, you requested Peter kindly and he made his way over in an instant. “I am so sorry, it was completely out of my control! I didn’t-“ he apologized and you just shook your head.
“It’s ok. I understand now. How about you get me a white wine and we call it water under the bridge?” You requested and he nodded, fetching it with hast. It was a great meal and once you were done, you gave Peter and Gwen both a hug.
“You know, since you technically got a huge promotion, we should celebrate! Go out tonight, get some drinks?” Gwen asked and you quickly agreed. A few drinks sounds exactly like what you needed.
Now beyond overstimulated, you made your way home with around thirty thousand dollars worth of clothing.
And when you saw a moving truck outside of your complex, you remembered that you were indeed moving.
Hours of tossing shit in boxes and taping them closed, you were packed and in the moving van on your way to your new apartment. You were still reeling with this whole world and how quickly things had spun into a web of insanity.
Leaning your head back against the side of the van, the adrenaline was starting to wear off and the reality began to sink in.
Arriving at your new place, the large men brought in the big pieces of furniture you decided to keep, which was really just your couch, bed, and coffee table. Everything else was unneeded and ugly anyway. You tried to help as much as possible, but quickly opted for carrying in boxes and garbage bags you’d packed in a rush. It was over just as quickly as it started and soon, you were sitting on your floor cross legged and staring at the boxes, then glanced at the shopping bags that were full of expensive dresses and clothing. That sounded like a lot more fun than unpacking your old sweats and knickknacks.
Pulling everything out and placing it on hangers, your eyes glanced at a specific outfit you’d chosen that’d be perfect to celebrate with Gwen tonight. Pulling on a white halter dress, you enjoyed the little bits of side boob and the way the thigh had a slit that showed more skin. The light fabric made it comfortable and easy to move in, and with a quick pair of strappy heels with sparkling rhinestones all over from Jimmy Choo, you grabbed your new Louis Vuitton purse and smiled. Maybe this job would be so terrible.
Texting Gwen, you also decided to invite Lyla and Jess. Lyla agreed to come out, whereas Jess said she didn’t have a sitter for the boys and would come out once her husband got home from work. A girls night was exactly what you needed, and everything about the feeling of hopping on the train and getting eyes from a few good looking men made you hum with pride. Ignoring all of the bullshit from the past two days, you liked Gwen a lot and she’s become someone you trusted even only knowing her for about a week. She had an authenticity about her that made you feel like she was honest and brave.
Lyla also made you laugh with how she always had something to say back. Her fun loving attitude was one you almost felt jealous of, how she seemed so relaxed. Jessica had a bad ass vibe to her, like everything she did could be documented and made into a comic or story. Like some sort of legend in the making.
You wanted to be like them in so many ways, you’d have to start taking notes and learning how they seemed to be so damn cool.
Stepping off the train and hurrying towards the club Gwen suggested, you couldn’t help but smile. You’re first time clubbing in Nueva York! It was so exciting, seeing people waiting outside of the club in a long line like in movies you’d seen. Waving to Gwen, who was already on line, you caught up with her. Her outfit fit her so well, a black shirt leather jacket over a dark silver mini dress with black tights with rips in them and black platform boots with chains down the sides. She looked like a rockstar, and that wasn’t too far from the truth. She smiled wide and grabbed your hand.
“This is going to be so much fun!” She added and you couldn’t agree more. Suddenly, you felt a hand grab yours from behind and saw a familiar pair of heart shaped glasses.
“Lyla!” Gwen cheered before you even turned around fully, all hugging together. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, how’s Mr. Grumpy pants?” The blonde asked and Lyla just rolled her eyes.
“Cranky as usual, but he comes in handy for some things. Follow me.” She pulled you both out of the line and to the front where many people were giving you all dirty looks. A security guard only took a second to look at Lyla and moved the ropes for her and you to come in, not even bothering to check your ids. You looked at Gwen in surprise and she just nodded, as if telling you to keep your cool.
The club was packed beyond belief, and a girl in a bodysuit and fishnets let you to a large booth-table with velvet black couches and a large bottle of champagne on the table. “Who did this?”
“I may have called ahead and three around Miguel’s name.” Lyla shrugged, grabbing a flute of champagne and filling it with the bubbly alcohol. She handed you each one more and tilted her glass to inspire a toast. “To our new recruit in the Spider society!” She cheersed and you blushed at the attention, Gwen whooping and hollering. The thrum of the heavy bass and heat from the moving bodies made you almost lightheaded, enjoying the free feeling from the liquid in your cup. Another bottle was brought out once Jess arrived and the four of you swayed a bit to the beat, to which you grabbed Gwen’s hand and attempted to pull her to the dance floor. Lyla followed with Jess and you all moved, swaying your hips to the rap playing in the dim lights. The flash of Lyla’s phone camera made you cover your face a little, still smiling and not stopping your dance, swiveling in a seductive motion and feeling the heat between your legs begin to rise from the feeling of the eyes around you watching. Jess nudged you and pointed to a man at the bar, a bit taller and thin in a dress shirt. You made eye contact with the man and the temperature of your chest rose once more. You made your way over to where he was, raising a hand at the bartender as you ordered a drink. He leaned over and spoke.
“On my tab.” His voice was low, eyes catching yours once more and making you feel very aware of your surroundings. A blush creeped onto your face and you tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “I’m Harry.” He introduced himself and you returned the favor, shaking his hand gently. Big Sean pumped around you both as you talked for what felt like an hour, light conversation giving you a feeling similar to a high. It had been a while since you’d enjoyed speaking to someone like this, chemistry and familiarity.
“Is that you?” You heard someone speak from behind you and call your name, turning to face the last person you thought would be in front of you.
“Eddie?” You gasped, fear coursing through the previously hot blood in your veins, cold as ice now from this familiar face. “How did you-”
“I heard you moved here a few weeks ago and came to visit. Nothing like a friendly face, right?” You searched around for your female friends in vain, finding no one you even recognized. He slipped his hand into yours, frozen with horror as he squeezed, something you knew was actually a warning. “How about we find somewhere to talk?”
“Actually, I’m with my coworkers, now is a bad time.” You tried to remove your hand from his and felt him unrelenting, his grip tightening. “Please, not here.” You begged, pleading with him and knowing you’d get nowhere.
“There you are!” Jess’s voice rang through as she pushed through the crowd, Lyla and Gwen behind her. “We’re about to get another bottle- who’s this?” She raised a brow questioningly at Eddie, who stepped closer with a small smile.
“I’m Eddie, nice to meet you,” He shook her hand and her eyes glanced to yours, hopefully seeing the feeling of terror you were trying to show her.
“Right,” Jess pulled you closer to her and slipped her arm into yours, “well, sorry to burst your bubble, but we’re having a girls only night, so she’ll have to talk to you another time.” Jess secured her hand around your arm and smiled, knowing exactly what you needed. Behind you, Lyla had signaled security and had them coming closer, but a voice made everyone stop moving instantly.
“Actually, I think it’s time we all go.” A deep voice said from your right and you looked up to see your boss.
“How-“ Gwen asked but was quickly cut off by the glare Miguel sent her.
“I saw the videos Lyla posted and came to celebrate as well.” From his body language, that definitely was not his true intentions, but you were left in the dark as Jess and Lyla looked extremely nervous, like they’d just got caught doing something very bad.
Gwen leg the way out as Jess and Lyla followed, to which you began to walk forward with them, but a hand grabbed your wrist once more and you came face to face with Harry, who’d been caught in the crossfire of your drama.
“When will I see you again?” He begged slightly, a small smile on his lips until Miguel stood in between you two and sneered at him a bit.
“Get your hands off my employee.” His voice was dangerous, a presence only a lion would challenge. Without letting anyone interject, he dragged you out through the crowd and into the street lights. A hoard of men in black clothing stood outside with the girls, seemingly waiting for you and Miguel. You all climbed into a black SUV where all of the seats faced each other and both Jess and Lyla hung their heads, Gwen holding your hand in concern.
“What the hell was that, Lyla?!” His voice was loud, accusatory. “Are you trying to start a fight?”
“Of course not, I just wanted to-“
“I don’t even want to hear it. And you, Jess? You should know better than anyone what that could have led to!” His tone made you coward backwards a bit, Jess unwavering in her confidence.
“Who do you think you’re speaking to like that? Lyla and I were with her and Gwen, we were perfectly safe.” She defended and Lyla nodded, Gwen looking up just as confused as you.
“What are you guys talking about?” You asked quietly and as if he just noticed you were there, his eyes were cautious. Everything was silent for a moment before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“That nightclub is owned by another mob in Nueva, a smaller one, but it would still be a problem if anything else had happened. They would think I sent spies to their club.” He added the end as an example. You looked down as Gwen rubbed your shoulder from worry.
“I’m taking you all to a different club, one that won’t cause any unnecessary issues-“
“Actually…” you started and but your lip before continuing. “I think I just want to go home. I’m too tired to stay out.” You didn’t dare look up at anyone else, eyes trained on your shinny shoes that you were so excited about a few hours ago. How did everything keep happening so fast?
The car stopped outside of your building and you got out, followed by Miguel. He tapped the top of the car and the rest of the girls were sent home. You both walked in and onto the elevator.
“I don’t need an escort-“
“This is also my building.” He interrupted you and you finally looked up at him, watching as his eyes stayed focused on the buttons of the elevator. He tapped your floor and then the top floor. Of course he had the penthouse.
You stayed soundless, the exhaustion finally hitting you and making you drag your feet. The doors opened and you glanced at him before just walking out.
“By the way.” He spoke before you could walk too far, turning to look into his eyes for the first time that night. “Next time my office door is shut, remember to knock.” The metal doors closed and the memory of him fucking into that woman’s throat was then fresh on your mind.
Miguel’s head fell back against the metal. Lyla had posted those videos of you dancing on her account and he’d seen them when she started not answering his messages, then watching how you moved your body in that adorable white dress. And the way it moved up your thighs while you danced-
Miguel opened his eyes as the ding of the elevator sounded that he’d reached his penthouse. Walking into his dining room, he shed himself from the suit jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt, stretching his shoulders and tossing the shirt into a hamper close to his closet. Unbuckling his belt, Miguel let out a breath of relief as he adjusted himself to be more comfortable. Sitting down on his bed, he reached for his laptop and settled under the covers. Scrolling through a few documents, he pulled up his background search of you. Your photo popped up with some of your social media. Pictures from the beach, a few from birthdays, and some family photos, you seemed completely normal.
But something was off.
Miguel knew he was intimidating, it was part of his stature that made his job a little easier. You weren’t afraid of him, you kept your ground and fought back to him.
But tonight, you had fear in your eyes when you saw that guy. What was his name again? Adam? Who knows, but he saw that slight hesitation and anxiety in you that he didn’t recognize. You were scared of that guy.
He thought back to earlier in the day when he’d saw you as he was getting his normal de-stressing from one of the girls in the lower levels, something many women around him volunteered for. She’s come up and offered sex, but he just needed a mouth to fuck.
And then you walked in with that plain outfit and sensible shoes, holding your tablet like you’d been in a rush. And he couldn’t look away. You should have been the one wrapped around his dick, he wanted to hear you gagging on him as he thrusted upwards and grunted. He wanted to cum inside your mouth, not someone random woman’s from marketing. He wanted you.
Unknowingly, his hand had traveled to his boxers and he’d begun rubbing himself to the thought of you.
All he could imagine was you mouthing off to him, and him bending you over the kitchen counter in his apartment, holding one arm behind your back as the other moved to grasp anything within reach as he took you from behind. Miguel rolled his eyes back at the thought of your warm hole welcoming him as he licked two fingers of his free hand and rubbed circles on your clit until you were practically pushing him away from the intensity of your orgasm. But no, he wouldn’t let you get away that easily, he wanted to feel it around him, so he would angle his hips a little more upward, hitting that soft spot that made you arch your back into him more and let out broken moans.
As if on cue, white ropes of his own mess hit his chest and he looked down in surprise, having forgotten what his hand had been doing. He sighed and got up to rinse himself off with a softening cock and an empty mind. The single thing on his brain when he tossed and turned in his sleep that night?
Gwen’s outfit
Your outfit
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 3
#miguel o'hara#Miguel o hara x reader#miguel x reader#miguel smut#miguel o hara smut#miguel o’hara smut#miguel atsv#miguel spiderverse#miguel spiderman#miguel ohara#miguel o hara#Miguel O'hara x reader
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hii could request message 4 with Poe? pleaseee
4 (“i'm so glad you feel the same cause i refuse to leave you”)
personally loving the individual poe requests (even though the event is over) despite the little hard ships. sorry for my slowness im struggling here mentally but im trying!!
WC 649 // tws: average Y!poe being a tad bit creepy (nothing sexual dw)
The bookstore and library was your favorite place to visit, the quietness and overall tranquility kept bringing you back along with your preferred genre. The workers at the bookstore memorized your face, greeting you like you were one of their own. You really couldn't ask for more, everyone knew how to keep tight and not bother anyone. The bookstore was tiny and uneventful but it had all the right books you wanted and it kept drawing you back every time.
Other patrons of the bookstore were just as pleasant, your own personal wonderland. Recently a new person came in, the outfit worn was wildly different than any other usual clothing you’d seen. You only admired from afar, really it was all you could do for a man who stood out completely in a small store. It's hard not to gawk eyes at a man with a raccoon on his shoulders purring happily at his company. You don't remember how you got to talking with the man, he was pleasant as he could be. Much to your surprise you two got along fairly fast, you loved to talk about everything about the current book you were into that month. You got more out of the tiny bookstore when hanging out with the man, Poe alongside his best friend, Karl. hanging out and drinks were commonplace with the two of you, you didn't fear Poe.
Yet with all the moments you hung out with him, it was hard to fully grasp all the complexities hidden within the man you spend every second with. His beautiful eyes swirling with admiration towards every detail about your figure then to a dark glimmer when it's anyone else near you. His endless rants were genuinely nice to listen to and you’d even asked questions to some of the rambled up words and plans he’d spit out comfortably with you. Clasping his hands together with a massive smile on his face as he rambled on more excitedly the two of you sharing ideas with each other. You never knew the full extent to the insanity you led him to during the first moments of ever meeting him.
The way your hair and eyes caught his heart enough to start twisting and distorting his very reality with every soft moment of yours. The multitude of letters piling up in a hidden away drawer, never to see any light ever since the first ink drop sealed on to the soft material.
Your feelings came slowly, not yet in true love but enough to risk some of your wellbeing for him. Poe was glad you two never got interrupted often, his jealousy is an ugly beast that he couldn't let you see just yet. You’d understand no? Understand the burning love within his heart that could only burn because of you? Every late night spent feeling his mind slip away and every part of you filling the space up, every immoral thought of keeping you by his side forever. Every touch of his hands covering up his face at the mere thought of a simple kiss from your lips. It's driving him mad and there's no sign of stopping. But his question was answered when you asked him to stay just a little longer.
You confessed to him, full understanding if he wasn't interested but the barely contained whisper that left his mouth was all you wanted. “i-I’m so glad you feel the same ca-cause i refuse to leave you.”
The swirl of madness in his eyes only worsened and he took you by hand aggressively spouting nonsense in a state of flustered obsession. “I’ve wa-waited so long for this moment!” He was so happy you loved him back! Now you won't ever leave him right? Won't go out of your way to leave the world he's building just for the two of you? Afterall you feel the same.
#yandere bsd#yandere bsd x reader#bsd x reader#yandere#bsd#edgar allen poe x reader#yandere poe#bsd poe#poe x reader
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Planned to Perfection - L. Williamson
The one where she knows what she wants but you’re afraid of ruining things for your best friend.
Word Count: 2.1k
Victoria was your best friend. You two had grown up together and you were so proud of her for everything she had achieved. So, when it was announced that she was moving to Arsenal you jumped for joy. Finally, you were going to be back in the same country as her.
You had moved to London two years ago for work. You were an in-house lawyer for a big finance company, which was wonderful but quite stressful at times. So, the idea of having your best friend living in the same city as you was a dream come true. You couldn’t wait to see her and watch her play the sport you both loved.
Football had always been something you enjoyed watching, but never something you enjoyed playing. When you and Vic were 11 you were always in the stands supporting her at matches, and later when she started playing for the national team you were there with your Dutch-orange Pelova shirt shouting loudly how proud you were.
You couldn’t wait to do the same thing in a red Arsenal Pelova shirt.
You did every possible thing you could to ensure that everything was perfect for Vic when she moved over to England. She was very nervous about fitting in with the group, telling you that many of the players were quite intimidating, especially the two captains - Leah and Kim - so she didn't want to do anything wrong. But soon enough, she started sounding a lot brighter when she called you after training everyday, telling you about the stories people had told her and what she got up to in training.
When Vic finally finished unpacking all the boxes in her house, she decided that it was time you met her teammates who she was quickly becoming very close to. She was desperate to show off her new house and equally as desperate for you and a certain someone to meet. But you didn't need to know that.
So, she decided to invite you and all of her Arsenal teammates round to her house one night for dinner, as she couldn't throw a big party because the season was very much still in progress. You were the first to arrive of course, making sure to be there to help her cook, making sure she didn’t burn the house down trying to use the oven. Vic was a wonderful footballer but you had been cooking most of her meals since she moved to London, because she was a chaotic chef.
You sat on one of the stools in her new kitchen, giving clear instructions on how to turn off the oven, when there is a loud knock at the front door.
"I'll get it!" Vic shouted, jumping up excitedly and running to the door, leaving you to just laugh and make sure the oven was actually turned off.
You were then suddenly bombarded by about a dozen women who had just walked into the kitchen, all eager to introduce themselves and get to know you. It was very intense but they were all very friendly and you were so happy that they seemed to love and care about Vic.
However, there was one person who greeted you slightly differently. You knew exactly who she was, having lived in London for two years and having done extensive research into the Arsenal women's team the second Victoria told you that she was signing for Arsenal. It was Leah Williamson. The English captain greeted you with a warm smile, immediately pulling you into a hug. Then, she pulled away and slowly looked you up and down, her beautiful eyes taking in every part of your body.
At first you thought you were imagining it, but then she caught you looking back at her and gave you a small wink. Leah had checked you out. This realisation made you quickly turn around to check that Vic was plating the food in the correct way, eager to hide the pink blush that was spreading across your cheeks.
As the evening progressed you were more than happy to see that each one of the Arsenal girls absolutely adored Vic. Viv, Lia and Kim helped her wash up the dishes from the meal, before taking over completely when she was swept away by Jen, Steph and Beth to play FIFA on the TV. They all cared for her so much and it warmed your heart to see each player looking after her in their own little way.
The only person who didn't seem to want to spend all of their time with your best friend was Leah. This wasn't because she disliked Vic, because you could tell very early on into the evening that the blonde had a soft spot for your Dutch friend after she helped her choose the perfect outfit for an event later in the week. The reason that Leah wasn't crowding around Vic as she showed everyone her new football boots was because of you. Leah was determined to spend as much time as possible getting to know the gorgeous girl that Victoria had been telling her about.
The pair of you had been quietly chatting on Vic’s sofa for a few hours, watching the chaos of over a dozen girls hanging out in the same house. She asked you question after question and carefully listened to your answers before replying to the question you had asked in return. You found yourself becoming obsessed with her beautiful eyes and stunning blonde hair. She seemed completely different to the intimidating captain you were expecting to meet.
Little did you know, Leah was also finding herself obsessing over you. She had been looking forward to meeting you for a while. Ever since Vic had mentioned her best friend, Leah had found you on Instagram and found herself entranced by your beauty. She needed to meet you. Luckily, she now had the opportunity and she wasn't going to let it be wasted.
As the evening progressed she became more and more flirty, making you more and more flustered. Leah knew what she wanted and she was making that crystal clear.
You were more hesitant. There was no denying that you found yourself drawn to the blonde who you had spent the evening with. You wanted to get to know her more but you were worried about the consequences. What if something went wrong? What if you broke up? What would happen to Victoria?
Your best friend was finally beginning to feel at home in London and with the Arsenal team. What would happen to her if you started dating one of the captains?
However, you tried to ignore your worries and your growing feelings for the Englishwoman. You focussed on just enjoying chatting to her and watching your best friend mess about with her teammates. Maybe all Leah wants is someone to flirt with?
Leah did not just want someone to flirt with.
At the end of the night, everyone slowly began to leave, some on their own and others in groups. Your personal favourite exit was watching Beth, Viv and Kim escort a slightly-more-than-tipsy trio of Gio, Katherine and Laura back to their respective homes.
When Leah finally decided it was time to return home, you walked her to the door because Vic was busy saying goodbye to Caitlin, Steph and Lia. She leaned in slowly and gave you a long, caring hug, allowing you to get lost in her embrace. When she eventually tore herself away from you, she looked you up and down once again slowly and asked the question that had been on the tip of her tongue all evening.
"Can I take you out on a date tomorrow? Or on Monday, or whenever really I just really want to take you out."
You looked into her her beautiful eyes when she said this. Oh no, you thought to yourself, what were you going to do? But your hesitation only lasted a second, because you were suddenly interrupted by your mad best friend running through the door with Lotte as they laughed about something Lotte had said. Victoria looked so happy with her new friends. You knew what you had to in that moment, as much as it broke your heart to do so.
"Leah," you said slowly, not wanting to disappoint the blonde, "I'm so sorry but I don't think that's the best idea."
"So, what was happening with you and Leah last night?" asked your best friend as you walked over to sit next to her, handing her the breakfast you had made.
Last night you had stayed over at Vic's to help her clean up and re-organise her house after having dozens of tipsy Arsenal players round.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I saw you both chatting all night and she's definitely your type, so what happened."
"Nothing," replied, eager to reassure Vic that you weren't going to ruin her career at Arsenal, "we were flirting a bit and she asked out but I said no don't worry."
"What? You said no!" Vic gasped, "You idiot, why did you say no?"
"Why are you annoyed," you protested, "I did this for you. I don't want to be responsible for something going wrong with the team dynamics at Arsenal if it doesn’t work out."
"You are so stupid," repeated you best friend, "Did you not realise that no one came to interrupt you both? Did you not realise that no one ever sat on the same sofa as you both? I told everyone before they got here that I wanted to introduce you and Leah because I think you guys would be perfect for each other. You are both hard-working, kind and determined."
"Wow," you said, in shock at this new information. You genuinely thought you had been doing the right thing by saying no to Leah. Maybe you should have said yes?
As if she could read your thoughts, Vic asked, "So what are you going to do now?"
"I don't know, I really messed up," you answered, feeling disappointed at the thought that you had potentially ruined your chances at a date with Leah.
Vic looked at you, feeling utterly confused at how someone who was so clever could be so stupid at the same time.
"You could call her?" she prompted.
Once again, you sighed at your stupidity. Of course you could call her.
"Can I have her number please," you asked your best friend, eager to call the blonde as soon as possible in order to try and fix your stupidity.
Laughing, Vic gave you Leah's number before ushering you into the kitchen so you could have some privacy to make your phone call while she watched TV.
You felt very nervous as the phone began to ring and you realised that you were actually going to have to speak to Leah and try and explain everything.
"Hello?" she said when she answered the phone.
"Hi Leah it's y/n," you said, "Vic gave me your number.
"Oh, hey y/n," she answered, feeling a bit shocked to hear your voice so soon after you had rejected her, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry I've just realised how much of an idiot I am and I'm so sorry."
"What do you mean?" asked Leah, chuckling at the way all of your words seemed to rush out at once.
"You asked me out and I really wanted to say yes but I was scared of messing things up for Vic and her career so I said no even though it’s not what I wanted to say."
"It's okay, I get it you just want to be a good friend," she said sadly, "We can just pretend it never happened don't worry."
"No I don't want that," you said quickly, realising Leah still thought you were rejecting her, "Vic wants us to go out, she planned for us to meet."
"Oh I understand now," she said, before finding the same confidence she found the previous evening and asking: "So does that mean you want to go on a date tomorrow?"
Smiling widely at the thought of going on a date with Leah you replied, "I'd love to Leah."
When you walked into the living room after chatting to Leah for about 20 more minutes, you proceeded to tell Vic everything and she was over the moon.
It had taken a little longer than she had hoped but her plan to set her best friend up with her teammate had eventually worked out perfectly.
#woso imagine#woso x reader#leah williamson#leah williamson imagine#leah williamson x reader#woso fanfics#woso#engwnt#engwnt x reader#lionesses#lionesses x reader#awfc#arsenal women#leah williamson one shot#awfc x reader#arsenal wfc
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★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 2 - Storm Before a Storm
Towa: --.
???: …This yours?
???: Oh, a flier for Magicians’. That’s nostalgic.
Towa: (Huh, that voice… nonono, wait, wait…)
???: …Hey.
Towa: (No way, this can’t be real, is it really…?)
Masumi: ?
Towa: O-Oshi… w-wa- uwagh…
Masumi: What?
Towa: (Oh God, his face is so cool… I can’t look at him directly… but I want to. Huh, but what is he doing here… I’m seriously gonna die of an oshi overdose…)
Chikage: Are you alright?
Towa: P-Probably not…
Masumi: Wait--.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Towa: …Nm?
Izumi: Thank goodness. Are you okay?
Towa: I…
Izumi: You collapsed near our theater. One of our troupe members had to carry you here.
Towa: Collapsed…
Towa: (One of their troupe members… near this theater…)
Towa: W-Wait, this is…
Izumi: Hm? This is MANKAI Theater-- MANKAI Company’s, our theater company’s theater.
Towa: !! This is… this is it? For real!? Like I’m not dreaming!?
Izumi: Whoa.
Masumi: Hey, don’t just touch her without permission.
Towa: A-Aaauh~... so cool… you’re still so cool even when you’re looking at me… I wanna take a pic… I wanna burn this image into my eyes…
Masumi: What?
Tsuzuru: Masumi, how is he?
Itaru: Oh, he’s awake.
Sakuya: Are you okay? Do you need us to get you some water?
Towa: !!
Towa: The actual legit Spring Troupe…!? With all of its members…!!
Citron: Could you be a fin of ours?
Tsuzuru: You mean a fan?
Towa: Citron-san mispronouncing something and Tsuzuru-san correcting him live…!
Itaru: You make it sound like you’re getting to peek behind the curtain.
Towa: U-Um, I’ve been a fan of MANKAI Company for forever…!
Towa: I really love the whole company, but I’m especially a Spring Troupe oshi, um… ah.
Towa: Uwaah, I’m sorry, I’m just so nervous in front of all of you!
Itaru: Nice, got any particular oshi within Spring Troupe?
Towa: --.
Masumi: ?
Towa: U-Umm, I got addicted to MANKAI Company because of your performances in Magicians’, especially Masumi-kun’s…
Tsuzuru: Masumi, say thank you.
Izumi: Why don’t you do something like shake his hand?
Towa: Huh!? No, wait, I don’t have a handshake ticket or anything, but are you sure!?
Itaru: Nah, we don’t have a system like that.
Izumi: C’mon, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: …Nice to meet you.
Towa: Uwaahh… you’re always so cool… I’m never washing this hand again…!
Citron: That is unclean!
Towa: A-Ah, right! Masumi-kun, can I get your autograph!?
Masumi: …Annoying.
Towa: That’s the only other thing I want…! It’ll be like an heirloom…! Please! Without proof, this moment will just be like an illusion…!
Chikage: Leaving evidence with a signature?
Itaru: I mean, it tracks.
Izumi: He’s kept that flier with him all this time. Please sign it for him, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: Ughh…
Towa: Ah, my name’s Towa! “To” like peach and “wa” like peace!
Masumi: …Here.
Towa: Thank you so much! Thank you so, so much! Um, um, um, can we take a selfie together!?
Masumi: What?
Tsuzuru: He’s sure coming on strong.
Citron: It is unusual to see someone be so influenced by Masumi!
Sakuya: It’s kinda nice.
Izumi: Hehe, this kind of opportunity doesn’t come by often, so why don’t you take a picture with him?
Masumi: Why does it have to be me…
*Camera clicks*
Towa: Thankyousososomuch!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Well then, get home safely.
Chikage: Be sure to rest as soon as possible if you start feeling unwell.
Towa: I’m really sorry about everything. Thank you so much.
Itaru: Later.
Towa: You’ll always have my support, so keep up the good work!
Masumi: Yeah, yeah.
Towa: (Aaahh… I wanna bring this atmosphere back with me… but I need to get home…)
Towa: (Ummm, which direction is the station in again…?)
Izumi: Do you not know how to get to the station?
Towa: Ah, I’ll just look at my app while heading home, so I’m good!
Sakuya: I’m guessing you don’t live around here, right?
Towa: I recently just moved away from the countryside… and I’m attending a high school around here in the spring.
Towa: That’s why the only way I’ve ever been able to see MANKAI’s performances is through streams…
Izumi: I see.
Tsuzuru: That’s the great thing about the streams. It means kids like you who live far away from us can become fans.
Towa: Until I saw MANKAI’s Magicians’ performance, I had only seen plays at school events.
Towa: Back then, I was kinda just eh about it, but then I got smacked in the face with your performance of Magicians’ and was completely blown away…!
Towa: It was so much fun, I was like man, this is the best thing ever!
Towa: And then the more I learned about Masumi-kun and Chiakge-san and your theater company and Veludo Way, the more obsessed I got…
Towa: I can’t believe that I’m really here standing on Veludo Way, the place I’ve always dreamed of being, and that the Spring Troupe I’ve only seen through a screen is really right here in front of me.
Towa: I was also so excited to have gotten to see some theater live during a street act. I’m so glad I found the courage to come here…
Chikage: So you collapsed because you were so moved by it all?
Masumi: Fair enough.
Citron: We are also happy that you are happy!
Izumi: It’s amazing that you moved to Tokyo for high school. Was it for any reason in particular?
Towa: Umm… it’s really nothing that special or anything…
Towa: I don’t really have anything at all right now… I was hoping to find something like that here…
Towa: Ah, right. Are there troupe members at the theater even when they’re not performing?
Izumi: Yeah, we’re in the process of planning a new event for Spring Troupe. We were having a meeting at the theater since that’s where it’s going to be held.
Towa: Gotcha… Veludo Way really is amazing.
Towa: The troupe members really do exist here, doing all kinds of activities and doing theater right on the street during street acts…
Sakuya: It really is a fun place, isn’t it?
Towa: Yeah! I wanna experience even more live theater. I can’t wait to actually see a MANKAI Company performance live!
Izumi: --.
Izumi: Hey, why don’t you come to our next event?
Towa: For sure! I’ll get going now!
Citron: Make sure you do not get glossed~!
Tsuzuru: It’s lost.
Towa: …Ah.
Itaru: He’s impressed by every little thing.
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#a3!#a3! translation#towa ichinoe#sakuya sakuma#masumi usui#tsuzuru minagi#itaru chigasaki#citron#chikage utsuki#// towa having a mankai play that rewired his brain he’s just like me fr#also PLEASE listen to the voices for this chapter the noise towa makes when he meets masumi is SO funny
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