#sign petitions
cannedmeerkat · 23 hours
something deeply surreal and dystopian about closing tumblr's fuck ass go ad free pop-up while i reblog fundraisers for victims of genocide & fascism...
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blackpearlblast · 4 months
five days until the state of georgia is scheduled to execute willie pye
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montereybayaquarium · 4 months
It’s time for Zodiac signs as shrimp (and other close shrimp-like relatives)! 🦐✨
🌜☀️✨ Part 2 ✨ ☀️🌛
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Sea the rest in 🌜☀️✨ Part 1! ✨ ☀️🌛
Thanks to our fronds at NOAA for the image of the goblin shrimp!
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catshinji · 7 months
If you are an Australian resident:
There is currently a petition open on the Australian Parliament's government website, calling for a ceasefire and an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine.
After four weeks of collecting signatures, the petition will be directly submitted to the House of Representatives, where a minister will be requested to respond.
As far as petitions go, this one is probably our best option. It is the only way that we, as individuals, are able to directly make requests from the House.
If you are a resident or citizen of Australia, please sign the petition below:
>> Petition: Call for a Ceasefire and an End to Israeli Occupation
After signing, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your signature. You will need to confirm, otherwise your signature will not be counted.
Almost all major cities are marching tomorrow (Sun, Nov 19). For more information, as well as other upcoming events and rallies in Australia, please visit APAN here.
Edit - reblogs are now off, as the petition closed on December 13th. It's now awaiting presentation to the House of Representatives.
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The thing I'm most uncomfortable with this going forward is, like, "the Queen of England" is such a major phrase that I don't think I'll be able to let go.
And like this isn't just me -- large parts of modern culture, songs, phrases, etc. are based on the understanding that the monarch of England is Queen. (What are the Sex Pistols gonna say, now? "His fascist... raging?") And with a relatively minor (and rather negative experience, at that) interruption in the middle, this has been the case for the past almost 200 years. This isn't something we can just CHANGE. I get that she was old and going to die, and if the monarchy was going to continue at all obviously they'd need to find some successor. But everything from that past few centuries makes "King whatever" absolutely incompatible with it.
So, like, obviously that's not an acceptable situation. Which leaves a clear solution
The Queen is Dead; Force-Fem the King
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friendlyengie · 11 months
py.... .. pyropauling..... ... i beg............ . .. .
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Her looney tunes ass gf
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bobellafofella · 5 months
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it's not fair. you should have been mine.
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sensiblereblogifposts · 5 months
I'm going to break my very strict format for once because I need your help. For the past 9 years, the irl human behind this blog has been involved in the effort to save a museum from incompetent and money hungry executives.
The museum is filled with precious objects, telling the story of the history of technology, and how it relates to art and society.
Many of these are objects are large, but delicate and have been in place for over 30 years.
No one within the museum's community trusts the CEO, who was appointed by a hostile former government, and prefers renting out museum spaces for business functions over educating the public.
In a few days, the museum is set to close down for renovations. Yet none of the staff or volunteers have been given any clear details about these plans. All we know is displays which have inspired generations will be torn down, likely never to be restored.
We have a petition asking the new government to step in and stop the closure:
If you could sign this, you'd be doing the human behind this blog a massive favour.
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herasoufleeart · 23 days
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Hi there.
You can sign the petition for SaveTF2 / FixTF2 here.
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rivenantiqnerd · 1 month
Benefits of knowing sign language:
knowing another language
even if it’s just one person that learns, it makes it so much easier for deaf people
being able to talk in places where you’re supposed to be quiet 👇
assemblies, concerts, plays
when the teacher says to be quiet
when your parents tell you to stop talking with your siblings
at night
when you’re sick or lose your voice
so helpful for noverbal people
talking about things without other people understanding
Literally, it’s so useful. Everyone should learn sign language.
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captainkirkk · 9 months
Concept: One of the Bat kids starts a "Let us kill the Joker" petition on change.org and every single person in Gotham signs it except for Bruce Wayne
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montereybayaquarium · 4 months
It’s time for Zodiac signs as shrimp (and other close shrimp-like relatives)! 🦐✨
🌜☀️✨ Part 1 ✨ ☀️🌛
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Sea the rest in 🌜☀️✨ Part 2! ✨ ☀️🌛
Thanks to our fronds @mbari-blog for the image of the transparent shrimp! (which is technically an amphipod, but shhhhhh)
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femboy-expert · 7 months
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Now that I have your attention
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egophiliac · 25 days
hello ! I didn't really understand if you played on both the eng and jp servers of twst or exclusively on the jp one but just in case, would you happen to know if the ghost bride event already had a rerun in the eng version ? The internet is unclear and I have to know if I should start grieving Lilia's perfectly dapper and formal sr card :(
I'm just on JP, so I'm not sure! I don't think Eng has had a rerun yet... (I have been informed that Eng has in fact already had a rerun, sorry! please do not listen to me re:anything happening in Eng, I do not pay enough attention 🙇)
though if I remember right you guys never actually got the original, you've only gotten the rerun version with Idia in his groom outfit and Idia + Lilia cards (they didn't have cards or outfits in the original, Idia was getting married in his hoodie and school pants instead) (and, look, his fancy little tuxedo is probably my favorite card of his, but there is something so incredibly on-brand about him being shotgun-wedding'd to a ghost princess while wearing orthopedic sneakers).
that said the trend these days seems to be to release a new card with reruns, even if it it's pickup-only and doesn't actually factor into the event, so I think it's unlikely Eng will get another run at Ghost Marriage before JP does (so they can introduce a new card). but who knows! they've made unexpected decisions before, so you guys might just get a straight-up rerun or something. 🤷 fingers crossed for you! everyone deserves a grampa vampire in a spiffy little suit to throw bouquets at them!
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iffasart · 19 days
The real reason chloe wasn't in the trailer
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mayasaura · 27 days
I don't really know where this lands on the scale of basic to hot take, but I don't see the locked tomb as a very overtly political series. Like yeah, it has a lot of subtext you can interpret politically, obviously, if that's your jam. but to me, the series has always been an intimate exploration of existing as a badly uncomfortable and isolated person. there are a lot of different reasons people in the series are fucked up, but the important thing to me is that they are. and that they're being witnessed. To me it's a love letter to all the deeply fucked up people out there (esp the deeply fucked up lesbians) saying "you exist, and someone sees you"
Edit: Since apparently people are linking to this post to interpret and argue with it indirectly, let me clarify. I don't mean the story is apolitical. I mean that as I see the story unfolding, the central narrative is focused on the characters, and the heart of the narrative is human connection and character exploration. Of course there are political themes being explored—I've posted a lot about them myself—but that exploration is about asking a lot of questions I don't expect the series to necessarily answer.
Tamsyn Muir doesn't have the answer to colonialism. She does have the answer as to what will happen to two mentally unwell painfully lonely girls I suspect we've all grown quite attached to.
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