#sighs....... cries.......
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hinamie · 3 months ago
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happy gojoday to all who celebrate
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lunarcloak · 18 days ago
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live with love
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dogcatrabbitbirdfan · 1 year ago
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perpetually thinking about megumi, yuuji, and nobara being a trio comprised of two people who are actually dumb as rocks, and one person who is the smartest at their school.
nobara and yuuji were MADE to be stupid best friends and megumi was made to think for all three of them :P
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saintmisu · 1 year ago
this has been rotting in my wips but anyways my take on the ghouls please accept it hehe
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indestinatus · 5 months ago
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“I did not love you but I almost did. At one time, I might have loved you - at least, I felt I might have. If you were never loved by me, then nevertheless you were loveable to me. Last night I dreamt that your head lay on my stomach and traced the rise and fall of my breath. It felt completely normal - even though I knew once, we had left each other. Even though I knew we had wounded each other. In the dream state, forgiveness comes easily. I never loved you but I almost did. There are days when the breadth of ambiguity feels much worse. There are days I wish I would have loved you so I would know how to stop.”
— Sue Zhao
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cassyapper · 2 months ago
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one-and-a-half-threat · 6 months ago
This is so embarrassing I’m literally an adult sitting in my adult college class for adults, half-listening to the lecture because I feel physically sick to my stomach thinking about the fact that Mabel and Dipper only go home alive and happy and together in one timeline. All the other Mabels and Dippers who had to spend the bus ride home alone, or died, or suffered a fate that kept them stuck in gravity falls. This is humiliating. I am an adult who has a job and goes to college and I’m trying not to puke over the non-canon fates of fictional characters. Somebody please just kill me I need to be put down
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daily-basil · 10 months ago
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Trying out markers :]
My camera isn't very good and the colors look a lot worse than they do IRL :')
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lifeismarvelous · 2 months ago
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Wherever you go, just always remember That you got a home for now and forever And if you get low, just call me whenever This is my oath to you Wherever you go, just always remember You're never alone, we're birds of a feather And we'll never change, no matter the weather This is my oath to you
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gojoest · 7 months ago
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he is so beautiful :(
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foxett · 9 months ago
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More suntan because the brainrot is real
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szaryherbatnik · 1 month ago
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Oh i missed drawing in a sketchbook hello new sketchbook hello farryn
Just some random birds and shep because he blessed my sketchbook
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wishchip106 · 27 days ago
thinking about this scene 🙁
bro just watched his husband get vaporized right in front of his eyes
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^^ this just gets me a lot
he doesn’t let himself think about the fact Charles is gone
his parental instincts kick in
he knows Charles would want him to focus on Jean instead of him
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“My Dear, come with me.”
THAT’S HIS DAUGHTER‼️‼️‼️😭😿☹️ (in this universe he signed the adoption papers with Charles)
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indywasdeepfried · 4 months ago
“We know who our friends are, and you are not one of them.”
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cassyapper · 22 days ago
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Jotaro grunts as they get to their room and, as Joseph warned, there is only one queen sized bed. His only solace is that Joseph and Polnareff will be dealing with the same predicament. There only being one hotel in a drive-through town makes their room choices limited…
He sighs, setting his bag down on the floor of one side of the mattress, Kakyoin silently taking the other.
Kakyoin digs through his duffel then, likely for his pajama set given the hour, the blue of dusk fading to the purple of night through the window, while Jotaro scans the length of the bed, then himself, considering if his full length will fit. Kakyoin's not the shortest guy either, he muses as he watches Kakyoin return to his full height from his duffel, his pajamas in hand.
Jotaro hums, moving to sit on the bed, only for Hierophant to manifest and gently hold him back by the shoulder.
He jumps, whipping his head up, and Kakyoin smiles, amused, before saying, "Hey, we're gonna sleep there. Try not to lie down on the bed until we're both showered, okay?"
Jotaro grunts. "You've never cared if I shower before sitting down before."
Kakyoin raises a brow, snorting. "We've never shared a bed before." Jotaro shudders, hair rising along the back of his neck. "Come on, I don't want to sleep on dusty sheets." Jotaro grimaces at the description, his skin suddenly itching.
"Don't say it like that..." Jotaro grumbles then, and Kakyoin raises a brow.
"Dusty sheets?"
Face heating up a bit, Jotaro scowls, crossing his arms. "No."
Kakyoin's brows pinch, gaze scanning over him, and Jotaro squirms. "What, then?"
"Don't act like an idiot," Jotaro tries to bite, but his voice wavers, and Kakyoin's face screws up a bit. Jotaro ducks his head, tugging the brim of his hat down. "Look, I won't sit on the bed until I shower. So you should go first and-"
"Sharing a bed?"
Jotaro goes still.
Kakyoin blinks in Jotaro's periphery, before he snorts. Jotaro whips his head up, embarrassment riding up his spine, making him grit his teeth against its waves.
"What?" He snaps, and Kakyoin just snorts again. "It was weird to say!"
Kakyoin snickers, but his eyes are crinkled with his smile, and some of the anger in Jotaro's chest falters. The embarrassment certainly doesn't, though. "I won't- kehehe, I won't say it again, but why does it bother you so much?" Kakyoin giggles.
Jotaro glares at him, letting out a harsh exhale, before he ducks his head again, adjusting his arms against his chest. "Just... It makes us sound like we're..." his voice gets hushed, almost in a whisper, "... married... or something..."
Kakyoin blinks, lips parting, and some color sinks into his cheeks then, and Jotaro feels a little vindicated.
But then he says, "Jeez, Jojo, you think about us getting married often?" And Jotaro's back to being the reddest in the room, tugging his hat down over his eyes so sharply he almost rips it off.
"Good fucking grief-" Jotaro shakes. "Kakyoin-"
Kakyoin giggles again, and it's such an ugly sound, Jotaro wishes it wouldn't set his blood on fire. But, he supposes, he already feels much too warm, and at least this is a nicer heat than that of embarrassment.
Unfortunately, such a thought only brings some shame into the mix, and Jotaro rolls his eyes viciously at himself.
"Why- why would I think about us getting married?" Jotaro spits out, trying to get away from his thoughts. "We're both men."
Kakyoin raises a brow at him again and Jotaro sort of wishes he would stop doing that, because everything in his body cavity from the top of his chest to the seat of his hips feels like liquid. "It's not legal at home, sure, but people still find ways to get functionally married," Kakyoin says.
Jotaro feels like he's skipped the last step of a stairwell. "Huh?"
Kakyoin studies him for a moment, and Jotaro wishes he would drop it. He wishes for once, Kakyoin would leave well enough alone and shrug, take his shower, and let Jotaro drown out his embarrassment with a cold shower of his own.
Kakyoin's not his friend because he behaves accordingly, though.
"Jotaro... men get married," Kakyoin says. Jotaro sort of wants to take off his coat, with how much he's sweating, but the thought of showing any skin right now makes his heart jump to his throat, so he keeps it on.
"With- with wives," Jotaro agrees, frowning at his own shakiness. What, exactly, is he so nervous about?
Kakyoin tilts his head. "With other men," he clarifies, and for some reason, Jotaro feels a shot of adrenaline.
"How?" Jotaro asks, voice a little too desperate, and he turns then, sick of humiliating himself. He shoves his hand into his pocket, pulls out his cigarettes and lighter, and moves to the window, shoving it open with his free hand and sitting stiffly in an old wooden chair placed nearby, technically going with a desk in the corner.
It’s quiet as Jotaro flips the lip of his carton open and slides a cigarette out. He clicks his lighter to life, brings it to the end of his cig, and inhales. The smoke swirls into his lungs and Jotaro holds onto the burn, trying to will all his embarrassment to join it as he exhales it out, coughing slightly.
He jumps when Kakyoin’s hand is on his shoulder then, whipping his head up. Kakyoin raises his hands in a surrendering gesture, and Jotaro sighs. Eying him, Kakyoin sits down on top of the desk, the old wood creaking underneath his weight.
They stare at one another for a second, and Jotaro takes another drag, spitting his smoke outside the window.
“Does it… bother you?” Kakyoin asks quietly.
Jotaro blinks, turning back to Kakyoin. “What?”
Kakyoin sends him a flat look, but still answers, “Men getting married. To other men.”
Jotaro is shaking his head no before he realizes, and he freezes, gritting his teeth at his own anxiety. “No, I- no.”
Kakyoin stares at him, hard, eyes scraping over every pore in Joaro’s face it feels like, and Jotaro adjusts in his seat, glancing back outside to avoid the ultraviolet of Kakyoin’s gaze. Finally, Kakyoin’s brows pinch, and he leans forward a bit. “Then what’s wrong?”
“Just-” Jotaro shakes his head. What was wrong? What wasn’t wrong? His mom is dying halfway across the world and his soul is a ginormous purple monster of incredible strength, he needs to kill or be killed by the most insane people he’s ever seen, and the boy in front of him makes him so twisted up inside Jotaro’s half convinced he’s developing an acute form of scoliosis. Jotaro sucks in a breath. “I just didn’t know that was… allowed.”
Kakyoin’s brows pinch further. “... Allowed?”
Jotaro sucks in another breath of cigarette smoke instead of clarifying.
Kakyoin stares at him before leaning back again. “Jotaro, you know gay people just… exist?”
“I know-” Jotaro sucks in a breath. “I just-” Am I allowed to look at you like this? Are you allowed to make me feel like this?
Kakyoin tilts his head, and his bang swings, and Jotaro’s fingers twitch, his cigarette nearly slipping out of his hand. He fumbles, catching it, only to hiss and he burns himself with the filter. He shoves the cigarette into his mouth and crosses his arms, glaring at the floor. Kakyoin politely ignores it, but he does bring a hand to his mouth. Jotaro glares at the glossy wooden paneling.
“Jotaro,” Kakyoin prompts, and Jotaro’s shoulders hunch up to his ears, but he glances up at Kakyoin’s face anyway. He wonders when he became so obedient when it came to Kakyoin, and he shudders at the thought. “You know it’s not something that needs permission, right?”
Jotaro twitches. The ash in his throat is making his mouth dry.
“Jotaro,” Kakyoin continues, and Jotaro jerks again, “do you know men can just- love other-?”
“Kakyoin,” Jotaro interrupts, his voice hoarse from the smoke, and Kakyoin stops talking. Jotaro takes a few inhales of his cigarette, his nose burning, before he brings a hand to his mouth and takes it out again. “I just- I never- I never see it?” It sounds juvenile, but Jotaro isn’t sure how else to explain.
Kakyoin’s face softens a little then and Jotaro twitches again, his skin itching. “It’s not really broadcasted, no, but,” Kakyoin shrugs then, leaning back on his palms, and Jotaro tries not to think. “It still happens. People can still meet… and fall in love…” Kakyoin’s cheeks get a little pink then, and Jotaro really tries not to stare, but he’s exhausted and enraptured and scared and he can’t look away. “And even if it’s not… conventional, they can still get their happy endings.” Kakyoin locks eyes with Jotaro then, and Jotaro’s breath hitches in his throat. “And even then… you know you don’t need to get married to be in love? Again, unconventional, but it’s still an option… The love is there either way, just like with a man and woman.”
Kakyoin tilts his head and Jotaro’s starting to wonder if he’s doing it on purpose, to make his bang swing like that, to make it caress his face and make Jotaro twitch like he’s being electrocuted. “We’ve never been the most conventional people in the first place anyway, huh, Jotaro?” He murmurs, and Jotaro damn near falls out of the chair with how hard he shudders before he stands up, breathing noticeably.
Kakyoin raises a brow, but doesn’t move, and Jotaro feels like this is all entirely unfair. He spits out his cigarette, drops it, and scrapes it into a pile of ash on the hotel floor.
Kakyoin’s wide mouth curls into an amused smirk. “Owner won’t like that.”
Jotaro shrugs. “I’m going to shower,” he says gruffly.
Kakyoin chuckles. “You never answered me, you know.”
Jotaro pauses, glancing at Kakyoin.
Kakyoin smiles lazily. “You think about us getting married often, Jotaro?”
Jotaro slams open the bathroom door and Kakyoin cackles. “I think about you shutting up often,” he snaps over his shoulder, and Kakyoin just snickers, the echo of it following him even as he closes the door.
Jotaro sighs, bracing his hands on the sink as he breathes for a second, looking down at the drain as his guts, fuzzy and warm and swirled up, try to separate and regain their independence again. Kakyoin jumbles him up so bad.
Men can meet… fall in love… Get married, or not… The love is still there either way.
Jotaro shudders. Fucking Kakyoin.
He turns on the shower to the coldest setting he can stand.
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caniball1sticdes1re · 9 months ago
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pairings - sean diaz x reader
cw - blood brothers ending sean but a bit before the events of the ending, high sex, verrry slight munch sean, he whimpers ‼️, p in v, theyre situationship ish type situation, sean calls reader mama and ma, unprotected sex
a/n - def meant to make sean more pathetic and in love but oh welllll (also do u guys think they were knee deep in the passenger seat??? and he was eating her out???? do u guys think it was casual then????)
the joint hit your lips, smoke filling your lungs as you inhaled. sean’s eyes locked on yours, his hand rested just above your ass. you inhale the smoke into your lungs, then lean down, breathing the excess smoke into sean’s slightly parted lips. he inhales the smoke, breathing out the rest into the air. you giggle, pressing a kiss to his lips.
he pushes his hips up to bump against yours, his growing arousal touching yours sending shivers down your spine. a sigh escapes from his lips as they curl into a smirk. he reaches his hand up and drags your bottom lip down with his thumb, his eyebrows knitting together.
“so fuckin’ beautiful, y’know that?” his head cocks to the side, a soft groan pushing past his lips when you roll your hips against his. you take another drag before leaning down and pressing kisses to his lips, letting smoke flow out of your mouth as you do. he smiles, grabbing hold of your hips and flipping you two over. he positions himself between your legs, grabbing the joint from your hand. he takes a hit, letting the smoke flow out before inhaling it back in. his free hand falls, haphazardly unbuttoning your jeans. he hands off the joint to you, kissing you again as he slips your pants off.
you two were a “casual” hookup. he’d only been in mexico a few years and you were only supposed to be visiting for a few weeks. he wasn’t ready to be dating and you weren’t ready to be a one night stand with some random guy in another country. it didn’t stay just casual, you two never spoke about it ever evolving but you both knew the second you extended your visit. sean at least couldn’t stay casual, not when you looked so gorgeous with your eyes red and your lips pink and glossy.
his hand dipped past your panties, groaning once his middle finger hit your sopping arousal. he smiles, letting out a chuckle.
“all for me? huh?” he says, dragging a finger up your folds. you push his arm, rolling your eyes at his stupid, dopey smile.
he leans down, laying on his stomach as he wraps his arms around your thighs, laying his hands on your stomach. he slides your panties up and off your legs, kissing down to your clit. he sighs, smiling as he licks up from your hole to the hood of your pussy. a moan erupts from his throat, a small and breathy ‘fuck’ vibrating against your clit. he sloppily and slowly laps up your cunt, two fingers slowly falling down to curl against the gummy spot hidden in the back of your pussy. he whines as you clench around his fingers, sean seemingly getting fed up with something.
he presses another kiss to your clit, sitting back up and unzipping his pants. his hard and heavy erection practically spills out, aching and begging for some sort of release. he watches as you take another drag, pressing kisses to your neck as his tip pushes against your wetness.
your bodies were like magnets. you both ached for each other and when you finally got to feel each other, skin on skin it was like your bodies completely understood the other. you both always knew exactly how and where you needed the other, if sean was feeling some type of way so were you and vise versa. there was never any questions between you two it was always the case of knowing exactly the others thoughts.
his noises sounded tired, low in your ear as he slowly pushed in, almost like the was scared he’d hurt you. he always knew he wasn’t going to hurt you, you took everything he gave you like a champ, and he knew exactly what would please you.
he sighs, pulling out then thrusting back in. he set a slow pace, the soft and spaced out slaps of your hips slamming together filled the room along with your soft moans. he whined in your ear, hands finding their way into yours and interlocking your fingers. you pressed kisses to his shoulder, gasping as his pace picked up slightly.
he pushed himself up from his resting position in the crook of your neck, smiling down at you. he admired you, much like he did constantly, as he took long drags in and out of your sopping pussy. the joint was long forgotten by now, resting in the ashtray next to his bed. he watched your expressions, how they changed, how you reacted to certain things, and especially how you admired him back.
his hands left yours to pull your legs over his shoulders, leaning back down to kiss you. the new angle gave him more control, and gave you more pleasure. he watched your eyebrows furrow and your mouth fall agape as he sped up, chasing his climax. soft gasps and loud claps filled the room and bounced off the walls and your cries got louder as your hand gripped his arm for support.
“sean.. baby-“ he nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead as a lazy thumb presses circles into your clit.
“c’mon ma, cum for me” sean encourages you and your eyes roll back, back arching up off the bed slightly. you whine and whimper, gasping as sean reaches his own high. he stills inside you with a loud whine, thick and hot ropes spilling inside your walls. you both pant, catching your breath as you come back to reality. you two lock eyes, giggling with another smiley kiss. he kisses down your face, kissing up your jaw and nibbling on your ear gently.
“thank you mama,” he starts, kissing your neck. he mumbles and babbles, but lets a small “love you baby” escape past,
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