#sierra does promos
littlestarxmilkyway · 2 years
it’s funny to me how many people are saying the lom anime didn’t work because the game is episodic. yet episodic anime used to be so prevalent? and popular, at that? is cowboy bebop not episodic? kino’s journey? 
it’s obvious the anime team just had a very specific image and tone they were going for, and that’s what conflicts. the saddest part is the game is very concise in its stories, it’s just that the team was very smart and effective in their storytelling and presentation. and i wish we could just admit when an anime fails instead of trying to pin something on the “nature” of a work
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May 20th - date of significance? Yes.
Harry released Harry’s House on May 20, 2022. After waiting many months to release Fine Line on Blondie’s 30th birthday, and after writing the bulk of this album in mid 2020, we can assume he chose this date for a reason. Here’s my proposed reason why.
But first - this requires acknowledging that the official, public Haylor origin story of 2012 is incomplete. Yes, they met in late March, eventually took a break, and picked up again in the fall. But based on Harry’s random flights, their mutual habit of vanishing simultaneously (no photos, fan or otherwise) and the lyrical information they’ve disclosed over the years - there is way more to the story.
Let’s call May, June, and very July of that year the Cruel Summer of 2012.
A bunch of stuff likely seemed to have happened in early May (that’ll be a future post about how the Sweeran origin story is also contradictory). But here we are, mid May.
Taylor is living in LA and mostly in the studio. There’s a stretch mid-month where she seems to disappear. Recall - this is the summer where she rents the house in Hyannis Port for many months.
On May 20th, 5 boys and their crew are spotted at the airport in London, flying to Boston Logan to embark on a couple months touring/doing promo in North America. Take a look at young H:
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He is CARRYING ON an acoustic guitar, which he can barely play, rather than sending it ahead with all their other instruments and luggage.
The band lands in Boston; 4 guys head to the Mohegan Sun in CT (where they will play a concert soon) and are photographed by fans. And this guy? Vanishes.
Recall the secret message for Everything Has Changed, which Taylor brought to Ed almost totally done for recording on May 27, 2012:
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This song, if you’ll recall, talks of a green-eyed smiling man whose eyes “look like coming home”.
Red was finalized at the very beginning of June; Taylor met the Kennedy grandsons on July 4th weekend. The timing does not work, especially since it was recorded in late May (with pap photos of Taylor and Ed outside the Santa Monica studio that day).
But MORE that that, something else occurs that day. It’s described in a 2014 song by Alex and Sierra written by Harry, and outlined in greater detail by Taylor on folklore. It’s a day described in august:
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And…ah…perhaps this was also the date for some of the other events described in august?
And lest you think the whole thing wasn’t significant to Harry…by May 27 or 28, the boy gets his second tattoo. It’s a small capital A on the inside of his left elbow, seen for the first time here:
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In an interview given by the boys in early July, Harry is asked about the tattoo (which had been drawn by Zayn, our OG Haylor). I cannot link directly to the interview - search for One Direction Granada TV interview on YT. And at 2:30, Harry is asked the significance of the tattoo.
Harry: oh, it’s for my….ah…ah..it’s for me mum.
Boys: laugh heartily at him
Louis: No it’s not! No, it’s not! It’s for a mystery blond!!
Reader, recall that Blondie publishes all of her songs as Taylor A. Swift.
Ten years later, on May 20, 2022, Harry’s House is released.
And on May 20, 2023, during a rain show at Boston’s Gillette stadium, Taylor Swift tells the crowd “I’ve never been so happy in my life in all aspects of my life…my life finally feels like it makes sense.” And that she will play them “this song, which brings me a lot of happy memories”: Question…?
ETA: Want to know what his next two tattoos are? He has them in this late June photo
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- the word “Hi” (“all I know is we said hello, and your eyes looks like coming home)
- the (misquoted) lyrics from Temper Trap’s Sweet Disposition, which happen to be the line which follows *the secret message for Treacherous*. Which he starts kissing while singing love songs starting the day after he gets the tattoo.
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the-parentheticals · 10 months
clothes food shelter - love and miss you
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Warnings: Sierra being Sierra, I guess?
Summary: He'll want her. Please, please let him want her.
(or, sierra figures out the concept of love. she does it all wrong.)
Notes: Two new fandoms? We love to see it. Okay, first, any Milgram fans associate her with Mahiru? No? Just me? Am I the only one who is actually into Milgram here? Because, I mean, it's great, you totally should, but also that kind of toxic love...mwah. Title's from Mahiru's second trial song, I Love You.
Second of all, I love Sierra, I love superfans, I love her views on love, and I do really wish we had some more depth to her character other than Cody. So, here we go! I...tried. Got lazy at the end, but it'll do.
Third, this is for neglect / abandonment for @badthingshappenbingo.
read on ao3
Sierra Martin only remembers one thing about her father.
She'll hear the story later, between late-night margaritas her mother pours out of a pitcher kept on top of the fridge, but she wants to find things for herself. She has to. It's the only way she's actually gonna know. So she has to start with herself.
She's four years old, and she's curled up on the armchair that's more patches than not. Her mom's asleep, probably. Her dad's not, definitely.
"Why aren't you in bed?"
"Couldn't sleep," she mumbles. "Daddy...?"
"Your mom's asleep, too. Finally." He smiles like it's their little secret.
"But you're married! You have to do everything together!"
"No, we don't. Sometimes, Daddy doesn't want to."
Sierra stares at him and thinks about what this means. She decides she doesn't know and that her mom also probably doesn't know.
"No. Now, come on, back to bed."
Her dad's tall. Not as tall as her mom, but still tall to a little kid. He doesn't hug her. He doesn't pick her up and tuck her back into bed. He just fills her plastic cup that has the face of someone she gets to know very well over the next few years.
Sierra drinks the whole cup in one go. She's still not tired. She goes to bed anyway because it's her dad and he's looking at her.
That must have been the last time he was there. According to her mother, anyway.
The rest of elementary is a blur, okay grades and no one to sit with and reruns of old movies starring Chris McLean. She listens to her mom a lot. She takes up the family skills to occupy herself while her mom is on the phone with their landlord.
She meets a new girl. She likes the new girl. The new girl does not like Sierra. The new girl invites Sierra to her birthday party. She does not tell Sierra the address. Sierra follows her home anyway.
She sits in the attic for three hours, looks through every box, and she knows a lot more about the new girl than anyone wants to.  Her mom is asleep on the couch when she comes in from the window. Sierra closes the curtains and eats reheated rice.
There's a breakthrough.
Things get easier. She finds people. People who won't see her, or her mom. People who won't mind.
They don't know she's there, of course. But she finds them out, and from there gets little bits of things to make life easier. She games on the library computers and makes excuses to avoid talking in voice chat. Falls asleep on the chairs and gets kicked out at closing time. It's better, but she's still missing something.
She's sixteen, and she's asleep on their excuse of a bed or a sofa or heap of fabric. Her mom's smiling, for once.
"Chris has a new show!"
And somehow, that's the only thing that breaks through her tired greyness.
She looks things up and learns to type quickly enough that people stare over her shoulder. The show's called Total Drama. And she has to know everything.
She auditions in front of a bedsheet taped to the doorway over the absolute disaster that is their apartment and says "Chris" way too many times to be normal. They don't accept her. That's okay.
She gets her hands on all the promos she can, and for once she doesn't feel like she has to hide it from her mother. She memorizes every name, every background detail of the bios, every single moment she can get her hands on, and then she goes home and watches the premiere. She does not spoil it for her mom. She especially does not spill the leaks.
If she knows everything about the people on there, aren't they her friends?
Cody's her favourite, really. She's always had a soft spot for nerds. For the underdog. It hurts, to see him being mauled by a bear. But he gets better, and she keeps watching anyway.
Things start to get better. Just a little. And it feels plasticky and fake when her mom sits down next to her and tries to give her hugs. It doesn't feel like Sierra's mom anymore, doesn't feel like the person Sierra goes to when things are hard. She misses having that.
Someone who can really and sincerely love her. That's all she wants.
Why wouldn't Cody be the one to do it? He wants a girl. Perhaps not any girl, but that's a small detail.
She dyes her hair purple with a five-dollar box in a Tim Hortons bathroom. She auditions again. She'll be with him. And he'll want her. Please, please let him want her.
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
Luke and Ash living together at Ash’s house during quarantine lockdown and got more serious than ever before.
Amazon Music and Spilling The Quarrantea livestreams, plus other things.
1. The food situation. Discourse back and forth between Luke and Ash of being out of food, during both livestreams.
Both talking about being out of groceries and kept bringing up fish fingers and chicken fingers/nuggets. Pretended to both go get groceries when Michael said the grocery store (Ralph's) just restocked. Ash is the first to get up and leave, fast. Luke only starts to get up to leave.
It seems like perhaps Ash is the one that does the grocery shopping. Ash is the one who says he's going to the store when he can. Luke doesn't offer that idea up. Luke seems like he was sulking because he didn't have the foods he likes. Notice how his demeanor is when they're talking about not having food, in the Quarrantea livestream. Luke even tries to make a point by asking everyone what they're having for dinner, Ash reiterates his fish fingers situation, Michael gives an answer that he hasn't even given it a thought.
2. Amazon Music livestream, Pink Floyd, Lashton listening to Pink Floyd together. Public mentions by both.
a. August 13, 2021 Pink Floyd was one of the influences for Luke’s solo album. Luke brings them up when talking about his song ‘Beautiful Dream’ (Nylon mag interview ) 
b. Ash worn lots of PF band tees throughout the years (incl. recent pap pics of him walking with Cal via his own twitter May 1, 2019).
c. Ash tweet using “Welcome to the Machine” businessman on fire artwork March 20, 2020.
d. During Luke’s August 2021 interview with Billboard for WFTTWTAF, “I listened to so much Pink Floyd in the past couple of years, especially [during lockdown], and was very influenced by them, particularly Dark Side of the Moon." Billboard 20 Questions interview.
e. ”Welcome to the Machine” from the “Wish You Were Here” EP to Ash’s ig story on Dec 16, 2021.
f. Ash posted a video to his ig story of Pink Floyd “Echoes” in Pompeii performance on July 20, 2022.
3. Spilling the Quarrantea - Luke saying Ash only started growing his own vegetables “10 minutes ago” (He’s clued into this small detail, Ash doesn’t argue it)
4. The only thing Luke had to say about Sierra during lockdown was that she had been making bread (so was many of the population) - not from livestreams but interesting enough to include.
5. Spilling the Quarrantea - The room Luke is in has very similar style to the room Ash is in (possibly in the same house, noteworthy)
6. Ash promo pic of Superbloom includes similar wallpaper than the wallpaper in Luke’s studio room. (same house? wallpaper shopping together?)
7. I’m suspicious that Luke’s WFTTWTAF ig live was at Ash’s house
8. Luke gets the rose tattoo (Ash has one on his arm). Fans notice in picture August 6. 2021.
9. Luke and Ash each wear the black onyx rings for Twitch stream ranking 5SOS songs (Aug 19, 2021), (Lierra engagement announced June 8, 2021 via People), so he’s engaged yet wearing a matching ring with someone else…. Ok
10. Muke isn’t real, Michael reads wattpad fanfic in front of a huge livestream of fans. A partner wouldn’t do that. Ash swooped in to save the situation by making up his own funny one about Cal.
11. Ash took the trip to the desert to go create his solo album, meanwhile Luke creates his own album back in LA. They gave each other a bit of space in their creative processes to write. Pick someone supportive.
12. Ash writes songs about lies, pain, and he’s so tortured, yet publicly he is supposedly in a happy relationship (which is whats being pushed on social media). Ash’s relationship ends lowkey sometime before his birthday but after release of album. Releases his album independently. Then, right before Luke’s album is released on a record label under Sony, there’s an engagement with the gf who is also a songwriter on his album which is being promoted in his album interviews.
13. Luke writing songs about Camellia Street and a change of heart. The narrative is it's where Sierra’s apartment was when they met, but what’s not being said is there’s actually a Camellia Street in Western Sydney where the guys are from. If he were to say that and Sierra hasn’t lived in Aus, then it leaves it open for question (who is Luke having ‘a change of heart’ with?).
14. Luke writing lyrics “Now with my eyes wide open, I’m nothing but a fake”, “I’m on my way to Wonderland, take off my suit  and wander in for a moment Or hide for a lifetime”
15. Ash writes songs about lying and living in a cage (“Perfect Lie”) and lyrics such as, “I’ve been living my life but it’s not how it looks” and “Playin’ but not on the team” (“Sunshine”).
Amazon Music Livestream March 27, 2020
Link to Amazon Music livestream
The moment Ash leaves to go pee, Luke looks away from screen..
Cal remarks about Luke’s background, Ash makes a joke “that's not blurred that the clouds bro, Luke lives up in the hills.” Cal: “He doesn’t like those jokes.” Ash: “I love it! He hates them!” *continues laughing* (this reminds me of when Ash brought up the nickname “breadstick”/a>)
Ash helps Luke with figuring out how to get the chat. “You need to get it fullscreen Luke.” (Helping one another)
Luke “Ashton, where do you buy your glasses? The toilet store” Ash “No no no, Don’t encourage him! 2002 Simpsons humor!” Luke laughing (Luke dishing it back at Ash)
Ash “Luke, here’s one, you bogus!”
Ash “Heartbreak Grill” Luke “Heartbake girl” Burgers versus cookies. Ash starts to fight him on it but then lets it go.
Luke is stone faced and quiet when Ash starts talking about his ‘long lost love bodybuilder gf in high school’.
Ash’s dinner last night was 8 chicken nugs and a bag of popcorn. (In an interview, Ash said of the whole band, he’s the best cook and Luke is the worst, Ash poked fun at Luke microwaves eggs, perhaps Luke doesn’t cook much at all at home so Ash fends for himself often. Also, if Ash supposedly has a gf why didn’t she help figure out food?)
Ash: “Here's a good comment. Luke speak, I want to hear your voice” (Very smooth Ash. Ash has spoken a lot in interviews about how much he loves Luke’s voice. A couple of examples: backstage 2018 ARIAS Seconds of Summer: Backstage at ARIAs 2018 (5SOS Uncut), promo interview for Superbloom )
Ash: “Do you mind if I go upstairs and make a sandwich and be back in 20 mins?” Luke: “a chicken nuggets sandwich?” (the ongoing references to chicken nuggets/fish fingers, they are sharing a freezer/fridge)
Ash chooses a comment asking to sing Pink Floyd, Ash impromptu singing “Wish You Were Here”. “Uh! I’ve got that one!” * Luke immediately picks the guitar back up and starts playing a couple chords with a grin on his face* 
(44:00) Luke has heart eyes and touches his eye with his hand, when Ash ends the story he wrote to redirect attention of livestream from the super uncomfortable wattpad Luke romance fanfic that Michael reads.
(48:50) Ash reads a “worst” comment to sing Lady Gaga but yet starts singing “Perfect Illusion”.
(about 50:00) Randomly Ash says “You’re telling me, you’ve seen a million faces and you’ve rocked them all?” *Luke laughs* A lyric of one of Luke’s longtime favorite bands Bon Jovi. Again, Luke picks up guitar then plays a few notes of “Dead or Alive”.
(about 52:00) Ash reads a comment to listen to “Toxic” by Britney Spears. Ash then dances to it. Luke with huge grin on his face, bopping his head.
(about 57:30) Ash reads a comment for Luke to sing SLSP. Luke picks up guitar and starts playing. Ash “that rocked, that rocked my world”
(about 1:00:00) Fun fact: Empty Wallets was the first single they wanted to release off of Youngblood. (Lashton song, but that’s for a different day.)
(about 1:00:00) Ash “Here’s one. ‘Luke sing “Single Ladies” by Beyonce.’ I want to see that.” starts singing “put your hands up”
(about 1:02:00) Luke compliments Ash doing low screams, then says he can do the low screams and Luke can do the high screams.
 (about 1:04:00) Ash “I like this comment. ‘This is what real men vibe to.’ Damn right. That’s… thats true” *smiles* Luke: “Damn straight”
Over the course of the livestream, Ash reads out comments to read Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Beyonce.
Spilling the Quarrantea April 20, 2020
Link to Spilling the Quarrantea livestream
Luke and Ash both say that they are low on food, then when Michael says Ralph’s just restocked they both pretend to go together. Ash keeps repeating he only had fish fingers to eat, and Luke saying deflatedly that he has nothing left. When they get back into frame, Luke picks a quarrel by saying he bought all of the fish fingers so he can’t have any. Ash “I’m already down to my last groceries” Luke “Yeah I’ve got nothing left.” It’s brought up again later on. Ash “I just ate my last bag of fish fingers” Luke “yeah I’ve got no, I’ve got no food. I just ate my last chicken fingers.”” Luke brings up “what are you guys having for dinner?” Ash “I ate my fish fingers until I brave the outside world.” *Luke’s small awkward laugh*
Ash: “How was Ralph’s?” Luke: “Ralph’s was good. I bought all the fish fingers and there’s none left for you”
Luke and Ash being in sync so much they both turn to the side and lean down at the same time, at the end.
Ash makes a joke about Petunia being Luke’s roommate. Notice how much Luke and Ash are making jokes and ganging up on Cal and/or Michael.
Right at the beginning, Ash starts pretty much serenading Luke by playing the guitar and singing “Hey Carissa” to him.
Luke starts singing “Come come with a kick drum and a gary” and Ash is the only one that immediately starts clapping along.
Cal asks what they’ve been up to, that he hasn't seen them for two weeks, and Luke jokes about finishing the 5th album. Luke and Ash: “Gotta hit’em with a two hit wonder”, they both start shadowboxing.
Luke and Ash gang up on Cal about his outfit being a surf culture company. (Mind you, they themselves have been spotted before wearing the same company). Luke and Ash are losing their shit laughing.
Ash says “this is gotta be x rated, x rated, parental guidance rating for that fringe” when Luke’s bangs are in front of his headphones. Luke and Ash smirk and laugh.
Luke: I was trying to get the lighting right, does it look better or worse?” Ash “guess so, guess so” Luke: “It's hard to get lighting right” *Ash laughing* Ash “So hard” more laughing while Luke then pouts. (Luke has a pattern, since they’ve known each other, of pouting and fake crying to Ash, if he wants to get his way or feels like he’s let him down.)
Luke is asked “What have you been up to?” Luke: “I’ve been growing this beard, dyed my hair for a music video that didn’t happen” Ash flamboyantly says “you look amaaaaazing”. 
Luke does a move with his hands thinking it was a move for the music video for “Lost Boy”. Luke: “That's that video we did this thing.” Ash: *agrees softly to him* (a music video doesn’t exist for “Lost Boy”.)
Ash remembers Luke’s mom's tuna bake “that shit was good”. Luke jokes: “sounds like you're gonna make a your momma joke” Ash: “it was good” (a memory involving Luke’s mom is something that Ash recalls from their time in London, of which all the guys were just saying they don’t remember anything from then.)
Luke and Ash having their own conversation about Ash shaving his head for the album promo. Which then leads to joking about host mode. Luke bullies Ash about asking Michael about his least favorite song on the first album, Ash fondly laughs.
Ash tries again to get Luke to go into host mode, but then Luke tries to put it onto Michael to host.
At about the 26:00 mark, Luke and Ash are mirroring each other's head tilts.
“The Girl Who Cried Wolf” Luke and Ash copy each other’s “it's just lies!”
Ash “When do you think we’ll be able to see each other again.” Luke gets quiet with a serious look on his face and puts hand in front of his mouth.
(35:00) Ash and Luke mirroring touching the forehead.
Luke bursts out laughing when Ash puts the Ikea site on screen. (Luke finds Ash hilarious for everything istg, it's adorable don't get me wrong)
After the Ikea site, the first google search Ash does is “luke hemmings worst moments” then “luke hemmings net worth”. (Luke is first in Ash’s mind)
Ash mimicking Petunia’s zoned out face.
Ash “wow your roommate’s so hot, whats her name? Patrice?”, when Luke turns around to see Petunia, Ash does the same exact maneuver. Mirroring.
Luke does the “I love you” hand sign, and Ash says “I love you man”.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
Rambling thoughts as I rewatch 4x09 “Road Kill”
I thought it would be a younger version of herself from the promo & Natacha’s interview before the episode aired – BUT – I FUCKING LOVE how they did it. This is my favorite of all the ‘begins’ episodes from both 9-1-1 & LS
“Is that Marjan?” x3 – trying to figure out if the 2 Paul ones were the same one and the edited it weird or if it was in the script that he said it twice
You helped with that Tumor cake Marj.
I love that he doesn’t believe that she sold the bike & got $200 more.
So not subtle about the party – but these people are so happy to get her back and I love it.
Acts of service really is her love language
I love that the girl made it out of her relationship – I also love how they showed her doubts – that was so real. It isn’t easy leaving bad relationships – but in the end she overcame her fear – with the help of Marj.
The season of sisters – so funny. I am trying to figure out who is next – We know that Grace has 2 (Sierra’s irl sisters), Carlos has 2, and Marjan has at least 1.
As someone that performed in those 4-hour recitals – I agree -they get long and tedious – but can be absolutely adorable and hysterical at the same time.
This is actual a pretty decent spread – but yeah – that is kinda a lot of canapes
You are ALWAYS extra
They are so fucking adorable – they definitely dodged an LED bullet
Once again – they kill it with the music.
The thing about the red car – my guess is from Marjan’s memories – did the Mom crawl out of the car and die, then the father moved to the passenger side of the car? Because Marj was in the back on the drivers side behind her friends Dad. The placement when adult Marj checks them out confused me.
This is her second accident in 2 seasons
How long did she have to sit with her dead best friend and his parents after their accident?
I love her origin story – so much of who she is, why she is who she is, is so beautifully consistent with her character the last 3.5 seasons
We learned so much new info about her
Mateo gets very emotional when the people he loves are in distress – he showed us this in the first season when they found out Owen had cancer, it has continued through out the seasons. It makes sense that he would be as worked up as he is.
Good thing Grace is always at work when they need her
Kinda find it funny that the cop stays at the house while 3 firefighters go investigate.
Sucks for Rick – getting murdered for being a nice guy.
How does this cop NOT see the dead body or blood?
Grant did not cover it up that well
I also thought Grant was for sure going to kill the cop when he started walking back to his car.
The makeup department did an amazing job
TK reliving the events of who knows how long ago – this timeline taunts me daily – from Carlos’ kidnapping and now this
The acting this season has been phenomenal
“I hate to ask you this, but was she the victim or the perpetrator?” Carlos Reyes – I mean, it’s a fair question.
How the fuck did this dude bail himself out? Was the bail amount $5?
I think it is interesting that Marj was called Mouse when she was younger, but how that accident changed how she presented herself. She took her BFF’s mom’s advice and lived her true self – not as someone that was remotely quiet or shy.
This cop wasn’t at all suspicious of this dude? Like didn’t even bother running the plates?
She lost so much blood – I love that she used some of it to put up the ‘126’ on the wall.
Get a sister – Get a killer = season 3 of LS
This whole episode is so well done
“That girl can’t just see the sites like a normal tourist?” Paul ‘exhausted’ Strickland
Of course Grant borrowed his dad’s RV for a trip – guess he just never said how long that trip would be.
Survival instincts are crazy
“Are you a liar?” – child Marjan to Adult Marjan
His constant use of the word ‘friend’ gets super annoying after like the 3rd time he said it.
It is awesome how they had every part of the 126 (with a late cronut assist from Tommy) helping to find Marjan – and similar to 4x04 – Marjan saved herself – but had help in finishing the job
So I guess it is: get a sister – get a killer – save yourself from the killer – your family assists you getting medical help
The scene in the tunnel – The terror in Marjan’s eyes was something I FELT. Not just saw – but FELT
Flare to the neck – nice way for an abusive killer to die
Kinda happy it was extra painful, even if it was quick
Off topic – but I have been watching A LOT of Stranger Things – so the scene of Paul, Judd, and Owen all being on their radios made me laugh and think of the kids/teens (mostly the never-ending story scene)
Now Kylie will never have to look over her shoulder for her abusive ex again.
Owen’s face at the truck after they find the old man’s body – perfect expression of fear and grief.
I am so glad they cut the Nanteo scene in the hospital
Give them development, but this wasn’t the time
Super cute TK sleeping on Carlos
I do hope that they do something with what they have been sorta building up for them
None of these people do well with R&R – not a single one of them – But I think Grace and Owen are the worst
“It could be that our daughter just don’t got no interest at all” Judd Ryder – good luck buddy
“Who is here for Marjan Marwani” EVERYONE
“Why you guys first? Fine just don’t take too long.” Mateo being the youngest brother.
Another great quotable episode
I did love the reveal of it being a younger Marjan, showing us her parents
This was such a strong episode – from top to bottom, every member of the cast & crew really gave it their all – and it shows.
She looks so small in that hospital bed with her found brother & adopted dad, then her smile when she gets the flowers from her parents – such a great ending scene.
Looking forward to the rest of the season – It just keeps getting better.
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d10nsaint · 2 years
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am i trippin or does sierra look like diana?
diana>>sierra but anyways the promo art style fucked me up
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skelltan · 2 years
MLW Fusion 156 Review/Recap
Hey everyone, welcome to another review of MLW Fusion. This time, I'm looking at their latest episode, so we can finally be up to date. If you wanna look at my prior MLW reviews or other wrestling reviews, check out the tags at the bottom of the post. With that out of the way, let's have a look at MLW Fusion 156, the Thanksgiving special.
We have a promo package on the world title match. They were both former members of The Dynasty, which I had forgotten. MJF is actually in some of that footage, as he was the other member of The Dynasty, but still, interesting to see him. I know MLW has a bad relationship with AEW and AEW already does a lot of outside promotion stuff, but I’d love to see AEW and MLW do some sort of crossover, even if it’s some talent from both promotions on an indie show.
Shirley Bassey’s “Diamonds are Forever” plays for a second, which got me intrigued – it turns out The Dynasty’s theme was the instrumental to Diamonds from Sierra Leone! That’s so kickass, I always thought plenty of Kanye songs would be great wrestling themes.
Apparently next week is the super series, which has some interpromotion stuff. I’m guessing it’ll only really be AAA, Dragon Gate. MAYBE NWA and Impact. This was taped months ago so I could spoil it, but I wanna go in clean.
To the ring, we’re starting with Britanny Blake vs Taya Valkyrie. I’m not a huge Taya fan so I don’t expect to enjoy this, but we’ll see. Actually, I’ll have seen two people on this show live – Taya and Hammerstone, and I didn’t particularly enjoy either, but I’ve seen far less Hammerstone, so I have better expectations for him.
Anyways, Brittany starts by wailing on Taya. She ends up with a submission on Taya, but goes to choke Taya, causing a break. Brittany goes for another submission. Taya breaks out and tries to go on the attack, but Brittany keeps the lead, getting a pair of two counts. Brittany goes for a double stomp off the top rope, but Taya hits a spear.
Ad break, as we come back,Taya is in control now, with a blue thunder bomb for a two. After that, a half crab, but Brittany makes the ropes. Backstabber on Taya for a 2. Brittany goes for a tiltwahirl DDT, but gets suplexed for a two count.
Taya taunts Brittany and tries to set her up on the top rope but Brittany escapes, with some sort of tiltawhirl armbreaker. She goes for the Bad Omen, which I think is her finisher, but Taya makes the rope.
Brittany attacks more, but Taya hits what the commentators call a STO, but looks more like a clothesline to me. Taya hits a curbstomp on Brittany’s back and hits the Loca Lock for the win.
Taya was alright, but I’m still just not really a fan of her. I was actually quite impressed by Brittany, I liked her energy and I think her moveset flows together really well, which was most of what made the match exciting for me.
We get the email prompt for the Opera Cup again, then the Supe Series is mentioned again, and in January we’ll get Blood and Thunder and Superfight in February. Then a video package for Ej Nduka. More Kanye as Power plays in the back. His parents were Nigerian immigrants and he fought his way here. He played a lot of sport in high school and is a former football guy, he played on a few teams, then got into body building. I completely forgot EJ was a former WWE Performance Center guy. Hey, here’s hoping he learnt some good stuff there and makes a name for himself. This promo package got me behind him, I hope he’s good in the ring.
He then also gets a backstage interview, where he’s asked his thoughts on the main event. Apparently EJ was undefeated and got most eliminations in Battle Riot. At least we know about his streak prior to him losing it. Wait, Holliday and Hammerstone is next? Is this really the main event? We have 40 minutes left! I’ve talked about MLW’s time management, and I get it, it’s a title match, but if the rest of this show is just the main event, that’s overkill.
In the meantime, we hear that indeed, Dragon Gate will be at Super Series and get the same hype package for Shun. Oh, he cuts a promo, too. He calls out Myron Reed, specifically. We get more Mance, which isn’t ever a bad thing. He’s got a hotline with scoops. I don’t know how international phone calls work, but if I were in America I’d call that up. He claims Mads Kruger is Doc Gallows. A plane flies past and is loud and Mance ad-libs that that’s Doc on his way. Masterful.
As expected, AAA is also mentioned to be part of Super Series. 4 luchadoras are gonna be in an elimination match next week for the #1 contendership to the featherweight title. I’m looking forward to that, I saw one of their matches at Triplemania once and thought it was pretty good.
Well, it actually is time for the main event, surprisingly. Holliday is on the attack, focusing on Hammerstone’s injured ribs. They make it to the outside where Hammerstone hits a suplex. Cover for two. They brawl down the ramp and find their way in a staircase that they fight up. They’re on the roof for a two count. This is the same place Cesar filmed his segment last episode.
They then fight back down the stairs. Ad break, as we’re back they go back down the ramp. Hammerstone throws Holliday into the ring. Holliday hits a rope assisted DDT for a two count. He gets a few kicks on Hammerstone.
Scoop slam and a splash on Holliday or another two. Holliday stays on the attack and undoes some of Hammerstone’s bandages. Holliday stays on him, but Hammerstone hits a dropkick and both are down as the ref starts a count.
They both get up, but Hammerstone hulks up and hits a dropkick and then a power slam for a two count. They’re on the ramp again as Hammerstone has control. They then make it backstage, and back to the arena. Holliday calls Hammerstone a juiced up bitch before getting him in a submission through a rail.
They fight to hit a move on the ramp, and Holliday hits the piledriver Holliday gets Hammer in the ring, but he’s still fighting, hitting a suplex. Sitout powerbomb for a 2 count. They fight on the apron, but Holliday hits his finisher, the 2008. For a finisher, it doesn’t look that impressive. Anyways, 2 count. They then exchange strikes. Hammerstone gets in control and hits the torutre rack.
The match wasn’t terrible, and I will admit, again my description of the action was lacking, but it really was just sort of a boring brawl around the arena. I don’t dislike falls count anywhere matches but they need something special to be entertaining, and this didn’t have it. It doesn’t help I feel Hammerstone just sort of stopped selling halfway through and wasn’t a fan when I saw him live.
Because it was mostly a brawl, I didn’t get a feeling for Holliday, but like I said, his finisher is kinda boring, so that’s not a good sign. I think if they went with an “I Quit” stipulation and focused this match more heavily on submissions/Holliday working the ribs and Hammerstone being an underdog who somehow got the upper hand thanks to some sort of advantage, it would work better, but alas, not the case.
We then get word Bandido is the next challenger for the title. I like Bandido, but as I said, not so much Hammerstone, so I hope Bandido can carry him to an interesting match. Hammerstone gets an interview, but EJ comes down. EJ turns heel, though, hitting Hammerstone wth his belt. EJ tries to slam Hammerstone through a table, but it doesn’t break. Second time’s the charm, though.
Not the worst ending segment, but it didn’t sell me on the match. They also did tease EJ turning heel earlier, but I didn’t mention it because I didn’t think they would after that video package. Showing that video package hyping him up and then turning him heel sure was a decision.
This was my least favourite episode of MLW Fusion so far. It wasn’t terrible and I still enjoyed the opening match, at least, but it was the weakest of the last 3 episodes. I hope the next episode is better.
To be honest, Brittany Blake was my highlight of this episode, while my least favourite part was the main event - which is kinda a bad thing for obvious reasons, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say the structure of the falls count anywhere match did them no favours. Hammerstone’s lack of selling irked me the most. Again, I’ll give him benefit of the doubt – he was in the longest match on the show, so it gave me more time to see him and not like his role in the match as opposed to everyone else who had bit sized matches.
I'll see you all next time, whether that be more MLW or an entirely new promotion.
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tonkienjoy · 2 years
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finishinglinepress · 3 years
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FLP POETRY BOOK OF THE DAY: Fourth World Woman by Lara Gularte
TO ORDER GO TO: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/fourth-world-woman-by-lara-gularte/ RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY
Lara Gularte lives and writes in the Sierra Foothills of California. She is El Dorado County Poet Laureate 2021-2023. Her book of poetry, Kissing the Bee, was published by “The Bitter Oleander Press,” in 2018. Nominated for several Pushcart Prizes, Gularte has been published in national and international journals and anthologies. Her poetry depicting her Azorean heritage is included in the The Gávea-Brown Book of Portuguese-American Poetry, and in Writers of the Portuguese Diaspora in the United States and Canada. She is affiliated with the Cagarro Colloquium: Azorian Diaspora Writers, at the Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute (PBBI), California State University-Fresno. In 2017 Gularte traveled to Cuba with a delegation of American poets and presented her poetry at the Festival Internacional de Poesia de la Habana. She’s a proud member of the esteemed, “Escritores Del Nuevo Sol.” Gularte is a creative writing instructor for California Transformative Arts at Mule Creek prison.
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR Fourth World Woman by Lara Gularte
Gularte’s identification with herself through the natural world and through the lives of others with whom she feels more than just symbolic empathy, provides us with something unique to the usual landscape that poetry’s created in our late 20th and early 21st century: passion. Engaged to the particular, Gularte brings us closer to a world we all rarely have time to visit and she accomplishes this not with elaborate description or pretention of any kind, but with an immediacy that reveals something heretofore unseen or unheard. You don’t stand still in these poems nor does their steady pace hurry you in any way. Each word matters and, without getting in their way, they allow us the opportunity to experience what we never knew was there.
–Paul B. Roth, The Bitter Oleander Press
Plant, wildlife and human converge into one unified voice of nature and spirituality in Lara Gularte’s Fourth World Woman. The poet easily travels between dimensions and species, as ancestors drift through the pages. She manages to write from several layers at once, combing the depths of imagination while describing sensitive emotions involved in a mastectomy. She waits for the test to come back negative/while death leans into the side of the house…. Her face at the open pane, half here and half there –/where her mother ghosts among the trees. Readers will find themselves entranced and unable to resist following Gularte to glimpse heaven and the afterlife when, the moon throws a rope down for her to climb.
–Patty Dickson Pieczka, Beyond the Moon’s White Claw
Lara Gularte‘s Fourth World Woman is both a wild read and a surrealistic delight. Inhabited by creatures from the natural and geophysical worlds—doves, a giant fish shape, wolves, even the moon and clouds—the poems surprise with some deft shape-shifting: a dead dove comes alive, a “brown bear bellows/from the voice of an old woman,” and clouds are transformed into “a sky of old shoes.” But there’s a purpose to the flash and sleight of hand. Whether the startling poetic landscape is navigated by an unnamed “she” or by a first-person narrator, Gularte takes on issues like border crossings, family separation, the pandemic, the 2018 Camp Fire in California, and, ultimately, mortality. As she writes in “Leaves,” “the distance between now/and my future shortens . . .” The most personal poems in this collection—”The Close Sky,” “Transcending My Daylight Body,” and “Beauty”—are probably the strongest. You will be deeply moved by this book.
–Nancy Vieira Couto, Carlisle & the Common Accident
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My Opinions on Varchie, Bughead, and Barchie’s Chemistry
I know a lot of my fellow Varchie/Bughead shippers strongly dislike Barchie. One of their biggest arguments against the pairing is that they lack development over the past four seasons and that seemingly, this cheating scandal has come out of nowhere with very little warning or sense attached, which I agree with. It does feel like Betty and Archie’s (especially romantic) relationship has been very minimally developed over the last few years, making this seem sudden, unexpected, and in my personal opinion, not logical. Especially considering how good, strong, and healthy Betty and Jughead’s, and Veronica and Archie’s relationships appeared in S4. I didn’t really think that we were headed for infidelity or dishonesty, secrecy or betrayal. Not at all. I understand and respect why, from a drama and entertainment standpoint, it was done, but within the story, to me, it just doesn’t really make much sense. I hope most Varchies/Bugheads/ maybe even some Barchies or “on the fence” Barchies at least, could agree with that.
Another major argument for the anti-Barchies is the lack of chemistry shared between the characters and even more so, the actors, KJ and Lili. Now I don’t totally disagree with this, however, I believe there are different forms of chemistry that actors can display.
(Before I begin, this is entirely my opinion, with my terminology and categorizations, my ideas of where each fits, etc. All me, no actual research done other than looking at scenes of Riverdale to find examples. It is 1000% okay to disagree with me or to think about this differently. This is just my interpretation as a long-time teen drama tv watcher and someone that spends way too much time analyzing fictional characters, actors, and relationships of all kinds. I have no expertise or credibility in this. I’m just doing it for fun. Also, I believe this can be true in all industries and all relationships, not only in entertainment or on a fictional tv show/movie.)
First, there is Working chemistry. As in two people or a group that just make sense when they are together. There is a natural ease and comfortability between actors that makes those scenes flow well and makes the actors’ portrayal of the friendships/relationships their characters have a lot more believable and enjoyable to watch. KJ, Lili, Cami, Cole, Mads, Vanessa, Casey, etc, all possess this chemistry with each other. It’s obvious that they enjoy working with each other. They enjoy each other as people and that comes out on screen very well I think. Their irl close friendships and trust between each other definitely make this a lot easier and more authentic in the show as well as in interviews and promos for sure, which is one of the reasons I’m really drawn to this show. (Examples: Core 4 scenes at Pop’s, group scenes in musical episodes, the family groupings, the romantic pairings, one on one friendships like Betty and Veronica, Archie and Jughead, Kevin and Betty, Cheryl and Veronica, the list goes on.)
Emotional/Relational chemistry is similar to working chemistry, but I think it’s a level deeper. This can occur between short-lived romantic relationships, such as a character’s rebound or fling, along with family members, friends, neighbors, etc. I most commonly associate this kind of chemistry with primarily words and sometimes actions or deeds. Childhood best friends are a really good example of this to me, such as Betty and Archie in my mind. This chemistry means that actors/characters deeply trust each other and this trust has usually been built up and developed over the course of many years. The people involved are usually very comfortable with each other, again, trust one another in scenes, and depend on each other. A huge characteristic of relationships that include emotional chemistry is the ability of these characters to be vulnerable with one another, to have deep, meaningful conversation, know how to comfort one another, and the desire to protect, be there for, support, and look after each other. I like to call these brother-sister relationships sometimes.
Though most serious romances possess a large amount of emotional chemistry, a relationship that contains solely an emotional bond cannot progress further, such as a lasting, healthy romance. In my opinion, this is where Barchie’s relationship can be categorized.
Consequently, I greatly disagree with anyone who says KJ and Lili don’t have any chemistry with each other whatsoever. In nearly all of their scenes since S1, we can see that Betty and Archie care deeply for each other. They really trust each other. They feel safe and comfortable with one another and feel the need to protect the other from any kind of harm or danger. They have been there for each other through some very painful and difficult circumstances and have been constant sources of comfort and safety for each other since they were children. They grew up together. They know so much about one another and have been through so much together. KJ and Lili do a fantastic job with this kind of chemistry. Very emotionally driven scenes, scenes of saying what the other needs to hear, being a shoulder for the other to lean or cry on, giving advice to help each other through the trouble they face in their lives, having a good time together, being emotionally vulnerable and honest, showing up when the other needs them, and occasionally letting their emotions get the better of them and, in Archie and Betty’s case, believing that chemistry is a different kind than it really is. (Ex. Archie helping Betty calm down after the Black Hood and breaking up with Jughead for her in S2, 3x5 Archie’s escape when Betty gets him out of the pipe and hugs him, Betty working with Mary and Sierra on Archie’s case to prove him innocent, the glances out their windows. Look, they have good emotional/relational chemistry is what I’m trying to say.)
However, Betty and Archie have only ever kissed while broken up with or in a fight with the character they are most associated with romantically. (And the plan to help Jughead in S4, but that doesn’t count since it didn’t really have any romantic intention and was purely (at least initially) a ploy to distract everyone from the truth of Jughead being alive.) KJ Apa and Lili Reinhart have amazing emotional chemistry. It’s obvious that they care about and trust each other as real life people as well as their characters. They are clearly close in real life and have a pretty similar relationship to Betty and Archie from my observation. KJ and Cami also have phenomenal emotional chemistry with clearly a very deep trust or at the very least, the front of one, between each other as people and scene partners. Cole and Lili obviously do as well, and I could argue that the majority of actors on Riverdale share this emotional chemistry with many of their costars.
What I believe KJ and Lili, not particularly to fault of either of them, lack, is Physical, Sexual, and/or Romantic chemistry. I believe this is the only kind of chemistry that can’t be forced or faked. Physical chemistry is most often displayed in serious, long-term dating relationships and marriages, but can also show up in various other relationships in some circumstances. This usually comes in handy when actors/characters are kissing, hugging, holding hands, innocently touching like rubbing hands, holding faces or playing with hair. This can also be in the forms of heart eyes, certain smiles or flirty glances, etc. I see this as very intentional and almost second nature to most actors portraying couples. Actors with a lot of physical chemistry have to be incredibly comfortable with and trusting of each other. As has been said on countless occasions, lots of romantic scenes in films and tv are very very staged so making them look authentic, unplanned, attractive, and believable is a whole nother level of talent and trust in my opinion.
Most pairs of physically compatible actors tend to come up with their own ideas and improv some “coupley” gestures or ways of showing affection towards each other’s characters in ways that make sense for the story, those characters’ individual personalities, and the relationships between them. The first couple on Riverdale that I think of with strong romantic/physical chemistry is Archie and Veronica. KJ and Cami being the actors that portray them, of course. They have incredible physical chemistry and Varchie are also often seen as an overall very physical couple, constantly wanting to be near and touch each other. Yes, they also kiss, make out, and even have sex often on the show, but their physical chemistry really shows in the little things if you ask me. The overall show of physical affection displayed towards each other is truly so beautiful and looks so real and believable on screen. It’s especially obvious when actors are so comfortable and so invested in their characters that they come up with their own little moments for their couple that they know fans will enjoy. For KJ and Cami, they seem to find 100 different little ways to hold hands or to be very affectionate by touching each other’s hair and having specific movements or gestures they do every time they kiss that real life couples would definitely have, and overall using pretty simple facial expressions and body language to portray the love and the very believable (to me) relationship between Archie and Veronica.
Cole and Lili’s portrayal of Betty and Jughead is also very physically authentic, such as when Cole kisses Lili’s forehead or how she was laying on him in the season 4 Halloween episode. Vanessa and Mads and Choni have great physical chemistry too, due to how much they trust each other and how comfortable and close they are with each other in real life as best friends. Some of those little moments could be suggested by the director, but I know many of the small things are not scripted or directed. I do believe that genuine, physical chemistry is natural and cannot be fabricated. It sure can be exaggerated or diminished by good actors, but it really can’t be entirely faked without being very obvious in my mind.. All this to say, I believe that Betty and Archie lack that physical/romantic connection and I personally think KJ and Lili just don’t naturally have the same level of that chemistry as they do with Cami and Cole. Again, that is not remotely a diss to either actor. Some pairings just don’t work like others do and that’s not because the actors are incapable or “not talented enough” to portray it.
The casting team struck gold with KJ and Cami’s and Lili and Cole’s chemistry and that is very rare to find, especially for an entire cast to be so authentically compatible with each other. In conclusion, I am not completely against the idea of Betty and Archie as a couple, but I’m just not a huge fan of it because I don’t think it would be as realistic or believable as Varchie and Bughead are, solely based on the natural, romantic chemistry the actors have with each other. Not to mention the story and what makes the most sense in that regard.
TL; DR: I don’t blame you. This is my mind at 2am. Basically, I believe there are three major levels of chemistry between people, especially actors and the characters they portray.
1) Working Chemistry: pretty much people (actors) that genuinely like one another, get along, and make the relationships of their characters believable and enjoyable on screen. (aka the entire cast of Riverdale)
2) Emotional/Relational Chemistry: Kind of similar to working, but a level deeper. I refer to these as “sibling/family-esque” relationships. Usually expressed through words and sometimes actions or deeds. This is where I personally believe Betty/Archie’s relationship is.
3) Physical/Sexual/Romantic Chemistry: Everything from flirty glances to making staged romance scenes look authentic, to coming up with sweet little gestures to show affection. I believe this cannot be faked/forced entirely. Physical chemistry is something I believe Veronica/Archie and Betty/Jughead display incredibly well. In my opinion, this is what Barchie lacks. Both the characters and the actors that play them. Not dissing either of them, they’re obviously phenomenal actors and KJ/Lili have amazing emotional chemistry, I just personally think the romantic chemistry between them isn’t as strong as KJ/Cami, Cole/Lili, Madelaine/Vanessa, etc.
*If you made it this far, you’re also in too deep with this show. I’m kidding, I love you. Thank you for reading all of this. I would absolutely love to hear what you think.*
Also, thank you Freya @loverofthor-2 for proofreading and encouraging me to post my brain dump yet again. ❤️
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5sosbitchfest · 4 years
2/2 they don’t even mention each other ever and we know Sierra was a former client of crystal, who does or. Was this also promo to get Sierra to get a sponsorship from that lettuce company? Is s trying to be a garden blogger now? Why is this so manic pixie dream girl/cottagecore character-ish to me? Is anyone else getting this vibe? This is a girl who won’t hold herself accountable and her fans let her get away with it, so S continues to gaslight even more to talk about gardening.
Part 2 of one of the just answered asks.
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pcwpolwrestling · 3 years
PCW-The Return
How did we get here?
Extreme Election Night 2020 Preview December 27, 2020 Preview of PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020 -15th Anniversary Celebration -The 2020 Year in Review -Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden
PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020-Part One December 31, 2020 –Donald Trump and Joe Biden both interview for the PCW CEO position -ARIZONA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Martha McSally (American Patriots) vs. Mark Kelly (Progressive Alliance) -SOUTH CAROLINA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Lindsey Graham (American Patriots) vs. Jaime Harrison (Progressive Alliance) -PCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Jill Berg Enterprises: P.M.C. Banks and Kirk Walstreit (American Patriots) vs. The Green World Order: GreenPete and ‘Vengeful Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee (Progressive Alliance) vs. The Deplorables: ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay and ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan (American Heartland Coalition)
PCW’s Extreme Election Night 2020-Part Two January 4, 2021 -ALABAMA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Tommy Tuberville (American Patriots) vs. Doug Jones (Progressive Alliance) -HOUSE WAR GAMES MATCH: Progressive Alliance vs. American Patriots -MICHIGAN SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Gary Peters (Progressive Alliance) vs. John James (American Patriots) -MAIN EVENT #1/PCW WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Kathryn Randall Collins (Progressive Alliance) vs. ‘Alaskan Rogue’ Sierra Whalen (American Patriots) -MAIN EVENT #2/PCW TITLE MATCH: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels w/PCW CEO candidate Joe Biden, Aide de Camp candidate Kamala Harris (Progressive Alliance) vs. ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott w/PCW CEO Donald Trump, Aide de Camp Mike Pence (American Patriots) -Who will be named the new CEO of PCW?  Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
Riot Breaks Out at PCW Show January 10, 2021 -‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay, ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan, Charlie Blackwell, and the Vice Squad’s General DeBauchery rescue Dawn McGill and race to Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon -Colleen Crowder celebrates Joe Biden’s win and the success of the Progressive Alliance at Extreme Election Night 2020 -GEORGIA SENATE MEDALLION MATCH: Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff (Progressive Alliance) vs. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue (American Patriots) -PCW CEO Donald Trump promo -Kevin Scott interview -Kevin Daniels interview -PCW TITLE MATCH: ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels (Progressive Alliance) © vs. ‘Starz N. Stripes’ Kevin Scott (American Patriots)
Replay of The End of PCW Extreme Political TV – January 10th, 2021 After rescuing Dawn McGill and driving back to Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon for the show, ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay and McGill arrive at Hack’s to find it in ruins following the riot that took place.  McGill gets a sinking stomach in her stomach and mutters ‘Oh my God.’  McAvay tells the officer Dawn McGill is the owner of PCW and the officer motions to them to park the car away from the building. After Ray parks the car, he and Dawn walk towards Hack’s they begin to see the full scope of damage.  Broken windows.  Glass all over the place.  Chairs, tables broken in the parking lot.
They reach the entrance and look inside.  Ray says they ‘trashed the place.’  Tables and chair strewn all over.  The wrestling ring destroyed.  Broken light fixtures.  Glass all over the floor.  Beer and alcohol all over the floor.  The owner of the bar meets Dawn in the foyer and explains like other small businesses thanks to COVID they were in trouble already.  He works hard.  Does the right things.  Makes the right choices.  And this happens.  McGill tries to apologize to him.  He just shakes his head and hands her a torn up contract.  McGill peers down at the remnants of the document in her hands. Then it gets worse.
Coke Brothers (David and Charles), George Moros- big money political financiers, the founder of the Alan Lincolns Project Alan Lincolns, and Big Tech’s Jack Buckenberg- CEO of Facetwitogram approach Dawn.  Moros refers to Dawn’s relatively disheveled appearance and says ‘aren’t you a sight’ to her. McGill’s face turns beet red and she tells Moros he knows damn well what happened.  His goons kidnapped and held her hostage for two months.
Moros replies all everyone saw on video was McGill running out on the show at Extreme Election Night and demands proof of the ‘kidnapping’ or else this just is another wild, baseless accusation.
Dawn goes to leap at Moros but McAvay stops her.  Moros has a sick grin on his face.  He tells her it’s over and she’s through.  The Republicans and Democrats are both on board and they’re partnering with their new best friend Jack Buckenberg for a new political wrestling show that will be headed by someone you know and love.
Out of the smoke and rubble of the interior of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon walks the ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann- McGill and PCW’s long-time nemesis.  McAvay mutters ‘son of a bitch’ to himself.   McGill?  She says not him… anyone but him.  McMann goes up to McGill.  He smiles and tells her she’s really let herself go.  Again, McGill starts to make an aggressive move forward.  Again, McAvay pulls her back.  McMann brags that it took sixteen years but he’s finally won.  Game over.
Then Buckenberg delivers the coup de grace. He tells McGill consider PCW deplatformed.
A few minutes later…McGill, McAvay, and ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave watch Mr. McMann- backed by The Coke Brothers, George Moros, and Alan Lincolns- give an impromptu press conference attended by The Guild of Low Level Media People Trying to Make a Name for Themselves: Colleen Crowder-New York Times, Sharon Johns-CNN, Bill Smithers-Fox News, Hallie Reed-MSNBC, and Dan Miller-Washington Post.  Suave muses that the writer of the movie ‘The Running Man’ may have called the transformation of politics, society, and culture right on the money.  A dejected McGill notes the enthusiastic applause coming from the Guild of Low Level Media people to McMann’s remarks.
Dawn McGill: So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.
Dawn McGill’s House- Wednesday January 20th, 2021 Seated in her favorite comfy chair, munching on a bowl of popcorn and drinking whiskey from a glass on an adjacent table, wearing her favorite sweatshirt and blue jeans, feet propped up on the entertainment stand complete with freshly painted red toenails shining in the light from the nearby lamp, Dawn watches the newly returned Political Wrestling Universe’s Blue Brand aka…PWU Political Shakedown show- live from Washington, D.C.
What’s happening?  The official installation of Joe Biden as the new CEO of PCW.
Dawn pops a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth and reflects on what’s happened over the past three months: -the return of PCW and Extreme Election Night 2020- a night where the Progressive Alliance swept everything and took full control of the PCW Executive Committee.   -her abduction at the hands of the big money financiers of both the Progressive Alliance (George Moros) and American Patriots (The Coke Brothers), aided and abetted by Alan Lincoln’s Project, during Extreme Election Night and subsequent detention for almost two months before The Deplorables came to her rescue. -the riot that took place at Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon that destroyed the spiritual home of PCW for over 15 years which leads to the return of ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and the end of PCW.
Sighing, she watches the star-studded, Hollywood-style production on TV and notices the heavy security on hand.  She saw troops from the Space Force dressed in white and black with white helmets to usher in the beginning of new CEO of PCW Joe Biden’s tenure, the new CEO of PCW is delivering his acceptance speech.
Biden stands behind the podium.  His wrinkled seventy-six year old face is covered in a dark shroud and his hands occasionally shoot out bolts of force lightning when he gesticulates…okay, maybe it doesn’t but still…
Joe Biden (from the television): People, supporters of Political Championship Wrestling, today we mark a transition. For years, PCW stood as the conduit for people who were fed up with the status quo, fed up with politics as usual.  But there were those within our fan base who would set us against one another for we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within.  These “supporters” conspired to create a shadow of doubt on my appointment aided and abetted by the previous PCW CEO.
Dawn stuffs another piece of popcorn into her mouth.
Joe Biden: The riot two and a half weeks ago left PCW scarred and deformed.  But I can assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over.  The Trumpists been defeated, and the rebellion…… er…… I mean…… insurrection has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.  With that in mind, in order to ensure the security and continuing stability and for a safe and secure society, Political Championship Wrestling will be reorganized into the Political Wrestling Universe and PCW will cease to exist.
Another sigh.  Dawn then reaches over and takes a sip of whiskey.
Joe Biden: By bringing the political universal under our enlightened guidance, the corruption that plagued PCW in the past few years under the ownership of Dawn McGill will never take root ever again.
McGill rolls her eyes and chucks a piece of popcorn at the TV.
Biden then puts on what appears to be the same Infinity Gauntlet that Donald Trump used last year to end the Red and Blue Brand shows.
What Infinity Gauntlet you may ask?
[REPLAY: 5/2/2019-Extreme Political TV-Donald Trump (R-NY)] The CEO of Political Championship Wrestling Donald Trump explains why the Red Brand and Blue Brand went dark, shows were cancelled, and why PCW ran replays of shows from ten years ago over the past two weeks. Short and to the point, Trump states the current method of doing business with three brands wasn’t working so, he felt it was time to make a change.
Trump reaches under the podium and pulls out an Infinity Gauntlet (ie…the very same Infinity Gauntlet featured in the recent Avengers movie). He places said Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand. Trump raises his hand in the air.
Then he attaches a red stone to the gauntlet. Then he snaps his fingers and says Red Brand is no more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – let out a loud cheer.
Trump then attaches a blue stone to the gauntlet and snaps his fingers and proclaims the Blue Brand. No more. The press- except for most of the Fox News contingent – groan.
Then Trump attaches a white and black stone with PCW written on it to the gauntlet. But this time he doesn’t snap his fingers. Trump announces he’d made PCW owner Dawn McGill a generous offer for PCW that sets her up for life and she accepted.
Cut back to Dawn’s living room.
Joe Biden: With this Infinity Gauntlet, with one snap of my fingers I brought back the Blue Brand show and here all of you are watching PWU’s Political Shakedown show.  Also with one snap of my fingers, I brought back the Red Brand show- PWU’s Politico War – which will return next Monday night.
Biden pauses for applause.
Joe Biden: Under our New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms.
Behind Biden, George Moros, The Coke Brothers, the CEO of Facetwitogram Jack Buckenberg, and the founder of the Alan Lincolns Project- Alan Lincolns, all approve and applaud.
The camera then focuses in on Berkeley, California professor- Professor McCarthy- and his Flock: -The Green World Order: GreenPete, ‘Extreme Vegan’ Brock Cole Lee, PeaceNick, and Peta from PETA -The Young Jerks: Zenk Cryger, James Idaho, and Anna -Code Pink, and Emily S. List
The Flock also applaud Biden’s speech and Professor McCarthy wipes a tear from his eyes while he holds up the ‘good book that spells out what’s correct and incorrect to think, say, and believe’
Next, the Hollywood Left and sports celebrities from all different walks signal their approval with applause.
Joe Biden: We will give no ground to our enemies and we will stand together against attacks from with or without. Let our enemies take heed.  Those who challenge our resolve will be crushed.
The Guild of Low Level Media People Trying to Make a Name for Themselves: Colleen Crowder-New York Times, Sharon Johns-CNN, Bill Smithers-Fox News, Hallie Reed-MSNBC, and Dan Miller-Washington Post all heartily applaud this line.
Joe Biden: And now, with this Infinity Gauntlet, I will wipe out of existence once and for all- PCW.
‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann stands and claps. Dawn closes her eyes and braces herself as Biden snaps his finger and…
The Location of Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon 2005-2021- Sunday January 31st, 2021 It’s 30 degrees outside and snowing.  The area where Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon once stood is nothing more than a snow-covered field now.  Dawn McGill and Johnny Suave are parked off the side of the road and staring out at where the former spiritual home of PCW for over fifteen years used to stand.
Sitting on the hood of the car, Dawn pours some whiskey into a pair of shot glasses.  She hands one of the shot glasses to Suave and asks him what they should drink to.  Suave gazes out into the now empty field and mutters something about good times and good memories. They clink their shot glasses together and down the shots.
She tells Suave that PCW Champion ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels signed on with The Political Wrestling Universe’s Blue Brand show- PWU’s Political Shakedown.  PCW Women’s Champion Kathryn Randall Collins has also signed with the Blue Brand.  Jill Berg Enterprises signed with PWU’s Red Brand- PWU is Politico War.  So basically, to go on means starting over.
Suave takes the whiskey bottle, tilts his head back, and downs another swig of whiskey directly from the bottle.  He puts the bottle down on the hood of the car.
Johnny Suave: Well, that’s never stopped us before.
Close in on McGill: she smiles.
Political Wrestling Universe Headquarters – Washington D.C. – February 2021 So not one year after the last time PCW Owner Dawn McGill was hauled before the Executive Committee of the Political Universe for a hearing with the express purpose of determining whether or not she would be removed as the Executive Director of Political Championship Wrestling, they did it again in the aftermath of the riot that took place on January 6th at Hack’s Rusty Nail Saloon.
The hearing takes place before the Executive Committee of the Political Universe.  You can cut through the tense atmosphere with a knife.  It permeates throughout the hall.  Dead quiet inside the hearing room save the occasional sound of a chair moving along the floor, the ruffle of paper, and most notably, the sound of several photographers snapping off shots in rapid fire fashion.
Sitting at a table cutting a solitary figure with a glass of water placed next to her elbow, Executive Director Dawn McGill one more time faced the stern glare of one Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA).  Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is also there.  This time, the hearing would include Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
McGill addresses the Executive Committee and demands to know why she is there when there are so many other pressing issues that need their immediate attention.  She can’t believe for a second that there are more important matters to deal with than wasting time on a hearing over the reset of PCW once again.  Nancy Pelosi offers a sour expression in response and cuts her off.  She tells McGill she knows why she is here- the matter of the riot that took place in January l why you are here.  The matter of the riot that took place last month at one of your…- Pelosi spits out the next word with a heaping helping of distain – …shows is an important matter and one more time brings her – Pelosi accentuates the next word with a hint of sarcasm added for extra emphasis-  …leadership into question.  Pelosi tells McGill what happened at the show was unacceptable and her continued ‘pathetic attempt at leadership’ was also unacceptable.  If Pelosi had her way, she would have been removed as the owner of PCW last year.
McGill fired back that Pelosi was entitled to her opinion and she was entitled to be wrong.  In Dawn’s opinion, the problem begins right here with the proliferation of the influence of special interest groups that fund both of big factions.  She says let’s be honest and adds that she knows it’s something she knows is very hard for many of them to grasp.  That crack causes Chuck Schumer to step in and inform McGill that she will ‘refrain from making further comments like that and show this committee the respect they deserve.’
Dawn McGill: With all due respect, Mr. Schumer, I’ll show you the same respect that you show the rest of us.
Later on, Dawn’s in the middle of answering a question and accuses the committee of influencing P-SPAN to take PCW off the air.  Adam Schiff pops in and tells her PCW was not appropriate programming for a serious political channel. McGill claps back and tells Schiff the things that go on here isn’t appropriate programming for a serious political channel.  She wants to know when does the Executive Committee get directly involved in programming matters on privately owned media networks?  Schiff responds that she’s not listening and that PCW was not appropriate programming for P-SPAN.
The tone heats up even more.  McGill snaps back that it’s not for them to decide because that’s the ‘people’s job.  She says it’s obvious what happened- weight was thrown around and in the end the committee got their way. Schiff tries to defend their action and pronounces the committee has every right to oversee and regulate the product- especially after what happened at the insurrection that took place last month.  McGill shoots back not to give her that crap and Schumer again admonishes her to refrain from that kind of talk.  McGill tells Schumer she will not refrain and will persist.  Schumer tries to interrupt her but McGill persists.  She says it’s bad enough that every single aspect of American life has become politicized.  Sports has been politicized.  Entertainment has been politicized.  Science- politicized.  Education-politicized.  In her opinion, to let this slide supports the status quo where big money equals power and leaves behind middle class America.  She will not refrain.  She will persist.
Schiff bangs his gavel down and calls for order.  He slams the gavel down a second time
Adam Schiff: ORDER!  Miss McGill, that’s enough! You are OUT OF ORDER!
Dawn shoots up from her chair and tells Schiff he’s out of order.  She points at Nancy Pelosi and tells her she’s out of order! Then Mitch McConnell. She says the committee is out of order and she was done wasting my time talking to you.  McGill grabs her stuff and motions to the Les Miserables inside the hall: ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay, his wife- West Texas Adult Entertainment Legend Stacee Perry, Bert the Janitor, and a whole section of people who stand up en masse at her beckoning.
Dawn McGill: We don’t need you.  And you can all kiss my ass.
As all hell breaks loose, McGill defiantly marches out of the hearing room with the Les Miserables humming ‘Do You Hear the People Sing?’
Political Championship Wrestling PCW Arena 19th Street and Alcove Ave. Lubbock, TX
The Return McGill and Suave sit in the ring at the brand new PCW Arena built in Lubbock, Texas.  McGill thanks everyone for sticking with them and announces that thanks to the help of some people that she will not name, PCW is back and ready to go.
Suave says for the return of PCW’s Extreme Political TV there will be a Television Title match, a Tag Team Title Match, and the PCW Title match.  Who’s going to be wrestling?  Suave says you’ll just have to tune in and see.
McGill adds one last parting shot before the preview show comes to and end.
Dawn McGill: ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Mr. McMann and Jack Buckenberg- you can kiss my ass!”
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talkfastromance4 · 5 years
Cross Her (C.H Part iii)
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Summary: With a new album and tour soon to be on the rise, 5SOS’s management has decided to put Calum into a public relationship.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: none
Part 1  Part II
They had two radio interviews to do in the morning and all Calum could think about was spending the day at the beach with Grace. It was 7:30 in the morning and although he wanted to text her, he knew she was still fast asleep. Was she dreaming of him?
“All right! Good morning guys! How are we feeling on the morning after your debut single of “Falling All into You” last night?” the host asks.
“A little hungover,” Ashton laughs and the rest of the guys follow.
“Well hey, it’s a killer song you should have celebrated last night. Tell me, what was the inspiration behind this? Calum, I know you’ve got a newly sprouted relationship, was your lady the cause?”
“Ash and I both wrote it actually,” Calum speaks into the mic. “And when we were discussing who would do the vocals I volunteered. On our last album we didn’t have love songs, songs that were explicitly love songs, so this one is tender.”
“Tender, that’s a good word for it, actually,” Michael chortles in his mic. “I like that.”
“And what did all the 5sos women think of the song?”
“They like it, I think,” Luke says, “Sierra has heard me practice it for the last three months and she told me she liked it. I don’t think that changed. I hope.” He lets out a nervous chortle.
“Is this a good indicator on what this next album is going to sound like? Almost like a . . . uh rock ballad, almost?”
“I mean, this is definitely going to be a somewhat different album, we do have another slower song, sort of like Ghost of You but not as heavy um, lyrically wise and. . .”
Calum zones out while Ashton explains their new sound and feels his phone buzz in his sweatshirt pocket. He pulls it out and sees Grace’s name in the little message bar, he put the pink hibiscus flower next to her name. He’s not quite sure why but when he saw it it made him think of her.
 The song is definitely tender, I love that. It’s perfect. If you’re hungover I’ll bring iced coffee to the beach J have fun at the other interview
 Calum is beaming. Here she is, texting him before 8 a.m. commenting on his response on the radio show. She was awake and listening to him and it made him feel all warm inside. His response was quick:
 How are you awake right now? My head is killing me
 Had to listen to you! The response to the song is incredible, you’re already trending rockstar
 Really? That’s great!
 Okay I’m gonna get some more sleep my eyes are as heavy as 10 pound weights. But I wanted to hear you on the radio, btw you should talk more. Your voice is nice, ten more points
 Have a good sleep, sweetheart. We’re tied now, you realize
 oh I know J
 Calum pocketed his phone and pulled his attention back to the interview. They were discussing when the album would be released. Calum couldn’t stop smiling. He liked how she wrote the number ten both numerically and printed. It was quirky but it was Grace. He liked how she woke up specifically to listen to him on the radio.
With the song trending, Grace’s texts and the promise of seeing her in a few hours, Calum was soaring above cloud nine.
 The other interview went about the same. Same questions, same stupid games but Calum did speak up a bit more. He felt like he needed to impress Grace when she watched the interview later. He hoped she didn’t mind him talking about her.
Finally, finally as they left the radio station he was about to see Grace. Walking out of the building some fans were barricaded off by guards and those metal blockades. Calum heard his name screamed the most and Grace’s was even mixed in.
“What are they saying about Grace?” he asks Ashton as they walk to the cars.
“Uh . . .” Ashton looks beyond Calum trying to listen. “Sounds like they’re saying you guys are cute together.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Calum smiles climbing into the back of the SUV.
“You two were getting pretty snuggly on the boat last night,” Ashton waggles his eyebrows. “Is this fake thing not so fake anymore?”
Calum shrugs. He’s not too sure what’s going on but the more time he spends with Grace . . . .
 When Calum picked her up from her hotel room, she seemed a bit off. Her smile was a little less radiant and it didn’t meet her eyes. He decided to let it go for a bit thinking maybe she’s still tired from the night before.
“You look nice,” he compliments as they’re exiting the car. She has on white shorts and a coral colored top that just stops just about her midriff. She looks more than nice but he doesn’t want to overstep.
“Thanks,” she snickers, “my beach look is no make-up.”
“You don’t need make-up so that’s worth 50 points.”
“Fifty?! We aren’t tied anymore,” she pouts shouldering the bag with all their goodies following Calum to the sand.
“As it should be,” he winks then takes a sharp left away from the big crowd.
“Where are we going?”
“This is a little private area so we won’t be ogled at or get photos taken. Today is a relaxing day, Grace.”
They set up camp quickly, Grace even brought a big umbrella to stick in the sand and some pillows. Calum was impressed as he sat down on the blanket.
“Where’d you get all this stuff?” he shakes the umbrella making sure it was sturdy before turning to look at Grace who was pulling out snacks from her big bag.
“I took an Uber and went shopping. I get a little cabin crazy being in the hotel all the time,” she makes a face handing him a mule cup then pours iced coffee from a thermos.
Calum frowns, he hates how she’s locked up in the hotel room like a tower. It’s not homey and she has no means of transportation, not that he’d want her to drive in LA in the first place. Traffic is crazy.
“If you want I could pull for a driver for you,” he suggests.
“Oh, no I couldn’t—“
“Please, it’ll ease my mind knowing you’re with someone I know and trust instead of some stranger from Uber. I’ve read the stories.”
Grace’s body relaxes. “Okay, that’s really sweet of you. Thank you.”
He gives her his best smile then looks out to the water then back at her and wiggles his eyebrows playfully. “Wanna head in?”
“Don’t have to ask me twice!”
To his surprise she only removes her shorts revealing more of her legs and her swimsuit bottoms. Apparently her top was her swimsuit top. Her bottoms were high-waisted and showed off her curves tastefully. He was so preoccupied checking her out (discreetly of course) he hadn’t even removed his tank top yet.
“Are you going to swim in your tank top or what?” she laughs.
Calum removes it quickly then Grace grabs hold of his hand tugging him to the water’s edge. Before they go in she stops in the wet sand, her toes curling in and out creating small grooves.
“This is the first time I’ll actually be going in the ocean,” she admits excitedly.
“Yeah, I’ve always felt drawn to it, maybe it’s cause I’m a Cancer and a water sign but I don’t know. The water is my second home.”
“Wait, when’s your birthday?”
“July 6,” she smiles shyly.
“That’s a—“
“Day before Ashton’s, I know,” she nods. “I’m a year younger than him though.”
“Your birthday is coming up! We need to celebrate!”
“Nah, we don’t have to. I was hoping to maybe fly back home for my birthday if it doesn’t mess up with our um . . . deal.”
“I’ll fly you back there myself.”
“No, Calum it’s fine. Francesca will probably want us to stay in town because of the release and—“
“I don’t care what Francesca wants. We created our own boundaries, right? We’ll go back to your home for your birthday, okay? Now, let’s get you into this home now.”
He takes the first steps into the warm ocean water and he pulls her with him. He watches her the whole time, loving the soft gasp that emits from her lips at the first touch of the sea. A glorious smile shines on her face as they wade deeper and deeper until it’s a little bit past her waist. The water just touches Calum’s hips but since she’s shorter it met her first.
Their hands join together under the water and she does a small happy dance causing Calum to laugh at her antics.
“Feel good?” he laughs.
“It feels wonderful!” she releases one of his hands to dip herself all the way back so her hair gets wet.
She comes back up with her hair clinging to her back and Calum thinks she looks like a mermaid. Water droplets race down her skin and she shakes his hand.
“Come on, let’s swim!”
All the other girls Calum has been with never ever swam in the ocean. They just stood there to cool off before going back to the sand to catch up on their tan. She does the breast stroke, floats on her back and even goes under the water to swim a few paces.
Calum is fascinated by her until she splashes him in the chest.
“What are you, my lifeguard? Swim around, Cal.”
He doesn’t need telling twice. With a devious smirk, he launches himself at her through the water and picks her up in his arms. She squeals against him and he tosses her back in the water. When she surfaces she’s laughing and wipes the water from her eyes before trying to tackle him as well.
Playing along (and to make her feel strong) he lets himself be barreled over into the water. At one point she hops on his back and he tries to run deep in the water, his feet slipping in the sand and her laughter in his ear.
After playing around in the water they both became hungry and went back to their blanket. Grace dabbed herself a little dry before getting onto it and taking out the food. Calum gazes in amazement at all of the goodies she takes out; watermelon, veggie chips, grapes, pretzels, hummus and a thermos of iced tea.
“You’re incredible,” he splutters and Grace beams.
Calum is a bit more somber while he and the boys are in New York for more promo for Falling All into You because Grace is on his mind. He wonders if she’s spending time with the girls. He’s in constant contact with her and with Francesca who is finding the perfect house for Grace to stay in instead of the hotel.
Grace is writing a lot while Calum is away. He’s on her mind constantly but she’s been hanging out with Sierra a lot which is nice. She feels like she can confide in her and they get lunch almost every day.  
“So, I know you and Cal are doing the whole fake relationship for the song, how’re you holding up with that?” Sierra asks when they’re eating at a small bistro.
It’s Wednesday and the guys will be back in two days, Grace can’t wait.
“I’m doing okay,” Grace nods swirling her straw in her glass. “It’s not really as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought Francesca and Dewey would be ordering me around like a puppet but Calum said we’d make our own boundaries.”
“That’s good!” Sierra smiles then smirks a little, “are you catching feelings at all?”
Grace swirls her ice faster, is she catching feelings? She thinks she is, she’s actually one hundred percent sure she is. It’s so easy with Calum and even though they’re relationship is ‘fake’ she’s never connected more with anyone before. Even in past relationships she felt like she couldn’t really be herself but with Calum it was a different story.
Should she tell Sierra what she’s feeling? Grace has a good feeling about her but she also knows how girls can be two faced and is unsure.
“You don’t have to tell me if you are,” Sierra assures putting her hand on Grace’s. “But I’ve known Calum for a while and I’m pretty sure he has feelings for you.”
“Why do you say that?” Grace asks trying very, very hard to keep her voice even. But inside, butterflies are erupting in her stomach.
“The way he looks at you, even when you aren’t around him he’s always searching for you to make sure you’re okay. Luke does the same for me,” she smiles, “and the way he says your name is so . . . tender.”
Grace can’t help the blush that colors her cheeks.
“And I bet he’s wishing he was here instead of in New York.”
The next few days went by a little bit faster, Calum would Facetime Grace whenever he got back in the hotel. He’d ask about her day, what she did, and what the best part was and if she wrote anything. She always joked, ‘I’m always writing in my head,’ and it made him smile each time.
Grace wanted to go meet him at the airport but he kindly declined because the fans can get pretty crazy there. She even suggested that Sierra could go with her, they’ve gotten close this past week, and Calum knew Luke didn’t even like Sierra coming to pick him up. Regardless of them being engaged now, some fans still sent her hate mail and rude comments and he didn’t want to put her right in the line of fire.
And besides, Calum wanted to pick Grace up from the hotel because her newly rented home was finally furnished and ready for her to move in. He couldn’t wait to see her reaction. Yeah, he was supposed to be getting ready for the Friends of Friends show that night, but Grace was more important to him.
When he picked her up she threw her arms around his neck in a tight hug, he chuckled into her hair and hugged her tightly back. She felt so soft and yet solid in his arms, this was the first hug they’ve shared and it felt so good. He got a good look at her and saw she was wearing one of the FOF long sleeve shirts.
“Nice shirt,” he comments.
“Thanks, I thought it’d be fitting for tonight,” she smiles.
“Get your purse and things, I have to show you something.”
Grace is jittering in her seat the whole way to . . . wherever it was that Calum was taking her. She tried getting it out of him the whole ride what he had to show her but Calum kept his lips sealed. When he rolled to a stop in front of a small blue home, he looked at her expectantly then out the window.
Grace looked at the house then back at Calum in confusion.
“Are we at your house?”
“No, we’re at your house,” he grins then unbuckles quickly and exits the car. He opens her door and she’s gaping at him, still buckled and wide eyed. He reaches over to unbuckle her belt then takes her hand pulling her out of the car.
“My what?”
“I spoke with Francesca and this is where you’re going to be staying while you write your book. I couldn’t stand you being up in that hotel room all the time,” he shakes his head leading her to the front door. “It’s a little further from my house, but I figured you’d like the quiet suburbs to remind you of your home.”
“Calum, this is—“she shakes her head in disbelief as he pulls out a key from his pocket.
“Don’t even say it. Want to go inside?” he dangles the key in front of her.
With a shaky hand she plucks the key from between his finger and pushes it through the key slot. It turns easily and she opens it to see beech wood flooring all around except for in the living room to the right. It has lush looking carpet with a big dark gray couch with a ton of blankets, a TV, and a coffee table.
Calum nudges her gently from behind so he can shut the door behind him, he peers around to look at her face and she’s still struck in awe.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he says gently.
The kitchen is medium sized with a small island in the middle that has flowers in a vase and a round table to the right for eating. Calum keeps guiding her through the halls until they reach her master bedroom. It has a king sized bed with a mural above it of the ocean. There’s French doors to the left that lead out to her fenced in backyard, with a hot tub, and a nice patio.
“The bathroom is through there,” he points past the large screen TV opposite the bed, “and past the kitchen is another little room I had set up to be your creative room. I thought it’d be a nice temporary home while you’re—“
Grace leaps into his arms hugging him tightly. Her face is buried in his shoulder and hot tears fall through her eyes in pure happiness, disbelief and gratitude. Calum wraps his arms around her, he holds her easily off the floor.
“D’you like it?” he mumbles into her hair.
“I love it,” she cries into his shirt.
He pulls her from his chest gently so he can see her face. A tear rolls down her cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb, his heart is hammering in his chest. Was this all wrong?
“Why’re you crying?” he continues wiping the tears from her face as they fall freely, his thumbs are like windshield wipers.
“Because, this is too much and you’ve been so good to me. No one has ever done something like this for me and we’ve only known each other for a month and I don’t know how I’ll every repay you for all of this—“she chokes on her words as her emotions take over.
“Hey, hey, you don’t owe me anything,” he shakes his head. “This is a gift. You’ve sacrificed so much for being here, I feel like I’m repaying you,” he chuckles.
Grace shakes her head and looks down trying to hide her tear stained face from him. Calum won’t have that so he lowers his head until he’s looking into her eyes.
“Can you smile for me? This has to earn me at least a hundred points of adorable, right?” he asks and she gives him a watery laugh. “There we go. No more crying, okay?”
“Okay,” she nods then sniffs. “And you get 75 points.”
Calum laughs.
In this moment Calum wants to kiss her tears away. Their faces are so close together he could count how many eyelashes are on her lid but instead, he pulls her in for another hug. With her arms wrapped around his waist and his cheek resting on his head, his kiss to her forehead was like a reflex.
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sierratheory · 5 years
Admin Opinions Masterpost
As promised this will be the master post that contains all of our opinions for the current situations involving 5SOS. That would be Mystal, Lierra, and Kayshton. If there is an opinion you are looking for that you do not see on this post, feel free to ask and we can add it to this post. To keep this as clean as possible I will break this up with a read more line.
Mystal - They're absolutely PR in my opinion, for a lot of reasons, but just to name a few of them: Crystal uses Michael for constant promo schemes, the engagement was literally staged and planned by Guess (despite whatever story Crystal is trying to spin), and she's literally far from the only other "influencer" to have done this recently. Nevermind the fact that Michael sounds more enthusiastic talking about literally ANYTHING but his supposed engagement. Couple goals uuuwwwuuu, am I right? 
Lierra - At this point, nothing will change my mind about them being PR. The story has a lot of holes in it, the biggest that comes to mind at the moment is the fact that we're supposed to believe that Lierra has been a couple for over a year now...Meanwhile, in early to mid-2018, she was constantly pining after Luke in a way that a FAN would, not someone you're in a relationship with. By this, I mean that she was only ever active on IG at the same time as him, and she'd constantly follow and like everything that he did, in an obvious effort to appeal to him. As well as stirring the pot of speculation among fans who were wanting to know if they were dating, by buying clothes eerily SIMILAR to Luke's, in order to make fans think that they were sharing clothes. Many fans were fooled by this. Or the fact that she literally ran a bogus IG page (grandebaby13) to push dating rumours about her and Luke. All the while she spent so much energy previously, trying to reassure fans that they were, "just friends." Like if they were real, and they agreed to be private, then she wouldn't have been trying to force rumours. Point blank. 
Kayshton - Completely undecided for me at this point. On one hand, they seem like the most real out of all three couples. But the fact that it seems like she's only started to get steady work/make an effort in her career since going public with Ashton, and that one pap walk with the suspicious leaked video footage (with extra photos being released a couple of weeks later out of the blue), really makes me a little bit wary of saying they aren't PR. Only time will tell, but for now, I'm fairly neutral but open to the possibility. 
Lierra: As obvious as it may be, I feel Lierra is PR. There is a small part of me that believes they could be real and Luke’s vulnerability post-Arzaylea could’ve been abused, but that theory is strictly an opinion and there’s not a lot in my eyes that proves they’re a real couple. I feel their relationship began too quickly in terms of how it progressed from friendship to a “soulmate” scenario being as she was “besties” with Ashton first. The timelines don’t add up to me and I feel like it’s been proven she’s gained quite a large fan base because of her relationship with Luke and it will only grow from here the longer they’re together. She also uses her relationship for work-related gigs (ie, FoF), despite not actually releasing any music that is hers or music that is no longer associated with the Essy stage name.
Mystal: I’m conflicted with Mystal. I see both sides. They seem to be a cute, more well-rounded couple, but I also see the issues that lie in Crystal and how she controls Mikey rather than being supportive and/or more like a fiancé. I think either way the relationship is slightly more bearable than others that have come through. I feel like Crystal is an independent woman who does what she can to make it in the industry which is admirable. The engagement through me for a loop, especially with how publicized it was with the relation to GUESS and such, so I’d say I’m more on the PR side of things, but them being real wouldn’t shock me.
Kayshton: I’m so undecided with this one. I’m thrown off by the DM exclusives, but they seem to be low key and chilled out. I like KayKay, she seems sweet and apart from a few of her friends that are sketchy, I find her pretty down to earth and humble. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were real, nor if they were a filler PR for when Lierra ends, but either one of pretty probable.
Mystal: I used to think Mystal was super cute. But once I learned things about Crystal’s past behaviour and the way she manipulates fans and treats people I started to see her true colours. I fully believe Mystal is PR. Not only do I find the timeline of how their relationship allegedly began to be suspicious, but the major changes to his personality and how he portrays himself are also suspicious. Not to mention the complete control she has over his social media and image as a whole. How she garners herself and others partnerships (Adidas, Guess) based off of his fame. She even used his social media accounts as an example of her PR skills on her now empty website.
Prior to Mystal, I’d never seen a couple sell their engagement or get a full press in a magazine about it. Weddings? Yeah, those are planned months, sometimes even years ahead. But engagements are supposed to be a romantic surprise. I have no doubt Crystal orchestrated the entire engagement and the full spread in People, or whatever magazine it was. I personally can’t see Michael selling that personal private moment, but I wouldn’t put it past Crystal. And no offence to 5SOS, but they aren’t like Justin Bieber level famous, they aren’t A-List celebrities, so I find it doubtful that Guess or People approached them about the engagement. I also worry about Michael’s mental health. It concerns me that so much of his life outside of the band revolves solely around Crystal and her social circle. Even if I thought the relationship was genuine that would still concern me. It has been said that Michael gets bad anxiety and doesn’t like huge crowds and that’s why he stays away from outings and parties with the other band members but like, he’s done DJ shows in packed clubs with the guys (recently) and Crystal throws him huge parties for his birthday. But then he misses band outings the museums where they take pictures and do promo. He went to Coachella with Crystal but wasn’t seen at all with the guys. It just seems very strange to me.
Lierra: In the beginning, I wanted to believe Luke knew Sierra was using him for publicity but was okay with it because they were friends. But as time went on and I learned more about her lurking and gassing up rumours about her dating Luke I grew more and more uncomfortable about her presence. If they had wanted to keep their relationship private she shouldn’t have been posting little hints to get people talking. If they had wanted to keep their relationship private she shouldn’t have created a fake IG account to push dating rumours. If the relationship was real that’s all toxic problematic behaviour. The relationship may not be real, but Sierra’s manipulative behaviour is.
As a Luke girl, I try to support him in his choices and relationships. But Sierra’s behaviour and specifically her comment about depression leave me struggling to like her as a person. There’s a lot that makes me think the relationship is orchestrated by Modest! The comments on every one of her Instagram posts (except the birthday one which is an odd one to exclude) even if he’s on stage at the time he allegedly comments. The pap photos. Even the timing of their relationship announcement. It came at the height of Youngblood (the single)’s success just as the album was released. When people were paying 5SOS the most attention. How anytime there’s a band-related announcement something happens in Lierra-land. If you wanted to keep your relationship away from public speculation why announce its existence when the band has the most attention it’s ever had? Why not wait until some of the hype dies down?
Don’t even get me started on her lack of drive or motivation to do anything with her life/career other than being known as Luke Hemmings’ girlfriend.
Kayshton: Ok, so I have a bit of an odd theory for this one. I honestly do believe at some point at the very least, Ashton and KayKay were an item. Whether they were exclusive or how long they lasted we don’t really know. But there’s enough proof from interviews and other interactions that at some point there was something and it appeared to be a bit on and off. All four of us agree there are some odd things about Kayshton, like the pap walks and HQ pictures and videos.
My theory is that perhaps they were/are a couple and Modest! forced them to be public with it, and are giving us these HQ photos and pap interactions/DM articles to throw us off. So that people who claim Lierra‘s pap pictures prove they are PR are discredited because Kayshton is real and also has these HQ photos and pointless DM articles. Almost like a red herring, a distraction. To make fans think that since Kayshton is real and they get papped it’s totally normal and therefore Lierra is real too.
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.12 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- YAS TOM AND SIERRA ❤️❤️❤️ Also Josie and Kevin are sibling excellence
- Ew Moose’s dad. “I’ll check my calendar, Sierra” that bitch is so not doing it lmaoooo
- Choni. this is the greatest scene bye. Oh right I forgot about the SAT’s bc they didn’t go.
- Veggie ❤️❤️ I hate how after all of Veronica’s attempts she’s STILL being sucked into the fucking criminal life!
- Mevin. Wow. They’re fucking going AT IT and I am actually kinda here for it? Like??? FUCK.
- “Told you they ere in here, sir.” what a fucking tattle tale bitch
- SWOSIE. OH YM GOD GTHEY’VE HAD FLINGS. HIS SMILE. I’M FUCKING— HE FUCKING LIKES HER I’M—AW SWEET PEA “I’m not built that way, maybe that makes me needy” BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH HE IS SUCH A FUCKING SOFTIE I’M SO—HE DESERVES SO MUCH I’M SO!!! UNFOLLOW ME RIGHT NOW THIS IS ALL I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT FOR THE NEXT YEAR (Also did we just see his fucking trailer? Because I need to see more of it please and thanks. Also please tell me he has a sweet grandmother named Lily because then my fanfic will come to life and I will legit burst into tears)
- Wow Penelope is really trying to stop Cheryl from going to school huh
- MCKELLER AHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE WE LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH. Ugh this ascension night and gargoyle king shit is so annoying
- CHERYL AND KEVIN FRIENDSHIP LET’S FINALLY HAVE WHAT WE DESERVE!!! Wait I thought all of the mains know about Mevin lmao this is why we need basically every episode like this. LOL Bumble is the Grindr of Riverdale. KEVIN MOOSE NOT COMING OUT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU BBY. Oh no don’t nudge him to come out don’t force him that’s so bad!
- CHERYL OFFICIALLY CALLED HERSELF A LESBIAN BITCHHHHHH AND TONI LISTENING SO CUTELY. Oh no… she basically just outed Moose is this why her and Toni fight??? /.\ I feel so bad for Moose thought they’re like backing him into a corner!!!
- JOSIE IS CRYING POOR BBY but also ARCHOSIE!!! SHE WAS GONNA ASK SP TO DRIVE HER BITCH I’M SOFT! I’m glad they’re not making him out to be an asshole though I love that for my baby Sweet Pea
- Reggie calling Veronica Ronnie ❤️❤️❤️ “Is robbing banks still a thing?” Reggie lmao ONE OF MY IDEAS SORT OF COMING TO LIFE I’M—VEGGIE BEING SO CUTE I LOVE IT
- This has nothing to do with McKeller, Penelope but okay. You’re sounding like you know something… lmao if you need Hiram you’re probably fucked. And also EW MARTY MANTLE GO SUCK A BIG FUCKING TOE
- Josie is such a cutie! And this is the first time we’ve ever seen her nervous! But I imagine what it’d be like if SP drove her like he’d be so enamored with her
- REGGIE GOT SHOT. I saw this in the promos but STILL
- So no one can hear the camera going off like??? “We know how to dominate, too” BITCH CHERYL—
- I’m sorry our queen Josie didn’t get it? Mmhm sounds fake but okay… but is this how they’re setting up for Josie’s spin off? “And I’m alone” BITCH NO YOU’RE NOT MY POOR CHILD!!! I really like how Archosie is being there for each other and we get to see emotional Josie
- Really Reggie’s dad had a dye pack? Nah this bitch is definitely doing illegal shit and the car dealership is a front. OMG IF THAT’S TRUE MY FUCKING STORY UNHOLY—PLEASE I NEED THIS RIVERDALE.
- Why did they have to make Gladys deal drugs like it would be a bit more interesting to see her be the “Good” parent
- CHERYL APOLOGIZING TO MOOSE AWWWW why is Moose suddenly so attractive??? BUT HE’S OPENING UP TO CHERYL HOW CUTE. LMAO “I’d bring new sheets, a lot of people have had sex on that cot” oh no isn’t that where Mevin gets interrupted
- You’re trusting Penelope… with cyanide antidote? Mmhm… ugh Hiram…
- So how tf does Moose’s bitch ass father find out about the bunker???
- Oh of course it’s Penelope who finds the thing. HOW FUCKING COINCIDENTAL.
- BITCH VEGGIE IS SO HOT. Charmila is making a show. And thank GOD Bughead stopped but also why is everyone deciding to fuck at the same time? That’s weird
- Bughead actually stopping to answer their phones? Unrealistic
- Poor Moose like he finally is able to be with the guy he likes (I know I’ve said it didn’t seem like he was into him but to be fair we never really saw Kevin together okay? Okay. I am repenting until Joaquin is suddenly alive and Joavin can rise again lmao) and him and Kevin are fucking dragged away by the gargoyle gang.
- AW KEVIN. omg yes BITCH!!!!
- Really… Moose’s father? Are you serious? But if he ends up dragging Moose to SOQM why the FUCK is he let go after this? MOOSE’S DAD LIKED GUYS TOO WHAT ohhh nvm that was Moose playing the younger version of his father
- JELLYBEAN!!!!!! But FP’s scared look when Gladys says they’re going to be staying awhile because he’s getting with Alice lmao Falice will totally survive in the end because him and Jug will find out why they’re really there and then he’ll realize he really loves Alice. We love Falice!
- And what I was going to say was that we’re probably going to meet the gk as the gk but think that it’ll be just another fucking rip off bc it’ll be a side character no one ever sees.
- Jughead is so happy to see his mom and realizing that when he finds out, and ultimately finds out that V knows about the drug thing, he’s going to be an unnecessary asshole to her leaves a bad taste in my mouth. At least it won’t be fueled by Betty’s dislike of her but STILL LET JERONICA BE A THING
- ARCHOSIE SINGING TOGETHER YES PLEASE! Is it bad that I lowkey want a scene where SP walks in to Archosie flirting and shit and gets all sad and meets up with Fangs
- MOOSE IS MOVING TO GLENDALE. “I’m gonna miss you Marmaduke” “I’ll miss you Kevin Keller” THE SECOND YOU MAKE MOOSE LIKABLE AND YOU FUCKING SEND HIM AWAY!!! Also why do all of Kevin’s boyfriends move away to towns nearby
- Honestly i’d be more surprised if Gladys and Jellybean weren’t coming back into Jughead and FP’s lives again just to fuck it up smh
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geek-gem · 6 years
I've seen Bumblebee again
Edit I've just realized I made the stupid mistake I had seen as seem and I only noticed it in my activity messages stupid of me sorry.
So in this post there is gonna be spoilers about the film, especially I'm gonna be rambling a bunch, I'm gonna sound ignorant. Including this is coming from a ex Transformers fan. Who has feelings about this franchise.
Well first film I've seen of 2019 everybody. I still like the film a lot. Just walked to this McDonald's near the cinema 16 theater in Sierra Vista.
But yes I like this film a lot and decided to see the 11:50 am showing instead of the 10:50 am because I decided not to take the chance because it was too close at that time.
Let me talk about some stuff. I literally feel like this is a reboot because a lot of the stuff in this doesn't make sense. Or what someone else said a soft reboot but I literally feel like how this film was set up. Decided to move to a table I'm usually at.
Because okay I never seen The Last Knight and mainly don't want to. But considering past events like Megatron stuck in the artic(the original 2007 film), the Primes and the Fallen(Revenge Of The Fallen), the Ark(Dark Of The Moon), possibly even the creators shit(Age Of Extinction), and what I've read and heard Unicron is Earth, Bumblebee even in a poster and footage from a trailer or promo was around during world war 2.
Including I haven't watched the video by HN Entertainment but just looked it up there was a Megatron deleted scene.
Even though one of the final scenes is Bumblebee becoming a camero I can't think I feel during production because of how The Last Knight's box office result went Hasbro did it or whatever. I'm not trying to make up a story it's my own theory. Especially the style of how the robots look so G1 like.
Especially that final mid credits scene with Bumblebee and Optimus I honestly feel that was shot to basically reboot the film franchise of when the Autobots came to Earth. Unless they got off later it's all bullshit.
This film is a reboot or whatever.
Unless some how even the idea and I'll talk about some Days Of Future Past stuff happened. I should just talk about the movie.
I honestly feel the best thing about this movie was Charlie's and Bumblebee's relationship. Because I seriously feel emotional about it and how well developed it is. Even though I understand the criticisms about this film being cliche I understand. Yet I feel it works because of how the movie is set up.
Really over time I'm having this big liking towards Haliee Steinfeld I really do. Honestly the rest of the cast is good too still. I still like John Cena and especially the character of Memo. Very likable even though really the only reviews I've seen are Ragin Nation and FilmJunkee.
Had to go to Google then Wikipedia to spell his name right.
Especially seeing on news on Google Screen Rant made a news article 3 hours ago about how the post looked back at it they call it a post credits scene it was a mid credits scene about how it retcons Michael Bay's Transformers. No shit is does because I literally feel they did it they did that to reboot the Bayformers universe. Ether it was Travis Knight or someone told Travis hey man can you put this scene in the movie or some one did.
Really one character I didn't like was this Tina bitch. Seriously I remember the first time and even watching this the 2nd time. This blonde bitch I'm surprised during that cliff scene Bumblebee didn't roll up the window to hurt her arm or even open the door to push her. Or hell I'm surprised Charlie didn't even get violent.
Yet really glad her car was totaled.
In fact it's weird watching this film I wanna be honest. I am so used to the harshness of the Bayformers. Because I feel like in certain scenes I expect Charlie to say, "FUCK YOU!" to some of the characters. Especially the action.
I'll be honest the Bayformers films mainly that 4th drove me off of and even the 5th despite I never seen it. I'm a ex fan yet I like other parts of the franchise.
But I like the action. Yes Michael Bay's action scenes aren't the best and I guess the best way you can call them a mess. I like the set pieces. Seriously I basically grew up with those first three films.
I still like the first that film got me to become a Transformers fan I saw it four times, the 4th time being the Imax release. Because of Bumblebee to be honest it was weird for this film not be PG-13 but it's great.
Yet I weirdly want another big Transformers film that has this heart this film had.
Or just the idea of such a film like that. You know how fucking beautiful those The Last Knight trailers are they are fucking amazing until you hear the films reception.
Especially I've talked about how I would love to see Charlie again grown up. I want her to be a protagonist in one of those films. She's older in her early 50's sorry to say well she was born in 1969. I just want to see her and Bumblebee again. Especially while before I got to think more about how this is a reboot. Yeah also Agent Jack Burns and Memo if you want especially more development on him.
Remember that old idea I've talked about what if we had a movie where the rebooted movie verse met the dimension of the Bayformers. In the end the Bayformers dimension dies like a passing the torch thing. Including shit like now it's like a grown up Charlie meets Cade Yager and Sam Witwicky.
But really I feel like considering the last few movies Shia Labeouf might not wanna come back, including Mark Wahlberg because he said The Last Knight was his last Transformers film. Yet I feel with how this film changed the timeline, I don't think that's gonna happen.
God I'm seriously interested in what's next.
So I see and it's on Google the screen writer for this film has an idea for a sequel. Fucking fabulous, because I want one. I went to see this again because I'm worried it's failing. There is so much good shit out right now but some movies aren't getting money. Yet I don't wanna say they are bombing like but 3 Buck Theater made a video about this and I see a thumbnail by Ragin Nation this is a bomb please no.
I want a big Transformers film that is better then the Bayformers films. Including I wanna be excited for Transformers again and this film made me happy. I'm excited for whatever films comes next. Probably the 6th or even that Cybertron prequel because seeing those Cybertron parts was fucking awesome.
Can I just say Shatter and Dropkick are a nice antagonist duo. Considering the film was more simple then the others. They we're nice antagonists. While not like Megatron or whatever else had to go to the Wikipedia page of this movie to see their names in case. Yet yeah their different and cool.
Also when we get more and better Transformers films can we have a better version of Grimlock my favorite? Voiced by Gregg Berger had to Google search him up I got his name right but his first name has two g's. Can we have a version of Grimlock like Fall Of Cybertron portrayed him and what I've heard of the G1 comics please can we have that. Because that version would make more sense then the development Optimus had in the 4th movie and would fit Grimlock better. Especially what I hear about the 5th movie. Sorry if I'm rambling.
Especially I weirdly want Charlie to interact with a angry stubborn Grimlock who thinks his way of handling things are better.
Tags dealt with but I think I've said all that I might of wanted to say or something. Really do like the movie and want more films but hopefully and I don't wanna stress Travis Knight but can he be involved still some how. I mean these films can be big so I don't wanna have him stressed out. But can we have more directors like him or something.
Edit(I did a lot for this but taking off the edit mentions like 4th) forgot this like this whole thing this reunion of characters it's like the Infinity War of Transformers which okay and I just thought a few seconds ago before editing this. I'd rather have that big some what Infinity War event be a different version of Unicron who's not Earth instead he's his own planet who wants to eat Earth and basically humans, Autobots, and Decepticons have to team up to stop him I'd rather have that. Been wanting that for years ever since they were promoting the 2nd movie. or just whatever bring more awesome movies like this especially big ones too.
okay I added Jack Burns tag because I liked him as a character. But I didn't wanna leave Memo yet he doesn't have a last name and I feel it be weird if that was just his tag. Especially someone put a Jack Burns tag and yeah I wanna see John Cena again. That may sound weird but I liked his character too.
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