#lashton living together
lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
Luke and Ash living together at Ash’s house during quarantine lockdown and got more serious than ever before.
Amazon Music and Spilling The Quarrantea livestreams, plus other things.
1. The food situation. Discourse back and forth between Luke and Ash of being out of food, during both livestreams.
Both talking about being out of groceries and kept bringing up fish fingers and chicken fingers/nuggets. Pretended to both go get groceries when Michael said the grocery store (Ralph's) just restocked. Ash is the first to get up and leave, fast. Luke only starts to get up to leave.
It seems like perhaps Ash is the one that does the grocery shopping. Ash is the one who says he's going to the store when he can. Luke doesn't offer that idea up. Luke seems like he was sulking because he didn't have the foods he likes. Notice how his demeanor is when they're talking about not having food, in the Quarrantea livestream. Luke even tries to make a point by asking everyone what they're having for dinner, Ash reiterates his fish fingers situation, Michael gives an answer that he hasn't even given it a thought.
2. Amazon Music livestream, Pink Floyd, Lashton listening to Pink Floyd together. Public mentions by both.
a. August 13, 2021 Pink Floyd was one of the influences for Luke’s solo album. Luke brings them up when talking about his song ‘Beautiful Dream’ (Nylon mag interview ) 
b. Ash worn lots of PF band tees throughout the years (incl. recent pap pics of him walking with Cal via his own twitter May 1, 2019).
c. Ash tweet using “Welcome to the Machine” businessman on fire artwork March 20, 2020.
d. During Luke’s August 2021 interview with Billboard for WFTTWTAF, “I listened to so much Pink Floyd in the past couple of years, especially [during lockdown], and was very influenced by them, particularly Dark Side of the Moon." Billboard 20 Questions interview.
e. ”Welcome to the Machine” from the “Wish You Were Here” EP to Ash’s ig story on Dec 16, 2021.
f. Ash posted a video to his ig story of Pink Floyd “Echoes” in Pompeii performance on July 20, 2022.
3. Spilling the Quarrantea - Luke saying Ash only started growing his own vegetables “10 minutes ago” (He’s clued into this small detail, Ash doesn’t argue it)
4. The only thing Luke had to say about Sierra during lockdown was that she had been making bread (so was many of the population) - not from livestreams but interesting enough to include.
5. Spilling the Quarrantea - The room Luke is in has very similar style to the room Ash is in (possibly in the same house, noteworthy)
6. Ash promo pic of Superbloom includes similar wallpaper than the wallpaper in Luke’s studio room. (same house? wallpaper shopping together?)
7. I’m suspicious that Luke’s WFTTWTAF ig live was at Ash’s house
8. Luke gets the rose tattoo (Ash has one on his arm). Fans notice in picture August 6. 2021.
9. Luke and Ash each wear the black onyx rings for Twitch stream ranking 5SOS songs (Aug 19, 2021), (Lierra engagement announced June 8, 2021 via People), so he’s engaged yet wearing a matching ring with someone else…. Ok
10. Muke isn’t real, Michael reads wattpad fanfic in front of a huge livestream of fans. A partner wouldn’t do that. Ash swooped in to save the situation by making up his own funny one about Cal.
11. Ash took the trip to the desert to go create his solo album, meanwhile Luke creates his own album back in LA. They gave each other a bit of space in their creative processes to write. Pick someone supportive.
12. Ash writes songs about lies, pain, and he’s so tortured, yet publicly he is supposedly in a happy relationship (which is whats being pushed on social media). Ash’s relationship ends lowkey sometime before his birthday but after release of album. Releases his album independently. Then, right before Luke’s album is released on a record label under Sony, there’s an engagement with the gf who is also a songwriter on his album which is being promoted in his album interviews.
13. Luke writing songs about Camellia Street and a change of heart. The narrative is it's where Sierra’s apartment was when they met, but what’s not being said is there’s actually a Camellia Street in Western Sydney where the guys are from. If he were to say that and Sierra hasn’t lived in Aus, then it leaves it open for question (who is Luke having ‘a change of heart’ with?).
14. Luke writing lyrics “Now with my eyes wide open, I’m nothing but a fake”, “I’m on my way to Wonderland, take off my suit  and wander in for a moment Or hide for a lifetime”
15. Ash writes songs about lying and living in a cage (“Perfect Lie”) and lyrics such as, “I’ve been living my life but it’s not how it looks” and “Playin’ but not on the team” (“Sunshine”).
Amazon Music Livestream March 27, 2020
Link to Amazon Music livestream
The moment Ash leaves to go pee, Luke looks away from screen..
Cal remarks about Luke’s background, Ash makes a joke “that's not blurred that the clouds bro, Luke lives up in the hills.” Cal: “He doesn’t like those jokes.” Ash: “I love it! He hates them!” *continues laughing* (this reminds me of when Ash brought up the nickname “breadstick”/a>)
Ash helps Luke with figuring out how to get the chat. “You need to get it fullscreen Luke.” (Helping one another)
Luke “Ashton, where do you buy your glasses? The toilet store” Ash “No no no, Don’t encourage him! 2002 Simpsons humor!” Luke laughing (Luke dishing it back at Ash)
Ash “Luke, here’s one, you bogus!”
Ash “Heartbreak Grill” Luke “Heartbake girl” Burgers versus cookies. Ash starts to fight him on it but then lets it go.
Luke is stone faced and quiet when Ash starts talking about his ‘long lost love bodybuilder gf in high school’.
Ash’s dinner last night was 8 chicken nugs and a bag of popcorn. (In an interview, Ash said of the whole band, he’s the best cook and Luke is the worst, Ash poked fun at Luke microwaves eggs, perhaps Luke doesn’t cook much at all at home so Ash fends for himself often. Also, if Ash supposedly has a gf why didn’t she help figure out food?)
Ash: “Here's a good comment. Luke speak, I want to hear your voice” (Very smooth Ash. Ash has spoken a lot in interviews about how much he loves Luke’s voice. A couple of examples: backstage 2018 ARIAS Seconds of Summer: Backstage at ARIAs 2018 (5SOS Uncut), promo interview for Superbloom )
Ash: “Do you mind if I go upstairs and make a sandwich and be back in 20 mins?” Luke: “a chicken nuggets sandwich?” (the ongoing references to chicken nuggets/fish fingers, they are sharing a freezer/fridge)
Ash chooses a comment asking to sing Pink Floyd, Ash impromptu singing “Wish You Were Here”. “Uh! I’ve got that one!” * Luke immediately picks the guitar back up and starts playing a couple chords with a grin on his face* 
(44:00) Luke has heart eyes and touches his eye with his hand, when Ash ends the story he wrote to redirect attention of livestream from the super uncomfortable wattpad Luke romance fanfic that Michael reads.
(48:50) Ash reads a “worst” comment to sing Lady Gaga but yet starts singing “Perfect Illusion”.
(about 50:00) Randomly Ash says “You’re telling me, you’ve seen a million faces and you’ve rocked them all?” *Luke laughs* A lyric of one of Luke’s longtime favorite bands Bon Jovi. Again, Luke picks up guitar then plays a few notes of “Dead or Alive”.
(about 52:00) Ash reads a comment to listen to “Toxic” by Britney Spears. Ash then dances to it. Luke with huge grin on his face, bopping his head.
(about 57:30) Ash reads a comment for Luke to sing SLSP. Luke picks up guitar and starts playing. Ash “that rocked, that rocked my world”
(about 1:00:00) Fun fact: Empty Wallets was the first single they wanted to release off of Youngblood. (Lashton song, but that’s for a different day.)
(about 1:00:00) Ash “Here’s one. ‘Luke sing “Single Ladies” by Beyonce.’ I want to see that.” starts singing “put your hands up”
(about 1:02:00) Luke compliments Ash doing low screams, then says he can do the low screams and Luke can do the high screams.
 (about 1:04:00) Ash “I like this comment. ‘This is what real men vibe to.’ Damn right. That’s… thats true” *smiles* Luke: “Damn straight”
Over the course of the livestream, Ash reads out comments to read Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Beyonce.
Spilling the Quarrantea April 20, 2020
Link to Spilling the Quarrantea livestream
Luke and Ash both say that they are low on food, then when Michael says Ralph’s just restocked they both pretend to go together. Ash keeps repeating he only had fish fingers to eat, and Luke saying deflatedly that he has nothing left. When they get back into frame, Luke picks a quarrel by saying he bought all of the fish fingers so he can’t have any. Ash “I’m already down to my last groceries” Luke “Yeah I’ve got nothing left.” It’s brought up again later on. Ash “I just ate my last bag of fish fingers” Luke “yeah I’ve got no, I’ve got no food. I just ate my last chicken fingers.”” Luke brings up “what are you guys having for dinner?” Ash “I ate my fish fingers until I brave the outside world.” *Luke’s small awkward laugh*
Ash: “How was Ralph’s?” Luke: “Ralph’s was good. I bought all the fish fingers and there’s none left for you”
Luke and Ash being in sync so much they both turn to the side and lean down at the same time, at the end.
Ash makes a joke about Petunia being Luke’s roommate. Notice how much Luke and Ash are making jokes and ganging up on Cal and/or Michael.
Right at the beginning, Ash starts pretty much serenading Luke by playing the guitar and singing “Hey Carissa” to him.
Luke starts singing “Come come with a kick drum and a gary” and Ash is the only one that immediately starts clapping along.
Cal asks what they’ve been up to, that he hasn't seen them for two weeks, and Luke jokes about finishing the 5th album. Luke and Ash: “Gotta hit’em with a two hit wonder”, they both start shadowboxing.
Luke and Ash gang up on Cal about his outfit being a surf culture company. (Mind you, they themselves have been spotted before wearing the same company). Luke and Ash are losing their shit laughing.
Ash says “this is gotta be x rated, x rated, parental guidance rating for that fringe” when Luke’s bangs are in front of his headphones. Luke and Ash smirk and laugh.
Luke: I was trying to get the lighting right, does it look better or worse?” Ash “guess so, guess so” Luke: “It's hard to get lighting right” *Ash laughing* Ash “So hard” more laughing while Luke then pouts. (Luke has a pattern, since they’ve known each other, of pouting and fake crying to Ash, if he wants to get his way or feels like he’s let him down.)
Luke is asked “What have you been up to?” Luke: “I’ve been growing this beard, dyed my hair for a music video that didn’t happen” Ash flamboyantly says “you look amaaaaazing”. 
Luke does a move with his hands thinking it was a move for the music video for “Lost Boy”. Luke: “That's that video we did this thing.” Ash: *agrees softly to him* (a music video doesn’t exist for “Lost Boy”.)
Ash remembers Luke’s mom's tuna bake “that shit was good”. Luke jokes: “sounds like you're gonna make a your momma joke” Ash: “it was good” (a memory involving Luke’s mom is something that Ash recalls from their time in London, of which all the guys were just saying they don’t remember anything from then.)
Luke and Ash having their own conversation about Ash shaving his head for the album promo. Which then leads to joking about host mode. Luke bullies Ash about asking Michael about his least favorite song on the first album, Ash fondly laughs.
Ash tries again to get Luke to go into host mode, but then Luke tries to put it onto Michael to host.
At about the 26:00 mark, Luke and Ash are mirroring each other's head tilts.
“The Girl Who Cried Wolf” Luke and Ash copy each other’s “it's just lies!”
Ash “When do you think we’ll be able to see each other again.” Luke gets quiet with a serious look on his face and puts hand in front of his mouth.
(35:00) Ash and Luke mirroring touching the forehead.
Luke bursts out laughing when Ash puts the Ikea site on screen. (Luke finds Ash hilarious for everything istg, it's adorable don't get me wrong)
After the Ikea site, the first google search Ash does is “luke hemmings worst moments” then “luke hemmings net worth”. (Luke is first in Ash’s mind)
Ash mimicking Petunia’s zoned out face.
Ash “wow your roommate’s so hot, whats her name? Patrice?”, when Luke turns around to see Petunia, Ash does the same exact maneuver. Mirroring.
Luke does the “I love you” hand sign, and Ash says “I love you man”.
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ashtcnirwin · 2 years
Talk to me about 5sos ship dynamics please🥺
quick...uhhhh. disclaimer or something like that: these views are based on how each 5sos member appears to the public. it’s very possible that they’re very different people in their personal lives ofc but i wouldn’t know anything about that, so all my assumptions and statements here are based on how i perceive them based on their public personas
alright anon i love that you gave me a chance to talk about this in public cos i’ve talked abt it in the DMs plenty of times, so i have Thoughts Ready To Be Shared🧡
they’re sweet. like, they’re just overall incredibly sweet. luke has an overall sweet demeanour, he’s very soft spoken and kind, very touchy-feely, very reliant on words of affirmation from his loved ones, a little naïve from time to time (thinking about the dream tweets-thing with the helicopter joke). calum on the other hand doesn’t necessarily give off typically sweet vibes to me on his own, he’s quite the temperamental, attitude-y bitch (affectionate) the way i see it, but he’s incredibly sweet and patient with luke in a very particular way that he isn’t with ashton or michael. they’re both very touchy feely as well, they enjoy casual touches and hugs a lot and seem to find comfort in it
if i had to summarise cashton with one word, it would be “balance”. lord knows i’ve made a lot of jokes about their whole soulmate-thing and what it actually references (hi maya), and while i’m too much of a cynic to believe in the idea of soulmates, i do like to think that if there was such a thing as soulmates, it would be based on balance between two individuals. ashton and calum aren’t opposites (that would be lashton) but their personalities compliment each other rather beautifully, and they seem to feed off each other in a way that benefits the both of them. they’ve been there for each other when things have gotten rough in their individual personal lives, and a part of me thinks that that’s due to balance; ashton’s extremely open persona complimenting calum’s more guarded one, ashton’s rather chaotic way of being complimenting calum’s very grounded energy, while i also think they’re extremely similar in a couple of other areas
they're classic in damn near every possible way; oldest and youngest, shortest and tallest, care giver vs care receiver, the typically loud and confident one vs the typically cautious and self-depracating one. so many jokes have been made over the years about ashton being the band dad, but in many ways he absolutely is, and i think it’s particularly apparent when it comes to how he interacts with luke. while ashton has always been very loud about how proud he is of luke, about how much he supports him, luke has been equally non-verbally loud about how much he admires and looks up to ashton in a very typical youngest brother vs oldest brother dynamic. the vibe is that if they were stuck in a zombie apocolyptic world, ashton would sacrifice himself for luke but luke wouldn’t let him
i mean. childhood best friends. that’s the dynamic and it shows. they have so many things going for them at once; they look at each other with so much fondness, they appear to be the most comfortable with extended physical displays of affection (see the plane clip from the tmh europe tour diary), they’re so horribly kind to each other, but they also know each other so well it’s almost scary and they enjoy poking fun at each other when the chance presents itself. these two dudes have gone through life together, they’ve been friends since way before either of them had any inkling that they wanted to pursue a musical career, and now it’s been two decades and they’re still by each other’s sides
they’re an interesting one to me, because the way i see it, they’re very much a case of “had to learn how to love each other”. they’re not a natural fit, they’re two very opinionated, stubborn and strong-willed characters who had 5sos been a nature show would have engaged in a battle to murder each other at the first chance they got. i firmly believe it took them a while to understand each other, because i think they’re rather similar by nature in many ways but extremely different by nurture. and i think they’ve landed in a place of deeply rooted mutual respect now, i think they admire each other’s approach to music but also to life in general, in a vaguely mystified “i don’t and i never will understand you 100% but i love and respect you more than i could ever convey through words”-way 
muke has such youngest sibling vs middle sibling vibes in the way that michael will bully the living shit out of luke at damn near every turn. it’s so incredibly easy to spot if you look at old footage but the thing is that it’s still there to this day, but in a more tempered and mature way. it’s that whole thing where michael has, since the very beginning, taken every chance to poke fun at luke in one way or another, but he’s simultaneously been his fiercest protector, while luke in turn remains incredibly gullible as far as michael’s antics go (like at the...i think it was the irvine-show, with the t-shirts and all that). they have that whole “will kill each other on the daily but will also arson anyone who even looks nastily at the other”-thing going on
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Mornings Masterlist
An Ode To The Sea (ao3) - Malinawrites luke/calum N/R, 537
Summary: Calum loves his mornings with Luke. Like a lot.
everything will glow for you (ao3) - mukelftv michael/calum T, 695
Summary: michael and calum have a soft morning.
Good morning (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke E, 1k
Summary: Michael wakes up from a lovely wet dream his boyfriend next to him. very kinky morning sex happens. :)
hang up the telephone (and just be here with me) (ao3) - bellawritess luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: The rain wakes Ashton at seven in the morning, but the phone buzzing on the bedside table is what rouses Luke.
how do you like your eggs in the morning? i like mine with a kiss (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton, michael/luke M, 2k
Summary: Ashton doesn't know how he got lucky enough to have the most beautiful boy in the world standing butt naked in his kitchen making him breakfast on a Saturday morning but hey, he isn't complaining.
In The Heat Where You Lay (ao3) - merlypops michael/ashton E, 2k
Summary: It's Mashton's anniversary, Michael is sleepy, and Ashton just wants to give him his present.
i was made to keep your body warm (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: There was a calm feeling in the air, despite the deep arousal flowing through both of them. Ashton pressed a hand to Luke's shoulder, gently slowing his movements to resume their unhurried pace.
or, lashton morning sex
Just Another Reason I Could Never Forget You (ao3) - MyMy michael/calum M, 2k
Summary: It's malum grinding one out in the too early morning.
Live Like This Forevermore (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: Luke and Ashton spent a lazy morning together
mornings (ao3) - sanfran michael/luke E, 527
Summary: michael and luke love mornings like this
Morning Sexxxxx (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke E, 436
Summary: just basically short Muke smut (morning sex)
Plaid Shirts and Morning Kisses (ao3) - beendreaminglikeafool michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: Luke wears one of Michael's plaid shirts.
right now could last forever (ao3) - mukelftv luke/ashton T, 434
Summary: luke's wearing ashton's shirt this morning.
stay stay stay (i’ve been loving you for quite some time) (ao3) - nothingliketherain (39_killer_queen) michael/ashton T, 2k
Summary: A soft, lazy morning that ends with Ashton asking Michael a very important question.
tell me that you got nowhere to be (ao3) - mukelftv luke/calum, michael/ashton T, 1k
Summary: luke and calum have another lazy morning together.
the best present (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) luke/ashton T, 1k
Summary: Luke has one particular present to give Ashton on Christmas.
Waking Up Next To You (ao3) - iamfrenchy michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: Waking up next to Michael Clifford had to be the most amazing feeling in the world and I was that lucky person that got to call Mikey my own, I, Luke Hemmings, got to call him all my own.
Cute fluff moments and just a little peak into a very fluffy cute morning between the two.
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poisoneitherway · 1 year
Let's fly to the UK together for the lashton tour, bestie ✨
But just imagine... it would be so cool if that happened and they came to Europe (!!!!) Tbh I'd give them all my money if I have to
I'm in!!!! Am also willing to fly to New York at this point 🤭 I need to hear soo many songs live, they need to tour their albums! just a few dates in europe will do 🥺
On another note, you're going to amsterdam too right? I have extra collectors card for the show and if we manage to find eachother it's yours cause my friend said she doesn't want it and I don't need two 🫶🏻
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jetblackbritt13 · 2 years
9 People I Want To Know Better
Thanks for the tag @pass-the-5sauce !!!
Three Ships: Lashton, Mashton, Muke
First Ever Ship: Back when I was a Wee Baby (9ish) I was obsessed with NCIS:LA and I shipped Kensi and Deeks (this was before they got together in the show). This led to me discovering different ship forums and, eventually, led me to Fanfiction.net (and then I made the jump to AO3 years later). So, it was truly the beginning of it all.
Last Song: on Apple Music, Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift. On Spotify, Babylon (Live) by 5SOS. Can’t remember which was most recent.
Last Movie: I genuinely can’t remember, it’s been a WHILE. But the last movie I saw in theaters was Spider Man No Way Home Christmas Eve of 2021.
Currently Reading: Rereading Dripping Fingers (a HP fanfic) by May_May_0_0 on AO3
Currently Watching: Nothing, the last thing I watched on TV was some sort of nature documentary series weeks ago, and I only put it on bc I needed background noise while I ate.
Currently Consuming: a Pepsi? The store was out of Dr Pepper, unfortunately. I had pizza a bit ago.
Currently Craving: Boba Tea
I tag @sofsversion and @theotrickmann if they would like to do this!
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
hellooo hazel pls tell me 24, 45 and 68 from your 5sos fic ideas <3
hi adi! thanks for asking! let's see what we have here
24. "Malum quarantine au?" okay so this one is one that i have technically started but don't know if i'm ever going to finish. it's an early early pandemic fic where michael lives alone and doesn't want to face quarantine without another person, so calum temporarily moves in with him and stuff happens etc etc they're in love! i do waffle on this though just because the pandemic is such a large and devastating part of all of our lives that still has negative repercussions and i'm not sure i'm fully comfortable using it as the inciting incident for a silly little romance fic right now, and i also feel like i've already kind of forgotten what those first few weeks of the pandemic were like, which could make writing this with any sort of accuracy difficult.
45. "Lashton high school romeo and juliet au" omg this was actually one of my very first 5sos fic ideas, like one of the first 5 i would say. the concept behind it is that ashton and luke get cast as romeo and juliet in a high school production of it. i love high school theater and shakespeare specifically and i think it'd be super fun to play with the role vs the backstage vs outside of theater considerations. i also think it'd be fun to have them meet for the first time at callbacks (that happened to my friend when she was cast as juliet in high school, she hadn't met romeo before they had to read together) and i think if one of them was new to the theater department it'd be super cool to also explore confidence and belonging.
68. omg. i'm not going to reveal the name for this one actually. it's an ot3 idea for a trio that has only been written twice on ao3 and all it is is early morning fluff. that's it. that's the whole premise of it. i expect that it'll be at most 3k, but likely 1k words and some change. i would love to whip it out someday just for the novelty of it.
send me a number 1-89 and i’ll tell you about the idea it corresponds to on my 5sos idea doc!
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daydadahlias · 2 years
Ooh i love asking silly fic questions so im gonna jump in! (If thats alright :))
Which of all the couples you wrote in your fics is most likely to be end game and which the least?
Ofc it’s alright!!! I love silly fic questions!! Thank you for asking!! I will say, I never really think that much about my guys long term. I’m just showing you a little snippet of their lives, y’know, and I don’t have much clue what happens afterwards. So I’ve never really thought about this question before!!! And it was a lot of fun (and a little sad lmfao) to scroll through all my fics and go “oh you guys probably breakup don’t you?”
Anyway, I think the couple that 100% stays together and never breaks up are cashton from Subject Line and also lashton in Portable Player. I feel good about those guys; I don’t see them ever going their separate ways. Honestly, I always write my fics with kind of the assumption that the guys in the main pairing are “made” for each other in a ways.
That being said, the guys in Bittersweet totally break up and stop talking after high school, sorry.
And lashton in Paint Me never really get together in the first place; they just fuck a couple times and then subsequently go their separate ways :)
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gothluke · 2 years
hot girl culture is remembering when luke played “master of puppets” for ashton when they lived together 🥺
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honeyedlashton · 2 years
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[ “ let you put your hands on me in my skin - tight jeans , be your teenage dream tonight . ” ] 💘 💜 🦋 🖤 💞
• my heart stops when you look at me • just one touch now , baby , I believe this is real • so take a chance , and don’t ever look back • don’t ever look back •
— “ teenage dream ” katy perry
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cyclogenesis · 3 years
i have to tell you that the second i saw cal and ash on that mountain getaway a couple weeks ago, i thought about how desperately i would love a sequel to your turks & caicos fic set during that trip. (this is not a request, i promise, i just wanted to tell you bc that is one of my fav fics of all time)
Aw anon!! 🥺 Gosh I hadn't even thought about that when I was in my feelings about the mountain getaway pictures, which is wild because I am just remembering now that I started a fic after the honeymoon comment initially happened (like, very soon after, because @elliebirdthings was at that show and told me about it and we were freaking out haha), before we knew that they went to Turks & Caicos, and I had them taking that trip to a cabin in Maine.
Just for kicks, because this message made me smile and I love you for that, here's the beginning of that fic. It's unfinished obviously (not even any kissing!), but there's some nice stuff in there I think. This fic was going to be titled A whole fucking lifetime of this after the American Pleasure Club album which was a title I should have kept, goddammit. Also randomly in here I have them driving to the cabin while listening to My Bloody Valentine, who Ashton later called out as one of his main influences for Superbloom.
1600 words of unfinished Cashton under the cut! 😘
The day after the last meeting about the promo schedule the dressing room conversation turns, as it does, to plans for the break. It’s a month out, but they’ve to a man developed a fetish for planning their free time carefully as soon as the schedule’s set. Planning things makes Ashton feel like a grown-up. He likes renting cars. Sometimes he scrolls through AirBnB for hours just to see what’s out there.
“I’m going straight back, we got Dodgers tickets,” Michael says.
“I remember when you used to say ‘we’ and it meant you and me,” Calum says. He wiggles a little from where he’s snuggled against Michael on the couch like he wants to get away, but of course Michael doesn’t let him. Ashton thinks he probably wasn’t really trying.
“Aw, you’ll always be my first love,” Michael tells him, squeezing Calum to him more tightly. “You wanna make out just for old times sake?”
“I do not,” says Calum, but he lets Michael give him a big kiss on the forehead, his face squinching up happily.
“I just wanna get away for a bit, no work or social media or anything,” says Ashton, ignoring their tomfoolery. “A little cabin by a lake somewhere.”
“Oh yeah?” Luke says. “Where are you and Cal going this time?”
“Maine,” Calum says, at the same time as Ashton says, “Why would you assume we’re going somewhere together?”
A small silence falls over the room.
With dignity, Ashton says, “Calum and I are going to Maine.”
“Just get out in front of it this time,” Michael advises. “Let everyone know it’s another honeymoon. Take control of the narrative.”
“How many times can you go on a honeymoon before you have to acknowledge that you’re married?” Luke asks nobody in particular.
“It’s a bro trip,” Ashton says firmly. “For bros.”
“It’s very bromantic,” Luke says. “It’s okay, I’m not hurt I wasn’t invited. I love going back to LA and jerking off alone.”
“It’s nice that we’ve all got plans,” Calum says. He’s settled peacefully back against Michael, Michael absently petting his hair.
“It’s not a honeymoon,” Ashton insists.
Whatever, Ashton called it what he called it, okay? Might as well control the narrative.
Over drinks at the bar after their last show Calum asks, “Where would you want to go on your honeymoon, anyway? Somewhere new?”
Ashton pokes at the ice in his cocktail with his straw. Aren’t they supposed to not be using straws anymore because of the ocean or whatever? Ashton loves the ocean, it’s very important to him. Also this cocktail sucks. “Can I try your drink?” he asks. “I don’t love mine.” Calum has something with ginger in it, and bubbles. Calum slides his obligingly over, and Ashton passes his own over to be fair.
“I like yours better,” Calum says after a sip. “You wanna trade?”
Sometimes Ashton does believe in soulmates. “Yes, thank you.” He takes a long drink. “It would be nice to spend more time in Italy. Not one of the tourist-y parts though, somewhere quiet. Up north, maybe, one of the smaller towns.” He tries to picture what it would be like: olive groves, blue skies, stone churches. An old villa with lemon trees and a view of the hills. He’s so used to traveling with the band or just with Calum that it’s hard to picture anyone else there with him. They’re all as prone as anyone to get swept up with girls to the exclusion of most everything else, but Ashton can’t really imagine a future without seeing Calum all the time, without talking to him every day. Maybe he and Calum could just get married around the same time and they could all go on a honeymoon together.
“Yeah, that’d be pretty nice,” Calum says, looking wistful. Ashton wants to take a picture of him, capture the way a curl rests against his temple, how the blue neon lights behind the bar hit the glitter he let Ashton smear on his cheekbones before the show. They made a no social media pledge for this trip but Ashton’s bringing his camera anyway. He has to keep in practice, doesn’t he? Anyway, it’s important to capture these memories.
“Maybe we should just go,” Ashton tells him. “Why not? Who knows how long it could take for me to fool someone into living with this forever?” He sucks down the last of his drink, feeling sorry for himself now. What if he falls in love and she moves in and Calum stops coming over in the morning to walk to their favorite coffee shop together, and stops picking Ashton up so they can go hike Runyon, and stops bringing Duke over like he owns the damn place and doesn’t care about the dog hair that Ashton has to hoover off his couch pillows? That would be terrible. Worst of all, what if it was Ashton that suddenly wanted those things to stop?
“I’ll live with you forever,” Calum says, too busy flagging down the bartender to intuit Ashton’s emotional crisis. He gestures to Ashton’s empty drink. “Another one of those, right?” His own is still half full. Maybe he didn’t really like Ashton’s better after all.
“Yeah, thanks man,” Ashton sighs.
Calum bumps his knee against Ashton’s, the barstool squeaking beneath him. “Ash, you’re gonna find somebody if that’s what you want. Anyone would be the luckiest person alive to be with you. Maybe we could do Italy after the tour wraps, we’ll finish in Spain so it won’t be far.”
The thought cheers Ashton a bit; that’s a decent amount of time to get on AirBnB and see what he can find that’s available. It’ll be nice to have something to look forward to, Italian sunshine and limoncello and the quiet.
“Mike and Luke will definitely give us shit though about planning another honeymoon while we’re still on this one,” Calum says.
“Let ‘em,” says Ashton.
It’s not a long flight but it’s a bit of a drive from there to get to the cabin. But Calum said he wanted something remote and quiet, so it’s worth the wait, the drive in the dark. There’s moonlight, anyway, and Calum took the wheel, getting them the rest of the way there in their little silver Prius rental. He puts on My Bloody Valentine and sings along, low and comforting to listen to after so many days straight of playing, of promo. Halfway through the trip Ashton thinks he sees a shooting star, maybe thought he dreamed it until he felt Calum’s soft nudge of knuckles against his arm, heard his quiet, “You see that, bro?”
The way gets bumpy, thick with trees, dark and hard to navigate once they turn off the main road. At the end of it all there’s the cabin, looming in the dark, lights left on for them and the key exactly where it’s supposed to be. It’s past one a.m. but they still give the place a wander, stopping at the largest bedroom facing the lake. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows Ashton sees trees, darkness, the black glitter of water under starlight. Calum asks, “You want this one?”
Ashton looks further and just sees more darkness. “It’s kind of unnerving at night,” he says. “Anyone could be out there.” The other bedroom has smaller windows, but the point stands. “Do you wanna just watch TV or something in here and then decide?”
“If we get axe murdered here I hope our ghosts come back and leave a one star review,” Calum says, but he’s already shrugging his duffel off his shoulders and kicking off his shoes.
The host left them a bottle of pinot grigio so Ashton pours up a few glasses while Calum strips down to his boxers and gets in bed. The boxers have cartoon pugs all over them. “I can’t believe that’s the lingerie you’re wearing for our honeymoon,” Ashton says, handing him a glass. “I also can’t believe those boxers even exist.”
Calum raises it to him in a salute and takes a sip. “These boxers are fantastic, but I guess if you want me to take them off…” he trails off, eyebrow raised, thumb hooked in the waistband pushing them down past his hipbone, then further until Ashton can see the crease of his thigh.
“No, no,” Ashton says hurriedly, “I’m just saying, what’s wrong with a nice pair of footie pajamas? Keeps you warm. Keeps you modest.” Nevertheless he shucks his own clothes except for his own (very grown-up, perfectly normal, in a flattering shade of dark green) boxers and joins Calum in bed. Calum’s already stopped paying attention to him, too busy trying to figure out how to work the remote. He finally gets the screen to flash on, and Ashton stays quiet, sipping his wine while Calum flips channels, finally landing on something in black and white. Cary Grant comes on screen but Ashton still isn’t sure what movie it is; Calum seems interested enough, setting the remote down between them, so he doesn’t complain. The wine goes down easy and Ashton does too after not too long.
He rolls onto his side and sees that Calum’s eyes are already closed. It doesn’t look like he’s asleep yet; it always takes him a bit, leaving him in a dozy stage for about ten minutes during which he might respond crankily to any communication or with adorable mumbling affection. Ashton turns the sound down and says, as quietly as he can, “TV off?” Calum’s eyes don’t open, but he nods a little. “Okay. You want me to go sleep in the other room?”
Calum moves then, a sleepy shift of his body, fumbling a hand up and blindly patting the sheet until he makes contact with Ashton’s hand on the remote and squeezes it, links their fingers together like he can’t quite figure out how to make it work. It feels nice. “’S’okay,” he murmurs. “Stay here.”
Ashton didn’t feel like getting up anyway.
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lashton-is-my-drug · 1 year
i was listening to Lover of Mine, as I do, and i was thinking about the first part of the chorus
"I'll never give you away /'Cause I've already made that mistake/ If my name never fell off your lips again/ I know it'd be such a shame"
If it is supposedly about Sierra, which no, the first two lines don't make a lot of sense. To me, it's as if the lyrics about breaking up then getting back together, which I don't think Lierra has done. But could be possible for Lashton
The narrative was Luke and Sierra were seen publicly, then very quickly were “together”. They’ve never given any indication since then that there’s been any breakup.
But on the other hand, Luke and Ash have had a long history, of now over a decade, and the struggles of a closeted gay relationship in the music industry has plenty of struggles and obstacles to get through.
So much of LOM points to Luke and Ash.
The rainbow of the visualizer…
Anytime her name is in the song credits it’s automatically about her with Luke. Even though it’s nothing to do with her. She’s included on their tracks for the clout and songwriting credits.
Meanwhile…. Lol
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Dancing around the living room. LASHTON
Keeping secrets. CLOSETING
Both having to lie to be together. GAY AND CLOSETING
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pixiegrl · 3 years
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Co-Workers AU Masterlist
cake topics (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum E, 39k
Summary: Every morning that week, Calum goes back to the bakery, collects his lemon bar, and sets up on the terrace with his laptop.
And every morning that week, he sees the tall guy with off duty model vibes, right around the same time, always carrying his iced coffee, always wearing a leather jacket. Since he’s all the way across the street, Calum doesn’t really get a good look at him beyond basic shapes, so the off duty model thing is based entirely on his build and the fact that he looks sort of effortlessly put together with his leather jacket and casual sneakers.
That’s probably why Calum waves like a maniac and blurts, “Hey buddy!” when he comes face to face with the guy when he’s in line for his lemon bar the following Monday morning.
Jumping before the Gunshot has Gone Off (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/luke, calum/ashton, luke/louis E, 128k
Summary: (In which Michael’s hated Luke since they met, and Luke’s hated him back—except, somehow, they can’t stop having sex with one another. To make matters worse, Luke is dumb enough to go and fall in love with the man who hates him.)
minute suite dreams (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum M, 10k
Summary: The attendant disappears down the hall, and Luke finally gets a good look at the place he and Calum will be spending the night.
“Oh fuck,” Luke murmurs under his breath, wheeling his suitcase into the space and looking back at Calum apologetically. “It’s, uh. Small.”
Sapphire (ao3) - Icantswim luke/ashton T, 3k
Summary: Part Five of my Lashton One-Shot challenge. Prompt: Coworkers
See the World Hanging Upside Down (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine ot4 M, 117k
Summary: (In which Ashton pines after Luke, who is already in a relationship, and Luke really wants Ashton to meet Michael and Calum.)
small talk (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum T, 5k
Summary: There are these people in everyone’s life that aren’t really people you know, but they’re also not people you don’t know. Luke has a few of these sorts of uncategorizable acquaintances.
The barista who makes his iced latte every morning, the lady who always sits in the same seat across from him on the train, the guy who gets to work at the same time and shares the elevator with him to the 9th floor.
An elevator fic.
takeoffs and landings (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/ashton T, 7k
Summary: It’s been Monday for an entire week. This might sound like an exaggeration. Like something Ashton would say to Calum after a long day at work. But it’s really just Ashton’s life right now.
a time loop soulmate au.
There Must Have Been Some Magic (ao3) - Maluminspace michael/ashton G, 4k
Summary: Ashton is the office Grinch and Michael maybe a little too enthusiastic about Christmas.
there’s no need to run and hide (when the world leaves a scar) (ao3) -haveufoundwhaturlookingfor luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 10k
Summary: Luke is a new intern, and he gets along with pretty much everyone he works with. Well, everyone except for Ashton Irwin. Ashton is cold, and doesn’t give him the time of day. Certain events keep on bringing the two together whether they like it or not, and eventually, Luke finds out why Ashton is so cold.
To Fall And To Live, To Adore And To Give - @ashtcnirwin (elivigar) luke/ashton E, 46k
Summary: In which Ashton and Luke spend a week together in a cabin in the Great Smoky Mountains.
two can play that game (but you win me every time) (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: When Calum tells people he works at IKEA, people tend to respond enthusiastically. Some of them joke, did you have to learn Swedish?, or make a crack about the meatballs. Some of them ask how many marriages he’s seen end amongst the aisles. Basically, everyone turns into a comedian the moment Calum mentions his job.
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5sos-fic-exchange · 2 years
5sos Fic Exchange - Summer 2022
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We had 14 wonderful fics created for this round of our biannual exchange!  There’s a collection on AO3 that can be found here, and tumblr posts are linked in this masterlist!  Remember to show the author some love if you read by leaving kudos, comments, and reblogging their post!
Lacuna - 27k, E, Cake, written by @ashtcnirwin for @crossedwiress
So Luke doesn’t mind having Ashton in his life.
He really enjoys it, actually.
What he has yet to find a reason for enjoying, however, is the fact that if he’s invited to third wheel Michael and Ashton, Calum is usually invited as well.
In which Luke needs a place to live, Calum needs a roommate, and they don’t exactly dislike each other, they just don’t exactly like each other either.
Take My Paw - 13k, T, Malum, written by @youngsingingheart for @jbhmalumm
A kitten and a puppy meet in a place full of other kittens and puppies.
i’ll be patient despite our racing hearts - 5k, T, Mashton, written by @calumsclifford for @lukemichaelcalumashton
The thing is, Michael and Ashton aren’t not friends. They do things that friends do. They enjoy each other’s company. They have the same taste in music. They have good talks. “You can be friends with your boyfriend, Michael,” Calum says, exasperated.
or, Michael and Ashton are accidentally fake dating
take my hand (now and forever) - 2k, T, Mashton, written by @jbhmalumm for @calumsclifford
It doesn’t take him long to find Ashton.  He’s sitting along the stream, toes dipping in the calm water.  The moon casts a light so gentle over his profile that Michael’s breath almost catches in his chest.  They’re a long way from the time they fell in love, but in moments like these, when it’s the middle of the night and Ashton’s features and whole demeanour radiate youth and innocence, it feels like the first time Michael looked at him and realised he hadn’t thought of him as a friend in a long time.
or: mashton, camping, and late night talking
since we can’t hook up tonight - 5k, E, Lashton, written by @lifewasradical for @killmytimes
As much as he may nearly count down the hours until he gets to speak to Luke again, that doesn’t mean that Luke is doing the same for him.  Now that Luke is off touring and seeing new people and amazing sights, maybe he’s forgetting about the people waiting at home for him.
Maybe he’s forgetting Ashton is waiting at home for him.
But Ashton reminds himself again that just because he’s a hopeless fool for Luke doesn’t mean that Luke feels the same about him.  Quite the opposite, honestly, because he knows that Luke doesn’t feels the same about him, or they wouldn’t be in this position right now, friends with benefits instead of more.
Daydreams - 6k, T, Mashton, written by @daydadahlias for @babush-cat
It’s not Michael’s fault the owner of Fletcher’s Flowers is so good-looking. And no one—Luke—should be able to blame him for wanting to come to the shop and admire the pretty buff man with large delicate hands as he assembles bouquets or pets his cat.
you erode all my edges (and make me into love) - 4k, T, OT4, written by @bandsanitizer for @daydadahlias
For all the people Ashton has loved, it never quite crossed his mind how differently love exists. That sure, somewhere within the love between friends and family, romantic partners and the kind of love you extend to random people that come through your life, Ashton definitely put together that not all feelings of love are the same.
But when it comes to loving Michael, Calum, and Luke, Ashton has found that it’s not quite as simple as clearly-cut categories between labels on relationships. He might even consider it wrong to confine the feelings he has for them—in both degree and complexity—into something as simple as just romantic infatuation or as cut-and-paste as seeing himself with them for the rest of his life. Ashton definitely does, don’t get him wrong, but for all the love he’s experienced and given, it’s strange to come to an awareness that even when you think love is the same—even when you might even want it to be—it’s not.
That, to Ashton at least, it’s less of differences in relationships and more of differences in people that we love, that inspire us to love differently.
Off-stage - 6k, T, OT4, written by @lukemichaelcalumashton for @bandsanitizer
“So we’re kissing each other on stage now?” Ashton asks while they sit around eating their dinner after the show.
Luke chokes audibly on his California Spring roll, forcing Michael to give him a few thumps on his back.  With watery eyes, he glances at Calum, sitting across from him and finds him grinning back smugly.  Neither of them say anything.  It’s Michael who says, “yeah, what was that about?” looking directly at Calum who shrugs nonchalantly.
“Dunno, I just felt like doing it,” he says, leaning back on his palms, still looking at Luke.  “Luke doesn’t mind, do you, Luke?”
The truth is Luke does mind.  He minds a lot.  Not because he doesn’t like it, but because it messes with his head--leaves him feeling a little floaty and distracted.
Or 3 times the boys kiss Luke on stage + 1 time Luke kisses them all off stage.
in your ocean, i’m sinking - 11k, T, Cake, written by @crossedwiress for @4thbrighteststar
Luke’s eyes are a little too bright when you look into them for too long. It would be easy to fall into them.
Calum wonders whether it would be more like hovering in a lovely blue sky, sunrays warming his face and very soul, or perhaps maybe drowning in a chilling ocean, cold waves enveloping his body.
A part of him, a reckless part of him, is willing to fall if only for the glimmering hope that it would be the former.  
In which Calum and Luke go on a road trip to New York, featuring: pining, bad jokes, and far more coffee than is advised.  
there’s no need to run and hide (when the world leaves a scar) - 10k, T, Lashton, written by @jurassicworjd for @lifewasradical
Luke is a new intern, and he gets along with pretty much everyone he works with. Well, everyone except for Ashton Irwin. Ashton is cold, and doesn’t give him the time of day. Certain events keep on bringing the two together whether they like it or not, and eventually, Luke finds out why Ashton is so cold.
i wanna tell you so (how to hold my heart) - 25k, T, Mashton, written by @babush-cat for @igarbagecannoteven
Ashton turns to greet him, faded red hair swishing gracefully with the motion until the gentle waves settle and frame his face, all sunny grin and perfect dimples and sparkling hazel eyes and Michael hates Calum he hates him so much.
“Oh hey, it’s my favorite customer!” he says with his stupid cute voice constantly sounding on the verge of laughter and happiness and sunshine.
Michael hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels, averts his eyes to shield them from the powerful glow Ashton always seems to emanate, “You say that to all your customers.”
Michael is a programmer by day, a vigilante’s guy in the chair by night, and a full-time admirer of the cute barista down at the coffee shop he frequents, and sometimes he wonders if everyone around him is way too dramatic or if he’s missing something.
or, this technically still counts as a coffee shop au
burnt eggs & broken promises - 5k, G, Lashton, written by @igarbagecannoteven for @jurassicworjd
“…So after a month or two of getting hounded by people, I may or may not have invented a fictional boyfriend.”
Luke glanced up at Ashton with worried blue eyes, as if he was expecting to be berated for lying. Instead, Ashton shrugged. “I can see why.”
Ashton’s always found his roommate, Luke, nothing but aggravating, but when they make a deal where Ashton has to pretend to be Luke’s boyfriend for a night, his opinion starts to shift slightly…
i don’t wanna dive too deep or i’m never comin’  back - 22k, E, Lashton, written by @killmytimes for @ashtcnirwin
luke goes to the gym for the first time and unexpectedly meets the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen.
true love in 3D - 16k, M, Muke, written by @4thbrighteststar for @youngsingingheart​
Michael turns around, too, and he swears it’s like something out of a romcom.  Luke Hemmings turns out to be a gorgeous 6′2 man with eyes so blue and the fluffiest blond curls he’s ever seen.  Michael feels his heart rate bump up, up, up, faster, faster, faster, and his mouth goes dry and his eyes probably widen a little too much, but he barely registers the nerves.  Instead, his brain takes note of exactly three things: the massive violet bush against his back that threatens to swallow him if he swoons, the smell of the rum that Jack is holding next to him, and the single clear thought his head will allow right now - this summer just got a lot more interesting.
A muke cate’s brother songfic.
Thank you to all of our participants for your amazing fics!
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emmyhem · 4 years
it’s about time (l.r.h)
a/n: hi again! first of all i want to say thank you for the support on “seven things” it means the world. secondly, my requests are open and i’d be happy to write something for you. this is a jealous bff!luke imagine i wanted to get up this weekend, i didn’t do a very thorough edit before posting so hopefully there aren’t any typos. i am working on the request for a lashton x reader love triangle piece right now and will hopefully have it up by monday or tuesday. thank you, i hope you enjoy - emmy :) 
pairing: luke hemmings x reader 
summary: being best friends with the guy you’re in love with is extremely taxing especially when you have to watch him be with another girl all night. just when you’ve finally had enough of waiting around for him he ruins your plans for moving on. 
warnings: alcohol, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, slight angst, jealous luke, mentions of throwing up, cursing, luke’s a bit of an asshole. 
word count: 3.3k
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“God, could they get a room?” you scoffed leaning into Calum as you watched your best friend practically eat his date’s face from across the club. 
“Jealous are we y/n?” Calum laughed slinging an arm over your shoulder. 
“No, just utterly disgusted.” you said before slamming back your fourth shot of tequila.
 That was a lie, you were jealous. You were so insanely jealous that you could scream. 
Luke had met his date, Hannah at the studio last week. She was new, working at the front desk. She had caught Luke’s eye the second she walked in the room with a bright confident smile, and a flirty look in her eye. Luke had asked her out the next day and was practically giddy when she accepted. 
And that’s how they ended up in the corner of the club, Luke’s hands tangled in her hair, and her tongue down his throat. All the while you were trying to not look bitter, and distracting yourself with one too many drinks. 
It wasn’t a new routine. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve had to sit back and watch a girl way prettier than you, be in the exact position that you would quite literally die to be in, with your best friend of 4 years. And somehow it seemed to hurt more each time, which meant more drinks for you. 
As you felt the familiar and comforting burn of your fifth shot of the night slide down your throat Calum shot you a knowing look. 
“Maybe you should slow down there, kid.” 
You rolled your eyes and took his Corona from his hands using it as a chaser. 
“Corona girl?” you heard from behind you. When you turn, your eyes meet a pretty pair of green ones (you still preferred Luke’s blue, but what the hell). 
“Tequila girl.” you clarified. 
“Respect.” the man said, extending a strong tattooed hand. “I’m Austin.” 
“Y/n” you said, shaking his hand. You glanced over your shoulder at Calum who was now engaged in a conversation with Mikey and Ashton beside you. 
“Pretty name, pretty girl.” he smirked. “So, can I get you a tequila?” 
You giggled, happy for a distraction from Luke.
“You can get me a margarita, on the rocks.” 
The two of you chatted as you sipped on your drink, mind getting hazier with each sip. And you don’t know if it was the alcohol or your determination to get Luke off your mind but Austin was really, really hot. 
“Do you wanna dance with me?” you asked before you had a chance to convince yourself otherwise. You were never really a dance in public kind of girl, normally the closest you got to showing your moves on the dancefloor was Just Dance in Luke’s living room. 
“Absolutely.” Austin replied, sliding an arm around your waist to lead you to the dancefloor. 
The bass beat shook the floor as the two of you made your way to the middle of the club. As you stopped you realized you had absolutely no idea what to do. You never did stuff like this. You can’t even remember the last time you went on a date, let alone danced to sleazy house music with a stunning stranger. You glanced around you hoping to follow the lead of the more experienced dancers around you.
 A redhead to your right swung her hips, inching closer to her partner's body with each movement until she was pressed directly to his chest. 
“Seems like a good place to start” you mumbled to yourself. 
The second your hips were in movement Austin’s hands gripped them strongly guiding your movements closer and closer to him. As the beat built and your movements slowed to a teasingly slow pace his grip tightened causing your tight white dress to bunch up on your thighs. 
With the alcohol in your bloodstream and Austin’s breath on the back of your neck you nearly forgot about Luke and your perpetual sadness, that is until you locked eyes with him from across the room. 
Hannah was tucked under his arm sipping on her drink, but his gaze was locked on you, he had an unrecognizable look on his face, and a jaw clenched so hard you feared he would break his teeth. 
You took him staring as the perfect opportunity to spin around, inches away from Austin’s face looking up at him through your lashes. His pupils were blown a bit, eyes filled with lust. He was practically breathing into your mouth. You will yourself to just kiss him. It’s not like you were Luke’s girl you thought, so you started to lean in. 
As Austin placed his hand on the back of your neck you felt someone grab your arm tugging you out of Austin’s grip. 
“Y/n”  Luke appeared next to you.
“Is there a problem man?” Austin said grabbing one of your hands. 
Luke rolled his eyes with a sly grin on his face, “Cal wants to talk to you.” he said to you not breaking eye contact with the pissed off guy in front of you. 
“I’m a bit busy.” you said annoyance brewing in you as you ripped your arm out of Luke’s hand. “Can it wait?” 
“Nope, said it was important.” he said nonchalantly “Better go find him.” 
You internally groaned, “I’ll be right back.” you said leaning in to peck Austin’s cheek. 
“Y/n, C’mon!” Luke shouted over the music. 
“Fine!” you groaned leaving Luke and Austin behind you as you scanned the bar for Calum. 
After searching for a few minutes you saw him in a booth with Ashton, and Michael talking and laughing. 
“Calum,” you called. He glanced up at you waving a hand above his hand. You slid into the booth next to him, your patience growing thin. 
“What is it?” you said. 
“What?” he said, confusion spreading across his face. 
“Luke said you needed to talk to me, what’s up?” 
Calum’s eyebrows tugged together glancing at the other guys. 
“I haven’t talked to Luke since we got here.” 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the corner across the room where Luke had Hannah pressed up against the wall. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you said out loud, rubbing your temple in frustration. 
Ashton gave you a sympathetic smile and glanced at Michael who was practically sleeping on Cal’s shoulder. 
“Maybe we should head out.” he said motioning to the drunk mess that was the three of you. 
“No” Calum whined, dragging out the oh sound. “y/n was about to get some.” he teased poking your side. 
“Just take him home, y/n/n.” Michael groaned, not even opening his eyes. 
You pondered the idea, you never did stuff like this. But Austin was hot, and Luke was preoccupied. To say the least.
“I could take him home.” you say aloud trying to convince yourself. 
“Then do it.” Calum challenged. 
“I will.” you stated proudly. “You guys get Luke. Ash, you get the uber, and Austin and I will meet you at the door. “ you gave a quick nod to the boys and went to get Austin. 
Austin stood exactly where you left him on the dance floor. 
“Thank god you’re back. I-“ 
Before he had a chance to finish, you crashed your lips onto his. He quickly fell into the kiss moving his hand to the small of you back. Before it went any further you pulled apart about an inch, and spoke into his mouth, 
“Come back to my apartment?” 
“Absolutely.” he said an excited smile growing on his face.
When the two of you made it to where your group was struggling to stand by the door Luke pulled apart from Hannah, looking Austin up and down. His eyes stopping where your hands were interlocked. 
“Love, a word?” he slurred, nodding his head away from the group. 
You walked with him just outside the door. 
“What’s up?” 
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean with this guy, what are you doing with him?” 
“Um, taking him home with me?” you said confused. 
“You can’t do that.” 
“Who says?” anger began building as you looked up at him. 
“Uh, me I guess. You know nothing about him.” 
This caused you to scoff, a laugh passing your lips, “And you do a background check on every girl you take home with you?” 
“That’s different,” he alleged. 
“And how’s that?” your patience was growing thin, and you could feel this conversation sobering you up. 
“I don’t know y/n, you're just not one night stand material.” 
Okay, ouch. Tears began to prick at your waterline. 
“Go to hell.” you breathed, pushing past him. 
“No, y/n/n. You know that’s not what I meant. C’mon love, hey I’m sorry.” he called after you. 
As you approached the group, holding back tears, you took a glance at Austin in front of you and realized that no matter how hot he was you really didn’t even want this. How could you when you were head over heels in love with your asshole of a best friend.
 But it was too late now, you would do it. Even if it was wrong. Even if you didn’t want to. Even if it was just to spite Luke. 
“Ready to head out?” you questioned aloud, swallowing your hurt. 
“Yep, uber just got here.” Ashton confirmed, guiding a hammered Calum and Michael out the door. 
You all climbed into the Uber X Ashton had ordered, Luke, Hannah, and Calum in the back, Ashton in the passenger seat, and Michael, Austin, and you in the middle. 
As you pulled away from the club, Ashton spoke over the light music coming from the car radio and gave the driver Luke’s address. The group had made plans to all spend the night at Luke’s, like you typically did after a night out. 
“We have one more stop actually” you choked out, feeling Austin lean into you, lips attaching to your neck. 
You gave the man your address and turned your attention back to the sexually charged man glued to your side. As he moved his kisses up to your jaw you closed your eyes, in order to prevent yourself from breaking down. The constant reminder that Luke had no interest in you, being thrown in your face as Hannah released soft sighs behind you. 
Ashton glanced back at you from the front seat, 
“You feeling okay, kid?” he asked. 
You nodded gulping, and looked up at the ceiling to deter your threatening tears. 
His eyes narrowed in concern as he adjusted his body in his seat so he was looking you in the eyes. Luke turned his attention away from Hannah (much to her despair) to the front of the car as Ashton spoke.
“Y/n, you sure? Maybe you and your friend should continue this another night.” Ashton suggested, noticing how you had tensed up and your expression had faltered since entering the car.
 Austin pulled off of you and shot him a frustrated glare from his seat. Ashton raised his eyebrows in response, silently challenging Austin to confront him. 
Austin moved in centimeters from your ear, “Your friends are kind of cockblocks.” he complained. 
You tilted your head away from him and looked out the window Michael was sitting next to.
“Maybe they’re right.” you muttered. “Maybe you should just go home, and we can do this some other time. I’m not feeling well.” 
You kept your gaze directed outside of the car, too afraid to see his reaction to your sudden rejection. 
“Your kidding right?” he scoffed. 
You were becoming more anxious by the second as he rambled on about how you must be joking. 
“I’m not laughing.” Luke interrupted flatly.  
“Okay, what’s your deal man?” Austin’s demeanor had quickly changed as he turned to face Luke, aggression clear in his face. 
Luke held his hands in the air before resting them on the back of your seat. “No deal, she’s just clearly not interested, so maybe you could give her some space.” 
Calum and Michael perked up in their seats as the mood in the car shifted. In the front Ashton was talking to the driver, explaining how you would be getting dropped off with the rest of them. 
Austin was in a confrontational mood now, one that made you uneasy. He and Luke continued to bicker back and forth. Hannah sat confused and aggravated next to Luke.
 You were seconds away from crumbling, feeling extremely upset and overwhelmed. Michael placed a hand on your shoulder, hoping to ease some of your distress as you pulled into Luke’s driveway. 
Everyone got out of the car, leaving Austin stirring in his own anger. Ashton patted the top of the car twice before it drove away.
“Well, y/n you sure know how to pick em’” Luke commented. 
Calum shot him a disapproving look as you shoved past, running inside. 
You had officially reached your breaking point. You couldn’t have Luke but you were in too deep to be with anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Luke seemed to be taking pleasure in your misfortune for the night. 
You went straight for the bathroom. All the alcohol and confrontation hadn’t been kind to your stomach. 
You hunched over the toilet and began throwing up before you even got the chance to close the door all the way. Your eyes were red and stinging from your tears and your throat was stripped raw. Hugging your knees to your chest you sat with your back against the sink. 
Three soft knocks came from the cracked door and you peered up through cloudy eyes to see Ashton looking at you with pity clear on his face. 
“Can I come in?” 
You nodded into your knees, staring down at the familiar tiles of Luke’s bathroom. 
You couldn’t count how many times you had been in this exact spot. Whether it be dealing with the consequences of your unhealthy coping mechanism after a night out like you were now. Early mornings after sleeping over, sitting in the steam while Luke showered because he just couldn’t wait to tell you a story, or late nights he would convince you to paint his nails. All of it was replaying in your head. 
“Why can’t he just love me the way I love him?” you whimpered as a sob broke from your throat. 
Ashton was quick to wrap his arms around you, taking a seat on the floor. 
“It’s okay, y/n.” he shushed. “You’re okay. 
“I love him, Ash” your voice muffled from being pressed to his shoulder. 
“I know.” he comforted you, rocking your frame lightly. You sat in silence for a bit, trying to control your breathing. 
By the time you left the bathroom Calum and Michael were asleep on the couch and Luke and Hannah had gone to Luke’s room. Ashton laid on the couch with the other guys and you made your way to the guest room, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow.   
You woke up early with a throbbing headache and an insatiable craving for iced coffee. There was no doubt in your mind that you were first one awake, the guys wouldn’t be up for hours. You tiptoed through the living room past a sleeping Michael, Calum, and Ashton being careful not to wake them. As you turned the corner to leave you heard a voice from the kitchen, 
“Morning,” Luke called, his gravelly voice making it very clear he had just woken up. He was leaning on the cabinet in a pair of sweats, a cup of coffee in hand. 
“Oh, you’re up.” you responded still moving towards the door. 
“Going somewhere?” he questioned walking towards you. 
“Yea I gotta go, I have uh…” your mind was drawing a blank. “ya know,  laundry.” 
“Wait,” he sprung forward in two big steps grabbing your shoulder. “as urgent as that sounds, I wanna talk.”
“‘bout what?” 
“I feel like I should apologize for last night.” 
“It’s okay, we can talk about it later. I really gotta get going.” 
“Y/n! Will you let me say sorry, please?” he pleaded 
“You have.” you replied nodding at him before turning away once again. 
“Fine, then can I ask why you tried to take someone home last night. You never do that.” 
“No reason.” you lied, opening the front door. 
“Really? Cause Cal said something last night about you being jealous or something and then I went to check on you and I overheard-” 
“I gotta go.” you panicked, taking a step outside. 
Right before the door swung closed and you made your escape Luke stopped it with his hand and spoke, 
“Are you in love with me?” 
You froze where you stood, squeezing your eyes shut completely mortified. 
Slowly, you spun back around to face Luke. He stepped out of the door frame allowing you reentrance and led you to the kitchen. Once you had both sat down he spoke again, 
“So is it true? What you told Ashton last night, is it true?” 
You placed your hands over your eyes and shook your head.
“Does it matter?” you responded. 
“Of course it matters, what do you mean?” 
“I mean you have Hannah and it doesn’t matter how I fe-” 
“Hannah’s gone.” he interrupted. 
“It wasn’t gonna work out with us. I ended things last night.” 
“Why would you end things with-” you paused, eyes narrowing.
Luke looked down, suddenly not wanting to meet your eyes. 
“Do you...you love me?” 
At this Luke shot up from his seat and started pacing around the kitchen.
“Well, of course I do. But I asked you first, and you can’t just..” he rambled on but you stopped listening after “of course I do” 
“Lu,” you said, standing up
He continued talking, not even hearing you over his own nervous talking and fidgeting. 
“Lu.” you called a bit louder. 
He turned to you, stopping mid sentence his mouth still hanging open. 
“I am.” 
“You…” he spoke slowly, eyes frozen on you.
“I am in love with you.” 
Both of you were frozen in place, terrified that if you moved you may wake up and discover this was all just a dream. You stayed like that for about a minute till you broke the silence. 
“I have been, for a couple years now. And I never told you, cause I always thought that-” you were cut off by Luke’s lips. 
He had one hand on the back of your neck and the other pulling you closer by the waist. You melted into the kiss pressing a hand to his chest. It may sound cliche but you swore you were seeing fireworks as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip.  
“I love you.” he sighed as you pulled apart. “I am so in love with you, fuck I can’t believe-” Before he had a chance to ramble again you pulled him back in for another kiss. 
After a few minutes you broke away to catch your breath. Luke moved his hands to cup both your cheeks, 
“Hi.” he cooed. 
“Hi” you smiled. “I need coffee” you turned away walking towards the kitchen.
“Hey no wait” he whined pulling you back by the waist. “m’not done kissing you.”
“We have plenty of time for that, but I need coffee now.” you teased pressing a swift kiss to his lips. 
“Mmm, I know but we’ve got a lot of catching up to do” he said chasing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as you walked to the coffee machine. 
As you fixed yourself a coffee, Luke's chin resting on the top of your head, you heard shuffling from the living room. When you looked up Michael was walking in with messy hair and eyes puffy from sleep. He glanced at you in Luke’s arms, his expression unchanging and mumbled while pulling orange juice from the fridge, 
“It’s about time.” 
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psychedeliclashton · 7 years
hello i love love lashton
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