#siege of the crystal citadel
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dyad-of-fate · 10 days ago
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I'm probably gonna stop making official designs at this point, this story is fluidly changing protagonists at this point lol.
This is Lux, you'll probably see them a lot. Their design is fun.
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vaishino · 5 months ago
Staxxy and The War Within: Part 1
Streaks of violet magic stream smoothly from Staxxy’s fingertips to the anchoring crystal, making the fine adjustments to the wards on the Hall of the Guardian that are necessary for an event as large as this. The council has convened, and decided that Dalaran shall once again be moved to the forefront of the fate of the world.
There are preparations that the Kirin Tor undertake when the city is moved, and Staxxy has returned to do her part. With the last of the reinforcements to the Hall of the Guardian in place, and the vast stores of knowledge secured on the towering shelves.
A flash of violet energy overtakes the city and the island is instantaneously pulled across the sea, to the Isle of Dorn, the Earthen-lands that the Speaker of Azeroth and former King of Ironforge have prophesied. The skies have an unfamiliar scent, lacking the fel-taint of the broken isles. She heads for the portal out, leaving any tome-tidying that needs attending to for Old Filmaff to handle.
Climbing down the tall stairs of the Violet Citadel, Staxxy reaches the ground level and decides her first order of business should be making sure the coffee in the Legerdemain Lounge has made the trip intact.
Staxxy manages to get one foot inside the door when the sky opens up with hundreds of portals. An army of nerubians descend on the city streets. Screams fill the air as civilians and soldiers alike are caught unaware as the creatures lay siege to the city. Mages carried into the air, guards pinned under rubble as spider mages assault the city with spells.
A parapet crumbles behind Staxxy and heavy stone clatters to the ground behind her, spurring her into action. She sprints down the road away from the Lounge, casting a series of illusory copies of herself into the street around her to draw attention.
A nerubian ground soldier charges through one illusion and slams into a wall. Staxxy is glad she wasn’t the one to take the hit. She doubts she’d be standing after that assault. A flying spider swoops in and tries to grab another illusion, gliding harmlessly through it and also slamming into a wall, but not walking away from the manoeuvre. A third flyer swoops down and flies through her final illusion, gliding into Ledger and carrying it into the air as it flaps upward.
“N-no!” Staxxy turns back for a moment, raising a hand to try to retrieve her enchanted tome; Ledger has so often hovered at her side for utility, she almost forgets that it’s an enchanted book and not a creature. 
In her haste to turn to face the swarm, she plows headlong into another fleeing mage. The two of them tumble to the ground, the contents of their loose billowy mage pockets clatter to the ground around them before a pair of nerubians fire some web-lines at the two of them, wrapping them completely before everything goes dark.
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arkyn-iceborn-vindication · 2 years ago
Canon-Adherent League of Legends AU
In the year of 8024 BN, a child by the name of Arkyn was born to Sindri and Tyra Baldr, the firstborn of their family. Only four years later, he would be followed by a younger brother named Aethin.
Arkyn’s family was part of the Eynvarg tribe, a now long-forgotten clan that was allied with Serylda’s Tribe of the Winter’s Claw. The Eynvarg’s leader was Arkyn’s grandfather Tyrvald, a veteran of the wars fought against the old gods of the Freljord.  Arkyn's father and mother had also participated in the battles near the conclusion of the wars, being able to turn the tide with a powerful blessing bestowed by Lissandra to the allies of the Three Sisters.
With the conclusion of the war against the old gods, it was soon discovered that the blessing Lissandra had bestowed had a steep price. They had become nigh-immortal iceborn, but the price was subservience to the emptiness below, the consuming void. Lissandra had sold her people to otherworldly masters in order to help them fight the old gods. Avarosa and Serylda believed subservience to be a fate worse than death, and their tribes rose against Lissandra in order to break this pact.
By the time the war was truly heating up, Arkyn had already grown into a man. He took to the front lines, fighting a brutal conflict against other iceborn and eventually earning the honorary title of "Brýnt Drengr," or "Swift Hero." He lost many friends in the war. His family survived, but the same couldn't be said for Arkyn's first love, Freja Aldhomr. Whereas he had originally joined to fight for liberation and glory, after many near-death experiences, Arkyn was slowly becoming jaded and tired of the war. But it would not last for much longer.
A final siege against Frostguard Citadel saw the advent of the unthinkable; the descent - or rather the ascent - of the Watchers. The masters of the void who rose from the emptiness below the howling abyss. As these eldritch beings began to materialize in Runeterra, they were forced to take on a physical form, something they had no need for within the void. Lissandra, the dreamwalker who had sold her people out to the Watchers for power, now realized just how dire of a mistake it was. The iceborn raging at the gates of the Citadel prepared to fight not only Lissandra's followers, but even the voidborn monsters who they wished to be free of. Lissandra, witnessing the manifestation of these elder monsters, could not possibly fathom overcoming them. Using the very magic she was given in exchange for pledging servitude, Lissandra summoned a truly colossal amount of True Ice to trap the Watchers within. The iceborn laying siege, as well as all the iceborn within the citadel, were all caught in the crossfire. This included Arkyn.
Arkyn had been running supplies when this happened, and when the Watchers began to make themselves real, he sprinted with desperation to back up his allies at the gates. He saw the wave of true ice as it consumed friend and foe alike, and he realized he would not be able to escape it. That was when he caught sight of his younger brother Aethin. A prodigious mage and controller of ice magic. He reached for his brother as the ice overtook him, and all was dark.
Eventually, Arkyn would awaken. He found himself within the depths, some underground cavern system barely lit by bioluminescent moss and crystal. He was partially encased in true ice, but he was conscious. With great effort, and over a span of time that he could not truly tell, he used the iceborn magic he possessed to free himself of the ice. He had never been particularly good at controlling ice magic, his iceborn gift manifesting more in raw physical might than magical power. But it was still enough to free him.
Once he was out, Arkyn soon realized that he was alone. The ice he had freed himself from was not part of a larger glacier. The wave of true ice that encapsulated the iceborn and their masters was nowhere to be seen. It was just him, alone, and lost. Unbeknownst to him, the thing that had saved him was his very brother - conjuring his own true ice tomb for his brother under Aethin's jurisdiction, not Lissandra's.
Arkyn wandered within the caves for years, subsisting off underground springs and strange plants, occasionally able to indulge on other creatures that inhabited the caverns. These occasions were few and far between. Exploring with the hopes of finding his way to the surface and making it back to the citadel to see what had become of his kinsmen, Arkyn encountered many hardships before he ever saw the light of day. But the light did come.
When Arkyn finally emerged to the surface in 920 AN, the Freljord was nothing like the one he knew. The structure of the buildings, the language of its people, it was all foreign. It took Arkyn years to adjust to the modern Freljordian tongue. He took up residence in a city near the Northern coast and learned from the people there, eventually becoming fluent in both modern Freljordian and common. When he inquired about the fate of the iceborn, Arkyn was astonished to learn that, according to their history, the War of Three Sisters would have ended nearly 9,000 years ago. While the iceborn were said to exist, they were incredibly uncommon, something like a recessive gene that only certain descendants would acquire.
Arkyn sought out one of the better-known iceborn, Sejuani. She lead a tribe named after the same one he was once allied with, the Winter's Claw lead by Serylda. He met with her to discuss her nature. It seemed the iceborn of this era were not aware of their roots, disconnected from the reality of the Watchers. Additionally, it seemed that the true ice weapons that had been passed down through generations were seen as double-edged blades, harming those who wield them. To Arkyn, the concept of suffering immense pain just by holding true ice was confusing. The iceborn of his time were much more resilient to the cold. Perhaps the disconnect from the Watchers had weakened the iceborn's "blessing."
Frustrated that the ancient history of the iceborn was all but lost, Arkyn couldn't help but feel despair and rage. Lissandra. She was the only one capable of conjuring that amount of true ice. His people's history was naught but a myth, and even Sejuani did not fully understand her powers. Arkyn resolved himself to amend this. The iceborn existed. They were his family. His friends. His kin. His enemy. The culture and history of his people was gone, and Arkyn wanted to scream out and declare "I'm here. They mattered."
Arkyn packed what few belongings he had accumulated in the past couple years he had been on the surface. He would travel the land and scour it for truth. To discover what had become of his people, what had become of the Watchers, and to reveal the truth of it all to the world. His people's history would not go forgotten, caged in ice beneath entombed beneath bloody snow.
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thyngland · 2 years ago
1449, Kairne's War, an Overview
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Southern Thyngland is aflame. The final pieces fall into place to set the stage for the last months of a bloody war. Qaleia, with Galide Poliplei at its head, has been under siege for months, with many of the people left behind before the evacuation starving and its garrison significantly weakened. Surrounded by a mountainous chain held by Kairne's armies, the southern capital is supported by its outwards allies:
Thynphalis, once co-lead by Kairne Lapidaris and Kouneli Aphidisi, is now split between the considerably larger influence of the Smethyng and the northern shore being mostly subsidiary to Qaleia. Their most important temple-citadel, Themis, has been a key location during the war and has stood despite the multiple attempted sieges of Kairne's forces and is where Kouneli currently stands firm.
Gethena, lead by the sun-archoness and leader of the Unyielding, Nikenemo Merkou, who's armies currently stand rank and file across its borders as an unstoppable wall of spears and tall shields, being forced to give up Qatastrophi in a deciding battle early in the war. The walled port of Kolasol has been attempting to wrestle for dominance over the western coast by harassing the settlements of Sophki and Taiemakos, but failing to find any ground.
The eastern province of Rima and the brilliant tactics of its archoness, Ankhaema Thanatou have been successful in fighting back and supplying its allies by helping secure the route through Thynphalis to Qaleia.
Metereion, being mostly a conglomeration of port cities and the large mountains east, inhabited by unwilling and neutral Smethyng communities, has been under constant threat of rebel raids and takeovers, with archon Kotali Krephachai sending most of his troops through the northern roads to supply Rima and left to defend his port cities and the mountain town of Manteio Astares.
Finally, Habythea has suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Kaphka Allagis, a relentless warrior known to turn foes into crystal with a single stab of their spear. Polidromi burned and fell, with its Island of Prosychos becoming a prison for all the survivors and Habythea's archon, Liphokos Entyphou, left at the mercy of the occupiers, as the rest of Habythea slowly fell to Kaphka.
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dyad-of-fate · 3 years ago
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thebibliomancer · 4 years ago
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 12
I finish up the rest of the Vapra Clan missions.
Things go pretty smoothly without much to say because of all the training last time.
Seladon doesn’t even have the common courtesy to show up as I topple her government but then she has show plot places to be and people to meet.
So its a short post. But on the plus side.... uh... On the plus side, the next one will be longer as I try to do all the Sifa missions in one go?
As a reminder, the context behind these missions is that Seladon has been having her paladins arrest any Vapran with anti-Skeksis sentiments. Rian and co are here to bust out the resistance to join the age of resistance. And also to beat up every one of Seladon’s paladins. Also, the house sitter she got to watch the palace while she’s gone.
Mission: Breaching Security - Citadel Halls
"Seladon has imprisoned the Vapra resistance! The heroes must storm the Citadel to free them."
Since the Vapra clan is already behind me, might as well finish embarrassing Seladon.
Well this is an interestingly shaped level. Since its about storm a citadel, there's a big wall between the enemies and my party and I have to climb the convenient stone steps to charge in through the convenient windows.
Huh! Wait! I wonder whether siege warfare was different in Gelfling history, what with the half the population can fly thing. Or maybe the Gelfling never had full on siege warfare like that because the Skeksis have run the show for so long. The prejudices between clans seem more vaguely racist than will go to war to take their stuff.
Party: Hup, Wukki, Deet, Rek'yr, and Kylan.
The theme is 'lets pretend that this is what the other half of the party was up to while I was beating up SkekVar.' Until I lose, in which case I'll throw my strongest characters at the problem.
So this level is 'on the way to rescue the prisoners' because the prisoners aren't actually here. That's kind of a theme with Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics. You have an objective but then you do a mission on the way to the objective to make things feel less abrupt.
Things went simply enough. Lost the doggo and Deet. Alas.
But even so Deet learned Thorns, Rek'yr learned Reckless Blow, Breg learned Eye Shot, and Hup leveled and didn't learn anything.
Mission: The Cells - Citadel Dungeons
"The heroes must release the imprisoned Vapra and lead them to safety."
So I hit the lever to open the gate which spawns two prisoners and some more guards. Now I just gotta defeat all enemies without letting any of the prisoners die.
And I somehow manage it, even though one of the spawned enemies does nothing but take potshots at one of the prisoners.
Rek'yr leveled up and finally has Paladin available as a job. I'm sticking him right in there. Wukki learns Encouraging Yap. Brea and Rian level up without learning anything. A lot of that going on lately.
Anyway, lets overthrow Seladon.
Mission: Zealot's Rebuke - Citadel Balcony
"The heroes seek to free the Vapra from the misguided Skeksis loyalists. They must confront Seladon's remaining loyal Paldins."
This is feeling awfully like a purge. Good thing we're just knocking people out.
Looking at the level names, we go from the Citadel Halls to the Citadel Dungeons to the Citadel Balcony. It has a nice sense of progression for how we’re rampaging throughout the citadel.
Wow, in addition to the Paladins, there's also the Palace Steward who is a Song Teller. He's lvl 27!
Party: Rian, Gurjin, Naia, Brea, and Rek'yr.
This is my serious face.
Rian: "Paladins, the Skeksis have you deceived! Your prisoners have been freed. Stop this madness!"
Palace Steward: "Seladon warned us about you! You will pay for your heresy!"
Dammit, Seladon!
Seladon's paladins’ fatal flaw is that Naia is also a paladin and she's cooler than they are. She's wearing a ring stolen off the very Chamberlain's finger.
Things went very smoothly compared to the last several missions. I ganged up on each paladin and knocked them out and then worked my way over to the Steward.
I sure kicked the crap out of those Vapra.
Rian: "Pitting Gelfing against Gelfling... This is what the Skeksis want."
We wouldn't have a game if we didn't do that, Rian!
So everyone levels but only Rian learns a thing, Awaken. Also: got the Paladin's Polearm. I don't know why I get new spears faster than new swords but this is probably going right on Naia.
Ok, so the Paladin's Polearm has the same stats as the Sturdy Halberd I decided not to put on Naia earlier but the Polearm also has a 30% chance to inflict Wound. And Naia is a paladin and deserves nice things. So this is going right on Naia.
And that finishes the Vapra missions. I destabilized Seladon and the Skeksis' influence in the Vapra clan and got them to join the resistance. A good day’s work.
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fasgaming · 6 years ago
Xbox One Backwards Compatible List as of 02/12/2019
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dyad-of-fate · 3 years ago
Both main characters have ADHD and sleep disabilities among others. But they are still fighting ready leaders.
Also as much as I love the trope of weaponizing something like ADHD it is... more a fact of life for Biff and Velir. People will have to remind them to sleep. They sometimes help remind each other, but usually they just make it worse.
Give your smart characters dyslexia
Give your confident characters speech impediments
Give your adult characters autism
Give your serious characters ADHD
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thuashdore · 7 years ago
a super rough timeline that is here up until i write the detailed, nicer-looking timeline: warcraft edition
...because five expansions have passed since i wrote my original biography for beau, and people need to know what is going on.
my about section currently covers Vanilla WoW and The Burning Crusade. that’s the easy part out of the way. the following are events that have occurred that Beau has actively been involved in, in one way or another. brief descriptions only; the actual timeline (which is coming) will be a lot more detailed - mostly for those folks who are not in the Warcraft universe... but hey.
this is going to be a long read. you’ll probably see why it’s taking me a while to do the full version. the descriptions are, rightly so, memey. you’ve been warned.
there are also a few things in here that are purely explanation. again, for those who are NOT familiar with the Warcraft universe: i got you babe. <3
oh and for all of those who know Warcraft like the back of their hand: tl;dr the player character story line (paladin edition), but without faction-specific events. you’ll be surprised how many of those exist. <3
WRATH OF THE LICH KING - a.k.a. lets go kill the dead guy who made the undead guys and wants to end the world.
2nd scourge invasion and zombie infestation begins - Beau learns about the Argent Crusade (a happy group who all want to be friends together and forget about the red vs blue fight) and joins their ranks
Alliance + Horde (read: blue and red, respectively) declare war on the Lich King (glorified necromancer with a big sword), and all able-bodied individuals venture to Northrend (read: cold continent).
Naxxramas happens (tl;dr they kill a lot of dead people, including a cat and the Lich King’s best pal).
The Nexus War happens (tl;dr they kill a bunch of blue dragons - including the boss blue dragon) - Beau is involved largely due to her affiliations with the dragonflights; the Bronze in particular, though the Netherwing are involved too. 
The Halls of Stone and Lightning are found and unveiled. Ulduar happens soon after (uh... titan’s constructs think we’re bad. we punch them and they realise the tentacle guy underneath ulduar is the real bad guy. the world nearly ends, but through the power of friendship and good punching we stop that from happening. some red-haired mage gives a speech about it). 
THE CALL OF THE CRUSADE - including the Argent Tournament, the Trial of the Champion and the Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusader (tl;dr the leader of the Argent Crusade - Tirion - thought it’d be good to decide who gets to go kill the Lich King by having us all fight each other, and whoever survived would go. a big bug was underneath us and we squished it). 
Assault on Icecrown Citadel - including the Forge of Souls (cool music btw), the Pit of Saron (go save Red + Blue people) and the Halls of Reflection (we found his big sword and he got angry at us so we had to run). Beau probably did this with Jaina... though I mean she wouldn’t say no to either her or Sylvanas asking. Jaina makes the most sense to me however. 
Icecrown Citadel (tl;dr it happens not long after the above and we go kill the Lich King and his friends and also his pet dragon... but he nearly kills us all first until Tirion takes our kill and Lich King’s dead dad resurrects us but in the good way).
Ruby Sanctum (tl;dr strange things happen with the dragons so we say we’ll take a look at it, and then...)
CATACLYSM - a.k.a. let’s go kill the angry black dragon who wants to end the world.
The Shattering / Elemental Unrest (the angry black dragon was cooking under the world for a long while and has now come out... so the world is on fire).
Beau spends most of her time with the Dragonflights again (given it directly involves them) and works on bringing peace to the elements... so involves going to the Throne of the Four Winds, Hyjal, Bastion of Twilight (and Blackwing Descent) and, of course, Firelands. One for each element (and also killing the bad dragons’ kids and wife!!).
The Hour of Twilight (read: the End of the World), which includes the End Time instance (basically “if you don’t stop bad dragon he’ll die anyway but so will everyone else so”) the Hour of Twilight (the Archbishop was the bad guy the whole time!!) and Dragon Soul (Green Orc Jesus gets the killing blow this time, but we do kill the bad dragon and a bunch of tentacle things - remember Ulduar? those, but Less).
MISTS OF PANDARIA - a.k.a. lets go meet the pandas who have been hiding for millenia and then kill the Orc who wants to end the world (but only for anyone that isn't an Orc just like him... JUST like him).
Lil Prequel here wow first time but Beau spends her time with the Dragonflights, who are now not immortal. I know I didn’t mention that before, but now it’s irrelevant - they’re not immortal now. Most people don’t get that. Or agree with it. But i’m just saying either way they’re Tired after the fight with their bad brother, immortal or not, so this is what she does for a bit.
Garrosh Hellscream, Big Orc Leader of the Horde, decides to bomb Theramore (cute city that did not deserve it). The first time that something like this has ever happened. Pretty much everyone is shocked except for the people who knew about it... which is a few people. Jaina Proudmoore (read: ruler of Theramore and someone you don’t want to piss off) is pissed off; very hurt and distraught by the destruction of her home. Red and Blue are at each other’s throats because of it.
Pandaria is discovered (read: the land covered in the mist?? yeah that one. it has pandas on it... and other things), and Beau travels there with, surprise, the Bronze Dragonflight.
Pandaria is a lot of Personal Growth for Beau, because of the Sha (read: bad emotions made manifest that feed off of people experiencing said negative emotions). she faces a lot of her innermost demons and is forced to conquer them in order to be able to properly help the people of Azeroth. there’ll be a big post on this someday, but for a good portion of the expansion she assists the Pandaren in dealing with the Sha presence.
Isle of Thunder is discovered, and the Throne of Thunder raid happens (tl;dr Lightning Man wants to rule the world; fails). Beau has limited involvement in the former (its primarily dominated by blood elves/reds and the Kirin Tor Offensive/blues), but is involved in the latter.
Then the Horde (specifically, the trolls - big boy troll leader Vol’jin) begins their revolution against their Warchief, Big Bad Orc Garrosh Hellscream. Beau assists with the rebels, as do the Alliance and most of the current Horde. Garrosh unleashes the Sha of Pride (read: worst one) and destroys the nicest place on Pandaria. Everyone is angry.
Siege of Orgrimmar (read: Horde capital city) happens - we kill Big Bad Garrosh’s friends but he somehow evades our kills, because player characters don’t get killing blows in this game until WoD. Vol’jin becomes the Warchief, and him and Varian (read: king of the blues) end the war! No more Alliance vs. Horde! For like two expansions!!!!
Garrosh is put on Trial... and escapes, with a Bronze Dragon (who’s actually an Infinite dragon... who are Bronze dragons that don’t agree with keeping to the destined timeways so they do what they like). they travel back in time, and we have to follow them.
WARLORDS OF DRAENOR - a.k.a. the expansion no one talks about... that ends with a bunch of guys wanting to end the world.
Prelude!!! Garrosh goes back in time, finds his dad, and they make a New Horde (the Iron Horde), and they make the current Dark Portal (read: big demon portal thing) bigger and more red, and plan to invade Azeroth! again! this has happened before!
Iron Horde invade Azeroth - we stop them, but also decide to go through the Portal to the ALTERNATIVE Draenor (read: it was this place called Outland... which is where we were in The Burning Crusade, but before Outland became Outland, it was Draenor. work with me please). 
Khadgar (uh... powerful mage; little eccentric; looks old but is actually like 10 yrs older than Beau but got made to look old bc of magic; Father of the Institute for Fallout fans - but nicer than Father is) thinks it’s a good idea to free Gul’dan (green warlock; bad; smelly) because he’s the guy powering the portal. We’ll regret that later, but right now it does stop the Iron Horde from invading Azeroth.
Beau, being a Neutral(tm), spends most of her time with Khadgar in his tower. Assists with liberating Shattrath (read: important light city), helps find and kill Garrosh (but Green Jesus Thrall actually kills him) and also participates in Highmaul (kill a bunch of ogres) and Blackrock Foundry (kill the orc making the weapons for the Iron Horde). Khadgar also starts making a ring of immense power, to give us an edge. He also kills us a few times - accidentally.
The Iron Horde crumbles after killing Blackhand (weapon orc we killed in the Foundry) and Gul’dan (here comes the regret) makes the remaining orcs drink the green goop that comes from a big demon (Garrosh wanted to stop this, but we killed him so...). the orcs turn green just like they are in reality, but now we have to fight Demon Orcs... oh, and Gul’dan summons Archimonde (big demon overlord who’s one of Sargeras’ - leader of the demons - best friends).
Surprise surprise, now we go and kill Archimonde and all of the other people who are now a part of the Burning Legion (Sargeras’ army of demons and other races... but mostly demons). We manage, but Gul’dan is transported to Azeroth by Archimonde and he finds Illidan (uh... there’s no easy way to explain Illidan so we’ll just say he’s a big winged elf-demon man, but a kind of okay one???), who’s trapped in a crystal. 
The end of Warlords is that we’re all friends, we have a cool powerful ring, and we’ve killed Archimonde - but... Gul’dan is free, has Illidan, and is going to summon all the demons to Azeroth.
LEGION - a.k.a. the demons, and Sargeras, really really want to end the world.
Prelude: I won’t lie, I honestly forget how we got back to Azeroth after traveling to an alternate timeline. Warlords was a fever dream to most people, but either way we did it... and when we get home there’s green fire everywhere and demons are upon every known orifice of Azeroth.
The whole of Azeroth fight the demons for a bit, because while there’s a lot it’s kind of like “mm, we can handle this actually”
The Battle for Broken Shore happens, and as it turns out we underestimated how many demons were here. Alliance and Horde thought a “small squadron” would suffice... but no. The Literal Entire Legion is here and MORE are coming. Tirion who got the killing blow on Lich King dies. Vol’jin Warchief of the Horde dies. Varian king of the blues dies. It’s a huge mess and everyone has to retreat.
Dalaran (read: a floating magic city) is moved from where it is now (Northrend, and then Karazhan - a tower... we’ll leave it at that) is moved to the Broken Shore and we declare war against the Legion.
Beau is chosen by Tirion to succeed him as Highlord of the Silver Hand (basically, she’s in charge of the paladins and makes sure they eat their vegetables before battle). She gets shiny weapons because of this, that grow in power the more you feed them... not literally, but figuratively. Don’t ask.
We find the Pillars of Creation (read: titan artifacts) to help us fight Sargeras, and along the way we also liberate an ancient city and also push back the Emerald Nightmare (read: uh... corruption of the world? its bad, alright, so we kill it). 
Oh, we also kill Gul’dan (and save Illidan!).
...but he’s already summoned his main hoe: Kil’jaeden (read: Archimonde’s best bro), so now we’ve got to go and defeat him too - preferably before he gets to Azeroth.
We take back the Broken Shore and infiltrate the Tomb of Sargeras (which is where the demons are coming from) and because we’ve got all the Pillars of Creation and the cool weapons we’re able to do it. Huzzah!
We do almost nearly die in space but Illidan uses a stone to teleport us to safety, however he also brings a demon-infested planet along with us.
We hate that at first, but Velen (read: the non-corrupted trio of the once Golden Trio: Archimonde, Kil’jaeden and Velen) decides we should end the Legion while we have the advantage, so makes us a little golden dingy spaceship to travel to the demon planet and... well, defeat and destroy the Legion.
We fight on Argus (read: the demon planet) for a long time and invade Antorus, the Burning Throne - the main operating hub for the Legion. We kill everyone there and fight a literal corrupt titan!! twice!! and then with the power of the non-corrupt titans, they’re able to bind Sargeras to his former seat on the pantheon (read: a literal stage with thrones on it, one for each Titan), which does end the reign of the Legion.
...Sargeras is pissed because he REALLY wanted Azeroth to die, so before he’s bound to his chair forever like a big baby he takes his flame sword and stabs Azeroth with it.
...oh this is also a good time to mention that Azeroth is actually alive and a Titan, but like... a not born one yet. Azeroth the planet is an egg for Azeroth, the titan. anyway.
We go back to Azeroth and the planet is bleeding, and Teams Red and Blue go crazy over whatever gunk is oozing out of the wound Sargeras’ sword has left behind. So they start fighting over it. Which brings us to...
BATTLE FOR AZEROTH - a.k.a. blizzard are telling us it’s a Red vs. Blue expansion when really it’ll end up being something like “the old gods want to end the world”.
this is where we are now. Red and Blue have a new leader on each side... and the whole Azerite (the name given to the gunk oozing out of the wound left by Sargeras’ flame sword) thing is pretty much causing each side to declare war. Beau, being neutral, is... worried, to say the least; she still doesn’t have a home of her own and being neutral during a faction war is... Difficult. she’s hoping her status as Highlord will help. her focus is mainly on providing aid to those who need it, and figuring out a way to mend Azeroth’s wounds and stop Her from getting too damaged.
...and that is all I can say, for now.
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dyad-of-fate · 10 months ago
do you have a post on your taur anatomy ideas, id love to see that
We have MANY thoughts on anatomy for taurs and you just gave us a perfect reason to ramble xD
Our skinless friend here is an elk, but in general taurs all share one common ancestor which split first into Carnivora (all carnivores) and Euungulata (hooved herbivores)*. There are differences in anatomy based on species and size but GENERALLY speaking they have a fair amount of similarities.
(Small note: this is a recent change, which will ALSO have it's own post)
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Starting with the skeleton. If you can't read my chicken scratch;
1) "For horned/antlered taurs, head is slightly extended". This has a to do with the weight of the antlers and horns, mostly for strutctural integrity of the skull.
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2) The ear holes are located higher than a humans, which is what the blue writing "(also higher) Ears rotate! Limited movement"
3) "Longer necks with thicker bones" is in general for all taurs.
4) Not written, but the ribcage is wider and longer than a humans, to house VERY big lungs and a heart. In a previous post we talked about taurs on Ithiir having long long lungs...
5) "Very soft cartilage ribs" and plates are for extra protection of the esophagus and arteries that flow here. As well as the ends of the freakistly long lungs.
6) "fake belly button!" Has to do with the above point: the cartilage ribs end, causing a divot for most body types (not all). The umbilical cord connects on the lower half of the taurs.
7) "Thick sternum for extra muscle connections"
8) "All muscles and Tendons" pointing to the back of the spine on the upper torso is mostly a note for me. There aren't any organs here, and these tendons work like a draw bridge that is defaulted to remain upright instead of down. It's a big complex system of pullies and ropes basically.
9) "Like a ball joint" and top view of connecting spinal, small nubs, not wide club shape" refer to the seven extra vertebrae of the torso. They work like an animal's neck combined with a human lower back. They are EXTREMELY flexible, since all taurs are about as flexible as a human rather than their animal counterparts (excluding cats and such, they are exactly that flexible). We just call this area "the mid back".
10) "Real belly button =)" like it says, lol
There are... SO many more thoughts than this, we will probably reblog this with a part 2 for organ placement. :)
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halcyon-wra-blog · 7 years ago
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The sounds of war filled the air. Commanders shouted orders to their units, soldiers marched in formation, and ballistae, trebuchets and catapults alike sung a blood hymn. The siege had taken days.. weeks.. months? How long had they been here? How long had the Forsaken bled them for? It was supposed to have been a quick, lightning blitz as Azurelode and Southpoint had been.. but no. The Forsaken had walled themselves off, and they had been prepared for the Halcyon's advance.
Every advance their footmen made against the Forsaken's hastily constructed palisades had been repelled with rivers of blight, fields of mines, and nigh on invisible pitfalls which sent soldiers to unceremonious graves, only for the Undead to scour the field of the fallen after the fact, resurrecting the Halcyon's chosen into more of their mindless zombies. For every Crusader that fell, another Forsaken rose. There was no mercy; there had been no mercy; there would be no mercy. In the early morning, there had been a great cry: a breach had been made in the palisade. It had collapsed in on itself, crushing dozens of Forsaken. The Halcyon's vanguard had swept in like a tidal wave, foaming and thrashing at the monstrous undead until they had broken through. Fields of decayed, distended wheat, human skulls and fresh entrails greeted them, the stench of rotting corpses invading their senses. It was all a grand show from the Forsaken, specifically designed to demoralize and disgust their living counterparts. 
Line after line of Deathguards took up formation, linking arms, locking their crude, ghastly shields together, forming a secondary shieldwall, a tertiary shieldwall, quaternary.. quinary.. senary...more and more Undead stormed into Pyrewood's streets. With a collective, thunderous roar, the first of the Forsaken lines began to maneuver forwards, the bulwark marching in unison. They formed a half ring around the breach, their swords jabbing outwards, stabbing at the Crusaders, hoping to drive them back whence they came, or better yet, butcher them like cattle. The Forsakens' ghastly lines tightened into formation throughout the narrow causeway. The semi-circle around the breach shunted, convulsing against the press of the plated Crusaders before them. Then, a bright light erupted behind the undead lines. They paused, turning, scattering to the sides, trying to see - and avoid - whatever devilry the Crusaders had concocted. The Forsaken line began to splinter. Behind them, the second line of deathguards were already marching forwards, fresh and ready for battle. Score upon score of tireless, immortal soldiers filled the gaps left by those before them, absorbing shock after shock of an impending assault. The Forsaken line soon buckled under the Halcyon's thrust, undead falling in bodily heaps to the cobblestones below. At last, they buckled completely, and the Forsaken began to march back, retreating as slowly as they possibly could. They paid no heed to the screams of their brothers-in-arms as they were turned into smoldering, sludgy pools from the Halcyon Commander’s holy fire. The second line of Forsaken were practically decimated, and their formation tightened. As one great force, they continued forwards. Their focus was singular now: Kill the one who'd destroyed them so thoroughly. It was almost a perfect pincer, the Forsaken had the Halcyon’s Commander squarely between them, with nowhere to run. The Forsaken backpedaled away as quickly as they could from the Halcyon's onslaught. They scattered, falling back to try and desperately escape the oncoming Crusaders, but time and again, they fell to the charge. The Forsaken were practically in a route now, trying with all their might to- The ground was on fire. Cracks, splinters of golden magic spread far and wide, and with a collective cry, the first bulwark of the Forsaken's defense turned to ash. A bright, purple sword careened and slashed its way through their armor, score after score of deathguards slumping limply to the dirt, with very few remaining in -one- piece. 
The next two Forsaken battalions began to slowly march -backwards- away from the breach, forming a tight, collective line just behind the ruins of two tall townhouses. Their shields rose to meet the crusaders, their helmets ducked behind the macabre barricade. Their new shieldwall, a platoon of archers, had taken up formation. With a rush of snapping string, the sky blackened with dark, feathered arrows. As several Halcyon forces made their way to the unassuming wall, from under the cobblestones there came a click. The three had set off a landmine! Shrapnel, dust and blown stone sprayed in every direction. At the sound of one of their exploding traps, the Forsaken let out a collective guttural cheer, their mocking laughter echoing throughout the township. Arrows nocked against bows and bowstrings, the straining groan of bowstrings being drawn screaming out through the streets. Then,dozens of black, steel-barbed arrows soared into the sky, casting a shadow over the houses and crusaders as they arched their way up.. up.. and then down onto their heads.
Again, the Forsaken howled and hooted with laughter as the Halcyon floundered and staggered. More arrows were nocked.Then, from behind the vanguard, there came a loud, cheering roar. Reinforcements! Through the breach they marched, their shields raised to provide their ailing allies with cover from the volleys of arrows that were overtaking them. A fresh-faced captain poked her head out, gesturing towards the wounded soldiers, "Get your asses in here, boys! We've managed to break through their citadel defenses, now c'mon! We'll get you to - and through - that wall." 
With that, her face dipped back into the column, resiliently marching through the streets, straight towards the Forsaken line. Almost immediately, the Undead’s hollers and hoots were replaced with eerie, snarling silence. The Halcyon crashed against the second shieldwall, the Forsaken shields bending, but unlike the first one, they didn't break. The Undead held firm against the Holy onslaught, however, they hadn't anticipated the magical blades of Light the Halcyon’s Lieutenant Commander hurtled their way, and moments later half of that carefully prepared line crumbled to ash. By the time her magic dissipated, it was as if the Forsaken had never existed to begin with. 
The archers, seeing that half of their defenses were already falling by the wayside, began to backpedal from the fray, until they were pressed against the ring of trees which marked the town's center. Their bowstrings pulled back, and, despite one of their number being "PINGED" squarely in the forehead by a magical hammer, they loosed another volley, right into the Halcyon's back line. The archers weren't expecting the crusaders to breach through so quickly! They saw a crusader charge through the lines, and before they could even begin to reorganize into a defensive posture, their captain had taken an arrow to the eye. A Halcyon archer’s thick shaft pierced him square in the peeper, and he fell to the ground with a clatter, the arrowhead pushing back into his brain from the force of it. 
Meanwhile, his former unit was thrown into disarray, some of them dropping their bows and turning tail to flee, others trying in vain to draw their dirks and daggers, stabbing uselessly at the plated monster in front of them. 
Though eventually they regained their composure, and as a swarm they descended upon the Lieutenant-Commander, dog piling atop her, stabbing ruthlessly with their short knives. The Halcyon's backline might be safe.. but the crusader? She was not so lucky. The Halcyon's reinforcements descended upon the remaining half of the shieldwall like a wave, pinning the deathguards close to the cliffside, even as the Knight Lieutenant slammed them in the rear and stabbed wildly at their backline. Down, down the last of the shieldwall went as they were shunted and pinned against the cliffside, their armor scraping, tarnishing itself.. until finally, with a great heave, the Halcyon's soldiery -crushed- the undead under their own shields. They were dead, once more, and they would not rise again. 
The archers, meanwhile, stabbed fitfully at the Lt. Commander, clawing to get through her armor.. and then the Commander lunged towards them, slaughtering them one by one like cattle. By the time they were done, there wasn't a single Forsaken left standing. The town's center was silent.. completely, dismally silent. Until, at the last, from what could only be considered the town hall, there came a slow, steady "clap. Clap. Clap." 
A single Forsaken stepped from the doorframe, dressed in the finest garments a lord of the Forsaken could have. For those who were attentive, this was the same Forsaken they had spied during their reconnaissance, who had marched so proudly into the town with his guardsmen.
"Well.. done," he crowed out to them in broken, strained common, his cracked lips curling into a smile. "Very well done. As lord of Pyrewood and the Banshee Queen's envoy, I bequeath unto you this town.. and surrender it willingly." His smile widened, eyes narrowing. "Well.. I would, if I didn't have another ploy up my sleeve." With that, he reached for a small, shimmering crystal about his neck, clutching it intently. "You see, one of your own lot managed to do something we'd been having quite a bit of difficulty with. We just.. -couldn't- get him working. Thank you for fixing it for us." 
With a cackle, the Forsaken's grin began to falter. He coughed, spluttered, the "life" draining from his face.. and then, in a slump, he fell lifeless to the ground. Once more, the town was silent- A rumble. A tremor? As a crusader made his way towards the noble, the Forsaken's skin began to take on a sickly shade of green. Ooze began to seep from his lips, and then, with a low gurgle, the corpse -exploded- with an eruption of bile, bone and blood. The tremors grew louder, louder, pounding in the crusaders' ears. On the Lt. Commander's orders, the column of reinforcements spread out into three even groups, all around the town's center. There came a rush, as if a waterfall had just sprung.. and then, from behind the houses, towards the great sea itself, there came a low, guttural groan. 
"Grrrrgghghghghgh.." It was wet; fleshy, and hungry. Atop the town hall, a gigantic, stone hand gripped the shingles, sending them scattering and flailing in every direction. A second hand rose up to the opposing side of the structure, and with a great heave, whatever -it- was pulled itself from the ocean. Like a child leaving a bathtub, water splashed -high- over the town hall, splattering, cascading down across the streets, mingling with blood and bile. The support beams of the building buckled, snapped, and broke. The bell tower collapsed in on the hall, crashing in a metallic heap, giving way to the towering golem that had used it so carelessly. It was gigantic, standing well above the tops of the highest trees. Not since the likes of Thaddius of Naxxramas had any living mortal seen such a creation of stitched flesh and metalworking.
  It was clad in armor, a tattered cloak falling far behind its back, with a wispy white beard and -burning- blue eyes. Upon its head was a crown, and those of Lordaeron would be able to recognize it immediately: the monster's face was a bearded caricature of Terenas. Slowly, the monster marched out from the bay, his wide legs smashing through the ruins of the town hall, reducing it to little more than rubble.. and he just -stared- at the gathering. A Knight Captain’s hammer throttled towards its forehead, clashing against its metal frame with a loud, resounding "P-tink!" but the creature barely even winced from it. It did, however, get its attention. It began to move forwards.. and then, lacing around its right arm, their Lt. Commander’ golden chains wrapped up, past its bicep, almost to its shoulder. 
It gave the colossus pause, its monstrous head turning towards the chains. With a shrug, the Light shattered, crashing into a thousand tiny pieces. Its attention turned towards the Halcyon again, and with two heavy footfalls, it reached them. A Crusader’s magic sailed towards its arm, and once again, the beast took it without complaint. If they didn't know any better, the Halcyon would be forgiven for thinking it was immune to such magic. Its litchfire eyes blazed, a deep, guttural roar emanating from its core, and its left fist rose high above its head. It snarled, and with a rush of air, the fist swung down -hard- towards the Captain. The colossus' fist crashed into the pavement, creating a crater in the ground. It let out a loud, angry yowl as a Crusader began his channeling of magic, its burning gaze turning away from its makeshift pothole towards him. Its callous lips contorted into a sneer, and its right hand reached out, sweeping away at all the crusaders that stood between it and its target. Its body contorted with the motion, its left fist rising up off the ground, leaving a crushed Captain and a smushed battle-mender in its wake. 
The wispy, light blue rune atop the monster's head blazed brightly as a Crusader attempted to siphon the magic away. But even -that- seemed to falter. The rune began to blaze a deep shade of red, completely opposing its original setting.. and the Terenas Mk. 2's eyes morphed, shifting from their lichfire blue to a bloody red. They had made it angry.
  Once its sweep was complete, it stomped its way towards the Crusader, reaching out with its left hand to attempt to lift him up off the ground. The colossus didn't have the time nor patience to realize that an archer was nocking a veritable fireball onto his bowstring. There was a twang, the head jerking momentarily to see what the noise was. The monster let out a bellowing yell, staggering, letting its grip on the Crusader go. It stumbled, faltered, and with a crash, it tumbled backwards, right into the path that it had previously swept. 
The colossus dove where a Captain had been mere moments earlier, and let out a pitiful wail of pain as a Lieutenant’s sword dug into its neck, the soldier having leapt up onto the giant and climbed onto its shoulders. The creature once more rose up to its feet, thrashing, flailing, trying to shake him off its shoulders once more. Cannons fired, trebuchets launched their stones, catapults snapped their loads, and a hail storm of projectiles careened through the sky towards the towering monster. Rocks slammed against its face, crushing its one good eye, distending its jaw, its nose.. everything. It staggered back, beginning to slow down, to stop.. and then, with one, clean, "Ftwip!" one of the Halcyon’s archers’ arrows landed squarely in the center of its rune. Its arms fell to its sides, and like a tin soldier, it began to fall backwards. The colossus landed in a heap in the center of the township, limp and dead. They had done it. Pyrewood was conquered.
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dyad-of-fate · 3 years ago
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No thoughts between those ears
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anonplusultra-blog · 7 years ago
Week more like a month.... fuuuck I’m slow at writing. 
How did she did it, how did she defeated my eye sight? I have tracked people through fog and complete natural darkness, yet, all that time sitting in that chair next to me and all I could perceive was the fragrance she sprayed on her body hours ago, a perfume, lilac and something oily and clove. Although, I guess I should have guessed that was not the owl's perfume in the room, I guess I'm too open minded.
I went back to the alleys with the bag of crystals in my secret pocket, going back home, with the crew. The air was as terrible as usual, but, the filth was not what was bothering me, but the idea of a war with the resistance, not like this silent war, but one with blimps and bombs, and death. Are we safe here? Which side am I on?, I mean I love crystals but, what if the Magistrate wins?
But there I was the abandoned house we claimed as a home. It was the first time in a while I realized of bad the state of the place was, how rotten the stair to the second level were, how big the black spots on the walls were, how much useless crap we had gathered and could not sell, well no one would buy it.
"She is here!" 
"She is here!" A loud youthful voice echoed down the stairs as brown haired boy with far too much mud on his overalls, was running from the upper floor. A few seconds after two other kids came down as well, the fair almost a teen Jodie in a light ciel dress that once saw better days and, Ann the youngest of the three, red hair and curls, freckles and eyes a lighter tone than mine.
Then tears began to flow down my cheeks. The three of them hugged me tightly, showering me with sweet words, it felt overwhelming, but, I was crying because all this might be gone with the war. The warmth, the love, our...family.
My head sobered up, it was not important to pick a side, but to survive, protect my family, take them as far away from the battlefield as possible.
"Sister, please don't cry, you are gonna make cry as well. You are back home," Ann soothes me with watery eyes. I look up again, the dirty walls look less terrible now, but, I have to be strong for them.
"Pack up, we are leaving as soon as possible"
"Is there anything wrong sister?" the fair Jodie inquired.
"I-I bought a farm, we don't need to live in this dump anymore. The last job I completed paid handsomely and, I believe that the fresh air and actually owning a place is better than hiding from the citadel officers and the filth"
"If you believe so, then we will follow you, Boss," Jodie was good at reading people, she knew I was hiding something from her, yet, she followed me no matter what.
With our most precious belongings in our pre-owned chests and left town before the sun was down. We stop at the old Miss Linda's Inn to meet with Evie, she was very excited to see me again, and even more to meet the "puppies". But there was a war ahead of us, so I discussed the plot with her in private, told her about the hired assassin and the battle it could chained afterwards.
"So what should we do?" concerned but decided.
"Well we need to protect my crew, if the assassin delivers, the Paladins will strike first as retaliation, and they will attack on the heart of the Magistrate. We need to get them as far away from the District as possible..." I took a pause pretending I didn't planned the next words, "Maybe to your farm, its far enough from the first siege."
"Yes, also I need help with crops… well real crops, not my veggie garden. That won't be enough to feed a fam- a crew." A blush on her pale soft skin, why did we met on such dire situation?
"We will help. As a family… but we have an assassin to catch first," I have to focus on the main issue here before dreaming about a future, "if we hurry we can catch her down the main road to Timber Mill, she must be an hour ahead of us."
"On a horse, please" cocky and sassy as per usual, "it will take us minutes to catch up with… her."
Before she could ask any more questions, I took her staff and got on it the wrong way, it was as good as a distraction as anything really, the less she knows the better. And it worked, she went to the cart driver and gave him instructions to get to the farm and a copious amount of gold for the service.
We soared up into the purple dawn of night, we need to fly low to find her but high enough to keep some stealth at our stalk. After twenty minutes in the night sky, I saw her riding solo on a honey haired horse, her body suit contrasting heavily against the beast fur.
"I found her, take us lower so I can catch up with her"
"But, where, I don't see anyone," she looks at me and gasps surprised, "why are your eyes…? Oh, reflecting light, like a cat."
"Yeah I can see in the dark, it's a tigron thing I guess" I came to terms with it, she have to be right, its the only explanation for my skills and peculiarities.
She smiled content and proceeded to dive through the foggy night down to about seven feet from the ground, enough for me to jump off safely and chase by foot. I land on the cushioning of my forefoot bending my knees to absorb the impact and turned it into energy for my horizontal leap, my hands guiding my weight as I barrel roll forward. As I land back on my feet I begin to run using the momentum. My eyes locked on the honey colored horse as I close the gap between us, the animal slows down, there is no one on its back.
I turn around tracking her perfume- A stinging pain on my chest, my legs collapsing, I-I can't move.
"You are very fast kitty cat, but so loud, no wonder why the owl gave me this task instead of you. I could hear your boots stomping on the soil as you jumped off your horse, and your coat flapping as you ran-"
"N-no horse" It hurts to talk.
"Shush, let my poison do the talking an-" And then a dull sound as she got clubbed in the back of the head. "Oh, you have back up," she turns around, "I will take care of… Evie, what are you doing here?"
"I, we are chasing …you, you can't kill the owl's daughter, not on Paladins turf, its… Never mind just give her the antidote now!"
"Oh, I see, she is your new pet. I get it, a tigron with pink hair and beautiful eyes, can't blame you," the assassin reaches in between her breast, as it were a pocket, and takes out two small vials with green and silver liquids on each, removes the cork of both, "she is paralyzed, I have to help your pet swallow." Evie simply nodded, as if she was granting her permission. The assassin removed the three poisoned darts from my chest fast and painfully, she did so sitting on my hips and remained on the same position, the vials on her hand, "I have to mix these potions, you will drink most of it, but, for it to work you need to keep some underneath your tongue, don't bite me as I feed it to you."
She pours each potion in her mouth and slowly leans in to me, a seductive look in her face, I part my lips and close my eyes. She has soft plum lips, such soft lips, and a skilled tongue. The antidote must be very strong as my own muscle started dancing with hers in my mouth, was this potion supposed to feel this good, or as warm.
The kiss ended, a deviant smile drawn on her lips, "Now I get why you had to hit me as hard Evie, she is a keeper," her eyes intensely focused on mine, "My name is Skye, I don't usually kiss strangers, well that is a lie, I love kissing strangers, but, I still need to know your name kitten."
Twice in two days, two kisses from two gorgeously dangerous women, why was this happening?, was there something on the air?
"I'm M-Maeve..."
Author’s note: Almost there, almost there. H3y there, if you like my fics pls leave a comment or a like or better yet a reblog, those feel really good
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siren-dragon · 7 years ago
Over the Horizon -- FFXV x Sinbad AU (Ch.1)
So a while ago, I saw a post about Eris from the Sinbad cartoon reminding everyone of Ardyn, and had to make a story. And now I have made a new story about it, enjoy! I recommend watching the DreamWorks Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas cartoon, as that is the basis I am using for the AU. ^_^ Tagging: @valkyrieofardyn, @maty-yami, @imaginationisme
Summary: Having left his home to become a pirate, Nyx Ulric one day bargains with a chaotic god that leads him onto an unforgettable adventure.
In ancient times, powerful gods walked amongst mankind. Many brought peace and prosperity to the mortals; who they often viewed as children that needed guidance. Others delighted in tormenting and terrorizing the innocents; enjoying the fear the humans felt when confronted with their power. However, when a god felt neither compassion or hatred for the mortals, they became bored.
And that was more dangerous….
 “Good morning to you, my dear pets!” A jovial voice crowed sweetly.
Within the shadows of the Abyss, monsters of various forms snapped teasingly at the feet of the man who walked soundlessly past them. He seemed unearthly despite the human appearance he currently held. Red-violet hair that was the color of wine moved as if being blown by an invisible breeze while golden eyes stared in delight at the large table that hovered in the air that gave off a faint glow. The man immediately disappeared in an instant, only to materialize closer to the table, gazing at what appeared to be a world map.
“Another peaceful day upon Eos it seems,” the man spoke with an insincere joy. “How…boring. Perhaps a change of pace would be best, must keep them on their toes after all.” He chuckled.
Glancing back at the map he paused, a large grin tugging at his lips as the man looked closer. “Well, well, well; what have we here? A sweet, innocent prince protecting a valuable treasure? Ah- and a selfish thief eager to claim a new prize.” Golden eyes twinkled with sinister delight before turning to the shadows, “my sweet Mindflayer, enjoy the hunt!”
The monster- daemon, roared in delight before vanishing into the darkness and out of the Abyss.
Across the ocean just south of Galdin Quay, a ship of the Lucian Royal Navy sailed the calm waters, with another ship right on it’s tail. Dark purple sails, nearly black, blew the smaller ship forward and to the prize that lingered within its targets hold.
“Alright boys, here is the deal.” A man spoke, this one with dark brown hair that was shaved on the sides. He paced in front of the crew like a general giving orders to soldiers. “The world’s most valuable treasure resides on that ship and is heading toward Insomnia… it’s a shame it’ll never get there.”
The all snickered, well aware of the heist they were about to perform. “After today, we’ll retire to Altissia for fancy food and beautiful women. So then, let’s get rich! Libertus!”
“You got it, Nyx!” The helmsman called back, spinning the wheel and pulling the pirate ship alongside their target.
“Let’s go Pryna!” Nyx called, taking hold of a robe and swinging across to the Lucian ship.
Immediately the siege had begun, with Crownsguard protecting against the pirates that were pillaging their ship. Quickly and efficiently Nyx unsheathed his twin daggers, clashing against several guards before incapacitating them and moving onto the next bunch. The ship fell easily and with minimal resistance, making Nyx rather happy that the heist had gone so smoothly. And to think Libertus thought something would go wrong.
“And onto the treasure….” The pirate captain paused, watching the remaining guard who stood in front of the treasure vault. An elaborate sword with a golden hilt was clutched in his hand as he dodged various attacks and retaliated skillfully against Nyx’s men. “…Noctis.”
Libertus frowned, “how long has it been?”
“…about a lifetime ago.” Nyx replied, walking up to the higher deck. “You know, you still fight like a handicapped moogle.”
“What the- Nyx?” Noctis spoke in confusion, leaving just enough of an opening for Nyx’s crew to apprehend him. “Nyx, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Um, working?” Nyx answered, breaking the lock off of the vault door. “And what about you, your Highness?”
“Just fine,” Noctis said tensely. “what happened to you? And where have you been?”
“I’m sorry Noct, but my livelihood comes first so- if you’ll excuse me.”
Nyx pushed open the door and walked into the darkened room, with Noctis following after. Within the small room stood a rather large geode, glowing a brilliant shade of blue and purple. An ethereal light seemed to linger within, making the large crystal seem more beautiful than any jewel Nyx had ever seen. The brunette pirate let out a long whistle of appreciation and moved to take a step forward, only to be stopped by the prince beside him.
“Nyx, we need to talk.”
“Heard about it, read about it…. never actually seen it.” He murmured before pushing gently past Noctis, “the Stone of the Six.”
“And it is being delayed on it’s way to Insomnia.”
“Now see, I hate to be the cause of that problem; but I’m gonna need the stone.”
Noctis scoffed, “seriously? You disappear for 10 years, show up out of nowhere, and then decide to rob me? Me, Nyx.”
“Noct…listen,” Nyx sighed, “we had fun; loads of it but…we were kids.”
“We were friends, you ass! And you’re not gonna steal the stone, not from me. And besides, the Stone of the Six protects all within Lucis; it has no other purpose.”
“Exactly. So, imagine how much people would pay to get it back.” Nyx replied, reaching for the giant gem.
Noctis immediately grabbed hold of Nyx, twisting him around toward the door while stealing one of Nyx’s daggers. He then stood before the crystal, twirling the blade expertly as he glared at his old friend. Nyx chuckled at the act, genuinely surprised to see Noctis so serious. “Come on now Noct, don’t try to be a hero.”
“Let’s see if you have the guts to go through me, old friend.”
Just before Nyx could draw his own dagger, the ship shook; sending both men sprawling to the floor. Head spinning, the two glanced at each other before rushing out onto the deck and beholding the scene that lay before them. A large Mindflayer had risen from the water, causing looks of terror to appear upon the faces of both crews. “Oh shit,” Noctis muttered in exhaustion.
Nyx glanced to his ship and back at the Mindflayer before sighing, “need a hand?”
“Only if you don’t run off unexpectedly.”
“Not likely at the moment, come on!”
Quickly the two sprung into action, with Nyx whistling loudly to attract the daemon’s attention. The beast turned to face him, screeching loudly before sending several tentacles toward him only for Nyx to dodge at the last moment. Immediately Noctis imbedded a sword into the monster’s appendage, pinning it two the deck of the ship before the two raced off and begun scaling the mast. Once reaching the top-sail, Nyx sliced a few of the supports before tossing the dagger to Noctis.
“You’re gonna need that.”
Noctis caught the blade with ease, “where are you going now?”
“To save the day,” Nyx grinned as he climbed onto the single rope that connected the main mast and the foremast of the ship. The Mindflayer noticed the movement above it and quickly moved to swipe at the pirate captain, only for him to land expertly onto the other sail. Retrieving his second dagger, Nyx swiped at the support ropes and looked to Noctis, showing the two wooden beams that were perfectly placed to attack the giant daemon. Raising each dagger, both men cut the remaining ropes; impaling the Mindflayer to the deck of the ship as it gave a final screech and moved no more.
“Just like old times, huh.” Noctis smiled, giving a friendly pat on Nyx’s shoulder.
“Heh, you could say that again- LOOK OUT!”
Shoving Noctis out of the way, Nyx winced in pain as one of the Mindflayer’s hands smacked into him, dragging him under the waves. “NYX!” Noctis shouted after him, held back by the remaining Crownsguard.
Further into ocean he fell, the water was cold and most of the light from the sun gone. Nyx could feel his lungs burning as they desperately sought for air as he tried to prevent water form filing his mouth. He could feel the pressure begin to crush his body as the dead Mindflayer dragged him closer to a watery grave. His eyes began to close and he took a breath only to discover he was breathing air, not the salt water of the sea. Nyx’s eyes snapped open as he looked around, standing in some sort of air pocket? No…a bubble?
“Oh, it’s just so unfair,” a deep voice spoke dramatically. “Today was meant to be a fine day; and now my precious daemon is dead and I still don’t have the crystal…...All thanks to you, Nyx Ulric.”
Nyx spun about to see a man with wine-red hair that seemed to blow in a non-existent breeze and golden eyes that all but glowed in the shadows that surrounded him. He was tall, even taller than Nyx, and held an aura that sent shivers down his spin. Slowly the man walked forward, making Nyx realize that he was bare-footed, with a smirk gracing his lips; painfully reminding the pirate of a couerl about to pounce on an unsuspecting chocobo.
“And who might you be?”
“Permit me to introduce myself properly, Ardyn: the God of Discord, at your service.” The man bowed in a flamboyant and dramatic fashion before he vanished in an instant, reappearing only a few feet away. “I don’t doubt you’ve seen my mural upon the Citadel walls.”
Nyx blinked in surprise, remembering the daemonic monster that he had seen once before. “Yeah…they don’t do you justice.”
“Indeed. Now then, about my daemon that you slew.”
“Um, I don’t suppose a heartfelt apology would tide things over.” Nyx replied, silently praying he’d manage to make it out of this alive.
Ardyn laughed as if Nyx had said a rather humorous joke. “Surely you jest! Nyx, you don’t have a heart. One of the few things we have in common.” He continued before vanishing once more, making Nyx glance about for the god. “So, I’m going to spare your life. However, there is one thing that you must do in return: get the Stone of the Six and bring it to me.”
“Yes well, I kinda had my own plans for it. Hold it for ransom, get rich; you know, typical stuff- Gah!”
Ardyn smirked, having startled Nyx by appearing right behind him. “Oh Nyx, you’re not very imaginative, are you?” He twirled one of Nyx’s kukri’s in his hands, making the pirate wonder how he got it. “Steal the crystal for ransom, and you’ll be rich enough to lounge on some tropical beach. Steal the book for me….and you can buy the beach, and the island….and the world.”
Nyx frowned, pondering the god’s words. “You let me live, you make me rich. Honestly, I don’t really see a downside; if you keep your word.”
“My dear Ulric, when a deity gives their word; they are bound for all eternity.” Ardyn replied, taking the kukri and slicing the dagger across his chest…right where the heart would be.
“Alright then, it’s a deal.”
“A wise decision. Now then, when you’ve stolen the stone; follow the star beyond the horizon. You’ll find yourself within the Abyss. My realm of chaos….” Ardyn grinned.
Nyx smirked, “the Abyss, see you there.”
“Looking forward to it,” Ardyn answered, suddenly appearing in front of Nyx in an instant. He raised the kukri for Nyx to take, only for the blade to vanish in his hands. “Deep breath now,” he said with a smile.
Water instantly wrapped around Nyx, causing him to gasp in surprise. Looking about the ocean, he then spotted the surface and immediately raced toward it. Ardyn watched from the shadows, smirking at the success of his bargain. “Humans…always so gullible.”
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elaianna · 7 years ago
[ The following post is written by a guild member, Nallaen, whom does not have tumblr but is relevant to our guild campaign. I am merely posting it as per request. ]
Beyond all the empty bottles of bourbon and the burnt out ends of a legion of cigarettes, the things that truly vexed Nallaen Ravenstone were boredom and downtime. The problem with them wasn’t that there wasn’t anything to do. The problem was that in his silent and non-active moments, he was forced to pay attention to the thoughts in his head and the tiny details of the world that one didn’t really pay heed to when there were things to do. Suddenly, that shadow on the wall wasn’t just a shadow, but a familiar form playing out a scene from an eternity ago. That little voice that had been tuned out as a hum was now as clear as crystal, telling him off all the things that he couldn’t do and should have done. It was in these moments that Nallaen could feel his reality starting to peel away at the edges, hallucinations dancing at the corners of his eyes. Those were the times where he needed his cigarettes the most. The old mercenary sat in a chair, leaning back against the door he was guarding and puffing away at his customary cigarette, the potent blend of herbs keeping the inconsistencies in cognition at bay. It made him able to function properly, without needing to deal with those constant phantasms and ghosts that swirled about his head. The only problem was that the more he used them, the more he needed them in those times when he was alone. Sometimes the man would even find himself slipping off into a distant dream, even while awake. He would be back in the frozen wastes of Icecrown or even the medical ward back in Dalaran after they peeled what was left of his battered form out of the Citadel. Nallaen took a beat to rub his eyes, setting down his cigarette into a nearby ashtray that rested on a small, makeshift table that he had brought along with him. He sat in front of this door, unaware if the ward he was charged to guard was even behind it. Truth be told, it didn’t really matter. The shell game worked out in the company’s favor, if there were prying eyes that had noticed and a sellsword warlock had been employed to keep the Baroness’s daughter safe. The old man could feel exhaustion starting to seep into the corners of his awareness, and for the moment he closes his eyes, allowing the silence of the evening to wash over him. -------------- It was a strange thing, this type of cold. The place was only meant to ever be a place to hide for a few hours at most. It was a cave that tucked away in the middle of some sunless warren, obscured by ice and snow. Nallaen had been here for three days, huddled over barely there embers in an attempt to stave off the freeze. The cold was so intense that Nallaen could feel it pierce his heart beat. He could feel it try to slow the blood in his veins and it took all of the man’s focus to just stay conscious. How and when he would be able to leave this place, he had no idea. Prior to climbing into this frozen pit, Nallaen had set a series of sentry wards a few hundred meters out in every direction. This place was so remote that nothing was going to just wander by and if it did, well then he would have bigger problems. He nears gloved hands to the dying embers, trying to extract what last bits of warmth they had to offer when a harsh sensation splits across Nallaen’s consciousness and makes his heart skip several beats.  Something had just moved passed his southern ward. The sharp sensation begins to repeat itself in rapid succession as all of his wards start to fire off multiple times. It wasn’t just one thing. It was many things. -------------- Nallaen’s eyes dart open. How long he had been lost in his reverie, he could not say, but the immediate area was quiet. Green eyes dart around, taking in the scene and try to find something, anything wrong. Nothing. The problem was that, normally, when Nallaen came back from these day dreams, the sensations and feelings they caused usually stayed back there in them. That was not the case now, however.  His mind was sieged by the sensation of wards either reporting back or completely failing all together. They were just dropping off left and right, save for one or two from the Northeast. It took a moment for the mercenary to compose himself enough to stand and realize just what was happening. No, this wasn’t his dream anymore. Something was coming. Something large. Without another moment of hesitation, Nallaen gets out of his seat and moves as fast as his tired bones would allow him, coming across the first patrol he could find and grabbing the poor man by the front of his armor. “Get Lady Anna. Rouse Everyone who can fight. Now!!!” He sputters, before letting the man go and tearing off again for the outer wall of the keep. The warlock is up a ladder in a heartbeat and pulls out a spyglass, taking a look in the direction where the two remaining wards are still reporting. Out in the distance, spilling over the fields of the neighboring countryside, comes a massive wall of deep, dark fog, swallowing everything in it’s wake as it shrouds the land in mist. Nallaen’s heart pounds away in his chest and he draws his sword, moving back down the ladder and away from the keep, towards the ominous wall of fog that encroached upon the keep.
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clan-fuildarach · 8 years ago
citadel under siege 
delta, seafra, and neven make it to the rezann’s citadel, which is currently held by president robin and her forces against the commander himself. and it looks like delta may know some information that is pertinent to robin’s whole operation
Delta had seen a couple of towns in his lifetime. He'd seen the fortresses of the Blacksand Annex and Court Dorchadas. He'd travelled through clans so big that they were townships in their own right. But he'd never seen a city before, let alone a city like this.
The walled citadel on the coast of the Starfall Isles was bigger than any fortress, a dense, sprawling jungle of buildings and roads and train tracks that seemed to have sprouted organically from the bare earth, unplanned. The buildings coated the coastline, their white walls gleaming in the sun, surrounded by huge walls that cut it off from the land to the east and left it open to the sea to the west. But the city had outgrown its own walls in a rather spectacular fashion; unable to spread outwards, it had chosen to grow vertically instead.
Enormous chunks of pink crystal, each one large enough to support a medium-sized clan of dragons, floated over the city. They were connected by bridges made out of densely-woven rope and wooden slats that wouldn't break if the crystals shifted. Buildings grew from the sides of the crystals like cells in a wasp nest, each with its own projecting landing platform for visitors.
The crystals floated quite close together, by the ground, until they almost blocked the light from reaching the terrestrial portion of the city. Further up, the crystals thinned out, until there were only a scant few grazing the base of the clouds.
Both Delta and Seafra had spent the entire morning since their arrival at the citadel by train simply staring. Neven was less impressed; they'd been to the citadel before.
“What happens if one of them falls?” Delta said, his eyes fixed on the cluttered view above. He and his companions were sitting outside a vegetable market by the edge of the cliffs.
“They don't,” Neven said, sorting through their bag of belongings (most of which had been stolen from the train) for anything that they could use in the market to trade for food.
“And people just accept that?” Seafra said, casting the floating crystals a dark look. “I'd go mad, living with those things above me like that.”
“I suppose they're enchanted,” Delta said. He couldn't look away from the crystals. Not only did they float as if weightless, they were moving, too. Like the gears of a clock they seemed to be circling overhead in a fixed pattern so intricate that Delta could hardly imagine the work that went into ensuring they didn't simply crash in mid-air. But there they were, drifting serenely overhead, blocking out the sun every few minutes.
Seafra stretched out her arms and yawned. “Right, so what's the plan for today?”
Delta didn't register her question for a moment. Then he blinked and glanced over at her. “I guess we need to find any signs of your clan, or... or mine.” He didn't really want to think of Clan Fuil Darach right now. The last time he'd seen the clan it had been held hostage, cut down to barely six dragons, stranded in the middle of the enormous desert in the heart of Dragonhome. Guilt washed over him; he'd abandoned his own clan. Maybe it was best if he didn't go back at all. They probably didn't even want him.
“So we'd better ask around,” Seafra said. She nudged Neven. “Anything good in there? I'm starving.”
Neven held out a single gem. “This is all we have.”
Seafra stared glumly at it for a moment before taking it. “It'll buy us breakfast at least. Any requests, Delta?”
“Anything,” he said with a shrug. “I'm – hey!”
A dragon from the crowd of pedestrians had snatched the gem right out of Seafra's hand. With a loud oath she shot after them, the two of them vanishing into the crowd.
This may have been the biggest city in the northern hemisphere, but it was obvious that it had been under a lot of stress lately. It had been occupied by a foreign force, and recently – hours after Delta's group had arrived – the walls and borders had been shut off to newcomers and visitors. The city was, officially, under siege. With the trade routes cut, it was only a matter of time before the stockpiles began to dwindle and more and more dragons turned to thievery.
“Maybe we shouldn't have come here,” Delta said quietly, leaning back against the white stone wall bordering the market. “It's too dangerous.”
“Yes, it is dangerous,” Neven said. “But it's safer here than it is outside. The citadel is almost impervious to attack, even if the one doing the attacking is the Commander.”
That was what the town criers had been shouting about all morning – the gathering of the Commander's troops on two sides of the citadel. He was attacking from the land and the water, catching the citadel between two different forces. His ships choked the harbour beyond the base of the cliffs, further cutting off the city's supply routes.
A battalion of soldiers marched past, bearing the standard of the city's new president, Robin. Two spanners crossed under a twisting flame. Delta didn't know much at all about Robin, but he'd learned a lot since arriving at the city. People said that she was an unparalleled genius, that she'd single-handedly placed all the train tracks in the Isles, that she was the only hope the dragons ever had to defeat Rezann. But it hadn't all been favourable information. People said she was a fraud, that her inventions were a worthless mimicry of what magic could already do, that she didn't stand a chance. Opinions were mixed.
“Delta,” Neven said quietly. “I... I don't like it here.”
Delta was already painfully aware of this. He slung an arm around Neven's narrow, bony shoulders. “We won't be here for long. All we need to do is ask around about our clans, or buy a map or something.”
“Mm.” Neven leant against Delta's side with a sigh. “You know I used to live here. With the Commander.”
“I thought you lived in the barracks?” Delta absently stroked his fingers through their hair.
“I lived here first. This is where he found me.”
Seafra elbowed her way through the crowds, muttering obscenities under her breath. She had not retrieved the gem from the thief. Without a word she came to stand beside Delta her hands spread to show her failure.
“There goes our breakfast,” she said. “Now what?”
“I know where we can find food,” Neven said, pushing away from Delta to stand up straight. They brushed their ragged tunic down self-importantly. “It is an, uh... a place for homeless dragons to find food. It's near here.”
They beckoned and set off. Delta and Seafra trailed along after them, Seafra still cursing under her breath.
“So how do you know this place?” Delta said, as the three of them turned off the main market square and down a narrow alley.
“Well,” Neven said. “I grew up here. This is where my parents left me, when I was young. I almost died, but somebody found me and brought me to the shelter. During the day I couldn't stay there so I slept outside, but I'd come back every night. And then one day I got arrested for begging in the wrong place, and that was how the Commander found me.”
Delta had only heard scraps of this story before. He'd never heard the first part, that Neven had been abandoned. A fragment of memory struck him; the iron-grey sea and white cliffs of the northern Sunbeam Ruins. The desperate grinding hunger and Luke's voice frantically reassuring him that their father would be back soon. All they had to do was wait, and he'd be home.
He stared at Neven's back, his heart breaking. “I'm so sorry, Neven,” he said.
“Yes, well,” Neven said, “it's over now. The Commander saved me. You don't need to be sorry.” With a dismissive wave, they led the pair of guardians down a set of terraced steps. They travelled through increasingly dim and dingy streets, until eventually coming to a nondescript door with the symbol of the Eleven painted over the frame. Neven knocked, then pushed the door open.
It was half-church, half-hostel. Rows of beds lined the walls, and at the end wall was a collection of small shrines, candles burning for each deity. A strong smell of stew filled the air; there was a kitchen area off to one side and a queue of dragons waiting to be served.
As Delta stepped inside, something caught his eye. He turned, frowning, then ran over to the noticeboard just opposite the door. The board was plastered with various notices, including an announcement that the city was under siege and a list of rooms that were currently to-let. But right in the centre was a new notice.
It was a printed illustration of a clan crest. Two oak leaves and an acorn. The text under it read REWARD OFFERED FOR ANYONE WHO CAN IDENTIFY THIS SYMBOL.
He snatched the sheet off the board, then quickly ran back to Neven and Seafra.
“Look!” He brandished the sheet of paper. “That's-”
“That's your clan crest.” Seafra said, her eyebrows rising.
Neven was talking to one of the shelter workers. The worker frowned oddly at Delta, then sidled over. “You know that crest?”
“Yes, that's my crest,” Delta said. “Who wants to know? Who put this here?”
“President Robin's troops have been distributing those all morning,” the worker said. “Apparently it's important to her, for the war effort.” They shrugged. “That's all I know.”
Delta flipped the page over. There was an address on the back, and a small printed map. “Okay,” he said, “you guys stay here and eat. I'll go and check this out.”
“Whatever you like,” Seafra said, “but be careful, okay?”
Delta hesitated for a moment, then tugged off the leather cord from around his neck. He took Neven's hand and carefully pressed the cord – and the tiny pouch that contained his charge – into their palm.
“Keep it safe,” he said.
“I will.” Neven seemed to understand the enormity of the gesture. They closed their fingers around the acorn pouch with a tiny nod, a spark of rare emotion entering their voice for a moment. “Be back soon.”
Delta pressed a kiss to their cheek, then left.
The map was easy enough to follow, once he understood which way was which. He walked at a brisk pace for a couple of minutes, missing the tiny weight of his charge against his chest. It was odd, though – he didn't feel nearly as anxious as he thought he'd feel, leaving it behind.
Eventually, he found himself standing outside a small barracks near the wall of the city. President Robin's banner had been strung over the door, hiding the old moth sigil that had been carved into the wall behind it.
He knocked, then let himself in. The place was utilitarian and bare, full of soldiers. Behind a small barrier were shelves and shelves packed with equipment.
A soldier approached Delta, spear in hand. “State your business.”
Delta raised the sheet of paper like a shield. “It's about this,” he said.
The soldier quickly lowered the spear. “Do you know that crest?”
There was no way of telling if Delta was helping his clan or hurting it by identifying the crest to the soldiers here. But this was the only way he had of locating his clan and somehow reuniting with it. So he nodded. “Yes. That's Clan Fuil Darach's crest. I'm the – er, I mean, I used to belong to that clan.”
Everything passed in a rush after that. The soldier brought Delta into the barracks and told him to wait. He sat by the wall, his heart pounding as soldiers moved all around. Someone offered him a cup of tea. This heartened him; if he was being imprisoned or interrogated, they wouldn't be giving him tea. He hoped.
Finally, the door of the barracks opened again and a new guardian strode in. She was tall, her long hair pinned back. Her uniform was devoid of any fancy details, a utilitarian black, but somehow Delta knew that she was someone important. Trotting behind her was a young bespectacled skydancer boy and a mirror swathed in greenish-brown furs, a giant bow at her back.
The guardian came to a halt in front of Delta. “My name is Robin,” she said. “Now. Tell me all you know about this Clan Fuil Darach.”
“Why?” Delta said, thoroughly taken aback.
“Because,” she said, “two nights ago a ship bearing this standard-” She held up the poster of the crest again- “was seen in the bay between Arcane and Wind territory. At that time, Commander Rezann's army was trying to make land with a quarter of his artillery in that bay. We tried to stop them, but they destroyed our defences with ease. And then this one ship – this tiny civilian vessel – somehow took out the entire flotilla, artillery and all.” She lowered the poster and rolled it up with a few deft movements.
“Oh,” Delta said quietly. “Is that bad?”
“Bad?” she said, her dark purple eyes widening. “It's amazing. We need that ship on our side. It could be an invaluable resource. Right now we're under siege from three sides, and if not for that ship it would be four. If you could help us, we'd be so grateful. Not to mention the reward...”
Delta cleared his throat, trying to avoid the somewhat creepy gaze of the mirror behind Robin. “All right,” he said. “I'll tell you what I know.”
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