#sieg is trying his best to be soft
least-carpet · 1 month
Thoughts about jl and jc relationship? I love them but their relationship is criticized a lot, I would love to hear your thoughts
Hi, anon! Very belatedly, here is an answer!
They love each other and Jin Ling is very secure in that love. It is very evident to me—and to Jin Ling himself—that Jiang Cheng loves Jin Ling and would die for him. Jin Ling trusts and relies on Jiang Cheng, and scoffs at the idea that his uncle has ever hit him, in a cultural context where corporal punishment is not unusual. Jin Ling goes to Jiang Cheng when he's crying. Jin Ling pushes back at Jiang Cheng, goes around him, and talks back to him fearlessly, with a sort of bratty entitlement rather than fearful defiance. This is not something a kid who is afraid of their guardian does. This is not something Jiang Cheng would have done with his own parents!
Jiang Cheng did a better job than his parents did with him. You might not personally want Jiang Cheng as a parent, but contrast him against his own soft-spoken father: I don't think Jin Ling would ever say that Jiang Cheng just didn't like him, or think to himself that Jiang Cheng wouldn't show up to save him. Jin Ling is way more secure in Jiang Cheng's affection for him than Jiang Cheng ever was when it came to Jiang Fengmian, and I don't think that's by accident. I think that's something that Jiang Cheng probably worked hard for. It is notable that Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling's maternal uncle, showed up for Jin Ling so consistently that Jin Ling has more trust in him than Jiang Cheng had in his own parents, despite being, like, twenty and running a sect by himself.
Jin Ling looks up to Jiang Cheng. Jin Ling, I think, patterns his behaviour after a couple of ideals. One of them I think, is an image of his father as a young and adventurous hero— young war hero Jin Zixuan, one of the best archers in his generation. (Also initially kind of a twerp with bad social skills, but Jin Ling doesn't know that.) And the other, I think, is Jiang Cheng. (He also very obviously cares for and admires Jin Guangyao, but I don't think he takes him as a model in the same way?) So Jiang Cheng is also important to Jin Ling as a role model. And why wouldn't he be? He's really good at a very hard job. (He's also, like, emotionally damaged from the war and its fallout, but realistically, a lot of the adults around Jin Ling would also be like that to some degree, especially in the Jiang sect.)
Jin Ling expresses care the way Jiang Cheng does, and that helps them understand and trust each other. Jin Ling also expresses his love in the same way that Jiang Cheng expresses his love: through defending the people he cares about. We see him do it when Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji want to enter Jin Guangyao's rooms, and again when Jiang Cheng is exhausted at the second siege of the Burial Mounds (Jin Ling just fucking scooping up Jiujiu and carrying him to safety remains hilarious to me). The scene where he thinks he hears Lan Sizhui say something about a ghost and he pops out and offers to kill the ghost for him also comes to mind. That's how you express affection if you're Jin Ling! He's going to put his foot in his mouth but if somebody threatens you, he's ready to go! Does this remind you of... anyone... like maybe Jiang Cheng, Mr. "Knife Mouth, Tofu Heart."
Jin Ling is definitely a little jerk sometimes, but I don't think it's fair to totally blame that on Jiang Cheng. Jin Ling's bad behaviour is often chalked up to Jiang Cheng being a bad guardian, but he's not the only influence at play: Jin Ling is at a terrible age. He's trying to individuate. He's at the centre of a lot of scrutiny because of his position, and potentially also danger. He's isolated and bullied in his home sect because he's an orphan, which, like, what the fuck. He splits time between two sects with wildly different philosophies and priorities, and probably gets a lot of conflicting messages about what's important and how he should act. His guardians have different parenting styles and priorities, and are themselves under a lot of scrutiny. People gossip about him, his dead parents, his live uncles—really viciously about Jin Guangyao— and probably his dead cousin, too. I would also probably be a very confused and angry teenager in those circumstances! Him acting out is not very surprising!
Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng are under a lot of stress during MDZS, and the way they relate to each other reflects that. Part of growing up is finding out your parents are people with, like, human frailties and their own trauma. Jin Ling's guardians have a LOT of human frailties and a LOT of trauma, and he finds out about it in detail during MDZS, in some pretty ugly ways. (We're shown that Jiang Cheng loves Jin Ling enough to shield him with his own body and that Jin Ling is comforted by Jiang Cheng's presence when he cries, but we also see Jiang Cheng give Jin Ling a pretty hard smack while he's freaking out in Guanyin Temple! Not good, although—based on what Jin Ling previously stated—not a usual behaviour from Jiang Cheng.) Despite this, I do think both Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao sincerely loved and tried to raise Jin Ling well. And they didn't do so bad! He's a snobby little brat with a mean mouth but he's also courageous, protective, empathetic, and willing to re-evaluate his beliefs when he's presented with new information!
Basically, I just think that you can be a flawed and harsh person and still love your kid enough that they turn out OK. Jin Ling's not perfect, by any means. But I think he's going to grow up into a pretty impressive adult, and I think no small part of that is because Jiang Cheng loves him, so, so much. (I also think that not all parental figures are great matches for every kid, but, like, these two just really get each other. Scorpio2scorpio communication.)
TL;DR I love them, they love each other, it's definitely not a perfect relationship and I understand why people react in a negative way to the thought of Jiang Cheng in a parental role (although I also think it's a mistake to assume that he parents like he was parented).
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 6
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 2946 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
'...Starting tomorrow, we prepare for Echidna's war,' Queen Hippolyta announced to those in the War Chamber.
After Echidna's kraken attack, the Queen had called for an emergency meeting in the War Chamber to discuss matters. Generals and their lieutenants discussed the right protocols and procedures they would instruct their soldiers to carry out over the coming days. It was well past midnight now, but no one in the chamber looked as if sleep would come easily when they returned to their own chambers.
'For now, head back to bed. Hera knows we are going to need all of our energy to face what lies ahead.' Everyone simply bowed their heads in understanding and left the chamber. Except for Y/N.
She was staring intensely at the small sculptured map of the entire island - as if trying to commit every stair, every mountain, every grain of sand to memory - when a hand on her shoulder pulled her from her trance.
'You too, my dear,' Queen Hippolyta said gently. 'You have endured much tonight. Go. Rest.'
'What? No.' Y/N shook off her grandmother's hand and stood up tall, but she could not help rubbing her tired eyes as she strained to keep them open. 'We should be preparing now, Grandmother. Echidna will certainly not be resting before she tries to destroy all of Themyscira. I will not let her.'
'I know, dear child.' Queen Hippolyta gently cupped Y/N's face and turned her attention away from the map. 'But what good are soldiers if they do not rest? We have three days - there will be plenty of time for sleepless nights then. For now, I am telling you to rest.'
Y/N had to admit she was exhausted. She had been training all these months, but hadn't been in a real fight with real danger since she'd left the team. Her body was already starting to ache, and so she conceded. 'Is that an order from her Royal Highness?'
'It is an order from your grandmother,' the queen replied with a soft smile. She brought Y/N's forehead to her lips briefly before she finally let go. 'Rest. Our work begins tomorrow.'
Y/N nodded then headed for the War Chamber doors. Now that she'd acknowledged it, her exhaustion was now weighing on her eyes more heavily, and the thought of falling into her crisp linen bed sounded heavenly.
As soon as she opened the door to leave, however, she was met with, 'So what did you talk about?'
Dick Grayson didn't look an ounce tired as he pushed off from his place on the wall and sauntered up to her. Damn, had he waited there for three hours? It didn't matter. All that mattered was getting to her bed and he certainly wasn't going to stop her now.
'Nothing you need to worry yourself about,' Y/N deflected as she made her way down the corridor. She was hoping her stern tone would hint that she was in no mood to talk, but Dick Grayson was not one to read such obvious signs.
'What's that supposed to mean?' he asked, following swiftly after her. 'You woke up every general and their lieutenant to discuss what then? A new uniform?'
'If you want to make jokes about my people's future existence, then we definitely don't have anything to talk about,' Y/N bit back, increasing her pace as she turned around a corner.
'Then what did you guys talk about in there?' Dick insisted. Y/N had to give it to him, he was persistent. 'Look, I want to help. But how can I if you won't talk to me?'
'Just because you caught me tonight, does not mean I am obliged to answer your every question.'
'Catching you? I saved your life! Speaking of which, I think a "thank you" is at least the minimum you can say to me right now. Which, by the way, you're welcome for. But if you won't say it, then tell me why I can't possibly help you with this.'
'Because this doesn't concern you,' Y/N replied, reaching the spiral staircase that led up to floor of her chambers. She started her ascent as she continued. 'This isn't your war to fight. You weren't even meant to be here.'
'So what do I do then?' Dick asked, his tone offended as he still followed her up the stairs. 'Just jump on a sailing ship tomorrow and head back to Blüdhaven like none of this ever happened?'
'Oh, so that's where you've settled down. How noble of you.'
'I'm being serious, Y/N.' Dick grabbed Y/N's wrist with a grip tight enough to halt her charge, but loose enough to let her know she could escape any time. She had just reached the next floor when he did, leaving him two steps below her eyesight.
'So am I,' she hissed back, but her anger was superficial. Her bed was just down the corridor and Richard bloody Grayson was doing everything in his power to stop her from reaching it.
She tugged her wrist out of his grip and looked down at him with a glare so severe she hoped he would catch fire. 'Go home. To your life of freedom and abandonment, to the girl who undoubtedly is waiting for you in your disgusting apartment, to the team, I don't care! Just go.'
The pair stood looking at each for the longest time. The window beside the staircase entrance allowed the light of the full moon to shine onto Dick's flawless, sharp face. The pale light cast shadows under his eyes, hollowed his cheekbones. And for the first time since coming to the island, the cocky glint in his eyes wasn't there.
It was the most serious Y/N had ever seen him, even when they were both on the same team together doing the most craziest and dangerous missions that either of them could've died on.
He was telling her the truth, and that one fact made her soften her glare.
'Why do you hate me so much?' he asked, his voice cracking slightly as if he were on the verge of tears.
This took Y/N aback.
Hate. She'd never used the word in association with Dick. Even when he left, even when he never came back, even when he never spared her another thought or word. She wanted to slap him, tell him he was stupid because how could she ever hate him after she'd spent so much time feeling the very opposite for him?
Y/N didn't hate Dick Grayson, but she couldn't forgive him for what he'd done either.
'You left me,' she finally said, voice low so as not to release all her emotions at once. 'You left all of us behind as if we were nothing. As if we weren't family. You left when we - when I needed you the most. What? Did you expect me to just be waiting for you when you decided to come back? Were you ever going to come back, Dick? Well?'
He had no reply, only a face expressing a full range of emotions. Shock, sadness, guilt, shame.
The last one gave Y/N her answer.
It wasn't until Dick reached for her cheek that Y/N realised she was crying. She was too shocked to bat away his hand as he wiped her cheek gently, smoothing away her tears. Despite the cold night, his hand was warm, and in her moment of weakness, Y/N allowed her eyes to close for just a moment and lean into his touch.
Once or twice she'd dreamed of a moment like this, where Dick would hold her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. But that's all it was, a dream.
Remembering herself, Y/N pulled away from Dick's hand and hastily wiped her tears. His hand hung in the air for a moment longer before letting it fall to his side in defeat.
'I should go rest,' Y/N said after an eternity of silence. 'We start preparations and training at dawn. I will make sure someone sets you on your way early tomorrow. It will be as if you never had come to Themyscira.'
'But I will remember,' Dick said gently. 'I will know what is happening.'
Y/N nodded in agreement. 'But it is not your war to fight.'
Dick stared at her, the blues in his eyes swirling like tumultuous waves as if battling with himself. Eventually he nodded and took a step down.
'We both leave at dawn, then?' he asked.
'So it would seem,' Y/N answered.
'And I will never see you again?'
Y/N hadn't contemplated this, but now that it was out there, there indeed was a high chance that they would never see each other again. Not only him, but the rest of the team, her mother.
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat and said, 'It is a sacrifice every warrior offers up before every battle.'
It wasn't a straight answer, but it was enough for Dick it seemed as he said, 'Then I wish you the best of luck, Princess.'
Y/N didn't like how distant he sounded when he used her title. It wasn't him, it wasn't her. All of it was wrong, but had it not been herself that insisted he call her by such? To put distance between them? To communicate her anger with him, and make it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him ever again?
She'd dug her own grave, and so now she must lay in it.
'You too, Nightwing,' she managed to get out, and then Dick was descending, leaving Y/N alone with her jumbled thoughts and emotions on the stairs. She'd been exhausted before, but now she was wide awake.
Y/n stayed at the top of the stairs well after Dick's footsteps stopped echoing, unable to move over the threshold of the past into the future. She'd just unofficially said goodbye to her best friend and the love of her life. So much was left unsaid - maybe for the best, or possibly it would be her biggest regrets if she didn't make it through this war.
Y/N finally managed to pull herself away from the staircase at that thought. I must rest now, she told herself as she finally made it to her chambers. Tomorrow, I have a war to try and win.
T minus three days until Echidna's War
Y/N doesn't remember when she fell asleep, but she does remember taking a long time to do so after her conversation with Dick. All that had been said - all that hadn't been said - had left her tossing and turning for a long time after she slipped into her linen bed.
However, she was very much awake the moment she felt warm sun rays bathe her skin.
Her eyes flew open as realisation shocked her into action. I'm late! Y/N looked out the window briefly and saw the sun high in the sky; it was well and truly past dawn.
Faster than she'd ever done before, Y/N dressed in her warrior uniform, grabbed her sword that she always had on hand in case of an emergency, and sprinted through the palace and down to the training grounds.
The other women were never going to let her live this down if they were to survive Echidna's war, but they were not going to survive by sleeping in. It only appeared to be early morning, but the warriors would've been working for a solid few hours by now. Precious hours that Y/N had wasted sleeping in, instead of training or making blockades or literally doing anything more helpful.
By the time she reached the training grounds, she was the most out of breath she'd ever been in her life. Y/N quickly spotted Calliope supervising a group of young warriors as they practised using monster nets against some wooden dummies.
'Well look who finally decided to wake from their beauty sleep,' Calliope said with a smirk as Y/N approached her.
'I slept pretty bad last night,' Y/N explained. 'And no one came to wake me up. Where is the group I'm meant to be taking?'
Still smirking, Calliope pointed to a large crowd seemingly gathered around one person. Whoever it was, they had to be interesting, as women and young girls were enamoured with whoever was talking.
'Who is that?' Y/N asked, unable to see the instructor through the thick crowd.
'The reason you slept bad last night,' Calliope answered smoothly, and Y/N felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment and shock.
Not wanting to be teased any further, Y/N staunched over to the crowd and forced the women to part so she could reach the front of the crowd. And there in the centre on the ground, pointing at seemingly random points on a map of Themyscira, was Dick Grayson.
'...Now we don't know specifically what Echidna is going to throw at us,' Dick said to the group, 'but my guess is she is going to send big and small creatures alike. With the small creatures, I suggest setting up traps here, here, and here where the passages are narrow and there is only one way out. We'll lure them into the passageway and then take them out from above.'
'What if they can fly?' one soldier asked.
'Then we lure them to places like the caverns on the east side of the island. Or we make nets to secure the creature's exits out over the passages that have no roofs. Let's go scout those areas today and start setting up what we need weapons and equipment wise there. Any questions?'
'I do,' Y/N found herself saying, finally drawing everyone's - including Dick's - attention to her arrival. 'What do you think you're doing?'
Dick stood up and made to step towards her. 'Y/N, I-'
'Give us a minute,' Y/N directed at the crowd, and they all quickly dispersed at her stern tone. When everyone had either started their own conversations or started sparring to kill the time, Y/N finally addressed Dick.
'What in the name of Hera do you think you're doing ordering my soldiers around?' she seethed, though she was more angry at herself still than him. 'I thought I told you to go home. You're meant to be on a ship sailing back to Blüdhaven by now.'
'I was,' Dick agreed, and that seriousness from last night returned to his stupidly beautiful face once more. It made him look older, wiser. He still looked good, much to Y/N's chagrin. 'But what you said last night got me thinking that... that maybe I need to stay.'
'What?' Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he mad? 'Dick, this isn't some silly little mission to complete. We are preparing for war.'
'I know that,' he insisted. 'But... all I've done since Wally's death is run away. It's true; I left the team, I abandoned you - all because I was too scared to try and be brave. Brave... like you.'
Y/N was too shocked to respond, so Dick continued.
'You may hate me, Y/N,' he said, and the look in his eyes surprisingly pained her, 'but I want to stay, I want to help.'
'If you're doing this to make yourself feel better, then you can just leave now-'
'I'm not, Y/N,' Dick interrupted her, now looking into her eyes with such sincerity she knew he was telling the truth. 'I'm doing this because it is the right thing to do. I also just can't accept that I will never see you again. You're too important to me, to the world, to leave behind.'
Y/N's breath hitched as Dick took a step closer to her, never once breaking eye contact. 'I won't abandon you. Never again.'
Those words alone almost broke her facade of cool and uncaring. He meant it. He truly meant it. If he had not just said the words, she would've seen it in his eyes for it was there - the same sentiment.
He would not leave her. Regardless of Themyscira's fate, he would not leave her.
Her Dick Grayson was back.
She regathered her composure by taking a small step away from him. He might be back, but Dick would have to prove himself still if he wanted her back in any capacity.
'Just because I was late, that doesn't mean you take over my training,' she muttered grumpily.
Dick chuckled. 'I didn't steal them. I spoke with Queen Hippolyta herself. She thought it would be a wonderful idea if I stayed to help.'
Y/N sighed in defeat. 'Of course she did,' she muttered. She made a mental note to have a word with her grandmother later about this.
For now, she - and now Dick, it seemed - had a training to conduct.
She spun around to the slightly dispersed crowd of warriors and called out, 'All right. Everyone, grab what you need for the scout today. Half of you will go with Nightwing here to the East Caverns and map out our traps there. The rest of you will come with me to the Northern Passages between the mountains. We leave in ten minutes.'
'Yes, Princess!'
'Well, then, Nightwing,' Y/N said as the group dispersed again to gather their equipment, 'are you ready to go win a war?'
Dick flashed her his signature smile, though his eyes had a renewed sparkle and Y/N wondered if it possibly was because of her.
'Always, Princess.'
'Don't call me that.'
'Oh, but I insist, Princess.'
'One more remark and I'll order the warriors to set you up as bait for the monsters.'
'Whatever you say... Princess.'
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
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Fic Finder
1. Hey! I am looking for a fic that's about WWX and LWJ being happily married, happily adopting children, and I think JC wants to reconcile? The children all have "Si" as the first character of their name, because Lan Elders questioned them being LSZ's siblings? Or something? I think LSZ arranged the children to "suddenly" appear in front of his parents too and they are oblivious but JC finds out and is surprised how sly LSZ is? They have a house in the outskirts of Cloud Recesses I think. Thank you so much!
FOUND? ❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX,  Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff)
2. turning to you for this person's hour of need
i swear ive read this fic before also but i cant remember,,,, theres more info in the comments as well about how it Might be librarian/(equally scholar) lwj & they might be post grad. also he might be quoting mary oliver (but they speculate it theyre mixing fics) @revellingfate
FOUND! Lans Never Kiss and Tell by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 30k, wangxian, Modern, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Humor, LWJ FUCKS, wwx and lwj are both like ‘I could never be the one for him :(’, and all their friends are like ‘you freaks deserve each other’, Mutual Pining, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, modern diaspora au) they said they found it in the twitter thread 😊
3. hi! looking for a fic i read at some point that had a scene (i think towards the end?) where someone lets slip something about LSZ's identity in front of JC (maybe WWX is being affectionate? or Sizhui says something to him or LWJ?) and for a second they all freeze because what if JC hates him for having been born a Wen, but instead JC's reaction is something along the lines of "oh thank god it IS you" + checking that that's what they meant and he really *was* Wen Yuan bc JC had looked during and after the siege but couldn't find a trace of him and had hoped all these years that LWJ's mystery kid was secretly Wen Yuan but never dared ask in case he wasn't, and so finding out it really was him all along is a huge relief.
thank you!! @aroace-lukeskywalker
NOT FOUND! 江山如有待 | It Seems the Hills and Rivers Have Been Waiting by ScarlettStorm (E, 295k, OFC/JC, Slow Burn, Post-Canon, (mostly), Transfem Character, WQ Lives, Fighting as Flirting, Fighting as Foreplay, qs also lives, demisexual JC, sex disaster jc, Femdom, switch rights, Eventual Smut)
FOUND! Build Your Home (on a landslide) by John_lzhc (T, 55k, LSZ & WWX, JC & WWX, WangXian, LSZ & LJY, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Families of Choice, PTSD, Flashbacks, Grief/Mourning, best boy LSZ, Hopeful Ending, canon typical references to genocide, JC & WWX reconciliation, Family Dynamics, Fluff and Angst, Trans Male Character, Trans WWX, Alcohol, Implied/Referenced Alcohol, Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied Pregnancy, Implied Miscarrage, Happier Than It Sounds, WWX is the best teacher, WangXian forshadowed, Gratuitous use of the word "fuck", Found Family, Romance, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Dissociation, Mental Breakdown, Teaching, LWJ being horny on main, Menstruation, grief and mourning, Marriage Negotiations, moderate shenanigans, asexual LJY, LJY third generation gremlin, soft italicised 'oh' moment) There's an encounter like this with JC near the end of the 3rd part.
4. hello. i was trying to find this fic but now am unable to but it's modern au where wwx tells lwj that if they aren't married by 30, they will marey each other but just as they start hitting 30 wwx starts dating someone (i don't remember if it's mianmian or someone else).
FOUND? By 30 by x_los (T, wangxian, Modern, Accidental Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Didn't Know They Were Dating, Mutual Pining, Fuck Trees)
5. Ugh I'm sorry but I have a really vague one >.< I remember that Wwx is staying with Lwj post (cql?) canon and they are kind of together but haven't slept together yet. It goes on for a while and one thing I remember is that when they do finally do it it's a hot night and a summer storm is happening. Thanks! @yilingweiclan
6. hii!! i need help finding this fic where wei ying finds or adopts (?) a bunny and then throughout the story he names the bunny/bunnies (?) pun names related to pop culture. it was a modern au and at this point of the story wangxian is already in a relationship(?)
thats all i remember from this fic. thank u in advance for ur hardwork <3
FOUND! Postcards from the Horizon by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 7k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JC/WQ, WIP, Epilogues, yunmeng bros reconciliation, rabbit acquisition)
7. hello, pls i am rooting for this
Can anyone find a fic abt HuaLian being WWX parents, and it is Canon divergence? I feel like I ever read it, but in the same time i dont know 😭😭😭
FOUND? 🔒 a warm coal in the hearth of our hearts by eccentrick (T, 46k, XL & WWX, HC & WWX, SQX & WWX, hualian, Found Family, fluff with plot, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Disabled Character, Ableism, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, slow burn found family, Gender Stuff brought to you by SQX, HuaLian Adopt WWX, Married HuaLian, Post-Canon TGCF, Kid Fic, TGCF Spoilers) I'm sure there are so many, but this is the one I thought of first. Wwx living on the streets and finding shelter in an abandoned temple. Will make you feel a lot of big feelings.
FOUND? Hua Xianle by Tiffany_Guinne (Not rated, 249k, hualian, wangxian, TGCF, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Madam Lan Lives, Not JFM & YZY Friendly, Bad Parent JFM, Bad Parent YZY, overprotective hualian as parents, WWX is good at feelings, WWX knows self preservation, and self love, WWX NHS and JZX are friends, Not JC Friendly, No Golden Core Transfer, Canon Divergence, Ghosts and Gods are wrapped around WWX's fingers, LWi is a Panicked Gay, WWX is kinda sickly, WWX is not named Wuxian, HuaLian Adopt WWX, WWX has selective mutism, PM is the uncle that teaches you how to flirt, Grandfather JW, MNQ is the grandmother then?, SQX is the aunt/uncle that spoils WWX, all of them spoils him actually, They have a competition on who will be the fave uncle or aunt, and this is a story about how A-Ying disses HC on a daily basis just to make fun of him, he loves his adie though, no HC is harmed in the creation of this story, i can't say the same for the Jiang though, Creepy JFM, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, HUA YING DOES NOT GET RAPED!, Can't say the same for some unwanted...people, Don't like, Don't read, This starts of mild and fluffy though, WIP)
FOUND? let this soul be your whisper by merthurlin (T, 28k, hualian, wangxian, post TGCF canon, post first siege of burial mounds, canonical character death, canon divergence, found family) has Xie Lian take in Wei Wuxian for three years before his 3rd ascension.'has Xie Lian take in Wei Wuxian for three years before his 3rd ascension.
FOUND? Narrative of Strength by erosophic (T, 67k, hualian, wangxian, WWX & XL, WWX & HC, FX & MQ & XL, JC & WWX, FengQing, Canon Divergence, HuaLian Adopt WWX, Found Family, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, XL takes WWX as a disciple, Protective XL, Protective HC, Adoption, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, QR being QR, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence)
If all else fails, searching the Hualian adopt wwx tag on ap3 might get you something
8. Hi! I am looking for a fic where everyone except Wei Ying is a shifter. However, during the attack on Lotus Pier, Wei Ying shifts into a Phoenix/Feng Huang, a clan that was destroyed years ago. He has powers to heal others and so Jiang Fengmian orders everyone in Lotus Pier to keep it a secret. He was also pregnant and gave birth to A-Yuan. Any leads will be much appreciated! Thank you in advance😊 @lilaccamellia
FOUND? Changes by Duochanfan (Not Rated, 80k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Drama, Mpreg, Shapeshifters AU, Sunshot Campaign, Baby LSZ, Angst with a Happy Ending, JGS is a warning unto himself, Past Miscarriage, Good YZY, injuries, Death of people, Not anyone we like)
9. For the next FF, I'm looking for 2 fics: (A) burial mounds arc, yiling Wei sect fic where they advertised cultivators could come perform the burial rites of their sects to lay to rest their dead from the resentful masses in the burial mounds. I think this made them a legit sect. (B) I'm not sure why but LWJ married WY, possibly to protect him? WY was severely injured by zidian and he was bedridden while LWJ was sent to the indoctrination. The one scene I recall is WY made a talisman that exploded a Wen attacker's head.
I've read 9A! Can't find it now, but perhaps additional info will help: there's a rouge cultivator hanging around the burial mounds, who turns out to be Madame Lan, and I think Lan Qiren recognizes her while on a visit to lay to rest Lan ghosts? Later he brings over LWJ and LXC for a reunion.
FOUND? Claiming Life from Death by MarbleGlove (E, 24k, WWX & WQ, wangxian, Golden Core cultivation and theory, Canon Divergence, the wen remnants survive, the burial mounds settlement survives, Pining WWX, Rumors, lying is forbidden but what is truth, Past Rape/Non-con, LQR is trying his best, Porn With Plot, Light Bondage, missing core reveal, YLLZ WWX)
FOUND! 🧡 To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 78k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major character injury, CQL verse, Happy Ending) the head exploding is in ch 13
10. hellooo! i just opened my x app (twitter) and found a short art/comic story where child!wangji suddenly became a bunny and then found that he's at the back of the jingshi (there are other bunnies) then child!wuxian came and saw bunji. i think thats the part 1/5(?). when im about to read the thread, its all gone. im been scrolling thru my feed but i cant find it. can u guys help me find it? thank you so much in advance!
FOUND! twitter thread i think is this!
11. Hey,
Can you help me find a fic. I don't really remember much except that the yiling city (or burial mounds ) was like well- developed and a flourishing place. Hope you can find the fic @mayavsworld
FOUND? 💖🔒 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it’s gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn’t begin until chapter 19!, bottom LWJ in chapter 20 and 27) Has a well developed community in the burial mounds?
12. Hi! Wishing the mods to have a wonderful day
I need help finding a fic, could you help pls?
It was a Wangxian one shot that took place in modern settings, specifically it was about wangxian having (adopting?) a baby during quarantine and not telling their family & friends until they are invited to a party/reunion and they just… bring the baby, surprise!
I WAS 90% sure it was called “Quarantine baby” but I can’t for the light of me find it. At this point I just want to know if it was deleted or I’m misremembering something. Anyway thanks for all your work! @neko-in-gotham
FOUND! What is on my kitchen table? by tigerlilly3224 (G, 3k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Modern, A/B/O, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Cute, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Alpha JC, Alpha LXC, Alpha NMJ, Alpha LQR, Post Mpreg, Pandemics, Family Bonding, Siblings JC & WWX, Protective LWJ, Parents WangXian, Soft WangXian, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, LJY Being LJY)
13. I've read this fanfic around 2021 and I forgot the title. I barely remember the details about it but I know it's good and I want to read it again, and it was an incomplete work way back so I'm wondering if it's completed already. It's about LWJ and WWX (participating?) in this kind of survival in the (purgatory?) and like they faced challenges under that and striving to survive until the very end to find their way out... really forgot the complete details but I swear it was good
NOT FOUND and from our own/live to ourselves by betweentheheavesofstorm (M, 105k, wangxian, Modern, Fantasy, Reality TV, Arctic Survival, Blood Magic, Blood and Gore, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Harm, Bloodletting, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Animal Death, Hunting, Mild Sexual Content)
14. Hi, I hope all is well with you.
I'm looking for 2 fanfics.
A - is wangxian, where lwj convinces wwx to return with him to gusu and remove his resentful energy and in return he will give a piece of land near the Cloud Recesses to the Wen Remnantslive in. but what lwj doesn't know is that resentful energy is the only thing keeping wwx alive. when trying to remove it he almost kills wwx and if wen qin hadn't been there it was very likely that he would have really died. Upon accepting LWJ's proposal, WWX knew he was going to die and asked LWJ to be the one to remove the resentful energy. has a happy ending.
B - lwj is a courtesan in a brothel near the tombs and wwx goes there for lwj's music to calm the resentful energy within him. when lwj calms the energy wwx returns to seem human. it's a fic where the monsters from the tombs come out to fight the wens and wwx is the patriarch of these monsters from what I remember.
thanks. @lilianeheart
FOUND? decay by antebunny  (G, 16k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, big sister WQ just wants her stupid little brother WWX to take care of himself, warnings for WWX's typical level of self-care, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, the fluffiest ending, Hurt/Comfort, Podfic Available)
FOUND? start by pulling him out of the fire by tidemakers (T, 15k, wangxian, Creatures & Monsters, Canon-Typical Violence, Body Horror, Mild Gore, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Identity Porn, Identity Reveal, Hurt WWX)
15. What I remember is toward the end of a time travel story after defeating wen ruohan, wei wuxian is confronted by mend yap who was sent back by accident. Thing was that wei wuxian wasn’t actually one of the people sent back he was just told about it and he has to sit and stall while meng yao tries to turn him against I think lan xichen. I think it ends up with wei wuxian getting injured and knocked out after meng yao is stopped (still in wrh’s throne room)
16. Hello There! Hope you are doing good!! I read this fic a long ago Idk where i found it. In which WWX unintentionally adopts a dog and as we know WWX and His naming skills. he accidently named the puppy "Hey". There was some scenes with JL too about how to train the dog. It was post canon I think. please help me find this fic. thank you!!! @vbhardwaj-reads
FOUND? Imprints by Lisa_Telramor (G, 47k, wangxian, accidental puppy adoption, Humor, Panic Attacks, phobia recovery, Post-Canon, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Poor Life Choices, because WWX has trouble putting his mental health first, Self-Acceptance, don't face your phobias the wei WWX does it, that would probably make the trauma worse, jumping through mental hoops to combat phobias, Developing Relationship, fluff with a side of anxiety lol, WWX adopts a puppy, Dogs)
17. Hello!
I am desperatly looking for a fic about Jiang Cheng and Nie Huisang. I literally cannot find it anywhere. It was post canon mostly, they were hooking up or sth and Huisang was dealing with resentful energy in his region and being chief cultivator. at some point Jiang Cheng broke it off, they only saw each other in passing on conferences and then huisang had qi deviation. wangxian was there trying to stop it but ultimately jiang cheng sort of brought him back. if you know this fanfic or anyone who i can ask i'll owe you my life @pandemonium39
18. Lost fic!! (Also tw for mention of SA)
It was a modern au, wei ying ran away as a teenager and lz bumps into him at a market, WY is with the wens and also has a close relationship with xue yang (they are kinda ex's) and then it turns out the JFM had attempted to assault WY as a teem and madame yu blamed WY, and JC and JYL and LZ are all in a group chat where they talk about WY and how much they miss him
FOUND? clean from the war (your heart fits like a key) by sysrae (E, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reunions, past xy/wwx, xy is fucked up but not evil, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, past wwx/jfm, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Abuse, Rape Recovery, transphobic violence, Victim Blaming, Past wei Wuxian/others, allusions to past self-harm)
19. Hiiiiiii!! I was looking for fic where I think Madam Yu kills Wei Ying and then Lan Wangji finds his soul? And I think somehow the Lan convinces Wei Ying to confess about what Madam Yu did to the Jiang siblings. And Wei Ying was sure that it won't go well but confessed anyway and Jiang Cheng didn't believe him. That's all I can remember.
And Thank you so much for all your work!! @yilinglaobunny
FOUND? I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time by Unicornelia96 (T, 54k, wangxian, Major Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending, No Sunshot Campaign, Angst, Reincarnation, Character Death, Sad LWJ, LWJ Needs a Hug, Suicidal Thoughts, POV LWJ, POV Multiple, but mostly LWJ)
20. Hello! I wanted to ask about this one fic where I think the entire Lan clan traveled back in time or at least had an idea of future events and so, during the Cloud Recesses Arc, they were super kind to Wei Wuxian cause they knew that Lan Wangji was going to be marrying him at some point. Lan Wangji was horknee gripping all the way when Wei Ying and him sparred and Lan Qiren was exasperated while Jiang Cheng was confused throughout the whole ordeal.
FOUND? 🔒💖 Flawed and Free by Vrishchika (E, 18k, wangxian, major character death, time travel fix-it, dark gusu lan, dark LWJ, dark LXC, not JC friendly, temporary character death, angst, hurt/comfort, WIP)
FOUND? Cluster of Clouds by Nika_Raven_Celeste (T, 20k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, JC & WWX, time travel, post-canon lans time travel, cloud recesses study era, confused WWX, soft LQR, soft LWJ, not JC friendly, not YZY friendly, genius WWX, horny LWJ, oblivious WWX, WIP)
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ideas-4-stories · 5 months
One piece story idea where Buggy has had medical issues since he was a baby, but most of them went unknown, undiagnosed, or not caught early enough to "make a difference".
Buggy with an autoimmune disorder of some kind (leaning to fibromayalgia bc I love projecting on my baby blue blorbo, but also the overactive nerves would tie in nicely with his devil fruit)
Buggy with hypermobility at the very least, possible Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, but it's damn near impossible to properly diagnose due to his DF and the tech available by and large.
On the Oro Jackson, few genuinely believed when Buggy would say something hurt or felt wrong or when he was more foggy headed than usual. Shanks could always read him like an open book. Roger could hear the changes in his youngest's Voice. Crocus did the best he could, but his options were limited and his attention was split. It was Roger, Rayleigh and Shanks who were Buggy's main support system.
Roger absolutely cried the first time Buggy got injured in a big fight and casually relocated a joint with just a soft hiss. That alone had been jarring, but Buggy's response to Shanks' worried question of "are you okay, does it hurt-," left the captain biting back tears. How else is a father supposed to feel when his little boy simply rolls hod eyes and says "not much more than normal"
When Roger disbanded the crew, the plan was to leave the boys on Drum. It had good doctors, Buggy would get more support, and it was rarely an island under siege due to the medical renown it had. They of course did not tell the boys as such, and it was only through a series of wacky events that lead Kureha to meeting them and taking a liking to their sparks. Shanks wasn't the most interested in medicine but he learned some things, specifically first aid and some things to help Buggy. He actually found psychology pretty interesting when he had the patience and attention span to spare. Buggy on the other hand took to it all like a fish to water.
They were there for almost two years when the newspaper was delivered and both boys lost their SHIT when the headline announced the execution of their captain, their father. Kureha sent them off, arguably with more supplies than they needed, and gave them her Denden number to reach her if they needed anything at all. She couldn't go with them, but she refused to send them truly alone.
They have their fight in the plaza, but it doesn't end with a monumental break up. They meet back up the next day, and they bite the bullet together and talk.
They take some time to come to a decision moving forward.
They ultimately decide to go with the co-captain avenue but with careful misdirection and smoke and mirrors. To the world at large, they will seem completely independent and unrelated. In truth, they will be leveraging their independent skills to further themselves and each other. The brains and brawn, as it were.
It works out in their favor for a good deal of time until the cluster fuck that is marineford. Secrets are out, identities revealed, and Buggy is having 6395716 panic attacks stacked up like Legos.
He and Shanks roll with it as best they can, trying to salvage what they feasibly could.
Two years later, Cross Guild is formed and begins rolling. Buggy's crew knows of his illnesses/disabilities, but he has a strict set up to address them. It's on a need to know basis.
Crocodile and Mihawk just so happened to swirl in like a hurricane and never got the memo until there was an attack on the island.
Somehow, someway, Buggy got absolutely soaked in sea water, but he's still fighting, knives in hand, bobbing and weaving with a trail of blood in his wake. It's as he pivots to lunge that Mihawk catches sight of him suddenly paling, a minute flinch, but beyond that, Buggy doesn't react, instead throwing the knife, reaching down and making a strange move at his knee before he cringed, took a sharp inhale, and dove back into the fray.
Upon asking why, hours later in the meeting tent, the swordsman and mafioso present blink when Buggy shrugs and says "oh, my knee cap tried to dislocate. Couldn't disconnect with the sea water so I had to push it back by hand."
"Hm?" Buggy glances up from where he's brushing some dried remnants of the battle from his locks, one eye shut against the debris. "What?"
"What caused the injury? I did not see any attacks to your legs in the chaos."
"Oh, it just happens sometimes," Buggy says casually, as if this were knowledge the other two ought to know. "I'm used to it."
They are not sure what to do, nor how to respond. They let it rest for the time being but they do keep a closer eye on their chairman following this.
They learn Buggy is rather adept at working with and around his unusual burdens, either disconnecting a joint or alleviating pressure on it until it can be addressed, even chop-chopping the offending area back to the proper place. They catch sight, now that they know to look, of hints of braces, wraps, the way Buggy occasionally presses his iced drink to a knee, a wrist, on an ankle in movements familiar but exceedingly casual, never belying their true purpose.
It is then that the two dark haired men realize there is much more to their clown than they first assumed.
I agree that overactive nerves would tie nicely with his Devil Fruit. Buggy having medical issues that went unknown, undiagnosed, or wasn’t caught early enough would make sense after all if the HC that Buggy was with the Roger Pirates as a baby or even if he wasn’t with them during his infant stage. These are pirates, how are they supposed to know that they need to look for things that could be wrong with the two babies they now have?
I’m sure some of them have things that have went unknown and undiagnosed. Anyway, back to Buggy, I had to look up Ehlers Danlos Syndrome because I didn't know what it was. I agree that it would be nearly impossible to diagnose properly because of no good tech around, as well as the fact he is on a pirate crew, I assume for the most pirate crews they don't stick around island for very long. I HC that Buggy swallowed the Bara Bara Fruit when he was nine.
Poor Buggy, I want to think that more people on the crew understood that Buggy has problems but didn’t how they could help him. Because acting like Buggy was fragile would make Buggy become angry because kid doesn’t want to be treated like that.
Poor Roger, having to watch that without saying anything, with all the other times it happened. Then after he disbanded the crew. Leaving them on Drum Island is a good choice and it makes sense that they didn’t tell the boys (I feel like they don’t tell the boys many things that should of been talked about, but this might be a good thing they didn’t say anything about. But who knows)
I wonder what the series of wacky events were to the meeting between them and Kureha? To me, they seemed like it there in this AU.
I think anyone would lose their shit if they see someone, they really love is getting murdered in front of so many people. I feel that Kureha only let them go because she knew they would go anyway, and this way let’s her give Buggy and Shanks the supplies they need.
I believe that with all the stress and pain of losing someone they hold dear in their hearts. I think Buggy wasn’t in the right mind set nor was Shanks in a way. Anyway, Love that they came back around to talk about it. I think the smoke & mirrors co-captain route they have… or is it more like Buggy and Shanks are allies? They have their own crews, but they still have each.
Then Marineford happened, poor Buggy and Shanks. I hope in this AU that Ace lives, but it was never stated so I don't know.
The idea that Buggy's crew knows about his illnesses/disabilities makes me feel that his followers would say he so strong to overcome them or we just talking about Buggy's crew from East Blue. Then yeah, those folks definitely know about his illnesses/disabilities.
Mihawk and Crocodile coming in without any knowledge and it took a battle to find out. I can see Buggy is nonchalantly about it as Mihawk did a doubletake when he said ‘Pardon?’ Crocodile did a doubletake too, because with those two didn’t know.
Once Crocodile and Mihawk know about what’s going on with Buggy, they see that the signs were always there. It’s just they didn’t paid attention to those signs, but they are.
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bbrokenbback · 2 months
I guess it`s somehow an addition to the previous post with crazy pairings, but this time it`s not about dices deciding on our future but me. So, I present you the worst and the best questionable pairings from Warhammer 30k. The position of the character in the *name*/*name* thing is important.
Sanguinius/Rogal Dorn and NOT the other way around.
Sanguinius, just as Vulkan, can be paired with anyone if you`re brave enough, but I think he looks the best with that Imperial Fist in his ass. The Siege of Terra is the basis of their relationship because nothing attracts people to each other better than shared suffering and the same tragedy.
Sanguinius is the soldier who`s general doesn`t want to let him go to the field because he values him too much personally. But he still goes, yet, as he was asked from the general, never says “goodbye”. And Rogal is dying inside while trying to keep track of everything that is going on in and out of the Palace, receiving special reports about the Angel`s wellbeing. He just cares about him too much, and, since he technically has the right to prevent Sanguinius from throwing himself out only to be eaten by a bunch of heretics, he uses it quite often. Even if it doesn`t stop the Angel at all.
The hawk boy is just happy to come back to someone who waits for him from the battlefield.
I sincerely believe that the future in which there`s only war we desperately need some angsty fluff, and those two make the best of it.
2. Vulkan/Ferrus, for the balance of universe.
The previous couple was all about softness and fluff, about how feelings bloom in people in spite of the Great War. But these too exist only because they match.
They are both from death worlds, and both Medusa and Nocturne, if I remember it correctly, are not actually considered to be death worlds, but they are. It`s probably because Vulcan didn’t want to send people away from their homes and Ferrus was just to lazy to apply for the status of his homeworld.
Ferrus also needs someone who`d kick his ass, and there was a scene in canon that showed how desperately he wanted to fight with Vulkan in his special training cage for strong opponents, but Vulkan refused. Probably because he knew too well that Ferrus` pride would not hold against the reality in which he`s not the perfect one.
But I think eventually he would agree, after Ferrus made him a little too frustrated with his demeanor. He`d brutally beat him and then calmly explain to him why it`s so important to be polite and respectful to people.
Fulgrim also does not deserve Ferrus so let the forge boys stay together please.
3. Roboute Guilliman/Perturabo
That`s pretty simple actually. I don`t remember who exactly said it here, but Roboute is just Forrix with no spice, and Perturabo, being Greek, probably hates spicy food. Roboute has a thing for fixing everything around him, and Perturabo desperately needs someone who would fix him.
Or they can become worse together, it depends on how you look at the couple.
They both are also two representatives of high-functioning depression, but Roboute is someone who tries to hide his condition by throwing off formal parties and dressing in colorful clothes, while Perturabo shows it off, bearing his burden proudly in front of everyone (it makes everyone uncomfortable). They have incredibly similar personalities if you look closer, their perfectionism, their intelligent sarcasm and their intelligence and education in general.
Also, Roboute is not that calm and collected as he is usually shown. He`s got a short temper just like Perturabo, his rage rises in a matter of seconds. He just knows how to control it and most of the time does not allow his frustration to affect his actions. Unlike Perturabo.
They make a great team in work and for both of them this fact is very important. Roboute likes to plan everything, Perturabo likes to follow plans. Perturabo is a tactician and Roboute is a strategist. Roboute is the sword and Perturabo is the shield.
I can see them having a noble slow burn with lots of long conversations about philosophy, art and history, during which Perturabo finally gets to talk about the things he actually like and Roboute gets to know the man behind the armor. They fall for each other slowly but surely.
And Roboute can keep Perturabo loyal, not to the Imperium, but to himself.
4. Mortarion/Lorgar Aurelian
This might be the strangest pairing so far but don`t worry it`s the last of them. I`ve already mentioned that to me there`s no greater basis for the relationship than shared suffering and I want to add hate to everyone around the couple to it.
Mortarion is a gentle soul. He has a tough personality, but he`s soft in hearts, so he protects them at all costs. And Lorgar knows too well how to treat gentle souls properly.
Aurelian probably sees Mortarion as his own younger self, treating him like he would like to be treated in his past. He listens to him, allows him to rant about the grudge he holds against the Emperor and simply gives him the much needed understanding.
They have a few similarities in their pasts too, they both were raised by some freaks and that traumatized them. They could discuss and treat each other`s daddy issues. It`s like mutual masturbation but it starts with their minds.
Speaking of mind, Aurelian is a psyker and Mortarion is allergic to it. But with time he could see that there`s no monster behind those powers, and although he`d still prefer Lorgar without them, he can tolerate it.
I hope one day they will team up, kick their first captains` asses and have their happy ever after.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
Hi DJ! If you’re still taking first kiss prompts, I was thinking something with “an accidental first kiss” with Mayday could be fun? I could see him freaking out at first and then totally going back for a second one once he realizes there’s feelings involved.
And if you don’t have time to get to this no worries! I hope you’re doing well 🤗 🙏🏻
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A/N: Thanks for the ask @lightwise! This inspired me immediately, and I’ve been chomping at the bit to get to it!
Pairing: Commander Mayday x Reader (GN) 
Rating: T but minors DNI as always
Wordcount: 629
Warnings and tags: fluff; sympathetic embarrassment
Summary: You accidentally kiss Mayday. Things go better than expected. Also, if you love the idea of accidentally kissing Mayday, be sure to check out @moonlightwarriorqueen’s response to a similar ask!
Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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You rubbed your eyes, trying to clear your vision—blurred from exhaustion and overwork—as you stared at your datapad. You were up to your ass in paperwork and preparations for the 77th Heavy Brigade’s deployment to the Outer Rim sieges, and you were barely halfway through. All around you, troopers, droids, and GAR personnel hustled through the cargo bay, stacking crates, calling out orders and occasional curses, and generally making an unholy ruckus.
You had just ticked three more crates off the cargo manifest on your datapad when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. Startled, you turned to see the brigade’s commander himself, carrying a ration bar and looking far more handsome than he had any right to when you knew he’d been working just as hard or harder than you had. His beard was freshly trimmed, and his long hair was just as tempting as ever, making your fingers itch to thread through it.
“Mayday,” you gasped. “I didn’t even hear you.”
He smiled. “Didn’t mean to startle you. Thought you might need this.”
He handed you the ration bar, and you accepted it gratefully, realizing you hadn’t eaten all day.
“Ugh, you’re the best,” you said, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.
“Commander!” a trooper called, drawing his attention, and he turned his head just in time for your lips to collide directly with his.
You both froze, eyes wide as you stared at each other, lips still pressed together.
“Uh, never mind, it can wait,” the trooper said, scurrying away.
You stayed like that for a breath longer, paralyzed by mortification, until at last you pulled away, shielding your eyes with one hand to try to hide.
“Jeez, I’m so sorry,” you mumbled. “That was—I didn’t mean—”
Mayday let out an awkward, strained chuckle. “That’s all right. It was just an accident.”
“Uh-huh,” you said, still refusing to meet his eyes.
He paused. “Hey… It was an accident… Right?”
“Yeah!” you said, your voice coming out in an unconvincing squeak. “I definitely didn’t want it to happen like that…”
You turned back to your datapad, desperately hoping that he would take the hint and just go away, leaving you to die of embarrassment in peace.
He paused. “But you did want it to happen?”
You dropped your head to peer more closely at the cargo manifest, muttering something indistinctly under your breath. Mayday glanced around the cargo bay, then took you gently by the wrist and tugged you behind a stack of crates, shielding you from view of the bustling crowd. His fingertips ghosted along your jaw, softly tilting your face toward his.
“Did you want it?” he murmured.
Unable to hide behind your datapad any longer, you forced yourself to meet his eyes, knowing that he’d see the truth in your expression. 
“M—Mayday… I…” You swallowed, then whispered, “Yes.”
He trailed his fingers down your throat, then slid his strong, warm hand to the back of your neck and slowly pulled you closer. His lips were so soft as he kissed you—soft enough to surprise you, even though you’d already felt them beneath your own. You drew in a soft, shuddering breath as your eyes drifted closed. Distantly, you heard the clatter of your ration bar and datapad as you dropped them to the durasteel floor, leaving your hands free to slide around his body as his tongue brushed over your lips.
The kiss ended far sooner than you would have preferred, but Mayday still held you in his arms, gazing down at you with an awestruck expression.
“Kriff,” he breathed. “We should do that again.”
You nodded enthusiastically, tangling your fingers in his hair the way you’d wanted to for so many months and pulling his face back to yours. “Absolutely.”
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DAI romances react to Inquisitor’s "death" in "here lies the abyss". Like, he/she supposedly left them behind, to not to endanger them. So, the siege begins, they get inside Adamant, but the inquisitor is nowhere to be found. They run to the bridge where he/she was supposed to be and see it collapsed. One of agents says that and Inquisitor, along with the Warden and Hawke, fell into a cliff. What would they do while the siege of the fortress continues? And how would they react to the return? tnx
Cassandra: She does not want to believe it, at first. It has taken so long for her to open her heart to this man, and somehow over these long months the last Seeker has convinced herself that he is untouchable. Haven, the Conclave, the Anchor-- nothing can stop him for long. It was the same mistake she made with Anthony, and the same terrible grief threatens not only her soul but in battle her safety as well. There is enough distraction at least that the fear and the grief do not have long to hold onto her before he returns.
But later, when the screams of battle have ended and he is safe in her arms again, she will let the fear pull unwelcome tears-- and be soothed that he is still there to comfort her.
Solas: It is a judgement blow to the world, that it is the Gray Wardens and their folly that have stolen his Vhenan from him. She was a touchstone in a world so shattered from its proper place-- and her abscence destroys any chance of mercy from the Dread Wolf. He remains at the battle only because he must - and oh it tears at him- disinter her from the rocks to reclaim the power of the Anchor and that is a process best left to the Inquisition. The anger that wells up in him is vented at those who still oppose the Herald's forces, and there is no mercy from the soft spoken apostate until news reaches them that their fearless leader yet lives.
To hold her again, even for the few moments he can allow them, is a paradise. Even if he someday must betray her, even unto the ending of all she has known, it will at least be with a proper farewell and apology.
It is not enough, and yet as he holds her close at the end of the battle, it is enough for the momoent.
Blackwall: It staggers him. To lose her at all is devastating, but for her to fall while trying to help the Wardens is...
Is like standing in the rain and knowing the Warden who saw good in a disgraced captain wasn't coming back from the Deep Roads. The guilt and the shame are like a knife, but knowing that his lies might well have driven her on burn like poison. There is no antidote for his agony, and he can only turn himself to the battle; he can save at least those who were truly brave enough to take the oath and fight the corruption in their ranks.
When she comes back to him, whole and hale and as beautiful as ever, it breaks something in him. When they return to Skyhold he will tell her everything, and there will be no more lies between them.
Dorian: This was always a chance. That was a given going in, an acceptable risk to this whole arrangement, and while it hurts of course at least there is the comfort that the Herald fell...the Inquisitor died doing his...
Maker, he can't even lie to himself. It's devastating, and the moment the Tevinter mage hears the world seems to jolt on his axis. Of course the man he was beginning to love could not survive; there is no destiny kind enough to give Dorian Pavus a chance at the kind of love that last the ages. And so he will give it a story to shake the heavens instead. Those who fight alongside the Inquisition's necromancer will never forget how their foes rose in legions to attack former allies, nor the panic that sprung up in the ranks of their enemies. There are none brave enough to comment on the tears that stream down the mage's face for the battle either, and few willing to stare at him long enough to notice it besides.
But when it is all settled and the Herald is of course miraculously fine again, Dorian...can't. He can't go to him right away, can't hold him close until the shaking has finally stopped. There is tenderness on the road, the gentle touches that assure them both that the other is still alive, but Dorian waits until Skyhold is safe around them before he can truly believe his amatus is safe.
Then they will have words.
Iron Bull: Katoh. There are demons and mages and all manner of magicky....things trying to kill them. If he has failed as a front line body guard to his Kadan, he will not fail their inquisition. The gaping wound deep in his soul will have to wait until...
Until later. Katoh.
(Later, of course, he brings out the good rope and spends plenty of time explaining exactly why they will never do this again.)
Cullen: He wants to weep of course, to throw his sword away and scream, but there is simply no time. Thousands of souls rely on their commander to see them through, and no matter his own grief he will not abandon them. He gives orders and directs soldiers and fights on until the bitter end. When that is done he pushes onward, pushing himself to hold the line and trying to strike down his inner demons by slaughtering outer ones. There is nothing else left.
When she returns to him, there is not even an attempt to hide their reunion as some sort of debrief or meeting. The soldiers might cheer and whistle as their commander carries the Herald to his tent (not for that, lay abouts!) but as it is for their love of both commander and Inquisitor neither very much mind.
Josephine: The hours between one missive and the next are some of the most desolate she has ever known. Leliana and Cullen and all of those persons she has grown close to in the Inquisitors inner circle are gone, and so she can take only a few moments in the stairwell to that dark and hidden library to sob out her grief. If the inquisitor is indeed fallen it will require all of her acumen to keep their allies close, and that is not something that can be done in the early pain of her grief.
If she is there longer than she intended, her wails and sobs swallowed by the silent stone, no one need ever know. And blessed Andraste surely has a hand over her herald, as the next missive is jubilant in the news that her love indeed lives. Her tears are joyful now, but that does not mean she will not have words when their beloved Inquisitor returns.
Mod Fereldone
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differentpostrebel · 7 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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This gif cause Zoro looked ready for war
Chapter 30: The Palace Siege 
A/N: Another Chapter in the books! Still one of favs writing it. So much is at stake as Y/N will now be facing Doflamingo in a stipulation. Im not gonna lie Y/N is going to be put through the ringer, and secrets will be revealed. Thank you guys for everything, liking, commenting, following!. I cant wait for you guys to see what else is in store. But without further a do let the adventure begin! We will be getting some Sanji POV’s as he is just about arriving to Zou.. and we have the first set of surprises coming also (heheh) 
Word count: 5.5K
Sanji X Reader, OP x Reader, Sanji x Y/N
A few minutes passed since I made that stipulation with Doflamingo. I knew I wasn't going to win—that was certain—and I knew he would never release Law. Doflamingo is a man who cheats and manipulates to get his way. It's his game, and I was just a chess piece. Now, I found myself staring at my reflection as Baby 5 had escorted me to Doflamingo's quarters. I was still in chains, but the strings binding me were gone, which was at least a small mercy.
I looked down at my legs, where marks were starting to form from the restraints. Slowly, my gaze returned to the bruises forming on my neck, remnants of Doflamingo’s cruel grip. “Now for Phase 3,” I thought, trying to stay focused. "Cause enough damage to the palace so that once Luffy is inside, he’ll know exactly where to go."
As I continued to contemplate the next move, Baby 5 walked in with some materials in hand. "What's that?" I asked, not bothering to look away from the mirror.
"The young master requested a few changes," she replied, her tone dripping with annoyance. It was clear she wasn’t happy with me being here. "And I didn’t forget that you’re the harlot who stole my Law from me," she added with a cigarette between her lips.
A smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth, my eyes still focused on the mirror. "Harlot, huh? Funny. That’s the same thing Monet called me before I killed her." My gaze locked onto hers through the mirror, challenging her. "I suggest you find a new word or else."
Baby 5 faltered for a moment, her bravado cracking ever so slightly as she laid out the materials on the bed. The room was luxurious, with silk satin sheets adorning the king-sized bed. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a short red corset dress, its bodice sparkling with gemstones and intricate embroidery. Alongside it sat makeup, hair ties, and something that made my stomach twist—a tiara. It was silver, with a large red ruby glinting at the front.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes in disgust. “Let me guess. He wants me to look like a doll, right?”
“Something like that,” Baby 5 replied, her voice dripping with amusement. “Young Master said you need to look your best... for when the game begins.” She picked up the dress, holding it out for me to inspect. The gems glistened under the soft light of the room, but all I saw was a prison.
I stepped forward, glaring at the outfit and then at her. "And this too?" I said, pointing at the tiara. "The bastard wants me to wear a tiara?"
Baby 5’s eyes flicked to the tiara before meeting mine, her smirk widening. "It suits you, doesn't it? A pretty little ruby to match his 'precious' princess."
my eyes narrowed. "He really thinks this will break me? Dressing me up like some sort of twisted prize?"
"Why fight it?" Baby 5 said, raising an eyebrow. "You’re already in chains. He’s already won."
I leaned in closer, my voice low and dangerous. "He hasn’t won yet. This game is far from over."
Baby 5’s smirk wavered, just for a moment, and I knew my words had struck a nerve. I turned back to the mirror, my reflection staring back at me, bruised but not broken. The tiara sat there like a crown of mockery. Minutes passed, and Baby 5 had already changed my outfit, tying the strings in the back with a roughness that hurt my ribs.
“I need to figure something out, in the meantime,” I thought. “I need my blades to create a stronger impact.” Baby 5’s harshness in tying the strings caused me to wince. “Easy!” I protested.
“Oops, sorry,” Baby 5 said, smirking as she continued her task. She finished with my makeup and styled my hair into a high bun, carefully placing the tiara on my head and securing it so it wouldn’t move. “There! Don’t you look regal?” she said, laughing.
All I could see in the reflection was the hatred I had for Doflamingo. Suddenly, an idea struck me. “Baby 5 did all this because Doflamingo needed her to,” I realized. “What if...”
“Baby 5,” I said, turning to her.
“What do you want?” she sneered.
“I need you to do me a favor,” I said, watching her closely. Baby 5’s eyes widened in surprise. “You... need me?” she stammered.
“Bingo,” I thought, feeling a glimmer of hope. “Yes, Baby 5. I need you to tell me where the—” I almost spat the words, “—young master has hidden my blades. We’re playing a game of ‘find the prize,’ and the prize happens to be my blades. If the young master gets to them first, I lose. And I don’t want that. So, I need you to tell me where they are. Do you think you can do that for me?”
Baby 5, still caught up in the idea that someone needed her help, moved to one of the cabinets in Doflamingo’s room. “They are right here!” she said, opening the cabinet to reveal my blades and thigh halter, all tied together with one of Doflamingo’s strings.
“So that’s how he got them,” I thought. I reached for my blades and yanked the string off, feeling a sudden surge of power as they returned to me. Although I was still in chains, the rush of energy from my blades was unmistakable. I quickly grabbed my thigh halter and attached it to my left thigh, hiding the blades once more.
I turned to Baby 5 and said, “Thank you, Baby 5. You’ve been a real help.” I smiled, and she still looked dazed, mumbling to herself, “Someone needed me, and I helped,” clearly pleased that someone had relied on her.
Just then, the transponder snail rang. Baby 5 picked it up. “Is the princess ready for me?” Doflamingo’s voice caused my anger to flare.
“Yeah, she’s ready, young master,” Baby 5 said, her voice tight with renewed focus.
“Good. Bring her to me,” Doflamingo said before hanging up the transponder snail.
Baby 5’s demeanor changed abruptly. She grabbed my left arm with a firmness that snapped me back to reality. I couldn’t help but smirk as Phase 3 was about to commence.
Zoro POv…
“So wait! You’re a princess! Just like Y/N?!” Luffy exclaimed, smacking me across the head.
“Would you keep it down!” I hissed, rubbing the spot where Luffy hit me.
“Wait, are you implying that you are Dressrosa royalty?” Kinemon asked, his eyes wide with surprise.
“I used to be,” Violet said, placing her hand on a hidden stone. “I’m no longer part of the royal family, but I was once.”
“Wait! If Rebecca is the king’s granddaughter, that makes you...” Luffy’s eyes widened in realization.
“Rebecca is my niece,” Violet confirmed, as she found and revealed a secret passage leading to the palace. “She’s the daughter of my late sister, Scarlet.”
“A hidden door?! Are you a ninja?! A princess and a ninja, how remarkable!” Kinemon exclaimed, clearly amazed.
“Now… I’ve seen everything,” I said, shaking my head in disbelief.
As the hidden passage came to light we made our way down the dusty stairs. We’ll remain hidden and avoid detection by using this passage. It belongs to the Riku family. Not even Doflamingo knows about it.” said Violet. 
“Hmmm, it looks like this passage leads to the top,” I said, examining the narrow corridor that seemed to rise toward the palace.
“Hey Luffy, why don’t you take this boulder and shoot yourself up?” I suggested, gesturing to a large boulder nearby.
Luffy grinned. “Got it! Alright, here I go!” He stretched his arms around the boulder and began to elongate, lifting himself and the boulder up toward the top.
“Make it snappy, Luffy! Y/N needs us!” I shouted, trying to keep my voice steady despite the urgency.
“Please, climb up quickly!” Madame Ninja—Violet—pleaded, her concern evident.
“No way! What?!” Violet exclaimed, shocked at our unorthodox plan to reach the top quickly.
Sabo POV… 
I did my final stretch as the competition neared its start. A laugh escaped me, and I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement. With my metal pipe in hand, I made my way to the arena. "Well, let's go, Marine Colosseum!" I called out, turning to the guy next to me.
"What did you say?" he asked, clearly confused.
"It’s Bartolomeo," he corrected.
As I stepped out, the crowd erupted in cheers. I raised my right hand to the sky, whispering, "I hope you are watching over me, Ace!" My mind then flickered to Y/N. "Y/N, wherever you are, I hope you're safe," I muttered, determination and concern intertwining as I headed toward the dome.
As the other four contenders entered the arena, I noticed Rebecca’s gaze lingering on me. There was a flicker of doubt in her eyes, as if she might be questioning whether I was really Lucy.
The announcer’s voice boomed through the Colosseum, introducing Diamante to the stage. The crowd erupted in cheers, and I adjusted my sunglasses, locking eyes with Diamante. He had a confident smirk, and his presence demanded attention.
Diamante began speaking to the crowd, his voice carrying over the noise. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves! In the waters below, we have some special guests—the fighting fish!" His tone was dramatic, clearly enjoying the crowd's excitement. "One of these fighting fish carries a treasure chest on its back, and within that chest is none other than the Flame-Flame Fruit!"
The announcement was met with an uproar of cheers and gasps from the audience. Diamante continued, outlining the rules with a flourish. "The rules are simple: stay in the ring and retrieve the chest with the Flame-Flame Fruit to claim victory. No matter what, the chest must be secured."
With that, the bell rang, signaling the start of the match. The arena filled with a mix of tension and anticipation as the competitors readied themselves for the challenge ahead. My mind was focused, determined to navigate through the chaos and claim the prize.
As the bell rang and the match commenced, Burgess lunged at me with a powerful strike. I quickly dodged, slipping to the side with practiced ease. I could feel the intensity of the battle heating up as I circled the ring, my eyes scanning the water for the first sign of the fighting fish.
The crowd's cheers echoed around me, but I focused solely on the task at hand. I kept moving, staying light on my feet and watching for any disturbance in the water. The fish were fast and erratic, making it hard to pinpoint which one was carrying the treasure chest.
I continued to dodge sporadic attacks from my opponents, using the movements to draw out the fish. I needed to be patient, waiting for the right moment to strike. The key was to avoid getting caught in the crossfire while I searched for the prize.
My heart raced as I kept my focus on the water, hoping that the right fish would reveal itself soon. Each second felt like an eternity as I danced around the ring, ready for whatever came next.
"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up," Doflamingo said, his voice dripping with mockery as he sauntered towards me. "Baby 5, thank you for getting the princess ready for me. You may leave."
Baby 5 nodded and quickly exited, her footsteps fading away. Doflamingo moved into my line of sight, blocking my view of the video transponder snail. I couldn't see if Luffy had made any progress, which made my anxiety spike.
Doflamingo approached, his hand trailing suggestively across the ornate corset dress I was forced to wear. His touch was both unsettling and humiliating. He grasped my chin roughly, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I must admit, you look quite the part, princess," he said with a smirk. "But let’s see how long you can maintain this charade."
As he leaned in closer, I discreetly activated the hidden mechanism in my bracelet, loosening the chains that bound me. I kept my movements subtle, hiding my growing resolve behind a veneer of defiance and fear.
Doflamingo’s laughter was dark and taunting. "What’s the matter? Stunned into silence? Or are you plotting your escape? I must say, watching you struggle adds an extra layer of enjoyment to this whole affair."
His fingers brushed lightly over the tiara on my head, mocking the regal costume he’d forced upon me. "And this little crown," he continued, "just adds to your humiliation. It’s a sight to behold."
The chains on my wrists were somewhat secured in front of me, but with the hidden mechanism activated in my bracelet, they were now loose enough to be manageable. I met Doflamingo’s gaze with steely determination. “Are you going to talk, or are we going to compete?” I demanded, defiance clear in my tone. Stepping closer to him, I added, “Like I said before, Doffy, I will never be your toy, and I intend to win this chase.” I glanced over to where Law lay unconscious but still breathing.
Before Doflamingo could respond, an alarm blared. “This is the front entrance to the rampart tower, emergency! Strawhat Luffy has broken in!” the transponder snail announced.
"Luffy’s here!" I thought, a wave of relief washing over me. Doflamingo, visibly annoyed, turned his attention to the video transponder snail to view the fight. I managed to catch a glimpse of the screen and my eyes widened. “Wait a minute… is that…” I thought, unable to contain my surprise.
“Huh?” Doflamingo said, his confusion evident. “What the hell is going on here!” He continued to stare at the screen, his frustration mounting.
I broke away from the screen’s gaze and looked at King Riku, sending him a subtle wink and mouthing “don’t worry.” I then returned my attention to the screen to see the man before me. “So, this was your plan all along, Sabo…” I thought, feeling a surge of pride. Despite the lies and the hidden identity, seeing him in action reminded me of why I wanted to know him more. He was an excellent fighter.
“Damn Sabo, I’m supposed to be focusing on my plan and you’re out here distracting me like this.” I thought, a smirk tugging at my lips. Doflamingo’s eyes snapped back to me. “What do you know about this?!” he demanded.
“What’s wrong, Doffy? You’re not afraid, are you?” I taunted. “Besides, we have our own match to play, and it looks like you’re scared.”
Doflamingo gritted his teeth, tightening his hold on me. “Remember, princess, what’s at stake.”
“I know,” I said, smirking. “And I’m not afraid to go head-to-head.”
Just then, another voice cut through the chaos. “I can confirm it’s Strawhat Luffy! And he’s with Pirate Hunter Zoro! And wait, Lady Violet and another swordsman!”
“They made it!” I thought, excitement building. “Now to do my part.”
With renewed determination, I broke free from the chains and lifted my right leg, landing a swift tremor kick to Doflamingo’s chest. He was sent crashing into the wall, debris scattering around him. I looked at King Riku and whispered, “I’ll come back for you as well.”
“Hey Doffy!” I called out, clenching my left hand to activate its power. Doflamingo slowly began to rise. “Catch me if you can.” I smirked and, with that, I broke through the door, speeding away from Doflamingo. As I began to activate Phase 3 of the plan, I felt the weight of the moment and the urgency to ensure everything went as planned.
Zoro POV… 
With Luffy demolishing the door, we didn’t have much of a choice but to barge into the palace. An alarm blared throughout the building, and I yelled, “Luffy!”
Luffy, undeterred, continued to pummel the guards with relentless attacks. “The alarm? You don’t think that’s…” I started to say, but was cut off by a loud bang from upstairs.
Luffy laughed and shouted, “Yup, that’s Y/N!”
“Y/N,” I whispered, a sense of relief flooding over me at the sound of your name. “Fire! Don’t let them escape!” a guard ordered, blasting bullets at us. I drew my swords and swiftly took them down. After a few more punches, the guards fell.
“Kinemon, take care of the little one, okay?” I said.
“But Sir Zoro, I must find my friend Kanjuro. I need to get to the toy house!” Kinemon protested.
“That’s where Operation SOP is happening with the other Tontata,” said the little one.
“Then we must head over there at once!” Kinemon insisted. “Sir Zoro, I will be heading to the Toy Factory!”
“Fine by me. I need to find a reckless princess,” I smirked, feeling a mix of irritation and amusement.
Just then, another loud bang echoed from upstairs. “Let’s go!” I commanded. Luffy, Violet, and I raced up the stairs. “Which way?” Luffy asked.
“Left!” I replied. As we ran, we heard Luffy shout, “I’m coming, Mingo! The coast is clear!” His voice echoed with his usual bravado.
“Guess security can’t keep up!” I said, as we continued sprinting through the halls. Suddenly, a loud noise accompanied the extinguishing of all the candles. “Uh, that’s weird,” Luffy said, looking around.
The wall began to shift, revealing a giant face. “A face!” I exclaimed, looking up. “It’s huge!”
“It’s Pika!” Violet identified. “He’s a top executive!”
“Great, now we’ve got to deal with him,” I muttered.
“He ate the Stone-Stone Fruit,” Violet added. “He can manipulate stone.”
“He looks like a bunch of bricks, if you ask me,” Luffy commented, eyeing the massive stone figure.
Pika launched an attack, nearly hitting us. “We gotta try something. He’s blocking our path!” Luffy said.
Luffy then unleashed his Gomu Gomu Jet Gatling, smashing through Pika’s stone form. “That was easy! Come on!” Luffy cheered.
As we continued running, Pika morphed once more. “Damn it!” I muttered, watching the walls start to close in on us. “The palace itself is our own enemy!”
“Great,” I said, as the walls squeezed tighter. “We’ve got to find another way out.”
“The walls!” Luffy shouted, pointing out the impending danger. “They’re closing in on us fast!”
We pushed forward, fighting against the shifting walls and the chaos that seemed to be closing in around us,
Sabo POV… 
As I continued to fight and dodge, I spotted the fish carrying the treasure chest. “There you are!” I called out, leaping into the air and landing on the fish’s back, evading the other attackers. Just as the fish was about to move towards Rebecca, I grabbed its fin. “Nice, I got you now!”
“Not so fast!” Diamante shouted, rushing towards me with his sword. I laughed and swung my metal pipe, shattering his sword into pieces. “Don’t forget about me!” Burgess roared, preparing to strike.
I held my ground, ready for him. “Eat this! Dragon Claw!” I shouted, launching my attack at Burgess. His assault faltered, and I smashed through his armor, shattering it into fragments.
“Don’t want to give me the fruit? That’s what you get!” I declared, defiance ringing in my voice. “I won’t give up!”
With the fish still under my control and the treasure chest within reach, I remained focused on my goal, determined to secure the Flame-Flame Fruit and turn the tide of the battle.
As I dashed down the stairs, the echo of Doflamingo's voice followed me like a dark shadow. I could hear the amusement in his tone, and it only spurred me on, despite the exhaustion seeping into my muscles.
“Oh, Y/N,” Doflamingo called out, his voice rich with a blend of amusement and desire. “I must admit, watching you run like this is quite entertaining. The more you try to escape, the more I want to catch you. It’s almost a game for me.”
I glanced back briefly, catching sight of his smirk. “This is no game, Doflamingo. I’m not going to let you win.”
He chuckled darkly, his laughter echoing off the walls. “Is that so? But it’s exactly that defiance of yours that makes this all the more exciting. Every step you take, every breath you draw, it only intensifies my desire to catch you. You’re like a wild bird trying to escape from a cage, and I’m eager to see how long you can keep it up.”
I pushed myself harder, my heels pounding against the marble stairs. “You won’t catch me, Doflamingo. Not today.”
“Such fire,” he taunted, his voice growing closer. “But that only makes me want you more. The struggle, the chase, it’s all part of the thrill. And once I have you, oh, you’ll understand just how much I enjoy this little game we’re playing.”
My eyes darted around, searching for another way to outmaneuver him. “Keep dreaming. I’m not falling for your games.”
Doflamingo’s voice was a dark purr, filled with promise. “We’ll see about that. I plan to savor every moment of this chase. And when I finally catch you, I’ll make sure you remember this game for a long time.”
I gritted my teeth, determined to keep moving and make every moment count. His words were a constant reminder of the stakes, but they also fueled my resolve to stay one step ahead.
A string bullet whizzed past, grazing my shoulder and causing me to tumble. I barely managed to roll back onto my feet as Doflamingo's menacing figure closed in, his expression a mix of amusement and desire.
“You’re getting closer,” he said, his voice dripping with anticipation. “Just a few more steps, and I’ll have you right where I want you. You can’t escape, no matter how fast you run.”
With a desperate burst of energy, I clenched my right hand and connected it with my left palm, activating the electrical charge, hoping to buy myself some time. The crackling power illuminated the hallway, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
“What’s this?” Doflamingo sneered, his eyes widening with a mix of interest and frustration. “Trying to make things interesting? I must admit, you’ve got some fire in you. But that’s just what makes this all the more exciting.”
He advanced, his strings flickering like deadly whips. “I’ve been waiting for a challenge like this. The way you defy me—it’s almost endearing. Almost.”
Doflamingo’s gaze was fixated on me, his desire for victory palpable. “I want to see you struggle,” he continued, his voice filled with a sadistic thrill. “The more you resist, the sweeter your defeat will be. Come on, Y/N. Give me everything you’ve got. I’m savoring every moment.”
His words stung, but they also fueled my resolve. “You’ll get nothing but my defiance,” I shot back. “I’ll never give you the satisfaction of my surrender.”
I clenched my left hand and activated its power, feeling another familiar surge of energy. Stepping with my left leg, I appeared behind him in a blur. I released the electrical charge from my right hand, sending a powerful jolt through Doflamingo’s body.
“Ugh!” Doflamingo gasped, his eyes widening in shock as the electricity coursed through him. “What the—”
“This isn’t a game for me, Doflamingo,” I said, my voice steady despite the adrenaline. “I won’t be your toy, and I won’t let you win.”
The electrical shock gave me the moment I needed. I sprinted away from him, putting as much distance between us as I could. Doflamingo’s furious shouts followed me, his frustration palpable. “You won’t get away! I’ll make you regret this, Y/N! Just wait until I catch you again!”
But I didn’t stop. I focused on my escape, knowing that every second I could delay him brought Luffy and the others one step closer. 
Zoro POV…
“Damn it!” I cursed as Pika continued to lift the entire palace floor, causing the ground to shift beneath us. The stones we’d destroyed always reformed, making it feel like a never-ending fight. “This guy’s a real pain in the ass!”
Luffy, equally frustrated, shouted, “What the hell is this?!”
“None of our attacks seem to be hitting! Luffy, we gotta think fast or we’ll be stuck here forever!” I gritted my teeth, frustrated at the situation. “108 Caliber Phoenix!” I shouted, unleashing my attack and shattering more stones. But Pika just kept coming back, his stone form regenerating with each blow. The massive stone walls surrounded us again, blocking any chance of escape.
Luffy was about to launch another attack when I stopped him. “Luffy, listen! You need to take Violet and go on ahead. Leave this stone bastard to me. You go and kick Doflamingo’s ass twice as hard for me, and get to Y/N—fast!”
The weight of my words hung in the air. I gripped my sword tighter, feeling the urgency pounding in my veins. Y/N was somewhere in this palace, and I wasn’t going to let some stone giant stop us from getting to her.
Luffy hesitated for a moment, but then he gave a determined nod. “Right, got it, Zoro! I’m counting on you!”
Without another word, he grabbed Violet and dashed off, leaving me to face Pika alone. The ground shifted underfoot again as Pika towered over me
I clenched the handle of my sword tighter, my jaw set with determination. “Hold on, Y/N. We’re almost there,” I muttered under my breath as I prepared for my next strike. 
Y/N Pov… 
I continued to run, leaving bloodied handprints on the walls as markers for Luffy and the others. My right hand was throbbing, bleeding from the strain I had put on it. I came to a stop, leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. "I think... I lost him," I whispered, trying to catch my breath. But I knew better than to believe Doflamingo would give up so easily.
I glanced down at my left thigh where my swords were still secured, untouched. "Not yet," I thought, biting my lip in frustration. As much as I wanted to use them, I couldn’t—those blades were my trump card, my last resort. "This isn't the time… I need to hold out just a bit longer."
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” I muttered under my breath, my legs threatening to give out beneath me. My breathing was labored, my heart pounding in my chest like it was trying to escape. "Luffy, Zoro, Kinemon... where the hell are you guys?" I whispered, feeling a pang of desperation. "Please... hurry."
I made a sharp left and found an empty room. Without thinking twice, I rushed in, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it. My chest heaved as I tried to regain some composure, the adrenaline still coursing through me. I pressed my back against the door, sliding down until I was seated on the floor, my head leaning back as I tried to calm my breathing.
After a few moments, I forced myself to stand, pushing off the door as I slowly walked deeper into the room. The eerie silence settled around me, amplifying every step I took.
"Okay, just breathe... just think," I murmured to myself, glancing around the dimly lit room. "I need to figure out the next move."
I clenched my fists, ignoring the sharp sting in my right hand. "I can’t let him catch me, not now. Not when we’re this close."
I made my way closer to the desk, my footsteps echoing in the silence. Papers were scattered haphazardly across its surface. Curiosity getting the better of me, I began sifting through them, spreading them out further. My eyes scanned the pages, my mind racing to make sense of what I was seeing.
“What the…” I muttered under my breath, confusion turning into disbelief as I looked closer. There, laid out before me, were all of our wanted posters—Luffy, Zoro, and even mine. They were pinned down, as if meticulously studied. But next to them, something else caught my eye.
Documents. Detailed records. And at the top of one of the pages, bold letters spelled out the truth behind Dressrosa. My breath hitched in my throat as I quickly skimmed through the papers, piecing it all together.
My hands froze, my heart skipping a beat as my eyes locked onto the final few lines of text.
“No… this can’t be right,” I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief. “This whole time… this is what he's been hiding?”
I clenched the papers tightly, anger rising within me. “The citizens... everything that’s happened—it’s all been a lie.” I stood there, stunned, the weight of the truth crashing down on me like a tidal wave.
I swallowed hard, my voice barely above a whisper. “Doflamingo… you bastard."
I made my way toward the door, desperate to leave before Doflamingo could catch up. My breath still shallow, my hand hovering over the handle—when suddenly, his voice cut through the air like a blade.
"I’ve got to hand it to you, princess," Doflamingo’s voice dripped with menace, "you’re exactly what they make you out to be."
The lights flickered on, illuminating the room in a harsh, cold glow. My heart sank as I realized the truth. I had run straight into a trap. My body tensed, my mind racing to think of a way out, but the walls felt like they were closing in.
Doflamingo’s smirk deepened as he approached, his steps slow, deliberate. “But, it looks like I caught you, which means you’re mine now.”
My eyes widened in panic. His fingers moved with precision, strings shooting out from them and wrapping around my wrists and body before I could react. I struggled, but it was no use. His strings tightened, immobilizing me completely. He yanked me back effortlessly, pulling me toward him with a sadistic grin plastered across his face.
"Let's get you back where you belong," he whispered, his tone low and dangerous.
I was dragged through the hallways, my body unable to fight the pull of his Devil Fruit power. By the time we reached the familiar room where Law and I had been held before, my wrists and body were bound tightly in the same chair. I could see Law now, fully awake, his face contorted in anger and desperation.
Y/N!” Law shouted, straining against his sea prism stone handcuffs. “Damn it! Let her go!”
His voice was filled with urgency, but the situation seemed hopeless. The room was crowded with three guards, Baby 5, and Buffalo, all of them poised to act if either of us tried anything.
I forced a strained laugh, despite the pain. “Wow, Doffy, you really had to bring backup this time? Scared I’m gonna kick your ass again?”
Buffalo chuckled, but Doflamingo’s eyes were cold as ice. “Oh, Princess,” Doflamingo said, his voice dripping with mockery, “it’s not fear. It’s about ensuring you stay exactly where I want you. I’m here to make sure you don’t cause any more trouble.”
I nodded toward the wall where I’d left a dent. “I mean, if you come to think of it, that hole in the wall over there,” I said, pointing with my head, “is a pretty solid reminder of what happens when you underestimate me.”
Doflamingo’s expression darkened, his eyes narrowing dangerously. “Careful, Princess,” he warned, his tone edged with menace. “Your defiance is only going to make things worse for you. The more you provoke me, the more pleasure I’ll take in breaking you.”
He tightened his grip on the strings binding me, causing a fresh wave of pain to shoot through me. I winced but kept my gaze steady. “I’ll never give you the satisfaction,” I spat out.
Doflamingo’s lips curled into a sadistic smile. “You’re quite the little warrior, aren’t you? But bravery won’t save you here. In my domain, strength means nothing. All that matters is how well you endure.” He glanced over at Law, who was still fighting his restraints with desperate energy. “And as for Law here, his pleas are nothing but background noise. He’s powerless to help you now.”
His fingers lingered on the strings, tightening their grip with deliberate cruelty. “I have no intention of letting you go. You’re mine now, Princess, and I plan to savor every moment of your suffering.”
The room was heavy with tension as Doflamingo’s words and actions continued to taunt and torment. The guards, Baby 5, and Buffalo remained vigilant, their eyes fixed on the scene as the situation grew ever more dire.
As I continued to struggle against the tight, painful bindings, my mind was focused on one thing: Luffy. I couldn’t help but think, "Luffy, where are you?"
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ghostlee · 7 months
I was craving lee!Etho and there’s literally none and I mean none, not a single post or anything abt lee!Etho so I did it myself.
If you know of any or make any pleaseeeeeee tag me in it I am hyperfixating and there’s absolutely no content of him hahah.
Etho and Joel were in a boat together, Etho sat upfront and Joel was in the back.
They were just currently sitting in the boat in the grass, they were the boat boys after all and the best bonding time they found was in the boat with one another to just talk. Etho however was having none of that today and just wanted to mess around. The white haired Canadian laughed cheerfully as he jokingly leaned back against Joel smushing the other boy into the backrest on the boat.
“Hey! Ethoooo! You’re squishing me!!” Joel whined out as he squirmed around trying to get his arms out. As he struggled behind Etho he felt the man laughing in front of him.
“What was that I couldn’t quite hear youuu??” Etho giggled knowing his antics were getting under Joel’s skin.
“OHhh you little!” Joel said as he kept struggling, finally he got his arms free and tried to push Etho back up off him. The white haired boy caught onto his sudden freedom and let his body go lax as he did his best to not cooperate with Joel’s pushes whatsoever, continuing to flop against the other man.
Finally Joel had enough, he contemplated if Etho was ticklish or not, if he was it was almost a surefire victory for Joel. He was willing to take the risk. Joel let out a small war cry and dug his wiggling fingers into Etho sides.
Etho nearly jumped out of his skin as he shrieked and started struggling to get away. He tried leaning up off of Joel now that his sides were under a ticklish attack but Joel threw an arm over his chest pulling him back down onto him and used the other hand to squeeze his tummy with all 5 fingers.
“WHAHAIT NOHOHAHAHA!!” Etho yelped as he clawed at the front of the small wooden boat trying to get away from Joel. “I’m sohohorry plheehehehase!!” Etho yelled and laughed as he thrashed around trying to grab at Joel’s hand while he felt tears prick at his eyes, who knew he was this ticklish?
He continued trying to fend off his attacker as his stomach was under a ticklish siege. “Nohoahahah Johohohel pleahahase! Dohohont!!”
“Don’t what?? Doesn’t look like I’m doing anything.” Joel teased waiting for Etho to walk right into the trap.
“Tickehehehel meehehehe!” Etho managed through his giggles as Joel smirked, worked like a charm.
“Tickle you?? Alright Etho, all you had to do was ask!” Joel laughed knowing that would make Etho die twice over.
“NOOHAHAHAHA THAHAHATS NOT WHAHAHT I MEAHANT AND YOU KNOW ITTT!” Etho screamed as he squirmed and kicked around trying to get free.
“NOHOHOT THEHEEHERE!!” Etho screeched when Joel went up to his ribs and scratched around.
“No can do Effo! You messed with me and this is the payback!” Joel giggled as he continued to scribble his fingers over Ethos ribs. He used the hand holding Etho to quickly grab one of the oars and click it into place in front of Etho to keep him pinned down onto Joel’s chest, effectively trapping the sneaky little arctic fox hybrid with him.
Joel was now able to resume using both hands to snake themselves up under Ethos shirt and scribble at the soft ticklish skin underneath. “Tickle tickle tickle Effoooo” Joel teased as he used his finger nails to quickly skitter over Ethos bare stomach.
“PLEHAHAHSEE!! IT TICKLES SO BAD!!” Etho screamed as he kicked his feet uselessly.
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before squishing me into the boat.” Joel smirked watching his best friend lose his mind over some tickles.
Etho tried desperately to grab at Joel’s hands to stop the onslaught but it only resulted in Joel once again reaching back up with one arm to grab both of Ethos wrists smoothly in one hand and hold them together to Ethos chest.
He then resumed the tickle attack with his free hand as it roamed around Ethos tummy looking for its prize.
Joels finger finally found the little crevice of Ethos belly button as he skated it teasingly over the edge. “Uhh ohhh what is this??” Joel asked in feigned confusion as his index finger got closer to the small ticklish spot.
“NOno haHahah wait!! Nohohohot thehehere plehehease!” Etho cried out as he sucked in breathes of air carefully watching his stomach as Joel’s hand glided effortlessly under his shirt. Etho not being able to see under the shirt to see where the offending finger was drove him mad as he squirmed and struggled in Joel’s firm grip.
“There is iss!” Joel cheered as he dipped his finger into Ethos belly button, swirling his index finger around in little circles and then switching back and fourth between skritching his finger teasingly in the little belly button snd wiggling it around.
Etho screeched a long loud yelp of ticklish laughter as he threw his head back onto Joel’s right shoulder and just laughed his heart out.
“NOAHAHHAHAHAHAA PLEHEHEASE NOOOOO! IM SOHOHORRY!!” He pleaded stomping his feet on the grassy ground in front of the boat as he just laid there against Joel continuing to laugh and laugh.
Joel had a few more minutes of fun tickling the life out of Etho as he slowed his tickling to a stop, just lightly rubbing comforting circles over Ethos stomach. He let the man catch his breath and removed the oar from in front of Etho. “That’ll teach ya not to mess with the great Joel!!” He laughed and patted Etho on the belly playfully.
“I deserved that… well played Joel.. well played.” Etho sighed out with a laugh before slowly pushing himself up out of the boat. “Watch your back though-“ Etho said and watched as Joel’s eyes widened.
“Yeah whatever you say Etho, I know how ticklish you are now. I’d like to see you try.” Joel teased back as he also pushed himself out of the boat.
It would be a long week of the boat boys constantly trying to one up each other with tickles.
Tyty that’s all, it’s short and cute, hope you enjoyed.
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gingerteawrites · 2 months
Witness: Where you're the first person who sees Geto after he gets Mimiko and Nanako
A/N: Holy smokes guys, thank you so much for enjoying what I write. I'm so grateful, and a bit sorry for my inactivity. Work has been kicking my butt. I do plan on posting the next part of "By the hearth" by the end of the weekend (it's getting edited) so stay tuned for that! In the meantime, Here is a short-ish piece about my sweetiepie Geto
Content: ANGST
You walked down the street, absently looking at your flip phone's screen as its blue light glowed against your skin. Cold autumn nights were the best to walk in, the gentle breeze caressing your face, carrying your thoughts as your mind wandered about a hundred and one things.
It had been so long since you and the other students at jujutsu high had spent some times together. Shoko, Gojo and Geto always finding excuses to be away anytime you tried to organize something. And this caused worry to lay siege in your heart regardless of your attempts to keep your concerns at bay.
So when you looked up, the last thing you expected to see was Geto standing under a streetlight, his dark hair cascading around his downcast face. You let out a sound of surprise, and snapped your phone shut, lightly jogging over to him.
"Suguru?" your voice inquired a couple feet away from him, soft but carrying a tinge of enthusiasm at the sight of him.
Swarming insects buzzed incessantly as they circled the streetlight in a frenzy, wearing at at Geto's already fragile mind. Blood darkened the hem of his navy pants, and he slightly turned his face towards your direction, a blank look in his eye.
You startled at that expression, your brows immediately furrowing in concern "Suguru? Are you okay?" you asked again, walking closer to rest your hand on his shoulder.
That is when you noticed the two little girls crouched behind him, peeking at you with curious but cautious glances. Your gaze immediately turned serious, and you tightened your grip around his shoulder as your eyes searched his for an explanation.
The black-haired boy sighed, closing his eyes to avert your look and straightened his back. Causing his dark hair to finally move away from his face, like a curtain drawing away before he reopened them. The deep eye bags you had been worrying about seemed even more prominent under the streetlight's yellowish hue, and you felt something tighten in your throat. Something was terribly off
"I did it Y/N," the croak of his voice caused you to narrow your eyes, not in accusation or suspicion, but in fear of what he would say. He noticed your look, and tilted his head towards the girls who still held onto the loose fabric of his pants.
"I'm calling Satoru." you immediately announced, flipping your phone open in response to the growing panic your heart slammed against your ribcage with. But he grabbed it, covering his hand with yours.
His cool skin made you to shiver.
But his eyes were now looking straight at yours, holding an expression you had never seen directed at you before. Danger.
"Don't." he sneered, and you felt the air grow thick with tension. "You have to leave, Y/N," he added after a breath of silence, slowly untangling his hand from yours to help the girls up.
"What do you mean by that," you stood directly in front of him "tell me, what happened?" your voice came out in a frantic tumble. You needed to stop him. From what, you could not tell. But you had to get him to speak to you.
His expression hardened, and his voice resounded into the quiet night air "Leave! Y/N." You reeled back in shock. He never raised his voice at anyone. He had never raised his voice at you.
Your mind was now a jumbled mess, thrown off kilter as you searched for the right words while trying to process the events unfolding. All you could hear was the drumming of your heart in your ears as it slammed against your chest.
Geto stepped away from you, his eyes closing wearily before he summoned a large winged curse spirit. The creature screeched, and he moved to step onto one of its legs with the two girls in tow.
You watched him, frozen in space as he moved away from you.
"Goodbye, Y/N," he said almost forlorn, eyelids hanging low with the weight of something you couldn't quite comprehend.
You stayed frozen. You watched him leave. You could not stop him when the bird-like creature lifted off, its wings conjuring a gust that slapped across your face and ripped the leaves hanging on for dear life from their trees. And you could not move when their silhouette disappeared into the dark sky.
Geto done something terribly wrong. And he had left. A sense of overwhelming dread filled your bones.
You were ripped out of this daze by an insistent buzzing from the phone you forgot you were even holding, causing you to look down. The caller ID spelled out a pixelated --- Yaga-sensei --- and you felt your heart drop into an abyss. God, no.
Hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know what you think, I love reading your thoughts.
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jsagirly · 3 months
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𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧- 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ❥ 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 & 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐩 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫..
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩.𝟐 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬✔︎ 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠,𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭.
𝐖𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭! 𝟏.𝟒𝐤
It’s 8 am, on a Monday morning and there wasn’t anything worse you could think of than being stuck here in your English college course.
Of course you were stupid when picking your classes not taking into account how tired the weekend would leave you. Stuffy cold air filled the room and the occasional cough of a student. Your professor is going on and on about some stupid thing.
You weren’t picking up on any of it, that's for sure. As you lay your head on the vinyl wood desk at the back of the class, wishing your black hoodie would just swallow you whole, at least so you could sleep a little longer.
Just as you do think sleep could get the better of you, the door next to you swings open, startling not only you but everyone else in the room as if they were awakened from some sort of drowsy trance.
There standing in the frame is Satoru out of breath trying to take in gulps of air. Although after a second or two he notices everyone’s eyes boring into the disruption he created. Gently closing the door behind him as the professor continues his material.
He slides into the seat next to you. “Late again?”. You ask with a bored look. “You know me too well”. “Satoru you’re late like every class, it's your routine at this point”. “Okay but I'm living a normal college kid life, no one gets up bright and early for an 8 am class”.
“Plus if I remember correctly you’re the one who dragged me to this class with you because you couldn’t be alone”.
He says as he leans on the table on the side to face you. “mhm whatever you agreed to me anyways”. “Yea I did”. He scoffs whilst smiling. “What made you this late anyways?”.
He goes silent and looks away as if that was the only response you needed. “Oh my fucking god, you were playing siege all night weren’t you”. He doesn’t answer and his gaze is still fixed away but you can tell by the soft smile creeping up his face that you’re right.
“ you’re such a loser for that you know”. “I’d expect you to be out”. He hums softly before saying “well I have a girlfriend so I’m allowed to do stuff like this”. “You better pray she never finds out about you being a dork doing stuff like that”. You say sarcastically.
“what’s up with the attitude this morning jeez! Must be this emo ass hoodie huh”. He says before gently pinching the fabric of your sleeve.
“sorry..” you say a guilty smile takes over you. Zoning off into the rest of the lesson.
Although it seemed like you two might’ve bickered a lot he was truly your best friend,you met him your junior year of high school. Chemistry class to be specific, you definitely didn’t run in the same circles.
He was more of a walking trophy boy that every girl wanted to get her hands on while you wanted to steer clear of that as much as possible. Your awkward nature made it hard for you to even find a guy with interest, much less one of the most desired ones.
You didn’t get what they saw in him anyways, he was a guy and he was hot? It wasn’t till that year when you were stuck sitting next to him in class and he sparked conversation with you, probably just trying to escape the boring droning of your teacher.
But after a while you guys noticed you had a lot in common humor,interests and maybe even a bit of the same traits in personality. So you didn’t fall head over heels for him, you fell into his couch on late stormy nights where you would just talk about life and music, maybe some stupid high school stuff along the way.
Before you knew it he was in your phone at the top of your list as “Satoru 🤍”. Not even in a romantic way just as friends and people who understood each other, plus you had appreciated him never trying to make advances on you.
Now you have to question, is all of that still true? Unfortunately enough you did end up falling head over heels for Satoru Gojo. But as it happens so did he, but not for you..for Evie.
The guilt was more than anything, you remembered denying it at first and just brushing off the fact that you always checked every single one of his texts within 2 minutes,whenever he said something nice to you you felt your heart pick up and all these things you never picked up on before.
But no you weren’t allowed to, that’s what you told yourself over and over and over again. You don’t have a say in this if you do your a bad person because only a bad person would be in love with someone else’s love.
You couldn’t help where your heart was at, why now was it that you realized all those heartfelt conversations were the only ones that had ever rooted themselves in such a deep connection to your soul.
Why only now? So as your heart stumbles further and further in you try your best to cover it up and pretend as if nothings changed.
“hellooo? hey hey y/n”. Satoru looks down on you. and you look around to see all the other students leaving class.
“Oh my god finally” you say with a sigh of relief. Maybe a bit too loud as you saw the professor glare up at you. “C'mon let’s go I wanna get out of here” Satoru says while trying to rush you. “Okay okay just one second” picking up your tote as you follow swiftly behind him.
The light hits your eyes like a flash bang almost making you dizzy. “It feels like I got sent to heaven oh my god why is the light so bright”. Satoru laughs a bit before walking next to you on the sidewalk.
There’s a comfortable silence and just a few students walking around as well. You smell the morning air full of dew on the plants and it’s no longer cold due to the sun bathing it all in a warm glow.
Satoru ends up breaking the silence “wait you mind going with me to the library and helping me check out a book?”. “Sure what do you need help with?”. “All of it…”.
“You don’t know how?”. “How have you made it this far without checking anything out?”. He shrugs “putting it off I guess, but I’m finally being required to”.
You get to the library and the deep smell of books and pages fill your senses, it’s quiet but still there’s a low whisper of students from each table. You can see a few girls gossiping at one table they don’t even lift their heads when the door opens, at another table a girl sitting alone studying with headphones in, and at another there’s a group of frat guys.
Probably trying to cram for finals next week you tell yourself.
“Okay so what book is it?” you softly ask him. “Hmm not sure actually”. Your eyes go wide, “are you kidding?”. He grabs his phone and seems to be looking for something. “Chill outtt I have it somewhere here”.
You mentally roll your eyes. Once you two have found the book that matched the one on his phone. You showed him how to check it out. “thanks for that by the way”. He says whilst walking out with you. “mhm!”.
You spot a poster on the wall of the exit and go to check it out. It reads “Need volunteer work? Or just a calm afternoon? Crochet stuffed animals for a charity auction this Friday! All proceeds go to a children's hospital. Text 123-4567-8907 for details and help!”.
“Ooh this is cute I’m gonna text Nobara to ask if she wants to do this with me” you say while snapping a picture of the poster. “Hm? What is it”. “Oh that’s nice, for charity? Are you in a group where you need hours?”.
“Nah but it seems fun plus I get to help people '' you say still looking down at your phone. “That’s sweet.” Satoru gently smiles. “You’re sweet.. for helping out with that you know”. You look up to meet his gaze “o-oh thanks”.
“Well I have to get goin now, thanks again for the book.” “it was no problem.” You say while waving to him already walking off.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐚𝐡 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟒𝐭𝐡?! 🇺🇸❤️
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katieskarlette · 4 months
Long time, no ramble
I read The Calling, the new short story about Anduin. It was heart wrenching, emotional and poignant...but I couldn't stop thinking about how much I disliked the plot that sent him on this trajectory.
No matter how well Anduin's PTSD and guilt are handled, I can't forget that they stem from the train wreck of Shadowlands. He should never have been put in this position in the first place.
Just as Anduin was literally yoinked into the sky by the Jailer's minions to start the expansion, he was also yoinked out of his plot arc. He was starting to come into his own as a king, moving beyond his father's shadow bit by bit, finding the balance between his own peace-loving tendencies and the grim necessity of some violence in a world such as Azeroth. There were hints that he was struggling with the balance of Light and Shadow, as well. All of that character development came to a screeching halt when he got kidnapped and turned into Zovaal's puppet.
What made pre-Shadowlands Anduin unique was his stubborn insistence on empathy in a world full of bloodthirsty warmongers. The siege of Undercity at the start of BFA was the perfect microcosm of that: he set down Shalamayne and used the Light to heal/rez his soldiers instead. He was finding ways to lead that were effective but which allowed him to be true to his ideals.
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There was nothing wrong with the way Varian led his people (or at least nothing that I want to get into right now), but that doesn't mean his style is the right choice for Anduin. I've always had a soft spot for characters who are like, "Yeah, I know the world is a cruel place. I'm not naïve. But that's all the more reason to spread hope and kindness."
I would have been fine with a plot where Anduin struggles to find a happy medium between "We must strive for peace" and "We need to mercilessly obliterate our enemies to protect innocent lives," and errs too much on the side of violence. He could feel the same remorse and lack of trust in himself as he does in the current canon, feel unworthy of the Light, think back on how Varian atoned for some of his misdeeds, and grow as a person. It would mean more if he was actually making choices and working through the consequences.
As it stands, Anduin is beating himself up over something that isn't his fault, even a little bit. I sympathize with him up to a point, but by the end of the short story I was frustrated and even a little annoyed with his stubborn self-hatred. He's not stupid, and it's not like being controlled by evil forces is a new concept for an Azerothian. He comes across as obtuse when he insists that he's indelibly tainted by what happened to him, when he personally knows people who have been in similar situations and did not become pariahs.
(Yes, I know trauma responses aren't logical. Irrational guilt and survivor's guilt exist. But realism doesn't necessarily translate into a satisfying narrative. And yes, characters need to change and face challenges, but when those challenges were born from atrocious writing it leaves a bad taste in the audience's mouth.)
Is there dramatic irony in the kind, altruistic character not being able to extend the same grace to himself? Of course. But is Blizzard's storytelling capable of that level of nuance? Forgive me for being skeptical. I'm sure he will find himself again and heal through the coming expansions, but, again, I'm not optimistic that it will be handled well.
I'm probably judging the story too harshly because my patience for WoW's story ran out during Shadowlands and I'm still bitter. If they had to try to salvage a halfway decent character arc from the bullshit of that expansion, this is probably the best way to go about it.
The new short story was well-written and tugged at the heartstrings. It just didn't win me back. I didn't expect it to, though. Instead I continue to mourn a franchise that captivated me for many years before its trip to the realm of Death meant the demise of my devotion. :(
Disclaimer: I didn't hate everything about Shadowlands. Sire Denathrius can read off a list of my sins anytime. Aww yeah. The rest can be retconned to oblivion, though. ;)
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arealphrooblem · 2 years
Terms of Surrender
synopsis: The queen of a doomed city makes the deal her husband refused to make with the conquering warlord outside her city's gates.
TW: mentions of suicide (the husband)
Three weeks into the siege, the warlord had sent terms for her kingdom’s surrender:  He would give them two days for anyone to evacuate. Soldiers could either be executed or conscripted into his army. No civilians would be harmed, their daily business to be conducted as usual.  The emperor would die and his family would live out their  days as prisoners of war.
With their army reduced by a third already, cannon fire blasting each day, and rumors of his navy coming in a week’s time, the terms were not just generous -- they were her people’s best chance at a peaceful life.
Her husband sent his denial back with the heads of the emissaries.
Six weeks later, as their navy’s wreckage litters the ocean floor, their pleas for rescue from their allies remain unanswered, and the warlords fiercest warriors start to gather for their last incursion, her husband once again used his brilliant tactical decision-making to throw himself off the top of the castle. His body crashed into the encampment of his own soldiers.
The message could not be clearer: Abandon all hope.
The queen did not listen. Instead, that night, she dressed in a serving maid’s uniform and slipped unseen through the secret tunnels of the cistern that not even her husband knew about. They opened up in the forest just outside the walls of her city, close enough to hear the sounds of swords clanging and horses wickering in the enemy camp.
Though her heart thundered in her ears, the queen walked quietly and confidently towards the camp. Either his scouts will shoot her on sight, or she will be captured and escorted to the warlord. Both outcomes promise her a chance of relief.
It took barely minutes for someone to find her, sword pointed at her throat, the creaking of drawn bows surrounding her.
“Do you have any idea where you have wandered to, little girl,” said the general, eyeing her with deep suspicion, as if she were just as capable of trying to slaughter him than any other warrior. It felt strangely flattering.
“Yes,” she said, slowly holding up her empty hands. “I seek an audience with the Warlord.”
His gaze lingered over her plain and simple clothing. “And who are you to ask for such a thing?”
“The Queen.” It was a gamble, revealing her identity this way, but she feared she would be denied.
The general snorted. “Is your city so poor even the royalty mus dress this way?”
“Is your mind so soft it doesn’t understand the concept of a disguise?” she shot back.
A moment of stunned silence, and then a chuckle.
“Queen or not, you pose no threat. At the very least, this should be entertaining. Come. You will have your audience.”
He led through the trees, guided only by the barest light of the moon. Only the queen’s footsteps were heard, the snapping of twigs like thunder echoing in the silence. No wonder they found her so quickly.
The weight of the men’s stares as she walked through camp felt more frightening than the tip of the general’s sword. As they neared the large tent in the middle of camp, her heart-rate climbed and her palms started to sweat. By the time she stood on ornate carpets in the tent, so transformed into a stately room that she nearly forgot its canvas walls, she had to remind herself to breathe.
The warlord sat at a desk, writing something in a slow, steady hand. He looked young. Much younger than her husband. Barely older than her.
She couldn’t help but notice, even in the midst of her growing terror, the stack of beautiful leather bound books next to the parchment. She feels an intense stab of envy. Women were not permitted to read in her county, not even the nobility. She had taught herself in secret, but rarely had the opportunity to practice.
“What is it, General?” he asked, not even lifting his head.
“The queen herself seeks an audience with you.”
“Does she now?” His pen scratches out something in beautiful shapes, in an alphabet so unlike anything she’d seen in snatches in her own court. “And when does she expect this audience? In the rubble of her city tomorrow?”
Her heart stutters in her chest and she wills her face to remain passive.
“She would have it now.” Amusement tinged the general’s tone.
Finally the Warlord lifted his head and froze at the sight of her. It would almost be comical if she wasn’t so afraid of him.
A moment later his manners caught up with him and he stood hastily, tucking the chair back into the desk.
“Well this is certainly an unexpected tactic, sending an unarmed and vulnerable woman to do your begging. Is your husband truly so desperate?”
“My husband is dead,” she said flatly. “I have come to negotiate on my behalf, not his.”
“Dead?” the general and the warlord spoke simultaneously.
They exchanged knowing glances over her head, communicating without words.
“Leave us,” the warlord said at last. “I will play along with such an audience.”
With a bow, the general stepped out of the tent, leaving her completely alone in front of her greatest enemy.
Part Two
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dr-futbol-blog · 25 days
The Siege III, Pt. 8
The Daedalus lands for repairs and Weir welcomes Caldwell and Sheppard back to Atlantis. Sheppard steps in first but as they make their way toward the command centre, Sheppard falls behind and trails slightly behind the two of them. Sheppard also turns to glance over his shoulder behind him, seeming to look for something. What he appears to be doing is trying to give Weir space to walk by the Colonell but they both want to keep him there, as a buffer between them.
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Sheppard actually stalls so noticeably that Caldwell has to guide him by the back to hurry him up and it is a nice, intimate, fatherly gesture that is something Sheppard is certainly not used to receiving from superior officers. They seem to have a very good rapport, a good working relationship, a developing trust between them.
We don't know where exactly McKay joined them or they joined McKay, but the next we see them, McKay has taken point and Sheppard is walking right behind him, keeping pace. So without McKay, he's dragging his feet but with McKay, he's making sure to be the one closest to him, right at his feel. And as McKay takes a workstation, Sheppard again parks it where he can best watch him work, being directly in front of McKay.
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The wraith have reached them and begin their bombardment of the city from the skies. Again, they turn to McKay for answers, both Weir and Caldwell looking at him to tell them both what's going on and what they should do about it:
McKay: The shield's holding under the bombardment but it's under incredible strain. Weir: How long will it hold? McKay: Well, if they stop firing at it, it'll last almost indefinitely but with this kind of-- Weir: Are we talking months, weeks? McKay: Days. At this rate the ZPM will be depleted within days.
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Sheppard doesn't say anything. While he has his body turned toward McKay, Sheppard does not look at him. He does not turn to look even when the others do, looking at McKay for answers. It's either that he doesn't want to see the look on McKay's face as this is happening or he doesn't want McKay to see the look on his face, the look in his eyes just then. The fact that the Colonel and Weir move their heads in unison just calls attention to the unnatural way Sheppard has his head turned away from McKay while his body is still facing him.
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We once more end the scene with Sheppard looking at Caldwell rather darkly as he tries very hard to think of what they should do next, listening to the bombardment beginning around them. He is trying to find a military solution to their problem, to not be one of the pairs of eyes that are looking at McKay like newborn calves look to their mother. He is trying to think of something they can do that doesn't require McKay to do all of the heavy lifting. They have to think of something.
And although saving them all is very important to him, because he needs to keep McKay alive and safe most of all, he is also concerned for McKay's well-being beyond just keeping him alive. He cares about this man so much. He doesn't view McKay as an instrument, a magic science man, someone that needs to have all the answers. McKay is someone he loves that he knows has been under incredible strain for far too long. They both have. This is emphasized by the transition to the following scene, both of them under the shield straining under bombardment.
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We then move to probably the most giffed scene of this episode. We find Sheppard and McKay standing under the dome, looking up at the bombardment. They are alone outside on one the balconies, their backs to the camera. Sheppard is holding his right hand up on his belt with his thumb either under his belt or in the belt loop because he's just not okay with there being things like even his own hand between his dick and this man. This framing and the soft lighting makes the shot romantic in a way that Sheppard and Weir's multiple discussions that have happened probably on the very same balcony have never been. It's also night-time. Their dialogue and their soft whispered tones also add to the feeling that there is something romantic about this:
McKay: It's almost pretty, isn't it? Sheppard: Almost, but not quite.
But the thing is, this scene is weird. We join them at the very tail-end of it and we have are never told what they were doing out there. Yes, the point was to show us the city under the strain of the bombardment but there were many less romantic ways of displaying it. Again, we know that there's a whole scene that is missing where we only saw the very, very last part of it and we are left wondering how they got there and what if anything they had discussed until that moment.
And it's made all the weirder by the fact that as they turn around and return inside (and once more, they do this in perfect sync; they mirror each other, they turn toward each other as they prepare to return inside--if they were just friends one of them would have turned to go first and the other would have turned to follow the same way), people are already waiting for them. They also basically come through the door at the same time which forces them pretty damn close. There seems to be a meeting already underway, and they are the only people missing. Other people were waiting for them to either join or re-join the meeting. Caldwell and Weir are actually in the middle of talking shop once they do return. This is strange. Their mid-meeting jaunt to the balcony is not given any kind of explanation.
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We don't know if the meeting had started and the two of them were slow to get in on it, or whether the meeting had paused for recess and they had merely used this time to go and talk on the balcony together and were merely slow to return to the others. Or even if they had removed themselves from the meeting in the middle of it just to have a private talk on the balcony. It is possible that they had been having the meeting and the two of them just needed to have a private word right in the middle of it, leaving everyone else to wait until they were done to be able to continue the meeting. The other two options mean that they just lost track of time being in each other's company and were late to either join the meeting that was just starting or re-join the meeting that was on pause. Either way, they were lost in each other. And I have to emphasize that we are not given even a hint of an explanation for this.
Also, some priming of the audience is going on in the background here:
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Priming the audience can be done e.g., by showing an image so quickly that the viewer doesn't even pay attention to it, does not consciously register having seen it, but because their mind still saw it, it will affect how they will interpret subsequent images, subsequent narrative devices. These two men in the background stand like lovers, turned toward each other with heads bent together. We're not meant to pay attention to them. But their presence does colour the way we interpret the scene.
And it's notable that Sheppard and McKay already had places they had chosen to sit, and they just happened to be across the room from one another. While they had a clear line of sight to each other, it was impossible to have any private conversation across that distance. So for some reason we are not explained, Sheppard and McKay both needed and wanted to have a moment to themselves. We don't know how long this moment was but it was nonetheless stolen, in the shadow of an on-going attack on their city, their home. But after everything, they certainly could have used even the briefest time to reconnect. Sheppard had just seen the wraith armada with his own eyes. McKay had just watched Ford try to choke the life out of Beckett. They were so frayed both individually and together that they certainly needed a respite.
And so, Sheppard and McKay return to their seats and the meeting can go on. There is not a lot of optimism to go around.
Caldwell: The Daedalus will be back in fighting form within the next twenty-four hours but I think the next engagement's gonna have the same result. Weir: Even if we were able to destroy these ships this instant, more would be here in a few days, and even more a few days after that. From where I'm standing, I just don't see how we can win this. McKay: Well, now we know how the Ancients must have felt.
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It is interesting that McKay says this just following their interlude on the balcony. Because yes, he is obviously referring to siege and how the Ancients must have felt when they were under attack that lasted for years, but he is referring specifically to how the Ancient felt, the feeling that he believes they had. McKay has the ATA gene, Sheppard carries the authentic gene, and we have been hinted that this comes with some kind of an ability to sense the other people with Ancient DNA. They feel each other. And with the gene therapy, McKay is also able to feel how the Ancients must have felt, especially around Sheppard. He is by far not the only one who gets this feeling around Sheppard, we see it happen time and again with people carrying Ancient DNA, but he is the one that spends the most time around Sheppard. We don't know what it feels like but there certainly seems to be an erotic component to it. He knows now how the Ancients must have felt in more ways than one. And currently, it is complicating things very much.
Continued in Pt. 9
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thatgoblin · 9 months
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Summary: You're at the end of your rope and things come to a head that end in near tragedy.
Warnings: Emotional abuse, near miscarriage, affairs, I will not apologize for putting Mike Baker from Rainbow 6 Siege into this. I do what I want.
“Mum, Dad, what are you doing here?” I asked, keeping my distance from the pair. Moira and Seán MacTavish were in their late 50s, but did their best not to look like it. Mum had her hair dyed a lighter blond as Dad had put black dye in his beard and hair. Johnny looked just like our dad too, dark hair, stormy blue/gray eyes, hell is Johnny had a full head of hair and a beard it would be hard to tell them apart. Mum looked just like Saorsie. Both had the same sandy blond that would glimmer like rays of sun on a warm day with hazel eyes that would swirl into more green some days.
I, however, looked very little like them. My hair didn’t shine like my Mum’s and sister’s or have the same depth of black that Johnny and my dad had and my eyes were dark, with no fleck of blue or green. I had some of my mom’s features, faintly the same nose, but very little in common with my Dad.
“Your brother let us know of your situation,” my Mum, said as she stepped forward to meet me and John with my Dad next to her. “We wanted to see if it was true and see if any help was needed.”
“You want to offer help?” I asked, scoffing at her. “After nearly a decade, after lying about me to the family and friends and anyone who would listen, after blaming me and making sure everyone knew you blamed me for Saorisie’s death, you want to offer help? Fuck off.”
“I knew she would be like this,” Dad said, shaking his head.
“You didn’t know shite,” I snapped. “You washed your hands of me years ago. You don’t get to come back into my life and act like you both are offering some saving grace as I flounder. I’ve been doing fine without you.”
“You got pregnant after getting drunk with a stranger,” Mum hissed. “You don’t have to like it, but we’re here to make sure you don’t ruin your life.”
“Well, I haven’t ruined my life. It’s honestly pretty good. I have friends and I have a partner and I’m having this baby without your help,” I said. “Now, you’ve done what you came here to do, so leave.”
“Do you really think you can raise a baby? That’s a commitment. You can’t go out and party when you want to or take the baby with you. What about when you go to work? Who’s going to watch the baby? Not the baby’s father,” she said.
“We’ll figure it out and it’s none of your business,” I snarled at her. She didn’t flinch though, keeping her stance. “I don’t like you, you don’t like me. Why are you here? What did Johnny say? That I’m drinking or doing drugs or trying to get money from John?”
“He didn’t exactly say that, but he did say that you were pregnant with his captain’s child,” Mum said with a small huff. “Don’t ruin this for him. He’s worked so hard to be where he is. Johnny doesn’t need you to come in and screw it up for him.”
“Oh fuck off,” I spat with a scowl.
“That’s what will happen because that’s what you always do. You ruin things.” I couldn’t answer, swallowing back any retort or else I’d burst into tears. Even after all these years, I was still crippled so easily by her words. “You know that I’m right.”
“Enough of this,” John growled. He had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole time, but when he pulled me by the arm, I noticed my Dad was standing further off to the side. When had he stepped away? “Bugger off, both of you,” he snarled as he walked us inside. His grip was tight, painfully so. I didn’t have time to tell him no or to stop before we were in my place.
“Okay, ow,” I huffed, jerking my arm away. “What was that?” I asked, rubbing my arm where he’d gripped it.
“Sorry, Love,” he said with a soft sigh. “I didn’t think your parents were that bad, but I was quickly proven wrong.”
“You didn’t believe me?” I asked, stepping back. “Are you fucking kidding me? After sticking up for me with Johnny and everyone else, but you didn’t believe me this whole time about my parents?”
“I didn’t say that,” John said, facing me. “I didn’t say that you were lying or that I didn’t believe you.”
“But you did. Just now. You thought I was lying to make my parents sound like monsters!” I cried, shaking my head. “Why would I lie about that!?”
“I don’t know!” John yelled, throwing his hands into the air. “I didn’t think it was as horrible as you made it because sometimes we think the horrible things that happened to us growing up seem much worse than they really were. When you said your parents favored your sister and brother over you, I thought it was because you didn’t have as many activities as them to go to or maybe because you were the youngest, you thought it wasn’t fair that Johnny got to leave so soon after school or your sister got the car instead of you because Johnny wasn’t there.”
“Oh my god,” I said, moving further away from him. My head was feeling hot and fuzzy as my chest began to tighten up. “You were humoring me this whole time and-God! I’m so stupid!”
“No, Love, please-”
“Get out,” I snarled. “Get out of my house! Get out of my life! I’m done! I’m fucking done, John! I have gone above and beyond for you! Letting you into my life because you’re the father of this baby, but you've changed so much of my life and keep trying to change more when I tell you to stop it. I am done being bowled over by people in my life. I was better off alone and I’ll be better off alone. You just bully and push till I give you what you want, saying you care about me, but really it’s just control.”
“Please, let’s just take a moment to calm down-”
“No! I’m not listening to you anymore! You’re not going to bully me into giving you what you want,” I said, pointing at the door.
John stood there, mouth open like he was trying to make words come out, but nothing happened. I stood my ground, keeping my finger pointed at the door. He took a deep breath before nodding. His heavy footsteps followed him out the door, leaving me in silence.
Just when things were seemingly working out, of course it all went to garbage.
‘You ruin everything.’
Johnny had kept to himself mostly after the screaming meltdown he’d had with his sister. He had tried to reason away everything their parents did, that maybe they did it to keep them all safe or were just tired of this out of control child. With a busted ankle, he had nothing but time to mull everything over and really process it. When he first ran into his estranged sister and saw she was obviously pregnant, he wanted to turn around and run. The thought of getting caught up in that drama and getting guilted into helping this poor single mum did not sit well with him.
Then it turned out that she and his Captain had had a fling and it was his baby. After years of listening to what their parents went through while trying to help her only to get spat on, Johnny was not going to let his Captain fall victim to her. It probably wasn’t even his.
Price swore it was and that they hadn't slept with anyone else, but he still didn’t know. Even when they nearly came to blows at his place, it took Simon pointing out the flaws in the lies he’d been fed to get through that maybe his parents were showing favoritism and there was something much deeper going on. Usually he could sniff out a bad situation, but it was his family and he trusted them. Simon didn’t have that luxury growing up and knew that people could be cold and cruel, no matter the kind and caring face they put forward for the world to see. It helped him grasp the possibility that his sister was telling the truth.
Johnny wasn’t ready to believe her 100%, but he wanted to talk to their parents first. He called them up a few days after seeing her again and talking about what had happened. From seeing her pregnant in the grocery store to it being his Captain that was the father. They had some problems with that, automatically calling her several choice words and agreeing that it either wasn’t Price’s baby or she had done it on purpose to get money out of him. There was no mention of them coming to visit, though.
He didn’t speak to them again till after he was screamed at. It was the tipping point in him beginning to believe his sister. When he brought up everything, they always had something to explain why they did what they did, but the more he pushed, the more they began to turn on him. They’re choices sounded insane and the reasoning was flimsy and were done not to combat an unruly child, but punishing someone for the sake of punishing them.
A story from school came to mind as he stewed. The story of the Whipping Boy. The Prince wouldn’t be punished, no matter how awful he was, so The Whipping Boy would take the punishment. No matter how terrible or if the Prince misbehaved on purpose, the Whipping Boy was the one to take every whipping or beating. That was his sister, but worse. Their parents didn’t wait for Saoirse or Johnny to mess up to take out their anger and frustration on their youngest child.
It was too late, though. Johnny had driven the final nail in the coffin of their relationship.
He sat on his sofa, picking his phone up, wanting to call or text his sibling, but dropping the phone each time. Johnny felt the need to fix things between them. He didn’t have any other siblings and neither did she, and with how their parents went about things, the two would be the only family they had left.
Until John came through the front door.
The man looked exhausted, his shoulders limp and stance bowed. His eyes were red and wet while his nose was irritated as he kept sniffling. What had happened?
“Cap?” Johnny said, moving to stand and limp over to the older man.
“I’m going to put this as simply as possible,” John said, his face hardening into a pointed snarl as he faced Johnny. “Do not talk to me. Do not ask me anything. Until I can keep myself from trying to strangle you, fuck off.” His voice was terse, deeper and more gravelly than usually.
“What?” Johnny said, hurt and confused about what was being said. Had his sister told Price he did something wrong?
“Your bloody parents showed up is what,” Price snapped. “I was making things work. We were going to be okay, but then your parents showed up and made sure it was fuckin’ flushed down the drain. Your dad, yeah? Your dad offered me money to leave your sister and my daughter to make sure you weren’t affected by our relationship.”
“I didn’t know they were going to come here and see her or you!” Johnny cried. “They didn’t say anything about it and I certainly didn’t call them to complain or tell them to do that! It’s not my fault our parents did that!”
“It is!” Price snarled. “It is your fault! You were told by me and by her that your parents were fuckin’ abusive and horrible, but you ignored it and ran to them the moment you could!”
“I’m sorry, okay! I thought she were lying! I thought she was trying to get you locked into a relationship for money!” Johnny yelled back.
“You were told by multiple people that your parents were lying! You were told! There was no reason to involve them and now I have to go to a lawyer so I can have rights to see my daughter because her mother doesn’t want anything to do with me!” Price yelled.
“How is that my fault!? How is that my parents fault!? Did you take the money!?” Johnny bellowed, knowing full well he was digging himself a hole as he kept arguing with his superior.
“I didn’t take the money,” Price said, suddenly deflating. “I. . . Told her I didn’t realize they were that bad. She took it as that I didn’t believe her and now she’s kicked me out of her life and the baby’s.” The men were quiet as they stood there. Johnny had thought he’d lost his sister for just a bit, not permanently. With the new development, it looked like he may not have a chance to fix things.
“Oh,” Johnny said softly. He didn’t know what else to say. Johnny did feel bad for Price, but he didn’t have guilt. It needed to be there, but he just didn’t have it.
“Just give me some space, you muppet,” John said softly, inhaling sharply through his nose. “It may not be your fault completely, but you had a hand in it. We’ve got time before our next mission and I need to not go into it with a clouded head.” At the end of the day, no matter how much chaos was happening in his personal life, he needed to not let it into his job. If that meant avoiding Johnny for a few days, so be it.
Johnny wasn’t sure what to do to help anyone, but he knew someone who would. Making a quick call and finding they were in town, he was glad to catch them.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. All that I could do was sit on my couch and sob. I was overwhelmed with so much anger and fear and sadness. Jesse would have been there in a heartbeat, but I needed to do this alone. This new direction meant I would be on my own with a baby and as much as I was used to doing things myself, I had to accept that not even Jesse could be around when I needed someone. He had his own life and his own problems and joys and events that I couldn’t bear to take from him.
Stress pains began to make me nauseous as I rubbed my belly. It was becoming too much and I couldn’t stop crying. John had left an hour ago already, but it was more like he’d died with how I was reacting. Was I grieving? Maybe. My whole life felt like it was spent grieving for something. My acceptance of my parents not loving me, my brother leaving me, my sister dying, the loss of who I could be if my family wasn’t shite. . . I was cursed. It had to be that. That was the only way that these things could be happening.
By the time night fell, I was able to gather myself enough to practice deep breathing as I kept rubbing over my belly while I laid on my couch. There was still pain, not as bad, but it wasn’t coming and going, just staying. It was starting to get concerning, to the point I was about to call for an ambulance as there was a knock on the door. Continuing to focus on my breathing as I worked to stand up, I was overcome with a sharp pain in my stomach that brought me to my knees with a wail.
“No, no, no, no,” I muttered as I held my belly with one hand and the other held me up as best I could.
“Ducky!” A familiar gruff voice called from the front.
“Mike!” I cried. “Mike, I need you!”
The one who had come through when I was alone and in need, it was always Mike to shuffle along and find me. He was my cousin on my Dad’s side and always kept his distance till he was truly needed.
The front door nearly came off its hinges when he came in, ready to fight anyone and anything he had to to get to me. He barrelled into the living room to kneel next to me.
“I’m here. I’ve got you, Ducks,” he said, helping me stand to pick me up. “We’re going to the hospital.”
“My wallet is by the front door,” I said before a sharp pain came over me again. “Shite!” Mike got me into his truck before running back in. He took a minute to come back, but he had grabbed my pack and was coming back out while stuffing it with my purse while holding a pair of shoes for me to slip on. He handed me my things before rushing around to his side. Once he was in the truck, he took off.
“Keep breathing, Ducks. I know it hurts, but keep breathing,” he said. The man had been a part of SAS for as long as I had been alive, to see him flustered even the slightest was unsettling. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white as he sped to the hospital. I could only nod and continue to breathe.
Screeching to a halt in front of the emergency entrance, Mike was out and yelling for help as he ran around to my side to pick me up from the truck. He blew past the nurses that were rushing out to meet us with a wheelchair and straight into the emergency center. It took two words of ‘pregnancy’ and ‘pain’ to be taken back to a room. I was put into a gown and had an ultrasound pushed into the room so fast I swore that I saw a dust trail behind it. Through the exams and monitoring, Mike held my hand as I was terrified I had lost the baby. If I had, I knew. . . I just knew I would not survive it.
“Want me to call anyone?” Mike asked softly as the nurse reported to the doctor.
“I don’t know. I’m not-” I choked on the words, trying to calm down, but it was feeling impossible. “I’m not talking to anyone right now.”
“No one?” Miked asked, receiving a nod.
“Mum and Dad came by and as usual, I was treated like shit and the baby’s father was with me. So of course he gets caught up in it and suddenly we’re fighting because he never did believe me about how shite my parents are,” I said, rubbing my belly with my free hand.
“Your Mum and Dad are here? They came all the way here to just give you shit?” He asked, sighing heavily.
“Mostly to reprimand me for possibly fucking up Johnny’s military career. His captain is the father,” I said. “It was a drunk one time thing, we’ve been trying to work it out, but Johnny decided he needed to meddle and now Mum and Dad showed up to make sure I hadn’t ruined something else.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Mike groaned. “This is bullshit. Even after all these years, they still find a way to be fuckin’ knobs. I’m so sorry this happened, Ducky.”
“It’s not your fault,” I said. “It’s no one’s fault, it just happened.”
“I know, but I’m still sorry. I should have come sooner,” he said. “Maybe you wouldn’t feel so awful now.”
“How did you know to come by?” I asked, but the doctor came in before he could answer.
He was quick and to the point, I needed to go on bedrest for the next few weeks. My blood pressure had been so low before and now it was sky high, giving me braxton hicks contractions. The baby was fine and would be okay, but it all boiled down to me needing to get as much water as possible (something they always told me) as well as keeping my stress levels as low as possible.
Well, I would have to figure out work again and I am pretty sure they’ll just let me go or put me on maternity leave early. As for needing to lower my stress level, I had been forced to take on so much so quickly that I wasn't sure if I could do anything about it.
I would be kept overnight at least, meaning I would be given some time to get things arranged. At least Mike was there.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to call someone?” Mike asked.
“I don’t know,” I said, rubbing my face. “I basically broke up with John and kicked him out, so I don’t think he’d even want to be here.”
“John? And he’s a captain? You shacked up with John Price?” Mike asked, chuckling.
“Not helping, Mike,” I sighed. “How do you know John?”
“Ducky, I was his CO for his first year in SAS,” Mike said. “I know him. I’m surprised he’s not here trying to sneak in.”
“That’s a big part of our problems, actually. We were going to talk about him bullying me into what he thinks is best for me rather than asking what I want,” I said. “He just came back from a mission and we found out the gender of the baby when my parents were waiting for us at my place. Which, I don’t know how they found it. I haven’t seen or spoken to them in almost a decade. Johnny probably said something,” I said. “That’s the only explanation.”
“Well, despite him having a bit of a runner for a mouth, he did give me a call to come by and see you,” Mike said. “He told me a bit about the row you two had and how you put him in his place, as well as that you and the father were on the outs. Not too much detail, but enough that I came by as soon as I could. I’m on leave for a bit and, if you need me to, I can make it longer.”
“You don’t have to-”
“My Duck,” he said, gently stopping him. “You have no one, according to you, so please let me help you. It’s the least I could do to help make up for not being here sooner.” I was quiet, nodding as I squeezed his bear claw of a hand.
“Why can’t my parents be like you?” I asked softly, looking up at him with watery eyes.
“I wish I had the answers for you, I truly do,” he said. We fell into a comfortable quiet, letting me drift off to sleep for a bit.
What woke me up was the sound of arguing outside my room. I couldn’t see anyone, but I was able to pick out a few voices. Mike was there with Johnny as John’s voice piped in to cut off a very angry Scottish man’s voice. Oh.
“Enough of this shite,” Mike snarled, coming back into the room. “I’m telling her. I’m done letting you control this narrative. I couldn’t be there when she needed me the most when she was younger, but I’m here now and she needs to know the truth.”
“Don’t you fucking dare!” My mum shrieked as she followed Mike closely with my dad, Johnny, John, and a few nurses trying to break the whole group up.
“Ducky,” Mike said, his voice quieting down as he turned to me. “I am so sorry and I want you to understand that I couldn’t be what you needed me to be when you were younger. That was probably when you needed me the most.”
“Mike Baker, shut your fuckin’ mouth!” My dad bellowed.
“Out!” A nurse yelled, while security filed into the room. “Everyone out!”
“Please, let me explain,” Mike said.
“Mike can stay,” I said as the others were forced out. “He can stay.” Johnny helped drag our dad out as well as our mum. Once everyone was gone and the yelling had stopped, Mike let out a tired groan as he took a seat next to my hospital bed. “So, why are you sorry?” I asked, groggy and confused by the sudden appearance of everyone.
“That I wasn’t a better father,” Mike said, going right to the issue. He never was one to dance around the subject. “Specifically to you.” It took a few moments for me to understand as I was still groggy, but when it did this sense of understanding and acceptance washed over me. It made everything click into place, giving me proper balance for the first time.
“You’re my father?” I said slowly. “So, who’s my mum?”
“Moira. She’s your mum,” Mike said with a sigh as he sat down. “Seán and her were having a rough patch after Saoirse was born. It lasted a few years and got to the point that she left everyone for me for a while. She didn’t know she was pregnant till after a few weeks of deciding she didn’t want me after all.”
“That was the same time that you and your ex-wife, Laurie, split up,” I said, putting the puzzle pieces together. He nodded and sighed. “So Mum and. . . Seán, they knew the whole time?”
“Yeah. From the moment she found out she was pregnant, she knew you were mine,” he said.
“And you weren’t around because of your job?”
“Mostly, but also because I didn’t want to make things rough for you. Neither of your parents were happy that I was your father and made sure that I knew they would never let me forget it. It wasn’t until your sister’s death that I was able to see what was going on. I was always away or busy with my own life, add in your parents threatening me if I told you. . .”
“So, it’s all my parents fault,” I said with a nod. “Not this thing, but in general. I’m gonna blame my parents for it. It always goes back to them. Even if I wasn’t an affair babe, they would have treated me differently still.”
“I still take part of the blame for you having the life you did,” Mike said.
“Don’t. You did what you could and they could have chosen any route to take and they took one of the worst ones,” I said. “Thank you for telling me now though. I’m really tired of people hiding things.”
“You’re welcome, Ducky,” Mike said, giving my hand a squeeze. “Your Jo is outside whenever you’re ready to talk to him.”
“I’m assuming you called him and Johnny and Johnny called our parents,” I said, slowly blinking as I looked at him. Despite the commotion and the news, I was still so tired from being given a small dose of melatonin to calm down and relax. It was one of the few things I could have that would help with my stress other than people leaving me alone.
“I called Johnny, but he told John. The boy called your parents to yell at them and everyone showed up at once,” he said, shaking his head.
“That sounds about right,” I said. “I don’t have the energy to deal with them, but tomorrow I’ll pick one to talk to. Right now it’s resting time.” Mike snickered, nodding. Going back to sleep, I didn’t think about what I was going to say or do till the next morning came with John sitting outside with my favorite breakfast food and flowers and, the thing that told me he was really thinking of me, a set of bracelets made of rose quartz.
Mike looked to me for approval before letting him in.
John looked like a kicked and drowned puppy with how he stood there in the doorway, holding out the food.
“Actions are louder than words and. . . This is very much shouting how sorry you are,” I said. “You can come in and we can talk.”
I could feel the relief as he let out a huge sigh before coming over to hand me the food. After sleeping and having some breakfast, my head was much clearer and not as frazzled or full of rage. “I’m sorry that I screamed at you last night and said we were done,” I said, reaching out for his hand. “I was really hurt by what you had said, but I should not have reacted that way. At most I should have asked for a night off.”
“No, you were in the right,” John said, taking my hand with both of his. “You were stressed and we hadn’t had a chance to talk about us before getting jumped by your parents. I should have kept my mouth shut and let you decompress.”
“Both of us were in a spot and needed to talk about us. It can’t be just one side who’s wrong,” I said. “I think we should go to counseling so we can make this work. The baby needs us to be better than this.”
“Absolutely,” John said, nodding. “Whatever it takes to get us to the good, I’ll do it.”
“Same here,” I said, smiling. Pulling him over to me, I gave him a kiss and a tight hug, before putting his hand to my belly as the baby began to move around. She had started to do that after I ate more and more, which helped with timing as he stared wide eyed in wonder.
“She’s really in there,” he said with a soft chuckle, getting teary eyed. “I know you’re pregnant and never doubted it, but it’s just so different feeling her kick around. It makes it so much more real.”
“I know. I thought it was indigestion at first,” I said, smiling as I stared at his hand on my belly. His calloused and work worn hands were such a stark contrast with my baby blue hospital gown, but it was good. We were two different people coming together when this mish mash of us was created. “Now she’s doing happy dances whenever I eat. She’s a lot like her mummy, happy for food.”
“Well you’re not the only one who likes a good meal,” John chuckled, leaning in to kiss my head. We chit chatted a bit more, getting settled back into our usual rhythm that helped solidify our relationship.
A knock at the door made us go silent. The door opened to show Johnny hanging his head very much in the same way John had. So many mixed feelings shot through me and I wasn’t ready to talk to him.
“I just wanted to stop by and. . .” He trailed off as he looked up at us. “Um, can we talk?”
“Johnny. . . I can’t. Not now,” I said, actively working to keep myself from letting my anger shoot up with my blood pressure. “I don’t know what you want to say, but I can’t. There is too much stress and with you calling our parents? Please just go. If I want to talk in the future, I will come to you.”
It was easy to see his heart break, but he stayed quiet. Johnny nodded, taking a deep breath before leaving.
“You want me to talk to him, don’t you?” I said, looking over at John.
“I don’t want you to do anything unless you want to. This is between you and him,” he said. “If you want to talk to him, I’ll support you. If you never want to see him again, I can do my best as I work with him.”
Shit, that’s right.
“I think some counseling first would be good before I attempt anything,” I said. “You working with him changes things and with what you do, I don’t want our issues spilling over into your work. I need you and the baby needs you. There’s no way that I can risk losing you.”
“I need you, too,” he said, kissing my cheek. “So, I can let him know that things between the two of you will be paused and if anything, encourage him to go to counseling as well. God knows our entire group needs it.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” I said with a nod. “In the mean time, we need to pick your place or mine to live in so we can have a nursery to get ready.”
“Didn’t think that you liked my place,” he said with a snort.
“Eh, it’s not a matter of not liking your place, it’s a matter of comfort. Not having a backup plan makes me nervous,” I said.
“Understood. Let’s get you home first then spin a wheel to decide, hmm?”
“I will spin your wheel, ye daft ninny,” I groaned, rolling my eyes while John snickered. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too, Love.”
One Night Stand Masterlist
COD Masterlist
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @sadslasher13 @0alk0msan @xaestheticalien
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ilovechubbieguys · 27 days
hiii omg just found your account, so happy to see more tgc fanfiction ((ive read every single one of them at this point 😭)) soo could i request some nick/yumi fluff or smut? thank yououou 🦭
Omg same man i made this because i read them all so i might as well make my own lmao! Very happy to do one for yumi and nick!! (First smut sorry if its a little off lol) 🦭
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Nick & yumi fluff/smut hcn!
-smut and fluff for each, gn! Reader. Use of f! Body parts. White=fluff red=smut
♧- love language is definitely quality time ex: just sitting and watching tv or going to the mall
♧- baby, love, and babe user for sure
♧- loves loves loves to hold your hand and in the car when he drives (which is almost always) he always has a hand on your thigh
♧- so sweet and caring. Very good listener and always listens to you rant about your day or any thing that ever slightly upset you
♧- if your a hyoer person he keeps you from doing dumb crap that youll regret later
♧- if your a calm person theres alot of cuddling he always wants to be big spoon
♧- about 5 months into your relationship he made a song for you and it was the cutest thing ever
♧- i feel like if your on a late night drive with him on an empty road he likes to speed just for the fun of it
♧- rolls down the windows and lets you stick your hand out while he speeds down an empty highway
♧- 6in and gurthy
♧- totally a service dom "i know baby" "your taking me so good baby"
♧- some days its slow "i missed you so much" thrusts with kisses all over your body
♧- other days its fast and rough "ive needed this all day" thrusts with hickeys and bite marks all over
♧- hes normally pretty soft and slow but if you decide to be a tease that day hes now holding back "fuck.. you just couldnt fuckin..wait could you..huh?"
♧- doggy style because he loves to see you bent over for him
♧- and missionary because he loves to be able to see your face and have access to every inch of you
♧- he secretly loves when you sneak under his desk while hes playing siege or cod and help him out
♧- " yumi i got a guy on m-me.." "you good man?" "Ya im good sorry i think i gonna get off i dont feel the best" "alr man get better"
♧- prepare to not be able to walk for alteast 2 weeks for that
♤- late night smoke sessions are a common thing. You guys just talk about everything and anything or you enjog echother presence in silence
♤- Dance was made about you 😧
♤- babe kinda guy change my mind, baby when hes tired or comforting you
♤- loves sleeping in with you, when you try and either get up or get him up he pulls you back in "5 more minutes.."
♤- 5 minutes normally turms into atleast another hour
♤- convinced you to join LTLVC to motivate him to stay in or incase another pc incident happened
♤- loves when you watch him play video games or making a video
♤- his favorite thing is when you lay on his chest while he scrolls threw tiktok or insta
♤- if you guys where together when he made Lost he would always want you with him at the recording studio
♤- constantly asking what you thought
♤- they type of guy to always have his arm around your waist. Especially likes to come behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek
♤- 7 in and curved
♤- pretty vanilla guy, but for a little lets pretend he's not as vanilla as he is 😮‍💨(still love you, man)
♤- riding and spooning are his fav positions for sure
♤- not very vocal, but a lot of grunting
♤- giving and receiving head is godly to him
♤- "fuck.." "god." "Your so fucking pretty"
♤- high sex goes crazy with him. He's still smoking a blunt while you ride him every now and then, taking a hit yourself
♤- holds you pretty rough if you're riding him, normally rutting his own hips into you, especially if you're close
♤- eats you out till your heavy breathing, tears are running down your face, you can't form real sentences, till your legs are shaking
♤- oh u need him now? Ur alreadt bent over the nearest counter, in the car? Why not. In the shower? Done. At the mall? Family bathroom it is.
♤- uses the fact hes alot bigger then you to him advantage, manhandling, and holding your hands down
For my first smut, i think it's ok lmao. Lmk what yall, though, what i should improve and change. Thanks for requesting! :3
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