#siding with new yevon
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quickpockets · 2 years ago
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mishyoona · 2 years ago
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nerianasims · 2 months ago
The FFX/FFX-2 bundle happens to be on sale on Steam for more than half off, so I spent some Christmas money on it and gonna play it now. Well, once it's installed. I'm not going to play FFX again (which I've finished I think 3 times) first. I'm going to play FFX-2 and FINISH IT. I have not finished it even once because, as much fun as I find it, I kept getting sidetracked trying to get perfect the first time, which means I have put enough hours in it to finish it like 5 times without actually doing so. I blame ADHD. I will instead set my sights on getting to 100% with a combined playthrough.
It's easiest to do this if you side with New Yevon in one of the playthroughs but. I don't think I can do that. We'll see.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 7 months ago
Summary: What if the option to get "Star Player" on your blitzball team in Final Fantasy X-2 was actually one of the endings you could get in the game? This fanfic explores that idea.
"What's all this commotion about someone who joined my blitzball team without my knowledge?" Yuna huffed, with her hands on her hips. She was looking at both Rikku and Paine as she said this, but deep down she thought that if either girl had made this decision without her (if they hadn't made it together), it would be Rikku since she was more mischievous.
But surprisingly, it was Paine who spoke up. " We both decided this, Yuna. And I really think you should give 'Star Player' a chance. We really have a chance to make it to the championship next season with him by our side."
"St-Star Player?" Yuna stammered, before falling onto the bench in the stadium locker room she'd been leaning against. It couldn't be, could it?
The fayth, just over a few weeks ago, had told Yuna they'd do everything they could to bring Tidus back after she'd stopped Shuyin and Vegnagun, but that they couldn't promise anything.
However, even after hearing that they were uncertain in their abilities to resurrect the dream of the fayth, Yuna had flown back to Besaid in the Celsius feeling hopeful that Tidus would somehow be waiting at home for her when she returned. Their journey had started their, after all, and they had had some nice memories there… so had it been wrong to dream? And maybe even beg the fates that Tidus could see it as some sort of home himself?
But alas, when Yuna had arrived back on the island, there had only been Lulu, Wakka, and baby Vidina to greet her—who she’d been more than happy to see—and as more and more days passed, she’d tried to put her talk with the fayth of Bahamut behind her… but this very well could have been something! Because as confident as Spira was becoming without the chains of Yevon holding them down, she still could really only imagine one person calling themselves “Star Player.”
“Is he in the sphere pool now?!” Yuna demanded of her best friends, grinning so widely she was sure she looked like Leblanc whenever she got attention from her Noojie-Woojie. A comparison Yuna hated thinking about, but one she would still gladly deal with if what she was thinking was true.
“Maybe, Yunie?” Riku ventured, sharing a look with Paine. “I’m not actually sure. Buddy was the first person to see him. And we signed him after we heard all of his impressive stats from him, but-”
Without wasting a second more, Yuna rushed towards the entrance to the sphere pool to see if this mysterious “Star Player” or any of her teammates were training in there. But she was fresh out of luck. And Yuna hung her head for the opportunity lost.
But this time, she didn’t lose hope.
Because if a “Star Player” had really joined their team, she’d have ample time to see him, right?
That theory of Yuna’s was proven false when days had gone by, and Yuna had yet to meet this “Star Player—or learn his name—despite trying to catch him at the sphere pool or talk to someone who knew him.
Seeming to sense her discomfort, while Yuna sat by the pool dejected at the end of the day, Rikku explained, "he has a pretty erratic training schedule, Yunie."
“One where he doesn’t train with us, but by himself?” Yuna questioned, knowing that she was close to whining, but not being able to help herself. She wouldn’t have been like this if the fayth hadn’t said that they might be able to bring Tidus back… but they had. And now she was living in the world of questions, it seemed.
“I think he might be shy?” Riku tried. “I mean, you know what it’s like meeting a large group of people for the first time. Give it some time, Yuna. I’m sure you’ll run into him eventually.”
Yuna’s response to that was to blow her bangs out of her face, exasperated. “Your advice is… disaster-iffic, Rikku. But I suppose we have nothing but time, now that Sin and Vegnagun are gone. So alright, I’ll bite.”
Even if she wasn’t happy about it, she would.
Yuna told herself to stop thinking about who may or may not have been Tidus somewhere around Luca (who might have been trying to surprise her? With Rikku and Paine’s help?), and to instead practice playing blitzball herself. Everything that had gone down with Vegnagun had kept her out of the water for too long, she thought. And if she wasn’t careful, she might be back to only her two minutes and forty-one seconds again.
Yuna started with practicing the butterfly and backstroke—as it was no use working on blitz moves if she wasn’t warmed up with the basics down, right?—and she was just starting to attempt her luck with a Venom Shot when she saw someone in the pool with her out of the corner of her eye.
And was it her… or did they almost seemed to be dressed to blend in with it, as they sported a black hoot that seemed rather familiar and a blue suit? But what was even more amazing than all of that, was that they seemed to be in the middle of doing the Jecht Shot!
Swimming towards the other side of the pool as fast as she was able to now, Yuna tried to reach this “stranger” before they disappeared entirely again, even as both of them moved to get out of the pool. And she saw a few strands of blond hair poking from their hood, as they disappeared beyond the corner and then slipped into the boy's locker room.
…Was it enough to hope? Yuna was definitely thinking so, even if it definitely seemed like fate was playing a peculiar game with her.
"Yunie… I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I think that blitzer might be done for the season," Rikku told the Gullwing a few days later, as she took both of her hands in her own.
"Wh-What do you mean?" Yuna protested, stepping away from Rikku as she did so. And yes, even ripping her hands out of her cousin’s grasp as probably would happen in some drama, Yuna supposed, but she didn't do remove her hands from Rikku’s own violently. And she only did so because she'd stumbled back in shock (And could one blame her? A voice said in the back of her mind. The fayth's words to her now almost felt like a slap in the face. And the whole situation was really and truly bizarre). "What kind of blitzball player, with that kind of talent, practices a few times—and just practices, not even plays—and then just disappears?!"
"You have to remember that the season is over, Yuna," Paine told her gently, patting the seat on the bench beside her for Yuna to come sit down. And as Yuna sat down beside her, she had a flashback to when Paine had before warned others not to get her hopes up about Tidus. Could this really be that situation again? "Maybe the blitzer was just having some fun, and…"
"I… guess," Yuna said, finally doubting herself. Maybe the person she had caught a glimpse of had looked more like Shuyin than Tidus. But then again, hadn’t Tidus been based off of Shuyin? That was how Yuna thought she understood things, anyway…
Oh, screw it! She didn't care what anyone said! Deep down, she knew that the blitzball player that she’d seen had been Tidus! She did! She knew it, just like she knew that she had loved shoopufs more than anything when she was a child!
“And speaking of it being an off-time for blitzball… Paine and I were talking—the whole team, really—and we think we could take a break from it until the season starts. Oh, don’t look at me like that, Yunie!
“Don’t you want to see Wakka, Lulu more and the baby more? They were so thrilled to see you! And you seemed so happy to see them! Paine’s thinking of getting the Crimson Squad back together, and Pops says there’s something he just has to show me back Home. The point is we have a lot to do for a ‘summer vacation’ of sorts before we really get blitzing again, y’know?”
“And you feel the same way, Paine?” Yuna dared ask her more strait-laced friend, fighting back tears. She didn’t know why she was: as Rikku had said, it seemed the whole team had decided this, but there was a part of her that was hoping that if some of this was Rikku just flying off the rails here, Paine would tell her so.
But instead, Paine looked at her with pained eyes—and maybe something else there—and said, “I do.”
And so, Yuna did what she’d once done for so many years and practiced smiling even though she was feeling sad. “I understand you two. And thank you. For everything. But you’re right… it really is supposed to be summer vacation now. Go live your lives and know that we’ll get the championship next season!”
After the girls hugged and did one last fist pump for the Gullwings, they left Yuna alone.
And Yuna?
Yuna found herself walking into Luca stadium one last time, with her hands laced together behind her back.
It was then that she saw something—or rather someone—who took her breath away: they were sitting in a stand a hare's breadth away from her, looking as pensive as she felt: with dyed blond hair hiding their black roots, a yellow jumpsuit with pants that were cut to different lengths, and evergreen gloves that she had once thought the Calm Lands' grass might have been colored similarly to before she saw said grass herself, and realized it was slightly lighter than his gloves.
‘But it can't be him’, Yuna told herself. The fayth weren't even sure they could bring him back, right? And if it was… wouldn't Rikku and Paine have told me? Or Tidus have come to me right away?
The moment he looked at her with the kindest cerulean eyes she had been dreaming about for two years, Yuna knew straight away who she was looking at. And she fainted dead away, as she heard a curse and arms circled around her.
When Yuna came to, she didn’t remember what would happen. But she knew right away where she was: a mostly abandoned locker room in Luca, that had been created when they thought that the water in the sphere tank was going to be real and not a simulation. Thus, there was all kinds of medical equipment in here. Why, oh, why would she be in this room? She hadn’t been when she’d fallen unconscious. And Yuna presumed she must have fallen unconscious to be in here now, so how-
Suddenly, he was in her sights, and it all came back to her. And the first words that came out of her mouth upon seeing him were not the words she thought she’d say if she ever saw him again at all.
"Tidus, you jerk!" Yuna exclaimed, tears of joy and anger streaming down her face as she spoke. "How could you not tell me you were back?! Do you have any idea what this was like for me? What I-
And here, Tidus scratched the back of his head, embarrassed, a trait that Yuna had so missed seeing, before he tried to explain himself. “I’m so sorry, Yuna. And I really owe you an explanation for everything, huh?”
Yuna’s answer to that was a simple raise of her eyebrow as Tidus came to sit down beside her on the cot, and took off a cuff that had been on her arm. Huh. She hadn’t even realized it was there. (1)
"I wanted my being back to be a nice surprise for you, y’know! And my first thought was through blitzball! Since we talked about my past in Zanarkand a lot, and water has meaning for us.”
Hearing those words, Yuna blushed, definitely catching the meaning of that. “I also kept an eye on you in the Farplane and knew you’d become such a great blitzball player yourself! So, I planned with Rikku and Paine to surprise you on the field.
“But I guess from the beginning I ended up thinking it was a pretty dumb idea, because two of the times I meant to do it, I ended up chickening out… Then, the time you did end up seeing me, was pure dumb luck—where I’d been out there swimming for myself—and then you came out. And I didn’t have a moment planned, so I ran. Then today, I was sitting in the stadium in Luca wondering what to do, when you came out again and saw me—uhh, fainted—and here we are.”
Well, that certainly explained everything, Yuna thought, almost amused now. And it was good to know that Rikku and Paine (and Buddy, presumably) had been following his lead, wherever it led. So they weren’t done with YRP, like she had begun to fear, Yuna told herself. But surely they had been waiting for wherever his “surprise” would lead next when he figured it out.
And speaking of his surprise… really, Tidus was so sweet. The thought he'd put into wanting their reunion into meaningful really had been thoughtful… and Yuna could almost feel herself falling in love with him again for it as she gazed at him now. Like when she'd looked at Tidus when they'd talked about the weather years ago, and then laughed at that cliché, and she knew despite everything… something was starting there.
But at the same time… "Tidus… while I appreciate what you were trying to do, please don't ever make me wait to see you ever again! Especially when I- I lost you like I did. Being without you, it- it hurt so much. And given the choice of miraculously being reunited with you as soon as possible, or holding off on seeing you again for you to put on some show… well, wouldn't you choose the former if you were in my shoes?"
At that, he winced. And though Yuna hated to see it, she knew that it was necessary and hopefully imparting on him just what she’d been through these last few days through his unintentional game. Because, after all, while he’d been in the Farplane these last two years, she’d been here in Spira living her life, and often times it had been painful.
“Yuna, again, I’m so sorr-”
But the sphere hunter cut him off with a kiss on the cheek before he could berate himself too badly.
"I forgive you, Tidus. I understand how it all got out of hand. But you would think that when we finally earned our happy ending, things would go right!" the high Summoner exclaimed as she threw her hands up into the air.
Tidus poked Yuna in the stomach once then, and she couldn't help but laugh. "I don't really know if you want things to be perfect, Yuna. Things might be too boring that way." And the blitzball player feigned a yawn at the end of that sentence that would have had the nineteen-year-old seeing red, if she hadn't known it was fake.
"You take that back!" Yuna poked Tidus now, but with much more vigor. "There's a difference between 'boring,' and me thinking the fayth failed in bringing you back… As well as your 'perfect reunion' for us going so left field, that we're in an abandoned locker room of Luca stadium's, y'know!"
And at that, Tidus chortled: one that was akin to the one she had heard after they had tried to fake laugh two years ago. Yuna tried to be angry at this, and to turn her face away from the love of her life in a huff, but in the end, she could not. It was something she had ended up longing for more than she ever had for an eternal calm.
"How about this, Yuna?" Tidus sobered up, wearing the most beautiful smile she had ever seen a human being wear. "How about we just promise to have a good life together?"
And while Yuna would have loved to banter with him more, a part of her definitely thought he deserved that, those words—the idea of that kind of future—was all she’d ever dreamed of. So, what could she possibly say, but? “Oh, Tidus, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. Of course!” And this time she drew him in for a kiss.
And while Yuna hadn’t been the one trying to plan a surprise here, after she was done kissing Tidus silly and she saw his stunned reaction, she definitely thought it had been a surprise worth waiting for.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve seen enough of Luca’s locker rooms for a while,” Yuna said, offering Tidus her hand and helping him up. “Want to go home and see Wakka and Lulu?”
“I’d say my home is wherever you are, Yuna. And if that’s where you are, I’m all in.”
“All in…” Yuna echoed, so happy she could barely even say the words for how much she was smiling.
Tidus kissed her on the cheek now, and hand-in-hand, the two of them left Luca stadium. Together.
Author’s Note: (1) I had the idea that after Yuna passed out, Tidus was trying to check Yuna’s vitals with machina he didn’t even really know how to use. LOL. But the idea sort of disappeared in the story. Oh well.
Speaking of, for this fic, I decided to do something that I’ve seen at least one other FFX author do (maybe a few others), where Zanarkand actually used real water to play blitzball in, but the water is a simulation in Spira (and that’s one of the few ways where Spira was actually more advanced than Zanarkand)—if anyone was confused by Yuna’s one line about the water in the Luca field being a simulation.
I’ve had this story idea ever since I beat Final Fantasy X-2… which was, like, seventeen-eighteen years ago. O_o And even though I always did, I never really set out to try and write it until now. But I’m so glad that I finally have, because it was a fun idea that turned out rather well, I’d say.
This is for my bestie friend’s birthday. And I hope she’s having a great one!:D
Thanks for reading!
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p-artsypants · 7 months ago
I Do....I Guess? (13) Sanubia Desert Part 2
Ao3 | FF.net
Rikku dragged her feet as she followed her father. “Vadran, what is happening? First I’m on drinks, then I’m on dress duty, now what?” 
“You’re still on dress duty. This is part of it.” 
She rolled her eyes and obediently followed him to his room. 
Cid’s bedroom was less of a place to rest and more of an office or workshop. Sure, there was a bed, under a pile of clothes and papers, but every other surface in the room was covered in greasy metal scraps and tools. 
“Ew Pops! Do you ever clean?” 
“Not when there’s work to do!” 
“You get on my butt for not having a clean room!” 
“That’s ‘cause I don’t wantcha to end up like me! You can’t bring a potential spouse into a room like this!” 
Rikku gagged. “Spouse? Yeah right.” 
“You don’t like Gippal?” 
“I like him plenty! But not enough to live with him!” 
Cid scoffed. “Alright, guess ya got too much independence in ya yet. Maybe ya won’t appreciate this after all.” 
Cid went to the corner of the room where a book shelf stood, half buried in debris. He stood on his toes and reached over the very top and grabbed a thin tin box. 
“Now, y’know your old man isn’t all that sentimental, right?” 
She shrugged. He had his moments. 
“Well, this is one of them family heirlooms. It was your aunt’s, and I got it not long after…after she passed away.” 
Rikku grew serious when she heard the sorrow in her father’s voice. He didn’t talk about his sister much, as he had a lot of regrets, and she knew that. 
“Here, open it up.” 
Two clasps held the box shut. Inside, there was faded tissue paper, and when that was peeled back, there was just a piece of very thin, fine white cloth. 
A veil. 
“Oh,” Rikku breathed. 
“Yeah. Y’know, because of Sin, your mother and I never got married. We made informal vows and promised to have a huge shin-dig once there was a Calm. She said she’d wear this veil when that happened, but…the accident happened before Braska even finished his pilgrimage.” 
Rikku felt tears pooling in her eyes. 
“So back on the shelf it went. I decided to save it for either you or Yuna. Whoever got married first.” 
Rikku sniffed. “You better take good care of it after tomorrow, because I’m certainly gonna wanna use it too!” 
He smiled. “Really? When?” 
“That doesn’t matter! Just keep it safe!!” 
“Okay okay!” 
And back to Luca. It’s where Auron had waited to unite with Tidus after they were spirited away from Zanarkand. Back then, people recognized him immediately and he had no need to pay for a room, or anything, really. Even when he tried, the locals seemed insulted that he wouldn’t accept their generosity. 
This time, he definitely couldn’t afford to be spotted by anyone. He also needed to get away from the Al-Bhed as soon as possible so that no one suspected Yuna was with them. 
He’d feel awful if Home’s location was revealed because of them. 
Auron had been an Unsent for ten years. He was used to it. There were very few pros to this state, but one of them was using the Pyreflies that made up his form to change his appearance. He had used this to make sure he looked the appropriate age, and little else. 
But for a little while, he might be able to drastically change his appearance to somebody less impressive. 
Getting captured by Yevon while making a booze run would be beyond embarrassing, and if Braska ever found out, there would be an eternity of humiliation on the Farplane. 
Without a word, Auron disembarked from the Al-Bhed ship and disappeared behind a stack of crates. A stranger appeared on the other side. Tan, slightly chubby, blonde, and as average of a face one could imagine. 
There were a fair few things in Auron’s life that he wasn’t proud of. A few things in death as well, but most of his sordid history came from the period between being excommunicated from Yevon and joining Braska. A solid two years of trying to build a new life when everyone you knew before wasn’t allowed to speak to you. 
He found a lot of solace in bars. Drinking wasn’t against Yevon, but the most devout Yevonite would never be caught dead in bars. 
So, the average looking stranger made his way across Luca to the bar in the square. As he traveled, he saw many more Yevon guards patrolling, and even harassing pedestrians in the streets. 
Then he saw on one of the jumbo screens that normally projected the Blitzball games, there was a cycle running of their faces. All candid photos taken throughout the journey. And on top of the image was the warning: 
Wanted by Yevon for attempting to kill a Maester
Though disturbed by the impact these signs would have, what was more alarming was the use of the word ‘attempting’. Seymour was definitely killed in the collapse of the temple. The boulder that fell destroyed his Aeon. There was no way he survived. 
But he himself had died once before. And Yevon was full of sordid secrets. 
Auron hurried to the bar, attempting to look busy and not make any eye contact with the guards. 
“Hey you!” A guard he hadn’t seen grabbed his arm and stopped him. “Haven’t seen you around before. Where are you from?” 
Auron feigned a wince, and prepared to play dumb. “Can you keep it down man? I gotta wicked hangover.” He made his voice crack in the middle. “What’s the problem?” 
“We’re looking for the summoner Yuna and her guardians. If you have any idea where they’re hiding, you need to tell us.” 
“Summoner Yuna? Oh yeah, I saw her in Kilika! She did a beautiful sending.” 
“That was a week ago that she did that.” 
“Alrighty, well that was the last time I seen her. Can I go?” 
“This is about an attempt on a Maester’s life! Don’t you care?!” The guard got in his face, spittle hitting his skin. 
Auron flared his nostrils. “Look buddy, this is the first time I been sober since I lost everything in Kilika. I’m on my way to get drunk again. I don’t know nothing, so you’re wastin’ your time.” 
The guard let his arm go and backed up. “Very well. I suppose that answers my questions. You may go.” 
“Gee thanks.” Auron rolled his eyes, and then hurried his steps away to the square. 
Maybe he had spent too much time around Tidus, but talking like that came far too naturally. 
He avoided any more confrontation with the guards as he traveled through the city. The bar was busy, but the bartender still called greetings as he entered. 
Casually, he leaned on the countertop. “I’m looking for Ryo. He still around?” 
The bartender looked mildly surprised. “Yeah, he’s in the basement. Didn’t think he had any friends left since the operation.” 
“Am I free to go down?” 
“Sure. Sorry about whatever state he’s in though.” 
Auron gave a nod and headed to the basement. 
Ryo was the owner of the bar, and a card shark. More importantly, he hated Yevon. An ex-guardian who’s summoner tried and failed to defeat Sin two decades before. The summoner died, and Yevon had chewed Ryo up and spat him out. Auron always figured that a summoner giving up was a sign of weakness, but according to Yevon, it was getting the Final Aeon and then failing that was really disappointing. 
As Auron reached the bottom step, he returned to his normal form before opening the door. 
Ryo was the only one down there, and he looked up as the door opened. 
“Auron?” He asked, bewildered.
“Is this a bad time?” Auron had to ask, noting the empty wine bottle next to him. 
Ryo shook his head. “No no, I always have time for you, my friend. You are a welcomed sight.” He took a chair from storage and placed it at the cluttered card table. “Rum, as usual?” 
“You remembered.” 
“I never forget a regular’s order…even if it’s been years. What happened to you? Where have you been? Last I heard, you became a guardian for Lord Braska, despite my warnings…” 
“The warnings were too vague, Ryo.” 
“Yeah well, fear will do that to a man. Now I hear you’re wanted for helping another summoner kill a Maester? How did that happen?” 
Auron kept it brief. “Braska defeated Sin, and his other guardian, Jecht, died.” 
Ryo nodded. 
“Both of them asked me, in the end, to watch over their children. Braska’s daughter is the summoner, and Jecht’s son is her guardian. I’ve been fulfilling my oath.” 
Ryo nodded again, sagely. “So you finally found that purpose in life you were looking for? The kids bring you joy?” 
Auron took a swig from the glass. “They gave me a purpose alright.” 
“That’s good to hear. I worried about you for a long time. I thought being a guardian was a suicide mission. But you’re thriving! And taking Yevon down a peg!” 
“You talk a lot of nonsense when you’re drunk.” 
“Not drunk, just buzzed. But I suppose you’re right. What’s the story with this Maester business? Did you really try to kill him? Or is this just Yevon deflecting again?” 
“Maester Seymour killed Lord Jyscal. Lord Jyscal appeared to my summoner and told her. She sought Seymour out to talk, and he summoned his Aeon to try to silence us. The Fayth in Macalania didn’t like that and destroyed her temple in response. I’m fairly certain Seymour really did die.” 
Ryo’s eyes widened. “The Maester part isn’t all that surprising, but Shiva destroying Macalania temple? That’s incredible.” 
“I have never seen a Fayth so angry.” 
“No wonder you needed a drink.” 
“Actually, I came here for more than that.” 
“Whatever you need.” 
“As much liquor as this will get me.” He dropped a bag of Gil on the table. 
Ryo chuckled. “What’s the occasion?” 
“The kids.” 
“Aw, isn’t that sweet? What a time for a wedding!” 
“It wasn’t my idea.” 
Ryo outwardly laughed. “And so much time to prep!” 
“Again, not my idea.” 
“Where am I delivering this to?” 
“Dock 3.” 
“Dock 3… Ah, the Al-Bhed! Makes sense. They like beer. I got some kegs. No doubt you’ll want some champagne for toasts.” 
“Ryo,” Auron began. 
“Don’t worry about it. You sound innocent to me.” 
“She wants to try to talk to Mika, after the wedding, at least.” 
Ryo sighed. “Then better make it a good party, hm?” 
Auron nodded. “She wants to finish her pilgrimage. Maybe, just maybe, Mika will allow it, knowing what’s in store.” 
“Does she know about the Final Aeon?” 
Auron shook his head. “It wouldn’t make a difference. She sees her path as a summoner as her only choice, since that’s what her father did.” 
“Poor thing. My old man was a farmer.” 
“How long do you think it’ll take to get the stuff?” 
“Not long. Maybe an hour. I can only pull from what I have in stock. What name do you want the order under?” 
“Put it under Cid.” 
“Got it.” 
“It was good seeing you, but I have some other preparations to make.” 
“I understand. Don’t be a stranger now, you hear?” 
“No promises.” Auron went to the door, and as he walked, the pyreflies holding his form shifted, transforming him into his disguise. 
“Oh...” Ryo breathed. “So you really aren’t thriving, huh?” His own pyreflies shifted. “Wonder if I’ll ever get used to it like you.” 
“Ever had drake?” 
“Yeah. Usually it’s really tough. Dontan makes some really good drake shank kebabs.” 
“I was just about to tell you about Dontan’s kebabs!” 
The hunt was not going the way Kimahri wanted. The sun only seemed to get hotter, and his Al-Bhed companions only seemed to get louder. 
“What about the flans? I always wondered what they tasted like.” 
“Oh you can absolutely eat those. There’s a cafe in Luca that sells little flan cups.” 
“No kidding? Do they hunt them themselves?” 
“No, I think they pay hunters for it.” 
“What do they taste like? Some kind of fruit?” 
“The blue ones do, I think. Like a tropical mango pineapple flavor, but also kind of salty. The white ones are kind of minty, like that cooling sensation?” 
“Yeah yeah, makes sense.” 
“The red ones are spicy and the yellow ones are sour, like straight lemon. Not great. But they’re okay when you add sugar.” 
“What about the black ones?” 
“Black? I didn’t know there were black ones.” 
“Super rare. I heard they’re more common up north. A Ronso was telling me about them in Luca.” 
“I’d imagine they’re either poisonous or taste like licorice.” 
“I bet Kimahri would know!” 
Despite hearing his name in the Al-Bhed accent, Kimahri ignored them and instead ran at the large green drake rooming the dunes. The Al-Bhed watched in awe as he speared it through the chest and killed it with one hit. 
They applauded him. “Great skill!” 
“Clean kill!” 
They lifted the carcass from the sand and placed it in the sled with the first kill. But as they got it strapped in, they noticed Kimahri was continuing on into the desert. 
“What now?!” One called out. 
“Still not big enough.” 
Tidus had gone past admiration of the architecture and was now dying to know what the story of this place was. Two thousand-ish years, and there was little time decay. Everything still looked rather pristine, despite the dust. And speaking of dust; the fact that these ruins were completely buried in sand and yet there was barely any inside! How!? 
And yet, with everything the way it was, the whole place seemed empty. Long hallways that still bore vibrant paint, but nothing else. 
He was beginning to wonder if there was even anything worth finding here to give to Yuna. 
“You find anything?” Brother asked, as he stealthily appeared behind Tidus. 
“Gah!” Tidus jumped. “No, you?” 
“You tell me?” He beckoned him down the hall. 
Brother led him two rooms away from where they started, and down a flight of stairs. At the bottom, another room with heavy doors awaited. 
Buddy was already inside with a book out and translating a message written on the wall. 
The room wasn’t very big. Several sconces alight with blue flames along the walls illuminated all there was to see. The walls were a soft teal, but covered in messages in black ink.
On the back wall stood a statue of a woman, nude, all carved in white stone. She had her hands raised in front of her, and floating within them was a diamond diadem. 
“Perfect!” Tidus cheered, reaching for the crown. 
“Slow your roll buckeroo!” Brother grabbed hold of his hood. “It is probably most definitely cursed!” 
“You think so?” 
“I am positive that it is likely!” 
“What do you think, Buddy? Is it cursed?” 
“Mmm…I’m not getting ‘cursed’ from these messages. But I am getting ‘powerful’.” 
“What does it say?” 
“A lot. ‘Woe to the evil man who wears the crown of Meiyou, our goddess of light. Woe to the warrior who fights with hatred. Woe to Zanarkand that wages war with false gods. Woe to Bevelle who has turned to the self. May the crown find rest in this cloister, undisturbed until the selfless return.’”
Tidus rested his hands on his hips. “So this place isn’t quite as old if Bevelle and Zanarkand are at war. The desert folk just hadn’t converted to Yevon.” 
“Really to get chills? This last part is the worst.” Buddy pointed to a small section under everything else. “‘Though diligent in prayer, the gods have left us. Sin will be at our shores. Those that survive will face Bevelle’s weapon. Our children will not see war, because soon we will be buried. The Farplane is waiting.’”
“Well, now we know how these buildings got buried, right? But what’s Bevelle’s Weapon?” 
Buddy shrugged. “Maybe Yevon itself? Who knows?” 
“All I know is that this has to be the perfect gift for Yuna.” 
“Are you cuckoo crazy??” 
“Think about it.” Tidus walked over to the statue. “The description basically describes Yuna! Good, heart full of love, and selfless!” He grabbed the crown. “I can’t think of anyone more worthy.” 
As he took the crown from its place, the statue rumbled, and slid backwards into the wall. 
A huge fiend, one reminiscent of a turtle, appeared in a storm of pyreflies. 
“Oh. That could be a problem.” 
“This counts as a curse!” 
The door to the Cloister of Trials opened slowly and scraped loudly against the stone floor. 
As the lanterns flickered on, Yuna felt her skin crawl. Every surface in the room was moving, skittering. 
She ducked behind Gippal. “Oh no, what is all that?!” 
“Ew! There’s too many!” 
“Wait, look over there,” he pointed at a pedestal nearby. It was initially laying on its side, but the creatures were placing it right side up. “They aren’t bugs. They’re tiny machina.” He knelt and plucked one off the ground. “Little machina crabs to be exact. I think they’re repairing the trials.” 
“Wow…” Then she grabbed his shoulder in surprise. “Machina in a temple! Made for a temple!” 
“Huh. I suppose when you say it like that, it is pretty strange.” 
“I’m…shocked. If Yevon knew of this…” she halted. “I can’t tell Yevon! No one can ever know about this.”
“We would all appreciate it if you kept it quiet.” 
“How did this happen? Yevon teaches that Machina is the reason Sin exists! Why would they put it into the temple?” 
Gippal shrugged. “Maybe Yevon changed the story to fit an agenda.” 
She grit her teeth. “Just because the Al-Bhed and Yevon don’t get along does not mean you get to assume such things!” 
“Hey, hey – calm down. I didn’t mean to insult your worldview. Just thinking out loud.” 
Yuna exhaled. “I’m sorry for snapping. Perhaps…there is some truth to your statement. Perhaps, over time…the blame for Sin has shifted. Maybe it wasn’t all Machina.” 
“A thousand years is a long time for history to change.” He pocketed the crab he was still holding. “Looks like we can proceed.” 
The Cloister was cleaned and looked almost brand new with various pedestals with spheres resting on them. All of the crabs had retreated to the walls, and climbed up to take their place. It hadn’t been obvious, but they came in an assortment of colors. Now on the wall, they created a mural of a sea serpent. 
“I’m in love with these crabs. I’m going to be returning here to study them.” 
“I’m glad. Someone worked really hard on them.” 
Gippal left most of the problem solving to Yuna, but did offer his strength for pushing pedestals around. 
Then the door ahead opened. 
“Go on ahead. Scream if you need help!” He told her, prying another crab off the wall. 
“Some guardian,” Yuna imagined Tidus saying. 
“I hope I won’t be long.” 
“Mmm-hmm,” he responded, taking a screwdriver out of his belt. 
Satisfied she could take her time, Yuna entered the Chamber of the Fayth, both nervous and excited with what she would find. 
To her relief the statue of the Fayth was intact, and as she entered, the spirit of the Fayth emerged from the stone and floated before her. 
Yuna knelt. “I am summoner Yuna, from Besaid. It is an honor to be in your presence. I humbly come to ask for your aid.” 
The Fayth, a woman, curled her lip in amusement. “That sounded rehearsed.” 
“It…was. A bit. But never the least, true.” She raised her head to meet the eyes of the Fayth, only to be completely surprised by the green spirals that were indicative of the Al-Bhed. “You’re an Al-Bhed!” 
The woman tilted her head in curiosity. “I’m afraid you are mistaken. I am a Bedohl. Though I would forgive your confusion. My people are not typically proficient in magicks.” 
“I beg your pardon, what is a Bedohl?” 
Instead of answering, the pyreflies making up her form flickered. She let out a whine of pain before asking, “How long has it been since Lady Yunalesca defeated Sin?” 
“A little over a thousand years,” Yuna replied softly. 
“A thou—” If a Fayth could cry, surely she would be weeping. “And in all that time, no one has come? Why…why? Are we so reviled?” 
Yuna shook her head. “No, I know summoners would have come if they had known. But your temple…it’s been buried under the sand.” 
This didn’t seem to make the woman feel any better. “I gave up everything to become a Fayth. I had a husband and children. And it was all a waste.” 
“It’s not!” Yuna insisted, vehemently. “You’re still here, so you can still join the fight. I will defeat Sin, like my father before me. But more importantly, when the world learns that a Bedohl, an Al-Bhed, had become a Fayth and defeated Sin, it will change everything.” 
“So…my people have become the Al-Bhed? Do they face the same persecution as always?” 
“Yes,” Yuna admitted, sadly. “They’re the ones that found you. Your temple is under their sanctuary city.” 
“And so how is it that you, a summoner, would find yourself here?” 
“It’s…it’s a bit of a messy situation, honestly.” 
“Please tell me. I would like to see a glimpse of what Spira is today.” 
“Well, I guess I would start ten years ago, when my father, Braska, defeated Sin.” 
She laid out everything. All the twists and turns of her journey. How she got to experience marriage, and how Seymour had tried to ruin it, and her pilgrimage. 
As the story unfolded, the Fayth just listened with wide eyes and rapt attention. 
In the end, she nodded. “Very well, Yuna. I will lend you my aeon, but with what you have said, I fear your journey will be coming to an end in Bevelle.” 
“You don’t think Maester Mika will listen?” 
“I couldn’t begin to know what he will think. But it is wise to prepare for the worst. I give you my power with the expectation no one else will ever find my temple. All I ask is that you summon me, at least once.” 
“I will. I absolutely will. Please forgive me, but I never asked for your name.” 
The Fayth held out her hands. “It has long been forgotten. You may call me Leviathan.” 
Rikku dragged her feet down to the cafeteria. Each of her fingers were covered in bandaids and needle pricks. 
But the dress was done!
And it looked pretty cute, if she was honest. 
Lulu, Wakka, and Auron were already done with their tasks and sat together at a table eating a late dinner. 
“Agh, I thought coming home for a visit would be less…exhausting,” Rikku lamented as she dropped into a chair. 
“At least you didn’t have to learn a new language!” Wakka argued. 
“At least all of you got to stay on the Island,” Auron snipped. 
“I don’t have many complaints,” said Lulu. “The gardener was lovely and I’m excited to see what Yuna thinks of the decor.” 
“I wonder how the others are doing,” Rikku mused. “I hope Yuna’s not too exhausted.” 
They chatted about their days for a little while before the large garage door on the other side of the cafeteria opened, signaling that there was a food delivery. 
In fact, it was Kimahri and the other Al-Bhed hunters. On their sand sled were a few birds, a few drakes, and one gigantic Zu. 
“Whoo-hoo! Go Kimahri!” 
Kimahri joined the table as the bewildered chefs took the meat to prepare for tomorrow’s dinner. “Finally!” He stood behind Rikku. “Ronso Feast for Yuna!” 
One of the hunters walked past the table and told Rikku, “That guy is crazy. Good luck with the rest of the journey.” 
“Sometimes you need crazy to get things done right!” she hollered at him, before turning to grin at her Ronso companion. “You’re making a name for yourself here, Kimahri.” 
He crossed his arms. “Kimahri does job. Does it well.” 
“Always has,” agreed Wakka. “He always protected Yuna, and watched over her with whatever she was doing. But if things were safe and calm and we asked him to do something, he’d go above and beyond expectations.”
“Ronso way.” 
Rikku chuckled. “And the Al-Bhed way is ‘work smarter, not harder,’ so we find a lot of shortcuts.” 
“Victory!” Tidus’ voice thundered from the hallway. “Thy name is…ancient crown of mysterious power!” 
“We’re in here!” Lulu called back. 
Tidus strode in confidently, while Buddy and Brother limped in, holding each other. They all looked horrible, covered in scrapes and sand. 
“Brother! Are you okay?!” 
He stood up straight, not wanting to appear weak infront of his sister. “I am a-okay! Just a little tired from the sun and all the digging we did.” 
Buddy wasn’t a liar though. “We came across a really old fiend and all took a rather hard ass-beating. But we won, and Tidus got Yuna a really great gift.” 
“Behold!” He took it out of the canvas bag and set it on the table. 
Rikku’s eyes lit up. “Ohh!” 
Wakka whistled. “Very nice.” 
“We found this ancient temple buried in the sand, and uncovered it enough to get inside. I looked like a civilization that was around the same time as Zanrkand, but it worshiped other gods! Apparently this crown has some kind of ancient power linked to it that only a kindhearted, selfless person can use. So, not only is it pretty, but I thought maybe it would help her in the fight against Sin?” 
“It won’t hurt,” Auron stated. “You did good, kid.” 
“Here,” said Rikku, standing. “I’ll go clean it up and give it to Yuna. You should get cleaned up and rest.” 
“Wait, can I give it to her? I want to see her reaction.” 
After getting all cleaned up, Rikku led Tidus up to the room where Yuna was resting. 
He raised his hand to knock, but hesitated and looked at Rikku. “You just…gonna stand there?” 
“Oh I see. He wants privacy. I can take a hint.” And she backed up to watch from around the corner at the end of the hall. It would have to be good enough, so Tidus knocked. 
“Coming!” Yuna’s sweet voice replied. 
Tidus stood there, gnawing on his lip as a twinge of nervousness surrounded him.
She opened the door, her hair a bit tussled.  
“Heya,” he grinned as casually as he could muster.
“Hi,” she squeaked. “How are you?” 
“Good, I’m good…and you?” 
“Good as well. Tired.” 
“Yeah, I get that. Rikku’s boyfriend watched you today, right? Did he treat you well?” 
“Oh yes. Gippal took good care of me. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.” 
His smile broadened. “I can’t wait to hear all about it, but I’m totally pooped! I just wanted to see you, and give you something.” 
She perked up. “You got me something?” 
“Yep! It’s like…a pseudo-tradition for the Al-Bhed. That’s what I was off doing today.” From behind his back, he revealed the sparkling crown he had found. White gold, molded into the shape of vines. Diamond leaves, and little pearl accents. 
Yuna’s jaw dropped. “You…for me? I couldn’t…” 
“Please? I found it in the desert, just for you. It’s supposed to have some kind of enchantment on it. I hope it’ll help you.” 
“It’s beautiful…” 
“May I?” He held it up with both hands, gesturing to put it on her head. 
Yuna bit her lip and nodded. 
Gently, he placed the crown upon her head, brushing the hair away from her face. 
“Wow…” he breathed. “You might be the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Really?” She bowed her head, embarrassed, as a fierce blush covered her cheeks. “I’m not so sure.” 
“I am.” 
I’m going to die.
It was an intrusive thought, a blight on what was a wonderfully joyful moment. A reminder that this relationship, if he couldn’t come up with a solution, was fleeting. They wouldn’t grow old together. Wouldn’t have children. Wouldn’t have a cozy little home. 
Just a few weeks to fall deeply and irrevocably in love, and then it would be over. 
“Tidus?” she whispered. 
The horrible memory brought tears to his eyes, but he didn’t let them fall. Instead, he gave her a sweet smile and leaned in to give her a kiss. 
A lingering kiss, the way he should have been kissing her the whole time. 
Yuna whimpered when he pulled away. She stared up at him with wide, glistening eyes. 
“Goodnight. Rest up, we have a busy day tomorrow.” 
Unable to speak, she just nodded. 
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moonspower · 1 year ago
what does a day in the life of virote look like? ( ffx verse, if you feel like it ) is his weekday schedule different from his weekend?
look even though virote is adamantly against yevon after his pilgrimage is cut short, he still wants to help the temple because a lot of resources and first aid come from the temple. yeah, the clergy ain't shit and virote has to bite his tongue a lot of the time because him being disrespectful or outspoken during a time of crisis isn't exactly helpful to anyone—he just vents in his lil journal lmao.
but after he's done moping and whining and feelin sorry for himself, he picks himself up and starts helping the youth league and everyone else rebuild their home. and on the side he's at the temple, scrambling to send aid to other places that experience a lot of fiend activity. virote finds his groove and he's a very GO GO GO!!! kind of person about it so he never really does take time to rest.
most of this has to do because if he lets himself idle too long then he'll end up in a cycle of self-loathing again so he'd rather just bust his own ass trying to help @meyvn / nooj with his efforts. and as i mentioned before in the other ask, he's almost a little too pre-occupied wondering what the hell is wrong with nooj.
near the completion of kilika, so like right before the events of x-2, he travels to send souls because people are going to keep dying ofc from natural causes or fiends or whatever else like murder. during x-2's events sometimes he'll go ask the guado about the conditions of the farplane because he's really nosey about that lmao. he really wants to know what the hell is going on. oh boy if only he knew...
he doesn't really have a weekend / weekday groove. sometimes he's traveling for play or work or both at the same time, sometimes he's at home working, or something he's just at home chillin' and it's very sporadic.
also, he just can't stop getting in trouble in bevelle. on purpose.
eventually, he ends up devoting a lot of his time to the youth league and the youth league only. especially while they're bickering with new yevon; he cut ties with the temple at that point.
sender, healer, pain in the ass to some, endearing little guy to many...
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ofmoonlily · 2 years ago
Spira's Archives
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Maechen: Shall I tell you about the Spira of days long past, eh?
Maechen: There is a legend, you know. Just before the horrible Sin appeared…a terrible war raged between Bevelle and Zanarkand. When the armies of Bevelle attacked Mount Gagazet, they heard a song echoing across the snowy slopes. “‘Tis a song from an otherworld,” they said. The soldiers panicked and ran. And then, as if to pursue the retreating armies, Sin appeared! Some time later, scouts from Bevelle braved the mountain. On the other side, they witnessed the ruins that had been Zanarkand. The city destroyed. Not a single soul left standing. Gone! In its place, a multitude of the fayth had gathered on Gagazet. They were singing a song. It’s the song we now call the “Hymn of the Fayth.” And that, as they say, is that. Well…maybe not all of it.
¬Maechen: Would you like to hear the rest?
Maechen: Rumors flew in Bevelle about Sin’s sudden appearance. They said that the people of Zanarkand became the fayth, that they had called Sin. And that the man responsible…was none other than the summoner Yevon, ruler of Zanarkand! Yes, the lord father of Lady Yunalesca. On the eve of Zanarkand’s destruction, Lady Yunalesca… had fled to safety with her husband, Zaon. Later, the two used the Final Summoning to defeat Sin. Yet the people of Bevelle still feared Yu Yevon. It was to quell his wrath that they revered him, and first spread his teachings. And so were born the temples of Yevon. I suppose it’s possible Yunalesca had planned it that way from the start! A fair trade, she defeats Sin in exchange for her lord father’s honor. Of course, there’s no proof. No, the facts are lost in the mists of time. And who’d admit Yevon was an enemy of Bevelle? You can bet the temples had a hand in covering that one up! And that, as they say, is that.
¬Maechen: Like to hear more, would you?
Maechen: Let me tell you about the Hymn of the Fayth. It was once a Zanarkand song, sung in defiance of Bevelle! Of course, the Yevon clergy of Bevelle forbade it. Then, as these things often go, those who disliked Yevon began to sing it. The Al Bhed, for instance. The Hymn of the Fayth became the symbol of defiance against Yevon. Yevon could do nothing but capitulate. They lifted the ban on the song, and spread a new story. They said the hymn was a song sung to soothe the souls of the dead. And so saying, they took the song and made it scripture. That’s why today, the hymn is sung all over Spira. You could say that, though Zanarkand is gone from this world, it lives on in the song. Aaaah, but look at the time. I’ve rambled on again. I do love stories, you see. Well, I owe you my gratitude for hearing this old scholar out.
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braskide · 2 years ago
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it has been a rather long & arduous day. in truth, it has been a long few months, perhaps years one should dare to say, & lady yuna— high summoner lady yuna, as most still call her so within these walls of bevelle, sits at a desk surrounded by more paperwork than necessary. she has never been a woman of paper; she knows her place belongs among the people & it is at times like these that she misses the simplicity of besaid, there where it reigns. but no matter now, years have gone by & it shows the signs of time impressed on her skin as she shuffles between the tedious lines pressed with delicate ink on white sheets — they all speak of alliances, misplaced trust, intricate schemes, yevon.
one servant of the new reformed yevon to her side speaks & speaks as her eyes gaze upon the immense work ahead of her, both figuratively & literally — they go on about many other facts, putting lady yuna up to current with the events of bevelle as of today. it has been long since her return to bevelle, but not long enough since her stationary position in the city as a prestigious figure, claiming her father's stance before her & as well her very one, turning high summoner yuna into the busiest she has ever been since the long gone days of sphere hunting. her hand poses as rest for her chin as it uphelds the weight by pressing onto the mahogany, intently listening & assimilating each information given respectfully, room empty if not for their two figures, light covering her figure as it comes from behind her, sun filtering through the curtains barely covering the large framed bevelle sight.
the half lidded gaze shifts enough to accommodate the figure as she speaks plainly, ❝ and what regarding the matter of— ❞ it is not usual to interrupt her speaking, but this event requires that she must do so: the serious expression is left behind in favor of opening her features into a more soft idea, beaming at the new sighting after the doors are open behind the irrelevant speaking figure that silently shifts away to allow her to have a good look & revealing none other than the adored dion lesage himself. the chair she sat upon makes a noise as she pushes it away to welcome her standing figure, intricately designed corset identifying her figure as loose pearl sleeves open in welcome: ❝ dion ; you came! ❞
the childlike wonder raptures her for a moment while circumnavigating her ( in her very modest opinion ) boring desk, all to finally match the newly come figure. before giving dion any more attention, her head turns to the bowing shadow that is quickly dismissed with a serious nod from the high summoner & thus leaving with closed doors behind them. yuna regains her sincere happiness as eyes gaze up to the tall figure of her trusted one, placing her hands on top of his, an honest smile opening on the ever so serious lady. ❝ thank you — you must tell me everything. are you well? ❞ — @madrites
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starvingtongue · 2 years ago
Having been raised in Bevelle and having a father that worked for the temples, Anna believed in Yevons teachings. Though she was not definitely not what people would call a staunch believer in the teachings. She’s objective with how far her belief in Yevon goes, recognising the more questionable sides to the religion. Yet she’s not terribly open with how vocal she is about the religion’s downsides, not wishing to be branted a heretic, a traitor, or wishing to see her father's reputation ruined. I'd say she's somewhat similar to how Lulu is in her view of the religion, she's a little more lenient towards machina than maybe she should be, but does hold some prejudices towards the Al Bhed (though she starts to let go of this prejudices after the discrimination she faces from the Guado).
Post X/X-2, her faith in Yevon is shaken. Her inevitable knowledge of the Final Aeon, finding out the corrupt side of the church, their treatment of the Al Bhed, and Seymour's actions, all shake it to the point where she toes the line between casting off the faith completely or not at all. It had been some source of comfort throughout her life, drew the community together in Bevelle, and she saw the good sides of it. She wouldn't go as far as to say her interest in Yevon as a religion is totally gone, after the events of X-2, she believes in Baralai's vision of New Yevon and what it could represent. She wishes they could be more transparent with their goings on, their secrets, sharing them with the people of Spira. She wants to see them make a positive impact on Spira, to help unite them, to think critically about what the teachings say, not fall back onto the way things were and preaching hate and intolerance. Again, she would not consider herself a staunch Yevonite, the very thought of it makes her balk. To even call herself a Yevonite would be a stretch. Maybe the above description places her more in-line with the Youth League ideals, but she doesn't want to see the temples or Yevon scrapped entirely. Just reformed into something better.
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moquall · 3 years ago
Dissidia Opera Omnia : Force Weapon partner connection (PART 1/?)
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Japanese version has entered the new era with LV 300 of SHINRYU difficulty and the release of ☆7 weapon called Force Weapon (FR)
Force system has a similiar concept with Band attack from Final Fantasy IV : The After Years which is a combination attack between two characters. (Band attack has more than two characters though)
The unique part is each FR pair has a connection or similiar backgrond between characters but restricted to character from different game so you won't see a pair from same game like Tidus and Jecht or Cloud and Zack as FR attack.
Looking at the combination so far, i've concluded how dev choose their partner.
Story wise, both have similiar background on their own game.
Their interaction in Opera Omnia, Original Dissidia, Duodecim or NT.
Gameplay wise, they have a same or similiar job and ability.
I'm sure not everyone understand why A is B's FR partner because not everyone play every single Final Fantasy games. Even they played, not everyone remember everything in the game.
PART 1 compiled the FRs up until Tidus FR released in November 2021. The one with bold purple is FR user and the black one is the partner.
Just click on "fr partner" tags if you want to see the full list.
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Kain - Aranea (Cross Jump) : Highwind dragoon. They were in enemy side but became your ally.
Kain permanently became your ally after he is totally free from mind control despite his numerous betrayal 😂.
Aranea while she worked for Niflheim Empire, likes to hangout with the bros and after quitting the army, she became good friend with them and worked together to slay the daemons.
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Krile - Relm (Retribution on Three) : Granddaughter duo who loves their grandpa and possess unique ability.
Krile is Galuf's granddaughter and can talk with animals. Relm is Strago's adoptive granddaughter and being the descendant of Magi, channels her magic by Sketching.
(Yeah, it's obviously the granddaughter duo.)
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Braska - Amidatelion (Mixture Power) : The summoner who sacrifice their life.
Amidatelion sacrificed her life to save Layle from Jegran while Braska sacrifice his life to save Spira.
I've seen a lot of complain with Braska summoning Valefor is dev getting lazy and reuse Yuna's Valefor animation for him. He should summon Bahamut because Amida summoned it and Braska originated from Bevelle, the home of Bahamut's Aeon.
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Kam'lanaut - Seifer (Djinn Blade) : Both are arrogant, have a dream and a "tool" of the main antagonist but casted aside when they failed.
Kam'lanaut and Eald'narche desires to open the Gate of The Gods. When the adventurer (the player) defeated him in Delkfutt's tower, Eald'narche casted him aside.
Seifer dreamed to become Sorceress's Knight and became Ultimecia's Knight but she casted him aside after his numerous failure.
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Desch - Leila (Electric Order) : Temporary party member, wearing purple outfit and use Thunder attack.
(Desch was a guest party member while Leila was playable.)
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Tidus - Ceodore (Saintly Shot) : Interaction in Arc 3 Chapter 1. Their father once possessed by the enemy and have to live up to the expectations people set for their parent's achievement.
Cecil was possessed by Mysterious Girl in The After Years and Jecht was possessed by Yu Yevon to become Sin.
Ceodore has no confidence with himself caused by 'burden' of his bloodlines and people around expected him to follow his father's footsteps as Paladin.
Tidus is Jecht's son and his father was known as the legendary Blitzball player. People are expecting him to be like or surpassing his father even one of the supporters called him "Jecht junior."
Long story short, daddy issues😅
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mishyoona · 1 year ago
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self-fulfilling-prophet · 4 years ago
I’ve been replaying Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2 the past few days and I just can’t stop thinking about what life would be like if these games came out now
-All the Auron/Jecht/Braska slash fic
-All the discourse about New Yevon vs the Youth League which is really just Baralai vs Nooj, with Gippal stans sitting on the side
-People saying Rikku was annoying and useless in 10, but like her in 2 (lets be real its just because shes wearing less clothes now)
-Fan Summons/Fayth, most of which completely miss the point of the whole damn game, but hey, they are having fun
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p-artsypants · 4 years ago
I Do...I Guess? (Chapter 3)
Djose Temple
Ao3 | FF.net
In my mind, Zanarkand is just like...Los Angeles, or New York. Just a big city with modern day technology...with slightly questionable fashion statements? 
And OMG I’m so happy to get reviews! I knew writing for FFX was like shouting into a void, but I got responses! And they were good! So I guess I’ll keep going??
In the morning, the team braved the Djose Highroad to the temple. Along the way they came across a smattering of survivors. They had endeavored to reach the temple but had succumbed to exhaustion from fiends. 
Thankfully, they had yet to find any casualties. 
Djose Temple was a magical marvel. Theme parks in the ancient Zanarkand had similar awe inspiring attractions, but nothing as amazing as the suspended rocks with lighting bolts. 
“That happens when a summoner reaches and convenes with the fayth,” Lulu explained. 
“So there’s a summoner here already?” Tidus asked aloud. He wondered if it was Dona, or heaven forbid Seymour. 
Dona hadn’t seen the devastation of the failed operation. Her callous, holier-than-thou attitude would be anything but a balm to the wounded and dying. 
And Seymour? Well, he was just creepy enough that Tidus just didn’t like him. 
“Let’s see if we can help while we wait for them to finish,” Yuna suggested. 
The others agreed, and they volunteered to help where they could. 
Tidus watched Yuna rush into a room where there was much groaning. Her hand rested on the doorframe, and the ring he had given her glinted on her finger. 
No one seemed to notice. 
Even when they returned to camp last night, no one noticed. Lulu and Wakka were already asleep, while Kamahri and Auron took their first watch. Pleasant greetings were exchanged before Kamahri offered some of the cooked fish they had left over from dinner. Then they fell asleep shortly after. 
Now it was the next day, and their engagement was official. Who did he talk to about that? They did say he had until Djose Temple to figure it out. And he did. 
But it didn’t seem like a good time to bring it up. Would Yuna do so? It was her idea after all. 
Tidus was directed to a cot with a wounded crusader on it. The man had a piece of shrapnel in his stomach, and Auron, one of the only others in the room with a strong stomach, was tasked to pull it out. 
Tidus was to hold the poor bastard down by the shoulders, while Wakka had his legs. 
And it continued like that for a few hours. The patients were different, but the job was the same. Some were being amputated, while others were just getting stitches. 
But no matter what, it seemed like Operation Mi’ihen’s casualties were far from over. 
By mid-afternoon, the summoner in the cloisters finally emerged. A man named Isaaru, and his brother-guardians. 
Finally, a polite summoner. He did rib Yuna a little, but it felt like friendly rivalry compared to Dona’s outright harassment. 
“The cloisters are empty, you two should go.” Auron urged Tidus and Yuna. 
“But there’s more people to heal...” 
“We can spare some potions. Now, go.” 
Hard pressed to argue, Yuna simply turned to Tidus. “Will you come to the trials with me?” 
“I did the first two on my own. I think I can handle another.” 
“Oh, I’ll help too.” She smiled. 
“Oh then, I have nothing to worry about. After you?” 
They still didn’t speak of the impending wedding, but Tidus still tried to be the best fiancé/guardian he could be. He didn’t allow her to lift a finger, though she figured most of the puzzles out on her own. He moved the pedestals, he inserted the spheres, and when it came to leaping across a live electric pit, he gladly made the jump for her. They then reset the puzzle and activated the floor panel, which allowed them to go up to the next level. This time, Yuna helped him push all the pedestals into place and revealed the stairs to the Fayth. 
He followed behind her as she ascended the stairs. 
The door to the chamber opened for her, and she turned to look at him in question. 
“I’ll wait right here for you,” he promised, sitting on the floor. 
She offered a smile, and went inside. 
And so he waited. Patiently, ankles crossed. 
This would be the first time he waited the entirety of her prayer. The last two times, he came in at the end. 
This time, he was alone in his waiting. The other guardians were busy helping downstairs. 
Besaid had taken her two days, but Kilika was only about an hour. Was she getting better at whatever happened in there? Or was it based on the Fayth itself? 
His ignorance to this whole situation was like a punch to the gut. 
Wakka was right. Yuna needed someone that was more educated on Yevon, who could help her. 
And yet, he could only believe she needed someone to remind her to be human more. Sure, if he knew more, it might help. Maybe he’d try a little harder to learn the  religion. If only to stop embarrassing her with his ignorance. 
Yuna emerged two hours later, sweaty and panting. He caught her before she could faint, and brought her back down into the temple. 
He sat her on the stairs to the cloisters and retrieved a flask of water for her. “Better?” 
“Yes, thank you for taking care of me.” 
“As a fiancé should,” he smirked. 
There was a loud gasp at that, and they both turned to see—Shindig? Shanda? The pious lady they had met on the Mi’ihen Highroad, standing not too far away. “Truly?! Is what I hear correct? You are to be married to Lady Yuna?” 
The other guardians, who had not been informed that he had made his decision, all came closer to listen. 
“That’s right.” Yuna smiled softly. “I asked, and he accepted.” 
Auron gave a thumbs up, while Wakka shook his head. Kimahri and Lulu were unreadable, but didn’t look angry at least. 
“This is wonderful news! The wedding of a summoner is always a blessed occasion! Will you be waiting until you reach the temple in Bevelle?” 
“Well,” said Tidus, “we were going to do it here, but...” 
“An even better idea! The survivors could really do with the hope!” 
Yuna sputtered. “I don’t know if it’s an appropriate time—“ 
“Nonsense! I’ll take care of everything! Leave it to me!” And she hurried off to find the head priest, leaving Tidus and Yuna to face the other guardians alone. 
“So, were you going to tell us you said yes?” Wakka asked, arms crossed. 
Tidus sighed. “We made it official last night, after all the sendings. I wanted to give Yuna something to be happy about, but we weren’t going to push it. Especially with everything that happened.” 
“We did give him until Djose to reach a decision,” Lulu reminded patiently. “There’s no reason for you to be angry.” 
“I just wish he had the common sense to say no.” 
Tidus frowned at Wakka, crossing his arms. 
“So what made you change your mind, ah? Wanna get in on that post-sin glory?” 
Tidus’s heart raced a little faster as he confessed. “I just wanted to say yes. I don’t want her to be lonely.” 
Lulu smirked. “Sounds as altruistic as can be. If Yuna wants a companion that doesn’t interfere with her quest, I’m for it.” 
Yuna blushed. “Well you didn’t have to say it like that.” 
Before more teasing could ensue, the head priest arrived. “I hear there is a couple wishing to be wed?” 
Yuna bowed to him. “Yes sir, my guardian and I. But if you’re busy with the operation, we don’t want to intrude.” 
“Nonsense. Everyone is stable, and you have done so much to help us. It’s the least we can do for repayment.” 
So it was happening. It was really happening. Marriage. At seventeen. And he hadn’t even gotten her pregnant first. 
Were they going to have sex tonight? Yuna didn’t seem the type. Would she try for the sake of legitimacy? He certainly wasn’t going to force her into anything. He’d let her take the lead. This was her idea anyway. 
A stone pillar, much like the ones in the cloister, raised out of the ground. It had a little dome with two holes on either side. 
“Now reach inside and clasp hands, so the soul scryer may tell if your souls are compatible for the soul bonding ceremony.” 
Tidus blinked several times, hearing things he was not prepared for. “The what what?” 
“Isn’t a soul binding ceremony...a little antiquated?” Asked Auron.
Shalinda, who had returned with the priest gasped. “Oh no! It’s a beautiful and sacred ceremony!”
“Huh...just for some of us who are a little...out of practice...” Tidus mentioned sheepishly. 
Lulu explained. “The soul binding ceremony is an ancient wedding practice, in which the souls are joined in life, so the beloved can find each other in death.” 
“It’s not to be taken lightly.” Wakka urged. 
“It’s just for show,” Yuna whispered. “They can’t actually bind our souls. But if the idea bothers you—“ 
“No no, it’s okay. It’s not going to, like, hurt or anything, right? Or change me as a person?” 
“The more compatible you are, the less of an effect you should feel on yourself.” The priest explained. “Come, present yourselves to the soul scryer.” 
No point in putting it off any longer. He put his hand in on one side, and Yuna put hers in the other. They met in the middle and entwined fingers. 
Immediately, the scryer turned blue, then a blinding white. 
Tidus spoke while covering his eyes, “is that a good thing?” 
“Blessed be this day! A summoner is a perfect match for her beloved! This union will be wonderful and prosperous in love!” 
Okay. So a good thing it was. He and Yuna a perfect match? What were the odds? 
It seemed pretty low, considering the bright blush on Yuna’s face. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
“Yes—just—“ she rested her free hand on her face. “Perfect matches are really rare. I didn’t know...” 
He squeezed her hand. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m not upset. Actually, quite the opposite! No need to be embarrassed!” 
She gave him a weak smile, obviously still embarrassed despite his reassurance. 
“Let us begin the ceremony. Did you bring a change of vestments?” Asked the high priest. 
“Ah, no. Please, we’d like to be as streamlined as possible. We don’t want to take up any more resources than necessary.” Yuna bowed again. 
“Very well.” 
Both of them removed their hands from the scryer, as it lowered back down into the floor. Then the head priest urged Yuna and Tidus to follow him to the door to the cloisters. They stood at the top of the stairs, while the other guardians and other witnesses gathered around to watch.
Yuna raised her hands for him to hold. And he did so daintily. 
“O Fayth, O song of the Farplane. Hear as we call out to you in prayer. This couple has sought to be joined in the holiest of traditions. In soul, love, and flesh and bone. Knit them together in a tapestry of absolution. Bind their souls so that they may find each other in the end. May their love be pure and strong, and may they find peace and strength within each other.” 
He looked at both. “Do you have the rings?” 
Tidus took out his, and Yuna awkwardly took off the one she was wearing, then they traded. 
“Tidus, please repeat after me: ‘I, Tidus,”
“I, Tidus,” 
“Do take Lady Yuna, to have and hold, in sickness and in health, to the Farplane do we part.” 
“Do take Lady Yuna, to have and hold, in sickness and health, to...not even the Farplane do we part.” 
The wording change was not lost on those assembled. Especially Yuna, who smiled bashfully. 
“You may place the ring on her finger.” 
Tidus took off his gloves, and then very delicately slid the ring onto her finger. 
“Lady Yuna, if you will repeat after me: I, Lady Yuna,” 
“I, Lady Yuna,” 
“Do take Tidus, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to the Farplane do we part.” 
She smiled. “Do take Tidus, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, to not even the Farplane do we part.” 
“Non Traditional vows, but lovely nonetheless.” The priest praised. “You may place the ring on his finger.” 
Just as he had done, Yuna slid the ring onto his finger. Then she squeezed his hands affectionately. 
“I pronounce you, in the name of Yevon, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” 
Yuna blushed again, then whispered, “I’ve never kissed before.” 
“Well, do you want a normal first kiss? Or a traditional Zanarkand wedding kiss?” 
“Hmm, I’ll try the Zanarkand wedding kiss.” 
He winked at her, before holding her close. “Hang on to me.” 
Yuna only had a minute to hold around his neck, before he lowered her into a dip, and pressed a deep and meaningful kiss to her lips. 
Those gathered either gasped in shock or wolf-whistled. Either way, Tidus realized maybe these people weren’t used to such public displays of affection. 
But still, her kiss felt incredible. She was warm and soft, she smelled of flowers and this unnamed spice that tingled his nose. 
The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but when he righted her, she had a contented and gleeful smile on her face. 
Then applause broke out, and they returned to reality. 
Married. They were married. Officially. There was no going back now. 
Not that he wanted to. Yuna was wonderful. She deserved as much support as she could get, and he was honored that she picked him. 
“Presenting Lady Yuna, and her husband, Sir Tidus!” 
The ‘Sir’ was a nice touch. Did he get to keep that name? 
They descended down into the crowd, receiving heartfelt handshakes and pats on the back of congratulations. People were genuinely happy, and it was a relief to see people smiling. Maybe getting married now really wasn’t a bad idea. 
“Many congratulations on your marriage, Lady Yuna.” Isaaru bowed. “I hope your husband aids you on your pilgrimage.” 
“Of course I will!” Tidus exclaimed, like suggesting otherwise was ludicrous. “I’ll do anything to help Yuna.” 
“Glad to hear it. Well, may the first to Zanarkand be the winner. We’ll be moving on to Macalania.”
“Oh, and a word of warning for you and your guardians,” his guardian added. “Rumor is that summoners have gone missing on the road to Zanarkand. Best keep sharp.” 
“Well, thank you for the warning! We’ll be extra diligent!” Tidus saluted. 
“Glad to hear it. Now, we’ll let you go. Heard you did a lot of sendings for these poor folks. You must be exhausted.” 
“It’s always an honor to perform such a ceremony. Thank you for thinking of my well-being though.” 
After marinating in the glad tidings of the crowd, the head priest approached the couple. “The ceremonial cleansing is ready for you both, if you desire it. I assume you’d like to get cleaned up after the ordeal you’ve been through.” 
“Oh!” Yuna blushed. “Ah, yes, well, that would be nice...” 
“What’s wrong?” Tidus asked softly. 
“The ceremonial cleansing is basically a bath that the wedded couple share. The temples are almost all built on hot springs for this reason, and for summoners to take baths on their journeys. We really don’t have to...” 
“I mean, I would like to get cleaned up. I wouldn’t want to offend my ladyship’s nostrils.” 
Yuna giggled and then glanced at the priest, who was looking at them curiously, either concerned that Tidus didn’t know about the hot springs that everyone else knew about, or that this newly wedded couple wasn’t absolutely ecstatic to be bathing together. 
“Alright. Let’s try it.” Said Yuna, with a little forced optimism. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing...a lot of each other, from now on. Might as well get used to it.” 
Tidus held out his hand to her, and followed the priest outside the temple. He had remembered seeing a river when they had arrived here, and they weren’t too far from the ocean. The hot springs, however, were inside the rock on the back side of the temple. The priest led them into a little alcove in the mountains. There was a single, wide tub, where milky water was already steaming. There was a collection of soaps and perfumes near the edge, and a pair of towels and robes hanging nearby. 
“If you leave your clothes in this basket, we will make sure they are cleaned and returned to you in the morning.” 
Yuna bowed in gratitude. “Thank you for all of this. It is much appreciated.” 
“You are most welcome, Lady Yuna, and Sir Tidus. If there’s anything else we can do, do not hesitate to ask.” He bowed at the waist, and exited the room. 
“I could get used to being called ‘Sir’, that's very fun.” Tidus said with a laugh.
“I’m glad you enjoy it. I worried that the attention would make you uncomfortable.” 
“There’s still time,” He chuckled. Then he glanced at the water. “How about I turn around so you can get undressed, and then once you’re in the water, I’ll join you?” 
“Alright.” She agreed with a relaxed sigh. 
Tidus turned around, and waited patiently for her to give the okay. Instead, she gave a series of frustrated grunts. “You good?”
“Lulu tied my Obi too tight, and I’m having a little trouble getting the knot out…” 
“Can I help?” 
She chuckled, “you can try.” 
He turned around, seeing the problem immediately. She had pulled on the bow, but the knot remained. 
“You’d think I’d know how to undo this stupid thing, but in my haste, and I pulled the wrong side.” 
“No judgement from me.” He dug his fingers into the knot and slowly got it untangled, and then completely undone. With the obi gone, a lot more skin was visible, and he awkwardly tried to avert his gaze. “Is that good? Need help with anything else?” He cringed. “Not that I want to undress you, just if you were having any other wardrobe malfunctions…”
She giggled. “I understood. No, I got the rest of it.” 
Glad that he hadn’t offended her, he turned back around and began to unbuckle his bracer. 
Once he was down to his shorts, he heard Yuna get into the water. 
“Okay, I’m decent.” She claimed. 
She was just a head above the water. She was so cute that he let a giggle out. 
“Why are you laughing?” She pouted. 
“Nothing. I’m just surprised you’re letting me see your neck!” 
“I’m modest!” 
“And it’s very becoming.” He kicked off his boots and socks and went to remove his pants. But he glanced at her beforehand, and noticed she was completely turned away. 
“Oh come on now, you don’t have to look away. We’re married after all.” 
“I need to work my way up to that point.” She urged. “You may be my husband...but you’re still sort of a stranger.” 
Now fully naked, Tidus splashed into the water, and scooted closer to her. “I think you’re the strange one. You proposed to me after all.” 
“And you accepted.” 
“And maybe I did rush things. Maybe proposing was impulsive.” 
“You’re not having cold feet now, are you?” 
“What? No, my feet are very warm!” 
“Is that not a phrase these days? Where I come from, ‘getting cold feet’ means that you’re regretting a wedding. Usually before the ceremony.” 
“It’s a common thing?” 
“Unfortunately, yes. Lots of people get married for all different reasons. And not all of them are good.” 
“Do you think we got married for the right reasons?” She looked at him with big, sad eyes. 
“Well, I hope so. You wanted a companion for your journey, right? A taste of romance?” 
“If I hadn’t been a summoner, I would have just asked you to dinner, and see where things went. But...I’m on a bit of a tight schedule, you see. I don’t get to watch things unfold. If I want something, I have to take it.” 
“So you wanted me?” He moved his leg, and his knee brushed against her bare thigh. 
She blushed. “When you put it like that, it makes it sound like...like I was lusting after you.” 
“I wouldn’t blame you if you were. I know I’m irresistible.” 
She smiled at him. “You are pretty cute.” 
“Hey! I’ll take it!” He glanced over the shelf of soaps, and popped the caps to sample them. There was a really nice fruity one. “Would you mind if I washed your hair?” 
At this point, Tidus was worried she was going to pass out from how red her face was. “I—if you want to? You don’t have to!” 
“Think of it as a bonding activity.” 
She settled in front of him, arms wrapped around her chest (though he had no way of seeing). He took a pitcher and wetted her hair, then very carefully started to massage the shampoo in. 
The sensation sent chills up her spine. “It’s...weird. But nice.” 
“Just like me.” 
She let out a very unladylike snort. 
“No it’s not! I used to get picked on for that all the time when I was younger. So embarrassing!” 
“Well, I think it’s cute. And my opinion is the only one that matters.” 
She just snorted again. “Quit making me laugh!” 
“I can’t help it! It’s my natural charm!” 
He scrubbed at her scalp, doing his best to get the sand out from the beach. Then he used the pitcher to rinse, before applying conditioner and rinsing again. 
“There we go. Squeaky clean.” 
“Then it’s only fair that I return the favor,” she announced. 
Now it was his turn to blush. “Well...I guess that’s fair.” 
“Are you afraid I’m going to find out you aren’t actually this tan? Just dirty?” 
“I am tan! It’s from training in the sun. Even then, I have naturally darker skin.” 
“Did I hit a sensitive topic?” She couldn’t help but laugh. 
“No, I’m just usually very hygienic, so your world with no showers or deodorant is making me uncomfortable.” 
“I truly am learning so much about you in just a little time.” 
“I have nothing to hide from you,” except one major thing, “so feel free to ask whatever you want.” 
It continued like that. Yuna washed his hair, and then he washed her back and shoulders while she returned the favor. They talked, they laughed, they teased and flirted, all until they turned pruney and Yuna yawned. 
“I’m sorry, you’re probably exhausted, and I’m keeping you up. Let’s get ready for bed.” Again, he stayed turned away so that she could get out and get dressed in the silk robe provided by the temple. He followed along soon after, and they returned to the temple. They were then escorted to a private room reserved for summoners. It had one big bed, and a stone floor. 
Tidus frowned, but got to work searching through the cabinets. They were mostly empty, as the supplies had gone to all the survivors in the other parts of the temple. 
“What are you looking for?” Yuna asked. 
“I was looking for another blanket and pillow. I’ll sleep on the floor.” 
“Oh!” She sounded horrified at the idea. “You don’t need to do that! There’s plenty of room on this bed for both of us! We might not even touch!” 
“Are you sure?”
“Of course! You were working just as hard as me today. You don’t need to sleep on the cold ground!” It was rather endearing how indignant she was. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. “I can’t have my guardian having a poor night’s sleep.” 
“Alright, alright.” He chuckled. “You get in first, and I’ll take the outside.”
She crawled in the bed, and tucked herself close to the wall to make sure he had plenty of space. Then he scooted under the blankets and turned his back to her, and then turned out the bedside lamp. 
“Goodnight, Yuna.” 
After a moment, she spoke up. “Tidus?”
He decided to mess with her a little and didn’t answer. 
“I know you can’t already be asleep.” 
“Ahem,” he cleared his throat. 
“My full title, please.” 
She snorted. “Sir Tidus?”
He rolled over. “Yes, My dear Lady Yuna? What can I do for you?”
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“I’m only kidding. You can call me whatever you like. I’ll make everyone else call me ‘Sir’.” 
“What if I want to call you something cutesy? Like Snookie Wookums?”
“I love it, because everyone else will hate it.” 
She giggled. 
“What were you going to say earlier? When we said goodnight?”
“Oh…um. I was just wondering…if you would give me a goodnight kiss?” 
He sat up a little on his arms. “Yuna, I would love to give you a goodnight kiss.” Since it was dark, he reached out for her, and cupped her cheek with his hand. Then he slowly leaned in and kissed her lips, oh so gently, oh so sweetly. “How was that?”
She hummed, and then answered. “Perfect. I’ll be able to sleep now. Thank you.”
“Anytime…Snookie Wookums.” 
She snorted.
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ofmoonlily · 1 year ago
i can’t help feeling for all those people that come here, lost or in pain, or guilt. looking for some kind of answers. -reveromantique
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Let's talk | Accepting | @reveromantique
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Curious, Yuna rotates her head to meet the blond's gaze. She held an innocent look of wonder, head tilting to one side as she finally asks, "What makes you pity them so?" she wanted to keep an open mind. Seifer wasn't from Spira. His insight on choice topics were truly beyond their means of thinking. And Yuna thoroughly enjoyed hearing what went on in his head.
His thoughts were different, clever. Talking to him about anything - niche, normal - he had something unorthodox or witty to say about it - At least it was unusual to people like Yuna who only lived through religious scripture and church subculture.
Yuna glances back at the crowd of worshipers performing Yevon's prayer in front of the stone statues of summoner's past. It did her heart well to know people still had faith in summoner's to quell their inner turmoils and demons. Perhaps one day, someone will pray to her statue for the very same purpose? That thought alone brought a smile to her face.
On the other hand, for a split second, she felt there was something off about that thought. Something that didn't sit right with her. Perhaps it was Seifer's influence, but she rather not lay blame on him for a single thought of her own. It was probably one of those 'morbid' thoughts she's heard of?
"Why am I…afraid?" not afraid of the pilgrimage, not afraid of dying. Not afraid of getting hurt. No. It was something much deeper. Something she really couldn't explain. Defeating Sin should bring joy, right? Thoughts of bringing a new Calm should have been met with excitement.
And yet the moment she went to look back at Seifer's face, she felt that uneasiness - a painful pang curling tightly around her chest, the back of her throat growing taut. It was like she lost a loved one. But he was right here. They were here, together.
What was she so afraid of? What was this feeling?
Regardless, she forces a smile, chuckling right after before playfully nudging him with her hip. "Why don't you try to perform Yevon's prayer, too?
"Come on. Show me!" she giggles.
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braskide · 1 year ago
✣ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞. brief keynotes about yuna's timeline & main events.
⤷ 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒙 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆.
* yuna is 17 when she defeats sin, making her high summoner like her father before her. * she defeats yunalesca and yevon's tradition of perpetuating sin. the eternal calm begins. * yuna returns to besaid and continues living with lulu and wakka. * rikku convinces her to journey again having shown her a sphere found by kimahri.
⤷ 𝖝-𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆.
* yuna is 19 when she becomes a sphere hunter. she joins the gullwings and leaves her high summoner robes in favor of a new look suggested by rikku. * various yevon & bevelle secrets are unveiled as well as vegnagun. * the gullwings and the various leaders take down vegnagun and yuna helps lenne put shuyin's spirit to rest. * the various leaders give a speech, but yuna is not present. * the gullwings disband, only reuniting once months later for old time's sake for a last mission. * yuna returns to besaid.
⤷ 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆.
* yuna is 22 when she decides to relocate to bevelle, specifically where her father used to live. * some time goes by before she can truly settle into the temple life and start studying what is underneath bevelle. she tries to jump into it straight away as she relocates, but she battles with great anxiety and ptsd and realizes she might need time to heal before allowing herself to touch upon the subject again. at this point, she is 23 / 24. * yuna has returned to the mannerism of her summoner days, although with evident and bold changes that still recall her sphere hunting time. [ note: wardrobe. ] * yuna's hair is long. [ note ( not to be taken as a 1:1 reference ): 30th anniversary artwork. ] * bevelle is in the most distressed of states when she returns. yuna decides to finally oblige to her high summoner position. * the farplane is unstable. * new yevon and the youth league have been disbanded, yet within bevelle especially there is still a strong attachment to old yevon's teaching and generally the culture it created. * yuna becomes an important figure for the new following of yevonites who have taken an entirely different route. this tends to put yuna in a tough position at times, for she might be seen as a way less traditional leader, which may cause yevonites of old ways to not accept her guidance and instead create discrepancies in the religious and political following. * yuna studies the secrets of bevelle and of yevon. * yuna stresses the importance of restoring the farplane's balance and keeping it stable & advocates for the guados' guidance in the matter. [ note: based on @starvingtongue's tromell's headcanons. ] * yuna is open about her al bhed lineage and openly sides with gippal on the matter of a new home. * she is not inherently anti or pro yevon. her creed is to simply let the world know the truth ( although at times veiled or omitted in part for the belief that many might not entirely understand ), although in her heart she still harbors some sort of nostalgia for what the yevon her father believed and preaches for used to be. * yuna's leading position makes her hold many public speeches. * yuna's character is generally well seen and accepted and loved. she's seen as the nation's precious daughter and now grown into a high summoner, taking her rightful spot after her father.
⤷ 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔.
* @starvingtongue's dona is canonically kilika's leader in yuna's main verse. * x-two perfect ending is not yuna's canon event. * do not ever mention 2.5 or -will- to me. none of that is real.
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starvingtongue · 2 years ago
❛  your vote of confidence is overwhelming.  ❜ ( @ dona )
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a hand went to her hip, head cocked to the side. it was sometimes hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. in the handful of times Dona had heard him speak, his tone had nearly always been rallying. of course, there had been times when he had joked within these speeches, but sarcasm was not the sort of thing she was used to hearing from him. not that it mattered, Nooj certainly gave off the air of someone who could be sarcastic, if he wanted to be.
"I should hope so. I don't place it in too many people these days."
or ever, for that matter. it was rare for her to feel confident about too many people, let alone trust them with such an incredulous task. doing so required a certain amount of faith in other people to do things well. and sometimes, one had to do things themselves if things were to be done properly. hand moved from her hip to back to her side.
"Now that you've moved in across the street," and by street, she meant the shallows across the way. the youth league headquarters were finally finished in Kilika, which hopefully meant that less of her time was spent pulling together the youth league members on the island. "Maybe you can instill some proper leadership amongst your members. I can only do so much and some of them are getting restless again." as much as she complained, pulling them together after Yuna's concert had brought a sense of purpose to her life. Kilika was her home and she wasn't gong to see it slide back into Yevon's grip again. the balance between the Youth League and New Yevon felt necessary for the island, lest it fall back into old habits, or keeping old secrets, again.
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