#sideswipe ii
pluralsword · 1 year
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Gosh we love this piece so much... We commissioned @ VansZero (discord) & worked with them to make this four panel fancomic "That's So Lovely Sibling," focusing on Gauge & Sideswipe, he did such an awesome job with the art in our opinion. We did the writing, spot the references around the piece to who the two's six mentors are! (if you know us it's probably not hard to guess haha)
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askvectorprime · 11 months
Dear, Vector Prime.
Sideswipe, who was supposed to have died in the battle on Earth in IDWSG, has come back to life as new body with partner. Could you tell us what happened to him?
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Dear Sideswipe Searcher,
Fresh from their victory over Megatron, the maniacal Optimus Prime and his army of Autobots rampaged across the planet, looting whatever resources they could find and funneling them into the construction of an Ark II that would take them home to Cybertron. Their rampage was thorough; within a matter of months, the victorious Autobots had obliterated most major population centers and crushed the remnants of the world’s various armed forces—as they launched the Ark, Prime gave the order to salt the earth by having Blaster hack into the planet’s various defense systems and authorize the indiscriminate launch of hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Many weeks later, Megatron awoke, seemingly the last sentient being on Earth. As the critically damaged Decepticon limped through the graveyard that had once been Los Angeles, he discovered that the Autobots had simply left their dead and dying to rust where’d they’d fallen. Megatron was instinctually repulsed by the notion of desecrating the dead, but realized that he needed repairs—and that the bodies of his former friends and enemies might be the only way to source Cybertronian parts until he could make it offworld. As Megatron lifted the body of one such downed Autobot, whispering a brief apology for what he was about to do, he suddenly found a pair of hands wrapped around his neck! As it turned out, Sideswipe had also survived the battle of Los Angeles, but had been abandoned by his comrades and left to die—even his spark-brother Sunstreaker had turned his back on his critically wounded sibling, with a parting sneer that Sideswipe had always been the ugly one.
Initially, Sideswipe wanted nothing more than to return to Cybertron and exact brutal revenge on everyone who’d abandoned him; in his current condition he could barely stand, let alone fight his way across millions of miles of interplanetary space back to Cybertron. After salvaging whatever they could from the battlefield to patch themselves up, the pair decamped to the nearby city of San Francisco, where they established a base camp on the burned out remains of the Golden Gate Bridge. Not long after, they discovered a Cybertronian Decepticon warship and the prone body of a tiny stasis-locked Decepticon named Whisper. It didn’t take much energon to jump-start Whisper’s systems, and the three set about slowly repairing the downed warship over a period of many months. As they worked, Megatron and Sideswipe had a long time to reflect on their past mistakes and come to some kind of understanding—in time, even Sideswipe’s once-legendary bloodlust faded into a resolute determination to atone for his past misdeeds.
However, when the time came to finally launch the ship, Sideswipe made a shocking discovery—a small group of human survivors had established a small village on the outskirts of the city. It quickly became clear that they would not survive on their own—they would need access to Cybertronian technology and someone with the knowledge of how to properly use it. That night, by the feeble light of the human’s campfire, Sideswipe told Megatron that he should go on without them, and wished him luck in his mission to rebuild the Decepticons.  Touched by the gesture, Megatron bade his new friend farewell—but not without first declaring him an honorary Decepticon. 
The next morning, as Sideswipe leaned back on the cracked asphalt of the Golden Gate Bridge and watched as Megatron’s jury-rigged vessel lifted into the air, he took a moment to carve a new insignia on his chest, beneath the ugly gash that now ran through his old Autobot symbol… then turned back to the pale, haggard humans who looked to him as their new leader and protector, and set to work.
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blue-jewel-muses · 4 months
Muse Wishlist
I decided to create a wishlist of Canon Characters that I would love to write with for my muses, they will be categorised by fandom.
Disclaimer: This does not mean that I won't write with your Muse if they aren't any of the characters listed, you can refer to my pairings post for pairings I like.
Transformers Animated
Transformers Bayverse
Transformers Cybertron (Unicron Trilogy)
Optimus Prime
Little Shop Of Horrors
Audrey II
Pixar's Cars
Jackson Storm
Pacific Rim
Chuck Hansen
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Homura Akemi
Mami Tomoe
Planes: Fire & Rescue
Van Helsing
Lucy Donato
Doctor Who
Dalek Thay
Dalek Jast
Dalek Caan
10th Doctor
14th Doctor
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War for Cybertron
Battle Across Time Collection
Deluxe class (x2)
Skywarp (Maximal) & Sideswipe
By Hasbro (2021)
An Amazing pre-order which arrived on 09-17-21.
The Battle across time series (which so far there’s only two sets of this) I believe is Hasbros way of finally releasing some of the missing Earthrise figures to fill out the G1 cast, and also include some Maximal repaints, and I am not complaining. 
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Starting with Skywarp.
I know the name sounds Decepticon, but this is a Maximal from the Japanese anime series in the late 90s, ‘Beast Wars II’ I don’t know much about the character since I never really got to watch the anime, but the toy is referencing one of the Magna Boss combiners using the Kingdom Airazor mold, and sadly this figure doesn’t combine, and Hasbro didn’t make his two companions, Lio Junior, and Ironhide (I only know him by his American name).
Beast Mode:
Beast mode is an American Bald Eagle, and as stated is a repaint of Kingdom Airazor.
Skywarp (especially for a beast mode) has some pretty decent articulation, and you can get the bird into some decent poses.
The paint deco is simple but effective, and the feathery sculpting is okay, but maybe could be better.
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The transformation is pretty simple, but I have to admit I forgot how to do it, so it took my longer than it should have.
Robot Mode:
Once Skywarp is in robot mode he looks pretty good.
New sculpt with the eagle head draped over the robot head, and I think it’s sculpted pretty well.
No real changes in the color palate,
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Skywarp’s only accessories are his missiles. They can be pegged into any 5mm port.
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Final Thoughts:
Kingdom Sideswipe is a retool of the Siege version from 2019.
Vehicle Mode:
Instead of a Cybertronian sports car the Kingdom version is basically the Earth mode. I still think it’s funny that Hasbro had soo many Earthrise Transformers that they spilt over to the Kingdom line, or at least that is my theory. I guess Hasbro wasn’t totally committed to a full cast of Beast Wars for the Kingdom line so they shoe horned all of the unused Earthrise figures to fill it out.
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You can see the molding differences between the Siege and Kingdom versions, however I’m not sure Hasbro pushed the envelope enough.
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Sideswipe’s transformation is simple, and the same as all the other mold mates of this type.
Robot Mode:
Robot mode is really good.
The differences between Siege and Kingdom Sideswipe’s are noticeable. 
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Kingdom Sideswipes only accessories are his blaster and shoulder rocket launcher (and rocket)
Final Thoughts:
I like it. Personally I think Kingdom Sideswipe should have been a retail figure instead of an Amazon exclusive, but I’m happy to have it.
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crying-fantasies · 4 months
Part 1 | From afar
Part 2 | Retrospective
Part 3 | Rejection
Part 4 | First contact blues -> blood on your servos
Part 5 | Hold (on to my heart)
Part 6 | Forced growth
Part 7 | Broken in half
Part 8 | Iridescent
Racing date | Sides wants to show you a lil' bit of kaonian culture, drags Sunstreaker on his mess.
Sideswipe II | He just woke up and there is this sparkling that goes around saying their name is the same as him, based on this one fast development.
Let you go | Your hatred is destroying you, and Sideswipe whishes Sunstreaker was present to help him make the right decision.
First gifts | Junior asks the 1 million shanix question, Sideswipe goes down the memory lane and Sunstreaker wants to disappear.
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mgarmagedon · 7 months
You made me ship Blurr x Sideswipe
(and i can't find any fics😭)
Glad to hear that i pushed you into a madness :)
But as a special treat for you my fellow anon, I wrote a very special Sideswipe x Blurr fanfiction :D
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BUT first, I need to make shout out for my other BFF who helped me with correcting it: cats_and_robots_enjoyer on instagram
You are the best dude!!!! Let's give her some love guys :D
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Blurr sat behind the wheel, feeling unusually nervous. He couldn't believe he felt the urge to slow down, just to avoid entering that place. It was Crown city, where another team of Autobots resided. Normally, this wouldn't bother him; he believed he could handle any challenge solo. But this time was different.
He blushed with shame at the thought of the reason for all this stress: the red Autobot named Sideswipe. After their last encounter in Griffin Rock, he couldn't get him out of his mind. In his thoughts, he praised Sideswipe, seeing him as the best racing partner he'd ever had.
He only sighed, accelerating to enter the outskirts of the city.
At the same time, at the junkyard, which served as a hideout for the Autobots, Sideswipe emerged from Alchemor, dragging his younger companion, Russell, whom he had to take to school.
Russell yawned as he loaded his backpack into Sideswipe's car. He seemed rather displeased with the whole ordeal. Sideswipe felt much the same way, considering waking up at 6 in the morning as a punishment rather than a duty.
"Sideswipe... do we really have to go there...?" Russell groaned, feeling dejected.
"Unfortunately, yes," Sideswipe sighed. "Because last time when Bee found out I took you on what he called 'playing hooky' instead of an educational trip, he confiscated my hair gel! I looked like some dirty emo for a week, it was... traumatic." He shuddered slightly at the memory of the bad hairstyle.
Russell merely sighed and sat in the passenger seat, dreading his day at school with a defeated expression. Behind him, Sideswipe settled into the driver's seat after opening the gate. As the sports car headed towards the suburbs.
It took them less than 15 minutes to reach the school and its entire campus. Sideswipe got out of the car and opened the door for Russell. The boy hopped out of the car and hurried towards the building, with Sideswipe watching him go.
Meanwhile, as Sideswipe was at St. John Paul II Elementary School No. VII, Blurr was getting lost in the city. He couldn't activate either the locator or the communicator with the Rescue Bots' base, nor could he locate the nearest Cybertronians due to interference on all channels. Frustrated, he turned into a small street to check the cause of this malfunction. He pulled over on the side of the road, which only led to a large human school and its entire campus. When he stopped, he sighed and was about to check if the locator was broken or stuck.
He nearly had a heart attack when he noticed Sideswipe standing in front of the car, using a human device - a phone with earphones. He started to retreat gently and slowly, praying that the redhead wouldn't notice him.
"Rust!" he muttered under his breath, seeing the boy turning towards him.
"He...?" he turned to the car, which was reversing, taking off his headphones. He squinted due to his poor eyesight and easily recognized the car and his newly made friend - Blurr. "Blurr?" he shouted to his friend in the car.
Blurr knew he was too deep in it and couldn't escape the situation now. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle, exuding confidence.
"Dude, I can't believe you're here!" He smiled and called out to Sideswipe. "What are you even doing here? I thought they don't accept halfwits like you here!" he joked with Sideswipe as he approached.
Sideswipe laughed out loud and hugged him, then gently patted him on the back. Blurr blushed.
"Relax, I'd never even step foot in there! I get chills just thinking about human school!" He released him from his embrace. "I had to drop off my partner here - Russel, he is still going to school, and because 'if you want Russell to be your partner, you have to take him to and pick him up from school, because in my day I had to do it and I didn't complain when I had to wake up at 6 am'." He tried to mimic Bumblebee, which amused Blurr. "And what are you doing here, dude, so far from Griffin Rock? Something happened? Do I need to show off my cat moves to some Decepticons?" he began to wave his arms around, pretending to be a wild cat.
"Not yet, dude, but I promise you'll be the first I'll call when it's time to beat someone up or show who's the fastest racer in Europe!" He grabbed Sideswipe and started ruffling his hair. "It's something much more important, dude. I got a secret mission from Heatwave to check something in this area, but unfortunately, none of the detectors or anything are working! Like, why did they even give it to me if it doesn't even want to work, right?" He laughed at Sideswipe, who was trying to fix his own hair.
"Oh, that's because we have our signal tracking blocked here," he began to explain. "Ever since that stupid ship crashed in that lake, even the human internet barely works! Can you imagine? We have to communicate through human radios like some war-time retirees?! I know it's normal for Bee because he's old, but for me, it's weird! Lately, he even told me to read books and stop watching let's plays. Seriously, he's got a stick up his butt." He sighed. "Literally just problems with that geezer…” for a second he forgot what he was talking about.”What was I talking about?”
“My mission…?”
“Ah right! Getting back to more important things, maybe you'll tell me what you're looking for, and I'll help you? I know this place pretty well, so you'll find it sooner rather than later."
"Hmm... Well, I don't know, dude, I shouldn't..." he scratched his neck.
"Oh, come on, nothing will happen if I help you, dude! Last time was wonderful in action, and with my help, it'll go even faster! Oh, please, please, please! If you don't take me, Bee will force me to clean up the entire base because Grimlock can't control his own tail." He made puppy eyes.
"Alright, fine! The sooner we deal with this, the sooner we can finally get back to racing, right?" He nudged him in the arm. "I'm looking for this one crook who stole spare parts from our base."
"40 kilos of energon."
"What? So I have to eat energon mixed with human food because we're running low on it, and this guy just took off with 40 kilos of energon." He scoffed. "Do you have a picture of him or something?"
"Well, actually yeah” he gave him a photo of a thief. "We also found him here through an energon signal, and after he entered the city, I lost his signal."
"Hmm..." Sideswipe began to think aloud, scratching his chin.
"I mean, you know, if you can't handle it, I can look for him myself..." Blurr tried to wriggle out of the situation.
"Sha! I've got it!" Sides continued, as Blurr looked at him. "I know! Last time when humans found Steeljaw and his crew's energon stash, they took it to... the port! To sell it as some expensive... glowing stuff!"
"Well then, lead the way, compadre." He looked into his eyes, enchanted, and gave him a slight bow, letting him go ahead.
Sideswipe hopped into his car, poking his head out of the window.
"Come on, let's go!"
Blurr quickly jumped into his own car and followed Sideswipe, leaving only dust behind them.
Suddenly, his heart began to beat faster, and hundreds of thoughts raced through his head. 
He started to think about the conversation he just had with Sideswipe and how foolish he had sounded. He felt ashamed of himself and how he had conducted the conversation, questioning why he hadn't invited him for a hangout or a private race, or even something more. Nevertheless, Blurr was happy that Sides wanted to spend time with him.
The two cars sped through the city with screeching tires, heading straight for their destination. After not too long, they arrived at the entrance to the port and hid their cars in the bushes. They quickly looked around before Blurr approached the gates and examined the vehicles parked within the premises.
"That's that guy" Blurr pointed with his finger, and Sideswipe immediately looked in the direction he indicated. "The same trailer he had attached to his car in the surveillance footage! But how do we get there... we can't just break in here! I have an idea, maybe I can distract-"
"Listen to me man, I've got a plan," Sides said, pulling Blurr along until they reached a hole, which Strongarm had made by tossing Sideswipe through it.
"Whoa... you really know everything about this place," Blurr remarked.
"Literally, I've scouted this area too many times with my own wonderful face to not know it by heart," Sideswipe replied, ushering Blurr through the hole in the fence. "You wouldn't believe how often criminals operate in this port. With this many Decepticons and human crooks around, I'm surprised the military isn't stationed here," he said, sounding outraged as he slipped in behind Blurr.
There was no one there except for them in this area, so Sideswipe started treating it like a walk in the park. He slowly led Blurr through the maze of metal containers ready for export from Crown City, which was a technological giant in this part of Europe.
As they walked, Sideswipe continued to recount his adventures in this place, telling Blurr about Steeljaw, about the Alchemor, about the spirit of Optimus Prime, and Blurr couldn't believe how much was happening here.
" - And you know, recently Windblade flew in to see us! It's like winning a million shanix, literally-"
"Hey, Sideswipe," Blurr interrupted his monologue.
"Yeah, dude?"
"I know that..." Blurr chuckled nervously. "It might sound a bit strange in these circumstances, but maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself? After all, this is only our second meeting." He kept laughing nervously, following Sideswipe.
"About myself, I could talk for hours, depending on what exactly you want to know," Sideswipe replied, glancing between the metal containers upon hearing the creaks. He then pulled out his weapon from his leather jacket. At this signal, Blurr himself prepared for action.
"For example, what do you like to drink or do?" Blurr whispered, stepping ahead of Sideswipe before ducking behind a corner and noticing two guards stationed by the containers in front of a moderately sized ship.
"Hmm... Let me think, because that's actually a tough question..." Sideswipe whispered back, overtaking Blurr and sprinting ahead.
Before the crew member noticed him, he was already lying on the ground, with Sideswipe's boot on his face. Blurr then jumped onto the next one, hitting his head against the rusty metal wall of the container, immediately knocking out  the middle-aged man.
"I particularly enjoy drinking energon mixed with Mountain Dew..." he whispered, scratching his chin. "And as for what I like to do, racing, painting myself up, I enjoy messing around with others sometimes, but there's always someone yelling at me for it. Especially Strongarm!" He crossed his arms and leaned against the container as Blurr bound the men's hands and feet with foam, still listening attentively."She's a real demon underneath that pretty face, really, I don't know how I haven't 'dumped' her yet. I guess I've grown too attached to that hairy gorilla," Sideswipe remarked as he headed towards the ship upon hearing that they were about to start sailing.
"Wait, you mean you have a girlfriend?" Blurr immediately ran after Sideswipe.
Blurr and Sideswipe quickly launched into the attack, moving with grace and speed. Their movements were synchronized and harmonious, as if executing a choreography in the midst of battle. Blurr deftly dodged enemy attacks, leaping from one opponent to another, striking accurately and swiftly. Meanwhile, Sideswipe employed strength and energy, barging into enemies and delivering blows that sent them flying through the air. They worked together like a well-oiled machine, surpassing their opponents with their skill and coordination. Despite the enemies' attempts to defend themselves, Blurr and Sideswipe did not slow down. Their attacks were swift and precise, hitting the opponents' weak points accurately. The boys' unwavering determination eventually broke through the enemy's defense, incapacitating anyone who stood in their way. Despite being outnumbered, Blurr and Sideswipe defeated them all, emerging victorious from the fierce battle.
They immobilized them both and left them in front of the ship. While Sideswipe called the police to report the capture of the thieves, Blurr pulled up in his car. He loaded his stolen goods onto the trailer he took from the thieves. Then, both of them quickly drove away through the entrance that Blurr had opened earlier.
"I hope they don't have cameras here!" Blurr remarked.
"Don't worry, there's nothing here. If they had cameras, I wouldn't have to keep coming back here all the time," Sideswipe said with a sour expression.
Sides jumped out of Blurr's car and got into his own, and they drove away, hearing only police sirens behind them.
A few kilometers further, they both stopped. Sideswipe got out of the car and stretched, then hissed in pain from the sensation in his left arm. Blurr was right behind him.
"That was some action, am I right dude?" Sides chuckled. "Quick, no-strings-attached fight!"
"Are you okay, though?" Blurr asked, concerned. He could tell something was bothering Sideswipe after the fight.
"Nah, I'm fine, just need to patch myself up—" Blurr pushed Sideswipe into his car. "Ah! What the fu-"
"Relax, I'll just patch you up. You don't look your best."
"I don't look my best...? What do you mean by that? Is it really bad?" He said worried.
Blurr chuckled softly as he removed Sideswipe's upper clothing, revealing his athletic yet delicate body. He blushed at the sight of the barely visible blond hairs on the skin and the gentle cuts oozing blood.
"What's wrong? Dazzled by my Greek god-like body?" Sideswipe joked charmingly.
"W-what? No!" Blurr stammered, embarrassed, and began to cleanse his wounds.
For a moment, they found themselves in an awkward silence. Blurr focused on tending to Sideswipe's wounds, while Sideswipe glanced alternately at the sky and at Blurr's first aid kit, which had better supplies than what Fixit used to extract a from Bumblebee's intimate area.
"We should do this more often, Blurr, just you and me, no one else! Especially not Strongarm..." He sighed, smiling and closing his eyes.
"She's your girlfriend...?" he asked in desperation.
"Not exactly, for now I think we're in a ‘situation ship’, although Drift says that doesn't exist," Sideswipe replied, glancing at Blurr. "I'm doing what I can to get her interested in me, but for now, she's keeping her distance, maybe because of her issues with her parents. I wish she'd care about me, even for just a moment..."
"So you're not together?" Blurr asked, feeling a bit of hope in his spark.
"In theory, no, but I already refer to her that way, so I can say 'I told you so' in the end," Sideswipe smiled, confident that it will happen that way.
"Ah, great! Wonderful!" Blurr exclaimed happily, finishing applying the bandages. 
"I knew you'd get me, buddy. It's only our second meeting, and we're already on the same wavelength," he added, patting him on the back with delight.
"Of course, man..!" Blurr swallowed nervously. "Hey, maybe you'd like to hang out with me next week? We have a festival in Griffin Rock, and you know, it would be cool, you know."
"Oh man, are you inviting me to go clubbing? Yes, absolutely, count me in!" Sideswipe exclaimed excitedly. “Nobody ever invited me to go clubbing.”
"Looks like I'm the lucky one," he sent back, flashing his charming smile, then received a playful nudge from Sideswipe.
Upon hearing those words from the red-haired guy, Blurr felt a rush of euphoria. He couldn't believe he had actually achieved this. He couldn't believe he was here now, so close to Sideswipe, who wanted to be his closest buddy, and maybe even something more someday—at least that's what Blurr wanted to believe in this moment. Even now, he felt like he couldn't wait for the next week.
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Blurr siedział za kierownicą, poddenerwowany, co mu się nigdy nie zdarzyło. Nie sądził, że kiedykolwiek będzie mieć ochotę aby trochę zwolnić, byle by nie dojechać do tego przeklętego miejsca. Owym miejscem jest Królewiec, gdzie przebywała inna drużyną autobotów. Fakt iż poza nim rezydowały w pobliżu inne boty mu nie przeszkadzało ani trochę, bo w swoim mniemaniu dałby sobie radę z każdym wyzwaniem, które ośmieliłoby się stanąć mu na drodze, lecz nie w tym tkwił problem..
Rumienił się ze wstydu na samą myśl powodu tego całego stresu, był czerwony autobot o imieniu Sideswipe. Po ostatnim spotkaniu w Griffin Rock nie mógł go wyrzucić z umysłu. Myśl o byciu komplementowanym, podziwianym przez tego czerwono włosego przystojniaka sprawiała, że serce młodzieńca przyspieszyło swoją pracę. Natomiast idea o potencjalnym wyścigu między nimi, jako dwójce idealnych przeciwników, sprawiła że jego policzki przybrały odcień szkarłatu.
Jednak to wszystko to były tylko płonne nadzieje…Młody mężczyzna jedynie westchnął i niechętnie przyspieszył by wjechać na przedmieścia miasta.
W tym samym czasie na wysypisku, będące kryjówka dla autobotów, Sideswipe wyszedł z Alchemoru ciągnąć za sobą swego młodszego kompana- Russella, którego miał odwieźć do  szkoły.
Brązowowłosy chłopiec ziewał ospale od czasu a jego oczy były na wpół przymknięte a na wpół otwarte, jakby nadal próbował się oswoić z świadomością tego, że od ponad 30 minut jest na nogach. Nastolatek burknął niezrozumiale pod nosem wkładając plecak do auta Sideswipa, wyglądając na dość niezadowolonego z całego procederu. Podobne odczucia miał Sideswipe, który uważał, że to iż musi wstawać o 6:00 nad ranem jest dla niego karą, a nie obowiązkiem.
"Sideswipe... naprawdę musimy tam jechać...?" ziewnął załamany Russell.
"Niestety tak." Westchnął niebieskooki. "Ponieważ jak ostatnio Bee się dowiedział, że wziąłem cię na jak to nazwał 'wagary', a nie edukacyjną wycieczkę, to zabrał mi żel do włosów! Wyglądałem jak jakiś brudny emos przez tydzień! To było... traumatyczne." Złapał się za ramiona i lekko zatrząsł przez powracające wspomnienia o złej fryzurze. 
Russell jedynie westchnął i usiadł na miejscu pasażera, z fatalną wizją swojego dnia w szkole i załamanym wyrazem twarzy. Zaraz po nim usiadł Sideswipe na miejscu kierowcy, silnik zamruczał głęboko rozgrzewając ciężkie mechanizmy. W momencie gdy brama od ich kryjówki ustąpiła im z drogi, samochód sportowy wyjechał z podjazdu wzburzając za sobą tony kurzu.
Dojechanie na miejsce docelowe zajęło im niecałe 15 minut zajęło. Sides wyszedł z pojazdu, chwycił w dłoń plecach Russella, otworzył mu drzwi, a następnie podał torbę z szkolnym ekwipunkiem. Chłopak wyskoczył z auta i ruszył do budynku machając mu na pożegnanie. Mimowolnie na ustach młodego mężczyzny zagościł delikatny uśmiech i obdarował chłopca identycznym gestem.
Kiedy Sides był pod podstawówką imienia Jarosława Pawła II nr. VII, Blurr błąkał się po mieście jak jakieś dziecko we mgle. Nie był w stanie włączyć ani lokalizatora ani komunikatora z bazą Rescue Botów, nawet nie był w stanie namierzyć najbliższych cybertrończyków. Wkurzony wjechał w małą uliczkę, aby sprawdzić przyczynę usterki. Stanął na poboczu drogi która jedynie prowadziła do dużej ludzkiej szkoły i jej całego kampusu. Kiedy się zatrzymał wyłączył silnik westchnął a poirytowaniem zastanawiając się czy lokalizator się zepsuł albo zaciął.
Prawie dostał zawału gdy zauważył Sideswipa stojące przy swoim mechanicznym wierzchowcu, używającego ludzkiego urządzenia- telefonu ze słuchawkami na uszach. Zaczął się stopniowo i powoli się wycofywać, modląc się do Primusa by czerwono włosy chłopak go nie zauważył.
"W rdzę!" Klnął pod nosem widząc jak niebieskooki młodzian odwraca się w jego stronę, zaintrygowany nagłym ruchem w bocznej alejce.
"He...?" Skierował głowę stronę auta, które się wycofywało, tym samym zdejmując słuchawki. Sides przymrużył oczy, przez swój słaby wzrok, rozpoznał z łatwością to auto i jego świeżo poznanego właściciela- Blurra. "Blurr?" Krzyknął do swojego przyjaciela w aucie.
Blurr już wiedział, że tkwi w tym za głęboko i nie może już uciec z zaistniałej sytuacji, wziął głęboki wdech po czym wyszedł z pojazdu, z pełną pewnością siebie.
"Stary, nie wierzę, że tutaj jesteś!" Uśmiechnął się i odkrzyknął do niego." Co ty tutaj w ogóle robisz, myślałem, że nie przyjmują takich półgłówków jak ty tutaj!" zażartował sobie z Sidesa, podchodząc do niego.
Sideswipe głośno się zaśmiał i przytulił do niego, po czym delikatnie poklepał go po plecach. Blurr się zarumienił.
"Spokojnie, nigdy bym tam nawet nie wszedł! Dostaje dreszczy na samą myśl o ludzkiej szkole!" Puścił go ze swoich objęć. "Musiałem odwieźć tutaj mojego partnera- Russella, nadal chodzi do podstawówki, a bo 'skoro chcesz by Russell był twoim partnerem musisz go odwodzić i odbierać ze szkoły, bo za moich czasów ja musiałem to robić i nie marudziłem kiedy wstawałem o 6 rano'." Starał się parodiować Bumblebee, co rozśmieszyło Blurra. "A co ty tutaj robisz, tak daleko od Griffin Rock? Coś się stało? Czy mam pokazać moje kocie ruchy jakimś decepticonom?" zaczął wymachiwać rękoma prezentując swe odruchy dzikiego, zaprawionego w bojach kota.
"Jeszcze nie, stary, ale obiecuję Ci, że będziesz pierwszym do którego zapukam, jak będzie trzeba kogoś pobić lub pokazać kto jest najszybszym rajdowcem w Europie!" Chwycił Sideswipa w zagłębienie swego ramienia i zaczął go czochrać."To coś znacznie ważniejszego, ziomuś, dostałem tajną misję od Heatwava, by sprawdzić coś na tym terenie, ale niestety żadne wykrywacze lub inne śmierci nie działają! Jakby po co mi to w ogóle dali, skoro to non-stop odmawia mi posłuszeństwa, co nie?" Zaśmiał się do Sideswipa, który starał się naprawić rozczochraną fryzurę.
“A no tak, wracając do rzeczy ważniejszych, może powiesz mi czego szukasz. Z chęcią Ci pomogę, znam to miejsce jak własną kieszeń, więc znajdziesz to szybciej niż myślisz."
"Oh, to dlatego, że mamy tutaj zablokowane namierzanie naszych sygnałów" zaczął mu tłumaczyć. “Od kiedy ten dupny statek się rozbił w tym jeziorze, nawet ludzki internet ledwo działa! I ty to sobie wyobrażasz, że musimy się komunikować przez ludzkie radio, jak jacyś emeryci podczas wojny?! Wiem, że to normalne dla Bee, bo jest stary ale dla mnie to dziwne! Ostatnio nawet kazał mi czytać książki i przestać oglądać let's playe, no serio on ma kija w dupie." Westchnął." Dosłownie same problemy z tym grzybem…”przez sekundę Sideswipe się zawiesił i zapomniał.” O czym ja w ogóle mówiłem?"
“O mojej misji…?”
Blurr mruknął cicho pod nosem, zastanawiając się nad propozycje pobratymca.
"Hmm... No nie wiem, stary, nie powinienem..." podrapał się po karku.
"No dawaj, przecież nic się nie stanie jak ci pomogę! Ostatnim razem byłeś cudowny w akcji, a z moją pomocą pójdzie to jeszcze szybciej! Oj proszę, proszę, proszę! Jak mnie nie weźmiesz, to Bee zmusi mnie do posprzątania całej bazy, bo Grimlock nie panuje nad własnym ogonem." zrobił maślane oczy w stronę Blurra, atakując go swą słodkością niczym kot w butach.
Słysząc solidne argumenty ‘za’, Blurr poczuł, że musi się ugiąć pod naporem Sideswipa.
"Niech ci będzie! Im szybciej się tym zajmiemy tym szybciej będziemy mogli się pościgach, co nie?" Dał mu kuksa w ramię."Szukam takiego jednego przestępcy, który ukradł z naszej bazy części zamienne."
"40 kilo energonu."
"Co? To ja muszę jeść energon wymieszany z ludzkim jedzeniem, bo nam go nie starcza, a ten człowiek sobie po prostu zabrał 40 kilo energonu." Oburzył się.
"Masz jakieś jego zdjęcie czy coś?"
"Właściwie to tak!” podał mu jego zdjęcie z monitoringu.
”Znaleźliśmy go tutaj przez sygnał energonu, a po tym jak wjechał do miasta, straciłem jego sygnał."
"Hm..." Sideswipe zaczął głośno myśleć drapiąc się po brodzie.
"Znaczy wiesz, jak nie dasz rady sam mogę go poszukać..." Blurr próbował się wywinąć z tej sytuacji.
"Sza! Ja myślę!" Sides kontynuował, kiedy Blurr patrzył na niego. "Już wiem! Ostatnim razem jak ludzie znaleźli zapas energonu Steeljawa i jego ekipy, wzięli to do… portu! Żeby sprzedać to jako jakieś drogie... świecące coś!"
"W takim razie prowadź compadre." Spojrzał mu w oczy zauroczony i lekko się ukłonił puszczając go przodem.
Sideswipe wskoczył do swojego pojazdu I wysunął głowę za okno.
"Dawaj, chodź!"
Blurr szybko wskoczył do swojego auta, i ruszył za Sideswipem zostawiając za sobą jedynie kusz. 
Serce Blurra zaczęło szybciej bić, a setki myśli napływały mu do głowy. Zaczął myśleć o rozmowie, którą właśnie przeprowadził z Sideswipem i na jakiego głupka on wyszedł. Czuł wstyd za siebie i jak przeprowadził ową wymianę zdań, pytał się samego siebie czemu go po prostu nie zaprosił na spotkanie lub prywatny wyścig albo nawet coś więcej. Aczkolwiek Blurr był szczęśliwy, że Sides sam chciał z nim spędzać czas.
Dwa auta jechały z piskiem opon po mieście w kierunku prostym. Po niezbyt długim czasie dotarli pod wjazd do portu, ukryli auta w buszu a następnie ruszyli żwawo przed siebie. Rozejrzeli się dookoła, po czym Blurr podszedł do bramy, patrząc na obraz przed nim zza krat.
“To ten koleś” Pokazał palcem Blurr, Sideswipe natychmiast spojrzał w pokazaną mu stronę.
Nikogo tam nie było oprócz nich, przez co Sideswipe traktował to jak spacer po łące. Powoli prowadził Blurra po labiryncie zrobionych z metalowych kontenerów gotowych do eksportu z Królewca, który jest gigantem technologicznym w tej części Europy.
”Tą samą przyczepę miał przy aucie na zdjęciach z monitoringu! Tylko jakby się tam dostać… nie możemy się tak po prostu tutaj włamać! Mam pomysł, może ja cię podstadzę-”
“Posłuchaj mnie stary, ja mam plan” Sides pociągnął za sobą Blurra, aż nie napotkali dziurę, która zrobiła Strongarm rzucając w nią Sideswipa.
“Wo… ty naprawdę wszystko wiesz o tym miejscu”
“Dosłownie, szorowałem ten teren własną cudowną twarzą zbyt wiele razy, żebym go teraz nie znał…” przepuścił Blurra przez dziurę w płocie.”Nawet się nie spodziewasz jak często przestępcy coś robią w tym porcie??? Z taką ilością decepticonów i ludzkich przestępców tutaj, ja się dziwie, że wojsko tutaj nie stacjonuje.”powiedział oburzony, wślizgując się za Blurrem.
Sideswipe opowiadał mu przy tym cały czas jego przygody w tym miejscu, mówił mu o Steeljaw, o Alchemorze, o duchu Optimusa, a Blurr nie mógł uwierzyć w to ile rzeczy tutaj się dzieje.
“Tak stary?”
“-I no jakby też ostatnio do nas przyleciała Windblade! Jakby stary to jak wygrać milion shanixów, dosłownie-"
“Ej Sideswipe.”przerwał mu jego monolog.
"Wiem, że…” zaśmiał się nerwowo.” Że to może brzmieć trochę dziwnie w takich okolicznościach, ale może opowiesz mi o sobie trochę? W końcu do tej pory to nasze 2 spotkanie dopiero." Zaśmiał się nerwowo, idąc za Sideswpiem.
"O sobie to ja mogę opowiadać godzinami, zależy co konkretnie chcesz wiedzieć." Rozejrzał się między metalowymi kontenerami po usłyszeniu trzasków, po czym wyciągnął swoją broń ze skórzanej kurtki. Na ten sygnał sam Blurr się przygotował.
"Na przykład co lubisz pić lub robić?" szepnął, wyprzedzając Sideswipa, po czym schował się za rogiem i zauważył, dwójka ludzi na straży przy kontenerach, stojących przed niezbyt dużym statkiem.
“Hm… Daj mi pomyśleć, bo to trudne pytanie w sumie…” wyprzedził Blurra i pobiegł do przodu. 
Zanim członek załogi go zauważył, już leżał na ziemi , z butem Sideswipa na jego twarzy. Na następnego wskoczył Blurr, po czym uderzył jego głową o metalową ścianę rdzewiejącego kontenera, co od razu z knock outowało mężczyznę w średnim wieku.
"Najbardziej to ja lubię pić energon wymieszany z Mountain Dew..." wyszeptał, po czym podrapał się po brodzie." A robić to się ścigać, malować się, lubię czasami sobie pożartować z innymi, ale zawsze ktoś musi się na mnie za to wydrzeć. Zwłaszcza Strongarm!” skrzyżował ręce i oparł się o kontener, kiedy Blurr sklejał ręce i nogi mężczyzn pianką, mimo wszystko uważnie go słuchał.” Ona jest prawdziwym demonem pod tą piękną twarzą, naprawdę, nie wiem jak ja jej jeszcze nie ‘rzuciłem’, widocznie zbyt się przywiązałem do tego włochatego goryla." Sideswipa ruszył w stronę statku kiedy usłyszał, że powoli będą odpływać.
"Czekaj, masz na myśli, że masz dziewczynę?" natychmiast pobiegł za Sidesem.
Blurr i Sideswipe szybko ruszyli do ataku, poruszając się z gracją i szybkością. Ich ruchy były zgrane i harmonijne, jakby wykonując choreografię w środku bitwy. Blurr unikał ataków przeciwników, skacząc z jednego do drugiego, atakując celnie i szybko. Sideswipe natomiast posługiwał się siłą i energią, wdzierając się we wrogów i zadając ciosy, które wyrzucały ich w powietrze. Współpracowali ze sobą jak dobrze naoliwiona maszyna, przewyższając przeciwników swoją umiejętnością i zgraniem. Mimo że przeciwnicy próbowali się bronić, Blurr i Sideswipe nie zwalniali tempa. Ich ataki były szybkie i celne, trafiając dokładnie w słabe punkty przeciwników. Niezłomna determinacja chłopców sprawiła, że w końcu przełamali obronę wroga, obezwładniając każdego, kto stanął im na drodze. Pomimo przewagi liczebnej przeciwników, oboje pokonali ich wszystkich, pozostając na końcu jako zwycięzcy tej zaciętej walki
Oboje ich unieruchomili  i zostawili przed statkiem. Kiedy Sideswipe dzwonił, aby zawiadomić policję o złapaniu złodziei, Blurr podjechał autem. Załadował na przyczepę, którą zabrał od złodzieje swoje skradzione dobra. Po czym szybko oboje obaj odjechali, przez wejście które Blurr wcześniej otworzył.
Sides wyskoczył z auta Blurra i przesiadł się na swoje, po czym ruszyli dalej słysząc za sobą jedynie syreny policyjne.
“Mam nadzieję, że tutaj nie mają kamer!” powiedział Blurr.
“Spokojnie nic tu nie ma, jakby mieli kamery, nie musiał bym tutaj notorycznie przyjeżdżać.” powiedział Sideswipe ze skwaszoną miną.
Około kilka kilometrów dalej oboje się zatrzymali. Wtedy Sideswipe wyszedł z auta i się przeciągnął, po czym syknął przez ból który poczuł w swoim lewym ramieniu. Blurr był zaraz za nim.
"To była akcja co nie stary?" Zaśmiał się Sides "Szybką niezobowiązująca walka!"
"Nic ci nie jest stary?" Zapytał zmartwiony Blurr. Widział, że boli coś Sideswipa po walce.
"Nah nic mi nie jest, opatrzę się-" Blurr wepchnął Sideswipa do swojego auta." Czy ciebie do końca po-"
"Spokojnie, tylko cię opatrzę. Nie wyglądasz najlepiej."
"Nie wyglądam najlepiej...? Co masz przez to na myśli? Jest bardzo źle?" Zmartwił się.
Blurr jedynie zachichotał, po czym ściągnął górną część odzieży Sideswipa. Zarumienił się na widok wysportowanego acz nadal bardzo delikatnego ciała chłopaka. Miał wręcz niewidoczne blond włoski na skórze. Delikatne rozcięcia na jego ciele sączyły krwią.
"No co? Onieśmielam cię swoim ciałem greckiego boga?" Zaśmiał się szarmancko.
"C-co? Nie!" Zawstydził się i zaczął oczyszczać jego rany.
Przez chwili utknęli w niezręcznej ciszy, Blurr skupił się na opatrywaniu Sideswipa, sam chłopak rzucał wzrok raz na niebo, a raz na apteczkę Blurra, która miała lepsza zawartość niż to czego używał Fixit by wyciągnąć kolec z okolic intymnych Bumblebee.
"Musimy tak częściej robić stary, tylko ty i ja, nikogo więcej! Tym bardziej nie Strongarm..." Westchnął uśmiechając się i przymykaj��c oczy.
"Ona jest tą twoją dziewczyną...?" zapytał w desperacji.
"Nie do końca, póki co uważam, że jesteśmy w ‘situation ship’, chociaż Drift mówi że taki coś nie istnieje." Spojrzał na Blurra." Staram się jak mogę, żeby w końcu się mną zainteresowała, ale póki co warzywa się na mnie bo tatusiowie jej nie kochali. Chciał bym, żeby chociaż przez sekundę zależało jej na mnie..."
"Czyli nie jesteście razem?" Poczuł znowu nadzieję w jego sercu.
"Teoretycznie nie, ale mimo wszystko już tak o niej mówię, żebym mógł powiedzieć 'a nie mówiłem?' na koniec."Uśmiechnął się, będąc pewny, że tak na pewno będzie.
"Ah! Świetnie! Cudownie!"powiedział ucieszony kończąc nakładać plastry.
"Wiedziałem, że mnie poprzez stary. To nasze drugie spotkanie, a już na takich samych falach nadajemy." poklepał go po plecach ucieszony.
"Oczywiście, że tak stary!" przełknął ślinę w niepewności." A może stary chciałbyś się spotkać, ze mną tak za tydzień u mnie? Mamy festyn w Griffin Rock i wiesz, fajnie by było no wiesz."
"O Boże czy ty mnie zapraszasz na clubbing? Tak, oczywiście, że tak!” stwierdził ucieszony.” Nikt mnie jeszcze w życiu nie zaprosił na clubbing”
“Czyli jestem pierwszym szczęśliwcem.” wysłał mu swój szarmancki uśmiech, po czym dostał kuksa od Sideswipa w ramię.
Na te słowa czerwonowłosego chłopaka, Blurr poczuł przypływ euforii. Nie wierzył, że naprawdę udało mu się to dokonać. Nie mógł uwierzyć w sam fakt, że jest tutaj teraz tak blisko Sideswipa, który chce być jego najbliższym kumplem, a jak nawet może kiedyś kimś więcej, w to przynajmniej chciał wierzyć Blurr w tym momencie. Nawet teraz czuł, że nie może doczekać przyszłego tygodnia.
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d-criss-news · 1 year
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bradley7861: Darren Criss (Blaine Anderson in Glee, Music Meister in The Flash & Supergirl, Eugene Lindsey in Midway, Raymond Ainsley in Hollywood, Clark Kent/Superman in Superman: Man Of Tomorrow, Justice Society: World War II, Legion Of Super-Heroes & Justice League: Warworld, Raphael in Batman Vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sideswipe/Son in Transformers: Robots In Disguise, Sutemaru in The Tale Of Princess Kaguya, Harry Potter in A Very Potter Musical) and I 😄
#DarrenCriss #Glee #BlaineAnderson #GleeCast #TheFlash #Supergirl #MusicMeister #Midway #Hollywood #SupermanManOfTomorrow #JusticeSocietyWorldWar2 #LegionOfSuperHeroes #JusticeLeagueWarworld #BatmanVsTeenageMutantNinjaTurtles #Superman #ClarkKent #TransformersRobotsInDisguise #TheTaleOfPrincessKaguya #AVeryPotterMusical
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inastrangerskiss · 2 years
Zack Sabre Jr. x Reader
content warning: a pub is referenced as is a drink but that is the only thing aside from that it's straight fluff
summary: they say that distance makes the heart grow fonder
a/n: this is the first fresh zsj fic i've posted in months and months (everything else was backlogged) and the first fic i've written in months and months. i hope you all enjoy!
“You don’t need to rush.” He laughed.
“I’m not rushing.” 
“You’re going fifteen over the speed limit.” He said with a smirk.
You looked at the odometer and realized you were in fact going fifteen over the speed limit and Zack was gripping the handle over the door with white knuckles. Carefully, you tapped the brakes, bringing the car back to a reasonable speed.
“That’s more like it.” He said, lessening his grip just barely. “Slightly less deadly.”
Your face flushed as you watched his smile grow. You tried taking deep breaths and you tried focusing on the road but nothing could distract you from the way his body next to yours in the car made you feel. His hand gripped the middle console and you wished with all your being that maybe he’d trade the leather clad installation for your thigh. Perhaps that’d be more comforting to him anyways.
“I just want to get you to the airport on time.”
“I have over two hours. I don’t think security will be that heinous.”
“You never know.” You shrugged, trying to act casual.
It didn’t take much longer for your car to arrive at the intricate weaving that was the airport. You slowed down considerably more and tried your best to read the signs as they came. Arrivals or departures? Departures. Did you want AerLingus and JetBlue or Delta? You turned in the right direction, almost sideswiping the car on your right. 
Zack gasped but tried to maintain a calm demeanor. It was your first time driving him and he knew how seriously you were taking the task.
If he missed his flight he missed his booking. And if he missed his booking he would certainly hold it against you, you thought. And you didn’t want that.
When you approached the drop off area you put the car in park and opened your door.
“You don’t need to help me.” He laughed.
“I just want to make sure you get everything out of my trunk.” You responded.
So you pulled his suitcase from your hatch and handed them to him as he loaded the luggage onto the sidewalk. His hand touched yours as you passed one handle to him and then the next. After his suitcase came his carry-on and his personal duffel. His fingers grazed yours with every single pass.
And you tried to contain the shiver in your spine.
But, god, it was difficult.
You finished unloading everything and he hugged you tightly.
“I’ll see you when you come bacK?” You asked, as he pulled away, his hand remaining on the small of your back.
“You’re my ride, yeah?” He responded.
“Of course.” You nodded.
You’d taken a day from work just to ensure you’d be around for him.
“Well, until then.” He smiled.
You wanted to be pulled in by his strong arms just one last time. Instead, he squeezed your shoulder and started towards the entry to the airport.
He had to tag his bags. He had to check them. He had to check in for his flight.
You were last of mind.
The conversation started simply. 
Zack sent a picture of a statue and you smiled. 
“Thought this might be something you liked.” The text read. 
Then another picture came through. This time the image was a box of intricately decorated chocolate confections. 
“Want me to bring you back some?” He asked in his next text.
“Absolutely.” You responded.
You shut your phone and moved about your business, assuming that was where the conversation would be left. But, before long, you heard vibrations and saw someone had begun to call you. 
Zack’s beaming face sparkled on the screen, his contact image being a picture from the first time you had hung out one on one. He had put his arm around your waist and insisted you take a picture together to send to your other friends. You had hid your face in his chest and he laughed. 
It was still your favorite picture.
“Hello?” You asked.
“Hey!” His chipper voice responded.
“What’s up? How’s the tour?”
You tried to busy your hands that shook in the wake of excitement. He had called you. He had wanted to speak to you.
It means nothing, you tried to tell yourself. He’s just bored.
“It’s good. A bit dull.” He said. “How’s home?”
“It’s good. A bit dull.” You repeated his words, earning a laugh.
You heard a quiet beep and the sound of a door handle turning and realized he must be returning to his hotel room. Gentle shuffling followed as Zack unloaded the bags from his time exploring the new city onto the wardrobe. It was silent but you didn’t need words - you were more than happy to listen to the ambient noises of your friend settling in for the night after a long day out and about.
“Any big matches coming up?” You asked.
He was silent for a moment and you couldn’t quite understand why but you didn’t think too hard about it.
“Nah.” He sighed. “Just multi-man warm up type matches now.”
You frowned. “Mm, I’m sorry.”
“No worries.” You could tell his phone was pressed between his shoulder and his ear as he moved about. “I’m having fun.”
“More fun than you’d have at home?” You asked.
You were teasing but a part of you hoped he’d say “no”.
“Hmm.” He deliberated. “Let’s see. I could spend time exploring new cities and seeing new things and eating new food or I could explore the same old city, see the same old things, eat the same old food.”
You nodded, having expected a response of that caliber. You couldn’t be mad.
“But,” He started again, catching you off guard. “Home does have you, after all.”
Your face flushed and you were thankful there was a phone screen and a few thousand miles separating the two of you. The last thing you needed Zack to know was that his words got you flustered. 
“So, I guess maybe being home would be better.” He continued, suddenly making you starkly aware of the fact that you’d been silent for far too long. “As long as I’m not in a car with you.”
“Well you’ll be home in a few weeks.” You offered with a laugh, kicking yourself for not having anything better to put into the conversation.
“‘Spose I will be.” He said with a heavy exhale. After some more prolonged shuffling he spoke again. “And you’ll still be there.”
“Waiting for you.” You smiled, trying hard to mask the overwhelming fondness you were feeling. “And we can explore the same old city, see the same old things, and eat the same old food.”
“Speaking of food, are you taking your lunch now?” Zack asked, abruptly switching tones leaving you to feel slightly jarred.
“Haven’t yet.” You shook your head, regaining your composure. “It’s been busy.”
“Take your lunch.” He pressed. “The shop can survive without you for a little bit.”
“I have to -”
“You don’t have to do anything. You need to eat.” He said, more forcefully this time. “Don’t make me come all the way back from Japan just to make sure you take care of yourself.”
“Alright, alright.” You relented. “I’ll take my lunch when you hang up.”
“That’s not fair.” 
His words confused you, causing your eyebrow to arch as you walked to turn the sign on the door to “Closed”. 
“Why’s that not fair?” You asked.
“Because I intended to talk to you for a bit longer.”
“Guess you’ll have to save your words for another day.” You shrugged, fully aware Zack couldn’t see the physical action through the phone.
He smiled and you could hear it in his words. “Guess I will.”
“I’ll text you while I eat.” You promised.
“Don’t let me bother you.” 
“I want to talk to you, Zack.” You responded.
A small laugh slipped through the receiver. “That’s good.”
“That’s good?” You asked, once again unsure of what his words meant.
“Why’s that good?” 
“Because.” He started and you feared he’d stop there. You were thankful when he began speaking again. “I want to talk to you too.”
As you tried to find a sentence that was an appropriate mix of friendly and flirty in the mess that was your brain, his voice broke your concentration, trickling slow as honey through the receiver.
“I miss you.”
Had you started your lunch prior to this call you likely would’ve choked at the surprise of his words. Blush crept up your cheeks and you began to feel silly, the elation that came with what felt like a schoolyard crush filling your heart.
“Alright, go get yourself food.” He chirped as though his previous words had held no wait. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Talk to you tomorrow.” You nodded.
When you hung up the silence felt too silent. The absence of Zack’s voice against your ear made you feel as though you were missing something vital. An emptiness followed the dial tone.
You shook your head, trying to dislodge the dull ache of loneliness from your chest. It was meaningless.
However, five thousand miles away, as Zack picked at the leftovers from his lunch he felt that same exact dull ache. 
And he couldn’t place why.
You sat in the cell phone lot waiting. 
You felt your nerves multiplying. Zack had been texting you the entire plane ride but it had only just hit you that he was coming home. It had been a long month without him and you were worried that the Zack you had been speaking to on the phone might be different from the Zack that would be sitting next to you in your car.
“I’m excited to see you tomorrow!” He had said over the phone the night before.
“I’m excited to see you too.” You had responded.
“I’ve been wishing you were here.” He had murmured, almost as though he were self conscious of his words.
You still hadn’t recovered from that comment.
Your phone vibrated and a text from Zack saying he had gotten to baggage claim lit up your phone. That was your cue to put your car in drive and start making your way to the pick up lane. 
It may have only taken ten minutes to get from point A to point B but it felt like hours. With every rotation of your car’s tires you wondered if Zack would be the Zack you had known prior to dropping him off at the airport or if he’d be the Zack you’d been introduced to in his absence. You wondered if he remembered all of the words he had said over the phone or if he’d forget them the moment his suitcase was in your trunk.
When you saw him you couldn’t help but accept the beaming smile that unfurled across your face. You were thankful when he mirrored you, his cheeks blooming fondly.
You put the car in park and hopped out of the driver’s side, pulling the latch to pop open the trunk. As you reached for his suitcase his hand caught yours.
“C’mere.” He murmured, pulling you tight to his chest. 
You hardly knew how to react but you certainly had no complaints as you reciprocated the affection.
“Been a month since I last saw my best mate.” He said, his cheek pressed to the crown of your head. “Think a quick hug is in order.”
Best mate. The words rang out in your head as you forced a small laugh trying to not appear as heartbroken as you were beginning to feel.
He released you with a small exhale. Before you could reach for his suitcase once more he waved you back, signaling he could handle it himself.
“Don’t worry about this. Go get warm and I’ll be there in a second.” He said, gesturing to the interior of the car.
“You sure?” You asked.
“Yeah. No need for both of us to freeze to death.” He carefully maneuvered the suitcase into the trunk. “Don’t want you catching a cold or something.”
His words hit you as though they were an afterthought as you made your way back to the driver’s seat. You could’ve missed them if you weren’t listening close enough. A spark of hope lit up in your chest as you thought perhaps the comment was more than just a courteous gesture. 
Within minutes the trunk slammed shut and Zack hopped into the passenger seat, shivering for dramatic effect.
“It’s abysmal out there.” He commented as he dropped his carry on at his feet and pulled his seatbelt on.
“You say that like you’re surprised.” You laughed.
As you pulled away from the curb you could feel Zack’s gaze zero in on you and you expected some sort of smart ass remark in response. But, once you were comfortably on the road and headed away from the arrivals, you could see from the corner of your eye that he was simply smiling. The moment was fleeting as he turned to face the windshield, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck. You had hoped it might last forever.
“I’m dropping you at yours. Right?” You asked.
“I’ll have to get some gas.” You noted.
“No worries.”
You looked over to Zack, hoping to catch his eye. He was transfixed, however, by his own hands as they kneaded and picked at each other. His eyes darted to his carry-on, sitting at his feet and seemed to zone out. At first you thought he was tired. He was fresh from a long flight and a big timezone shift. It made sense if he was not in the mood to make small talk. But then, as he looked back to his hands a realization dawned upon you.
He was anxious.
You took a hand off the wheel and squeezed his bicep, garnering his attention.
“You okay?” You asked. “I promise to drive more carefully than I did when I dropped you off.”
You thought he might laugh at the comment or perhaps make fun of you but instead he offered a tight-lipped smile that could very nearly be confused for a grimace.
“Yeah, no. I’m fine.” He shook his head. 
“You sure?”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry about me.” He tacked a half hearted laugh at the end of his words, causing you more concern.
You shrugged and brought your hand from his arm back to the wheel. The drive was quiet as Zack opened the carry-on and fiddled with a bag while you kept your eye open for a service station. You turned the radio on but even that couldn’t assuage the tension.
“I’m gonna pull in here.” You pointed to a rest stop. “It’ll be quick.”
Zack remained silent as you pulled the car up to a gas pump. You parked and took the keys out of the ignition, offering one final glance towards the man sitting beside you. When he kept his eyes trained on his window you opened the door and re-entered the chilly outside world.
You could feel your head spinning as you unscrewed the gas cap and selected your grade of gasoline. He was never normally this quiet. He always had something to say and, while you didn’t always welcome every word that came out of his mouth, you were sorely beginning to miss the talkative person you had called every night while he was away.
You watched the price on the screen slowly go up. You wondered if he regretted everything he had said during his time away and was now trying to find a way to return to the platonic standard you were both used to. The thought alone caused your heart to ache. It was becoming more and more clear that you had potentially fallen head over heels for someone that was very clearly not on the same page as you.
You let your mind wander to the tune of gas pouring into your tank. You didn’t hear the passenger side door open and close. You didn’t hear Zack as he came around to your side of the car.
“Christ!” You gasped as he appeared next to you. “What’re you doing? Go back-”
“I got you something.” He blurted, not allowing you to finish your sentence.
His eyes were wide like a deer in the headlights. You couldn’t look away from him. You didn’t want to look away from him.
The gas pump clicked as the tank filled up, peeling your attention back, if only for a second. You placed the nozzle in its holster and declined a receipt.
Zack didn’t move. When you turned to face him you noticed his hand outstretched to you. In it sat an unassuming brown jewelry box, a small, dark green ribbon tied in a bow around it. This was not the box of chocolates he said he’d bring back. This was not something you had ever expected to receive - especially not from him.
Your heart began to pick up pace as you took the box from him, offering a brief, confused glance up to his still terrified face.
“I just - I thought of you when I saw it.” He started.
You pulled the ribbon slowly, no longer aware of the cars as they came and went, speeding back onto the highway. The lid of the box took a small amount of effort to remove but it came off. Zack stuck his hand out, offering to hold it for you while you peeled away a tiny rectangle of cottony gauze.
Your heart started slamming against your chest.
In the tiny, unassuming box sat a thin gold bracelet adorned with a matching golden sun charm. It was delicate and you worried if you dropped it you may never find it again. With the most care you could possibly offer a piece of jewelry you lifted it up and held it from your fingers.
“If you don’t like it that’s okay.” Zack continued. “I just saw it and I thought it was something you might want and I wanted to - after all of our conversations while I was gone I just wanted to-”
You held your hand out, palm facing the ground, silencing the stuttering man. You then held the bracelet up to him in your other hand. He stared at you with his head slightly tilted. 
“Put it on me.” You smiled.
The fear in Zack’s eyes quickly melted to reveal a warm grin. You could feel the anxiety rolling off his back and disappearing into the earth as he took the bracelet from you and clasped it around your wrist. His hand lingered on your skin as he admired how it looked on you, his thumb rubbing small circles against your forearm.
“You really like it?” He asked. “Because I don’t want you taking the piss or making a joke about this. If you’re fucking with me just tell me now.”
Laughter escaped from deep within you, quickly causing Zack to glare at you.
“You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?” He muttered, a slight sneer on his face.
With a deep inhale you managed to pull yourself together. 
“No. No.” You shook your head fervently. “I swear I love it. I really do.”
“I don’t believe you.” He said, beginning to walk away, back to his side of the car. “You’re a pain in the-”
Before he could finish his insult or walk too far, you reached out for his arm and pulled him back to you. You hadn’t planned your next move as he stood, his chest nearly aligned with yours, so you did the one thing your brain had been dying to do for the last month.
You reached up and pulled his head down and quickly pressed your lips to his. He hesitated for an agonizingly long second. He had only ever thought this was possible in his dreams and a fear ignited in him that perhaps he was, in fact, asleep. You worried you had overstepped and wondered when it was right to break away but you waited one last moment.
And then he reciprocated the kiss. And it was full of need and want and love. And you smiled against his face.
When you pulled back you looked up at him.
“I love it.” You murmured, clouds of your breath getting carried away with the wind. “Swear.”
His eyes studied you, a satisfied look twinkling in his eyes. 
“Your hand smells like gasoline.” He responded, his eyes looking at your hand that was currently cupping his cheek.
“You’re the worst.” You said, trying to contain the grin that was threatening to break across your lips.
“I don’t think you mean that.” He chimed, his nose brushing yours.
“I don’t.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you took a step backwards.
“Get back in the car. You’re gonna get sick if you stay out here.” He noted, gesturing indiscriminately to the weather.
You shook your head but followed his orders, getting back in the car with every intention of cranking the heat up. Zack sat beside you, still smiling from ear to ear.
“So, I’m dropping you off at your place now?” You asked.
Zack appeared to consider the question before pursing his lips. “Maybe we could get a bite to eat first.”
“I could eat.” You nodded.
“I think we might have some catching up to do.” He said, resolutely. “And anyways, my flat isn’t really the best place to have a first date.”
As though it were the pin in the grenade a hot blush rushed across your face and you didn’t bother hiding it. Instead, you shifted into drive and began rolling back towards the highway.
“I’ve seen that place. It’s definitely not first date material.” You joked.
“No. It’s not.” He agreed. “But the pub around the corner might be.”
So you drove and parked outside of the pub. You ate subpar, greasy food and laughed over a drink and watched the game playing on the television. And Zack ran a thumb over your brand new bracelet and then took your hand in his, winding his fingers between yours. 
And he kissed you once more. Slowly, this time.
There was no need to rush.
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autoacafiles · 1 year
So this has been something that's been asked for a few times, so after a long times work, here we have it! A hypothetical voice cast for the characters of Autobot Academy. If there's a character you don't see, it's as we don't want to rush figuring out a character. We may update this list in the future, however it'll be in our own time, so we won't be taking any questions about specific missing characters. And hey, if you have your own voices that don't match up with these, then feel free to stick with that!
Yuri Lowenthal - Hot Shot/Excellion II/DF Hot Shot/Ben Tennyson
Ashley Eckstein - Lightbright/Maxima/DF Lightbright
Tara Platt - Artillery/Maelstrom/ CG-11272017
ThunderPsyker - Bumblebee/Mjolnir
Morgan Garrett - Arcee/Diabla/Spidarcee
Nick “Lanipator” Landis - Rampage/Shockaract/Straxus
Brianna Knickerbocker - Transmutate/Transmutate X/Transmutate IX
Sam Vincent - Side Burn/Darkburn
Rick “Rice Pirate” Lauer - X-Brawn/Wrenchit
Chris Hackney - Mach Alert/Infernox/Lio Convo/Galva Convoy
Tiya Sicrar - Moonracer
Christine Marie Cabanos - Nightracer/Wipe-Out
Ashley Johnson - Glyph
Kanono - Tap-Out/AlbinoBug
Lizzie Caplin - Tremor/Shockblast
Erika Ishii - Sonar/Noisemaze
DoktorApplejuice - Armorhide/Armorbreak
Josh Keaton - Sideswipe/Firebreaker/Sunstreaker/Mismatch
Alejandro Saab - Steeljaw/Shatter-Pattern/Phantomjaw/Hellhound
Chris Miller - Thunderhoof
Sumalee Montano - Lodestar
Max Mittelan - Hosehead/Contagion
Sam Regal - Bomb-Burst
Kyle McCarley - Longshot
Ben Diskin - Misfire/Missilefire
Lucas Gilbertson - Saber/Dark Saber/Devcon/DF Devcon
Li Ming Hu - Hightail/Ravager
Mike Ginn - Gridlock/Ravager
Erica Mendez - Galaxy Flare
Michelle Ang - Riptide
Vanessa Marshal - Strongarm
Jill Harris - Nautica/DF Nautica
Courtney Ford - Muzzle
Nicolas Cantu - Wasp/DF Waspinator
Erin Fitzgerald - Convex
Archie Kao - Roadblock
Connor Kelley - Sky High
Haven Kendrick - Hot Rodimus/Raze
Michelle Yeoh - Windblade
Shannon McCormick - Rung
Elizabeth Maxwell - Chromia
Edward James Olmos - Fortress Maximus
Travis Willingham - Rollout
Andrew Francis - Scorch
John DiMaggio - Kup/Nitro Zeus/Leadfoot
Kyle Herbert - Star Convoy/Orion Pax/Toxitron
Mark Bonnar - Starscream
Paul McGann - Perceptor
Jake Johnson - Devaron
Herself Sarah Wiedenheft - Saperion/Arcrunner
Debra Wilson - Elita-1
Nicolas Cage - Overload
Nathan Fillion - Silverstreak/Killstreak
Ian MacKellen - Alpha Trion
Tara Strong - Slash
Bryce Papenbrooke - Leobreaker
Matt Mercer - Bigfight/Death Convoy
Tom Gliblis - Break
Aleks Le - Stampy
Jack DeSana - Whoop-Kong
Roger Craig Smith - Bound Rogue
Charlie Day - Rattrap
Ashly Burch - Whirl
Heather Watson - Minerva
Ratana - Stiletto
Cherami Leigh - Skyburst/Stormclash
Rachel Robinson - Surge
David B. Mitchell - Silverbolt
Jamie Chung - Flare-Up
Ron Botitta - Amp
Jason Marnocha - Megatron
Isaac C Singleton Jr. - Soundwave
Kathleen Delaney - Thunderblast
Vincent D'nofrio - Motormaster
Laura Bailey - Drag Strip
Shelby Rabara - Wildrider
David Kaye - Gnashteeth
Marc "Ganxingba" Soskin - Thundercracker
Ian Hanlin - Skywarp
Ryan Reynolds - Deadlock
Kaley Cuoco - Flamewar
Todd Haberkorn - Stonecrusher
Maurice LaMarche- Cryotek
Josh Powell - Onslaught
Corey Burton - Shockwave
Sylvester McCoy - “Doc”
JK Simmons - Horntrap
Cameron Monaghan - Beta Maxx
LaMonica Garret - Great Convoy
Peter Dinklage - King Atlas
Lydia Leonard - Black Convoy
Sam Witwer - Venator
Colin Baker - Jhiaxus
Billy West/Michael Dorn - Dion/Umbra Convoy
Greg Cipes - Carjack
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years
So I watched Creed 3 last night. It was awesome but it makes me wonder if sunstreaker given the chance to actually go pro as fighter instead mob enforcer. Would he have done it and how would life be different for him ?
Please god don’t get me started on the Creed movies, I watched Creed 2 on a whim because it popped up while I was couch surfing while drawing one night (TV shows and cable movies are my white noise when I work) with NO knowledge of the franchise out of “Apollo Creed dies, Rocky avenges him, also Ivan Drago is legit terrifying”, and I swear I was changed lol.
As a rule of thumb I DON’T watch sports movies, I don’t watch sports in general, but holy shit I will make every exception possible for Creed 2 because it’s a MASTERCLASS in character writing. (Ask me how OK I am about Old Man Ivan realizing what actually matters to him and Victor’s desperation to make his father proud because he loves Ivan so much he’s willing to DIE in the ring if that’s what it takes to make Ivan happy, and Ivan doing for his son what Rocky could not do in time for Apollo Creed which ended up being a lifetime regret, because I am an ENTIRE SPECTRUM of NOT OK)
Creed 3 is a live action Hajime No Ippo and is genuinely one of the best things I’ve seen on the big screen (watching it in a theater with a bunch of excited bros treating the whole last match like it’s a real boxing round was AN EXPERIENCE), shout-out to all my mutuals CATCH THIS SHIT NOW and watch Creed II first so you can get your heart shattered in a million pieces.
NOW THAT I’M DONE GUSHING I’d say not TOO much would have changed! He’d still be a cocky, grinning showoff very full of himself, but much less of a blood knight willing to do WHATEVER it takes to win (he’d be more like Blurr in this regard). Also, less of a body count of course (Yes, he does have one. No, Sideswipe is not privy to the actual figure. Sides has been told that these are people who ‘deserved it’ and he’s not sure he wants to know anything further than that).
He ABSOLUTELY would have taken the opportunity, he wasn’t born with the desire to wreck shit after all! With the right coach who could help him direct his anger and outrage to a safer, more productive outlet, he would have been an absolute star, but he was taken under Thunderhoof’s wing for better or worse and he is who he is today.
Had he taken that route, his story would have been closer to Blurr’s, and he would have had a much better/closer relationship with Sideswipe (as it would have eliminated the need to keep secrets from Sideswipe, and Sideswipe’s deep concern for the slow degradation of his compassion/humanity).
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gods-sugar-daddy · 2 years
Characters I want to rattle like an angry maraca for an undiscerned amount of time based on how chewy they are
Call him gum the way I'm chewing on him all day
Look at him. He's a petty bitch. He's standing there all smug and confident while thousands of traumas happen around him. He's a girlboss, he's an unrepentant pathological liar, he's megatron's silly rabbit, he's my babygirl. He's one of those toys that is animal shape but if you squeeze it, it's eyes or stomach pops out. I want to do that to him constantly. He has an immortal spark so it's ok he'll live.
Newt Giezler
He's the type of scientist Ian Malcom would hate. He's the Icarus of his tale. He overshot the sun and landed in the black hole at the center of our galaxy. He's not doomed by the narrative, the narrative is doomed by him. He's like a dog you need to keep an eye on constantly or else he decides that he actually can eat chocolate and devours a whole cake. Telling him to slow down is a slap in the face. How dare you tell him to wait for everyone else when he can finally see the way to save humanity, all the while becoming their enemy's greatest weapon. He's so invested in interviewing God he forgot he was dining with the devil. Who gets the bill in the end?
Jason Todd
Look at him. Look. He's everything he's been told but so much more. He's the tragic son. The black sheep. His past is rags to riches, his present is the unsettling truth, I hope his future is good. This is the guy that got me into fandoms. He is a part of my soul. So hurt and beaten by the world yet still kind and caring.
Ramses II (Prince of Egypt)
I am not talking about the real Pharaoh, only the one created by Dreamworks. Now I am a slut for good sibling dynamics but the best one is sibling vs sibling. I want that drama, the emotion of caring for someone your whole life only for them to betray you. Moses was ok to fight Ramses I when he went to free the Jews but to face his brother, one of the closest people he's ever been to, it's devastating. The utter joy when Ramses expressed when Moses is alive, he practically abandoned court etiquette. He was willing to lie to his father to keep Moses safe. They were the closest of brothers and now they're pitted against each other.
A rubber band, sproingy but not sustainable
What do you see when you see Jazz? A happy go lucky guy without a care in the world? Wrong. He's Special Operations which means he's cheats, lies, steals for a living. He operates on a kill or be killed basis and he will kick your ass if he feels like it
Sunstreaker and Sideswipe
They're precious boys. They stand out from the Autobots bc they're so decepticon like. They were in the same Pit as Megatron and instead of joining him, they chose the Autobots. And despite all the comments, they're so loyal to the Autobots.
Imagine crashing in a snowstorm then waking up 4 billion years later that your entire planet is dead. Skyfire woke up to a world devastated by civil war, to a decepticon that wore his partner's face. He thought he knew what he was getting into because Starscream wouldn't lie to him. But he did. Skyfire shot down his ex because he's a good bot at heart and it hurts him to see someone close to him like this. He's a main character of a Greek tragedy.
Predigested sludge
Listen, I love Bee. He got me into tf. But my god is he everywhere. I get it, he's the kids character. But he can be fun and playful and still kick ass. Looking at his arc from tfp to its successor RiD15, those are two different Bumblebees. Id love to shake him but he's Hasbro's cash cow. You can't shake a cash cow without the jangle drawing out capitalists.
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pluralsword · 2 years
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smol Aileron's done! At least two other customizers have done her similarly using T30 Legends Bumblebee, CW Powerglide, and Windblade parts, we used green stuff to make her taller, give her leg vents, make her thighs thick and curvy, broaden her waist, make her helm shape, and stick arms and wings on/together. Wish we had a 3d printer to design & print, but we really love how she turned it out with what we had! don't have lunar lander yet, still did the smooch from Unicron #6 which you can find as you scroll down.  Hope she gets a toy in legacy or 40th! Here’s the links to the other two customs of her we’ve seen that inspired us: https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/custom-aileron-idw.1131323/ https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/custom-transformers-aileron-idw-comics.1073747/
ID 1 of 5: An IDW1 Arcee (from Legacy Elita) and Aileron custom pair standing on a trans flag with a scifi polityscape backdrop with arms around each other. Aileron is facing the camera, while Arcee standssidewards looking u at the sky. Both are smiling in bright light. End ID.
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The smooch! loved that they got time to make out intentionally uwu
ID 2 of 5: The small Aileron custom held up in in IDW1 Arcee's arms, embracing her, one leg bent up behind her, heads close sharing a kiss on a moon pillow backdrop with a moonscape photo behind, the Earth in the distance, loosely resembling their on the lips kiss in Unicron #6. End ID.
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The Arcee/Aileron/Greenlight families with Gauge and Sideswipe II ... missing Trypticon of course and didn’t include Sideswipe, Sterling, Anode, and Lug because we wanted to focus on just these bots to show the different versions we have besides the IDW1 ?tank? Greenlight custom we have. They’re so cute... it’s nuts to us that we’re the only person/system in the world who has all these that we know of and we think more people should have them. We are tempted to sell some new Arcees and Ailerons and tiny Greenlights at a con, getting another Gauge would be expensive because she’s made from Sonic Blue Bumble but hey if someone gives us one (also we want to figure out how to give her an excavator arm). Aileron from Topspin was much easier to do since we didn’t use green stuff to mold her, and she has the benefit of scaling with masterpiece sized Arcees whether official or unlicensed! And is broader in the torso. Her shape is one that has made us consider doing an IDW Arcee from the 2012-2014 era shape...
ID 3 of 5: In this photo with the flag and polity backdrop, Aileron instead has her fists at the ready alongside IDW1 Arcee with her blades, and in front of them is Sideswipe II (IF Heavy Metal) also with arms raised for battle. To their left is an IDW2 Arcee custom (from WFC Nightbird) with swords alongside Gauge (from Sonic Blue Bumble), Siege Greenlight with Dazzlestrike in gun mode, ER Arcee with an arm around Greenlight and pistol in hand, with a tiny Q-Transformers Arcee in front alongside a Greenlight custom (from WFC Trip-Up) to the roght of the nine is an Aileron customized frommTR Topspin with blasters held up high, with MMC Ocular Max Azalea behind her with pistols on her thighs and two handed broad pink sword over her shoulder, an arm around the larger Aileron.
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Some EXRID gals... we really loved EXRID so much it made us feel so good, affirmed and broadened a lot of our feelings and thoughts not just on gender but on international affairs, philosophy, combat, orientation, friendship, and love, and even helped us better understand our relationship with ourselves and one of our out-of-body partners (we kind of have the Arcee and Aileron height and shape difference lmao and there are other ways our lives parallel theirs including that of my system’s oldest headmate, the robot alterhuman who’s been around the whole time) and terms of e.g. our IDW1 Arcee headmate/our Arcee gestalt it was a roller coaster of feelings that helped them to love themselves more. (If you’re wondering why we came out about having transformer fictive headmates it’s very simple: they’re contextualized from fiction we deeply enjoy and think about and write, we share a lot of life together cofronting in companionship, our mental health got better by embracing it, and because we’re tired of hiding and want more than just relying on semi-private spaces to be ourselves/it’s 2023 we no longer give enough shits to be held back by our fear, and @windblade-prime​ being out inspired us (go read her thoughts on transformers she’s very insightful). :3
ID 4 of 5: On the same background is the Aileron custom with her hands on her hips, standing alongside CW Pyra Magna, an IDW1 Arcee custom (from Legacy Elita) and TR Windblade, all in combat stances holding swords. Pyra’s sword is a big blue blade with a guarded hilt that came with the CW Victorion set and resembles the sword she uses in IDW1, Arcee’s are her yellow thermal energy blades guarded hilt sabers (3D printed, found on Shapeways), and Windblade’s is her purple-pink blade Stormfall from her T30 toy. End ID.
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Finally, a close-up on Aileron by herself. When we started with Anode and Lug a year ago as our first customs, they were hard and we had to keep revisiting them, but we love them so much, and we’ve learned a lot since then put us in a position to finally do Aileron, which we had been too scared to do/didn’t know how with the space and tools that we have until we discovered green stuff a while ago. We spent far more time molding her green stuff paste on than painting her hehe XD ID 5 of 5: the small Aileron custom standing facing the camera by herself. She has rocket engine shoulders with wings, thick forearms, curvy thighs, and very tall feet (we did that so she would be at her canonical comic height relative to Arcee), and her big wings are bent back behind her busty rounded torso with biolights resembling headlights along the sloping chest that composes most of the torso. She is mostly orange, white, and a deep gray that looks black, and has a light pink face with yellow optics inside an intricate wide helm with a wide crest running across the top of her head to just above her nose.
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asknarashikari · 6 months
Continuation of the previous ask.
The Gotchard Cast, Emu, Shinnosuke and Sideswipe decide to teach the Mini-cons how to react to the Riders because they don't know who most of them are except the Gotchard Cast and it could help them learn more about the Riders. Also, because they hospitalized Sento, Philip, and George for wanting to experiment on them and, out of fear, called upon the other Mini-cons to beat to beat the ever living s@#! out of them and were only stopped by the Gotchard Cast telling them to stop.
After some time, the Mini-cons have learned a lot about the Riders and the Riders decide to have some of the Mini-cons interact with the hospitalized Riders but Kaguya appears on the scene and decides to seduce Houtaro again and some Mini-cons decide to beat him up again.
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(From left to right, Firebot the crash-response truck, High Wire the bicycle/dirt bike, Steel Wind the A-10 Thunderbolt II bomber plane, Runway the Boeing Sonic Cruiser, and Oceanglide the "solar sail" boat.)
High Wire uses his time ability to freeze Kaguya in place, Firebot and Runway both punch Kaguya in the face, Oceanglide uses his energy gathering ability to shoot a heat beam to break Kaguya's Legendriver to make sure he can't henshin, and Steel Wind uses his precision to kick Kaguya in his most vulnerable spot, his groin. Kaguya's starts to move again and he feels all what the Mini-cons did and the groin attack lets out a high-pitched scream and runs back to his dimension after seeing what caused his pain.
What are the Riders reaction to the Mini-cons learning more about them, their abilities, and their attacks against Kaguya.
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Well, how they react to the Minicons learning about them and their abilities may depend on the rider. Some of them are pretty open about everything so they'd be fine with it, though obviously the counterpoint is that some are so mistrustful that they'd treat anyone knowing anything about them in that sense with suspicion (and with all the shit Riders go through, it's not really a wonder some of them would be like this)
Kaguya's beat up would be met with near universal amusement and exasperation
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blue-jewel-muses · 4 months
Here is a list of pairings that I'll have for each muse, it will be updated when I have a new muse:
/ - Familial & Friendship (platonic).
X - Romantic.
Bold - Pairing(s) I'm most interested in doing (but will do the others if asked)
Bioshock (Transformers)
Bioshock X Muse (Canon or OC)
Bioshock / Muse (Canon or OC)
Bioshock X Blitzwing (Transformers Animated)
Bioshock X Lockdown (Transformers Bayverse)
Bioshock / Shockwave (Animated and Bayverse)
Sidewinder (Transformers)
Sidewinder X Muse (Canon or OC)
Sidewinder / Muse (Canon or OC)
Sidewinder X Bumblebee (Animated and Bayverse)
Sidewinder X Sideswipe (Transformers Bayverse)
Sidewinder X Bulkhead (Transformers Animated)
Sidewinder X Hot Shot (Transformers Cybertron)
Sidewinder X Override (Transformers Cybertron)
Tallulah (Little Shop Of Horrors)
Tallulah X Muse (OC only)
Tallulah / Muse (Canon or OC)
Tallulah X Audrey II
Tallulah X Audrey
Tallulah X Orin Scrivello DDS
Tallulah / Audrey
Tallulah / Seymour
Topaz McLaren (Cars)
Topaz / Muse (OC or Canon)
Topaz X Jackson Storm
Topaz / Lightning McQueen
Topaz / Jackson Storm
Zatsu Saigami (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Zatsu X Female!Muse (or a Muse that identifies as female, OC only).
Zatsu / Muse (OC or Canon)
Zatsu X Homura Akemi
Zatsu / Madoka Kaname.
Zatsu / Mami Tomoe.
Zatsu / Sayaka Miki.
Zatsu X Mami Tomoe.
Tanya Williams (Pacific Rim)
Tanya X Muse (OC only)
Tanya / Muse (OC or Canon)
Tanya X Chuck Hansen
Peter Williams (Pacific Rim)
Peter / Muse (OC or Canon)
Peter X Female!Muse (or a Muse that identifies as female, OC or Canon)
Peter / Herc Hansen
Aqua (Planes: Fire & Rescue)
Aqua X Male!Muse (or a Muse that identifies as male, OC only)
Aqua / Muse (OC or Canon)
Aqua X Windlifter
Aqua / Cabbie
Aqua / Blade Ranger
Aqua / Dipper
Aqua / Smokejumpers
Aqua / Maru
Selina (Van Helsing)
Selina X Dracula
Selina X Male Vampire!Muse (OC only)
Selina / Verona
Selina / Aleera
Selina / Marishka
Selina / Female Vampire!Muse
Sigma Supreme (Transformers Animated)
Sigma X Male!Muse (or a Muse that identifies as male, Canon or OC)
Sigma / Muse (Canon or OC)
Sigma X Jazz
Sigma / Omega Supreme
Zeta Supreme (Transformers Animated)
Zeta X Muse (OC or Canon)
Zeta / Muse (OC or Canon)
Zeta / Omega Supreme
Metroplex (Transformers Cybertron)
Metroplex X Muse (OC only)
Metroplex / Muse (OC or Canon)
Metroplex X Optimus Prime
Metroplex / Quickmix
Metroplex / Menasor
Metroplex X Quickmix
Doc Hudson/Fabulous Hudson Hornet (Cars)
Doc X Muse (OC or Canon)
Doc / Muse (OC or Canon)
Doc / Lightning McQueen
Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
Sec X Dalek!Muse
Sec / Dalek!Muse
Luna Anderson (911)
Luna / Muse
Luna X Lucy Donato
Luna X Evan "Buck" Buckley
Luna / Bobby Nash
Luna / Athena Grant
Luna / Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Luna / Eddie Diaz
Luna / Howard "Chimney" Han
Lambda Supreme
Lambda X Male!Muse (or a Muse that identifies as male, OC or Canon)
Lambda / Muse (OC or Canon)
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thelastgherkin · 3 years
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KINGDOM Battle Across Time Skywarp
Narrowly managing to be the only Beast Era character in the Battle Across Time.
More like this:
Kingdom Deluxe Class Airazor
Earthrise Team: Autobot Alliance Ironhide
Earthrise Team: Autobot Alliance Prowl
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crying-fantasies · 10 months
Fast development
In most of the transformers comics, series, etc. it is show how fast a protoform or sparkling can get to the adulthood (but they are still called kids by the majority) for cybertronians it's the normal, like yeah, the little one just got out of the hot spot, just give it a few days, two to five in the best case scenario or a week in the worst to have a fully cooked cybertronian.
Even in the Christmas special we see how the scraplets trying to imitate a protoform maturation process, starting with a little body (for them at least) that starts to develop the face first with eyes (as in two or more deep lifeless empty holes), mouth (another void of darkness) and then little limbs, in that moment the protoform is totally dependant of others.
Imagine the whiplash it could give to a human parent that expected a cute little bot, it doesn't even last long.
After the end of Unicron and the new future we can see sparklings playing with human kids, as in meaning not only cybertronians fostered their own kind but also humans and vice versa, having humans also raising protoforms.
Of course, with all the problems and the xenophobia (in all the directions) around, it would be a huge disaster in the first days if somebot tried to foster an orphan, it would be difficult in many ways to have a custody given by the human government, and don't even get me started in how overprotective Trypticon would be with his protoforms (as in forged from him), he would even go as far as demand constant visits just to be sure they are well cared and loved, we see how much he cares for them in the comic.
So, I like to imagine that some of the Terraformer sparklings came from Trypticon, as in Mariah, Mayhem and Codexia, and also the totally cybertronians that were later on adopted by a cybertronian-human couple like Amber Dust and Sideswipe II.
It was easy to have Mariah, in Jazz on words, I would like to think Trypticon didn't say much when the autobot asked about it and he was grateful for one of the new sparks to have loving family, maybe curious about the whole thing and a little worried, how can such a tiny protoform even exist, that was his main worry when Jazz conjunx endurae got the little spark out, the same with Codexia, like, hands down, even when the mech asking for a child is Optimus Prime and all the shit that comes with the name he knows Codexia was going to be loved since the first moment when Optimus took the femmling on his servos.
With Mayhem it was tricky, he tried to see if Soundwave was really going to be a good sire, given all the errors on his past, but he let him do it anyway since he has his own mistakes painted with energon and blood.
The unsaid threatening promise of vengeance on his part is obvious if anything were to happen to any of the protoforms forged from his own metal.
This can go different ways:
When Mariah was little she wasn't such a menace, she was quite the adorable little kid in the neighborhood, but once she understood how her little servo and existence hold the power of Trypticon's own presence she became such a little slag-
For Codexia it was different, she took the power on herself and was responsible about it, such a good kid.
Mayhem doesn't care, really, still goes to visit once a year.
Sideswipe II is a funny point, here was forged when everyone believed Sideswipe was going to kick it, and Arcee called him like her friend in loving memory and everyone accepted it, some still laugh when remembering the encounter between the two.
"I can't believe you named him after me"
"I almost lost hope, ok?"
What's the most funny point of this? When Sideswipe II looked at you he started to follow you around, big and round optics searching for you at every chance and even going as far as letting you touch him and give soft touches on his face.
"Sideswipe, little you is trailing behind me"
"He ain't me" he wasn't angry, not really, and it was even funny and cute to have such a young sparkling going behind you, making you look even smaller than you already were.
"His name is Sideswipe"
"We're going to give him another, it'll be troublesome if they call us-"
"Sideswipe!" It wasn't you, and obviously it wasn't Sides, both looked at the protoform, there was no mouth formed yet, but maybe the voice box was already developed, it was kind of young in his words, looking at you both before shouting "Sideswipe!", over and over, pointing at himself with a digit.
"No, mech, stop, you aren't-"
"I guess he learned his name"
"It ain't his-"
And so he was "Sideswipe II", or "Junior" by the older one, "son" when you two finally sealed the deal.
For Amber Dust it was a little more difficult, Jazz and you already had Pauline, but he couldn't live with himself leaving such a tiny protoform on his own, he found him when he got back to Cybertron and the liking and bond was immediate.
Jazz said he was on the smaller side, the runt of the whole batch, even less than your size when his limbs developed to the point of believe he was a mini, apparently fully cybertronian protoforms tend to be big pretty soon and follow others around, such curious little beans, he would follow Jazz around but also go with you, taking his servo on your hand and grabbing Pauline's too when going out, getting his helm on your lap for some cuddling before Pauline also joined.
You expected him to grow up like Pauline since Jazz said it was fast, you weren't ready for how fast it really took for him to be on his own (the empty nest syndrome was real).
Since they emerge protoforms tend to be given nicknames, Jazz called him lil' sounders because he liked to mimic words with his new vocalizer, you called him baby because he was your baby boy, Pauline, in the middle of her teenager years, called him Amber because his optics were yellow.
The name of Amber stuck, and while he got out of the house quickly, way too quickly to your own taste, he came back from time to time to say hi.
Amber Dust still calls you carrier and is still your baby boy.
Still, being young doesn't mean they forget like humans do, most cybertronians, if not everyone, can remember everything since they come online (in case of the constructed cold) or when they get out of the hot spot (natural delivery (?)), their databanks preserve every aspect of their lifes and so many cybertronian new spark remember their creators or mentors quite well.
But it can backfire, like in the case of trauma, just like Amber Dust.
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