#side-blog en français
un-sideblog · 4 months
Poste d'introduction
J'ai ce rêve de pouvoir scroller tumblr et que mon dash soit remplie de posts de toutes les langues. Le problème c'est qu'on poste tous majoritairement en anglais moi inclus. Je me suis dis qu'il fallait que je contribue moi-même à un tumblr plus multilingue.
Donc j'ai créer ce side-blog ou je poste en français.
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ya-zz · 6 months
Ramattra drabble but he messes with his speech settings and ends up talking another language and doesn’t know how to turn it off
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FRENCH??? I am about to offend every French person who stumbles upon this blog...
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He thinks nothing of it at first, a setting that didn't necessarily need to be touched unless he decided to travel, but considering he was comfortable in this place with you, it was unnecessary.
So he decides to mess with it, thinking nothing of it until he needed to do a quick reset to refresh his systems.
Everything booted up as usual but the moment his systems came up within his vision in another language, no longer omnicode, he froze.
You happened to wander in at the same moment he spoke, offering a smile and small wave as you approach him.
"Cela ne semble pas correct-" He pauses, fingers twitching at his sides.
"What?" You halt your movements, staring up at him with a confused expression on your face.
"J'ai peut-être fait une erreur." He looks at you, noting the ever growing concern and confusion within your features.
"I have no idea what you're saying." You admit, taking another step closer to him.
"Je ne sais pas comment rétablir cela. Mes systèmes sont en français."
"Ramattra, you can say whatever you like but I have no idea what you're actually saying."
He hums, optics looking off to the side as he tries to think of an alternative way to communicate to you. He has no manual, he wasn't factory made, so to speak.
Ramattra couldn't do much except take a seat on the floor and go into his systems, but with everything no longer in omnicode, it was going to take a long time to put things back to how they were.
"This is why you shouldn't mess with settings you're uncertain with." You laugh, taking a seat in front of him.
His optics look up at you between files as he scoffs.
"Il serait dans votre intérêt de vous taire."
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Forgive me if it's wrong, I used two translators for this.
Cela ne semble pas correct - This doesn't seem right
J'ai peut-être fait une erreur - I may have made a mistake
Je ne sais pas comment rétablir cela. Mes systèmes sont en français - I don't know how to restore this. My systems are in French
Il serait dans votre intérêt de vous taire - It would be in your interest to keep quiet
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thesmellofstorms · 4 months
Des fois j'ai envie de raconter des trucs (en français) sur ce blog, mais je le fais pas, par habitude.
J'ai un side-blog pour les trucs qui ne "rentrent" pas dans mon blog principal, mais en fait, qu'est-ce que ça change ? Mon blog principal a eu dix thèmes différents depuis sa création, je pense.
Franchement, il est temps d'accepter mon côté bordélique et de poster comme bon me semble. Et si j'ai que deux followers qui comprennent le français, bah ce sera comme parler dans le vide. Je ne suis pas à ça près ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Et peut-être que je vais poster ça et ne plus rien poster pendant trois mois. Qui sait ? (Pas moi, j'aime autant vous le dire.)
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ann-and-ana · 2 months
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. . . ABOUT ME :: SUR MOI . . .
nom: ann
âge: sous 18 (18-)
→ pourquoi es-tu ici ?: je veux faire une belle blog pour moi-même et les personnes qui sont comme moi; troublée et désireux de changement
→ why are you here ?: i want to make a beautiful place for myself and those who are like me; a bit troubled and wanting desperately for change
. . . PLUS À PROPOS DE MOI . . .
→ j’ai un amant, et il est la raison pour laquelle je vis. j’adore mes chats (et les chats en général, bien sûr). malheureusement, le français n’est pas ma première langue. je l’adore beaucoup, alors je vais écrire mes postes en français et anglais, si ça te va. :-)
→ i have a lover, and he is the reason as to why i continue with living. i love my cats (and cats in general, of course). unfortunately, french isn’t my mother tongue. i love the language very much, so i’ll continue to write my posts in french and english, if that is okay. :-)
i’ve been told for a long time, by friends, family, and therapists, that i may be …ana… and while i can admit to myself that even i exhibit some of the hallmark characteristics of some one who does suffer with the illness, i have a complicated relationship with labels / diagnoses of any kind.
i have been in a constant and miserable cycle of deleting and redownloading tumblr because this side of the app is one i just cannot stay away from; like an addict experiencing withdrawal, time after time again. i suppose i’ve hit my lowest since i haven’t yet made a blog here, though. still pretty excited …
talk to me at anytime. i’m not the most interesting person on the internet, but i’d love to make new friends ˆ𐃷ˆ
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strangewerewolf · 7 months
Intro post!
Hi! I haven’t made an intro post, which is surprising bc i’ve been on this website since 2017. here it is below the cut
My name is Emerson, but you can call me Em or Eli (pronounced Ell-ee). I’m 19 and i’m a butch transmasc bisexual and i use they/he/it pronouns (lui/il en français). I’m also polyamorous and have 2 wonderful partners. I’m autistic and i have adhd
When i started this blog i was more into emo/bandom stuff, and mostly used it for fandom stuff. I still do but less frequently. here are some of my interests:
- horror! it’s my special interest. I really love 80s campy queer coded horror. Also, I’m studying horror on the side in college and will likely be writing for an academic horror journal soon. I have a soft spot for horror movie musicals too (i LOVE R!tgo)
- Music! mostly goth, emo and punk.
- animals! bats are one of my special interests, and some of my previous special interests are wolves and lions. I’m also a therian (wolf) and a furry
- crafts, crochet, and sewing!! i’ll share projects when i make them.
- some political stuff! I’m an anarchist leftist, and i love doing mutual aid and community work.
- fandoms!! I don’t have a whole list but they’re the entire reason i got on tumblr.
- some of my nature photography when i do have time to work on it. I miss it so much, and I’ll try to tag it properly so i can find it!
my other socials are pretty much all strangewerew0lf (ig, tt, and letterboxd)
here’s what I look like!!
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Hi! Short intro because my last one was way too long.
My name is Alex, I am queer, and I use she/they pronouns (elle/iel en français)
I speak English and French but my posts will be primarily in English
The fandom/s I am in currently is/are dead boy detectives, slowly leaving sanders sides :(
I have tourettes, maladaptive daydreaming disorder, and ADHD, and I often talk openly about them! This blog is a safe space for those kinds of discussions (as long as boundaries are respected)
that’s all! have a good day :)
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q-anth4rax · 1 year
Bonjour! Ceci est le blog parallèle pour @anth4rax!!
Je suis un Américan qui veut apprendre et créer des choses en français! Mon français n’est pas très bon lol (mdr). Parfois, il se peut que j'ajoute des traductions en anglais à mes articles. Ce blog contiendra principalement des dessins (traditionnels et numériques), et du live-blogging! Sur mon blog principal je parle Anglais et sur celui-ci j'essaie de parler Français. Merci de voiture lecture!!
DNI (Ne pas interagir):
Critères de base du DNI. Vous devriez le savoir maintenant.
Hello! This is the side blog to @anth4rax!! I'm an American who wants to learn and create things in French! My French is not very good lol. Sometimes I may add English translations to my posts. This blog will mainly contain drawings (Digital & traditional), and live-blogging! On my main blog I speak English and on this one I try to speak French. Thank you for reading!!
DNI (Do not interact):
Basic DNI criteria you should know this by now.
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etreapart · 1 year
premier post sur ce side blog.
je parlerai en français.
parfois en anglais.
un jour peut-être en italien.
je sais pas ce que j'y posterai, je dois bien l'avouer. avoir un compte ici semble un peu compliqué. je sais pas pourquoi je me force à tout faire rimer.
peut-être que je trouve qu'autrement, tout ça ne rime à rien.
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culturedub · 2 years
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🔥🔥🔥 B-No & El Fata – Ready Now – Un Digital Reggae tout frais, prêt à faire groover les dancefloors inna Rub A Dub Style ! 🔥🔥🔥 Le label parisien Scoop Light Records, fondé par le producteur français B-No, présente sa quatrième release en compagnie cette fois-ci du chanteur et MC nigérian – El Fata – qui délivre un superbe ‘Ready Now‘ sur un Digital Reggae empli de fraicheur, pressé sur un très beau vinyle 7 pouces en édition limitée, avec sur la B side la version qui ravira tous les passionnés de session Digitally, à découvrir inna Culture Dub : https://culturedub.com/blog/b-no-el-fata-ready-now/ Large Up, AlexDub #reggae #reggaemusic #digitalreggae #reggaedigital #rubadub #Version #singer #vocal #vinyle #vinylrecords #vinylcollectors #vinyladdict #7inch #chronique #review #culturedub #elfata #scooplightrecords @beno_slr @culturedub https://www.instagram.com/p/CouuzkHsQUS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wittylittle · 5 years
Qui veut lire des histoires coquines?
En français!
Bon je sais bien que j’en écris à l’occasion alors déjà merci de me lire, mais je suis tombée au fil du temps sur des esprits sexuels, sensuels, infidèles, kinky ou vilains qui valent le détour.
N’hésitez pas à m’en proposer d’autres et à repartager, c’est déjà pas facile d’écrire et de trouver des choses en français, vaut mieux s’aider.
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Grand méchant loup - Tant que les mots te parlent @grand-mechant-loup
France - De longs récits bien construits avec beaucoup de détails. Infidélité, jus qui coule, passion
Un brin pas sage @un-brin-pas-sage
Québec - des histoires coquines sexu d’une tannante qui aime le côté vilain de l’infidélité avec des images en bonus
Vie compliquée @vie-compliquee
France - Courtes histoires vécues d’un gars en couple qui saute la clôture une fois de temps en temps. Bonus, repost d’images et de vidéos sexys.
Coupe du bois - Coupe sêche @coupedubois
France - États d’âme, masturbation, conversations, solitude, baises.
J’ai vraiment cherché. C’est trop rare.
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minho-hoho · 2 years
coucou! j’espère que ca te dérange pas si j’envoie un ask en fr mais j’ai vu que tu étais française du coup je pouvais pas m’en empêcher mdr
j’ai reçu un ask d’un anon sur mon side blog qui me demandait si j’avais vu tout le drama de ce moment sur enhablr et iel m’a parlé de toi du coup j’ai fait ma curieuse… et ca m’a choqué de ouf ce qu’il s’est passé !! vraiment jsp ce qu’ils ont ces anons random à envoyer des trucs comme ca, je me demande si c’est pas des robots ou quoi parce que vraiment je comprends pas pourquoi quelqu’un ferait ca.. jsp si c’est quelqu’un qui sort de nulle part ou si c’est quelqu’un qui a un blog et qui veut juste créer du drama mais dans tous les cas c’est vraiment n’importe quoi et je suis super désolée que ca t’arrive !! j’espère que ca se finira bientôt, dans tous les cas tiens bon ma belle 💗💗💗
Ah salut ! Ça fait bizarre de parler en français sur tumblr mdr.
J'ai pas trop compris pourquoi tant de haine en fait, genre j'ai le droit de trouver Wonyoung jolie en fait.
Ma boîte etait remplie de messages débile, et après iel est parti voir mes potes et leurs a dit de crever et je ne sais quoi.
Je trouvais ça drôle au début, mais quand ils ont commencé à s'attaquer à mes amies ça m'a saoulé.
Je trouve ça pathétique de s'attaquer à des adolescentes.
En tout cas ça a l'air de s'être calmé, donc je suis plutôt contente.
Merci de s'être inquiétée d'ailleurs, ça fait chaud au cœur 🤍
Je viendrais jeter un coup d'œil à ton blog~🤍
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
while we're talking music, dw De tes rêves is on the rota💯 I'm all ears on your feelings for Lemay songs👀 (Les Maudits Français &La Marmaille are 2 others good ones imo) unfortunately I'm pretty unfamiliar w Michel Berger besides his hits &Starmania, so I can't say; any recs/insights on that front? oh, and: what about Oublie-moi by Cœur de pirate? (while I'm at it, know that I've had 6.5 blogs across 3 accounts so far so Good Fucking Luck on your fannish dumpster dive when the time comes😂)
(Julia's adventures with the HPI anon)
Oh gosh, Lynda’s songs... Well La Centenaire is literally one my top five favourite songs of all times and all languages I think, standing side by side with with giants such a The Show Must Go On or Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) in my personal wall of fame. It’s just so beautifully written (C’est que je suis avide/Mais qu’y a plus rien à mordre/C’est qu’mon passé déborde/Et qu’mon avenir est vide 😭😭), and addressing such an universal topic: what’s the point of living old if that’s in a world that is no longer yours, where everyone you’ve known is already gone? I can’t help thinking about my grandmother who’s turned 92 this year and whose mindset is definitely getting closer to this song every year.
And the song in itself is absolutely beautiful, the piano theme, the little violin arpeggi, Lynda’s voice at its finest bringing so much intensity to it, especially for an acoustic song... To me it’s just a masterpiece with a rare degree of perfection and I cry every time I listen to it because it’s beauty in pure form 😭❤️
And ugh, Les Deux hommes is basically La Centenaire’s little sister, a beautiful, beautiful acoustic melody and pure poetry, heartbreaking lyrics about same-sex parents facing homophobia... It makes me cry a lot too (btw thank you no thank you for this ask, anon, I listened to them both in a row to write that reply, and now I need a minute. Or two. Heck, make it an hour, okay?)
All right, all right, La Marmaille is nice, but how about I counterattack on the motherhood field with Si Je Ne Te Fais Pas d’Enfant, then ? 💔 (L’amour peut bien durer longtemps mais un enfant ça dure toujours, gah, she has her ways with words, huh?)
And oh, I didn’t know Les Maudits Français, this one belongs to the Funny!Lynda side, kinda reminds me of Les Souliers Verts which is the first song I’ve heard from her (pretty sure that was her first hit in France?) and which made me laugh so much back then 😂 (not for the story itself which is rather sad, but the lyrics are just sooooo funny and inventive)
Well, I’d say that if you know Starmania, c’est l’essentiel!!! 😍😍 I don’t necessarily find Berger’s music particularly fitting of an HPI mood, I guess that Message personnel kinda fits any bittersweet-angsty shippy situation? And of course, if you really want to dive into the drama, SOS d’un terrien en détresse for breakdown!Morgane, maybe?
Look, anon, you’re really expanding my Coeur de Pirate opinions today! Oublie-moi definitely carries this perfect mix of catchy music + somewhat angsty lyrics which is the exact brand of HPI: a colourful, irredeemable optimism tainted with delicate hearbreaks ❤️❤️ Adding it to the playlist RIGHT NOW
Oh and since we're at it, two songs suggestions for after you've watched the finale on Thursday
Boom boom by John Lee Hooker
I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor (I said heartbreaks, okay? 😈)
Ajsjdfjefjdjfsjjf, THREE different accounts?? Wow, you played no games, anon 😂 What does 0.5 blog mean tho?
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linkedsoul · 3 years
For the translation game.... HERBO AND TWINK ON ICE (let's go tough!) An outgoing jester and a withdrawn warrior team up to solve a murder - where the victim is still walking round, minus his head.
Alright. First, I have to look up the exact meaning of "on ice" because... wasn't 100% sure with which purpose it'd been used and after research, I can say I'm still not sure asjdeajfokr. Let's go to the next challenges "herbo" and "twink" (especially "herbo"). I'm NOT sure ye general public is going to know what a "herbo" is so I can't leave it as such. "Himbo" doesn't seem to be general French voc yet either, especially among older generations - and iirc, Herbo and Twink On Ice is an Adult book that could totally get picked by my mom (who, alas, doesn't know what a himbo is).
"Bimbo" has apparently been kept and used as such in translations but I think more generally in French we'd say "une potiche" or "une gourde" (even if the latter doesn't have the sexy equivalent). I have others but they go beyond the pejorative connotation of "this person has 1 braincell" and into "mean girl" vibes (une pimbêche, une pouffe, etc.) However, I can't find a way to turn either "potiche" or "gourde" into a masculine equivalent that would truly replicate the meaning of "himbo" - and then "herbo".
At first glance, this seems impossible and I'll have too-
*phoenix wright voice* OBJECTION
While browsing through your WIP tag, I see that the Herbo isn't SUCH a Herbo, and also that "on ice" is seemingly a reference to "on ice" musicals AND the fact that it's a goddamn polar kingdom. Taking inspiration from "Disney On Ice" being "Disney Sur Glace" in French, I can actually translate "on ice" as "sur glace", thus keeping the ice skating spectacle ref AND the polar kingdom one. Also, since the Herbo is more Stronk than No Braincell, I can stop trying to render the "dumbass" aspect and focus on her strength only.
"Twink" doesn't exactly have a translation in French seeing that if I type "twink en français" I only find porn websites. French doesn't have such a diverse queer vocab that I - and my potential audience - would know of, and a lot of the slang for "gay" that I find has a pejorative connotation that "twink" doesn't have - even if a lot of the voc has been reclaimed. "Homo" feels kinda like... outdated.... an older audience would know it but I don't think it's still in common use within the French gay community....? "Gay" is way more popular? Also the Twink is, according to your blog, bisexual so I don't feel like using a word that's most commonly understood as a synonym for "gay" in French when what you mean by "twink" is that he's Small, Queer, Pretty and Flirty. I could use "métrosexuel" but I feel it might be too jarring in a title? so I think i'm gonna focus on the "pretty" and "flirty" side of it.
So that gives us:
Armoire à Glace et Joli Cœur: Sur Glace (Built Like A Tank and Pretty Boy: On Ice)
But hMM I'm reusing the word "glace" twice here. Maybe I can find better... let's take inspo from books with long convoluted titles like "L'extraordinaire voyage du fakir qui était resté coincé dans une armoire Ikea" or "Le petit vieux qui ne voulait pas fêter son anniversaire" or "Les fabuleuses aventures d'un Indien malchanceux qui devint milliardaire".
L'histoire givrée d'une armoire à glace, d'un joli cœur et d'un corps sans tête qui court toujours. (the crazy story of a literal tank, a pretty boy and a headless body still on the run)
Here, the word used for "crazy" also means "freezing" so I kept the ice element, and as for the "on the run", I liked the expression just because 1: it implies that the headless body is still RUNNING and that people STILL HAVEN'T CAUGHT IT - it has murder-mystery implications that I thought fitted very well :P
ofc I could have gone for something more evocative or totally different, but then it wouldn't have been a challenge :P
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valentine1994 · 4 years
Je pense faire un side-blog seulement en français... oui je suis ce genre de meuf
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slavicafire · 4 years
żmija do you like sorrel? (oseille en français, nie wiem po polsku) if so, do you have any recommendations on how to eat it or what with?
Bee, sometimes you truly make me doubt if you even read my blog...
but! ha, jokes aside, yes, I adore sorrel - while I do love it most just freshly picked and devoured in ungodly goat-like amounts, my favourite dish wish sorrel is soup!
of course, wild sorrel is the best as it’s the most sour, and I am a firm believer that sour foods are supposed to be sour. don’t nerf your kapusta or żurek or zupa szczawiowa so it’s less sour. simply put: don’t be a coward.
but of course, not all of us have access to sorrel-blessed meadows, so grown yourself or store-bought is fine. on this blog we do not talk about the concentrate.
there are two main versions I make, depending on the mood I am in.
the first one is heavier: sorrel chopped into really small pieces added to a broth (preferably made on rib, but chicken broth is quite fine as well, lot’s of bone). some carrots, potatoes, what have you - whichever vegetable you think would match, chop it and throw it in. and then make it even thicker with flour mixed with A Lot of sour cream. now, sour cream makes it less sour so remember to start with a lot a lot of wild sorrel. wonderful served with a hardboiled egg! for some extra thickness and depth, after you chop the sorrel, torment it on a pan with some butter first, and only then add to the broth. a pinch of salt will help it stay green. a bit of garlic is good, too, if you’re a garlic-loving creature like I am. 
and the second one is lighter - usually made on vegetable broth (or even simply water!). sorrel chopped into bigger pieces (I throw smaller leaves in without chopping them at all), quick boil, some pepper and salt. best eaten after being left to cool - add some sour cream to it once it’s on your plate/in a bowl. egg is fine, too, or some young potatoes (cooked separately!) on the side.  
I don’t think it’s possible to ruin sorrel soup, so it’s great to experiment with the ingredients, level of thickness, sourness, and serving styles. it’s surprisingly versatile! 
now I need to go pick sorrel.
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elleroodles · 4 years
couple of song recs before i succumb to history homework
all mirrors by angel olsen (think punisher-era pheobe bridgers but she got her start in techno)
i would do anything for you by foster the people (sounds like every other foster the people song but hits different when you're yearning)
you are your mother’s child by conor oberst (i’m wide awake-era bright eyes but conor has major diego hargreeves ‘i love my mom’ energy)
pool by paramore (paramore but you're listening to it on your grandma's porch and probably regretting something)
celebration guns by stars (the most comforting song about war you’ll ever hear)
starlight by muse (2018 me must've really liked it because i named my blog after it but other than that it’s when muse hit their peak)
jim bogart by the front bottoms (has all the lyrical weirdness/softness of a tfb song but with natalie newbold’s pretty voice)
i love you all the time by ed harcourt (Yearning™️ but make it partially en français)
sad eyes by josh rouse (the ultimate ‘it’s gonna be okay, want a hug?’ song)
i think ur a contra by vampire weekend (i think the lyrics ‘never pick sides/never chose between two/well, i just wanted you’ say enough)
after hours by vampire weekend (the only vu songs i like are the ones with moe tucker on vocals, so this is a sad kind of sweet)
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