J'ai un rêve est c'est de travailler comme barista. J'aime le service, j'aime le rush, j'ai encore jamais fait. Donnez moi ce job nom d'un chien.
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I understand that the movie (2024) makes it seem like he looses himself, but actually he doesn't. It's only so the viewer wonders and fears him for a bit. He doesn't kill Albert. He doesn't kill Fernand. He lets Albert and Haydée go and blesses their escape. Haydée fears he is mad for revenge but that's a fear born from André's death, an irrational one that the count refutes. I don't think the movie portrayed the count as lost into revenge. They played with the possibility and then disproved it.
One of the main themes of The Count of Monte Cristo is the balance between Justice and Vengeance, keeping things under control. He happens to doubt, and he thinks, but he does not lose himself in the vengeance.
"And now," said the unknown, "farewell kindness, humanity, and gratitude! Farewell to all the feelings that expand the heart! I have been Heaven’s substitute to recompense the good—now the god of vengeance yields to me his power to punish the wicked!"
–Chapter 30: The Fifth of September
The count bowed, and contented himself with seeing Villefort to the door of his cabinet, the procureur being escorted to his carriage by two footmen, who, on a signal from their master, followed him with every mark of attention. When he had gone, Monte Cristo breathed a profound sigh, and said: "Enough of this poison, let me now seek the antidote." Then sounding his bell, he said to Ali, who entered: "I am going to madame’s chamber—have the carriage ready at one o’clock."
–Chapter 48: Ideology
"What have I to fear, except from you?" "If you reach your home safely, leave Paris, leave France, and wherever you may be, so long as you conduct yourself well, I will send you a small annuity; for, if you return home safely, then—" "Then?" asked Caderousse, shuddering. "Then I shall believe God has forgiven you, and I will forgive you too."
–Chapter 82: The Burglary
"Oh, enough of this,—enough of this," he cried; “let me save the last."
–Chapter 111: Expiation
The count departed with a sad heart from the house in which he had left Mercédès, probably never to behold her again. Since the death of little Edward a great change had taken place in Monte Cristo. Having reached the summit of his vengeance by a long and tortuous path, he saw an abyss of doubt yawning before him. More than this, the conversation which had just taken place between Mercédès and himself had awakened so many recollections in his heart that he felt it necessary to combat with them. A man of the count’s temperament could not long indulge in that melancholy which can exist in common minds, but which destroys superior ones. He thought he must have made an error in his calculations if he now found cause to blame himself. "I cannot have deceived myself," he said; "I must look upon the past in a false light. What!" he continued, "can I have been following a false path?—can the end which I proposed be a mistaken end?—can one hour have sufficed to prove to an architect that the work upon which he founded all his hopes was an impossible, if not a sacrilegious, undertaking? I cannot reconcile myself to this idea—it would madden me. The reason why I am now dissatisfied is that I have not a clear appreciation of the past. The past, like the country through which we walk, becomes indistinct as we advance. My position is like that of a person wounded in a dream; he feels the wound, though he cannot recollect when he received it."
–Chapter 113: The Past
The count breathed with difficulty; the cold drops ran down his forehead, and his heart was full of anguish. "No," he muttered, "the doubt I felt was but the commencement of forgetfulness; but here the wound reopens, and the heart again thirsts for vengeance."
–Chapter 113: The Past
"Yes," he said, "there is the stone upon which I used to sit; there is the impression made by my shoulders on the wall; there is the mark of my blood made when one day I dashed my head against the wall. Oh, those figures, how well I remember them! I made them one day to calculate the age of my father, that I might know whether I should find him still living, and that of Mercédès, to know if I should find her still free. After finishing that calculation, I had a minute’s hope. I did not reckon upon hunger and infidelity!" and a bitter laugh escaped the count. He saw in fancy the burial of his father, and the marriage of Mercédès. On the other side of the dungeon he perceived an inscription, the white letters of which were still visible on the green wall: "‘Oh, God!’" he read, "‘preserve my memory!’" "Oh, yes," he cried, "that was my only prayer at last; I no longer begged for liberty, but memory; I dreaded to become mad and forgetful. Oh, God, thou hast preserved my memory; I thank thee, I thank thee!"
–Chapter 113: The Past
"Oh, second father," he exclaimed, "thou who hast given me liberty, knowledge, riches; thou who, like beings of a superior order to ourselves, couldst understand the science of good and evil; if in the depths of the tomb there still remain something within us which can respond to the voice of those who are left on earth; if after death the soul ever revisit the places where we have lived and suffered,—then, noble heart, sublime soul, then I conjure thee by the paternal love thou didst bear me, by the filial obedience I vowed to thee, grant me some sign, some revelation! Remove from me the remains of doubt, which, if it change not to conviction, must become remorse!" The count bowed his head, and clasped his hands together. "Here, sir," said a voice behind him. Monte Cristo shuddered, and arose. The concierge held out the strips of cloth upon which the Abbé Faria had spread the riches of his mind. The manuscript was the great work by the Abbé Faria upon the kingdoms of Italy. The count seized it hastily, his eyes immediately fell upon the epigraph, and he read: "Thou shalt tear out the dragons’ teeth, and shall trample the lions under foot, saith the Lord."
–Chapter 113: The Past
"Do you repent?" asked a deep, solemn voice, which caused Danglars’ hair to stand on end. His feeble eyes endeavored to distinguish objects, and behind the bandit he saw a man enveloped in a cloak, half lost in the shadow of a stone column. "Of what must I repent?" stammered Danglars. "Of the evil you have done," said the voice. "Oh, yes; oh, yes, I do indeed repent." And he struck his breast with his emaciated fist. "Then I forgive you,” said the man, dropping his cloak, and advancing to the light. "The Count of Monte Cristo!" said Danglars, more pale from terror than he had been just before from hunger and misery. "You are mistaken—I am not the Count of Monte Cristo." "Then who are you?" "I am he whom you sold and dishonored—I am he whose betrothed you prostituted—I am he upon whom you trampled that you might raise yourself to fortune—I am he whose father you condemned to die of hunger—I am he whom you also condemned to starvation, and who yet forgives you, because he hopes to be forgiven—I am Edmond Dantès!"
–Chapter 116: The Pardon
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Alexandre Dumas: "Et c'est ainsi que le duel fut évité de justesse"
Toutes les adaptations du Comte de Monte Cristo depuis : "C'est nul, mettons une scène de duel quand même."
#en même temps cest tellement plus drama qu'ils s'épargent dans un contexte ou ils pensent que ca leur coutera la vie#mais en effet ça fait pas sens pour albert d'épargner le compte durant le duel#il ne connait pas son histoire de son point de vue le comte est juste un antagoniste pur#je suis contente que ce plot hole nexiste pas dans le livre
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À partir de maintenant, c'est moi qui récompense, et c'est moi qui punis.
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bon j'ai vu montecristo
J'attends les gifs de Pierre Niney because hot damn il aurait pu s'appeller Cunty Monte Cristo
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Ouais ses tenues me faisaient saliver durant le film XD

Je veux son vêtement
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Ce n'est pas la vengeance. C'est la justice.
#its “ce n'est pas de la vengeance. cest de la justice”#thank you a thousand times for making those gifs
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I just saw the new count of monte-cristo movie and omg?? You could hear people gasp, laugh, cry in the audience. People even clapped at the end! This is why i love going to the cinema, because once in a while you can feel people's reactions in the room, feel the tension, and get to really experience the movie with strangers. Without a doubt one of the best french movies i've seen in a long time! Damn i already want to watch it again
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- LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRISTO (trailer), 2024 (dir. Alexandre de La Patellière, Matthieu Delaporte)
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Allez voir le comte de Monte-Cristo les reufs. J'étais sceptique et je m'en suis pris plein les yeux pendant trois heures
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J'espère que l'Espagne va gagner ils ont un si beau jeu ce serait tellement mérité
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For my non-French readers, foreigner customers I've served so far were committed to speak French, you know saying Merci and Bonjour. It's all so sweet honestly. Each time I'm speaking English or German to them and they still stick to it. I don't know if they are scared of the consequences of not trying, I hope not, but it's really surprising and nice. This happened with Irish, German, Dutch, and British people. The campain of "You have to show you're trying or it's disrespectful" reached the whole continent it seems. I'm impressed. Well done all of you.
#me working in a restaurant#ive learned a bit of nederlands as well#cause I have so many dutch customers#seems only respectful to account for them
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Ça fait deux jours que je travaille en restaurant et je ne demanderais plus jamais de corbeille de pain de ma vie (la carafe d'eau est malheureusement nécessaire à la survie).
J'ai l'air gentil donc tout le monde me demande le pain. C'est si long à faire et après on me reproche de pas servir les plats (ma vrai fonction au sein du restau). Bah oui forcément, chaque client veut deux corbeilles de pain, deux carafes d'eau et de la moutarde. Et pensent qu'ils sont les seuls à faire ce type de demande qui me bouffe cinq minutes à chaque fois (le restau est très grand).
Soyez moins français tous. Moins de pain, service plus rapide pour tout le monde.
#french tumblr#tout le monde devrait faire serveur ou caissier au moins une fois dans sa vie#certaines personnes se rendraient compte de leur entitlement#je parle de cas précis de personne pensant qu'ils devraient etre servie comme s'ils etaient les seuls clients#pas de la personne lambda#beaucoup de clients sont respectueux et meme encourageants#il y a du positif aussi#les gens qui donnent des pourboires pour encourager les saisonniers vous etes dans mon coeur#vos visages sont imprimés dans mon esprit#soyez béni dans ce monde de toxicité#les employés dans le service sont si vite déshumanisés c'est effrayant
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Each time a non-French person say French people are rude I think (internally) either you encountered someone being rude, it happens to everyone, it is as likely to hallen in your own country, or your standards for rudeness are different.
And that's fine, they are different from person to person as well. A lady told me to go fetch an object at work and her adult son thought she had been rude to me. I hadnt perceived her tone as rude, maybe a bit paternalising with good intentions.
It's a matter of perspective and cultural norms.
So, I don't take it personally when someone says the French are rude, but the ease with which people fall back on generalisations always shocks me (I'm including myself in this).
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Appelez-moi Apollon. Rishi et Jordan au tapis
C'est toujours drôle de regarder les pages de garde des journaux étrangers frontaliers. Il se passe des dingueries juste à côté et on en sait rien. Ça aide à relativiser l'actualité nationale.
Le Royaume-Unie a une élection législative bientôt ouais. On s'est synchro nos élections si c'est pas mignon.
Avec un peu de chance on sera aussi synchro sur les résultats avec la gauche giflant l'extrême droite.
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Bon bah j'espère que ça se passera mieux pour les anglois
C'est toujours drôle de regarder les pages de garde des journaux étrangers frontaliers. Il se passe des dingueries juste à côté et on en sait rien. Ça aide à relativiser l'actualité nationale.
Le Royaume-Unie a une élection législative bientôt ouais. On s'est synchro nos élections si c'est pas mignon.
Avec un peu de chance on sera aussi synchro sur les résultats avec la gauche giflant l'extrême droite.
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