#sid on the verge of coming so hard he’d take your eye out
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hunterrrs · 6 months ago
asdfghjk incredible…
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simphornies · 1 year ago
Vox with an overlord s/o hmngg. He’d get such an ego boost from having another overlord submit to him, especially if they’re close in power but also… he’d never admit it but he’d fucking love to get dommed SO hard
A/N: He's giving switch/service top honestly. Maybe a hint of power bottom. (definitely adding this to my lengthy headcanon list). Bonus points if you can guess who the first unnamed character is
Word count: 1.1k (1,152) Warnings: suggestive content, implied sex, dominant reader
Power Hungry - [ Vox x Overlord!Reader ]
“And stay out.” Your voice was stern, laced with anger. You glared at the mafia head that disrespected your meeting. “Your business is no longer needed with us, imp.”
He hissed, “Whatever bitch. Your loss. You’ll soon realize this decision of yours was a mistake.” He got up, dusting himself off as he glared at you. You glared at him back, your demon form on the verge of exploding out.
“Get out of my sight before I take your head. You better hope I never see you again because next time, I’m displaying your skull on my wall. And that’s a promise.” Your voice distorted as you pointed your angelic spear to his throat, cutting him slightly. He backed down, shaking slightly as he ran off. You pulled your spear aside and huffed. “The nerve of that little shit.”
Vox put his hand on your shoulder, the touch immediately calming you down. “I’ll keep eyes on him, make sure he doesn’t try to put a hit on you.” He beamed with pride at your display of power, “Come on, let’s go back in.”
Your spear vanished as well as your demon form, reverting back to your usual self. “I will squish him the next time I see him I swear to god!” You screamed. Vox held your waist, pulling you close as you two walked over to his office.
“If he’s in the area, I’ll make sure to get him up here for you babe.” He grinned at you.
You smiled at him, “You know exactly how to make me happy, Vox.” You gave him a quick peck on his lips.
“That was hot as fuck though.” He winked.
“Oh hush it! You say that every time you see me in my demon form. Remember when I almost killed you?” You laughed, “You faced a second death and what did you say?”
He laughed with you, “I think I said ‘Holy shit you’re hot.’ or something along those lines.”
“Insane. Threw me off guard and saved your life. Glad you said it though.”
The two of you entered his office. He sat on his chair and you sat on top of him with no hesitation. “You really gotta get me my own chair here.”
“Hmm…No. You have a seat right here.” He flirted to which you rolled your eyes.
“I guess that’s true.” You rest your head on his chest as you watch him tap away at his computer. “So what’s the agenda?”
“Nothing. That was the last one for the day and it looks like he already left.” He sent a message out to block any future business with him and you sent a message to Carmilla to make sure he can’t get any weapons from her either, completely blacklisting him from her company. She happily obliged considering you were a close friend of hers and helped her greatly during her rise in power.
“And I just blacklisted him from Carmilla’s company. That little shit isn’t getting any angelic weapons anytime soon.” You laughed.
“That’s my girl.” He smiled at you. You two share a passionate kiss before getting interrupted by Valentino slamming his door open.
“Vox! You won’t fucking believe wh-Oh! Am I interrupting something?” He grinned and leaned up against the doorway. “Can I stay and watch?” He winked.
You glare at him even though he probably couldn’t see your expression. You threw a stapler at him which Valentino dodged last minute. “Fuck off! We’re having a moment! Come back later!” He ran out, slamming the door behind him. “And no you can’t watch! Gross.”
“Oh the headaches you save me from.” He held you close to him, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“Anything for you, baby.” You grabbed his hand to kiss it, “I’ll kill for you, you just say the word.”
His ego was filled to the brim knowing he had you by his side, willing to do anything he asked of you with no hesitation. You and him were on par with each other in power but in terms of fighting, you had the advantage. You had more experience fighting considering you had to work hard and kill anyone in your way to become an overlord, even almost killing Vox when he met you. He came to save Valentino from getting killed because he tried to force you into becoming one of his girls. Your patience already ran thin so when he asked you more than 3 times, you nearly squashed him. Vox came to save him of course and your love blossomed from thereon out.
He loves watching your angry fits, even sitting back with some popcorn as you killed an entire gang of sharks that tried to force themselves on you once. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t intimidated by your power. You weren’t afraid of speaking up for yourself and you most certainly will do anything to have people listen to you. Any demon would be doomed to die if they ever looked down upon you for anything. There were times that he spoke back to you and he found it attractive whenever you’d assert yourself on him. He was as power hungry as you were. But if you were the power? He was starving. He craved you more when you showed power but he never wanted to admit it in the bedroom.
“You know I love it when you’re assertive. It’s so hot.” He whispered into your ear. Shivers went down your spine at his deep voice, triggering something inside of you.
“Yeah?” You turned, straddling him, “I bet you’d love it if I did that to you in private, hm?” You smiled, slightly grinding on the tent in his pants.
“Mmm. I don’t know, baby. Would I?” He smiled up at you, a teasing tone evident in his voice.
You kissed him, tongues intertwining and curling around each other. You were both out of breath by the time the two of you pulled away. He was about to get up to take you to his room but you stopped him. “No.” You said, your hand on his chest, “Stay. And lock the door while you’re at it.” You smirked at him. He nodded and with a flick of his finger, his door was locked. Before you two could get it on in his office, you both heard something behind the door.
“Fuck! You guys didn’t have to fucking lock it!” Valentino yelled, his voice muffled behind the door. The two of you laughed in response before averting your attention back to each other.
“Now. I think I have some…anger to let out.” You grabbed him by his collar and dragged him over to the couch, pushing him down on it. “And record this for yourself, baby.” You winked.
“Yes ma’am.”
He’d be lying if he wasn’t going to beg for you to dominate him more after that night.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years ago
Penguin, James Penguin - Killian x Reader (Spies in Disguise)
Alternate Title: ‘I Wish I Was James Bond’
Holiday Fic 5! 🐧🐧
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
@xxstar-bluesxx​ - From one Killian Stan, to another 😉
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Author’s Note: It is EXACTLY a year since I saw this movie for the first time. 
I had way too much fun writing these two again, safe to say I missed them a lot 🥰🥰
Not joking, this plot has been in my notes since January - and I was like “Well I missed my chance completely with the song and everything!” It’s too good not to pass up!!
Reader character from my SiD series/prequel? You betcha! 😉 But this time we’re writing for them post-movie!
Also playing into the rehabilitation program / Agent!McFord storyline here. So I hope, Killian Stans, that he’s been worth the wait to come back to you. And that I’m ticking a bunch of boxes. 
Note: Whilst the song itself certainly has a Christmas theme, the fic does not. At all.
Penguin, James Penguin - Brad Paisley
I Wish I Was James Bond - Scouting For Girls
Disclaimer: SiD & all associated characters not mine / basically taking the same idea as everyone else and slightly subverting expectations, because it wouldn’t be my fic if I didn’t / you don’t necessarily have to read ‘Mine’ to ‘Fresh Start Fever’ to understand this but it might help / lyrics & gifs not mine. 
Premise: In an attempt to figure out how Walters Bio-molecular tech works, Killian ends up getting it wrong with disastrous (hilarious) results...
Words: 6793
Warnings: Christmas themed lyrics/No Christmas themed fic / if you squint there’s some slight sexual banter at the end there / 
I've got another story That I bet you haven't heard Did you know that Santa Has a secret agent bird From an undisclosed location He's watching me and you He's got satellite uplinks in his cufflinks Yeah he sees everything you do He's Penguin, James Penguin That dapper little guy Like a well dressed duck in a three piece tux He's Santa's secret spy Not so very long ago Santa didn't need much help But with more and more kids every year He soon got overwhelmed He told the elves one Christmas We can't do this anymore Then a knight in shining polyester Waddled through his door And it was Penguin, James Penguin He was there to save the day He had wireless And GPS outfitted on the sleigh And Santa said Penguin Won't you be my ears and eyes How'd you like to help me run My SCFBI He's Penguin, James Penguin And now I guess you've heard How Santa got his little Christmas Secret Agent Bird
I've seen you walk the screen, it's you that I adore Since I was a boy I wanted to be like Roger Moore A girl in every port, and gadgets up my sleeve The world is not enough for the both of us it seems Hello Mr Bond, I've been expecting you Martini in your hand, and that eyebrow that you move Don't take this the wrong way, I know it might sound odd I'm the next double-0, I'm the right man for the job I wanted to be you, I wanted to be you I wanted to be someone else And I wish I was James Bond Just for the day Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away And I wish I was James Bond Just for the day Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away And I wish I was James Bond Just for the day Kissing all the girls, blow the bad guys away Roger and Sean and Timmy and George And Daniel and Pierce and maybe one day me
The light grey clouds rolled over the mountains on the horizon line. By the colour alone you suspected that you were due heavy snowfall. Up in a mountaintop hideaway you were growing used to such things... no bright blue sky today.
You folded your arms with a sigh; still, a little bit of sunshine would be nice.  
KiTT - your assistance drone - beeped every so often as he moved about the room, doing the odd task. Other than that, the house was silent, for now. Your eyes hovered on the helicopter outside and then back to the clouds; would there be a chance of getting out of here for the next few days? You knew cars would be out of the question, it was treacherous even in snow fairing vehicles... Note to self: Next time choose a boyfriend whose idea of a home is not a typical villain’s hide out. Although you supposed it fit his role in all this. At least to the Agency. Things had changed a lot since Killian had tried to take everyone out with his own drones, but they were still very wary of him. You found yourself tasked with keeping him straight - you weren’t sure they understood your relationship. But agreed anyway.
  Having finished his tasks and now bored, KiTT whirred his way back over to you, beeping his greeting. Blue lights flashing.  You shook your head at him, “What would you have me do? I’ve given you everything I had on my list, why don’t you ask him if he needs any help?” KiTT’s next series of bleeps had you laughing; “I’m sure he didn’t mean to kick you out like that. K just needs to concentrate. You can get pretty loud!”  Your drone protested, which only made you giggle. Especially as he tried to make the argument that he couldn’t possibly be any worse than the rest of them. 
KiTT had a point: the drones that the Agency had let you take back now helped both you and Killian with lab work - amongst other things – and, with your own expertise in AI, each now had their own distinctive personality just as KiTT did. Sometimes you regretted that decision. Although they couldn’t have been further from his blue and silver finish; in sleek black and red lights. Fitting for your significant other maybe, but it made little sense to you for the Agency to have given them such colours. (And if you were honest, KiTT looks a damn sight better, but you supposed there was a bit of favouritism in that comment.) “Oh, yeah. Cuz nothing says evil robot quite like red lights.” Killian couldn’t clap back at that, KiTT was exclusively blue. “I didn’t design it.” “I know. Which begs the question, why the Agency was building an assassination drone.” He folded his arms, “Well they don’t care, do they?” Protection by any means necessary. Stop the bad guys by any means necessary. “Well...” You raised your eyebrows and tipped your head in agreement. He’d know a lot about that alright... 
You found yourself looking back to the clouds and sighed, “You could always go check the weather for me if you’re really that desperate. Or if you could figure out a really quick weather changing machine?” If you could count KiTT’s next sound as a scoff you would, before blue lights ran across his body to let you know he was contacting weather satellites for you.
 The sudden crash behind you snapped you both from caring about the weather. It was followed by a slightly smaller - but still loud – one, and then silence again. You immediately started towards the labs, “On second thought, sounds like I should have just asked you to go straight to him!” 
When you both got down there it was a little hard to tell what had happened. At first it looked like nothing too serious; work surfaces scattered with tools, screens full of science mechanics... until you spotted the broken glass beakers and liquid running across the surface of a worktop, dripping onto the floor. “K?!” He didn’t appear to be in here, and yet none of his drones were either, which made you think it also hadn’t been them to make this mess. Or they’d made themselves scarce. You turned the lights up a little further and kept walking, cautiously. Well - for one thing, the floor was now covered in broken glass and curious liquids… they should probably be tidied up at the very least. Good thing your drone was in a working mood. There was another sound from further in the lab that made you jump, and you turned towards it. KiTT made a sound of worry. “Hush, clear this away, I got it.” He beeped again, “I’ll be FINE. Cybernetic, remember!?” KiTT’s next beep caused you to glare at him, “Don’t use that tone with me-!” 
You made your way carefully over to the noise, stepping around the glass that had been spat all over the floor. You were sure it’d made its way to unknown reaches of the lab, and you should be careful where you were stepping. Sure, you wouldn’t bleed, but thanks to the upgrades it’d still hurt.  When you turned the corner, you came face to face with a huddled form. Your head tilted curiously; eyebrow raised. You recognised it alright: but it was more the mystery of how it got in here. It might well have been the source of the crash - after all, you wouldn’t think a penguin to be very careful in a lab. You were just thinking about how you were supposed to catch it and then tell your partner: “Well, a penguin got into the house, and then your lab somehow, and destroyed all your research. Sorry about that-!”, when it turned towards you and-
  “AGH-!!” This time you didn’t jump, although both of you were startled. Your eyes widened even further as you stared at him, on the verge of collapsing into laughter. “K?!” The laugh wavered in your voice and you tried to swallow it back, “What did you do?” Killian was very blunt about it; “Turned myself into a penguin, alright. Are you happy now?” “How?” - Trying not to laugh was having the opposite effect and he sighed. “Go on, laugh-!” You did, but still tried to make it muted, before taking a deep breath, “What the hell...? Did you try to copy Walter’s formula-!?” “Well, it didn’t work did it-!” “They are all pigeons; although this is appropriate for our living conditions.” You crouched beside him, “...I gotta say, it’s very cute.” “Shut up!” You knew, were he still human, he’d be red with both anger and embarrassment by now.  You reached out to delicately touch his feathers; it seemed, just like Sterling managed to retain the bow tie, Killian would retain the outlines of his suit. He swatted your hand away and hissed; “Stop it!” “Just take the antidote. I mean, it’s all over the desk, but I’m sure we can salvage some of it. I assume you are trying for a pigeon, right? Or maybe you aren’t; gotta say I prefer penguins.”  “Thanks.” He responded dryly.  You only grinned your ‘you’re welcome’ and then stood to walk back to his desk; even if KiTT had managed to clear everything by now, if Killian had all the data, creating another batch of antidote shouldn’t take too long, and you could enjoy him as a penguin for a few minutes... or hours... more. “No! Wait! Y/N!” He hissed again, flippers grabbing your leg. “What?” Killian gave you a look of significance. Your eyes narrowed; “You took it without making an antidote!?!” “I took it accidentally!! And I had an antidote, it just wasn’t perfected-! Now I’m stuck as a flightless bird-!” “Deadly in water though.” You mused, tilting your head – that was not well received. Killian grumbled, huffing something under his breath. “So, this isn’t Walter’s formula?” “No!” Although it didn’t look like he was prepared to admit it. And you weren’t sure exactly how he managed to take it ‘accidentally’. “I did it myself!” “Well, this part worked.” You continued walking though, which made him waddle after you as fast as he could, “WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?!” “Uhm, to get Walter. He’ll be able to fix this-!” “No!!” He got ahead of you and tried to push you backwards, you halted; you supposed you understood why he wouldn’t want to admit what he’d done. You thought Walter would actually love that Killian’s formula was at least correct, even if he couldn’t reverse it yet. “What are you going to do Killian? Perfect the antidote as a Penguin? Think about this-!” “I AM!” “Rationally.” You stooped again and gathered him in your arms, to which he squirmed until you set him on a clear desk. “He’s the only one who can help you.” “I can do this myself..!” “As a flightless bird?” He’d been the one to say it-! He sighed, but was still unwilling to concede. Folding his flippers across his chest and turning slightly away from you. You stroked a hand over his feathers again, and grumpy as he was, you felt Killian lean into your touch and smirked as you teased him. “We could be halfway to D.C. by now...” He turned to you, eyes narrowed, and pushed your fingers away again, gentler this time. “Fine. But not a word to anyone.” “I promise.” You placed your hand over your heart. “And don’t pick me up again. It’s embarrassing.” You raised an eyebrow, folding your own arms, “So... what are you going to do, waddle around after me?” “Yup.” Killian jumped down from the counter, sliding across the floor to the exit, passing KiTT who beeped curiously and looked to you. You gave a shrug and rolled your eyes. “You coming?” 
It didn’t take very long to gather all that you needed and throw yourselves into the helicopter. You thanked your lucky stars that he’d taught you how to fly this thing. Your eyes flicked back to those clouds, “KiTT what did the weather say?” He beeped the response; cold, very cold, chance of snow later but the clouds may have been long gone by then. What concerned you most was if the chopper would fly, he seemed to suggest you’d be fine. 
You took a deep breath and flicked all the switches to their correct positions before starting the ignition, blades whirring into life. Your penguin turned to you from his seat, where you’d firmly belted him in. “You sure you know what you’re doing!?! You have to get us all the way to Washington D.C.!” You glared at him, “You wanna try it in your current situation!? You taught me!!” Killian knew he had no choice but to concede. “Just be careful! Nothing reckless!” “Says the man that just turned himself into a Penguin-!” “It was accidental-!” His voice pitched. You placed your hands assuredly on the joystick and moved the helicopter steadily into the air and into higher altitudes. “Accidental my ass, how do you take something like that accidentally-!?” There was overwhelming silence and you knew you’d won again. But sighed, saying softer, “Look, it doesn’t matter...” You pulled out across the mountains and smiled at the blue sky out across your horizon line, the end of this grey was in sight-! “Walter will have you fixed into a sarcastic, Australian, pain-in-the-ass by the end of the day.” Even Killian couldn’t help but laugh at that.
How exactly did you end up in this mess? It’s probably best to go back to the beginning...
Shortly after the whole drone revenge plan had failed, you received an anonymous text telling you to bring a car to a building close to the Capitol Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument. It said nothing more than that, but it made you curious. Upon running it through KiTT and discovering it was from the Agency, your curiosity was only further piqued. And on the dot of the specified time, you were standing outside the building leaning against your car, shades on. To be honest you probably couldn’t have looked less inconspicuous, and you wondered if the Agency, in reality, were about to laugh at you for being so gullible and arrest you too. Well, you’d escaped from them before, and that was more than just a few upgrades ago.
 The doors of the building opposite slid open and your mouth was suddenly agape, you slid your shades slowly from your eyes, unable to hide your shock. Stepping into daylight - in a brand-new suit - was none other than Killian himself. 
His smile was gentle as he made his way down the steps to you, and your heart was hammering against your ribs. As Killian stopped in front of you, you couldn’t help yourself but throw your arms around him. “Am- am- am I here to pick you up!?” God I missed you, I missed you, I missed you… He chucked, returning your embrace, “I believe that’s the idea, yeah.” “They just let you go!?” Killian placed his right hand in his pocket and huffed, “Well. That’s not exactly it, I had to bargain my way out...” You surveyed him for a minute, all his cybernetics seemed intact; he didn’t look messed with. Running a full diagnostic would give you the whole picture, but you were puzzled. “What’s the price?” “Joining the good guys.” You pulled slightly back, “You’re working for the Agency!?” He gave a nod, “That’s the deal.” “Double cross all your acquaintances?” You smiled, leaning back against the car, “Does kinda sound like you... Oh. Wow. You’re an informant?”  “Not exactly.”  Your eyes widened further than you felt possible; “You’re an agent!?” “You got it.” But Killian’s smile slightly faded, “Y/N, I- I was only part of the bargain, though.” You understood him immediately, “Me? They want me.” “You’re an inspired scientist; your expertise in the fusion of human biology and robotics… not to mention AI- they can use that. It’s not really even me they want working with them, it’s you.” “You offered me up as a chip!?” You couldn’t help but be a little upset at him for that. “You’re the only chip I had to play!” Even by the desperate look on his face you shook your head, “No.” “I need you with me on this, you think I was gonna do it without you?” His hand reached for yours, and you didn’t pull away. “So, are we... a team?” “Well, about that—-” His eyes flicked over his shoulder and you both turned.
Standing in the doorway now - each with a wildly different expression on their face - were Walter, Lance and... you believed her name was Marcy. Your eyes flicked to his face and back to them. Walter was the only one that seemed to show any kind of joy; and he was ecstatic. You pushed back just about every swear word you could think of.  “You’re kidding me?”
He was not, in fact, kidding and after being hauled into a two-hour meeting - which you felt really explained nothing - you were essentially handed a file and an ultimatum.  Either you worked with them, or you were thrown in a maximum-security prison. You had to laugh, because you didn’t think this was exactly fair on you. And they had you between a rock and a hard place... Killian and you had always had the same vendetta against the Agency since Kyrgyzstan (maybe his a little more aggressive than yours), and you had a life outside all of this. You couldn’t afford not to take their offer. The Agency knew it.
That made you a lot less mad at him for signing you up, and you turned down the opportunity to vent to him on the drive back; “What do I call you now? Agent McFord!?” “Shut up!” The faint blush across his face made you smile and tease him again: “You do know all that James Bond stuff was a joke, right-!?”
It was one of your favourites. The two of you loved spy movies, unironically. And Killian really liked the classic Bond films, how any time he’d make himself a certain drink you’d come for him with the same joke: “Is that a martini!?” “Yes-??” He was always curious as to why that mattered, only for you to give a pointed smirk,  “Alright... James Bond!” And he laughed, hard. And you loved that sound, because it was such a rarity these days, “Surely in this situation Sterling is James Bond...?” Then you smirked again, and gave Killian your best flirty wink, “Not to me!” That seemed to always get you where you wanted. And wasn’t 007 known for his way with the ladies, after all?
Today in your car Killian did not raise to the bait, but you saw him shake his head as he stared out the window.  “So, are you going by Tristan or Killian…?” There was a little smile on his face as he continued to stare at the scenery, “I’ll leave that up to you…” Your sudden gasp had him looking back to you as something else gelled in your brain; “Wait does that mean I get to say I’m dating a secret agent!?” “Oh god.” His groan was quiet and you were already grinning, enjoying yourself even more. “You should never have agreed to this!” “Clearly.” “Wait—!” You turned to him in absolute joy, “Can you just put on a British accent for like five minutes-!?” “NO!” And you noticed how he managed to accent his Australian to new levels.  Clearly his childhood wish to be James Bond was getting fulfilled, but he wasn’t about to play into it for your whims...
You’d figure out how to break that will before long-!
It took Killian a little more time than he would have liked to convince you that his deal was a good one. You were basically flat out refusing to work for them, doing the bare minimum you possibly could get away with; it felt too much like coercion to you, and they must have known how much you stood to lose.
 His first track was to use Walter; with both similar approaches to science & technology and similar levels of enthusiasm for it, the work it would be possible for you to do together would be nothing short of incredible, and both of you knew it. You acknowledged Killian was right, but it wasn’t something you fell for. The files Killian gave you, the access to read about the technology... that interested you. The potential to further yourself in your own field, even if it had to be done with the Agency, was a good draw. But still not enough.
So Killian did the one thing he could, and played the last card he had left. Himself. Baiting you with his own fate. “If they say I’m not doing my job and throw me back where I came from, what then?” You hated him for it, hated even more that he had a point. Hated yourself for having to admit you couldn’t be without him. You’d almost gone stir crazy between his arrest and picking him up. You couldn’t stand to think of it being any longer than that.  Too much of a pain point, your one line. You’d both lost enough; you refused to let yourselves lose each other.
You did not become an agent though. Your role was strictly technology and it confined you to the labs. Which you had to be honest, you enjoyed. And because you had your own job – and were a name the industry knew well – you weren’t a full time Agency employee. Your research saved lives – was the reason you still had yours – the Agency couldn’t exactly stop you working on good conscience. Even better! The tension in the team didn’t really let up, but the combination of the four of you (and Marcy and co when necessary) worked well. You all got more done than any other team in the Agency. 
Still, the enjoyment of working alone, or with Walter, didn’t stop you from itching to get out there or complaining about it to Killian. “Oh. I see I’m not an agent.” “Less expendable than I.” “Out of me and you, how am I-” “You have a reputation beyond the Agency and they know it. You’re the poster child of cybernetics. They did it to save your brain; didn’t you tell me that yourself?” “You made this...” You indicated to the parts of your body that were, indeed, cybernetic. “Yes, I did.” He touched his forehead to yours, “but the top half of you is flesh and blood and I do not possess the brain you do. For now, you’re best staying in the lab.” Walter didn’t stay in the lab and it made you antsy; running around with Killian or getting to do stuff for him was half the fun.
And eventually you whined enough to get to accompany him on missions, even though you still didn’t get to be an agent.
You had a few style tips for your 007 too. In the same vein as Lance Sterling, Killian’s crisp new Agency suit was complete with bow tie and dazzlingly white shirt. You couldn’t help yourself, looking him over. Oh, sure, Killian looked great, but he didn’t look like him. As you strolled over, Killian stood still and as tall as possible: his obvious thought was that you we’re going to straighten his bow tie. Not a chance! Instead, you unfurled it and threw the fabric to one side, proceeding to undo one... two... you hovered over the third button. Killian placed his hand over yours, “Isn’t that enough?” He should have known that was a fatal mistake to say; “For me? No!” You took a step back with a smile, at the creased eyebrow and small frown look on his face, surveying your handy work: “Mmm. That’s more you. Agent McFord.” And so this was how he started to wear his suits, and before long that signature blue shirt found its way back into the mix, much to your delight.
It was on these missions together that you both became curious in Walter’s biomolecular tech. You from a purely scientific fascination. He had Sterling turning from man to pigeon left, right and centre. And the two of you had drones (now equipped with AI), but even you didn’t have anything like that. Clearly Killian’s interest had become a little more than just the spectacle and scientific theory though.
No, clearly he’d tried to replicate it for himself. And the result hasn’t exactly gone as planned. You supposed he wasn’t about to allow Lance to one up him for the rest of his Agency career - however long that lasted. And Killian wanted to get back on level footing without Walters help; he wanted to do it himself.
And it had worked, a very valiant attempt, but he hadn’t finished his antidote or had miscalculated somewhere... And that was how you had all ended up in a helicopter flying yourself to the Agency labs, with a penguin in the passenger seat.
Yet with what you’d seen working here, this just seemed like a typical day!
You landed to the best of your ability, ignoring his slight glare of annoyance at the small bump as you set the helicopter down. You would call that trip a success. You stared at the heavy doors in front of you and gathered your pass; you heard KiTT behind you and his metallic fussing as he switched himself into all the correct safety modes and access clearances for the Agency. That you had done yourself; you didn’t trust Killian with KiTT, did they really think they would get the go ahead to touch him? Turning to Killian you cleared your throat; “You gotta act like a penguin remember-! So don’t talk to me! Or do anything a penguin wouldn’t do!” “What wouldn’t a penguin do!?” You unclipped his seatbelt. Well, you supposed a researcher would know, or someone that worked with them closely in a zoo. But he couldn’t just guess the Agency’s experience. Then again, it wouldn’t surprise you if he knew everyone in it inside out by now. “Look, I don’t know. But don’t make me talk to you, I’m going to look like an insane person-!” Realising that you were both still talking to each other you shared the same ‘shut up!’ look before agreeing not to talk with a silent nod, and with both KiTT and penguin Killian trailing you, you headed across the helipad with your Agency pass. 
Here we go again...
God, you hated this building.  Most times you’d been out here it hadn’t been for any good reason - and you still didn’t feel particularly safe within it. And so many people… Even when you worked your legitimate job you usually worked alone - or with people you actually liked - you could talk to yourself or KiTT and run your mouth, or talk things through without anyone answering you.  Everyone at the Agency had an opinion. When it was just you and Walter it was okay, and Killian was right, you liked him. But sometimes other people got involved and it got messy. To the point where Walter would gingerly steer you from the room before you really went off at someone.
You keyed yourself in; immediately scanned by the Agency’s automatic sensors, the switch turned green and the door swung open for you. You hesitated for a moment and looked down to Killian. “I know you’re gonna hate this, but I’m going to have to carry you through security. I think that’s all there is for it.” You didn’t let him answer as you picked him up but, as before, Killian protested by squirming in your arms as you walked down the hall to the security area. “Geez, now I look like I’m smuggling in a penguin…”
You gained some funny looks for doing so, but you need only say the word research and they let you through with him. As you turned into the next corridor, through the next security door and it all looked empty, Killian nipped at your fingers; “OW! Okay… Geez-!” You put him back on the ground, only for him to shake out his ruffled feathers with a ‘humph!’ The corridors remained silent as you took the long way down to the research centre. And Killian switched from waddling to sliding around on his stomach. You watched with curiosity; you supposed that was faster for him than trying to keep up with you. You turned to KiTT with a raised eyebrow, only to see him also focused with puzzlement on the penguin. Knowing you weren’t about to get anything sensible out of your drone, you spoke once again to your boyfriend: “Is that easier to move, or is it just fun?” Killian barely glanced up at you, but you knew the look he was giving: ‘you’re the one that said don’t talk!’ He was right, but this corridor was empty, the last 10 corridors had been empty! “Geez you can just nod.” You were met with nearly exactly the same look, before he paused, nodded, and carried on his sliding.   “It’s fun? You are too cute.”
It took you until the next door for him to stand up and retaliate, but when Killian did, he smacked your leg as best he could with his flipper; you could only laugh.
You wandered cautiously through the laboratory and he stayed close; perhaps you should have checked that Walter was actually in today. You could already hear the stirring of whispers, and KiTT beeped in acknowledgement. You glanced to him, “Tell them to shut the hell up then!” His beep was a little louder in annoyance, and you rolled your eyes, but he began flying ominously over the heads of the other scientists and chatter stopped, work resumed. You smiled to yourself; everyone was scared of KiTT because of what they knew Killian’s drones had been capable of. KiTT was harmless, and had no weaponry, but they didn’t need to know that. You quite enjoyed how scared they got sometimes. Served them right for the majority of it. You were a little overcome with joy to see that Walter was indeed in his lab, and even more happy to see that Lance was nowhere to be found. You gave him a wave as you knocked on his door and received a big smile back. “Y/N! I didn’t know you were coming in today!” “Unplanned, I do confess. But it’s good to see you Walter!” “Well, it’s lovely to see you too! You working?” “Actually I came to ask a favour…” “Oh!” He straightened in his chair as he swung it towards you, large blue eyes curious, “What is it?” “Your bio-molecular technology?” “Yes.” It was at this point he noticed the penguin, and you could see the million questions racing in his mind, so you opted to continue quick before he got a chance to ask them. “Is that just for Lance? Would it work on anyone? You must have the formula, right? Is there any chance I can take a look? Both for the transformation process and the antidote to it. I mean you guys are using it all the time.” “Uuuhhhh…” Now you’d given Walter a million questions, and his eyes kept flicking downwards to your companion. “Well, I…Yes, I guess I could…. show you how to… Do you want to do this with a penguin?” “Ignore the penguin.” 
Walter tried to keep his eyes on you, especially as the look you were giving him was serious, but eventually they trailed back to the bird at your feet. He studied it for a while and ignored you trying to protest him disregarding what you’d said. He leant forward on his chair, “Killian?” Instead of acting as he was supposed to, your partner became immediately angry. “Not a WORD to Sterling, or I SWEAR-!!” Instead, Walter lit up with a gasp, “You perfected your own formula!?! That’s so amazing—!! Colour me impressed-! Well, I could make what I made for him, so you can turn pretty much at will-!! Well-” He turned to you with a smile, “with some assistance of course-!” “A secret agent penguin!” The idea was funny to you, but at the same time you couldn’t help but love it. Killian immediately protested, “NO-! THATS STUPID, WE ARE NOT—!” You nudged him with your foot to shut him up, before continuing a sensible track of conversation, “First off, I suppose we should get the formula done. Then we can think about what we want to do with it afterward.” “All you need is the antidote right? I can get right on that… but, Killian, I’m going to need your help with what you did…” Walter spun back to the computer and began typing away, “Pull up a seat you two!” You dragged one across, and Killian scrambled up onto your lap; “I don’t have my formula, but KiTT could probably download it. He has a satellite uplink to the lab back home.” Walter nodded, “That’ll do, I’ll have to make sure the antidote coincides… I can’t promise this will be short though, you might be stuck like that for a few more hours.” “Hours!?” Killian sounded exasperated but turned to your assistance drone: “KiTT, see if you can link back to the lab and access file F-BMP5. Then send it across to Walter.” KiTT, glad of something to do, bleeped happily and set to work. “Sorry buddy.” Walter replied softly, “A penguin though, I’m impressed.” “Not entirely easy to find birds where we live.” This caused you to chime in, “Genuinely there are penguins up there?” “If you know where to look.” “Huh!” You smiled gently, “You’ll have to show me!”
Walter worked as quickly and carefully as possible, and as you suspected people were fascinated.  Everyone who passed couldn’t resist knocking on the door and asking what a penguin was doing here. Some even having the nerve to ask, ‘Is that penguin talking?’ By the time the last one had enquired you were up by the door: “NO!” and slamming it back in their face. Walter took precautions to lock you all in here and frost the glass for privacy after that. 
Killian remained in your lap, and you held him close, stroking your fingers through his feathers again, this time he didn’t seem to mind too much, and at times when you paused, he would nuzzle against your hands to get you to continue. Though you knew he would never admit it. As he continued working on the antidote, Walter again brought up the possibility of using this ultimate spy tech regularly. Killian didn’t seem keen, but you wondered if you could get him to warm to the idea… “I’m sure that we could find a little suit jacket for you in that form.” He glared back at you, “You’re enjoying this a little too much, aren’t you?” “A little, yeah!” You grinned in admittance, making him turn to Walter. “It’s a hard no from me.” “Aw, Killian, c’mon!” That only made Walter chuckle, “Let him get used to it Y/N, he’ll like it eventually, Lance did.” “You mean just leave him like this for a while?” Walter grinned, “Something like that!” Killian spluttered, stamping his foot against your leg; “YOU TWO PUT ME BACK RIGHT NOW!”
When Walter had the serum made up, he walked you both into another lab to perform the procedure. Killian let you carry him. “You can drink it if you want, but I’d like to run a few tests.” “Meaning what?” “I mean, if I put you under anaesthetic… I can check a few things.” “Is that usual?” “No but it’s your first time, and Lance’s wasn’t a pleasant experience I just want to make sure you’re okay, or Y/N will kill me.” Killian narrowed his eyes at both of you, standing there trying to look so innocent. “Fine. If I wake up and I’m not human again, I’m going to kill both of you.” Walter winced, however you only smirked; “Noted!”
When Killian awoke again, he was indeed human. But he was not in a lab in Washington D.C. instead he was in bed, back in the mountain top hideout. Had he really been out that long? Or was whatever drug used in the anaesthetic or antidote so strong he simply couldn’t remember anything else. He stretched, glad his head wasn’t spinning, and walked into the bathroom. Skimming his fingers up the side of his neck he pressed down on the projection switch. Killian checked this every morning as routine; that the system worked, that there were no problems with the metal, or his eye. This morning, nothing worked. He straightened up with a frown and tried again. Nothing. Killian rushed through the house; “Y/N! Y/N!” He sounded panicked, making you shake your head and call him through. “In the main room, babe.” He ran the rest of the way, “Y/N, my projection isn’t working!” You turned to him slowly, crooked, amused smile on your face; as if you were trying to hold back a laugh. “Are you sure? Why don’t you check again?” This time Killian was more careful, fingers sliding up his neck tentatively. He paused, realising that he couldn’t even feel the switch. It no longer existed. His eyes flew wide, voice quiet; “You- you- fixed it!” You grinned, smile slowly spreading across your face as you nodded, “Yes! So now you have a complete face!” He sprinted the rest of the way to you, grabbing you into a hug. You couldn’t help laughing, throwing your arms around him too as Killian buried his face in his shoulder, “You can cry now too! But please don’t! I would feel terrible!” “How-!?” “Turns out I can pick up a thing or two… Called in a few favours...” He pulled back and you framed his face with your hands, stroking your thumbs over his cheeks, “The Agency have better tech, but I never admitted that out loud. I’ve been wanting to do it for a little while but… Walter finally gave me the opportunity.” “...Thank you.” “Oh, don’t you start.” You indicated to yourself, “I have far more to thank you for.” You gestured to his robotic arm, “I thought… maybe I’d leave that. That was a feat of engineering y’know?” He laughed, “One thing at a time, huh?” “Yes!” You agreed with a nod.
Killian tugged away from you for a moment, and studied your clothes. He was in luck; they were the ones you had been wearing at the labs. Although, as he glanced to the colour of the sky perhaps it wasn’t the morning after all, perhaps it was later in the same day. It was snowing, though, so that weather prediction had been correct. Killian couldn’t be sure when it was exactly, but it was imperative you were wearing these clothes. “I just need to do something.” You were confused as he got closer to you. “What?” “Don’t get too excited.” He ran his hand down your body to the pocket of your jeans. “I mean, I can’t help get excited, you’re here and touching me.” “Stop it.” Although Killian smirked, slipping his hand into your pocket. You stilled, and your features pulled into a highly suggestive look as your eyes scanned his; “I mean, I have questions, Agent McFord.” He rolled his eyes at you as he fished a small disk drive out of your pocket. “…Wait!” You gasped, moment broken, “What the hell is that!? Where did you get that!?” You patted yourself down suddenly, “Killian-!” He closed his hand around it and beckoned you with him, turning to walk back to the labs, you hurried after him, “No one was paying much attention to the Penguin, were they!” “Wait! Seriously! What is that?” “Shush, you’ll see.” He plugged it into his computer and you waited patiently for it to boot up before you found yourself gasping again; “Is that… The Agency’s entire weapons tech!?” “Yup.” You whipped around to him, hands on his desk, “ARE YOU DOUBLE CROSSING THE AGENCY!” “Kinda.�� His face was fairly nonchalant as his eyes held yours again. “Killian!” You couldn’t believe this was happening. After all that talk, and trying to persuade you into this. “After what they did...” He transposed the files, “are you really THAT surprised?” You folded your arms, hating that he had a point, “...Well no. But I... thought you might be a little more discreet.” “What they don’t know won’t hurt them - besides a few months ago you were telling me I was double crossing all the people I worked with, so is it double crossing a double cross or is it simply that I’m an effective double agent?” “... That’s a lot of doubles.” “Mm.” “I figure that’s not what the programme and agreement of your release was for. K, if they find out…” He tipped his head, eyes very nearly pleading with you. “I’m not covering for you!” “Accomplice?” “Not in your wildest dreams!” You were grinning - but maybe grimacing, because you thought perhaps you’d get caught up in this too, being part of his damn agreement - and Killian already knew he’d got away with it. You were going to be there for him no matter what he did and no matter what happened, you’d made that promise too long ago and you’d never break it. Not after what you’d been through together. You folded your arms again, “I won’t rat on one condition.” His eyes rolled, “What could that be?” “If you’ll agree to use Walter’s biomolecular tech, penguin yourself on missions in the same way Lance does his pigeon transformation.” Killian scoffed, “How?!” You were sure he wished he didn’t ask as you produced a collection of vials from a table across the lab. Killian’s face fell slightly. “You did not.” “Oh, we did!” “That’s most certainly punishment.” You indicated to the screen, “Someone brought this upon himself.”
There was silence, before he began chuckling, pulling you into his arms gently - and you were only too happy to accept his hug and a kiss to your forehead. “Geez. The things I do for you!” You moved to catch his lips delicately in ‘thanks’. Oh yeah, like you couldn’t say the same thing!
Thank you for reading the penultimate fic of the year! 😁
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years ago
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 7
Word Count: 3,616
POV: Sid’s
Warning: Language
Notes: So I literally almost forgot that it was Monday and that I needed to post this next chapter...haha! You guys have to keep me on top of things. It’s been a crazy week and I hope this helps take you guys away from this craziness of life. Happy Reading!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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You didn't like the look of (Y/N)'s high school friend the moment he walked in and saw her. There was something lecherous in his eyes; the way they lingered on her breasts a little too long. You tried to tell yourself that it was just jealousy, that now that you had decided to pursue (Y/N) you looked at every man as competition. But the longer he held onto her hand the worse the feeling became.
 It took everything in your power to remain in your chair when he drug her back to show her the kitchen. Something didn't feel right, yet you remained at the table with the rest of the guys, laughing and joking, while trying not to think about (Y/N) being alone with this Christian fellow. Though when she re-entered the room you'd wished you'd followed your instincts and gone after her. She looked on the verge of tears and she was breathing heavily as if she'd run a marathon. What concerned you most though, was the red mark on her wrist and splash of blood on her hand. You weren't even sure she knew it was there.
 It was easy to tell something had happened, and about half of the guys, including you, were ready to get out of their seats to beat the man to a bloody pulp. But then she'd announced she was leaving and took off before any of you could give it another thought. While the only thing you wanted to do was head back to the kitchen and find Christian, something stopped you. You pulled out your wallet and threw down your credit card. "Here pay for dinner, I'm going after her." You heard the scrape of your chair legs against the hardwood floor, as you pushed back not thinking about anything but getting to (Y/N).
 When you exited the door, you turned right to head back to the hotel, only you didn't see her figure anywhere. She couldn't be that far ahead of you. Cold-blooded fear shot through you, as you wondered if that bastard Christian had anticipated her leaving and grabbed her first. As you turned back around you saw here headed in the opposite direction. Your feet were moving in her direction before you could even think about it. "(Y/N)," you called out, yet she didn't seem to hear you. It took you about ten long strides to catch up with her, and as you did you placed your hand on her shoulder, only to have her flinch at your touch. "(Y/N), it's me. It's Sid."
 She looked up then, and you saw the tears in her eyes. It tore you in two. You opened your arms giving her a choice, and she fell into them. Immediately, you wrapped her up in your embrace while she cried into your chest. Her hands snaked around your waist and you ran your hand up and down her back hoping to soothe her. You rested your cheek in her hair as you whispered a shushing noise. You felt her relax into you within a few minutes, yet you still didn't release her. "(Y/N), you don't have to tell me what happened. I just need to know that he didn't hurt you?"
 Her reply was muffled against you, but you heard her all the same. "I'm ok." She looked up at you then, though her face was covered in tears that she shed. You took your hand and brushed away a few that remained.
 "You're sure?" and before she could nod a yes, you added. "Because if you are, I'm going back in there to beat the shit out of him."
 "I'm fine Sid. You don't need to defend me." She stepped out of your embrace then and it took everything in you not to just grab her and press her close to you again. She gave you a weak smile.
 "Alright, if you're sure, or I can have Geno beat him up." She full-on smiled then, and you saw some life come back into her. A small part of you was thrilled that you were the one to put that light back in her eyes. "Where are you headed? I'll walk you wherever you want to go."
 "I was headed back to the hotel."
 "(Y/N), it's in the other direction." She looked around then, and whispered a soft, 'shit,' before a shiver wracked her body. That's when you realized she didn't have her coat on, though neither did you. Still, you shrugged out of your suit jacket and draped it around her arms. "You're freezing. Let's get you back to the hotel and then I'll go back and grab your coat."
 "We have to go past there anyhow. We can just stop and get it."
 "Fine, but you're not leaving my side. There's no reason for you to see that asshole." While you still had no idea what had happened between her and Christian; there wasn't a doubt in your mind that the man was a complete jerk. You wrapped your arm around her shoulders, mainly because you couldn't help yourself, but also to start the two of you moving so you weren't standing out in the cold. The two of you were silent as you headed back to the restaurant. She tensed under your arm, as you pulled the door open to grab your coats. "I got you." You whispered to her as she entered the building. As the hostess approached, you stepped in front of (Y/N) protecting her from anyone's view as you said, "We were in a bit of hurry when we left and forgot our things."
 "Of course, I'll get them right away." As she left, you noticed (Y/N) went to shrug out of your suit jacket.
 "Leave it, you're freezing."
 "Yeah, but I can't have you getting sick."
 "(Y/N) I'm fine. I play on a frozen surface for a living." You grabbed hold of the lapels, wrapping them tighter around her, as the hostess came back with your coats. "Thank you." As soon as you both had them on, you headed out the door in hopes to avoid (Y/N) seeing Christian.
 It was to no avail though, as you heard his voice when you were midway through the door. "So, I guess you just go for the big-name stars then." He wasn't yelling yet you could still hear a harshness to his tone.
 "Keep walking." You told her. "The man's a piece of shit and doesn't deserve our time."
 You were already out the door when you heard him say. "You're nothing but a little slut." At that you turned around, ready to beat the man to a bloody pulp. Though from the look on his face, someone had gotten there before you.
 "He's not worth it Sid." (Y/N) said pulling on your arm.
 "That's right, hide behind that sugar daddy of yours. I'm sure he'll appreciate it when you spread your legs for him tonight." Jesus, you had no idea what had transpired between (Y/N) and this man but you'd had enough of him talking to her in this manner. Before he could even blink, you had him thrust up against the wall of the building. Your forearm, cutting into this windpipe.
 "Say one more thing about her and it'll be your last. I swear to God." You'd never been so angry in your entire life. Every cell in your body was boiling over at wanting to lay this man out.
 "Sid, please don't. He only wants to make a scene. Don't give him the satisfaction."
 Her soft plea broke through your angry haze, yet before you released him; you gave him a final warning. "Don't ever think of contacting her again or your nose won't be the only thing broken. Do you understand me?"
 He nodded weakly, and you turned back to (Y/N); who grabbed your hand and headed down the street. Silence ensued between the two of you for about a block, as she let you cool down from the heated encounter. "I'm so sorry Sid. I feel like such a fool."
 You stopped dead in your tracks then, causing (Y/N) to halt her progress as well. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Whatever happened is not your fault. That man is a misogynistic pig. I just want to congratulate whatever teammate clocked the man."
 She closed her eyes hard, almost wincing as she said. "That was me."
 A broad grin spread across your face. "Really?"
 When she opened her eyes and saw you, she smiled as well. "Yeah."
 "Maybe you can give me some fighting tips." She giggled then and it was like music to your ears. It helped relieve some of the tension you'd both been feeling.
 "From the looks of it, you don't need any."
 "Eh, I'm just ok." Her hand was still laced with yours as you started back to the hotel and you realized you were going to have to let it go soon. After everything that happened though, you had no desire to do that. As you drew near, you could see some of your teammates waiting in the lobby and knew they'd question the two of you, so when (Y/N) let go; you let her.
 "Are you ok?" Flower asked her, running his hands up and down her arms as if he was checking for injuries.
 "I'm fine."
 "We were afraid, he'd done something to you." He added.
 "Like, can go back and still beat him up; if like you want?" Geno told her.
 "Thanks, Geno, but I already stopped this guy, from doing that." She said, lightly touching your arm; you relished even this small amount of contact. "He's not worth it. I'm just so sorry for ruining the night."
 "God (Y/N), you didn't ruin the night at all," Tanger told her. "We all just feel bad that that asshole treated you the way he did. Putain de trou du cul."
 (Y/N) quirked a brow at Tanger, and while she may have not known what he'd spoken in French; you had to agree that Christian was a fucking asshole. "Well, still I'm sorry for the way the night ended." There was a sadness to her voice and you longed to take her back in your arms and comfort her again. "On that note, I think I'm going to head up to my room. I'll see you all in the morning." You watched her walk down the hall, completely lost in thought for she got on the same elevator you'd be stuck in only hours ago.
 "Did she tell you what happened?" Phil asked, while at the same time Flower said. "Are you sure she's ok?"
 "She swears she's fine, but wouldn't tell me exactly what happened, though I did put some things together." They looked at you expectantly for you to continue. "From what I gathered when he followed us after getting our coats, he basically insinuated that she's the team…" You winced, not even wanting to say the word because it felt like you were disrespecting (Y/N). "Whore."
 "What?" They all said in unison.
 "I know, and I think he made some kind of move on her because of it." Geno looked as though he was ready to punch him in the face. It was a feeling you could totally relate to, so you quickly added. "Though you'd be proud of her; I'm pretty sure she broke his nose, and he's going to be walking funny for a few days."
 "You're kidding me?" Flower questioned, though there was a proud look on his face.
 "No, I'm not."
 "Well good for her. Remind me to stay on her good side." This from Phil before he added. "I need a drink after all this. Anyone want to join me at the bar?" The other three guys agreed.
 "I think I'm going to call it a night." They knew how regimented you were and no one questioned it, as they headed off to the bar. Unlike (Y/N), you took the stairwell in hopes to work off some excess energy. The five flight walk-up was little help to calm down your emotions, maybe if it had been twenty-five, you'd have been sliding the key into your own door, instead of standing outside ready to knock on (Y/N)'s. It wasn't that you didn't believe that she was ok, for she was certainly capable of taking care of herself; you just had an overwhelming need to check on her one more time before you called it a night. Which is why you found yourself knocking on the door without giving it any further thought.
 "Just a second," you heard her yell through the door. It took less than ten seconds for her to open it, yet it felt like millions; though you weren't prepared for her when she did. She stood there, wrapped in the white fluffy hotel robe, hair in a messy bun trying to hard to conceal tears that she was so obviously shedding. "Sid," she sniffled out. "Did you need something?" God, how could she even think about your needs in this state? It was just another reason why you were falling for this woman.
 "No, I just…" You wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in your arms again and just hold her for hours, but you weren't sure if she wanted that as well. "I just wanted to check on you one more time."
 She swallowed hard and took a deep breath. The action making you take notice of the slight swell of her breast peeking out from where the robe overlapped. "I'm okay."
 Always that stoic answer, never dropping the façade for fear that you would think less of her; you were sure. "If you want to talk about it; you know you can talk to me." A wobbly smile made its way to her lips and you longed to see the bright shining one that she'd graced you with earlier in the day.
 She contemplated something for a moment, before moving aside. "Did you want to come in for a minute." You nodded and followed her into her room, taking a moment to look around. Her view, was not nearly as spectacular as yours, as it showed the rooftop of the building next door. As you walked past the bathroom, you saw her makeup laying meticulously out on the counter, as you caught a waft of her perfume and it suddenly filled the air. The dress she'd worn earlier lay on the bed nice and neat as if she was getting ready to fold it up and place it in her suitcase, which was on the luggage rack in the corner. There was no gift basket full of goodies, or extra pillows on the bed. She'd worried about everyone else's needs, but not her own, and at that moment, you realized that you wanted to be the person to take care of her. "Did you want to sit down?" She motioned over to the chair in the corner, and you took a seat. "I'm so sorry about tonight."
 "(Y/N), would you please stop apologizing. It's not your fault."
 She sat on the bed across from you then, closing her eyes and gathering her thoughts. "I know, but still…I'm just embarrassed that I put you all through that." You went to tell her that there was no need for her to be, that if anyone should be ashamed of themselves; it should be Christian, but she kept going. "Maybe you would all be better off if someone else took this over and I quit." She couldn't do that, not when you finally figured out that she was the missing link in your puzzle.
 "(Y/N) how can you say that? Look at all that you've done for me…" belated you added, "and the team. Everything you did for Beau the other night. I know he's grateful for it, and I'm sure his family is as well." She smiled weakly. "Plus, how you've gone out of the way this entire trip to make all of us comfortable. I know it's helping us win games." She cocked her head to the side as if she didn't quite believe that statement. "It's true (Y/N), don't discredit the things that you're doing for us." You scooted to the end of the chair, unconsciously grabbing her hand as you continued. "What if I'm the one who gets hurt tomorrow? I know it's you that I want calling my mom to tell her because I know you'll do it in a way that won't worry her. And you're the one that's probably going to have to remind to take the pain pill because I'm so damn regimented, I'll forget. I know for certain the other guys feel the same way as well. We need you (Y/N)."
 "Anyone can do that Sid. You guys got along just fine before I was here and I'm sure you'll be fine after."
 Tears were running down her cheeks now, and you took your thumb and brushed them away. "God, how can one conversation with an asshole make you feel this way?"
 "Christian just said what everyone else is probably thinking." You stayed silent in hopes that she would tell you his exact words. "I mean do I have to spell it out? I think you remember him calling me a slut, though when I was alone with him, he basically said I was a hired whore for the team." You had an idea that was what the jerk said, but hearing her said the words; your blood boiled.
 "(Y/N), there's not one member of this team that thinks of you that way and you know it. Fuck all the other people and what they think. We all know the truth and anyone that thinks otherwise doesn't deserve the time of day."
 "I know you're right Sid, and I know I shouldn't care what other people think. It's just I don't ever want to be an embarrassment to any of you."
 Your thumb ran back and forth over her knuckles. "The only way that could happen is if you quit now." She looked up at you then, eyes wide at your words. "The guys on this team, we don't give up; not even when we're down seven nothing. We go out there even if there's only a minute left and still try to win. We need you (Y/N), especially as we go into playoffs. None of us are giving up on you; so, I hope you're not giving up on us." You kind of felt like you were putting your captain's hat on in that moment, instead of playing the role of soon to be boyfriend as you really wanted, but you thought that's what she needed in the moment.
 She smiled at you then, one of those big bright and beaming ones. "You're really good at that you know."
 The compliment caused you to blush a little. "So, does that mean you're staying?"
 "Yeah, I think it does." A weight that you didn't know was sitting on your chest suddenly lifted at her words and you found yourself returning the smile that was on her face. That was until she pulled her hands from yours. "Though in all honesty, I probably shouldn't be sneaking out of rooms or…" she trailed off, and her words sort of sunk in before she even said them. "Have you in mine at the moment."
 "I understand." For you truly did, even if you didn't really want to leave. You stood up and she did as well, getting ready to make your way to the door, still aching to take her in your arms, though you knew now was not the time.
 She stopped suddenly and you almost ran into her. Instinctively, you latched on to her hips to steady you both. The feel of her body now burning into your skin and you welcomed it; had to fight the urge not to run your hands along all her curves. She looked in your eyes and you saw that same want and desire you felt for her, there. Though she buried it not seconds later. "Sorry. I almost forgot about your jacket." She hesitated for a brief moment, almost as if she didn't want to leave your touch any more than you wanted her to, but then she moved over to the closet, grabbing the garment. "Oh, maybe I should have it dry cleaned for you."
 You smiled at her willingness to be so helpful. "It's not necessary. I can take care of it."
 "Well thank you for letting me wear it earlier." The two of you were at the door then and you cursed how small the room was, for it meant an end to your evening with her. "And thank you for listening to me…and the pep talk. I really appreciate it."
 "Anytime." You meant that. She could call on you day or night and you would be there. "You know where to find me."
 "That I do." She answered as your hand rested on the doorknob. "Goodnight, Sid."
 "Goodnight, (Y/N)." Grudgingly, you opened the door and stepped into the hallway, giving her one last fleeting look before it closed. Slowly, you made your way to the end of the hall and back to your room. You swear you could still smell her, even once you were ensconced among your own things, and then you realized, her scent, the one that intoxicated you still lingered on your suit coat.  You held it to your face, inhaling her sweet essence. There was no way you were dry cleaning this jacket anytime soon.  
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hazelnmae · 6 years ago
Lies Travel Faster: Chapter Six
Summary: Sophia Murphy’s life seems to be on the upswing when she takes a job with Birmingham’s notorious Shelby Company Ltd. But when she falls for her boss, CEO and ruthless gangster, Tommy Shelby, she finds herself wrapped up in a tangled web of danger and deceit. After all, lies travel faster than the truth.
Tags: Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character; Tommy/Assistant Trope (it’s a hill I’ll die on)
Warnings: angst; smut (in future chapters); violence; language; rape/non-con; death
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CHAPTER 6 (read Chapter 5 or start at the beginning with Chapter 1)
Tommy entered the Watery Lane house to find it quiet and assumed everyone to be in bed. He removed his heavy coat and sat at the table in the parlor, pouring himself another glass of whiskey--the effects of his previous ones well worn off by now.
The sickness in the pit of his stomach, the way his heart felt heavy in his chest, his mind racing with too many thoughts he couldn’t control, the sweat on his palms--all of it he’d felt before, but it’d been so long he’d almost forgotten what it was.
He ran a hand over his face. “Fuck,” he muttered.
“She’s alright,” Polly said, entering the parlor.
She sat across from him at the round table and lit herself a cigarette. Following suit, Tommy removed one from the case in his jacket pocket but he neglected to light it immediately. He sat expressionless, holding a box of matches with one hand and tapping his fingers on the table with the other until Polly  broke the silence.
“She’s strong, that one.”
“I know,” he replied, still not lighting the cigarette. Polly noticed that he hadn’t and held a lit match out in front of him.
That wasn’t the problem. He knew Sophie was strong. He’d spent enough time with her to know what she’d been through.  She was a bit cracked and Tommy didn’t want to see her fully break.
No, that wasn’t the problem. But he wasn’t quite sure what was.
Polly took one last drag of her cigarette before moving to head upstairs.
“I put her in your old room. She’s probably sound asleep by now,” she said. “You should get some rest, too. Go home. We can sort it all out in the morning”
Polly placed a hand on his shoulder before she left the room.
“Thomas! It’s nearly two o’clock in the morning, to what do I owe this right fuckin’ pleasure, mate?!” Alfie asked, feigning surprise but more alert than Tommy had expected when he called.
“There's been a change in plan,” was all he said in response.
“And what might have prompted this?”
Tommy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Was it that assistant of yours?” Alfie asked.
Half in shock and half annoyed that Alfie seemed to already know, Tommy said nothing. He’d already let his guard down too much and needed to be careful about his next move.
“You called me, mate. If you’ve got something to say, then, now’s the time to say it,” Alfie added.
“What have you heard?” Tommy finally asked. If Alfie knew something he wouldn’t offer it voluntarily. Tommy would need to pry it out of him.
“Oh, you know, just that she arrived the same day as that lovely card you received. Interesting coincidence, if you ask me. Not that you did. You really do hold it all right next to the vest, huh?”
Alfie was rambling now and Tommy took the opportunity to sort through this. Sophie had arrived the same day as the black hand. He knew that, of course, but didn’t want to think they may be connected. He’d considered it in those early days, but he’d put it out of his mind--letting his fascination with her cloud his better judgement.
But in the time he’d known her she’d given him no reason to mistrust her.
Why should I think these are related and not isolated coincidences?
But isolated coincidences didn’t exist in his world.
Alfie fell quiet now, recognizing that Tommy’s mind was spinning on the other end of the phone. Tommy didn’t have to say a word--Alfie knew him well enough to know he'd taken the bait.
“Well, meet tomorrow to discuss the details,” Tommy said, hanging up the phone before Alfie had the chance to respond.
She heard Tommy knock as she was fastening the last buttons on his old shirt. Having nothing else to wear, she had rummaged through his old dresser and found several of his old things. She picked out a light blue button up, thinking of how it must complement his eyes. She eased it on over her slip, immediately appreciating the warmth it gave her.  
“Come in,” she said.
Tommy slowly peeked his head in the door, wanting to ensure she was dressed before he entered.
Sophie sat on the side of the bed and rubbed her hands together. Unsure of how she should be feeling with Luca’s instructions replaying in her mind.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she held her arms out, nodding down toward the shirt. “It’s really all I could find.”
Tommy sat down beside her, trying to ignore how lovely she looked in his shirt.
“I think it'd be best if you come to Arrow House,” he said. “Just until all of this settles down. I know it’s not idea--.”
“That's fine,” Sophie interrupted. He'd clearly been expecting a fight, but she wasn't up for it.
She searched his face for any insight as to what he was thinking, but his piercing blue eyes just stared back at her--through her, almost. She’d found Tommy attractive since the day she met him, but she'd never stared at him as openly as she now did. She noted the stubble now evident on his chin, his sharp cheekbones casting shadows on his jawline, a small patch of grey peaking through the buzzed sides of his haircut. Earlier tonight she’d considered her feelings for him--trying to determine whether it was friendly admiration or something more. Now, she considered whether or not she could betray him.
He swallowed and she watched his Adam's apple bounce in his throat.
“Don’t forget who you work for.” Luca’s voice echoed in her mind.
“You can get some of your things tomorrow,” he added.
Seeming uneasy with her gaze, Tommy placed his hands on his knees and lifted himself off the bed. As he made his move toward the door, he looked back over his shoulder and quietly said, “Good night, Sophie. Try to get some sleep.”
As happy as she was to have Tommy sleeping right next door, she’d never felt so far away from him. In their brief interaction since returning to the house, she had felt him pushing away from her. Maybe whatever Ada thought to be happening between them never was. Or maybe he was suspicious of her.
Sid didn’t want to wonder about it anymore. She rose from the bed, wrapped the quilt around her shoulders, and padded quietly the short distance to the room where he slept.
Letting her knuckles barely tap the wood, she knocked as lightly as she could.
“Yeah,” he said from the other side of the door after clearing his throat--his voice almost meek.
Sophie turned the knob and let herself in.
Tommy sat on the edge of his bed, elbows propped on his knees, head resting in his hands. He’d only raised his eyes to look in her direction, but when he saw it was Sophie, he stood.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, the concern heavy in his voice.
Sophie’s words caught in her throat as she was suddenly aware of how inappropriate her visit must seem.
“Nothing,” she said. “Everything’s fine. That’s not why I’m here.” She managed a weak smile.
Tommy’s frame visibly relaxed a bit, but he remained guarded still unaware of what Sophie wanted.
“It’s just--” she stammered. “It’s just that, I’m not going to be able to sleep.” He stared at her, not breaking his intimidating gaze while extenguising his cigarette. But he said nothing.
“The room is cold and I--” she realized she was on the verge of crying and forced the tears back down.
Tommy interrupted, “I’d be happy to switch rooms with you.”
It was an earnest offer. He genuinely thought what she wanted, what she needed, was a different cold and lonely bed.
“Can I sleep with you?” she asked after a brief hesitation.
With an almost imperceptible flinch, Tommy swallowed. She’d taken him off guard, something she’d never seen before.
“I, um--” He rubbed a hand over his face and through his hair.
She just stared into the clear blue eyes, resolved not to waiver. He must have sensed her disappointment because Tommy turned his body and motioned toward the bed.
And with that, her heart raced so quickly, she almost dropped to the floor. Sophie removed the quilt from her shoulders and laid it across the foot of the bed. She caught him looking at her as she moved, but climbed into the bed anyway, taking the side closest to the wall. She thought she’d feel safer with the wall on one side and Tommy on the other. She lay on her side and pulled the covers up to her chest as she watched Tommy remove his button up, which she now realized had been stained with her blood. She admired his strong frame through the thin cotton of his undershirt, but he turned off the lamp and climbed in beside her before she could properly take him in.
Sophie smiled thinking he was so concerned with chastity that he refused to sleep comfortably in her presence. When her eyes had adjusted to the dark, she turned to admire him laying flat on his back with one hand behind his head. His eyes were wide open and fixed on something on the ceiling--their bright blue almost glowing in the dark. Her heart still beat hard in her chest, but she couldn’t deny how lying here beside him was instantly comforting.
“Sophie, I'm so sor--” he started, in a whisper.
“Don't,” Sophie said, before he could finish. “I don't want pity. Especially not from you.” The most painful part of this whole ordeal was the thought that he might see her as weak.
He seemed to understand.
“I just want to sleep,” she told him.
Sophie closed her eyes and they lay in silence for several minutes. She was surprised by his touch when he reached his solid arm around her back and pulled her toward him. Slowly, she buried her face in his neck. She breathed in the smell of him, leather and cigarettes, and smiled.
Tommy said nothing else and just held her as she fell into a deep sleep.
Tommy woke, as usual, before the sun had fully risen. The soft light, just making its way into the room, fell gracefully on Sophie’s face. At some point in the night they’d shifted and she now lay with her head on his chest, his arm wrapped beneath her. He could feel her breath, warm and sweet, on his skin, the gentle rise of her breathing, her breasts pressed softly into his ribs. Her leg had intertwined with his, wrapped around his knee and calf. She shifted and let out a soft moan as she moved her hand along his chest and down to his waist.
If things were different, he’d stay in bed with her all day--just to watch her breath, hear her delicate sighs as she dreamed, feel her warm skin pressed to his in ways he’d only dreamed of.
But he couldn’t stay.
Tommy cleared his throat softly.
She sat up and quickly pulled the covers to her chin, suddenly realizing how indecent the situation seemed. She was only wearing her thin slip, sometime in the night having removed his shirt when the bed grew too warm. Tommy too, had shed his shirt, both of them opting to remove clothing instead of giving up the warmth of their embrace. She’d been unabashedly curled around him.
“Jesus, Tommy, I’m sorry,” she said, covering her face with one hand hand holding the blankets to her chest with the other.
“That’s alright,” he responded as he swung his legs around her and placed his feet to the floor. He rose and began to gather his things and redress.
“You need your shirt,” she said, reaching for the shirt she’d gone to bed in. Sophie stepped toward him holding it out to help him dress. “You can’t wear that one,” she added, pointing to the shirt soiled with her blood. He turned and let her button it for him. She was right. The shirt only intensified the steel blue of his eyes.
When she finished, he tucked in the shirt and removed his vest, coat, and holster from the back of the chair. They didn’t speak as he finished dressing for the day and left for his meeting with Alfie.
As he walked down the hall, Tommy realized his shirt now smelled like her--that same sweet, floral scent that he still couldn’t place.
Tommy took a deep breath to savor it, hoping to keep a piece of her with him all day.
Chapter 7
Thanks for following along! I appreciate all the love!
Feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated!!
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71tenseventeen · 6 years ago
Into That Bad Night-Chapter 11
Warnings for dark Geno, usually implied violence, threat of violence. (Geno is not violent, not an abusive relationship.) If you’re looking for a law-abiding Geno and a non-problematic, fluffy relationship, this is not the fic for you.
Sid is braced against the shower wall, breathing hard as Zhenya fucks into him from behind—hard, fast, relentless.
Sid loves it.
Zhenya had woken up agitated, reaching for Sid as he grumbled soft Russian in his ear that verged on growling.
Now as he moves he alternates between biting at the tender skin on Sid’s neck and murmuring in his ear. “You mine, Sidney. I kill him for touching you.”
Sid shivers. He believes Zhenya but he thinks Ovechkin’s days were numbered since he sat down at the table with Sidney.
He’s not giving it a lot of thought at the moment, though, because Zhenya has shifted his angle the tiniest bit, is getting him just right and he’s losing his mind.
By the time the shower runs cold Sid’s neck is covered in marks and Zhenya has an arm wrapped firmly around his waist, keeping him steady on his feet.
Sid is happy.
An hour later Zhenya’s got him pinned to the bed, hard cock head teasing at Sid’s hole when there’s a knock at the main door. Zhenya growls in frustration but pulls back and Sid lets out a whimper. Zhenya palms an ass cheek and leans over to plant a quick kiss on Sid’s spine. “I know baby. But could be important. You wait for me.”
It’s Marc-Andre knocking and if he’s phased by a very cranky, very naked Zhenya answering the door, it doesn’t show. It doesn’t take long for them to have a hushed conversation in Russian, Zhenya finishing with “Give me an hour,” as Marc-Andre leaves the room.
Sid can’t help his smile as he watches Zhenya stride back to the bed. “I get you for another whole hour?”
Zhenya returns the grin as he climbs onto the bed and Sid. “Would keep you here all day if I could.”
“Nothing would make me happier.”
“We have an hour. I take care of you, then I work little bit. Come back to you by dinner.”
“Promise?” Sid’s voice is softer than he meant it to be but Zhenya nods.
“Promise,” Zhenya whispers and kisses him hard.
True to his word, Sid is well taken care of and they are both freshly showered by the time Marc-Andre returns. Zhenya is still buttoning his shirt when he opens the door with a smug grin before turning back to the bedroom.
“Get dressed, baby. If you feel safe, Fleury take you upstairs.”
Sid, sleepy-eyed and comfortable perks up at that. “Home?”
Zhenya smiles, leaning over to kiss him. “Home. Just needed to be sure is safe first.”
Marc-Andre snickers as he leads Sid up towards the main building. “I take it you two made up?” he asks with a smirk. Sid thinks he should be a little embarrassed—he knows how he looks—but he can’t stop smiling.
He shrugs, feeling his ears turn pink and just not caring.
“Thank god. He was a fucking bear to deal with.”
That wipes the smile off of Sid’s face for a moment and he swallows hard. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” Sid trails off, not sure how much they know of what he said to make Zhenya so angry last night.
Marc-Andre swivels his head to stare at Sid, amused. “Why are you sorry? He’s pissed at Ovechkin, not you.”
Sid shakes his head. “I know but I, um, I said some things last night and I just..” he trails off, not wanting to admit how childish he’d been acting.
Marc-Andre just laughs though. “Doesn’t matter what you said. He’s ready to rip Ovechkin’s fingers off one by one for touching you. I don’t blame him. If that fucker touched Vero I’d do the same.”
Sid’s eyes widen. “You mean for real…?”
Marc-Andre raises an eyebrow. “Sid. You know who you’re with and what he does.”
Sid swallows hard. “I, um. Yeah. Yeah.”
“Just don’t worry about it, okay? Ovechkin had it coming anyhow, trying to butt in on our territory and then trying to make amends by sending women and gifts.” He shakes his head, snorting as he says it. “It’s not like he wasn’t warned. But instead of retreating he threw down the gauntlet and sealed his own fate.”
“He tried to send, um, women?”
Marc-Andre grins. “Women, men—anyone he thought Evgeni would be interested in. He never counted on you, though. It’s an insult that he thought Evgeni could be so easily convinced to stray from you. You don’t insult Evgeni Malkin and get away with it. So for him to show up there last night, to touch you and lay down a threat? He’s a dead man.”
“Is he, um...?”
“Not yet but he will be and Evgeni will be the one to do it.”
Sid swallows hard again. “Is that, um, is that what Zhenya’s doing now?”
“We don’t have Ovechkin yet but we did find one source of the leak. Evgeni’s dealing with him.”
Sid can guess what that means.
“You okay, Sid?”
Sid thinks about it for a moment, realizes he is. “Yeah.”
Jake’s standing guard outside the apartment, nodding when he sees them. Sid thinks Marc-Andre will probably take over the post but, instead, he follows along inside the apartment.
“Boss’ orders,” he says, before Sid gets a word out. “You are not to be left alone in the apartment for now.”
“Can I at least change alone?” Sid asks, blushing, earning him a grin in return.
“I think that will be acceptable,” comes the smirky reply. “And if you want me to sit somewhere like the balcony or something so you can have some privacy, just tell me. I know this hasn’t been easy for you.”
Sid frowns. “I’m not making you sit on the balcony, Marc-Andre.”
“I told you to call me Flower.”
Sid rolls his eyes. “Fine. Flower. Just… sit down somewhere. I’ll cook and you can keep me company until Zhenya comes home.”
Life slowly returns to normal—or something like it.
Zhenya won’t let Sid go to the actual offices of the Foundation any more and though he doesn’t have to stay in the apartment at all times, there are a list of places he simply can’t go to. He sees a lot more of Flower, Kris and Jake, though he thinks that they’re around as much as they ever were, they’re just more visible now.
Zhenya starts taking Sid out again every few nights, wanting to send a message to everyone that he will not be intimidated. But Sid’s nervous every time and after their third dinner date in a week, Zhenya reaches for Sid’s shaky hand in the car, pulling him close.
“Need to go to Miami in few weeks for business,” he says quietly, nuzzling Sid’s cheek. “You come with me. Need to get away, relax a little bit.”
It’s not really a question but Sid nods anyway.
Sid gazes out at the familiar Pittsburgh skyline. Even on cold, drizzly nights like this it’s beautiful. Still, as he turns back to the fancy ballroom full of Pittsburgh’s richest, gathered for a charity dinner, he really just wishes they were already in Miami.
He feels a gentle hand on the small of his back and sighs, leaning into the touch. “Penny for thoughts?” He hears, rumbling gently in his ear and he looks up at Zhenya with a soft smile.
“Just wishing we were already in Miami.”
“Only couple more days then we get a break from the bad weather.”
Sid eyes the throngs of people milling about the room. “It’s not the weather that I’m struggling with.”
Zhenya pulls him around so that they’re facing each other, taking Sid’s hands. “I know.”
Sid huffs out a breath, pulling a little closer to Zhenya. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t complain. This is—” He looks around the room, “This is good. All these people—they’re raising a lot of money.”
Zhenya kisses his forehead. “Yes, is good and important I’m be here but know is not your favorite. Thank you for come with me, Sid. Another hour, maybe, then we go.”
Sid nods, smiling up at him. He just has to get through another hour.
Ten minutes later he’s gratefully escaping to the bar after Zhenya rescued him from an awkward conversation with a man he doesn’t know.
He whips his head around at the female voice, not able to place it until his eyes land on a vaguely familiar bright-eyed forty-something with stunning red hair. “Gwen,” he says with a smile, extending his hand.
It’s a relief to see a somewhat familiar face; he’d worked with Gwen a handful of times through the Foundation. She’d always been generous despite the rumors that she and her businessman husband had hit some financially rocky waters.
They spend the next fifteen minutes catching up over drinks, tucked away from the the thickest of the crowds. Eventually she glances over his shoulder before flashing a sly smile. “Either someone really likes your backside or your beau is anxious to see you again.”
Sid looks over his shoulder, breaking into a wide smile as he meets Zhenya’s eyes. Zhenya winks before Sid turns back to Gwen, blushing happily.
“I think both,” she says with a waggle of her eyebrows and Sid giggles into his drink.
He marvels for a moment, at how just locking eyes with Zhenya for that moment made him warm all over. He thinks about Miami and all the time they’ll have together there, away from the cold and stress of Pittsburgh. Zhenya has vowed to keep Sid naked as much as possible and the thought makes Sid feel impossibly warmer.
He absently reaches up, clumsily pushing his hair back, smiling down into his now nearly empty drink. Oh. He doesn’t remember drinking that much but he must have. He finishes it off, thinking vaguely of ordering another. The drinks are cold and it’s getting warmer in here. He turns toward the bar but finds Gwen blocking his vision with a soft frown. “Sid?”
“Are you okay? You look kind of…” She trails off, watching as he wipes his forehead again. When did it get so hot in here?
“I’m—” he starts, suddenly struggling to find the right words. “Is it hot in here?” He tugs at his collar as Gwen takes the empty glass from his hand.
Sid glances around, feeling more off kilter than he expected. He tries to look for Zhenya but everything is blurring the more he moves and he thinks the drinks must have been stronger than he expected. Maybe he should have eaten more, he thinks, before squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, trying to clear his vision. If anything that makes things worse and he finds himself listing slowly to the side when he opens them again.
Gwen’s eyes are wide now. “Oh honey,” she says, voice full of concern as she slips an arm around his waist. “You need some air.”
“Yeah,” he slurs. “Too hot.”
She guides him toward one of the outer doors, keeping close to the walls and moving quicker than he would have expected. But maybe that’s just the drinks talking. “Wait,” he mumbles, struggling to make his tongue work.
“We have to get you out of here.”
Sid shakes his head and everything spins. “Need...Zhenya…”
Gwen doesn’t respond, or if she does he doesn’t hear her. She’s leading him through a set of french doors and, for a moment after they step outside, Sid feels relieved as the cold breeze slaps at his clammy skin.
But everything is still spinning and Gwen just keeps leading him further and further along the garden pathways and he just wants to stop.
“Need to sit,” he garbles, barely getting the protest out.
“In a minute,” is her only reply and he doesn’t understand why they can’t just sit down.
He stumbles, leaning harder against her and struggling to keep his balance now as her voice seems farther and farther away. “...fading fast...hurry...help...need to go…” They’re the last words Sid hears before he closes his eyes.
Sid wakes with a soft groan.
It’s dark and his head is killing him. His mouth feels like he hasn’t had a drop of water in years. But the bed underneath him is soft and warm and he lets himself drift. He vaguely registers that the pillows don’t smell right and wonders if the laundry service used something different this time.
Somewhere behind him a soft light clicks on and Sid groans, burrowing his face under the covers for a moment as he wills himself slowly back to full consciousness. It takes a few moments but eventually he pulls the blankets back down, blinking rapidly as he tries to focus.
The moment he realizes this is not his bedroom is the same moment he hears a sickeningly familiar voice behind him.
“Hello Pretty.”  
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nomorelonelydays · 7 years ago
I wish you would write a fic where they’re on a road trip and their bus breaks down anda it’s late at night so they have to stay at this last minute hotel and everyone needs to double up and oh surprise only one bed!
“Why we sleep like this?” Geno asks to the wall. 
They’re facing opposite sides, Geno closer to the center than Sidney is, curving away from each other while trying to share the same blanket.
“I said I could take the couch,” Sidney grouses, trying to pull the covers towards him, but Geno yanks it back hard.
“I don’t mind sharing,” Geno throws back, sounding annoyed. ���I mean why you sleep so far from me? You take blanket so far I’m freeze.”
“I didn’t want it to be weird,” Sidney mutters. “It’s already bad enough for you that you’re stuck with me–”
Sidney is wrenched back by Geno’s hand on his shoulder, sudden and angry. “What you mean, stuck? You hate share room so much with me, I can get other room.”
“I–there’s no other rooms–that’s not what I mean!” Sidney grows red. “Don’t be dumb, Geno, you know!” 
“I don’t know,” Geno grits out. “All I know you act weird, ever since you find out bed problem–”
“Come on, G,” Sidney says, his words oddly terse. “You were the one who didn’t want this. I heard you say–”
“What I say?” Geno says, growing louder, as he often did when he’s agitated. “Whole time, I remember, you only one act shitty about–”
“I heard you talking to Phil,” Sidney blurts out. To Geno’s growing horror, he looks on the verge of tears. “You said, ‘Knew I was gonna be fucking stuck with him,’ or whatever.”
Geno remembers, vaguely, then feels his own cheeks grow red. “Was a joke!” 
And it was. Mostly because every single veteran on the team and about three rookies know about his recurring fantasy of being alone with Sidney and romancing him on a soft duvet littered with rose petals. Or something like that, his mouth runs like crazy when he’s drunk. Phil had been throwing him these knowing looks with the stupid waggling eyebrows. 
“It’s not a joke,” Sidney bites out. “You’ve been a dick ever since I told the team I liked guys.”
“You like guys?” Geno yelps. He feels like he’s mentally getting whiplash. “When the fuck you tell team that?”
“Last month–keep your voice down, people are sleeping,” Sidney says. “I wrote an email.”
Of course he fucking did. “I didn’t read!”
“And that’s my problem because?” Sidney retorts. He sounds a little hysterical, but maybe so does Geno. “You’ve been avoiding me every time I come around, I ask if you want to hang out on the weekends and you always say no, you just–” He takes a short breath, sounding very upset. He can’t quite meet Geno’s eyes. “It really fucking sucks, you know that, right?”
Geno blinks, suddenly mortified. “You think I avoid because you like men?”
Sidney bites his lip, looking like he’d wants to bolt. “I–” He sits up then, shuffling like he’s trying to put on his shoes. “I’m getting another room.”
Geno does the first thing he can think of to do–that is, reaching out and grabbing Sidney’s wrist so he can pull him back. Into a kiss that kind of hurts. He hadn’t timed it right at all–Sidney’s teeth clash onto his lips, and Geno winces as Sidney makes a kind of squeak.
“What the fuck?” Sidney demands, jerking backwards. He looks furious. “You–”
“I’m in love with you,” Geno says, his brain on autopilot. “Phil keep make dumb face at me when he hear we rooming, because he know about crush, so I tell him fuck off.”
“Then–” Sidney looks confused now. “You weren’t–you didn’t avoid–last last week–”
“No one plan to get food poison, Sid.”
“I thought you made that up.”
“I text you from bathroom, why the fuck I make that up?”
“Oh, fuck, seriously?” Sidney settles, rubbing his hand over his face. “Oh God, I am so sorry. I–wait. Did you. You said you were–you–”
“Don’t make me say again,” Geno says. It’s really too late at night to have this level of heart to heart. “Can letting me down easy tomorrow, I’m so tired right now.”
“Geno,” Sidney says, laughing a little. He tightens his grip on Geno’s hand–Geno had forgotten he’d been holding Sidney the whole time. “Geno, I’m not going to let you down. I–I like you too. A lot more than like.”
“Oh,” is all Geno can say. “Really?”
“Really,” Sidney says.
Geno lets that sink in for a moment, staring at his and Sidney’s hands clasped together, then back up at Sidney, who looks so wonderfully hopeful and gorgeous and messy all at once, in his faded Penguins t-shirt, that it just about knocks the breath out of him. 
“Don’t get another room. Please,” Geno says, making room for Sidney on the bed. “Stay tonight. Talk more tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Sidney says quietly. He scoots into Geno’s arms, and rests his head on Geno’s shoulders. “Geno, I’m–”
“Shh. Tomorrow. So tired.” He presses a kiss on Sidney’s curls, feeling the energy sap out of Sidney as the man sighs and curls, this time, towards Geno. 
“You guys are really loud, you know that, right?” Tanger says the next morning at breakfast, squinting blearily at how closely Sidney and Geno are sitting together. “Thought someone left the TV on. Shit was like a soap opera.” 
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