#sick jongho
feverishly-kpop · 2 months
Jongho & Ateez - Concussion - Part 1
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Yeosang had warned them several times.
“Hyungs are going to get home and flip if they see you guys playing in the house.”
That did nothing to stop them.
“You’re going to break something.”
Still, nothing.
“Everybody else that’s home is sleeping right now. They really need the rest and you’re going to wake somebody.”
But it seemed there was nothing that Yeosang could say to get Wooyoung and San to settle down. They had the day off and were full of energy but the cold rain pattering against the windows had them cooped up in the dorm, leaving them restless.
It was Wooyoung that had pulled out the rugby ball in the first place. San immediately ran down the hallway, indicating for Wooyoung to throw it. Their game of catch quickly grew more physical as the pushing and tackling started. Out of respect they had heeded Yeosang’s warnings to an extent, moving the game from the common area to San and Yunho’s room.
Yunho, who was now curled up on the couch asleep next to Yeosang while Yeosang allowed himself to be consumed by his video game, had warned San that if anything in their room was damaged that he’d be held responsible, but San brushed him off, promising that they’d be careful. And they were, until San whipped the ball a little too hard into the wall. Wooyoung burst out in laughter until the sound of a crash emanated from the next room over, followed by a startled cry and a groan.
“What the hell just happened?” Yeosang called out. There was no response which Yeosang found more concerning than comforting. Just as he paused his game and stood up, Jongho appeared in his bedroom doorway. He held a hand up to his head and leaned heavily in the doorway.
“The shelf above my bed fell off the wall. I think it hit me in the head…” Jongho said, his voice sounding off. Yeosang wasted no time getting to his side, carefully moving Jongho’s hand from his temple. He was relieved that it wasn’t bleeding but a large red welt was forming.
As Yeosang assessed the situation carefully, San and Wooyoung sheepishly emerged from San’s room, realizing the severity of what they had done. Yeosang’s eyes darkened considerably as he looked at them.
“Put the ball away” he said, his tone sending shivers up and down San and Wooyoung’s spines. Yeosang then turned his attention back to Jongho. “Let’s get you back to bed.”
Jongho nodded, but was unsteady on his feet. Yeosang slung his arm around Jongho’s waist, helping him lie down again. Gently taking Jongho’s wrist into his hand he felt for a pulse, unsurprised that it was elevated. Jongho was always one to keep a cool exterior in difficult situations but it was clear that the shock of being woken by a blow to the head had his anxiety up.
“Hyung, I feel…weird” Jongho muttered. Yeosang quickly instructed San and Wooyoung, who were now hovering in the doorway, to get an ice pack and some water. “What feels weird, Jongho?” Yeosang pressed, grappling to take control of the situation.
There wasn’t even time for Jongho to respond. His stomach did a somersault and sent its contents down Jongho’s front. Under any other circumstance Jongho would have been mortified, but right now the only thing he felt was confusion and fear.
San and Wooyoung quickly returned, carrying a bucket with them, much to Yeosang’s relief. Yeosang, running on pure adrenaline and instinct at this point, put the bucket on Jongho’s lap as he dug through Jongho’s drawers to find him a clean shirt to change into.
“Listen to me carefully” Yeosang said, glancing over his shoulder to make sure he had San and Wooyoung’s attention. “Please nicely wake Yunho and tell him that Jongho needs a ride to the hospital and nicely ask if he could drive.” They scurried off, leaving Yeosang to attend to Jongho.
“Hyung, what’s going on?” Jongho’s tone reminded Yeosang that, for all of his bravado, Jongho was the maknae.
“Just a little bump to the head” Yeosang replied, lifting the ice pack to have a look at Jongho’s injury. Calling it a little bump may have been a stretch but there was no reason to worry Jongho more than he already was.
Yeosang could hear Yunho stirring in the living room and could pinpoint the exact moment that he was told that he needed to get Jongho to the hospital, his slow, sleepy movements suddenly becoming rushed. The jingle of keys and sound of the front door opening and closing signaled to Yeosang that Yunho would have his car pulled around within minutes. He carefully pulled Jongho’s soiled shirt over his head, replacing it with a clean one and helped Jongho out of bed and downstairs.
“They’re dead. I will kill them myself” Yunho muttered, anxiously waiting for the light to turn green. A shiver went down Yeosang’s spine, thinking of the consequences that San and Wooyoung would deservedly face.
“Relax, Yunho-ah,” Yeosang reminded him quietly, “focus on the road.” Yunho nodded silently before glancing in the rear view mirror at Jongho, who was holding the ice pack to his temple still. “Are you doing okay back there, Jongho?” Jongho responded with a weak “yeah,” which could not have been less convincing.
The ride left Jongho nauseous and dizzy. Yeosang and Yunho helped him out of the car once they arrived at the hospital. Yeosang assured Yunho that he would be calling Seonghwa and Hongjoong once Jongho was settled in, encouraging Yunho to go back home. Yunho hesitantly agreed before Yeosang spoke up again.
“Yunho, don’t do something you’ll regret” he reminded gently but firmly. “Hyungs will deal with them when they get home. Go back to bed or go hang out with Mingi in his studio. But don’t…just leave it be.” Yunho sighed and nodded tiredly. “I think bed seems do be a good option for you. You’re almost dead on your feet” Yeosang added with a smile as Yunho got back in his car and pulled off.
Yeosang held his breath as he sent the text:
“There was a little accident at home. I’m with Jongho at the hospital. I think he has a concussion.”
He waited under a minute to receive the phone call he had been dreading. Yeosang picked up the phone and wasn’t even able to get a quick greeting out before Hongjoong began frantically speaking.
“Sangie, what happened? How did maknae end up with a concussion? Are you okay? Who else was home? Did anybody else get hurt?”
Yeosang couldn’t respond to any of the questions being lobbed at him through the phone, which didn’t escape Seonghwa’s notice. He muttered something unintelligible to Hongjoong which immediately silenced Hongjoong. Seonghwa then spoke up calmly asking Yeosang to explain what was going on.
“Something fell on Jongho’s head and he isn’t feeling too well so I brought him here…” Yeosang stopped there, deliberately trying to keep things vague, knowing that, when the full extent of the situation was known, heads would roll.
“You did the right thing, Yeo. I know this must be scary. We’re 20 minutes away. Just stay calm” Seonghwa’s assurance brought Yeosang a little comfort but the questions continued after that. “Who else was there? Did anybody else get hurt?”
“It was me, Yunho, San, Woo and Jongho” Yeosang said, his voice shaking with anxiety. “Nobody else got hurt. I was playing a game and Yunho was napping.”
There was a momentary pause that seemed to have lasted an eternity. The tension was palpable, leading Yeosang to suspect that the hyungs were putting the pieces together.
“And San and Wooyoung? What were they doing?” Hongjoong asked, suspicion heavy in his voice. But luckily the conversation was interrupted and effectively ended by a nurse letting him know that Jongho was settled in and that he could come back now.
“So let me get this straight. Dumb and Dumber were playing rugby in the dorm despite being told not to? And hit the wall so hard it knocked the shelf off the fucking wall?”
Jongho had dozed off shortly after Seonghwa and Hongjoong’s arrival, prompting Hongjoong to pull Yeosang out in the hallway as he demanded an explanation.
“You aren’t in trouble Yeosang,” Hongjoong said quietly. He was visibly shaken upon hearing what had transpired. “You did everything right.”
Yeosang nodded awkwardly, biting his lower lip. It was clear that Hongjoong wasn’t finished with him.
“And Yunho drove you here?” Hongjoong repeated back to Yeosang, making sure he had the story correct. Yeosang nodded again, feeling more like a bobblehead doll than a human at the moment. “And Yunho is where now?”
Yeosang immediately knew where Hongjoong was going with this. “Yunho went home. I told him to go to bed, but he was pissed when he left.”
After taking a few minutes to process, Hongjoong told Seonghwa that he was going home to “make sure everyone was still alive.” Yeosang was glad that he wasn’t going to be home to see it play out, but he texted a quick heads up to Yunho:
“Hongjoong-hyung is on his way home. If you aren’t asleep, it’s probably best to pretend you are.”
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fairyniceyeah · 8 days
⌛🐿️🧸 Day 16: Toxin/Poison
Summary: “Are you feeling okay, Jongho?” Jongho wondered what prompted the question. Hadn’t he just established that he was fine and enjoying the tour a lot?
CW: emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness
Sickie(s): Hongjoong + Jongho  Caretaker(s): Seonghwa + Yeosang
“Are you feeling okay, Jongho?”, Hongjoong asked as they entered the hotel again.
As tradition dictated Hongjoong would invite a member to dinner each week in order to give them some captain-member bonding time and the possibility to just speak as two individuals not members of the same group. It was greatly appreciated by all of them and tradition was never broken - not even on tours. So Jongho counted himself very lucky that it was his week when they were in LA of all places and Hongjoong had chosen a really good seafood restaurant.
Jongho wondered what prompted the question. Hadn’t he just established that he was fine and enjoying the tour a lot?
“I’m fine, hyung”, he replied, “just tired. You know how it is.”
“That is true”, Hongjoong said, interrupting himself half-way through the sentence with a yawn. “Well, see you tomorrow, I guess. Sleep well, good night.” 
“Good night, hyung. Rest”, Jongho replied and trudged to the next room, the one he shared with Seonghwa. For a moment he watched as Hongjoong fumbled with the keycard reader, the captain known for losing his card or generally always having issues with it, but he got into the room he shared with Yeosang easily. Jongho waved and entered his room.
Seonghwa was sitting on his bed, freshly showered and hair still dripping a bit, reading on his phone. 
“Hey, Jongho-yah, how was dinner?”
“Very good”, Jongho said, “you done in the bathroom? I want to take a shower too.”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
Once Jongho had cleaned up himself he fell into bed easily. He was exhausted, so much was true. Concert tours were always draining, like he had told Hongjoong earlier. Going to sleep early wasn’t a luxury they had on most days and so, after talking quietly with his oldest hyung for a bit, Jongho dropped off into sleep easily.
Sleep didn’t hold for long. A glance on his phone revealed that it was only two hours he had slept. As he became more aware he noticed that Seonghwa was talking rapidly on the phone with somebody. 
Jongho was about to tell his hyung where he could stick the device in the middle of the night, when Seonghwa ended the call with a concerned: “Don’t worry, Sang-ah. I’ll be there in a moment.”
“Wha’ ‘s go’n on?”, Jongho slurred, body more asleep than brain.
“Hongjoong isn’t feeling well, Yeosang just called me”, Seonghwa explained, running his hand through his hair, silhouette barely visible in the low light coming in through the curtains. “I’m gonna go see how I can help. Go back to sleep.”
“Hm, okay”, Jongho said, turning onto his other side. Maybe he should be a bit more worried about his captain and hyung but as he had pointed out earlier, tours were draining. He was so tired and he certainly didn’t want to get up if Seonghwa and Yeosang had it under control. 
Seonghwa slipped out of the room soon after and Jongho tried to fall back asleep. Now, however, as the opportunity presented itself, he couldn’t. He was so hot. Sweat was making the sheets cling to his body. Damn him for drawing Seonghwa as his roommate - his mat-hyung was a cool roommate normally but he was well known for liking warm temperatures. Why had he turned the A/C off? They were in California after all. 
The maknae fumbled a bit to stick his legs out under the blanket, hoping that like turning his pillow around, it would cool him down. It did. He shivered. Great. He just wanted to be comfortable, damn it.
Jongho had nearly fallen back asleep, already barely awake, when the door opened again.
“Hyung?”, Jongho asked.
“Hi, Jongho-yah”, Yeosang greeted with a sigh, “sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay”, Jongho assured him, now wide-awake again, and turned onto his back. “I wasn’t asleep, I think. What are you doing here? How is hyung?”
“Hongjoong-hyung said he felt nauseous earlier and went to sit in the bathroom just in case. He really didn’t look good, I have never seen him that pale. Told me to stay away and wouldn’t let me come in or call anybody for help”, Yeosang explained, sounding exhausted. “Next thing I know I am waking up to the lovely sound of puking. He refused to let me in, so I called Hwa-hyung to deal with him.”
“Oh, damn.” Illnesses on tours were always the worst. Jongho still had vivid nightmares of the time Yunho had the stomach flu in Madrid. That had not been fun at all with the heat, the older feeling like he had been dying. Jongho had been quarantined with his then-roommate, trying to help him and yet wishing he was with all the other members chilling at the pool during the day. He wished that fate on nobody, least of all on his hard-working captain.
“Yeah. Are you feeling okay? You were out eating with him, if this is food poisoning…”
Oh, please. No. It would however explain why Hongjoong had asked earlier how Jongho was feeling. Maybe he had already been feeling off back then. Jongho didn’t though, so he was fine.
Jongho felt fine, didn’t he? A bit hot but that was to be expected if one shared rooms with Park Seonghwa.
“I feel fine”, he assured Yeosang. 
“That’s good”.
Considering the time of day (or well, night), Yeosang slipped under the covers of Seonghwa’s bed and just fell back asleep. Jongho was a bit envious. He had now been awake for over half-an-hour and he was so exhausted. Yet sleep didn’t come.
Now that he wasn’t distracted by talking with his hyungs, Jongho was for the first time realizing that the A/C was indeed whirring in the warm room and considering how Yeosang, who like Jongho liked it cool, had still buried himself under the blankets he started to assume that maybe the room was indeed cold.
With the realization also came the first agonizing cramp in his stomach that had the maknae nearly whimpering in pain. He curled into himself, pressing his hands to his aching abdomen. It hurt so badly, leaving him breathless. He tried to breathe through the pain anyways, but it didn’t do much.
It was then that Jongho started to wonder if maybe he was experiencing food poisoning, considering that Hongjoong was sick as well. It would make a sick (pun not intended) form of sense. God, he hoped not.
Yet, as if understanding the situation gave his stomach permission to worsen everything, he felt a pressure deep down that he did not ever want to experience. His brow slick with sweat, Jongho groaned, cursing their food choices. Then, a wave of nausea hit, nearly making him throw up then and there.
Jongho barely had any time to wonder if the pain and his messed up bowels were causing the nausea or if he was nauseous from the food itself, before he had to fling himself from the bed and rush to the bathroom.
Though he was embarrassed knowing that Yeosang would be able to hear everything if he woke up (the hotel was fancy, the sound-proofing was not), he had no time to lose or any caution for silence to spare.
He barely managed to close the bathroom door behind himself and sit down on the toilet before everything decided to leave him at once. Jongho quickly had to understand that his nausea did indeed come from an upset stomach and not just the pain. He felt himself sweat badly, body expelling itself violently and loudly. Yet Jongho didn’t have the time to feel embarrassed before his stomach decided that down was not the only way his food wanted to come out.
Jongho gagged violently, leaning over sideways to throw up in the bathtub that was luckily directly next to the toilet. His stomach cramped anew at the terrible position he was in but at least he wasn’t throwing up on the floor. 
It was truly disgusting, seeing the waves of pale yellow and chunky vomit splatter onto the previously clean porcelain. Honestly, all of Jongho felt disgusting. 
To make matters worse, there was a knock on the bathroom door and then Yeosang’s voice asking if he could come in.
If he didn’t die of this illness Jongho was sure he was going to die of humiliation.
“No”, he yelled between gags, hoping his hyung would respect his wishes. He didn’t think he could ever look Yeosang into the eyes again, if he saw Jongho this way: Pale and sweaty on the toilet, his body evacuating from both ends at the same time. No, he would not survive that.
“If you need help, yell”, Yeosang said and hopefully left to go somewhere far away. Deep down, Jongho knew that Yeosang would never leave when his maknae was this obviously, this violently sick, but he could dream.
Another wave of vomit splashed into the disgusting puddle in the tub but then luckily it stopped. Everything stopped. All Jongho was left with was awful cramps and a still very nauseous feeling in his stomach. Plus a very terrible clean-up.
Just standing up was a problem, his abused stomach muscles hurting and pulling at every movement. In the end, Jongho barely managed to clean himself up, flush and wash out the tub with water. Though he didn’t want to face Yeosang, he knew he had no choice. All he wanted was to sleep this off.
When he exited the bathroom, he saw Yeosang sitting crosslegged on Seonghwa’s bed, typing or playing on his phone. He looked up as he heard the hesitant steps coming towards the second bed, mustering Jongho up and down. 
“How are you feeling?”, the dancer asked, his tone carefully void of emotion. Jongho had expected him to sound a bit more worried, if he was honest, and even if he didn’t want any fuss it was suddenly weird. He flushed, looking down.
“Awful. My stomach really hurts”, he admitted, curling into himself.
“I can imagine”, Yeosang mumbled and stood up, reaching up to feel Jongho’s forehead. “You’re really clammy.” And then. “You said you were fine.”
“Cleary I lied”, Jongho snapped. He was in pain and sick and confused and whatever game Yeosang was playing he was rapidly losing.
Yeosang sighed, moving his hand to Jongho’s nape.
“Sorry”, he apologized, “I’m so worried about you, maknae-yah. Why didn’t you say you felt sick too, especially after it was clear that hyung was unwell?”
“It all happened so quickly. I’m sorry.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know what else to do”, Yeosang said, wringing his hands. “He told me to go to bed but I was on my phone and I got worried when he didn’t come out, so I asked if he was okay. He said he was really nauseous and wanted to stay in the bathroom just in case but he didn’t want my help but now he is throwing up and …”
“Breathe”, Seonghwa interrupted the rambling, wrapping his arms around his shaking dongsaeng. “I got him. Joongie is probably not keen on anybody seeing him like this anyways.”
“You’re probably the only one who can get through to Hongjoong-hyung at this point”, Yeosang admitted, gesturing helplessly at the closed bathroom door.
“Go sleep in my bed”, Seonghwa suggested, running his hand through his hair, “no use in staying awake here.”
“I will. Thanks, hyung”, Yeosang replied, “I’m sorry, I wish I could be of more help.”
“You called me, that’s help enough”, Seonghwa assured, “if Jongho is still awake, ask him how he feels, please. I’m not sure if I want this to be food poisoning but that’s better than a stomach bug.”
“Yes, hyung.”
Once Yeosang had left, Seonghwa dared knock on the bathroom door. “Joongie? It’s me. Can I come in?”
“Hwa?”, Hongjoong asked, his voice raspy. Likely from getting sick, Seonghwa mused. He really didn’t sound good. “I…”
Hongjoong stopped talking then and for a moment Seonghwa was incredibly worried but then the lock turned. When Seonghwa opened the door, he found Hongjoong curled up on the floor, only a towel keeping him from laying on the tiles. The stench of vomit nearly made Seonghwa gag but he knew he needed to focus on Hongjoong.
The captain was incredibly pale and there was vomit drying around his mouth and on the toilet seat. Seonghwa wouldn’t be surprised if anybody looked up the definition of sick and found a picture of the young rapper there. 
“Hey there”, he whispered, kneeling down by Hongjoong’s side, brushing hair out of his face. He suppressed a shudder as he realized that Hongjoong even had vomit caking in his hair. The poor man was really sick.
“Hwa”, Hongjoong repeated his hyung’s name, moving one hand from the tight grip he had on his stomach to reach out for him. Seonghwa grasped his hand gently, knowing that any disgust he felt was nothing in comparison to how awful Hongjoong must be feeling. There were deep lines of pain on his face. “Jongho-yah … is he okay?”
How typical, always worried about the maknae - or any other member than himself - first. 
“I’m more worried about you right now”, Seonghwa said, “if Jongho is sick, which I didn’t notice when I just spoke to him, he has Sangie with him. Do you wanna get cleaned up?”
“Not sure if that would make a difference right now”, Hongjoong muttered bitterly.
“Feeling nauseous again?”
“Never stopped.” Hongjoong moaned in pain. “But yeah, uh … help me up?”
In one swift motion Seonghwa managed to hold Hongjoong over the toilet just in time for a wave of vomit to spill into the murky water below. Clearly Hongjoong had been too ill to even flush.
Hongjoong seemed to be mostly empty, barely anything coming up. He shook violently in Seonghwa’s arms and the older was sure he would be crying if he could produce tears.
Seonghwa tore a bit of toilet paper off, wiping Hongjoong’s mouth, then taking new pieces to wipe his whole face. Gently he leaned Hongjoong against the tub, where the leader pulled his knees to his chest, hugging himself. 
“Let me just clean up a bit, okay?”, Seonghwa explained. “Then we can see about getting you back to bed with a bucket.”
Hongjoong nodded tiredly.
Seonghwa had barely managed to clean the splatters of puke from the seat and thrown the paper into the toilet to be flushed with everything else, when Hongjoong whimpered in pain. As he turned around, the oldest saw the deep pain on his face and the way Hongjoong was fighting against the cramps assaulting him.
“Are you …?”
“Get out!”, Hongjoong pressed out, teeth clenched.
Understanding dawned on Seonghwa and he rushed out, not wanting to make Hongjoong feel any more humiliated than he probably already did.
He blocked out the sounds of Hongjoong facing a very different problem now and texted Hongjoong’s manager. Considering how sick Hongjoong was, they would need medicine or a doctor soon. Then he texted Yeosang asking for updates, receiving an immediate reply:
Maknae is sick too.
Shit. Great.
“Hyung?”, Hongjoong called weakly. Seonghwa felt his heart break - Hongjoong only called him hyung when he was feeling particularly vulnerable and in need of comfort. “Can you bring me new pajamas?”
“Sure”, he called back, feeling awful for the younger. He didn’t want to imagine how embarrassed Hongjoong must have been to ask the question.
He grabbed a pair of comfy clothes from Hongjoong’s suitcase and knocked on the door. “Can I come in?”
Hongjoong had wrapped a towel around his lower self, shaking in the cold. His trousers lay abandoned, wet from a poor attempt at cleaning, in the tub.
Seonghwa rushed over to Hongjoong, handing the fresh clothes over, looking away but holding onto Hongjoong’s shoulder to help his balance as he changed.
“I’m sorry”, Hongjoong whimpered once he was changed.
Seonghwa shook his head and pulled him against his chest, feeling Hongjoong take shuddering breaths. “There is nothing to be sorry about. You’re sick.”
“I mean, I … Hwa, I’m dizzy.” Hongjoong interrupted himself, a wave of panic in his voice and clutching Seonghwa's shirt frantically.
Seonghwa held him more tightly, knowing that Hongjoong was prone to fainting and that the best way to help him was to lie down flat. But it was too late. As he laid Hongjoong on his back, feet propped up against the tub, the captain’s eyes fluttered shut and he went limp.
They needed a doctor now.
Their conversation was interrupted as Yeosang’s phone began to ring. Jongho managed to catch a glimpse of Hongjoong’s manager’s name before Yeosang lifted the phone to his ear.
“Yes. Yes. Yes, alright. Be there soon.” Yeosang hung up.
“Hongjoong-hyung fainted. They are taking him to the ER to get some meds and fluids. The manager wants you to go too before anything happens.”
Jongho felt his eyes fill with tears against his will. He didn’t want to go to the hospital. All he wanted was sleep. But he knew to not challenge a manager’s decision in the middle of the night, especially since he had no good defense for himself. So he just nodded, resigned.
“It’s probably for the better”, Yeosang comforted, wrapping the overwhelmed maknae in his arms. “You’ll feel better with some fluids and meds.”
The ride to the ER was more than unpleasant. Jongho had given up on sitting straight within a minute and had slumped into Yeosang’s side. The only thing that kept the maknae sane was his hyung’s embrace, he was sure otherwise he would have freaked out with his symptoms in an enclosed space with no bathroom near.
Hongjoong, while he had woken up, was incredibly sluggish. He was laying stretched out in the backseat, head on Seonghwa’s lap. 
By the time they pulled into the parking lot, Jongho was in extreme pain again, holding back barely an option. Yeosang pulled him into the building and to the nearest bathroom with only seconds to spare. Red-faced and humiliated in Jongho’s case and very worried in Yeosang’s, they reunited with the manager twenty minutes later.
“They already took Joongie to a room to give him meds and fluids”, the manager explained, sighing. “Seonghwa-yah is with him. I’m going to get a nurse, you’ll be admitted too, Jongho-yah.”
Jongho bit his lip, turning his face into Yeosang’s shoulder to hide. He didn’t want to be prodded by nurses and doctor’s all night, he just wanted to sleep. He didn’t know how to deal with the situation anymore but cry in his hyung’s arms.
“Do they know what is wrong?”, he heard Yeosang ask. The older was tenderly stroking Jongho’s hair, seemingly very aware that he was the only thing keeping the maknae from breaking down.
“Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning”, the manager replied, “apparently they have been getting cases all evening and night. A batch at the seafood restaurant they were at must have accidentally been contaminated.”
That was when the tears started to flow.
Getting an IV took ages, despite a doctor being available immediately after the manager had gotten a nurse. They had led Jongho into a private waiting room but with the overwhelming situation, Jongho was barely able to sit still for longer than a few minutes before having to rush back to a bathroom. With how badly he was dehydrated it was difficult to find a vein for the IV.
It hurt and Jongho had given up on being embarrassed by the time he was crying on Yeosang’s lap while the young doctor carefully spoke to him while placing the IV, chatting to keep Jongho distracted. 
By the time Jongho was wheeled into a private hospital room, hiding his face in the pillows and clutching Yeosang’s hand as the bed he was laying on was pushed through the vast hospital halls, Jongho felt emotionally numb.
He looked up when he felt another familiar hand hold his other one in theirs.
“Hwa-hyung?”, Jongho asked quietly, blinking up at their eldest. His brain was too foggy to even question why Seonghwa was suddenly there.
“Hi, baby”, Seonghwa greeted him, placing a kiss against Jongho’s forehead. Normally Jongho would have hated it but right now it was the most comforting feeling ever. “How are you feeling?”
“Awful”, Jongho whispered, “tired.”
Hongjoong couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this sore when he woke up. His stomach hurt and his head was pounding in time with his heart. 
“Good morning, Hongjoong-ssi”, a woman’s voice greeted him. He blinked open his eyes, wincing at the bright light, to look up to what appeared to be a nurse. “My name is Nali, I’m a nurse here.”
Hongjoong was still incredibly sleepy, his head filled with what felt like cotton, so he was glad the nurse was speaking Korean. They were in LA, weren’t they? He truly was in luck, except for, you know, the whole hospital thing.
“Good morning. Where are …?”
“Your manager drove your friends back to the hotel, he should be back soon”, the nurse explained, “Jongho-ssi is asleep next to you.” She gestured to the other side of the room where Hongjoong could spot his maknae curled up under the covers, face slack in sleep and still very pale.
“How is he? What…?”
“You’re both still a bit dehydrated and might experience some slight nausea and diarrhea the next few days”, the nurse explained. “Let me take your vitals and then we can see about waking Jongho-ssi up.”
Numbly, Hongjoong nodded. The nurse seemed happy enough with his vitals, blood pressure a bit low but not as bad as he had experienced in the past. Indeed did he feel a bit nauseous still and he was glad for the kidney dish resting on the bedside table even though he didn’t feel like he would be sick in the close future.
“Can I wake Jongho-yah?”, Hongjoong asked just before the nurse turned to the still knocked-out maknae. “He isn’t really a fan of strangers … no offense.”
“No, of course. Go ahead. Just take it slow.”
Hongjoong slowly sat up, breathing through the slight vertigo he felt. He slipped down from the bed and, clutching the IV stand for support, wobbled over to Jongho. He was grateful for the chair at his bedside, sinking into it with a sigh. He was much more exhausted than he would have imagined from the barely five steps he had taken. 
“Maknae-yah”, he whispered, “wake up, baby.” He ran his hand over Jongho’s upper arm, hoping the stimulation would help. Jongho looked so young in his sleep and yet, so exhausted. 
It took some time until he woke up but then Jongho mumbled a sleepy: “Hyung?”
“Hey”, Hongjoong replied, “try to wake up a bit, hm? You’re in the hospital and a nice nurse wants to take your vitals.”
Jongho yawned and slowly opened his eyes. 
Hongjoong gestured at the nurse to start looking him over. If they waited until Jongho was really awake, they might sit there awhile. He always needed a bit extra help waking up when he was not feeling well.
By the time Jongho seemed truly able to understand where he was, the nurse was mostly done.
“What happened?”, Jongho asked, sounding painfully confused, “I remember feeling awful but … where are Sangie-hyung and Hwa-hyung? Aren’t you also sick, Joong-hyung?”
“Manager-hyung drove them back to the hotel”, Hongjoong explained patiently, intertwining their hands, “I feel much better than last night. How about you?”
“My stomach hurts”, Jongho mumbled, “what made us this sick?”
Right, that Hongjoong didn’t know yet either. He turned to the nurse expectantly.
“You both have Diarrhetic Shellfish poisoning. A seafood restaurant uptown apparently got a tainted batch.”
Hongjoong felt horror was over himself. He had chosen the restaurant.
“God, I’m so sorry, Jongho-yah”, he apologized, feeling even more terrible as he saw how long it took the younger one to puzzle the information together.
“Not your fault”, Jongho finally said, “you didn’t know and the food tasted good. I thought you chose it very well.”
“He’s right”, the nurse said, “nobody could have known. The restaurant didn’t either until the first cases started to come in. Just focus on resting. Do you want help getting back to your own bed?”
Hongjoong was about to nod, knowing he was never going to make it on his own, but then Jongho scooted a bit away from him. “Stay, hyung. Cuddles.”
It was so un-Jongho-like that Hongjoong for a moment wondered if he wasn’t hallucinating it all, but the honest and yearning look in Jongho’s eyes decided for him. Jongho hated hospitals and strangers and sickness, and Hongjoong couldn’t fault him for wanting to be close to his hyung when he was still obviously feeling so bad.
So, until the manager came back with Yunho and San to take them home, Hongjoong and Jongho stayed cuddled up on the bed together asleep, the maknae resting his head on his hyung’s chest. 
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Sicktember 2024
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darl-ingfics · 11 days
Sicktember Day 12: "You're not fine, you're throwing up."
Fandom: ATEEZ
Sickie: Yunho (stomach bug)
Caregiver(s): Jongho, with some Hongjoong
Word Count: 912
Jongho woke up to a sound he wasn't able to identify. He rolled over, hitting his phone screen. 7:30am. He sat up, frowning as his brain attempted to make sense to what he was hearing. That’s when it hit him: the distinct sound of gagging over the roar of the shower. 
Jongho was up and outside the bathroom door in seconds.
“Hyung?!” Jongho knocked. The only response was another gag. The youngest member pushed open the door, crossed the room in two steps, and ripped back the curtain. Yunho was on his knees, at the mercy of his body, throwing up in the shower. “Oh, hyung,” Jongho muttered. He reached over and turned off the water.
“Nooo.” Yunho reached a hand up towards the tap before he was cut off with a violent cough that turned into more retching. Jongho knelt on the floor outside the shower, rubbing at Yunho’s spine as he coughed up another wave of sick. 
“It’s okay,” the younger man soothed quietly. 
After a second, unproductive cough, Yunho sat back on his heels, scrubbing at his face. “Water was helping.”
“Helping with what, exactly?”
“That’s the last thing you should be worried about right now, hyung.” Jongho’s hand hadn’t left Yunho’s back, massaging up and down his spine. He felt the dancer’s body contract once, twice, before he was leaning over again, at the mercy of his stomach, but bringing up nothing. 
“This sucks,” Yunho whined.
“I know, I know. How long have you…?”
“I don’t know. What time is it?”
Jongho consulted his watch. “7:36.”
“Then I’ve probably been here for about fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes?!”
Yunho waved his hand. “Not… not the throwing up part. I came to take a shower fifteen minutes ago, got sick maybe… God, I don’t even know.”
“Well, at least it wasn’t fifteen minutes cause that would be a problem.” Yunho smirked at that. He closed his eyes, appreciating the feeling of Jongho’s hand on his back. The cold air hitting his wet skin, though, was less welcome, sending shivers through his body. “We should get you out of the shower.” 
“Okay.” Yunho didn’t move. Jongho squeezed his shoulder before standing up himself. He offered his hands out to the older man, carefully pulling Yunho to his feet. It was then that Jongho noticed that that dancer still had his boxers on. “Hyung, why were you wearing your underwear in the shower?” 
Yunho shrugged. “In case I passed out.”
Jongho blinked at him. “So you knew you weren’t feeling good, and you got into the shower? The most dangerous place to slip and fall?”
Yunho shrugged again. “I thought the water would feel good.”
“Did it?”
Yunho nodded. “Until I threw up, it was heavenly.”
Jongho nodded, restraining himself from sighing as he helped Yunho out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around the older man’s shoulders. “Think you can make it to your room to change, or do you want me to go grab you clothes?”
“I can make it,” Yunho replied, curling deeper into his towel. “I actually feel a lot better. Puke and rally, right?”
“Sure, hyung.” Jongho rolled his eyes as soon as Yunho moved past him and through the doorway. He would see to it that there would be no rallying for Yunho; Jongho could feel his fever plain as day while they sat in the shower. 
Still, there was work to be done. Jongho texted the group: no one use the upstairs shower for a bit. He then peeked under the sink to see what cleaning supplies were currently on hand. He didn’t find what he wanted, and resolved to simply turn the water back on and wash the shower out first, then go back with the disinfectant later. 
Hongjoong appeared a moment later. “What happened?” 
“Yunho threw up in the shower, so I want to clean it before anyone else uses it.” 
“Is he okay?” 
Jongho shrugged. “Definitely feverish. He should not be practicing today.”
Hongjoong nodded, pausing as Yunho rounded the corner from his room, dressed in his dance clothes.  
“What the…?” Hongjoong shook his head. “Yunho, what are you doing?” Jongho peeked his head into the doorway. 
Yunho shrugged. “We’re going to dance.”
“No. We’re going to dance. You’re going to bed,” Hongjoong relied. 
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine, you’re throwing up,” Jongho insisted. 
“No, I threw up. Past tense. I’m good now.”
“That’s not how it works, and you know that,” the leader explained, moving forward to place his hand against Yunho’s forehead. “You have a fever, bud. That means no practice for you.” Yunho whined, shoulders slumping forward. “I know, I get it, but you know the rules.”
“But I wanna dance,” Yunho said in reply, attempting to hit Hongjoong with his most convincing puppy eyes. 
“And you’ll be able to dance a lot better sooner if you take today to rest your body,” the leader insisted, patting Yunho’s shoulder affectionately. “Besides, no one wants to see you puke in the middle of the practice room.”
Yunho gasped. “I would never!”
“Well let’s not tempt fate, shall we? Bed.” Hongjoong pointed towards the room, and Yunho shuffled off, all the fight leaving him. Hongjoong sighed. “In your professional opinion, Jongho, should he be left alone?”
“Probably not,” the youngest chuckled. “I don’t mind staying with him.” 
“You’re the hero we need.” Hongjoong cuffed Jongho’s shoulder before walking away to notify their manager of Yunho’s upcoming absence. 
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maximura · 1 year
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Ateez for Elle Singapore (October 2023)
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cheollipop · 10 months
i was busy rewatching the mv like three times sorry but we know sounds fucking amazing im ascending
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smtown-tourist · 2 months
How long do y’all think Jonghyun was in heaven before he got his kazoo privileges taken away?
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joong-tori · 1 year
y’all this comeback has me going FERAL and i’m abt to be going ✨🌶️SLOW IT DOWN MAKE IT BOUNCY 지금부터 FLY🌶️✨ forever until the end of time i’m so serious
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bombuni · 5 months
do not be alarmed followers … I am Bom. How we liking the new pfp?
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gfwooyo · 2 years
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booskwan · 1 year
there are already ateez cb rumors too .. if both are true im going to riot
god for real they all need rest
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feverishly-kpop · 1 year
Jongho, Yunho, & Ateez - Weekend Trip Flu
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The staff had the best of intentions when they offered to rent a cabin for the members for a couple of nights. They were all exhausted after their most recent comeback and tour stops and desperately needed some R&R.
With the weather forecast looking just about perfect they all agreed, excited to get out of the city and take a few days away from any obligations. Their responsibilities would be waiting for them when they came back, but for a few days they’d be able to enjoy time away from staff, cameras, schedules, and studios.
Their excitement, however, was dulled about an hour into the four hour drive when Jongho, who had been napping on Seonghwa’s shoulder, suddenly woke up, asking the driver to pull off to the side of the road before immediately jumping out to be sick.
Yunho followed him out as he was closest to the door and rubbed Jongho’s back from an arms length. He felt absolutely miserable, his stomach completely unrelenting no matter how many times he bent over to be sick. After a few minutes Jongho sat down on the guardrail, completely drained from the exertion of getting so sick. Having a seat next to him, Yunho handed Jongho a bottle of water, softly coaxing him to take a few slow sips.
“I’m so sorry, I think I must be motion sick” Jongho said with a sigh, handing the water bottle back to Yunho. “This has never happened to me.”
“Why would you apologize for something like this? It’s not your fault” Yunho said with a sad smile. Jongho only nodded in response, silently heading back to his seat so they could continue their drive. Despite the fact that the thought of getting back into the moving vehicle made him want to throw up again he knew the sooner they continued on their way the sooner they’d get to their destination.
“Are you okay, Jongho-ah?” Seonghwa asked as his dongsaeng collapsed into the seat at his side, once again resting his head on his Seonghwa’s shoulder.
Jongho only hummed in response, not feeling confident that his stomach wouldn’t somersault again if he opened his mouth to speak. Seonghwa pulled him in closer to his side, lightly rubbing a hand over his stomach in hopes that it would help settle it but he knew that they were in for a difficult ride.
Much to Jongho’s dismay, he didn’t fare much better for the remaining hours of their drive. He lost track of how many times they had to pull off for him to be sick and each time it was just as bad if not worse than the last. Hongjoong had taken it upon himself to empty all of their snacks from the plastic bags they had packed them in just in case, which ended up coming in handy a time or two when they couldn’t get off the road fast enough.
By the time they arrived to the cabin Jongho was on the verge of collapse, both mentally and physically.
“You’ll feel better once you lie down for a little while” Yunho piped in, grabbing his overnight bag from the trunk as well as Jongho’s.
Jongho nodded, leaning heavily into San’s side, waiting for the staff member who drove them to unlock the cabin door. Once they were able to enter San led him to the closest bedroom, sitting him down on the bottom bunk before pulling his shoes off and helping him get comfortable.
“I’m sorry, hyung” Jongho muttered as his eyes fluttered closed.
“Hey, stop apologizing. Get some sleep. We’re grilling tonight” San said as he pulled the blankets up over his dongsaeng. Jongho smiled but truthfully the thought of eating anything, let alone a heavy dinner, made him queasy.
“Thanks, hyung” Jongho whispered, mustering as much false enthusiasm as he could in the moment.
San closed the door behind him, feeling confident that Jongho would be up and about in no time.
“Well, this is definitely one way to start the weekend…” Wooyoung said tentatively, carrying the last of the bags inside.
“He’ll feel better when he wakes up” Yunho replied, doing his best to bring up the mood. “I used to get motion sickness all the time. It’s miserable but I always felt better after a quick lie down.”
The rest of the members nodded, knowing that Yunho was right. They had seen him painfully sick plenty of times on long flights and drives but it took no time for him to bounce back once he was finally on solid ground, so they continued unpacking and deciding who would stay in each of the three bedrooms, waiting for Jongho to wake up so they could start getting ready for dinner.
When he woke up an hour later, Jongho was not feeling better like Yunho had assured. Quite the contrary, actually. He was shivering uncontrollably, his head ached, and his nausea was beginning to return. He tried to make sense of what his body was feeling, but his mind couldn’t get past the gnawing discomfort in his stomach.
As he stood up the Earth seemed to tilt even further on its axis, leaving Jongho feeling dizzy and unsteady on his feet. But he needed to get to the washroom immediately. Without another moment of hesitation he stumbled to the door, whipping it open and making a bee line for the washroom.
There were seven sets of eyes on him the moment he opened the bedroom door but he didn’t have time to explain himself, instead simply rushing across the small common area where his hyungs were sitting and into the washroom where he promptly collapsed to his knees to be sick for the umpteenth time that day.
This can’t be happening. I think I’m dying.
And to die in the middle of nowhere? How embarrassing.
Jongho’s thoughts were racing. He had never had motion sickness before and could only hope it would pass soon.
Yunho was the first to his feet, stepping into the washroom and closing the door behind him, signaling that he’d like for everybody else to stay put and give them some privacy.
The tension amongst the members was palpable, nobody quite sure what to say next.
Mingi finally spoke up, saying what was on everybody’s mind. “I can’t say for sure, but I can’t think of a time that Yunho got motion sick and didn’t feel better after being put to bed. Especially after an hour…”
Nobody responded but they all shared a concerned expression, knowing that there was nothing they could say or do until they figured out what was going on behind the closed washroom door.
“Go away” Jongho pouted as Yunho sat down cross-legged on the floor next to him. Yunho chose to ignore him, knowing that there was no way he could be left alone in his current condition.
Once he was finally done he sat back, leaning against the wall to face Yunho who’s face was fraught with concern.
“I can’t believe I still feel so sick” Jongho said, taking a handful of toilet paper from the wall behind his back and wiping his mouth. “And I’m freezing.”
Yunho’s brow raised in concern. It wasn’t cold outside nor in the cabin so there was no reason for Jongho to be so uncomfortably chilled. Yunho instantly rose up to his knees, resting a hand against Jongho’s brow and confirming his suspicion. He was warm. Much too warm.
“I don’t think this is motion sickness Jongho” Yunho muttered. “I think you’ve got a fever.”
Jongho groaned, resting his aching head in his hands. They had been working so hard for months and finally had an opportunity to recharge and enjoy themselves. Why did he have to be sick?
“I know, it’s okay, just try to relax. You’ll be okay” Yunho replied, standing up and opening the washroom door. “Slight problem…” he called out to the rest of the group. He didn’t have to say anything else for them to understand what was going on.
“Should we call manager-hyung to come back to get us?” Wooyoung asked tentatively, breaking the tense silence.
“And do what, drive us four hours back home with him like this?” Hongjoong replied, feeling his stress levels increasing by the second. “It is what it is” he concluded with a level of finality as he stood up to help Yunho get Jongho back to bed.
“Easy, let’s take it slow” Hongjoong directed Jongho, who was less than steady on his feet. Once he was situated Yunho tried to coax him to drink some water but he refused, pushing the bottle in Wooyoung’s hand away weakly.
“Please try” Hongjoong pleaded with him. “You’re going to wind up dehydrated at this rate. Honestly you probably already are.” Jongho sighed, not wanting to further upset his hyung, taking a few small sips with Yunho’s help.
“Good boy” Hongjoong said, his tone unintentionally patronizing, patting his head as he laid down. “Now get some sleep. We’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Jongho didn’t have to be told twice. He was absolutely exhausted and took no time at all to doze off.
The mood was markedly low for the remainder of the evening, nobody able to fully relax knowing that their maknae was so poorly. Wooyoung, San, and Seonghwa put their focus on getting dinner on the table while Mingi and Yeosang finished unpacking Mingi’s bags. Mingi was initially going to be sharing a room with Jongho but was diverted to the room being shared by Yeosang, Wooyoung, and San as they were hesitant to allow Mingi to share a room with Jongho in the event he was contagious.
Once dinner was ready San knocked quietly on the door to Jongho’s room before opening it a crack finding Jongho asleep with Yunho sitting at the edge of his bed rewetting a compress and placing it back on Jongho’s forehead. Hongjoong was sitting on the top bunk furiously typing on his phone with his brow knit.
“Dinner’s ready. Table is set outside when you’re ready to come out” San said quietly, not wanting to wake Jongho.
“The closest pharmacy is an hour away. And that’s by car” Hongjoong said out loud, tossing his phone onto the mattress next to him. “And I didn’t bring any medication. San-ah, ask around to see if anybody brought anything.”
San nodded, excusing himself from the doorway. Wooyoung was the only one he brought any medication at all, a bottle of pain killers in anticipation for a possible hangover from a night of alcohol-fueled fun that didn’t appear to be coming to fruition.
“It’s better than nothing I guess,” Seonghwa said as he poured a couple tablets into his hand. “I can’t believe I didn’t bring my med bag” he muttered under his breath as he disappeared back into their cabin, leaving the rest of the members outside picking at their food completely helplessly.
“When did it get so windy?” Mingi asked after a few minutes of silence, drawing Yeosang, San, and Wooyoung’s attention to the change in the weather that they had all failed to notice, too engrossed in their own thoughts.
“Shit, look behind you” Yeosang said, looking up from his plate for the first time since Seonghwa had gone back inside. There were dark clouds rolling in as the wind continued picking up.
“Awesome,” Wooyoung mumbled, standing up and grabbing his plate in one hand and Yeosang’s in the other. “It’s going to storm. Bring everything inside.”
They were only a few hours into their vacation and it was already shaping up to be a memorable one. Just not memorable in the way they had hoped.
Nobody slept well that night.
Between the rain pelting the roof and the windows, the thunder, and Jongho getting up repeatedly to be sick, everybody spent the night lying awake before dozing off, just to be startled awake again by another boom of thunder.
“I’m so fucking tired” Mingi grumbled into his breakfast plate. “I was tired when we left the city and now I’m even more tired.”
“Hyung said it wasn’t supposed to rain but it hasn’t stopped raining since last night. And why is it thundering so much?” Wooyoung whined, piling on to the negativity.
Everybody else was silent until Yunho emerged from Jongho’s room where he had spent the night trying to keep their maknae comfortable. Hongjoong had spent part of the night up with them as well until Yunho sent him away, assuring him that all was under control.
“How’s he doing?” Seonghwa asked, feeling guilty for how exhausted he sounded, knowing that Yunho had to be exponentially more tired after his long night with Jongho.
“I don’t know. He’s sick. I don’t think he’s any different than yesterday” Yunho responded as he flopped down at the kitchen table. He looked and sounded miserable.
“I’ll give him some more of the medication today. We can deal with what we have, but I don’t want him getting worse” Hongjoong chimed in, doing his best to keep his head from drifting down to the table. “And you, Yunho, need to take a rest. I’d like for you to head to bed after you’re finished eating, understood?”
Yunho was looking down at the food on his plate, seeming oblivious to everything going on around him, including Hongjoong’s instruction.
“Yunho” Seonghwa interjected softly, resting a hand on his dongsaeng’s forearm but he was cut off by the sound of Jongho’s door opening.
“Yunho-hyung” Jongho called weakly from the doorway, his eyes red from crying.
Leaving the rest of his breakfast on his plate, Yunho quickly put an arm around Jongho’s shoulders and guided him back to his bed.
Jongho had woken up from a nightmare to find that Yunho had moved from his spot next to him on the bed where he had sat all night, easing Jongho back to sleep when he was startled awake by the thunder or yet another bought of nausea.
“Yunho-hyung” Jongho tried to call out but his voice was hardly above a whisper, his throat raw from vomiting repeatedly.
He couldn’t help but feel guilty. He knew for a fact that Yunho hadn’t gotten any sleep the night prior but he was craving his comforting presence.
Maybe it was selfish of him but he was cold, emotional, and felt sick and in a great deal of pain. And he wanted his hyung.
He managed to get himself to the bedroom door with some effort, using the wall to steady himself before opening it and calling for his hyung. Yunho was at his side almost instantly, helping him back to bed and under his blankets.
“Hyung…” Jongho said, wiping tears from his eyes and off of his cheeks. “I had a nightmare. There was an accident. None of you were okay…”
Yunho quickly hushed Jongho, not wanting him to have to recount what had happened. “We’re all just fine. You just saw everybody at the table, right?”
Jongho nodded, fighting to keep his eyes open. Yunho smiled tiredly and encouraged him to get some sleep.
“I’ll be right here when you wake up.” he assured, pushing Jongho’s hair from his warm forehead. “I promise.”
With nobody in a very talkative mood they all got up one by one from the table. Wooyoung mumbled something about trying to take a nap and was followed quickly by Mingi and Hongjoong who decided to do the same.
“Want to watch a movie?” San asked the rest of the members, garnering an unenthusiastic response.
“I don’t know, we could have done that at home” Yeosang said with a sigh. “But yeah, sure, I guess that’s fine.”
“It’s not like there’s much else to do” Seonghwa added, glancing at the continuing downpour outside.
This trip was turning out to be a major bummer.
The storm didn’t let up at all for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. Everybody had managed to get a little sleep, their bodies simply too exhausted to allow the rain and thunder to keep them up any longer. Even Jongho managed to get a few hours of rest without waking up to be sick.
Their rest, however, was cut short when a deafening crack of thunder sounded nearby the cabin, followed by a bolt of lightening that illuminated the dark, cloudy sky.
And then silence and darkness.
The TV that Seonghwa, Yeosang, and San had on for background noise went black, the constant whirring of the overhead fans in the bedrooms suddenly ceased, and every light, even the tiny displays on the stove and microwave, had gone dark.
“What the fuck just happened?” Wooyoung’s voice called out from the bedroom where he had been napping.
“Is everybody okay?” Seonghwa asked, his voice sleepy from his nap.
In a matter of moments everybody emerged from their respective rooms, trying to figure out what was going on.
“No power? Seriously?” San said with a frown. He had been trying to remain positive but was rapidly approaching the end of his rope.
“Hyung, I want to go home” Jongho whined, emerging from his bedroom for the first time since they arrived, not including his nauseated dashes to the washroom. Everybody’s frustration was quickly replaced by intense sympathy for their maknae, who was looking unnaturally pale, save for the red spots on his cheeks from the temperature he was still running.
“Jongho, come back to bed bed” Yunho said, appearing in the doorway behind Jongho and grabbing him around the shoulders for support before he could collapse.
“I’m tired of being in bed. I want to stay out here” Jongho responded with a pout. Yunho’s eyes flitted to Seonghwa who nodded slightly, giving Yunho permission to bring Jongho to the couch where he promptly laid down, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch in an attempt to subdue his chills. “Somebody start talking. Tell a funny story. Anything to take my mind off of being sick.”
The members quickly obliged, as Yunho took a seat next to Mingi, resting his head heavily on his shoulder.
“Have you gotten any sleep since we’ve gotten here?” Mingi asked quietly. Yunho responded with a shake of his head before Mingi ran a hand through his hair, trying to get him to relax.
Hongjoong turned to Mingi with a look of concern.
“Did he sleep?” Hongjoong mouthed to him from across the room. Mingi shook his head. Yunho sighed at the movement before closing his eyes again.
“That’s it, just shut your eyes and get some sleep” Mingi whispered and within minutes he was out like a light.
By the time Yunho woke up a few hours later he found himself unexpectedly alone on the couch. He sat up slowly glancing around for the rest of his team before he heard muffled voices.
“He can’t take any more tablets for another few hours, hyung.”
“I don’t know what else to do, he’s burning up.”
“Sang-ah is drawing him a cool bath.”
Yunho felt disoriented, unable to identify who’s voices he was hearing and where they were coming from. Logically he knew that the cabin was small yet the voices sounded kilometers away.
“Do you really think that will be enough?”
“I don’t know but it’s worth a try…”
“Keep your voice down. Yunho’s asleep. He needs the rest.”
Yunho couldn’t think clearly. He collapsed back into the couch pillows wondering if he had actually woken up or if he was still asleep and currently. But his train of thought was cut off as sleep pulled him back under.
Yunho had no concept of time when he woke up again. He could have been asleep for minutes or hours but the cabin was quiet again.
Despite getting a bit of rest Yunho still felt exhausted and out of sorts.
And then his stomach turned violently.
It took him a moment to realize what was happening and even once he realized that he was feeling sick he still felt confused. He suddenly realized that he didn’t quite remember where they were or why it was so dark. The silence in the cabin made him feel uncomfortable as he tugged at the collar of his sweatshirt.
Why is it so stuffy in here?
Am I the only one here? Did everybody else leave?
What if they forgot me here?
Maybe they left me here on purpose?
His thoughts continued to race until the silence was broken by soft voices coming from one of the bedrooms. He let out a sigh of relief, glad to know that he wasn’t alone and cautiously made his way to the door which had been left open a few inches. He peered inside, still unable to place the voices he was hearing.
“This was a mistake. A huge fucking mistake.”
Hongjoong was currently pacing across the floor as Seonghwa sat watching, knowing better than to try to interject when Hongjoong was worked up into such a state. He’d settle down shortly and Seonghwa would be there to reassure him once he did, but for now Hongjoong just needed to let it out.
“Renting a cabin? In the middle of nowhere? Why did any of us think this would be a good idea?” Hongjoong added, throwing his hands in the air. His voice was hushed and hardly audible over the sound of rain drops pounding on the roof overhead.
“And all we have is fucking ibuprofen? How stupid are we, Hwa? We can’t even take care of the maknae…”
Yunho’s heart began to race. He felt like he was suffocating. There was something about the conversation that made him feel like he shouldn’t be listening in.
“Don’t even get me started in this storm. How many times did we look at the forecast? It came out of nowhere. And the power…” Hongjoong’s frustration had reached a fever pitch before he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “Hwa, I just can’t handle anything else going wrong. Seeing Jongho that out of it and Yeosang crying while trying to get him into the bath…”
Seonghwa finally intervened. “None of this is within your control, Joong. It’s not in anybody’s control. But we’re going home tomorrow morning. What else could go wrong at this point?”
Yunho’s head started to spin.
What else could go wrong?
The last thing he wanted to do was cause his hyungs further stress. But something was going wrong. Very wrong.
Yunho raised his hand to knock on the door but suddenly he felt too weak, instead tripping into the bedroom deliriously, startling both Seonghwa and Hongjoong. And then there were words coming out of his mouth. He wasn’t even sure what he was saying but he could hear his own voice ringing in his ears. He looked up to see Hongjoong approaching him. His mouth was moving but he couldn’t hear a word he was saying. He was able to take one more step forward before his body gave up, doubling over and vomiting all over the floor.
“Sorry, let me clean that up” Yunho said before stumbling into somebody’s arms. And that was the last thing he remembered clearly.
Seonghwa had spoken too soon. Apparently there was more that could go wrong, and it happened to burst through the door almost immediately after the words had left his lips.
Yunho was babbling nonsensically - an attempted apology that seemed to go off the rails almost immediately. Seonghwa wasn’t even sure if the words coming out of Yunho’s mouth were actual words at all or if he was simply stringing together a handful of syllables incoherently.
Hongjoong’s pacing immediately stopped as he rushed to Yunho’s side.
“What’s going on, Yunho-ah? Are you okay?” Hongjoong asked. A stupid question, he realized immediately. Clearly Yunho was not okay.
And then with no warning he was sick. Seonghwa sprung up from his seat on his bed, doing his best to ignore the vomit pooling at Yunho’s feet grabbing Yunho just in time for him to crumble into his arms.
The only reason he knew that he hadn’t passed out completely was because he could feel Seongwha shouldering the majority of his weight and helping him to a bed. It suddenly dawned that this bed had been intended for him. He was supposed to share that room with Seonghwa and Hongjoong but he hadn’t gotten around to using it having stayed up all night with Jongho.
Jongho was still sick.
“No” Yunho whined, turning his head as Seonghwa laid the back of his hand on his cheek to check his temperature.
“Please relax, Yunho-ah” Seonghwa said quietly but his voice full of desperation. “You need to taken a few deep breaths.”
Yunho felt a hand lightly rubbing his chest, trying to get him to slow his breathing.
“No. No please. Jongho…” he managed to get out between shallow, panicked breaths.
“Jongho is fine, he’s asleep. Let’s focus on you.” Yunho heard Hongjoong’s voice assuring him.
Then there was another voice.
“What happened?”
“Wooyoung, please get him a bottle of water. And some towels so we can clean this up.”
He could hear his voice being called by yet another voice but he couldn’t seem to remember how to speak.
The voices seemed to be getting farther away.
“Don’t leave me. I’m scared” he muttered, feeling a hand wrap around his own.
“I’m not going anywhere. You’re alright. No need to be scared. I’ve got you.”
That was Mingi’s voice. And Mingi’s voice was the last thing he heard before being pulled into unconsciousness.
Jongho was inconsolable.
“First I ruined our trip, now Yunho-hyung is sick because of me!”
It wasn’t often that they saw their maknae let his mask down. Yeosang was sure that he could count on one hand the number of times the number of times he had seen him cry like this, which made it even harder for him to handle.
“Calm down, Jongho. This isn’t your fault. None of it is your fault. Yunho doesn’t blame you for anything. These things happen.” Yeosang said as he ran a hand across his dongsaeng’s forehead and through his hair, catching tears as they slid from his eyes.
Yeosang’s ministrations we’re interrupted by the sound of Yunho getting sick in the bathroom again, derailing any progress he had made in calming Jongho down.
Hongjoong heard his latest sob, thinking quickly and grabbing his noise canceling headphones that he usually reserved for long work sessions in which any interruption would be detrimental, as well as Seonghwa’s black sleep mask.
“Alright maknae, no more of this” Hongjoong said lightly as he entered, seeing a look of relief cross Yeosang’s eyes. They took a moment to connect the headphones to Jongho’s phone and slipped them on along with the mask. The tension in Jongho’s body almost immediately dissipated and within a few minutes his breathing evened out indicating that he had fallen asleep.
“How’s Yunho doing?” Yeosang asked quietly just before a pained groan sounded from the washroom.
“Just about like that” Hongjoong said with a sigh, not wasting another moment before leaving Jongho in Yeosang’s care to check on Yunho.
Yunho was sitting on the washroom floor, leaning heavily into Seonghwa’s side as Mingi dabbed the nape of his neck with a cool cloth. Wooyoung stood in the doorway, caught between wanting to help and not wanting to get in the way.
“You’re so warm, love” Seonghwa cooed quietly in Yunho’s ear. “Can we try a little food and medicine?”
Yunho shook his head against Seonghwa’s shoulder, eliciting an audible sigh from Mingi.
“Yunho, please try. We’ve got to get your temp down” Mingi’s tone was pleading. Hongjoong overheard and knew that it was time to step in.
“I know you’re not feeling well Yunho. We can do a little food and meds, or we can do a cool shower. The choice is yours” Hongjoong said kindly but in a tone that indicated that there was no third choice. “And no, Hwa-hyung isn’t going to save you from your mean old captain” he added.
“No shower” Yunho mumbled, getting a quick nod from Seonghwa.
“Alright, let’s get you off the floor then” Seonghwa said, giving Yunho a comforting squeeze around his shoulder before helping Mingi get him to his feet.
The following morning came early but, as far as everybody was concerned, it couldn’t come early enough.
San and Wooyoung packed everybody’s bags the night prior, leaving out a set of clothes for everybody and a set of pajamas for Yunho and Jongho to travel home in. By the time their manager pulled up to get them all everything was already outside the door and ready to be loaded into the van.
And, as luck would have it, the sun was shining outside and the power had kicked back on that morning.
“Did everyone have fun? The weather at home was stunning, was it nice here too?” Wooyoung and San didn’t respond, simply grabbing bags to pack into the van.
Once everything was packed and they were ready to leave Hongjoong emerged with an armful of pillows and blankets, followed by Seonghwa with an armful of Yunho and Yeosang with an arm full of Jongho. They silently got the two sick members situated for the ride home as best as they could and stashed a collection of plastic bags for emergency purposes before setting off.
“Hyung,” San said quietly to the manager, who still wasn’t entirely sure what had happened. He had dropped off seven excited boys and one who had to sleep off some motion sickness and had picked up five exhausted and miserable boys and two who looked extremely feverish and fluish. “We appreciate the thought from you and the other staff for booking our trip. But please, never send us to a cabin again.”
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fairyniceyeah · 23 days
⌛🐶🧸 Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick”
Summary: After going out drinking together, Yunho is sick and Jongho is hungover.
CW: emeto, alcohol
Sickie(s): Yunho + Jongho  Caretaker: Jongho + Hongjoong
Yunho groaned, nauseously bent over the toilet in the dorm Hongjoong, Wooyoung and Jongho shared. He had been in there for at least an hour, if not more.
He kinda wished he had not drank so much the night before, rather not drank at all. His stomach had felt off back then and still he had tried to drink Jongho under the table. Jongho, of all people. Their maknae probably had the best alcohol tolerance out of all of them. What had he thought?
A burp and sour bile slithering up his throat stopped his further train of thought. Instead he moved his head from where he had rested it on the cool toilet seat over the water again, just in time for a mouthful of bile - puke? alcohol? bad decisions? - to spill into it. 
Whatever it was, it hurt his throat a lot. No matter how disgusting it was, Yunho was too exhausted to flush. His head throbbed and he could feel the hot fever burning under his skin, making him hot and cold at the same time. The offending thermometer that had revealed his fate when he doubted he could feel that bad just from being hungover laid at his side.
While he was kinda glad that Jongho had dragged him to his apartment - his own dorm mate Yeosang was visiting his sister with Wooyoung, so Yunho would have been alone - he was still alone. He wasn’t sure if Hongjoong was even home and Jongho was surely deeply asleep in his own alcohol haze. 
Oh God, what Yunho would have given to be asleep at the moment too.
Or have somebody stay with him. He felt tears prickle at his eyes, knowing he was overly tired and emotionally from the rather high fever.
Yunho must have drifted off even in his less than optimal sleeping position, as he woke up to laughter.
He blinked his eyes open, wiping away the crustiness with one hand, and winced at the light stabbing his retinas. Why had somebody turned on the lights?
“You really can’t hold your liquor, hyung”, Jongho teased, “why did you even try?”
The maknae sounded much too gleeful and too full of schadenfreude for this hour. 
“I hate you”, Yunho moaned. 
His stomach lurched and he only barely managed to turn his head over the toilet bowl before a bit of bile came up.
Even while he loved teasing his hyungs, Jongho was also responsible and kind. So Yunho wasn’t surprised to feel a hand on his back, rubbing gentle circles. 
Coughing a bit, Yunho wiped his mouth and slumped backwards against the wall, squeezed in between the toilet and the sink cabinet. 
“Jeez, how long have you been in here? You’re basically empty”, Jongho said, now a bit worried. Yunho shrugged. He didn’t know. He hadn’t gone to sleep after they had come home, trying to calm his churning stomach down before having to sprint to the bathroom nevertheless.
Jongho sighed, reached up to flush the toilet, washed his hands and then reached out to Yunho.
“No, don’t come closer”, Yunho protested. He didn’t want to get Jongho sick.
The maknae raised his eyebrows. “Dude, you’re hungover. The only way that is contagious is if the other person went drinking with you. And I don’t get hungover.”
“I’m not hungover either”, Yunho mumbled and then pouted, “I’m just sick.”
“Yeah, sure, you tell yourself that”, Jongho said with a laugh, clearly not believing him. 
“Jongho”, Yunho replied, a bit annoyed and his patience running thin. He didn’t want to be mocked. “I am running a fever and I started throwing up before I even stopped being drunk. I’m not hungover, I already threw up all the alcohol before it could start.”
Jongho’s eyes widened nearly comically. 
“I’m so sorry, hyung”, he apologized, stumbling a bit over his words. It was then that Yunho realized that Jongho, unlike himself, was still slightly drunk. “I didn’t know.”
“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have snapped”, Yunho replied, patting Jongho’s knee. “Why don’t you go back to bed and sleep it off?”
Yes, Yunho wanted company. But he wasn’t going to subject his maknae to this.
“Nope”, Jongho said, “I’m staying. I’ll help you.”
Even hours later Yunho was so nauseous. While he wanted Jongho to get some sleep, he wished the maknae hadn’t fallen asleep about an hour ago.
Jongho had turned out to be a perfect caretaker, silently rubbing his back and fetching him water if needed, even turning into a pillow. Now, however, he was sitting up against the closed shower door, head dropping down and snoring a bit. It couldn't be comfortable but Yunho didn’t have the strength to wake him.  
Yunho’s stomach was so empty it was cramping with hunger but he knew he would just throw up again if he ate. He was also pretty sure his fever had risen since he last took his temperature.
Maybe he should take it again but the thought alone made him gag. His body jerked forwards but he couldn’t be bothered to move over the toilet. He was empty anyways. Spit and bile dangled from his lips, his throat seizing …
And then a sleepy Hongjoong walked in. 
The leader jumped half a meter into the air in shock before exclaiming: “Jesus, Yunho, you scared me.” But to his credit, he rushed over to his sick dongsaeng without hesitation, coming to kneel in front of him.
Hongjoong tenderly stroked back Yunho’s sweaty hair and grabbed a few pieces of toilet paper to wipe the younger’s mouth. 
“Morning, hyung”, Yunho mumbled, “welcome to the party.”
“It’s more of a pity party, hm?”, Hongjoong replied with a glance at Jongho. “How long have you been in here? Do you feel better? I guess, I can spare myself the told you so?”
“I’m not hungover”, Yunho repeated the words he had said to Jongho earlier, “I’m just sick. I’m running a fever and I started puking before I even had a chance to get hungover.”
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry”, Hongjoong whispered, pulling Yunho into his arms. Yunho sighed, finally feeling content with hugging his hyung. “Do you want to go to bed?”
Yes. Above all, Yunho wanted to lie down. He nodded against Hongjoong’s shoulder and the captain ruffled his hair before pulling back.
“Can you get up?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? It was soon very clear that, no, Yunho could not get up. His legs had fallen asleep and were so shaky they couldn’t hold him up anyways, not even with Hongjoong supporting him. Their height and weight difference was too high.
“Maybe you should wake Jongho-yah”, Yunho muttered, resigned. 
Hongjoong nodded. “He took care of you before?”
“Hmhm. And then the traitor fell asleep. He was kinda drunk so I can’t even blame him.”
Hongjoong laughed a bit and then rose to his feet to gently shake Jongho awake. “Hey baby, wake up. We need your help for a moment.”
Jongho nodded slowly, and let Hongjoong pull him to his feet. Once upright, his face suddenly turned a pale green and before either of the other two could react, he stumbled to the sink and instantly threw up. 
Hongjoong cursed and raced after him, patting his back. 
“You’re sick too?”, he asked worriedly.
Jongho washed out his mouth with the tap water and then shook his head. “I’m not sick, I’m just hungover.”
“I thought you didn't get hangovers.”
“Fuck off.”
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Sicktember 2024
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leenaur143 · 4 months
just watched the mv for the first time and its safe to say i am still as lost as i was before but as per usual i am THRIVING AND BOPPING AHHHH
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jjunberry · 7 months
ateez! when you wipe away their kisses
pairing! ateez x reader
genre! fluff, humor
synopsis! you try pranking your boyfriend by wiping away his kisses
wc! 600
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hongjoong! is confused. he didn’t remember putting any product on his lips. so why did you wipe his kiss away? frowns and leans over kissing your cheek again. you smiled before wiping it off. “y/nie.” he cried out kissing your cheek again. only for you to wipe it off. “stop wiping my love away.” you giggled and hugged the boy. “i’m sorry.” you cooed before kissing him properly.
seonghwa! is baffled. you’ve never done this before, even when you were upset with him. he decided to see if it was just a mistake. so he placed a kiss to your cheek. you smiled then wiped it off. seonghwa was sick. his eyes wide mouth a gape. “babe?” he asked. you couldn’t hold in your giggles at his face. you kissed his cheek. “i’m sorry baby! it was a joke.” he groaned. “a cruel one.” he grumbled.
yunho! frowns. “baby.” he said before kissing your cheek again. “yeah?” you asked while wiping it off. his eyebrows furrowed. “stop it.” he whined kissing you again. “stop what?” you wiped his kiss away again. “are you trying to break my heart?” he cried out giving you puppy dog eyes. you instantly caved before giving him all the kisses he wanted.
yeosang! scoffs. if you didn’t want his kisses then he simply wouldn’t give them to you. after you wiped his kiss off he refused to kiss you for the rest of the day. successfully ruining your prank. “yeosang.” you pouted before kissing his cheek. “so now you want my kisses?” he smirked. you nodded. “too bad.” he patted your head before taking off with you chasing after him.
san! throws a tantrum. how dare you? he’s pretty sure his heart broke when you wiped away his kiss. “baby.” he said before kissing your cheeks then your lips. you giggled then wiped them away. san stomped his foot and crossed his arms. “do you not love me anymore?” he asked. you couldn’t help the giggles. san sighed. “stop the pranks before i die.” he groaned. you kissed him. “so dramatic.”
mingi! immediately goes in for another kiss, that you of course wipe away. the boy is quite literally heart broken. he loves kissing you and you just wiped it away. “stop it.” he whined grabbing your face and kissing your lips. before you could wipe it away his hands hold yours and he leaves kisses all over you. “okay okay, stop.” you laughed. “it was a prank.” his eyes furrowed. “you’re so mean to me.” he whined.
wooyoung! throws a tantrum part two. screams about how much you don’t love him. all you did was wipe away the kiss he gave you before he was supposed to leave for practice. “i can’t believe you don’t love me anymore.” he cries falling to the floor. you laugh before kissing him. “it was just a prank now go before you’re late.” he laughed kissing you before leaving.
jongho! blinks in confusion. why did you just wipe away his kiss? you’ve never done this before. tries to figure out if he’s upset you. he decided to test the waters and kiss you again. when you wiped it away he gasped. “why?” he whined. you smiled rarely did you see jongho this way. you couldn’t hold in your laughter. his eyebrows furrowed when he realized it was one of your pranks. he scoffed and playfully shoved you but accepted the kisses you left on him.
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author’s note! had so much inspiration for ateez lately soooo i’ve been on an ateez kick lmao
tag list! @jjunieworld @304files
love, echo ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪
© jjunberry
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xomakara · 27 days
Office Secrets
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SUMMARY |  You're in a relationship with your boss, Yunho. Except no one in the office knows that you're together.
PAIRINGS |  Yunho x Reader
GENRE |  Manager!Yunho, Employee!Reader, non-idol au, established relationship, smut, secret relationship,
CONTENT/WARNINGS | profanity/strong language, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), fingering, dirty talk, oral sex (female giving/male receiving), praise kink, pet names, office sex, bedroom sex, creampie
LENGTH |  8,502 words
NETWORKS | @illusionnet @atzhouse @cromernet @wonderlandnet
@othersideoutlawsnetwork @k-vanity @ksmutsociety
AUTHOR’S NOTE |  Hi there. Linda here. Here's another Yunho fic lolololol. Thank you @aaagustd for the beautiful banner~ And now I'm going to cry in a corner. Don’t forget to like, comment, reblog and show some support. Love you all 💚
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You pushed away from your desk, rolling your eyes as the girls from your team excitedly talked about Head Manager Jeong. They discussed that he is handsome, single, and looking.
It was like they were shopping for him. You were sure one of them was planning to try and snatch him up. You couldn't blame them, but it didn't matter anyway. They would never find out about your relationship with Yunho because no one knew. It was the reason why he wasn't your emergency contact or anything. You didn’t have pictures of him on your phone, and he didn’t have any of you either. You didn’t do couple-like things together like going to a restaurant or seeing a movie. It was always back and forth between each other's apartments.
Your attention was brought back to the present when one of your team members asked if you agreed with the sentiment that Yunho was attractive. You looked around the room, the women waiting for you to answer.
The truth was yes. He was beyond attractive but you couldn't exactly tell the other women that you've fucked him on every surface of both his and your apartment.
"Yeah. I mean he's cute, I guess," you answered before turning your attention back to your computer screen.
"Just cute? Have you seen his face?" One of the women asked.
"I mean I see him almost every day, so yeah. I have."
"That's right, you guys are friends, right?"
You were not going to call your relationship with Yunho a friendship. It was too complicated.
"I don't know, we have mutual friends. So I see him at group outings sometimes," you explained.
It was the truth, but not the full truth.
You saw him all the time, but not in the way these women were imagining. You saw him in the shower. On the couch. His bed. Your bed. You saw him without his clothes on, panting beneath you. Above you. You saw him in ways you were sure they could never imagine. So yes, you would call your relationship a friendship, just not the type these women were assuming.
You continued with the work on your computer, ignoring the chatter about the rest of the company's team leaders and managers. They were all young and handsome and single, so it made sense that you all had been a hot topic at work lately.
Yunho had become the new target now that some of the others had been spoken for. Hongjoong was already married, and you had heard that he was going to be a father. Yeosang had recently gotten into a relationship. San had a girlfriend for the past few months and Seonghwa had just announced his engagement to his longtime girlfriend.
It was the reason why all the women in your department were so focused on the remaining four single men in the company.
Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho were the only ones who were still available.
But even then, the relationship you have with Yunho wasn't conventional.
No one knew that the two of you were together.
Not a soul.
The secret had been eating away at you.
It had been going on for months now and you were sick of it. You just wanted to be able to hold his hand or kiss him in public. To let the world know that the man is yours.
It was frustrating.
Yunho wasn't just some fling or casual boyfriend. You cared for him deeply and the idea that people would think of him as being available and on the market made you uneasy. He is yours and you are his.
"Team Leader?" One of the girls spoke up, "Are you listening?"
You nodded, "What were you saying?"
She laughed, "We were wondering how you would rate Manager Jeong. He's single, so it wouldn't hurt to let us know. We could put in a good word for you if you wanted."
Your eyebrows furrowed. You did not need the girls to put on a good word for you when he was already yours. The sex was great, his dick was great. Everything was just great.
"Uh," you were about to respond but you were cut off.
"Manager Jeong, you're here."
You looked up and watched Yunho enter the room, nodding his head in acknowledgment. "Ladies, can I borrow Team Leader Y/L/N for a second?"
"Of course. Take your time."
He smiled, before walking towards your desk.
"Is everything okay?" You asked as you got up and followed him into the hallway.
"Everything is fine. I just need you to come with me," he explained as he walked down the hall.
You were confused, but you continued to follow him anyway. Opening the door to his office, he gestured for you to go inside. He closed the door behind you, making sure it was locked before he pulled you close to him.
"Why did you want to see me?" You asked as his lips moved down to your neck.
"I heard the girls talking," he began. "They think I'm handsome."
"I never said you weren't," you responded, tilting your head so he had better access to your skin.
"What would you rate me? They were asking."
"I think you'd know the answer to that question," you smirked as he kissed along your collarbones.
"You're right. I already know." He pulled away, a small smile on his lips. His hands rested on your hips, pulling your body closer to his. "But it would be nice to hear it, wouldn't it?"
"Fine," you could feel his breath on your skin. "You are a 10. Satisfied?"
He chuckled, "It's a start."
You rolled your eyes before he leaned down and kissed you. His tongue slipped into your mouth, the feeling causing a fire in the pit of your stomach. His hands moved down from your waist to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. He lifted you up onto his desk, your legs wrapping around his waist. His lips traveled down your jaw to the sweet spot on your neck, sucking the skin into his mouth. Your hands moved up to his hair, tangling in his soft locks.
"Fuck," you breathed out as his lips moved further down your chest.
"Tell me how much of a 10 I am again," he teased as he nipped at the exposed skin.
"10. Fuck, a 100."
"Mmm," he hummed against your skin, "Good."
"Baby, we're at work."
He didn't care. He moved his hands up the skirt of your dress, grabbing a fistful of the fabric and yanking it up to your waist.
"Don't care," he said as he kissed down your neck and onto your chest. His hands moved to your bra, unclasping it with ease.
"Yunho," you whined. "Someone could walk in."
"I don't care," he repeated. He pulled your bra off, tossing it onto the ground. "Maybe it's time to show everyone that I'm yours and that you're mine. I think the rumors about me need to be addressed and quenched," he stated as his hands roamed across the expanse of skin.
"And how do we do that, Team Leader Jeong?" You looked up at him.
"Oh baby, it's very simple. It's called teamwork. Team Leader Y/N, would you please allow me the honor of helping you and me fuck in my office for the first time? You see, this is something that has been on the to-do list and we can finally cross this out. Not only is this to prove to everyone you're the love of my life, but it also shows everyone that I'm your man," he said softly against the column of your throat before kissing his way to your ear. "Also I want to see what face you'll make with your coworkers only meters away. What about that, Team Leader, will that please you?"
A soft moan escaped from your parted lips at the thought.
Yunho pressed his hips to yours. His clothed bulge was hard, hot, and ready for you, but he didn't give you that right away. Not yet.
His tongue dipped to the top of the neckline of your dress.
"Please? Be a good girl and let me take care of you, I will take such good care of my pretty girl."
"Did you at least lock your office door? What if someone hears?"
"Already locked it, babe." He pulls your dress lower until your breasts pop free. "As far as your pretty noises, can you try to be good and keep yourself quiet, pretty? Or do you want me to stuff your panties in your mouth? Or do you want my fingers in your mouth to keep you quiet?"
"I'll be good. I'll be good."
Yunho smiles, happy. As much as he would love to hear your moans and screams, he's going to have to wait for that later. He's already excited at how your hair and clothes would look disheveled once you two are done with fucking like rabbits.
He drops a peck onto the crown of your head as he nudges your legs apart. His fingers crawl into the soaked panties, drawing lazy circles into the folds that make you gasp his name.
"Remember, stay quiet," Yunho whispered in a teasing tone. "Unless you really want the entire building to hear you."
You tried your best not to moan. It was a losing battle when his thumb teased your clit, circling it.
"Look, Team Leader, your team is in the area outside this door," he murmured in your ear. "They'll know for sure what we are doing here."
"Yunho." You mewled. "I don't care. I want everyone to know that you're mine. I don't want the rest to think that you're the perfect dream that they can chase," you whimpered.
"You know I only have my eyes on you." He takes your chin between his thumb and finger, raising it to lock eye contact. "You're the perfect dream of mine and I intend on spending every day making you happy. You're my pretty, my baby, mine."
The praise has you whimpering under his touch, pleading for more and more.
It doesn't take long for your slick to drench your panties and it's amazing how wet Yunho can get you within a matter of minutes. The cold air makes your exposed breasts ache but the thought of having sex with Yunho, in his office, is sending you into a heated state.
"My beautiful," Yunho whispers sweet compliments, leaning in to kiss your lips before he sinks into the valley of your chest.
His mouth feels wet and his lips are cold against your skin, nipping and lapping his tongue out for a taste. You clutch your fingers in Yunho's locks, pulling his hair softly in your grasp. The more your sensitive nipples are played, the hotter your body feels.
He's marking your flesh with his hands, tongue, lips, and teeth, claiming you. He sucks and laps his tongue against your nipples while his other hand draws circles with your swollen clit.
"You look so gorgeous," Yunho hums, "All these hickeys look so good." He pulls his hand from between your soaked lips, and he pushes a couple of his fingers into your mouth.
Your eyes lock. You both stare at each other with blown eyes. You taste and lick and moan for his fingers and he curls them around your mouth as a gesture, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip.
"Spread your legs for me, babe. Can you be a good girl and let my fingers make a mess of you?"
You nod. Your throat is tight, and it takes all of the willpower you possess not to rock your hips when Yunho pulls your underwear to the side.
Your heart hammers away when you catch the hungry look in your boyfriend's eyes. He dips a digit to the knuckle into you, his fingers cold to the heat between your thighs, and you bite his fingers to muffle your moans.
"Shh," he chides in a husky whisper. His middle finger sweeps along the slick of your walls and curls to rub against the spot inside that sends your back arching and fingers clawing onto Yunho. "If you're loud, I will have to take my hand away and who would take care of your poor pussy?"
You try your best to stay quiet despite Yunho adding more fingers. The fingers of his other hand was still in your mouth and his thumb was stroking the column of your throat. His gentle kisses pepper over the salty skin of your cheeks and chin and along your jaw.
"That's it, my sweet girl. You're so perfect. This pussy is just fucking perfection," he moans lowly and adoringly into the crook of your neck, "you're mine, yeah? Every last gorgeous part is mine to love."
His hand quickens and he drives his digits in further. His own erection was hardening to painful proportions in his pants. You're clamping hard on his hand, but Yunho manages to slip a fourth finger in and curls them perfectly against your spot.
Pleasure winds up at the base of your spine and belly. You moan around the fingers in your mouth, the fingers in your pussy, and you reach out blindly to grab at anything of Yunho.
"Suck my fingers, baby," he coaxes. He watches the saliva-soaked digits sink and vanish down your throat. He revels at the way you're taking his thick, long fingers. He has all his fingers shoved in your mouth, your pussy, and he loves the wet and hot feeling of you taking everything he gives you.
"That's my pretty baby, my good girl," his words are thick with fondness and desire. He can see you're losing your composure; Yunho presses a smile and kisses against the curve of your throat, "You're being so good for me. Cum, I have you, baby girl."
His hand in your mouth retreats to replace your lips with his own. You scream for Yunho into his mouth, the force of your orgasm hitting you like a bus.
Wet and sloppy sounds come from his digits fucking into your pulsing heat. You twitch, and then relax, going limp in his arm.
Yunho releases the suction of your lips. "Feel better?"
You swallow and nod. A flush heats up your neck and your face and a sweat beading against your neck and collar bones. "Your turn now?"
"Anything you want," Yunho removes his fingers from your hole with a soft, squishing sound and smirks at how your inner walls fluttered around his hand's absence. "But first, clean my fingers, baby. They're filthy from your cum."
You don't even protest and just put your boyfriend's cum covered digits past your lips to lap it up and suck the remnants. Yunho growls, not because his fingers are still sensitive to the suction, but because he loves the picture of you devouring the wetness of his hand.
"Good job," he praises and you mewl, knowing he loves to play and praise you in bed. "Good fucking job," he leans down for a filthy open-mouth kiss to swipe a lick into your mouth, to have a taste himself. "Now you can suck me off, babe. And then when we go home, you can ride the hell out of me. How's that?"
"Sounds perfect," you say as you lick your lips, sliding off the desk only to sink unto your knees, hands already working at the belt of his trousers and undoing the button and fly.
"So eager," he chuckled in a low tone, hand petting your hair and lightly taking a hold to angle your head upwards to look him in the eye. "Suck me off, baby. Suck it off nicely so I can come in your pretty mouth."
It takes only moments until your hand grabs around his hard cock and slowly jerks him off, his pre-cum slicking the tip. Then, Yunho is letting out a pleased and shuddery groan when he sees you lick his slit. The soft tip of your warm tongue slides against the heated length.
Your soft, pink lips look absolutely stunning on him. The way you close your eyes to really get the best feel as you bob up and down his length makes his balls tighten and his hips buckle for more. You moan on his dick and the vibrations drive him wild. You begin to focus on his slit again with soft presses, kissing and caressing before taking the full length into your hot and velvety mouth.
When the head hits the back of your throat and you feel your lips against the base, you manage to look up. The way he looks at you with loving, darkened eyes, you just want him to come so hard and messy inside your mouth.
Yunho calls you a good girl, how amazingly gorgeous you are for him and no one else, and the praise makes you ache to please him.
"Such a good job, you're such a sweet girl for me." Yunho coos as he brushes his hands against your cheek. "Ready for me? Fuck, ready baby?"
You feel him throb hard and warm cum shoots out onto your awaiting tongue, and Yunho grunts as he holds himself from slamming hard in your throat. You eagerly drink him and make soft noises as the taste coats your taste buds. You just wanted to savor his essence. He tastes fucking delicious.
"Should we just leave early today, baby?"
You let his dick go with a pop and wipe the excess wetness that had leaked out the corner of your mouth. "We have an appointment with our PR team later, remember?"
"Shit, really?"
"Yeah." You got up from the floor, pulling his head down for a small kiss. "But we can always finish at your place when we are done. You did say that I can ride the hell out of you."
"I did say that, didn't I?" Yunho chuckles.
Both of you straighten up your clothes and made yourself as presentable as you can. Yunho picks up your bra, which lays forgotten on his office floor and tucks it into the inside pocket of his blazer.
"Until tonight, babe," Yunho whispered into your ear as you leaned up to give him one last kiss before unlocking the door and slipping out of your boyfriend's office.
You return to your desk where your coworkers sit gossiping amongst each other.
"You were in there for a while, Team Leader."
"Did Manager Jeong yell at you? Did you get in trouble?"
"What happened there?" They asked.
"Just a lot of boring things, you know?" You lied as you sat down at your desk. "Just some marketing strategies and all that boring stuff you don't wanna hear about. Super uninteresting."
"Nothing exciting, then? Too bad."
"Definitely," you said, grabbing a pen. "Nothing exciting at all."
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A few days later, you're sitting at your desk again working late on some data analysis for next month's projected sales. Everyone has gone home for the night so Yunho sits on the corner of your desk.
"Let's go out for dinner. Are you almost done here?"
"Mhmm, a few more reports and then we can leave," you responded. You rolled back the sleeves of Yunho's white button-up shirt as you looked at the reports. It was a little big on you, the shirt hanging off a single shoulder. It seemed like no one knew that it was his.
"I can't believe you wore one of my shirts to the office, baby," Yunho smirked, the sight of his clothes hanging off your lithe frame making his dick hard.
"Whose fault is it that I don't have any of my clothes at your place?" You laughed, leaning up for a quick peck and tugging the ends of his hair gently. "Besides, I only wear the shirts that you don't wear to the office. The girls would die to know that I get to wear your shirts."
"Fair," He kissed you once again before getting up, fixing the collars of the shirt and kissing the top of your head, "Maybe we should just move in together, baby. After all, you do spend more time in my bed than yours."
"Maybe..." You looked over your computer and bit the top of a pen, thinking over the suggestion. "If you give me like seventy-five percent of your closet space. If not, I will need more than fifty percent of space."
He chuckles at your demands. "I think you can just take up all my closet space. So let's move in together, yeah? You and I. One place, all of our stuff."
Your face softened and he found himself falling a little bit harder for your cute expression. "Sounds wonderful. But I expect lots of quality cuddles from the very handsome Manager Jeong."
"Only from Manager Jeong? Not from your boyfriend named Yunho?" He lets out a little pout, one that has you swooning for this big man's charm. "But I'll give you all the cuddles. The highest quality cuddles that one could ever ask for, babe."
"I never realized that the serious, stern team manager was this big baby behind closed doors." You rolled your eyes and snorted a giggle.
"This big baby has a lot of feelings for you," he snickered and grabbed your face in between his two hands to pepper kisses across the soft expanse. "You're stuck with me," he mumbled, then kissed your forehead. "Can't get rid of me that easily. We've been together for a few years, babe."
"What a scary thought," you hummed.
"In all seriousness though, moving in together? Be my official roommate?"
"What a ridiculous man you are." You stuck your tongue out teasingly at him. "I'm all up for it. Yes, yes, a hundred times yes. I'll move in with you. You're stuck with me too, silly."
"Then it's settled." Yunho swooped in to kiss you. "Now finish that report so that we can finally get out of this godforsaken office and eat dinner."
"My hero." You replied, kissing him a few more times. You turned towards your screen once again, cracking a smile to yourself.
After finishing the last few minutes of work and packing up your items for the night, you left your desk.
The company parking was nearly empty except for a handful of people who stayed behind, leaving Yunho and you alone. Your car is parked by his.
"Got everything?" he asked and took your hand, playing with your fingers and rings absentmindedly while waiting for a response. "Are you sure you don't have a toothbrush or underwear or anything else you might be forgetting in there? I don't want any emergency midnight bathroom runs, baby girl."
"You'll buy it for me, Yunho. That's what boyfriends do. Now come on, I'm hungry, aren't you?" You tugged on his hand with a whine.
"You're a brat, babe. I have spoiled you too much, I see," He pressed a gentle peck on the crown of your forehead. "Let's drop your car off at your place and then grab dinner and spend the night at mine? No work, just us together in my bed. Yeah?"
"Hmm, how about dropping off my car, going to your place and ordering takeout, and watching movies in bed, snuggled up and warm under the sheets until we both fall asleep, because it sounds kind of like heaven and I've worked so, so hard today." You mumble with a sulk into his shoulder.
"You got yourself a plan, baby. A very nice plan, too. Let's do what my little darling wants for a change," Yunho, now leaning against your car, opened the door for you and you slipped in, a big smile growing across your face.
You clicked your seatbelt into place and started the car. You roll down the window when Yunho knocks on the glass, pressing a kiss onto your temple.
"I'll be right behind you the entire drive, okay?" He leaned in for a quick peck before fully withdrawing to his car.
"Make sure you do," you shouted, before rolling the window up and reversing out of the parking lot, heading towards your apartment to drop off your car.
From your wing mirror, you can see him pulling out too. The evening sunset catches the windscreen in a glare, but you see his figure behind the steering wheel.
He looks damn good. And all yours. You couldn't wait til you dropped off your car so that you can be in his, feel his long fingers on your thigh as he's driving.
And he does just that minutes later after dropping off your car and making the drive to his place. As the sun sets further in the sky, casting its reddish hues through the driver and passenger windows, Yunho has his free hand on your knee, stroking a soft, reassuring pattern into your skin and sometimes gripping or caressing gently.
And there you were, reclining back in your seat with a little smile, playing with his fingers and tracing random designs as he drove and occasionally holding the tips of his fingers to your lips and smiling shyly at him when the light would turn green again.
When the two of you step into the apartment building and walk towards the elevator, he presses his lips gently against your cheek. You sink into the touch as you both make your way up to his floor.
You slide his keys into his lock to unlock the door and open the entrance to his flat. Yunho sheds off his shoes and blazer, revealing his strong arms and neck in his perfectly fitting button-down and slacks.
You lean back into his chest and kiss the skin where the second to last button is left undone.
"Baby, if you keep doing that, there won't be any cuddles and takeout. I'll just end up fucking you the moment we get into the apartment," Yunho's voice rasped, and his hand curled around your neck.
"Cuddle first, fuck second. Got it," you giggled, tapping his arm for him to let you go so that you could wander his room and rummage into his drawer to grab a black t-shirt. He's so big compared to you, so his shirts practically drape over you and cover your butt and thighs. It feels like a dress and makes you want to prance around his flat and slip and slide on the wood floors and laze on his couch and his king-size bed.
With his shirt on and comfortable panties on, you made your way back to his living room and collapsed on the couch, exhaling with happiness as you smelled his musky and forest-scented laundry detergent that clung to his shirt. You threw your phone on his coffee table and grabbed the TV remote.
Yunho is in the kitchen getting the delivery menus to decide what kind of food to order for you. A few moments pass before he walks to the living room couch.
He sighs, taking the remote from you and muting the show that you had started.
"Hey, I was watching that," you complain, but your complaints turn to happy noises when his hands wander to hold and knead your hips.
"What do you want?" He hummed, dipping his face close to nip at the junction where your shoulder and neck met.
"Hmm?" Your brain had already started to become a little hazy from his attention. His tongue felt like heaven against your skin. You brought a hand up to twine into his hair and arched your back to rub up into his body.
"I asked what you wanted to eat, sweetheart," he chuckled. "What are you hungry for tonight?"
"Ummm, oh," you hummed. "Aren't you just delicious?" You said with a sassy wink.
"You're so cheesy," Yunho scoffed, his eyes softening when he looks at your face, lit up with an unreserved grin. He kissed your nose. "Want to order something spicy and pick a movie so we can snuggle and have you in my lap for the night, beautiful?"
"Yes please. You are always the best snuggler," you nodded. "Get out of your work clothes so we can snuggle to full capacity!"
"Alright, alright, I'm going!" Yunho laughed as he pulled away and disappeared into the other room. He changes, emerging minutes later in a black t-shirt and shorts. He plops on the sofa next to you and you reach out to curl into him.
"Which movie are we going to watch tonight?" Yunho asks as you wrapped your arm around his midsection.
"I wanna watch something scary."
"Of course you do. You love being a little scaredy-cat with my arms around you knowing that I don't get scared easily, huh? You can even play the cliché 'there is something outside' line just to cling onto me tighter," Yunho hummed as he scrolled through his streaming device to find a scary movie. "Scary movie it is."
You stick your tongue out and lay down with your head resting on his thighs. "Someday, I'll pick a horror movie that would scare the heck out of you. I'm going to team up with Wooyoung and Jongho to get you."
"In your dreams, beautiful," Yunho leaned over and flicked your forehead playfully. He settles back on the couch and drapes a blanket over your form before grabbing the remote and pressing play. "Enjoy the movie, cutie. Scream in terror for me." He chuckled.
"Fuck you, Jeong Yunho." You laughed as the title card flashes across the screen and the intro begins.
Halfway into the film, there is a jump scare and a scream from you makes Yunho roll his eyes. You're no longer resting on his lap, instead clutching at his abdomen and clinging to his toned body with the blanket tugged over your head.
You were shaking with fright, although you tried and failed to hide it.
"I told you it was a bad idea," he chuckles. Yunho holds out an arm and pulls you closer until you are tucked into him and his hold. You gasp and squeak each time the main characters react in fear as they are chased down, and even Yunho finds it funny how you squirm at every scare.
"Hate you," you squeak, slapping a hand on his chest. He mumbles that he is sorry and then kisses the top of your head, causing you to forget whatever had you in a momentary fit of irritation.
"Next time, pick a film less terrifying. Maybe one with action scenes and comedic undertones and pretty boys, hmm?" Yunho gives you a teasing smirk and then presses his nose into your hair. "Something to take our minds off of work. That sounds okay to you, princess?"
"Yeah." You sighed, squirming even deeper into his side. "Although, no promises that I won't cling to you more tightly."
He smiled into your hair and you settled down for the duration of the movie, hushed quietly and bundling yourself in the blankets you've wrapped around you.
Once the movie has finished, he sits you both up and stands with the phone. "Now, about that takeout. Do you still want it?" he asked. "I have the delivery service app pulled up. I can order if you like."
"Chicken," You blurted quickly. "Chicken and beer."
He laughs, swiping through his phone screen as he heads into the kitchen and flicks on the oven's dimmest light. You crawl down the sofa and lean to rest your chin on the countertop, admiring him as he leaned over his phone screen and flicked through, scrolling and selecting your favorites, tapping his fingers along the counter, before setting his phone aside.
He turned back around. His mouth widened into a smile at the sight of you looking up at him with a smile.
"How'd I get lucky to have you, baby girl?" Yunho smiled back.
"Duh, you asked," You teased with a roll of your eyes, sticking your tongue out. "Asking me out wasn't so scary, was it?"
"I thought you would've said no. Not that I was asking you out, of course, I was a bumbling fool at the start." He shrugged, ruffling his hair. "Too nervous around you, babe."
"So whipped, this guy," You mused, grinning so widely. "My big bad Yunho got so soft for me."
"Just for you," He blew a raspberry into his hand. "Just for the prettiest woman around."
"Did I mention that you're cheesy? That's right. It is also a full-time occupation and your one true calling, to make me cheesier than the most delicious, aged parmesan in all the lands and oceans."
He snorted in laughter. "You knew well enough that I was cheesy ever since college, baby. But in a good way."
"Your cheese will only keep on impressing and satisfying me. I can't live without your cheese, Yunho. You are a regular gold-star, straight A-cheese. The crème de la crème," You said.
"You're just as cheesy, baby. Even if you want to deny it," He booped your nose and you both laughed.
"Yunho?" You pouted.
"Yes?" Yunho perked up his brows at you and paused to look you directly.
"Can we finally tell everyone that we're together? I'm tired of just our friends knowing. And I'm tired of hearing all the girls talk about you. It's just getting annoying and tiresome, hearing them day and night and...they look at you," you babbled, mumbling, and not really finishing the last part of what was eating at you, as you looked down.
He envelopes you in a hug. "Why didn't you tell me you felt this way earlier, baby?" he whispered as you burrowed your head into his shoulders.
"Wasn't sure when or what the right time was to ask," you mumbled back into his chest.
"I have been waiting for your permission to tell all the people in the department to fuck off because you were mine," Yunho muttered as his hands rested on your lower back and he peppered butterfly kisses into your crown.
"So can I finally tell all the other girls to fuck off when they look at you? Can I finally walk around holding your hands and cuddling you in our lunch breaks? Can you hold me like this at the workplace and give me all of your sweet affections freely?" You murmured, tugging on his sleeve.
"Of course, baby." His answer made you look up at him and smile so brightly and it made his heart melt in the love and adoration he held for you. "Tell everyone you like that you have the sexiest and most handsome boyfriend in all the world. Because it's the absolute truth, darling."
"Love you, love you, love you. Thank you," you giddily hugged and squeezed him tight and he giggled a deep rumble as he rubbed up and down your back, his nose burying into your hair, inhaling deeply.
"I can't believe how whipped this man is," Yunho whispers affectionately. "Falling deeper and deeper in love with you, every day, baby."
"And does this man Yunho know how he will show his love?" You murmured with a cheeky smile, pressing a kiss at the base of his neck.
"How about I let this man make love to his girlfriend and he will show his love so deeply tonight?" His voice dropped as he grabbed your chin and tilted it to make eye contact. "Will that please and satisfy my baby girl?"
He didn’t give you a chance to reply. You moaned into his mouth, body pushing up to meet his touch. He huffs and presses kisses along your jaw. His mouth and tongue trails the smooth column of your neck.
He marked a hickey on the curve of your shoulder and his grip on your hips becomes slightly tighter. You heard him whisper your name between grunts, hands tangling into your hair and pulling at it slightly.
You smile and giggle at him with a smirk, cheeks slightly flushed as you trail your hand up to rest on his chest.
"Eat first, fuck later. You promised," You gave him a teasing smile as you shook your head and put your finger up to his lips.
The doorbell rings and the delivery man is here with your chicken dinner and Yunho lets out a string of curse words. "You're really evil, baby, making me wait." He mutters.
"I need to be fueled and filled first to satisfy my hungry baby and to give him all the pleasures and orgasms, yeah?" You coo.
He breathes. "Damn right you're gonna get filled," he promises darkly, "so don't complain if your legs give out tomorrow. It won't be my fault, baby. It won't."
"Hurry and get the food, Yunho." You whined, shoving him away.
Yunho quickly makes the trip to get the food, paying the delivery man extra and sending them on their way.
He returns back to the couch, sighing with frustration at you. "You know, you're gonna pay for that."
"Pay for what? I'm just hungry!" You smirk with a lilt of sass. "Aren't you? Feed me, please. Then you can have whatever you want after you feed your hungry girlfriend."
"What I want is already in front of me."
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You woke up in Yunho's arms the next day, your head on his chest and tucked securely under his chin. It was only Saturday, but somehow, it felt nice to wake up, knowing that there wasn't much to worry about at work. Just staying with Yunho at his apartment and getting comfortable together in the warmth of his covers is a win-win and well-needed for the weekend.
Yunho shifts, his arms circling your waist and tucking you deeper in, the covers nearly tucked over your head.
It's so warm and you sighed with happiness into his chest, a smile blooming on your lips, nose nuzzling into the crook where his neck and shoulder met.
He stretched, yawned, and groaned, a husky growl escaping his lips as he grabbed you by the waist and dragged you up so you're nose to nose with him.
He squints his eyes open and they brighten when they make contact with you. "G'morning, cutie pie," he rasps, his voice deep. "Sleep well last night?"
"Best sleep ever. Especially in the arms of the best cuddler ever in the universe."
"Anything you'd like to do today? Let's eat breakfast."
"You know what I want for breakfast?" You murmured, your hand reaching for his already semi-hard cock and pumping it slowly.
"Are you asking me to feed my hungry baby for a morning meal of protein, huh?" Yunho's lips curled, one brow raising and his eyes half-lidded, lust creeping into his expression.
"It's the best thing to ever wake up to and eat," you purr as your hand moves to the hem of his boxers and dip your hand inside, gripping him and feeling him in your palm as it twitched at your touches.
Yunho growled and pushed your hand onto his hard length.
"Gimme what I want. I'm hungry, baby. Please." Your voice is low and needy. He throws his head back and it was just such a sight seeing his Adam's Apple bobbed up and down.
"You and your 'morning snack,' princess. Of all things to be greedy with." Yunho grunts when you let go to pull at the waistband of his boxers, shoving them down and his erect member springs free, bouncing upwards.
"Just hurry up and feed me. Please, sir."
His gaze darkened.
"Call me sir again. I want you to." He smirks.
"Please, sir. Let me lick your thick meat popsicle," you muttered into his ear and he lets out a soft noise, chest rumbling with an amused sound of arousal.
"When have you gotten this lewd, baby?" he smirks and his large hand pulls you closer, his fingers flexing at the swell of your ass.
You kneel at the edge of the bed, eagerly taking his length in hand and leaning forwards to lick a line up the underside. Your tongue teases his slit before swirling around the tip, taking him fully into your mouth and bobbing your head. His large hand cups the side of your face and tugs gently on your hair.
He is lost in the sight. Your fingers curl around the base of his cock, and you work it in conjunction with your mouth to take in as much as you can. He twitches against the inside of your cheek.
"Fuck." You whimper when his hand tugs at your hair harder.
"More, beautiful. Let me hear you choke more around my dick. Love to hear your little noises." He chuckles darkly and you are keen.
Your throat is relaxed now, accustomed to the fullness, the thickness of his heavy cockhead sliding deep enough to bump the back. You gag, swallow, and take him further, hearing the strangled moan leave his throat, as his head drops back and his hands find their way into the back of your head. His hands tangle through your hair, twisting in it gently. He breathes a ragged sigh, and tugs your hair, thrusting into your mouth.
You sit there, blinking up at him with your doe eyes, your mouth full, so stretched and sore.
It is one thing to see his face in his daily life, where he is nothing more than a strict superior, handsome beyond words. Another thing entirely, you think, to have this incredible man fisted in the palm of your hand and shivering at the ministrations of your skilled mouth. He looks good like this, in disarray.
"Fuck, I need to be in you. Your mouth isn't enough, pretty girl." He mumbles.
He helps you up, giving you a soft look when you turn away with a flush on your face as you wipe saliva off of your face. He can't help tugging at his lips and chuckles, pressing a wet kiss into the column of your neck and holding you back into the nest of blankets, pinning your legs around his waist, and wrapping your arms around his neck.
His hands splayed across your backside, the other sliding between your bodies, stroking down your abdomen, leaving you a shivering mess in the way he pressed and touched every sensitive spot you had. Your legs tighten around him, your moans encouraging his touch to grow rougher.
"Fuck...hurry," you pant as you rut against him and he coaxes a moan out of your lips when his tongue twists around your nipples. He laps, sucks at one nub, then the next, switching from breast to breast until the pink buds stand perked. He grinned smugly up at you when you mewled helplessly into his neck. "Yunhoooo~" you pouted.
His hand was in between your bodies, thumb at your clit, index teasing your drenched lips, his other arm curved and pulling you even closer.
"Let me fuck you so deep," he murmurs, and slides the tip of his fingers along your slit. "I'll fill you, so, so deep," and he slips one finger inside, and you moan. "So very good, my sweet baby. So wet and needy," he sighs when he takes his digit away.
He stops, breath panting, staring deep into your eyes. He gives a brief, lazy smirk before the corners of his lips curve down into a soft, genuine smile. He leans to press a gentle kiss onto your forehead before whispering a husky 'I love you, babygirl."
"Love you, sweetheart," you exhaled and took in another sharp breath when he rolled his hips, grinding his thick cock along your folds, coating his length in the arousal of your pussy.
He positioned himself above you and he didn't even hesitate to slide his thick cock into your swollen lips.
"You're so fucking hot," he groaned, wrapping both of your legs around his waist, gripping your ass to lift you, burying himself deep inside you.
"Oh God." Your head slammed into the mattress and you panted, gazing up at him with furrowed brows and glazed eyes.
"Do you feel me, baby?"
"I—Yes..." you moaned, and Yunho grunted softly, thrusting into you. He pumped inside of you, kissing along the curve of your shoulder.
"F-fuck," you moaned out. "Fuck, fuck, oh, fuck, yes. Keep going,"
"So demanding," he growled. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against your collarbone, his warm tongue flicking out briefly to graze the soft skin.
You squirmed beneath him. The steady slapping sounds of wet skin echoed throughout the room. Your eyes fluttered shut at the sensation.
Yunho's cock pounded into you mercilessly. He groaned out, loud and deep in pleasure, one hand stroking the softness of your curves as he gazed at your naked form.
"You're fucking amazing," Yunho muttered against your skin. His eyes focused on you as he continued to push inside of your heat. "The best fucking view to wake up to."
The fire in your stomach tightened. Yunho could tell your legs were beginning to feel weak from being wrapped so tightly around him and he slid his free hand to your ass, pressing you deeper against his body.
You wrapped your arms around him and grasped at the smooth, toned planes of his back. You bucked wildly as he brought your body flush with his, his cock reaching as deep as it could go.
"God, just fucking cum inside me. Mark me. Fill me up." You whispered, staring at him, into the depths of his chocolate brown eyes.
Your body was slick with sweat, you were becoming more and more lost in a trance. You loved him and that was all you cared about, right at that moment.
"Baby." Yunho gripped your thighs roughly, leaning forward so his lips ghosted across yours as he breathed. "Gonna cum."
You took his lower lip into your mouth. You nibbled lightly, kissing and tugging at it while you moaned.
Your heart was swelling from the amount of affection flowing through your veins. You released his lip, staring deep into his eyes. "Me too. So close," you panted.
"I'm—fuck! Baby, I'm so close." He whimpered out and squeezed his eyes shut.
"J-just fuck me deeper, deeper." Your legs shook against the curve of his waist. He nodded and smashed his lips against yours, muffling your loud scream with his mouth.
"Agh, baby, I'm cumming," Yunho huffed in his final few thrusts. His hot seed spurted inside of your womb. His deep and low groans joined your breathless whimpers and squeals.
When Yunho pulled his soft cock out, a heavy stream of white spills out of your cunt. Your whole body tenses with pleasure, a heavy wave of orgasm washed over and sent you shaking as you whimpered out.
Yunho groaned and pulled your into a tight embrace, tangling the sheets and blanket messily around you as he clung onto your body to keep you warm.
"Baby," He mumbled softly, planting soft kisses all over your cheek as his fingers slid gently into your hair, and traced little circles on your scalp, making you giggle a little.
"Did you feel satisfied now, love?"
"Mmm yes," you smirked happily and returned his kiss with another little kiss on his nose.
Yunho pulled the sheet up and around you both, laying on his side and pulling you towards him as he pulled the covers and pillows towards him, you both got comfortable and cuddled in each other's embrace, no sounds save the sound of you both breathing and inhaling in your lover's scent and enjoying your little pillow talks and whispering to one another.
You spent the rest of the weekend with Yunho as you discussed and looked at places to move together to a bigger apartment where you both could build and start the new phase of your life together as boyfriend and girlfriend.
"You and I, love. Us against the world. Can't wait for the future to unfold." Yunho grins happily, taking your left hand and placing a tender kiss at the base of your fourth finger, hinting subtly to an unspoken promise he intends for the near future.
"Me too, baby. I want this future. Our future." You gushed, pulling Yunho's face to give him a loving and long kiss.
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The weekend has gone and a new work week begins. Yunho pulls up into the parking lot with you, holding your hand as you both walk into the building together.
Every girl in the office gaped. You and him, in matching clothing and dressed sharp for work, striding hand-in-hand, greeted them with a cheerful smile and hello. Yunho had an arm wrapped around your waist, guiding you towards the reception, towards your department.
The two of you pressed the buttons of the elevator at the same time. It dinged, sliding open to allow you to board and ride up.
One by one, the ladies in your office filed in behind. It was so crowded now that some were forced to wait until the next round.
Then your group stopped at the floor that the Marketing Department was at. Your desk was further down, closer to Yunho's office and that was the best part of your day- being so close to him.
Everyone went to sit down at their respective desks, booting up their PCs and sorting files that were due at the end of the day.
And of course, this meant that there wasn't a moment to breathe once everyone realized that you had come into the building holding Yunho's hand, walking with him.
As soon as you parted from Yunho and sat at your desk, the girls from your team crowded your personal workspace with a giddy gasp.
"Team Leader! How did this happen?!" One girl squealed.
"Are you and Manager Jeong...?" Another began, before raising an expectant eyebrow.
"So? Tell us, please!" They chirped in a group.
"Manager Jeong and I..."
Just then, Yunho approaches your desk, his hand resting on your shoulder. He leans in, brushing a small kiss on your cheek. "Let's get lunch later, okay baby?" He spoke so tenderly that your heart fluttered and butterflies swarmed your belly.
You blush and nod shyly as his eyes and smile meet yours, watching as the others in the department can't contain their excitement and awe.
The way he talked to you, how he looked at you, his genuine sweetness and smiles he showed you...you knew that your days would get even better with him. And this wasn't going to end, no.
Yunho was the love of your life and he was very determined to keep it that way.
No, nothing was going to separate what you two had and the fact you and Yunho were boyfriend and girlfriend was not a secret anymore and neither would anything change- you'd be there for him and he'd always be there for you.
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lomlhwa · 7 months
twin bitches (j.yh + c.jh)
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pairing: roommate!yunho x roommate!reader x roommate!jongho
preview: your roommates are so sick and tired of hearing about your lack of sexual activity. so, they fix it for you.
tags/warnings: fem reader, threesome, oral (f+m.receiving), monster cocks for both of them, use of the color system, two cocks in one hole can i get a wahoo, praise, degrading, mean dom jongho + sweet dom yunho, mating press, so much dirty talk, slapping, some voyeurism, hand kink, fingering, breath play, pet names (slut, good girl, whore, our girl, baby, pretty girl), yunho likes to be called yuyu thank you, spanking, vibrator torture, edging, unprotected penetration (wrap it before you tap it), a couple creampies
trigger warnings: n/a
wc: 2.6k
song recs for this fic: topia twins by travis scott, soaked by shy smith
a/n: hnnngrggnn
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It's late at night when you finally press your key into your front door. you can hear your roommates yelling at each other. you automatically assume that they're gaming. and you’re right. you find them sitting on opposite sides of the couch, screaming about their game and pounding on the buttons of their controllers. you can’t help but find it at least a little cute.
jongho looks up from the game for a split second to acknowledge you before nudging yunho. “oh y/n! you’re home!” yunho throws his headset off and runs over to you. your big golden retriever roommate loves to hug you when you get home. it’s endearing. you wrap your arms around his waist as he crashes your face into his chest. you can hear jongho press the power button on their console and get up from the couch. 
“how did your date go?” jongho asks with a stoic look on his face. it’s your 3rd date this week. you sigh, your shoulders dropping. you hate admitting that it’s yet another date that’s gone south. “he said he didn't see me as anything more than a friend.” jongho rolls his eyes, scoffing at your response. “that’s such bullshit,” he says, his tone highly unimpressed by your response. “i don’t understand how all of these men are treating you like this.”
you shrug, walking over to the couch where the two of them had originally been sitting. you throw your head back and cross your arms over your chest. your roommates plop themselves down on either side of you, watching to see what your next move will be. “yanno, i’m not even upset about not having a boyfriend,” you admit, turning your head to the left to look at jongho. “then what are you upset about?” yunho asks from the right side of you. the tone of his voice gives you an inkling that he knows what you’re gonna say. you grow a mischievous look on your face before turning to look at him. “i’m upset that i’m not getting fucked. like at all.”
as soon as those words leave your mouth, both your roommates collectively sigh. “what?! it’s a valid complaint!” you exclaim, looking at the both of them in disbelief. you watch as they share a secretive look. confusion spreads across your face. “what the fuck was that?” you ask, wondering what they could be planning. before you can ask anymore questions, jongho throws you over his shoulder. 
“genuinely what is happening right now?” you exclaim, kicking your legs, almost making jongho falter. yunho grabs your ankles tightly, forcing you to stop kicking. “stop being a fucking brat,” yunho demands. you halt every movement so quickly you could’ve sworn your heart stopped too. you can feel heat pooling between your legs at the tone of yunho’s voice. finally, jongho throws you down onto your bed. they both stand above you, arms crossed. they look at each other and then back down at you.
“alright, this is what’s gonna happen since you’re such a whore,” yunho starts. you open your mouth to protest the vulgar name and jongho slaps you straight across the face. “you don’t speak unless spoken to.” you can’t even deny how wet this is making you. yunho gives jongho a smile before continuing. “we’re gonna use you however we see fit and you’re gonna fucking like it.” you squeeze your legs together, your core begging for attention. jongho takes notice of this and forces your knees apart. 
“color?” yunho asks. “very green,” you respond. you almost smile before they both move closer to you and then your face drops. yunho collapses to his knees between your legs and jongho moves towards your upper half. yunho removes your pants so gently, you can barely even tell he’s between your legs. the way he looks up at you, almost desperately, could make you cum on the spot. jongho on the other hand, rips your shirt in half with ease before throwing it somewhere. he grips your jaw, squeezing your face with one hand to force your mouth open. “you’re gonna look so pretty with a face full of cock, baby,” jongho says as he opens his belt with his other free hand. 
you’re so focused on jongho’s words and movements that you had forgotten about where yunho was. that is until you feel his tongue lick a stripe up your thigh. you shoot your eyes in his direction, watching as his mouth inches closer to where you need him most. “she’s so wet, jongho. she’s into this,” yunho says, pulling your underwear off. “i think she really wants us to use her.” you can hear the smirk in his voice. jongho shoves his pants and boxers mid-way down his thighs as he laughs. “of course she is. she’s our little slut,” he says as he shoves his cock down your throat. you gag around him almost immediately, despite only being able to take just under half into your mouth. simultaneously, yunho shoves his face into your core, lapping up the slick that had been leaking out of you. 
the mix of the sensation of your throat being abused and your cunt being cared for so gently sends your brain into a frenzy. you buck your hips up against yunho’s mouth, searching for more intense pleasure. jongho holds your face tightly, making sure you’re watching him while he fucks your mouth. he looks at you with dark, focused eyes, keeping a steady pace in your throat. you feel a loss of heat as yunho pulls away from your core, leaving your throbbing. you wonder where he’s going but you physically can’t look away from jongho. you don’t have to wonder for long when you hear the familiar buzzing of your vibrator. panic sets into your chest, knowing you have no escape. “dirty girl keeping her vibrator in the most obvious place,” yunho says. you can hear him click through the different vibration settings before settling on the basic one. 
jongho pulls out from your mouth before removing his pants and boxers completely. he settles behind you, resting his legs on either side of your waist. yunho gets back down between your legs, running the vibrator up your thigh. “this is gonna feel so fucking good, baby,” he mumbles before pressing it directly to your clit. your hips jolt at the high vibration setting he has on, sending electricty through your veins. you dig your nails into jongho’s thighs, throwing your head back against his shoulder. yunho presses the vibrator into your clit harder, making you borderline stop breathing. your vision becomes fuzzy as your orgasm comes racing towards you like a train. “gonna-” is all you can get out before cumming harder than you probably ever have in your life. yunho never lets the vibrator falter, keeping it pressed on your most sensitive spot.
jongho wraps a strong hand around your throat, squeezing just enough to have you gasping for air. yunho digs his teeth into the soft skin of your inner thigh, watching as you clench around nothing, searching for some distraction from the immense pleasure. “plea-ah-se” you stutter, trying to get words out through jongho’s grip on your airway. “please what, whore?” jongho says against your ear, demanding more words out of you. “need your fingers yuyu,” you plead, your voice cracking. you’re desperate for anything to fill your hole, and yunho knows how much you love his hands. he smiles, obliging to your request. he shoves two fingers knuckles-deep into your sopping cunt. he drills them in an out of you at an unfathomable pace, sending another orgasm crashing into you. your legs tremble at the sensation of everything continuing despite your obvious orgasm.
in fact, yunho adds a third finger and sets the vibrator to the next highest setting. you let out a strangled scream, your nerves lighting themselves on fire. your knees slam together painfully, trapping yunho between your legs. you hear a sinister laugh behind you before your legs are pried apart by a pair of strong hands. you gasp at the sudden rush of air to your lungs and also being splayed open perfectly for your roommates. “please, i can’t do it anymore. it’s too much,” you plead, another orgasm creeping up on you already. “oh, you don’t wanna cum again? okay, baby,” yunho says as he takes his fingers and the vibrator away right before you can cum. you whine, your failed orgasm leaving behind a painful sting. jongho leans forward slightly to kiss your jawline; the sweetest gesture he’s shown so far. while your focus on him, yunho presses the vibrator against you again. your eyes roll into your skull, your previously failure orgasm rushing towards you again. “i’m gonna-” you’re cut off once again by yunho halting all movement. “yuyuuu~,” you whine, your legs begging to close.
“color?” yunho asks once more, placing the now off and very wet vibrator on the floor. through heaving breaths you reply; “yellow.” yunho coos at you, kissing your thighs. “okay, baby. we’ll give you the main event now,” he says as pulls his shirt over his head. jongho slips out from behind you to follow suit. you can’t help but get lost in the sudden lack of body heat. it doesn’t last for long when jongho slots himself between your legs. “i’m gonna get you started, slut. yunho will be all nice, treat your pussy with respect and let you cum, but i won’t. i can’t even be bothered to wear a condom while fucking you.” you open your mouth to protest but he cuts you off by shoving his cock completely inside your hole. his length is impressive as it is but the girth is what has your eyes crossing. the stretch stings and it takes over your senses for at least 10 seconds before you come to. 
jongho starts thrusting into you at an almost inhuman pace, loud skin-slapping sounds filling the room. you can’t help but wonder where yunho has run off to. your eyes search the room before finding him sitting on your computer chair, pumping himself while he watches jongho fuck you. your eyes trail down to his cock and you can almost swear your eyes fall out of your head. is it even humanly possible for it to be that long? you can’t wonder for long when you feel another sharp slap come across your face. “look at me, you whore. i know you’re our girl but i’m the one balls deep inside you right now.” your eyes dart back to him, making fierce eye contact. his black hair is sticking to his forehead as he looks down between you. he watches as his cock appears and disappears inside you. “ah fuck, g-gonna cum jongho,” you grip his forearm and wrap your legs around his waist. “i don’t fucking think so,” he says as he pulls out of you, ripping yet another orgasm away from you.
yunho tuts as jongho pulls away from you. “you’re treating her so unfairly. we’ve taken 2 orgasms from her already.” yunho looks at you with such pity that you could almost cry. jongho looks at you like you’re nothing more than a talkative sex doll. “she’s so tight, yunho. i don’t know if she can take both of us at once.” your eyes dart between them, hearing them talk about you taking both at once. “both? what are you talking about? in one hole?” you ramble. they both collectively laugh at your visible panic. “of course. you wanna cum, it has to be on our cocks. that’s your only option, pretty girl,” yunho says to you, followed by the sweetest golden retriever smile. you clench around nothing at the stark contrast between his words and his smile. 
“i can do it!” you cry out, crawling towards them. you grab their arms and look at them with eyes full of desperation. “at least let me try.” yunho caresses the top of your head, making kissy faces at you. “of course you can try. you’re such a good girl, i’m sure you can do it,” he encourages you. jongho scoffs, rolling his eyes. “yeah she can try, but i don’t think it’ll work.” before you can reply with a snarky comment, jongho lifts you bridal style. “your precious yuyu is gonna lay under you, okay?” he explains as yunho lays down on your bed. jongho spins you around and places you chest to chest with yunho. “hi, pretty girl. are you ready?” you nod, still feeling unsure. you feel him reach down between the two of you to align his throbbing cock up with your cunt. he slides in with ease, his tip just barely kissing your cervix. he’s much longer than jongho but jongho’s girth stretched you out enough for yunho to slide in comfortably.
you shiver as you feel a pair of hands run up your ass. “you’re gonna look so fucking slutty with both our cocks inside you, baby.” a sharp smack lands on your ass cheek and you’re almost 100% sure it left a handprint. you feel the tip of jongho’s cock brush your already full hole. as he starts to push into you, yunho brings his lips to yours. he kisses you with soft passion, trying to keep you distracted. the stretch is unbearable, to say the least. you let out strangled moans against yunho’s mouth, scraping your nails into his shoulders. once they’re both bottomed out, they freeze. your walls pulse as you try to adjust. “mmf please move,” you mutter, hoping they could hear you. 
they both pull out simultaneously, emptiness flooding you. they both slam back into you so hard that your whole body jolts forward. your senses are on overdrive, trying to understand the pain and pleasure that fill your abdomen. you’re scared that if you dig your nails into yunho’s shoulders any harder you’ll draw blood. “color?” yunho says, his voice sounding strained. “green, green, oh my god,” you respond. finally, they move in sync with each other, emptying you and refilling you at the same time. “i can’t, i can’t, too much,” you babble, your legs trembling. “yes you can. you were made for this,” jongho replies, slamming into you extra hard. yunho strokes your hair as he thrusts up into you. “i’m so close, please let me cum, i need it, please,” you beg, your eyes watering. yunho and jongho look at each other, as if trying to decide your fate. you know jongho wants to deny you, but yunho just wants your pleasure. “you can cum, you’ve been such a good girl,” yunho encourages. they keep up their unrelenting pace, even as you’re thrown over the edge. “gonna cum inside you, baby. you deserve it,” yunho says, throwing his head back. both him and jongho are close and you can feel it. 
jongho digs his fingers into your hips as his thrusts stutter to a halt, being the first one to blow his load inside you. it coats your abused walls and yunho’s still moving cock. yunho’s orgasm follows soon after, high pitched whines coming from his throat. you feel so full, both loads slowly seeping out of you. they stay inside you for a moment before emptying you. “i’ll go get a towel,” jongho says before rushing into the bathroom across the hall. you stay laying on yunho’s chest as he whispers sweet nothings to you. you feel the rough texture of the towel on your sensitive core, making you flinch. “sorry,” jongho apologizes. 
eventually, you’re falling asleep. you’re still unmoving from yunho’s hold, feeling the most safe there. you can hear your roommates talking to each other but your brain has gone numb. everything buzzes around you as you fall asleep, your body finally giving out.
“sleep well, pretty girl.”
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© lomlhwa 2024
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