#sicily is her dad btw
hetalia-club · 1 month
The fact that your experience with one rando salesman in the largest city in Sicily was so profound that just mentioning him on the internet and people who live there know exactly who you were talking about is insanity btw.
I knew they would know who I was talking about because I don't think you are quite grasping the level of respect and authority corn guy commanded.
The first time we saw him we were so confused. So we are sitting there in the market right? Having a couple Messina, chilling, vibing, watching a guy cut up a tuna that was bigger than me.
Then we hear screaming, and shouting and someone laying on their horn. The entirety of the market stops production. and all of the shop keepers completely abandon their stands and flock to this little blue truck. The lady who owned teh stand we were chilling at hurries over to us and says something excitedly in Italian and we were like "Ohh, okay..." Obviously having no idea what she said. And she hurries over there and the guy hops out of the truck and goes to teh back and opens up this big blue oil drum like bucket and starts dealing out ears of corn, quickly like it is a crime. Everyone is taking armfuls of corn and going back to their stands to stash them away. We were sitting there like 😮. So many questions. What is happing, why is it happening. The lady who owns the stand we were at hurries back over and excitedly tells us about her corn in Italian and we again did the "Oh okay" Smile and nod because again we had no idea what she said or what he said or what anyone said. Then he gets back into his truck and leaves and the singing and dancing continues as if nothing happened. But we who seemed to be the only foreigners around at the time were so very confused at what happened. After he had gone and some time had passed only then did my dad say "The fuck just happened?" to me because I was the one who did the research on the culture for the trip and I said "I-I don't know...I don't know what that was." Then we proceeded to see him every day after that. Idk how we missed him the first couple days we were there tbh. Gotta be in the right place at the right time for corn guy. Eventually when we heard screaming in the back streets we would look at each other and say "Corn guys around" It was beautiful, culture is beautiful
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sodascherrycola · 5 months
Instagram Intros (Mikey Way's Kids)
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Reese Violet Ellison Way (@reesesway)
DOB: October 1st 1998 Age: 26 years old Hometown: Bellville, New Jersey Nicknames: Ree, Vi, Reecie, Pieces S/O: Daniel Brozowski Kids: Oliver and Rosie Best Friend(s): Lauren Brown and Sicily Morrison Aesthetic: Reese, as the oldest sibling, looks out for her younger sisters all the time. She holds family very close to her heart, since she knows how difficult it can be from having two teenagers raise her. She was always the coolest out of all the girls, very confident and carefree. Her and Mackenzie share the closest bond, being the two oldest, she sees Kenzie as more of a friend and confidante then a little sister. They were always messing around and shared a room for a little while. They used to stay up late and just talk nonsense all night, to a point where Tess would have to go and tell them to sleep like 6 times a night. As for her relationship with Delaney and Juliet, she ususally acts as the mediator in their fights, their personalities clashing sometimes. She adores her little sisters to death, always visiting as much as she can to see the ones that still live at home. She was a big daddy's girl when she was younger, though had to fight Mackenzie for that spot once she was born. You would think her relationship with Sunnie and Emmylou would be strange considering she was already in her 20s when they were introduced to the Way family, but she is absolutely obsessed with them. She loves babysitting them and watching the two interact with her young children. Tess and Mike don't mind because she offers constantly for them to sleepover and give her parents a break.
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August Lucas Quinn Way (@auuggieeswayyy)
DOB: November 19th 2002 Age: 22 years old Hometown: Bellville, New Jersey Nicknames: Aug, Auggie, Gus, GusGus S/O: Marianna Lincoln Kids: None Best Friend(s): Ryan Iero, Logan Way, and Sadie Curtis Aesthetic: August being the only son in the family has helped him be more in touch with his feelings. Everyone loves a boy raised by sisters. Girls were obsessed with him but he was oblivious to it, thinking they all were just friends. Auggie succumbed to many makeovers and fashion shows in his day, enough to be fantastic with his nieces and younger cousins. He was nicknamed GusGus by his older sister, obviously after the mouse from Cinderella. He was an honour roll student his whole life, and would have homework fights at the table with his parents every night. He would third wheel Reese and Daniel all the time when he couldn't drive. Then once he could drive he was the chauffeur for his younger sisters every single day he wasn't working. He actually worked at a Cafe for a couple of years in high school and saved up enough to buy a car, which was a 1969 camaro convertible. No one was allowed to touch it btw.
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Mackenzie Lincoln Jane Way (@kennzziiee)
DOB: May 23rd 2004 Age: 20 years old Hometown: Los Angeles, California Nicknames: Ken, Kenzie, Mack, MJ S/O: Justin Banks Kids: None Best Friend(s): Elena Way Aesthetic: Mackenzie was the hugest girly girl, and learned everything from her mother. She inherited Tess' love for everything feminine and fashion. She loved watching her mom dress up for date nights and award shows, waiting for Tess to do her makeup and hair next. Kenzie loved giving everyone makeovers, whether it be her older sister Reese, her Uncle and Dad, or even the rest of MCR. Her and her mother used to go for regular spa days (home-made when she was younger) and just having a girl's day was the usual for those two. Mackenzie and her cousin Elena were very close growing up, having sleepovers almost every weekend, switching out each other's houses for the host. Mikey and Gerard were used to the girls running around in their mother's heels, and sitting down to watch an hour long fashion show that they decided to do right before the other was supposed to go home. Once Kenzie got her license. the two would drive to the mall every day and were almost never home anymore. Mackenzie ended up getting a job at a fashion magazine local to L.A. and quickly moved up in the company. She would later be the youngest 'Vogue' editor, at the age of 19.
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Delaney Robin Belle Way (@laneyway)
DOB: September 27th 2006 Age: 18 years old Hometown: Los Angeles, California Nicknames: Del, Lane, Laney S/O: Isaiah McLaughlin Kids: None Best Friend(s): Kaitlin Iero and Samuel Hewson Aesthetic: Laney was much more of a tomboy compared to her two older sisters. She was known for following her dad to the studio and dancing backstage at later MCR concerts. He shared his interests with her and they were always up late jamming out on school nights. They had a special bond because Mikey didn't have a son, he felt the most connected with Delaney. Of course he loved his girls equally, but he had a hard time getting into girly things like Tess was able to. She played soccer from a young age and was on a team with Kaitlin Iero and they became best friends immediately. Though Kaitie was much more feminine and interested in boys and parties, unlike Laney. They grew apart as they entered high-school, but still kept in touch at times. When Delaney started having a crush on Samuel Hewson, she realised that she needed to be more girly for him to like her. This of course wasn't true, and her mother told her so, but she still helped Laney out with getting in touch with her feminine side. She felt more comfortable talking to her mother and Kenzie about this, knowing her usual late night talks with dad wouldn't be much help. Tess taught her how to do her makeup, hair, and clothing choices (while still keeping old Laney in there), while Mackenzie involved her in boy talk and flirting tips. They both shared their own experiences with Lane to help her prepare for her first date. Mikey almost had a heart attack when he saw Delaney done up in a dress and pumps walking down the stairs. Sam was surprised too. They went on a date, however it didn't go anywhere and she came home sobbing. Her father ran upstairs to talk to her and helped her wipe off her makeup. They laid in her bed for hours, sometimes talking and sometimes in silence. He had told her that she shouldn't have to change herself to get a boy's attention and that Sam wasn't worth all this trouble anyways. Her and Samuel stayed friends, and she met Isaiah in 11th grade and it took off. Delaney kept up with soccer and her and her new boy bonded over this shared passion for said sport. Mikey was just glad his daughter found a good guy who loves her for her.
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Juliet Alessia Hope Way (@juliethope_)
DOB: September 27th 2006 Age: 18 years old Hometown: Los Angeles, California Nicknames: Julie, Jules, Jay S/O: Dalton Giordini Kids: None Best Friend(s): Zachary Benson Aesthetic: Julie was very close with her Uncle Gee growing up. She learned her love for art from him, watching him paint was something she could do for hours. They used to finger-paint whenever he babysat her and he saw her artistic expression even as a toddler. When she was in middle school, she would walk to his house every day after school so they could draw together. He was the only one who could she her doodles and drawings, something he took pride in. Juliet was naturally gifted at this and Gerard encouraged her to keep up with her art and she would beat him. When she was around 5, he let her design potential album covers and took inspiration from one of them for what would now be known as Danger Days. Gerard even told her that if she stuck with art throughout high school, and if she still wanted to do it, he would pay for her entry to an art school when she graduate. Which did happen. Mikey was always somewhat jealous of her relationship with his brother, not really being used to one of his daughters not hanging off his leg 24/7. He was very obviously proud of his little girl, sticking her pictures everywhere in the house, whether that be on the fridge or a frame photo in his home studio. He was still a bit upset about not sharing something with his baby. Tess noticed this, and reached out to Gerard, who made sure to explain to little Julie that she needs to give her daddy extra loving when she goes home. All of a sudden, Juliet was all up on her dad, and telling him that she loved him multiple times a minute. He couldn't understand what exactly flipped the switch until she ran into his arms one night when he and Tess were going to bed, and she told him that, and I quote "Love you this much more than Uncle Gee Daddy!" with her arms so stretched out that Mikey had to hold on to her extra tight so she wouldn't steer off the edge of the bed. Safe to say he slept pretty soundly that night.
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Annie Donna Breanne Way (@annierox)
DOB: November 16th 2009 Age: 15 years old Hometown: Los Angeles, California Nicknames: Anne, Anna S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Kylie Monsen and Izabelle Thomas Aesthetic: Annie was and forever will be her father's biggest hype-man. She thought he was the coolest guy to ever exist, believed he had hung the stars for her and only her. There were many videos and photos going around when she was a toddler of her being seen behind the curtains at later concerts dancing around and running up to her dad on stage. He would of course try his best to send her back to her mom, wanting to keep the limelight away from his daughter as much as he possibly could, but she would never budge. Tess on the other hand found it adorable. Watching her youngest daughter look up to her dad was the highlight of her day, another reason she could pinpoint why she married Mikey in the first place. When he and Tess were going through a rough patch in their marriage around late 2013, Annie was the one to bring him back to life. She hated seeing her dad so low, deteriorate to a sad man when that's not the father she knew. When he was upset so was she. Mikey just then saw how big of an effect he had on Annie. He couldn't stand watching his bubbly, energetic 5 year old become so distressed and frustrated when she didn't know how to help him. He had gotten sober because of her and will forever be grateful for his little Annie. Their relationship did have a breaking point when he had cheated on Tess when Annie was around 13 years old. She turned on him for betraying her mom, betraying her really, and thinking so little of their family. Anne was always very mature for her age, and at that moment he absolutely hated it. Even when Tess and him improved their relationship, worked on therapy and unexpectedly (but happily) welcomed their last daughter Emmylou, his bond with Annie was severed. She never truly got over this rock, but still loved her dad and was working towards fixing up their past relationship.
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Madelyn Sophia Joy Way (@maddyjoyway)
DOB: July 4th 2012 Age: 12 years old Hometown: Los Angeles, California Nicknames: Mads, Maddy, Lyn S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Vincent Toro and Milania Floyd Aesthetic: Maddy was very easy-going. She never once complained about having a huge family, even though it could get overwhelming at times. She took up ballet very young and was very serious about her well doing in class. Madelyn was very calm in nature, which may have set her apart from her sisters in a way. There were definitely times where she felt as though she was merely a fly on the wall in her house, sort of invisible. When she was around 6 or 7, she stopped speaking all together. This in turn, worried her parents and they tried everything in the books to understand and encourage her to speak. They later learned that she talked non-stop while at ballet or at school, and that this non-verbal situation was only present while at home. When they took her to a speech therapist, it was revealed to them about how she was feeling and it broke them to pieces. Tess started to bring her out on mommy-daughter days, doing special things with her, which helped Maddy to open up a bit more. Mikey on the other hand, just told her that if she ever needed to talk to him, that he would always be there to listen. He didn't want to force her to do anything she didn't want to. Her sisters also all chimed in and did their part to help their baby sister out too. Reese definitely took up the role of listener like her father did, and she would be probably better to talk to anyways because she wasn't a parent. Kenzie would constantly have Maddy in her room doing her hair and talking about everything and anything, boys, family, friends, you name it. So and so forth. Madelyn was doing quite well until her parents divorced only about 3 years later. She almost reverted back to her old ways. Mikey and Tess didn't know what to do. They had worked so hard to help Maddy but their breakup caused a new wave of this issue. Reese knew that it was down to the fact that during her time of need last time, family was all she had and it was preached to her throughout the whole ordeal, and now it is crumbling down. When Mikey and Tess made the decision to get back together it fixed this problem slightly. She still talked, however now it was less frequent. She still is very quiet, but she is much better now than before, especially after her parents got back together.
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Everly Harper Rose Way (@everly.way)
DOB: July 4th 2012 Age: 12 years old Hometown: Los Angeles, California Nicknames: Ev, Evey S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Taytum Odell Aesthetic: Everly was very creative as young child. She always found a way to make anything interesting, whether that be over-doing a story she's retelling or randomly breaking out in song and dance. She started to learn guitar when she was around 7 and has been playing ever since. Everly would do anything to share her passion and she would take every opportunity to do so. She would sign up for programs at school, participate in talent shows (where everyone her parents know would show up in support), and even just go to community events to let the whole world know of her music. Her family always encouraged this for her, watching every performance she would give them with open arms. Her father took her to a Taylor Swift concert when she was ten, possibly a peace-offering for his divorce with her mother. Mikey did admit that watching Ev do her thing and sing along to every word was the minute he knew she had something in her. He would let her play around in his home studio, mess with his guitars he never let anyone else touch, and write songs with him whenever she felt like it. Everly's bubbly and loud spirit also played a part in helping Maddy's speech issue. Everly would never let anyone ignore her, so she was one of the first people to get her twin sister to speak up and communicate. This as well, made their relationship grow and made it more special than any other, differentiate them from other twins. In fact, Madelyn was Everly's biggest fan. She would listen to Ev's songs before she would feel up to showing anyone else, and always went to any show she performed at. Even at 12, Everly was already a fantastic singer and song-writer, with many people who don't even know her family praising her for her immense amount of talent.
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Sunnie Elizabeth Catherine Way
DOB: March 11th 2019 Age: 5 years old Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee Nicknames: Sun, Sunshine S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Hattie Rokken Aesthetic: Sunnie was a child that grew up in a tough time. Her parents divorced when she was 3 and so she had difficulty understanding proper family dynamics unlike her older sisters. Though she was universally adored in her family, being the youngest for 5 years, she didn't get to experience sisterhood like her siblings did. She's very hyperactive and fun-loving, her mother indulged in this during her divorce, needing the extra space of sunshine during a hard time for the family. Sunnie had issues with understanding stability, constantly going from her mom's house to her dad's and watching her friends and cousins have good family ties. When her parents subsequently got back together in 2024, she learned reassurance and steadiness in her day to day life. When they picked up and moved to Nashville, it was a dramatic change for her, however she didn't mind it, nor did it alternate her upbeat personality. And let's be real, Sunnie is so a country girl anyways. Sunnie is obsessed with her baby sister, Emmylou. She now has someone sort of closer to her age that she can grow up with, consider that Madelyn and Everly are 7 years older than her, and that she never had anyone to be friends with in her family. This love for her sister prided her parents very much, and they were excited to watch them interact.
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boimgfrog · 3 years
after five generations of wholesome family raising i am BORED and ready to completely fuck up my sim's life >:) legacy challenge VIOLENCE
#had him cheat on his wife w a famous singer he met on his first date w his wife#and then she DIVORCED HIM WHILE HE WAS DANCING TO COTTAGECORE MUSIC#and now he's going to move in w the pop star who is NOT a family man w his young daughter#HOWEVER. his little cousin that he raised after her parents died#is now a teen and does NOT approve of this situation#so shes moving in w her girlfriend and effectively cutting him off for making his daughter go through all of this#MEANWHILE his daughter (who is trans bcos i was not abt to have three male heirs in a row im tired of them) is quickly falling down the#rabbit hole of mad science#spending hours a day experimenting to cope with not being able to see her mother and cousin#and oh folks. i think shes gonna kill her dads boyfriend.#MAYBE bcos i kinda like omar even if he is a jackass#maybe she'll kill sicily. who knows#sicily is her dad btw#jay says a thing#legacy challenge#the most dramatic thing thats rly happened so far was my third gen heir leon's fiance dumping him bcos she felt trapped as a mother#and wanted to live her life with no strings attached#so leon took their daughter#moved out w his cousin and his best friend#and then fell in love w his best friend who was helping him raise his kid#casey <3 i miss casey sm he was such an amazing stepdad and grandfather#but see even that had a wholesome ending#i want DRAMA i want DEATH i want INTRUIGE#and i think sicily#burdened with the role of raising a child when he himself was still a teenager#and then marrying someone he didnt know as well as he shouldve so he wouldnt have to do it alone#is the PERFECT canvas for a good old fashioned mid life crisis
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msuwendy · 4 years
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heLLO!!! so this is WEDNESDAY SEON aka WENDY (but only her friends call her wendy so, You May Not), she’s a TOSEONG SOPHOMORE studying HEALING/HERBOLOGY, she’s on the swimming team (freestyle, butterfly, diving) and marching band (percussion, snare drums). and she is, despite her face, 🦇💀DEATH METAL PERSONIFIED💀🦇 
smash that like for plots! i’m also on discord!!!
bg tldr;
born in quaint little sicily and later bred in singapore, wendy was more or less raised by her dad, a retired music legend with bouts of visits from her flighty socialite half veela mother whenever she deemed fit.
her parents relationship is one word: complicated. with one so madly in love he gave up his career and the other bored with the lifestyle of a music icon’s trophy wife after a couple of years.
by the time wendy was 6?7? around there, mom was done playing this game and packed up everything and left.
needless to say, dad took it hard. fell down in the dumps for a couple years before remarrying and relocating the whole family to the states (also where she attended ilvermorny, pukwudgie pride!!!) 
though wendy and him and everyone else knows he never really got over mom—that he’d never love the same again. infuriating to watch, if she’s honest.
anyway, stepmom lowkey highkey hated her because she looks just like her mother (which, btw, stepmom was dad’s original gf that mom homewrecked) so it was a long and bumpy childhood that she hated very much.
and now! she’s here in mokseong, yay????!
yes she’s quarter veela and yes if you call her pretty she will punch you in the mouth 
if you remind her at any point that she looks like her mom she will punch you in the mouth
if you ask her anything about her dad she will punch you in the mouth
breathe? punch in the mouth
staring for longer than 10 secs from across the hall? punch in the mouth buddy
tell her to have a nice day? don’t tell her what to do 🤜 🤜
wendy was born into this world angry and not one day does she feel remotely calm about anything (literally, irritable is in her blood) 
not sure how to put this other than the fact that she’s bitter and never received much love/nurture past the age of 10 which only messed her up a Little
hates her mom AND her dad because they’re both shitty examples of people she doesn’t want to turn into (yet she has their genetics!! haha!! what even is the point anymore)
tsun. TSUN. TSUN!!!!!
only in marching band a) snares b) she can carry it around and start banging on it when anyone she doesn’t want to talk approaches c) personal bubble guaranteed :D d) if she bangs it loud enough she doesn’t have to hear herself think (yes... even finds her own thoughts annoying/sometimes wants to punch herself in the mouth)
impulsive 100% always makes bad decisions based on the heat of the moment
the call it like she sees it type 
you might not believe it but she’s not that hard to befriend as long as you don’t mind the foul/blunt mouth! a loyal friend! trust ME!
wants to be a healer (which funny, considering her personality she would have the worst bedside manner ever) and always in the greenhouse (plants>people)
had to take up taekwondo/judo/kickboxing in the states because she kept pissing people off/getting into fights even though she couldn’t throw a punch for shit tbt 
ok im done now please see next bullet for plots
girl gang
                                              thank you for reading!
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fredsdiary · 6 years
Hey, it's been a while since the last time I wrote something on here (referring to my paper diary). I wish I could be more constant with this.
A lot has happened since the last time we "talked". I've finally seen London, the first day I was really disappointed with the city but the second and last day I fell in love with it and got a tattoo to remember it (it's not city related but it reminds me about it).
I got that knife tattoo I was talking about the last time we talked and I love it even if it's not perfect.
I moved back to Italy on the 25th of April and since than I haven't done anything useful with my life. I came back with some money that I had to use to finally get my driver's license and instead I've spent them all in a couple of months, my parents were so pissed.
If you're wondering why I came back to Italy it's because of my, by now, ex best friend that decided to move back without leaving me a pound for his part of the rent and I had to leave the house without paying it.
This summer I spent a week (from the 4th to the 11th) in Bellaria at my friend's house, we had a really good time and then I spent two weeks in Sicily with my dad, my sister and some other relatives. I couldn't wait for it to be over, really.
I don't remember much happening in September.
In October I got surgery, nothing bad and while I was bored in bed healing, someone from my past texted me. Our story is a little complicated but I find it really cute. Basically like 3 to 5 years ago I got suspended from school and sent to this center to do some community service and there she was, I got a crush on her as soon as I've seen her. When I got home I asked a friend that went there if she knew her and she got me in touch with this girl, let's call her "L.". For the next days I went to her school every recess even if it was snowing like crazy. We talked in chat for a month or two but she had a boyfriend, that didn't really treat her right and she wouldn't listen when I would say she had to dump him. Years go by and I try to text her again but she forgot about me so I delete her number. In June she sent me a friend's request on Facebook and so, I texted her and she answered on October and as soon as I could we got out and a week later we got together even tho she was moving 275km away. She was going to her father's house to get a fresh start, without going into detail it didn't go well and we're living at a 10 minutes by car distance.
We've been together for 2 months now and I've never been this happy and comfortable with someone as I am with her.
I'm so fucking scared I will fuck everything up as I always do. I already almost did and I can't forgive myself for it. She's the best thing that ever happened to me and I couldn't go by without her.
Btw since it's January 2nd here's my goals for this 2019:
Get my driver's license
Get a job
Get out of my parents house
Make her as happy as I can and give her everything she deserves
P.S. In the meantime I signed up again to get the driver's license.
P.P.S I'm smoking cigarettes again and at first I was really disappointed in me (I quitted for a month) and now it's just normal for me to smoke.
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fvfvxcvxcv · 8 years
Tag Tag Tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @knights-of-221b-privet-drive ! Thanks :D
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
1: Are you named after someone?
I’m not sure
2: When is the last time you cried?
I can’t remember, which is good because I used to cry like every other day not too long ago :p
3: Do you like your handwriting?
It is sooo messy! But that’s because I write really fast, especially in lectures :D I have another style of handwriting which is completely different; it looks like a neat font, but I haven’t used it in years because it’s really really slow to write with
4: What is your favourite lunch meat?
Meat! I don’t know? If it was meant to be ‘meal’, I also don’t know? I don't have lunch too often, but when I do it’s normally a meal deal from boots
5: Do you have kids?
Nope. And I don’t think I want kids? it sounds okay, but then the reality of having kids doesn't sound as nice haha
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I doubt it, I don’t talk too much :s
7: Do you use sarcasm?
I dont’ know? I definitely used to a lot, but I don’t think I do as much now
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
I sure hope so... last time I checked I did
9: Would you bungee jump?
damn, I can’t compete with that pun :p but yeah, I’d love to
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal?
Weetabix Minis, but on their own without milk! But like in the evening, I don’t normally have breakfast. But if I did have to have cereal for breakfast, probably something like coco pops
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Yes most of the time, but if I’m in a hurry I might not:p For example, the other day I didn’t because I got really really sick on the tube and wanted to shower asap
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
I’m okay strong, but with every push up I get stronger !!!
13: What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
Coffee or chocolate I think
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
Maybe hair also? :p
15: Red or pink?
16: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?
Maybe my hands, the skin
17: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now?
Christ, I’m sure I’ve answered this lots of times and assumed it mean underpants, I realised now it means pants as in trousers lol
I’m wearing athletic jeans! They’re like normal blue jeans, but they’re quite stretchy! I can high kick in them! :D And I’m not wearing any shoes.
18: What was the last thing you ate?
A boots meal deal haha
19: What are you listening to right now?
Some 80s song on Come Dine with Me on the telly in the background! I’m not watching it but my mum is
20: If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Ah, the question I think about every day. It keeps me awake at night. I’d be the Blue Crayon™
21: Favourite smell?
I’ve answered this so many times... and now they’re playing Lovecats by the cure on CDWM so I can’t think anymore! it’s going to be stucj in my head all day!!!
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
My dad like an hour ago! I phoned home to see if my nan was there (if not, I was going to visit her before going home)
23: Favourite sport to watch?
I don’t watch sports, but the ones the person who tagged me put here sound like they’d be fun to watch! Like, I won’t be as quick to change over if those ones are on now^^ 
24: Hair colour?
Dark brown (not black!!)
25: Eye colour?
Dark brown
26: Do you wear contacts?
27: Favourite food to eat?
I don’t know, maybe curry or fish and chips (takeaway) 
28: Scary movies or comedy?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a horror film? Well I saw paranormal activity, but I wasn’t really watching it... so comedies
29: Last movie you watched?
I don’t know, it’s been so long :p Actually monsters vs aliens was just on in the background, but I don’t think that counts. 
I want to watch the french film The Intouchables because I only saw it once during an RE lesson at college and I really enjoyed it! I don’t remember too much of it, but I feel like it’ll be one of my most favourite films of all time when I see it again
30: What colour of shirt are you wearing?
Blimey, it’s a tshirt, but I think it’s salmony reddy pink? the sleeves are a nice blue colour
31: Summer or winter?
32: Hugs or kisses?
I don’ tknow and I probably never will
33: What book are you currently reading?
Neil Gaiman’s American Gods! I’ve been reading it for ages (uni eyy), but omg I’ve almost finished it!
I looked at how much I had left and thought “nicee, there’s still plenty left : )”...... and then it randomly opened and I saw that the page numbers stop halfway through how much was left... so there’re like 200 more pages, but only half of it is the story! So there’s so little left :o
34: Who do you miss right now?
Well there’s someone I can think of, but it’s more regret than miss.. I won’t say who but I’m sure they’ll see this haha 
35: What is on your mouse pad?
I’m using a laptop! But my computer has a circular mouse mat with one of those spongy bits
36: What is the last TV program you watched?
I don’t know? I really wanted to watch Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway last week, but my brother didn’t, so I don’ tknow
37: What is the best sound?
FLEXATONE! It just sounds so unnatural and unnerving, I love it! 
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
I only really know 1 Rolling Stone song, and I don’t really like it anymore... so beatles (I know too many of their songs haha)
(the 1 rolling stones song is ‘paint it black’ btw, I’ve heard it too many times)
39: What is the furthest you have ever travelled?
The furthest I’ve ever gone is Sicily, never out of Europe, I just realised :(
40: Do you have a special talent?
Yep, I’m very good at voice impressions!
‘Hello hello, hi how are you? I sound different don’t I?’ - That was my Ricky Gervais impression
‘Hello, welcome to celebraty squares! wingardium leviosa’ - That was my Warwick Davis impression
41: Where were you born?
It was a room with beige walls... but that’s all I remember 
42: People you expect to participate in this survey?
Ahaha, the way that’s worded! Like it’s an official government survey or something!
But yeah, I’m only going to tag 1 person because laziness: @bucketofkay (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want)
Thanks again for the tag :D
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jiminnamoro · 8 years
i was tagged by both @tranquies and @rapperravioli for this lil tag here! thank you! I LOVE TAGS
RULES: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!
1: ARE YOU NAMED AFTER SOMEONE? no, not really, my mom wanted to call me angelica because her name is angela, but then my aunt suggested silvia so yeah they ended up choosing that (i don’t think my dad really cared about the whole name issue?? he was cool with both) 2: WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? i’m proud to say that i can’t remember! yay! 3: DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? NO it’s so chubby and messy ;; LIKE ME 4: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? i can’t really choose ;; 5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? god no 6: IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? this question is dumb i refuse to answer (the answer is no btw for those who are curious) 7: DO YOU USE SARCASM? yeah sometimes  8: DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? yep  9: WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? n o 10: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF CEREAL? i basically never have breakfast unless i need to get up early to go somewhere, but when i do, i eat flakes (a special kind because my sis is yeast intolerant and i’m way too lazy to buy my own cereal so bye)  11: DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? depends 12: DO YOU THINK YOU’RE A STRONG PERSON? physically yes, mentally not so much 13: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? gelato is the love of my life i love all the flavours i don’t care i could eat it f o r e v e r (but my fav has to be strawberry bc im kawaii) 14: WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? the way they look at me lmao 15: RED OR PINK? pink 16: WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE PHYSICAL THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF? let’s just say that if i end up living in this body another time in another life, jesus take the wheel because i’m gonna kill myself 17: WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING NOW? baby blue pants and light pink slippers 18: WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? a piece of the cake i baked 19: WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? 1 2 3 by B.I.G  20: IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? light pink 21: FAVORITE SMELL? freshly baked bread  22: WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU SPOKE TO ON THE PHONE? my father 23: FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? ice skating 24: HAIR COLOR? i’m naturally blonde but i dye it dark purple 25: EYE COLOR? blue/grey idk 26: DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? nope ;; i don’t like my face without my trusty glasses 27: FAVORITE FOOD TO EAT? meat! 28: SCARY MOVIES OR COMEDY? comedy all the way 29: LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? can’t remember ;; 30: WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? light pink 31: SUMMER OR WINTER? winter 32: HUGS OR KISSES? both are nice 33: WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? no one because i’m a picky reader 34: WHO DO YOU MISS RIGHT NOW? uhm no one? 35: WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? a kitty 36: WHAT IS THE LAST TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED? faceoff! 37: WHAT IS THE BEST SOUND? ohh the sound of fire crackling  38: ROLLING STONES OR THE BEATLES? neither  39: WHAT IS THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE EVER TRAVELED? sicily orz my dad drove for 15 hours straight i literally slipped into a coma but hey i got on a ferry boat it was the best moment EVER i’d do it again 40: DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? making myself sad for no reason? is that a talent? 41: WHERE WERE YOU BORN? piacenza!!! which is near milan 42: PEOPLE YOU INVITE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SURVEY? all my little pizzas bc i love them!!
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brinperkins · 8 years
It’s been a while...2017
So I officially haven’t blogged in a year. There’s so much that happened, but it also feels like everythings kind of the same. Lets see. I finally got my license in February. I am way way over John (ewww) because he’s a loser now. Let me think what else. Oh of course my most important thing: Tv shows. Since last year i have watched The Office, Parks and Rec, The OC, Revenge, and probably other stuff I can’t remember. Teen Wolf is on it’s final season and I am hoping for some Stydia!!! I’m 17! I got a job over the summer at Truetts Pizza Cafe which was the worst. Girls Camp was a blast with Rose, Abe, Mackenna and Emma. Our cabin was just us and we had fun adventures such as staying up way too late, watching the bachelorette on Rose’s phone (chadbear!!!), and of course staying up all night the last night walking around camp grounds, sneaking into the kitchen, honking the leaders cars, and of course discovering a snake in our tub that went down our drain! I quit my job when school started and now work for Brother Jennings. When school started I also had a giant change. I got the surgery I always wanted. It was one of my absolute favorite days. It was so much fun leaving in the middle of the night, the drugs were fun, I loved the special treatment, and really enjoyed the bed rest I was on while people dropped by and gave me icecram and balloons as I slept and watched stranger things. I go to classes at Clayton and am now jut taking English. It was fun having history with Grace and Abbee but now its over. Lauren and I struggle to see eachother but our friendship is still going strong. Speaking of Lauren... Mickey is back after being expelled for doing drugs at school. (IDIOT) and she is freaking out. After September and turning 17 in October Sicily and I flew to Provo because Dad got a job at Delta!! We had such a blast lying about our age to Alex at the bus stop (ahaha sick sweet), riding the tracks, sleep illeagly in Hallie and Autunm’s apartments, stuffing ourselves, and hanging with Monica as our tour guide. It made me so excited for college and completely  fall in love with the city and campus. Then for Halloween Lauren and I had a quiet night in at my house with graveyard pudding, caramel apples, and the first 2 minutes of Children of the Corn and a Scream episode. Addi went to college which created a different dynamic in the house, not in a bad way though hahaha whoops love her though. Then in november we had Thanksgivign with the family which was fun and then in December Sicily, Abe, Elli, and I went to see Tyler Hilton and Kate Voegle in concert and it was amazing! They sound magical, the venue was small and intimate, we got to talk to them for a quick second as they signed our shirts, and meet Chuck!  we had Christmas obviously. It was great. Then on New Years Autumn and Sicily picked me last minute to go the YA dance which was lame but what dance isnt? Then we drove to McDonalds, pigged out, and played jackbox tv game until we were tired the woke up to the sad and horrible 9 am church after a night of partying. That sunday was Addi’s farewell. A few days later we dropped Addi off to the airport to head for Mexico on her mission. It was sad, but we had a good days as family after she left. Not to get sappy, but I know she will be a great misionary. Then school started back and so did my goals. Back on the grind as they say. Besides eating healthy obviously, I am trying other things. Oh yah I finished personal progress btw. Now I’ve gotta talk to the bishop about it. I am trying to graduate early with Abbee in december. Hopefully that will be possible. We had an early release Friday because of snow/ice and I hope monday will be cancelled but probs not. There wasnt even any snow :( Anyway what else.... Jami got baptized! Current and awesome YW leaders are lisa as president, sis allred, sis oschner, sis mcgee, sis  newberry, sis shannon, and sis watson. Okay. Gonna go to bed (not really) because I have early church i the morning. Ttyl
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