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phjlavtia · 2 years ago
the impossible urge to post all the pics i took during my vacation here anche se non è ancora finita. dies a million deaths
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mikimeiko · 1 year ago
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I Leoni di Sicilia | Season 1 (2023), Paolo Genovese
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siciliaconventionbureau1 · 9 months ago
Sicily team building
Sicily Team building can capitalize on its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture to create memorable experiences that foster camaraderie and collaboration among participants. Visit us: - https://www.siciliaconventionbureau.it/team-building/
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radikalrags · 10 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bronx and Banco Sicilia Ruffle Maxi Dress Size XS.
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breitzbachbea · 1 year ago
"Why does Paddy just play sometimes but doesn't sing?" Marco asked Charlie one day in the O'Connel's sitting room. Charlie was so stunned by the question that it was Soph who answered:
"I think he sings in his head," she said. "He told me so. He likes it better when others sing, anyways, not just him. But some songs he just doesn't want to sing out loud most of the time. Loch Lomond sometimes, Sunday Bloody Sunday. He played Zombie once and Hannah sang. Or the Fields of Athenry. Like, he plays those, but ..." She looked around, as if there was someone who could listen in in the empty house. "Actually, do you two want to hear a theory Harry had?"
"Sure," Charlie said, even faster than his boyfriend. Half-aware he might knew it already, but as much as he was the third sibling, he still wasn't an O'Connel, raised as much by Paddy as by their own father.
"You know how magic is making things real by saying things? That. If you believe, in any way, that words can have power ... well, you'd be careful saying them." She leant back in her seat.
Charlie frowned about it, before he raised his eyebrows. "Huh."
"On the fields of Athenry though, Harry says that Michele often sings in the shower and hell, I've heard him. Harry said it's a song about missing Sicily?" Soph asked Marco.
"Oh, yeah, probably," Marco answered. "Sicilia bedda and that kind of stuff. He hums a lot of things when the day is long. I really thought the easy answer to the Paddy thing was that those songs have no text."
Soph roared with laughter at that and it was infectious.
"I mean, yeah!" She finally said. "There's also those songs! But they're for dancing and for pub nights and they don't really translate well to a single guitar. Those are the songs you play with tin whistles and fiddles and a bodhrán. Paddy can play a Banjo and those other guitar-ish instruments that show up in Irish music since a few hundred years. We don't really do guitars like you Sicilians for folk music."
"Oh, Paddy could totally play a Tarantella though, I can see that," Marco said and Charlie could spot the spark of an idea in his eyes.
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barbaraspinozzi · 2 years ago
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🌿🖤🤍🌺🌼🌸💗🖤💎💖 From Dolce & Gabbana (Instagram) 💖💎🖤💗🌸🌼🌺🤍🖤🌿
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Guests graced the #DGAltaSartoria event in Ostuni, Puglia, in head-to-toe #DolceGabbana looks:
Erling Haaland wore an oversized coin print silk twill pajama set, combined with a pair of espadrilles and a special edition DG elastic sunglass in marble texture.
André Lamoglia wore a white wool double-breasted vest from the #DGSS24 menswear collection, paired with white wide-leg cotton trousers. Completing the look with a yellow gold jewellery set, featuring a "belcher" chain necklace and three separate pendants, a small three-dimensional crown, a cross with an oval medallion depicting a religious figure, and a cross bracelet.
Leonie Hanne wore a classic lingerie bodysuit adorned with hand-made silk flowers. She paired it with the yellow gold Devotion 18kt set, consisting of a pearl clover, an elegant bow, and a stunning Sacred Heart.
Ola Farahat wore a flower printed opera gown with a crisscross fastening corset and embroidered silk flowers. Her yellow gold fine jewellery set was embellished with butterfly-shaped settings.
Pelayo Díaz wore a double-breasted Sicilia-fit suit in gold silk Mikado, styled with a see-through tulle top. He completed the look with sandals of rope fastenings and a yellow gold curved necklace composed of 46 different gemstones with different cuts and settings.
Michelle Salas wore an entirely Swarovski beaded mini skirt paired with a white tuxedo shirt. A pendant composed of a white gold chain and 15 different gemstones with different cuts and settings
completed the look.
#DGCelebs #BeItalian
Photography Greg Kessler
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romina61 · 7 months ago
Wait! I'm still stuck on the Saint Sebastian comparison of Celebrimbor, especially after I saw the painting of Caravaggio in Catania, Sicilia, and how much it stunned me!
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Please, this is stunning! The text said that the painting was drawn like that to make the viewer feel like they're the archer, causing the martyrdom of Sebastian.
You’ve heard of the whole “Saint Sebastianification of Celebrimbor” in Elven paintings
But I bet that the meeting of Beren and Lúthien was also a popular subject for horny Elven painters
On one hand, you’ve got paintings that have Beren in full armor and Lúthien in a blue gown, the both of them chastely holding hands in a meadow of hemlock and niphredil
On the other hand, there are paintings of a shirtless Beren embracing a blushing Lúthien, who is dressed in some translucent gown, her hair woven with flowers, her lips only inches away from Beren’s lips
I’m just saying, “The Meeting of Beren and Lúthien” has potential for a lot of unintentionally horny paintings among the Elves
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reginacavaispica · 2 years ago
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I periodically visit my favorite brocanteur. In a huge space full of good and bad things arranged in total chaos that I enjoy exploring, today I came across this formidable antique all-copper bathtub that is intact! I still dream about it. #surprise #serendipity #brocanteur #brocantage #goodandbad #enjoyexploring #bathtub #antiquebathtub #copper #copperbathtub #beautifulinthechaos #dreaming #stunning #stunningviews #antiques #sicily (presso Sicilia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmwk1_AsNwS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sheltiechicago · 2 years ago
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Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany
Photographer Johannes Hulsch captures stunning buildings and views around Europe and here are some of the most beautiful ones
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Andrássy Castle
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Sicilia, Italy
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sciatu · 3 years ago
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Rivederti qui d’improvviso, vuol dire rinascere, trovare un’isola lussureggiante dopo giorni di nulla o immergersi nell’acqua pura, con la pelle arsa dal sole e le labbra bruciate dal sale. Rivederti e perdo la conta dei giorni senza pace, l’assurdo cercarti negli occhi vuoti di un'altra, nel sorriso di un’onda, nel vestito di una primavera. Dove sei stata? Dove hai portato i miei desideri che ti vestivano, e le mie voglie che ti profumavano? Come un vascello nel mare dei sogni ti sei persa nella tua assenza, ti sei vestita di ricordi e mi hai lasciato un’eredità di bisogni che nessun’altra sapeva domare. Ho conosciuto, cercando di crederci, la pietosa bugia che chiunque ti può dissetare, che nessuno è insostituibile, che il tempo cancella ogni dolore, ma quello che per noi è vita, in noi resta immutabile, domina il nostro tempo, guida i nostri pensieri, vive in noi e solo per noi. È la nostra terra promessa oltre l’orizzonte, il male incurabile che ci consuma, l’inquietudine che il vino non stordisce ed il sonno non cancella. Ti portavo nel cuore e tra riunioni e teleconference, il tuo fantasma muoveva i fili dei miei giorni, apparivo negli occhi di tutti ma solo per te avrei voluto esistere veramente e nuovamente, anche se sapevo che i fogli del calendario non sarebbero tornati dov’eravamo ed il mondo non si sarebbe fermato per riempire i miei silenzi. Giocavo, giocavo con tutto e tutti, ero il bravo ragazzo, il grande esperto, il fidato amico, ma dentro me ero perso a capire perché tu non c’eri, perché le stagioni non avevano il tuo profumo e l’alba non iniziava con l’aprirsi dei tuoi occhi. Ero un gabbiano con le ali rotte e guardavo deluso la mia vita da uno scoglio sopra l’acqua trasparente, sognando di volare in alto sul mare e di vedere sotto di me le barche con il profumo dell’avventura e fondali di smeraldo. Ma eri tu quello che cercavo, la purezza che vedevo, il vento che mi portava via, il colore dell’acqua e del cielo. Tutto questo amaramente lo capivo solo quando il la notte finiva ed il tuo sogno mi seguiva negli angoli del giorno e mi ritrovavo, nel silenzio che mi stordiva, nella penombra ottusa di emozioni appassite. Capirlo era un'altra atroce verità che avvelenava ancor di più, la tua invincibile assenza.
INFINITE FRAGMENTS - SEE YOU Suddenly seeing you here again means being reborn, finding a lush island after days of nothing or immersing yourself in pure water, with sunburnt skin and salt-burnt lips. See you again and lose count of the days without peace, the absurdity of looking for you in the empty eyes of another, in the smile of a wave, in the dress of a spring. Where have you been? Where did you take my desires that dressed you, and my cravings that perfumed you? Like a ship in the sea of ​​dreams, you got lost in your absence, you dressed my memories and left me a legacy of needs that no one else knew how to tame. I have known, trying to believe it, the pitiful lie that anyone can quench your thirst, that no one is irreplaceable, that time erases all pain, but what is life for us remains immutable in us, dominates our time, guides our thoughts , lives in us and only for us. It is our promised land beyond the horizon, the incurable disease that consumes us, the restlessness that wine does not stun and sleep does not cancel. I carried you in my heart and between meetings and teleconferences, your ghost moved the threads of my days, I appeared in everyone's eyes but only for you I wanted to truly exist again, even if I knew that the calendar sheets would not return to where we were and the world would not stop to fill my silences. I played, I played with everything and everyone, I was the good boy, the great expert, the trusted friend, but inside I was lost in understanding why you were not there, why the seasons did not have your scent and the dawn did not begin with the opening of your eyes. I was a seagull with broken wings and I looked disappointed at my life from a rock above the transparent water, dreaming of flying high above the sea and seeing below me the boats with the scent of adventure and emerald backdrops. But you were what I was looking for, the purity I saw, the wind that carried me away, the color of the water and the sky. All this bitterly I understood only when the night ended and your dream followed me in the corners of the day and I found myself, in the silence that stunned me, in the dull half-light of withered emotions. Understanding this was another atrocious truth that poisoned even more, your invincible absence.
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call-sign-shark · 1 year ago
Shark’s here. Move Tommy, you���re falling for my girl. 😎 Sorry I’m coked up with Redbull so this comment is probably going to be a chaotic mess of me fangirling over Nina.
When I got the notification for this third part I was like a dog with two tails. The soft introduction with Nina’s curiosity towards Tommy growing made me soft. I love how she observes him, finding peace in his more disheveled appearance while still noticing that even when he seems to be relaxed he isn’t really. I must also admit that this vision of Tommy is a sight for sore eyes 🤭 AND WHAT A SURPRISE HE MANAGED TO TAME WINSTON? How the fuck did he do that?! Also Tommy asking to go to the beach with Nina? Okay I feel my heart melting, this is surprisingly sweet. The work you pour in Tommy’s characterization is just outstanding. I sincerely enjoy how you portray him — it feels true to the character while having something definitely more endearing.
For example, the stark contrast you’ve created between his soft moments such as their late-night tall and this line “There was nothing left of the glimpse of humanity he had revealed the previous night” is the kind of détail sur which turn your series into a masterpiece. In truth, your prose is so beautiful that I am slightly envious: I really thought you were fluent.
“Nina was angry and he was angry too. He had been angry since he was a child.” This. This passage is so powerful and definitely highlights how Tommy and Nina share more things in common than what they think. No wonder why he sees so much of himself in the rage that burns in her iris. While this chapter is a breather, I feel this is the most poetic one so far. It’s difficult to write a scene devoided of action and you did it perfectly. Far from being boring, you immerse us in Sicilia. Maybe it’s because I am Sicilian but I got shivered when reading this chapter for I could literally smell the tomato sauce getting cooked in huge saucepans, as well as I could easily imagine the waves’ crashing softly against the shore and the sensation of the burning sunshine. All of this to tell you that this chapter is incredible and suits very well with the rest of the series. You’ve created something really unique with Heart, Body and Soul you know?
Also I just love how they are slowly opening up to each other, even if they are still not confidently talking of everything. Your description of Tommy’s pain about Grace’s betrayal is perfect — thank you for keeping Tommy’s burning love for Grace and writing about how it is still deeply hurting him. The “it’s in the past” is so canon and reminded me of the scene with Polly when she told him he needed to forget about her and he just replies “about who?” coldly. Thing is, it’s not in the last. Regarding Nina, I have so much empathy for her and her sadly correct view of marriage. The story of her mother’s friend getting murder because of the monstrous traditions of Honour Killing was painful to read because, unfortunately, it is something still very much anchored in the traditions of many countries. It becomes perfectly crystal-clear and understandable why she feels this consuming rage and hatred inside. Her line “It’s not right. Sometimes I sit and all I can think about is this. It’s not fair.” is as heart-wrenching as gripping. Of course it is unfair, and it’s even more unfair considering she’s the one treated like an outcast while she is so fucking right.
Now the tender ending between each other… “As if she was seeing her for the first time” + The skin to skin contact. I. Am. Yelling. Really, I feel like a schoolgirl watching a Kdrama 🙄 It’s impressive how you instill this strong sense of them slowly, very slowly falling from each other. Their pairing doesn’t feel force, quite the contrary, it’s so natural I’m stunned. This was indeed a quiet chapter but certainly my fav at the moment. I’m so disappointed that I’ve already finished it, I need more. 🥺🖤
Heart, Body and Soul || Tommy Shelby X OC
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Summary: after their late-night conversation, something has changed between Nina and Tommy. Now Tommy’s slowly coming to understand that they might be more similar than they thought.
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, slow-burn, small age-gap (Tommy’s 30, Nina is in her early 20s), time-typical misogyny, addressing the topics of rape and murder, English is not my first language.
A/N: This is more like a passage chapter with little to no action, but it’s fundamental for the development of Tommy and Nina’s relationship. But be ready, cause there’s a storm coming!
Important information for the context: In this chapter, Nina explains the delitto d’onore (honour killing) and the matrimonio riparatore (rehabilitating marriage), two practiced which were recognised by the Criminal Code and were only abolished in Italy in 1981. In Italy, r*pe went from being a crime against the moral to being a crime against the person only in 1996.
Dividers credits
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Sipping lemonade at the kitchen table, with the birds chirping outside and a slight breeze coming through the open window, Nina relished the first moments of peace in weeks. With the women of the family busy with the tradition of making tons of tomato sauce to preserve for the winter at Aunt Rita’s house and the men out for business, she could finally enjoy a day all for herself. She might even go to the sea, stay there to watch the sunset.
Glancing out the window, a curious sight caught her attention. Tommy Shelby was lounging in a chair, his head leaning back, his eyes closed. He had abandoned his formal attire, he wasn’t wearing a jacket nor a tie, and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, exposing his forearms. There was something captivating in his disheveled appearance, and in the way - despite his apparently vulnerable position - he still seemed to be fully aware of his surroundings. There was a clear tension in his shoulders and his eyelids fluttered, from time to time.
After their late-night conversation, it didn’t take long for Tommy and Nina to go back to their old ways. That morning, while they sat at the breakfast table, they mostly ignored each other, and the few words they exchanged during the day were mere courtesies. It was almost as if last night never happened. Almost. Because it had happened, and something had changed between them. But it was such a small change that neither of them were actually aware of it. Maybe that change was the reason Nina took pity on him and walked out to approach him.
However, as soon as his stern blue eyes rested on her, an unfamiliar nervousness took over her, and she suddenly felt stupid, regretting her impulsive decision. It wasn’t like they were close, after all. But he was there, and he was looking at her, and it was too late to go back. She had to find something to say before that situation became even more awkward.
Before she could speak, something she hadn’t noticed before caught her eye. A black full-ball was curled up in Tommy’s lap, hidden by the shadow of the table. Nina watched in shock as Winston purred and stretched his little paws, enjoying the man’s scratches behind his ear. How the hell did he manage to touch Winston without losing a finger?
The gangster’s eyes shifted between Nina and the cat, and his lips curved into an taunting grin. “Your cat likes me. That should be a good sign.”
“Quite the contrary.” She retorted, recovering from her astonishment. “Winston’s a devil. If he likes you, there’s clearly something wrong with you.” She teased him, feeling the previous embarrassment slowly fade away.
“But he likes you.” He squinted his eyes, pointing at her.
“Yes, because I feed him.”
Something moved in the grass, causing Winston to raise his head and stare at a specific point. It took him only a few seconds to spot a lizard, and he jumped from Tommy’s lap to catch the poor animal. Traitor, she thought to herself, watching as the cat ran away with his loot.
Once Winston had disappeared, she remembered the reason why she had walked up to him in the first place. “I’m going to the sea for a while.” She said, shifting her weight from one feet to the other. “If you need something, everybody’s over there.” She nodded her head at Agnese’s house.
Tommy stayed silent for a few seconds, pondering, almost hesitating. “Would you mind if I came with you?”
There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, which surprised Nina even more than his question. One thing that she had learned in the short time she had known him was that he never wavered. Yet, only for an instant, his firm and unmovable facade seemed to falter.
Truth was, Tommy didn’t even remember the last time he went to the beach. He was still a kid, Finn probably wasn’t even born yet. He had almost forgotten how it felt, and for the first time in a long time, he longed for a feeling that seemed to belong to another life. But Nina didn’t particularly like him, and perhaps he was overstepping by asking to go with her. Moreover, if her family found out, chances were that they would get the wrong idea.
“No.” Nina shook her head, recollecting herself. “No, I don’t mind.”
She took both Tommy and herself aback with her answer. Up until a few days earlier she would’ve said a sharp “no” without thinking about it twice, but now, as much as she hated to admit it, his company wasn’t so unpleasant anymore. Quite the contrary. And their bickering surely was a way of escaping the boredom of the small village.
So they found themselves walking down the dirt road outside the big gates of the houses, in the opposite direction from where Tommy had arrived a little over a week ago. It stretched in front of them as far as the eye could see, and its left side was surrounded by nothing but trees, whereas the right side overlooked the sea below. In the silence, he could already hear the sound of the waves and breathe the salty air, and the comfort it brought him almost made up for the burning sensation of the sun on his face. He wasn’t prepared for the warmth of the Italian summer, so radically different from Birmingham’s gloomy weather.
Eventually, they approached some narrow stone stairs, which led down to a small beach.
“Careful.” Nina told him, starting to walk down the high steps with surprising ease. “It’s slippery.”
Tommy followed behind her, paying close attention both to where he placed his feet and where she placed hers. She was going a bit too fast for his liking, and although her movements were agile and graceful, he had the impression she might slip at any moment.
Little did he know, she had walked down those steps hundreds of times. It was a spot she had discovered a few years prior, hidden from prying eyes and unknown to most people. It wasn’t even a proper beach, rather a small sandy space surrounded by rocks. It was her refuge, the place that sheltered her when she needed to be alone. Sometimes she would sit on a rock and watch the hypnotising motion of the waves rolling in, other times she took off her shoes and stood at the sea’s edge, lulled by the feeling of the cold water around her feet. She could pretend that nothing existed except for her and the sea, that she was free of the suffocating weight of judgement and injustice. And she could breathe.
“Nice place.” Tommy’s hoarse voice came to her ears as she went to sit on a rock. She watched as he looked around, an unreadable expression on his face. Another thing she had learned about Tommy Shelby was that it was impossible to tell what was going on inside his head. He was so good at hiding his feelings that Nina figured it must be an ability he had mastered over the years. There was nothing left of the glimpse of humanity he had revealed the previous night, and she wondered whether her mind had just made it up.
With his back to her, he stood in front of the sea, observing the slow motion of the waves. “How’s your cousin? I haven’t seen her today.”
Unlike the previous days, that day no big lunch was organised in the shared garden, and Tommy had eaten with Nina, her parents and her two brothers in their dining room. Since he had officially started the courting the day before, the family’s agitation had quieted down, and big gatherings were not necessary anymore, unless something important happened, like a proposal. But it was too soon for that. So that day everything went back to normal, just like Nina had predicted the day he had arrived.
“She’s busy. She and my cousins are helping my mum and aunt Rita.” She informed him. “Summer means conserve. They’re making tomato sauce and preserving it. It’s a tradition.”
“You didn’t join them?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Not this year.”
Tommy took her short answer as a sign not to inquire further. He wasn’t blind, he had noticed she was a bit of an outcast in her own family. He had seen how her aunts and cousins looked at her, how they whispered among themselves when she said or did something they considered unacceptable, how her own mother lowered her head in embarrassment on those occasions. It hadn’t taken him long to understand how things worked in Sicily: women had to be meek, agreeable and marriage-minded. It was no wonder Nina’s temperament clashed with that state of things.
“Anyway, Agnese’s happy.” She continued. “Just like everyone.” Although she was trying to keep her tone neutral, she couldn’t hide a hint of bitterness in her voice.
“But you’re not.” He stated matter-of-factly, turning to face her.
“I’m happy that she’s happy. What I’m not happy about…” she left her sentence hanging, thinking about her next words. “Is this whole sale thing. Because you can call it whatever you want, it doesn’t change what it really is.”
There it was, the rage she tried so hard to contain. It never completely reveal itself, it only shone through cracks and fractures, like in that moment. But Tommy had seen it since the very beginning, for anger recognises anger, and he was angry too. He had been angry since he was a boy.
He sat next to her, keeping his eyes on the calm sea in front of them. “You’re right.” He nodded, knowing there was no point in denying what was in front of everyone’s eyes. “But it’s necessary. I’m selling myself too, you know. Before all of this I didn’t think I’d ever get married.”
Nina glanced at him, furrowing her brows. “You never thought about marriage?”
“I did.” He admitted, his mind wandering to moments that seemed so distant yet so close at the same time. “There was a woman I wanted to marry. Grace.” He explained, having to force himself to say her name. After a whole year, that name still stung on his tongue.
“What happened with her?” She asked curiously.
“Turns out she was a spy, working for an Irish cop who was investigating on some stolen guns.” Reality crashed back on him as he said those words, the memory of how he had been played by the woman he loved hitting him like a bucket of cold water. “He thought we had them.”
“Did you?”
A smirk made its way on Tommy’s face at her innocent question. He turned to look at her with raised eyebrows, slightly leaning towards her. “How do you think a backstreet razor gang managed to take control of the city without the police intervening?”
She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it right away, shaking her head with an impressed look on her face. For once, she was at a loss for words.
“Anyway,” he straightened his back, becoming serious again. “She ratted us all out, and then she left.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s in the past.”
It’s in the past. Tommy had lost count of all the times he had said that to himself. Maybe if he repeated it long enough, it would eventually become true. And maybe it was happening, because that was the first time he thought about her in days. Yet, it still hurt. He thought they were the same, that he found her, and she found him. He was wrong.
After a while, Nina broke the silence that had fallen between them. “At least you’re not some old man.”
Her sudden statement caused a chuckle to escape his lips, and even though she had tried to keep a straight face, she soon followed him. Tommy realised that he had never actually heard her laugh before. A few times she had chuckled, but until then she had never let out a real laugh. It was infectious, and he found himself laughing for the first time in God knew how long.
Soon the laughter died down, and Tommy was left with question that had been burning in his mind for a while. “Why don’t you want to get married?”
There was no judgment in his voice, just plain curiosity. He didn’t find it strange, but he couldn’t help but wonder what made her so adamant about the matter.
She took her time to answer, as if she was ordering the words in her mind, and he couldn’t tell whether she was translating her thoughts or finding the way to address a subject that was clearly a sore point. She was so fluent in English that sometimes he forgot it wasn’t her first language. Then her accent came through, or she mispronounced a word, and he was reminded that it probably hadn’t been easy for her to master a language without living in the place it was spoken. It was quite impressive.
“Because if I got married,” she started, bringing his attention back to the topic. “I’d be completely subordinated to my husband. I couldn’t make financial or even employment decisions. If we had children, they wouldn’t really be mine, I’d have no right over them. In the eyes of the law, my husband would have absolute power over us.”
Tommy attentively listened, not daring to interrupt her, afraid that she would close herself off again.
“Best case scenario, I’d end up being a wife and a mother, nothing more, nothing less. Worst case scenario, I’d end up like one of my mother’s friends, who was killed by her husband because he thought she had cheated on him. And he got a sentence reduction. Because it was a honour killing.” She spat out, her voice full of scorn. She frowned, as she did every time she didn’t agree on something.
“Honour killing?” Tommy raised his eyebrows. He had heard about it, of course, but there was something grotesque in the fact that it was somehow recognised by the law.
“If a woman brings dishonour in any way to the family, and one of her family members were to kill her, they would get a sentence reduction. It’s called delitto d’onore. Honour killing.” She explained, and he could tell she was trying not to let emotions take the best of her. Her gaze rested on him, and he figured his expression let his thoughts slip through, because she nodded. “You think that’s fucked up? Wait until you hear about the rehabilitating marriage.”
“What about it?”
“If a man rapes a woman, he can escape his sentence by marrying her. It’s in the Criminal Code, just like the honour killing. And the woman must marry the man to save both her honour and her family. Otherwise she’ll be identified as a shameless woman.” Her dark eyes blazed with outrage as she stared at some point in front of her, and Tommy found himself sharing the same disdain. Maybe it was the part of him who had never tolerated injustice, a side of him he had pushed back a long time ago, but that stubbornly came to the surface whenever something unfair occurred, or maybe her rage was so strong that it was able to infect those who were close to her.
“It’s not that uncommon that a man kidnaps a woman so that she will be forced to marry him.” She shook her head, her voice lowering. “It’s not right. Sometimes I sit here and it’s all I can think about. It’s not right. And no one seems to be angry about it. Most people even agree with it. It’s just how things are. It’s normal. It shouldn’t be.”
Tommy knew that feeling, the frustration that came with helplessness. It plagued him when he was a boy, when he was treated differently because of who he was, of where he came from. When his mother couldn’t afford to put on the table anything but lard. When aunt Polly’s children were taken from her. It was that feeling that pushed him to make sure people feared the Shelby name, so that no one would dare treat them like scum ever again.
“I’m not saying that I wouldn’t like to have a family of my own. But it’s not worth the risk of becoming no one. I don’t want to obliterate myself. I don’t want to depend on a man who might be cruel to me. I want something that’s mine. Because right now, I have nothing. And I know that I finished school, and that’s way more than what most boys get, let alone girls. But it’s not enough.” Her voice cracked, but there was no trace of tears on her face. “Is it so bad to want something more?”
No, Tommy wanted to say. No, it’s not. But couldn’t bring himself to speak, because he knew that there were no words that could make it better.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, pulling herself together. “I got carried away and I talked too much.”
“No.” He said quickly. “You didn’t. I asked you a question and you answered it.”
For some reason, Tommy didn’t want Nina to think that her talking bothered him, that she had to hold her tongue with him. He liked hearing her talk. She was smart, she had thoughts of her own, and she challenged him. She didn’t agree on everything he said - or pretended to - just to please him, she didn’t make herself smaller like everyone else did in his presence. That was somehow refreshing.
There was silence again, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one. They were both meditating on the words they had said and heard, and the gap between them didn’t seem so wide, now. As the sun started to set, the sky took on shades of pink and orange, and a warm light illuminated the beach.
Tommy took advantage of Nina’s distraction to look at her. The last rays of sun lit up her eyes with a golden hue, giving them a colour which resembled honey. Her tan skin seemed to gleam, and her cheeks had taken on a tinge of red. It was as if he was seeing her for the first time, and he realised - she was beautiful. He had already noticed her interesting, sharp beauty, but now it felt as if it had intensified. A light gust of wind rose up, and her long raven hair tickled his cheek, sending a shiver down his spine. When the scent of lavender filled his nostrils, he couldn’t restrain himself from closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
Nina shifted her position, causing their hands to accidentally brush.
He didn’t flinch away this time. She didn’t either.
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Heart, Body and Soul tag list: @zablife @queenofshinigamis @raincoffeeandfandoms @call-sign-shark @kmc1989 @babayaga67 @kmhappybunny240 @diorrfairy @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @gaslysainz
Tag list: @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989 @call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe
Tommy Shelby tag list: @50svibes
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allisonscola · 3 years ago
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Ciao from Stunning Sicily, Day 11! Crossing to western Sicily is dramatic. The landscape changes west of Palermo. Steep and sweeping mountains rose before us along the Costa Gaia. Views of Castellammare del Golfo offered wonder (and great photo opportunities!), but so too do those from the top of Mount San Giuliano, which hosts Erice. Arriving 2460 feet above sea level was a pilgrimage to the place where the goddess of love was venerated for millennia. Now, the Madonna of Custonaci holds court. But so too do beautiful scenes and lots of artisanal boutiques. Time on own own made for shopping and musing. #experiencesicily #sicily #erice #trapani #castellammaredelgolfo #octobersicilytour #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #siculamenteDoc #sicily_tricolors #ig_visitsicily #Sicilia_PhotoGroup #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #sicilytour #whatsicilyis #sicilytravel #viverelasicilia (at Castellamare Del Golfo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVLFi37FYVV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thelastduke · 4 years ago
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I could do with a little break in the Val di Noto. Waking up to the smell of Jasmine that grows in the courtyard and an almond granita for breakfast. Just like last time. Memories of last year at the stunning Palazzo del Castelluccio. #london #noto #sicily #sicilia #mood #mooddujour #thursday #tbt #memories #throwback #18thcentury #gilded #interiors #sicilianbaroque #palazzocastelluccio #palazzo #ootd #wiwt #menswear #sartorial #bespoketailoring #aesthetic (at Noto, Sicily) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMRrRzznBl9/?igshid=cmqb4xz2hlfu
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siciliaconventionbureau1 · 10 months ago
Sicily tailor-made experiences
Sicily is a land of rich history, stunning landscapes, and tantalizing cuisine. Exploring this beautiful island is an experience like no other, and what better way to do it than through Sicily tailor-made experiences? Sicily tailor-made experiences offer you the opportunity to delve into the heart of this enchanting destination in a way that suits your preferences and interests.
For more information- https://www.siciliaconventionbureau.it/tailor-made/
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slytherinlesbian3 · 4 years ago
For the plague ask
Thanks for the ask, wifey
😷 mask - how different are you in real life than you are online?
I'm actually, in my own eyes, quite different in real life. I'm usually super outgoing and positive and friendly online but in real life I'm......kind of a dick. Like not on purpose, but my defense mechanisms are flirting and insulting lmao. In the last year or so that's been changing, and I'm becoming more positive irl too! :D (I'm also v confident irl and intimidating sjsnjsnsjsn)
🙏 prayer - what's something you hope for the future?
Ah, hope. Disgusting. But...uh....I hope that I get to see my best friend. I haven't seen her in 6 years and we've known each other for ten, and when we graduate we're gonna get an apartment together. That's something I hope will work out. :D
⛪️ chapel - tell me a place you find beautiful
Oh, geez. Europe. Italia. Sicilia. Catania, Elephant Square. Trapani. Munich in the Christmas time. Top of Mount Etna, staring into the clouds as your boots crush the ash beneath them (the whole world in your view, seemingly). Caltagirone. Palermo. Roma (the city is meh but the cathedrals are neat!). Oh, the catacombs all over Italy. France was okay, London was okay. Prague and Belgium were beautiful with the snow just barely dropping. Fontana Bianca spiaggia (beach, leto, with a lovely 20ft rock to jump off of). Marina di Ragusa, coastal town we always went to for my brother's birthday (there was a restaurant with the BEST mussels and polpo - octopus).
Okay, okay. I'm stopping there. I could go on for hours about all of the absolutely stunning places I've been and things I've seen. (Yeah, I left America out. We've got historical landmarks that date back a few hundred years but Europe has ones that are thousands). I miss Europe, and I miss the things I learned and saw. But it also gives me cool things to say on stuff like this heheheh
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radhestonex · 2 years ago
Who's the World's Top Expert in Italian Marble in India?
Radhe Stonex is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Imported Marble In India. Italian marble is a one-of-a-kind work of art that distinctly depicts opulence and luxury. The grandiosity of the building is enhanced by the gleaming Italian marble flooring that runs throughout the space. Living Room Whether used as flooring or as a standout backdrop, Italian marble conveys finesse and an aesthetic outlook throughout your living room. Radhe Stonex provides you with a wide selection of the finest Italian marble masterpieces and dependable after-sales service., As a marble company, Radhe Stonex is dedicated to providing its clients with high-quality Italian marble that will enhance their standard of living and overall lifestyle.
Italian Marble for Your Home
Every corner of your luxury Italian marble home can stand out and leave a lasting impression on your guests. Although the cost of Italian marble may appear high, its quality, appearance, and touch of elegance ultimately make it all worthwhile. The collection, colour, and quality of Italian marble all play a role in determining how much it costs in different regions. Italian marble is a finely honed masterpiece that makes it simple to increase the level of luxury in your home. It is the most prized stone for an architect or interior designer, and they frequently choose it to create an elegant architectural gem that exudes luxury.
Types of Italian Marble 
This exclusive marble is sourced from Italy's most well-known quarries and is available in a variety of colours. It is recommended that you browse our collection of premium Italian marble to select the most appropriate piece that complements your style and your home's interior design.
Calacatta Vagli: With such stunning statement pieces, Radhe Stonex never fails to amaze its valued customers. The white Italian marble known as Calacatta Vagli features a web of gold strokes smeared across the white patches. Adding elegance and sophistication to any room in your home will make it appear even larger and more lavish.
Perlato Sicilia: Italian Perlato Sicilia is a beige marble with subtle dark veins that have been carefully smeared across the slab. It has an ivory base. It is the best option for creating a luxurious appearance with minimal effort in any space.
Grey William Italy: Grey William Italian Marble is a highly sought-after masterpiece that can only be obtained through Radhe Stonex. This grey Italian marble evokes the tranquility of a pebble-filled beach with its distinctive appearance of saffron strands scattered across a grey base.
Statuario Marble Variations:The Statuario Italian Marble, which is available in two distinct variations, can make your home's interiors stand out. The space has a calm, inviting vibe thanks to a fine web of open-ended grey strokes spread across a white base.
Rosso Alicante:The Statuario Italian Marble, which is available in two distinct variations, can make your home's interiors stand out. The space has a calm, inviting vibe thanks to a fine web of open-ended grey strokes spread across a white base.
Benefits of Having Italian Marble
Italian marble adds a hint of luxury to the most gorgeous interiors of your dream home. Making your home look elegant and spacious, Italian marble only enhances the beauty of your premises. The glitz and glam that come with these stunning works of art only add to the style quotient, adding much-needed oomph to a standard living space. A show-stopping masterpiece can be brought into your home with an Italian marble backdrop in the living area, making it look dramatically amusing.
Buy from a wide range of Italian marble designs 
Radhe Stonex is a leading manufacturer and supplier of  Imported Marble In India. The Italian Marble collection at Radhe Stonex is a one-of-a-kind experience for customers because it is only imported from Italy. You can browse through Italian Marble and select one that satisfies your taste and meets your standard of elegance by choosing from a variety of colours, quality, and collections.
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