#sibling death -
mickedy · 4 months
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i dunno
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tangledinink · 1 year
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i can regret the situation without regretting my choices. i would never take it back.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
Part 1
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Part 2 can be found here
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frosteaart · 1 year
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We rise and we fall and we break
And we make our mistakes
And if there's a reason I'm still alive
When everyone who loves me has died
I'm willing to wait for it
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daboyau · 1 month
4. “You did so good. Don’t worry, you-you did so good.”
dont rush don't force yourself take care of yourself and only do this if you want to and luv ya dabo!! <3
Hiiiii!!! Thank you!!! ^3^ ily too and hope you enjoy!!! content warnings for gore and sibling death. Prompt from this list by @promptsbytaurie. Anyone is welcome to send more. :)
Is it a curse, Leo wonders with the idle distance that experience and being burnt out on grief grants him, that he is always the last to die?
He has the latest Leonardo curled against his chest, one arm wrapped around his chipped shell and the other pressing his blood streaked face into the crook of his neck. He feels teeth digging in, and the vibration of screams against his sweat soaked skin. The other Leonardo is grasping at his arms with a bruising grip, holding on like it is the only thing keeping him tethered to this realm at all, even as he thrashes and fights with all that he has. Leo is, unfortunately, all too familiar with the feeling by this point. 
He holds Leonardo a little tighter, turning his head away from the carnage all around them. There’s no way to shield him from the horrible truth of it, but he doesn’t need to see it right now. Blood is creeping slowly across the floor, the puddle expanding and moving steadily closer to them. Leo rocks his counterpart gently, and uses the movement to mask how he’s subtly shifting them further from it. 
God, this Leonardo is so small. It’s not fair that he’s lost them all so young; usually, they at least get until their mid-20’s before their family starts getting picked off. Leo’s doing his best to keep himself from staring too long at the slack jawed gaze of this tiny, chubby cheeked Mikey. His tongue is out, nearly touching the floor where drool and blood have pooled beneath his split open head. He’s doing his best to keep his counterpart from looking, too. 
The little guy is sobbing, wet and wrenching, like someone has split open his plastron and begun pouring boiling oil inside of it. He shushes him gently, swallowing over and over to try to chase away the knot of grief inside his throat. His voice only cracks a little bit when he opens his mouth to speak at last. 
“You’re okay,” he lies. The words taste like a dirty penny sitting heavy on his tongue. Little Mikey stares at him while the blood continues to puddle. He wishes that he could reach out and close his eyes for him. He wants to let him rest, at least, but he can’t let go of the bundle of raw grief in his lap. He knows exactly what the little guy’ll do to himself if he does. 
The mission was a failure. One brother after the other fallen in some frantic, childish plan to rescue their father. It was a valiant attempt, and Leonardo didn’t let his family go without a fight. That much is easy to see from the scattered human bodies all around them and the injuries marring every inch of his tiny frame. That’s knowledge he’ll be able to hold on to late at night, when the ghosts are whispering their quiet litanies.
Leo cradles him closer once he’s finally cried himself out, and the kid doesn’t so much as flinch as broken limbs are jostled by the movement. He rises slowly to his feet and sets his sights on the hole he’d blown through the wall while stumbling his way into yet another shit universe. He pauses only long enough to shift the kid to one arm so he can kneel down and press his calloused fingertips carefully to Mikey’s eyelids and drag them down. His voice is low and carefully gentle when he speaks again, rising to his feet again. 
“You did so good. Don’t worry, you-you did so good.”
He’ll come back later. Retrieve the bodies. Lay the brothers to rest side by side. For now, he needs to take care of his counterpart before he’s torn away to the next hell. 
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chronicas · 6 months
I don’t talk about my dead sister ENOUGH actually. I HATE how much it’s like, this is the most important thing that’s ever happened to me but people are always like trying to steer the conversation away from it the moment I even mention her.
I can say shit like “Omg my sister would’ve LOVED this song” and people are already uncomfortable.
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keebwee · 1 year
Whumptober Day 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
No. 2: “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
Summary: Donatello gets sick in the bad future timeline. He just wants his brother to be there with him. Unfortunately, he isn't.
fic under the cut
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"Donnie, I need you to check up on the A-wing; there's been some kind of—woah, what the hell happened to you? You look like shit." Donnie lazily turned to look at his twin, who stood in his doorway, his massive shadow looming over Donnie. His prosthetic arm—Raph's old prosthetic arm—stood out like a sore thumb.
"Nothing's wrong, Leo," Donnie mumbled. "I'm fine. Just... tired." Yup. Definitely.
"Just tired, my ass," Leo swore. "You look horrible. Are you feeling okay?" He stepped into the room, placing a hand on his hip.
"I said I'm fine. What was it you needed me to do?" Donnie dismissed his concern. Obviously, their base was far more important than how he was feeling. His body could wait.
"I can get someone else to do it." Leo was standing next to Donnie, now. "It's just a simple door malfunction." He lifted his real hand to feel Donnie's forehead and hissed. "You're burning up. We need to get you to medbay."
"No, I'm fine, Nardo," Donnie snapped. "I'll go fix the—the..." He trailed off, suddenly overcome with a powerful wave of dizziness. He swayed, before tilting over the side of his chair and falling.
"Donnie! Shit, shit!" Leo grabbed him just before he could hit the floor. The cool metal of his Raph's prosthetic arm pressed against Donnie's cheek and he sighed. "Oh my god, you're so heavy now. Okay, up we go!" He hoisted the softshell up into his arms, adjusting him so he was carrying him bridal style.
"Put me down..." Donnie groaned. 
"Nah." Leo didn't put him down. "We're going to the medbay, where you're gonna sit in bed till you're better. Can't have my favorite twin melting while he tries to fix a door, can I?" Donnie didn't respond. He didn't say anything even when they made it to the medbay, nor when he was tucked into bed after a quick examination by Leo himself.
Eventually, Mikey and April popped into the room. Donnie didn't notice them till Mikey had made his way into his bed and curled up next to him. April took his temperature and got him to begrudgingly accept a damp washcloth for his forehead, despite his distaste for it. He spaced out, setting his chin on Mikey's head as the box turtle nestled into the crest between his chest and neck. At some point, he found himself relaxing and slipping into an uncomfortable sleep.
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Donnie wasn't doing well; anyone could see that. His fever had worsened within the past 10 hours he'd been in the medbay, and whenever he was woken up to eat or drink he barely seemed to process it. He'd mumble in his sleep, and Mikey thought he'd even had a few nightmares, based on the whines and jerky movements he'd make every once in a while. 
So when he woke up and looked at them, Mikey's eyes lit up with joy.
Until he uttered the most heartbreaking thing he could've said.
Mikey's heart sank. 
Raph had been dead for two years, now, and Donnie thought he was here. Either that, or he wanted him. Both situations were horrible.
April took the initiative, kneeling down next to Donnie's head and shushing him. "Raph's not here right now, Dee," She said quietly. "It's just us. Me, Mikey, and Leo." Donnie blinked at her tiredly, taking a few moments to process what she'd said.
"Where... is he?" He mumbled. "When—" He was cut off by a harsh coughing fit, prompting Leo to sit him up and rub his shell soothingly. Donnie was so weak he had to lean up against Leo to remain upright. His head sagged forward as he wheezed. 
"He's not here." Leo kept rubbing his shell. When the coughing calmed down, Donnie curled into himself and whined. "Hey, hey. It's okay. We've got you." 
Mikey scooted closer to Donnie, taking his hand and tracing his fingers with his own in an attempt to calm Donnie down. Maybe himself, too. Not that he'd admit that to anyone here.
"Raph..." Donnie was crying now. "Where is he—I need him! I—" He wheezed again. "Raph—!" He was sobbing.
His family didn't know what to do. It wasn't often anyone saw the softshell cry like this, let alone when he was sick. Sick Donnie and crying Donnie weren't often expressed together. 
Suddenly, Donnie turned and latched onto Mikey. His skin was boiling and coated in sweat. 
"Woah, woah!" Mikey laughed dryly. "Let's lay back down, Dee." Donnie nodded, sniffling and mumbling quietly. Mikey lowered himself and his older brother back down onto the bed and motioned for either of his siblings to cover the two in the blanket. They did.
Donnie fell asleep soon after, tears still dripping down his face as he slept.
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This dance repeated for almost four days. Donnie would wake up, he'd panic and look for his oldest—and, friendly reminder, deceased brother, and then latch onto whoever was closest to him. Usually, that person would be his family, but once or twice it was a nurse who happened to be caring for him while the others slept.
 "Donnie, you need to eat something, please." April showed him a tray of food she'd grabbed from their makeshift cafeteria. All it was were crackers, miscellaneous meat jerky, and grits. These were common foods for Donnie. But he refused to eat it. "It doesn't have to be a lot! Even just a single bite."
Donnie shook his head. "My stomach hurts. I'm not hungry."
"Please?" April pleaded.
"...Fine," Donnie replied tiredly. He reached out and grabbed a cracker, taking a small bite and placing the cracker back on the tray. "Did it." He turned over onto his side, nestling his face into his pillow. April sighed and took the tray back, leaving Donnie alone again.
He was still feeling incredibly out of it. The room was always spinning and he constantly felt nauseous. He just wanted to sleep and wake up feeling normal again. He wanted Raph.
Ah. There it was again. 
He sniffled, bringing a shaky hand up to his face and wiping away his growing tears. He missed Raph so, so much. When the turtles were kids, they'd get sick every now and then. Raph would always stay with them till they felt better. Donnie wanted that. 
Sure, Leo and Mikey were with him a lot, but he knew if Raph were here, the softshell would never be left alone. He wanted his big brother. A sob erupted from him and he shoved his face into his pillow to muffle his cries. His attempt was in vain, because his brothers had just so happened to be walking in.
"Aw... Dee." Donnie heard Mikey say. A hand was placed on the side of his head and he leaned into it. "Your fever's getting better, I think," He mumbled. "You need a hug?" Donnie nodded. Mikey sat on his bed and wrapped an arm around him. His other arm went and grabbed his blanket, pulling it over himself and Donnie like he had so many times already. 
"How's he lookin'?" Leo asked Mikey as he scooped up the thermometer and a clean rag. 
"His fever's down." Mikey rubbed Donnie's arm as he spoke. "April said he took a bite of a cracker. Is the tray still in here?" 
"Yeah, it's right here. The guy took the smallest bite," Leo sighed. "Is he awake?" 
"I think." Mikey nudged Donnie and he hissed. "Yup, he's awake."
Leo made his way over with the tray. "Don-Tron, Dee, Donnie." 
"What," Donnie mumbled.
"Can you eat a full cracker for me?" Donnie looked at the slider, who's eyes looked broken and tired, with visible bags. He looked exhausted. Maybe he should eat a cracker? No, he's too nauseous.
"You're nauseous probably because you haven't eaten. Just eat one or two," Mikey murmured. Donnie groaned at him before reaching out a hand to grab a cracker. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth, chewed it for a few seconds, and swallowed it whole. His brothers' eyes lit up. Donnie grabbed another and ate it. Leo smiled softly.
Donnie ate just a little bit more before he pushed the tray away and nestled back into his pillow, falling asleep.
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swollenbabyfat · 1 year
Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, Angel, Fluttershy's rabbit, killed himself? It's been awhile since I've seen FIM but are the other animals as sentient as the ponies or is that more of a headcannon? I looooooooove your failgirl fluttershy interpretation sm btw ty so much for sharing
Yeah, that's the case!
It seems the show varies a lot in sentience with the "pets", but Angel definitely has it, he's always bossing her around and having like. conversations with her basically. I kind of viewed Shy and him as having a loving sibling relationship with her as a maternal like presence in his life, so its definitely the case in this story.
Thank you so much!
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sevicia · 9 months
oh dear , how did ur siblings die ? my condolences :(
aw it's ok lol, my oldest brother died I believe in 2009 from a drug overdose & my 2nd oldest sister died at birth way before him along w/ their mom (my dad's gf before he married my mom) . I really don't remember much from when my brother died cause I was 6 yrs old and Everything was hectic as fuck but I do have memories of him before that & he was really sweet :]
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tangledinink · 5 months
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the irony of 'inseparable.'
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
Part 2
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There were so many different possibilities for how this scene could have went,,, ough...
Part 3 can be found here, and part 1 here
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frosteaart · 11 months
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no matter what you've been through here you are... no matter if you think you're falling apart...
it's gonna be okay
(this is also technically inspired by the risetober prompt ghost...)
[click image for higher quality]
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halfelven · 1 year
dreams in which my brother is alive and i make him a whale sweater by sewing on patches of cloth and keep telling myself it’s all right he’s alive it’s all right. we can go back to the coral reef because he’s alive and he can see it too because he’s alive and stopping my sewing thinking didn’t he die though? didn’t he die? but i hold his hand and he’s alive and i am getting him a game from the book store and i promise he’s alive
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flowersbark · 4 months
i dont have any pictures with her at her quinceañera. i wont have any pictures with her at mine.
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ldysmfrst · 4 months
What is that?!? A new story??
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Hello, my dearest readers!
Since I am laid up on pain meds from almost breaking my ankle, I thought I would share something with you, my dearest readers.
This is the first story I have ever written. Started it when I was sick with COVID-19 and bored out of my mind. I wrote it in an interesting way. There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. The chapters are also shorter, so it should be a quicker read than American Mate at this point.
This story is 100% from somewhere inside my brain and is not a FanFic. I hope that is okay. The first 5 chapters will be free for anyone to read, but after that, it will follow the same release schedule as American Mate. Early releases for my Patreon members, "Ask a Character", drabbles, and polls will be limited to members only.
I hope you enjoy it!
Here is the link for Chapter 1!
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swordshapedleaves · 2 years
Character concept
A young person goes into the feywild seeking someone to grant their wish: to be a rosebush on their sister's grave. To be thorny, unfeeling, but alive. They promised to live. They promised her roses on her grave before she died. But they can't bear life without her.
So they go into that land of magic and beauty and danger. They'll do anything if only they can be granted this one wish.
They think they find an archfey, but they find a god instead. A wild god of magic and nature and pain and beauty. A god who weeps for the dead even as she uses them to feed the living.
And she sets this grieving child three tasks, and gives them a bit of magic to do it. If they complete these three tasks, they get their wish. They go home to their sister's grave and sink into the soil and give up on everything she meant by the promises she took while obeying the letter of those oaths.
They don't know it's a trick. They don't realize that in completing these tasks, they will have to get help, have to help in return. That they will love and be loved by a group of people as messed up as they are. They won't know that you can heal from a broken heart until it's already whole enough to break for this new found family.
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