#shut up lizzie we all know who you're talking about
packsurvivcs · 3 months
in modern
aryas' a ballet dancer, her dance teacher is jaquen (he encourages them all to be bitches to each other tho), and she used to compete in archery competitions, but she kinda stopped competing when the dancing picked up for her. Her main dance partner is Edric Dayne. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
0 notes
xoxoavenger · 9 months
I Can't Imagine
pairing: Michael Gray x Fem!Reader
summary: Michael and Y/N have a fight, one that seems like the most important thing until the Shelbys are served a black hand.
word count: 4549
warnings: canon typical injuries, canon typical gang violence, major character death (cannon, not michael or reader)
12 Days of Christmas main masterlist
"3-5-5 Small Heath," Y/N said into the telephone, playing with the ring on her left hand. Michael had proposed not even a week ago, she had moved in not even a week ago, and yet he had only been home when she was going to sleep about two times. It made Y/N livid, and she wasn't going to stand for it. It was almost Christmas, for Christ's sake.
"Shelby Company Limited," Michael answered, and Y/N sighed.
"Mr. Gray," Y/N spoke, listening to Michael's quick intake of breath.
"Y/N," He greeted back, his voice static over the phone. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He asked, obviously pulling out the pocket watch and looking at the time.
"Aren't you supposed to be home?" She shot back, leaning against the desk he had at home.
"I'll be there soon. I promise." His words made Y/N want to scream, because she knew she wouldn't see him until the morning.
"Why don't you tell Tommy Shelby that your wife wants you home." She spoke angrily, closing her eyes in annoyance.
"You aren't my wife." Michael shot back quickly, making Y/N take in a sharp breath. She thought about saying something snarky back, thought about going to the office in Japanese silk - and idea she had overheard Polly and Esme talking about.
Instead she angrily hung up the phone on Michael's quick apologies.
She hadn't fallen asleep but when she heard the door downstairs shut, she closed her eyes and pretended. She heard Michael come into the bedroom, heard his sigh as he took off his jacket and shoes, the clink of metal from his cuff links, the ruffle of cotton as he took off his shirt and then pants, leaving him only in his undershirt. He walked to the bed, gently laying down on his side before he put an arm around Y/N and pulling her close. She didn't snuggle closer like she would have normally, but instead stayed rigid and faced away from him.
"I know you're awake." Michael muttered into her shoulder, kissing the bare skin her night gown provided.
"Do you not understand why I would pretend?" She whispered, trying to ignore the flutter in her heart as he moved closer to her body, the hand that was around her waist feeling around to grab her hand.
"No," Michael's voice was soft and quiet, much different than it had been over the phone.
"Liar." She let go of his hand and rolled away slightly, onto her stomach, making it harder for him to cuddle her.
"Y/N," Michael said, leaning up in bed. Y/N closed her eyes, as if she could fool him now. "Y/N, please. I don't want to go to bed while we're fighting." He reached out for her again, and she pushed him off.
"We can stop fighting when you come home at a reasonable time." She told him, still not facing him.
"I'm doing important work." Michael said as he rolled onto his back.
"For Tommy Shelby? The man who put you on a noose?" She finally moved to her side to face him, barely able to see him in the dull light.
"He's the one who got me off the noose." Michael fired back, making her roll her eyes.
"You wouldn't have been on the noose if it weren't for Tommy!" She was yelling now, and Michael sat up. They had fought before, sure, but she never brought up the time he had almost died. It seemed she was saving it for a rainy day.
"We wouldn't have met if I didn't work for him." It was true; Y/N and Lizzie had worked together, so when Thomas had brought Michael around for some fun Y/N was the one who gave it to him. Michael quickly became a regular, and soon she was payed handsomely and told that she wouldn't need to see anyone else - it wasn't long before her and Michael were official and she learned the Shelby ways.
"Well, what would I know? I'm not your wife, after all." She turned over silently, closing her eyes for the final time that night.
She woke up when Michael had gotten out of bed, kissing her forehead as he stood up and then again when he left. She wasn't going back to sleep, so after she knew he was gone she got up and got ready herself. She did a couple chores around the house that the maid didn't do, like cleaning Michael's office and their room. It had been quite awhile when she collected the mail. She went through it, not opening much because it was for Michael. She did pause on the last one, which was sent from New York. America.
"What the hell?" Y/N muttered, putting the other mail down and going into Michael's office for the letter cutter. She opened a couple drawers before she found it, rummaging around and almost cutting her finger on it. She opened the envelope to a card, the content of which was a black hand.
What was that supposed to mean?
She shoved the card back into the envelope, heart racing. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.
She grabbed the telephone, pressing the small button twice before she was connected.
"3-5-5 Small Heath," Y/N waited to be connected, leaning on the desk and looking at the envelope once more. She didn't fully recognize the name, even if it did seem familiar, but she had never been to America, so she didn't know where it was anyway.
"Hello," Well that was not Michael.
"Tommy Shelby," Y/N said with malice. She hated Tommy for what he did to Michael, to his own flesh and blood. He was a slimy man, and Y/N refused to put up with him.
"Y/N," Tommy greeted her back, and Y/N just sighed.
"Where's Michael?" She asked before he could say anything else. She didn't want to listen to the leader of the Shelby clan; in fact, she would rather never think of the man again.
"He's on his way to Polly's right now. Had to give him a couple pointers on how to get her back to being Poll." Y/N sighed - she knew that Michael's mum wasn't doing well; her time in prison and in the noose had effected her badly, and Y/N and Michael went to visit her at least once a week. She was surprised that Michael went without her this time, especially because he hadn't even told her.
"Did you tell him to go see her? Because you can't fix problems on your own?" She wondered, brows furrowed and her face hurting from it's frown.
"This problem is better suited for Michael." Tommy told her, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Well, it is a problem that you created, furthering my point." Y/N shot back, trying to keep herself from crinkling the envelope in her hand.
"Did you need something?" Tommy asked through a sigh. Y/N took a deep breath - they were practically family now, and Michael respected him. Although she would never respect Thomas Shelby, she would try to act civil.
"I just got a letter in the mail. From America." The line was silent, and she thought it was disconnected for a second until she heard Thomas breathing. "It's from an Italian name. The card was just a black hand." She told him. She hadn't even finished talking before Tommy was swearing.
"Pack a bag and bring some stuff for Michael. We all need to be in Small Heath." He told her, which made her even more pissed.
"We got this house so that we wouldn't have to live in Small Heath." She hoped Tommy could hear her annoyance, could hear her wanting to punch him multiple times.
"I know, but this is the Mafia. The Changretta's are coming after us." He told her quickly, and she heard rustling paper on the other line. Y/N's eyes widened. She didn't work for the Shelby Company Limited, but Michael practically told her everything that Polly, Lizzie and Esme didn't. She knew that Arthur had killed Mr. Changretta, the name she now recognized on the envelope, and she knew that the Mafia was bad news.
"Fuck," She whispered, staring at the envelope. The envelope that was addressed to their house. "They know where we live," She thought aloud, everything coming crashing down.
"Yes, which is why we need to get to Small Heath."
"Well then," Y/N sighed, setting the envelope down. "Guess we'll all be together for Christmas after all, Tommy."
"I'll be back soon, I promise. I have to go get John." Michael told her as they put their bags into one of the upstairs rooms.
"I'm coming with you," Y/N told him. By now it was early in the morning, the sun rising on Christmas. They hadn't slept, both of them worried about the anvil that seemed to loom over the Shelbys.
"No, Y/N, you aren't. If John was served a black hand they know where he lives too, and I don't want you to get hurt." Michael told her, taking his gun out of the holster, checking it, and putting it back in.
"Well, I don't want you getting hurt." Y/N fired back, raising her chin as they stared down at each other. Michael knew he didn't have time for this, so the best he could do was hope the mafia hadn't gotten to John's yet.
"Fine. But you stay next to me at all times and do exactly as I say alright?" He agreed, opening the door of the room for her before leading her down the stairs and out of the house, right to their car.
"Of course, Michael." She smiled as he helped her in, sliding all the way to the passenger side. "I know you can protect me." She put a hand on his thigh as he started the car and watched as his face heated with blush. He turned to kiss her quickly before pulling out onto the road.
"So," Michael started as he began driving out of the small town. Y/N turned to look at him. "I didn't mean what I said on the phone the other night." Y/N rolled her eyes and leaned against her door, sighing. Part of her wanted to forget about their fight.
"I don't believe that." She said quietly, waiting for him to either shut up or lash out.
"I wouldn't have asked you to move in if I didn't feel that way." He told her sincerely, turning out into the country roads. "I wouldn't have proposed if I didn't want you to be my wife."
"It still hurts! I was just asking for you to be home and you decided to use my feelings against me." She shot back, heart racing. She didn't like fighting with Michael, but she also didn't like when he treated her like that.
"Your feelings? I was speaking the truth." Michael told her, and she shook her head, looking out the window.
"You clearly do not understand, so let's talk about it later." She told him, effectively ending the fight. They were almost to John's house anyway. They were even on his road when a slow horse pulling hay practically stopped them.
"Come on!" Michael shouted, hitting the steering wheel. It was obvious he was stressed, and Y/N hoped she was hiding her own emotions. John had kids and a wife, he had a family. She hoped he was fine. "Move!" Michael shouted, causing her to jump slightly as he hit the horn. The man with the hay eventually did move, and Michael quickly swerved around the trailer, making his way all the way to John's.
Once they pulled in behind John's car, Y/N went to open her door. "Stay in the car." Michael told her, hopping out.
"No! I'm not leaving your side, remember," She was still pissed, so even if she had made an opposite promise she wouldn't have stayed in the car. She practically had to jog to keep up with Michael, resisting the urge to grab his arm as they walked through the driveway. The two walked around the side, going through the gate before they heard a shotgun reloading.
"Oh, fuck, it's you two." John said as he came out of his small hiding hole, putting down his gun. "Got nothing better to do on Christmas morning?" John asked, looking down at them. Michael grabbed Y/N's hand, holding it tightly. She let it happen, because she needed some strength to get back to Small Heath.
"Tommy wants everybody at Charlie's yard now. Come on," Michael dipped his head toward the cars, speaking quickly to show his urgency.
"Get in. Get in!" John yelled at the dogs, who walked back through the door right as John shut it. He jumped down from the ledge, leading Y/N and Michael to the front of the house. "Nice to see you, Y/N." John tipped his head to her as they walked, and Y/N just smiled. She hadn't seen the Shelby brothers since Thomas had sent them to the gallows, and she had to say that she regretted it. John had always been nice to her, even if they didn't talk much.
"Is Esme here?" Y/N asked, knowing it was a stupid question. Even if Esme hadn't been one of Y/N's closest friends, it was Christmas Day. Of course Esme was at home.
"Of course she is. It's fucking Christmas Day. What does Tommy want, a fucking family reunion?" John asked, turning onto the patio.
"Look, John, we don't have time for this." Michael said, clearly getting more and more stressed just by being there.
"Alright, come into the house," John spoke just as Michael was finishing, "Just come to the meeting."
"Come on, John," Y/N begged as they walked up to the door.
"Have some food." John continued to ignore them, opening the door. Just as he did, Esme came running out. Instead of going toward Y/N like they all thought she would, she walked straight up to Michael.
"Tell Tommy Shelby we can look after ourselves." She seethed, making Y/N sigh.
"Tommy says they could come for us today." Michael spoke, but Esme was taunting him before he had even finished.
"'Tommy says, Tommy says'. Are you his fucking parrot?" She yelled. Y/N grabbed her arm, turning her toward herself.
"It's the Mafia, Esme! The New York fucking Mafia!" She watched Esme just shake her head, and Y/N's heart sunk. She had to get through to them.
"And we're the Peaky fucking Blinders." John said, gun still slung over his shoulder.
"No, we're not, John. We're not the Peaky fucking Blinders unless we're together." Michael told them, obviously losing his patience.
"You were together on the gallows, with one man missing." Esme turned back to Michael, getting into his face in rage.
"Esme, I know you're upset because trust me, I am too. But in the city we have more protection, more people. We can't risk death just because of a stupid man like Tommy." Y/N tried, but Esme wasn't listening. "Just come to the meeting, at least. Think about the kids." Y/N took her hand from Michael and put it on Esme's shoulder now, and everyone turned slightly at a slight noiseto see the hay horse that Michael had passed on the way passing by the house.
"If you want to leave after, that's fine. Just come with us." Michael begged, and Esme turned her head back.
"No. It's Christmas Day. We're the family now. We're staying at home." She got closer to Michael and Y/N pushed her back slightly, not wanting a fight to break out.
"Get in the fucking house!" John shouted as he loaded his gun. Y/N looked over to see men jumping out of the hay, guns firing. Esme began to run, grabbing Y/N and forcing her to follow into the house. She heard the deafening gunshots, and her heart began to pump faster.
"Michael!" She yelled, reaching out for him. He pushed her away, and Y/N stumbled as Esme dragged her. She couldn't catch herself in time, her knees hitting the concrete just before her her head smacked. She hit hard, jarring her. She could hear the guns and screaming and she knew Esme was now yelling at her, pulling her further toward the house by her under arms. She blinked quickly, trying to regain her senses. Her jaw, cheekbone and eye socket screamed in pain, and she groaned as Esme let her fall. She turned to sit up, head rolling as she took in the scene in front of her. Esme was screaming, holding John close to her. She felt her heart race as she realized there was blood staining John's white shirt. She looked over to see Michael, on the ground.
Y/N's heart plummeted.
"Michael," She groaned, pushing herself to stand. Esme's screams were piercing, and Y/N could barely focus. Everything was blurry, and she wasn't sure if it was because of her head or the fact that she was sobbing uncontrollably. She could barely see as she stumbled around, falling to her knees when she was close enough to Michael. The pain shot all the way up her legs and down to her toes, and she felt bile rise in her throat as a surge of pain when through her head.
"Call someone! John!" Esme screamed as Y/N reached for Michael. She used her might to pull him over, trying to figure out how much he was shot.
"Oh God," Y/N retched, turning her head to throw up. Blackness was consuming her, and her head become fuzzy as she fell right next to Michael, still trying to grab him. He shakily grabbed her hand as she dropped her head to his shoulder, feeling him move around in pain.
"Y/N," He groaned. She lifted her head, realizing her face was now wet from tears.
"Michael, oh my," Y/N's throat was tight, her breath was heaving in and out. More bile was rising to her throat from the pain and the horror of seeing the Shelbys being shot. She turned again, letting go of his hand and throwing up. It felt like her heart had just stopped beating, that her insides had knotted together and her throat was swelling. The right side of her face throbbed, and she just wanted to go home.
One of the kids must have heard Esme, because soon enough an ambulance was pulling into the front yard.
"Help!" Esme screamed, and Y/N turned her head to see four men get out of the ambulance. Two went to John, and two came to Michael.
"Please move so we can help him, miss." A man said, gently pushing her back. When she looked up at him, his eyes widened. Y/N wasn't sure why he was looking at her like that, so she moved back to Michael's side. He was breathing still, but it was pained and his eyes were closed.
"He's gone," Another man said as he came up to Y/N and Michael. Esme's screams were louder, and Y/N felt her heart sink; John was dead.
"We need to get these two to a hospital." The first man said, nodding toward the car. The two men who had been looking at John first left, and Y/N turned to see them going to the car to grab out a stretcher.
"Is he gonna be alright?" Y/N asked, tears in her eyes. She didn't want to lose Michael. She didn't want to be left alone.
Oh God, and they had just fought, too.
"We'll try our best." The man nodded. Y/N tried to calm her breathing, because it was hurting her face, but she couldn't.
The men came out with a stretcher, helping Michael onto it. He groaned out, and Y/N winced they picked him up and took him into the car.
"Why don't you come with us, miss? We need to check out your head." A man held his arm out to her. Y/N looked over to see the other man talking to Esme, who was still screaming and crying.
"My head?" She asked as she grabbed the man's arm. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion - she could only see flashes, like one second she was on the patio and the next she was in the front of the ambulance. The man was asking questions, but Y/N wasn't answering. She could barely hear his words. When she went to lay against the door, her head so fuzzy her eyes were closing, she was instantly brought back to the present. Pain surged all the way across her face, practically rattling her teeth. She jarred awake, blinking quickly.
"Are you alright?" The man driving asked, and Y/N sat up, looking around. They were at the hospital in Small Heath, and she jumped out when they stopped. She stumbled, however, falling to the ground and scraping her hands, her knees crying out. She let out a gasp in pain, about to get up when someone grabbed her and helped her up.
Thomas Shelby.
"You," Y/N seethed, seeing red as he looked at her.
"Y/N, what happened?" Tommy asked. This was one of the only times Y/N had ever seen Tommy afraid, and it made her even more mad.
"What happened?" She repeated, grabbing his biceps as he pulled her up. "What happened was you, Thomas Shelby! What happened was you can never inflate your own ego enough!" She screamed, tears falling out of her eyes as she hit him. She clawed at his face, smacking his chest with open hands and fists. She was angry and upset and tired and hurt and she was taking it all out on him.
"Y/N, please," He begged, grabbing her arms. They were locked like that when the men pulled Michael out, who was groaning in pain, eyes squeezed shut.
"Michael," Y/N muttered going to her fiancé. Tommy grabbed her however, which caused her to hit his arm in an attempt to make him let go. His grip was unwavering, and when he pulled her into him she realized she was screaming, face pressed against his suit. When she finally stopped screaming, her head pressed against Tommy's chest as he cradled her head, she heard Esme's horrified cries.
"No," Tommy said, his grip tightening on Y/N as he realized why Esme was screaming. "No, please," He was begging, and all Y/N could do was cry and lash out.
"He's dead!" She cried as she pushed Tommy away, her head spinning as he let go of her, numb. "And now Michael," Her voice was breathy and she was stumbling, not able to hold herself up.
"They're going to take care of Michael," Tommy promised, shooting a hand out to steady her as she began to fall to the ground. "Are you alright?" He asked, but then she began to lose her balance even more, bringing him down on the muddy ground with her.
"I need to see Michael." She said her breathing getting more labored. Tommy helped her lean against him so her head didn't hit the mud, using the opportunity to examine her bruise.
"He's going to be okay. We need to get you in, your face," He trailed off, not sure how to describe it. Her jaw and cheekbone were swollen, and although she probably hadn't noticed her eye was also almost swollen shut.
"Michael," She breathed, and Tommy's thoughts jumped to the fact that if he were to marry again, this would be the kind of girl he didn't want; one who didn't even care that half her face was smashed in because he was shot.
"Y/N, come on," Tommy tried to pull her up, but she was practically dead weight.
"Fuck you, Tommy." She muttered out, grabbing his jacket. She was shaking, and Tommy was worried about her. "Fuck you." Her eyes were closing, her grip loosening.
"I need help!" Tommy yelled, watching a couple men come out of the building.
"I hate you, Thomas!" Her voice croaked. It wasn't louder than her breathing, and her voice was cracking.
"How did you hit your head?" He asked, moving her hair out of her face and using the hand on the back of her neck to move her head and see the extent of her bruise.
"Get the fuck off me!" She hit him, but it was more of a tap. "Let go of me," She rolled over and onto the mud, coughing as if she were going to throw up. It took Tommy a couple seconds too long to realize she really was dry heaving. The two men had come over to her, grabbing her arms and picking her up to take her into the hospital.
"Make sure she gets the bed next to Michael Gray." Tommy said as he got up, pretending like he hadn't noticed the mud caked into his pants.
"Thomas Shelby is a coward!" Y/N yelled weakly as she was carried in. "He's a coward and he will do anything for his own gain. Even kill his own family!" And he hated to admit to himself that it was true.
"Why aren't you laying with me?" Y/N woke up to Michael's voice behind her. She had been laying towards the wall, because she didn't like sleeping on her back and she couldn't put pressure on the right side of her face. She sat up to turn, and she knew when Michael as realized the bruise. She realized belatedly that she couldn't open her eye all the way, and that her head was throbbing in pain.
"You were shot," She muttered, sitting up all the way and pushing off her bed. Her dressing gown fell short,  much before her knees, her feet completely bare. Her cheeks heated as she realized someone would have had to undress her, and she hoped it was Ada or - more likely - Polly.
"Yes," His voice was gravelly, but he seemed awake, and she wondered how long he had been awake. "My mum came by, she said to tell you she was the one who undressed you. That she fought with physicians to get them away from you." Michael was reaching for her now, and she moved to grab his hand, letting him pull her close and arrange her so that they could lay together.
"When I saw you on the ground - oh God, Michael." Her breaths were short, and although his eyes were closed he was rubbing her back. "I was so afraid you were dead. Before we even got married." He let out a small breath of laughter, still not opening his eyes.
"I can't imagine how Esme feels." He muttered, making Y/N's heart drop.
"I'm sure Tommy is getting a good picture." She said, thinking back to when she had gone crazy as Michael was taken into the hospital.
"He told me about your episode." Michael said softly, and she just closed her eyes. It was embarrassing to think about the way she had screamed at him the way she had thrown a fit outside the hospital and completely collapsed.
"I thought you were dead." She whispered, eyes closed for fear of what he would say.
"If I were you, I probably would have given Tommy a new scar." Michael rubbed her back a couple more times before they settled into bed to sleep.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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lizzieislife94x · 7 months
Tumblr media
Damn It! Pt.2 (e.o)
Requested <3
LizzieG!PxFem Reader
Couple of people wanted a pt.2 so here ya go 😇
Y/ns POV:
I hold my stomach stopping all movements as I feel slightly nauseous the feeling quickly passing "y/n hello y/n!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts with a worried looking lizzie "yeah I'm ok just a second of not feeling good it's passed" I smile reassuring her with my hand on her cheek and a gentle kiss on her lips "thank you for your concern miss olsen" I tease with a smirk as she bites her lip "behave" she whispers pulling me close her lips ghosting mine "that's a bit hard miss olsen when you do things like this" I whisper closing my eyes waiting for to kiss me my wait very short as her lips come crashing against mine "I'm so glad you decided to fuck me last month work has become better than it ever was" I grin as she slaps my ass "even though I make you cum like a slut I still need you to get that sexy little ass in gear and go grab the files from debs on the 5th floor princess" I nod and bite my lip "ok mommy" I say as I turn and walk towards the door a sudden dizzy feeling taking over me as my body sways suddenly going limp "fuck that was close what happened y/n are you ok talk to me babe" I come round to a panicked teary lizzie "I'm ok I don't feel so good though " I mumble as she looks at me relief washing over her as she quickly helps me up carrying me to the couch laying me down gently "you scared me honey" she whispers kissing my head "I feel weird should I be scared, I felt sick about half an hour ago" lizzie plays with my hair "do you take funny turns when you're due your periods honey" I look at her and shake my head "no I never have any issu... oh fuck" I say a little to loud scaring lizzie "what" I sit up holding my stomach "my period should have been here almost 3 weeks ago" I say as I completely forgot about them "wait sick and dizzy no period, fuck" I look at her and frown "you knocked me up you horny fucker" I say as I slap her leg she looks at me shocked before standing up "hey it takes 2 to make a baby" she laughs "you wanted to fill me if you remember " I say standing up walking towards her my arousal starting as I think about our first time "I told you I wasn't on birth control" she looks like a deer in headlights as I try not to laugh pushing her onto the couch "so yes you are the horny fucker who couldn't keep it in her pants" with that I climb ontop of her surprised to feel her hard cock pressing against my covered cunt "now I'm litterly full of your seed carrying your child" I whisper against her lips as I feel her cock throb "fuck I can't lie I'm really fucking happy" she confesses as I kiss her, her hands wrapping around me as it quickly turns heated "fuck me mommy" I pant against her lips as quickly flips us pressing my back against the couch "no no no.. mom..my" I moan "I want to be on top I wanna slide down your dick then you can take over" I grin as she stands pushing her pants and boxers down "anything for you sweetheart" she quickly sits as her cock stands hard the sight making me wetter "come sit on mommy's cock sweetheart "
I bite my lip as I climb over her a leg at each side of her leg as her cock tip brushes against my core "fuck I always forget how big you are mommy " I whimper as she helps line her dick up with my entrance "there you go baby sit like a good girl " I nod as I start to sink slowly onto her dick my eyes shutting as we both moan lizzies hands moving to my ass gripping tight "fuck that feels so fucking good princess your pussy is so fucking tight and wet and" she stops leaning to my ear "mine all mine" I open my eyes as I start to bounce a little faster "all yours mommy I'm all yours" I squeal as her cock hits deep inside me my hands gripping her shoulders tightly "that's the spot that makes you squirt" she smirks as I roll my eyes I hate that she knows me so well knows my body so well but I also fucking love it "I want you to bounce baby mommy wants to make that pussy cum don't worry I'll help you bounce" I nod trying to hold back my moans as I start to bounce faster lizzie using my ass to help me bounce faster "fuck that's it princess just like that Holy shit" she moans as I continue to bounce the sounds of my wetness echoing with our moans "I.. I.. fuck mommy so close" I feel my bouncing getting sloppy as my orgasm threatens to snap, I rest my head against her shoulder still bouncing as I moan into her ear her cock pulsing inside me letting me know she's close too, I let out a surprised yelp as she holds me up taking over the thrusts her thrusts faster and harder than I could manage "fuck gonna fill that pussy every day of our lives baby " I nod as the pleasure takes over me lizzie fucking me with no mercy as my orgasm snaps "cumming mommy!!!!!!" I scream out as I gush all over her cock after to final slams lizzie pulls me down making her cock burry deep inside me as she shoots her hot sticky load deep inside me I hold her tighter my head buried in her neck both of us moaning and panting her arms wrapping around me "fuck" she mumbles as I sit up slightly to look at her "no condoms or protection when we fuck everyday?" I question hoping she agrees "that is up to you my love I will respect whatever you want it's your body, you're the one who will have to go through 9 months of pregnancy" I feel my heart melt "I love you" I cover my mouth as the words slip out lizzie looking at me shocked and amused "I love you too princess" with that she kisses me after 10 seconds I pull away "just to clarify I don't want protection I want all of you and I'm willing to take the risks if we have a few kids I'm ok with that" I say leaning my head against hers as I look at her with love I really do love this woman "you are something else and I fucking love it, I love you princess " I smile as I cuddle into her as she cuddles into me.
AN: another update damn yall are being spoiled 🙄 🤣 hope yall enjoy remember all feedback is welcomed and appreciated I also want to say thank you to the people who always vote on my one shots it really does mean alot to me yall are fucking amazing 👏 remember drink water stay hydrated my loves, word count 1.2k
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 months
Soooo a reply in the most recent Oil Is Thicker Than Blood release (by @dronebiscuitbat ) gave me an idea! And threw my impulse control out of my window!
BE WARNED: this contains a more than implied spicy Nuzi scene, which is canon in the universe of Oil Is Thicker Than Blood. I also tried my best to finish this so be also warned for potentially sucky writing lmao
That red eyed freak... She's gonna pay.
Crawling in the vents. She always loved crawling around, whether it's the roof, the walls, or the ventilation systems, it always felt so good and satisfying.
This time didn't feel good the usual way now. It felt good like a revenge. Fitting.
While she's doing that, she found a few trinkets along the way! Neat! Things to look at instead of her glasses! She always disliked looking at her own glasses out of boredom, it brings memories she doesn't have consent for... Y'know what else she didn't consent to?
Let's not joke about that time, V...
Anyway! Back to searching through the vents! And sending those updates on the red thing stuff too!
"robo-god i fucking love crawling it's satisfying like-..." She stops for a moment... Then sighs... "Let's not ramble about these things alone V, you'll seem crazier than you already are..."
After long minutes of crawling around in the vents and sending updates on the search, she started to hear something...
There's people talking...
There's people talking.
"Look, i'm just sayin', we can't have these Murder Drones in 'ere at all, ya know their body count? As someone who like- counts the deaths and missing drone cases, i say they're up to like- the THOUSANDS!"
"You know Khan's orders and announcement, they're living with us now, end of. We cannot keep having this conversation, Sean..."
"Susan please just- just understand what i'm trying to say here!"
"We can't keep up a relationship if all you're gonna ramble about is the Murder Drones wanting to make amends."
A Worker with an irish accent... Rambling to another, 50% masculine 50% feminine and 100% tired sounding, about the fact that she and N are living in the bunker with them and how he's against it. Of course. If she could drop down right then and there... She would. But she can't, she made a promise... Stupid promise but hey, she cares about that idiot.
Stupid feelings, stupid concept of caring, stupid core, now she feels all mushy and gross...
Ughh, get back to work you trauma bag!
Beep. Update sent. And as she crawls around the vents, a message for Lizzy. Heehee Lizzy she cute- SHUT UP BRAIN.
SD-V: yo liz i caught two people talking while i crawled in the vents, wanna hear?
A few seconds later...
Lizthequeen: OMG yes!!! drop the gossip gurl!!!
SD-V: so theres these two workers talkin shit about me and n for obvious reasons and apparantly these two workers are also a dumb lovey dovey couple
Lizthequeen: oh shiz you talking about sean and susan??? oh theyre having constant problems with their relationship i heard!!
SD-V: thats what im saying. theyre in constant problems with their relationship yeah
Lizthequeen: they are fr?? daaayyuummm gurl...... are they breaking up now???
V stopped to look back and crawl a little backwards to hear...
"... Susan- Susan please don't do this to me-"
"No no no no you know what? You know what? We're done here, all you ramble about is your racism, fuck you and fuck off"
"Susan please!"
Then a slam... Then a sigh...
She began crawling forward again... God damn.
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: RN????? HOLY SHIT?????
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: they finally broke up........ thank you for sharing the info bestie i owe u so much
SD-V: yeah you owe me a good hanging out
V immediately stopped messaging in flustered frustration, yellow filling her visor and embarrassment filling her... Everything. Fuck's sake.
Lizthequeen: what do u mean by that ;3c
SD-V: nothing shut up buzz off im busy anyway BYE
Then to the right goes the program...
That was stupid.
Okay that's processed.
As she crawled by, she began to hear more chatter... Right, people exist.
"Guy imma need to talk to ya"
"Oh no. My name in b flat. I'm in trouble"
"More like i wanna discuss something with you regarding the whole Khan's daughter and N thing..."
"... Am i in trouble?"
"Stop saying you're in trouble, i just wanna talk"
"“Stop saying you're in trouble” yeah shut up before you get in trouble hehehehehe-"
"What the HELL was that?!"
V squeaked in surprise, then yelled back, attempting to threaten the two into submission.
"Okay, no need to yell lass, we would've listened anyway"
"Yeah what Han said"
V sighed in relief and kept crawling and sending updates. Situation avoided.
Crawling by crawling by, crawling by for the sake of your life~
This is getting really boring, i fucking hate this now i wanna go home~
She sang as she crawled in the vents, sending updates every few as she found new things and new gossip, making herself laugh a little as she crawled... She needed those laughs and those moments. She needed a break from the tension and the fear. The dread. That red eyed freak...
That red eyed freak.
"You want me to lead?" She heard, faintly, as she crawled about...
What in the god damn?? Uzi??
"Lay down then"
She crawled forward and stopped to hear the possible new gossip...
What the fuck are they doing down there.
"Relax, okay?"
Uzi?? N?? What are they...
Oh they can't be.
"I-i'm not t-that insteresting"
"You're gorgeous, actually"
"Shouldn't i be saying that to y-you?"
Nuh uh they're not i don't believe... N would be a bottom though.
A little more of hearing from inside the vents, it becomes clearer as every second passes. She can't move.
She jerks a leg forward, yet it's stiff. She can't move.
She tries the same with one arm, it's stiff too. She can't move.
She tries to at least launch herself forward, but her whole body is stiff. She can't move.
She sighs... I can't move... I can't stop hearing...
"Ngh... Uzi..."
She jerks an arm, trying to continue crawling.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
She manages to continue crawling by...
After ceaseless crawling, ending up finding nothing, and having heard quite the event... You think she'll have a word or two for them about it?
She's laid down across the ground, alone in her nest in the spire, seemingly dissociating after the events that transpired...
"Well... Damn." Her last words said in surprise.
We never got to go far in our relationship.
She swapped her hand up with the submachine gun and aimlessly let loose a barrage of bullets, drowning her thoughts in noise. Drowning her sorrows in noise.
Heavy breathing, panting.
"Let's not think of that, V..."
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karma-creations · 10 months
My favorite bits/lines from every Secret Life session after watching all POVs
Session 1
tango trying to ask multiple questions at a time to get scar talking for a little while and scar outright telling him to shut up so he can infodump
joel’s response to lizzie, his ACTUAL WIFE, saying "I love you": "oh thank you"
joel: "hey bdubs your house is upside down" bdubs: "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN- i'm sorry. i'm sorry"
bdubs not-so-subtly begging mumbo not to build a house inspired by his and mumbo straight up going going "uh huh" before suggesting a house inspired by bdubs's
cleo catching etho with the bed shrine
mumbo: "it could be like the alps, but bad. like, much worse."
martyn: "we can do a bit of, uh, tankin' and spankin'" gem: "……bit of what?"
skizz: "all of us are pretty old, maybe our island's called heart problems"
tango: "well, i'll be honest, skizz… everybody's teamed up, so… you're all that's left, we're gonna have to shack up" skizz: "well! it’s like a giant hug!"
Session 2
everyone going "OOOOHHhhhhhhhhhh…….." after skizz's creeper got put in a boat
mumbo: "I'm happy to be in whatever group you guys- oh hey bdubs"
bdubs: "I DON'T NEED NO MOM, I'M A GROWN MAN!" cleo: "really? how do you explain the everything?"
cleo (to bdubs): "you're just a horse girl at heart, aren’t you?"
skizz going "BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP" at the same time as tango chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"
scar: "was this your idea, pearl?" pearl: "no" scar: "this is amazing, only you would have come up with something like this"
martyn: "that's right, I'm a yellow life, and I've come to KILL you" bigb: "….wow, dude"
grian: "I've had the weirdest interactions whenever I see you" bigb: "y'know, I hope they get weirder"
everyone singing happy birthday off-key and out of sync
mumbo: "is there anything that I can help with? I come with no resources and very little talent"
bdubs: "I know how to crit punch, so it's gonna hurt you more than it hurts me!" gem: "..I also know how to crit punch" bdubs: "oh"
scar: "can I give you a ride, bdubs, wherever you're going?" bdubs: "freaking no, not on that thing! you kidding me?" scar: "aw. well I was just offering!" bdubs: "…all right, fine."
Session 3
*joel and lizzie arguing* grian: "aren't you guys married"
grian saying "I don't like what this has become" then immediately joining in the chanting when it’s joel's turn to fail
grian: "I love you, etho" etho: "……thank you?"
mumbo: "right, show me the gear knob on that camel" grian: "I’d rather not"
cleo: "yes, tango, the thing that I know about you is you don't know how minecraft works"
cleo's constant ethubs jokes
etho waterboarding everyone
scar: "losers will be beaten with my beatin' stick"
joel: "you are a FAILURE!!" martyn: "wow that was whole chest" joel: "sorry I’ve had a really rough episode"
bigb accidentally picking up torchy and tango being DEVASTATED
cleo: "why are we coming out this way?" bigb: "so no one can hear!" cleo: "well impulse is right there" impulse: "who?"
torchy out for blood the entire time
Session 4
cleo accidentally hitting etho with her sword and etho's immediate response: "I'LL DO THE DISHES I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT"
cleo: "hey grian" grian: "🎶hellooo theeeere🎶" cleo: "hello, are you singing?" grian: "🎶absolutely not, I would never sing🎶"
mumbo: "what's your favorite welsh town" grian: "……….🎶let me googleee🎶"
grian: "I don't know what to do with myself now, cleo, what do we do?" cleo: "I don't know, I think we should burn things down"
grian: "ignore the stairs, they wouldn’t burn"
scar: "you guys are still here? I went and stole a bunch of stuff and you guys are still yapping over here"
jimmy: "I'll go in BigB's hole" scott: "you're gonna do WHAT????" cleo: "I always knew there was something about you two"
scar singing back at grian with no hesitation
grian and scar spotting martyn hiding behind the tree
jimmy: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scott: "hi, I’m just making the path connect-" jimmy: "STOP CRYIN' AND TELL US WHAT YOU'RE DOIN'" scott: "I'm making the path connect like lizzie did"
joel: "anyway, just came over here to ruin your day"
bdubs: "okay, you count us in" bigb: "okay. seven"
mumbo: "what do I win?" bdubs: "uhh- you win.. eight baked potatoes!" mumbo: "YEEEEESSS!!!!!"
bdubs: "you can't hit me! I can say and do whatever I want! okay, going to the house real quick though, to lock myself in"
people gaslighting jimmy and martyn (mostly jimmy) into thinking there’s a zombie/skeleton horse spawner somewhere
bdubs: "hey, hey! I consider you a friend! apparently it’s not reciprocated." gem: "it’s not. what do you want?"
jimmy: "martyn I think he can see you-" *beat* martyn: "WELL HE DIDN’T UNTIL YOU SAID THAT YOU IDIOT"
martyn: "oh yeah, wait! why are you wearin’ that?" scar: *incoherent cop sounds* (/ref)
jimmy: "he'll come back like nothing's happened now" mumbo: "hey guys 😀"
skizz: "here's the thing, I'm not too bossy, I- Boppers, go home for a second, I gotta talk to these guys"
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writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
high enough
chapter 3 - i bet on losing dogs
boxer! ethan nestor x assistant! fem!reader
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notes: if you thought 2 was bad on the angst, this one is a whole other beast. in other words, you quit. also you still don't understand that ethan wants you you poor soul
warnings: angst, ethan hits a table
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"I feel like you're going to die on that couch."
You were wrapped in around a million blankets on the couch, a giant blob of fabric that hadn't gotten up in hours.
"That's the fucking plan, Annie. Die on this couch," you mumble. Annie hands you the tv remote and a bottle of water. "Okay, but at least watch something, stop staring at the wall. It's not good for you."
"Okay." You shift to sit up, and Annie sits next to you. "You've been sobbing your eyes out all night. I've never seen you like this. Not even when Lincoln broke up with you half way through finals week, and you guys were actually together three years!" she exclaims. You open the bottle of water and slurp some down, your throat finally feeling relief.
You put the bottle down before you speak again. "Ethan is different, though. He's always been different. I just...no one has ever understood me on that level before, Annie. No offense. He made me feel so seen. I thought we were friends, actual friends, and he had hid that he had a girlfriend for I don't know how long. All this time spent together, he had every opportunity to tell me, and he didn't, and I can't forgive that. I thought he trusted me. I trusted him. But how can someone lie and hide something like that?"
Annie nods, processing what you said. "Well, you have your choices laid out for you. What are you going to do about it?"
Monday rolled around, and you found yourself once again stepping into Ethan's hallway. You could hear chattering in the kitchen, as you rounded the corner, there she was. Lizzy Dee Mitchell. Your boss's new girlfriend.
When you had gotten home after the fight, you had googled her extensibly, an actress from New York who liked to party, and who had been in the news for "outbursts of anger" on set. Charming.
She and Ethan were sitting out at the kitchen counter, like it was any other morning. You step into the room, not bothering to meet their eyes.
"Hey, trouble." Ethan's tone was gentle, eyeing you as you flip through papers on your clipboard.
"Hey." If Ethan's tone was gentle, yours was the opposite, dry, brisk.
"Hi, I've heard so many things about you," Lizzy says chipper, taking a strawberry off of Ethan's plate, munching on it. You watch her, and Ethan watches you.
"Charmed," you sigh out, looking back at your papers.
Damon had texted you an hour early, no idea how he had gotten your number, just a brief
"the offer for Harini still stands at any time -D".
You thought about that message, staring at the papers of things you had to do with Ethan today, wishing somehow you could teleport yourself literally anywhere else.
"Trouble, can I see you in pri-"
You cut him off. "Where's Jerry?"
Ethan's brows scrunch in confusion. You hardly ever voluntarily sought Jerry out for anything, usually preferring to fix the issue yourself and tell him later.
"What do you need Jerry for?"
"There's a discrepancy with some of these interview schedules, just need to clear it up for a moment," you murmur.
"Can I talk to you first?" Ethan pleads, his hand holding the fork shakes as he stares you down. You hadn't looked at him once throughout the entire conversation, and it was clear that things were not okay with you two.
He had hoped that you weren't upset with him, that Damon had said something rude to you off stage. But he knew deep down you were mad. You were friends, and he hadn't even begun to warn you of the nightmare that was this PR relationship. He could have tried harder to say anything. To defy Jerry's orders for once and talk things out with you. But now it's like some switch had shut off in your brain, cutting off the friendly feelings you had always shown him.
It made Ethan sick.
"We can talk after I talk to Jerry," you say. You finally look up at him. It was a dead, dull look. He tries to read your face, but there's nothing to read. You walk out of the room, gone in seconds.
So Ethan waits. But you don't leave Jerry's side for a second.
The day felt like it had a span of years, going from activity to activity, waiting for you to tell him you were ready to talk, but the end of the day had approached without even a glance in his direction.
You were getting ready to leave for the day, and you had made your decision. Gathering your things, you stepped out of Ethan's front door. You and Jerry stood for a moment.
"Don't forget our meeting tomorrow," you remind him. "Right. Lawyers?" "Yes, sir. It's a legal negotiation."
Jerry eyes you. "Are you sure about this?" Your stomach twisted with nerves. You could see Ethan heading down the stairs, approaching you and Jerry. Jerry continues, "He's not going to be happy. You want him to be happy, don't you?"
"Jerry, we've been discussing this all day. It's inappropriate to continue under the circumstances, and this morning all but confirms this for me."
Ethan approaches the front doorway. "Everything alright, Jerry? Trouble?" Jerry turns to you, looking at you for a moment. "Everything is alright, just having a discussion about a meeting tomorrow," Jerry says. You nod, and Jerry bids Ethan a goodbye, heading to his car.
Ethan smiles nervously as you turn to head to your car. He grabs your elbow gingerly. "Hey, wait. I didn't get to talk to you," he whispers. "I have to go, Ethan," you state, trying to wrench your elbow out of his grip. "Just five minutes. Give me five minutes, I'll explain everything, we can talk things out."
You shake your head. "I really have to go, I have something important to do. Besides there is nothing to talk about." His grip loosens enough for you to break free, and you walk down the drive way. You call out a final sentence.
"You have a meeting at noon tomorrow with your lawyer. Wear a suit."
You get in your car, driving off, as Ethan watches from his front door step.
What the fuck was that about, Ethan thinks. He had heard everything with the door open. Legal negotiations? Ethan stands there for a minute thinking.
Did you find out? Is that why you spent the whole day with Jerry? That you figured out it was PR, and you spent the day with Jerry convincing him to let him out of the contract. That had to be it.
You knew him better than anyone, surely you would know better than to assume he would ever even so much as look in another woman's direction without telling you. Not that he ever would, because he had you. That had to be it.
For the first week day in a long, long time, you didn't come sailing into Ethan's kitchen that next morning. Jerry comes in, but you don't follow.
"Where is she?" Ethan asks, growing nervous. Jerry looks up, and gives a sigh. "I gave her the morning off. She'll meet us at the lawyer's office. Go get your practice in."
"What?" Ethan splutters out. You had never been given a morning off a single time working for him, ever. Jerry would always freak out if you even thought about it.
"She had to take care of some business, she'll meet us there. Go practice."
The morning felt like living inside a horror film. Ethan felt nothing but dread hitting the sandbags, standing in the shower, changing into his suit.
And now he sits in dread outside a courthouse office space, waiting for the meeting. Jerry scrolls on his phone, seemingly not noticing Ethan's panic.
Ethan nudges him. "I thought we were meeting her here, are we going to start the meeting without her?" he asks. Jerry shakes his head. "She'll be here, meeting can't start without her."
Almost like witchcraft, you enter the hall, a man following you. That man wasn't his lawyer. What the fuck was happening?
"Who's that?" Ethan whispers.
"A lawyer." Jerry simply responds.
Jerry pulls Ethan to his feet, and they enter the conference room. A judge sits at the head of the conference table, with Ethan's lawyer typing away on her laptop next to him.
Did they need two lawyers for what was about to happen?
Ethan and Jerry take seats next to his lawyer. You and the other lawyer enters, and Ethan prepares for you to sit next to him.
But then something crushing happens.
You and the other lawyer sit across from him.
"Trouble? What's going on? What is this?" Ethan asks, the panic setting back in. The judge clears his throat, before speaking. "We are here today because a motion to terminate work contract with one Ethan Nestor has been filed, effective immediately. Will the plaintiff confirm?"
Ethan's entire life crushes in that one sentence. He looks at you, tears welling in his eyes. "Trouble? What are you doing?" This has to be a prank, he thinks, you pulling his leg for not telling you.
You stare back at Ethan, your stomach dropping. It was one thing to decide to do what you were about to do. It was another thing to actually be sitting in a conference room, having to look at Ethan while you severed yourself from his life.
Ethan stares you down, horrified.
"Yes, your honor," you whisper.
"No," he whispers back, eyes widening.
"Please state your case for motioning leaving this legally binding contract."
"No," Ethan repeats, getting louder.
"Your honor, the plaintiff has been offered employment elsewhere, a more lucrative opportunity for her career-"
Ethan bangs his hands on the table, his nose flaring. "Absolutely fucking not."
"-And Mr. Nestor over the years of employing the plaintiff has not given her a single raise, a single additional benefit, all the while maintaining an inappropriate-"
You watch Ethan, horrified, as the table shakes from his hands slamming again. He looks at you again, manic. "You lied to me, didn't you?" His voice cracks. "It's Damon, it's Damon fucking Jones. After the match, you lied to me, he offered you a job, didn't he?"
Your lawyer is stunned by the interruption, looking at Ethan, and looking back at you. Tears stream down both yours and Ethan's faces.
"So, so fucking what? Another blond boxer offers you a job and bats his stupid eyelashes at you and you would rather run off with him? What about the last four years, trouble? Would he fucking die for you, trouble? Would he? You can't, you can't do this."
"It's not like that, Ethan."
Your lawyer clears his throat, and the judge speaks. "Mr. Nestor, if you don't cease your outbursts, I will have you arrested for contempt of the court, let the legal team of the plaintiff discuss their case."
"As I was saying your honor, the defendant has been behaving in inappropriate behaviors towards the plaintiff over the last four years, behaving as if she was a personal friend rather than an employee. See his outburst just now, behaving as if the plaintiff was ending a romantic relationship, not quitting being his assistant."
"Inappropriate?" Ethan scoffs. "Is that what you really think, trouble?"
You don't look at him, waiting for your lawyer to continue speaking.
"As you can see from the papers I just gave your honor and the defendant's legal, Ms Harini Iyer has offered the plaintiff employment for more than twice Mr. Nestor's rate, apartment lodging of the plaintiff's choice, benefits. This is more than Mr. Nestor has offered her in the last four years."
The judge nods.
"You'd abandon Annie to live in some millionaire apartment?" Ethan hisses. You shake your head. "She offered Annie a job too. She comes with."
"I can't let you do this," Ethan cries.
"And what are the current parameters for exiting the contract?" the judge asks, ignoring Ethan.
"The plaintiff needs at least one signature from her employer, we just need to discuss the terms of termination."
You speak up to the judge. "I don't want anything from Ethan, I just want to be terminated from my contact."
Ethan shakes his head. He has to keep you. You're the largest part of his life. You're the person he wants to see most in the morning, the first person he looks for after a win. Did the last four years mean nothing to him? How could you this?
"Don't do this to me, trouble. I won't sign it."
"Ethan," your eyes pleading with him, "Do not make this difficult, sign the damn paper."
He slams his hand down again. "Absolutely not! I need you! You and me, we're a team, I cannot let you do this. We're friends. We're fucking friends, and you're just walking out like it's nothing."
"We're not friends."
"Don't say that."
"You don't tell me about your personal affairs, I am not a friend, I am your employee, you are my employer, we are not friends," your tone is sharp.
Some of the puzzle pieces click for Ethan. "Is this about Lizzy?" he whispers. He stares you down, but you won't look at him.
"It is, isn't it?" he whispers. His shoulders sag. "Trouble, if you would just listen to me, just talk to me."
You look sharply at him, a deep inhale through your open lips. Your eyes are bloodshot, but yet your mascara stays intact on your face.
"Ethan," you whisper, and all he wants to do is grab you and hold you.
Then you say four words that crush him further.
"Just let me go."
His response is automatic. "I can't."
How could he? For four years, you've lit up his world. Nearly every day of his life for four years was spent with you. To let you go would have it end. The secret whispers, the victory hugs, the loss hugs, all the late nights spent with you on his couch, they would end. And he would never get to have you in his life again. He'd be stuck in that horrible PR relationship without a light at the end of the tunnel. Ethan would lose what gives his victories meaning.
You stare at each other for the longest time in silence.
"Please," he pleads one last time, "let's go home, I'll give you anything you want, please."
"Sign the papers."
"You know I can't."
Your face hardens. "Fine. I don't need your goddamn signature."
Ethan's expression changes to confusion and astonishment. "I am your employer, you need an employer's signature, and I won't give it to you," he spits out.
"In case you forgot, Mr. Nestor, I was hired from an agency."
His stomach drops at the realization.
"And you didn't hire me from the agency." You point at Jerry. "He did. He's also my employer. And I just need one signature."
Ethan turns to Jerry. "Don't you fucking dare," Ethan seethes. Jerry grabs the papers. "Jerry, don't, don't fucking do it," Ethan reaches to grab the papers, to stop Jerry. The security officer grabs Ethan by the shoulders. "Don't, son," the officer murmurs. "Jerry, stop please."
Jerry reads the papers, scanning through them. He looks up at you. "This is a good deal. I can understand what you're doing here, you were right," he murmurs.
"You knew?" Ethan asks, trying to lunge forward again. The officer pushes him back into the chair.
"She told me yesterday. Kid, are you sure?"
You look at Jerry, and for the first time in four years, you two had a moment of complete understanding.
Jerry grabs the pen and signs the papers, sliding them over to the judge. "It'll be better for you this way, kid." Your lawyer pulls out additional papers that you sign, sliding those also over to the judge.
It was over. Ethan had lost. And he had lost the only thing that genuinely fucking mattered.
The meeting concludes silently, Ethan reduced to nothing but silent tears. Everyone files out of the room. You pull out your phone and start quickly typing, speed walking down the hallway.
Ethan immediately trails after you, trying to stop you. "Trouble, trouble, just fucking talk to me, what the fuck was that?"
"I quit, Ethan."
"Why are you upset about Lizzy, can you at least answer me that? What was so bad you have to get a different job with the woman who's dating Damon fucking Jones when you know I feel about him?" You pull sunglasses out of your purse, putting them on, then open the doors to the courthouse, stepping out. You hear cameras shuttering, and you can hear reporters calling both your and Ethan's names, wondering why it looked like both of you had been crying.
You turn back to Ethan, standing outside on the steps. "Did you or did you not lie to me, Ethan? If we were friends, if I was worth anything to you outside of an employee, why did you not tell me?"
He stays silent, before speaking.
"Jerry said it would improve my career. She's better for my career."
Your stomach tightens, and you thank god you had put on your sunglasses so he didn't have to see you cry. Was he fucking joking? What kind of sick answer was that? You scoff. "Who do you fucking think you are to say that to me? What does that even mean? Well... fuck you for listening to that douchebag. The only thing he's ever done right was sign those fucking papers." You spin back around, rushing down the stairs.
He runs after you, the cameras following.
"Trouble, wait, wait, I can explain what I mean, I-"
A blue convertible pulls up, and you toss your purse in the backseat. The cameras turn from Ethan to the car, the reporters and paparazzi exciting themselves over the driver.
Harini Iyer, who shoots you a thousand giga watt smile. "Get in!" she yells, and you nod, jumping into the passenger seat.
Ethan is sprinting down the steps now, as everyone is taking photos of you and Harini, shouting. Harini leans in to whisper to you. "You got any last words? We got about twenty seconds." She shifts to pull out.
"Yeah. Fuck him."
Ethan is rapidly approaching the car, pushing through the crowd.
When he can see you again, you turn to everyone taking photos and videos, give a giant grin, and flip Ethan off.
Harini throws her head back, laughing, before hard pressing the gas, speeding away from the courthouse.
And with that, you were severed from Ethan Nestor's life.
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mcyt-parodies · 5 months
could you do Sincerely, Me (from Dear Evan Hansen) as maybe Grian and Joel? :>
Here we are! I hope you enjoy! Halfway through I started thinking of a way I could add Jimmy as Connor but I couldn’t come up with a good enough scenario so what we have is Joel and Grian “corresponding” to have an alibi for a prank? I’m honestly not sure. The intent behind the letters is supposed to be Joel is worried about fitting in and Grian is talking him through it. I do hope this is what you were looking for!
Sincerely, Me (A Joel and Grian Parody)
Dear Grian MC
We’ve been way to out of touch
Things have been crazy
And it sucks that we don’t talk that much
But I should tell you that I think of you each night
I remember Bread Bridge and explosions
And start laughing in delight
[Grian, spoken]
The Bad Boys were pretty fun
[Joel, spoken]
They were, weren’t they?
[Grian, spoken]
But that’s beside the point, if we want a sound alibi for these pranks these have to be perfect. Just- I’ll do it
I’ve gotta tell you, life without you has been hard
[Joel, spoken]
[Grian, spoken]
Has been bad
[Joel, spoken]
[Grian, spoken]
Has been rough
[Joel, spoken]
And I miss talking about life and other stuff
[Joel, spoken]
Very specific
[Grian, spoken]
Shut up!
I like the hermits
[Joel, spoken]
Oh come on, give me a little more credit Grian
I love the hermits
Each day is an adventure
If I stop killing people
Then everything might be alright
[Joel, spoken]
But I like PvP!
[Grian, spoken]
Just fix it!
If I stop missing Lizzie
[Grian, spoken]
Oh Joel, Really?
(Joel gives Grian a thumbs up)
If I stop missing Lizzie
Then everything might be alright
I’ll take your advice
I’ll try to be more nice (he makes a gagging noise)
I’ll turn it around
Wait and see
'Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention
It’s easy to do if you give it your attention
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
Sincerely, Me
[Joel, Spoken]
Are we done yet?
[Grian, spoken]
Well we can't just give them one book. I want to show that we were actually talking and, like, being good friends, you know?
[Joel, spoken]
Oh my god.​
Dear Joel Beans,​
Yes, I also miss our talks
I’m sorry you miss your wife
Just try to take deep breaths and go on walks
[Joel, spoken]
I'm sending pictures of the most amazing trees
[Joel, spoken]
You'll be obsessed with all my landscaping expertise
[Joel, spoken]
Absolutely not.​
Dude, I'm proud of you
Just keep pushing through
You're fitting right in
I can see
You can see!
'Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention
It’s easy to do if you give it your attention
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
Sincerely, Me
Your brothers’ hot
[Grian, spoken]
What the hell!
[Joel, spoken]
My bad.​
Dear Grian MC,​
Thanks for every note you send
Dear Joel Beans,​
I'm just glad to be your friend
Our friendship goes beyond
Your average kind of bond
Maybe because we're gay
Maybe because we're gay
We're close, might be in that way
But still platonically
Well anyway!
You're doing better every day
I'm doing better every day
Keep doing better every day
Hey hey hey hey!
'Cause all that it takes is a little reinvention
It’s easy to do if you give it your attention
All you gotta do is just believe you can be who you want to be
Sincerely, Me
Miss you dearly
Sincerely, Me
Sincerely, Me
Sincerely, Me
Sincerely, Me
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twice-my-age-simp · 11 months
"Happy birthday Pol"
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Polly Gray x FemReader
Warnings: smut, fluff, jealousy(little)
Summary: It's Polly's birthday, but Thomas had other plans for you. You went to visit Lizzie and waited for Polly to pick you up.
Word count: 1763
A/N: It's my first smut, sorry if It's shitty
It was Polly's birthday. You hoped that you could spend it together, alone in your home. But of course, Thomas had to destroy your plans.
First you had gone to the orphange, to yell at some nuns. Yes, it was important matter, because these children have been beaten, by nuns. Then you went to Charlie's Yard. The boys said happy birthday to Polly, you all had a beer. And Tommy asked Polly to get Aberama out of the hospital. You saaid that you'll go with her right away, because you didn't like the idea of Polly and Aberama together in the car. Alone.
But Thomas said that she has to go on her own and you can go back home or with him, Arthur and Micheal or if you wanted, you could go and meet with Lizzie, who was home. You decided to go visit Lizzie, for peace of mind. Polly also said, that you don't have to worry and that she'll pick you up.
You were sitting with Lizzie drinking whiskey and talking. You had hepled her with some thing to occup your mind.
"Y/N why are you looking out the window every bloody minute. She won't get here quicker." Lizzie laughed, you rolled your eyes ay her comment.
"I know. I'm just worrying because it's getting late and it's fucking November so the roads may be slippery." you said, sighing and looked out the window again.
"And you worry because she's with Aberama." she pointed at you with the hand, in which she was holding a glass. "You don't have to worry, Polly would never cheat on you."
"Lizzie I don't... I am not... Ehh, I just want to go home and spend time with Polly, it's her birthday after all." You took a cigarette out from your tin, lighting it.
When you sat down next to Lizzie, you could hear the front door open, what made you look at Lizzie, who was already looking at you with a smirk. "I think she's here." You didn't have to tell her what you wanted to say at that moment, your eyes were speaking for you 'Shut up'. Frances walked into the room, but before she could say anything, Polly walked right after her.
"Hello Polly." Lizzie greeted her, trying not to laugh.
"Hello, something happend?" she asked, clearly confused by Lizzie's behavior. You got off of the couch and walked to her and kissed her.
"No, everything is fine." You answered her, before Lizzie could say anything, in fact she was laughing now. Frances came back with your coat and handled it to you. You took it from her, mouthing a little 'thank you' putting it on. "Thanks for whiskey and please Lizzie, don't drink more, because it will be me, who will have to deal with Thomas." You grabbed Polly's hand and practically dragged her out of the room.
"I see, you had fun with Lizzie." She chuckled, you both got into the car, Polly was driving.
"Yeah, you can say that. And how was your time with Aberama?" your voice went flat when you mentioned him. She took her eyes off the road for a moment and looked at you smirking. You've never really hided that you're jealous, even when he was around. Family loved to make jokes because of that, but you didn't care about that.
"Do you really want to know, darling?" she teased you.
"Yes, that's why I asked you." You answered with smile, as if she wasn't trying to make you more jealous.
"Alright, so we talked about everything and nothing to be honest and he gave me a rose as a gift, that's all. I think he was grateful that I picked him up from the hospital." You were listening carefully to what she was saying. If she was telling the truth, and you belived her of course, nothing really happened.
"How nice." You said after a few seconds, what made Polly smile. She put her hand on your thigh, like she awlays do when you're sitting in a car.
You were sitting in silence, until Polly's hand started creeping up your thigh, what made you tense up. You looked at Polly and saw that she was already smirking, but she was also concecrated at the road.
"Polly what are you doing?" you tried to sound as normal as possible.
"Nothing." She said, but her hand was telling something else, Polly's hand sliding up on your thigh even higher, what made you close your eyes.
"Polly you are driving."
"Oh. We can change that." She said, still holding her hand on your leg. You opened your eyes to see what she was going to do.
You waited a few minutes for her to do something, but she did nothing, so you started to think that she was just joking. Until she turned onto side road and stopped the car.
"Get in the back, now." She unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car. Wait, does she really want... here? Right now? You heared the back door open. "Y/N did you hear what I said, get. In. The. Back."
"Pol are you fucking serious? We're in the middle of nowhere." You turned around to look at her.
"Exactly, in the middle of nowhere. I repeat myself once again. Get in the back, fucking now." Okay, she was serious.
You unfastened your seatbelt and got out. She opened the door from the insiede of the car so you could slip in next to her.
"Good girl." Polly said in a seductive tone, you blushed at her comment.
She took her hand to your neck and pulled you to her, bringin your lips together. She kissed you softly. You put your hands on her cheeks when the kiss started to grt more rough. Polly put her hands on your waist and pulled you onto her lap, you straddled her.
Her hands went to the buttons of your shirt, unbuttoning it and she backed away to see what she was doing. When she finally undone all the buttons, her lips went to your neck, kissing it and looking for your sweet spot. You tilted your head to the side to give her more room. She started sucking on your pulse point. You let out a loud moan, your hand flew to the back of her head.
Her lips went down to your collarbones, leaving pink marks. After a moment she moved away and started kissing your breast throuh the bra. Breathy moans escaped you and you grabbed her hair harder. She gasped against your chest, making you smirk.
One of her hands left your waist and snaked on your legs, under your skirt, while you tried to unbutton her blouse. You slightly jumped and graped her blouse as her fingers put your underwear to the side and touched your clit, smirking at your reaction.
"Polly" You moaned as she was drawing tight circles on your clit. "Polly please."
"Hmm? What does my little girl want?" She teased you, even though she knew exactly what you wanted, but she wanted to hear it from you.
"Please Polly just..." You took a deep breath trying to form a sentence, your hips trying to grind against her fingers. "Just fuck me, please. Make bloody scream already." You wrapped your hand around her neck, pulling her closer to you, so you could whisper directly in her ear. "Isn't it what you want Pol, to hear me scream your name." A loud moan escaped you, as her fingers slipped into you and started at relentless pace.
"Is that what my girl wanted? Did she miss my fingers, hmm?" The questioning made you grind your hips even faster against her hand, moans elicting from your mouth wirh every curl of her fingers. Your hand went to grab something, when you grabbed the back of the seat, you realized that you were still in the car. Once you opened your lips to say something, Polly directly hit that spot inside of you and only a loud gasp broke out from your lips, holding on her arm for dear life. "Oh my god!"
"Polly, is fine." She smirked, her thumb came in contact with your clit, rubbing cirlces on it, at the same time curling her fingers.One of your hands grabbed her neck and pulled into a kiss to muffle your moans, the other one went down to her breast, squeezing it through her bra. Polly gasped, taking the opportunity, your tongue slipped into her mouth, dominating the kiss for a moment, befor she dominated you.
"l'm gonna- Fuck! Please can I cum? Oh shit." You buried your head beetwen her neck and shoulder as your hips desperately grinded against her fingers.
She didn't answer verbally, she just curled her fingers even more. You bit on the nape of her neck at the feeling. Polly let out a sheaky breath, neverthless her fingers didn't stop, trying to drag out your orgasm as long as she could.
She took her fingers out of you, putting digits to your mouth. You put your lips around her fingers, looking into her, licking them clean. Polly bit her lip, taking fingers out of your mouth and pulling you for another deep kiss. While she was too focused on kissing you, your hand moved from her breast to her thigh under her skirt, sliding up to her center. She let out a suprised gasp, when you slipped your hand into her panties, started rubbing her clit.
"Keep going, darling... you're doing good." She breathed out, grasping your waist as your three fingers entered her, instantly curling inside of her. You started thrusting your fingers into her. She was moving her hisp, matching the moves of your fingers.
Polly grasped the nape of your neck, reconnecting your lips. She was getting tense while you didn't stop curling your fingers.
"Finish honey. I love the way you look when you cum." You whispered against her lips. She dug her nails into the skin of your thigh as your words send her over the edge. She finished muttering curses under her breath. You slid your fingers out of her, rapidly putting them into your mouth and sucking on them.
Once she stabilized her breath, she looked up at you, only to find out you were already staring at her. "What?" She raised one eyebrow.
"Happy birthday Pol." You leaned down to kiss her, which she gladly accepted. She smiled into the kiss, putting her hands around your waist.
"Thank you, darling."
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bi-bard · 2 years
Lizzy McAlpine Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Jason Todd - Jason Todd Imagine [Titans (HBO)]
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Title: Lizzy McAlpine Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Jason Todd
Pairing: Jason Todd X Reader
Word Count: 2,089 words
Warning(s): unhealthy grieving, injury, argument, yelling, mention of sex
Author's Note: There are like four of these currently planned for Jason (counting this one). It's becoming a problem. You guys need to stop encouraging me.
**Not intentionally written in chronological order**
erase me
Don't answer me I'm calling just to hear you scream And you're fading But he feels like you in between
It was all about grief.
Not that I wanted to admit that.
I wanted to believe that this was just me changing as time went on. It had nothing to do with anything else around me. I was just growing. Exploring.
After Jason's death, my decline was fast.
At first, I was isolating. I hid away from the entire group. I only trained on my own. I spent most of my day curled up in my room. Someone would try to stop by, usually Gar trying to get me to eat. Sometimes it was Dick trying to get me to just walk around the tower for a little while or just talk to him.
After a while, I started forcing myself out of the tower. I would go out and find the best place to hide in. Anywhere with loud music and flashing lights and too many people that I could spend just a bit of time devoting my time and energy to. I would overwhelm my senses just to shut off my thoughts for a few hours.
I called that growing. Getting better. Moving through the grief.
No one agreed with me.
I was tired of the worried looks. I just ignored them.
Every night, I would come back to see Dick waiting up for me. I would ignore him, going back to hide in my room before he could lecture me.
I wasn't blind.
I knew when I felt someone watching me.
I ignored it for a while. But when I caught sight of someone on the roof of a building, I knew that I couldn't avoid an inevitable confrontation.
I sighed, turning into an alley. I jumped up onto a fire escape and climbed up.
The figure was still on the roof, looking around the street frantically. I almost chuckled. They'd lost sight of me.
"Who the hell are you," I called. The figure froze, their back still facing me. "Who the hell are you and why have you been watching me?"
I stepped forward, ready to pick a fight if I needed to.
And then, the figure turned around.
I stepped back immediately. I shook my head, convincing myself that I had been imagining things. That was it. I had finally lost it. I would have to tell Dick that he was right. I needed help.
"You can't be real," I mumbled, more to myself than Jason.
"Don't," I snapped. "Don't say that. You... You died. I watched you. You can't... I've gone crazy."
I went to walk away, wanting nothing more than to just run home.
"(Y/n)," Jason stepped closer to me, grabbing my wrist before I could walk away.
I stared down at his hand. I didn't know if I should've pulled away or stayed or yelled or just... anything.
"I wanted to know you were okay," he admitted.
I pushed him back. "I... I have spent so long grieving you. So long. I... How are you... Why..."
Jason stepped forward again. I hit his chest.
"I tried so fucking hard to distract myself!" I shouted. "To forget you for just a little bit and then you just show up again. And you weren't even gonna talk to me? You were just going to watch me from the roof? Seriously?"
"I was scared of this exact reaction!" he yelled back. "You think it didn't kill me? I watched you do this shit every fucking night! It fucking hurt! Watching the person that you love kiss and touch and..."
He trailed off for a moment like the last word would hurt him. I couldn't blame him.
"I just wanted to forget," I mumbled. "Just for a minute."
I looked down for a moment.
"We...," I shook my head and looked back at him. "We need to go tell the others. Dick and Gar- God, Gar's gonna be so happy to see you-"
"I can't."
I felt my heart drop. "What?"
"You can't tell anyone about me."
He leaned in and kissed me. I almost fell apart. Right in that moment. It had been so long... too long.
He leaned away again.
"Don't tell anyone you saw me," he repeated. "Please."
"Promise me that you're real first," I muttered. "I'll... I'll do anything, but please... just promise me."
"I'm real," he replied. "I promise."
I let the words sink in for a moment before I kissed him again. I cupped the sides of his face, like that would cause time around us to freeze.
Jason pulled away again. He grinned at me.
"Come back to me," I whispered. "Soon."
He nodded. "Sooner than you think, I promise."
I stepped away fully. I waved to him as I made it back to the fire escape.
When I made it home that night, Dick was waiting up for me.
"We need to talk," he said. Like he did every night.
"Okay," I replied. Instead of ignoring him.
He looked shocked at my response.
"I'm ready to talk."
No need to avoid... no need to forget.
an ego thing
Ooh-oh, I was trying to be honest If this is what I get, I won't be honest anymore Oh, if this is what I get I swear I won't be honest anymore
Jason was getting cabin fever.
There was no doubt about that.
After we had all spent so long in the Titan tower doing nothing but training, we all were getting to that point.
But Jason... Jason seemed to miss the violence more than he missed helping people. It was alarming. I knew that he missed being Robin. He missed working with Batman. He missed wearing a mask. But I didn't want him to jump back into that work if all he missed was the ability to do whatever he wanted with little consequence.
I just never wanted him to feel like I didn't support him. Or that I was attacking him.
We were on the couch. My head was resting on his leg. I was listening to him rant about the subject again. I was listening, trying to truly process every word. I just wanted to help him.
"Is it really that bad that I want to actually kick some ass after I've spent months stuck in here training?" he rambled. "I just want to get back to what I'm good at."
I took a deep breath. "Can I... Can I say something?"
He looked down at me and nodded.
"Do you think maybe just wanting to go kick ass is what's making Dick and Bruce hesitant to put you back out there," I asked.
"What?" his eyebrows scrunched up.
"I just... I wonder if they're hoping all the work will help you see your work as more about helping and saving people than you do getting to kick people's asses."
I pushed myself to sit up and turn to him.
He didn't speak up for a moment. I instantly felt like I had gone too far. I reached out and touched his arm, trying to get some response out of him.
"Jason," I said. "I... I just think that you got a little carried away in Gotham. Focused more on the violence than the protection. I want to see you focus on something productive. Surely, you've seen enough people use violence for fun to know that it's not healthy."
"You're really gonna compare me to those guys," he asked.
"No, no, not at all," I shook my head. "I'm saying that there getting caught in that mindset can be harmful."
"But you're saying I'm already there."
"I'm saying you can change it and be better," I explained. "A lot of the guys that you've faced are too far gone."
"How long I have then?" he stood up, raising his voice.
I was already confused about how we got to this point, but I felt like I was too far down this road to back down. I needed to make my point known.
Jason didn't wait for a response. "Go on, tell me."
"I didn't say that you were going to end up like that," I shook my head. I stood up, planning on comforting him. "I... I'm trying to help, Jason-"
"No, you just want to be able to say you tried," he snapped, stepping away from me. "You wanna be able to brag that you tried to save me before I was 'too far gone', right?"
He started walking away like I wasn't going to be able to respond to him.
"I don't fucking want any of that," I said. He kept walking. "Jason! You can't just storm away when you don't like my answer!"
He didn't even react. He just kept walking.
Once he was out of sight, I sighed and sat back down on the couch. I ran my hands over my face.
In my heart, I knew I was right. I knew that I had made a good point.
Maybe that's why I held my ground so firmly.
Why I didn't follow after him when I absolutely should have.
Pancakes for Dinner
I'll try to hide the way I feel But I'll just wanna shout What do I have to lose right now?
"Where's Jason," I asked as I stormed into the Batcave.
At first, I only saw two people. Two men just standing there. Bruce Wayne and some guy that I didn't recognize.
"Who the hell are you," Bruce asked, turning to face me.
I saw Jason sitting behind him. I ignored Bruce, walking forward to stand next to Jason. The other man seemed to be checking on something.
"(Y/n)," Jason grinned at me from behind his Robin mask. "How'd you find this place?"
"Followed you one night," I answered quickly. "Are you okay?"
"Who is this," Bruce asked again. I waved him off.
"I'm okay, just a rough night," Jason explained. "This is (Y/n)! We're old friends!"
Friends. Yeah. Just old friends.
That's why I snuck into the secret hideout of a billionaire that's secretly a vigilante.
Just friends.
"That's Bruce," Jason continued to me. "And this is Alfred."
"Hi," I awkwardly greeted.
I stood next to Jason silently as Alfred explained that Jason needed to take it easy for a little while. Alfred walked out after that. Bruce looked between the two of us. He almost seemed to glare at me before he turned around and walked out.
"He's a ray of sunshine," I mumbled, leaning against the desk.
"He's doing his job," Jason replied. "You did just break into his secret base."
"He should've thought about something like that happening before he took you in."
"How'd you know I got hurt," he asked, ignoring my comment.
"I keep up," I explained. "You're my best friend, Jason. I worry about you."
I saw some look cross his face for a moment. One that I imagine crossed my face when Jason called us old friends. Disappointment.
I paused.
I had to be imagining things.
Jason looked away from me, turning to look toward the door of the hideout more than anything.
"Jason," I said.
The impulsive part of my brain was beating the logical part. The logical part didn't even know it was in a fight.
He looked back at me. The disappointment was gone, but that didn't seem to stop me.
I stepped closer to him.
I took a deep breath before leaning down and pressing my lips to his. I was ready to run. Turn and run and probably vomit.
But then, he kissed me back. He sat up a bit, cupped the back of my head, and kissed me back. It was all so... soft. Like we were both nervous that the other would suddenly push the other away.
I pulled away first. "God, I love you."
Jason chuckled, his hand moving from the back of my head to the side of my face. "Took me getting hurt for you to admit that?"
"Didn't hear you rushing to say it," I muttered.
"Maybe I should make up for lost time then," he teased, brushing his lips against mine again.
"Maybe you should," I replied.
He pecked my lips before pulling away enough to mumble to me, "I love you."
He repeated that pattern a few more times as I happily tried to follow his lips in the hopes of getting a longer kiss.
I was ready to spend eternity just like that.
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invisibleicewands · 1 year
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Take Two with Lizzy Caplan
As actress Lizzy Caplan Zooms from her Los Angeles living room, a massive fiddle-leaf fig tree looms behind her. She takes no credit for its Seymour-like size. "I don't know anything about plants, and we don't even live here half the time," she says giving props to the woman who takes care of such things when Caplan decamps to London for the other half with her husband, British actor Tom Riley, and their toddler, Alfie.
Last year, a few months after Alfie's birth, that schedule was disrupted by a six-month residency in New York while she played the pivotal role of Libby in Fleishman Is in Trouble. After wrapping, Caplan had a few weeks to move the family back to Los Angeles and begin shooting the Paramount+ series Fatal Attraction for the next four months. And aside from coming down with Covid between jobs, she loved every intense minute of it.
"I had Alfie without either of these roles being locked in, and then when he was just a few weeks old I decided to do both of them back to back, which is such a rare occurrence: to know what I'm doing for a full calendar year," she says. "It was a godsend, honestly, to know just where we would be in the world with this new baby. It was a very strange year, and the challenge was everything that I hoped it would be. It's a moment where your identity is in such flux, and you don't know where it's going to land, and for me, figuring out how to be a mother alongside getting to feel creatively fulfilled in the job that I love was incredible."
First came Fleishman. The FX on Hulu limited series from showrunner Taffy Brodesser-Akner, who adapted it from her novel, is ostensibly about Toby Fleishman (Jesse Eisenberg), a put-upon Manhattan doctor whose wife, Rachel (Claire Danes), disappears, leaving him with their two kids and a mountain of questions. He tries to navigate his new normal with help from two college friends, Seth (Adam Brody) and Libby, who also narrates the story.
But as the eight episodes progress, the focus shifts to Rachel and Libby. "What's impressive about it is that it fully works as that fake-out, Upper East Side of New York story on its own," Caplan says. "You think that Libby's telling you a story about her friend going through a divorce, but the reality is, she is facing down her feelings about her own life and middle age and getting older and all of it, and then it makes you cry."
She doesn't usually watch her own work, but in this case, she rewatched it. "I'm in awe of all my castmates," she says, beginning with Eisenberg, with whom she starred in the 2016 film Now You See Me 2. "I give Jesse credit for shouldering it all, only to recede into the background for the quote-unquote 'important' parts. It's an egoless performance, as well as being my favorite performance of his; he's so exceptionally wonderful in it. I'm impressed by Claire, who sat on the sidelines and let everybody think about her [character] in a certain way, only to have this one episode to try to change everybody's minds. That's a scary idea for many actresses: 'You're going to be reviled for six weeks.' Adam Brody played a character that could have been two-dimensional, and he infused it with so much. Everybody showed up trying to make the piece better and nobody was looking out for themselves."
Caplan isn't on social media but became aware of the show's buzz in her own way. "It's been a while since I've done something that got so much feedback from friends and family. And they all felt exactly how Taffy wanted them to feel, every step of the way. What she's done is masterful."
Reached by phone in New York, Brodesser-Akner is equally effusive. "People in my life tell me to shut up about Lizzy Caplan," she says immediately. "I won't stop talking about how wonderful she is. When she is part of your project, she feels so wholly in — intellectually, physically — that she changes the nature of the project. Literally, this was a character based on me, and after day one, it no longer was. It was this wholly new creation."
Caplan was the only actress the first-time showrunner had in mind for the role. "The entire role of Libby is that you never see her coming, and with Lizzy Caplan, you never see her coming." Meanwhile, the actress had written to her friend and Masters of Sex executive producer Sarah Timberman, who was working on Fleishman, to tell her how much she loved the book — and that she wanted to play Libby. When Brodesser-Akner heard that, "I felt like I had manifested it," she says. "She's a very famous person that we all think is our great secret."
Ever since Caplan's first role, at the age of fifteen, in the NBC cult series Freaks and Geeks, her career has had a slow build. She won acclaim as the goth outsider Janis Ian in the hit film Mean Girls, while feeling like a Hollywood outsider in real life. She dyed her hair blonde and sprayed on a tan in an effort to fit in, but it was her 2009 role in Party Down that was the turning point. She shone as the sardonic (brunette) comedian Casey in the Starz series, along with a murderer's row of actors on the rise. But the show couldn't find an audience and was canceled after two seasons — until this year's reboot. (Heartbroken she couldn't join season three, which conflicted with the Fleishman shoot, Caplan did manage a surprise cameo in the finale, and hopes a fourth season will allow her return. Starz has yet to announce a renewal.)
Even with the greater attention (and Emmy nomination) for her turn as Virginia Johnson in Showtime's drama series Masters of Sex (2013–16), she has somehow remained an under-the-radar fan favorite. "It's the best version of doing this," she notes. "It's not toxic, it's very loving and people are very respectful." She adds that with Masters of Sex, "I did get an influx of women of a certain age stopping me on the street to tell me about their sex lives, which I really enjoyed."
When she comes across a project she loves, as with Fleishman, she reaches out to let the creators know. The first season of Hulu's Castle Rock moved her to email cocreator Sam Shaw, a writer on Masters of Sex, to tell him she was a huge fan. "I'll assume that's what led to the next season coming my way." The horror series was populated with characters from Stephen King's oeuvre; for season two she was tapped to play psychopathic nurse Annie Wilkes.
That role was first played to an Oscar win by Kathy Bates in the 1990 film Misery, which almost deterred Caplan. "But since somebody's choosing to believe that I can pull that off, well before I believe that myself, I'll swing the bat." Playing Annie, in turn, gave her the courage to take on the role Glenn Close embodied so memorably in the original Fatal Attraction feature. "Annie Wilkes loomed as large in my brain as Alex Forrest did."
Fatal Attraction showrunner Alexandra Cunningham, who developed the series with Kevin J. Hynes, first met Caplan six years ago. Caplan, a fan of Cunningham's series Dirty John, asked if they could meet up for lunch, which turned into a four-hour chat. "She's genuine and she's smart and she's funny and she's interested and she's lively, and she's got great stories, but she wants to hear your stories, and that really sticks with you," Cunningham says. "When somebody who's really good at acting is also just the greatest hang, I'm immediately like, selfishly, 'I've got to figure out how I can capitalize on this.'"
When Paramount reached out years later with the concept of reimagining Fatal Attraction, Cunningham thought the role of Alex would be perfect for Caplan. "She was always in the back of my mind, but you've got to come correct to Lizzy. It's got to be something that really checks a lot of boxes. This is a person that anybody would kill to work with, even if they don't know how great she is to be around." She had no doubt Caplan could take on the iconic part and make it her own. "The more Lizzy does, the more she can do. I believe nothing more fervently than that."
Updating the 1987 erotic thriller meant reimagining Alex. Despite Close's great efforts to portray her as a deeply complex woman who suffered from mental illness, the film made her much more malevolent; the ending was reshot to suit test audiences' desire for vengeance. Close has been open about her regret with how the role and outcome were changed, and Cunningham was determined to rectify that in the series.
Caplan was fully on board. "We were instantly on the same page about the kind of story we were setting out to tell," Caplan says, adding she still loves the film. But watching it, "I feel an unbelievable amount of compassion for Alex. All of the work Glenn Close did is right there on the screen, and Alex deserved the ending that Glenn Close wanted her to have; it was just a different time."
That compassion informs her performance. "It's not my job description to label somebody evil or crazy. It's my job to figure out how to make this person feel like the decisions she is making are the only sane decisions — that everybody else is crazy." The series reveals a shift not entirely unlike Fleishman's. We initially see the affair and its repercussions from Dan's perspective (as played by Joshua Jackson). As we pivot to Alex's version of events, the reframing is eye-popping.
For all the reassessing, Caplan notes that the film was a wild ride, "So this should also feel fun and scary." And Jackson (The Affair) was the perfect partner. "I adore Josh. I'm so happy that it was him," she says. "Both of us have done shows with a lot of sex and nudity and we know how to navigate that without it being weird, and find the humor, which is everything when you have to shoot scenes like that." Their fight scenes were another story. "I felt far more terrified and vulnerable with those, and they were horrible to shoot, but I always felt really safe with Josh." The two also bonded over being new parents.
Speaking by phone from London, Jackson is heartened to hear of Caplan's trust in him. "We had some deeply uncomfortable days, and to allow yourself as a woman and a stranger to be that vulnerable to a man, and being excellent all the time, I'm just super impressed with her," he says. Those scenes were so painful, he adds, "There were definitely some nights when I went home and it took some time to shake off what we were putting on camera," a feeling exacerbated by being away from his family for the shoot.
Caplan used to have a hard time letting go of her characters, but since having her baby, she says, "It was weirdly easy to slip into that mindset while at work and very easy to slip out of it when we were finished. That made doing Fatal Attraction a very different experience than it would have been had I done it years ago."
She has no projects ahead of her at the moment, beyond flying back to London in a few weeks. "I'm just chillin'."
Brodesser-Akner would be happy to remedy that. "Lizzy told me about having lunch with another producer, and I wanted to throw myself on her like a grenade and say, 'No, stay with me!' I want her to enact everything I write for the rest of my life." Caplan's portrayal of Libby, the apparent supporting role that turns out to be the center of the story, still astonishes her.
"Lizzy figured out how to slow her roll and then pull it out in the end," Brodesser-Akner says. "I've been to a lot of opera, and I have not seen anyone pull off an aria like she did." But that's Caplan's forte — a star in stealth mode.
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saintsir4n · 1 year
SMALL heath was home to many, the old, young, poor and greedy.
But to Eden, she was glad her closest friends were born there; Lorenzo Changretta and Dorris Martin.
Considering factories pushed more smoke into the air and the lungs of its people, finding a place of peace was challenging. But they found somewhere where they wouldn't be bothered. Near the tracks, where the trains passed at high speed, was the vast Moore, it was green despite the cold temperature and surprisingly silent. Of course, it was a place where people visited, but it was all about picking the right time of day.
That's why the three friends sat against a huge tree trunk, wrapped up in their coats and scarves overlooking the passing trains.
A poor man's peace, Lorenzo - also known as Enzo - loved to call their little hideout.
Ever since the raid a couple of days ago, the police shockingly didn't bother the streets as much as usual, for some reason which was unknown to the masses but not to a certain family. Although Isaiah was still up in arms over his favourite toy being snatched, Finn promised he would share his every other night. The two boys were closer than ever. Tommy made Eden a priority and continued to take her to his uncle's yard whenever they weren't at the Garrison or with his closest friends; Greta and Freddie. The calculating Shelby was angered and frustrated that he didn't prevent the raid from happening earlier and Eden could see he was overcompensating for that.
"Dotty why didn't you tell me what happened to your bed?" Eden suddenly asked, turning to the girl on her left.
"Enzo!?" Dorris snapped, leaning forward and shooting the biggest glare at the boy on the other side of Eden.
Enzo rolled his eyes, "What? The police, bastardi, fucked up your bed and everything. You've been sleepin' in your mum's bed, and you didn't want me to say shit? No way."
Eden kept looking at Dorris, "Why didn't you tell me? I went over yours a couple of days ago."
"I was embarrassed, y'know I never want to hassle you."
"Well tough," Eden playfully shoved her, "I'll get my dad to go over later."
Now, Dorris hated handouts or help of any kind, preferring to get on with things on her own, refusing to ask for anything at any time, unless it was a life or death situation or she was having troubles with a man.
"Edie..." she trailed off, grimacing as she turned back to the smokey view.
Eden shook her head, "Shut it, just accept the help. A broken bed, that explains why you're walking funny."
"You sure it ain't because of Angel?" Enzo asked, laughing at the shock on her face, Eden joined in.
"Shut up," Dorris groaned, "I don't wanna talk about your brother."
"There's a first. What did he do now?"
"I saw him talking to that whore," she spat, earning confused looks.
"Who?" Eden decided to ask, readjusting her hat.
"Lizzie Stark."
"Dotty, she ain't a whore. She's in a bad place... I think."
Eden sympathised with Lizzie Stark. Sure, they never spoke but Eden heard the whispers. The streets knew everything, and the eyes of small heath made sure to back up the stories. Lizzie was only a year or two older than Eden and left school early to help her mum, but the occasional odd jobs led her to take customers... clients of sorts.
Everyone had to make money somehow.
Enzo made a face, "And she only asked him to carry her bag. I don't know what you girls put into them — fuckin' broke my arm last time I carried yours."
"We all know carrying a bag is the first step to get him in her bed," Dorris was adamant her... lover? No, man, was led astray, despite having no proof whatsoever.
"Angel has only got eyes for you," Eden reassured, "only you."
"I suppose Luca told you that," Dorris said, with a wry smile, making her frown.
"I don't speak to Luca. Him and me are done. Finished."
Eden and Luca weren't even together for long, but she did feel a great deal for him, even believing that she was in love, but she was never sure. Luca never pressured her despite being four years older, their relationship started and ended during her eighteenth year on Earth. Why they broke up was because he wanted a wife and she didn't want to be one so young.
"Tell that to him," Enzo hissed when he received a pinch to the arm because of his chuckling.
"Angel told me that he wanted to talk to you," Dorris added, "to apologize about how shit went down."
"I bet that..." Enzo struggled not to speak ill about the Shelbys in front of Eden, but the pointed look on her told him to keep his mouth shut, "Shelby of yours ain't taking that too kindly."
Eden sighed, "Tommy knows all about me and Luca. And how it's in the past."
"The past doesn't always stay in the past for long," Dorris joked.
"Dotty don't you start, I already know Tommy has a jealous streak."
"I see it in his eyes, big blue beady fuckers. Hate them."
Enzo hastily agreed, "Yeah, Edie next time you see him, tell him to shut them while your at it."
The two started laughing at her, causing her face to settle in her hands.
Tommy did have the bluest eyes. The whole family did. But Tommy's were different, you could never really escape them.
Eden tossed her head back in annoyance, "Shut your traps, flies won't have a problem flyin' in with how wide yours are," they ceased their laughter, but couldn't stop their grins, "Now enough speaking about those brothers of yours, and Tommy. What about you? What did you want to tell us?"
Enzo grew silent at the question.
Eden and Dorris exchanged a confused look before turning back to him in curiosity.
He didn't speak, instead, he pulled out a few sandwiches and a flask full of tea that his mother provided him with. The girls were thankful because Mrs Changretta's sandwiches were world-class.
Audrey Changretta taught at the local school and was almost everyone's favourite teacher, even the Shelbys got along with her, which drove her sons up the wall, since they always fought and when her sons told their mum about it, she claimed they Arthur, Tommy and John were kind boys which only pissed them off more.
Eden cast Enzo a grateful smile, "Your mum made Sardolive sandwiches again."
Seeing the pout appearing on Dorris' face, he said, "And a tomato soup one for you Dotty, calm down, we all know how picky you are."
"I'm not apologising for havin' taste," Dorris said with a shrug, then took a bite of the well-made sandwich.
Enzo objected, "Can't have too much of it, your datin' my brother."
Eden snorted, almost choking on the tea she drank, gaining their attention.
"Oh, you can't talk, at least Angel ain't walking around with a razor in his cap," Dorris snapped, feeling the need to defend her choice in men.
Eden squinted, "No, Angel just loves to carry guns. – Wait we're getting off-topic, stop distracting us Enzo, but tell your mum thanks for the sandwiches —"
Trying to speak with her mouth full, Dorris' agreed, "—Yes, they're the best—"
"—But what did you want to tell us?" Eden pressed, patting Dorris' back when she started to choke.
Enzo checked over Dorris before throwing his hands up, "Christ, fine, remember when I told you I went to the market."
"There's many," the women deadpanned.
"You know the one, buon dio, by Little Italy."
Eden realised, "Near Digbeth?
"You spend enough time 'round there," Enzo said, shaking his head, "I was on an errand for Mum when I saw someone."
"Gotta be more clear than that," Dorris rolled her eyes, "he saw someone, in a market, did ya hear that Edie?"
"In the little Italy market," Eden feigned shock, all while Enzo wished he kept his mouth shut, "who would've thought."
"Remember Steven? Stevie Gallo from school?" he asked, ignoring their quips.
Furrowing her brows, Eden asked, "The one you always used to fight when you weren't fightin' John!"
Fighting off a smile, he nodded, "That one."
Dorris shrugged, "What about 'im?"
"Well, I saw him, saw him. Properly... all of him when he dragged me off behind one the market stalls he was working at."
And suddenly a light switched on in their heads.
"Oh... you saw 'im," Eden was the first to speak.
Dorris gasped, "All of 'im?"
Enzo nodded, "Sì." Then took a bite of his sandwich.
"And he saw... all of you?"
"Most of me, it's January, colder than ever y'know."
"Is that you're excuse? Look if you're small down there Enzo that's nothing to be ashamed of —"A scream escaped Eden when he tossed a rogue olive at her head, "what? Plenty of your lot like small tools don't they?"
"I'm not small! It's not small," he exclaimed, even sparing a glance at his trousers, while the girls giggled to themselves.
Eden leaned over to Dorris, "You hear that Dotty? It ain't small."
Dorris hummed, "Not small at all apparently."
Enzo sent glares their way, "I don't know why I tell you anything, dio santo. "
Recovering from her laughter, Eden asked, "Alright alright calm down, I have questions."
"When don't you," he received another pinch to the arm, "Go on then."
"Did you at least kiss?"
A blush crept onto his face, "...yeah, not for long, he was too busy talkin'."
"What, with his mouth full?" Dorris joked, with her mouth full of food.
"Oh fuck off," The girls waited for an answer, making him cave, "He preferred talkin' more than anythin'. He wanted to take me to his, he lives alone now y'know?"
Their eyes widened with intrigue, Dorris was taken aback, "He does?"
Eden excitedly nodded, "That's bostin'."
"A one-bedroom flat, everything was on top of everything. He said he took me there 'cause he didn't want Mrs Granberry peeping a thing."
They gagged at the mention of the woman.
That ruined Eden's thoughts completely, "She was there?"
"Nosy cow's everywhere, even at church last Sunday, tryna get me to dance with her, wasn't she dot?"
Dorris laughed at the memory, "Funniest thing."
"The cheek of that woman, always needin' to sing louder than the rest of us," Eden muttered, flinching at the memories.
Even after Eden stopped going to church, Dorris was still forced by her mum, similar to Enzo, since his family were Roman Catholics. Every inch of the Changretta house was decorated with some religious symbol, believing that the day Jesus returned to earth in his physical form they would be recognised as the most devout. Enzo thought it was a bunch of bullshit, since if he ever dared to admit he preferred the company of men, he would be crucified. Angel was a believer in his faith but not as much as his oldest brother Luca.
Enzo agreed, "I know. But after he took me back to his, he didn't want to do anything, not much 'part from talk and kiss sometimes..."
"And..." Eden motioned for him to go on.
"And what?" he didn't get what she was hinting at.
Dorris wondered, "Did you like it?"
"It was nice."
"Only nice?" she scrunched up her face, "When I give you information about my love life I give you details, everything, the whole nine yards."
"Too much considering it's my brother you're on about," he murmured just before taking a sip of the flask.
Eden put down the rest of her sandwich and said, "Come on Enzo, when I kiss Tommy, it feels right, slow, well whenever he ain't tryin' to get into my –."
"-- little garden of Eden?" he couldn't help but say, making Dorris fight off a smile. Both of them had to dodge the kicks she tried sending their way.
"Yeah yeah. And I hate saying it, but when we kiss, it makes me feel all funny inside."
"Sounds like you have wind."
Eden's face fell, "Come on! What does it feel when you kissed Stevie?"
Dorris asked, "He's a tall lad ain't he? Same height as you?"
"He is," Enzo nodded.
Enzo and his brothers were always the tallest around, it often intimidated everyone, despite them being friendly and their occasional outbursts, but what man didn't have them in this day and age?
"Then was he gentle?" Dorris worried that Enzo could get hurt with all his back-alley rendezvous with men.
They weren't safe in the slightest and it only took the wrong person to expose her friend or even beat him up.
"If he wasn't he's gonna hear it from me," Eden claimed.
Dorris nodded, "And me."
Enzo smiled at them, loving that they would stand up for him, but considering they were fairly small, he wouldn't let them ever get involved in his business.
He told them, "Girls he was nice. Just nice, but he wanted to get to know me, all we did at school was fight and he apologised for that."
"He did?" Dorris rose a brow.
Eden laughed, "No one apologises around here, must be true love."
Enzo didn't have a response to that which they took note of and shared a small smirk.
The trio laughed and sang down the road. Enzo had his best friends on either arm, leaving the watchers by to wonder how he did it. Two women and one man? Most believed that it was a sham, a facade that he was friends with two women they would classify as beautiful despite their darker skin, but they tried not to pay attention to all the talk, but it was pretty consuming.
Especially when Enzo turned his gaze to the man who stood in front of Eden's door.
Thomas Shelby.
Their smiles fell when they noticed the other.
Eden and Dorris' singing died down when they noticed Enzo's sudden change in mood.
"What–" Eden quickly followed his gaze, and Dorris soon followed.
When they ended up in front of each other, it was all a mess, a silent one, but a mess nonetheless.
Tommy didn't take his eyes off the embrace Enzo had Eden in.
Enzo was taller than Tommy, many were, but the look on Tommy's face was meaner.
"Shelby," Enzo spoke up first.
Tommy itched to put his cap to use but instead, he said, "Changretta. Martin." he sent Dorris a look, completely skipping over Eden which ruined her mood as she dropped Enzo's arm.
Dorris withheld a laugh, "Shelby."
Eden narrowed her eyes at him, "If you say my last name, Thomas..." Her warning fell on deaf ears.
"I was waitin', but I see you were busy today," he still hadn't glanced at her, his eyes stayed on Enzo which she took as disrespect.
"I told you that yesterday," she said, irritated by his attitude.
"You did."
Enzo decided to cock his head to the side and say, "Didn't realise spendin' time with friends was a problem."
Tommy's jaw clenched even more, "Did I say that?"
"You didn't have to."
The stare-down the men were having was becoming more and more uncomfortable.
"What's this? A staring contest," Eden snapped her fingers in their faces, only causing them to slightly glare at her and blink, "look at that, none of you won."
"I'll see you when I see you, Edie," Enzo made sure the kiss he pressed to Eden's cheek was loud enough for Tommy to hear, "Come on Dotty, let's get you home, wouldn't want to be prosecuted for spendin' time with another girl, would I?"
"Suppose not," Dorris couldn't suppress her giggling, "bye Edie," she waved at the girl then sent Tommy a stiff nod, that he didn't return since his impenetrable stare stayed on Enzo as he walked off with her.
"My god, you'd think you and him were having it off with each other by the way you stared at him, didn't even give me a kiss or anything," Eden muttered.
Tommy turned back to Eden, the woman he'd been waiting for about an hour. He'd knocked on her door a few times and no one came, meaning that her parents were working and she too was busy like she said. His brothers were out, no doubt causing havoc, Ada was off helping Polly with a task and he wanted to see his girl.
"Wow," she huffed out a humourless laugh, "nothing? Fine then, move aside so I can get into my house. Honestly, Thomas, the cold air is warmer than you."
"I was waitin' for you, wanted to take you out."
She feigned shock, "Oh you were? Too bad I'll be inside reading whilst you go off and glare at Enzo."
"Look -–"
"No," he was taken aback by her tone. Stepping forward, she jabbed a finger into his chest, "You don't get to act all entitled, the least you could've done was greeted me or kissed me, did you do any of that? No. hate my friends all you want, but respect them, respect me or get lost alright?"
"Alright," he played it cool, but internally he was panicking.
"Just alright?" she scoffed and went to move, "fuckin' joker if you think you can just stand here and not even compliment how beautiful I looked today..." he cracked a smile, "Oh now you wanna smile, when you were acting as if someone pissed in your cereal this morning, just go home Thomas.
"I'm sorry," he caught her hand before she could move around him, "I shouldn't have acted like a fool —"
"—Got that right—"
"—And I should've greeted you first because you're my priority. I said that didn't I? Besides saying you're beautiful is an understatement, possibly an insult," he stroked her cheek and lifted her chin, so she could look into his eyes, christ they were so fucking blue, she thought, "Look, see if I'm lyin', I can't be, you're more than beautiful. And if it's compliments you're after, you'll get 'em, you'll get more than that if you agree to let me take you out."
No one apologises around here, must be true love. She thought about her earlier words and sighed.
Still lost in her only mind, she stayed silent, resulting in him leaning down, trailing his lips down her ear, breathing against her neck and making her lose her train of thought.
"I'll give you something extra, so you can forgive me."
"And what's that?"
"You'll see...but then again, you can never keep your eyes from rolling back for too long can you darlin'? M'suppose it's my fault then ey?"
She gulped harshly, still struggling to find the right words, further amusing him.
The chuckle that escaped his lips, made her shiver.
"Is that a yes?" he alright knew her answer.
Eden found the courage to pull out of his hold and stare into his mirthful eyes to say...
"...when's the date?"
Tommy smirked.
someone tell edie to stand up. i can't because i wouldn't.
any thoughts on this chapter?
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
2 - We're More Than A School
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Part 3
Family is More than Blood
Shutting the car door Klaus and I vamped into the school finding the triplets room seeing Alina, Missy and Hope sitting on their beds. Closing the door with a wave of my hand I put my hands on my hips. "Okay, Alaric told me over the phone. But I want to hear what happened now."
"We used a forbidden spell to fight this dragon that was after a knife." Hope started.
Missy added. "And black magic isn't allowed."
"Even though you literally have taught us dark magic spells before. So we didn't see the problem." Alina throws her hands up in the air. "This all happened because of Landon Kirby."
Klaus crossed his arms over his chest flashing his eyes. "Who's Landon Kirby!"
"He works at the Grill. He makes me milkshakes. His adopted brother Rafael is a werewolf. We brought them and we tried to compel Landon but it didn’t work. Next morning he left with a knife." Hope sent us a sympathy look.
Placing a hand on Nik's shoulder calming him down. "Calm down. Now who actually started the spell?" Hope raised her hand where I nodded in agreement. "Alright Hope you have to help the others pick up trash in the square. Alina, Missy, you have to clean Alaric’s office."
"But mom." Alina whined at me.
Klaus waved his index finger at her. "Listen to your mother Alina."
The three girls left the room with a huff where I turned on my feet taking his hand in mine. "Let’s go find Henrik since they'll be busy." We walked through the hallways passing some younger kids who were running past us. We ended up finding our son sitting in one of the pillar windows.
"Daddy!" Henrik spun around rushing over and flinging his arms and legs around his father.
Nik held him up by his knees chuckling into his shoulder holding him. "Ohhh hey kiddo. What are you doing up here?" I smiled putting my hands together, always taken back by the sight of how much each of other's look alike. The same dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
"Jackson and I are playing hide and seek. And he doesn't know I'm here." He sent a childish smirk like his dad.
Suddenly I jumped releasing a scream before someone touched my arm seeing Jackson standing behind us. "You're not as clever as you think, Henrik. Uh sorry Mrs. Mikaelson."
"It's okay, Jackson." I slumped my shoulders watching the boys go back and forth deciding who was the next seeker. Klaus and I decided to play along too since our girls were busy.
Alina's Pov
Putting away one of the books that Alaric had on the floor I sighed. I was supposed to be spending time with Jack and Henrik but now I'm stuck here. Missy noticed a knife on the desk pointing to it while Alaric was doing his research. "What are you trying to do with it, uncle Ric?"
“I’m trying to destroy it, Missy. Hydrochloric acid. I've tried explosives, an acetylene torch, a circular saw. I've even run over it with my truck. And according to legend, it's indestructible. And I'm starting to agree.” He explained to my younger sister.
The office door got opened and I saw the councilor named Emma come in. “So in addition to father, teacher, mentor, you've also added linguist, slayer of mythical creatures, and demolitions expert to your résumé. That's a lot to take on, especially all by yourself.”
He reassured her until the door opened again. “Emma. When I say I'm fine, I'm…”
Lizzie stormed in covered in milkshake or something all done the front of her shirt. “A jerk. You are a total jerk.”
“What happened to you, Liz? “ I asked her to put away books seeing that she was clearly upset and needed someone to talk to. Her and I have always clicked while Missy went with Josie and Hope was in the middle.
She glared at her father. “A Neanderthal from Mystic Falls High assaulted me with a milkshake. This stupid girl Dana was being... You know what? I can't even talk about it. But now Hope and Josie are all sisters in solidarity. But as I was walking home, I did the work and I dug deep, and I realized that this is all his fault.”
Uncle Ric made a face. “How is this my fault? “
She sniffed through tears almost full on sobbing. “Because if you had just been at that game instead of running around with Hope, then everything would've gone differently.
And it is not fair that she gets to know secrets that your own daughters don't. “
Emma said. “She has a point.”
“Not helping.” He whispered to her.
Lizzie snapped looking at me knowing I would understand. “I am not going back there.”
“Okay, that's fine, um... Why don't you go help the primary school students out in the garden. Alina go with her. Missy can help me here.” He suggested staring at Missy who was reading through the book about the knife.
Lizzie headed through the door and I followed her outside into the garden. “At least now you know why I am so screwed up.”
We sat down on one of the large rocks where she laid down on her back sighing heavily. “I’m sorry my sister is dealing with your dad so much. She just wants to look out for me and Missy since our parents haven’t been in town for two years.”
“I wonder if there’s a guy out there for me like you found Jackson?” Lizzie mumbles under her breath.
Shrugging my shoulders I did feel sorry that she hadn’t found the right guy yet. “I’m sure you’ll find somebody.”
“Lizzie. Alina!” A young boy ran over to us before we lifted our heads seeing a live statue creature growling at us.
Lizzie grabbed the kids hand and we ran back to the school entrance. “Get inside, Pedro! I need you to give me your hand. Now find my dad. Go.” She grabs his hand siphoning magic from him before he ran off.
The creature roared getting in the doorway as Lizzie and I intertwined hands siphoning off of my wolf side and the magic she took from Pedro. “Imperium monstrum.” The creature raised its hand and claws Lizzie before it launched me backwards from her.
Alairc, Emma and Missy came out of his office where I dropped down on my knees seeing she wasn’t moving. “Lizzie?
Oh, my God, Lizzie.”
“I don’t understand why it didn’t scrape me too. Ric, I might be able to heal her but I don’t know.” Glancing up at him with a worried look.
He shook his head picking his daughter up in his arms heading into one of the closed rooms laying her down and gathering everyone else in the school. “Alright we are on lock door period. No one goes outside. I want you all in your rooms. Upper class, you're on the buddy system. Lower class, I want you with Emma to the grand hall. Okay, let’s go…Emma take Lizzie with you and the kids.”
Everyone starts leaving where I rose to my feet from Lizzie’s side. “So what are we going to do?”
“I’m going to draw it away from the school with the knife and you are going to stay inside.” He started to walk away until I drew the knife from his hand and into mine.
“Motus. In case you forgot it didn’t hurt me yet. So I think we need to do this together.” Holding the knife in my hands he sighed letting me come with him. But shortly after the creature stole the knife where I ran off in search of our parents knowing we needed more help than we first expected.
Raelyn’s pov
Shoving my phone in my pocket Klaus and the boys were following my tail. “Why wouldn’t Alairc tell you why he put the school on lock down?” He asked me since we had gotten a text but got no real answer.
“I don’t know but - what the hell was that?” Whipping my head around we could hear something roaring throughout the hallways.
Klaus lowered himself on a knee grabbing Henrik’s shoulders. “Henrik go with Jackson while you’re mother and I go figure this out.” He nodded before Jackson led him away so we could vamp around the corner seeing Alairc and Hope standing in the hallway.
The creature roared again and it sounded like a gargoyle which shouldn’t exist while he told us what happened. “Yeah. Listen, it poisoned Lizzie. I'm guessing, to get my attention. Then it attacked me and took the Knife.”
“The Knife? The dragon Knife? And you're still breathing?” Hope snaps at him.
Ric got cut off by her. “Oh, I have a theory about that.”
“Well, save it, because we had to take down that containment spell to get inside the school, meaning our monster can get out.” Hope rolls her eyes.
We heard footsteps running towards us where we heard our daughters' voices. “Mom. Dad!”
“A containment spell?…Missy. Alina, thank goodness you’re okay.” Slumping my shoulders in relief seeing Alina following Missy.
Alaric realized what she wanted to do. “Lizzie wanted to make sure whatever attacked her didn't escape into the world. Good girl. All right, well, guess we better find it... ...before it makes the evening news.” He grabbed an ax off the wall getting ready to fight since he was just a human now.
“So how'd you take the containment spell down. You’re not a siphon?” Klaus raised a brow at his eldest daughter.
Joise came around the corner before we all slowly walked through the school searching for the creature. “She didn't. I did.”
We all halted in our track’s hearing the gargoyle growling at the top of the stairs. It came towards Hope and she fell down getting out of the way before Alairc jumped in front of her. “Dad!” Josie cried seeing it pointed the knife tip at his heart.
“Get behind it..” Klaus told me before we vamped behind the gargoyle while it was distracted. We grabbed it by the horns where it spun around staring at us instead.
Alairc tried to hit it over the head with his ax. “Fluctus inpulsa.” Alina raised her hands magically, knocking the knife out the creature’s hand.
“Good idea, Lina.” Hope rushed over to Josie. “Josie, help me.”
She asked her. “How?”
“Just repeat after me. Fluctus inpulsa.” Alina nods, holding her hands up while the other two witches follow.
Josie siphons from Hope following the girls. “Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa. Fluctus inpulsa!” The gargoyle suddenly exploded into pieces in front of our eyes.
“All that trouble for a knife. Hope it was worth it buddy.” Missy picked up the knife from the floor.
Spinning onto my feet I snapped at Alaric moving my arms over my chest. “You’ve got some explaining to do, Saltzman. Cause I thought my kids were safe here.”
“Mystic Falls, a town where nothing ever changes is a joke.” Klaus dryly chuckled, draping his arm around my waist tugging me into his chest.
“If you'd asked me a week ago... I would have told you I knew the difference between myth and fact. I would have said that supernaturals were limited to the species under this roof. I would have said that folklore and fairy tales were just stories. But I can no longer say that any of that's true. 'Cause just a few days ago, we were confronted by the existence of a dragon. And then, today, our campus was terrorized by a gargoyle come to life. Some of us... were forced to fight, We won. This time. They were drawn here by a Knife that went missing earlier this week. And for whatever reason, these creatures consider us to be the enemy. In their minds, we're the villains because we won't give them what they want. We don't even know why they want it. But we're gonna find out.” Alairc slowly walked around the room explaining to all the students hearing some of them muttering under their breaths in shock. He lifted his gaze up to me and Klaus saw us intertwine our hands knowing that we smiled at his last words of the speech. “I can't say for sure what their true intentions are. I can't say there won't be more attacks. That's why I'm telling you this. To warn you. To ask you to look out for each other. To what’s best for one another. Because we're more than just a school. We're a family.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year
Just Mix Up And Down
[ Trigger Warning - Self-Hatred, implied s**cid*l tendencies You're not perfect, and you're only one person. People care about you.
Reader Discretion Advised ]
Lucifer: And?
Here we go...
Annelie: And what?
Lucifer hands Annelie a cutting board. 
Lucifer: You know what. 
Annelie: No idea what you’re talking about.
Annelie starts cutting vegetables while Lucifer restrains a mandragora root. 
Lucifer: Annelie, it’s not often that I see you genuinely angry. 
Annelie: ...the memories I have of Lizzy aren’t good ones. 
Annelie stops her knife. 
Annelie: Honestly, this is kind of a nightmare for me. She says something off-the-cuff, and I’m reminded of the phonecalls, that asshole that called himself her father, h-her desire to show me what she did to herself... 
Annelie starts shaking, her voice rising up and down. 
Annelie: I get so angry, and then I hate myself for getting angry at her because I’m supposed to be her friend. I was always listening, for years I was listening, and she was in so much pain all the time. I wanted to help her. I wanted to, but everything I ever did only seemed to make it worse, and I just... 
Tears spill from Annelie’s eyes. 
Annelie: What was I supposed to do? I was her anchor, and I couldn’t even return the love she had for me. I couldn’t even help her. I was powerless!
Lucifer rushes over to hug her.
Annelie: DON’T TOUCH ME! 
Lucifer flinches, and Satan, returning with fresh meat, stops in his tracks and drops it on the floor. 
Annelie: I’m... I’m a foul person. I pretend, and I pretend and I pretend some more that I care, but I don’t. I pretend that I’m some kind of saint that wants to save people, but if I really cared about her, she would have felt better. She wouldn’t have been the one begging for my attention. If I’d tried a little harder, I could have held her in my arms and kissed her and told her that everything would be okay. I couldn’t let go of myself for just one second for her. 
You fucking selfish bitch. You just wanted to get rid of her. Was it too much to handle for you? You think you’re such an exemplary human being when you’re the one that left her to die.
Satan: Annelie, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but stop it. Lucifer’s close to breaking point. 
Annelie jolts as she looks at Lucifer, who seems as if he’s going to cry. Satan’s demon form starts to come out. 
Lucifer: ...I’m fine, Satan.
Satan: You’re clearly not. Neither of you are fine. I pretend to smile enough, so don’t treat me like an idiot. Annelie, there is no one in this goddamn house that thinks you’re a bad person, so stop crying before I or someone else kills that woman. If Lucifer starts crying in front of me, which I do not want to fucking see, you’d better make sure I don’t see her face in here again. I don’t care what her reasons are, because as far as I’m concerned, she’s an outsider and doesn’t belong here. 
Annelie: Satan...
They... all get so angry for my sake. If something hurts me, they always come running. No matter what. But... wouldn’t I do the same? In the end, for them, I...
Annelie sniffles and walks over to the two boys and hugs them both as tightly as she can. Satan blushes. 
Satan: Wait, woah, I just had my hands on raw meat—
Annelie: Oh, shut up. 
Annelie kisses his cheek before she kisses the corners of Lucifer’s eyes. 
Annelie: I’m sorry. I didn’t want to drag you into this mess. I’m just... It’s a lot for me. I don’t want to snap at her. 
Satan: Then take your own advice and take a deep breath. 
Annelie: Ass. 
Annelie fluffs Satan’s hair, and he swats at her. 
Annelie: I should start calling you Catan again. Haha. 
Lucifer: Are you flirting with Satan again?
Annelie: No, you jealous idiot. Besides, when he talks about BDSM play, he scares the shit out of me.
Satan: Eh? I do?
Annelie: I mean, Lucifer’s into some rough stuff, but he doesn't do anything too hard. I mean, he’s never, y’know, choked me until I passed out or put me in a cage and degraded me to oblivion... 
Lucifer: And why were you talking about Satan’s preferences?
Annelie: Ah, oh, we were reading Diabolic Lamb, and there’s a really abusive and horrifying relationship between one of the characters and their mother—
Lucifer: Stop, I read that one. Fine, I’ll give you a pass. 
Satan: I might like some... more rough things sometimes, but you’re just as bad with that NSFW ASMR obsession.
Lucifer: You’re into what now?
Annelie: Uhhh...
Satan: She didn’t tell you about that? I’ll be damned. 
Lucifer: Tell me about what? What’d she say to you, Satan?
Satan: Haha. Not telling. 
Lucifer: Annelie, what is that?
Annelie: Not telling...?
Mostly because it already drives me crazy when he uses my voice kink against me.
Lucifer: Okay, Karasu, what the flying hell is “NSFW ASMR”?
Karasu OS: ASMR stands for “autonomous sensory meridian response.” This is a subjective experience which some humans feel when their ears are stimulated by certain sounds, often described as a tingling or electric sensation. NSFW stands for Not Safe For—
Lucifer: Annelie, we’re going to have a talk after dinner. 
Annelie: Just a talk... right?
Satan: When is it ever just a talk with him?
Annelie: ;;;;
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Interns, What would you say are your love languages?
[Adam] So, I found an easy graph we can use for reference, and I guess that means I'll start us off. I think I'm more a guy who shows his affection through words of affirmation. Although, I do tend to shower my girlfriend in gifts when I'm back in the UK, so I guess the Gifts thing can apply.
[Morris] I guess I'll pick Quality time. I'm not really dating anyone at the moment, but that's what I did when I was dating. Taking out my partner for a good time.
[Raz] (Looks over the image)...I think I'm all of these. (Pause) Yep, gonna take the easy way, and just say I'm everything. Tchau, I'm off! Mom is taking me and Lili are going to go swimming!
[Lizzie] And there he goes... I guess ...words of affirmation as well, but like ...the tough love kind, ya know? The more I tease you, the more I like you.
[Norma] That sounds ...right.
[Lizzie] Me and Millie are doing a lot of Physical Touch love language too, though.
[Norma] (Extremely flustered, While Frazie is trying to stifle her laughter) LIZZIE! Raz just left the room!
[Lizzie] What? (Pauses. Turns extremely red when she realizes what she said.) Oh, no, not like that! I mean ...we're always cuddling, tickling and kissing when we're alone. Not-not-not the o-other thing.
[Gisu] (Snickers) I wish you'd said 'Acts of service', that would've been amazing.
[Lizzie] (Cackles) Shut up.
[Gisu] As for me, I think me and Dion have an 'Acts of service' and 'quality time' and kind of love language going on. I'm always helping him out with something, or the other way around.
[Sam] I thought you'd be all about 'physical touch'.
[Gisu] Falls under 'Qualitity time'. (Winks)
[Sam] You got a dirty mind, Gisu, and I love you for it. Anyway, I'm definitely an acts of service kind of gal - don't make a joke, Lizzie. (Lizzie: booh, you suck) - I do like cooking for you guys.
[Morris] If that's what you do for people you like, I hate to see what you do to your enemies.
[Sam] One more joke about my cooking, and you're gonna find out, pal.
[Morris] (Laughs) Okay, that leaves only our resident lesbians.
[Norma] Don't call us that.
[Frazie] Nah, please do. Anyway, I think I'm kinda similar like Lizzie, I like to tease the people I like. I'm also ...very physical in showing affection, eh, Norma?
[Norma] (Blushes) R-right....
[Adam] Like it's a surprise?
[Lizzie] Yes, 'very physical' indeed.
[Gisu] Yeah, you two are practically all over each other, cuddling or kissing, or something else. I keep expecting to walk into you one of your rooms and find you two-
[Norma] (Instantly red) Stop! Not ...not another word.
[Frazie] Yeah, too much, even for me.
[Norma] As for me ...I don't know. I feel like nothing to this applies to me...
[Frazie] Uh, are you kidding me, topina? You're pretty much all over this chart. If we're talking love languages, you're pretty much penta-lingual.
[Norma] (Groans, despite the blush) Stop, that was a bad pun, even for you, Kitten.
[Frazie] I mean it, you're a great listener and one of most empathic personI've ever known. You don't shy away from hugging, kissing or showing any sort of physical affection to me, Raz or any of the others. You're annoyingly generous sometimes, you're always willing to spend your time hanging out with any of us, and you're always helping out. (Turns to her fellow Interns.) Aren't I right?
[Gisu] She's right, Norma.
[Adam] Agreed.
[Sam] Yup.
[Morris] It's the truth, Hermana.
[Lizzie] (really, really long pause) Oh, do I really need to say it? You know I agree, and if Raz was here, he'd say the same thing.
[Norma] (Blushes) Guys, I ...thank you.
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letstalkaboutit100 · 10 months
Pt 20/pt 2 of Lizzie's episode (This is after way too wonderland)
Courtly's plan is to have all of Wonderland turn their backs on Lizzie and her family! She wants the throne! *Well she can't have it!* Lizzie thought. "Enough!" *everyone freezes and looks at her while Courtly tries to escape* "All of Wonderland listen! I do love you! I care about our home and our future! My destiny is to become your next Queen and I take great pride and honor in that! You are not all just friends or subjects but my family! I stood by you! I fought for and with you! You all know me! You all know that I'm still just a kid with dreams of my own! Wonderland will always be my home and its welfare is my first priority! You all know that I am WAY too young to become Queen now! My mother is still in excellent health! I have so many things I want to do before I become your Queen! Just because I don't want to now doesn't mean I don't want to ever! It's a lot of pressure but I promise just as I have just sworn *you know when someone is about to be crowned king or queen that makes an oath? that's what she means* to be loyal to my kingdom and all who live here!" "It is you!" *Points to Courtly who somehow still hasn't escaped lol* "Who doesn't care for Wonderland! Who doesn't care for it's people!" "You tired to force me into my destiny early thinking that I don't want to be Queen at all when in truth it's all that I think about! Sure I want to be a fashion designer, but you know what? Who says I can't do both!? I AM following my destiny but I'm following it my way! There may be detours along the way! There may be bumpy roads ahead! But it's all worth it in order to secure Wonderland's future!" *Points her scepter to the ceiling* *Every cheers and claps and wipes tears from their eyes* *Lizzie looks down and has a shy smile on her face* *She looks back up and says while pointing her scepter at Courtly* "Guards! Capture that trickster!" "And take her to the dungeon!" *Courtly tries to wiggle out of the guard's arms but fails* "W-WHAT?! NO! She's lying! I do care! I care for Wonderland as if it's my own kingdom! WHICH IT SHOULD BE! Lizzie hearts and her mother are-" Chase: *Takes off his helmet* "Oh give it a rest Courtly. You're not taking over Wonderland today." Lizzie: "Or ever!" *Courtly looks behind her to Chase with a shocked face* "C-CHASE?! D-did I say takeover the kingdom?" "Yeah, you did" "Oh! Well, I-I didn't mean it! I was just HELPING Lizzie! Yes! I was helping her to-" Kitty: "Oh shut up Courtly!" (I feel it would be funny if they were somehow cousins. Maybe friends but then became enemies or something.) "Stay out of it feline!" "Ok! Off you go!" (Got a bit protected of kitty lol!) *Chase still holding her hands behind her back ushes her to walk forward to the dungeon.* "NO! C-Chase baby! C-Can't we talk about this?! I'll make you a deal! You let me go and help me take over Wonderland and I'll make you my king!" *Everyone says EW! lol* "No way!" "OK! Ok! How about captain of the guard!" Lizzie: "That won't be necessary." "Oh? Really?! Why is that royal brat?" Chae: "OK! I've had just about enough of you-" *Lizzie holds out her hand to silence him* "That won't be necessary because when I'm Queen Chase will be my first choice to become captain. Now take her away!" *Chase bows down to Lizzie and gives her a silly wink* "Yes Your Majesty." LM: "And good riddance!" *everyone stops and looks back to the real Queen of Hearts forgetting that she was here* (She escaped at some point and went to the mad hatters when everyone else was planning on what to do and told them everything How Courtly snuck into the palace and kidnapped her and locked her and up in her own dungeon! And when Lizzie found her Courtly threatened her Mother's safety so she escaped with Chase's help. She also did a funny war cry when her and the other came through the doors lol. She feels like a badass warrior queen to me) *Lizzie runs to her mom* "Mom!" *they hug* "I am so proud of you!" *They have a mother-daughter moment and talk about what she said in her speech and stuff* They have a big feast, talk, and go home!
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Not you wanting to headcanon Eve as Jewish when Kathryn Hahn has literally been called out by an actual Jewish actress in Hollywood for donning Jewface by taking Jewish character roles as a goy when actual Jewish women are rarely ever cast for Jewish characters. OOF!
I know I said I'm just blocking but I'm pissed off now.
First of all what the hell is jewface. What the fuck is that anon. Please tell me. I'm so curious as to what that is. Because you taking the concept of blackface and just swapping the terminology out for "Jew" is disgusting. You're just trying to say antisemitism in a way that doesn't make you sound stupid as fuck.
And secondly, an unfriendly reminder: Kathryn married Ethan Sandler. Who is Jewish. Her kids are Jewish. For all we know she's been invited to practice the religion alongside her immediate family.
I am. Continuously boggled by people who forget about this.
Kathryn has played the Jewish roles she accepted with respect and has done her research, and done it well.
You want to talk about an actress accepting a Jewish role? Let's talk Lizzie. Let's talk about how she DEFINITELY has enough influence at this point to push marvel into at least letting her wear a fucking star of David necklace. Let's talk about that.
I know precisely what you are referring to, and it's from the Joan Rivers movie that never got greenlit. Which had nothing to do with Kathryn and everything to do with Joan's kids not wanting a movie on her.
I will say that yes, Kathryn absolutely should have turned down those roles. However if they were offered to her, it would have just went on to the next non-Jewish actress.
And I'd rather the person who married someone Jewish, who's kids are Jewish, who does her fucking research into the whole culture and religion, to play a Jewish character than someone who is none of those things, who does none of those things.
That's my personal opinion. Not all Jewish folk are going to agree. That's okay.
But you, who have openly said are not Jewish, do not get to fucking speak on issues you have no place to be speaking about.
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Did you not think I wouldn't be careful to keep a record of all the hate you've been sending my way?
Shut the fuck up.
I have a lot of thoughts on this, but really, that's all a side note.
The main point is this: I'm allowed to headcanon Eve as Jewish. That has nothing to do with Kathryn. And how dare you suggest that I am not allowed to headcanon characters as Jewish if they're played by non-jews. How dare you.
Get the fuck off my blog. Get off. You're fucking delusional attempting to make me appear antisemitic. Fuck you. Fuck. You.
Get off of my fucking blog you fucking asshat
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