#shut up jas
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lovelyjasmari · 2 months ago
So…TWST is going to have a Tangled event…and the SSR character is the one with the most emotionally contentious relationship with his mother…right before we see his dream in Book 7…AND THE EVENT IS CALLED ROAD TO FREEDOM…
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…yeah, this event is gonna be awesome. 💖😭
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years ago
✨🍎Epel Makeup Test🍎✨
Need opinions. Face under cut~
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I’m really not sure how I feel abt this. My face is hella round and I’m not sure if the wig flatters it well. I feel my Lilia wig frames my face better so I might wear Lilia to Otakon this weekend. Thoughts?
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lovelyjasmari · 2 years ago
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OKAY IM AWAKE! IM AWAKE!!! Ahsjsksjdjkskskk 💙💙💙✨✨😍💙😍😍👑👑😭😍👑😍💙😍😭👑👑👑✨✨💙💙💙💙
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f4xy · 3 months ago
my headcanons on sg s2 gals
just what i think they'll do in general, imma leave this chronologically too
044 (Seo Nyeo)
An astrological asshole at best.
She's Mi Nyeo level unhinged that can predict shit on other people, with the harshest truths too because she's super brash and is incredibly self-serving.
Nobody likes her, to where if there's a marble game in season 2 you bet her ass is gonna get dragged out too.
basically that one kid everyone warned you about and you know EXACTLY why
095 (Young-Mi)
She just wants to be left alone with Hyun-Ju honestly
just genuinely wholesome despite her traumas
Has permanent financial trauma after she got out, in a way she wants to restart her life and go from there
Will cook with Geum-Ja dinner for all :D except not even she knows if she's a good cook or not
120 (Hyun Ju)
Yes she fucking carried the whole show, yes she does not fuck around with guns
Reality is she just wants to be accepted and be left alone with that one ounce of validation to hold on, even if it's just Young-Mi giving her that
Bet she knows some gals in Thailand too via the internet and find solace in them, as much solace as she finds with her friends irl
149 (Geum Ja)
Great mom, but justifies her son way too much
Nobody can shit on her son BUT her
Very accepting somehow
Your classic asian grandma who happens to know every known korean recipe, but budgeted
196 (Kang Mi-Na)
she probably follows the whole floptropica shit on tiktok
probably was a tiktok livestreamer who failed, definitely pro-crypto
look if it aint that wasp's fault, you bet your ass she's gonna unseriously survive very long too
basically female thanos but instead of random raps you get like random yassified words
222 (Jun Hee)
When she gets out, she's straight up gonna file for a restraining order against Myung-Gi while getting her pregnancy stuff done
Does not care to whatever happened to Myung-Gi, they're so DONE.
Due to him she's probably incredibly anti-crypto as well.
Might get someone from her team (most likely Dae-Ho) to be her nanny since it's going to be overwhelming for her to handle literally everything, especially with the baby
380 (Se-Mi)
she is manipulative yet playful, but not in a way where she would lead one to be injured on purpose
lives in the present
makes too much edgy jokes based on her situation, one'll feel awkward for laughing
probably avidly smokes and drinks outside of the events
Guard 011 (No-Eul)
Just stressed the fuck out. She's only living for her newborn to be still alive at this point. Only then we'll see her smile.
fucking hates every single job she had in the past
needs about at least 3 therapists because she's that broken
Definitely secretly and slightly ripped. May not take out an entire gang kind tho
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duelinthesun · 2 months ago
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The Montreal Star • Mon, Oct 24, 1966
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streatfeild · 1 month ago
zu gewagt mit meinem trans rights pin auf der mütze wählen zu gehen? in meinem blau-braunen kaff? mmmmmmm
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theflowerofthecommonwealth · 10 months ago
Nick: (Sitting down on a bench outside Sanctuary, chain smoking cigarette after cigarette, the weight of the world on his shoulders while he ponders his millions of cases he must get through)
Jasmine: (In the distance) “DAAAAAAADDD!!!”
Nick: (Immediately perks up at the call of his daughter) “Hm?”
Jasmine: (Waves her hands wildly) “Dad!!! Daddy!!! Dadoo!!!” (Starts booking it across the field like a madwoman)
Nick: (Stands up and flicks his cigarette away)
Jasmine: “Papá!!! Papi!!! Catch meeeeee!!!” (Leaps into his arms with a beaming smile, giggling happily)
Nick: (Catches the teen with relative ease because this is an often occurrence) “What’s the matter, kiddo?”
Jasmine: (Glows brightly) “Happy Father’s Day!!!” (Tucks a flower into his hat as a gift)
Nick: (Caught off guard, the previous few days were such a blended blur to him that he doesn’t even know the date)
Jasmine: (Kisses his cheek, snuggling against his shoulder) “¡Te quiero mucho Papi!” (Cutely scrunches her nose while she gazes up wondrously at her father)
Nick: (Feels all his worries and troubles melt away as he holds one of the most precious and important things in his life, breaking out into a warm smile) “I love you too, kitten.”
Jasmine: (Excitedly) “I have more things to give you inside!”
Nick: (Clutches her tighter) “Lemme just hold ya for a minute and take a breather to slow down….” (Gently strokes her curls)
Jasmine: “Okay….” (Nestles up in the crook of his neck, sighing softly)
Nick: (Smiles peacefully, swaying his little girl from side to side as he finally relaxes)
Ellie Perkins: (Wiping her eyes again at a distance, blowing her nose) “Aren’t they just the sweetest Daddy-Daughter duo you’ve ever seen?”
All Of Sanctuary: (Hums in agreement while wiping away their own waterfalls of tears)
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liebelesbe · 7 months ago
fucking. piece of shit doctor. asshole.
"Also das ist schwierig mit Ihnen... Also da kommt von Ihnen halt echt gar nichts. Wollen Sie nicht dass es Ihnen besser geht? Wie, Sie meinen es gibt gegen die Krankheit nichts?Ja, also, wenn Sie so eingestellt sind... Sie sind jetzt wirklich schon sehr lange krankgeschrieben. Also mich würde das ja wahnsinnig machen immer nur zu Hause zu sein. Und diesen Termin den Sie abgesagt haben... wissen Sie eigentlich wie schwierig es ist den zu bekommen (er hat ihn nicht selber vereinbart. das war ne andere Ärztin). Also dass Sie da nicht erschienen sind... Echt schwierig."
<- nicht genau in der Reihenfolge aber alles Zitate von heute
#GIRL SHUT THE FUCK UP#er wollte mir nichtmal Stützstrümpfe aufschreiben weil. meine Beine werden dafür ja nicht dick genug.#und wenn ich ihm sage 'den Termin hab ich abgesagt weil so früh aufstehen für mich extremst schwierig ist#vorallem wenn es so heiß ist. und an dem Tag ging es mir eh nochmal schlechter als sonst. & dann würde es mir Tage lang super dreckig gehn'#kam von ihm 'aber sie sind doch eh zuhause' im Sinne von. Ist doch egal ob es mir scheiße geht weil ich ja zuhause rumliegen kann??#und als ich gemeint habe 'Ja aber von IHNEN kam doch auch nichts. Ich habe bisher von keinem Arzt brauchbare Vorschläge bekommen.#Soll ICH etwa die Optionen kennen und damit zu Ihnen kommen' hat er Nein gesagt. Ok was dann??#und er hat als eine Option genannt Psychotherapie und Antidepressiva.#Und ich so 'Ja. Gut! Aber das haben Sie mir vorher noch nie gesagt!'#Und dann hat er da aber auch nicht weiter gemacht?? Soll ich BETTELN dass er mich an nen Psychotherapeuten weiterleitet?#girl ich hab Ja gut gesagt was willst du mehr...#Hurensohn einfach. Warum glaubt der mir nicht?#Öööh ist alles nur in deinem Kopf. Geh wieder Arbeiten.#WENN ES ALLES NUR IN MEINEM KOPF IST BIN ICH TROTZDEM KRANK. HILF MIR. DAS IST DEIN VERFICKTER JOB.#neeeee 🐌 faked ja nur 🙄#doddie redet#sorry.#vent#ich hab ihm nach ein paar Minuten gefragt ob er mich dann bitte krankschreiben kann und das hat er total ignoriert#zwischendrin hat er minutenlang langsam am PC irgendwas getippt und geklickt und keinen Ton gesagt und mich einfach ignoriert
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lovelyjasmari · 7 months ago
To anyone who thinks Vil’s arc is shallow or isn’t as tragic as the other ob characters or that his issue about being typecasted wasn’t that serious, daily reminder that Jack Gleeson actually retired from his acting career soon after his Game of Thrones character was killed off. Because he received so much online backlash/harassment for playing him too well. People hated Joffrey so much that it actually affected the actors career. And he was only 22 at the time.
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mahniminobu · 8 months ago
i feel like i have the opposite opinion of dawntrail… i actively enjoyed the first half MORE than the second. i looooved the zoraal ja fight but like. other than that?? it felt like a bit of a slog. i know i was posting about loving it previously but i think once i understood the motivation behind the Big Bad i just had no empathy or even sympathy while the game kept trying to make me care so it got a little grating on the last three levels
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f4xy · 3 months ago
how would the gals from squid game 2 respond?
(i'll just put 3 scenarios here, lmk if u want more of these)
"would you still love me if I was a worm?"
044: *stares right into your soul with her shaman smile, you feel immense regret but not more than discomfort because she doesn't cut eye contact or blinks*
095: I... I think I'll be a nice caterpillar...
120: Well... are you a nice worm? *visibly confused*
149: Oh honey, you are worthy of more than just worms! I think you can be a nice butterfly!
196: gurlie, hell no
222: what
380: pfft yeah
guard 011: *ignores the question completely*
"The floor is LAVA!"
044: So is the way your blood is flowing in your streams. Aren't you ashamed?
095: *shrieks and runs away*
120: It's all okay. They're making things up you all. *standing on top of 3 beds*
196: Gurl, tea
222: ... huh? *didnt even touch the floor in the first place*
380: *sitting on the floor the whole time* seriously, how old are we, 9? we still playing this?
guard 011: if it's lava, i drowned in it a long time ago.
"Who asked?"
044: How dare you challenge the prophecies that lies beyond your will against me?!
095: *immediately shuts up*
120: Now now, don't be rude.
149: Tsk, how dare you talk to your elders like that?!
196: Gurl bye
222: *holds a grudge*
380: huh
guard 011: *sweats but tries to remain calm* My apologies, I do not have the permission to speak like that.
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jamiemak0 · 2 years ago
i love how the husbands are so gay for each other that they did their yoga hand slap together for 36 years below lukejamie arguing like if they’re the married couple because both ships are so rivals to lovers
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streatfeild · 7 days ago
jesus christ. just spent 4 hours arguing with an afd voting idiot……. ngl i lost even more hope in humanity
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uitzinnigmp3 · 11 months ago
de uu moet echt zn fucking bek houden . jezus
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aberooski · 7 months ago
Winx au sketches
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Wanted to bring the winx au art back so I started sketching and got ideas to tweak some of the Enchantix designs a little bit (basically everyone but Alexis hers was already perfect imo lolol)
Clearly, these were really just for me to draw their hair and wings, hence hardly drawing any actual body for them lolol
I braided Blair's hair at the ends, reworked Mindy's ponytail and changed her accessories slightly, and Jas got the most reshaped wings because I didn't like the way I had them originally but wanted to keep the design semi-intact and gave her the little buns on top to do up her hair a little more lol
I wanna redraw them fully and see if I come up with any tweaks for their actual outfits (again except Alexis but I can't bring myself to leave her out when I draw this stuff lolol) and just to draw the other 3 girls again because it's been a long time.
Anyway, back into the depths I go, see you later!
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majachee · 7 months ago
Feminine urge to say "jamaica they cant even.. ja-party. It's so unfair!!" in public but genuinely nobody will understand what i'm referencing and it hurts
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