#shut up ethan the adults are talking
daydreamtofiction · 3 months
Thou Shalt Not Covet // 15: Blessed
Contents | Chapter 14 | First Person Version [AO3]
Summary: (Priest!Benedict x Female Reader) New beginnings bring Ellis face to face with an old 'friend'.
Word Count: 5.9K
Warnings: Strong language, irreverence, dark humour, adult and sexual themes. Smut: penetrative sex, quickie, semi-public, dirty talk, mouth covering. Readers must be 18+
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The creak of a door stirred you from sleep. You opened your eyes to the sound of a gentle cough, a blurry figure moving gracefully across the room. Your neck felt stiff, the side of your head resting against the arm of the couch at an awkward angle. You groaned and began to sit up, blinking away the tired itch from behind your lids. 
Father Benedict was standing on the other side of the office, shirtless, his back to you as he rummaged quietly through the wardrobe. He glanced over his shoulder as you sat up, smiling warmly before turning away again. 
"Did I wake you?" he asked.
"I can't believe I fell asleep," you croaked. 
"You must've needed it." 
You rubbed your eyes, pressing your fingers firmly into the inner corners. "I'm so sorry." 
"Don't be sorry, it's fine." He pulled a shirt from the wardrobe and turned to face you, looking down at his watch. "You were only asleep for about forty minutes." 
"Really? I don't even remember dozing off." Your gaze moved to his fingers as he unbuttoned the shirt from its hanger. "What are you doing?" 
"Getting ready for evening mass." 
You sighed in realisation, rolling your shoulders to ease the ache in your neck. "I really am so sorry."
"Stop apologising," he laughed. "I was just going to leave you there to sleep."
You chuckled softly, leaning against the back of the couch as you watched him dress quietly; eyeing his bare chest, the divots of muscle over his ribs, the flex of his arms as he shrugged on his shirt. You weren't sure you'd ever been this attracted to another human being before; so beguiled that even the most basic actions could arouse you.
"Ellis, you have to stop looking at me like that," he said, smirking slightly as he buttoned the shirt up to the collar. 
You snapped out of your daze, breathing out a laugh and looking down at your hands. "Sorry." 
He tucked the shirt into his trousers before clipping his clergy collar into place, checking his reflection in the mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door. He lifted two long pieces of fabric from their hangers and held them up at you.
"Which one?" he asked.
"What's the difference? They're both green." 
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah but look at the detail at the bottom of this one, and this one has this little pattern here. See?" 
You deliberated for a moment. "I like the left scarf better." 
He pressed the tip of his tongue to his top teeth, suppressing a laugh as he put the right one back in the wardrobe. "Stoles. Not scarves." 
"Stoles," you repeated. "Noted."
He put on a long white alb, adjusting it in the mirror until it sat just right over his shirt, before draping the stole around his neck. And before your eyes, he had become a priest again; his vestments like a costume, concealing the parts of him only you got to see. 
You stood up, swaying slightly before steadying yourself. "I better get going."
"You can stay for mass if you want," he said as he shut the wardrobe. "Some of the kids from the class you helped with are doing their communions tonight." 
You crossed your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes in thought. "It depends which kids, because some of them were arseholes." 
He laughed and walked to his desk, sifting through a pile of papers before picking one up and reading from it. "Er let's see... Nancy, Louis, Harper, Theo, Dottie, Ethan-"
"Dottie? As in Dot? The little one?" 
"I think so."
You sighed. "She's the one who told me I was pretty." 
"The one who thought you were my wife?" 
"Yeah." You gave an exaggerated groan, throwing your head back dramatically. "I guess I'm staying." 
He chuckled, throwing the paper back on the desk and making his way over to you. "Wow, so all someone has to do is give you a compliment and you're completely at their mercy..." 
"What can I say? Easily pleased." 
The corner of his mouth raised into a half-smile, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He gestured with his head towards the door. "Come on, I need to get set up."
You nodded and turned around before stopping quickly, looking back up at him. "Wait, do I look okay? Can you tell I've been sleeping?"
He took a moment to look you up and down, bringing his thumb to the side of your mouth. "Well, besides this big streak of drool..." he teased.
You batted his hand away with a laugh. He smiled, taking a moment to run his hands through your hair and gently swipe his fingers under your eyes. 
"There," he said. "You look fine. Beautiful, as always."
Maybe you really were easily pleased; his simple flattery sending a flush of warmth to your cheeks. You smiled and averted your gaze, making your way towards the door. 
You walked down the corridor together towards the chapel. 
"Oh by the way," you said. "I never got to thank you for the other day. The grief meeting. I've never heard Mara talk like that about Cain before." 
He grinned proudly. "I said it'd be good for her, didn't I. And you know she's welcome to keep coming. They're weekly; same time, same place." 
"I doubt that," you laughed. "But still, I... Just thank you."
"You don't have to thank me." 
You emerged into the quiet chapel where a small group of church volunteers were already setting up. You stopped, gently tugging on Father Benedict's sleeve, making him turn to face you.
"What?" he asked quietly.
"It's just so weird," you said, shaking your head and staring up at him in awe. "I feel like... I met you and then suddenly everything snowballed. My life's unrecognisable." 
"Coincidence," he said with a smile. 
"Maybe," you replied. 
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Your usual spot was taken at the back, a large family already there by the time you went to take your seat. You found an empty spot in a middle row instead, sitting closest to the aisle, shifting uncomfortably against the hard, wooden backrest, a child further down the pew opening and closing the cushioned kneeler at your feet. His mother hissed at him to stop, turning to you with an apologetic smile.
You recognised the school children as they walked in; the boys in their white suits, girls in puffy dresses and veils in their hair. You watched as Father Benedict directed them to sit at the front, welcoming the parents warmly and high-fiving the kids as they passed. You wondered if he ever wanted children of his own, or if a family was yet another desire he'd denied himself when choosing this life. He'd make a good dad, you thought. Loving, patient, sensitive, the kind of dad who'd play tag and give piggy backs until his legs gave out, who'd act like every drawing was a masterpiece and never miss a bedtime. 
You shook away the thought and crossed one leg over the other, glancing over your shoulder as another family made their way down the aisle, little Dot holding her mother's hand as they walked together. She looked adorable; her long white dress decorated with appliqu�� flowers, hair parted neatly down the middle, pulled back into two puffs that sparkled with pearly gems. She seemed nervous, lips pressed together as she glanced around, big brown eyes wide with apprehension. 
You gave a subtle wave as she passed. "You look lovely," you whispered.
Her face broke into a grin when she saw you, waving back shyly and continuing on.
You were awful with children; unable to soften yourself for them, feeling fear where others felt a desire to care. You didn't know how to hold a baby, how to comfort a crying toddler or talk to an inquisitive child. But there was something about Dot that made you want to be warm, made you hopeful that perhaps you were capable of nurture after all. 
The mass began, and a strange sense of comfort came with it. Father Benedict's voice echoed through the chapel, silky and rich, so deep and captivating that you felt yourself hanging on his every word, even if you didn't believe any of it. He spoke confidently, delivering his sermon with a charm that made it all seem less boring, less preachy and derivative. 
He brought up a member of the congregation to give a reading, sharing a smirk with you as you pretended to yawn at the woman's droning voice. And you couldn't help but wonder, why you? Why, in a church full of people, were you the person he looked for? What was it about you that he felt so drawn to?
The sun was still shining, illuminating the patterns on the windows and melting into the church with a warm glow. You'd come to know the order of mass, how long was left based on what part of the service you were at. And as Father Benedict welcomed people to the front for a blessing, you knew it was almost over, breathing a quiet sigh of relief to yourself. You watched as the aisle filled with a queue of people, a flush starting in your chest as you remembered kneeling before him, taking the wafer into your mouth as he stared down at you in anger. 
The flush crept up to your face as the memories morphed to the last time you'd been there. You watched each person approach him, looking down at where they stood, the place you'd knelt as his cock filled your throat, the sounds he'd made, the way he held your head in his hands. He looked over at you, brows heavy over his eyes, and you knew he was thinking about it too. 
Everyone returned to their seats and he finished the service with a prayer, asking the congregation to applaud the children for making their first holy communion. You clapped along, smiling when Dot turned around to wave at you again. 
"Thank you, everyone," said Father Benedict. "I know some of the families will have their own celebrations planned, but for anyone who would like to stick around, we've got tea and coffee in the next room."
There was a collective shift as everyone began to get up. You sat for a moment, watching as parents stood their children at the front of the chapel, posing them for photos, palms pressed together like a prayer. You giggled as one mother dragged Father Benedict into a picture. He crouched down to the little girl's height, placing an arm around her shoulder and smiling at the camera. 
The church emptied out after a while. You got up and made your way to the exit, waiting in a small line as each person stopped to shake Father Benedict's hand. When you finally reached him, he seemed to smile with relief, as though you were a comforting presence, fresh air he could breathe in. 
"That was a nice service," you said sincerely.
"Thank you." He smiled softly.
"Bye, Ellis," a little voice chimed from behind you. 
You looked down to see Dot waving as her family wandered out of the exit. 
"Bye," you replied, turning back to him and pushing out your bottom lip. "She remembered my name." 
"You've made quite the impression." 
"I think I might steal her." 
He laughed. "She is very cute."
People continued to pass by as you stood quietly, eyes locked on each other, as though being formal and polite felt more unnatural to you now than touching, kissing. 
"Well I'll get out of your way," you finally said.
"You don't want to stick around?"
"I'd like to, but I should probably go and get the ball rolling on this whole flat thing. Call Mara, let her know my priest gave me his blessing to go for it." 
A smile slowly crept across his face, creating lines around his eyes. He leaned in close. "Congratulations," he whispered.
"Thanks," you whispered back. 
You remained closer than you should have, your eyes darting between his eyes and lips, the temptation to rise up on your toes and kiss him so strong you feared you might actually do it. He swallowed so hard you could see his throat ripple beneath his collar. God, you wanted him. You always wanted him.
You coughed quietly, looking around before speaking. "Actually, I don't have to go right this minute..."
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He shut his office door and pressed you back against it, mouth finding yours in a fevered, hungry kiss. You dragged the stole from around his neck and threw it to the floor as he pulled off the rest of his robes, one of his hands working the buttons of his shirt while the other cupped your face. You tugged away the white collar from his neck and moved to his trousers, your fingers working quickly as he parted your lips with his tongue, sweeping it into your mouth. 
You knew there wasn't much time, but the impatience with which you moved seemed more about desperation; you needed each other, needed to quell the thirst, to put out the fire before it burned you both to ash. His shirt opened and he moved immediately to yours; dragging it over your head and pressing his lips to your neck, biting and sucking a path down to your chest as he unbuttoned your trousers. 
A moan escaped you as his hand slipped down the front of your underwear. He shushed you, bringing his face back to yours and kissing you, fingers rolling over your clit as you finally got his trousers open. He groaned quietly into your mouth as you reached in and gripped his cock, working your hand up and down his length. You moaned again as he applied more pressure to your clit.
"Sssh," he whispered into your mouth. "You need to be quiet." 
You nodded, closing your eyes and pressing your lips together firmly, his teeth nipping at your ear, tongue trailing down your jaw back to your neck. 
He slid his fingers through the wetness at your entrance, humming his approval, before pushing two of them inside you. You made no sound but your breath was heavy, the sudden penetration making your insides coil, your legs almost give way. He began to move them, curling and pushing in search of the spot that would make you melt, and when he found it, you couldn't stay quiet. 
"Fuck sake, Ellis," he growled, his voice a heady blend of anger and arousal as his other hand came up to cover your mouth.
You whimpered into his palm as he fucked you with his fingers, wrapping both of your hands around his wrist, eyes locked on his.
There was noise in the corridor outside, footsteps passing and muffled voices, the utility cupboard opening and closing. He let go of your mouth and reached down to lock the door, sliding his fingers out of you and moving you quickly to the desk.
He bent you over it without a word, hand pressed to your back to lay your chest flat. You grabbed the waistline of your trousers and underwear in one, pushing them down as you pressed your cheek against the cool wood of the desk, desperate to feel him again, willing yourself to stay quiet. 
You heard him spit, the warmth of his saliva dripping over your pussy as he rubbed the head of his cock through the slick. He sank into you in one firm slide, and you bit down on your knuckle to hold back a cry. You could hear his laboured breath, could feel the tension in his touch as he dug his fingers into your hips. 
The voices returned outside, the rattle of a mop bucket being wheeled back down the corridor towards the chapel. But he didn't stop, pulling you back to meet every deep, hard thrust.
"Fuck," you gasped.
He shushed you again.
"I can't," you whispered, a soft moan catching in your throat. 
He reached down and grabbed you by the shoulders, pulling you up and holding you back against his chest. The change in angle sent a jolt of lightning to your core, his cock grinding against the soft, sensitive walls of your pussy. His hand came back up over your mouth, his breath hot against your ear. 
"You need to be quiet," he whispered breathlessly.
You hummed into his hand.
"Trust me, I want nothing more than to make you moan. But if we get caught..." 
You nodded obediently, mumbling a weak 'I know' against his palm. 
"Good girl." He took his hand away, moving it to your neck, holding you in place as he continued his hard thrusts.
You rolled your eyes; his words filling you with a shivering pleasure that rivalled any sex you'd ever had. 
"I love your voice," you whispered. 
"My voice?" 
You nodded. "Keep talking to me. Please." 
He moved his lips closer to your ear. "Why? Does it turn you on?"
He paused for a moment, as though he was thinking about it. "You want me to talk you through this? Tell you how good you feel?"
Your knees buckled, his grip on you the only thing keeping you upright. You shuddered, your arousal overflowing, rippling through you in waves and pooling at your centre, soaking both of you.
"Fuck, you're so wet," he growled. 
You moaned in response, louder than you'd meant to.
"Sshh." His hand immediately returned to your mouth. "I know it's good. You're almost there."
Your spine curved, head falling back against his chest. You fell silent, closing your eyes as you lost yourself in him; the fullness, the friction, the swelling pleasure deep in your belly. 
"That's it," he whispered.
He let go of you and you leant forward, pressing your chest to the desk again, covering your own mouth as he quickened his pace.
"Are you going to come for me?"
"Yes," you replied breathlessly. 
"Are you going to do it quietly?" 
His nails dug into the flesh of your ass, pulling you back as he drove into you. You bit your lip and clutched the edge of the desk, willing yourself to stay silent, the rhythmic connection of your bodies providing the only sound. 
You felt yourself becoming lightheaded, the tingling pressure in your core beginning to swell. Your walls tightened around him, making him groan quietly, putting all of his weight into burying himself to the hilt. You shuddered as your orgasm began to bloom, blanching your knuckles and curling your toes. His cock throbbed as he came inside you, his body collapsing on top of yours.
You remained there for a moment, still connected, breathing heavily as the last echoes of your mutual climax rang through you. He lifted his head, laying soft kisses across the backs of your shoulders.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Mhm." You nodded weakly, entirely spent.
He pulled out of you slowly, before bending down and kissing your hip as he carefully pulled up your underwear, fixing it in place with a touch so gentle it was hard to believe he was capable of anything other than tenderness. 
"How did I do?" he asked.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, brushing the hair out of your face and turning to look at him. "Hm?" 
"The talking stuff," he said as he fastened his trousers. "I've not done it before. Was it... okay?" 
You stared at him with wide, glassy eyes, struggling to believe he even had to ask. It was endearing, how someone so commanding could be so unsure of himself, how in the wake of his own orgasm, his only concern was your pleasure.
"You were perfect." You gave a breathy laugh. "Honestly. It was... perfect." 
He smiled, buttoning his shirt as he wandered over to the door. You stood up and pulled up your trousers, watching him press his ear to it. 
"Do you think anyone heard us?" you asked. 
"No, I think we're good." He turned to you. "Probably best we don't make a habit of this though."
"Shame, it was fun." 
He gave a deep chuckle and bent down to pick up your top, throwing it across the room to you. You caught it and slipped it on, flicking your hair out from beneath the collar. 
"That's inside out," he said.
You looked down, noticing the thick seams in the fabric, the silk tag sticking out at your waist. You huffed, lifting it over your head and turning it the right way. 
He watched you quietly, eyes trailing your body; your comfy bra and exposed stomach, hips and arms and scars and marks.
"You really are beautiful, you know," he said. 
You pulled your top on again, looking over at him skeptically.
"You are," he insisted. 
"Thank you. You are too. Like... Greek statue beautiful. It's quite annoying."  
He laughed and looked down at his watch, letting out a sigh. "Right well, hopefully no one's wondering where I am yet." 
"You go," you said. "I'll sneak out the side door." 
He picked up his collar and slipped it around his neck, fastening it into place as he walked over to you. You gazed up at him as he approached, standing perfectly still as he took your face in his hands and leant down to kiss you. 
"See you soon," he said. 
You nodded, a sense of longing overcoming you before he'd even left the room.
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There was a furniture shop you'd always wanted to go in but never had. You would pass it every morning on the bus, the same dark green velvet chair sitting in the window for so long it had become a landmark in your commute. You'd made a deal with yourself to buy that chair one day; to put it in your own living room, in your own home, to turn a landmark into a milestone. 
It had been a month. A blur of contracts and phone calls and so many documents that the scent of warm printer ink had permanently settled in your nostrils. It was all moving so quick, yet still you found yourself itching with impatience, as though every day the flat sat empty was a day gone to waste.
You wandered around the small, cluttered furniture shop, picking up trinkets and switching lamps on and off. You crouched next to a small, antique drinks trolley, trying to think of a reason to buy it, when a laugh caught your attention from the other side of the shop. You stood up straight and peered over the shelves towards the counter, your stomach turning as you laid eyes on the back of a familiar head, a jutted hip and smokey voice. 
"Shit," you whispered to yourself, crouching back down quickly.
You hadn't seen Gina since the day you left her house. Hadn't heard her voice or smelled her perfume, hadn't showered with her hair clogging the drain or scrubbed foundation stains from the tops she borrowed without asking. There was a time you called her your best friend. Yet seeing her now, just a few feet away, brought no wistfulness. And it made you wonder if you were truly ever friends at all. 
"No worries, thank you," she said to the woman behind the counter, heels clacking against the floor as she began to walk away. 
You breathed out a quiet sigh of relief, standing up again and reaching up to read the price tag on a mirror. 
Fuck sake. 
You turned around to see her standing behind you, large sunglasses sat atop her head, red lips parted slightly.
"Oh, hi," you said awkwardly.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, yeah, obviously. Sorry." She gave an uncomfortable laugh, shifting her weight from side to side. "Are you here by yourself?" 
"No, I'm... My brother-in-law's here somewhere." You looked around in search of Nathan, finally noticing him on the other side of the shop. He caught your eye, immediately putting down the ornament he was holding and making his way over to you. 
"So how are you?" she asked. 
"I'm fine." 
She nodded, looking around before returning her gaze to you. "I tried to call you. A few times, actually." 
"Yeah, I... I had nothing to say." 
Nathan appeared at your side. "Hi. Gemma, isn't it?" 
"Gina," she corrected. 
You suppressed a smirk. 
"Gina, of course," he said. "Sorry, think we only met a couple of times." 
"Right." She gave a polite smile, and you could tell it was killing her. "Anyway, I was just here to see if they had this side table I was... erm-" Her tone changed suddenly, picking up speed. "You know I only wanted to apologise. That's why I tried to get in touch. I don't care about who said what or anything, I don't even care about the priest beating up Alfie-"
"He didn't beat him up," you said. "He punched him. Once. And he felt very bad about it afterwards." 
She rolled her eyes.
Nathan laughed. "Wow, you've got to be a special type of arsehole to get knocked out by a priest. Thats like... getting stabbed by a nun. Kicked in the bollocks by Elmo."
You dropped your head, hiding a laugh. 
Gina huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Can we talk for a second? Just the two of us?" 
You looked up at Nathan. He held his hands up in surrender and wandered off to the other side of the shop. 
She took a small step closer to you, lowering her voice. "Look, going behind your back with Alfie... It was- It's- I'm sorry." She paused, giving a defeated shrug. "But hey, turns out he never actually liked me, so you win." 
You inhaled slowly, cocking your head. "What did I win?" 
"You said I 'win'." 
"Well yeah, you... I'm the one that's come out of this the worst. I had my heart broken and I lost my best friend." 
You thought for a moment before shaking your head softly. "We were never friends, Gina." 
Her brow furrowed in confusion. 
"You only liked me because I made you feel better about yourself."
"That's not true." 
"Yes it is. I had no money, in swooped Gina with the cheap rent. I had no friends, so how nice of Gina to bring me along to all of her parties and nights out. Isn't Gina so confident and outgoing, especially when you compare her to that weird, meek awkward friend she's always dragging around? Those clothes, they look so much better on Gina than they do on Ellis. And gosh, Gina is just so attractive and irresistible. She can fuck any man she wants, even her best friend's boyfriend..." 
Her face hardened as she pressed her lips together, like a stubborn child. 
"Now you say I win. Because that's all our relationship was, wasn't it. A competition you always had to make sure I was losing." You shuffled past her and began to walk away.
"I admired you," she said quietly. 
You stopped, turning back to face her. "You pitied me." 
She wiped a tear that spilled onto her cheek. 
"Now I pity you," you said with a shrug.
She cleared her throat, but instead of retorting, she turned around to leave. 
Nathan peered over the top of the shelves, waving and calling out to her. "See you, Georgia."
"Gina," she snapped, before pushing through the door and disappearing onto the street. 
You wandered over to Nathan with a slight smile. "You knew her name." 
"Of course I did." 
You giggled, taking a deep breath and brushing your hair back with your hands. Your heart was thudding, limbs gooey, fingers trembling. 
Nathan held up a ceramic dog ornament. "Do you think Mara would like this?" 
You looked down at it; the gaudy colours and weird face, the novelty hat sitting between two misshapen ears. It was the ugliest thing you'd ever seen. 
"Yes," you said. 
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"Fucking hell, Ellis, do you have any upper body strength whatsoever?" said Nathan with a grunt, bearing the entire weight of the green velvet chair in his arms. 
"I'm trying, you keep moving away from me," you replied, holding the other side with a weak grip. 
He swung his foot under the bumper of his car, the boot closing automatically with a beep. He heaved the chair up the driveway of your father's house. You pretended to help, walking backwards to guide him. 
"Useless," he said breathlessly, lowering it to the ground and wiping the sweat from his brow when you reached the house. 
You knocked on the garage door, waiting a moment until a sudden hum of machinery roared to life, followed by the rattle and squeak of metal as the door began to rise. Your father was on the other side, ducking his head to greet you before it had fully opened. Behind him, your belongings stood packed neatly against the back wall. Your entire life in a collection of boxes and bags, taking up so little space it was almost laughable. 
"Y'alright?" he asked, wrapping his large arms around you.
He'd never been much of a hugger until he met Nicola. You weren't a hugger either, but still you accepted it, resting your head on his chest for a moment until he let you go. 
"Just got a few more bits in the car to store here if that's okay?" asked Nathan as he made his way back to the car. 
"Been on a shopping spree, have you?" asked your father jokingly. 
"Just some furniture and kitchen stuff," you replied. "Not the most exciting haul." 
He patted you on the back with a chuckle. "Nicola's inside, go see her and I'll help Nathan with all this." 
You walked through the garage, stepping through the door that led to the kitchen. It smelled like lavender and patchouli, the floral aroma hitting you like a cloud as you walked into the room. 
Nicola was standing at the kitchen counter, her curly hair tied up in a wild mound on top of her head. She was a beautiful woman; big and tall, never afraid to take up the space her body deserved. She wore her personality on the outside, every curve and round of her frame draped in ruffles and printed fabrics, jewellery and shocking orange eyeshadow. It still stunned you to think she was married to your father. The gruff tradesman and the whimsical Wiccan; newspapers and tarot cards, cigarettes and crystals, builders brew and loose tea leaves.
She was pouring a large jug of lilac gunk into a tray, another waft of lavender drifting across the room towards you. You closed the door behind you and she glanced up, flashing a full-cheeked smile. 
"Hi, love," she said. 
"Hi. What are you making?" 
"Soap! It's my new thing." 
You walked over to her, watching as she sprinkled dried flowers across the top of the lilac goo. 
"Lavender?" you asked. 
"Yes, very calming. You'll be getting a big slab." 
You laughed, leaning over and inhaling the scent again. 
Her eyes followed your face, as if she were studying you. "You've got a glow," she said. 
"A glow?" you asked with a furrowed brow, leaning back against the counter.
"Mhm. A good sex glow."
You almost choked on your own saliva. Nicola was younger than your father, happily child-free, a stepmother by title only, but a friend, mentor and confidant in practice. She never shied away from personal subjects; immune to embarrassment, no such thing as taboo. But still, it would always catch you by surprise.
"Nic," you said with an awkward laugh. 
"Oh don't worry, your dad can't hear me." She waved her hand breezily. "I can just sense these things, y'know. And it's very clear someone's been showing you a good time." 
Your mouth opened slightly, lips parted in a daze. She'd always claimed to be psychic, clairvoyant, able to see auras and read energy. Your aura was grey, apparently, your palm difficult to discern. You weren't sure you believed much in any of it. But how else could she know? You distractedly rubbed the side of your neck, wondering if there might be a love bite there. 
You'd been with Father Benedict last night. You'd been with Father Benedict a lot lately; coming to each other for comfort and release, pleasure and intimacy. He never left you unsatisfied, you weren't sure he was even capable of it.
"Who is it? New boyfriend?" she asked as she placed her tray of liquid soap on the window ledge. 
"Wh- No... No." 
"Hm." She narrowed her eyes. "I'm just really getting the sense that there's a new energy in your life. It's changed your aura." 
"What colour am I now?" 
"Oh you're still grey. But there's spots of pink in there too." She moved to another jug, adding more dried flowers to a milky white mix. "And you really are glowing. It's in your skin, you look... healthy. Happy." 
You felt a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, clearing your throat to hide it. "Well I've finally got a move-in date for the flat, maybe that's it." 
"Maybe. When do you get the keys?" 
"The first of Sept-"
"Oh you're definitely seeing someone," she interrupted. 
"Nicola," you laughed.
"Sorry, sorry I just... I knew when Mara met Nathan, didn't I. And when my cousin Andrea met Chris. I'm just getting that feeling again." 
You paused, pressing your lips together as you watched her walk back and forth across the room, her long skirt flowing as she moved. 
"I'm not seeing anyone," you said.
She looked at you, leaning her hip against the counter and tilting her head slightly to one side. "You know... If there was a man... I hope you know that you deserve someone who'd shout about you from the rooftops, not hide you away like a secret." 
The door to the garage opened and you glanced over your shoulder as Nathan and your father walked in. They were talking, complaining about the heat, stopping suddenly when they got halfway across the room. 
"Smells like a florists in here," your dad said. 
"Better than it smelling like your sweaty work boots," Nicola quipped.
He laughed and opened the back door. "We're just taking a break," he said, stepping aside for Nathan to walk out into the garden. 
"Okay well shut the door," she replied. "I don't want your cigarette smoke ruining my soaps." 
He gave a kind wink and closed the door tight behind him. She smiled and turned her attention back to you, waiting for you to speak. 
You folded your arms defiantly. "There isn't a man," you said. "But if there was... I'd assume there was a good mutual reason for keeping it private..." 
She nodded with understanding, glancing out the window, then back to you. "Well as long as you're happy. That's the main objective of life, isn't it, happiness. Whether you get it through good sex or... making your own soap."
You breathed out a laugh. 
"Just remember, happiness doesn't have to be fleeting," she said. "You don't have to accept less than you deserve in exchange for small moments of joy. It can be an all-encompassing, constant thing if you want it to be. You just have to realise you're worthy of it." 
She picked up the jug and poured the second soap into its tray, stopping before it overflowed and swiping her finger under the spout to catch the drips. 
"Is he nice to you?" she asked softly. 
Your eyes flickered up to meet hers. She was looking down at you, brows curved with hope and concern. You gave a gentle nod and she smiled. 
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*If you would like to be tagged in the next part, please comment below, or feel free to add yourself to the tag list here
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stephstars08 · 11 months
Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, Adult Language, Sexual Themes & References, ANGST, Heartbreaking Breakup, Depression, Alcohol, Reader gets cheated on, Fluff, Mention of Violence, Arguing, Suspicion, and Maybe some Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I forgot any)
Summary: Ethan and Y/N have been together for almost two years, but when Ethan’s jealousy finally pushes Y/N over the edge she breaks up with him and moves on from to some else so quickly. Ethan becomes heartbroken because when he first sees that Y/N has moved on, he thinks she looks happier with the new guy than she was with him.
Inspired Song: Happier by Ed Sheeran
Word Count: 2,277
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Ethan was sitting in his shared apartment. He was sitting on his couch running both of his hands through his brunette curls. He just got into another fight with his girlfriend Y/N. About a month ago Y/N met this other guy who works at the same café she works at that is on their college campus. Ever since the first day Ethan saw Y/N with him he instantly became jealous. Ethan noticed the way that asshole looks at his girlfriend. He knew that guy wants to get into Y/N’s pants so bad. But every time he mentions it to her, she always says the same thing. They are just friends and that’s it. Ethan has been with Y/N for almost two years, so he has no reason to be suspicious.
The couple was sitting in the living room doing their annual study date when Y/N got a text from her co-worker that set Ethan off. The fight got so heated Y/N threw her textbook down onto the carpet floor and went into Ethan’s bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her. Ethan could hear Y/N’s sobs coming from his room. It makes his heart ache to hear her cry. It hurts even more because he’s the one that is making her cry. No matter how many times she tells him he has nothing to worry about his jealousy just takes over.
Ethan took his hands out of his hair and took a deep breath to calm himself down. Once he felt like his jealousy was out of his body he stood up and walked to his bedroom. He quietly opened the door to see Y/N sitting on the end of his bed crying into her hands. Ethan walked over to her and sat down next to her. “Y/N.” Ethan said in a soft tone. She scooted away from him without saying a word to him or looking at him. “Y/N, please talk to me.” Ethan said in a pleading tone. “What’s the fucking point!” Y/N snapped in frustration in her voice as she removed her hands off her face. “According to you every word that comes out of my mouth is a fucking lie to you!” Y/N hissed as avoided eye contact with him as tears continued to fall down her cheeks. “Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Ethan told her. He went to take her hand, but she stood up. “I can’t fucking do this anymore.” Y/N said walking out of the room. What she just said made Ethan’s heart drop to the floor.
He quickly stood up and walked back into the living room. Y/N just got done putting all her stuff back into her bag. When she stood up Ethan grabbed her arm before she could grab her bag off the floor. “Y/N, please stay.” Ethan said as tears started to fill his brown eyes. “Ethan, I can’t deal with you accusing me of cheating on you anymore.” Y/N told him as she tried to keep herself calm. “I fucked this up, didn’t I?” Ethan said knowing that this there isn’t anything he can say or do to make her stay. He pushed her over the edge. “I think you know the answer to that.” Y/N said getting out of his grip.
She grabbed her bag off the floor and walked over to the door. She didn’t even take a glance back at him. She walked out of the apartment and just let the door close on its own.
Two weeks have passed since Y/N broke up with Ethan. It took everything in her to walk out of that apartment, but she had to do it. She can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust her. As much as she loves Ethan, if there is no trust, she can’t be with him. The first two days Y/N didn’t get out of her bed. If she didn’t have Tara and Mindy, she would most likely still be in her bed.
Y/N and Tara just got done with their first class of the day, so they decided to go to the café Y/N works at to grab something to eat before they have to be at their next class. After they got their food, they picked a table to sit at. Y/N forgot napkins, so she set her food down and walked over to where the napkins were and bumped into the guy that Ethan got so jealous of. She didn’t even know that he was working. “Hey, Frankie.” Y/N said with a kind smile. “Hey, how have you been since the breakup?” Frankie asked her with concern in his blue eyes. “I’ve been doing better than I was. It’s a good thing that I have Tara and Mindy because if I didn’t, I would still be in my bed all crawled up into a ball.” Y/N told him.
“Listen, I know that it’s only been two weeks, but I’ve had this huge crush on you, so I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime.” Frankie said in a curious tone which made Y/N’s heart rate speed up. “Oh, I don’t know.” Y/N said unsure if she’s ready to date someone so quickly. “Please Y/N. Just give me one chance.” Frankie said looking at her with pleading eyes. For some reason, Y/N couldn’t say no. “Okay, it does sound like it would be fun.” Y/N said with a nod. One date with Frankie won’t hurt. To be honest, she does need to get out. “Awesome, is tomorrow night good?” Frankie said with a smile. “Yeah, just text me the details.” Y/N told him. “Sounds good. See you tomorrow.” Frankie said with wink and walked away so he could get back to work. Y/N grabbed some napkins and walked back over to the table Tara was at.
“Hey, what were you talking to Frankie about?” Tara asked in a curious tone. “We’re going on a date tomorrow night.” Y/N told her as she sat down. Tara stared at her with wide eyes. “What?” Y/N asked her putting the napkins down next to her food. “Don’t you think it’s early?” Tara said to her in a soft voice. Y/N thought about it, but shook her head no. “But Y/N, it’s only been two weeks. You and Ethan were together for almost two years.” Tara told her which made Y/N let out a sigh of frustration. “It’s my life Tara!” Y/N told her in a stern tone. “It’s time for me to move on with my life.” She added. “But Y/N- “Tara started but Y/N cut her off right away. “Enough Tara! My mind is made up and I’m done talking about it!” Y/N told her in a snappy tone. Tara saw the stern look in Y/N’s eyes, but she also saw sadness in her eyes as well.
Tara knows Y/N is still not over Ethan and she wants to talk her out of going on this date with Frankie, but she knows that Y/N is stubborn so she’s not going to change her mind. “Okay, you’re right.” Tara said with a nod. “If you want, Mindy and I can come over to your place and help you get ready for the date.” She offered. “Thanks, I’d really like that.” Y/N said with a soft smile.
It was the next night and Chad finally got Ethan to come out of the apartment for a night out. Ever since the breakup the only time Ethan comes out of the apartment is to go to his classes. It took everything in Chad to finally convince Ethan to come out with him for a guy’s night out. All Ethan can think about was what Y/N said to him that night before she walked the door. He wishes he ran after her, but the guilt took over his body.
Ethan was walking down the sidewalk listening to Chad babble about something till he came to an abrupt stop. “What the fuck!” Ethan hissed. “What’s wro- “Chad started to say but cut himself off when he saw what Ethan saw. “Oh shit.” Chad said. In the restaurant across the street through the window there was Y/N sitting at a table with Frankie. Ethan felt like someone just stabbed him in the heart. It’s only been two weeks since the breakup and she’s already on a date with the asshole that caused the breakup. Ethan’s jealousy quickly rose in his body, but so did sadness.
He noticed the happiness in Y/N’s eyes. Ethan hasn’t seen her this happy in a long time and it was breaking his heart that it was a different guy making her happy. Ethan felt his heart sink when Y/N laughed at whatever the fuck Frankie just said to her. He wishes he was the one making her laugh. He used to be the one making her laugh. “Listen Ethan I- “Chad started to say but Ethan cut him off. “Don’t!” Ethan hissed looking away from Y/N. “Let’s just go.” Ethan said and walked away. Chad let out a sigh and followed him.
A week has passed, and Y/N is still with Frankie. The first date turned out so well she decided to keep seeing him. Y/N was at a frat party with Frankie. Tara was at the party with Chad while Mindy was there with her girlfriend, Anika. Ethan wasn’t at the party which did feel strange for Y/N since this is the first party, she is at without him by her side. Y/N isn’t the biggest party girl, but she didn’t mind coming to them with Ethan since he made her feel safe and comfortable. She knew that no one was going to try and make her do something she didn’t want to do with him by her side.
Y/N was downstairs in the frat house talking to Tara and Chad. Frankie was with her but went to bathroom which was thirty minutes ago. “I’m going to go check on Frankie.” Y/N told her friends. She made her way through the crowd to get to the stairs. She walked up the steps and walked to the bathroom where before she even knocked on the door, she heard a girl moaning. “Frankie!” Y/N called out as she knocked on the door. “Shit!” She heard Frankie hiss which broke her heart. He was in there fucking another girl. That’s why he was taking so fucking long. “You know what, finish what you’re doing because we are fucking done!” Y/N called out before he could say anything as tears started to form in her eyes.
Ethan was sitting in the living room of his shared apartment. He was drinking whisky and trying to focus on the movie he was watching, but the only thing that was on his mind was her. He was hoping the whiskey would numb the pain, but it wasn’t. He was going to go the frat party, but he couldn’t see Y/N with Frankie. He knew if he went, he would’ve end up doing something that would make Y/N even more upset with him.
Ethan was about to pour some more whiskey into his cup when there was a knock at the door which made him groan. Ethan stood up and walked over to the door. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see Y/N standing there. He could tell that’s she’s been crying. “Y/N.” Ethan said in a soft voice. “Can I come in?” Y/N asked looking up into his brown eyes with glossy eyes. “Yeah.” Ethan said with a nod as he stepped to the side so she could walk inside the apartment. “Thanks.” Y/N said walking past him and straight over to the couch. “Do you want me to get you some- “Ethan started as he shut the door but stopped when he turned around to see Y/N sitting on the couch drinking the whiskey right out of the bottle.
Ethan walked back over to the couch and sat down next to her. He picked up the remote and turned the tv off. Y/N hissed as she put the bottle of whiskey back down onto the table. Because she drank so much of it in one ship, it burned her throat. “Why aren’t you at the party?” Ethan asked her which made her do a heavy sigh. “You were right about Frankie.” Y/N started. “I guess since I haven’t let him get into my pants, yet he decided to go get into some other girl’s pants.” Y/N said avoiding his eyes. “Shit, Y/N I’m sorry that happened.” Ethan told her. He really wanted to go to that party and beat the shit out of Frankie, but he knew he needed to stay with Y/N because of the current state she’s in. She just had her heart broken twice in just three weeks.
“Have you told the girls and Chad yet?” Ethan asked which earned Y/N to shake her head no. “I thought it would be better to come to you first.” Y/N said looking up at him. “Really?” Ethan asked as he stared into her beautiful eyes that reminded him of diamonds. “I guess I knew that if Frankie hurt me, I could come back to you.” Y/N told him. “You’re right about that beautiful.” Ethan said using his hand to push some of her hair out of the way of her face.
“You’ll always be my girl.” He told her cupping her cheek and stoked it gently with his thumb. “I love the sound of that.” Y/N said as her lips curved up into a smile. Ethan smiled back as he leaned in a connect his lips with hers.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 months
High Night Dallas
Jacob Black x Male Reader
Request- I've noticed you write Twilight stuff so here's a request can you do one where the male teen reader is Jake's litte Brother and does a school play talen show where he and a group of friends do the scene from resident evil 8 where they discusse of the fate of Ethan and the teen is dressed up as heisenberg
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You couldn't wait to go home, you rushed home on your bike. You jumped off your bike and rushed towards the garage, your older brother Jacob was fixing his motorcycle.
“Wow, slow down,” Jacob said.
“I got good news. Something happened to me in school!” You smiled.
“Tell me before you explode” Jacob teased.
“I'm going to do a school play and I got the role of Karl Heisenberg, and that is a big deal” You smiled.
“Awesome, but who is Karl Heisenberg,” Jacob said.
“Karl Heisenberg is a character from a video game called Resident Evil Village,” You said.
Jacob doesn't play video games all the time. You take out your phone and you start to show him videos of Karl. Then you explained the back story of him in the game.
Jacob always encourages you to try something new. He knows that it can be hard for you to make friends. He supports you in everything and he listens to you talk about video games and more.
“When is the play?” Jacob asked.
“In a few weeks, our first rehearsal was today. I'm feeling really nervous to be in front of people on stage, I never did this before” You said.
He puts his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N, you will do great. Just do your best and don't focus on the audience” Jacob said.
“Thanks, Jacob. What's for dinner?” You said.
“I don't know, maybe meatloaf?” Jacob said.
“Sure,” You said.
You help your brother cook dinner. He starts to ask questions about the play and you tell him the plot.
For the past few days… you have been staying after school for rehearsal. But sometimes, Jacob would help you run your lines. But tonight you are teaching Jacob how to play the game. Over and over you have to tell him what buttons to press but his character will die.
“Was that a demon baby!?” Jacob yelled.
You couldn't help to laugh.
“Yeah, demon baby. I got scared when I first played the game and it's still creepy” You said.
“Oh, that's when you played in the dark and I heard you scream” Jacob laughed.
“Shut up,” You said.
He laughed again and you rolled your eyes at him.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Tonight is the play and you are feeling nervous. Jacob noticed a lot of people came to watch the play. The play starts and you notice your brother is watching, you are happy that he came but you are smiling on the inside.
In the scene, everyone is talking about Ethan’s fate in the meeting.
“Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to me, and I will ensure he is ready” She said.
“Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else” You said loudly.
“Quiet now, child! Adults are talking” She said.
“I'm the child? You're the one who's arguing with Miranda's decision!” You yelled.
“YOU wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!” She yelled.
“Oh, keep growing! One day, your head might actually fit your ego!” You yelled back.
“Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!” another actress giggled.
“Hey, don't I get a say in this?” He said.
Jacob starts to take a few pictures of you on stage. When the show ended, Jacob and everyone else started to clap. You are smiling at Jacob and he takes pictures of you again.
After the show, he gave you a hug. You introduced your brother to your friends.
“You were great, Y/N,” Jacob said.
“Thanks. I was really nervous and hoping I wouldn't screw up” You said.
“I did like the show, but I didn't understand some parts,” Jacob said.
“Don’t worry, I will help you understand the story when you are buying dinner” You said.
“Yeah, I’m starving too. Are you going to take off the hat and trench coat?” Jacob smiled.
“No, I like how it feels,” You said.
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liaromancewriter · 2 months
Shades of Gray
Premise: Only one woman can turn Ethan’s world upside down, and yet another who can ground him.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst. Words: 1,450
A/N: This is a follow-up to Inconvenient Truths and is set during 2.15. Submission to @julychallenge prompt "emotional"
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His heart unwittingly carried him to the fifth floor, and the woman he wanted to see as much as his head cautioned him avoidance was the better solution.
Ethan Ramsey couldn’t remember a time when he’d been this indecisive. Privately, he referred to it as the Louise effect. His emotions had been on a rollercoaster since his father told him his mother had returned and wanted to see him.
Depending on the time of day, his moods swung from surly to downright depressed to pretending indifference. He wouldn’t blame his dad for not taking his calls or Cassie for telling him she wanted a break.
Somehow, without meaning to or realizing it, he’d managed to drag everyone he loved onto the tumultuous ride.
His feet faltered as he neared the hospital room. Through the window, he caught a glimpse of sunny blonde hair. He stood off to the side, close enough to look inside but far enough away so Louise couldn’t see him.
Ethan saw the pain etched on his mother’s face as she gripped her stomach and the compassion in Cassie’s eyes as she adjusted the drug protocol and noted the change on the patient chart.
He wondered what she thought of the situation and his mother. He knew he had Cassie’s support; he always had that, even when he behaved like an ass.
His eyes were cool as they scrutinized the scene. A lifetime of drugs had aged Louise, giving her a hardened look, especially around the eyes.
His eyes, he realized. While the rest of his features resembled Alan, the shape of his eyes and the light blue color came from his mother.
What else had he inherited from her?
Lost in thought, he didn’t notice Cassie leave the room or stop beside him until she nudged his elbow.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” she said cautiously. “It was good of you to admit her.”
“Good has nothing to do with it. She’s a patient. We’re doctors.” He couldn’t help the detached tone accompanying his words. “She’s entitled to three days of detox like everybody else.”
He must have sounded harsh, for Cassie’s eyes widened in surprise.
“And then what?” she asked.
Ethan knew she was frustrated by his evasiveness. Aside from their late-night conversation at Dagger Mountain, they hadn’t discussed this topic. Tip-toed around it? Yes. But sat down and talked like adults? No.
Cassie had tried; his father had, too. But he’d shut them both out, not ready to dissect the complicated mess of emotions and thoughts that crowded his brain.
Ethan straightened his coat, locked his hands behind his back and stared intently into the hospital room. “Since we got back from the resort, I’ve been looking for an addiction clinic to send her to that isn’t a scam.”
Unable to bear it any longer, Ethan looked away from the room in time to catch the resolve on Cassie’s face as she took a deep breath.
“She really wants to spend some time with you, Ethan,” she said softly. “It might do you both some good to just sit and talk a little.”
The latent anger inside him flared without warning. “I'm already doing more for her than she ever did for me. If it's not enough for her, tough.”
And waned just as quickly, replaced by uncertainty and guilt. “I don't know what I’m doing here,” he sighed deeply. “I’ve gotten her the help she needs. The rest should be up to her.”
Ethan wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince. He felt his eyes glisten and turned away before Cassie could see the tears spilling past his cheeks. He’d spent too many years crying over what couldn’t be, but it never seemed enough.
“She’s suffering,” Cassie said, reaching for his hand. “It's normal to want to check on her.”
“She deserves to,” Ethan snapped, unable to control the anger that boiled over, ready to burn everyone and everything in its path. “After what she did to me? To my father? She’s spent twenty-five years hurting the people who cared about her most.”
Why did Cassie still not understand what Louise’s abandonment, her betrayal of their family, had done to them?
“That may all be true,” Cassie inclined her head toward the window, “but look at her. She's not faking this.”
Ethan gritted his teeth at the tone in Cassie’s voice. It was the same one she used when dealing with a difficult patient—infinite patience overlaid with sympathy.
He sighed, swallowing down a nasty retort, and walked away from the window. Cassie followed, but then he’d expected her too. Her stubbornness was just one of the qualities that made her a good doctor, even if it could be annoying on a personal level.
“I keep catching myself thinking that she deserves to feel worse than this for what she did to us,” he said, halting, trying to find the right words to explain the conflict brewing inside him. “But I can't let myself think like that. Nobody here deserves worse. Nobody deserves better. That’s not how life works.”
He waited for Cassie to respond, but she remained silent as they walked down the busy hallway. Likely keeping her distance in case he bit her head off again, he thought morosely. He’d done it enough times since Louise’s reappearance that she could probably read the signs.
Just how infinite was her patience? He was sick of his attitude and his damn mood, so he could only imagine how others felt being around him.
They were nearing the elevator bank, out of sight of the nurses’ station, and Ethan couldn’t take the silent treatment anymore. He grabbed her wrist and hauled her into an empty patient room, slamming the door shut with the back of his foot.
Incensed, she pushed his arms away. “If you plan to shout at me again, I don’t have the time. Nor am I in the mood to be your punching bag. I know your automatic reaction is to shut me out when things hit too close to home. But the world isn’t black or white, Ethan. It’s shades of gray. Deal with it!”
Ethan could always tell when she was furious from how her entire body vibrated, hands clenched in tight fists, ready to slug. If violence weren’t anathema to her, she probably would’ve taken a swing at him already.
“I’m not gonna shout at you,” he barked, brows snapping in annoyance.
“You already are, Ethan,” Cassie huffed in exasperation, hands on her hips.
Of course, he was. Only two women in his life could make him lose control like this.
Ethan muttered, “Christ” under his breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took deep breaths, reining in his temper and frustration.
“I’m sorry,” he said, crossing the floor to take her hands and hold her close. “Louise brings out the worst in me.”
“I know!”
He grinned at the exaggerated eye-roll that accompanied the quip.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever act reasonably when it comes to her, but I shouldn’t take it out on you.” He placed two fingers on her chin and tilted her face up. “Forgive me?”
“Yes, but I need something from you first.”
He quirked one brow in question, curious about the mischievous glint in her green eyes despite the serious tone.
“You owe an apology kiss,” she smiled, running her hands up his chest to rest them on his shoulders.
Ethan laughed softly, the tension between them easing with the sound. “An apology kiss, huh? I think I can manage that.”
His fingers trailed from her chin to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing lightly over her skin. Their eyes locked, and the world around them seemed to fade. It was just the two of them standing there, inches apart.
He leaned in slowly, savoring the moment, his breath mingling with hers. Hers hitched in anticipation.
When his lips finally met hers, it was tender and sincere, an unspoken promise lingering in the warmth of the kiss. Her hands tightened on his shoulders, drawing him closer as she melted into the embrace.
As they parted, Ethan rested his forehead against hers, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
“Well? What do you say?” he murmured, his voice filled with affection.
Cassie nodded, her eyes shining with the remnants of her playful challenge and a deeper, more profound emotion.
“It’s a good start,” she whispered back, brushing a strand of hair from his face. “But don’t think you’re off the hook just yet.”
Ethan grinned, feeling lighter than he had all day. He captured her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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pascaloverx · 6 months
Summary: You are a retired spy trying to live a normal life. Some time ago, a hired assassin named Tangerine tried to kill you. In response, you sought the help of an old acquaintance who could fake any death, August Walker. However, now your false identity is in jeopardy, along with your life.
Warnings: This chapter will have inappropriate language, explicit content. Readers are warned. The characters August Walker and Tangerine do not belong to me but to their respective creators. Some other characters that belong to both Mission: Impossible (2018) and Bullet Train (2022) may appear in this fanfic. Other characters who are not part of these movies will be of my own creation. I hope you enjoy the reading. Chapter with scenes intended for adults, if you are not an adult, do not read.
chapter three chapter five
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August looks uncomfortable. Ever since he agreed to work alongside Tangerine. You know the fact that you had a brief romance with Tangerine doesn't help. As you prepare the bed so that August Walker can sleep, you feel him watching you. Tangerine was too tired to do anything so he just passed out on your bed.
"So after years of partnership, you ditched me for a cheap, less pretty version?" August says while watching you. You tense up, knowing you don't have much to say.You tense up, knowing you don't have much to say.
"I would like to remind you that after our partnership ended, you disappeared from my life. It was as if it didn't matter how many nights we spent together. You can't demand loyalty when you abandon someone." You say arranging the blanket on the bed. August is still standing with his arms crossed in the guest room door.
"I didn't abandon you. We made a deal, Y/N. Feelings were out of the question. And then you put my life ahead of the mission. Damn it, what did you think would happen?" Walker speaks with his authoritative tone, asserting his belief that he's right. But how could putting him above the mission be such a bad thing?
"I should have let you die, Walker. I should have let Ethan kill you on that damn mission, you ungrateful bastard." You say, staring at Walker, growing increasingly irritated. Walker approaches, getting inches away from you. His eyes devouring you as if he's thirsty for something.
"How desperate did you have to be to go from fucking me to fucking Tangerine?" August speaks in a mocking tone. You however laughed blatantly trying to make you feel inferior.
"Honey, you must have a really bruised ego. Tangerine and you are almost the same. And if you're wondering if in every way, yes is the answer." You say looking down, leaving no doubt you are talking about sizes. August seems more excited than angry at this moment, which confuses you a little. You expect a bad reaction, but it doesn't come. On the contrary, he grabs you by the waist and kisses you. At first, his lips touch yours softly. Afterwards it's as if you're missing each other's taste. Slowly exploring each other's mouth.
"You should never have come back into my life, you know that right?" August Walker speaks with his mouth almost glued to yours yet.
"Shut up." You respond, holding the hem of his shirt with both hands and then taking it off his body. He, in turn, lifts you a little off the floor, guiding you to the bed. It was almost as if his body had no weight at all. His hand quickly cupping your ass.
"You're still as hot as I remember." Walker whispers in your ear. You then kiss his neck, as if to say you liked the compliment. In the next second, August Walker is taking off the dress you're wearing and throwing it in some corner of the room. His fingers roam your face, and when his fingers pass your lip, you lick them lightly. Walker's reaction was to hold her face firmly but without hurting her and then devour her mouth with a kiss.
"I want you now." That's all you can say before you completely lose your lucidity as you watch Walker take off the rest of his clothes. You're obviously excited about the fact that you're going touch him again. Your hand passes lightly under Walker's cock, making him moan softly as you kiss his body.
"Lay down." He says dominant as he removes your bra. His fingers press against his breasts, causing a pleasant sensation of pain and pleasure. You let out a grunt when Walker's lips touch yours. He continues pressing the tops of your breasts with his hands while he is on top of you. Already your hands are busy holding his hair tightly. You then remember to grab a condom from the bedside. He watches you and seconds later he already puts the condom that was previously in your hand on his penis. He puts two fingers in your mouth and you suck on them, while looking directly at him. It's been so long since you two have been this close that you feel like you're going to explode. His fingers that were previously in your mouth are now in your pussy, almost causing a pleasant friction. His fingers enter you without delay, and you let out a few noises as you feel the pleasure of having at least a part of him in you. His fingers press into your pussy which is wet enough that he has no problem moving in and out of you.
"You...fuck me. Please." You sputter as you feel your body start to shake a little more. Walker smiles, kissing you next.
"Good girl." He says, taking his fingers out of you and pushing his cock into you. The feeling of having him like this was almost driving you crazy. You increased the pace of his thrusts and into you, as you held his ass to feel him more. His hands held Walker's ass so tightly that you could feel it would leave a mark later. But he didn't seem to care. He just thrust deeper and deeper inside you, as he kissed every detail of you, including your lips and mostly your neck. His kisses got deeper and deeper, as if he really needed you.
"Fuck. I'm going to go crazy with you." Walker says as you become a mixture of sex, moans and sweat. You can only smile, while mumbling disjointed words. You're reconnecting so easily that you don't even notice when you cum. But when he cums right away you smile. A smile of satisfaction.
"I can't lie. You're still one of the few fuckers who know how to fuck well." You speak while Walker is still beneath you. He then kisses you, getting off of you and throwing the condom in the trash. You weakly rest your head on Walker's chest as soon as he returns to bed. And at least at this moment, you allow yourself to sleep with a man who you don't even know if you can fully trust.
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ruinedbylanadelrey · 1 year
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bbf!Frankie Morales x F!Reader ficlet
based off 'this is me trying' by taylor swift. summary: Family friend Frankie Morales coming home for good gets the news of the death of his childhood and military best friend. He sees how broken the girl who he always thought as a little sister and tries to bring her back to herself.
wc: 4.5K
warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, brother's best friend, OC BROTHER, talk about addiction and suicide, mention of killing in the military, alcohol, drugs, survivor guilt!, sibling loss, grief, reader calls Frankie 'Frank' a lot, mutual pining, mention of disordered eating due to alcohol, vomit, a lot of crying, PTSD, angst if you squint, hurt/comfort, kissing, smut, mental health decline due to grief, frankie becoming a real man, parents, quiet love
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The Morales family was your family's first friend when your parents moved out to the suburbs of Florida. You were just born and your big brother, Ethan was merely 3 years old. Frankie met his best friend at a young age. You were always around them, playing soldiers or playing on the gaming console. Frankie was always the one to make sure you were involved since it was just you and your brother. His kindness made you develop a crush on him.
Your parents thought it was cute that you had a crush on Frankie, it just showed how well his parents raised him. As you got older, the crush became something more but you would deny ever having a crush on him because he was another brother to you. Always so bad at lying. 
You fell hard for Frankie when he showed up to your graduation with your brother since they had joined the military together.
"It wouldn't be fair if I didn't show up to yours since you showed up to mine, bebita" Frankie jokes while you sit in the backyard together looking at the stars hiding away from your family at your graduation party.
"I think I wouldn't be able to survive today if you weren't here, Frank," You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Can I ask you for a favor?" You ask, Frankie looks at you and nods.
"Keep Ethan alive and yourself too," Your words rattled in his brain every single day of deployment. 
Frankie felt his heart try to crawl out of his chest when you looked at him that night. He had to keep his promise. He didn't want to let you down, he kept wondering why was he doing this. He kept such a big promise that could blow up in his face. He wanted nothing more than to keep you smiling and not worrying about what goes on when they leave the country again. When Frankie left your life once again. 
You wrote letters to Ethan and Frankie, but letters stopped returning when your brother was medically discharged and Frankie was in the Delta force. You felt relieved that your brother was home but still filled with anxiety not ever hearing from Frankie. His parents seemed fine and content with hearing so little from Frankie. They knew that on a random Wednesday night, Frankie would call and ask to hear about home. Hearing about Ethan is once again in rehab in the psych ward. You graduated college and now working for a large marketing company and you still haven't found a husband. Always the dramatics with them. 
A couple more years of radio silence gets interrupted when Ethan takes his life. You moved back home with your parents. Frankie comes home for the final time and he's there to stay. Your family and you shut out the world for months, trying to process the death of a son, of a brother. You were completely torn apart and had nothing left in you. Nearing 30 and having to be the adult while your parents grieve over the loss of their firstborn. Your emotions are being pushed aside. 
The silence was officially over when you walked out of the liquor store with a bottle of whiskey and almost dropped it when you bumped into a man entering the store.
"I'm so sorry-Frank?" Your blood ran cold and your body froze when Frankie's gaze met yours. His hair is grown out, facial hair all over but patchy in some spots, the beard graying at his sideburns but his hair still a dark brown curling over his beloved cap.
"Bebita!" Frankie shakes his head and does a double-take.
"How are-"
"Ethan is dead,"
"you?" Your and Frankie's words overlap and both of you stop talking for a second. 
Frankie felt the wind knocked out of him as he stared at you. Your eyes are just dead and not sparkling like they usually are. Your face breaking out from not caring about self-care, your hair thrown up in a ponytail, your cheeks a bit hallow, heavy under eye bags from crying and not sleeping. Grief has become you. You feel like you walk around with half of your identity gone. A part of you is dead. 
"I-I'm sorry for your loss," Frankie comes to and could feel the tears threatening to escape his eyes. You saw how the news broke him, the change in his face, his eyes fell dull. You thought you drained the life out of him. Guilty. Plaguing everyone you talk to.
"Frank...don't shut down like that," You touch his arm, both of you still standing in the doorway. 
"You lost him too," you sniffled not realizing you had been crying since the moment you looked into Frankie's eyes. He drops his head down and quickly wipes his tears with the sleeve of that tan jacket he's had forever.
"How did he?"
"Overdosed...purposely," You said it like it was so normal, always trying to stay strong even around those whom you can be vulnerable with.
A deep 'excuse me' comes up behind you, Frankie takes your hand and pulls out of the liquor store and to his truck. A swing of the passenger door and Frankie helps you into the cab of the truck. He quickly runs to the driver's side and gets in. 
You could hear Frankie breathing heavily and deeply. You watched him fist the steering wheel and a sob breaks from his lips. You slide along the bench and softly rub his back.
"I should be the one comforting you, bebita," Frankie leans back and takes your hand off of him, intertwining your fingers with his. Your heart rate kicked up, something you haven't felt in years since the last time you saw Frankie.
"Frank, he's childhood best friend, a family friend, you grew up with him, don't minimize your relationship with him-"
"I failed you..."
Frankie cuts you off, your forehead scrunched in confusion and you look at him.
"I tried so hard to keep him from ever doing drugs...I tried so hard but what's fucked up is that he only started because he found my stash of coke...I tried!" Frankie wanted the earth to swallow him whole. You knew what was happening overseas Ethan didn't sugarcoat anything when he would tell you things.
You know of the people he's killed, that Frankie has killed, how drugs were quite accessible in other countries.
"Frank...his addiction was not your fault. Not his fault either." You never saw Ethan as his addiction, you always looked at him like the little boy you grew up with.
You were the only person who didn't blame his addiction for the way he led his life. You were always there to get him to help, going through the many detoxes, the many nights of him doped out and pissing himself, but it drained you, you can only help so much. That is the harsh truth, you can only help those who want the help to get clean and stay clean. 
"I was stupid and in my 20s thinking, I could stop anytime...I did but he kept going..." Frankie continued to spit out whatever came to his mind. Not thinking about what came out of his mouth.
"You asked me to do one thing...to keep Ethan and myself alive..." Frankie could still your words from that night. You remembered what he was talking about, your heart fluttered at the fact that he did keep his word. Frankie did it just for you. 
"That was selfish for me to ask...life doesn't like to play in anyone's favor," You laughed at how naive you used to be. How you painted Frankie as this strong and self-assured military man, your soldier, the knight in shining armor.
"It wasn't selfish," Frankie tucks the piece of hair that refused to join the ponytail. You wanted to melt into his touch, how his touch feels different. It was charged. Magnetic to your skin.
"You should hate me..." Frankie's voice cracks, You never thought you see the day that Frankie cries. He was always so stoic. 
"I don't. No one does. Because it's not your fault." Your tone made Frankie tense up, your honeyed voice was turned to ice. You didn't want someone else to feel any guilt. You already take on so much of it, you might as well take it all on. Frankie cleared his throat and saw how your eyes were still soft.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Frank...come by the house tomorrow...I miss you," You softly whisper, you wrapped your arms around his right arm and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt his head nod in response. You sat up and kissed the tears staining Frankie's cheek. His body shudders when your lips graze his skin. 
"Noon, I'll make us lunch and we can talk with my parents." You forced a smile while you gathered your purse and the whiskey bottle for the night. 
You drove home and thought you were selfish for grieving in front of Frankie who just got the news about the person who truly knew who he was. You parked the car in the driveway that getting overcrowded by the weeds that Ethan has taken care of since your father has gotten older with you.
Another thing to add to the list of many things you have to do before moving back to the city, get a landscaper. You reached for the bottle and opened it. You bring the whiskey to your lips and let the burning amber liquid sit on your tongue before you open the door and spit it out on the asphalt then bile comes up and burns your throat. Your nose running from crying and vomiting all over the ground like you were 8 years old again and getting extreme motion sickness. 
You walk into the tomb of your childhood and the living room TV playing some infomercial, your parents still having cable whilst having almost every streaming service. Your mom is asleep on the recliner seat of the couch, your father in his big recliner that was the perfect size for him,
You would always sit in it with Ethan on Saturday mornings watching cartoons and eating the bowl of Lucky Charms that opened poorly and you both know your mom is going scold for opening the box of cereal wrong. Working as a team to get the bowls down from the cabinets and helping to pour the milk so it doesn't spill all over the countertops. 
You search for the remote and click off the TV then walk to your old bedroom that only had a full-size bed, walls decorated with movie posters, pictures of friends, and your old vanity mirror that had a Polaroid of you standing between Frankie and Ethan at your graduation. You picked the picture to study it again for the thousandth time.
Frankie and Ethan dressed in their ceremony uniforms, you remembered your breathing taken away seeing Frankie in uniform for the first time, thinking 'It's true, everyone loves a man in uniform'. You felt your face twitch noticing how you were smiling at how Frankie's clean-shaven look was the awkward stage he never went through as a teenager. 
The smile on his face was everything, just a smirk curling up the left side of his face. You thought it was so boyish and charming. You sat the picture down and went to the bathroom to wash out your mouth before falling asleep. A dreamless sleep beside flashes of memories of you and Ethan as little kids. The flashbacks are always when you are both kids never as teenagers or young adults. 
You wake up with your heart racing, shot up in bed with your hand on your chest panicking more over the fast heartbeat. You glanced at your phone and it was 6 am. You're wide awake and you can hear your father's snore downstairs. The door to your room is pushed wide open and your eyes land on the furball of a culprit.
Ethan's cat 'Prince', because Ethan said he is royalty and should be treated as such. The cat sits at the foot of your bed with a mouse made from an old army shirt that Ethan wore all the time you special ordered for the cat because of how sick he got when Ethan passed away. You thought if you could help a cat process grief you could forget about yours. Always running from it, but grief and love to loom around corners you don't turn down often. 
The cat drops the mouse for you on the bed and walks out of the bedroom. He thinks you can't feed yourself. You laughed in your head but started to think about the last meal you ate that wasn't on a drunken binged that would puke out your guts an hour later. You stuff towels at the bottom of the door to muffle your cries and gags. Stuffing the towels at the bottom of the door that isn't to keep the smoke from weed you had in high school. 
You get out of bed and go down to the kitchen to feed Prince. As you prepared his lavish breakfast your body and mind were instantly drained. You needed to shower and start to clean this house before Frankie arrived, that meant getting my parents up and about. You had no energy to do anything for yourself, if it's not for Ethan why even do it? 
You sat in bed and stared at the ceiling for an hour before you started cleaning up the whole house as if Frankie was going to be in every single room. Your parents left for the store to buy lunch and dinner for the weekend at 10 AM meaning they won't be back until 11. Your sweat drips down your forehead and goes into your eyes making them sting. Your ears roar with blood rushing to your head, clenching your jaw and not breathing.
Your fingernails were bleeding while you scrubbed the bathroom sink. You yelp as the cleaning product gets between your nails, and you scold yourself for not putting on the rubber gloves. You started to cough when you took too deep of breath. Quickly turning on the water to wash away the cleaner from the sink and your skin. The tips of your fingers slightly burned, you could feel the tenderness. 
A small fit of laughter came from the hallway, you wiped your hands on the sweats you had put on to clean in. You entered the living room and saw Frankie sitting with your parents in the dining room adjacent. You gazed at the clock on the cable box, at 12:15 p.m. Did you blackout while cleaning?
"Mama, Frankie is here..." Your mother sees you with bloodshot eyes and sweating all over your face and body. Frankie turns around in his chair and looks at the mess you become. You could feel your face get even hotter as he gave you his stupid smile but it was strained a bit maybe forced. 
Frankie looked at you and saw how wrecked you were. His heart could feel tendrils of the beating muscle tear apart when he finally saw you completely exposed by emotion.
"I'll be back, I need to clean up," You mumbled wiping away the sweat mix with tears off your face and heading to the shower. Turning it all the way to icy cold water comes out, and chilling your entire body. You looked up at the running water practically washing your eyes out. 
You pull yourself away from the shower and put yourself back together. You walked back downstairs in shorts and an oversized sweatshirt, your hair wet and pulled back into a ponytail. Frankie saw how fresh-faced you looked. He could still your baby face in your drained adult face. Your eyes are still always so wide and big making him swim in the chocolate waves. You took a seat across from Frankie while your parents rambled on about what they were making for lunch. You adverted your gaze from Frankie. You were embarrassed about how he's seen your grief. 
"I showed up and no one answered the door, I went around back and saw that the backdoor was wide open and the cat was meowing. I was worried that something happened to you. I followed the damn cat and saw you heaving over the bathroom sink. I called your name several times. Your parents came home and they were happy to see me and I lied to them and said you let me in while you finished cleaning,"
Frankie whispers after he turns to look to see if your parents were out of earshot. Frankie reached across the table to hold your hand. But you flinched as your tender fingers touched his calloused hands. You winced while he examined your hand. 
"I blackout too when I start a task. End up always overdoing it." Frankie says, softly holding your hand, trying to somehow heal you, skin to skin. You nodded not knowing what to say because you don't trust your voice to sound like you've been crying. "I'm trying to pick up everything and put it back together," You cleared your voice still laced with uneven breaths. 
Lunch was served with a Long Island iced tea and talking about Ethan. Laughing with tears in your eyes. Your parents retire to their bedroom not hungry enough for dinner, just proud that they ate at least lunch. You and Frankie went to your bedroom, he loved how it was still set in the past with a mix of your office set up to work from home. "I never thought I would ever be allowed in here," Frankie said picking up a stack of CDs from the 90s and a mix of early 2000s. 
You giggled thinking back on how the 'no boys allowed' sign made a big impression on Frankie.
"You are an exception," You continued to watch Frankie look at your room, he made note of the different movie posters and even an HBO show poster, 'Band of Brothers' Ethan's favorite show.
"Has that always been the case, Bebita?" Frankie smirks at you, moving the bed and sliding next to you. The tension in the air hit the air when you could feel Frankie's body heat radiating off his body. The sun was just setting and the natural light hit the light pink walls giving the room a romantic hue. 
You rolled your eyes and looked away from him.
"I know you used to have a crush on me,"
"Jesus Frank-"
"I thought it was adorable." Frankie chuckles, sitting up against the headboard to wrap his arms around you. The feeling of his sturdy body against yours made your skin hot and break out in goosebumps.
"I thought you were cute but you know best friend's sister is off limits," Frankie sighed, thinking about when you entered high school and he was just barely a junior. You grew up overnight to him. You started to really put time into your appearance. To Frankie, you just highlighted your beauty. But Ethan told Frankie when they started middle school that his sister was off limits. 
But now here you are both adults, both have jobs, and both secretly in love with each other. Was the rule only when you were all horny teenagers?
"Are you saying you had a crush on me too, Frankie?" When his name fell off your lips it made him forget the looming grief over the both of you.
"Never stopped," Frankie was being bold, life is too short to not say anything after years of wasting time. You looked up at Frankie and couldn't believe anything he was saying. Was it just to make you feel better since you know your brother is dead? 
"Nooo...that's not true Frank," Deny, deny, deny. How could he ever love you? There's nothing left in you anymore.
"Bebita, why do you think I stuck up for you when we were kids? Because I needed to protect you and care for you because I've loved you for a long time," Frankie cups your face, and his thumb runs across your bottom lip. You swear you were on cloud 9, the warmth of your love for him and his love for you radiating through the lightest touch.
"Frank I think that you have been feeling a lot of emotions the past day. I'll let you say whatever you want and not hold it against you." You wanted to believe him. You know he's being truthful. 
"I meant what I said, I want us to try, try to be there for each other," Frankie rests his forehead against yours, his finger brushing through your hair. It was nice to be held. Especially with Frankie.
"I'm trying," You sobbed out, fisting Frankies t-shirt and pulling him closer to your body. His words opened the floodgates and you couldn't stop the tears overflowing from the waterline. Frankie lays down holds your head to his chest and lets you cry. 
Frankie came to your house every single after that. He started to do yard work with your father, you would bring something to drink and eat. The funeral happened after months of arguing with the VA about where Ethan could lay to rest. Your parents wanted him at the family plot but the VA said he had to be buried at the fort, that it was clearly stated in his will when he joined the army, so everything would be simple and easy, and not anyone would spend a dime but the government it's money.
Your parents started to go back to their normal lives enjoying retirement. You and Frankie started to see each other every Friday night, going out for dinner and getting tipsy. You would go home with him and spend the weekend at his apartment, enjoying living without your parents walking around. 
The first hookup was when he came over to work on the mow the lawn for your parents since they were going to be out of town. You had completely forgotten about Frankie coming over when you walked out the backdoor in just a thong and t-shirt letting the cat out for the day. He was opening the shed in the backyard when he heard you murmur 'Oh my god' and quickly turned on your heels and ran upstairs. Frankie blushed deeply not remembering what he was doing for a second. 
You tried to pretend that Frankie didn't see you half-naked until he was at your bedroom door, rushing you and pinning you against the mattress. His lips hungrily locking with your soft lips. His mustache and beard rub against your soft skin. Tasting the lemonade you had made for him to go with his lunch. 
"You're just too pretty, bebita," Frankie grunts as you bucked your hips to grind against his growing bulge. You loved how your clothed cunt rub against the denim jeans.
"Frankieeee, t-touch me, please," the sweetest whine left your lips, Frankie looks down your chest, he pushed the shirt up toward your collarbone to admire your plump perky breasts and how they swayed with each grind of your hips.
Frankie propped himself next to you and traced the outline of your body, not missing caressing your breast, and lightly tracing your nipples making them harden. You were whimpering at the teasing touch. Frankie pushes aside the thong and dips his finger down your folds to your entrance. 
"So wet, is that all for me, sweetheart?" Frankie deepens his voice an octave. You nodded and bit your lips to stop yourself from moaning.
"Words, bebita" Frankie purs, you gasped as his fingers slide inside your cunt and curling them, hitting the sensitive spot that makes you see stars.
"F-fuck, yes Frankie! All for youu" You cry out as his thumb rolls your clit while fucking his finger into you, curling them every few thrusts. Your pussy clenches tightly around his digits.
"I-i'm closeee" you whimpered, Frankie lowers his head and takes in a nipple into his mouth, first licking it then sucking as hard as he could. His mouth on your body and his hands doing magic on your wet cunt. 
You felt your release gush out of you and coat his hand. Your moans were coming out without any hesitation.
"Fuck me, Frankie," your hands undo his belt and going straight towards the zipper and doing the button very last. You dip under the waistband of his briefs. Your hand cups his hard cock and strokes him until he is fully hard.
Frankie rolls on top of you pushing down his jeans and underwear just enough to free himself then kicks off the rest of the jeans while you pull off his shirt. He pins your hands above your head as he thrusts into you in one go. You screamed out the pleasure that you got from the stinging stretch of his thick hard cock sliding along your velvet walls. Frankie moans in your ears as he drops his head in the crook of your neck, enjoying how wet and warm you feel around him. Taking him so perfectly. 
"You feel so good, babyy," Frankie bottoms out and grinds into you, his cock hitting your cervix.
"So big, Frankie, fuck you feel so fucking good," You gritted through your teeth when Frankie bends you in half and drilling into your aching pussy.
"I-I need you! I need you!" Frankie chants, and you could see the tears falling down his face, and you couldn't help but cry yourself. You wanted Frankie to feel whole. He's always been the one. Took care of you when you hit rock bottom with grief. He helped bathe you and helped you brush your teeth and brushed your hair when you dried your hair. Getting you dressed every day. 
You didn't put up a fight. You needed him. He needs you. You're falling in love.
"I'm yours! Ah-all yours, Frank," You grunted as his harsh thrust became harder when you proclaimed that you are his. You fell into the pillowy high of orgasm number 2.
"All mine, and I am yours, amor" Frankie moans as he flips you on your stomach, hiking your hips just enough for his cock to fuck your aching hole.
"I love you, Frankie!" You cry out as another wave of bliss warms your body down to your toes.
"I love you, bebita!" Frankie gives the same passion back, while he paints your walls with his load. Your eyes rolled back from being so full with his cock and his cum dripping out of you and making your thighs sticky. 
You both lay there, touching each other, exploring each other bodies. Years of messing around to make up for. Allowing grief to bring you to your person. You can't be mad anymore because now to you life is worth living again. Frankie had the world around you make sense again. 
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starry-hughes · 9 months
when people come over during the summer sometimes its too much for charlie so she tries to head up the stairs but theres so many people she kinda panics and jack sees this and helps her out.
that when she started being more out there with him
there’s lot of people. people quinn knows, people jack knows, people luke knows, people that ellen and jim know. trevor is playing pong with alex, against luke and ethan edwards.
charlie didn’t want to disturb trevor so she tried to make her way upstairs but quinn and josh norris stood on the steps, talking about something while brady tkachuk joined them.
an arm wrapped around charlie’s shoulders and began to walk her to the garage. “need some air?” jack questioned and she nodded. the sound of the summer party drowned out as he shut the garage door. “you okay?” he asked as he got her a water from the fridge inside the garage. “want me to get trevor?”
she nods and she disappears. “dude, go to the garage,” jack mumbles to trevor as he adopts trevor’s space at the pong table. the look jack gives trevor means it’s important.
when he entered the garage and saw charlie he knew what jack was referring to. “hi baby, you doing okay?” trevor asks. “i didn’t mean to get anxious,” she said. “no baby, it’s okay, there’s lots of people here.”
she takes some deep breaths and nods. “anxiety dying down?” he asks. “yeah, a little.”
“do you want to stay here or go back out there? i think we can find you somewhere a little quieter with people you can be around.”
outside, by the fire, sits more of the adults, but cole and spencer sit out there, talking about a new movie. “gentlemen, you know my lovely lady charlie,” trevor sits in the empty chair and pulls charlie onto his lap. “hi charlie,” cole smiles, she had met him a while back. “i’m spencer,” he smiles extending a hand. it was much quieter with those two.
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maria021015 · 4 months
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“I don’t mean to sound stupid or anything, but shouldn’t there be enough doctors to be able to handle at least some of this?” Zaida’s concerned eyes peered inside the hospital building from where she stood outdoors in the cold. She scanned the crowded hallway where moaning and crying patients who hadn’t even been seen yet by nursing staff were clutching various limbs and bleeding from different places.
“There should be, but Dr Hilyard never showed up for her shift, and the ER attending doctor hasn’t been answering his pages. Saying we’re short staffed would be an understatement.” Melissa McCall answered her with pursed lips whilst Zaida and Stiles immediately exchanged expressions of alarm. Shit.
“Two missing…” Scott mumbled under his breath.
“Hang on, hang on...They were both in the car?” Sheriff Stilinski’s brows drew together in confusion as he examined an abandoned vehicle that had apparently rolled itself to the hospital, crashing into a parked car outside of the ER entrance.
“No, Dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone.” Stiles clarified, demonstrating with his fingers.
“So, whose car is this?” Noah questioned the nurse.
“Dr Hilyard, the on-call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it back in.” Melissa answered with a worried look behind her dark eyes.
“Let me just focus on getting your story first, all right?” The Sheriff sighed heavily and Melissa nodded before he turned to the trio of teenagers. “Boys - and girl - give us a second.”
“Two doctors - you guys thinking what I’m thinking?” Zaida wrapped her arms around herself to combat against the cold of night as she, Scott and Stiles stepped away from the adults.
“These are definitely sacrifices, right?” Scott looked to them for a final judgment call.
“Yeah, it's the one Deaton mentioned - Healers.” Stiles nodded decisively.
“What about Danny? He threw up mistletoe.” Scott pointed out, having already filled them in about the strange interaction with Ethan which had left Zaida livid. If they harmed one hair on Lydia's head, she was going to go after them - alpha pack be damned. “That's not a coincidence, and if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died. Danny's not a healer. I…”
“Can you hear that?” Stiles questioned when Scott suddenly stopped talking, watching Sheriff Stilinski pick up his radio and speak to someone on the other end.
“...They found a body.” Scott confirmed with a grim face.
“I never thought I’d say it, but man, I hate it when we’re right.” Zaida’s eyes pressed shut and she shook her head in dismay. Yet another murder and they weren’t any closer to figuring out who the Darach was.
“Oh shit,” Stiles suddenly cursed, shaking his head.
“What is it?” Scott asked, but Zaida didn’t need to. Her mind had already arrived at the same destination.
“Scott, your mom.” She pointed out, hands rubbing up and down her bare arms in an attempt to generate some warmth.
“Aren’t ‘your mom’ jokes a little bit old?” The werewolf’s face twisted in confusion with a mixture of mild disappointment.
“No, Scotty,” Stiles snorted. “Melissa is a nurse. She’s a healer.”
“Oh, God.” Scott swallowed deeply in quiet alarm.
“It’s alright, we’ll keep an eye on her.” Zaida placed a reassuring hand on Scott’s shoulder. “We can wait with her until her shift finishes and then take turns keeping watch tonight.”
“You’re gonna stay at Scott’s house?” Stiles scoffed, his eyebrows raising towards his hairline. “But Isaac’s staying at Scott’s house.”
“And that’s a problem…why, exactly?” Zaida challenged the boy.
“Hmm, I don’t know - maybe because he’s an untrustworthy, trigger-happy beta who doesn’t know how to respect your boundaries and tried to kill you once!” The boy ranted in a whisper-shout, his movements becoming comically animated in his spike of jealousy.
“That was ages ago! He’s changed, we’re friends now.” Zaida sighed, tired of having this very same conversation with Stiles again, and again, and again. “Seriously, what do you think is going to happen?
“Things,” Stiles’ lip curled upwards in disgust at the images his mind conjured. Lip melding, tongue stroking, teeth clashing things.
“Scott will be there the whole time.” The brunette girl shook her head at the boy and Scott just stood back and watched his two friends with a smile of amusement playing on his lips.
“Yes, Scott will be there, and he will be keeping a very close, very werewolf-y eye on you two.” Stiles narrowed his eyes at his best friend in a silent demand.
“Why do I have to be watched?” Zaida frowned. “It’s Isaac you’ve got it out for.”
“Just to make sure there’s no fraternising with the enemy going on. There will be no fraternisation under the McCalls’ roof - or any roof.” He pointed a stern finger at her and Zaida pinched it and moved it out of her face.
“Fraterni- Stiles, what the hell are you on about?” She screwed up her face sourly. “Isaac and I broke up. We’re just friends. Besides, Isaac’s not the enemy anymore, so if I wanted to ‘fraternise’, that’s my decision. Not yours. Why do you even care?”
“Me? Care? Pfft, I don’t care. I could buy a palace with how much I don’t care. The amount that I care is about this high-” Stiles squatted and held his hand not even an inch from the ground. “That’s how much I don’t care.”
“You’re not even making any sense,” Zaida punched the bridge of her nose tiredly, a shiver running through her whole body. This dress had been great during the day when the sun was out, but now? In the dark of night with a slight wind playing with her loose tendrils of hair? Now it was bloody cold.
“Here,” Stiles huffed and pulled his flannel shirt off, holding it out towards her.
“What?” Zaida’s brows furrowed at his sudden action.
“Just wear it, you’re borderline shaking.” The boy insisted and shook out the garment to wrap it around her shoulders. The brunette took it gratefully, her stomach fluttering as the smell of his cologne wafted from the collar. The last time that Stiles had given her his shirt surfaced in her memory and she recalled the way his deft fingers had slowly done up each button - how close he’d stood to her. She already felt warmer simply from recalling it.
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Despite Stiles’ protests, Zaida did end up staying at the McCall’s household that night. Scott had driven his motorcycle and Zaida had ridden with Melissa in her car. They’d stopped past Lydia’s to pick up a change of clothes for Zaida as well as an outfit for the next day and some toiletries and school-essentials. It had given Zaida the opportunity to fill the redhead in. Upon arriving at the McCall house and updating Isaac, the three teenagers had decided to take shifts during the night to keep an eye on the nurse. Zaida’s shift was first, so whilst the boys had caught some shut-eye, she kept herself alert by catching up on some homework. It was so easy for school to slip away with everything else going on, and there was no way she was going to allow her grades to suffer. The hours had gone by so quickly, that she had almost forgotten to wake Scott up for his shift before she settled into a beanbag in the corner of Melissa’s bedroom to sleep.
Come morning, Zaida was hidden beneath a pile of blankets, sunken deep inside the bean bag and almost invisible to the human eye. She awoke with a start to the sound of yelling, bolting upright with blurry eyes struggling to adjust to the morning light.
“Boys!” Melissa McCall shouted, sitting up in her bed. Her attention immediately shifted to where the brunette girl emerged from the blankets. “...And Zaida? What do you think you're doing?”
“Uh, we were watching over you…” Isaac answered awkwardly as he and Scott scrambled up from their spots on the floor and a chair, respectively.
“We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice!” Scott added.
“But all of you were asleep…” The nurse pointed out.
“You were on watch last!” Scott’s head snapped towards the other beta.
“What are you talking about? You were on watch last!” Isaac frowned as he stretched his neck nervously.
“No, you were on watch last!” Scott insisted.
“Well, it definitely wasn’t me, because I was on watch first.” Zaida shrugged.
“...I might have been on watch last.” Isaac admitted sheepishly.
“My heroes!” The nurse rolled her eyes in hardly concealed amusement. “Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean, I haven't had an M.D. recently attached to the end of my name, so I think I'm in the clear…”
“Yeah, but it could just come under any kind of healer, Mom - and you were definitely a healer last night.” Scott looked at his mother with pride in his dark brown eyes.
“Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today, so all of you get your butts to school.” The woman instructed sternly.
“Yes ma’am.” Zaida mumbled groggily and savoured the stretch in her sore limbs as she got up from the bean bag.
She gathered her things and headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day, packing whatever she didn’t need in her duffel bag. The girl paused in front of the mirror for a few moments, flannel shirt clutched in her hand as she hesitated. A faint smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she remembered Stiles offering it to her. Would it be weird of her to wear it at school? Part of her said yes, but the other part - a larger part - convinced her it would be fine.
Walking out of the bathroom with her duffel bag slung over her shoulder, Zaida almost ran straight into Isaac, who was waiting to use the amenities. The beta’s blue eyes flickered down towards the flannel that was wrapped around her waist, an eyebrow ticking upwards in question of the garment. “What?” She tried to play it off nonchalantly, but there was no getting past the senses of a werewolf.
“I only know one person who would wear flannel that ugly,” Isaac drawled as he leaned against the wall. “And usually, it isn’t you.”
“Shut up,” She rolled her eyes, brushing off his suggestive expression. “Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?”
“I’m not going,” He shook his head and she frowned at him. “Boyd called me. The alphas broke into the loft and painted their pack symbol on the windows. They’re coming for Derek. Tonight.”
“Oh God. Do you guys have a plan?” Zaida’s blood ran cold in her veins.
“Yeah, don’t worry. We’re going to handle it.” He nodded.
“If you guys need anything…” She began, but he swiftly cut her off.
“Call you? I don’t think so. We’re supposed to be keeping you away from the alphas, remember?” Isaac shook his head. “We’ll be fine.”
“Famous last words,” The girl muttered under her breath, not knowing just how right she was. Later she would think back on that moment with a heavy heart.
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“I’m usually not a fan of the grunge look, but…” Lydia’s green eyes narrowed analytically as she scanned Zaida head to toe from where she was seated at their usual desk in chemistry. “You kinda make it work.”
“Thanks,” Zaida rolled her eyes and slipped onto the stool beside the redhead, pulling her books out from her backpack.
“You look great, Zaida.” Allison assured her from Lydia’s other side.
“Where’d you get this?” The redhead pulled at the flannel hanging around Zaida’s waist with a raised brow, the sleeve slipping through her hand.
“Stiles gave it to me - well, not so much gave it to me as let me use it.” She mumbled in answer.
“Right,” Lydia shared a smirk with Allison, but didn’t comment any further. “You haven’t said anything about last night so I’m guessing no news is good news?”
“For once, yes. The Darach didn’t show.” The brunette nodded in confirmation and as the classroom slowly filled up, Stiles walked through the door. Seeing him sent a nervous shock through Zaida’s chest and not for the first time today, she second-guessed her outfit selection. The boy’s eyes landed on her as he walked past, amber gaze flickering downwards for a moment. Zaida waited, scanning his face for his reaction. When he finally broke into a smile, her thundering pulse calmed in relief and satisfaction.
“I wonder who they brought in to replace Harris.” Lydia mused, a twinkle of mirth in her green eyes as she struggled to hold her tongue, knowing Scott and Stiles were both seated right behind them.
“Guess we’re about to find out.” The huntress noted as the sound of clacking heels approached from the hallway.
“Good morning!” Ms Blake greeted them awkwardly from the font of the classroom. “As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing- I mean sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?”
“Sometimes I forget that no one else knows what we know,” Zaida whispered as their classmates broke out into hushed gossip at their teacher’s slip-up. If she was just as oblivious as the rest of them, she’d surely be eating it up as well, her curious mind conjuring all of the possibilities.
“Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation - they just don't know how.” Stiles’ quiet voice wafted from the table behind them, and Zaida perked her ears up, listening into the conversation intently.
“Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?” Scott asked, referring to the woman who had gone missing from her car.
“I don't know...But Scott, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital at least, you know? Any one of them could be next.” Stiles pointed out, and when Scott took more than a moment to reply, Zaida turned to look at them, finding Scott ducking beneath the desk and pressing his phone to his ear.
“Hey Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now. Can I call you back later?” The boy was speaking into the device and Zaida’s brows furrowed. Why would Deaton be calling them in the middle of the school day?
“Doc. Doc, doc, doc - what's happening?” The panic in Scott’s voice was palpable and both Lydia and Allison sent Zaida concerned expressions.
“What happened?” She leaned over the desk behind her as Scott slipped his phone back into his pocket, alarm behind his brown eyes.
“I think Deaton’s next.” The werewolf answered grimly. Zaida didn’t wait another second before she shoved her belongings back into her backpack, getting up and heading towards the door with Scott and Stiles trailing along behind her. Normally, she'd stay behind at school but Xander wasn't around to get upset about her skipping, so she thought, fuck it.
“Uh…where are you all going?” Ms Blake turned towards them from where she was writing on the board.
“Uh, nurse’s office?” Zaida answered quickly. “Girl problems.”
“Right, and you two?” The teacher shifted her questioning gaze to the boys behind her.
“Yeah, me too.” Stiles nodded, having not even listened to what Zaida had said. The girl closed her eyes and tilted her head in a cringing expression as Scott elbowed his best friend subtly.
“We’re not feeling well.” Scott tried to cover for the boy’s mistake completely unconvincingly.
“Yup, wouldn’t want to spread it!” Stiles nodded enthusiastically and all three of them continued on their way, not waiting for Ms Blake to call them out on it. Once they were in the hallway, they broke into a run. They didn’t have time to waste.
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“Hey Sheriff, we’re just letting you know that if you receive a call from the school, it’s probably because Stiles, Scott and I had to leave.” Zaida pressed her phone to her ear as Stiles sped down Circle St, making a beeline towards the animal clinic.
“Now, I’m no expert by any means, but isn’t telling your parents you ditched school kind of against the whole point of ditching?” The man responded with mild agitation at the news.
“Trust me when I tell you we had a really good reason for leaving. Scott got a call from his boss and we think he’s next. We’re on our way to the clinic now.” She explained, trying not to think too much about what might be happening to the veterinarian as they spoke. She wasn't nearly as close to the man as Scott but Deaton had always helped her when she'd needed it, yet all she could really do was hope that he would be okay.
“You think you know where the murderer is going to strike next and you’re heading there? Are you kids crazy?!” Noah exclaimed and Stiles reached over to snatch the phone from Zaida’s hand.
“We’ll meet you there.” He said and then promptly hung up, handing the girl her mobile back as he pulled into the carpark.
Scott was already there, hurrying off his bike. The three teens rushed through the doors and Stiles opened the Mountain Ash gate to let them through. Pushing through to the back room they found it completely empty.
“Doc?!” Scott called out hurrying to check the storeroom, the surgery room, and then the conjoining animal storage. He returned with no-one else in sight and that feeling of dread in Zaida’s stomach solidified.
“Anything?” Stiles looked to Zaida, who had her eyes shut. She held up a hand to silence him as she focused, reaching out to the echoes of feeling that were fast fading.
She noted a faint trace of worry and a spike of distress before…nothing. They were gone. “He’s not dead yet, just taken. Or, at least, the Darach didn’t kill him here.”
“Why not? The clinic is empty, it would have been the perfect place.” Stiles questioned.
“Maybe it has to be at a certain place or time? They are ritualistic killings.” Zaida suggested. “Celticism was very nature centred - they made offerings at sacred sites.”
“Maybe,” Stiles agreed with a hum.
“Well at least now we can cross Deaton off your suspect list.” The brunette let out a heavy sigh. Scott opened his mouth to respond when he froze, head tilting and ear perking up.
“What is it?” Stiles asked, but soon enough, even he and Zaida could hear noise coming from the back corridors.
“Someone’s here,” Scott answered, his muscles tensing. Zaida’s hands flexed at her sides, preparing herself for the worst. Was she wrong? Was the Darach still here?
Scott lifted his finger to his lips, indicating for them to be silent as he crept towards the open doorway that led to the rest of the backrooms. The beta disappeared into the corridor for a moment and Zaida held her breath, waiting. Stiles tapped his foot anxiously, the faint sound the only noise to be heard now. Zaida reached out to place a hand on his back in warning, stilling his movement. Several moments passed and there was an audible sigh of relief from the corridor.
“Stiles, it’s your dad!” Scott called out to them, and both teens visibly relaxed, the tension leaving their muscles as quickly as it had come. Surely enough, Sheriff Stilinski was beside Scott when the boy returned, the deputy, Tara, was behind them. She’d quickly become Noah’s second now that Xander was supposedly ‘on leave’.
“How did you know?” Scott questioned the man.
“Stiles called me as soon as you left the school.” The man explained with a grimace. “I'm sorry. Your boss' car is still here, and the back door was wide open. Scott...I need you to tell me everything.”
So Scott did what he could. He told the Sheriff about the phone call he’d received in class, reporting that Deaton had informed him that he thought he was going to be taken. There wasn’t much information to give.
“All right, we're doing everything we can.” Noah returned to them after speaking with Tara for a moment to organise a search and a missing person’s report. “Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school.”
The three of them nodded, moving into the corridor while Noah and Tara went to work looking for clues that they knew he wouldn’t find. Once they were out of eyesight, Scott pulled them into a room full of empty animal cages. “We have to tell him.” The boy blurted.
“You mean, like, tell him?” Stiles scoffed in disbelief. “Or, tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?”
“You know what I mean.” Scott sighed.
“You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week!” Stiles exclaimed.
“And she got over it! And- and it actually made us closer.” The werewolf attempted to reason with his best friend and Zaida stayed firmly out of it.
“I don't know, dude…” Stiles peered through the glass into the opposite room where Noah was rubbing circles into his temples to ease the stress. “I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is!”
“He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening. He's got people dying in his town - the town that he's supposed to protect - and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening.” Scott pointed out. “He's gonna find out sooner or later.”
“Yeah, but is now really the right time?” Stiles was clutching at straws, searching for any excuse to not have to make such a difficult decision so soon. “Zaida, what do you think? This is all a bit rash, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know, Stiles.” She chewed on her bottom lip, not knowing what to say to the boy. She herself was torn between two mindsets. On one hand, getting him involved would be dangerous. On the other hand, he was already involved to a certain degree and not knowing could be even more dangerous. “He might be able to do more if he knew what was actually going on. At least he’d actually know what he was walking into - he’d be better prepared.”
“What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?” Scott tried a different approach.
“What if telling him gets him killed, huh?” Stiles cried out in exasperation, his voice shaking. “I mean, okay. Look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you - I get that, okay? But this is my- Scott, this is my actual father. I can't...I can't lose both of my parents, all right? Not both of them.”
Zaida’s heart clenched in her chest at his words, and she instinctively slipped her hand into his reassuringly. The boy’s eyes flickered towards her as he paused, his rising anxiety noticeably stabilising at her contact.
“You're right.” Scott sighed, yielding.
“No, I'm not. I'm not right.” Stiles muttered, shaking his head. “I'll tell him.”
“I'll help you.” The werewolf nodded in support.
“We both will.” Zaida agreed, squeezing his hand. He responded in kind, not wanting to let go - and he didn’t. Stiles continued to hold onto her hand as they exited into the hallway, heading into the main lobby with the intention of asking to speak to the Sheriff alone. Instead, they were met with the man speaking to a face they were all acquainted with - one they certainly never would have expected to see here.
“Please, whatever you need. However you can help find my brother.” Ms Morrell - their guidance counsellor - was pleading with Noah calmly. Stiles loosened his grip on her in his frozen state.
“What the fuck?” Zaida hissed, too caught off guard to mourn the loss of the contact. She had always known there was something off about the woman, and her oddly placid tone was something strangely familiar she hadn't previously been able to put her finger on. Now it made sense.
“Will you excuse us for a moment?” The Sheriff turned to speak with Tara to the side, and Zaida’s surprise only increased to shock when Morrell walked right up to them and started talking.
“Okay, listen closely, all of you - no sheriff, deputy, or detective is going to be able to find him.” She began.
“You don't have to ask us for help.” Scott shook his head.
“I’m sorry, I’m still processing the fact that our guidance counsellor is Deaton’s sister!” Zaida scoffed. “How are you guys not weirded out right now?”
“Actually, I'm trying to help you…” Ms Morrell ignored Zaida’s comment. “Because if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural.”
“...Lydia.” Stiles sighed, drawing the connection instantly.
“Of course she knows about the supernatural too.” Zaida murmured under her breath. “Am I the only one feeling a little bit violated right now?”
“You know, I’m feeling a little uncomfortable about what I shared as well.” Stiles nodded, in agreement with the raven-haired girl beside him.
“Come on you guys,” Scott rolled his eyes at them and pulled both of them away towards the back exit.
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“Well, she’s not in the cafeteria, so where else would she be?” Stiles wondered aloud as he and Zaida traipsed aimlessly through the hallway, not quite knowing where to look for Lydia.
“You know what? I bet she’s with Aiden - even though I texted her about what Ethan told Scott last night!” Zaida shook her head, mildly irritated with her best friend’s decision-making skills which in her opinion were severely lacking.
“Okay, well there are like twenty supply closets in this place, not to mention empty classrooms and offices…” Stiles ran through the seemingly endless possibilities.
“I know where she is.” Zaida huffed, a newfound purpose to her quickening gate. “We just have to figure out how to get her away from him without him listening in to what we’re up to. The last thing we need is for Deucalion to know that Lydia’s some sort of undoubtedly rare supernatural being as well.”
“I think I know just how to do that.” Stiles grinned mischievously and before Zaida could ask him what he was up to, he stepped towards the nearest fire alarm and pulled it, the shrill bell ringing out over the system.
“Come on, before we get caught!” She urged the boy who was still holding into the switch with a giddy smile on his face.
“I’ve kind of always wanted to do that.” He explained as he followed after her.
“I could tell,” Zaida snorted, leading the way down to Coach’s office. As they neared the corridor she felt a wave of fear wash over her. It only served to move her feet faster. “Something’s wrong. If he’d hurt her I swear to God I’m going to sever his head from his body.”
“Let go.” Lydia’s voice could be heard from the other side of Coach’s office door. The brunette burst inside as students cleared the hallways but instead of finding Aiden with the redhead, a brown-haired girl stood with Lydia’s wrist gripped in her hand.
“She said ‘let go’, but just in case you didn’t hear her, I’ll be a bit clearer.” Zaida interrupted the exchange, eyes darkening as they narrowed on the girl. “Get your fucking hands off my best friend, before I rip them from your body.”
“I’d like to see you try,” The girl scoffed, standing her ground stubbornly as Lydia tried not to look too relieved at their arrival.
“Don’t tempt me,” Zaida’s lips quirked into a dangerous smirk. Her hazel eyes scanned the girl from head to toe, as if sizing her up. There was something familiar about her form and features.
“I wouldn’t push it if I were you,” Stiles cautioned from behind Zaida, and the girl finally yielded, dropping Lydia’s arm.
“You must be Derek’s baby sister - Cora, right?” Zaida tilted her head as she glared at the girl. “I don’t much like Derek - or Peter - and looking at you now, I’m thinking it runs in the family.”
“Then you must be Zaida - the Naiad.” The girl took a step back reluctantly, knowing better than to continue to provoke her when she’d been warned about Zaida’s power. She’d grown up hearing stories of vengeful nymphs, and Peter hadn’t made Zaida sound much different.
“At least you’re smarter than your brother.” Zaida smiled condescendingly. “Now, what the hell were you doing?”
“Derek sent me. He wants Lydia to stop seeing Aiden.” Cora answered, her jaw locking stubbornly.
“Whilst I have to say I agree with him,” Zaida shot the redhead a warning look that told her they’d be talking about this later. “Why does he care?”
“Because, like it or not, Scott agreed to be part of Derek’s pack, and Scott cares too much about what happens to the rest of you.” Cora reasoned, her brown eyes landing on Lydia threateningly. “Aiden’s going to use you against your friends, but you’re too busy sticking your tongue down his throat to either notice or care.”
“I wouldn’t speak about her like that if I were you,” Stiles shook his head, clicking his tongue in warning. Zaida was intensely protective of all of her friends - Lydia especially - and as someone who’d been on the opposite end of the brunette’s temper before, he knew it was not a good place to be.
“I think you should leave,” Zaida stated calmly.
“And I think you should tell me what’s happened.” Cora shot back. “You came looking for Lydia, and based on that fire alarm, you wanted her alone.”
“I spoke too soon - maybe you aren’t that smart.” The naiad chuckled darkly.
“Actually…maybe she can help.” Stiles interjected, and when Zaida turned to glare at him she could see the cogs whirring behind his amber eyes. “She knows more about the supernatural than we do, right?"
“Why would she help us?” Zaida scoffed, not trusting the girl at all.
“The stronger the Darach gets, the more desperately the alphas will want Derek to join their pack. Your life is on the line,” Stiles bargained with the beta. “If we can find the next sacrifice and stop it, it buys you more time.”
“...How are we going to do that?” Cora asked after a brief hesitation, indicating her agreement to aid them given the circumstances. Both Stiles and Zaida turned their heads toward Lydia, who had remained quiet since their arrival.
“Why are you looking at me for?” The redhead frowned.
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“Where’d you even get that?” Zaida arched a brow as Stiles pulled a game board from his backpack. He’d left them for not even ten minutes while they found an empty lab classroom so there weren’t a lot of places he could have gone.
“The senior lounge - it’s been in there for years.” He waved her off and set it up on the bench.
“A ouija board?” Lydia looked up at them from where she was seated on a stool beside Cora.
“Also called a spirit board. And, it's worth a shot…” Stiles shrugged.
“A shot in the dark.” Lydia muttered beneath her breath.
“Could you just try it, please? Okay, let's not forget who this is for - Scott's boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion.” Stiles huffed impatiently and placed his fingertips on the planchette.
“Oh, wait. Should we all do this?” Cora asked and Stiles nodded as both of the girls seated at the table followed his actions. The boy looked at Zaida questioningly when she didn’t move.
“Oh no, I’m not messing with that shit.” She shook her head defiantly, knowing better than to play around with spirits and demons. “You guys can go ahead and get possessed.”
“Okay, you guys ready?” Stiles dropped the issue and once both Lydia and Cora were prepared, he started. “Where's Dr. Deaton?”
They waited for several moments, but the planchette did not move. Zaida crossed herself in relief as the others looked to Lydia expectantly. “...What?” The redhead looked up innocently.
“Aren't you gonna answer it?” Stiles prompted her.
“Oh, I don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit…” Lydia’s penciled brows drew towards each other in confusion.
“Well, do you know any spirits?” The young Hale asked as though that was a totally normal question for someone to have.
“Is she for real?” Lydia said incredulously and Zaida’s lips curled into a faint smile.
“Okay, these are Deaton's keys for the clinic.” Stiles abandoned the board and tried a different approach, pulling a crowded keychain from his pocket. “Close your eyes, and I'm gonna put 'em in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location. It's called psychometry.”
“I'm not psychic.” Lydia protested.
"You're something! Okay?” Stiles exclaimed, frustrated that they clearly weren’t getting anywhere. “Just, Lydia, put out your hand, and…”
Stiles waited for a moment and then carefully and quickly dropped the keys into Lydia’s open palm. She hummed at the contact and the boy immediately straightened. “What?” He asked eagerly, hoping for some sort of answer.
“They're cold.” The redhead shrugged nonchalantly and Zaida could have sworn she saw a vein in Stiles’ temple throb as his eyes narrowed and twitched.
“Lydia, concentrate, please? Trying to save lives here, for the love of God.” The boy sighed irritably and Lydia closed her eyes, attempting to focus despite how ridiculous this felt. Her brows dipped in concentrated effort and Stiles watched intently. “Yeah, what is it? What do you see?”
“...Nothing.” Lydia stated as she reopened her eyes and handed the keys back to the boy.
“Do you guys actually have any idea what you’re doing?” Cora questioned sarcastically, plucking Zaida’s last few nerves.
“I thought that’s what you were supposed to be here for. Remind me what the hell it is you’re good for again?” Zaida snapped at the other brunette.
“Okay, let’s just not attack each other.” Stiles lifted his hands into the air, playing intermediary.
“I wasn’t attacking her - if I was there would be a lot more blood and screaming.” Zaida snorted, glaring threateningly at the beta as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Okay, next!” Stiles exclaimed loudly before the two girls could begin arguing again. He pulled out a notebook and pencil from his bag, laying both out on the desk.
“Automatic writing?” Lydia’s words were dripping with scepticism but at Stiles’ stern expression she picked up the pencil and started tracing it over the page.
They waited for a moment, hopefully that maybe something was finally working. Then they saw that Lydia was in fact not writing, but rather drawing. “Lydia, what are you doing? What...what the hell is that?” Stiles stumbled over his words almost angrily.
“A tree.” The redhead hummed in response.
“A tr-?” Stiles’ eyes widened in disbelief. “Lydia, you're supposed to be writing words - like, in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell us where he is.”
“Well, maybe you should've said that.” Lydia retorted sarcastically.
“Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius?” Cora sighed impatiently and Zaida simply sent her a warning glare. This girl had already pissed her off, and once Zaida started on the wrong foot with someone, it was very hard to change her mind about them. Lydia had been one of the exceptions and certainly not the rule.
“Genius? Yes. Psychic? No.” The redhead responded sassily. “Honestly, I don't even know why you're bothering with me, anyway...I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny.”
“What? Why Danny?” Stiles looked at her with a stunned expression.
“Because…” Scott spoke up loudly as he entered the room with a look of determination on his face. “Last night, he was a target...but he wasn't a sacrifice.”
“Lydia, you brilliant mastermind!” Zaida grinned proudly and slung her arm around the girl’s shoulders, planting a kiss on the top of her head.
“Yeah, yeah, use me for my brain, why don’t you?” Lydia rolled her eyes sarcastically, but smiled anyway.
Scott and Stiles led the way out of the classroom and down the hall towards the car park, Lydia and Zaida following with Cora trailing behind them all. The school was completely empty now, having been totally evacuated due to their earlier stunt with the fire alarm.
“But isn't Danny still in the hospital?” The young Hale asked.
“Yeah. That's where we're going right now.” Stiles looked back over his shoulder to answer the girl.
“I'll meet you there.” Scott paused for a moment, staring at the screen of his phone.
“Why?” Stiles questioned and Zaida leaned forward to catch a glimpse of a text message from Allison.
“It’s Allison - she said she found something and wants me to meet her at the apartment.” The werewolf explained. Zaida - like all of them - was currently wondering what Allison had discovered that was so important as for her to call an emergency meeting.
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 10 months
Forgotten Ties - Chapter 7 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
After that, the man had escorted Skye back to his classroom and told his teacher about the detention.
She actually didn't seem too angry at Skye about it.
He showed her the red spot on his stomach and she told him to keep his clothes on but Skye was pretty sure she sympathised.
The teacher stood up in front of the class and wrote on the board about days of the week and asked questions about what day came before or after another day.
It went on for far too long and Skye didn't care, so he learnt nothing.
He borrowed some of Ethan's pencils and held them between his fingers, which was sort of like bear claws.
Bears didn't know about days of the week.
By the time their next break came around, Skye was more than ready to eat.
He headed over to the cafeteria with Ethan.
He'd barely gotten inside the doors when someone grabbed him by the arm but when he spun around, he found himself face to face with Nim.
"Oh. Hi, Nim."
"You know, I was just starting to think that you weren't so stupid after all but then you went and got yourself detention with the guy who punched you," Nim said, still gripping Skye firmly by his arm.
"Well, it's not fair if I'm the only one who gets in trouble," Skye said.
"What he did was worse than what I did."
"Nothing's fair here, Skye," Nim all but shouted, finally letting go of Skye's arm.
"You can't expect it to be, so forget about that. All you can do is try to stay safe and out of trouble and getting shut in a room with someone who has it out for you doesn't help with that."
Skye folded his arms across his chest.
"I can take care of myself, you know. I'm not a baby. I know you don't understand me because nobody ever does and that's fine but if I was actually just dumb, don't you think I'd be dead by now?"
"Maybe you're lying about being as old as you are."
"Maybe you could show that you care about me in less angry ways."
The expression shifted on Nim's face and after a moment he sighed and looked away.
"Well, it'll be what it is. Nothing we can do to change things now. Let's just go eat our lunch."
As they headed over to an empty table, Ethan gave Skye a comforting pat on his arm.
It went on much longer than any arm pat Skye had ever experienced but that just made it extra comforting.
Ethan was a good friend.
"He came and found me when you were in trouble, you know," Nim told Skye as they sat down.
"I guess he can't talk but he got his point across well enough."
"Yeah, Ethan's really good at not being able to say words," Skye said.
"Sometimes I wish I couldn't talk."
"You could just... not talk?"
Skye chewed and swallowed a grape.
"It's just not the same."
"If you say so," Nim said.
"Anyway, I guess I'll stay after school until your detention is done because it's not like you can get home on your own. Just try to stay safe, okay? If something happens, I can't defend you. If I lay one hand on that human, I'm going to prison and at this point I'm not sure that doesn't actually just mean a bullet in my brain."
"I can take care of myself but if you want to help, you can give me one of the boiled eggs from your lunch box," Skye said.
"How will that help?"
"Well, I want it, so if I have it I will be happier as a person."
Nim rolled his eyes and handed Skye one of the eggs.
"Your logic tracks in strange ways, you know."
"I do know but I like it that way, so I'm not going to stop."
"That's fair. Enjoy the egg."
After the break was over, it was back to class for more boring lessons.
He thought maybe the one on emotions would be interesting because he had those but after the second time he'd shouted out 'hungry' when the teacher asked how a situation would make them feel, she'd told him he was wrong.
After that, he'd folded his arms over his chest and refused to participate any more.
He felt annoyed and maybe a little hungry.
Once class was over for the day, it was time for his detention.
Fortunately, Nim was waiting for him outside the classroom because he didn't know where to go.
"No matter what, just don't lay a hand on him," Nim said.
"I know it's not fair and he deserves a good ass kicking but it's not worth it."
"Okay," Skye said, holding his backpack by its straps and swinging it back and forth as they walked.
He didn't have heavy books in it like Nim did in his.
Nim sighed.
"I sound like my mum but she was right. Until she wasn't, anyway."
"I'll be okay."
"I hope so because you're on your own. I'll wait for you outside the building where I won't be able to hear anything. If something does happen, I don't want to be in the position to have to make a choice."
"I'm starting to feel insulted. I'm like five billion years old. I can take care of myself."
"You are not. Five hundred, tops. Probably not even close to that."
"Big numbers. It's all the same to me. I'll show you that I can take care of myself. I'll show you that hunger is a valid emotion."
"I... okay?" Nim said, stopping in front of the door to a classroom.
"Anyway, we're here."
"Okay, thanks," Skye said and walked inside without wasting any time.
"Bye?" he heard Nim say from the doorway.
Skye gave him a wave and Nim walked away.
The woman who had given Skye the test when he'd first arrived at school that morning was sitting behind the big desk at the front of the room.
"Sit," the woman said, pointing to one of the small desks.
"I predicted this, didn't I?" Skye sat at the desk she'd pointed to.
"Yeah but it turns out that you can get in trouble for just not letting someone punch you, so I don't think this is actually my fault. Just an unfair rule."
The woman considered him for a moment.
"Well, life's not fair, is it?"
"That's a very bad excuse for having unfair rules."
"You're very direct, aren't you?"
Skye shrugged.
"I'm trying to be easy to understand."
The door swung open and the boy who had punched Skye stomped in.
Skye waved and received a glower in return.
The woman got up from behind the desk.
"I left something in the office. I'll be back in about... ten minutes?"
The boy's frown morphed into a smile and he nodded as he sat down.
"We'll be good."
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"steady, steady, you know when you're ready. . ."
about me . . .
hello! if you somehow missed my bio, i'm ethan and my pronouns are he/him. i am a minor—i do not mind if adults interact, just don't be weird. i speak english and french + i'm learning italian, and i am trans & audhd. i love cowboys, dancing, learning about fish & marine animals (especially eels), and i'm a huge musical theatre nerd—my strongest hyperfixations are always on musicals, so ask me about my favorites and i'll never shut up. thanks for visiting my blog :)
about this blog . . .
this is a witchcraft-centric sideblog that i'll be using to collect resources, useful posts, and anything i find relevant. notifications will come from my main blog, @scgrimbly.
about my practice . . .
as for my practice, i've been practicing witchcraft for a bit over three years, though lately my practice has been more akin to folk magic. i am omnist and identify as a hellenic polytheist, which i incorporate into my practice when i can—i talk more about that on @hermes-dabloons (which i stole most of this intro from), so check that out if you wanna hear about it. my current goal is to incorporate my practice into a daily routine to avoid slumps and such. i do not post about things that are specific to my own practice, with some exceptions when i so please.
"it's a long road walking into the sun."
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taughtdefense-a · 1 year
[ HEAT ]:      while in the middle of a make-out session, sender pushes the receiver up against the wall, unwittingly heating things up even more.
RARE ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU TO BE WITH ONLY ONE OF YOUR PARTNERS IN YOUR APARTMENT. you already miss miguel, tory & robby, who had left the apartment almost an hour ago. they're out having dinner with sam's parents & carmen at the larusso household, while you & @taughtmercy opted for a quieter night together. peace talks, as daniel called them, no doubt brought on after the bona fide shitstorm that was their reactions when you revealed your eldritch nature to the friend group. that'd been two weeks ago, & you've still not been over to the larusso household, or to the diaz apartment, or to any miyagi-fang training sessions. johnny has been letting all of that go. he's empathetic of your situation - & as the only adult who actually accepted you, powers & eldritch nature alike, because you SAVED HIS SON'S LIFE, saved all of the teens' lives from ryker & his gang. take as long as you need, ethan, he'd said to you seriously after placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, a day before you essentially shut down entirely ( for the second time in this lifetime ). you knew instantly that he meant it, & you were so relieved you almost broke down in tears of joy right then & there.
you'd been hesitant in letting any of your loves be near daniel, amanda or carmen, fearing they'd get called names, or worse: if they tried to manipulate them into breaking up with you, but miguel reassured you ( multiple times ) that the second they even attempted anything like that, or if they start to become unreasonable, the three of them would leave without saying goodbye & come straight home. ( your skewed reasoning is that if the people you trusted hurt you, it'd be no problem to them if they hurt your partners. your trust in the people you once trusted has effectively been SHATTERED. )
five minutes before you became... occupied, you'd been antsy, constantly checking your phone for updates on how everything is going from tory, robby & miguel. tory said that things are still going smoothly, & amanda had even surprisingly stopped herself from ❝ fucking up ❞, whatever that means. you didn't push it, despite your curiosity. you'll take it as PROGRESS. so, to pass the time & keep your mind off of that, you decided to pull sam up onto your lap with one arm while you'd sent a thumbs up emoji to tory's response with your other hand. you guess sam really liked that display of strength, because she immediately started kissing you, which was nice, & exactly what you wanted. one thing led to another, & you'd picked her up with one arm again, the other sliding through her hair absentmindedly, playing with the strands carefully. you set her back onto the floor, & took her hands in yours, pulling her towards your shared bedroom.
unexpectedly, though, sam took control of the situation. she shoved you up against the wall next to your open bedroom door & started kissing you again, apparently unwilling to wait another minute to continue kissing you. that seems to be a trait all of you share with each other. impatience, at least when it comes to make out sessions. you didn't mind her taking control of the situation, even if your eyebrows rose in surprise. it's rare, but it's a good thing. your lips pull up into a wide grin as you think of something funny, causing you to grin widely into the kiss. you only respond for a moment, even as it makes fire race through your blood.
❝ hi. ❞ you murmur, pupils momentarily flickering baby pink, signaling love. the pink hues briefly illuminates the faint blush on your cheeks ( you think robby would get a kick out of that ). you pull away from her lips to give her a second to catch her breath, brown eyes searching her blue ones intensely, but your expression is entirely full of love, adoration, joy & trust. just like with all of your partners, you trust her wholeheartedly, with every inch of your being - eldritch & vessel alike. you love your partners, & they love you just as much. ❝ it seems like someone's impatient. i can only imagine how long you've been waiting to do that, sam... hmm, the whole night ? ❞ you tease her lightly, leaning forward to press a passionate kiss to her lips, intentionally pulling away before she can deepen it. you want to take a moment to gaze at her. she's beautiful. a hand gently slides down her back, fingers lightly skating across her bare back. you're amused to see that she's wearing one of robby's t-shirts - it's clear in your expression.
❝ that was really fucking hot. you should do it more often, babe. ❞ you encourage her gently, the grin not faltering from your lips for even a second. you laugh lightly, a genuine laugh. for a second, it seems like you're back to your old self, the person you were before the disastrous reveal of your true nature, & subsequent isolation episode, take two. it's... freeing, & it feels nice. ❝ our fiancés & fiancée are gonna be pissed they missed seeing this. ❞ you comment absentmindedly. you can picture miguel's face clearly in your mind, wide-eyed, jaw on the floor, & you laugh again, the sound bright & brimming with warmth.
you perk up slightly when an idea suddenly comes to you, & it makes you smirk slightly. it's the one that that miguel calls your ❝ little shit ❞ smirk, & depending on the context, that can either be a good thing or a bad thing. right now, you're inclined to believe that it's a good thing. your hands carefully slide down her back, moving to hold her hips gently. you lean down to whisper ❝ good girl ❞ into her ear, pulling back to carefully gauge her reaction.
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truepdf · 2 years
4 Books So Powerful, They Can Rewire Your Brain
Positive psychology and neuroplasticity for a progressive mindset.
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Human beings have the power to heal and transform their lives. All we need is some brain rewiring and a positive mindset.
Our brain is simple. Whatever information we feed into our brain, it constantly rewires itself to fit into that situation. It can’t differentiate reality or illusion.
If you are in the same phase of life where you think some reprogramming is needed, I would highly recommend these four excellent books that teach how to do brain rewiring.
(Note: The links mentioned in this article are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase these books through these links, it will help me earn a small amount of money — at no extra cost to you. Thanks!)
How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera
This book by Dr. Nicole LePera, a clinical psychologist, takes you on a journey of healing your body, mind, and soul. This is the best thing I like about this book, as LePera talks about psychological methods to heal and reprogram life based on her own experience while healing.
When her health started to degrade, she got a wake-up call to heal herself, resulting in this book. It consists of eight extracts. Each talks about different issues like mental health, physical health, holistic psychology, childhood trauma, reducing stress, reprogramming your core belief, healthy relationships, breaking free from destructive behavioral patterns, and much more.
Dr. LePera has wonderfully crafted this book about self-healing as she went through this process. I was amazed by the depth of her observations and how realistic the suggestions were to reprogram yourself.
My favorite quotes from How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera
Why you should read it
This book has left me with life-changing wisdom and insights I will never forget.
My advice would be to read this book with patience, take time, absorb the lessons, and apply them to your life.
Get yourself a copy of this book here.
Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters by Ethan Kross
Out of all the conversations we have, we spend most of the time in our heads chattering with ourselves. It is pretty common to talk with yourself, most people do that. But sometimes, that voice is impossible to shut down.
We try our best to control our monkey mind but the more we shut it, the more it wanders. It says things like “Everyone thinks you’re a fool”, “Everybody’s doing great except you” — and more disturbing thoughts like that.
What if you get a key to regulate your mind and turn that inner chatter into introspection?
Ethan Kross, a renowned neuroscientist, psychologist, and accomplished writer, talks about positively directing that inner voice and overcoming anxiety.
He has beautifully weaved some real-world stories with research and lessons in the book. The deteriorating talks we have with ourselves, which we call chatter, can have severe effects on our mental health, mood, and our relationships with others.
My favorite quotes from Chatter by Ethan Kross
Why you should read it
This book changed my perspective on self-introspection and regulating my inner thoughts. Now I don’t try to shut it constantly. Give it a read, and indeed, you won’t be disappointed.
Get yourself a copy of this book here.
Your Turn: How to Be an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims
What do you think of the word adults or adulthood? The first things that come to mind are responsibilities, a degree, a job, and a family, which society has embedded in our minds.
But being an adult is more than just following those societal norms at the cost of your freedom and health. Reaching a particular age doesn’t make you an adult. Being comfortable with uncertainty and knowing how to keep going does.
In her book Your Turn, Julie Lythcott-Haims, mother of two and a bestselling author, has discussed her personal experiences and practical strategies to live a fulfilling adulthood.
My favorite quotes from Your Turn by Julie Lythcott-Haims
Why you should read it
Besides working hard for your dream life and grinding, adulthood means including gratitude and kindness. I strongly recommend this book if you want a deeper understanding of being a grown-up.
Get yourself a copy of this book here.
Livewired: Inside Story of the Ever-changing Brain by Dr. David Eagleman
The brain is the most magical part of your body. We can’t even imagine the power it has. You must have heard the quote, “What we think is what we become.” Even scientific research has shown that our brain can be rewired or reprogrammed according to what input we feed into it.
The book Livewired published by Dr. David Eagleman, a neuroscientist, and a TED speaker, was an eye-opener for me. I got to know more about brain functionalities. His research and discoveries about the brain, dreaming, and the use of neurological devices was informative and engaging.
My favorite quotes from Livewired by Dr. David Eagleman
Why you should read it
Give it a read if you are more like a logic-behind-everything person and want to dive deep into brain rewiring.
Get yourself a copy of this book here.
Get These Books
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Still Alive ~ Chapter Four
Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: Murder, Violence, Weapons, Adult Language, Parent Issues, Nightmares, Trauma, Death Threats, Angst, A tiny bit of Fluff, Blood, Ghostface Attack, and Stabbing. (Sorry if I forgot any!)
Word Count: 2,540
Author’s Note: Hello Again Everyone! Happy to say that this chapter is finally when the action starts to begin!!! I wanted to tell you all now that I am currently writing another scream fanfic however this is in a universe where there is no ghostface! It takes place in high school. It’s based off the song called Teenage Dirtbag. It’s a Ethan x Reader story again. I will say it won’t be ready to post for a while since I’ve got a lot going on in my personally life so my writing process is slowed at the moment. I have a Jack Champion one shot in mind that includes some of the Avatar cast. I do want to write some Avatar stories as well which I know will be a challenge that I’m up for! Anyways, thank you to the ones who are reading this and the story! I hope you enjoy this chapter and next chapter will be posted Sunday!
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When Chad brought Sam into the apartment Y/N was sitting with Ethan on the chair while Quinn was sitting on the couch with Mindy and Anika. Tara was sitting on a different chair by herself. Everyone had a worried gaze on the TV. A guy who lives downstairs followed Sam which Quinn noticed right away. “Cute boy. Nice!” Quinn said to Sam with a nod of her head. “What’s going on?” Sam asked with worry in her tone. Chad just pointed at the television.
 “I’m standing in front of the apartment building where the mutilated bodies were found.” The reporter said. Everyone in the room had their eyes glued to the screen. “Their names have been released by the police. Jason Carvey, and Greg-.” The reporter said but before the group could listen to the last name of the other victim Mindy spoke.  “Holy shit, that’s that chod from our film studies class! The one obsessed with Orchento.” Mindy said to Tara in a surprised tone. “Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes, the character popularized by the ‘Stab’ movie franchise.” The reporter said.
 Y/N felt her whole-body tense up. She quickly thought back to the party. That guy who was dressed as Ghostface. Could that have been one of them? Did they go and kill those guys and head right to the party acting like it was nothing? She jumped a little when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders but quickly relaxed when she realized it was just Ethan. He gave her a comforting smile which helped her relax. She returned the smile but also felt a strong glare on them. When she looked over, she noticed it was Quinn looking at them with a glare. When their eyes met Quinn looked away and back to the television. Y/N is close to everyone in this room but Quinn. She feels like Quinn has a huge problem with her and she has no idea why.
 “Pack a bag, we leave in ten.” Sam told Tara in a stern tone and walked out of the room. “Sam! Wait, Sam!” Tara called out as she quickly stood up. “We’re getting out of the city.” Sam called out from the kitchen. “What?” Cute boy said with a mixture of confusion and concern in his tone. “Thank you, very much suspicious new guy, but I think we can handle it from here. Have a good night, get home safe.” Chad said as he pushed the guy out of the apartment and shut the door.
 Tara called out to Sam again. Sam grabbed a knife and walked back into the living room. “Sam wh-what, hold on.” Tara said with panic in her tone because of her sister holding a huge kitchen knife. “Come on.” Sam said to her, acting all calm. “Hold on, wait, let’s talk about this for a second.” Tara started. “Cause’ this-this might not have anything to do with us.” Tara explained stumbling over her words again. “Are you serious?” Sam said she was starting to get annoyed with her sister again. “You knew him!” Sam hissed pointing at the TV. “Barely.” Tara hissed back.
 “Chad, Mindy, Y/N, back me up.” Sam called out to them trying to get some sense into Tara. “I mean it is a little bit- “Chad started to say shuffling his feet around. “Close to home.” Mindy said finishing Chad’s sentence. Everyone then looked at Y/N which made her sigh. Why does she have to be a part of this fucked up situation? “As being the daughter of a former Woodsboro cop who went through this shit like a hundred times. This can’t be just a coincidence.” Y/N explained to Tara with a serious look in her eyes. “See!” Sam told Tara.
 “Quinn, your dad’s a cop, right?” Tara asked looking over at Quinn. “Can you call him and find out what’s going on?” Tara added on. “Before you make the unilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!” Tara snapped looking back at Sam with a nasty glare in her eyes. “I’m calling him now.” Quinn said, putting her phone up to her ear. She stood up from the couch and walked into a different room.
 The room was all quiet till Sam’s phone started to ring, making the whole room tense up. Sam walked over to her phone that was on the dining table. “Who is it?” Y/N asked trying to not sound scared but didn’t do a very good job. “Your mom.” Sam said relieved seeing the name ‘Gale Weathers’ flashing on her phone. “Hit fucking decline!” Y/N hissed now angry and annoyed.
 Sam did exactly what she told her to do. Y/N knew her mom just called Sam to ask her for a comment about the latest murders. Y/N feels like her mom cares more about her stupid ass career than anything. Quinn came running back into the room. “Sam, my dad wants to talk to you.” Quinn said, handing her phone over to Sam. Sam let out a sigh as she took the phone.
 As Sam talked on the phone with Detective Bailey the whole room was silent which made Y/N slip deep into her thoughts. Of course, she was thinking about this new Ghostface, but she was also thinking about her careless mother. A normal mom would call her daughter up to ask if she and her friends are okay. Not to call up one of them to ask them questions about the fucking murder. Y/N really wished that her dad was here with her. If he was here, she knows she would feel a whole lot safer. Y/N broke out of her thoughts when Sam spoke.
 “Detective Bailey needs me to come down to the station.” Sam said giving the phone back to Quinn after she changed her shirt really quick. Sam grabbed her phone putting it into her back pocket. She also grabbed her jacket and keys and walked out of the apartment. Tara grabbed her jacket and quickly followed Sam.
 “I’ll be right back.” Y/N said as she stood up. “Where are you going?” Ethan asked her. “I need to go give my mom a special call.” Y/N said, taking her phone out of her pocket and walked into the kitchen. “Expect to hear some yelling.” Mindy warned everyone as she let out a sigh.
It was the next day and Y/N was completely exhausted due to the lack of sleep. Right when she and Mindy got back home to their apartment, they got a call from Tara saying her and Sam got attacked by Ghostface. She reassured them that she and Sam didn’t get hurt and were at the police station for questioning. That was one of the reasons why Y/N didn’t get enough sleep. It was like every time she closed her eyes, she had a nightmare, and they were worse than before.
 Since she knew that they would continue to the point where she wouldn’t be able to sleep at all she gave Sam a call when she got up this morning asking for the number of the therapist she’d been seeing. Sam gave her the number and then mentioned to her that they had a run in with her mom outside the police station which had her fuming. Why won’t her mom just fucking listen to her? After she ended the phone call with Sam, she gave the therapist a call and was able to get an appointment this afternoon since he had a cancellation.
 Y/N was sitting in the plaza on the school campus with the whole group. Y/N was sitting in between Ethan and Tara. Tara was sitting next to Chad while Sam, Anika, and Quinn sat on a bench together. Mindy was standing in front of everyone. “Already nerds, listen up!” Mindy said as she clapped her hands together.
 “As terrifying as this all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time.” Mindy said with disappointment at the end of her sentence. Y/N rolled her eyes. She didn’t even want to be there, but Mindy made her. “It’s fine.” Mindy said quickly, changing her mood. “The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel.” Mindy told everyone. Anika raised her hand. “Um, what’s a requel?” Anika asked in a curious and innocent tone. “You’re beautiful sweetie, let’s hold questions ‘till the end.” Mindy said to her girlfriend as Anika put her hand down. “Stab one took place in Woodsboro, Stab two took place in college.” Sam chimed in. “Do we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?” Tara asked in a curious tone. “That is one possibility.” Mindy said, pointing at Tara.
 “Hero’s now in college, check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round the suspect list and/or body count, check, check, and check.” Mindy explained by pointing to Quinn, Anika, and then Ethan. “I don’t like this!” Ethan said with a mixture of fear and nervousness in his tone. Y/N could tell that his heart was racing so she took one of his hands into hers and gave it a light squeeze. “Hey, it’s okay. Relax.” Y/N told him in a calm tone as she gave him a smile. “Okay.” Ethan said with a nod as he looked into her eyes, which were helping him calm down. “Hey lovebirds.” Mindy called out getting their attention. “May I continue?” Mindy asked with a stern look in her eyes. “Yes, please continue.” Y/N said in annoyance as she shot a glare at Mindy. Mindy was really getting on her nerves today.
 “As I was saying, it can’t just be about Stab two.” Mindy said, getting back to her lecture. “Why not?” Tara asked her. “It would make sense if that were just a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore!” Mindy said as excitement started to build up inside of her. “Don’t say, don’t say, don’t say it!” Y/N mumbled out. “We’re in a franchise!” Mindy said, throwing both of her arms up into the air. “There it is.” Y/N said with a groan. “And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise.” Mindy told them. “I had a feeling.” Sam said with a sigh.
 “Rule one, everything is bigger than last time! Bigger budge, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shoot outs, beheadings, gotta top what came before to keep people coming back.” Mindy said starting to list off the rules of horror movies. “Beheadings?” Chad asked looking up from the notebook he was writing in. “Beheadings.” Mindy told him with a point of the finger.
 “Rule two, whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations, and if the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with letterboxed accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here.” Mindy said explaining rule two. Mindy was starting to give Y/N a headache.
 “And rule three, no one is safe.” Mindy said in a stern tone. “Legacy character, cannon folder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia.” Mindy said it in a much nicer tone than before. “It’s not looking good for Gale and Kirby.” Mindy said with sadness which made now made Y/N’s heart rate speed up. “Woah, hold on!” Y/N said before Mindy could continue.
 “You’re telling me that my mom is on the list to get butchered.” Y/N said in a worried tone. “Like I said, no one is safe.” Mindy told her which struck Y/N’s last nerve. “You know what, I’m done!” Y/N said standing up which made her let go of Ethan’s hand that she actually didn’t even realize she was still holding onto. “Y/N, I’m just- “Mindy started to say but Y/N immediately cut her off. “NO!” Y/N yelled making everyone in the group jump.
 “I lost two family members because of this Ghostface shit!” Y/N said with anger as she picked up her bag from the ground. “This isn’t a fucking movie, Mindy; this is real fucking life. I’m not going to fucking sit here and let you tell me I’m going to lose more people, especially my mom.” Y/N told her in a snappy tone and walked away from her friends. Yes, she may be super pissed at her mom and doesn’t want to talk to her but she’s still her mom and doesn’t want to see another family member killed. Ethan wanted to follow her, but he knew that she most likely wanted to be alone to cool off. Everyone was in complete shock because they had never seen Y/N like that before. She finally let her friends see all of the anger and frustration that had been building up inside of her.
Y/N went back to her apartment to cool down and take some medicine for headache. She relaxed a little bit till she had to go to her appointment. Y/N decided to just walk since it really wasn’t that far of a walk. When Y/N got to the address she saw the front door was wide open and a body was just lying there. As she walked closer and closer to the door her heartrate kept speeding up. When she got to the door she gasped in complete horror. The therapist was laying on the ground. His face was all bloody, it looked like he was stabbed through the face.
 Y/N stepped into the house to get a better view but that turned out to be a huge mistake because she was grabbed from behind. As Y/N struggled she noticed the familiar black sparkly gloves holding onto her tightly. “Get off me you motherfucker!” Y/N hissed as she used all of her strength to back Ghostface into the wall which made them let go of her.
 Y/N ran into what seemed like the living room to find some kind of weapon. Before she could grab anything, she felt something sharp going into her shoulder making her scream in pain. She fell to the hard wood floor after Ghostface took their knife out of her now bleeding shoulder. Ghostface kept trying to stab her legs, but she kept kicking them away as she held onto her shoulder wound.
 Ghostface finally had enough of her, so they grabbed her by the neck and pushed her up against the wall. Y/N struggled to breathe as they held tightly onto her throat. “Say hi to daddy for me!” Ghostface said into their voice changer as they raised their knife. Before Ghostface could stab her with the bloody knife a gunshot rang out. Ghostface dropped her and quickly fled the house. Y/N groaned in pain as her ass hit the hard wood floor.
 “Hey Y/N.” She heard a familiar voice say. When she looked up, she saw Kirby. “Kirby!” Y/N said in a relieved tone. “It’s okay, I got you.” Kirby said walking over to her helping her up from the floor. “Where did they get you?” Kirby asked with concern. “In the shoulder.” Y/N answered in pain as she let Kirby help her out of the house.
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@sweetirilly @aqellano @igotmajordaddyissues @athenalive @hotweeb @ghostlyboiii @marshallowy
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friedbreadwombat · 2 years
Reminded of how grimsley from pokemon is expressed pretty evidently in an extent as probably from a muslim country, he might be arabic. Theres a lot of islam references, he wore the garment, and an outfit beneath the, I forgot the name of it but yes, because modesty.
And then people just straight up brush over that I swear hee hoo white boy
Like I get not knowing the thing, because even I forgot the name, but the fandom is a weird mix of avoiding the content of the actual character to force their own onto them, and hee hoo children, canonical vagueness and hey-thats-not-the-focal-its-the-damn-pokemon
I get creativity but there is always a cloud of disrespect over everything to do with the characters, even if it got nothing to do with their ethnicity and religion.
Shut up.
It's getting weird.
If you did nothing wrong then there's nothing to get mad about no?
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yikes-xander · 4 years
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ethan asks about sex at yom kippur🫡
Pairing: Lenny Bruce & Midge Maisel Rated T
"Who's Jesus Christ?"
The entire room falls silent at the seven-year-old's question. It's Yom Kippur, everyone's been fasting, and Ethan has just brought up Jesus.
This is going to be fun.
Joel is the first to speak. "What the fu- "
Moishe stomps Joel's foot.
"Where did you hear about Jesus, Ethan?" Shirley asks almost hysterically.
"From Mama."
Midge's eyebrows raise, eyes widening. "W-what are you talking about, sweetie?" She asks.
Lenny sits on the couch, hand covering his mouth to stifle his own laughter because he knows exactly what Ethan is talking about, and he has the sneaking suspicion Midge does, too. There are only two places he's ever heard her say 'Jesus Christ'. One is on stage. And the other...
Well, let's just say it's a good thing the rabbi isn't here.
"Miriam," Rose says, looking appalled but still speaking in her usual cool tone, "why are you talking about Jesus with your son?"
"I'm not, Mama," Midge promises, waving her hands.
"He was a carpenter."
The room turns toward the owner of the voice: Astrid. "He was a carpenter a couple of thousand years ago who did nice things for people. And he was Jewish," she adds.
"Oh." Ethan seems to accept that and goes back to running around the apartment.
When he's gone, leaving only adults in the living room, Joel looks at Midge again. "When the fuck did he hear you say Jesus Christ?"
Lenny snorts a laugh from behind his hand, which he knows probably makes the whole thing worse. But he really can't help it. He's feeling pretty damn smug at Joel's dopey expression.
"That's probably my fault," Lenny drawls through a grin.
Midge rounds on him with a look that says shut the fuck up or you'll never hear me scream say it again.
But then Moishe laughs. "Good man, Lenny." He slaps him on the shoulder congenially before changing the subject.
Midge's annoyance with her boyfriend gives way to amusement, and she laughs quietly with a shake of her head before heading toward the kitchen. Rose looks horrified. Shirley looks impressed.
Joel is clearly still clueless.
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