the-dark-rebels · 8 months
It warms my heart knowing there’s still people who ship ShunYuuto! I’m glad you’re all alive and kicking. I didn’t think anyone still reblogged from here.
I’ve fallen into a slightly similar ship in Genshin Impact; Chiscara. I wonder is there a ShunYuuto to Chiscara pipeline?
What Genshin ships are this blogs’ audience into? Let me know in the comments, reblogs and askbox!
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the-evolving-falcon · 7 years
YutoRuri, RinRuri, and ShunYuto for the ship meme, please. :)
8.5 = I REALLY like this ship but it wouldn’t work out in canon.
I am perfectly aware of how shallow that makes me sound, but Iactually only started to consider this ship after Ruri’s design hadbeen revealed and I just love how gorgeous and classy these two looknext to one another. However, the more I was thinking aboutwell-written Yuuto and alternate Ruri, the more I began to take thisship seriously and even think of scenarios/AUs for it.
If there is one reason I could never bring myself to likeBraceletshipping, it’d be that the only reason for Yuuto beingprotective of Yuzu at the beginning was that he mistook her for Ruri,and that the conclusion of their only interaction that was trulypositive was Yuuto telling her that she had a lot in common withRuri, meaning all Braceletshipping scenes were never truly aboutYuzu, but about Yuuto’s bond with Ruri, and Yuuto really isn’tmentally weak enough to use any other bracelet girl to replace Ruri(I still have a slight weakness for onesided Braceletshipping withYuzu having an unrequited crush on Yuuto, though lol).
I mean… what we ultimately got for them in later canon iscomplete and utter garbage – you will never hear me deny that fact,but I can still dream of scenarios about them having shared a strongbond from their childhood, and about Dennis’ betrayal and Rurideveloping a crush on them actually having and impact on theirrelationship.
Other than that, I’ve always wanted Ruri to be a wordsmithfascinated with myths and tales, and Yuuto being fond of metaphorshimself and carrying the demeanor of a knight (minus theself-righteousness and the two-dimensional usually associated withthe archetype itself) would make interactions between these twopleasing on many different levels, and there are plenty ofpossibilities of playing around with their contrasting life/deaththemes and giving them an interesting spin.
9 = I REALLY like this ship and it should be/is canon!
Seriously, I was personally offended when it was revealed thatRuri and Rin had been locked up separately without making any kind ofescape attempt that nearly succeeded, but I wasn’t actually surprisedeither, given how they were both needed as token damsels.
However, since I have elected to disregard post season one canonalmost in its entirety, there’s absolutely nothing stopping me fromthinking about how Ruri should’ve manipulated Leo into imprisoningRin together with her as soon as she learns about her capture bytricking him into lowering his guard – and convinced her to joinher in her plan to escape.
These two would’ve made such a badass combo, with Ruri beingresponsible for designing the plan itself and for its psychologicalaspects of fooling Leo and their guards and Rin being the one tothink about how to actually implement it with their limited resourcesand to build the tools and devices necessary for their escape.
(My fave canon divergent HC about their escape attempt is thatthey only failed due to Serena attempting to escape mere minutesbefore and causing the guards stationed around the island to be onhigh alert)
Other than that, their personalities’d just mesh really well, andI could definitely see them forming a deep friendship and grow to careabout one another a lot- whether in canon divergent scenarios or inAUs.
And their character designs just look so incredibly gorgeous nextto one another
7 = I like it, would read a fanfic with them if it was well written.
It took me till last month or so to even consider it, as I tend toHC these two as mostly straight and already have three romantic shipsfor Ruri that I adore. However, I’ve been pondering the question ofwhich partner’d be worthy of Rin from the moment I began to like herand as a result dislike Appleshippingcause strongly belief that Rindeserves a better partner than dumb and childish Yuugo thinkingparticipating in the Friendship Cup is the Greatest Thing Ever andAbsolutely for Rin’s Sake while Rin is in captivity XX___XX
Well, the conclusion I’ve ultimately come to is that Ruri’dactually be an incredibly good partner for Rin and Rin for Ruri,making them one of my very rare platonic ships that I don’t mindpeople shipping romantically as well. Still, one of my biggest petpeeves surrounding romantic Emerald/Cageshipping is people portrayingRuri as physically and emotionally weaker, but as long as that tropeis avoided, I am totally fine with this ship :)
8.5 = I REALLY like this ship but it wouldn’twork out in canon. 
Oh gooosh TT__TT Platonic ShunYuuto is an incredibly strong bondbeautiful in the way their deep mutual respect and affection ismaking up for their relationship’s deep flaws in the way they don’tfully truly understand one another. Ep 24/25 in contrast to ep 21 isa wonderful example of this. In episode 21, Yuuto misinterprets Shunattacking LDS members as him not having understood that LDS doesn’thave any ties with Academia rather than seeing an ulterior motive tohis wreaking havoc, and temporarily blinded by the few remains of hisotherwise discarded ideals, Yuuto knocks him out as Shun, too,initially mistakes Yuzu for Ruri and momentarily lowers his guard.
However, shortly after, Yuuto shares what he knows about Yuzu notbeing Ruri with him and after the implied rest of their conversation,understands that Shun’s aiming to take Reiji hostage and use him as abargaining chip in exchange for Ruri – and as a result, he becomeshis accomplice as Shun goes after the the LDS trio, though it can beargued that he cares just as much (if not more) about not gettingmore “innocent” civilians involved. Still, it is a veryrealistic pursuit of his ideals that is ultimately beneficial toShun.
In addition to that, I just love Shun’s good grasp on the exactextent Yuuto’s abilities. While he did want to rush to Yuuto’s sidein his duel with Sora in ep 35 (after all, Shun’s pessimism does runvery deeply, and he always takes the worst case scenario intoconsideration), he relents rather quickly when Reiji doesn’t want himto, as he has fought Sora himself before and knows that Yuuto isperfectly capable of defeating someone like him and handling thesituation on his own. Even when Yuuya intrudes into their battle andturns the duel into a 2 on 1 duel, Shun doesn’t lose his calm – hehas seen Yuuya duel as well and is positive of Yuuto’s victory (andlets be real here, Yuuto’s strategy and tactics are far superior toYuuya’s).
However, as soon as the camera feeds are cut and the arrival ofmultiple Academia reinforcements turns into a possibility, Shun is onedge and desperate to come to Yuuto’s aid – even more so once itbecomes clear he is dueling Yuugo, an unpredictable duelist using asummoning method the Resistance isn’t used to fighting against andsomeone Yuuto has struggled against before. I don’t necessarilybelief Shun was positive of Yuuto losing, but his worst casescenarios have become far more tangible in this moment due to thechance of Yuuto winning having been reduced to a 50/50, and my heartalways shatters thinking about how Shun basically had to chose Ruri’slife over Yuuto’s as he was leaving the observation room, as to goagainst Reiji’s words and rush to the scene of Yuuto’s battle’d meanletting go of his only means of saving Ruri TT___TT (Seriously, thisis one of the three moments Reiji is in a dire need of a punch inthe face in season one)
If I start talking about Shun’s quest for the truth surroundingYuuto’s disappearance, my rambling’ll become even twice as long, so Iwon’t be doing that now but eh, watching him search for clues sodesperately should be enough to see just how much he truly caredabout Yuuto.
Unpopular opinion here, but I would’ve preferred a friendshipbetween Yuuto and Ruri ultimately turning into Shun + Yuuto + Ruriover than the nonsense we got in later canon and I actually likeimagining Shun and Yuuto officially meet after the invasion and onlybecome best friends after Ruri’s disappearance. It’d make for someinteresting meta surrounding Yuuto’s transition from someone Shun hasto protect (because Ruri cares about him) to someone he can rely on,and scenarios about the two of them gathering information on theirenemy and operation as a team are always A+++
5 = It’s alright, I ship it a little perhaps… 
Used to be my one and only OTP whileHostage was a NOTP (the irony), but once I’ve gained a deeperunderstanding of Shun’s character, I simply couldn’t see it anymore,as a romantic relationship wouldn’t add anything their friendshipdoesn’t already have. Most importantly, however, I no longer see themas equals in strength and intellect, and as people on the samematurity level, and for someone like Shun to truly be content in aromantic relationship (or to be willing to enter one in the firstplace), his partner’d have to fulfill these criteria.
However, as much as just about allromantic Shun ships that are not Hostage gross me out on a deeplypersonal level, ShunYuuto is the sole other ship I will at least acknowledge.
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atlanxic · 8 years
Tumblr media
Fight to Survive {shun/yuuto}
fighting to survive with you by my side
(cover art by gh0st)
| 1. Hard Times - Patrick Wolf | 2. Standing in the Way of Control - Gossip | 3. Knights of Cydonia - Muse | 4. The Glorious Land - PJ Harvey | 5. Light Up the Night - The Protomen | 6. Rebellious Love - Gogol Bordello | 7. Radio Kaliningrad - Handsome Furs | 8. My Iron Lung - Radiohead | 9. Survive - Rise Against | 10. Don’t Talk Like - Sleater-Kinney | 11. Ships - Pony Up! | 12. Warrior Lord - Polica | 13. Come Home - Placebo |
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entermates · 5 years
gimme the tea on shunyuuto
send me your notp asks!
my NOTP too | I don’t ship it | it’s okay | I ship it hard | OTP
it’s not a full on notp for me i’m just not really a fan of it. could be good, it’s just not my thing >: p
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raidrebellion · 8 years
Fanfic prompt “ShunYuuto coffee shop AU” from @sailoranime =‘D
He didn’t know where friendship ended and love began, and as he wrapped his long fingers around Yuuto’s finer ones, he thought that maybe they had existed together from the very start.
One Day
All Shun had wanted was some extra spending money.
He was going to college next year, a top-rated pro dueling school with tuition fees to match. If he didn’t want to live off cup noodles for the next few years every bit of spare money had to go to his college fund. Shun accepted that, but it left him with little to buy cards or duel disk upgrades with, nor to spoil Ruri with her overly complicated coffee drink addiction. Which explained why he was tagging along with her on her after-school journey for refreshment. Apparently coffee shops were always hiring.
“Are you really sure the café industry is the best place for you?” she asked after he failed her quiz on the difference between lattes and cappuccinos for the third time.
“I’m just going to check it out,” he said. “If the pay is good and they hire high schoolers, why not?”
“Okay, but you know that customer service requires smiling, right?”
Shun scowled. “What’s that supposed to mean? I can smile.”
“Oh yeah? Let’s see one.”
He sighed and pulled his lips upward at the corners. Ruri took one look at him and burst into giggles. “Stop, stop, you look like some kind of serial killer.”
“I do not,” he sputtered.
“Maybe they can use you to scare off problem customers,” she teased. To Shun’s relief, up ahead he saw the sign for the café.
“Let’s just get this over with,” he said, and held the door for Ruri as she ducked under his arm and walked in ahead of him.
The shop was quiet at this time of day. Shun glanced around it as he entered. Not too bad of an atmosphere. The air smelled good, like coffee and baking bread. The uniforms were basic enough, black pants and solid colored button-downs, clothes that he would be able to use in the future if he quit.
Ruri caught his jacket by the sleeve. “Hey, I know him!”
“What?” Shun followed her gaze to the counter. As the customer there stepped away he saw a young man behind it, wearing a winning smile. The kind of smile Ruri must have been talking about, Shun thought dumbly, because he was pretty sure it could have sold just about anything.
“Shun? You listening?”
“Him what now?” he fumbled as Ruri raised her eyebrows.
“I know him. That’s Yuuto, he’s in my class.”
His heart sank. He couldn’t work with a schoolmate. It would take only one petty dispute over hours for Yuuto to report him to school for working. That smile certainly hadn’t looked like the sort to conceal a knife behind it, but you never knew.
“Forget it, I can’t work here,” he said. “Go get your coffee.”
“Don’t you want anything?”
“No, I’ll wait here,” he said, looking out the window…which happened to also reflect Yuuto’s image quite well. He pretended to study the menu taped by the door while watching Ruri get in line and place her order. She chatted with Yuuto for a minute, and Shun swore he thought he saw the boy’s eyes dart toward him curiously. Ruri said something and they both laughed.
“Were you talking about me?” he demanded a minute later when Ruri returned.
She breezed out the door. “You’re so paranoid.”
He followed sulkily, knowing that meant she had definitely said something about him.
 - - -
Allen, one of Yuuto’s coworkers, popped out of the back to join him at the counter as Ruri left. “Who was that?”
“Ruri Kurosaki, she’s one of my classmates.” Yuuto was watching them leave too, but his eyes were on the tall boy next to her. Second and third years were kept apart at school; he hadn’t even known she had a sibling. Side by side, he could see the family resemblance.
“She’s cute,” Allen said, nudging him. Yuuto rolled his eyes. Allen commented on every pretty girl he saw, but Yuuto had never seen him actually go up and talk to one. “Who’s the scary guy?”
“Her brother.”
Allen groaned. “The cute ones always have scary brothers! Too bad for that, Yuuto. You might have had a chance.”
Yuuto just shook his head and went to go take more orders. He had only been at the job a few months and hadn’t yet decided if his coworkers needed to know about his sexuality. They freely gossiped about their boyfriends and girlfriends (or lack thereof), but even though the world had changed, sometimes it was better to keep quiet.
Didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed to indulge a few peeks here and there, especially at tall boys with intriguingly gold eyes.
One Week
By Saturday Shun had nearly forgotten about the coffee shop visit. He was not one to dwell on things, so the fact that his whim of working at the café had been shot down didn’t weigh on him. Besides, Ruri was right. Customer service was not for him.
They were walking home from morning classes when Ruri pointed at someone walking ahead of them. “Hey, it’s Yuuto. Yuuto! Wait up!”
“Ruri, don’t bother him,” Shun hissed, but it was too late. Up ahead the underclassman had already turned around and slowed to a stop.
“Hey Ruri. Hi…?”
“This is Shun. You didn’t get to meet the other day.” Ruri gave him a nudge forward.
“Nice to meet you,” Yuuto said, with all the politeness of a superior customer service employee. His smile wasn’t like the one he had at work, smaller and softer, but it looked genuine. Mindful of Ruri’s serial killer comparison, he didn’t try to force one back.
“Are you going to work?” Ruri asked.
He nodded. “I get better hours on the weekends.”
“How do you manage to do that and still get our homework done?!”
“Sometimes I do it while I’m at work,” Yuuto admitted. “When it’s slow.”
Ruri’s eyes gleamed. “We should all study together! I bet it would go faster if we worked as a group, and we’ve even got a senior to help us out.” She elbowed Shun. Grinning at him the way she was, she missed it when a flash of discomfort crossed Yuuto’s face, but Shun saw it.
“I’m sorry,” Shun said. “You’re busier than either of us. Don’t feel like you have to say yes–”
“No, no. It…would be nice to study with someone for a change.” Yuuto smiled again. “Do you want to come by the café later? It can get busy on weekend nights, but I’ll save you a table.”
Ruri agreed enthusiastically, and Shun found himself dragged home to change and then back to the coffee shop, where Yuuto had saved them a booth near the kitchen. He apologized for the location. “This is the booth people usually don’t want, so the boss didn’t give me too hard of a time about reserving it,” he explained as he brought them their order. While Yuuto worked, Shun did his own homework, so he could help the other two when Yuuto finally took his apron off and joined them, sliding into the seat beside Ruri.
Not long after, Ruri announced she needed to go to the bathroom and left the two boys alone. Shun simmered, wondering why she couldn’t have decided to do that before Yuuto joined them. Already the silence at the table was awkward.
“Sorry,” Yuuto said suddenly.
“Huh? Why?”
“You didn’t look exactly thrilled when Ruri asked us to study together. If you want to go home, I can pretend my boss needs this table or something.”
“No, you don’t need to do that,” Shun blurted. Thinking that Yuuto had noticed his discomfort made him feel almost…ashamed. Just because he wasn’t social, he wasn’t out to hurt anyone, either. “It’s not that I hated the idea. I’m just…not as social as Ruri is. She says I’m better with duel monsters than I am with people.”
Yuuto chuckled. “One of my coworkers says the same thing about me.”
“Really? So, you’re at the School to become a duelist too?” Not only future duelists went to Heartland Duel School. Some went there intent on going into duel technology and manufacturing, others to become teachers or artists for the game.
Yuuto’s face split into a grin as he leaned his elbows on the table over his textbook. “You bet. I run Phantom Knights. What about you?”
His heart gave a childishly giddy jump. “Yeah? Those are really cool. My archetype is Raid Raptors.”
“Oh, I like them! Because there’s a lot of effects-”
“-that activate in the graveyard!” Shun finished at the same time, suddenly unable to stop grinning after an afternoon of forced levity.
“Those are my favorite combos. Your opponent thinks they wiped your field and then all of a sudden you show them all they did was set you up to summon your ace.”
“I love that moment. And then the crowd goes nuts, too.”
“That’s the most fun,” Yuuto agreed. “We should duel each other sometime. I bet you could show me some neat plays.”
This time, there wasn’t even a flicker of hesitation. “Only if you promise to show me some of yours,” Shun said, holding his fist across the table. Yuuto bumped it with his own.
The evening was more fun after that. Sure, once Ruri returned they had to stop talking about their favorite cards and return to homework, and she did most of the talking again, but now that he knew they had something in common, Shun was more interested in Yuuto’s answers to the assignment. Yuuto seemed more relaxed, too. An hour before they left, he offered to get them some drinks, and came back with cups labeled for himself and Ruri, but when Shun turned his own around he saw that instead of his name, Yuuto had drawn the Raid Raptors symbol. Ruri found it hilarious, cackling that Yuuto had found the one thing that summed her brother up better than a name.
“I like it,” Shun returned loftily, and the way Yuuto’s eyes lit up when he said it made all her teasing worth it.
One Month
For the first time in a long time, Yuuto’s life held something other than school, work and sleeping. Okay, yes all their study dates took place at work, and studying inevitably involved school – which, unfortunately, was not all dueling all the time – but they always made time to talk about other things. He had fun coming up with things to draw or write on their cups. Pictures, puns, messages, anything to make them smile when they saw it. Most of all, he loved dueling with them. Sometimes they would set up a three-way battle, other times two would team up against one and push them to see how long they could defend.
Ruri was talented and really nice, (and Allen spared no chance to tease him about the amount of time they were spending together) but it was teaming up with Shun that he enjoyed the most. Their decks seemed to work naturally together, with effects that both of them could use and play off of, and there was nothing more exciting than working out a new combo move.
It all made him realize what a hermit he’d really become over the last couple years. He’d forgotten what it was like to have friends.
The only thing to mar it was the amount of work it was starting to take to avoid the Kurosakis finding out about his parents. All he wanted was to bask in the fun they were having, while instead he had to come up with believable reasons why they should always meet at the café, and monitor every conversation for openings to dangerous questions. It was getting exhausting and one day, as they sat around a table in the park eating snacks from the vending machine between duels, he let his guard down.
They were talking about his job, what he’d thought was a perfectly safe subject. It was a really nice day, late-fall, sunny but cool enough for a jacket. He’d just finished jokingly drawing black flowers on Shun’s bottle of soda – a pun on his last name – when Ruri said: “How’d you get your parents to let you get a job anyway, Yuuto?”
“Um.” He capped the marker. “They…don’t really care if I work.”
“Really? That’s lucky.”
He knew there was no way she intended it badly, but he flinched all the same. Shun turned to look at him oddly, and he fidgeted with the marker.
“Are they going to come to Parents’ Day at school?” Ruri pursued.
“No. They’re not here.”
“That’s too bad, I really wanted to meet them. Do they travel for work?”
“Ruri…” Shun started to say. He hadn’t taken his eyes off Yuuto.
“No. They’re dead,” he said. Just as he’d known it would, an awful silence fell over the table.
Ruri spoke first. “I’m so sorry. Here I am, going on–”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know. I don’t want anyone treating me different, so…I just kind of avoided telling you.” He could hear the question they wanted to ask; what they were too polite to say, but they’d probably trade guesses about the minute he left. “My mom had cancer. My dad spent all his time taking care of her and mourning her that he didn’t take care of himself, and he had a heart attack. All our money went to medical bills, so…I got my job to pay tuition.”
“You live by yourself?” Shun asked.
“Yeah. It was that or move in with relatives, but I would have had to leave HDS. It’s not really that bad,” Yuuto said, because nobody wanted to be friends with someone who was lonely. He’d learned that when all his elementary school friends drifted away, one by one, all of them too awkward to hang out with the kid with the dying mom and devastated dad. Truthfully, he didn’t blame them. He hadn’t wanted to hang out with himself and his ghosts back then, either.
In a flash of sadness, he foresaw it all happening again. “I should get going if I’m going to close at the café tonight,” he said, before either of them could speak. Usually he said good-bye by saying ‘see you later’ or ‘I’ll meet you after school,’ but today he just got up and hurried away silently.
“Do you think I made him mad?” Ruri asked miserably a few minutes later.
Shun shook his head. “No.”
“But I pushed him about his parents. Aragh, why couldn’t I have just shut up?”
“It’s like he said, you didn’t know. I don’t think he blames you. Why don’t you head home, I’ll meet you there.”
“Where are you going?”
Shun reached across the table. “He left his marker. I’m going to drop it off.”
“You’ll tell him I’m sorry?”
Shun nodded. If that’s what he wants.
Maybe it came from being a loner most of his life. His sister had a heart as big as it was tough, and she had never struggled with loneliness or awkwardness. She had a brother who loved her and made friends as easily as breathing. So if she had hurt Yuuto’s feelings, of course she felt bad. What Shun felt, however, was understanding.
“I don’t want anyone treating me different.”
People like us are always going to be treated different.
Shun knew what it was like for stares and whispers to fall behind his back. He was aloof, driven and singular in his focus, and kids weren’t kind to people who didn’t fit in. None of it had truly touched him, though. He had a sister who loved him back, and something that unconditional created a protection nothing could breach.
What he didn’t know, and what he hurt to imagine, was what it would be like to bear it alone.
When he stepped into the coffee shop, Yuuto turned slightly pale. “Hey,” he said, a shaky timbre hiding in his voice. “Did…were we studying tonight?”
“No, you just left your marker. Thought you might need it.” Shun held it out.
“Oh. Thanks, sorry.”
“You all right?” Shun asked, before Yuuto could step away.
“I’m fine. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I’m not here to.” Yuuto shot him a confused look. “Well, Ruri wants me to, but that’s because she thinks she hurt your feelings.”
“She didn’t. I’m completely fine.”
“I know.” Shun put his hands in his pockets. “So, dueling tomorrow at one, like usual?”
He looked even more confused. One of the other employees called for someone to refill the milk steamer, but Yuuto stood rooted. “You guys still want to…?”
“Of course. You promised me next time we dueled we were going to try out that new combo we came up with. You think I’m letting you off the hook on that?”
Color flooded into Yuuto’s cheeks. He averted his stormy grey eyes toward the counter. “You know, you don’t have to be nice to me because of my parents.”
“The hell does that have to do with anything? We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Shun hated how fragile the sudden hope in Yuuto’s eyes was. It was such a raw mark of how much someone had hurt him once, and he planted himself firmly to the floor, prepared to stare Yuuto down until the younger boy believed him.
“I guess it’s just been awhile since I had a friend,” he finally said.
“Well you’ve got two who are counting on seeing you tomorrow. One o’clock?”
“For sure. Wait a second, Shun.”  Yuuto quickly turned, poured a cup of coffee and labeled it. “Here. Take this with you. As an apology for running off on you.”
Shun didn’t tell him not to apologize, he just thanked him and took it. As he walked to the door, he turned the cup to see in Yuuto’s handwriting the small phrase: thank you.
One Season
It was Ruri who brought up the idea first. “We should invite Yuuto over for Christmas.”
Shun hunched his shoulders, burying himself deeper in his coat as they walked to school the last day before holiday break. It was going to snow any day now, and everyone was hoping for a white Christmas, but frankly he’d be glad to see the temperatures hold off going any lower. “I don’t know.”
“Why not? We’ve got the guest mattress, and you know Mom and Dad wouldn’t mind a friend staying over. He can sleep in your room.”
His pulse shot up. “Why my room?”
“Because they’re not gonna let him sleep in mine, obviously. Come on Shun, it’ll be fun. Don’t you want to give him his present actually on Christmas?”
It was almost freezing out, and suddenly Shun felt extremely warm. “How do you know I got him a present?”
“You think I actually believe you were spending that much time in the store looking for something for Mom?” she teased. “Don’t worry, I got him something too. Please, let’s ask him, all right?”
“I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. You know. Because of his parents. He might think it’s charity.”
“No, he knows we wouldn’t treat him like that,” Ruri said, troubled. “He knows, right?”
Shun just shrugged. The road to hell was paved with statements just like that.
“Well, I’m going to make sure he knows,” she declared, and there was no standing in her way after that. As they fell into step toward the coffee shop after class, she brought it up. “Yuuto, can we ask you something?”
“We were wondering if you’d like to come stay over at our house for Christmas.”
He missed a step. “What? Are- are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t sure!”
“That’s…it’s really nice of you to ask, but you really don’t…”
“It’s not a feel-sorry-for-you thing,” Shun said, making Yuuto refocus his gaze on him before he could shut himself down. “I swear.”
Beside him, Ruri nodded eagerly. “Please Yuuto, say yes? It’ll be fun to give you your gifts on the holiday instead of at school.”
“You got me gifts?”
“Because we wanted to, they’re not a requirement,” Shun interjected, thinking that nobody should ever look that bright-eyed over Christmas gifts, especially not a boy who was going to be sharing his room.
“No, it’s okay, I have gifts for you, too. I…”
“Does that mean yes? You want to stay over?”
Yuuto gave her a shy, slightly flushed smile, and Shun suddenly wished he’d been the one who asked him. “I guess…if you’re sure your parents don’t mind, okay.”
“Yes!” Ruri slung her arms around both their necks, pulling them down to her. “This is going to be so much fun!”
That night they moved the guest mattress to his room, and the subject was brought up nearly every day, but somehow it didn’t feel real to Shun until Christmas Eve, when Yuuto arrived at their door. As he walked inside he looked around as if the sight of the decorated house was something rare and breathtaking.
Yuuto had always been real. From seeing him behind the coffee shop counter to doing homework together to dueling each other dozens of times in an afternoon, Shun knew he was real. Somehow, however, he had never been as real as he was that day in their house. Everything, down to the way the air moved differently with another person’s voice in it, made Shun aware of his presence. That evening he made them all hot chocolate using the coffee shop’s recipe, and turned completely red at the compliments from the whole family. His blush seemed to heat up the entire room, until Shun realized that every room Yuuto was in felt warmer.
When had that started?
Not wanting to waste the next day sleeping, they went to bed early. The house had been quiet for awhile and Shun was just getting used to hearing someone else’s breathing when Yuuto’s voice drifted through the darkness, up from the guest mattress laid out on his floor.
“It was fun today. Thanks again for inviting me.”
Shun turned on his side in his bed; he could see a little of the light from the window shining off Yuuto’s eyes. He wondered if he should say anything.
“It’s been awhile since I celebrated a real Christmas. I’m really happy.”
Something dug at Shun’s chest inside. He couldn’t stay silent to that, even if “I’m really happy too,” was all he could think of to say. He thought that whatever it was must be his nerves settling, now that he knew for sure that Yuuto was happy to be there; that he didn’t think they all just felt sorry for him. Except in the morning when he woke up and looked over the edge of his bed and saw his friend still sleeping, it came back, more powerful than before. A thudding that felt like his heart was sending more than blood through his veins.
He lost track of how long he laid there. Finally Yuuto stirred and stretched, and the way his eyelashes shaded his eyes under locks of messy hair told Shun something he didn’t want to believe. Something he’d been trying not to believe ever since Ruri had mentioned them sharing a room. Ever since he’d wanted Yuuto to understand that he wasn’t going anywhere, no matter what anyone else thought. Ever since he’d seen that first big smile in the coffee shop when they talked about their favorite cards and giddiness had filled him up inside.
Yuuto blinked at him sleepily. “Morning.”
“Merry Christmas Shun.” The way he added his name on the end did nothing to help.
“Merry Christmas Yuuto,” he said quietly. Yuuto’s eyes widened a little as he looked up at him, and for a second Shun was seized with dread that Yuuto saw what he hadn’t identified yet. The second passed when Yuuto pointed to the window and said simply,
“Look. Snow.”
Before he could reply, the door crashed open and Ruri bounded in in her pajamas. “It’s snowing! Did you see? A white Christmas, how cool is that?”
“Feels more like cold to me,” Shun said, and Yuuto laughed.
Before long their mom arrived with hot apple cider to rouse them. They had told their parents about Yuuto before he came over, and the family had agreed to do their gift exchanging the next day, so that he wouldn’t have to feel awkward. Today would instead be all about eating and snowball fights and working on the annual Christmas jigsaw puzzle. After lunch, the teens slipped away to Shun’s room to exchange their own gifts.
Ruri went first, giving Yuuto duel monsters cards and homemade chocolates. Yuuto gave her a hairclip in the shape of bird wings, which she immediately used to pin up her ponytail and bask in compliments from them both. As Shun held out his gift to Yuuto he wished he’d gone with something as nice and friendly as cards and candy. There was something about those that felt like they couldn’t go wrong. But there was no going back now, and he dug his nails nervously into his palms as Yuuto tore off the paper and opened the box to lift out a necklace with a padlock charm.
He could almost feel Ruri’s thoughts as she watched him watch Yuuto. Jewelry, Shun? Really?
“Do you like it?” Shun asked, ignoring her mental judgment.
“Yeah!” Yuuto said. “I like necklaces. I’ve never seen a padlock as a charm before.”
“I thought it was kind of cool,” Shun said. Ruri hid a giggle.
Yuuto put the necklace on, and then held out a bulky package to Shun. It turned out to be a dark red knitted scarf. Shun ran his hand over the tiny stitches. “Thanks Yuuto.”
“I have to admit, I was afraid I wouldn’t finish it in time,” Yuuto said, playing with the lock on his necklace.
“Wha…you…you made this?” The siblings both stared at him and Yuuto began to turn as red as the yarn.
“Yeah. Is…is that weird?”
“No! It’s just, I didn’t know you knew how to make stuff like this.”
“After Mom got sick she spent a lot of time in bed, so she started knitting, and she taught me. It’s not cool for a boy to do I guess, but it’s actually kind of fun.”
“Don’t say that, it’s really cool,” Shun said, and the smile Yuuto gave him could have chased away any cold.
They spent the rest of the afternoon playing cards, until about an hour before dinner, when Yuuto suddenly disappeared into the kitchen. Following, Shun heard him ask: “is it okay if I go out for a little bit, Mrs. Kurosaki?”
“In this weather?” he heard his mother say uncertainly.
“I’m not going far. I’ll just be a little while, back in plenty of time for dinner.”
“I guess so, but you shouldn’t go out by yourself. Take Shun with you.” As if she somehow knew he was lurking on the other side of the wall she called, “Shun, go with Yuuto, it’s not smart to go out alone in the snow.”
He stepped around the corner in time to see Yuuto shoot an awkward look at him. It made him feel guilty, like he was barging in on something Yuuto had obviously planned on his own, and they’d barely made it a block before he said, “I’m sorry Yuuto, she’s really over-protective.”
“It’s okay.” Yuuto had his hands in his pockets, looking straight ahead. “She’s a mom.”
Shun swallowed under the new scarf around his neck. “So…where are you going?”
“Promise me you won’t say it’s morbid.”
He frowned. “I promise.”
“I’m going to visit my parents.” He pointed ahead, at a cross street. There was nothing down that street except…
The cemetery.
“I’m really sorry my mom made me come with you,” he found himself saying. “If you wanted to do this alone…I can just wait here, or…”
“Do you not want to come in?”
“No, it’s not that.” He responded before he could even think about it. “If you wanted privacy, though…”
“I don’t mind. Not if it’s you.”
With those words, Shun followed him silently inside, to a memorial stone. Both their names were on it, above the bundle of flowers the cemetery workers had placed on all the graves for the holiday.
Yuuto pulled off his right glove and reached out to brush his fingers over the engraving on the stone. It had to be freezing, but he didn’t show it. “Hi Mom, hi Dad. This is my friend Shun.”
He straightened up, both honored and nervous. What would Yuuto’s parents have thought of him in life, he wondered, and realized he was sad to think he’d never know. If they were anything like Yuuto, he’d probably have liked them.
“I’m okay. I miss you, but I’m okay.”
Then he was silent for a long time. Long enough for flakes of snow to start to speckle the sleeve of his windbreaker.
“Merry Christmas,” Yuuto whispered. His hand dropped. He didn’t put his glove back on, just stood there.
Shun didn’t think about what he did next. He didn’t need to think, not about something that came as primal and natural as the snow and the sun. He pulled off his own glove and stepped beside Yuuto, taking his cold hand, cupping it inside his own where he could keep it safe.
He didn’t know where friendship ended and love began, and as he wrapped his long fingers around Yuuto’s finer ones, he thought that maybe they had existed together from the very start.
One Second
“You’re telling me that not only did you spend the night at her house, but she made you chocolates, and you still didn’t ask her out?!”
“Gee Allen, I can’t tell at all what your opinion on this might be,” Yuuto said, focusing on the measurement of chocolate syrup he was adding to a customer’s drink. His hand shook slightly and he cursed it. His coworker draped himself over the counter.
“Yuuto, you were practically handed a situation any guy I know would die for.”
“I’ve always liked being different,” Yuuto said through forced lightheartedness, handing the drink over and sending the customer on their way.
“I don’t understand. Are you telling me you’re not interested in her?”
“I’m pretty sure I’ve been telling you that since the day she came in here.” The lightheartedness had turned into speaking through his teeth.
Allen’s voice continued to interrogate him, sending his blood pressure up.
“But she’s so pretty. I don’t know why you’re not interested. She made you chocolates. Even her scary brother approves of you. Why won’t you just ask her out? Why won’t you–”
“Because I’m gay, all right?” Yuuto finally hissed. His coworker stared dumbly at him. Enough time passed for regret to take root, and Yuuto leaned against the counter with a groan. He’d done it now. He was probably going to end up being shunned by half the staff once word got around.
“Oh. Then why don’t you ask out her brother?” Allen asked.
It was Yuuto’s turn to stare. The chain around his neck felt warm and heavy. His fingers on his right hand twitched, as if reacting to an unseen touch.
“I can’t,” he finally said, before having to hide from the sympathy in Allen’s eyes.
He didn’t see the Kurosakis that afternoon; the next day was New Years Eve, and they were all going to go to the shrine. But Allen’s question and his answer followed him around the rest of the day.
I can’t.
Alone in his house as night fell, Yuuto stared up at the ceiling while his hand rested over the charm on his chest. He hadn’t taken off his necklace since Shun had given it to him.
Shun. His friend, who seemed to understand him even if he didn’t say a word. With beautiful eyes and kind hands. Looking back, he wondered if there had ever been a point when falling for him wasn’t inevitable.
He could still feel Shun’s hand around his. He hadn’t thought about what it meant at that moment, standing at a grave. Shun had probably just wanted to comfort him, or keep him from getting frostbite. There were plenty of guys out there who wouldn’t even do that, though. They would never hold another boy’s hand, not for anything. Which meant, if nothing else, Shun probably wouldn’t call him sick and perverted if he knew the truth.
He had something even worse to fear. Former little gestures of affection that turned cold and sterile and never lasted as long. Invitations to go out and do things that were worded carefully, differently. All the breaking down and rotted places that came from the slow distancing of a friend who didn’t want to ‘give the wrong idea.’
I can’t tell him.
Shun hating him would hurt. Shun being afraid to hold his hand again because he didn’t want Yuuto thinking he loved him too much was what would kill him inside.
He buried his face in his pillow, clenching the little padlock in his fist over his heart. He knew how fast the world could fall apart. He just wanted to enjoy it now.
- - -
“Happy New Year Yuuto!” Ruri grabbed him in a hug, making him stagger to not spill the cups he was holding.
“Happy New Year,” he replied with a grin, handing her a latte with those very words written on the cup.
“Come on, we’d better get in line or we’ll be here until next year,” Shun grumbled. He was wearing the scarf he’d given him.
They joined the queue of people waiting to make their offerings, chatting about new years’ plans and hopes. After ringing the bell, they found a bench outside the shrine that hadn’t been claimed yet to rest on and wait for the fireworks.
“This has been a really good year,” Ruri said, hugging them both to her. Shun agreed, and Yuuto nodded. It really had been. True, the last year had been the worst of his life so this one hadn’t had to do much to beat it, but it had more than just topped it. It had been possibly the best year of his life, all because of the two people sitting beside him.
A group of girls waved to them and hurried over. Yuuto only recognized one of them, Sayaka, from a branch of Heartland Duel School to the south. She’d been at one of the inter-high dueling tournaments.
“We’re going to the girls’ only shrine before the fireworks,” Sayaka said as a couple of the others giggled. “Want to come?”
“Sure! Wait here guys, I’ll be back,” Ruri said, jumping up to follow them.
Shun leaned back against the bench and sighed. “A girls’ only shrine. Dad will have a fit if he finds out.”
“It’s not like she couldn’t pray for a boyfriend at this shrine,” Yuuto pointed out.
“Please don’t tell my parents that,” Shun said, and they both laughed.
The bells in the shrine chimed over and over as more offerings were left. Around them people milled in groups, chatting excitedly, calling out the time as midnight and the new year approached.
“I guess next year will be pretty exciting, huh?” Yuuto asked. “Ruri and I will be seniors…you’re going off to a Pro college…are you looking forward to it?”
“It’s always been my dream. It’s going to be different.”
“You mean like the coursework, and living in a dorm?”
“Yeah, and not seeing you…you know, you guys every day.”
Yuuto’s smile faltered. “Oh. I…I’m going to miss seeing you, too. But you’ll get us family seats to all your tournaments, right? Then next year Ruri and I will join you.”
His friend had grown quiet beside him. That wasn’t so unusual, but it was what Yuuto saw in his eyes that made him speak up in concern.
“Shun? Are you all right?”
Shun set his cup aside and put his gloved hand over top of Yuuto’s on the bench. “Yuuto…there’s something…”
Yuuto looked at him. Their breaths mingled in little white puffs between them. A voice in his head began to furiously whisper: this isn’t what I think it is. This isn’t what I think it is-
“I don’t want to mess anything up. I just…I can’t pretend to be friends and act like I don’t know what’s really there, and I can’t just go off and wait a year and a half without saying something.”
Yuuto’s heart was in his throat. No, don’t…
“Nothing has to change,” Shun said, desperation in his deep voice. “I just want the truth out.”
But everything can only change.
Somehow, Shun had realized his secret. The world was ending, and Yuuto wasn’t ready. He shook his head, trying to clear the stinging in his eyes, but it just made everything blurry. Shun was saying something, but he couldn’t hear it through the blood in his ears. There was only one thing he could think. If this was it, then he wanted to be the one to pull the trigger.
He leaned up and kissed him.
This time the world wouldn’t take from him. This time he’d end it all himself, right here, right this second, with the parting of lips that tasted faintly of coffee.
Then, suddenly, Shun was kissing him back. Clumsily, ardently. His hand wasn’t just over Yuuto’s anymore, it was clinging to it.
Yuuto had never known the world could also be reborn just as quickly. That it could become so new and warm and terrifying in its potential as it was right then.
“What…what does this mean?” he whispered as they pulled apart.
“I’m not really sure.” But Shun was still holding his hand, and he was still close enough to feel his warm breath against his lips, and it took every ounce of control Yuuto had not to immediately close the gap and fall back into him again.
Yuuto took a shaky breath. He’d might as well be able to tell Allen something the next time he saw him. “I…don’t suppose…maybe you’d like to go out sometime?”
“I think I’d like that a lot.”
Behind the shrine, fireworks began to go off as people began counting down. The colors reflected off Shun’s eyes, a sparkling array that spoke of newness and anticipation for a future just being discovered.
Yuuto rested his hand against the soft scarf at Shun’s neck, and leaned in to kiss him again.
One Year
“Are they here yet?”
“Shut up Allen, you’re going to ruin it!”
“My legs are cramping.”
A cell phone dinged. “That’s Ruri’s signal,” Yuuto murmured. “Any minute now.”
“Why can’t I be the one who greets them?”
“Be quiet!”
The bell over the door jangled. Yuuto’s whole body was positively trembling as Ruri and Shun walked in. He met Shun’s eyes, and only the fact that he’d have tripped over two of his coworkers kept him from bolting from behind the counter into his arms.
“Yuuto? Where is everybody?” Shun asked. At that moment the entire staff of the coffee shop and several of their classmates burst out of their hiding places, a cacophony of party poppers deafening the room and sending confetti showering over Shun’s head.
“There’s our champ! Surprise!”
Shun started. “What the–”
“It’s a surprise party, for your first pro tournament win,” Ruri said, nudging him. “Yuuto and I set it up.”
Shun looked up at him again. “You guys…”
This time, Yuuto couldn’t hold back. He dodged the end of the counter, just as Shun suddenly strode forward and caught him in a tight embrace.
“I had to do something while I was missing you,” Yuuto murmured into his chest. He pulled back and happily let Shun slide his hand under his chin to lift his head into a kiss. Someone set off another party popper over their heads as his coworkers clapped and hooted.
Kitchen workers brought out plates of food and drinks, the cups of which were all decorated with messages of congratulations. The whole team had gotten together the night before to draw on them.
Shun half-grinned as he turned a cup between his fingers to read it. “How’d you get everyone to agree to this? As I recall your boss didn’t really like us taking up a booth.”
“Ever since my boss realized he could bring in the fan trade by advertising that you used to study here, he’s become a big fan. Our old booth is now the most popular one.”
“Who would have thought? Wait until you guys join me at college, he might have to expand the building.”
A rather feline smile stretched across Ruri’s face. “Speaking of our graduation…are you going to tell him now, Shun?”
“Tell me what?” Yuuto asked.
“You’re not the only person Ruri can help plan a surprise with,” Shun replied, reaching into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a folded envelope and held it out as Ruri leaned forward excitedly.
Yuuto peeled the envelope open and pulled out a packet of paper with Heartland’s Pro College logo at the top. It was addressed to Shun. Mr. Kurosaki, your request into our Tag Dueling Circuit has been accepted. Please ensure you and your partner have submitted your applications before the first of the new semester. A list of requirements for all teams is attached…
He flipped the page and found two applications, one that Shun had already filled out. The other was blank. A surge of excitement that he didn’t fully understand the source of yet went through his body. “Shun, what is this?”
“The Pro College is starting up a tag dueling circuit next semester. It’s experimental, but if people like it, they want to start up national and international tournaments. I thought, since you were starting then, you might…like to be my partner?”
Yuuto stared at him. Ever since he’d received his acceptance letter from the Pro College, he’d been excited. Finally he’d get to see Shun more often than over video chat and monthly visits. The mere thought that they’d get to have lunch together again was enough to give him butterflies. But this? Getting to not only join Shun at school, but to team up with him in duels in front of crowds and fight together?
“Are you kidding?” he squeaked, embarrassed at how high his voice went in its excitement. “I definitely would like to!”
The coffee shop – which had been eavesdropping from the minute he unfolded the letter – erupted in cheers.
One Lifetime
The three of them paused outside the coffee shop to admire the new decal on the window. Proud Sponsor of Team Phantom Falcon.
“Supposedly they even installed televisions, and host parties on the nights of our tournaments,” Yuuto said, reaching for the door.
“This place is becoming so popular, do you think we’ll be able to get a seat?” Shun asked.
“We’d better, with how much publicity we’ve done for them!” Ruri said.
“I’m pretty sure they can find room for us.” He opened the door.
They had deliberately not told anyone they were coming, anticipating being able to be the surprise this time. The customers in the café obviously hadn’t expected them, the way excited whispers followed them. One of Yuuto’s old coworkers threw his arm around him.
“Hey guys!” he said heartily. “We didn’t expect you! Come sit down, get comfy! You still like your usual? I’ll get it for you!” Shun found himself being positively ushered to a booth, seated across from Ruri and beside Yuuto.
“Do you get the feeling that they expected us after all?” he asked quietly.
“They probably knew we were on break,” Ruri figured. “Maybe they thought we would try to surprise them.”
Yuuto offered no suggestions. He’d been oddly quiet ever since that morning, when he’d suggested they stop in for a cup of coffee before going to visit the Kurosakis, after being away from Heartland on the International tag dueling circuit for almost two years.
Allen waved from behind the counter. “Your drinks!”
“I’ll get them. It’ll be like old times’ sake.” Yuuto got up before Shun could even offer. A moment later he returned and slid Shun’s and Ruri’s in front of them, setting his own at his place at the table, but remaining where he was.
“Aren’t you going to sit down?” Shun asked, bemused.
“In a minute.”
Shun narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. “Okay…” Across the table, Ruri gasped, and he tore his eyes away to look at his sister instead. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” she said quickly, beaming at Yuuto and then at Shun.
Thoroughly confused and feeling like there was some kind of loop that he was being left out of, Shun reached for his coffee. There was something written on the cup, and what caught his attention was the fact that it was definitely Yuuto’s handwriting, but he’d watched Yuuto go collect their drinks and hadn’t seen him write anything.
Across the table, Ruri had her hands over her mouth.
Frowning, he turned the cup, and the words came into view.
Will you marry me?
The whole world slowed down as Shun braced his hand on the table and turned back to Yuuto, jaw going loose. He moved in time to see Yuuto dropping to one knee and oh god…oh god this was actually happening–
Yuuto’s hands were shaking as he held out a box. “This is where I first saw you. It’s weird…to think how things might have turned out if I never had. Last time we were here, you asked if I wanted to be your partner. I do. I want to always be your partner, on the field and off. So it’s my turn…I want to ask you to be my partner now. Forever?”
Ruri was squeaking, “Oh my god, oh my god!”
The whole coffee shop seemed to have come to a stop. No…he wasn’t imagining that, everyone had stopped. The ring was a braid of gold and silver, and Yuuto’s eyes were shining the same dark grey as the latter. There were probably people who thought it was a cold color, but not Shun. He’d never seen anything warmer.
“Yes,” he blurted, as Yuuto’s face lit up brighter than any stadium. “Yes!”
Allen whooped and punched the air, and it was like the signal of permission as everyone began clapping. Ruri let out a shriek before clapping her hands over her mouth again. Yuuto had to hold Shun’s hand with his own to slide the ring on, they were both trembling. The moment it was on, Shun reached out to hug him, just as Yuuto was doing the same, and they pulled each other together in a tangle on the bench.
“I love you, Yuuto,” Shun whispered, running his hand with the ring through Yuuto’s hair to push his bangs aside.
Yuuto clutched the back of his jacket in his fists, as if daring anyone to try to pull him away. “I love you too, Shun.”
“Kiss already!” Yuuto’s coworker yelled. “Or do we gotta write that on a cup for you too!”
Yuuto laughed, his nose brushing Shun’s. “I could, if you want?”
“Nah.” Shun turned his head and kissed him deeply. The truth was, there were no words that could be written to express what he wanted to say now. But by the way that Yuuto kissed him back, he knew he understood.
I’ve owed @sailoranime this fanfic for way too long, so I tried to make up for it by at least making it kind of long and not just a quick jotted off flashfic. It’s so fluffy omg I want to cover my face too, Ruri.
It‘s an AU so to make the timeline work I aged Yuuto and Ruri up a grade xD;
Ironically, it was the death of my father, which actually lessened the amount of stress in my life (he was sick, we had a bad relationship, angsty backstory blah blah blah) that knocked me out of being able to write for a long time. Idk why. It’s been a good summer/fall on the whole for me. But I couldn’t bring myself to write. Then after the election, which was nothing but 100% stress, at 3 in the morning my brain decided I needed to write trashbagshipping fluff. I guess it figured we could all use some fluff.
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judaikunsartnstuff · 8 years
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very quick, very crappy doodle (i can do better than this, i swear)
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aero-erin · 9 years
Hey, you wanna get stabbed in the heart? Try listening to this and thinking of it as a Trashbag AU.
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the-dark-rebels · 8 years
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Nighttime Moments
Art: YGOまとめ9 by ドラン (Doran) Posted with permission. Please support the artist and bookmark and view the original work.
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the-evolving-falcon · 6 years
♡ ⚔☰ ☘
[ ♡ - OTP for your muse? Forever Hostageshipping
⚔ - NOTP with your muse? I hate next to all Shun ships other than Hostage, ShunYuuto, and a ‘secret’ third ship I can be down with if a very strict set of conditions are being met because up-until-ep-45!Shun simply isn’t a shippable character. That being said, Sparrow, Prey, Stalwart, and Shun x any of the legacy characters are the ships currently fighting for the position of being my NOTP involving Shun lol
That being said, platonic ships are a completely different story- as there are quite a few of them that I adore beyond words
☰ - Fun random fact about the mun! The entire time I was studying English at school, I was determined to aim for a ‘dignified British English’ whereas most of my classmates went for the American English pronunciation and spelling.
Fast forward to 2015, however, I observed that most RPers on here write in American English, so I decided to adapt to this on this blog alone. But as you can see on my personal, things turned out very differently, meaning it is literally my beloved asshole soldier’s fault that my ‘former dignified British English’ almost completely morphed into its American counterpart lol
Thanks Shun; still love you, though.
☘ - Wildcard! Ask the mun anything you’re interested in finding out. Can’t answer that one as you didn’t ask me a question ^^’]
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sixvisxpacem · 7 years
Really need go get this off my chest because uuuuuuuurgh.
Yuusaku/Kusanagi bores me to death
Yuusaku/Revolver bores me to death
Revolver/Spectre bores me to death
...and yet, almost everyone who used to ship Hostage on twitter appeares to have ‘moved on’ to these very sleep-inducing ships void of any kind of interesting meta - and urgh, especially Kusanagi and Revolver have been boring me from day one, so how can any kind of ship involving one of these two not be boring as fuck too?
Also, people just keep drawing ‘parallels’ between YuutoShun and Yuusaku/Kusanagi - with of course Shun being completely forced into the cringey weak softened cinnamon roll uke stereotype that I detest the most out of all bad uke stereotypes applied to him by the Eastern fandom. (Western fans is a slightly different story, but spoiler: they are just as bad in general and a LOT worse when it comes to hypocritical anti-survivor ‘ideals’ being forced on him)
Like, first of all, I can tolerate romantic ShunYuuto to some extent and it’s a solid ship, though I can’t see it influence Shun in a way that actually does his conflicts justice and leads to interesting developments - and yes, Shun very often being depicted as the mentally fragile and immature and less intelligent one in the context of this ship has been really rubbing me the wrong way- even if I do have to admit that I used to be the same before I began to truly understand him. And yes, I will always love Yuuto and his bond with Shun, even if I think there’s a far better romantic ship for both of them.
Second, yes, the Yuuto-Yuusaku parallels are solid, if not overdone. Yuuto - at least as his well-written self- will always be the more complex character, though, as he’s neither ‘limited’ by any kind of ‘protag status’ (and therefore has a far more complex and interesting morality) nor ‘tainted’ by the predictable writing of not-so-great writers like Yoshida( again, talking about his up-until-ep 36 self ONLY here). But yes, all in all, the comparisons are justified at least to some extent.
Shun and Kusanagi, though? Can we please fucking not? It’s.... such an insult to Shun and it couldn’t be more inaccurate either because what kind of interesting take morality does Kusanagi represent? What kind of reasoning behind his anger that is actually more complex than 1 + 1? What kind of actual intellect does he posses other than fitting the hacker stereotype and muttering “YuusakuYuusakuYuusaku” over and over and over again?
Can Shun please get more credit and respect for his brilliance again?
And can Shun and Reiji finally have their right to their dignity as intelligent mature survivors of gray morality recognized - as well as their immense skills at thinking independently and making touch calls that don’t boil down to uwuIamapoorpuremisledHURTINGcinnamonrollCHILDwhoonlyneedsSAVINGuwu?
Siiiiiiiigh, can Hostage in general please be a thing again? Because there is no better way to respect both characters, let them heal in a realistic and respectful way (and without cringey and disrespectful ‘savior fantasies forced on them’), explore their immense (but ultimately wasted) potential, and let them fight their own battles as people rather than plot devices and braindead protag accessoires. Just... let these two wonderful and complex and brilliant charactes be mindmates; they both deserve it so much TT___TT
Also, if we are going to ship Yuusaku, can we please give him a partner actually interesting and worthy of him too? *cough* Aoi *cough* There’s so much potential in this ship for both characters, just... afhkjasfhkgalasfkgalfaslkl It’s a VERY good ship!!
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fimyuan · 9 years
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A shunyuuto commission for @pseudosuicide! Thank you for enabling me to draw them again hehe~
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shi-kries · 9 years
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Day 7:Sayounara
*laughs awkwardly
......OHMAGAWD WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!! i aM SO sorry for making this.i just...my kokoro hurts guys (´;д;`).....*COUGHS* anyways,this is for the last day of the shunyuuto week hosted by @judaikun97,thank you for making the prompts,it was really fun despite me not actually posting on the right days gomen (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
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judaikunsartnstuff · 9 years
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Day 4: Mistletoe Iknow I said that none of my entries would be colored, but I had to color this one.
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the-dark-rebels · 8 years
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Art: 【R-18】ARC-Vログ8 by sd
Posted with permission Please support the artist and bookmark and view the original work.
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the-evolving-falcon · 7 years
💩, 💙, 💦, 💢
[Late reply is late - sorry, I kinda got carried away in my ramblings m__m Aaanyways, here I go~
💩Ship that you find disgusting: 
Pendulumshipping. There’s nothing more disgusting than butcheringa complex intelligent morally gray character for the sake of OMGGGG,stoic character x emotional little sunshine aesthetics – especiallysince Konami forcing Reiji to acknowledge and care about Yuuya is theroot of his writing gradually becoming shittier and shittier untilhe’s effectively been turned into a braindead egao zombie, with evenhis personal struggle being reduced to FAMILY FEELS and FORGIVENESS –all to make his “development” match Yuuya’s childish ideals.
(And I predicted it from the moment Tsukikage delivered Reira’sletter)Yuuya has exactly nothing to offer to Reiji –neither as a friend nor in a relationship- other than migrainessince… as we’ve seen (or haven’t seen cause shipping goggles reallycan make a person delusional and braindead), the Reiji still true tohis values and his own identity considered Yuuya an incredibly naïvehypocrite who is veeeeeery mentally weak on top of it- but yes,suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Of course, Reiji Akaba, someone having resolved toalways face reality and constantly analyze and better himself- andwho has absolutely no regard for anything that is not genuine –actually dreams of losing enough braincells to be the same as thevery embodiment of everything he has evolved past and/or rejectsdeeply.
And the shippers… gooooooosh. I’ve yet to meet a Pendulumshippernot glorifying the commonly accepted humiliation surrounding the act of fixing acharacter- or person- whose needs and values don’t match their own.And as someone who’s been dealing with the exact same bullshitReiji’s so-called “fans” and Pendulumshippers have been forcingupon him for more than half of her life and grown severely ill fromit (spoiler: it took me more than 4 years to even get propertreatment)- I have a very deep and personal hatred for this ship andits shippers.
💙Ship that you used to have as an OTP: 
ShunYuuto. Gosh, did I adore that ship- but now, after getting fartoo deep into Shun meta, I just can’t see it anymore – at least notromantically. While it would work perfectly from Yuuto’s end, Yuutowouldn’t be able to provide Shun with what he’d look for in apartner, and unfortunately, the two precious Xyz children aren’tequals either – which is a must for any romantic Shun ship intendedto work till, well, one of them dies.
It does hold some appeal as a temporary ship, though, with bothcharacters deciding to go back to being friends after some time.
💦Ship that is taboo:  
Romantic! Shun x any of the braceletgirls- period.
💢Ship that is most misunderstood:
Hostageshipping. There are two most common interpretations – andthey are both godawful and almost equally cringeworthy.
The first: Reiji the Abusive Manipulative Super Dom x Shun TheAggressive Beast Needing To Be Tamed…. like, wooooooooooow. Yes, itis a fact that like 80% of their canon scenes are incredibly negativeand Reiji needs to be punched for, like, every second thing he saysor does to Shun- however, every single detail of that can basicallybe explained with Shun basically being the personification of almostevery aspect of Reiji’s plans gone wrong – and to acknowledge Shunas a strong intelligent person and his equal is the same as admittingto himself that his intellect and determination don’t make himinvulnerable and that he wouldn’t have fared any better, had theirpositions been reversed- something he had to convince himself of toenable himself to take up arms against his father at such a youngage. To overcome such weakness and grow as a person by takingresponsibility for his unjustified behavior towards Shun (and Yuuto)as a result would be the ideal character development for someone likeReiji because gosh, the way he was dumbed down beyond recognition andmade to give up everything there was to him for the sake of EGAO isjust insulting XX___XXOther than that, let’s be real here:Neither would someone like Reiji see any appeal in someonesusceptible to manipulation nor would Shun actually fall for suchdeceptions (I was just bringing up his eye motif earlier today lol),so don’t insult the precious ones – please and thank you.
The second: OMG, they are both so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAWKwaaaaaaaaaaaaardand can’t even kiss or talk to one another without messing up andmaking those witnessing it (aka the reader) die of second-handembarrassment. But let’s pretend Reiji didn’t play a considerablerole in Yuuto’s death and did everything to keep Shun from learningthe truth for the sake of convenience, shall we? Plus, they are bothpoor pure misled cinnamon rolls, and they have made sooooooooooooooomany mistakes they regret deeply, and gooooooosh, what even isa morally gray character?
I will repeat it as many times as I have to, but:  The greatestinsult you can deal to an intelligent morally gray character is toinfantilize them.
But what is a proper interpretation of Hostage, then? Keeping thisshort, as I’ve actually been working on a rather lengthy post about themeta surrounding this ship, but these are some basic rules of thumb:
If they aren’t equals, you are doing something wrong.
If their relationship isn’t based on a strong intellectual foundation, onthem being drawn to and fascinated by the other’s mind, and theirnearly identical values and morality, you are doing something wrong(physical and emotional attraction occurs after that).
“And when Heartland was being rebuilt, they-” wrong.You can’t built a relationship on one of the main factors responsiblefor Shun having been reduced to a braindead plot device. Give them aconflict they can overcome together, and have them both grow from itand the other’s influence.
Give them brilliant strategist and keen real-time tacticianthemed interactions. Doing that allows you to highlight the way theycomplement one another, and it also makes for really nice aestheticson top of it.
As for the awkwardness part, Shun is a no-nonsense person, meaninghe’d do something about that very quickly. Other than that, they areboth way too busy fighting in and preparing for a dimensional war, soit really doesn’t make sense for either to give too many fucks aboutthe way they appear around their crush, and the “crushing on theother without taking action stage” is incredibly short forthese two. Of course, there is still the matter of them actuallyhaving to realize that they got it bad XD
Thank you for asking ]
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yusaku-nyan · 9 years
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