pitchans · 7 days
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You can watch Tah-Dah! reuploads on YouTube, and Earthventure on the official Matoki facebook!
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pitchans · 7 days
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Legend says he's still spinning
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pitchans · 7 days
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Moon Jong Up — ‘X.O.X’ Comeback Surprise Message 💌 (with B.A.P)
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pitchans · 8 months
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pitchans · 11 months
remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave
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pitchans · 11 months
Lord of the Rings was published in the fifties, and largely written in the forties. Tolkien’s opinions on society and morality and technology are at some points genuinely more conservative than what I’m comfortable with. And yet, the more I think about it, the more sure I am that Tolkien actually deconstructs most of the clichéd fantasy tropes he supposedly originates. Some examples.
The long-lost heir is not the hero, he’s a side character who deliberately uses himself as a decoy.
The real hero actually fails in his quest, his goodness and determination and willpower utterly fail in the face of evil, and the world is saved by a series seemingly unrelated good deeds.
The central conflict is not between destroying the world and preserving it. An age of the world will come to an end, and many great and beautiful things will perish, whether the heroes win or lose. The past may have been glorious, but preserving it is impossible, and returning to it is impossible, time has passed and the world has moved on. The king returns, but the elves are gone and magic fades from the very substance of Middle Earth. The goal is not to preserve the status quo, the goal is the chance to rebuild something on the ruins.
Killing the main villain seems to instantly solve the problem, eradicate all enemies and fix the world, except it doesn’t, not wholly, since the scouring of the Shire still has to happen.
Also, the hero gets no real reward, and what he gets, he cannot really enjoy. He is hurt by his ordeal, and never fully recovers.
There is a team of heroes, a classic adventuring party, except the Fellowship is together for less one sixth of the series. The Fellowship is intact from the Council of Elrond to Gandalf’s death, four chapters. The remaining eight are together until Boromir’s death, an additional six chapters. This is nothing compared to LOTR’s length of sixty-one chapters, if I count correctly.
Tolkien is not classic high fantasy. If you actually think about it, there is very little magic. The hobbits’ stealth is not magical, most elven wonders are not unambigously magical, wizards are extremely rare, and even Gandalf hardly uses magic if you compare him to the average DnD wizard. Most magic is indistinguishable from craft, there is no clear difference between a magic armor and a very good armor, between magic bread and very good bread, between magical healing and competent first-aid plus a few kind words.
TLDR: Stop praising recent fantasy for deconstructing Tolkien if they’re “deconstructing” something Tolkien has never actually constructed.
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pitchans · 1 year
First off, WELCOME ! twitter refugees
Secondly, if you bring all the bullshit toxicity and competitiveness that you're known for, I will personally burn your houses down 🙂
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pitchans · 1 year
The way Our skyy x Never let me go made me THIRSTY for Love upon a time ??? I need them to drop that trailer on my neck. Prepare to be sick of me if the traditional clothes and martial arts are well done. We already know Netjames be acting ACting. Bring my Thai Aladdin back to me.
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pitchans · 1 year
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We bring you breaking news. The president of the U.S.A. has announced that in ten days, a massive meteorite will collide with Earth [...] The probability of mankind's survival is zero.
Seto Toshiki as NISHINA MASUMI 僕らのミクロな終末 (2023), dir. Miki Koichiro
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pitchans · 1 year
say what you will about ritsu but in every single scene where he and masumi are hooking up, even back in their college days, he has this unmitigated, captivated FOCUS on masumi and his pleasure and I am frankly. obsessed with it.
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he's always watching his face, desperately making sure masumi is feeling good, asking, doing more even when masumi says it already feels good.
i dunno man, something about the absolute laserpoint FOCUS ritsu has on masumi in those moments just makes me melt into a puddle on the floor.
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pitchans · 1 year
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Yuuma and Meguru... are both people I would've never met if I hadn't come along with you. After all, I never expanded my social circle after graduating.
僕らのミクロな終末 THE END OF THE WORLD WITH YOU ↬ episode seven
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pitchans · 1 year
As an OG Kpop fan, I can say that anyone who was a fan of B.A.P during the height of their popularity can definitely see the similarities between them and BTS.
That doesn't take away from the talent that is BTS. Cause the members definitely did start at the bottom and have succeeded beyond exceptactions. I just always wonder how far B.A.P could have gotten if they had a proper company behind them. Unfortunately they got stuck with the worst Kpop company in history. A company that didn't care about their health and didn't care about their growth.
I still hope they can reunite and do something together (minus Himchan).
Just wanna add that any negative, hateful reply to this post, will lead to you being blocked. I have no time for the bullshit kpop wars that some fans wanna engage in. B.A.P is a legend and if you wanna disrespect them, do it on your own post, not on mines.
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pitchans · 1 year
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pitchans · 1 year
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Ikuta Toma and his appreciation for curry
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pitchans · 1 year
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pitchans · 1 year
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TAEMIN 💞 Instagram Live | 230512
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pitchans · 1 year
it’s time to yell at Discord before they help destroy the planet
Discord’s CEO is on twitter hinting about their apparent future involvement with NFTs/crypto.
In case you aren’t already aware, cryptocurrency is digital currency that sucks because it consumes an absurd amount of energy and computer parts, and NFTs are a way of creating false scarcity for digital items, which are bought and sold with crypto currency, and also suck. Here is an article about why that shit sucks. The article has additional information. Here is a twitter account that also documents NFT thefts & scams (NFTs are often stolen art sold without permission).
1. CANCEL NITRO. Don’t wait around for them to reverse course or apologize. Cancel it now, choose “other” when it asks why you’re canceling and write in your answer. They need to see the financial backlash right now. You can always re-sub if they backpedal, but right now they need the impetus to do the backpedaling.
2. GO HERE to their feedback forum. make a thread and tell them you cancelled nitro and don’t want them involved with crypto garbage. contribute to other threads if you see one that piques your interest. EXTRA CREDIT: downvote this thread, boo them, downvote the crypto dingdongs in the comments.
3. If you have twitter, tweet at them. tweet at @discord and reply to Jason’s tweet with whatever dunking and booing you feel like.
4. PASS IT AROUND. Tell your friends with nitro. Tell your favorite group chats and servers. Encourage them to do the same.
This is one of those situations where we need massive and decisive backlash RIGHT NOW to nip it in the bud. Your input really does matter right now. Shouting down shit like this has gotten even companies like Patreon to reverse course on bad decisions. Even the stupidest tech bros do respond to enough screaming. So SCREAM. Remind them where their real money comes from, and scare them away from the planet-destroying fake money.
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