#shriek like banshee
slapjacq · 2 months
if they deserve anything, they deserve to haunt and traumatize those deranged gay men back
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liyazaki · 1 year
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we get to choose our own paths, instead of what destiny chooses for us.
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harleybird · 4 months
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"Do you think it has to be torture? Being the way we are?"
"Listen to me. No, it does not."
Dead Boy Detectives | The Case of the Very Long Stairway
Bonus Niko:
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christronomy · 10 months
can we talk about chris' ARM in his recent bbl pic?? i woke up to that and screeched
i wanna take a huge bite out of his arm tbh. can we also talk about his neck and his nose. i wanna ride it. and the earring sheesh. need to lick him all over.
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and i am posting it AGAIN bc everyone will be seeing him on their dashboard whether they like it or not.
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
i'm about to start killing. it is july 6th. fucking STOP
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mochalottie · 10 months
What's that thing from Aladdin again? The little jingle genie sings...? Oh right!
Here's the conquering hero!!!
You guys have been asking (read: Begging) and I am here to deliver!
The ikrans are back!!! I repeat the ikrans have returned, Guy is here in all his splendour and my little brain practically rejoiced at getting to write flying scenes again because oh boy, have I missed them.
I do hope you enjoy this especially fluffy chapter, although it does still contain some angst of course, and do read the authors note this week guys, 'cause I need your opinion on something.
Anyway, ta ta for now lovelies! Imma go smack my head against the wall some more as I try to write this stupid dissertation.
Enjoy <333
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
may i introduce, Line Cook!Steve
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gracieposting · 24 days
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crying sobbing throwing up etc
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corgabe · 3 months
The boys spoilers I guess
What I would not give to have this deeply politically satirical show just take aim right at American colonialism and warmongering while t0mer cap0ne gets a four hour long noogie until he is bald on the top of his head
The boys where everything is the same but everytime cap0ne speaks it’s fart noises and slide whistles
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theblackestofsuns · 6 months
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"Shrieking Like A Banshee"
Love & Rockets Volume 2 #4 (Summer 2002)
Jaime Hernandez
Fantagraphics Books
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I’m like if a feral cat and a Clydesdale had a baby
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blondiexbiites · 11 months
The Ghost first appeared in the periphery of Maddie's vision one night-- just outside of one's focus like the bum on the street corner. Litter in the gutter. A bad feeling that made you cross the street.
But he always seemed to be there, just around the corner for her to bump into, only to realize it was just a coat hung upon a door, or a broom stood in the corner. First as a figment half-sensed in the dreams that come as the skies grow dark. Then, as the nights passed and grew into weeks, as something lurking, waiting for her.
A thin man in a rumpled suit, his throat torn open in some terrible act of mortal violence-- his life bled away and still wetting his ruined collar. A lingering scent of mildew, sour beer and cigarette smoke. An unwelcome brush in the darkness. A laugh half-heard. Leering.
Except tonight, he seems almost solid, sitting at the end of her bed smoking a goddamned cigarette. The audacity.
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"Looks like some ol' pornos in here. All th' fuckin' pink an' lace an' fuckin' princess shit, aye?" He chuckles, and smoke wafts from the gored hole in his neck.
"You leeches an' yer aesthetics make me sick. Bet you do insta too, aye?"
Madison forced herself out of bed; her legs were heavy and uncooperative, and her stomach growled from lack of proper nourishment. She swayed, holding to the bed for support, her teeth chattering from a familiar bone-deep chill. That damnable chill she'd endured for weeks on end. She had never before been so cold, but she couldn't allow herself the luxury of huddling under the covers when she had a whole night of hunting ahead of her. Madison had to do something to ward off her hunger and the unsettling feeling of being watched. Laboriously, Madison smoothed out the pink satin sheets and pillows, then shuffled to the kitchen and grabbed a can of scented liquid she couldn't even bring herself to name. Returning to her bedroom, she sprayed the bed linens before tucking everything in tight and drawing the silk duvet in place. Madison then stacked her decorative frilly pillows on the bed in their usual order and sprayed the air deodorizer around the bedroom and bathroom.
Maybe Maddie was just imagining it, but she could have sworn she could smell the same strange, chilling presence she'd been smelling for weeks. The smell of rot, blood, gore, and something unwelcome in her home. Trembling, Madison wrapped her silken pink bathrobe tighter around her trembling frame, blonde curls whipping about as she looked around frantically. Why was she so damnably cold? The normally bubblegum-scented air in her room felt freezing, but she had already set the thermostat to a toasty 70 degrees! Snarling, Madison began to pace, eyes glowing red with frustration as she tried to wrap her head around the strange occurrences these past few days and the smell that had taken residence in her home!
And that was when she heard it.
The noise was slight, little more than a rustle. Madison paused, her blonde head tilting as she listened for a repeat of the slight, odd sound. There. A whisper, like fabric. And from a familiar location.
Someone was in her room.
Madison's scalp prickled, and a jolt of sheer shock made her undead heart almost freeze in her chest. Slowly, Maddie turned her head to face whatever or whoever was sitting on the edge of her bed. The very presence that was violating her sanctuary.
"Looks like some ol' pornos in here. All th' fuckin' pink an' lace an' fuckin' princess shit, aye?"
The chill grew even more potent, the smell staggering, but Madison didn't move, couldn't move. Her eyes swept from his horrendous rumpled clothing to his smarmy, unpleasant face before finally settling on the red hole that was his throat...or used to be his throat. 'Did I do that?' she thought distantly. Afraid. Why did she feel so scared?
"You leeches an' yer aesthetics make me sick. Bet you do insta too, aye?"
Madison's chest constricted, preventing her from doing more than draw in quick, shallow breaths. She couldn't move or even scream, but the moment he insulted her pink colors, morbid righteous fury roared and overwhelmed the bubble of unsureness. "DON'T INSULT MY COLORS!" she screeched, fangs bared, face twisted in a look of ugly rage. "And for your information, I use Tinder!" Only the best place to get proper food. Insta asked for too much exposure, but enough about that, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?! AND GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY BED! THOSE SHEETS ARE EGYPTIAN SILK, AND YOU'RE SPOILING THEM!"
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
the way cutter/lupo were my OG law & order stabler/benson though.....
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abyssalstardust · 1 year
Sometimes you hear a fucked up unidentifiable animal noise outside in the middle of the night and are like yeah okay this is why people believe in demons
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Okay, this is too much, I'mma go play some LOTRO before these two make me explode
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lunetual · 2 years
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