#shoyo analysis
belatinysun · 3 months
i love love love how hinata's connection with food is showed throughout the brazil arc, how he is always making sure to have a proper meal, how he worries about pedro and wants him to eat well 🥹 it makes me imagine all the different recipes he learned in brazil, how much he studied to be able to prepare healthy meals by his own
he is truly the embodiment of food as a love language 🧡
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greynoceur · 2 months
All the times I've put the ball up for you... have you ever run into a block? Ever?
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afterthelambs · 6 months
Ushijima-Oikawa parallels with Kageyama-Hinata
To me, Ushijima and Oikawa are like a tragic parallel to Hinata and Kageyama. If Oikawa had gone to Shiratorizawa then he and Ushijima could've had the partnership that Kagehina had. But because he didn't, they will never know what it's like to make the other feel invincible.
Shipping goggles aside, the parallels have to be intentional (haikyuu is too well-written for it to be just a coincidence): Both Ushijima and Kageyama were framed as naturally gifted volleyball monsters. Meanwhile Oikawa and Hinata believed that they were just average (even though the people around them know that they have their own strengths). Ushijima was the one who kept winning against Oikawa, just like how Kageyama was always ahead of Hinata. Both Hinata and Oikawa went abroad to gain experience so they could finally beat their rival. Ushijima and Kageyama are both awkward, intimidating, and ASD-coded while Hinata and Oikawa are framed as easy-going extroverted chatterboxes. These pairs are literally so similar it's crazy. Look at them and tell me it's not intentional
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It also makes sense when you consider that their playstyles are also complementary. Kageyama and Hinata were a good match for each other because Hinata needed Kageyama's precision and Kageyama needed someone agile to match his own speed. But Ushijima's only requirement is for the ball to be set high and the right distance from the net so it's easy to hit. And which setter is known for dedicating themselves to their spikers, giving them easy sets? Oikawa. They truly could've been a terrifying duo.
I think Furudate was trying to show what Kageyama and Hinata could've been if they didn't team up. They'd still be strong, sure, but not invincible like they were in Karasuno. (as opposed to the Miya twins, who were supposed to show what they could've been like if they had an equal from the very beginning)
But in the end it all worked out for everyone! They all got to play on the world stage together. Ushijima and Oikawa even had their reconciliation at the all stars match (still waiting on the Oikawa-Kageyama reconciliation please please please 👀). They're all happy so I suppose it isn't actually tragic. I just cant help but wonder what could have been if Ushijima and Oikawa learned what it's like to be each other's greatest ally. Hinata and Kageyama were so lucky to have found each other after all.
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starweed · 1 year
explaining my autistic hinata hc
“star,” you may be asking, “why are you doing this to yourself? you are sick and should be sleeping, not explaining something nobody has asked you to explain.”
the answer? because i want to and none of you can stop me.
to start with, a special interest in autism is an interest that is passionate and intensely focused and they can be absorbing to the point that they’re the only thing that somebody wants to do or talk about (they’re also typically much longer lasting than hyperfixations). you can very obviously see these characteristics in hinata’s love for volleyball and how it seems to be the only thing he talks about. he practices all of the time, and sure it’s to get better, but that comes from an all encompassing love of the sport.
he also uses volleyball to connect with people in meaningful ways. one example off the top of my head is when he meets kenma for the first time. sure, the interaction starts with him asking about a video game, but you can see how hinata becomes so much more invested in the conversation once kenma confirms that he plays volleyball. he immediately becomes much more comfortable in the situation with the presence of somebody who also has an interest in volleyball.
he seems to have trouble connecting to people without the use of volleyball. he doesn’t have any friends besides the people he knows from volleyball, and that may be a lot of people but it’s still true. we don’t know what happened with his friends from middle school, but we never see or hear from them again after he starts high school. in my opinion, that indicates that he has trouble keeping up with friends when they’re not seeing each other fairly often. which also helps explain why he was so nervous about losing his friends when he was in brazil (other than the obvious reasons). he also seems to have trouble picking up social cues, when he met kenma he didn’t really pick up on the fact that kenma seemed pretty uncomfortable with the situation. there are also other instances that i cannot be arsed to find rn, but do know that they exist.
also the gestures that he makes when he’s talking about volleyball seem like stimming to me, especially since he does it when talking about what i see as his special interest. i’m speaking from personal experience when i say that i tend to stim more when i’m talking about my special interest or a current hyperfixation. the fidgeting that he does in general could be considered stimming since they’re repetitive physical movements (though those aren’t the only type of stim they are the one that applies the most to hinata).
the way he explains how volleyball works in his mind but it doesn’t make sense to anybody else (besides noya). idk how to explain this one, just thought i’d mention it. if anyone has anything to add for this one please let me know.
let me know what you think of this!! i’m open to discussion about this (i really really wanna talk to somebody about it), but please remember to be respectful even if you disagree with me. thanks for reading, i hope it made sense.
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tobiokg3 · 2 months
Hello! Recently I reread the haikyuu manga and realized that I can't interpret exactly what Kageyama meant with his smile at Hoshiumi, well, In chapter 215 kageyama plays with hoshiumi for the first time, and when hoshiumi makes his jump kageyama smiles. I saw people saying it was because he connected with hoshiumi, he kind of felt like Hoshiumi would be your partner, do you agree with that? Can you help me interpret?😭
kageyama’s smile at hoshiumi can be seen as a mix of admiration and recognition. he likely saw hoshi as a player who, like hinata, is defying expectations despite his height. this could explain why he smiles—it’s a sign of respect and acknowledgment of hoshiumi’s abilities (which are impressive and inspiring)
also kageyama’s comment about hoshiumi being a good reference [for hinata] further supports this interpretation. it shows that kags sees value in hoshi's skills as a benchmark for what shoyo could achieve
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
Anime Lessons: How Hinata solved my BIGGEST problem by Lessons From Anime
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weathertheraine · 2 years
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Choices breakdown pt 5 - Hinata
Lastly - Hinata’s frames from my ‘choices’ Karasuno five video !! I REALLY enjoyed drawing these, making his eyes this shape and giving him both pupils and eyelashes that kind of look like sunbursts :D
Video here!
CAFFEINATE: for the first, more ‘obvious’ round of themes, Hinata gets ‘caffeinate’ because of his energy and stamina and bounciness !! It also links to the way he energises the people around them, giving THEM more drive in turn! He should also never be given coffee
BRAIN: Hinata’s missing word is ‘brain’ because… yeah, he is missing one u_u IN ALL SERIOUSNESS though like,, his themes of being impulsive and reckless and acting on instinct in the beginning of his arc, with his strength coming from raw athleticism rather than any kind of strategy or plan means he’s disconnected from this theme :O
YOU GET ME GOING: of COURSE shoyo had to have this one, with his fire and passion, and the way he reacts to strong players by getting fired up to fight them. His passion is infectious and leads to him also firing up the people around him, even stoic rivals like Tsukishima and Ushiwaka. For this one I drew his pupils starting to fire up like flames !!
HEART: Shoyo gets ‘heart’ too for his big heart, the way he is able to form connections and friendships with almost everyone he meets- making friends with people like Kenma, Yachi, and Hyakuzawa incredibly fast. It also refers to the way the team kind of forms their structure around him as the ‘heart’ of a lot of their strategy
LOVE: and, of course, love. I truly feel like Hinata is just driven by love- of volleyball, and of all the amazing and impressive people around him!! He loves playing, he loves his teammates, he loves Kageyama - and, unlike Kageyama being ill equipped for his own feelings, Hinata seems to embrace and love all the people around him without hesitation (as in the heart theme). I loved drawing the sunbursts kind of exploding out of him, the way he can be so intense and almost frightening when it comes to volleyball, but it all stems from his intense love for the game
Yamaguchi / Tsukishima / Yachi / Kageyama / Hinata
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slamdunk-headcanons · 22 days
Slam Dunk ep. 46: Hanamichi, Hot Dunk - an analysis
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By far, one of my favorite episodes.
So, I was watching this episode yesterday and I started wondering about everybody's reaction to Sakuragi's dunk. Everybody is extremelly shook and I wondered why even Rukawa was extremely surprised. In addition, Sakuragi's reaction when he was sent off the court is one of my favorites parts, and I really wanted to analyse it to talk about character development.
Beginning with the audience reaction to Sakuragi's dunk. We cannot question that Sakuragi's dunk was on NBA level because:
Strenght: the whole structure of the backboard shook dangerously. Not even Akagi could make the backboard shake like that with his dunks. Even if it was a miscalculation of strengh, is still frightening, because Sakuragi showed all his arm strengh with that dunk;
Marking/blocking: Sakuragi didn't dunk alone: he dunked being marked by two Shoyo players, and one of them was Hanagata. Hanagata is 9 centimeters taller than Sakuragi and much more experienced. Also, Hanagata was easily thrown on the floor by Sakuragi, and we can feel that it was quite of a blow;
Jump: Sakuragi almost flew! He jumped far from the basket, doing an authentic air walk like Jordan! His jump is frighteningly powerfull, and being able to dunk with such a strenght after making a huge jump like that...
He made it: Sakuragi is shown during the show missing a lot of dunks because of his lack of space notion. He didn't have experience enough to know the important distances in basketball. He has to have a space notion to jump and dunk, doing the arm movement in the right timing. Jumping and dunking was a challange for him without being marked. It's shown that Sakuragi had struggles with the psychological pressure during his first "official" match against Ryonan. He also struggles with the fouls and the pressure they put on his shoulders, mainly during Shoyo's match. In this play, Sakuragi dunks in the last minutes of a super tense decisive match, he already had 4 fouls, he was being marked by two players that were taller and more experienced than him and he jumps too far from the basket. He literally overcomes all the limits he had in one single play!
Now about Sakuragi's reaction to his own dunk is the "cherry of the cake". The dunk itself shows his ability development, and to make a good character, this ability development has to happen with a character development.
I strongly believe that Sakuragi's loud behavior, specially during the matches is a defense mechanism against his own thoughts. Deep on his mind, I believe we could find lot of insecurities, that he tries to silence with his ORE WA TENSAAAAAI screaming. Maybe, watching Rukawa and the other players around him, made him think many times, deep in his mind, that he couldn't be good enough. So he put a goal based on Haruko's words about the play "Slam Dunk": if he could make it, he could beat Rukawa and own Haruko's love. However, on his way to make a slam dunk during a match, he found out that basketball is much more than doing a slam dunk. But he only get conscious of this discover when he finally does the slam dunk during an official match. Sakuragi realized, at that moment, that:
He could be good enough at basketball;
Basketball is fun;
He wants to stay at the court the whole game to feel more of that sensation he felt during the dunk;
To stay on the court the whole game, he has to cool down and be less impulsive;
That's when he says that to Ayako. He's starting to take basketball seriously because he's starting to like it. All his chaotic energy finally can be redirected to something he likes and makes him feel like any fight couldn't ever make.
I just love love how Slam Dunk shows in Sakuragi's development how precious and necessary is the virtue of order. If we can order our potentials to something virtuous (like a sport), we can discover meaning on our lives and walk on the marvelous and frighting way of self-mastery;
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shoyosoneandonlywife · 4 months
Why is Gintoki's Wooden sword so resilient?
The tenacity of Lake Toya
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Before I begin I wanna say that I have a few theories regarding this and after doing some research I would also like to cross over a few other analysis I've seen of this topic as well to provide a wider scope for you.
Fundamentally, we can infer that the reason gintoki switched to using a wooden sword is due to the sword ban imposed as well as his choice to not take lives anymore and would use this sword as a way to immobilise or injure his oppenents without necessary killing them, unless the situation becomes dire.
Originally, it was mentioned and I quote that his wooden sword is, "created from a ten-thousand-year-old tree from an unknown planet. The sword wields the power to cut through anything like metal swords, boulders, and even a meteor." So from, this my analysis can be cut short since it clears the question of how a wooden sword is able to be used efficiently even in battle.😭😭
However, lake toya has been broke multiple times throughout gintama, so this contradicts this so called origin of Lake toya. Moreover, It was also shown how Gintoki had come in possession of Lake toya by simply ordering it online and requesting for lake toya to be inscribed on it after he had previously broken his wooden sword. So going by that, I would like to base my analysis on the theory that his sword is simply an ordinary wooden sword.
Moving on from the creation of it, I would mainly like to focus on how an ordinary tool is able to be used even against the most formidable enemies with iron swords, the alien masses, and even against the final boss and considerably the strongest man on the planet, Utsuro. All of which Gintoki had fought with his lake toya while they had actual swords with them. Which should have been disadvantageous to gintoki, yet he was still able to go toe to toe with his opponents.
So how does he do it? Eventually I would relate it back to his unyielding spirit, but before that we would need to look through some other of his traits as well.
Gintoki's past:
His parents are unknown, and as far as we know, when he was a child, the war was still ongoing. And he wandered around the battlefields, swiping food from the dead soldiers and even using one of their swords as a defence. From this, I can assume that he had no safety or a sheltered life due to his mystery of family and lineage, and no protection from anyone.
He can be seen as a child who was outcast and left to fend for himself. Due to which his way of life was that he had grown accustomed to because there was nobody ready to guide him, up until shoyo had met him. Which shows how similar, Shoyo and Gintoki's beginnings had been.
So right from the get go he had been able to adapt to protecting himself from any sort of person opposing or posing a threat to him, as seen in a part where he immediately jumps away from Shoyo and draws a sword that is much bigger than himself to defend with ease. Which is surprising for a kid who I assume was less than 10 years old at the time.
Thus, due to his solitude he had been put in a situation where it was a survival of the fittest which led to him being able to wield a sword, albeit with inexperience yet enought strength to defend himself, even as a child. Due to his peculiar environment for growing, he had cultivated a good sense for survival as well as unimaginable strength and adaptability for a mere child.
This laid the groundwork for him to be able to be one of Shoyo's disciples, someone who is considered unbeatable till the end, and hone his already blooming skills in a more knwoeldagble environment with a guide to aid in his journey of becoming a genius swordsman.
After training under Yoshida Shoyo for years, who he had himself called a monster and was unable to beat. He was bound to expand his skillset and strength to a higher than ordinary level automatically, paired with his natural talent.
As Gintoki had said himself as a kid to shoyo, that he was able to win over any opponent, young or old, but only up until he had met shoyo.(And afterwards takasugi as well given that they both had an almost equal amount of wins and losses against each other).
So from the very base itself, given the way Gintoki had started off in this world, he can be considered a naturally gifted man in this aspect or was forced to cuktivate these skills much sooner than normal. And since he had the right conditions to be taught in and improve his skills, he continued to go on to become a formidable warrior in the joui war, and even afterwards, right until edo had settled into peace again after the silver soul arc.
So ranging from him being forced to adapt to survive and cultivating a strength that is higher than average as a young child, to being able to have the chance to hone his abilities under arguable the strongest swordsman in the country. It gives him the perfect environment to expand his abilities to his maximum potential. And grow into a genius of swordplay and various other combat.
"For the capable, even a blade of grass can be used as a weapon" is saying which means that, for a person that is strong and competent, they will be able to use anything that is available to him at the moment. Gintoki is a perfect example of this saying.
This is given with how he is able to hold his ground and even win against his enemies with a mere sword made of wood, while going up against opponents with the same level or even much more brute strength or skills than him with the higher chance of being killed off in a fight. Even though his opponent may not lose their life due to his bluntness of his sword.
However, in the hands of this great warrior, he is very much capable of killing them. But yet he makes the choice not to. (Of course, there are exceptions like aliens and that guy from the grim reaper arc I forgot his name woops)
In short, due to his strong mind and body, he is even able to use a wooden sword with ease as his strength stems from his very own spirit and physical prowess, rather than the weapon itself. It falls in line with the saying, "it is the wielder who makes the weapon strong."
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As we know, the definition of Shiroyasha is the white demon. White is to refer to his silver hair and white outfit he wore during the war, a every odd choice given the bloodshed. Yasha can also refer to the term Yaksha, where it means demon, which can also be described as oni and asura.All that points back to the basis of supernatural beings.
The reason as to his moniker is due to his impressive display as a warrior/swordsman as well as his remarkable capabilities. He had dominanted the battlefield due to his talent and fantastic skills, which earned him the name as his skillset had been so great it was considered inhumane/superhuman. As anything we see to be incredibly amazing or talented, we tend to calm them a beast at it or something like that.
From where I'm from when a person displays an immense amount of talent, we usually call them as a someone who is a supernatural being/possesses a demonic skillset within them as a compliment to show how their output crosses the ordinary level of expertise. Or to give it another title would be that they are superhuman.
He was considered to have the prowess of a deity on the battlefield which earned him fear and respect as well as being infamously known as this mighty swordsman participating in the war along his friends.
Even after the war, his friends had still kept actual swords in their possessions despite the sword ban, while Gintoki was the one who changed his sword to lake toya and rebranded the way he was from Shiroyasha to Yorozuya Ginchan. Yet he was still held to be as equally tough as his fellow friends he grew up with despite the change in weaponry.
This blatantly points to how his physical, mental, AND even through his soul, he had still remained robust and adept despite his exterior of being a lazy man.
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From his childhood all the way till his adulthood, throught all adversities and struggles to survive, Gintoki had prevailed. And the fundamental reason for him to be able to pass all these obstacles despite his disadvantages, is his very soul itself.
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His steadfastness and will to thrive(to live somehow) is what kept him alive on the battlefield as a child, wandering around corpses and scarcely able to gather food.
His unyielding soul is what had made him able to be mentored under the strongest man in the world and one of the most incredibly skilled swordsman, maybe even the best of that time, and take after his legacy of monstrous strength and genius craft.
All of this attributes to his willpower and his inner strength stemming from his strong-minded resolve as well as a pure and unbreakable soul that refuses to back down in the face of trouble, and even death.
To be able to withstand or even flourish in the environment controlled by a man so powerful like Yoshida Shoyo right from the get go, in Gintoki's case(excluding other memebers of shoka sonjuku as they have different strenghts and talents) only gintoki's bizarre growth and backstory had been able to prepare him for the upcoming events of training and evolving his body and power of his throughout hsi training and improving as well after Yoshida Shoyo had been arrested/executed.
Gintoki's Swordsmanship:
Despite the nature of his soul, how the hell does it empower a wooden sword? Maybe it still remains an ordinary sword, or Gintoki is very well versed in swordplay that he is able to determine the weak points of a person or where exactly he can spar with an iron sword considering it's vulnerable points or any other variety of a sword while not breaking his own weaponry.
It is nearly impossible, but if he is observant enough, he may just be able to pull it off, Gintoki is canoncially a beast at swordplay, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was so. In the end, like I had mentioned before, it is the wielder that determines how the weapon will perform.
But that may only take him so far, against brute strength his lake toya will break. So what then? His confidence in himself and unwillingness to back down from a fight despite the odds and high chances of losing already display that he is ready to face the extremes in order to protect and overcome.
I would sound cheesy, but people that have the hearts to overcome any adversity are already incredibly powerful and adept in my mind. Gintoki himself, with the amount of struggles and trauma and loss of loved ones he has faced in his life, still refuses to let his soul break. And that energy, that tenacity, is what I think is reflected in his trusty sword as well.
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The hardships of Gintoki,Katsura and Takasugi faced are immense that it drove one of them to mercilessly kill for a certain period of time(for his own ambitions that are revealed later on) and Katsura to resort to terrorism to battle the shortcomings of the current monarchy.
However, Gintoki had taken such a turn from the rest of them that he had simply settled down and opened up a job for freelancing. Despite his calm and relaxed demeanour, I would call him an absolute beast that chooses to sleep. This line itself is mentioned in gintama if I recall.
But since he's such a goat, he knows when to act accordingly to the situation needed. You need to fight your longtime friend to get him to stop? You got it? You need to fight some mf from another planet to save yoshiwara? You got it? You gotta defeat an evil master to help a friend of yours? You got it. You have to defeat your resurrected master or else he'll destroy the world? You got it.
And what astounds me the most out of all of this is that in need of the situation he could have, by all means, switched to an actual sword for combat. But he didn't, he stayed true to himself, true to his heart and soul, his idea to not take a life anymore but rather fight to protect what's his. No matter how dangerous the situation was, it is what truly makes Gintoki stand out as a wonderful and unique lead.
(I would like to clarify in the final fight of silver soul, technically Utsuro's consciousness channeling thru Takasugi's body didn't realise at the time that he was dying, as in Takasugi was already injured gravely and would have died either way if his wounds had not been treated, or maybe even if they were treated he would die, due to Oboro's ashes and Utsuro's immortal blood he was able to sustain for a certain time.
Yet as stated in silver soul, he had already died and was now running out of time. So I can say that Gintoki(alongside takasugi) defeated Utsuro, or Takasugi's body. But he didn't necessarily play a part in killing him. Even if Gintoki had not fought him, Takasugi would have died anyway)😭😭😭
(Arcs like benizakura are the exception as he had to use a specifically made sword to defeat the sword rather than the wielder itself) Another example is towards the end of the grim reaper arc
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Lake Toya's Strength:
As much as I have discussed how lake toya was able to hold its ground against actual swords and other weaponry, we should also look at how it was able to overpower other swords. One example is below
NOW WE CAN THINK "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE????" Gintoki may be able to use his strength and cleverness to his advantage when fighting against an opponent with stronger weaponry, but how did he BREAK it. In this fight can see takasugi slowly going into a breakdown and revelling in the past and his trauma during his fight against gintoki, taking out all of his rage on Gin and blaming him for somewhat of the pain caused.
And yet Gintoki had held strong and proclaimed that no matter what he will protect the soul of Shoka Sonjuku and bring back Takasugi with him as his loved one that he learnt together with, atleast as a fellow student of his loved teacher, Yoshida Shoyo.
Even though he went through as much struggle and damage as Takasugi, he still refused to become purely destructive and strive to protect rather than conquer or destroy the world where Shoka Sonjuku had existed.
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At the very least, if not the world, atleast the soul and sanctity of Shoka Sonjuku and their teacher. Takasugi had shown the broken sides of him, unhealed and agonized, while Gintoki, even though not fully recovered, just like Sugi, had still wanted to try and overcome his past. No matter how difficult it seemed.
That mighty spirit of his is what had enabled him to break Takasugi's sword, as Takasugi was slowly metling with a breakdown and was gradually losing focus as well. Giving into his own sorrows and rushing into ending Gintoki? Ending the fight? Ending his suffering? It may be none or all idk.
Thus, Gintoki's unyielding spirit and refusal to give up is what enabled him to overpower Takasugi in that fight and literally break his sword(which can symbolise how he broke his endless cycle of trying to destroy or self destruct) and save him. His affection and need to protect his fellow schoolmates, his loved ones, his friends, his school, his master's legacy, his lessons, his ideals.
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All of this combined with his unwillingness to let it die, let it perish, is what let him win the fight, and ultimately and importantly commit the impossible act of breaking an actual sword with a mere wooden lake toya.
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Another remarkable feat of his is when he had broken a sword with his TEETH(Oboro vs Gintoki), this aspect can also be categorised under the points I have listed above. And with the additional fact that warriors trained are already on another level of strength(slicing bullets, incredible strength and speed) and tenacity. AND given how he was trained under Yoshida Shoyo, considerably the strongest man on the planet x2. I think we shouldn't be all that surprised by that feat anymore. 😭
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This was more of an analysis than a rant im sorry😭😭😭 I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THOUGHTS ON LAKE TOYA AND THIS🥰🥰
I'll try an edit in more pics in my reblogs as an example or proof later on and add in the links to some posts(they were very short so I think I have already covered the same points as well here briefly). Thank you and I hope you can add onto this meager rant of mine!!
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feelingbluewrites · 5 months
About my blog page!
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Hello everyone! Welcome to my new writing page! This post is mostly a rules page, including who I don’t and do write for and what else I write about so people can find what they like on my page! If you have any questions that I forget to include in this post go ahead and send me a message!
About me! (yada yada yada)
My name is Blue! 
I am 19 years young!
I’ve been writing for years just not on tumblr UNTIL NOW
I’ve been into anime for a few years but stopped AND NOW IM INTO IT AGAIN
Also my grammar is not the best so if I seem hard to understand I apologize but I will try my best to make myself as clear as possible!
What anime’s I write for!
- As of right now I will most likely be writing for Haikyuu because that is where I feel most comfortable right now but WHO KNOWS THAT MIGHT CHANGE IN THE FUTURE
My Hero Academia 
-MHA is the only other anime I will write about as of now. 
What characters will I write for!
Tobio Kageyama
Asahi Azumane
Kei Tsukishima
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kenma Kozume
Tooru Oikawa
Kotarou Bokuto (obviously)
Keiji Akaashi
Atsumu Miya
Osamu Miya
MHA Characters!
Shouto Todoroki (husband)
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Eijirou Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tamaki Amajiki
Takami Keigo (Hawks)
And any other characters you guys wish for!
What characters I will not write for right now! (this is just a for now thing, I will eventually be able to write for everyone in the future)
Shoyo Hinata 
-This is mostly because I don’t feel comfortable writing smut for him BECAUSE HE’S JUST SO PRECIOUS! BUT, I am willing to try and write a fluff or angst fic if you guys are interested. 
Hajime Iwaizumi
-I love Iwa, DON’T GET ME WRONG. I only put him on this list because I haven’t written a character analysis for him yet and I don’t want him to seem out of character at all. So until I can get a good grasp on him HE WILL BE ON THE WRITING LIST!
Wakatoshi Ushijima 
-Same reason as Iwa’s! I will get to yall’s manz soon though don’t worry!
Satori Tendou 
-Same reason!
Kiyoomi Sakusa
-Same thing as well, I also don’t know much about Sakusa BUT if you guys could give me a deep description about him this will change!
What kind of fics I write! (Most of these will be written with a female reader, if it is changed I will write it in the title)
-I have some DIRTY ASS FICS in mind for yall so just wait I promise it won’t disappoint (and if it does then you can hit me over the head with a bat)
-Of course who doesn’t love a sweet toothache with your favorites.
I will also write any drabbles if you end up messaging me in the ask box! I am open to anything and making your dreams come true, so don’t be shy!
Alright! That’s all I could think of to mention as of right now, if I missed anything don’t hesitate to ask!
Have a good day readers and writers! I hope to see you guys in my fics soon! MWAH!
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beigepear · 3 months
hello !! i just read through your analysis of hinata shoyo’s natal chart & i super super enjoyed it !! I have a big interest in astrology so that + hq was like !!!! but anyway fantastic job on that, i did want to ask if i could reblog it !! ?
hi! i'm so glad you enjoyed my analysis, thank you so much <3 of course you can reblog it!
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belatinysun · 1 month
Hello! I hope you are well‼️ These days I was looking at the haikyuu manga and I caught myself thinking about Kageyama's match with Hoshiumi, when Hoshiumi jumps Kageyama smiles, but I can't interpret what he wanted to do with That. Could you help me?😭
omg i'm so so sorry for the late reply aaa 😭😭😭😭 could you send the manga panel you're talking about?? is it when kageyama plays with or against hoshiumi?
if we're talking about the panel where kageyama sees hoshiumi spiking for the first time, i interpret his tiny smile as a way to show that he isn't scared of his skills but rather excited to learn more from him and his jumps! as kageyama himself admitted, hoshiumi is a great "reference" so tobio can improve by watching him play; also, i believe he immediately thought about a new way for hinata to jump after seeing this, that's why after meeting hinata again, kageyama says that he can fly even higher than the little giant he met at the training camp.
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as always, kageyama is happy playing against the strongest, but also because he can grow stronger! he learns new techniques not only for himself, but also to help his teammates (especially hinata) to soar high as they become masters of aerial battles together 💙🧡
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greynoceur · 1 month
Thinking about Haikyuu and the importance of representation. Take Shoyo as an example, seeing at an early age a short player like him who's perfectly capable of being on the court and becoming as eminent as tall players (even greater than them, perhaps); blocking, spiking, jumping, and even becoming an ace. Think about how much that affected Hinata and made him realize that he is capable too, that he too can be on the court, that he too can fly.
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darishima · 1 year
hello it is i anon who is definitely not you. you should show everyone ur super cool manga collection and also tell me about your favorite characters in great detail . btw
why hello anon who definitely isn't me!! thank you for asking because i have been waiting for someone to ask!!!
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here's the main shelf and my bulletin board!!! closeups + unnecessarily in depth rambling + other collection stuff under the cut (please please click keep reading please click it please please ple)
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closeup of the top shelf, this one mostly has my hero academia and one piece stuff. also has my junji ito books, and the demon slayer funkos i couldn't fit anywhere else. the mha figures along the top are knockoff wcf figures, not the real thing </3 bought them as cake toppers actually. i don't have all the mha manga i'm missing quite a few, but i have smash 1-2, team up missions 1-3, and all of the school briefs light novels
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middle shelf, this one is half midari ikishima shrine and half assorted manga and figures. plus the kyoka jiro plush that wouldnt fit on the top shelf
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bottom shelf! the manga is double layered on the sides for space conservation, the ones in the back are et cetera 1-9, chronicles of the cursed sword 1, psychic academy 1-2, .hack legend of the twilight 1-3 and .hack another birth 1-3. those and the buso renkin books were all given to me by a friend
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this is one of my favorite figures, himiko toga by banpresto. it was surprisingly cheap for how good it is, i think it was like $38? the kyoka jiro sticker is something my friend got for me when he visited japan, and it still has the original price tag on it which i think is cool. in this pic you can also see the shoyo hinata funko pop (held up by sticky tack lmao) and the kurogiri + twice funkos. these (and my many other tiny funkos) are actually keychains but i removed most of the keychain part and i display them as figures instead
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jiro section!! i really want to get her other funko variations, the school festival version of her with her guitar and the gamestop exclusive ofher with her microphone. and i REALLY want a scale of her, the newest one that's on preorder right now is so fucking cute but i'm too broke for it rn :( someday she'll be mine, but for now i just have a counterfeit wcf lmao
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YAMATO !!! goddd i love him so much. got this figure super recently actually, it was like last week. i saw him in boxlunch and couldnt resist
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the one piece section! i accidentally cut off the nico robin wano figure in this one oops :( i have the two ace's story light novels, the heroines ln (in japanese), the first manga volume in japanese, and the first fullmetal alchemist volume in japanese (doesn't fit the theme here, i know, but it didnt fit on the other shelves). here, i also have a vinsmoke reiju figure, a boa hancock figure in the back, a robin figure (dont ask why she's in her underwear i dont know either. but man do i like it), a yor forger figure, matching wano zoro and luffy funko keychains, and all my demon slayer funko keychains. i'm pretty sure this is the full set of them, i might be missing a nezuko variation though
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this small bakugo figure (which sits on top of mha ultra analysis) is the first figure i ever got, i think i got it like five years ago? i don't even remember where i got it from, it was probably a gashapon machine somewhere idk. i lost his original stand ages ago so now he's sticky tacked to a lego :(
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here's a closeup on my beloved midari ikishima shrine!! on the side is stickers of her sticky tacked to the shelf, and to the left is a hatsune miku drink can and a small yuji itadori figure. the shrine consists of 6 acrylic stands, 3 keychains, 3 button pins, 2 enamel pins, two sets of stud earrings, 6 stickers, 1 playing card with her on it (above the stickers but its cut off in the pic) and a bottle of purple nail polish that exactly matches the shade of hers. and kakegurui volumes 1 and 3 ofc (i plan to add kakegurui midari and the other kakegurui manga volumes to this soon). i really want more officially licensed midari merch but it's so hard to find and there's barely any of it. the white stand that some of the stuff is sitting on is a funko pop box with paper attached to it lmao
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moving down to the second shelf! here's a brook figure, i really love this guy. the sculpting on his hands is SO good
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next to brook is a zenitsu figure, a giyuu tomioka figure i got from a gashapon machine, and two tbhk pins
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meruem and komugi funko pop on top of the manga :') my god i love these two so much. i really want to get that bandai figure of them but its like $500 at the CHEAPEST and it's not even good quality :( i'd like to get the hunter fan studios figure of them but alas, its also $500 dollars. someday i will </3 there's also a yuji itadori acrylic stand and a yuji funko keychain to the left that i forgot to take a closeup of
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i've also got the komugi funko because of course i do, and it's displayed in front of hxh vol 25 because of course it is. someday i'm gonna get the meruem and pitou pops and i want them soo fucking bad but they're harder to find. also a zoro figure! from the same set as brook and the robin and otama figures from the top shelf.
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had to do a closeup on this adorable killua and alluka pin, and the killua funko keychain
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bottom shelf closeups! here's the middle of the shelf, with the rets of my hxh funkos (netero, bisky, and kurapika), my radical ed funko (i want the other two so bad but they're expensive :( got a matching keychain though), a honey senpai funko and a kuromi one. plus a cool large miku pin, a yor forger pin, and a pochita plush. i really love the all in one death note book. also, death note volume 3 (the blue one that's slightly taller than the others) was the first manga i ever got! i got it at a thrift store like four years ago i think. the k-on omnibus is the most recent manga ive gotten
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yugioh section! duelest 1-4 and millennium world 1-3 were both gifts from a friend, and i got zexal 1-2 at a thrift store. they were from a school library, hence the stickers on the bottom that say west and south. really annoying, but i mostly covered them with a yugioh gameboy cartridge (i do not own a gameboy lmao). also ohshc pins!
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on top of the yugioh manga is my other mha funko keychains, cubone and pikachu figures, a gudetama keychain, and a pochita necklace (which is actually a friendship necklace with my friend @/fartfeild)
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other side of the shelf! the demon slayer pins have a glare on them in the pic which sucks. also have a miku pin, a gudetama coin purse thing, a mimukyu plush and figure (there's another mimikyu figure on top of the k-on manga), and four one piece pins
btw, the way i prop up the pins is by sticky tacking them onto legos!!
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that's all for the shelf!! the shelf below this one is just full of empty boxes from the scales and funkos. onto the bulletin board!!
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kyojuro rengoku, denji, zero two, tamaki suoh, takashi mori, honey senpai, and katsuki bakugo enamel pins! the chainsaw man and one piece things are cardboard packaging from other things that i cut out.
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i LOVE this power pin, she's so fucking cute. the nami pin is gorgeous <3
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two my melody pins, a hello kitty pin, and a chainsaw man button! plus an iguro keychain i got from a gashapon machine, and midari ikishima panels i printed. cause obviously i did
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sailor mercury keychain! it's from 1999 (does that count as vintage? i think it does)
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anya forger, all might, and bakugo keychains! plus a really high quality boa hancock enamel pin and a kurapika pin. the pretty flower is a pin i got from a melanie martinez concert, and the pink paper is confetti from the concert
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dr stone lanyard, hxh keychain, kuromi pins, more midari panels, and multiple enamel pins (2 zoros, straw hat jolly roger, decidueye pokemon, yumeko jabami, and a dragon pin i got from a local artist at a fair)
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jet black keychain (got it in a blind bag and im still mad i didnt get ed. i love jet too though), an emma keychain, more manga panels (ririka momobami and himiko toga) and a joey wheeler keychain that tragically got cut off in the pic. the chopper and luffy pins are part of a set with the zoro one, and i wish i'd put them together instead of splitting them up. i'll probably rearrange this sometime and then i'll pt them all together. there's also another melanie martinez pin from a concert, and two more pokemon ones
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this thing came with one piece heroines, it's basically a second dust cover that advertises other one piece books. i kept it because of this cute nami drawing and oda's signature
also, the way i hang the button pins up is by sliding the wire piece behind a thumbtack :) please ignore my awfully chipped nail polish
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tumblr won't let me add more images so i'll have to do a second post for all my posters. sorry this was so fucking long i know literally nobody cares or will read it but i needed to ramble about all this somewhere :3 my animanga collection is my favorite thing ever in the world. also on the off chance that anyone who does care reads this, if anyone wants to know more about a specific thing (where i got it, how much it cost, etc) please send an ask or dm and i'd love to tell you!!!
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enigmatictypos · 2 years
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My Very Own Blog!!!!!
Hiiii I'm Sara!! Sooooo after a world of contemplation i decided to finally start my own sickfic, hurt/comfort blog!!!!! Woohoo (i know that was cringey 😭 but in my defence I'm excited) 
A special thanks to @pokemonispain for their amazing content and offering me my much needed inspiration and longing to be able to start this blog!
So starting off I mainly write emeto, fevers, faintings, injuries and stuff but I'm more than willing to delve into other genres and such! Feel free to put in your requests and I'll try my best to provide!!
Here's some of the fandoms and characters I'd be best at writing as per my current analysis of my capabilities!! 
Genshin Impact :: Aether, Scaramouche, Tighnari, Kaveh, Kaeya, Ayato, Childe, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Xingqiu, Al Haitham, Beidou, Ningguang, Sara and ostensibly more!! 
Mo Dao Zu Shi :: Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng, Wen Ning, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, Xiao Xingchen and I'm open to exploring more characters too!!
Heaven Official's Blessing :: Xie Lian, Feng Xin, Mu Qing, Hua Cheng, He Xuan, Shi Qingxuan 
My Hero Academia :: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Eijiro, Aizawa Shota, Jirou Kyoka, Todoroki Fuyumi, Dabi, Geten, Amajiki Tamaki and more!! 
Haikyuu :: Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Yaku Morisuke, Semi Eita, Hinata Shoyo, Yahaba Shigeru and more! 
Blue Lock (honestly a very high writing muse) :: Mikage Reo, Nagi Seishiro, Chigiri Hyouma, Bachira Meguru, Yukimiya Kenyu, Itoshi Sae, Itoshi Rin and more!!! 
Sk8 :: Kyan Reki, Chinen Miya, Sakurayashiki Kaoru, Hasegawa Langa, Kikuchi Tadashi
Fate Anime Series : Tohsaka Rin, Shirou Emiya, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Kingu, Ishtar, Ereshkigal 
Seraph of the End : Hiiragi Shinya, Ichinose Guren, Ferid Bathory, Hyakuya Mikaela, Sanguu Mitsuba, Jujo Mito 
Free!! : Nanase Haruka, Serizawa Nao, Matsuoka Rin, Tachibana Makoto, Hazuki Nagisa, Ryugazaki Rei, Kirishima Natsuya, Kirishima Ikuya, Hiyori Toono and more!!! 
(Red = Highest muse)
I write works for both romantic and platonic ships so feel free to request in any combination!! If I'm uncomfortable with writing anything I'll let you know!! 
These are honestly just some of the ones I'm highest musing right now ajdhksjfj so please do drop requests for me to work on. 
Feel free to text me whenever you wish and my inbox is always open for friendly faces!! 
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shoyoist · 1 year
HI read one of ur asks abt isagi n shoyo and i just realised isagi n shoyo r so similar as protags in the sense that they keep fighting for what they want and they DO NOTTT give up no matter what other people say like they keep pushing themselves to be better even though they know they have their shortcomings as an athlete??? (as someone who LOVES hq too) i think the reason so many people who like hq also like bllk is bc it’s so obvious that there are better/more talented players in the sport apart from our protags but 1. u kinda get the thrill of rooting for the underdog to win and 2. throughout the series u get to see them really understand what theyre fighting for and build their passion for the sport and create a better version of themselves that’s able to keep up with everyone else (despite their aforementioned shortcomings!!!!) and THATS WHAT MAKES THEM SOOOO ENTERTAINING AND AMAZING TO WATCH i swear shoyo and isagi are the same person in different fonts (obv an exaggeration, i know some people are gomna take this too seriously 😭) and that’s my (summarised) analysis on why im so attached to bllk rn and how it relates to my obsession w hq
hi <33 omg yes yes! and one of my favourite details about haikyuu's ending is that shoyo didn't end up at the "top" ?? he wasn't ever the ace when he was in karasuno, and while he's definitely a poster boy for the MSBY/JNT it's not like he surpassed everyone else. he's not the best player in the world or anything, and i like how haikyuu stays realistic while still being so compelling and emotionally attach-able anyway 💓
mhm mhm the way isagi and shoyo both start off on low ranks, how they fight and train hard and hold onto their dreams — how they actually experience defeat not once or twice but many times ‼️ and how they do make it higher and higher while it all still stays within reason... i love that. even with other characters, we get to see them lose. we get to see them fail and i think that's what really makes characters more human to viewers. it's expected for the "main character" to win all the time and be at the top by the time their story ends. so it touches the heart a lot deeper when you see them lose. when you learn what they're fighting for, learn about how big they dream, and when you see them fall. (and again, i'm so fucking glad that with these two series failing ≠ death LMAOO)
haikyuu had a perfect ending and i really hope blue lock gives us something on the same level because really, i am SO obsessed with bllk i will feel so betrayed if it doesn't deliver a satisfying ending after how good it's going rn.
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