#shown: beef shapiro
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"When You Said 'I Do'" Clip
“So…Dezzi. What do you like to do the most?”
*type type type type type type*
Dezzi looked up. “I just like hanging with Apollo.”
“She’s right.”
“It’s nice and I see him as a brother more than a cousin.”
“Just like Nate and Bu-” 
Aianna winced a little. “Everything’s okay, remain calm. I just need an advil.”
Bob gave a knowing look. “At least Nate and Buzz are on the case.”
“So yeah, I see Apollo as a brother more than a cousin.” Dezzi explained. “I mean, I’m almost 14, he’s 10 going on 11. Close age range.”
“Fair nuff.” Booloo smiled. “I wish I had cousins like that. My sib Ellie is nice enough, though.” 
“What’s she like?”
“She’s a total gremlin that has her soft spots.”
*type type type type type type type type*
“Like Marshal?”
“Yeah, like Marshal.” Booloo nodded.
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freedelusionshere · 4 months ago
Thanks for including me here. I agree. I like the way the show lets things happen organically, even offscreen, so that speculation is possible as well as viewer biases (talking about myself here) that might turn out to be wrong? Not specifically about this topic, but something I’ve been thinking about S3 in general.
I think there is a good possibility that Shapiro found out about Syd from ChefTerry?
We know that Carmy talked off screen to both Chef Terry and Luca and remains close to them both? Hugs Luca warmly in Forever as well as asking Terry for advice in his way we don’t see him do with anyone except Syd.
We know Carmy trusts the two of them implicitly because he sent Marcus and Richie to them. It would not surprise me at all if Luca and Terry both know about Syd and Carmy’s deep admiration for her. Maybe even some of his fears? It’s interesting both Luca and Terry go out of their way to get to know Syd in Forever, right?
Terry could have talked to Shapiro about this given The Bear emerging on the scene in Chicago, Carmy moving back, etc.
The other possibility is that Shapiro knows Carmy’s level of skill and his expectations and by virtue of that, his making her his CDC tells him everything he needs to know. Carmy is the best and only likes the best. Therefore, Syd is the best.
I don’t think it’s Richie, but Richie has been petty before and called the cops on the guys on the street in front of The Beef after claiming he’d never do that. And Richie was pissed at Carmy when he was at Ever and said he did it to humiliate him, which Terry corrects him on on the last day there.
It does seem there is professional jealousy shown in flashback on Shapiro’s part towards Carmy, they made a point to show that detail. Shapiro striking out on his own makes him a direct competitor to The Bear. He’s definitely poaching and trying to take out the competition. Also the Ever staff don’t want to work with him (known asshole, to quote Luca). If he or a friend had dinner at The Bear he could hear the yelling in the kitchen (and Chef David is abusive and not a yeller. Shapiro yells and knows Syd can put up with Carmy).
The biggest red flag is him applying so much pressure to Syd and that he wants to seemingly build this overnight. What’s the rush? My conspiracy brain wants to make Chef David his backer so that ultimately Syd and Carmy go up against them together, but might be far-fetched.
I wrote this in response to this post about Adam Shapiro but I didn't wanna hijack OP's post as I was replying to @freedelusionshere comment anyway so i'll put it here instead.
I agree the way Shapiro's character has been presented seems suspicious. Like a lot of things on this show it's portrayed subtly and indirectly but purposefully.
It's interesting to me that Syd had no idea who he was even after she stopped to look at him, until he said his name and she recognized it as a chef from Ever. But he knew who she was and seemed to know enough details about her role at The Bear to ask her to do an almost identical job for him the next time they met. How did he know she was capable of all that?
All the articles we've seen about in the show don't mention Syd, they don't credit her with helping to build the restaurant or even mention that Carmy is partnered with another chef. As far as we know her work isn't being publicly acknowledged and nobody outside of the staff and Emmanuel (and possibly Claire) know how much Syd's done there, so how does Shapiro seem to be aware of details you don't just pick up eating at a restaurant "under the radar" one time?
Richie worked at Ever for a week in S2 but he wasn't exactly Syd's biggest fan then so if he did talk about her I doubt he made her role at The Bear sound like a good thing or said positive things about the changes she'd made to make Shapiro want to poach her.
Shapiro said he ate at The Bear with friends, maybe one of them told him. But again, how do they know? The show makes it seem like Syd's full role at The Bear isn't public knowledge. Especially not the kind of details Shapiro seemed aware of.
Syd told a couple of chefs Carmy's her partner in S2 and judging by the lack of Syd mentions in the articles, I'd imagine they're probably thinking "I told you so" right now...but this does seem like the most plausible way he could know. It's still a flimsy connection imo bc the show has given us no other outside acknowledgement for Syd's work at The Bear. No other chef mentioned it or congratulated her in 3x10, even Chef Terry who congratulated Carmy then partied with Syd at her apartment didn't mention it to her. I assumed Luca would have an idea through Marcus or Carmy but he didn't say anything about it either and there was plenty of opportunity in their conversation. Shapiro is the only other chef who's congratulated her or mentioned it.
Knowing this doesn't necessarily make him a bad person, maybe he just noticed the negative environment of The Bear and decided to offer Syd an opportunity but it does make you wonder how he knows so much and no one else seems to. Maybe the show just does a bad job at portraying that it's public knowledge but judging by their usual level of attention to detail in storytelling, I don't think that's the case.
I guess Shapiro could know other chefs Syd's worked with in the past but getting info from them then approaching Syd the way he did without mentioning that is also just weird. And how would he know she can single handedly build a restaurant from scratch to the point of giving her complete creative control?
If it was sudden for Carmy to offer Syd such a big role in building his dream restaurant after months of working together in S1, it's very strange for Shapiro to offer Syd an almost identical offer but even better, after only meeting her twice.
Plus he says he doesn't want it to be "a gross poaching" but what else do you call asking someone who's already trying to build a restaurant with a chef he personally knows to basically abandon that project to come build his business full time instead? A decent person with good intentions would've spoken to Carmy and Syd together or at least gave Carmy a heads up that he planned to offer his CDC an opportunity to work for him instead. And Shapiro made that offer hard to refuse, even Syd knew it seemed too good to be true. That in itself is such a shady thing to do.
The definition of poaching in business: "Poaching is when an employer actively approaches, or 'head hunts', someone who is already employed by, or working at, another organisation, as opposed to advertising a vacancy and going through a usual recruitment process." [Source]
Shapiro can dress it up all he wants, poaching is the literal definition of what he's doing and the way he's gone about it is "gross" bc it's not like Carmy is a stranger to him, Syd was a stranger though.
His character has been subtly presented as someone who shouldn't be trusted imo. Kinda like Claire in S2. There seems to be no reason to dislike them on the surface but if you look beneath the surface there are plenty of reasons, too many to be a coincidence. Maybe Shapiro's not a good guy or maybe it's deliberate misdirection, either way I think he's been presented as a slightly suspicious character on purpose.
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cecilspeaks · 5 years ago
156 - The Trouble with Time
‘tis better to have loved and lost Than to be slowly eaten whilst still alive. There are, on the whole, Many things worse than having loved and lost. Welcome to Night Vale.
Well, listeners, we have all been grappling with the same problem. Time has become normal in Night Vale, or as normal as time ever is. Time is pretty weird everywhere. As a result of this shift in our experience of time, none of us are remaining the same age for centuries anymore. We are aging one year per year, one month per month, one second per precious second. Every moment that passes our skin is less supple. Our mind is less pliant. Our joints ache just a little more.
The entire town is in an uproar, as we are all coming to terms with the idea of getting older. Gym memberships have soared. Everyone is talking at the same time and they’re all recommending green juice diets to each other. The City Council has tried to make ageing illegal, but it turns out this would be unconstitutional as the Supreme Court decided that slow deterioration of the mind and body is an American right.
I myself am not immune to these worries. When I think about what my life would be like after Carlos or, what his life would be like after me… These are the kinds of fears that can’t be shaken off by the light of day. That linger, even after all the shadows of evening have faded. Is love a gift in a finite world? I’d like to think so, but oh, my stomach is in knots. I’m sure your sis too.
And now a word from our sponsors. Afraid of ageing? Terrified of the tides of time? Spooked by the sequential nature of existence? Stop looking at the calendar and moaning. Sure, it may be cathartic to start every morning by picking up your alarm clock and shouting: “You are a murderer! Your numbers are murder weapons! I am the murder victim!” But it’s not helping you out. Instead, try lotion. Just lotion those limbs. Lotion that face. Got any other parts? Lotion them too. Rubbing lotion on yourself won’t stop time. It won’t end the inevitability of death. But when you die, you will be silky smooth, and folks will whispers: “Why, it doesn’t look like they’ve aged a single day.” Buy lotion now and we will send you a box of other things that will not stop you from dying, but will make you feel a little better on your way out the door. Such as fish oil pills, a pair of running shoes, and books with titles like “Get Happy Now, or Else”. Lotion – you can’t stop ageing, so settle on mitigating the surface appearance of ageing. And this has been ma word from our sponsors.
In a new press release, Night Vale resident Leah Shapiro announces the Mariam McDonald memoriam fund. This fund, in honor of the recently deceased Mariam, will be used to finally fulfil Mariam’s lifelong dream, a dream she did not live long enough to see come to fruition: the removal of all sand from the Sand Wastes.  Mariam hated the sand, thought it looked frightfully untidy, and that it made a bad first impression for folks just coming to town. She could often be seen when she was alive out with her broom, dutifully sweeping the dunes into her dustpan, and depositing the result into a black trashbag. Obviously, this was slow going, but Leah has vowed to continue Mariam’s quest. “It’s a stupid wish, a real dumb one,” said Leah. “I hate it! I hate it so much, but I don’t know, it’s what Mariam wanted. And so I feel obligated for some reason to keep after it. God, this sucks!” Leah concluded. According to the press release, the Mariam McDonald Memorial Fund currently contains 3 dollars, and is not taking donations. Well, isn’t that the feelgood story of the year? Good luck, Leah. I do hope you get rid of all that sand. Mariam was right, sand is very untidy.
And now for the Children’s Fun Fact Science Corner. So today, we will be discussing how to tell whether something is a person. Here are simple tests that can be done at home with whatever you find in your parents’ cabinets when they don’t know you’re looking. Does it grow? It’s a person. Does it bend? It’s a person. Is it square or similar to a square? That’s a person. Nodes or nodules? Person. A frank and enticing laugh? Person. Can it hold liquid? Person. Is it a dog? Yup, that’s a person too. That ooze at the back of your closet? Not a person. We don’t know what hat is, best not to touch it, best not to think on it. Perhaps it is the thinking that gives it its power. This has been the Children’s Fun Fact Science Corner.
In response to the current “time is normal” crisis, many companies are moving in to offer services to alleviate ageing. Arby’s is suggesting that a regular diet of roast beef has been shown to extend life expectancy by up to 20 years. When they were asked who showed that and how they did so, Arby’s kind of mumbled and sad that they would have those sources for us soon, but in the meantime, come on down and buy yourself a meal. 
A number of new gyms have opened up in town, promising advanced workouts that will keep the body and mind tiptop. There is an LA Fitness, also a 26 Hour Fitness, which promises workouts at any time day or night, plus two bonus hours every day that are only experienced by members. And local legend Louie Blasko has started what he calls a Crossfit gym, but it appears to be just the burned out remains of his old music store, untouched since the night of the fire. “Oh yeah,” Louie said. “You can really get a good workout in here, believe me.” His eyes flicked back and forth nervously.
A different angle is being taken by newcomer to town, Casper Rhodes. Casper says that he has conquered the ultimate obstacle: death itself. He does this by freezing the brain upon death until it can be resuscitated by advanced technologies of the future. “Cryogenics means never having to say ‘I’m dead’,” Casper declared, whirling around the red cape he wears and wiggling his eyebrows. “Oh yes, this is a completely real technology. Once you die, we simply and safely remove your bran and freeze it in here.” He indicated the disused grain silo on the edge of town. “That thing is full of brains,” he said. “And each of those brains will be reanimated to a bright and beautiful future hundreds of years from now, and you can too, for a mere 10,000 dollars. Payable upfront, no refunds offered.”
Suspicious journalists asked if they could take a peek in the grain silo and see if it was actually full of brains. But Mr. Rhodes blocked the door with his body. “Uh oh uh,” he said. “Opening the door would mess up the, uh, freezing process. Uh, wouldn’t want that to happen. You just have to trust us.” Hmmmmm.
And now traffic. It’s looking pretty clear on the roads right now. There isn’t a single car to be seen. The parking lots are barren, the highways are mere doodles of the gods without the roaring machines that give them purpose. Where did every car disappear to? We wonder this as we walk to work. Walk to school. Learning the limits and the capacity of our own legs, magnificent machines attached to our own bodies that we had long ago discounted, but now can only propel ourselves by the length of them. And then again and again, one after another. The hours pass and we gradually pass through them, and where are the cars? Did they ever exist? The factories where cars once were built are now full of robots with no purpose, arms ending in specialized tools and drills, all designed to construct a thing that no longer is there to be constructed. And so they bob and weave for nothing. In this way, perhaps, it could be said that they are dancing. To take purpose from a movement is to suggest the possibility of art within it, that perhaps the movement could have meaning merely for itself, but I ask again: where are the cars? Where did they go? Every other form of transportation still exists. Planes still claw their way into the stratosphere, while boats wobble on churning seas. Motorcycles even, given the compete freedom of the highway, tearing into the turns and straightaways at dangerous speeds, but no cars. Was it something we did? Is this our fault? At least there’s no traffic, I guess, and we’re all getting a little more time outdoors which is nice and, oh – Nevermind. The cars are back, all of them. Aaaall at once, driverless and speeding. Well, it’s nice to have them back. This has been traffic.
And now for corrections. In a previous editorial aired on this station, a reporter indicated his belief that peanut butter is a type of rock. That reporter sincerely believed, based on a half remembered lesson from elementary school that he now realizes might have actually been a cartoon he watched, that peanut butter along with sedimentary, metamorphic, and ignius was in fact one of the main types of rock. This reported harbored no ill intent when he lectured for what may or may not have been two hours about his belief that peanut butter was a type of rock. This well meaning reporter may have ignored several calls from his scientist husband, who was trying to get through to correct this completely understandable mistake. But the reporter was on such a roll that he didn’t even notice the calls coming in. Which could happen to anyone. The reporter may have even printed up posters for local schools showing the types of rock, with peanut butter prominently included. If that is the case, these schools should feel free to return the erroneous posters, or keep them, if they feel it might be in some way educational. In any case, the reporter in question regrets the error and now amidst that maybe, peanut butter isn’t a type of rock. Maybe that’s true. Decide for yourself. This has been corrections.
Casper Rhodes and his Quality Cryogenics Corporation continue to advertise their dubious service all over town. He has bought a billboard next to the Waterfront Recreation Area declaring: “A new life awaits you in the future”, with a picture of a disembodied brain that is somehow both smiling an giving a thumbs up, despite its lack of hands and mouth. The Quality Cryogenics Corporation strung a banner along the top of the disused grain silo on the edge of town saying the name of the company. Except the word “quality” has been misspelled, as has “corporation”. Listeners, I am not one to editorialize, not after the recent peanut butter debacle we’ve heard so much about. But it does not seem to me that this Mr. Rhodes is on the up and up. Nothing about this strikes me as a scientific operation, and trust me, I know from scientific operations. Despite these warning signs, a few people have in fact taken them up on their offer, including weekday shift managers at the Ralphs, Charlie Bear, whose lifetime ambition of becoming a ghost has recently curdled into a frantic fear of death. “I thought we had eternity. Now every minute spent is a minute lost,” Charlie said to me when I asked him if they had any more cilantro. So that was a bummer on my afternoon. I must warn everyone not to buy into this Casper charlatan’s lies. Cryogenically freezing brains is not going to save you. In fact, it is time for me to bust this scam wide open. I will sneak into the disused grain silo, and I will tel you what is inside. Then all of us will know the truth.
As I head over there, Let’s all head over To the weather.
[“Revolution Lover” by Left At London http://leftatlondon.com]
OK, listeners I’m.. hold on. This portable recording rig is just a little heavy. Whoo! I have got to get back to my weight training. I was deadlifting as much as 15 pounds, and now look at me.
OK, I am looking up at the towering disused grain silo on the edge of town. The silo that one Casper Rhodes would claim contains cryogenically frozen brains, destined to be reawakened in the future. Well, I’m sure Mr. Rhodes, but allow me to just check in on it myself. The door to the silo is locked with a padlock and heavy chain. Fortunately, I don’t go anywhere without my Special Reporter’s welding torch. It comes in handy more than you’d think. [welding noises] And off it goes. Another win for the first amendment. Listeners, I am opening the heavy metal doors [creaking], and inside it is dark even in this late afternoon sun. I am stepping in. [voice echoing] My eyes are adjusting and oh my god! Listeners, oh my god! The tanks are full, frozen intact human brains, attached to various support equipment, it is all completely clean and seemingly running well, this – this isn’t a scam! The great Casper Rhodes is telling the truth! Death is now voluntary, aging is meaningless! We will all see the future! We will ALL see the future!
Listeners, I must go, I must talk to my husband. We could be together forever, don’t you see? A new world awaits us in the future! I must talk to Carlos, I must! [equipment drops]
Today’s proverb: On one hand, you have skin. On the other hand, you don’t- oh man, what happened to that hand?!!
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florahecate · 6 years ago
Read More The Most Popular Meats in America—Ranked for Nutrition
The following post The Most Popular Meats in America—Ranked for Nutrition is republished from Eat This Not That by April Benshosan
Lean meat is arguably the best source of protein. Unlike plant-based proteins (except for a select few such as quinoa and soybeans), animal proteins contain all nine essential amino acids—deeming them complete proteins. Besides helping your muscles grow and rebuild and keeping you looking toned and trim, amino acids also carry out significant physiological functions we need to survive. For example, the amino acids tryptophan and phenylalanine help prevent mood disorders, a study in Scientific Reports states, while threonine helps build youthful-skin-promoting collagen, PubChem informs us.
In addition to important amino acids, animal proteins also provide a slew of nutrients, including energizing B vitamins, anemia-fighting heme iron, and immune-system-strengthening zinc. That said, to help you find the best meat for your health and weight-loss goals, we consulted top dietitians to weigh-in on which proteins are best. Find out which dinner staples made the cut below!
From Worst to Best
Per center loin (chops), 3 oz cooked: 178 calories, 9.4 g fat (3 g saturated fat), 0 g carbs, 21.7 g protein
Pork is last on our list because it’s not as lean and nutrient-filled as most of our other meats. It contains the least amount of muscle-maintaining protein and less vitamin B12 than lamb, bison, beef, and turkey, while clocking in as the second highest-fat choice on our list. Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN of Real Nutrition ranks pork as the least nutritious meat because pigs often eat and live in unsanitary conditions, adding that people usually consume pork in very processed ways, including bacon and lard, which has been shown to increase heart disease risk.
Per breast meat, 3 oz cooked: 230 calories, 14.9 g fat (5.1 g saturated fat), 0 g carbs, 24 g protein
Lamb is low on our list because of its high calorie and saturated fat content, and therefore should not be consumed daily. However, when you do indulge in a serving, you’ll get 1.22 micrograms of vitamin B12, 4 milligrams of zinc, and 1.5 milligrams of iron. In addition to being high in protein, Shapiro tells us that this red meat also contains tallow trans fat, a prime source of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which unlike regular trans fat, is actually good for you and has been shown to promote weight loss.
Per beef chuck, 3 oz cooked: 162 calories, 5.8 g fat (2.3 g saturated fat), 0 g carbs, 27.5 g protein
Beef contains about five times more immunity-boosting zinc and over seven times the amount of zinc than turkey. However, it’s higher in both total fat and saturated fat, so if you can’t give up the occasional burger or T-bone, go for grass-fed. Grass-fed beef contains less palmitic and myristic acids—two types of saturated fats linked to higher LDL cholesterol and heart disease—than grain-fed beef, Esther Blum, MS, RD, CDN, CNS tells us. “Grass-fed beef consistently contains a higher proportion of stearic acid, which even the mainstream scientific community acknowledges does not raise blood cholesterol levels,” she says.
RELATED: Get lean for life with this 14-day flat belly plan.
Per ribeye, 3 oz cooked: 150 calories, 4.8 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 0 g carbs, 25 g protein
“I’m a big fan of bison, as it comes with all the good stuff, including zinc, iron, and protein,” says Shapiro. “Since bison is grass-fed, it is leaner than beef and has more omega-3 fatty acids,” Shapiro says, adding that it has fewer calories and less fat than beef. Bison is one of the top sources of iron and is a solid source of both vitamin B12 and zinc. However, you should limit your red meat consumption to no more than two times per week. “I still do not recommend eating red meat more than two times a week, as an increased intake has been shown to be correlated with an increased incidence of disease,” Shapiro tells us. If you’re craving red meat, bison is our top pick.
Per breast meat, 3 oz cooked: 140 calories, 3 g fat (0.8 g saturated fat), 0 g carbs, 26.4 g protein
Chicken is a popular source of protein for good reason: It is high in protein yet low in calories and saturated fat (as long as you stay away from the skin!). “Chicken is a great way to add protein to your diet and to stay full and satisfied at meals without going over your calorie budget,” Shapiro informs us. While chicken is low in iron, vitamin B12, and zinc compared to our other meats, its low saturated fat content makes it a great addition to your daily diet. To get the most bang for your nutritional buck, Shapiro recommends shopping for humanely-raised organic and pasture-raised chickens and consuming a mix of white and dark meat and removing the skin.
Per breast meat, 3 oz cooked: 125 calories, 1.7 g fat (0.5 g saturated fat), 0 g carbs, 25.6 g protein
“Poultry and chicken, in general, are leaner options when comparing against all the meats. However, when compared to themselves, I view turkey being a healthier option than chicken,” Caroline Weeks, RDN, LD, tells us. “The white meats are generally easier on the GI tract and are more easily digested than red meat,” says Weeks, which is why unlike red meat, poultry can be eaten more often. When it comes to the chicken versus turkey debate, turkey takes the cake by a landslide. Turkey contains more zinc and has less saturated fat than chicken. While chicken breast has a slightly higher protein count than turkey breast, dark turkey meat contains more protein than dark chicken meat. Additionally, turkey’s amino acid profile, specifically BCAA (branched chain amino acids), is a bit more robust than chicken’s.
The post The Most Popular Meats in America—Ranked for Nutrition appeared first on Eat This Not That.
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"Self Care in a Selfless Place" Clip
“So…what do we think the teacher’s gonna get?” Buzz pulled out a bingo sheet. 
“You got roped into the bingo card gambling too, huh.” Booloo laughed. “First Bob, now you.”
“If I get a Bingo, I treat all the hosts to a repeat of the OG Beetlejuice.” Buzz said. “So…it’s a win if you ask me. Besides, my card is jinx based.”
“I’m hungry.” Booloo admitted. “If it’s a food-based jinx, I’m dead.”
“Nah, it has something to do with self-care, no doubt. Maybe something like Roxie’s jinx.” Kandi guessed.
“I think it’ll be an emotion based jinx.” Avery looked over.
Guy looked at a flier. “Are YOU Smarter Than a Kindergartener? FIND OUT NOW!”
“Who are they targeting that shit at?” he asked.
“You.” Booloo chuckled. “For real, they definitely have to throw it.”
“I think she’s gonna act like Buzz when he’s super duper duper stressed!” Honey giggled.
“...yay.” Buzz cheered.
“That’s reassuring…” Nate sighed. “And Helen has the therapy seal, so we’re sorta boned.”
“Bone?” Rose scratched at the entrance. “I like bones.”
Avery looked at the principal. “Dumb question, can my toy dog come inside the school?”
“Sure.” Miss Fitzgerald smiled. “It’s a toy dog, so they won’t be an allergy issue or a poop-in-the-school issue.”
Rose bolted in. “ALRIGHT! I AM NOT AN ISSUE!” 
“It’s like…Martha Speaks, but a toy dog and she’s pink and small.” Avery said. “To all of you who do not know what I’m talking about, we have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Fluffy’s here too. He’s like Rose, but bunny.” Booloo showed Fluffy. 
“Hey.” Fluffy waved. 
“So…you guys are here for the kids?” Miss Fitzgerald asked.
“We’re magical girls.” Nate explained. “Miss Pendleton is being targeted. We’re here to help.”
Agatha sighed as she sat on a bench.
“Why do you hide your hair?”
“Do you miss your family?”
“Can I wear makeup?”
“Why do you dress so fancy?”
“HELP!” Agatha called to the others.
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"Toyland, Joyland" Clip
“Are we all set?” Cookie asked. “Snacks?”
“Check.” Schmitty checked a list.
“Party hats?”
“Check!” Nate beamed.
“Noisemakers?” Cookie went over the list.
“Check!” Booloo tossed one over.
“Ask Bob.” Aianna winced. “Sugar rush.”
“Movies for the kids?”
“I got a couple!” Kandi beamed. “Holopod and regular!”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, last but not least, twelve alarm clocks set for New Years?”
Guy raised his hand sheepishly. “Yep.”
(pic coming soon)
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