#shower door hardware virginia
modernglass · 7 days
Expert Commercial Glass Services in Virginia
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Discover expert commercial glass services in Virginia with Modern Glass Designs. We offer custom solutions to enhance your business, from storefront installations to glass partitions. To know more, you can visit our website.
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This home in Cedar Point, Virginia looks so ordinary, you couldn’t tell my looking at it how much history it has. But, it’s known as Lock #7, which was a Lock Keeper’s house. Originally surveyed by George Washington, as part of the Kanawha Canal project, that he also designed, it was used as a tavern and toll collection point.
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The owners completely restored it and added modern updates. The bottom level features 18” thick stone walls and brick floors.
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The entire home was recently painted to reflect the colors of the era.
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The kitchen’s so cute- very realistic, but I would need a dishwasher. 
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There seems to be a storage closet under the stairs, too. 
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Upstairs are the bedrooms. 
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There’s another floor with more bedrooms, too.
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It has 4 fireplaces and look at the hardware on the door.
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The bathroom has a shower and next to the shower is a stackable w/d. 
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This is the highest level with more rooms.
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Beautiful porch.
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There’s lots of land and a stone patio.
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This is cool.
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The train don’t bother me b/c I grew up 1/2 block from a train track. ‘Til this day, I can’t sleep if it’s quiet.
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And, here’s the canal. This is beautiful. I could definitely live here.
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1234-angelika · 3 years
an:Hey y'all! So the weather is finally cooling down a bit here, not that I wasn't loving it, but I am finally managing to get some work done. This is the fifth installment in my Happily Ever After series for Derek. As always, hope y'all enjoy!
words:1.3 k
warnings:PDA (maybe) but other than that, I don't think there are any
summary:"We shape our homes and then our homes shape us." -Winston Churchill
masterpost|taglist|have an idea
You knew that outside of his work at the BAU, Derek had a side business restoring and flipping houses.
Since he used this business as a stress reliever and a hobby, that’s usually how he would spend his days off. When you were together, though, you would usually spend the afternoon with take-out in a movie-marathon haze. Occasionally, you would go out, but it was more important to the two of you to spend time together. You had only been to a worksite once. So, Derek promised that he would bring you out to a worksite one day, and you would work on it together.
It was five-thirty in the morning on a Wednesday, and you had just come back from your run when the phone rang. In an effort to answer the call promptly, you paid no mind to the caller ID.
Derek’s voice rang through the receiver, “Hey Sunshine. That’s the hello I get?”
Giggling, you answered, “Good morning casanova.”
“Loving the new nickname sunshine.”
You smiled as you heard D’s nickname for you. “What’s up Derek? Usually you don’t call this early, especially on a day off.”
“Can you meet me later?”
“For sure. Where?”
“I’ll text you the address. Does eleven-thirty work for you?”
“Ok. I love you Sunshine.”
“I love you too, hercules.”
You took a long shower to relax. Deciding that an hour in the shower was long enough, you finished up and made your way out to the closet. The weatherman said it would be reaching an estimated high of 87°F. This heavily influenced your choice of an outfit. You grabbed your favourite pair of shorts, a comfy black tank top and a blue flannel to wear on top. You paired your most comfortable pair of shoes with the outfit while still keeping cool in the Virginia heat. After getting dressed, you did your hair and then went on to makeup. Meandering into the kitchen, you started to think about breakfast. You gathered the components and started making it. You had just put the bread into the toaster when your phone alerted you of a text message. Picking it up, you read that it was from Derek.
Hey Sunshine.
The address is 3972 Hazelmere lane. I can’t wait to see you.
You shot a quick text back confirming that you were still meeting him and asking if he needed anything. Then, you put down your phone and continued with your breakfast. You ate your food while flipping through the latest edition of your favourite magazine. Once you finished your food, you had to make an effort to keep busy. You tidied your condo before getting started on some paperwork for your upcoming training sessions. You worked and worked until all of a sudden, the clock read eleven. You decided to just leave your place and be early for whatever you were going to do.
The drive took longer than anticipated. Instead of the fifteen minutes, you estimated, the drive actually took forty. Finally, you pulled up to the address, and confusion overcame you. At the address was a beautiful house with a lot of yard in the front and plenty of trees. You parked the car—which wasn’t done super well, parallel parking—grabbed your bag and climbed out. Looking around, you spotted Derek’s car but no sign of Derek. Taking a chance, you walked up to the front door, but when you knocked on it, it just got pushed open. You walked towards the deafening banging sounds you heard, and it was there that you found Derek. He was taking down the rotted cabinetry and dropping it on the ground. He paused when he noticed you in the doorway and climbed down the ladder.
“Hey sunshine,” he said, kissing your cheek.
“Hi Der. So, where are we?” You asked, trying not to be too apparent in your ogling of his sweaty body. As you finished your question, his body language became nervous. The same as it was when he had asked you to be his girlfriend.
“Y/N,” he said, and instantly you noted the severity of the upcoming conversation, all playfulness was gone from his voice, “you know that I do this as a side business and I did promise you that we could work on a project together. I thought it could be this one. If you’re up for it, we could make this our forever home. What do you say?”
You squealed out in happiness and launched yourself into his arms. He readily caught you, and as you hugged him, you felt his chest rumbling beneath you, an indication that he was laughing. You pulled away, and he looked at you with a brow raised.
“So I guess that’s a yes?”
“Yes!” You kissed him hard, making sure your point got across. “So Derek, where do we start?”
He grabbed a spare pair of protective glasses from the counter and handed them to you. “We start with some demolition. Don’t bang out any walls. We’re just removing cabinetry, mirrors, light fixtures and flooring.”
You nodded and walked off to what you could only guess was the living room. You made a cut into the carpet before starting to pull it up. You slowly made your way around the house, pulling the flooring up, room by room, focusing only on carpet and laminate. You were now in one of the bedrooms pulling up the last floorboard when Derek appeared in the doorway.
“Need any help gorgeous?”
Standing up, you shook your head, “nah, I finished the flooring.”
“Are you done for the day?” Derek asked you, hoping you still had the energy to do some shopping.
“Not yet. I’m still good, why?”
“I wanted to take you shopping for some materials for the house.”
“Our house,” you said, correcting him with a grin.
“Our house.” Derek said with a smile akin to your own.
The drive to the hardware store was quick. The two of you walked hand-in-hand, picking and choosing the hardware and appliances. The hardware and the appliances were easy to determine, the hardware was matte black, and the appliances were stainless steel. Both complemented the cabinetry planned for the home, white for most of the cabinets and sage green for the island cabinets. However, paint and flooring ended up being a different story. You and Derek had utterly opposing ideas, and coming to a compromise was no easy feat.
“So, what paint were you thinking?”
“Well, I was thinking we do grey on grey.”
“Are you saying grey paint AND grey flooring?”
“Yeah. It’s simple…design-wise anyways.”
The opposition to the idea was evident on your face, and he sighed before saying;
“What were you thinking Y/N?”
Taking a moment to consider his ideas, you said, “What if we went for a lighter grey for most of the walls…and instead of the grey flooring, we go for a walnut coloured vinyl instead?”
He nodded as he considered your ideas. “What do you mean most of the walls?”
“Well, I wanted to use shiplap in the entrance way but I was thinking that instead we could use it as a feature wall against the staircase.”
“Y/N, have I ever told you what a genius you are?”
“Nope,” you said, popping the ‘p.’
“Well you are an amazingly talented lovable genius,” he said before leaning over and kissing you.
The two of you were walking through the aisles of the hardware store pushing the cart, your head leaning on his bicep when he asked;
“So, what about the kitchen?”
And that’s how you spent the rest of your day off and others alike. Building your forever home together.
taglist: @multixfandomwriter @myescapefromthislife @gspenc
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jedi-mabari · 4 years
Powers. Ch. 2
Word Count: 3630 Warnings: Far Cry level violence, assault on an officer  A/n: So this is the second chapter of Power’s, obviously, and it’s based on an AU story from @goodboiboomer-fc5 whose character Cat is mentioned several times int he last chapter, but is actually seen in this one.
Previous Chapter //// Next Chapter
Summary: Percy and Jacob have to make it to the Den, but Percy is acting strange.  _________________________________________________________
Jacob had only gotten a few hours of sleep, and was already up and packing by the time Percy had rolled out of bed. She slept well past nine o'clock, meaning they were going to be late getting to the new den. She sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, flinching as she raised her arms. Her shoulder must have still been tender from the injury. Jacob zipped up his bag, making sure the folder was tucked safely inside.
"I'll grab some breakfast while you're getting a change of clothes," he said, and Percy walked past him into the bathroom. He heard the shower turn on and rolled his eyes. He went out and put his bag in the truck, looking across the road at the outlet mall. It had a few stores, though it's looked like a hardware store, a bookstore, and the third was luckily a thrift shop. There was also a bagel shop that he could smell from the motel room. It had been what had woken him up initially. He went back into the room and laid down on his bed. He hadn't realized he'd gone back to sleep until Percy was standing over him, shaking his shoulder.
"We should get going," she said, her voice quiet and her tone guarded. Jacob nodded as he rolled off if the bed.
"Yeah. Let's go get you some new clothes and some food." He jumped up, dropping the motel keys on the table by the door and locking it behind them. They crossed the street on foot and Percy walked into the second hand store, and Jacob split off and headed into the bagel shop.
While Percy looked for clothes, Jacob ordered two sausage egg bagels and two cups of coffee. When he left the shop, bagels and coffee in hand, Percy was waiting for him. She had purchased a flattering button down shirt that exposed her collar bones and a faux leather jacket. Jacob had to admit that she had style.
"You look nice," he said, and she took her cup of coffee.
"Thanks." There was an edge to her voice, like she was still in pain, but Jacob didn't press, hoping she would talk to him about it herself. All he had to do was get them to the den, and then maybe she would call down.
They drove in silence, both of them taking turns to look behind them to make sure they weren't being followed. Percy remained silent, but Jacob could hear her grinding her teeth. He tried to block it out, but as the drive went on, the grinding just got worse. After hours of grinding teeth and bouncing knees, Jacob pulled over to the side of the road and turned off the truck.
"What is going on," he asked, and Percy looked at him, her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed.
"What do you mean?" A grumble of frustration rolled through Jacob's chest and he got out of the truck, walking to the passenger side and pulled the door open.
"You have been grinding your teeth all morning and your knee hasn't stopped bouncing since we left the motel." Percy glared at him and purposefully planted her feet in the floorboards.
"Nothing's wrong Jacob," she said, and Jacob could hear her heart hammering in her chest, telling him she was lying. He crossed his arms over his chest, his features darkening into a firm look.
"Percy, I've known you a long time. I've worked with you for a long time. I know when something's bothering you." Percy laughed and shook her head, slipping out of the truck, putting some space between her and Jacob.
"We haven't worked together in five years," she reminded, "a lot can change." Jacob grabbed her shoulder and pulled to turn her around, but she let out a loud gasp and pulled away from him. He pulled back, like he had been shocked, looking her up and down, trying to see what could have hurt her. She clutched her shoulder, cradling her arm against herself.
"Percy, what happened?" She looked up at him, her face relaxing as the pain passed.
"It's nothing," she assured, but he shook his head.
"Tell me." Percy sighed, shrugging off her jacket. She unbuttoned her shirt and slid it off her shoulder. She looked away as Jacob stepped closer to examine it. There were dark veins around where he had removed the bullet, and the entry point itself was now a dark grey. Jacob carefully pressed his hands against it, pulling back quickly, surprised by the heat coming off it. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"What were you going to do, Jake? Call Joseph? I don't even know what's wrong! It should have healed by now! For all I know I could be dying!" She was yelling by the end, panic rising in her voice. Jacob put his hand on her good shoulder, his other hand moving to cup her face.
"Calm down," he said, bending down until they were face to face. "We can figure this out. If John and Faith can figure out how those bullets were made, we can fix this." Percy shook her head, fixing her shirt. She pulled away from Jacob, grabbing her jacket and putting it back on over her shirt. Jacob helped her back into the truck, his hand resting on her knee. "Percy, I promise. We're gonna fix this." She nodded, and as soon as his hand left her knee, it started bouncing again. Jacob moved back to the driver side and started the truck again.
They reached West Virginia by nine that night, and they only had a couple more hours until they reached the trail head leading to the den. She was asleep as they crossed over the state boarder. She woke up to the blue and red lights flooding the cab of the truck.
"Shit," Jacob mumbled, checking the mirrors, but was unable to see anything past the lights. Percy scooted up in her seat, flinching as she put pressure on her shoulder.
"Is it just the cops," she asked, looking out the back window.
"I don't know," Jacob said, shaking his head. He pulled over, keeping both hands on the steering wheel. They watched the mirrors as the cop pulled behind them. Percy twisted in her seat and watched as a lone officer walked up to the truck.
"How are you tonight, sir," the cop asked as he stepped up to Jacob's window.
"I'm alright, officer," Jacob said. The cop looked into the vehicle, his eyes landing on Percy. She didn't say anything as she forced herself to smile at the cop. The cop looked down at something in his hands and Percy froze as he reached down for his sidearm.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step out of your vehicle."
"Can I ask what this is about, officer," he asked, sensing the cops tension, and the cop drew his weapon.
"Sir, just exit the vehicle." Jacob glanced at Percy but complied with the officer. He opened the truck door and raised his hands. With the truck door open, Percy could see the officer's gun and she recognized it.
"Look, my wife and I are just headed home from visiting family," Jacob lied, trying to throw off the cop. The officer had his eyes trained on Percy as Jacob fabricated their story. He raised his weapon to Percy, ignoring Jacob. She pressed back into the truck, trying to put as much distance between her and the muzzle of the gun.
Jacob noticed the cops attention shift and he charged at the officer. He knocked the man to the ground, bringing his fist down onto the mans face just hard enough to knock him out. Percy slid out of the truck, cradling her shoulder.
"Wait, look at his gun," she said, grabbing it out of his hand. Jacob stood, leaving the cop on the ground by the truck. Jacob examined it as Percy turned it over in her hand. "It's just like Howl's," she said. He carefully took it from her, ejecting the clip. He examined the bullet, his finger moving over the marks in the brass.
"We need to get this to the den," he said, dropping the clip into his pocket and tucking the gun into the waistband of his pants. He lifted the cop and carried him back to his squad car, dropping him in the driver seat. He ran back to the truck, jumping into the drivers seat. He spun gravel as he pulled off of the shoulder of the road. They sped down the road, and Percy cursed under her breath as she watched the lights fade into the darkness as they sped away.
"I can't believe they already have the cops," she said, and Jacob glanced her her quickly before looking back at the road.
"How did you not know," he asked, and Percy let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"Oh I'm so sorry, Jacob. While I was getting you information on all of those people the Project wanted, I just forgot to get a list of all the people they had in their pocket!" Jacob rolled his eyes.
"You don't have to be sarcastic. That tone isn't helping anyone." Percy laughed and braced herself against the dashboard as he whipped around a bend in the road.
"Why would you just assume I know everything that was going on in the Project? I didn't even know they had figured out I was a leak." Jacob nodded, and started to slow down, throwing glances over his shoulder to make sure they weren't being followed. He slowed back to the speed limit after he felt like there was enough distance between them and the officer.
"The good news is that they don't know my face," he said, and Percy raised her brows at him. "They didn't know my face. The bad news is that they know we're in the area." Percy looked over her shoulder out the back window and shook her head.
"How far are we from the den?" Jacob shrugged and searched for a sign. They passed one that read Bluewell.
"About an hour," he said, and Percy let out a long sigh, leaning back into the seat. Anything could happen in an hour, both of them knew that. They could run into a roadblock, or get pulled over again. They could be tracked down by Project agents and killed, but an hour from Lick Creek was still a good thing, Jacob thought. That was an hour closer to finding out what was wrong with Percy.
They both kept their eyes on the road, keeping a careful eye on each outlet to make sure a cop wasn't waiting there to pull them over, and to make sure the roads were clear ahead of them. They reached the trail head in just under an hour, and Jacob was glad. He grabbed his bag as he turned off the truck and slid out. It was late and chilly, and Percy was shivering so hard her teeth were clattering. The pip bullet must have been burning through her, and Jacob removed his jacket, draping it over her to try and keep her warm.
They didn't know the real location of the den, just that it was hidden in the woods of Lick Creek. They started down the trail, and Jacob could smell the faint sweet smell that was so often accompanied by his sister. He followed it through the woods, his hand wrapped around Percy's to make sure she was still with him. They reached the top of a hill, and Percy had to stop, her face flushed and covered in sweat. Jacob smelled the air, trying to find the direction the scent was coming from.
"How much further," Percy rasped, doubled over trying to catch her breath. Jacob sighed and turned another circle.
"I can't tell," he said, frowning at himself. Percy looked up at him and smiled, pointing behind him as a cloud of green formed behind him.
"Maybe she does," Percy chuckled as Faith stepped through the cloud.
"We're just at the top of that hill," she said, catching Jacob's attention. She pointed across a valley and Jacob looked exasperated.
"Hell, Faith," he said, glancing at Percy. She was looking rough, but he would carry her if he had to. They were to close to fail now. "We'll be there by dawn," Jacob said, being generous for Percy's condition. Faith was gone in a cloud of green and Jacob looked at Percy. "How are you holding up?" Percy took as deep a breath as her shoulder would allow.
"I think I can make it. But We have to slow down." Jacob nodded, and they took a moment to rest. Percy caught her breath and they started to hike down into the valley. The hike back up took it's toll on Percy. She had to stop constantly, leaning against her good shoulder. They reached the top and walked along the ridge.
"There," Jacob said, pointing to an old, out of use watchtower through the trees. "That's gotta be where they are." Percy nodded as she leaned into Jacob. He let out a long breath, his arm wrapped around her, careful not to touch her shoulder.
"Thank god," she sighed, resting her head against his shoulder. Jacob chuckled and looked down at her.
"Let me carry you," Jacob offered. Percy looked up at him and smiled, quirking an eyebrow at him.
"I mean, if you want." She opened her arms and he laughed, scooping her up into his arms. He managed to keep a steady pace as he jogged towards the watchtower. She was asleep when they reached it, and Jacob looked around for an entrance to the den. He followed the scent of bliss and found a metal platform under the tower. There was a deep, hollow sound that bounced up to meet him and he knew he'd found the entrance to the den. He stood on the platform and stomped his foot four times. The ground shook under him and the platform started to lower itself.
Jacob woke up in the room Faith had set up for him. It was small, but he didn't really need much space. After he had gotten into the den, John quickly showed him where he could put Percy, and then he debriefed his brothers and sister about what had happened. He showed John the gun and the pip bullets, and he immediately took them to study, and Faith left to see what she could do to help Percy. Joseph had sat up with him and went over what they had found in the file.
But now, after a full nights sleep, Jacob could feel everything they'd been through in the last couple of days. His knuckles were bruised from when he'd hit the cop, and everything else was sore from the hike. He crawled out of the bed that had been prepared for him and stretched. He got dressed and walked through the bunker. He followed the smell of coffee, stumbling into the kitchen still half asleep. He paused at the sight of the small brunette woman sitting at the kitchen table, a cup held between her hands.
"Good morning, Jacob," she said, and he gave her a tight smile and a small nod. He still wasn't comfortable with Catalina yet, but he didn't want to be rude.
"Good morning, Rojas," he said, taking a long drink of his coffee.
"You're friend," she started, looking in the direction Percy was, "she's the one that gave you guys my name?" Jacob nodded, grabbing an apple from the basket. It was a little weird that they had already settled in this much, but it wasn't unbelievable.
"Yeah. She's been feeding us intel on the Project for years now." Catalina nodded and looked down into her cup.
"How is she doing?" Jacob shrugged, turning the apple over and over in his hand. Just as Jacob was going to say he didn't know, Faith stepped into the kitchen, looking more tired than Jacob had ever seen her. She grabbed the coffee out of his hand and slammed it back in one go, dropping the mug on the counter before pouring herself another.
"She's going to be alright," Faith said, answering the question after finishing her second cup of coffee. "Whatever those bullets were, they did a number on her. But Percilla should be up and moving in the next couple of days." Jacob visibly relaxed as Faith pushed his mug back into his hand, now empty. He poured himself another cup of coffee and put the apple back into the basket.
"Thank you," he said softly, stepping around her. "I'm going to check in with John. See if he knows what kind of magic was used with those bullets." Faith nodded with a yawn and collapsed into a chair across from Catalina. Jacob took a drink from his coffee as he made his way down the hall towards John's workshop.
"Did you get anywhere with those plans," Jacob asked, standing in the doorway of John's shop. John looked up at him and gave him a halfhearted smile.
"I got nowhere with the gun," he said, reaching for the clip and popping out a round, "but I've figured out what this is!" Jacob took a long drink from his coffee and waited for his brother to go on. John rolled his eyes, disappointed that Jacob wasn't buying into his fanfare. "So, they used the same basic model for a bullet that flattens on impact-"
"A dum-dum," Jacob said and John nodded.
"Yeah, but they've enchanted it. And at first I thought it was just with an electrical current, but," he slid the bullet under a magnifying glass, "this sigil is a corrupting sigil. It causes any variety of symptoms, like in Percy it prevented her from healing properly. It could make Faith unable to project or Joseph unable to see. I don't really know, actually, I'm just speculating due to what it did to Percy." Jacob nodded, folding his arms over his chest.
"So I was right, it's magic?" John nodded, waving his oldest brother over. He pointed to a spent round, pointing to the grooves on the side.
"So these look like they could just be rifling from the gun, but they're not. They're the grooves from the enchantments." He gestured to an unfired round that he had extracted from the casing. "See, the sigils are pressed into the cases, and that causes the imprint on the bullet. The blueprints indicate them using a much harder material for the bullet, but the harder the material, the harder it is to enchant." Jacob nodded and set the mug down on the table.
"So it's all just magic shit?"
"Well, with a caliber this small, it'd have to be just covered in magic for to even slow someone down." Jacob took the bullet and ran her fingers over it.
"And the gun?"
"As far as I can tell, it's just a regular gun. It doesn't need anything special to fire the rounds." Jacob nodded and rested his hands on his hips. John tried to explain the magic to Jacob, and only paused briefly when Joseph entered the room and joined the discussion.
Percy woke up in a fog. Her body felt heavy, all of her muscles protesting her movements as she tried to roll out of bed. But she sat up, setting her bare feet on the cement floor. She rested her head in her hands, rubbing her temples. She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head as she tried to get to her feet. She stood, but it felt like someone was pushing her back down onto the bed.
She looked around herself, trying to identify where she was, but there seemed to be a lag in the connection from her eyes to her brain. She stood again, managing to fight against the weight on her shoulder. She staggered to the door, pressing her forehead against the cool metal wall. The pressure against her forehead was nice, and made her head feel less heavy. She took a deep breath and pulled the door open. She stumbled out into the hallway, her eyes swimming as she searched for any clue as to where she was.
She stumbled down the hallway, using the wall for support until it wasn't there anymore. She lost her balance and stumbled into a room with a light so blinding all she could do was cover her face. She rolled onto her side, and felt hands on her. She batted them away as they pawed at her, and she was confused about why the voices sounded a million miles away.
"Move her hands," she heard on of them say, a male.
"Check her shoulder first!" A woman. She was twisted so they could look at her shoulder, her hands pulled down from her face to give them better access. She felt a cold hand on her shoulder and relaxed, glad for the coolness against her feverish skin.
"Why is she burning up, Faith. I thought you said she'd be fine!" That must have been Jacob. Percy reached towards him, but her hand was pushed down onto the cold tile floor.
"It's magic, Jake," Faith explained, "it's not an exact science." She felt light, delicate touches on her face, cold and welcome. The were interrupted when she was scooped off the floor.
"Where am I," she asked, curling into the chest she was pressed against.
"You're safe," Jacob said, and for the first time that night, she could hear everything perfectly.
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#HistoricalHomes Repost from @historicalhomesofamerica • 330 S Rocky River Dr, Berea, OH 44017 $750,000, 5 bd, 3 ba, 5,692 sqft Most homes on the market don’t have 150 years of history. This one does. Sitting on 1.5 acres, this 5,400 square foot Berea mansion has seen prohibition bootlegging, rifle fire in the basement, locally famous window graffiti from its original owner, a substantial fire on the upper level and ivy that was brought in from George Washington’s Virginia estate. Situated on the Cleveland Metroparks, this luxurious mansion is certainly one of the biggest, most impressive homes in Berea and the surrounding area. Unique features throughout the home include original hand tacked flooring with oak, cherry and maple inlay; intricately designed brass door hardware; 12’ ceilings with elaborate plaster crown moldings; huge brass imported chandeliers; a main staircase that would make The Great Gatsby proud; a breathtaking walk-in shower; a clawfoot tub and tin stamped ceilings in the main kitchen and summer kitchen. Enjoy the surrounding wildlife from one of the three patios, two of which rest on historic Berea sandstone. The builder was a sandstone tycoon. Listing courtesy of: CENTURY 21 DePiero & Associate Mark E Vittardi Check out these photos! Have a listing you want us to share? Submit it on our website! www.historicalhomesofamerica.com/listwithus! #arch #archie #architecture #architecturephotography #architecturelovers #old #history #oldhouse #oldhouselove #wow #amazing #goodmorning #thisoldhouse #antique #vintage #home #house #porch #ornate #grand #mansion #mansions #realty #forsale #zillow #homesdotcom #ohio #oh https://www.instagram.com/p/CR7aw1tBhciqRFnBw-JtNfmJ-zhP2LnSHXx3os0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bradthomasrealtor · 4 years
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🏠***NEW LISTING!*** ***PLEASE SHARE***🏠 5 bedrooms - 3.5 bathrooms - 2,842 SF - $299,900 Beautiful 5 bedroom colonial with tons of updates throughout. Granite in kitchen with new kitchen faucet and newer appliances. 2 master suites - one on entry level, and one upper level master. Updated full bath with tile shower, new vanity/new faucet. Upstairs master bathroom offers a tile shower with new fixtures. Private brick patio w/vine-covered pergola, large fenced back yard, and garden space. Other updates include architectural roof, insulated replacement windows, new front door, low-maintenance exterior, 2 masonry fireplaces with gas logs, double garage, and much more ''see supplement'' where it is 7139 La Marre Drive 3.5 mi from airport, Sam's club across from Hollins Univ what it is brick with siding on second story 2 story plus basement what's inside 4 bedrooms upstairs 2 full baths upstairs 1 full bath downstairs with jacuzzi room that could be used as guest or master bedroom, or study/den living room dining room kitchen/family room finished basement that walks out to garage 2 fireplaces in house, one in family room, one in basement what's outside fenced yard half acre roughly small garden area Improvements that have been made -New toilet/faucets in downstairs bath -New toilet in downstairs half bath -Upstairs full bath has been remodeled including new toilet, tub, tile floor and tub surround, vanity and wall cabinet from Reico, light, hardware and faucets -Upstairs master full bathroom updates includes new toilet, vanity and wall cabinet, sink faucet, hardware. -New electrical panel -Outdoor landscaping and tree removal have been complete. -Laundry area sink has been replaced -Kitchen has new appliances including dishwasher, refrigerator, stove, plumbing under sink, and newer microwave -All new exterior light fixtures which include dawn to dusk and motion sensor -Brand new front door -New Smoke alarms -New door locks -Driveway has been sealed -Brick has been cleaned -Siding has been cleaned 7139 LA MARRE DR, Roanoke, VA 24019 ***This property is not for rent or rent to own. If you find it for rent, it is a scam.*** For photos along with additional pr (at Roanoke, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_oEDyOJPielU1eHHzEDUxNR30UUaTJJUYDWKM0/?igshid=nad863xinqit
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Standard post published to Virginia Shower and Bath at June 14, 2021 17:03
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Walk-In Shower Installer Chesapeake http://www.virginiashowerandbath.com/
Walk-In Shower Installer Chesapeake
The beauty of a good bathroom remodeling lies in the quality of products used and the level of installation done. Virginia Shower and Bath provide clients with beautiful shower door options that add to the beauty of the whole bathroom. The company factory-trained experts do the installation process to ensure that everything is spic and span. The opportunities provided for walk in Shower Installer Chesapeake clients include sliding doors, pivoting doors, and bath screens to create the exact style and privacy required by the client. The doors get made with high-quality glass and hardware to last for many years. For quality shower doors, contact (757) 997-1080.
Virginia Shower and Bath (757) 997-1080 Chesapeake, VA 23320 Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-6pm http://www.virginiashowerandbath.com/
Learn more
source https://local.google.com/place?id=7394477521479303229&use=posts&lpsid=3694465284982644069
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librarieseverywhere · 4 years
on remembering
i wish i remembered to write down everything, like how Clem gets so comfortable in my lap sometimes that she rolls off, or how the shower smells so good right when you first turn the water on here. It’s probably one of the best showers we’ll ever have. 
Clem has diabetes, and it’s been hard. We’re still trying to get the insulin dose right, and the timing. She eats the food, now, and that is good. she’s put on a little weight, but she seems tired. I look at her and wonder if she’s older than we’ve thought. 
What are cats for, if not for noticing? if not for slowing down time and bringing you into the present moment? But how often do I sit with the cat purring in my lap, while I stare at my phone, scrolling through instagram. Still, she ties me to here. 
Like last summer, when B was out of town, and it was hot and sticky and I didn’t feel very good, and after I swam my laps at the pool, I came and laid on the couch and watched the week’s worth of Colbert episodes and Clem lay across me, and next to me for the whole time. 
Or the morning where she smashed into the window trying to get a bird, and jumped up, clinging to the window ledge, smashing a picture frame in the process. 
How about how every single morning she jumps up on to the bed with a little squeak and starts to nudge me awake? the sound of her footsteps on the stairs? the way she watches the birds out the back door, tail twitching? I want to soak it all in. I wish I recorded every moment, because while now it seems long, it won’t be. Someday, we’ll come to a day, when Clem is only in our memories. Now, when I think about the next 10 years, they loom large, but if I haven’t learned yet, they go, and soon you will be through them, on the other side. We forget to look back, only to the next 10 years from there. 
I’m only taking it a day at a time now, wishing more than anything to be on the other side of this. Still, it is my life. 10 weeks have passed this way. My trip is a distant memory. 
I thought of other things to record, and then i forgot, my mind jumps around so much, I’m always so scattered, I rarely follow through. I’m not so motivated when it comes to work or creativity - another form of work. I seek adventures and social outlets. I distract myself with pleasure. 
Though I love my work, and if I can get myself to dig in, my head swims with ideas that I can’t write down fast enough. The same with creativity - I have ideas. It’s not all crazy when I jealously stalk the journalists on Twitter- a part of me really believes I could do it. But I just don’t have the drive. 
I’ve been thinking about time, too, here, because what has been such a scary, stressful, grievous time in my short life, will surely be just a blip in the history books later. We won’t remember. The world will forget us, those who were not here will not care. 
I’ve never thought much about what it might have been like to live through the Depression or WWII. 
Why would anyone care that I couldn’t leave my house for 10 weeks? That we questioned everything - maybe some of us for the first time ?
We found out today that we’re moving - we’re excited, but as always, i’m sad, too. The house was good to us. It’s too good for us, hence the problem. The apartment will be “right-sized” and for that, we should be excited. a place we can afford on our own. 
sometimes, i forget to miss my life, to grieve, to pray, to hold a moment for those who are suffering the most, and for the life that could have been. sometimes, i’m consumed by it.
It’s memorial day weekend, but i won’t be wearing my vacation dress and setting off to camp. the energy isn’t there, not this year, because we have a stay at home order. my favorite holiday of the year. i’ve let it go. i’m not too sad about it. i’ve let is all go and just pray for a future where this isn’t a problem anymore. 
i’m supposed to pray for not going back to normal, but so much of what i want is monday night yoga and memorial day in virginia. I want my life from the last few years to be frozen in place, for no one to go anywhere. I want to tell these past years, “thank you” For Clem, for Andrea, for NYAPC, for Ellen, for Chris and Meredith, Gayle and Richard, the Pub and the People. Thank you for the vacation dress and Eckington and Mexico and Argentina. Thank you for live music and cook outs and healthy bodies. 
So clearly, I see now - I had everythign I ever wanted. My life was going up - my career was finetuning, my community was gathering, my dreams were there - lurking in the way i lived. 
we rush, even now, and i don’t sit with my thoughts. i don’t remember the tragedy around me. i get distracted and worried and agitated - about clem’s diabetes and money and moving and work and not working enough and being bored. 
I don’t write everything down - i had a poetic thought earlier that I wanted to write, poignantly, just drop it into a post and leave it. I forgot it, my mind now skimming frantically over the day. 
Something below the surface feels not quite right - and I’ll forget that nothing is quite right - that I should be wakng up on a schedule and riding my bike to Dupont and then coming home, maybe pretty tired, maybe sweaty, maybe with a million things to do, maybe after stopping for yoga or a play at woolly mammoth, or just a drink with a friend. 
those things seem impossible now, and they are. my days now are only tied to the time of the insulin injections - 8:15a and 8:15p. When would i go to dnner with friends? maybe we’ll live like this forever, after all. 
the world is still there, that’s what’s so strange. you can still call front royal canoe and make a reservation. you can take a walk and realize that all these other people are going to work, at the hardware store, the drug store, the Target, the Harris Teeter. They’re doing construction or rescheduling appointments at the dentist’s office. 
The deeper we get into this , the more we see how much we really can let go of, how little we need, how much we can detach. Another world is possible, indeed. They’ve gutted mine. Essential services are Netflix, FedEx, and Amazon. It’s uncanny. If I were the paranoid type, I might truly believe I was just a character in someone’s play brimming with sympolism and cultural critique. 
I got my teeth cleaned yesterday. Tomorrow I’ll vote, go for a run. The weekend stretches before us, tied only with the 8-8 rhythm. We’ll take the cat back to the vet Tuesday only to sit down to a condensed week. In a normal life, I might’ve taken Tuesday off - carpe diem! - salute the summer, and all that would have laid before me. 
I’m losing steam here, but I mind doesn’t feel done. like i’ve got so much more. I do. I need to pray - to say thank you and I’m sorry. I need to remember what sacredness is, to recite beloved poems and words, to hear them reverberate in me. Prayer, I know, is what makes me a more understanding, deeper person. Ocean Vuyong said something to the effect of what i always think - just going for a walk is my prayer - and so i say now - my rage, my sorrow, my joy, my anxiety, these are all my prayers. when i notice the trees, when i smile at my beloved cat, when i see a friend, when i hear a siren, when i wail with anger at the unfathomable circumstances we find ourselves in - these are my prayers - these are the moments of my life .There are only sacred and desacrated places. 
God, we are all you. You are in every detail, in all creatures, in every moment. Help me to slow down, to notice. That’s what love is. 
God, help me. Be with us - let this thing end. 
My work, too, gets in my head, and i think - shouldn’t i be learning more? doing more? becoming an expert in something? picking up a craft? demonstrating my creative side? prepping for a marathon? mostly i eat, but we’ve gotten tired of cooking. I read some, but we watch tv more. i shower when i don’t need to and i order things online that ship to my house. we complain and we fight. we’re here alone, without Ellen, and we miss her. We’ll miss this big old house. what we had was so fleeting, but it was good. 
I feel like my time has not been enough. like i should have done more. at least for work - learning more, trying more, building more, doing PD, and reading all the articles. i can barely see one day ahead. 
still i build in so much crap into my life - i keep busy and i forget to call my mother. i think about moving and vacation and gardens and take out food. I think about my 5 year plan and what i should do with my furlough time and what my research interests are and if i should apply for my PhD, now, and do it remote? would that be worth it? also, how do you make virtual experiences worth it? I should be trying to do interesting teaching strategies. 
I think about Clem and cat diabetes and new make up tips because I look at the internet too much. I wonder if my hair is getting uglier (it is) and if i should volunteer/help/donate money/send notes. i try to be good, but sometmes i forget to try, and then i just stare at my computer screen, flicking between twitter and email and blogs and maybe halfheartedly thinking about work, but at least i should have gotten up if i wasnt going to do any work. and then we watch tv. sometimes that’s all it is. sometimes i do online yoga or we skype a friend. sometimes we take a walk, but there’s nowhere to go. sometimes there are so many after work hours but i don’t call anyone or read my book or anything. sometimes, we go to bed and wake up late the next day. 
i should :
do my geography /sociology degree
a library degree
my Jon Batiste collage
learn to sing and play the banjo
read dozens of books and journal what i learn, really hold them in my heart
pray and pray and pray and contemplate and remember Roger and remember the Zapatistas and remember that my spirituality makes me more interesting, that my soul craves that connection in it’s core, that my love for NYAPC is huge, the place where 9th graders learn that God has no gender and that creation care is a critical part of being Christian. That politics are informed by our faith and that’s why we march and feed the hungry and demand clean air and clean water and a habitable future. 
i’m rambling. i’m hungry. so is clem. i’m sad we’re moving but happy to find another place i’m worried about money but we have plenty. i’m tired but don’t know what i’d do anymore anyway, or how to begin again. 
but maybe this, to vow again, to write, to pray, to contemplate, to share, to record. days and times and habits, they slip away and we don’t notice. 
like when i used to try and make smoothies - that was for a few years, but i don’t do that anymore. or when we used to eat bread and olive oil, like we did in spain, but somehow we stopped. nothing actually is constant - you learn that. i’m 33 and i remember being 23 both like it was yesterday and like that probably wasnt even me, just a movie i watched. i’m nostalgic for yesterday and 10 years ago and i wouldn’t change a thing and i wish i could try something totally different. it’s a mess, this whole thing, and i should at least make something beaiutiful out of it. like Mary Oliver, who knew to be joy and light anyway. 
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tipstosellhomefast · 5 years
New Post has been published on Homes Below Market | Homes For Sale Dallas TX Area
New Post has been published on https://foreclosures-dallas-texas.com/purchasing-shower-doors-2/
Purchasing Shower Doors
Purchasing Shower Doors
When it comes to shower doors, there are lots of options to choose from. When purchasing shower doors, there are important things to consider including type of glass or decorative finish, hardware options, and steam enclosure options. Choosing the proper shower door will result in a beautiful bathroom and a relaxing shower.
Decorative Finish or Glass. Shower doors and shower enclosures can come in a variety of colors to match any bathroom color scheme. Manufacturers have chosen over 20 different finishes and colors for shower door frames. There are several hues of solid brass finishes, which may include chrome, gold, brass or nickel. Anodized finishes are also available in several shades, which are treated with protective oxide to prevent rusting. Manufacturers have also developed a number of painted finishes to match any color scheme including white, blue, red, green-any color you can imagine to coordinate with your décor.
Hardware is an important consideration when purchasing a shower door. There are several hardware accessories that can be incorporated into a shower door design. Handles or door knobs are typically used for shower accessibility. They are available in many styles, shades, and sizes to best compliment your shower door. Towel bars are very convenient shower door hardware accessories that are also available in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes.
Steam Enclosure. A final consideration for shower door purchasing is steam enclosure options. Shower doors can come equipped with vents that allow a shower to become a sauna. Pivot vents and swivel vents can be attached to the shower door panel to allow easy access from blocking or releasing steam from the shower.
The Shower Door Experts have a huge selection of shower door components that will help to coordinate any bathroom décor and suit any shower door needs. The Shower Door Experts offer premium shower door sales as well as installation to those in Maryland, Virginia, and the DC area. For more information about shower doors, and what things you might need to consider, visit www.showerdoorexperts.com.
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modernglass · 1 month
Best Shower Hardware in Virginia for Quality & Style
Get the top-quality shower hardware in Virginia. Explore a wide range of durable and stylish options, including handles, hinges, and brackets, designed to enhance both functionality and aesthetics. Transform your shower space today with Modern Glass Designs.
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exitrealtycentral · 5 years
2667 Hartley Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Property Details For 2667 Hartley Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Come check out this beautiful 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom home. The large driveway leads to a covered front porch arched with brick. Features include brand new laminate flooring downstairs and new carpet upstairs. Downstairs you’ll find beautiful arched doorways, an open floor plan and french doors to the patio that fill the space with light. The details are DONE: You will enjoy fresh, neutral paint throughout, crisp white trim everywhere, all new outlets & switches, and updated oil rubbed bronze hardware for each door. This move-in ready home has a big master bedroom that includes a walk-in closet, jetted tub and separate shower. If that was not enough, you can escape into your private backyard, complete with privacy fence, patio, raised deck and large storage shed. Gas stove & fireplace. Welcome home!
For More Information, please call 757-466-1007
See Other Houses For Sale In Foxfire!
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biofunmy · 5 years
$225,000 Homes in Maine, Virginia and West Virginia
Richmond, Maine | $225,000
An 1870s extended cottage with four bedrooms and three bathrooms, on 0.37 acres with river views
The owner of this mid-coast Maine Victorian is a founder of the Maine Maritime Museum in the city of Bath. The house is less than a block from the Kennebec River, with views to Swan’s Island, a wildlife management area that is a five-minute ferry ride from shore. A market, a coffee shop, a library, a post office and a Russian Orthodox church, serving a community that immigrated from the Soviet Union starting in the mid 20th century, are all within walking distance. The larger cities of Augusta, Lewiston and Portland are 17, 24 and 42 miles away.
Size: 2,672 square feet
Price per square foot: $84
Indoors: The lower floor is built around a center hall with twin front parlors, each with maple floors, a bay window and an original tin ceiling. The dining room runs behind the staircase and connects to a room with a free-standing wet bar (this space is currently decorated with vintage posters supporting Prohibition). Another door leads to the kitchen, which has maple cabinets, tile floors, stainless-steel appliances and a pantry.
A short hallway separates the kitchen from a large family room in a two-story addition. It has an electric fireplace and a full bathroom.
Three bedrooms are on the second floor, along with a bathroom with a jetted tub and a laundry room. There is also an office that looks out over the rear deck and river.
Outdoor space: A side porch is off the kitchen, and the rear deck extends from the family room. A one-car garage is on the addition’s lower level, with a carport next to it.
Taxes: $3,252 (2018)
Contact: Rick Bisson, Bisson Real Estate, Keller Williams Realty, 207-317-0366; my.flexmls.com
Norfolk, Va. | $235,000
A studio loft with one bathroom in a circa 1900 converted industrial building
This is the first-floor unit in a condominium building that at one point was a warehouse for Hofheimer’s, a now-defunct shoe company. It is in the waterfront Freemason neighborhood, just west of the central business district, known for its cobblestone streets, mature trees and historic residential and industrial architecture.
Size: 919 square feet
Price per square foot: $256
Indoors: The building’s main entrance opens to an atrium wrapped by a staircase and flooded with light. Plants supplied by residents thrive there.
The unit is a long rectangle with hardwood floors and exposed ceiling beams and metal ducts. In the center of the room is a free-standing walk-in closet that is mirrored on one side. The mirror reflects the L-shaped open kitchen, which is built along one wall with wood cabinets and granite countertops.
A washer and dryer and a mechanicals room are behind a pair of louvered doors next to the kitchen. Beyond that is the custom-designed bathroom, with walls faced in subway tile and a walk-in shower with an integrated corner bench. The bedroom area is on the opposite side of the central closet.
Outdoor space: The unit comes with one deeded space in a parking lot. It is across the street from an Asian-inspired waterfront public garden with a two-story Taiwanese pagoda.
Taxes: $2,508, plus a $340 monthly homeowner’s fee
Contact: Benjamin Canty, Garrett Realty Partners, 703-939-7816; properties.hamptonroads.com
Fairmont, W.Va. | $212,000
A 1927 Tudor Revival house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms, on two acres
Built on the southeast outskirts of Fairmont — an old coal-mining city (population 18,400) that is experiencing a revival, with a new park and improvements to the business district — this brick-and-stucco house with half-timber detail has superior materials and construction. (The brick is from the celebrated Hammond factory that once existed nearby; the foundation is structural terra cotta.) It is 18 miles southwest of Morgantown, the home of West Virginia University.
Size: 2,270 square feet
Price per square foot: $93
Indoors: A number of upgrades, including a bathroom addition to create a master suite, were the work of the owner, an accomplished artisan.
The front door takes you into a large foyer, now used for dining. To the right is a living room with a white-painted brick fireplace. (There is also direct access from a side door.) The kitchen, which is brightened by the original casement windows with vintage hardware, is to the left.
Two bedrooms, including the large master, are on the main level. The new master bathroom has granite surfaces. The original exterior windows, backed with burlap curtains, remain above the hand-carved sink with its industrial copper faucet.
The second floor has two additional bedrooms, as well as a room without a closet that is used as an office. The upstairs bathroom has a wall of split, polished lumber and a walk-in concrete shower with a rain shower head.
The unfinished basement includes a washer and dryer.
Outdoor space: Most of the two-acre property stretches behind the house and has grassy and wooded areas. Parking is available to the side and in the back.
Taxes: $1,381
Contact: Heather M. Neill, Heritage Real Estate Company, 304-612-3746; wvheritagerealestate.com
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Beautiful Homes of Instagram I can’t tell you how happy I am for sharing Molly’s, of @mk_interiors_, new home. I’ve known Molly and her beautiful work at MK Interiors for some time now. In fact, we have been talking about featuring her newly-built home even before it was built, so you can imagine how much I waited to share this post with all of you on Home Bunch. Keep reading and you will see why it was worth the wait to tour Molly’s home! “Hi, I’m Molly Kay and here is a little bit about me and our home! My husband is a general contractor who builds custom homes, does additions, and remodeling. He is also a master woodworker. Having him build our current home has been a blessing for us as he has built homes for several others and we had always hoped to have him build for us in the near future. We designed our home together and one of the highlights of my life is getting to work with my husband on projects. We each own separate businesses and have our own clients but sometimes we are hired as a team and we love that! We have been married 20 years and have 3 children. We live in the beautiful rolling hills at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains in Northern Virginia 45 minutes west of Washington DC. We love our rural small town and love living on a one lane gravel road on 5 acres. We also love being able to be close to a big city and really having the best of both worlds! I am passionate about interior design and love making all things beautiful! I feel so blessed to of always been able to stay home with my children and run a successful business as an interior designer. I hope you enjoy this glimpse of our custom home! It was a definite labor of love and still a work in progress!” Beautiful Homes of Instagram I didn’t have a covered porch in our last home so it’s something I really wanted in this one! This is just one side of the porch and this was taken shortly after we moved in before we painted the porch floor or took down the construction fence! Indoor/outdoor rug by Mohawk. Siding is Hardie Plank concrete siding by James Hardie in Night Gray. Foyer My entryway I kept simple but elegant with the grid board and batten paneled walls and crisp white paint. Foyer bench is from Joss & Main. Other inspiring options: here & here. Pillows are custom. Lighting I wanted my chandelier by Hinkley Lighting to take center stage! You should of seem the amount of scaffolding and people it took to hang it! It was love at very first sight for me! Grey Doors Interior door color for all of my interior doors in the entire house is a custom mix of Stardew, Uncertain Gray by Sherwin Williams with a little Wales Gray by Benjamin Moore. Entry set crystal doorknobs from Grandeur Hardware. Wall Paint Color Paint color is All White by Farrow & Ball. My grandmother’s desk from the 1940’s was made over by me with 2 tone Annie Sloan chalk paint in Paris Gray and Pure White and it fits perfectly there. Hardwood Floors Floors are Dream Home X20 laminate in Misty Morning Oak from Lumber Liquidators. Mirror The geometric frame and golden finish mirror is from Joss & Main. Dining Room Our dining area is open to the family room and kitchen. I did not want a separate room that no one would ever go in. I also chose not to have an eating area in the kitchen which is just steps away. I wanted this room to be where we ate and gathered unless we were at the island which has plenty of room for the 5 of us! I had my husband do more of the paneled wall boxes in here and kept them white for the time being knowing it would be easy down the road to paint that wall a color should I decide I want a change. Paint color is All White by Farrow & Ball. Crown Molding is Ultra Pure White by Behr. Table was purchased at an antique shop and is refinished in Annie Sloan chalk paint. French Linen and Pure White. Chairs were an antique store find about 16 years ago. I got 6 of them for $50! I had my husband take them apart and re-nail them to make sure they were sturdy. He then painted them and I reupholstered them. I want to get new chairs soon but these have been great for many many years and certainly worth well more than the price I paid! White cane end chairs were also an antique shop find and I painted them and reupholstered them. The pair for $20! Christmas sign by Signs of Hope. Chairs flanking sideboard from Restoration Hardware. Lighting My husband made the sideboard which used to be our media console in the old house. Chandelier by Hinkley Lighting from Lighting Design Company. Lamps by Horchow. Kitchen I could not be happier with how our kitchen turned out! I put less expensive materials in other places so that I could make sure to get the things I wanted in the kitchen. Because it is quite large, even when being very budget conscience with choices, it can quickly add up because you need so much! I definitely knew we couldn’t afford commercial appliances or very high end ones. I did a ton of research as we had a cut and dry number that I could not go above for all of our appliances in our house. I chose the Fridgidaire Gallery line and so far so good! We have an induction cooktop and I really love it. Kitchen Island & Hood Range Hood made my husband. He also made the island and did the same X detail on island ends, side of fridge, and built in doors in family room. Pendant lights by Golden Lighting. Island is 10 feet long by 4 feet wide. Countertop Counters are white Carrara marble which I knew I had to have even though they can get a bad reputation. I knew nothing else compared to the look of marble so I am fine with a little more maintenance. Sink & Faucet Sink is by Kohler. Faucet is American Standard. Pulls are Hickory Hardware. Backsplash Backsplash is Arabescato Carrara marble in a herringbone pattern. Counterstools Acrylic barstools by Gabby Home. Open Layout In our old house, the family room was separated from the kitchen by a wall that we couldn’t take down so another must have for this house we built was having the kitchen and family room together. Because of that design, it was important the 2 rooms flow and have same design elements. Family Room Sofa by Craftmaster – similar here. Rug by Nourison from the Kathy Ireland collection. Custom pillows by Cruel Mountain Designs. Built-ins The built-ins with x door detail and the shiplap backs were made by my husband and painted our house trim color: Ultra Pure White by Behr. Satin brass hardware can be found here. Chandelier by Crystorama designed by Libby Langdon. Brass swing arm sconces by Savoy House. Gold and glass table from Home Goods. Chairs White Chairs are from Lamps Plus. Ottomans Blue X leg ottomans from Joss and Main. Barn Door A grey barn door conceals a modern farmhouse-inspired mudroom. Mudroom I didn’t have a mudroom in our previous home that we lived in for 16 years so it was first on my list of needs for this home! I wanted the blue built-ins my husband made to really stand out so I kept the walls the same crisp white as the rest of the house. That paint color is All White by Farrow & Ball. I also wanted a fun patterned tile and I wanted durability so I chose a patterned porcelain tile by Merola that I bought from Wayfair. Chandelier by Hinkley Lighting. Satin Brass door knobs from Baldwin Hardware. Grey Doors: Custom mix of Stardew, Uncertain Gray by Sherwin Williams with a little Wales Gray by Benjamin Moore. Master Bedroom Our master bedroom is one the main level. It is part of a bump out in the rear of the house with amazing views. Our house is on 5 acres and we have beautiful fields, woods, and rolling hills all around us. We chose to put mainly windows on the whole back wall for this reason. I wanted a very bright airy room so I chose to use the crisp white paint in here. If you didn’t already know, I love white!! White walls make me happy and draw your attention to furniture pieces and art. We still need to add molding to this room as part of my design plan from the beginning but some things we just haven’t gotten to yet! Custom upholstered headboard from The Tufted Frog. Bedding from Linens and Hutch. End of bed leather bench from Joss & Main. White Tree from Joss & Main. Custom pillows from Cruel Mountain Designs. Table lamps from Home Goods. Brass chandelier from Lamps Plus – similar here. White fabric Roman shades from Blinds.com – similar here. Rug by Surya Rugs. Master Bath Our master bath is another space where I chose to scrimp on other bathrooms so that I could put the materials I wanted in here. We chose to pare down the size of the bathroom to allow for a larger closet for me which is through that pocket door. Again, my love for cool white and gray marble ruled all of my decisions. Floor is Carrara marble 12×24 tiles laid in a herringbone pattern. Counters are Mont Blanc marble and are 9 feet long. I used square undermount sinks. Wallpaper by York Wallcoverings. It’s a raised textured paper. Turkish towels by Olive and Linen. Chandelier by Artcraft Lighting. Details I wanted to use a mirror that covered the entire wall so I chose to have my sconces mounted to the mirror. Lucite and polished nickel sconces by Savoy House. Faucets are American Standard. Cabinet hardware in polished nickel from Amerock Hardware. Stool from Joss and Main. Shower Shower floor is Carrara marble hexagon tile and walls are Carrara 3×6 subway tile. Shower seat is a solid slab of Mont Blanc marble. Daughter’s Room My daughter is the only girl so we are all about making everything girly for her! The wallpaper in her room takes the focus so I wanted to leave her other 3 walls crisp white. I chose to do the ceiling in a blush pink – Intimate White by Sherwin Williams. It adds some fun to her ceiling. Her bed, nightstands, and bench are all french antiques. Bedding from Beddy’s. Pillows from Home Goods. Wallpaper by York Wallcoverings. Chandelier from Pottery Barn. 8×10 Rug from esale rugs. Same flooring upstairs as we have downstairs. Daughter’s Bathroom My only daughter gets the bedroom with the ensuite bathroom. Her counter is Quartzite. She also has the only bathtub in the house. I chose white 3×12 elongated subway tile laid in a herringbone pattern for her shower walls. Antique chair I painted the ceiling color – SW Intimate white (which oddly enough is a blush pink). Walls are like her room All White by Farrow & Ball. Floor tile is 12×24 tile from Home Depot. All cabinetry in the house from J&K Cabinetry. Shower curtain from Home Goods. Chandelier from Wayfair. Oldest Son’s room My oldest just so happened to get the largest of the kids’ rooms. In our last house, all of their bedrooms were about 10×10 so it is so amazing having so much space! His room is about 13×17. Lucky Kid! He also has the largest of the closets. I did gray painted walls in his room. Paint color is Seattle by Sherwin Williams. One wall is wallpapered in paper from MK Wallpaper designed by Jullian Harris. Bed, nightstand, and desk are all refinished antique shop finds. Gray braided chair from Lamp Plus. Leather butterfly chair from Home Goods. Task Lamp from Home Goods. Light fixture from Lighting Design Company. Tommy Hilfiger drapes from Home Goods. Middle Son’s Room The 8×10 rug by Mohawk. Bedding by Beddy’s. Light fixture from Lighting Design Company. Wood planked wall from Stikwood. Antique lockers are salvaged and bought at a flea market. Bed was also a flea market find and I repainted it. Wall color is Kentucky Haze by Benjamin Moore. Pillows by Summed Classics. Meet the Homeowers Make sure to follow Molly from @mk_interiors_ on Instagram and stop by her website to see more photos of her beautiful home! Holiday Deals Pottery Barn: The Holiday Event: 20 to 25% OFF + Free Shipping: Use Code: SNOWMAN Wayfair: Weekend Mega Deals – 80% Off + Many New Items on Clearance!!! West Elm: Up to 40% Off + Free Shipping. Use Code: MERRY One Kings Lane: 30% Sitewide & Free Shipping on orders over $100 with Code: OKLFREESHIP Serena & Lily: Get started on your holiday shopping with 20% off everything at Serena and Lily. Use code CHEERS Williams & Sonoma: Up to 50% off + Free Shipping with Code: EXTRA Nordstrom: Up to 40% off select styles plus an extra 20% off sale items. J.Crew: Take an 30% off extra. Use code: BUNDLEUP JCPenny: 65% OFF when you spend $100 or more: Use Code: 33FORYOU Neiman Marcus: $50 Off your $200 Purchase with Code: DEC50 Pier 1: Free Shipping on Everything! Use Code: FREESHIP McGee & Co.: Free Shipping: Use Code: MERRY Joss & Main: Huge Sales – Up to 75% OFF! See more “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”: @SweetShadyLane: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @BlueBarnAndCottage: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @crateandcottage: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @decorandmoredesigns: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. @The.Executive.Way: Beautiful Homes of Instagram. Click here to see all “Beautiful Homes of Instagram”. Posts of the Week Newest Interior Design Ideas. English Farmhouse Home. Transitional Family Home Design. Christmas Interior Design Ideas. Modern Farmhouse Family Home. Inspiring California Beach House Design. White Kitchen with Navy Blue Island. Interior Design Ideas. More Interior Design Ideas. You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives. Popular Paint Color Posts: The Best Benjamin Moore Paint Colors 2016 Paint Color Ideas for your Home Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Pictures Interior Paint Color and Color Palette Ideas Inspiring Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color and Color Palette New 2015 Paint Color Ideas Interior Paint Color Ideas Interior Design Ideas: Paint Color Interior Ideas: Paint Color More Paint Color Ideas Hello my friends, Pinterest: Many of you have written emails asking me why you aren’t being able to pin lately. Pinterest is working to resolve this issue ( I have sent them many emails – feel free to send them an email too – that might help them to act faster!) and hopefully we’ll be able to pin soon. Meanwhile, feel free to pin from my Instagram or repin my pins here. Thank you for your support, my friends and have a Blessed day! with Love, Luciane from HomeBunch.com Interior Design Services within Your Budget Come Follow me on Come Follow me on Get Home Bunch Posts Via Email Contact Luciane “For your shopping convenience, this post might contain links to retailers where you can purchase the products (or similar) featured. I make a small commission if you use these links to make your purchase so thank you for your support!”
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raystart · 7 years
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In Praise of the Home Office
Early on a Sunday morning I’m sitting in my favorite space, a small outbuilding behind my house, in my favorite chair, a twenty-five year-old, medium-sized Aeron with a few small burn holes in the mesh seat. Even though it’s spring, it’s still cool outside. I’ve got my hoody pulled over my head, keeping the ole brainpan warm. I have nowhere to be but here. The red second hand of the school room clock mounted high on the wall ticks audibly, counting off the progression of moments, every one of which belongs to me.
Through the several windows I can see that the sun has begun to burn through the layer of clouds, revealing a patch of light blue sky—I’ll leave the exact color to my visual artist friends; to me it is reminiscent of the powder paint we used for skies in elementary school. A plane streaks overhead, gleaming and metallic, rumbling through the atmosphere like thunder. In the middle distance, a red-tail hawk circles, searching the canyon for breakfast; hummingbirds hover and dart, flirting and issuing their odd squeaks. A breeze plays through my neighbor’s invasive stand of tall bamboo. The stalks sway and knock together, making woody sounds like a marimba. From over the hill I can hear the throaty engines of powerboats and other personal watercraft churning circles around nearby bay, weekend warriors at play.
Here in my home office, the line between pleasure and duty is blurred. Weekend or weekday, there is no difference to me. Nobody counts my hours. My work is also my hobby. It takes as long as it takes. That someone is or is not paying me at any particular time is sort of secondary. Like most people, I work to live. But I also live to work.
This is where I do it—a 900-square foot patch of universe chock-a-block with photos, keepsakes, books and other familiar objects of personal history, most of it qualified as tax deductible, all of it mine to command.
Like nowhere else, when I am here I know who I am.  
Now it’s a little after noon. I’ve just returned from the house, where I threw together leftovers for my typical 15-minute lunch. Afterwards, I folded the whites and stuck the darks in to the dryer.
When I think about it, I come from a tradition of home offices. Both of my grandfathers—a lawyer and the owner of a clothing and shoe store—had offices in their homes, satellites to their more traditional workplaces. I remember being a little boy and swiveling around in their desk chairs, hunt-and-pecking on their clunky antique typewriters. In part I believe I owe my love of writing to the happiness of these times, my unexplainable attraction to the physical act of typing—the wonderful rachet-sound of the platen, the percussive clack of the keys against 20-pound bond, the ding at the end of each line heralding the need for the cleansing physical action of the carriage return. To type is to have the world at your fingertips—twenty-six neutral symbols to endlessly recombine. It is a task that requires both whimsy and precision. Another universe to command.
My father was an OBGYN. He had a home office, strictly for paperwork, in the basement of our rancher, the only place in the house he was allowed to smoke his cigars. The centerpiece of my dad’s home office was a desk his parents bought him for use in medical school—a blonde mahogany, Midcentury Modern kneehole desk with curved drawers by Heywood Wakefield, according to my research on the web. There is a matching Tambour door cabinet, on the back of which is stamped the manufacture date, May 1, 1954, two years before my birth. (The desk is too heavy to move.) As a boy I remember stealing down to the office when my parents were out for the evening. In the deep, double-drawer on the left side of the desk, my dad kept a stash of racy gag gifts given to him by friends—an oversize toothbrush with two plastic breasts instead of bristles, a windup penis with feet, a deck of cards with naked ladies instead of kings and queens.
When I went law school, my Dad gave me the desk and the hutch, for both practical and symbolic reasons. Hopefully, he said, it would see me through grad school with the same kind of success as he.
Of course, law school only lasted three weeks, but I was allowed to keep the furniture, which has traveled with me through forty years of home office incarnations. In Arlington Virginia, the desk was in the second bedroom of an apartment situated just beneath the flight path to what was then called National Airport—the entire building would shake. In Washington D.C., I lived in a basement apartment, and then in a loft, and then in a townhouse, the last for 12 years. My office was on the third floor; the desk had a nook within the front bay window, which looked out on the cityscape of a still-untamed section of town (in present times the Theater District), where hookers and crack dealers worked the dark corners, a different kind of natural show playing at all hours of the day and night.
Now my father’s desk has outlived him. For the past twenty years it’s been in this room, in San Diego, at the bottom-left corner of the continental United States, twenty-five miles north of the Mexican Border. The deep drawer is now full of vintage reporter’s equipment—defunct tape recorders, film cameras, old pads and other office supplies, not nearly so much fun as the booby toothbrush and other naughty bits of yore. In the hutch I have a ton of tear sheets from my years as a newspaper reporter and a few copies of the literary magazines I edited in college. I still remember sliding it open one time and finding multiple copies of a sex manual my father must have given out to patients. The authors were a husband and wife team. The photos were black and white. Naked, and without expression, the authors demonstrated dozens of positions, a sort of humorless kama sutra for the Masters and Johnson set.
In order to better accommodate the various pieces of hardware associated with today’s modern office, I have since added around the desk an eclectic mix of work tables and equipment stands, so that I’m nearly surrounded with surfaces—imagine a closeout sale in the office furniture department at Staples and you get the idea. (My original typing table, which used to hold a used, IBM Selectric typewriter, now holds the laser printer.) Swiveling around,  rolling my chair (over a plastic floor mat), I can attend to the different tasks and projects I have going simultaneously. Sometimes I imagine myself sitting in the command pod of a space ship, all the controls of my great solo enterprise at my fingertips—look at that, another reference to control.
Clearly a theme is emerging here. I am my own man, yes. But that also makes me nobody else’s man. Responsible to, and responsible for, only myself. Powerful and powerless at once.   
Nighttime now. These things take time, another reason I suppose I’ve spent so much time in my home office. The sky is dark. Stars have appeared. Somewhere across the canyon an owl is hooting. If I listen carefully I can hear the waves break quietly on the coastline, a half mile away.
After making myself a simple dinner of steak and greens, I’ve put up the dishes and returned the fifty or so steps to my office. Yesterday, I left the house to go to the post office. Today I didn’t leave the house at all; most of my time was spent in this chair. And yes, I am still wearing the sweatpants I put on this morning when I rolled out of bed. I will make sure to shower at the night’s end. I’m a home-based worker but I’m no misanthrope.
For the last few minutes, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tally the number of hours I’ve spent in proximity to this desk, alone in a room with my thoughts and labors. With all the travel for work it’s hard to say, though I also know that for every week in the field doing research, I’ve generally spent several more weeks at my desk—making calls and arrangements, transcribing, doing further research, composing, rewriting and editing.
Struggling to find the right formula, I went to the doorway and looked into the darkness, in the direction of the hooting. One hot summer evening the owl had overflown me by only a foot or two—the whoosh was palpable in the immediate airspace and kind of freaked me out.
Standing there, I noticed one of the many photos of my son. A decade ago, he was working hard to become a point guard on the middle school basketball team. At an age where many boys dream of becoming pro athletes, he had a Lakers jersey with his name—SAGER—custom printed on the back. He was taking extra practices, working out with a coach, running several miles every day.
One afternoon when he was off at practice, I was sitting here in my home office, thinking I wished I could do something to help. One thing you (hopefully) learn as a parent—the kid has to take the all the practice shots and do all the math problems himself. You can’t do it for him. All you can really do is cheer them on.
In that instant, an idea came to me. I walked over to the desk and picked up a pen. I wrote it like this:
  Hard work
Well enjoyed
Builds a man
Makes a life
Day by day
  Though I wrote this with myself and my son in mind, the same can be said for building a woman as well.
It’s what I’ve learned after forty years of sitting in my home office, doing what I love.   
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modernglass · 2 months
Top-Quality Table Top Shelves in Virginia by Modern Glass Designs
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Find the top-quality table top shelves in Virginia for any room in your home. Modern Glass Designs delivers exceptional quality and style in every piece. Explore our collection today!
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modernglass · 2 months
Transform Your Space with Virginia Top Glass Company
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Transform your space with a top-tier glass company in Virginia. Modern Glass Designs offers custom solutions for all your glass needs, ensuring beauty and functionality in every piece. Go to our website now and get information.
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