#shouto is tone deaf i know it
seiwas · 1 year
which of your faves has a good singing voice 🎤
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redphlox · 2 months
Shouto's ruined character arc in the epilogue
The epilogue’s toxicity-positivity message about smiling ruined Shouto’s characterization and undoes the growth and purpose of his arc because he’s not allowed to mourn the imminent death of his brother Touya.
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Shouto partaking in these tone-deaf, festive activities with his friends in chapter 429 feels out of character, feels cheap and shallow, and is a slap in the face to his family. In the past Shouto declined school-related activities and prioritized spending time with his mom at the hospital. Now the narrative is trying to sell the idea that he would NOT spend every remaining minute alongside his family with his dying brother, who he has always wanted to know, the brother he practically begged to confront and said, "Our paths will cross whether you want them to or not" to. Shouto spent all this manga reconciling his feelings about his family and reconnecting to them to just... not be with them when they’re about to experience loss AGAIN? 
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I'm not saying I want Shouto to be miserable, but realistically (since readers are so obsessed with realism in this superhero manga), he wouldn’t be wasting the limited time he has left with his brother by going to a farewell party, or any party. Damn, can the author let him mourn? Despite all the celebration the kids are doing, Shouto didn’t get a happy ending. While the rest of their community is rebuilding and making sense of what happened, the Todoroki family is still going through their crisis. It’s not over for them. At least let them cry.
This is a regression for Shouto’s character because the concept of allowing heroes to cry was first presented through Shouto, literally through his own words. The narrative then picks up this concept again during Ochako's speech at the UA shelter civilians, and then... Shouto isn't allowed to cry in the epilogue, and is forced to fake a smile so his friends don’t worry about him.
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It’s not like Shouto has cried in this manga. He cried during the sports festival, during the Dabi reveal, and after Dabi escaped to Gunga to go after Endeavor because he knew this meant he had failed to reach his brother -- so no, it doesn’t make sense that he wouldn’t cry now. Instead, he's the one fake smiling, and only Ochako is allowed to be shown crying and being comforted. The double standard and retcon is astounding.
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You can literally see the light not reaching his eyes in this panel from 425 when Deku asks if he’s okay. And yes, Shouto is prioritizing his family in this panel, but like I said, Touya doesn't have much time left... why waste it?
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Shouto doesn’t want anyone to worry about him, so he’s putting on a brave face. And yet Deku and the other classmates reaching out to Ochako in 429 is selling the opposite message - don’t cry alone, let us be here for you, etc. Why isn’t Shouto granted the same support, especially from these classmates he claims are there for him?
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If Horikoshi was aiming for a happy ending where people smile, then Touya’s grimdark, cruel, second and final death doesn't fit because Shouto has to mourn. You can't have both fake smiling and off-screen assumed mourning… it makes no sense for Shouto’s arc, or for the epilogue’s message about reaching out for help or to help. It doesn’t make sense in any context.
Shouto's characterization feels so off in this epilogue. He’s a shell of the person he was becoming. The story starts out by saying that this character is supposed to process the trauma of childhood and a dysfunctional family that he always wished was different, but now he has his found family in his classmates instead. And I'm not saying he can't have both - I'd say the support from his friends is imperative - but, it doesn't make sense that he has seemingly moved on because the fact is, his family situation was his entire start. 
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It's not just Shouto that feels off, but his family too. Their once-considered-dead brother/son is alive, but now is dying in front of their eyes for real this time and they just… don’t try to spend as much time with him as possible? Even the sentiment that Shouto gave the family more time to talk falls empty because Touya can only endure a few minutes of conversation at a time, and it’s not like he’s slowly improving and that time will increase. It will only decrease. And yet, the family doesn’t seem too concerned or heartbroken that they’re witnessing someone they love die a second time, this time slowly. He can’t even communicate with them, and he’ll most likely have many things left unsaid when he dies.
The Todoroki family plot was set up to be about reconciliation, but they’re not reconnecting even with Touya’s upcoming death. This scene of Touya and the other siblings kicking a ball while Shoto looked on from the second story of the house begging his father to allow him to play with his siblings has been addressed like four times, and yet in the end he doesn’t get to spend happy moments with his siblings. His reward for his heroism is Touya’s slow march toward death and the knowledge that he has the same favorite food as the brother who his father neglected to death twice. 
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Instead of being shown mourning or connecting, the family is acting cold and distant - only Natsuo is acting with a semblance of his normal self. I know some readers attribute the family’s aloofness to Japanese culture not being very affectionate or open with their emotions, but that doesn’t mean Japanese people are devoid of feelings. That’s so fucking racist. We’ve seen parents express love and concern for their children in this manga, and yet the Todoroki family continues to say “we’ll talk, we’ll talk” but we’ve never seen any follow-up. It’s ironic because Shouto’s whole mentality is “actions speak louder than words”.
For a family that became unstable because of misunderstandings about feeling loved and wanted, the family continues to feel devoid of caring. No one comforts Shouto, no one talks about how they feel except for Endeavor. Shouto isn’t allowed to grieve in front of his friends because Ochako takes priority because the narrative is pushing this toxic positivity message about smiling that works on the surface but fails to address any systemic changes. 
This ending doesn't fit the hopeful tone of Shouto's arc.
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RIP Shouto’s arc. We loved you. 
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boomblebee-420 · 2 years
Random MHA headcanons
Random MHA headcanons while I procrastinate finishing part 2 of snowflakes
Genre: Fluff, slight angst, crack
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Sero Hanta
A lot of this is me projecting onto characters lol. Also includes some BakuTodo and SeroRoki
Katsuki Bakugou
-Gay, demisexual
-Secretly loves Twilight 
-Had a doberman, its name was Dynamight 
-Cries when he’s angry
-Has OCD
-Really into chemistry
-Reads a lot
-Extremely touch starved, so he doesn’t really mind when people hang on him (he still acts all pissed off though)
-He and Tokoyami are good friends, they’ll read together in each others dorms 
-Cooks dinner most of the time
-Knows sign language because he’s hard of hearing
-Goes grocery shopping with Todoroki 
-Trans FTM
-Major mommy issues because Mitsuki’s abusive, but still loves her because she was extremely supportive when he came out to her and Masuru
-Goes mountain climbing with his dad and Kirishima 
-Has memorized The Raven by Edgar Alan Poe and uses this to his advantage (its how he and Tokoyami started hanging out)
-Eats really healthy, hates it when Todoroki makes him dinner because it's usually instant noodles, but he still eats it 
-Sucker for cuddles. Loves it when Todoroki lays his head in his lap
-Writes in a journal when he’s upset, but it's pretty much impossible to read because his handwriting deteriorates when he’s worked up
-Has blown up said journal before
-Taught the rest of Class 1A sign language per Aizawa’s request 
-Listens to dad rock but also really likes indie and grunge
-Knows how to play drums (obviously) and the guitar
Izuku Midoriya
-Keeps all his old notebooks
-Hangs out with Tsuyu and Kirishima a lot
-Keeps a pet fish, her name is Goldeen
-Autistic, hyperfixated on Pokemon for a long time, hence the fish’s name
-Currently hyperfixated on All Might
-Growing out her hair because Ochaco told them that she can braid
-Visits Eri as often as they can, gives her his old hero action figures and pokemon cards
-Extremely tone-deaf
-Listens to pop-punk and emo, Green Day is her favorite artist
-Can’t play any instruments
-Picky on what books she’ll read
-Read The Book Thief over 20 times
-Thinks about his dad a lot, and writes letters to him monthly
Shouto Todoroki
-Loves to dance
-Really likes vines and memes, surprised the entirety of Class A and B when they all had a vine war and he won
-Very protective of the people they care about
-Autistic, but not diagnosed yet because Endeavor refuses to let them get one
-Plays piano
-Loves to lay his head in people’s laps, especially Sero’s and Bakugou’s
-Keeps everything their classmates give them
-Like my guy has shelves and boxes full of little gifts from everyone
-Can’t cook for shit but still tries their best
-Daddy issues, as we all know
-Chews on his pens and pencils
-Writes a lot. Mostly just random thoughts but has written several short stories
-Also likes to draw, and is very good at it. They’ve drawn Sero and Bakugou before
-Non-verbal most of the time, was overjoyed when Bakugou taught everyone sign language because it made it so much easier to communicate
-Likes to stick to a schedule 
-Fully believes Tokoyami is related to Hawks in some way
-Loves conspiracy theories and crime shows
-Listens to the Howl’s Moving Castle soundtrack on repeat. It also helps them sleep
-Obsessed with Sero’s piercings 
Sero Hanta
-Autistic, was diagnosed at a really young age
-Has several piercings and stick and pokes
-Let Todoroki tattoo a smiley face on their leg
-Wears a lot of chains
-Beanies for l i f e
-Grew up in lower middle class, and wasn’t always able to buy new clothes so they’re really handy with a needle
-Makes his friends clothes all the time
-Has an older sister, they love her to death
-Flips off Endeavor whenever he turns his back. Hasn’t gotten caught yet, probably never will
-Obsession with pins
-Listens to shoegaze and indie rock
-Has bad vision, wears contacts most of the time
-Dances with Shouto a lot
-Really likes to garden
-Loves frogs
-Likes to dress up as Spiderman and swing around
-Is actually really quiet when their happy and content
-My guy’s a nervous talker
-Comes up with nicknames for his friends. Actual nicknames, not weird shit like Pink Cheeks and Icyhot (Cough Bakugou cough)
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Is the recent bnha chapter and shouji's part in it supposed to be inspiring, do you think? Or framed in a good way? I mean, it kind of feels like it's supposed to be, but given all the context, do you think it really is?
Shouji, the mutant type, who hides his face for everyone else's comfort and has a hard past, defending two cops and fighting against the mutant masses. Telling them that they're wrong and that their actions will have consequences (maybe that's not an accurate translation but it's the overall point, right?) Even though they (the villains) bring up actual purges and quirk counseling's failures, something that in the story has been shown to be lacking.
It just feels like a tone deaf message (if I'm using the term right?), Even in the story itself.
I don’t have an answer
Because I think people are looking for too many answers from so little information, and you’re not supposed to know all of these things quite yet.
And on top of that—we don’t have complete translations to really gather what we should be feeling.
What I can say is that the mutant quirk movement’s complaints are ones you are supposed to pretty much side with.
As with all of the villains, the story is asking for your sympathy for their emotions and pain and circumstances, and asking you to look at the reasons they ended up the way they did. What it is NOT asking for is sympathy for their actions. It’s not.
If it was, the villains would be upheld as revolutionary types. But they’re not. And the hero side continues to be validated in the story in wondering WHY the villains keep wanting to disturb the way of life for so many innocent people. It also wouldn’t be so obvious to us that what the villains are doing is going to do nothing in the way of making any of them happier. That’s not what we’re being told about their choices, so we’re not supposed to sympathize with what they’re doing. But we know the underlying reasons for why they are angry and lashing out. That’s where our sympathy is being asked for. The characters don’t know, and the kids don’t understand bigger problems that they aren’t forced to face without adult guidance. It’s a valid question for the kids who don’t know anything to wonder.
That’s why this fight is falling ONTO the kids, not the adults. It’s up to Shouto to help bridge the gap between Touya and his family. It’s up to him to give Touya hope and grace and not just remind him over and over again that the world doesn’t want him. Endeavor’s responsibility is a somewhat isolated matter. They’re connected, but not the same. Because Endeavor is strictly in an adult role (parent).
It’s up to Ochacko to show Toga that she no longer wants to shut Toga out and she wants to understand her. Ochacko has decided that’s what she wants to do, so she will.
It’s up to Midoriya to get Shigaraki out of his self-deprecating belief system and show him that destruction is not the answer. Give him the understanding he keeps getting denied over and over again.
It’s up to the kids to learn new ways of thinking and bridge the gap between heroes and villains. The adults, for the purposes of this story, are stuck in their ways and can’t change (not all of them, a select few have been included in the change of heart plot points).
So I don’t know what the framing is meant to be right now. I don’t think we’re meant to know exactly where this fight is going for Shouji and Spinner. They’re not main characters, and one is so much more fleshed out than the other—yet the story is pitting them against each other dramatically here in the final arc. So no, I don’t think the answers are super clear on what we should think right now. But I can hope that the story here will take a similar direction that it did with Ochacko where Shouji’s harping about right and wrong gets questioned later. But we’ll see.
This plot point is important, but clearly it doesn’t take up much weight. We got info dumped all of this lore in one chapter to set up the next chapter which will probably be their fight. It was a lot all at once and it feels like a “hurry and get it out of the way” type of situation, unfortunately. It just wasn’t explored subtly throughout the manga enough and this is how it’s being presented to us.
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glasswolfghost · 4 years
actually, deku IS an abuse apologist. little dude has /never/ asked kacchan for any kind of apology or atonement, nor from literally any of the many people who mistreated him for a big chunk of his life. 
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You and Your Everything - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist
WARNINGS: Your parents being the absolute worst, a few minor curse words, a lil angsty
Requested by Anonymous:
HI i love your writing and i saw that your requests were open? i was wondering if you could do like a shoto x reader but instead y/ns parents are like the opposite of shoto and endeavor? like for an example how shoto wants nothing to do with his dad and and all y/n wants to do is please her parents or make them happy since they never pay attention to her like that? both house holds are still toxic but i feel like thatd be an interesting dynamic
A/N: This was so interesting and cool to write! Obviously, the subject matter was much angstier and sadder than a lot of the stuff I have written, but I found writing this, like, entire paragraph of dialogue of Shouto (you’ll know it when you see it) to be so entirely incredible. I just kept on writing. Thank you so much for this awesome rec!
Word Count: 1.8K
“You’ve reached the voicemail of Kana Y/L/N. Please leave a message. BEEP”
“Hi Mom, it’s me again. Just calling to remind you that third years are allowed to reserve a box for their parents in the Sports Festival arena! I saved one for you and Dad in the front row, which are the best seats in the whole place. The Festival takes place tomorrow, as I told you guys about three months ago so you could put it on your calendars. I’m, uh, looking forward to seeing you again! Love you, bye!” Pressing the red circle that represented an “end call” button, you heaved a sigh and looked through your recent calls. Nine recent calls that your mother had missed within the last three days. Ten that your father had. They’re just busy, you tell yourself, trying to ease your mind. They’re just busy right now, but they had said that they’d come. They’ll come. Your thoughts had consumed you to such a point you didn’t even register the little nudges to your side.
“.../N? Y/N?” You blinked quickly to rid your consciousness of its prior dilemma and turn your head to the side. With heterochromatic eyes blinking fondly at you matched with a slight frown of concern, your boyfriend prompts the same question that had earlier feel upon deaf ears. “Y/N, I was asking if you are alright. You seemed a little… not here when I asked you just a minute ago.” Shouto’s voice, like always, is level, however little hints of emotion always tend to slip in between the cracks of his pronunciations. Like now, for instance, you hear the traces of worry cling onto his words.
“Oh, sorry, I was just leaving a voicemail.” You say simply. The sentence that left your mouth would seem normal to any person that you were friendly with. However, Shouto knew the implications. His shoulders seemed to tense as he took your hand. You squeeze his hand to reassure him. “Don’t worry Sho, they’re just really busy people. I’m sure they definitely carved time out of their schedules to come and watch me. I just need to make sure I get into the tournament round so I don’t waste their time.” You say, laughing a little dryly. Shouto doesn’t smile at the joke you made at your own expense.
“I just don’t get it.” He says, which makes your smile drop into a frown. “Why do you try so hard for them.” Your spine straightens at his words and your grip on his hand loosens. “Y/N, they’re awful people-”
“They’re my parents and I want to make them proud.” You say swiftly, a slight grimace on your face. Silence settles between the two of you, that is, until you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. Jumping up immediately and grabbing your phone, you take a glance at the caller ID. Your heart sinks as you see it’s a random telemarketer, and click decline call. You look back to your boyfriend, which was a mistake, because his eyes pooled with pity. Not feeling quite right in the space you were in, you grab your school bag and stuff your phone the furthest down it would go. “I’m going to go freshen up before dinner.” You decide, nodding towards Shouto and walking away a bit.
“Do you want me to come with you?” His suggestion on a normal basis would make your face flush and your heart beat a bit faster, however today you just wanted to be alone for a bit.
“No, it’s okay,  I’ll see you at dinner.” You say quickly.
“Y/N.” His grip came softly around your wrist, tugging you back a bit to face him. “I’m… I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I just love you,” he said those last two words a bit softer than the others, “and I want to see you happy.” Butterflies took flight in the pit of your stomach as you held Shouto’s gaze, his heartfelt and earnest words weighing heavily within your heart. Your frown wobbles into a smile as you lean in to place a quick kiss to his cheek.
“I know.”
“Did you see me out there?!” You cheer, careening down the arena hallway towards where Shouto was waiting with open arms. You leapt directly into them and was quickly picked up and spun around in a little circle.
“I did, you were incredible.” Shouto gushes, his cheek squished against yours. You laughed joyously as you felt his arms squeeze you closer to him, your heart racing with both leftover adrenaline from your second round tournament match and the feeling of love from your boyfriend. However, your laughter and the embrace you were tucked into died down when you heard the faint clearing of a throat, causing both of you to turn towards the sound. If you were looking into a mirror, you’re sure you would see your eyes grow to the size of saucers and your jaw dropping just a tad at the sight before you. There, standing about ten paces away, were your parents. Your mother, with her hair tied back in an uncomfortable looking bun with her freshly pressed pencil skirt and matching career jacket. Your father at her side, his suit and pants looking as sharp as ever. And the expressions they held…
“M-mother? Father? You two made it?” You stammer out, dumbfounded at their appearance. “But I, uh, didn’t see either of you in the stands.” You admit, earning a nonchalant expression from both parents.
“Well, with that lackluster performance that you executed, did you really think we would want to show our faces? It’s bad enough our colleagues know of you and all your little failures that you like to categorize as triumphs. Honestly, you really thought that we would want to be on camera for the entire world to see?” Your mother’s bored tone and biting words struck you hard. You felt your spine straighten and your hands stick to your side as you bit the inside of your cheek.
“But… I won.” You said, so soft that the sound of someone’s heartbeat could overpower it. If your gaze wasn’t stuck to your parents’ forms, you would have seen Shouto’s eyebrows narrow, awaiting for the oncoming onslaught.
“Good Lord, you want to call that a win? It makes me wonder how you ever got into this school or passed any physical examination in your class.” Your father’s tone, just as bored and apathetic as your mother’s, sent trembles down your spine. You clenched your fists and jaw to try and prevent crying. But, of course, it was of no use. The tears trickled their way, one by one, down your cheek like raindrops on a car window.
“And you’re crying now. Fantastic.” Your mother retorts, turning her to your father now. “I told you we should have sent her directly to the Hero Public Safety Commission. Would’ve toughened her up in no time-”
“CAN’T YOU SEE SHE’S UPSET?!” You almost didn’t recognize his voice. The soft spoken, pensive Shouto Todoroki that you knew to be your boyfriend rarely got upset. When he did, it was almost always in the middle of a battle or fight, just as he was about to use a special move. But this time, it was pure rage and anger that clung onto his words. Your parents, now sprouting an expression of slight surprise turned their attention to the seething red-and-white haired boy at your side. “All she ever does is work to make you happy. Day and night, twenty-four seven, it’s for you. And now here you come, strutting back into her life with some agenda on how she should fight and how much of a so-called failure she is?! Well screw that! You don’t get to have an opinion when it comes to her! She has been trying to get a hold of both of you for months on end and getting no more than the same damn message from your voicemails, telling her that you’re too busy for her!” Shouto’s face was red now. His fists were balled up and the tiniest flecks of flames were flaking from his left side. “And then, you’re now finally here, and you come with this holier-than-thou attitude! Y/N L//N, your daughter, is the most incredible and capable person I have met in my entire life. The fact that a person like her can rise like a phoenix from the ashes that is your attitudes and parenting styles is a miracle, because in every way, shape and form, she will forever be a marvel. To me, to our classmates, and to the entire world. I just can’t wait to see the look on your sorry asses when the time comes for her to give her thank you speech after becoming the number one hero, and you don’t hear either of your names mentioned once.” The silence is deafening after Shouto finishes speaking. You feel your whole body trembling and can recognize that there are tears falling down past your cheeks, but nothing else. Nothing else, until that constricting feeling that you felt bound to you to your parents’ approval starts to loosen the moment Shouto takes your hand in his. 
“Let’s go.” Your words, merely more than a whisper, is all it takes for Shouto to wrap and arm around your waist as he marches past your dumbstruck parents, towards a private room. The second Shouto clicks the lock shut, you let yourself break down. Sobs racked your body as you clung onto his shirt, his arm, and his love. “They’re supposed to be my parents. How… I can’t even do anything.” You hiccup into his tear-stained gym uniform, the one identical to yours (without the blotches of tears).
“Hey, shh, you’re okay. You’re fine.” Shouto says, his reassuring words grounding you. “You will get through this whole… mess, okay? I know you can. All you need to do is take it one day at a time.” You nod into his chest and let your head lie there as the tears finally started to cease from falling.
“You, uh, probably have to get ready for your match, right?” You sniff, moving one of your hands up to your face to rub at your nose.
“I’m fine here.” Shouto says, wrapping his arms around you. “Y/N, you really were incredible out there. Do not let them make you think otherwise.” You nod again as you feel Shouto begin to play lightly with your hair. “You are enough. More than, in fact. They might think otherwise, but I don’t. I love you, and your smile, and your everything.” You were too fried emotionally to say anything back, but Shouto knew. He knew that it would take time to finally break from your parents’ psychological hold over you and that he would always be there at your side.
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Hey not sure what you are looking for for soft but do you headcanon anyone (of the characters you write for) as having good singing voice? Good for singing, good for karaoke, or good for lullabies
Imma do all of them real speedy bc I have thoughts abt these bois backed by ReAsEaRcH. Also I’m going off of sub voices only since I don’t really care for the dub nor do I know it well enough.
Anyway, here’s the majority of my ReAsEaRcH. Pls watch it, it fuels my simpery (most of the other links in here are to memes on YouTube)
Ok honestly, I don’t think he’s all that good
I’m just not sure if he has the voice for it?? Idk, I could easily be proven wrong for all of these but, idk, I just don’t really see him as having a particularly amazing voice. Maybe in the normal-to bad range, but like, in an endearing way, if that makes sense
That isn’t to say he never sings though! I think he’d totally love to dance around your room with you to your favorite songs (y’all def share a playlist)!
All around wholesome boi, I’d love to sing with/to him regardless
Also less than good
Honestly when I hear his seiyuu sing, I just hear Noya n I think Noya would actually be p good at singing if he really tried based off that but this isn’t a multifandom blog just yet so I’ll stop rambling now
His voice is so rough?? Like, maybe in particular genres it would come in handy, being able to get all the way down there, but I’m not so sure? I just kinda feel like he’d struggle to hold a tune
Hshsksjdfhjak I’m not the greatest at judging voices though and I don’t always know what I’m talking about, so again, take all this with a grain of salt
I also kind of find it hard to see him really ever singing at all? I feel like he’d think it’s embarrassing or stupid or beneath him
He might sing for you, though. Maybe
Ok, Shouto might actually be pretty decent-to good at singing
I can’t really see him as ever having really sung all that much before, though, so he might still be meh if he can’t do things by ear
I feel like, if he really wanted to and maybe practiced a bit, he could sing  really well, though
Here we have someone who might be good at lullabies, but I feel like he wouldn’t know many himself
He might sing for/with you, but I guess I also don’t really see him really being into it all that much
Okok so I’m really torn here
He is one of the few who actually does sing in canon (pls pls don’t ask me how many times I’ve watched that clip *cough cough*)
Buuuttt ummmm
Get mmm whatcha say’ed
I still really fuckin love him though, and I’d let him sing for me as much as he wanted
Uhh, sounds like he struggles with tune maybe? He’s kinda tone deaf ngl if he thinks that’s good
Hshkhskh this Kirishima slander is killing me
Ok, so maybe he’s not all that good, but he’d still totally sing for you
Pls pls pls don’t tell him he sucks, let him do it for you
I feel like he’d love karaoke
I also feel like he’d try to sing or maybe even write you a love song, just because he thinks it’s romantic. He probably knows it won’t be very good, but it’s still something he wants to experience at least once just because he’s in love with you and it’s a cute cliche
Is also 1000% down to have dance parties in your room and sing really obnoxiously as loud as he can just because it’s fun
As long as you’re okie with that
So yeah, I’ll put him down as: pls no sing but maybe yes sing
Ok I think Kaminari would actually be kinda good like tf
Probably best at just kinda casual singing, maybe karaoke
Ok but like, Kirishima and Kaminari being bros and just singing at the karaoke machine just 😞
Idk, just thinking about him on the guitar and kinda half-singing along just ugh yes
I’m not really sure what else to say, but like, I think we missed out on not really hearing him sing in the school event arc
Which maybe he didn’t sing there bc he can’t, therefore proving me wrong, but like, HIS VOICE
I think he can sing, put me on the record for that
Another boy that’s mandatory to have a dance party in your room with. He’s like 100% dork over here, it’d be so fun
Ok confession: I don’t really like Shinsou’s Japanese seiyuu’s voice
I can get behind his dub voice. And Cece does him justice
Anyway, I’m not entirely certain what to say? He’s another anomaly who I can’t really picture singing
I feel like he likes music though
This is the kind of thing that I might have to revisit after season five since I don’t actually know him all that well yet
But yeah, I’m not really sure
He does have a really deep voice, so that might be nice in certain songs/genres of music pls whisper in my ear
He’d definitely sing to you if you asked
Whether or not it’d be good? ......Maybe?
Ok I think he’s p good actually hhhhh
His voice is so soft and smooth and sweet?
Pls sing me to sleep 🥺
He’d probably get really nervous about it though, so it would be pretty rare that he sings in front of you
It’s a sign of trust
He’s the kind that you might catch singing to himself and then he’d get all flustered once he notices you’re there
*cough cough*
He might actually be the best one here, just saying 😳
Not that any of these boys are vocal prodigies, but like, I can see it
HJBKJDCBSHKC I want to sing a duet with him now
This was fun, thanks for sending it in! Can you tell I like singing maybe a little too much? Probably not, actually, I still have no idea what I’m talking about half the time I’m trying to explain music mostly bc I do everything by ear. Chorus was hard to get used to when I joined in eighth grade. I hope you liked these!
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Todoroki Shouto
word count : 2K (blurb!)
[ ✘ (nsfw!) ]  
themes : sub!shouto, dom!reader, praise, bondage
bio : Your boyfriend loves to be tied up and tortured, and you’re more than happy to deliver.
author’s note : uhhh idk in the past there’ve been some requests for sub sho so thought i would post these meager scraps to feed you guys while i work on the next fic (tamaki smut)
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🄰 loud moan floats from Shouto’s parted lips, his eyes slamming shut underneath his furrowed brow. His hips attempt to shift backwards, away from your touch, but the ropes holding down his thighs leave no room for escape. His muscles push against the restraints, but the only part of his body that he can move is his head, which he throws back in agony as your finger traces down his shaft.
The remnants of his ruined orgasm drip down the crevices of his abs, his cock red and twitching angrily at how you’d jerked your hand away as soon as his load began to spurt out. Without your touch his release had been painfully unsatisfactory; he had cried out in distress as the ecstasy instantly vanished and only its phantom remained, leaving his cock erect before you.
“Do you wanna be a good boy for me now, baby?” Your words splice the tension in the air, and he moves his face forward again to see your fist close around his length.
“Aha— ah!” He groans as your lips hug the head of his cock, your tongue experimentally roving over his salty, flustered skin. Swirling it around his swollen tip, your watchful eyes take in the intoxicating expression painted over his handsome features. When your cheeks hollow and you welcome more of him into his mouth, his eyes nearly bug out of his head and he lewdly whimpers,” S-Sensitiveee.”
His caution falling on deaf ears, your gaze only twinkles with threat as you take even more of him between your lips, your tongue washing the bulging vein that splits into two on the underside of his cock. Shouto gasps and attempts to lift his hips at your persistence, half-lidded eyes glued to your every move. His tongue pokes out to wet his lips, and he takes his bottom lip between his teeth as you begin to bob your head. The length of him easily glides in and out of your mouth, and his tip pressing against the walls of your throat makes his eyes drift upward underneath his lids in pleasure. His breath is ragged, muscular chest shaking with each sharp inhale.
Incoherent words tumble from his mouth, his eyes straining to stay open. Your torture on his cock sends electricity shooting through his limbs, the stimulation almost too much— but fuck, your pace is just right— you know how to dance upon the fine line between too much and not enough, and it has him sweating and seeing stars. His cock is harder than ever, and he cannot fathom how you’d managed to keep his length this erect after his climax.
“Ngggh!” Shouto grumbles when your fist glides over the head, flushed cock twitching violently against your palm. “Please,” he croaks, drooping eyes cast down to lock with your own, peering up at him with a wicked glint. He isn’t really sure what exactly he’s asking for, but the word slides out of him without a thought.
His heart begins to hammer in his chest as you stand, and his eyes instantly fly to the glistening folds between your legs. He can only whine as your leg swings over his lap, your arms landing on his shoulders and pulling yourself closer to him. His cock jumps as your hard nipples drag against his skin, and you giggle as the slick hardness pokes your abdomen.
Your chest flush against his, you lean in and press the softest kiss to his lips. Shouto’s head spins, his hands itching with the need to reach out and pull you closer to him. His jaw falls slack as you begin to grind against him, your slick slipping onto his cock and trailing down his thigh. Your core is so hot against his aching length, he lets out a long moan as his head falls back once again. Your hips roll against his restrained lap, pulling your clit along his pink skin with ease. Pussy leaking onto him, even though you’re in control you can’t help but let out an erotic groan. Having your seemingly-aloof, collected man struggling to keep it together underneath you has your eyes rolling back in excitement, your teeth conquering his lower lip. Raising your hips, you guide his tip along your slit and around your soaked entrance in deviously slow circles.
“Y/N,” Shouto gasps, brow cinched and perspiration glistening along the side of his handsome face. His eyes dart toward your pussy hovering over his cock, gulping audibly as you lower yourself just halfway onto the tip. “I— fuck, I don’t think I can—“
Your fingernails delve through his two-toned locks, scraping against his scalp as you grab a handful and pull, eliciting a deep, lustful sound. His chin juts into the air, sharp jawline hiked upwards, but his eyes do not leave yours. There are no words to describe the passion that crackles between the two of you; all you can do is give him your most sultry gaze and cheshire-like grin.
“You can,” you purr, your other hand brushing him against your clit one last time, “and you will.”
His cock pushes into you, parting your slippery walls like a hot knife through soft butter. You sink down onto him slowly, savoring the stretch as you accommodate the delicious intrusion. A broken moan rings from Shouto’s lips, but he doesn’t dare break eye contact with you. Your gaze is fiery and demanding, and he can only watch your face as the warmth of your cunt envelops his tender length in a silky, intense euphoria.
Just as your mouth had taken him before, your pussy welcomes him at a snail's pace; just fast enough to keep him panting but slow enough to sate his weary cock. Your hand still rooted in his hair, the other reaches behind you to scratch your nails from his knee toward you. Goosebumps rise to meet the stuffy air of the room, and his head falls to lay on your arm as you sink back down onto him, balls deep.
Sheathed inside you, Shouto can barely keep his wits, his eyelids heavy with lust and exhaustion, but he would never miss out on an opportunity to see your blissful, dominant expression above him. Deciding to give him a reward, your free hand lands on the wide expanse of his chest, your fanned fingers sliding shut to capture his nipple, and rubbing the sensitive bud gently as you massage the hard muscle underneath. He lets a loud cry loose, cock perking upright inside of you at the stimulation.
You begin to increase your pace, restless to feel his thick member draw along your walls. Shouto cannot keep the noises of pleasure from surfacing, unabashed and gravely moans releasing out into the silent room. Your clit rubs against the bicolored thatch of hair at the base of his cock, and his hips try to buck against the ropes without prevail. The angle of you on his lap provides fulfilling access to deep inside your womb,  your essence dripping down his balls and onto the chair underneath him to form a small, slick puddle.
Your hand leaves his chest momentarily to grip your own breast, placing it into Shouto’s open mouth before finding purchase on his pec once again. He latches onto your tit instantly, tongue rolling around your nipple before sucking on the pebbled bud and flicking against it with reckless abandon. His eagerness to please only turns you on even more, your hips slamming down to stuff yourself with his heavy length.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so damn good,” you groan, tightening your loosened hold on his hair. He grunts in immediate response, lips wrapped around your breast and tongue working feverishly. “You’re such a good boy, yeah— you’re my good boy,” you praise, and your tit falls from his mouth as he lets out a whine.
Your words have him twitching inside and quivering underneath you, harsh puffs of steam surging from his now gaping mouth. Orange embers begin to lick the edges of his scar, a coating of frost emanating from his hand tied behind his back. He can only say your name, chanting it like you’d cast a bewitching spell upon his beautiful, delirious form.
The familiar coil tightening in your stomach, you groan as you slam onto him with newfound ferocity. No longer holding anything back, your fingers leave his nipple to gently grip his throat, fingers winding around the thick, corded muscles there. His eyes are on you, both hands forcing him to match your searing gaze as you fuck yourself onto his cock.
“You’re mine, you’re all mine,” you gasp, and he groans in agreement, the embers on his face growing into little flames along his skin. “Fuck, does my good boy wanna cum? You gonna cum in me, fill me to the brim with your seed, baby?” The words are sharp and frayed, your lungs nearly breathless as you bounce on his throbbing length.
“Fuck, yes,” Shouto moans, voice trembling as your fingers press into the racing pulse on his throat. “All yours— so close!” The chair beneath you squeaks as you pound yourself onto him, his body shaking as the pressure in his stomach nears its peak. “P-Please, I need to... Please let me cum,” he begs breathlessly, desperation emerging in his gray and blue gaze. 
His request has your cunt fluttering around him, an offering to charm the ravenous beast of your dominance. You hungrily accept his words, nodding as your jaw falls, the feeling of his long, thick cock splitting you taking over your senses entirely. “Fuck, be a good boy and cum inside me then.”
The fingers in his hair yank hard, pulling his head backwards as your other hand keeps its tight hold on his neck. His body tenses, and you cry out as you drop your hips onto him for the final time. Both of your strangled moans fill the room, ecstasy wracking through your bodies as you hurtle over the edge together. Your legs shake as your cunt squeezes around him, and his body strains against the ropes as he coats your walls in hot and sticky spurts.
Your trembling fingers soothe over his damp skin, pushing the hair dangling over his eyes back to press a kiss to his forehead. He hums at the gesture, cooling his breath so it calms the rosy skin of your chest. The flames flickering on his face dull before dying out, the intensity of the moment lulling as your hand slips from his throat, arm wrapping around his neck to place your lips on his.
“I love you,” he murmurs against your mouth, lips pushing against yours passionately.
You purr in reciprocation, but before you can voice your feelings the sprinkler on the ceiling bursts to life, cold water instantly drenching both of you.
You shriek at the rude interruption, sharing an incredulous look with the man underneath you, whose cock is still softening within you. After the initial shock, you let out a sigh, the gaze between the two of you knowing but still amused.
“You set off the fire alarm again, baby,” you can’t help but chuckle at the ridiculous situation, the shy grin on Shouto’s lips spurring you on.
“Technically you set it off,” he corrects, raising a brow at you. “I was just being a good boy.”
You smack his arm with a huff of faux irritation before you give him another quick kiss and begin to undo the ties on his wrists, wondering how angry your landlord will be with the two of you for yet another sprinkler-related incident. Concluding that Shouto can pay for any damages he’d caused, you decide that the session you’d just finished was well worth it, drenched furniture and all.
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
➥ masterlist ✍(◔◡◔) thanks for reading!!
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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todomitoukei · 3 years
I think many people misinterpreted the scene where little touya goes off on his mom and is very rude to her as him being misogynistic when i think it's so easy to understand. His expression entirely changes when she asks him "do u really want to be a hero?" specifically because it is so tone deaf (as rei herself recognized later on) because nobody gave him a choice at the beginning. Even before he was born his fate was already decided for him so the timing of both his parents questioning his "dream" is very bad because they give him a "choice" (not really they just want him to stop) the moment he was no longer useful to endeavor and shouto already exists.
Like the whole moment and him highlighting rei also not having a choice after all is so important because nobody gave him a choice either. His whole existence is for a purpose he can no longer fulfill and instead of communicating with him his parents show total negligence by ignoring the root of the problem and straight up questioning a dream endeavor implanted in his head and rei enabled him as well.
I feel like rei and enji both couldn't stand the thought of looking especially after touya is because he was a literal representation of their failed parenting. And he was smart too, unlike his siblings he was well aware of everything that was going on and called them out several times on their bullshit. This is not a problematic child, this is a child that is incredibly smart and aware. He never hid how he felt he straigh up told them outloud they just never listened or more so never knew how to respond bc at the end of the day it was THEIR fault and they couldnt bare it and now they are doin the same.
Touya was right in calling out both rei and enji
Idk, maybe they were intimidated by their child being smarter than them, but it really is sad that they gave up so easily and weren’t even able to just listen to him. It’s fine if they didn’t know what to say to him or how to help him, obviously, there was only so much Rei was able to do; but listening was still an option. I will never understand why they didn’t just get him a therapist.
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
No matter how one puts it, Shoto has forgiven Dabi already if he wants to someday get him to eat hot udon, because theres no mixed feelings or negative ones there. Hes confident Dabis just Toya and just like his mom just needing some support to be saved into reformation. And so have some others for his sake by proxy because thats Todoroki's brother with sad life circumstances where they brushed away any response to his direct crimes against them. And he did many, and with deep senseless spite.
As someone who's argued against this in the past, I do see where you're coming from.
The only reason I've said that Shouto hasn't forgiven him is because he hasn't directly said he has and I want to give Hori the benefit of the doubt (if only for my own benefit that he wouldn't be this tone deaf). However I agree how he's behaved about Touya since the reveal has been very light compared to the anger he held towards his father for example and I can understand why many believe he has forgiven him.
It's why I wished he faced some conflict on this decision, maybe have an actual talk with Dabi's other victims and see how they feel about "saving" him. I want him to have some doubt because what he's doing is a difficult task both technically and mentally, he's trying to reach out to a man that has tried to kill him on multiple occasions and has hurt many of his friends after all.
I know this is his family but it's also a brother he barely knew and you'd think the bonds he's formed with his friends would matter more (but then again they're just as supportive because Hori is speedrunning this arc and their subsequent potential redemptions).
It's just a mess, really...
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
Shouto Todoroki as a Boyfriend
Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Summary: can you guess? The title!!
Warnings: not-nice words, little bit of angst, mentions of self-harm, fluff, a really really really corny joke
BF Scenarios Tag List:
HMU if you wanna be added!!
Tumblr media
look at his fucking biceps OH MY GOD AAAAAAAAAAAA
The tank top?? Shit, please wear the more often
It all started one fateful day when you caught him staring at you from across the lunch table
You set down your chopsticks
“Todoroki, is there something on my face?”
“You’re beautiful.”
The whole table goes absolutely silent and Mina and Midoriya choke on their food at the exact same time 
“... What?”
“You look really cute when you chew. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“No… no one has. Th-Thanks, Todoroki.”
Then the heterochromatic boy went back to his soba
Later on, he realizes what he’s feeling for you is called ‘love’ and asks you out
Shouto is aloof but affectionate and very attentive
It takes time for him to trust you because he hasn’t had anyone he can really depend on in a while
You’re one of the only people besides his sister and brother that has shown any appreciation or love toward him so it won’t take him too long to warm up to you
When he does, he will talk about his past
These moments that you have with him, when he reveals his sad, shadowy past, they’re really important. It’s what makes Shouto, Shouto. He would really appreciate being able to tell you these things because when he does, it feels like a huge weight off his chest
Shouto might have nightmares from time to time, waking up yelling “No! Don’t hurt her! S-Stop, stop!” and breaking into a cold sweat
He might ask you, “Do I act like… him?” “Am I gonna turn out like Endeavor?”
No bby. Never.
Shouto is really protective. After seeing his mother abused and Natsuo and Fuyumi ignored, he doesn’t want you to feel like your alone, or unloved, or unprotected
That’s why, when he sees an over-confident looking asshole saunter up to you and you step back timidly, he’s gonna take action and tell the bitch to fuck off
The guy isn’t gonna be around for very long when he finds out ‘the son of endeavor’ is your boo
BUT here’s the thing; Shouto doesn’t know how godly and hot he is, so make sure you remind him
I mean, you are the one that helped him accept himself!
He’s a “one date a week” kind of guy
Cold soba with shouto → lady and the tramp style
PDA is a thing → hand-holding and cuddling on the couch in the common room
He might grab your face and kiss you to get a reaction out of Bakugou
Sho likes to play with your hands
When he’s tired he’s gonna smoosh his face into your chest, tummy, or thighs
Shouto is a chapstick d00d
Lips → soft and pretty and fun to kiss
Shouto’s pet names for you can be; princess, beautiful, babe, gorgeous, and baby girl
He likes to take you on walks at night because the cool night air helps him clear his mind
You’re always trying to make him crack a smile and he can’t help but grin when you tell him a terrible pun or joke no matter how hard he tries
“Hey Sho, what do sharks put on their sandwiches?”
“Peanut butter and jellyfish!”
“Oh my god Y/n.”
Your presence is calming to your boyfriend. That’s why he insists you sleep in the same bed. (as long as your ok with that. sho wouldn’t pressure you into anything. ever.) He needs you in his arms to fall asleep
“Y/n. Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Why not?”
*cuddling ensues*
Ok… fights
Shouto Todoroki is very strong-willed
It doesn’t matter what you did, he would never hit you. If you strike him, he won’t do it back. The only time he’d ever lay hand on you that wasn’t gentle, would be a firm shake on your shoulders to knock a little sense into you
Nothing more
If you’re hurting yourself, he might swat something out of your hands
If your crying, Shouto will wrap you in lots of blankets and sit with you until you tell him why your face is leaking
If you cry, he cries
Guilt tears at his poor heart until he literally cannot breathe when you don’t tell him right away because he’s worried he did something
“Y/n, what’s wrong princess? No, no don’t cry- It’s fine, you’re safe… Please stop crying…”
How could such a fucking angel do anything wrong? Shouto is innocence at its finest! god-tier muscles! Hot! Kind! Oblivious!
He loves you so fucking much
If you’re hurting so is he
To make things better, he will literally do anything; spend his father’s massive fortune, cuddle for weeks on end, therapy, dates, food, ANYTHING to make you happy again
His scar… oof that’s definitely a topic I need to cover
Even after having it for years, Sho is still really insecure about it. When people (reporters and such) mention it to him you can visibly see his mood drop
One time, he was going to be in a movie, and his makeup person said “Alright Mr. Todoroki! Now let’s cover up that disgusting scar.”
He almost cried
When he told you what happened, you were livid
I dragged him to the studio at two in the morning and chewed out the director for a while with Sho standing behind you, holding you back
“Disgusting? Seriously? My boyfriend is a fucking GOD compared to you, you nasty, retarded, tone-deaf, dickhead-”
“Y/N! Calm down!”
You weren’t letting your precious Shouto act in any more movies. He had a career to focus on anyway
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bootlickerhawks · 4 years
Twice/Hawks Anon: Considering how Midoriya praises his own bully, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he would praise an abuser. But still, his tone deafness and uncritical view of heroes is getting irritating. We saw this in the way he responded to orphan Kota and told Shouto he will forgive Endeavor because he’s “kind.”
I’m gonna wait for the fan translation and the official translation before judging too much but yikes things aren’t looking good :/
Rest under the cut cuz it got long and I’m salty af
I could understand Izuku prioritizing Shouto’s feelings despite Dabi’s claims because he’s Shouto’s friend first and foremost and Shouto is clearly in a lot of pain right now (both emotional and physical). 
But the shit he said about Endeavor is so tone deaf imo : “The past won’t disappear! That’s why I’ll be “watching” at the current Endeavor who’s doing his best!” 
Deku knows exactly what Endeavor did before: he knows that he bought Rei, he knows that he abused Shouto so that he could “surpass All Might” and he knows that Natsuo blames Endeavor for Touya’s death. And yet now he doesn’t hesitate to support Endeavor and that’s the issue. 
People were already pointing this out during the Todofam dinner arc but by having the protagonist of the manga supporting an abuser like Endeavor it casts him in a sympathetic light. And it encourages the reader to believe that Endeavor can simply move on and not have to face the consequences of his actions. 
And given the way that Dabi’s dramatic reveal was undermined by BJ’s and Mirio’s surprise comebacks I’m afraid that’s what the author is intending as well 😔
I want to have faith that Horikoshi wouldn’t do that but I’m tired of getting my hopes up only to be let down again. And we must also remember that Shounen Jump mainly tries to appeal to the Japanese audience and given how popular Endeavor is in Japan… it doesn’t paint a bright picture.
(In fact one of my friends told me that in Japan following Dabi’s reveal most japanese fans were concerned over how it would impact Endeavor. And it was Endeavor’s name trending on twitter that day not Dabi’s). 
It’s just disheartening to see that every opportunity to have the pro-heroes question their system is squandered. We’ve had so many opportunities to have someone question the status quo (the closest we got was Mineta ffs) and it just makes me wonder what’s the fucking point.  
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ao3feed-bakudeku · 4 years
by NeloQuill
Izuku had a bad day. One of his favorite songs, hot chocolate, and space to talk should help, right?
Words: 2042, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Inko and masaru and Mitsuki are mentioned, As are Ochaco and Shouto, but literally just MENTIONED so I dont wanna tag them
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakudeku finally got me yall, sheer spite had me Not Shipping It but then. THEn i made the mistake of heading to ao3
Additional Tags: I hope yall like Steven Universe and many References to bakugo going to therapy and Making An Effort, Sad Izuku :(, Oh also, Deaf Bakugou Katsuki, More like hard of hearing actually because he has hearing aids but its not mentioned much, Fluff, because let these two be HAPPY dammit, also inko midoriya goes to Gunhead's for martial arts training, that for some STUPID reason i decided to keep on the back burner im SORRY, Bakugo is a Nicer Man so i toned down his nicknames a little ahaha, couldnt find it in my heart to completely take them away, Alrighty now i REALLy have to run to be in time for sunrise meal BYE AND GOODNIGHt, MORNING????? WHO KNOWS
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BakuDeku A/B/O Fics.
(*) Indicates my most suggested reads.
Ignorance Leads to Bliss by SurelyHeavenWaits
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Fantasy AU, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Midoriya Izuku, Omega Bakugou Katsuki, Dragon Prince Katsuki, Katsu Deku Valentines 2019, ktdkvalentines, Accidental Marriage Summary: A brave wandering adventurer swoops in and saves a beautiful prince from danger, gets dragged to a celebratory bonfire and has a night that he could only have dreamed of!
Or, the one in which Midoriya Izuku accidentally gets married to a Dragon Prince but wouldn't have it any other way.
The Heart Wants What It Wants by TsunaidaMay
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Character: Midoriya Inko Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, A/B/O, Omegaverse, Alpha - Freeform, omega - Freeform, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Valentine's Day, fantasy bakugou, fantasy midoriya, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Rutting, Knotting, Language Barrier, Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, Mating, Mating Bond, Mating Bites, magical flowers, Miscommunication, handjobs, Nesting, Izuku being an idiot, YOUR CYCLE IS IMPORTANT PAY ATTENTION TO IT Summary: When Izuku goes out on an adventure, he stumbles upon a strange Alpha that he can't seem to understand. Sometimes actions speak louder than words and nothing has to be done except to follow your heart.
Scars, The RoadMap of You by StayFreeG3(Updating/Incomplete)
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Hisashi, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Sensei | All For One, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Iida Tenya, Midoriya Inko Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Alpha Midoriya Izuku, Omega Bakugou Katsuki, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Smut, Fluff and Angst, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Older Midoriya Izuku, Top Midoriya Izuku, Blood and Violence, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bond, Rutting, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Crimes & Criminals, Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Wooing, Angst, Blood and Gore, Twisted and Fluffy Feelings, Blow Jobs, Sexual Tension, Denial of Feelings, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Praise Kink, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Torture Summary: Omega and Full-time Hero, Katsuki Bakugou finds himself at a loss when he stumbles across a Quirkless Alpha who has single-handedly defended a group of civilians from a big-shot villain. After finishing the job, taking the mysterious green-haired man to the hospital, and learning there is no record of the Alpha’s existence, the heroes discover ‘Deku’ was a captive of the League of Villains since childhood; he and the heroes decide to use his strength to fight back against their most heinous plot yet.
Somewhere along the way, Katsuki finds himself in denial. How could he fall for such a complicated and untalented Alpha?
You've Got Mail! by glamour_weeb *(Updating/Incomplete)(On Hiatus)
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Scent Kink, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mutual Pining, True Mates, Alternate Universe - Never Met, Panty Kink, Strangers to Lovers, Masturbation Summary: Izuku is a Quirkless Omega and Katsuki is an Alpha pro hero. Their paths might have never crossed if they hadn’t started using the anonymous mail service where Alphas and Omegas can buy and sell their clothes as heat/rut aids.
Izuku wonders if it's possible to fall in love with an Alpha's scent and Katsuki wonders if he'll ever meet the Omega that smells like his True Mate.
A very horny love story in three parts.
Quiet Rapture by lalazee *(Updating/Incomplete)
Categories: M/M, F/M Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Slow Burn, Romance, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bond, Love at First Sight, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Wooing, Literary References & Allusions, Background Kirishima/Ashido, Background Shinsou/Todoroki, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Murder Mystery, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Sexual Harassment, Trust Issues, Stalking, Dark Past, No mpreg, Past Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Past Relationship(s), Unhealthy Relationships, Recovery, Drugged Sex, Underage Drug Use, Burns Summary: That ABO fic where cocky Alpha Bakugou falls in mate-love at first scent, while Midoriya is just a poor bookstore-owning Omega who got his nose punched in is a kid and can't smell a damn thing. Also known as: That time an Alpha had to use his actual personality to woo his mate instead of relying on his scent.
Missed Connections by Labellevita *(Updating/Incomplete)
Rating: Mature Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, background shin/kami Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Deaf Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Unedited/Unbeta'd, Scent Kink, Do any youngins even know about "Missed Connections" pages these days, Brief mention of daddy kink, inappropriate use of other people's clothing, mentions of past relationships - Freeform, Everyone is Bisexual, I'm not tagging every side pairing Summary: Deaf Uni student Bakugou can't catch a break, but he does catch the scent of a fantastic smelling omega.
Stand Up and Run by glamour_weeb(Updating/Incomplete)
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Altered Mental States, Feral Behavior, Rough Sex, Mating Bites, Breeding, Come Inflation, Pregnancy Kink, Knotting, Dubious Consent, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki Summary: A couple of years ago, Izuku signed up for a certain volunteer program where, in the event that an alpha pro hero goes into rut, he might be called upon to help them through it. It was so long ago that he sort of forgot about it, until the night he finally gets called in.
Twenty minutes later, he’s standing outside the rut room at Best Jeanist’s agency. Izuku swallows thickly as he watches his estranged childhood friend, Bakugou Katsuki, better known as pro hero Ground Zero, rage inside the rut room. Izuku almost wants to laugh at the irony of the situation. Because for as long as he can remember, he’s been in love with the alpha.
The Hunt by greatcloudninja *
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto/Yoarashi Inasa Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Yoarashi Inasa, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Omega Todoroki Shouto, Alpha Yoarashi Inasa, Firefighter Bakugou Katsuki, Firefighter Yoarashi Inasa, Explicit Sexual Content, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Knotting, Mutual Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Breeding, Attempted Sexual Assault, Very minor but tagging it just in case, nothing actually happens, Flashbacks, Strangers to Lovers, Rough Sex, Mating Run, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting Summary: Each summer, the Beast's Forest is the site of an annual tradition dating back to the earliest days of secondary sexes--The Hunt, in which unmated Alphas seek out Omegas hidden within the confines of the forest.
Izuku signs up in a last-ditch effort to avoid being assigned a mate by the prefectural government. It's not his ideal way of finding a mate, but at least he'll have some say in who he ends up with.
Shouto wants to find a mate who isn't "Endeavor-Approved" in an act of rebellion against his father's overbearing will.
Katsuki needs to find a mate to secure his promotion to Captain of Musutafu Fire Station #3.
Inasa hears a rumor that Endeavor's beloved Omega son is participating, and is willing to take any chance he gets at snubbing his former idol.
Not So Common Ground by Morpheel
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Serial Killers, Hitchhiking, Car Sex, Sex in a Car, roadhead, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Rough Sex, Cowgirl Position, Hand Jobs, Knotting, Condoms, Mild Blood, Biting, Scratching, Rough Kissing Summary: “Oh no, you caught me! I’m secretly a serial killer wanted in every province! I hitchhike and kill all of the nice people who help a poor guy out in his time of need.”
Oh the irony.
What he didn’t expect was for Bakugou’s full attention to turn to him, similarly amused by Izuku’s ‘confession’. His tone was flat, but the taunting wasn’t lost as he switched the station of the radio to something else. “Well what would be the chances of two serial killers in one car? I, too, pick up innocent hitchhikers and kill them for being careless idiots.”
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writing-radionoises · 6 years
The world suddenly went quiet for Katsuki Bakugo, but a certain dual colored boy managed to make a substitute for the noise.
Prompt: "We’re roommates at the hospital and you won’t shut up. I’m trying to get some sleep over here."
The moment the house went up in flames, the last of Katsuki Bakugo's hearing was wasted on police sirens before he eventually passed out. He's not sure what happened what happened between accidentally blowing up his adoptive parents house and waking up at the hospital, but it was absolutely devastating to wake up and find out that your hearing was just gone. Disappeared. But, it wasn't something that was a surprise for Katsuki, his whole life he was told that it was more than likely that he'd lose his hearing from his quirk, to the point in which he had learned sign language as a child. The surprises were down the lane. The first surprise the the fact that his aunt and adoptive mother, Mitsuki, refused to see him again. His father did whatever Mitsuki said, so Katsuki got two visitors. The fucking Midoriyas. As much as he hated Izuku and burned with jealousy, he had never been happier to see the green haired dork. Finally, someone he could talk to, someone he could understand. His life so far had been silence, he could try and lip read, but he struggled with it. He hadn't communicated with anyone in days before Izuku came in. Izuku was cute and optimistic, he had learned sign language for Katsuki as a kid, worried he wouldn't be able to talk to his dear friend if Katsuki blew his hearing out. Which he did. His optimism was something he desperately needed, he was afraid he wouldn't become hero, maybe his mother would never speak to him again. After all, it was his fault they were now homeless and had a huge medical bill. Izuku could not stay, though, but he came in and out. Katsuki wouldn't be released from the hospital for awhile, so eventually, he was transferred into a partnered room with another kid, he looked to be older than Katsuki. His name was Shouto Todoroki, the doctor had said something about Todoroki being blind, or something along those lines. Which was just great. Another person to ignore him in this plain white room. Still, he couldn't help but acknowledge that Todoroki seemed to be straight out of a story book beautiful. half of his hair was a crimson red, and the other a snow white. He was thin and scrawny, shaky and covered in burns. His left eye had an ugly, red burn scar over it, as if it was to keep him from being too beautiful. His left eye was a milky white, the other an ash gray. His knees were almost always to his chest, his bottom lip red from biting and bleeding. he had a sad tone to his eyes and spoke fast, or at least, so it seemed. He hadn't made an attempt to talk to Todoroki yet, but sometimes, he'd curl up on the bed and rock back and forth, mumbling various things. Katsuki didn't know what he was here for, but judging by the bloodied bandages on his arm, it wasn't for the same thing as Katsuki. After being in the hospital for about a week, his mental health was on his wit's end. Mitsuki would not visit him, he couldn't apologize, Izuku was the only one would could really speak to him, apparently, and there's some fucking suicidal kid he's rooming with who doesn't seem to know how to socialize. So, Katsuki did what ever fifteen year old did when they're stressed, cry themselves to sleep. Sobbing into a hospital pillow at ten thirty PM was not somewhere Katsuki saw himself, but it's what happened, until he felt another pillow thrown at him as he lifted his head up in panic, looking around frantically for the perpetrator until his eyes met Todoroki's. He was yelling something, too fast for Katsuki to understand. "I don't know what you're saying, I'm fucking deaf!" He yelled back, hoping he didn't interrupt Todoroki, to which the half and half male paused for a moment. "You use JSL, right?" He had signed to Katsuki, his hands moving fluently through the signs as if he had known them for awhile. Katsuki nodded slowly, wiping away tears, "Did you know JSL this entire fucking time?" Todoroki shrugged, "I didn't know you were deaf, I'm sorry. I just thought you didn't want to talk to me." "Maybe I don't," the blonde signed back, a glare in his eyes. "Your sobbing says otherwise." Katsuki scoffed, "My name is Katsuki Bakugo, I lost my hearing in a quirk accident last week." "Todoroki Shouto," replied the half and half male with a slight smile, "I didn't want to live anymore, so now I'm here. Do you have a name sign?" Katsuki nodded, moving his right hand across his neck and holding it up by his shoulder, moving his fingers like tiny flames. It mimicked the sign for fire, because of his quirk and for what Midoriya calls his "explosive personality." Shouto copied Katsuki, and Katsuki nodded along. "Do you have a name sign?" He asked, and Shouto nodded no. "I've never spoken to a deaf person before, I learned JSL as kid to "further my development," as my father says." "Well, I'll give you one," he replied, thinking for moment before moving his right hand down the middle of his face and brushing it off his left shoulder. Shouto smiles a bit, "That's cute." "You're cute." Bakugo paused after signed that, looking down at his hands with a flushed face, when he looked back up, he saw Todoroki laughing. Maybe he did something right.
Katsuki didn't expect to see Shouto again after he was finally checked out from the hospital and housed in the Midoriya household for a couple weeks, yet, he did. He was so recognizable, the moment he saw the dual colored male at UA, his heart dropped. Memories of the hospital flooded him, and Katsuki was half tempted to walk up and start signing once again. Though it'd be different, probably. He can hear okay now with his hearing aids in, he'd like to hear Shouto's laugh now, but still. He couldn't help but stare at the other's wrists, and wonder what all he's been through. He had started wearing colored contacts, even though they didn't match. His blind eye was now blue. Maybe it was always like that. He wondered if Shouto even still thought of him. He was such a strong person and Katsuki met him at his weakest. Perhaps, Katsuki didn't meet him at all. Still, the half and half male sat with him outside at lunch, and signed Katsuki's name, to which Katsuki smiled and signed Shouto's. "Do you still think I'm cute?" He asked, and Katsuki nodded. "Yes, very cute."
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: In Which We Burn Together Angst Week Day 1 Pairing:  Todomomo Rating: M Word Count:  1,662 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
Todoroki Shouto has never believed in soulmates. Why should he? It didn't work for his parents, so he doesn't expect it to work for him, especially when he can't even remember what his now burned off mark looks like.
Full fic under the cut! For @bnha-angst-week !! Day 1 Betrayal // Apologies! Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for betaing! <3
It burned; like an explosive, supernova star, expanding over his eye and forehead. It seared his skin and Shouto was certain he screamed. No sound hit his ears however, momentarily deaf as the scalding water poured over him.
For a moment right before, he locked eyes with his mother. Her gray irises trembled with fear, with true loathing for him, for her son. Deep down there was a part of him that knew why.
He didn't blame her.
She fell to her knees directly in front of him, his body trembling. "Shouto..." she whimpered. "My son, my boy..." she gasped, the spell finally broken if only for a moment.
His body heaved, sobs slipping from his lips, his hand pressed to his burned eye. He reached for her then, as any child would reach for their mother. Though she was the one who inflicted this pain, he wanted her comfort. The small boy loved his mother, more than anyone else in his life.
Todoroki Rei gasped then, her fingers gently wrapping around the boy's tiny wrist. Her fingers brushed over his smooth skin where the tiny roses lined the inside curve of his wrist. It was where everyone's soulmarks resided, but his mother trembled, looking at the small flowers.
"I won't... allow you to suffer this pain I have felt," she whispered and grabbed the kettle. Steam rose from it, the water inside boiling as she began to pour it over his skin once more.
He yelped, attempting to pull his hand back, but the liquid burned his wrist, and he stared with his one good eye, tears flowing down his cheek.
It was the last time he could make out what his soulmark was. The roses disappeared into his burned flesh; forever scarred and washed away.
"Todoroki-san! What's your soulmark?!"
It was rude to ask, but it didn't stop people from doing so. Most people wore tiny bracelets, covering up the spot, but bratty teens needed to know, and oftentimes they shared with one another.
"Don't have one," he said bluntly. It was a question he heard plenty of times, one he always gave the same answer to. All the conversations were the same. They were always just like this.
"What?! But everyone has a soulmark!"
"I don't."
Todoroki Shouto did not believe in soulmates. He knew they existed, he wasn't a fool, but he didn't necessarily believe in their legitimacy.
Admittedly, the idea baffled him somewhat. One person the universe decided they were supposed to be with? How did the universe know? Ridiculous. And more often than not, it was most likely wrong.
After all, it hadn't worked for his parents.
The rest of the world however, was absolutely obsessed with the concept. The first day of elementary school kids ran around flashing their wrists. In middle school, everyone traded soulmarks, excited their potential person could exist in their class.
Shouto brushed his finger over the scar on his wrist. The skin was taut, scarred and burned forever. By now, he couldn't even remember what his soulmark looked like. It was impossible to see under the scarring of his skin. He recalled it was some sort of flower, not very unique. So he let it go, never participating in conversations.
"So are you quirkless?" There were rumors that those who were quirkless didn't have soulmarks, but there was no known truth to it.
"So you must-"
And with that, Shouto would eventually flash them his wrist to get them to shut up, but not before apologies poured from their lips.
All the conversations were the same. He just wanted people to leave him alone.
He truly hoped U.A. would be different. They were going to be pro heroes and that should be their focus. He didn't care about romance or soulmarks.
Shouto took a seat at his assigned desk in the back of the room. This was perfect; unassuming. Hopefully he could avoid being called on and maybe everyone else would leave him alone too. He could actually focus on his goal of becoming a pro hero.
A girl sat down next to him, and he glanced towards the side. He recognized her from the recommendation exam; Yaoyorozu Momo.
She was tall, black hair fanning out behind the back of her head. Her skin was pale, smooth, and her dark eyes were focused as she pulled out a notebook, setting a variety of pens and pencils next to it. She was quite beautiful, and the thought alone made Shouto fight off a blush.
She nodded once and turned to the side, catching his eye. "Ah! Todoroki-san! I remember you from the recommendation exam. Ah-... I mean who couldn't!" she smiled, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear. "Your quirk is incredible! Oh goodness," she gasped softly and bowed her head. "I'm Yaoyorozu Momo."
"I know," he said flatly.
"Oh! You do? Wow! I-I apologize for implying you might forget!" she stammered, completely thrown off he remembered who she was. Her finger slipped under her soulmark bracelet, gently moving the digit back and forth under the small band. A nervous habit, most likely.
"You don't have to apologize for that," he stated. She knew nothing about him, as far as she knew, he could possibly be a very forgetful person.
"Right! Sorry! Ah... I mean... never mind..." she said.
He glanced towards her notebook and pens, impressed by how organized she was. He did recall her being incredibly talented with her quirk, something with creation?
"I'm sorry for bothering you," she said, bowing her head again to turn away from him.
He thought to stop her from apologizing, but decided it would be much better if people would leave him alone.
At first, it seemed like the topic of soulmarks wasn't going to rear its ugly head, but then one day, about a month or so into their schooling, Ashido Mina, one of the louder girls in the class, couldn't keep her big mouth shut.
"WHAT!?" she gasped, cupping her cheeks. "Tooru-chan!" she said, grabbing the invisible girl's hands. "How will you know your soulmate if you're always invisible!?!"
So it was beginning.
"Oh don't worry," she giggled, "I have plenty of pictures at home from when I was a baby. Or maybe..." she paused, as if for dramatic effect, "my soulmate will have an invisible soulmark!" Both girls giggled.
"How silly, Tooru-chan! That would be pretty amazing!" Ashido immediately jumped towards Yaoyorozu beside him, reaching around to slide up her sleeve.
"Yaomomo! What about you? You've never talked about your soulmark with us!"
Shouto was honestly thankful he was never around when they talked about this before.
Jolting, Yaoyorozu immediately tugged her sleeve back down. "It's rude to ask people about their soulmarks, Mina-chan," she said softly. Her finger slipped back under the band, gently rubbing it back and forth once more. Her nail gently stroked at her own skin. Shouto saw Yaoyorozu do it a few times, so perhaps it really was a nervous habit.
"We all have them! And how are we supposed to know who our soulmates are if we don't ask! Eiji-kun and I knew ours matched at the beginning of middle school!" she said, looking rather proud. "Everyone here is so boring! I bet you won't tell me your soulmark either, Todoroki-san!" she teased, leaning over Yaoyorozu's desk.
He froze. Instead of answering, he kept his gaze forward, hoping if he ignored her long enough she would go away.
"To-do-ro-ki-san~" she hummed, calling his name once more. "Show me your soulmark!"
Was this girl simply bored? If she knew she and Kirishima were soulmates, why did she care about other people's soulmarks? Why couldn't people just mind their own damn business?
He opened his mouth to tell her off, tired of his classmates antics, when Yaoyorozu spoke up before he could.
"Mina-chan! Don't bother our classmates! School should be about school!" Yaoyorozu said, adjusting her sleeves and smoothing her hand over her notebook. "We are going to be pro heroes. There is no reason to worry about soulmarks right now."
Finally, an intelligent person. There was a reason he voted for her to be class president.
"What if he wants to show me?!" she argued.
"I don't," Shouto said, his tone blunt, his multi-colored eyes dark as he stared at her. "I don't want to show it to anyone."
"S-See Mina-chan," Yaoyorozu stammered, her dark eyes meeting Shouto's.
"Why not?!" she whined. "Did you already sleep with them and get the full mark? Maybe you’re just embarrassed!"
He froze. No one had ever accused him of that, especially not in middle school. When a person found their soulmate, if they chose to have sex, the act would create a bond. Their soulmark would appear on the other side of their wrist, conjoining the two marks to create a bracelet of sorts. It often was a way to mark who had and hadn’t found their soulmates.
"No. I don't believe in soulmates," he stated flatly, wanting to rid them of any horrible rumors they could potentially spread. Something flashed across Yaoyorozu's dark eyes, but he couldn't place the emotion. Disappointment? Understanding? ...Pity?
"What?! Who doesn't believe in soulmates?!" she exclaimed loudly. "There's evidence right here on our wrists!" she yelled, tapping at her skin directly below her bracelet.
"Mina-chan! I get the feeling Todoroki-san doesn't want to talk about this," Yaoyorozu said, gently pushing the girl back away from her desk. Her striking, dark eyes shimmered apologetically. "We really must focus on our studies."
"Ugh," Ashido groaned. "I guess this is why you're ranked so high..." she said, plodding back to her seat.
Shouto couldn't help but curve the corner of his lip up into the tiniest of smiles. As far as people in the class went, he thought Yaoyorozu was probably one of the more tolerable ones there.
Yes, Yaoyorozu Momo was alright.
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