#shout out to my buddy for helping me decide what frog everyone would be
diseasefork · 2 months
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what if they called it frognite battle royale.. that'd be so fucked up i think. yeeikes!
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heylookafanfic · 4 years
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Title: What Could Go Wrong?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x daughter!Reader, 
brief summary: With your dad, Aaron Hotchner, being the BAU unit chief, he did whatever he could to protect you. When you get invited to a party for the first time, sneaking out doesn’t sound so bad. What could go wrong?
word count: 3,706 words
requested: Nope, original! (send in those requests!) 
warnings: cursing, getting roofied, getting yelled at, predatory men
Your dad, Aaron Hotchner, was extremely protective over you not only because his job can put you and your brother, Jack, in danger but he already lost a family member and refused to lose another. Having an overprotective father meant you had a list of rules.
The door was to remain completely open when your significant other came over and no sitting/laying on the bed
No leaving the house after sundown
You can’t sleep over at anyone's house, they had to sleep over at your house
You have to ask to go somewhere
If your dad wasn’t home and the doorbell rang, you couldn’t answer it
And that is just the surface. You understood why your dad was so strict but you never got to have a life. To make things worse, your friends always post pictures from parties on Instagram and all you could do is sigh and keep scrolling knowing you’ll never get to go to one.
One day, you were in communications class listening to the professor lecturing about the upcoming semester project. Luckily, you got to pick your group for it and when they dismissed the class to find partners, you quickly turned to your best friend,Vanessa.
“I guess we’re partners, huh?” you chuckled
“Of course!” she said
“So, what do you want to make our project about?”
“I have no idea. I barely paid attention this chapter”
“Try to think out of the box a bit. What’s gonna make ours stand out?”
“Since the class is about communications, how about human interaction?”
“What about it?”
“Like how you haven't had any human interaction lately” she said with a smirk
“You know my dads strict. I can’t even breathe without him being on edge” you said
“You need to live a little Y/N. You’re in college and you’re still being treated like a kid.”
“I know, I know but I don’t know how to convince him to let up a bit”
“Here’s the thing, I’m going to a friend's kickback tomorrow night. This is your chance to finally hang out with someone who isn’t me, Jack or your dad ”
“He’s gonna say no regardless even if I tell him that you’re going with me.” you said
“I’m not saying to sneak out but...” she said with a shrug
“You know he has cameras around the entire perimeter of the house, right?”
“Just say you’re sleeping over at my house”
“Can’t do that either, remember? All sleepovers have to happen at my house”
“I understand having to be cautious because your dads in the FBI but doesn’t he realize that you’re in college?”
You thought about it for a second.
“That’s it! How about you sleep over but I’ll say that you forgot your meds. That’ll give us an excuse to leave”
“Won’t he be suspicious though?”
“Probably not. He trusts you out of all of my friends”
“You’ve got a point. What time am I coming over?”
“What time does the kickback start?”
“9 pm”
“Come over at 7. We’ll be finishing up dinner and it’ll give us time to get ready”
The both of you packed your backpacks and went home. This would be the first time you’d be sneaking out and you were pretty nervous because so many things could go wrong but you’re with your best friend so, what could possibly go wrong?
*Hotchner Household- The next day*
You were in your room finishing up your psychology homework when your dad called you and Jack down for dinner
“Y/N and Jack, come down for dinner” he yelled from the kitchen
“I’m almost done! Give me two more minutes!” you shouted
“Come down now before it gets cold”
You sighed and closed your laptop. As you were walking out of your room, you saw Jack coming down the hall.
“I’ll race you to the dinner table. Loser has to wash dishes tonight” you challenged
“You’re gonna lose like you did last time” he said
“That’s only because you pushed me, short stuff” you chuckled
“I won fair and square though, didn’t I?”
“Anyway…ready, set, go!”
The both of you raced down the hallway and downstairs. Your dad heard all the stomping and already knew what was up. You lightly pushed Jack and he tumbled towards the couch by the living room. Your dad had his hands out by his sides, waiting to see who would finish 1st. You ran and tagged in, winning.
“You pushed me!” Jack complained
“I won fair and square though, didn’t I?” you chuckled
“Dad, Y/N cheated and they said that I’d have to wash dishes after dinner”
“Karmas a bit-” you were cut off
“Enough you two. Go wash your hands and make your plate” your dad said
*During dinner*
“So, how was everybody’s day?” he asked
“I found out that we’re dissecting a frog in class next week” Jack said
“They still do that?” he asked
“Yeah, everyone in my class thinks it’s cool but I’m not looking forward to it”
“Why is that?”
“Because, it’s gross. I asked if I could do an extra credit project instead but my teacher said no”
“Sorry bud. How about you Y/N? How was your day?”
“It was okay. We were assigned a group project yesterday so Vanessas coming over later to study. Is that cool?”
“Which Vanessa?”
“Dad. You’re kidding, right? The same Vanessa I’ve been best friends with since kindergarten?”
“Oh, her. Yeah, she can come over. What’s your project about?”
“It’s a research slideshow about human interaction”
“If you have time, you should drop by the office and ask your aunts and uncles for help. Especially your uncle Spencer. He’ll tell you everything you need to know; easy A” he said
Suddenly, his phone chimed.
“Work?” you and Jack ask
Your dad shook his head and took one last sip of his drink before getting up from the table. He was running around the house grabbing his go bag and work essentials.
“I don’t know when I’ll be back but if I’m not back later tonight, Y/N you know the drill” he said
“Close and lock all doors and windows, don’t answer the door, Jack is to be in bed by 9:30 and lights out at 11” you recited
“And Jack?”
“No video games or TV until homework is done and Y/N is in charge” he groaned
“Good. Y/N?”
“Vanessa is the only one permitted in the house. Understood?”
“Yes sir”
“Alright, bye! I love you two!” he said
Your dad rushed out the door, hopped in the car and sped off to work. Your dad pretty much being on call can be annoying sometimes because he’s usually away for a few days and misses out on family time. Usually, it’s a bummer but tonight, it was working in your favor.
“Now what?” Jack asked
“How about we finish up dinner and I’ll help you with your homework so you can have the rest of the night to yourself?”
“Sweet!” he responded
*Later that night*
Vanessa had already been at your house for 2 hours and while Jack was getting ready for bed, you were about to leave for the kickback.
“What time did you say your little brother goes to bed?” Vanessa asked
She sighed
“We’re going to be late by then. Can’t we leave earlier?”
“We can’t. If I’m not here to make sure he’s asleep, he’ll be up all night”
“Jacks like what, 10? He’ll be fine. Plus, it’s a Friday night. It’s not like he has school tomorrow.”
You gave it a second thought. Jack is old enough to put himself to bed and the party wasn’t going to be worth going to if you were late.
“Fine. Give me a second and then we can go” you said
You walked down the hall to Jack’s room and knocked.
“Come in” he answered
“Hey bud, are you almost ready for bed?” you asked
“Yeah, I gotta brush my teeth though.”
“Listen, Vanessa and I are going out for a bit tonight. Would you be okay if you were by yourself for a few hours?”
“You can’t leave! Remember what Dad said? ‘No leaving the house after sundown’ ?”
“I know, I know but it’s only for tonight and since Dad’s out at work, I’ll let you stay up and play video games until I get back”
“Won’t we get in trouble? If he finds out, we’re gonna be grounded”
“He won’t find out unless we tell him….which we won’t. Right?”
Jack thought the situation through for a second.
“Right” he said
“Cool. Vanessa and I are leaving in about 5 minutes. Rules still apply to you though. I don’t care who rings the doorbell. If it’s not me or Dad, don’t answer it. Understood?”
“Alright, all the doors and windows are locked so you’re safe here as long as they stay closed. I’ll be back in a few hours. Love you!” you said
“Love you too!” Jack responded
*At the kickback*
This was your first time sneaking out of the house and honestly, you didn’t think your plan would work. You thought that by now you’d be at home getting an earful from your dad because you got caught but, what perfect timing?! Your dad getting called into work the same night?! It’s actually kind of funny how things work out. What could go wrong?
You and Vanessa pulled up to the party and parked in the driveway
“You ready Y/N?” she asked
“Yeah. I just can't believe our plan actually worked”
“I know right? You’re old man needs to let you live a little. You deserve to enjoy your youth. Now c’mon”
As you two walk in, loud music blares from the speaker and there’s people everywhere. Beer cans on the floor and furniture, red solo cups spewed about the floor, the smell of weed in the air and you can tell every guy is wearing cheap cologne because of how musky it is. You thought parties like this only existed in movies.
You knew a few people but due to not being the biggest social butterfly, you decided to cling to Vanessa all night.
“Y/N, this is my old theatre buddy, Vaughn. Vaughn, this is my best friend Y/N!”
“Hey, nice to meet you!” he welcomed
“Nice to meet you too!”
“Vanessas told me all about you”
“She has?”
“Yeah! Best friends since kindergarten?! You two go way back”
“This is actually Y/N’s first kickback!” Vanessa chimed in
“Your first? You’ve never been to a party?”
“Not really, my dad’s very overprotective so I never get the chance to really hang out”
“What changed his mind?”
“Actually, he’s out of town at the moment so, he doesn’t even know”
“Ahhh, sneaky you!” he chuckled
“Hey, I’m gonna go get a drink really quick. You guys want anything?” Vanessa asked
“I’m good but thanks” you said
“I’ll go with you” Vaughn said
“Y/N, I’ll be right back but in the meanwhile, go get out of your comfort zone a bit” she said
“Nice meeting you….”
“Y/N” you said
“Y/N! Right. I’ll see you later” Vaughn said
Vanessa and Vaughn made off into the kitchen and that left you to your own devices. You still weren’t comfortable enough to go and be social so you made your way to the couch. Luckily, you spotted the host’s dog and whistled at it. It trotted over to you and jumped up into your lap. This would be your comfort zone for the rest of the night.
*An hour later*
The host's dog had surprisingly fallen asleep while you scrolled through your phone. You weren’t gonna lie. You were sort of envious that it could sleep through all the noise. As you continued scrolling you noticed someone heading your way.
“Is anyone sitting here?” a voice asked
You looked up to see a tall figure with broad shoulders.
“Uh, no. You’re good to sit”
“Thanks” he said
You resumed scrolling on your phone
“Nice dog” he said making small talk
“I’d say thanks but it’s not mine. It just curled up next to me and fell asleep” you spoke
“With all this noise?”
“Exactly what I’m saying!” you chuckled
“I’d kill to be a heavy sleeper” he said
“If only, right?!”
You two sat in silence for a second
“I’m Brady”
“Nice to meet you. So, how’d you find out about the kickback?”
“My friend is friends with the host so she invited me”
“That’s a good friend!”
“Yeah, this is my first party actually”
“Really? How?”
“Overprotective parent”
“Ah, I know your struggle. Well, if you don’t mind, how ‘bout we drink to that?”
“Uh- okay. Thanks!”
“What’s your poison?” he asked
“I’ll take a beer please”
“A beer? Ooh, so you like to play it safe huh? I’ll be right back”
Brady got up and walked into the kitchen. You were actually excited because not only is this your first party but someone came up to you instead of the other way around.
“There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” a voice said
You turned your head and it was Vanessa
“What took you so long?”
“I was getting a drink, remember?”
“It took you a whole hour, 60 MINUTES, to get a drink and find me?!” you joked
“This place is huge”
“It’s a condo ‘Nessa”
“Anyway, you’ve been sitting by yourself this whole time? I thought I told you to go and socialize!”
“I did! I met this guy, Brady, and he’s getting us drinks”
“Oooo! I know you had a little game in that beautiful brain somewhere. Well, let me go before I ruin your moment. I’ll be in the living room if you need me” she said
Vanessa ran off again. Just as she left, Brady came back with drinks.
“Una cerveza for the party virgin” he said
“What?” you chuckled
“One beer like you asked” he chuckled
“Oh, thank you!”
“To your first party and to many more” he toasted
You two clanked your cups together and took a swig
“For someone who seems to be so sheltered, you sure downed it with no problem” he said
“Well, my Uncle Dave is italian so everytime we go to his house, he cohearses my dad into letting me have a little wine. He says the drinking age in Italy is 16 so, why not?” you chuckled
“Lemme guess, he’s the crazy relative in the family?”
“No, that’d be my aunt Penelope but he’s a close second”
The two of you talked about family, your dream career and your taste in music for about an hour. You were starting to think that maybe it was a good idea to sneak out. You would have never met Brady and the more you found out about him, the more you started catching feelings for him. Or maybe that was the beer talking. Speaking of beer, you were starting to think that that beer didn’t sit right with you. You started feeling dizzy and sick to your stomach.
“Hey Brady, I gotta go talk to my friend really quick but I promise I’ll be right back”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m just not feeling the best”
“Do you want some water?” he asked
“I’m fine. I need to find Vanessa though”
You stood up and immediately sat back down
“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want to lay down?” he asked
“I’m fine” you said
You didn’t notice but you started slurring your words. Things were going downhill and fast. Brady didn’t….no, he couldn’t have. Things were going so well with him and you thought you could trust him. He couldn’t have possibly done that to you. You couldn’t yell for Vanessa over the loud music let alone stand up without falling over. This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all.
“Come on. I’ll take you to one of the bedrooms and you can lay down there until you feel better” Brady said
Fuck. You knew what you wanted to say but you couldn’t speak without slurring your words. Everything you said came out as incoherent. Brady stood up and helped you stand up, using him as a support. He started walking you towards the back until you felt a hand yank your hand
Vanessa. Wait.. the voice was masculine.
“I’m just helping them lay down. They’re tired” Brady said
“Leave them the fuck alone” Vaughn said sternly
“Mind your business dude” Brady retorted
“I know them so it is my business. I’m not going to tell you again. Leave them the fuck alone”
Brady dropped you but Vaughn quickly caught the rest of your body.
“Have fun with them, douchebag” Brady stormed off
Vaughn fireman carried you into the living room and sat you down
“Hey Y/N. It’s Vaughn. Are you okay?” he asked caringly
“Mmmrrmgh” you slurred
“I’m gonna get Vanessa. I promise I’ll be right back, okay?” he said
Your head lulled around and you couldn’t move your limbs. All your energy was draining. This made him panic. As he tried to get you to squeeze his hand to get a response out of you, everything faded to black.
*45 minutes later*
You woke up but everything was blurry and everything sounded muffled. You were laying down but your sickness was worse because you were being jostled around.
“There they are. Hey sweetheart. Sir-” a voice said
You looked up and saw a dark figure. Your head was on someone's lap.
“Y/N? Come on sweetheart, keep your eyes open for me” the voice said
You took a few shallow breaths before attempting to sit up
“No no, stay still, okay?”
That voice was way too familiar and it made you feel at ease. There was only one person that could clear the clouds out on a rainy day with just their voice
“Aunt Penelope?” you softly spoke
“At your service!” she said
“Y/N?” another voice said
“Dad” you cried
“How’re they doing?”
“They opened their eyes a bit and heart rate is still pretty high but they’re stable” Penelope sighed with relief
“Dad? What’s happening?”
“Y/N? Can you hear me?”
You nodded your head.
“That’s an affirmative” Penelope relayed
”Listen, we’re heading to the hospital right now. You were drugged and you stopped breathing. We’re almost there so just hold on for me, okay?” he said
His voice was borderline quivering. He was scared but wanted to stay strong for you and the team. He already lost Hailey and lord forbid he was going to lose you too
Penelope rolled the window down a bit  so you could get some air but right before she could touch the button, your eyes closed again.
*At the hospital*
You opened your eyes and saw a handful of blobs that got clearer as your eyes adjusted to the light.
“There they are!” said Rossi
“It’s about time” said JJ
“You were scared us for a second there, kid” said Morgan
Your whole family was there, excited for you to finally pull through
“Y/N!” Jack said excited
He hugged you and you had no choice but to hug him tighter. On any other day you’d be wrestling him for the remote but considering what happened to you tonight, you needed a hug from him
“For the record, I didn’t tell dad” he stated
Everyone laughed
“I got you lavender and chamomile tea, your favorite” Reid said popping his head in
“Uncle Spence!” you said
As you grabbed your tea, you saw your dad out the corner of your eye. Uh oh.
“Can we have a moment, please?” your dad asked
Everyone filed out and the door closed. He walked over to the blinds to close them.
“How’d you find out?” you softly asked
“Vanessa called me practically screaming that you were dead! You’re lucky that the case we’re working is local! What were you thinking?! You lied to me, waited until I left the house to sneak out to a party and thought ‘what could go wrong?’ ?!” he raised his voice
“Dad, I’m-”
“What? You’re sorry?! Y/N, before we got there, you died in Vanessa’s arms! How do you think I felt? I couldn’t get to you fast enough. I had to push my way through a bunch of teens just to find my kid dead”
“What do you want me to say dad? I’m sorry that you’re still dealing with trauma from mom dying, so much so that you’ve become a helicopter parent over Jack and I? If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s not my fault that she’s dead. ”
The room went so silent you could hear a pin drop.
“I didn’t mean-”
“I know”
Your dad started tearing up
“When I saw your body laying there, all I could see is your mom all over again. I was afraid that I’d have to tell Jack that his only sibling is gone, plan another funeral, and spend a lifetime beating myself up for not being there quick enough.”
“Dad, it wasn’t your fault though. It’s Foyet’s. He’s long gone now and you did what you could. This? This was my fault. I never should have snuck out. I never should have lied to you. Had I listened, none of this would have happened”
“None of this is your fault. It’s whoever did this to you’s fault.  The sneaking out part, I would have found out eventually and you would’ve been grounded until eternity but to find out this way? I could care less about punishment right now, all I care about is that the Hotchner kids are safe. The BAU might be my job but being a dad comes before anything”
He hugged you and squeezed you tightly.
“I love you more than you’ll ever know Y/N. Don’t you ever scare me like that again”
“Yes sir and I love you too”
A knock came from the door before being slightly opened
“Garcia wanted me to let you know that Quantico PD has the perp in custody and he’s being processed at the station” Prentiss softly said
“You hear that?” your dad said
You smiled
“I get to have a field day with him tomorrow. He has no idea what he has coming to him”
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justfrozenthings · 3 years
I Have Loved You Since Forever
Pairing: Anna/Kristoff
Rating: T (just to be safe)
Word: 2,641
Notes: This was just an idea that popped into my head so I figured I would write it because why not. Sorry for any grammar mistakes I have made because I know for a fact that there are some.
Summary: Church bells tolled for a wedding Kristoff has been dreading ever since he received the invitation in the mail.
He sat on a bench in the park absentmindedly running his fingers through Sven’s soft silky fur; the exact bench where he and a particular redhead would meet up to vent about all their troubles and get them off their chests. He remembered the many nights she had called, asking him to meet her at their place so that he could hold her as she cried. Sure, it usually meant getting out of bed at some ungodly hour, but damn he would do it for all eternity if it meant he could bring a smile to her beautiful freckled face. This time, however, instead of his ears being met with the heavenly sounds of her laugh; they were met with the sound of bells from the church nearby, sounding like death tolls with every breath that racked his body. 
There was a wedding being held today; one that he had been dreading ever since he received the white envelope decorated with intricate golden scrolls. 
 Today was the wedding of Anna Arendelle, his best friend and love of his life. Yeah, you heard it right, he, Kristoff Bjorgman, was deeply and utterly in love with his childhood best friend. The friend he had told that he was unable to make it to her wedding during one of their daily park bench meetings. He could still hear the pain of her voice in his head.
 “And why not?” Anna said sternly, trying to hold back the swell of tears in her eyes. He hated that he was the cause of them. “Don’t you want me to be happy?” 
“Anna you know I do but-”
“Then come. Please Kristoff,” she croaked. “It wouldn’t be the same without you there.”
 He stared down at his feet before he gave a deep sigh and stared back into her beautiful blue orbs again. She was wearing the pink beanie that he had gotten her one year for Christmas, and the matching scarf that came with it. Her button nose tinged with a light hue of red from the chilly autumn breeze that spread to her cheeks, her freckles looking like little stars twinkling in the night sky. “I’m sorry Anna, but I can’t.” And before she could say anything else he got up from his spot on the bench and left.
 He couldn’t bear to hear her sobs as he walked away and he wanted so much to turn back around and tell her he was sorry and that he loved her and that he would do anything to never make her cry like that again. But he couldn’t, because he didn’t want her to see the tears that had formed in his own eyes. 
 Kristoff hadn’t noticed, but those same tears that had formed in his eyes the night before came back to visit him. He blindly wiped them away with the sleeve of his old high school hoodie; the purple letters were faded out and hard to read. He had told her he couldn’t make it to save his own heart, but he ended up breaking hers in the process. 
Unable to last another minute on the bench any longer, he got up and whistled for Sven; who, at some point during his flashback, had trotted over to chase the frogs in the creek. He shoved his hands in his front pockets and walked with a slight hunch in his back from all the grief he was holding in as leaves of reds, oranges, and yellows danced and swirled around him. He needed to find solace, and there was only one other place he could do that.
 Bulda’s was the local cafe owned and run by Kristoff’s adoptive mother Bulda and was another place he and Anna often found themselves visiting. At the beginning of their friendship, Kristoff was too afraid to tell Anna that he had been adopted because he was worried that she would judge him. Anna was his only friend at the time, besides Sven, still is in fact, and he didn’t want to lose that friendship with her. She eventually found out through some people at school, though this wasn’t until they were seniors in high school, and when she had asked him about it he figured that there was no reason hiding it. As he readied himself to lose the only human friend he had ever had, Anna placed her hands on his and told him that there was nothing wrong with that. It was at that moment when he realized that he had fallen hard for the feisty redhead sitting next to him.
 Kristoff had smiled back at the memory; if only he had told her his feelings then maybe he wouldn’t be here wallowing in his own self-pity. 
Maybe coming here was a bad idea, he told himself mentally. But before he could leave, Bulda attacked him with a big bear hug. 
 “Hi Krissy!,” Bulda exclaimed as she planted dozens of little kisses on his face. 
He returned the hug causing him to smile only a little bit. It seemed no matter how dire or sorrowful the situation was, his mother always put a smile on his face. “Hey Ma’.” 
 Beulda unwound herself from her son’s embrace, “The usual I’m guessing?” 
“You got it.” He tried putting on the happiest tone he could muster, but it was no use. He knew she could see right through.
“Okay,” Bulda said, eyeing him cautiously. “I’ll be back in a jiff.” 
Not even five minutes later, Bulda had returned with a large slice of her famous Chocolate Eruption cake and a cup of hot cocoa with whip cream, chocolate drizzle, and chocolate shavings. It didn’t take long for Kristoff to notice that Bulda had only brought one fork. Usually, there were two, one for him and one for Anna. He had never been too much of a chocolate fanatic. He liked it just fine, but he’d choose something like vanilla over it any day. At least that had been true, he had realized before he met Anna. No matter what, he was always amazed by the amount of chocolate that such a small person could consume. It was impressive really, he wasn’t going to lie.
 “So,” Bulda sighed as he plopped down in the booth next to him. “What brings ya’ here?” 
“Well, I was in the park and decided to grab a bite to eat.” 
 “No,” Bulda shook her head. “What I mean is what are you here instead of at that church trying to stop that wedding?”
 Kristoff let out a frustrated sigh and buried his face in the palms of his hands before bringing one of them up to run through his golden locks. “Ma’ I can’t just go crash someone’s wedding just because I have feelings for them.” 
“Sure ya’ can. When it’s someone who loves ya’ back that is.” Noticing that her son was still not picking up on what she was saying Bulda continued. “Listen baby, I may be old and crazy but I know true love when I see it. And let me tell ya’ whatever Anna and that Hans guy have ain’t it.” 
Annoyed, Kristoff shoved a forkful of cake into his mouth. “What exactly is it that you're trying to say Ma’?” 
“I’m saying that Anna loves you and that you have a chance to win her over before it’s too late.” She rested her hand on his shoulder, “I know you love her Kristoff. And Anna loves you. Deny it as much as you like, but it’s the honest truth.” 
“What makes you so sure?” he asked, still not buying what his mother was saying. 
“Because I’ve seen the way she looks at you, and I’ve seen the way she looks at him. It’s not the same. She loves you Kristoff. She just needs help seeing it.” He stared at the cake, deep in thought as he ran his mother’s words through his head over and over. “And plus I’m never wrong,” Bulda winked before giving him a peck on the cheek and leaving to go wait on another table. 
He sat there contemplating what his mother told him as he watched cars pass by through the window. He knew it was crazy, but he had to try. If things went wrong? Well, then at least he gave it his best. At least she would know that he loved her. 
Quickly glancing at his watch, he sprinted out of the diner ignoring the honking horns and shouts of angry drivers as he made his way to the church. There wasn’t much time left.
Running up the steps of the church two at a time he burst through the two grand wooden doors. He couldn’t hear any music, which was a good thing he thought until he heard the priest prepare the couple for their “I do’s.” 
“I object!” Kristoff practically burst through the doors of the nave sprinting past the pews and up to where the young couple stood. 
“Kristoff? What are you doing here?” Anna’s brows were furrowed and a look of bewilderment spread across her freckle-painted face. 
Kristoff’s chest heaved up and down, his voice labored with heavy breaths that shook his entire body. “I’m sorry Anna. But I can’t let you marry him.” His honey-brown eyes bore into her glittery blue ones, a small twinkling of hope reflecting in them. “Not before I told you.”
“Told me what? Kristoff, what's gotten into you?” 
“Anna, there's something I need to tell you. I was too much of a coward to do it before and because of that, I missed my chance. So before you marry Hans I just need to let you know that I love you Anna Arendelle.” Gasps spread throughout the crowd and everyone sat there, mouth agape, including Anna. “If the feelings aren’t mutual then that’s fine. We’ll still be friends and nothing will change. I just had to finally get it off my chest.” 
Anna blinked, her shocked expression never left her face. “Kristoff I-”
However, before she could say anything Hans had stepped in between them, he looked at Kristoff like he was some kind of fool. “Gee thanks for stopping by buddy, but unfortunately for you, it was a waste of a trip. Now if you’d please kindly leave so I can marry my fiancée that would be greatly appreciated.” Hans gave him a pat on the shoulder.
Hans, who was currently heading back to his place next to Anna, turned on his heel. “What did you say?” Hans’s eyes shooting daggers into his. 
“I said no. I’m not leaving unless Anna says so.” 
This only seemed to make Hans angrier causing him to fist his hands. However, before he could lay a punch on Kristoff a streak of white ran past him. He was confused at what was going on at first, that was until he turned back to look at Kristoff, the scene before him sending him into total shock. 
Anna had run over to Kristoff and had meddled her lips with his. “I love you too Kristoff. Always have.” 
Hans shook with anger. In a flash, he grabbed a gun from the inside pocket of his tux and aimed it at Kristoff. Then, as if by some kind of miracle Sven came running in biting Hans on his rear end before he could pull the trigger. He cried out in pain, dropping the gun as he did so. 
Everyone was evacuated from the building as soon as the fiasco was over. Fortunately, one of Anna’s friends she had invited worked for the local police station who had called in asking them to send a deputy over with a car so they could bring Hans in for questioning. 
Wedding guests stood outside of the church conversing with one another as if nothing had ever happened, waiting to hear from Anna to see what was going to happen now that the wedding was obviously not going to continue.
“So,” Anna said from where her head sat on Kristoff’s shoulder. “Did you really mean it when you said you loved me?” She looked up to gaze at him, his eyes so welcoming and warm.
 He placed a kiss upon the crown of her head. “Every word.” 
“For how long?” 
 She smiled up at him and he had fallen in love with her all over again.“Since forever.” 
“Me too.” They held each other tighter, relishing in their moment of bliss. “I just can’t believe I was about to marry a complete psycho. I’m just lucky my true prince charming came and saved the day.” Kristoff only responded by stroking her hair, hoping that this would bring her some ease. “Everyone’s still here. What should I tell them? I’d hate to send them back home, I feel like I should give them something.” 
Kristoff tried to think of ideas. “Hmm…we could all go to mom’s cafe.” He nuzzled into the soft skin of her neck and a tiny giggle escaped her dainty pink lips.
“I’d love that.”
  2 Years Later
Church bells rang throughout the town, but this time they made Kristoff’s stomach swell with happiness instead of sorrow. 
As he stared at himself in the oak framed cheval mirror straightening his bow tie, he smiled at himself. He’d never been a tuxedo kind of guy, quite frankly he’d never been all that into dressing up in general. For today though, he would put up with it. 
While he was excited, he wouldn’t ignore the fact that a tinge of fear had somehow peeked its way through. There was no denying the butterflies in his stomach.
 A knock came from the door and Elsa, Anna’s older sister, peeked her head through once she got the “okay” that it was safe to enter. She asked him if he was ready before mussing up his hair a bit from its slicked-back style and adding any last-minute touches to his tux. “She always did say she preferred your hair when it was wild and free.” With that, she gave him a hug and left to go make sure everything was running smoothly. 
Glancing at himself in the mirror one more time and letting a nervous breath, he left to go take his place at the altar. Kristoff walked down the aisle, which had been decorated with sunflowers, lace, and cream-colored ribbons, each step feeling heavier with anxiousness and exhilaration. The sun hitting the stained glass windows cast colorful hues on the cherry wood pews filled with family and friends. And as the music began Kristoff felt his heart flutter.
There was a parade of bridesmaids and flower girls. Even Sven got to join in having the very important job of being the ring bearer, carrying both rings tied to a white ribbon around his collar.
Suddenly people stood from their seats and the long exciting wait was finally over. Anna turned the corner, arm in arm with Elsa, her bluebell eyes swelling with tears of happiness. Her wedding gown was simple, nothing too extravagant. Its sleeves were made of lace with intricate flower patterns showing off her creamy freckled arms. The dress reached the end of her knees and buttermilk yellow satin ribbon had been tied around her waist. Sunflowers and baby’s breath had been woven into her ginger locks, the sun’s glow giving it a halo effect. She looked like a redheaded goddess. 
She took his hands in hers, promising a vow of everlasting love. They slid their rings on one another’s fingers, thankful for there not being any kind of interruption. It was then, Kristoff realized, that confessing his love to Anna, two years prior, had been the best decision he would ever make in his life. Well, creating a child together from their love, who would be due in nine months time.
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Hi! Then a prompt, if you don't mind. I've seen lots of arts crossovering bnha and among us, but I haven't seen any fics. Dekusquad playing the game, and Izuku acting like a mischievous kid, while being the impostor would definitely be cute
I love this idea so much! Sorry it's taken a while though - I've never actually played Among Us and had to watch a bunch of videos to learn the rules and strategy :')
'ORANGE IS MY FUCKING COLOUR, ROUND FACE!' Kacchan roared, the static of his microphone muffling his voice and making him sound eerily demonic.
'Like I want your fucking colour anyway!' Uraraka retorted, levelling the blonde's disgust. 'You wanna go, you expired bottle of mayonnaise?!'
‘LOOK WHO’S TALKING, BAKUHOE!’ Ashido joined in, passionately. ‘PINK IS MY COLOUR! GIVE IT BACK!’
Izuku winced at the volume and removed his headphones to prevent his ears from bleeding. They had only just begun playing and he was already starting to regret this. 
Luckily, Kirishima and Tsu quickly interjected and managed to convince the three parties to just let it go and switch colours. Uraraka was white, Ashido was pink and Kacchan was orange - although Kirishima had insisted that ‘pink is a manly colour, Bakubro. It suits you!’ which just proved to further enrage the blonde. Before Izuku could completely regret all of his life decisions, however, his screen suddenly changed as the game loaded.
Izuku's pupils dilated and a smile curved across his face. When Kaminari had initially suggested that the alleged Dekusquad and Bakusquad play Among Us together, Izuku hadn't spared a single thought in his research leading up to the game night. The fact that he had gotten the Impostor so quick was almost too good to be true.
Call him competitive, but Izuku was on a mission to win, and now was the perfect time to see whether his research had paid off.
Fake Tasks: Electrical: Fix Wiring (0/3) Weapons: Clear Asteroids (0/20) Navigation: Stabilise Steering Navigation: Chart Course
He read over the tasks and had a quick look at the map. Simple enough - both groups had decided to start easy so everyone could get used to the game. Muting his mic as he mumbled to himself, Izuku spotted the blue skin of Shoto and smiled. His partner would always have Izuku’s back and while he felt bad about exploiting that, he couldn’t just not take advantage of that!
He wandered over to Shoto’s side and together they ran off to electrical to complete tasks, making sure everyone watched them go. He faked fixing the wires quite well, he reckoned. However, before he could carry out the next step in his plan, Kaminari suddenly called an emergency meeting and everyone turned their microphones on.
‘Hey, Shitface! What’s the-’
'IfYou'reTheImpostorSayWhat.' Kaminari interrupted.
'What?' Iida exclaimed. Poor, innocent Iida.
'HA! The jig is up, pal!'
Calamari has voted. Pinky has voted. FlexTape420 has voted. BabyShark has voted. Uwawaka has voted.
‘Not you too, Uraraka-san!’ Iida sounded so upset that Izuku almost felt bad for him.
‘The plan was foolproof, Iida-kun.’ Uraraka replied, intelligently. ‘Welcome to the real world, rich boy.’
Dr_5PeePees_M.D. has voted.
‘Todoroki-san! I didn’t expect such a betrayal!’
Izuku shook his head affectionately and clicked on the Skip Vote button. Eventually, everyone had voted and the results appeared. As they had expected, the entire Bakusquad - excluding Kacchan - had voted for Iida, while the others had elected to skip.
What was most interesting was the little blue circle underneath LordExplosionMurder.
‘You think you’re funny?!’ Kacchan roared, while Izuku refrained from sniggering.
‘I think I’m hilarious.’ Shoto answered easily, as Iida was ejected. ‘What’s up? Gonna cry?’
Before Kacchan could reply, however, the game restarted and it was time to mute microphones. Izuku cracked his knuckles and exhaled.
Okay, let’s go.
They were back in the cafeteria; Kacchan immediately stuck close to Shoto, which Izuku thought was rather amusing. Leaving his boyfriend to try and shake the orange creature from him, Izuku busied himself with going to Security. As he wandered down the corridor, he passed Ashido and Kaminari.
Good. Alibis.
Izuku entered the room and had a look at the cameras. Shoto, Kacchan and Kirishima were in Weapons, Uraraka and Tsu were in Navigation and Sero was alone in Communications. This wasn’t good - everyone was travelling in groups. If he killed Sero now, even Kaminari could figure out that it was Izuku.
He tapped Sabotage. His finger hovered over the screen for several moments, before eventually landing on the Lights.
‘Plus Ultra.’
The moment he tapped it, the ship escalated into chaos. He watched as Uraraka ran out of Navigation, while Tsu was in the middle of clicking out of her task. Wasting no time, Izuku vented into the room and killed the lighter green avatar before venting back into Security and running to Electrical to start fixing the lights. Sero arrived shortly after, followed by Ashido and Kaminari.
Once the lights came back on, Izuku followed the other three out of the room and they ventured towards Storage, until a dead body was reported.
‘Microphones on, lads!’ Ashido proclaimed. ‘Right, who, what, where, how?’
‘We found Tsu in Navigation!’ Kirishima instantly chimed in. ‘I was with Todoroki and Bakubro.’
‘Unfortunately so.’ Shoto mumbled into his microphone.
‘Well, I was in Security and I saw that Asu- I mean, Tsu-chan was in Navigation with Uraraka-san before the Sabotage.’ Izuku commented.
Yeah, me and Mina passed Midoriya-kun.’ Kaminari added; Izuku smirked.
‘I didn’t do it!’ Uraraka exclaimed. ‘Deku-kun, how could you say that?!’
‘I’m not accusing you, I’m just saying what I saw and if...’ Izuku began mumbling to himself, fast enough that only Shoto could keep up with him.
‘Fess up, Round Face!’ Kacchan shouted. ‘Stupid Deku saw you in Navigation. You’ve been clinging to that frog since the game started. Who else is it gonna be?!’
LordExplosionMurder voted. HeNeedSomeMilk voted. Dr_5PeePees_M.D. voted. BabyShark voted. Calamari has voted. Pinky has voted. FlexTape420 has voted.
‘I am honestly feeling so attacked right now!’ Uraraka answered before voting.
The screen revealed the results. Everyone had voted for her… Except for the white and blue circles underneath LordExplosionMurder.
‘I’m onto you, Bakugou.’ Shoto remarked. Izuku had to mute his mic before he let out a very unattractive snort.
‘If I was the Imposter, I’d have killed you ages ago!’
‘Sounds like something an Imposter would say.’
Kacchan set off an explosion that could be heard from Izuku’s room and they were back in the game. Izuku took to following Shoto for a bit, while the Bakusquad also went off on their own. Keeping Shoto alive was very important for now. Not only would his partner stick by him, but he was also unknowingly helping Izuku win the game by constantly accusing Kacchan.
Izuku ducked into the Reactor, while Shoto continued on towards the Lower Engine. When he was out of sight, Izuku then raced into Security, noticed that the Bakusquad had split up, and vented into Electrical. As soon as he appeared, Sero tried to run, but it was too late. Izuku sliced him in half before venting back into Security and joining Shoto in the Lower Engine room.
It didn't take long before his body was reported.
'I would like to preface this by saying sorry to Uraraka-san for the last round. I  feel really bad for accusing you. Love you!' Izuku spoke quickly. Within seconds, his phone notified him of a new text.
Uwawaka [19.34] I've been tricked, I've been backstabbed and I've been quite possibly… Bamboozled.
Me [19.34] You snooze, you lose :P
'Where was damn Deku and Icyhot?!' Kacchan shouted into the mic, drawing Izuku back into the discussion.
'Izuku was with me in Lower Engine.' Shoto calmly explained.
'Yeah, we were together the whole time.' He reaffirmed. 'Where were you guys?'
'I was in Shields!' Kacchan declared angrily.
'Me and Kirishima were in Admin.' Ashido chimed in.
'I was Communications until I found the body.' Kaminari replied.
'Okay, so it's between Bakugou and Kaminari.' Shoto contemplated out loud.
Dr_5PeePees_M.D. has voted.
'I fucking swear, you bastard. I'll end you!' Kacchan roared.
'Well, it's either you or Kaminari. I'll trust my instincts, thanks.' Izuku could practically hear his boyfriend shrug.
'I reckon you and damn Deku are in cahoots with each other and are covering.' Kacchan accused. 'How come neither of you have been killed yet? You're protecting each other!'
'Kacchan, that's ridiculous!' Izuku squeaked into the mic, albeit his eyes were stoic and his face was relaxed. 'Shoto-kun and I have been sticking together, so the Impostor hasn't been able to get one of us alone yet! Stop trying to deflect the attention away from you.'
HeNeedSomeMilk has voted.
'Oh, fuck you!'
LordExplosionMurder has voted.
'Guys, calm down.' Kirishima spoke up. When everyone fell silent, he cleared his throat and continued. 'Anyway… Kaminari has been pretty quiet during all this.'
'Bro!' Kaminari exclaimed, clearly betrayed. 'I thought you were bae! Turns out you're just fam.'
'Bruh!' Kirishima replied, passion laced in his voice.
'Don't let his mediocre vine references sway you, Shittyhair!' Kacchan sounded almost desperate.
'You're right, you're right.' The redhead sighed.
BabyShark has voted.
'I've just gone from low-key flustered to high-key irked.' Kaminari cried out dramatically.
'That's rough, buddy.' Ashido deadpanned before voting.
Kaminari screeched into his mic and also voted.
Blue and green appeared under LordExplosionMurder; orange appeared under Dr_5PeePees_M.D., while pink, red and yellow appeared under Calamari.
'You voted for yourself?!?!' Ashido exclaimed. 'Why?!'
'When a bro betrays another bro, there's no longer a reason to bro on.' Kaminari sniffled, before turning his mic off.
When the screen showed that Calamari was not the Imposter and they returned to the game, Izuku sighed.
The previous discussion had put him in a difficult position. Izuku had two options, either kill Shoto and hope that he can convince the others that the 'Imposter' had staged it, or keep Shoto alive and remain under suspicion. Sure, he had blagged that they'd stuck together in order to stay alive, but that wouldn't work forever.
He'd have to take a risk.
He travelled to Navigation with Shoto and pretended to complete a task, before Sabotaging the O2. When the screen turned red, he turned to his partner and hesitated for only a moment before killing him and running out of Navigation to fix the Oxygen.
Several seconds passed before Shoto knocked once and entered Izuku's room, phone in hand.
'I want to break up.' He muttered, shutting the door behind him.
'Shhh, do you hear that?' Izuku cupped a hand over his ear. 'That's the sound of forgiveness.'
'That's the sound of your boyfriend dying.'
'It was necessary, Sho.' Izuku replied easily, not taking his eyes away from the screen.
'You're enjoying this.'
'Of course I am!' Izuku flashed him a brief smile. 'Only Kacchan suspects something is up. Thank you for helping with that, by the way.'
'Help, I'm dating a monster.' Shoto sighed, before throwing himself onto Izuku's bed, face down.
He giggled in response and turned back to his screen. The Sabotage was quickly dealt with and Izuku staged looking around for Shoto's blue avatar. However, when he returned to Navigation, he saw a red avatar standing over Shoto's body.
Izuku quickly reported the body and turned his mic on.
'Sooo…' He began, genuine confusion in his voice. 'What the fuck, Kirishima-kun?’
'My internet lagged!' He defended.
'We have the same internet!' Ashido retorted.
'Kirishima-kun, how could you? You killed Shoto-kun!' Crocodile tears streamed down Izuku’s face and his voice choked up, helping him feign his distress.
'Woooooow.' Shoto whispered, voice muffled by the duvet.
'Shut the fuck up, Deku!' Kacchan cut in. 'How do we know you didn't kill Icyhot? I accused you of working together, seems a little sus that-'
'BAKUGOU SAID THE WORD!' Ashido squealed. Even Shoto snorted at that.
'While it's true that killing Sho would definitely turn the attention to me - seen as I've spent the most time with him - isn't that awfully convenient for the actual Impostor?' Izuku started to mumble, albeit he made sure everyone could understand what he was saying clearly. 'I mean, even if I was the Impostor, I don't think I'd be able to actually kill Shouchan…'
'I've heard enough.' Ashido interrupted. 'Sorry, Kiri, but I'm with Midoriya.'
Pinky has voted.
'Well, I think it's damn Deku!' Kacchan shouted.
LordExplosionMurder has voted.
'I don't know who it is!' Kirishima sounded distraught. 'I want to vote Midoriya, but he's right, he'd never kill Todoroki!'
'Thank you, Kirishima.' Izuku was genuinely touched by the comment. His plan was working, but he couldn't vote yet, he had to wait until last.
With one final push, he spoke, 'You're so manly!'
BabyShark has voted.
HeNeedSomeMilk has voted.
Green and pink appeared under BabyShark, orange appeared under HeNeedSomeMilk and Kirishima had skipped his vote.
'What the hell did you do that for?' Kacchan spat.
'I didn't know who to vote for! I ain’t gonna vote randomly' Kirishima defended, before turning his mic off.
'"BabyShark was ejected." I so want that printed out and hung on my wall.' Ashido commented with a snigger.
Everyone then proceeded to mute their microphones as they entered the endgame.
'What's your plan?' Shoto asked.
'I've waited over a decade for this moment.' Izuku replied, a smirk on his face as he ran towards the orange avatar. 'As my final act, I will spare Ashido-san and taunt Kacchan before I kill him. I will make him suffer for everything he's done and for forcing me to kill you. Besmirched by his own hubris, I want him to know it was me, as I take victory for all to see!'
'Fucking hell…'
'Oh, hello Kacchan!' Izuku cornered the orange avatar in Weapons and smirked. 'Fancy seeing you here.'
Before his childhood friend could do anything, Izuku sliced him open and turned on his mic as the screen revealed that he had won. 'You just got Deku-ed.'
The group chat went mental, voices crying out with shock as they overlapped each other and became unintelligible. Meanwhile, Izuku leant back in his desk chair, smiling innocently.
'Man, that was so fun!' He turned to Shoto, who was staring at him with wide eyes.
Before his boyfriend could say anything, however, an explosion sounded from outside his room as Kacchan kicked his door down.
Once upon a time, Izuku would've backed down at such a remark and apologised to the blonde for killing him.
Today was not one of those days.
'I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me.'
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nautiscarader · 3 years
Year of the cow, or how I stopped worrying and loved the meme (BBRae)
Beast Boy's and Raven's relationship is truly one of the most subtle and emotional ones I have seen. There are lots of fantastically written fics which dive deep into characterisation and their nuanced, complicated emotions, showing complex colours of the spectrum of love.
Unfortunately, you have made a mistake clicking on one of my fics.
This is a birthday present for my buddy, ZekkKiray, and it revolves around a meme which I really found irritating... And I wondered how other characters might have reacted to it. Happy birthday, man!
yes, still half hour till midnight in my time zone, made it.
BBRae, 4k, E, (Ao3)
As the Sun slowly hid on the horizon, Jump City, just like every city and town in the world, was slowly preparing for a glorious celebration. People were ready to welcome the new year with dances, parties and optimism encouraged by copious amounts of alcohol.
But not everyone was interested in partying and throwing caution to the wind. Five superheroes traversed the town's rooftops, watching over many celebrations, and ideal breeding grounds for crime, big or small.
Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy set out to patrol the city, to ensure that this momentous occasion won't be disturbed by any wrong-doer...
And quite quickly decided to join the party. Well, some of them. Robin sighed when he realised that his team has disbanded to join the crowd of onlookers, cheering and applauding the band on the colorful stage, that would soon be replaced by another group, hired just to play one or two hits for some quick cash.
Raven stayed to the side as well, keeping her eye not only at her friends, but the crowd, though her attention was suddenly caught by the dancers on the stage. Three women, dressed in black-and-white horned costumes, performing a synchronised dance, much to the delight of the audience.
- Er, and what exactly is that? Some sort of fad...?
- Oh, no, friend Raven! - Starfire was eager to explain - Robin has told me it's a Chinese calendar! And the Chinese have chosen an animal to represents each year, and...
- Oh, yeah, right. - Raven interrupted her - And lemme guess, this year's a cow?
- Ox, technically. - Robin chimed in - And it's not even started yet, it's based on a lunar one, so it will be somewhere in February.
Raven looked at the women in their silly costumes, dancing and playfully jiggling their fake udders and cow-bells to the beat of the music.
- Meh, whatever, it's gonna be over soon. Oh, by the way, this guys was pickpocketing. - Raven spoke nonchalantly, her shadow coiling around a burly man's throat.
By January fourth, however, Raven was seeing cows everywhere. Television, billboards, the internet... especially the internet. She felt as if it was a single-themed Halloween party that somehow stretched to a week.
And the boys weren't helping. While Robin remained reasonably level-headed, Cyborg and Beast Boy were having times of their lives, enjoying every single appearance of the costumes in real life, or in any media.
The worst thing was, Raven wasn't even sure why the fad irritated her so much. There were much more asinine things out there. But something about that fad was driving her nuts.
At the very least, there was Starfire, who sometimes was able to understand her.... or so Raven thought until she returned one day from the market with plastic cow-horns on her head a bell around her neck.
Raven groaned at the sight of his friend and stormed out of the common room, pushing away few streamers, still lingering after the new year's party.
She closed door to her room behind her and embraced the darkness and silence that allowed her to meditate and focus her powers...
And then she heard the faint jingling of the cowbells from behind the wall.
The purple flames on the candles around her shot up to the ceiling, as Raven tried to control her irritation.
She barked and grabbed her mirror, disappearing into her private void that extinguished the flames she ignited.
Raven walked down the floating rocks that paved her dimension, encased in darkness, illuminated by just few stars and distant galaxies. The ravens flew away in fear, as she glided forward, hoping to find some peace and quiet here...
- Hiya!
But of course, in this realm, she was never truly alone.
A woman dressed in pink jumped from behind a nearby rock, causing Raven to cease her movement just for a while, before she promptly decided to ignore her own emoticlone.
- Oh come on, you haven't been here for ages! - the jovial embodiment of happiness continued - We've been having SO much fun here!
- Great. Leave me alone.
But before she could react, Pink grabbed her and steered her off-path, flying down a different route, loudly announcing their presence.
- Hey guys. looks who's here! - she shouted, waving the arm she wasn't using to maneuver Raven between rocks.
- Oh, great, our big sister... - the Orange mumbled from behind a couch-shaped rock
- Have-have we done something wrong? - the timid Graphite pulled over her cloak
- Judging from your prolonged absence, something extraordinary must have happened. - Yellow interjected, eyeing Raven with curious stare.
Raven let out another groan.
- It's nothing. Leave me-
- Oh, is it about you-know-who?
Violet's sly and suggestive voice prompted Raven to pause mid-turn. her eye twitched.
- Ooh, very brave of you to tackle the most common problem of your visits! - Green added at once. - He can be annoying...
- I've said...
A blast of energy erupted around her, as Raven turned away, but couldn't finish her sentence. There was one emotion left, and she knew very well what can summon her, and it was already too late.
- Come on, say it.
Red spoke, gleaming with a subtle, yet unmistakeable triumph in her voice.
- I'm done with you. - Raven answered and continued her walk, before being predictably stopped again
- Oh sure, is this why you have almost brought me back? - she sneered - And for such petty reason...
- Ooh, tell us, tell us! - Pink chimed in, before being brought aside by Yellow
- Let me do it...
Red spoke and spread her arms, giving the other emoticlones chance to glimpse into what little she have seen.
- That... that is quite an insignificant reason to bring back *her* - Yellow judged - Are you sure it's adequate?
- I'm just afraid this will backfire... - Graphite meeped from behind her
- But I was right - Violet added - It is about him...
Raven burst with energy, silencing her living emotions.
- We just want you to say it, so we can... help you.
The Red emoticlone stood in her way, finally making her stop. Her presence cast a shadow of fear on the lesser creatures of this realm, and even some other emoticlones that dared not to approach her. Red's voice was strangely polite, though Raven knew she must have an ulterior motive behind it.
- And you know what the answer to your problem is.
Anger reached her arm and waited for Raven's response. She couldn't meet her eyes. She was right, of course, but at the same time, embracing the violent and unpredictable part of her nature, reminding her of her father's legacy filled her with disgust...
- But you will not be alone with it. - Violet suddenly joined.
- And while it may look odd, this might be an opportunity to broaden your horizons. - Yellow continued.
- And let's face it, you've done weirder things, but you never cowered away! - Green shouted.
- Besides, it's gonna be so much fun! - Pink smiled.
Raven lifted her hood and looked at the other emoticlones, all awaiting her decision.
Knowing she's delaying the inevitable, with a heavy sigh, Raven made her decision.
Garfield knew better not to interrupt Raven. He has made that mistake a few times in his life, and he still had his life only because Raven was his friend.
Still, seeing her angry was painful, thought not as much as the silent treatment he was getting from her. Beast Boy hesitated for a moment, and just before he was about to knock on her doors, he stopped himself.
With a sigh, he turned around and returned to his room, finding someone already inside.
At first, Garfield thought he was dreaming. But after a few blinks, he realised that the marvellous, dreamy sight in front of his eyes was real, and it made his heart skip a beat.
Raven's trademark, dark-blue attire was gone, replaced by a white costume dotted with black-and-brown spots. Her long legs were covered in fishnets with the same pattern, and as his eyes travelled up, he realised what was exerting the gravitational force that was pulling him that way...
The skin-tight costume had changed his perception, perhaps, but even then, Raven' nipples were just a fraction of an inch away from slipping, as her breast were simply too big to stay hidden in any article of clothing.
And when he looked at her horned head again, he noticed a faint smile on her face, contrasting so much with her demeanour over the past few days. She shifted her legs, spreading them slightly, giving him just a small tease of what was to come, and with her eyes fixated at him, she spoke.
- Moo, I guess.
- Oh, momma!
And before she knew it, Beast Boy leapt onto her with the grace and agility of a frog, diving between her enlarged breasts, and feeling the delicate, cushioning texture engulf his head almost entirely. And at the same time, with his fingers digging into the material, he freed Raven's breasts, hungrily kissing each square inch of her body as if his life depended on it.
- Gar... - Raven moans, feeling her boyfriend wriggling against her bosom
- I see someone has changed her mind...
- You can say that... - Raven replied, hiding the moan that was about to escape her lips.
- I guess you took Starfire's approach and visited the market? - Beast Boy joked, between his kisses - Or, wait, no, you ordered it online so no one will know, right?
- Let's just say I didn't have to order it...
For a moment, Beast Boy pondered the meaning of her words, until he realised that he has seen her outfit once before. Well, without the black-and-brown blots. And as the realisation dawned on him, he let out a gasp, as Raven's eyes glowed white.
Only one of the spots was brown. There was a pink, yellow, green one...
Her most powerful form, the combination of all of her emotions sat on his bed, emanating raw magical, warm energy that could easily vaporise him if she wanted to. Beast Boy suspected the horns weren't plastic either, and that he has just made a few snarky jokes to a demonic sorceress orders of magnitude more powerful than him.
And yet, she was still smiling.
- I just... - Raven swallowed - Couldn't stand you ogling all those cartoon anime girls on-line, in their stupid cow costumes. So I had to fight fire with fire.
- Aww... - Beast Boy cooed - Is my Raven jealous?
- YES. - the demon spoke in deep, rumbling voice that shook some of the objects on the shelves.
The spots on her White costumes suddenly glowed with ominous, red aura, as blood in Garfield's veins froze.
Her face was inches away from his, and only when she felt his hastened breath, she calmed down, and her spots returned to their original colours, just as the red aura disappeared from her eyes. She reached her hands and cupped his face, glad that he did not back away, as her anger overtook her. Their lips met, and Raven poured her apologies into him in a long, delicate kiss.
- And you will have to pay for it. - she smiled, giving Garfield clear sign she was everything under control, including him.
- Rae... - Garfield whined - You-you know I'd never... they... they don't mean anything...
- Then prove it.
Raven used the moment of hesitation to engulf him and with one sharp move of her hands and her magic, she ripped his clothes to shreds and brought her lover closer to her. With his shorts gone, Raven's eyes fixated on his cock, and had to restrain herself from licking her lips, as its head came closer and closer to her face. But of course neither of them would settle on just a blowjob, given the magic Raven cast upon herself.
Beast Boy jumped onto her breasts again, peppering them with plethora of hungry, ravenous kisses. Knowing already her bosom by heart, he know had a whole new territory to explore, and he did that with impeccable dedication. But as his lips closed around her nipple, he received a taste of something unexpected. His eyes widened, and met hers, as sweet substance made contact with his tongue. The sly smile on her lips remained, but as Beast Boy began lapping her milk, her face was torn with a new grimace he hasn't seen yet, and Raven was more than eager to experience.
Garfield moved from one nipple to the other, wishing he could transform into some creature with two heads. As Raven squirmed and moaned underneath him, he wondered what will happen soon, and with his hand manoeuvring between her thighs, he was determined to discovered that.
Her back arched, as his fingers reached her wet spot and slipped underneath her costume, just as his tongue coiled around her nipple again. Though she was trying to contain her emotions, the spots on her costume glowed in violet with each kiss and delicate move of his fingers against or inside her sex, and soon, Raven was thrashing underneath him, ready to burst.
And when she did, it was not with energy, but with milk that filled Beast Boy's mouth, in an act that surprised both of them.
Raven quaked for a few more minutes, coating his fingers with her juices he now lapped as eagerly as the new one she produced for him. Beast Boy made sure to wait until she was looking at him when he licked his lips, tasting both.
- Come'ere, I'm thirsty too... - she huffed, and settled herself amongst the pillows, ready to invite him.
Beast Boy let out a dreamy sigh, as his cock slid between her breasts, engulfing him completely with the delicate, heavenly texture only her breasts could provide. And when Raven gently pushed her mounds together, she added the missing part of friction, making Beast Boy throw his head back, even though he hasn't moved an inch.
But as he looked down at his girlfriend, he met her unusually frisky eyes, and with that, he flexed his muscles. Next thing she knew, his hands were on her horns, and he pushed his hips forward, diving deep into her bosom.
His action was a bit sudden and Raven's eyes opened wide when she realised that her head was pulled forward and that his twitching tip was now a fraction of an inch from her lips. And as she was about to open them, he pulled back and began his thrusts, mewling and moaning with each one, as pleasure slowly engulfed him.
He was in trance, brought by the alluring sight of his girlfriend and her magically enlarged bosom and thge reward they were leaking. And as Raven promised, she wanted one of her own: now, with every rapid thrust, her tongue lapped a drop or two of his pre-cum, in turn only generating more samples of what was to come. Raven was pretty sure what was his plan, but she opened her lips wide anyway, hoping to catch at least some of his oncoming climax.
- Rae...Rae... I LOVE YOU!
And with that proclamation, beast Boy dived balls-deep between her magically enlarged breasts, letting her warmth and size cover them as well, which only strengthened his orgasm. Raven yelped when the first stream of his seed flooded her mouth, and closed her mouth just in time to suck a bit more, even though she knew what was the sight he wanted to see.
As he pulled back, his cock was still twitching, spurting more and more of his virility in the valley between her mounds, until it slowly started to spill down, glazing her breasts with the sticky proof of his devotion.
And just as he thought he has seen it all, Raven dragged her finger across her breasts, hoping to catch as much of his cum as possible before it all drips to the bed. she parted her fingers to show the sticky strands between them before she closed her lips around them and made him collapse to his back from the simple act of tasting him.
- That was fun - she spoke, as most of his seed made it to her lips. - But you know what every cow needs, right?
Raven asked, lapping the last bit of cum from her tits. She leaned forward and with the same low, salacious tone as before, whispered the words that Beast Boy already had on his mind.
- Her bull...
His green body grew in a split of second, transforming him, but not in the form of the animal Raven expected. While his head became elongated and grew bovine horns, his torso and arms remained human, though much more muscular, and only the addition of hooves on his legs and a tail truly made her realise what he was now: a minotaur.
But of course, hooves and tail was not what piqued Raven's interest the most, as her eyes looked down at the figure towering over her.
This time, she could not stop herself and her lust; Raven licked a small droplet of drool that formed on her lips, and reached her hand to experience the enormous, throbbing organ whose glistening head was now once more inches away from her lips.
But her lover didn't want another blowjob. As steam-like cloud escaped his nostrils, Beast Boy grabbed her and effortlessly slammed her onto his cock, watching as the sorceress lets out a silent moan.
When he went down on her, Raven tried to maintain at least some dignity. But now, as her sex was filled completely with his monstrous cock, she threw all of the pretence away and babbled her lover's name, while the blots on her costume pulse violet each time his cock reached her depths, time after time, depraving her of common sense, as bliss slowly overtook her mind.
But not until she has managed to speak one last wish.
- D-Do what you are supposed to!
Raven screamed, her voice vibrating with the erratic thrusts her entire body was subjected to.
- Mate me! Breed me!
Another roar escaped his mouth, and Raven took a gasp of air just in time to expel it, as Beast Boy shoved himself deeper inside her throbbing pussy that before, firmly positioning himself as far as possible, right against her core, he now bathed in first deluge of his seed. And with his thick, monster cock forming an air-tight seal, not a drop of his virility could leak out, and was forced up into her womb. What would have been impossible for any other man became a child's play for him, letting Raven experience the impossible.
And with the flood of his warm seed filling her, came her orgasm, making Raven thrash around his cock, as if she was a puppet on his mercy. With each wave that flooded and promptly overflowed her sex, came a new sensation of being filled and claimed, and in turn, each simultaneously extinguished fire in her loins, and set it anew...
At some point, Raven fell back to the bed, feeling her pussy pulse with each after-wave of her climax, while Beast Boy's seed oozed onto the bed. She wasn't sure how long her after-glow lasted, but she knew what brought her back to her senses.
Her breasts were kissed again, with the same tender and care the minotaur would never learn. Beast Boy was his regular self, taking care of her body his monstrous form has neglected, listening to her breath slowly becoming less and less erratic.
She looked up and their eyes met, while Garfield locked his lips around her nipple again, drinking her orgasm.
- Hey.
- Hey. - she replied - I guess people were right, those cow costumes do work.
- Rae, you could dress like a platypus and you'd be sexy.
Raven smiled, and her hand reached to her lover's cheek, prompting him to leave her nipple.
Their lips met again, and though she thought she would be tired by now, she welcomed him again, especially as his hands now roamed her thighs and ass.
She let out another moan, seemingly far louder than a moment before, but maybe it was because her voice wasn't drowned by the beast's low grunts, but Garfield's borderline cute huffs.
And even though he was now much shorter and thinner than before, somehow Raven felt fuller than when a giant minotaur ravaged her. Maybe it was his kisses, dotting her breasts and lapping her milky fluid, maybe it was his delicate, but steady grip of his hands on her thighs... or maybe it was the unspoken promise they mentioned...
As they kept coming closer, the empath suddenly grabbed his cheeks and pulled him against her, not to kiss, but to find emotions raging in his mind. And she found them - those of love, protection, dedication and responsibility, which easily pushed her to the edge...
She cried out his name just as he flooded her again, this time with his essence, and even though Raven knew it was impossible, she somehow felt the difference in warmth that filled her sex.
As the two breathed in the same air, Raven gently moved her hand between her body, feeling the warmth of his body above her, and his cock and seed inside. She could undo the spell right now, and change their lives forever... And she had to admit, it would be a very apt moment... but then again, she would rob them of many, many heated moments like these.
It's a good thing she buddied up with Yellow as much as with Violet for this ride.
The two lay ion each other's arms for quite some time, savouring each other's scents and warmth, until Raven found strength and motivation to speak.
- So, got any more silly internet memes trending?
Beast Boy smiled and reached for his phone.
Winter this year was snow-less, rainy and mild, like for the past half a decade or so. But that only made the New Year's eve less cumbersome, as it meant less time traversing through mounds of snow. Plus, it meant the Titans' Tower rooftop wasn't off limits.
- I thought this place, at this time would be the worst to meditate. - Beast Boy spoke - The whole sky's gonna be on fire in five minutes.
- Yeah, but maybe I wanted to watch.
He sat next to her, listening to far-away sounds of concerts and premature celebration. He scooted a few inches closer to her, and let out a short meep when her cape covered him.
- I wonder what this year will bring us. - he spoke, ruining the quiet, charming moment.
- I do - Raven answered quickly. - This year is gonna be of the tiger.
Raven spoke and undid a button of her cape that joined the two, freeing her breasts. Beast Boy swallowed loudly, seeing the moonlight shining onto her skin, and making her bosom look bigger with no additional magic required.
- Why don't we practice, kitty?
And with that, the night's air was filled with a powerful roar of a predator cat that has just found its very willing prey.
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ihaveanimagine · 4 years
Hi! Hope everything is well with you! I was wondering if you could do something where Cedric Diggory ends up in detention somehow, and the Slytherin Reader that is there as well, is quite surprised how pretty boy Diggory ended up there to begin with... but even more about how their detention ended ;)
AN: Kay so this story snatched my brain and ran so imma put a read more cut in here, sorry! Hope you enjoy!!
Go to Hogwarts, they said.
Get sorted into Slytherin, they said.
It’ll be fun, they said.
Looking around you at the mostly empty classroom with Finch up at the front desk, you mentally noted to have a few words with whoever said Hogwarts life would be fun and easy.
You sighed loudly and plopped your chin in your palm and glared at the wall.
Is it too late to plead innocent?
Your eyes glanced over to Mrs. Norris who was perched on Filch’s desk and felt a chill run down your spine when she stopped her grooming to stare at you with her unblinking red eyes.
Yeah detention really sucked at Hogwarts…
Although from what you heard from some of the older students, detention was usually served in the kitchens. So why were you in an empty classroom?
Your eyes darted around the room trying to find a clock of some kind to see how long you’ve been stuck there. You eventually found an ornate grandfather clock that informed you that it’s been...five minutes?!?!!!
It’s only been five minutes since you were brought in???
Sweet Merlin’s ankle socks this was torture-
You let out a frustrated growl and flopped your head on the desk.
“Hey!!” Filch’s gravelly voice cut through the room and seemed to echo around your skull. “No sudden movements you little runt! One more peep outta you and I’ll chain you to the ceiling!” 
Normally, you’d ignore Filch’s threats. But you were bored so you decided to enjoy a few moments of sass.
“Likely story, Filch.” You responded dryly, not even looking up at the squib groundskeeper. “Everyone knows Dumbledore won’t let you abuse us students like that.” 
Filch snarled and stomped his boots on the floor. “Watch your tongue, wretch! I am your superior and you will respect my authority or I will have you whipped!”
“There will be no whipping of anyone, Mister Argus Filch.” The stern yet maternal voice of Professor Sprout interrupted Filch’s tantrum. 
The Hufflepuff’s Head of House strode in with her head held high and a firm gaze. “Mister Filch, we talked about threatening students with torture.” Her tone conveyed a sense of frustration and disappointment and you were genuinely surprised to see Filch cower before the woman with an embarrassed look on his face.
You perked up eagerly, internally grinning at what just happened. Was it too much to hope Professor Sprout would save you from this death via boredom detention?
Filch mumbled out an apology and crossed his arms. 
Professor Sprout smiled and nodded her head “Apology accepted.” She turned to you and nodded a hello “Hope you’re doing well, Dearie.” She said softly.
Warmth and hope bloomed in your chest at the endearing nickname. Freedom was so close you could almost taste it!
“I’m doing well now that I know I won’t be shackled to the ceiling,” You grinned at her, not bothering to look at Filch who huffed in annoyance.
Sprout chuckled softly “I’m glad I could ease your mind, Dearie. But I’m afraid that’s all the saving I can do.”
“I’m just here to drop off your detention partner and then I’ll be on my way.” Professor Sprout cast another warning glare at Filch before stepping to the side to reveal your detention inmate.
“This is Cedric Diggory, he’ll be joining you for this week and the next. I do hope you two get along and become friends!” Sprout smiles brightly at the two of you before quickly saying her goodbyes.
Vaguely, you heard Filch order the both of you to follow him to the dungeons to the kitchens (as if neither of you knew where the kitchen was located). But you were too busy trying to pick your jaw off the floor at the fact that Cedric “Pretty Boy” Diggory was in detention.
Your mind raced, conjuring up as many possible (and impossible) reasons he could have gotten into detention. Started a fight? Nah, he’s gotta keep a clean record to stay on the Quidditch team. Dared to cast a forbidden curse? A horrifying mental image (Merlin help anyone who provokes a Hufflepuff into using forbidden curses) but also unlikely. 
Maybe he sassed Snape?
That’s how you got here but you can’t picture Diggory actively sassing Snape to his face. Not many did, and from what you knew, Sassing Snape had even been banned from Gryffindor Dare Challenges. That’s how much no one sassed Snape. 
Except you apparently, but in your defense, you do believe he was just overreacting.
A small but firm tug on your sleeve yanked you out of your head just as Filch stopped at the doors of the kitchens.
Beside you, you felt Diggory inconspicuously step away from you before Filch turned around to address the both of you with a wicked, greasy smile.
Heck, you owed the Hufflepuff now-
“Enjoy your detention, wretches.” Filch drawled, opening up the door to the kitchens. Diggory shifted on his feet, obviously uncomfortable. Which Filch obviously noticed. “A shame I can’t stay and enjoy your suffer-”
“Welp, thanks for the tour, I’ll send a tip for you at the front desk.” you interrupted, shoving past Filch who stuttered wildly. You glanced back to see Diggory shuffle in quietly behind you, stepping away from Filch as far as he could while still being polite. “Now I’m sure you’re a very busy man so I’ll leave you to it!” 
You quickly dashed up to the door and closed it in front of a fuming groundskeeper who shouted empty threats.
Feeling absolutely smug and pleased with yourself, you made a dramatic show if dusting off your shoulders as a smirk grew on your features. You turned to Diggory and grinned “Tour Guides can be so pushy sometimes, don’t you agree?” You quipped, earning a chuckle covered up by a cough from the Quidditch Star himself.
“You two!” A harsh voice came from below your kneecaps mere seconds before your shoes were attacked by a wooden spoon wielding House Elf. “Put your robes on the hooks by the door then report to the wash station! If I’m gonna be forced to watch you two delinquents in my kitchen, I’ll at least put you to work!”
The plump House Elf motioned first to the small rack of hooks by the kitchen doors then at the giant sink pressed against the brick walls to his right. He smacked his wooden spoon again, this time at the floor in between you and Diggory. “Don’t just stand there! Hurry! Pitts doesn’t run a social area! Pitts runs a kitchen!”
He turns abruptly and you turn to Diggory, half-bewildered and half-amused at being ordered around by a House Elf. You weren’t sure what to expect from Hufflepuff’s Seeker but a very terrified look on his face with arms scrunched up around his torso was not what you were expecting.
Oh no, he’s adorable- You thought to yourself, torn between cooing over the expression on his face as he nervously chewed his lip and bolting to wrap him in a large blanket to comfort him. Step one: Don’t fall for the adorable looks of my detention buddy.
You coughed softly and waved a hand in front of Diggory’s face. “Hey, pretty boy, you there?” 
Diggory’s grey eyes fluttered before looking at you. He took a sharp inhale and quickly dropped his hands and straightened himself up. “S-sorry! Yes, I’m here. Uh, can I help you with your robe?” He asked, gesturing quickly to the hooks near the door as he quickly removed his and draped it over his forearm before holding his hands up to assist you with yours.
Oh no, he’s sweet-
“Uh, yeah sure. Thanks.” You mumbled before removing your robe to brush off your out-of-class clothes. Diggory took both robes and neatly set them up on the hooks. He began folding his slightly wrinkled sleeves up his forearm and you felt every inch of your body suddenly break out into internal screaming.
I bet 10 galleons, a month’s worth of Butterbeer, and a lifetime supply of chocolate frogs that boy is part Veela-
“What are you doing?” You asked, tilting your head slightly as the two of you began heading to the wash area. 
“We’re washing dishes, aren’t we?” Diggory replied, glancing up at the large sink with a pile of dishes to the side of it. “I just didn’t want to get my sleeves too wet.” 
You blinked. Shoot, you didn’t think of that.
You quickly made sure your sleeves were out of reach of the water as you both arrived at the sink where another House Elf quickly explained your jobs and how to properly wash dishes before leaving the two of you unsupervised. 
Silence enveloped the both of you as you got to work, the only words exchanged between you both were reminders of how Pitts wanted the dishes washed and soft mutters of frustration when a dish slipped or clinked loudly against the sink.
After an eternity (*30 minutes*) of washing an endless pile of dishes, you finally caught a break long enough to stretch out your muscles and pop your neck.
Only for Pitts to gleefully drop another mountain of dishes at the sink with a pinched look on his face. “Hurry up! If you troublemakers have time to break rules and get in trouble, you have time to wash more dishes!”
You were suddenly very tempted to wash dishes while singing obnoxious songs as off-key as humanly possible.
You ground your teeth but said nothing and angrily scrubbed the closest dish. As you finished your dish, you passed it off to Diggory to dry but stopped when you saw that look from earlier plastered on his face.
His eyebrows pinched in worry while he chewed on his lip, his clouded eyes darted from the sink in front of him to where Pitts stood on a crate barking out orders.
Oof, poor guy’s gotta be stressed outta his mind…
“So uh...what are you in for?” You asked, casually handing over the dish like you hadn’t been holding it for the past minute.
Diggory blinked before looking at you. “Excuse me?”
“What are you in for?” You repeated as you grabbed the next dish “Me? I’m in for asking Snape why we don’t have Alchemy classes on the regular like at the Beauxbatons.” You rolled your eyes at the memory of Snape’s face turning red in the middle of Potions Class. “I was just wondering what the differences were between potions and alchemy classes and Snape went all ‘We don’t question the curriculums in the middle of class’ so I just asked if the reason was because he sucked at Alchemy-” Beside you, Diggory let out a choked wheeze “-and he banished me to the care of our wondrous groundskeeper slash tour guide Argus Filch.”
“I-, you-” Diggory bit his lip in an effort to contain giggles. “You said what to Snape?” He laughed and shook his head as he finished drying the dish in his hands. “I’m...honestly surprised you’re still alive.”
You grinned “I happen to be very good at avoiding death via Snape. It’s mostly thanks to the fact that we were surrounded by an entire class full of witnesses that kept me alive.” 
Diggory chuckled again and you nudged him with the next dish you passed along. “So what about you, pretty boy? How’d someone with a squeaky clean record like you end up in detention?”
“Oh, I set a student’s robe on fire.”
You physically choked on your saliva and felt your nails dig into the metal of the sink as you tried to cough your way back to a clear throat.
Diggory panicked beside you and quickly cleaned a glass and filled it with some clean water and handed it to you while waiting for you to remember how to breathe properly.
“I’m sorry, you w h a t?!”
“I overheard a fifth year refer to a first year as ‘Mudblood’ so I cast Incendio on the fifth year’s robes.” Diggory replied, shrugging as a grim countenance fell on his face. “I don’t know either of them but I hope that first year is okay…”
“Wait, wait, wait! Back up!” You made the time out sign and pointed at Diggory “If you’re the one who stood up for that first year, why are you here instead of that fifth year?!”
Diggory sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Not sure...I didn’t ask, I’m...kind of in shock that I haven’t been expelled from the Quidditch team or Hogwarts yet.”
Ah, the classic “I did a bad thing now the worst possible consequence will happen” thoughts.
“But-! You were defending the kid! Why are you in trouble?” 
Another shrug. “I mean, even if I was defending someone, I used magic outside of class in an aggressive way. That’s still a punishable offense.”
Your nose scrunched up and a frown formed on your face. “I don’t suppose you can give me the appearance of this fifth year?”
“No, I’m not going to tell you what that student looks like so you’ll try to make their life a living hell while pretending to know nothing.”
“I wasn’t gonna!!”
Diggory looked at you with a half-serious half-amused expression. “Then what were you planning?”
You stuck your tongue out and grinned evilly “I was simply going to introduce them to the mermaid friends I made in Black Lake!”
Both of you broke out into laughs only to be shushed by Pitts who ordered the two of you to stop slacking.
Diggory flinched at Pitt’s tone and you gently bumped the Hufflepuff’s arm. “Hey....you okay? Pitts isn’t bothering you too much, is he? I bet I can annoy him into being quieter if you need him to stop shouting.”
Diggory smiled softly at you “Thank you but I’m...I’m okay. It’s not Pitts who I’m worried about.”
“Is it Filch? Please tell me it’s Filch. I learned this firework spell from a Gryffindor and I’ve been dying to try it out.”
Another small laugh. “No, well...not anymore. Filch is definitely terrifying but he’s the least of my problems.”
Ah, so it’s probably a personal thing. Aight no biggie, just casually steer the conversation away. No need to get mushy on the first day of school prison- ahem- detention.
“It’s my dad that I’m worried about…”
Aaaand there goes that idea-
“He’s very proud of me and I try really hard to be this perfect son for him who never causes any trouble and I’m…” Diggory looked down at the sink and his eyes went glassy for a moment before he took a deep breath. “I’ve never gotten detention before. I’ve always found some way to avoid it by picking fights with bullies when there’s a crowd of people around to confirm the bully’s actions and my defense but this time…”
“You were set up.” Your eyes widened in realization as your jaw dropped.
Diggory nodded grimly and slowly resumed his dish drying.
“Did...did you tell any of the professors what happened?” You asked softly, silently considering any and all options to track down this fifth year and cause them some sort of harm.
“Professor Sprout.” He said, taking the next dish from you “She said she’ll do some asking around but…” His throat went dry and his eyes watered.
“She gave you the disappointed voice?”
He nodded once and you nearly teared up in sympathy.
Nothing had ever made you cry as fast as hearing Professor Sprout saying “I’m very disappointed in you, Dearie.” And you were a Slytherin. You had to deal with Severus “I’m better than all of you” Snape’s condescending tone since you arrived to Hogwarts! 
“I’m...sorry, Diggory.” You whispered, not sure how to comfort him.
“Cedric. And it’s alright...I appreciate you just listening to me ramble.”
“Uh, you’re welcome?”
“Cedric.” He said again, a bit firmer this time. “You don’t have to call me ‘Diggory’.” He clarified before turning to you with a shy smile. “We’re stuck in detention for a week together, aren’t we? Might as well get to know each other.”
“O-oh, right. Uh, thanks, Cedric.” You mumbled, trying furiously to stop a random blush from rising to your cheeks. “S-so uh...after detention’s over, wanna grab a Butterbeer?” You glared at the mountain of dishes before turning back to Cedric.
Cedric grinned widely at you and practically glowed “I’d love to! It’s a date!”
Well, failed Step One I guess-
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: Ted Fest (Chapter 5)
A/N: also known as the favorite chapter I have written. I hope you enjoyed cause I worked hard on this oof. Please leave comments, I would really appreciate it! 
summary: Like a Ted Talk but its just Ted... talking :)
words: 2418 (oops)
warnings: Swearing, Bad Dad, Ted, food fight 
Ao3 link
“Satan is a real man” Ted announces over the loudspeaker, the hallways erupt into cheers, Brian Holden sheds a single tear from his hellscape.
Softly, Ted reminds himself. He tiptoes up the stairs listening to the growing anger coming from the kitchen. It's late on Sunday, his parents have just returned home. He makes his way across the hall and opens his door, locking it quietly once he is safely inside. He sighs annoyed, nothing can drown out the yelling, all Ted can do is listen. He reaches for his headphones but pauses when he hears his name enter the conversation. Should I open it? He thinks, he takes a moment but his curiosity controls him. He slightly cracks the door and put his ear in the hallway.
“You have never shown any love or respect for me or Ted!” He hears his mother shout, pain oozes out of her voice. 
“Well maybe if either of you did something to deserve it! And maybe if Ted wasn’t such a fucking disappointment!” Ted bites his lip, don't say anything, stay quiet. The arguing continues, Ted shuts his door in the angriest but soft way possible and decides that was enough for tonight. Ted moves over towards his bed and lets the music drift into his dreams as he sleeps. 
“Good Morning parental figure,” Ted says approaching his mother in a t-pose stance.
“Good morning problem child,” Ted's mother says sighing not looking up from her coffee. Ted laughs approaching the table to where his mother sat. He examines the kitchen and grabs some coffee. 
“No, dad?” Ted asks sipping the bitter drink. His mother shakes her head, fuck yeah, Ted thinks. He throws together some lunch before he kisses his mother goodbye and heads towards the bus stop. He gets distracted by a light buzz in his pocket. He reaches for his phone and reads:
FU: I'm picking you up, need help
SB: A’ight, what's new pussycat?  With one ‘It's not unusual’ slipped in, Ted thinks. He smiles smugly and waits on the steps of his door for Paul. 
“I need food” Ted whines stepping into the passenger seat of Paul's car, Paul rolls his eyes and gives him a look. “Look, its either I get food, or I jump out of this car and say you pushed me” Ted claims. 
“Ted, please don't jump out of the car” A soft voice comments from the backseat, Ted quickly turns to be met with a very worried Bill. Ted gives him a reassuring look before turning back to Paul. 
“Food or I jump” Ted says in a whisper, he doesn't want to worry Bill but he was hungry.
“Do it, you coward” Paul mumbles starting the car. Ted pouts before turning his attention to the road, they drive at a steady pace passing houses and shops. It was all fine until Ted spots the beautiful shining wonder of the McDonalds. Its a newly renovated, functional ice cream machine, piece of art. Ted feels his mouth water and he turns to Paul with pleading eyes. Paul ignores him, he is left with no choice. 
“McDonald's! McDonald's! McDonald's!” Ted chants, he prays this will work. He turns to Bill whose face turns from confusion to understanding of his friends need. 
“They have food at school,” Bill says, he gives a soft smile full of pride. Ted nods before turning to Paul, last piece of the puzzle, buddy, come on. Paul glares at both of them before he gives in. The urge to complete the trifecta is just too much, he pulls into the McDonalds drive-in and orders a single black coffee. Ted cries with happiness, this was it, he could die happy. Paul pays and drives into the parking lot to situate himself. 
“You're so fucking stupid Ted” Paul says, exhaustion and annoyance fills his voice
“The only stupid I’m fucking, is you” Ted replies without thinking. The car goes silent for a moment.
“I hope you know that I hate you” Paul says after a while, Ted gains a smile
“I know, I love you too” He plasters on the fakest smile he can
“I love you guys too” Bill whispers from the backseat, Paul and Ted can't help but smile at him, Paul finishes his coffee and they continue towards school. 
“So what did you need help with?” Ted asks as the boys walk towards their lockers. Bill was reading through the halls, so Ted was on walking duty. He makes sure Bill doesn’t knock into anyone and hurt himself. They approach a crowded area, Ted grabs Bills shoulders and swerves him to avoid a collision as he continues his conversation with Paul.
“Well I really screw up with-” Paul cuts himself off as they reach their lockers. Two girls wait by the locker, normally this would excite Ted, however they look mad. “Emma” Paul says surprised. Bill looks up adjusting his glasses, he tucks his book into his bag. The 5 of them stand in awkward silence surrounding the locker. Paul shifts his feet, averting gaze towards the ground. 
“Y’all going to area 51?” Ted asks finally, he gives them all an expectant look. Bill suppresses a laugh, Paul groans in annoyance, and the girls give him a very confused look. He sighs, he was just too funny for this cruel world. He rolls his eyes before nudging Paul, dude say something.
“Emma I'm really sorry, I got caught up and-” Paul starts he looks at his friends for help, Bill was already back to reading his book, Ted simply shrugs. “I slept in late, I feel awful please let me make it up to you” The shorter one looks at Paul. The other girl glares at the boys, clearly, that was not a natural expression for her. She’s cute Ted thinks, he averts his eyes towards a commotion in the hall. So is he, Ted thought looking at the boy causing the commotion. He was wearing glasses and suspenders, he raced through the halls timidly holding some kind of hot liquid. Ted's eyes grow wide and he shakes his head returning to the conversation.
“It was really embarrassing Paul, a bunch of kids from school were there, I waited for hours,” Emma says, her face flushes bright pink. “It really sucked, ok?” Paul nods sympathetically, he struggles for words. 
“I- just” He sighs “How do I make it up to you” He repeats. Emma takes a moment to think, she shrugs.
“I don't know” She admits 
“I do” Ted chimes in. Everyone including Ted is taken aback by this participation. He collects himself and continues on “You were embarrassed right?” He says towards Emma, she gives a slow, confused nod “Well then all we need to do is embarrass Paul” Paul's face grows in horror, Emma's face, however, gains a sly smile. 
“What's the plan, tall man?” She says immediately regretting her life choices. (same Emma)
Bill gives the all-clear with a very disapproving look. Paul and Ted clean up their lunches and make their way out of the cafeteria. Ted clutches to the walls, sneaking through the empty corridors 007 style. Paul walks. Like a normal human. Fucking useless, Ted thinks. Finally, they reach the main office, greeted by Emma and Emma’s friend, Charlotte. Ted nods and the girls go into the office, shortly followed by Ted and Paul. The girls go up to the receptionist and begin their distraction, having a full out meltdown. Ted and Paul make their way past the receptionist and peek into the principal's office, all clear must be having lunch. They open the door slightly and shut it once safe inside. Ted looks at Paul expectantly and points to the intercom. 
“You know what you have to do” He says, Paul gives him a very concerned look, or he’s constipated. Paul clears his throat and pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and looks it over, his face goes through one too many emotions. He gives Ted a very shocked and disgusted look but Ted just laughs. Paul sighs and makes his way over to the desk, he sits completely defeated and pushes the button to talk. He puts on his most monotone voice, emotion has no place here.
“If I could do anything I think I would… shrink myself to the size of a mouse. I’d leave the world of men behind me forever, and live amongst the mice.” He starts, every ounce of dignity is drained from him. The words ooze into the halls and echo through the school. Ted squeals (yes squeals) with glee “And I would bring technology and art to those uncultured swine. And I would build tiny tools for their mouse hands made from toothpicks and marshmallows. And I would be their king, NAY, their prince. PAUL MATTHEWS THE MOUSE PRINCE! Ruling from my grand castle inches high, carved from the finest cheeses. And there I would dwell with my three mouse wives, and my twelve mouse concubines. (Laughs).” You don't say ‘laughs’ you asshole, Ted thinks “Oh, but the wars we’d have with the frogs, terrible, just terrible. Those metal mice warriors, the atrocities they’ve seen. Yes, that is my dream… My secret dream.” He finishes, shame is written all over his face. He turns to Ted who is beaming with pride. He stops pressing the button and his words, nay monologue, nay work of art bless the school. The students can be heard, confusion races through them, laughter sets in. Paul quickly rushes out of the office followed by a very giddy Charlotte and a more than happy Emma. Ted, however… he stays. He stands for a moment beaming with pride, he eyes the intercom. The principal with be here soon I should go, He thinks. He makes his way to the door but the intercom… it calls to him. He hesitates, but quickly locks the door and sits down. Excitement takes over, he pushes the button. 
“Satan is a real man” Ted announces over the loudspeaker, the hallways erupt into cheers, Brian Holden sheds a single tear from his hellscape. Bill nods approvingly from his seat in the cafeteria, chaos sets in. A food fight breaks out, lockers and doors are banged upon, Robert Manion can be felt cowering. Ted looks to the ground, he smiles. This is just what He would have wanted. He takes one last prideful look before exiting the room and joining his friends. 
“I can't believe you actually did it!” Emma exclaims actually quite surprised. “How..how did you do it?” She asks
“With the help of my friends,” Pauls says in reply “And Ted”. The group continue their conversation, the voices drown out, all that can be heard is Ted. The camera zooms in, fading to black and white. 
They ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand, Ted thinks. He plans to continue but is quickly brought back by a little nudge.
“You alright Ted?” Bill asks, his eyes wide. Ted sighs dramatically, Bill stares into the camera like he's on The Office. “I liked your monologue you wrote for Paul” Bill reassures him. This brings a sparkle to Ted.
“Um yeah, what the fuck was that” Emma chimes in. Paul shoots her a warning glare but its too late.
“That, as you called it, was my masterpiece” Ted begins, launching into a very dramatic interpretation, which led to an argument between Paul and Ted. The group lets it go on but eventually, Emma cuts them off.
“Ok ok, got it” She sighs rubbing her temples “God it's like the three of you share one brain cell but Bill has it most of the time” She mumbles 
“Most of the time?” Ted says “Most oF THE TIME?” He repeats dramatically. “Bold of you to assume he doesn't have it all the time,” Ted says. Bill beams confused. Ted notes they still have time before class begins so they each head their separate ways for food.
“So like my whole life, I thought, girls, ya know? No question about it, I like girls. But then, a while back I met this guy, right? He's shy and sweet and so smart. Oh, and you can't tell him I said this because I don't feel that way but it was like he opened a door. I mean I was excited to see him, I would blush every time he talked to me or accidentally touched me. I started thinking things like, he's cute. Which he was but I wasn't one to think about this kind of thing. I don't even think about girls like that. But then I did. I mean I started thinking and noticing things like that left and right, it was becoming a problem. Then the incident happened, the cute guy I mentioned earlier? Just a friend now, best friend but not important. Anyway one day I was having like a hardcore blushing/pining session. My friend is pretty oblivious so I thought he wouldn't notice, and then he didn't… so I was right. But someone else did, this guy approached me during P.E and he was all like ‘I noticed you looking at your friend’ and I was like ‘and what about it’ and then he was like ‘Are you gay?’. So I said ‘no’ you know, like a liar. And that was that, but then I was all like… am I? So this inner turmoil went on for a while but then I fell hard for this girl and I liked it. Wasn't faking it, so now I'm thinking… was it just a phase? Well yes but actually no, This girl and I, didn't work out, but then the other day I'm at the locker with my friends and these two girls. They are arguing over who gives a shit, and I'm just looking at this girl and I'm thinking she's cute. Then I look over at some guy in the hall and now I'm thinking he's cute. So…“ Ted pauses and shrugs “Girls? Boys? Eh, why not both?” He states
“Sir this is a Wendys,” The employee through the drive-thru speaker says. Ted furrows his brow.
“Yeah I know, I said I'll have a barbecue cheeseburger, with a side of baconator fries and a Dr.Pepper” Ted orders his lunch before making his way back to school.
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Friendship Power English Story - 3D Animated Stories for Kids Animal Sto...
Friendship Power English Story - 3D Animated Stories for Kids Animal Stories | Stories of the Forest
. #BedtimeStories for kids, Stories of the Forest is an animated series featuring quirky animals and interesting #kidsStories and #3dAnimationStories.
 Hope you love it! #AnimalsStories It was a bright morning in the animal kingdom, every animal had a sleep-in, it was the weekend. After a hard week of school, work and jobs, it was time to play, rest and put up your legs till the next weekday when work started again.     The young animals all went to go play in the garden.     Lil' Frog, Lil' Monkey, Kitten, Cub, and Lil' Elephant all played together as they were best of friends.     In the garden, there was an old well that had its water dried up, but it was so deep that all the big animals had warned the little animals from playing around there. It just so happened that all the big animals had left for the place and it would be nightfall before they came back home.     "Hey Cub, let's play near the well, there's no one here to see us." Lil' Frog said.     "I can't play, I'm scared of dark holes, it's creepy."     "No, it's not, it's just scary."     "Duh! You both are saying the same thing, so stop arguing like dumbos." Kitten said shutting them up.     "Why are you so angry this morning Kitty, I feel some pent up anger in there, you need to do some yoga to release the stress, here let me help you release that anger with some yoga exercises." Lil' Monkey said and maintained a yoga pose.     "Do you seriously think I would do that? I'm quite sure that no one here would strike the po...." Whatever Kitten would have said was swallowed when she saw Cub, Lil' Frog, and Lil' Elephant imitating Lil' Monkey, "Oh well, lemme just go with the flow, I need the exercise anyway." Kitten joined them. and almost immediately she felt better.     30 minutes and 6 poses after, Lil' Frog broke the silence.     "That's okay guys, any more and we'll be like monks, let's move on to the next agenda, I'm too young to yoga my life away. Let's play hopscotch and after that tag." Lil' Frog suggested.     They all agreed and played hopscotch. Kitten won all three rounds of hopscotch and as they decided to move on to tag.     The game started with Lil' Monkey playing tagger looking for whom to tag, after running for a few minutes Lil' Monkey tagged Kitten.    Kitchen chased everyone but they were just too fast for her.    Then the unexpected happened as she tried to tag Frog. He leaped so high that he landed in the well.    "Game over, Monkey, Cub, Lil' Elephant get here now, Frog has fallen into the well."    They all ran to the well, yelling out to Frog.    "Hey buddy, can you hear us?"    Down below, Frog saw them shouting but couldn't make out what they were saying, they were too far out.    The frog jumped and jumped for seven times yet he fell and still couldn't get out.    "Hey Froggy, don't bother jumping you'll just hurt yourself and make matters worse, wait for help." Lil' Elephant called out to Frog.    But deep down the well, Frog thought Elephant was telling him to keep on jumping.    So he gathered all his strength and jumped like never before, leaping from wall to wall, coming up ever slowly but surely, he didn't lose steam, he didn't want to disappoint his friends who were cheering him on.     It remained one more leap to reach the very top, just one more jump, but he was so so tired. As he jumped his foot slipped and he was falling back into the well.     Fortunately, Elephant swooped his trumpet and caught Frog.     "We've got you, buddy, you did well."     "Thank you, all of you." Frog said exhaustingly.     "He's exhausted, but what I don't get is this, why didn't he stop jumping even after he fell seven times?"     "That's easy guys, the thought of being with you guys made me want to jump an eight time. Your friend gave me strength." Frog said.
 MORAL : Our friends are like treasures, we must always learn to value them and be nice to them always.
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Pairing: Conquest (Gwilym Lee) x Dana (Gwil's fiancee)
Word Count: 2989
Warning(s): Foul language, angst, lots of angst, fluff, the boys teasing Gwil, Conquest being a smitten puppy
Abstract: All it took as a smile to get him smitten for his nephew's kindergarten teacher.
Tags: @mobauvodkaaunt @deakydeakydeaky @briarrose26 @jubel-raised-you-from-perdition @thewinchesterchronicles @deja-entendus
Shit shit shit shit. It is a mantra in his mind as he ran down the sidewalk towards the elementary school. He is not meaning to be late, honest, but something came up that needed to be taken care of because Famine was away on a job and it had slipped his mind until he had looked at his watch and began to panic. Athena is going to kill him. Maybe if he get Joey some ice cream on the way home, his nephew won’t tell his parents he was late to picking him up. Shit.
The parking lot is empty except for some of the few teachers still at the school preparing for the next day’s lessons. Chalk dust layers over his shoes as he walks to the steps of the school and he does not know how he did not see them sitting there until the woman looks up from the book she is reading out loud and smiles at him.
“Hello,” she says and next to her Joey gasps.
“Uncle Con!” The boy leaps onto him for a hug and laughs when he gets picked up.
“Hi, buddy,” Conquest says happily, grabbing the stuffed frog from the stairs for his nephew. “Have a good day?”
Joey nods his head. “The best! Miss Dana was reading me stories while we were waiting for you.”
The woman -- Miss Dana -- smooths her skirt as she stands and smiles at him brilliantly holding out her hand to him. “You must be his uncle that’s down for pick up today. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Connor. That is your name, right?”
Conquest finds himself staring at her that he nearly misses what she says and the question directed to him. He feels his cheek warm under her gaze while she waits for an answer.
Say something. Anything!
“Uhm, yeah sorry,” he finally says, decidedly ignoring the look that Joey is giving him as he lies. “His mum sent me to pick him up today since she was too busy with work.”
You bumbling idiot.
Conquest just drops onto the couch as Joey runs inside shouting to his father and uncles. His hands cover his face, dragging them down slowly so he does not have to see his brothers laughing at him.
“I did no such thing today,” he counters, happily taking the drink from Death’s hand.
Famine pokes his cheek. “Uncle Gwil does look a bit pink, Mini Me. I think you’re onto something.”
“You are lucky he’s in this room,” threatens Conquest, looking at the boy in War’s lap who continues to babble on about his day at school and Miss Dana.
The couch does not swallow him whole like how he wants and it is agonizing to hear the details of what happened at the school repeated to the boys. He grabs a pillow and covers his face with it as his nephew retells it all from him being late to his lack of communication with the kindergarten teacher.
“And then he said his name was Connor,” Joey finishes. “Which I don’t understand…”
Death chokes on his drink as they all laugh at Conquest’s embarrassment. Famine falls from his seat and Silence is having trouble keeping a straight face while War just smiles and shakes his head.
Thank God the girls are out for the afternoon otherwise this could be much worse, but he knows War is going to tell Athena which will make it spread like wildfire.
“C’mon, we have work to do,” says Silence walking to the couch. “Let’s go, Connor.”
This is not going to go away anytime soon. (It lasts about two weeks before the whole ‘Connor’ debacle is over and no one says anything when he insists on picking up Joey more often.)
Athena had just gotten home when Conquest pulls her to the side, desperate for answers for what he needs to do. He was planning on going to either Atlas, Lucifer, or even War, but decided that the embarrassment was not going to be worth it.
“What did Ben do to get you to date him?”
She blinks up at him. “Wait, what?”
Conquest lets out a long slow breath trying to gather his thoughts. “When you first started seeing War, what did he do to get you to agree?”
“Gwil, mine and Ben’s first date ended in a car chase,” she reminds him. “Just get her some nice flowers and ask her to brunch on a weekend when she won’t be busy teaching.”
“I’ve never seen Ben buy flowers.”
“Do you want my advice or not?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Brunch goes smoothly and they end up going out every Saturday. Conquest ends up taking her out for dinner on a Friday after school gets out. Thankfully, Athena was the one picking Joey up so he would not have to deal with anyone else. He finds Dana is the best company he has had that is not his family.
He learns that she was a nurse on the European front during the war, but decided to take up teaching so this generation won’t make the same mistakes they did. Her favorite color is orange and when she asks him what his is, he also says orange when it’s really blue. Needless to say, he finds himself quickly wanting to make sure she stays his forever.
His weekend activities are easy to hide from the family under the guise of work, but soon it comes to a head when they’re out for lunch on a Sunday afternoon. Really it happens later that night during dinner, but soon his world with Dana is exposed with a few simple words.
“Why don’t you bring your lady friend to the next family dinner, Gwilym,” suggests Sarina passing Famine another serving of mashed potatoes.
“Lady friend?” Lucifer repeats, looking at the oldest of his sons. “Why doesn’t anyone tell me these things?”
Dinner pauses as they all focus on him having difficulties swallowing his dinner. Silence pats him on the back in a poor attempt to help him, but it does help. Once Conquest is able to breathe properly once again, he goes to answer, but interrupted by his nephew gasping out loud and standing on his chair.
“Miss!” he yells out excitedly. “You’re seeing Miss!”
“What? No!” Conquest protests and it makes Famine snort.
“Yeah, sure you’re not,” says Famine and Conquest scowls at him.
Athena smiles at him. “So I’m guessing the flowers worked?”
War looks to his wife wide-eyed. “Wait -- you knEW?!”
Dinner cannot end fast enough for Conquest and it does end eventually after dessert is served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Soon everyone parts ways, Death leaving earlier than the others to go see Hera over at Olympus. Lucifer to his study to go over written agreements and Joey is put to bed by his mother. Silence, War, and Conquest all sit together sharing drinks and just talking about menial things, until War looks at his brother with an odd expression.
“I can’t believe that you want to fuck my son’s teacher.”
Conquest chokes on his drink. “You were fucking the enemy for two bloody years!”
“Technically we weren’t enemies,” Athena points out walking into the room. She sits next to her husband, taking his glass to have a drink of the amber liquid. “I was working for you when we had met.”
“That’s not the point,” Conquest groans out.
Horror doesn’t begin to cover how he feels when Dana asks him about the next family dinner when he picks her up for their usual Saturday brunch. Of course Joey would tell her, the boy adores his teacher just about as much as Conquest does.
“I mean you don’t have to go,” he says again for the fifth time. “Don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to do.”
She kisses his cheek and smiles that same damn smile that has him wrapped around her little finger. “I’d love to have dinner with your family. Joey always says such sweet things about you all.”
“He does?”
At the end of the week there could be a worn path in the hall from all of the pacing Conquest did while he waited for Friday night’s family dinner. Sarina prepared a rather wonderful feast for them all and a sponge cake for dessert. He made sure everyone was dressed appropriately for when Dana arrived to the house. He made everyone swear on everything Holy and Unholy to be on their best behaviour while she was over for dinner.
Sarina even went as far to threaten all of their dessert privileges if any of them did anything to make Dana uncomfortable during her visit to the house. Conquest also dressed in one of his nicer suits and ignored his brothers’ teasing words as he waited for her to knock on the door. When it does he almost jumps at the doorbell before rolling his shoulders and walking up to answer the door. He gives himself a pep talk before opening the door.
“Hello-” He blushes easily when he sees Dana.
“Sorry I’m a bit late,” she says. “Spilled something on my dress and had to do a last minute change. Hope you don’t mind.”
Dana is in an olive toned pantsuit with a tan blouse and brown kitten heels and Conquest cannot help but nod his head dumbly while opening the door wider so she can walk in. He takes in a deep breathe and lets it out shakily before following her to the sitting room where everyone was waiting. She is already sitting with Athena and talking while Joey sat on the rug playing with some of his toys, the green frog in his lap as it always was.
“I’m glad to hear that Joey is doing so well,” Athena compliments. “It helps that he has wonderful teacher.”
Dana blushes so prettily compared to everyone else he knows.
Beside him is Famine smirking.
“Not a word.”
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say!” protests Famine.
“I don’t need to.”
When Sarina calls for dinner, Conquest pulls out Dana’s chair for her to sit before taking his place next to her. It is odd for them all to sit in their usual seats, but moved slightly to the left a couple of inches. It’s silent as they served themselves their food, Famine as usual pilling on the garlic mashed potatoes before anyone else can get any.
“So, Mrs. Jones, what is that you do?” asks Dana so innocently and it makes Conquest want to kiss her soundly, but oh, what a can of worms she just opened.
Athena swallows her bite. “I actually work with my sisters as an accountant over in the financial district. Family business and all that shenanigans.”
“Oh that’s nice,” Dana responds gently. “And you, Mister Jones?”
Death chokes on his drink and begins coughing. Poor Dana flushes in embarrassment at his sudden episode. “My apologies, Miss Dana.”
They cannot just come out and say that they owned The Dream. Even civilians outside of the underground knows that the bar is the Horsemen home business. Lucifer shares a look with the boys before they all look to War who is chewing slowly to prolong not having to answer her question.
War clears his throat. “We work in security of certain items, like the museum that just opened a few years ago. We make sure the art pieces remain safe while displayed and in storage.”
Dana smiles. “So you get to see the new pieces when they come in then?” “Yes we do,” Conquest interjects. “I can take you sometime if you like.”
Oh Jesus H Christ, Gwilym.
His brothers stare at him and he wishes for the floor to open up to swallow him whole so he can escape their judgmental gazes.
“I’d love that, Connor.”
Silence can’t help the laugh that escapes him, but at the pointed glare from Sarina he stuffs his mouth with more food.
The rest of dinner went rather smoothly with Sarina bringing dessert out and serving everyone a slice. Joey is laughing when his dad gets some frosting on his nose, but makes noises of disgust when his mother wipes it away and then kissing her husband on the cheek soundly. Dana makes conversation with Lucifer, Sarina, and Death while Conquest and Famine watch as she is able to keep up with their chosen topics to talk about.
A cherry flies across the table and splats onto Dana’s blouse which makes the table go silent to stare at Famine who immediately shrinks in his seat.
“I am so sorry! That was meant for Dea-”
Cake is smeared across his face and Conquest laughs as Dana sits again wiping the excess frosting onto her napkin. Everyone else begins to laugh as well as Famine begins to clear his face of frosting in his seat.
“Yeah that’s fair.” Famine looks to Conquest. “This one can stay.”
“Glad I have permission to keep her around.”
It all goes to shit on a Wednesday night at precisely 5:32 in the evening. The school was closed for Teacher’s Appreciation Day and Dana was with the girls in Hell. (Though she didn’t really know it was Hell until much later.) They’re drinking champagne and talking about their plans for summer when the boys come bursting into the house carrying an injured Conquest on their shoulders.
In the chaos of the girls helping him to a seat, all Dana can see is Connor’s white shirt stained with red before she’s ushered into another room by Lily who is telling her that everything is okay. She sits alone in a sideroom with the flutes and the bottle of champagne which is a little more than half way full, but by the time Tina walks in with her sisters it’s less than half full and the other glasses are empty too.
“I’m guessing you aren’t really accountants,” Dana says looking at them.
“Not really no,” Tina answers breathlessly. “And I am terribly sorry you had to find out this way.”
In the other room, Conquest is gritting his teeth as Death works his shirt open to clean the wound so Silence can dig the bullet out of his shoulder. Famine and War are holding him down so he does not move too much during the process.
“Hey, we need to get this out otherwise your girlfriend in there is going to have a freak out,” Silence says firmly grabbing a pair of long tweezers.
Conquest freezes. “Dana’s here?”
“She is, and we warned you this would happen,” War states. “Now let’s get this bullet out so you can explain what exactly is happening.”
He is handed a bottle, of which he takes a large swig of the amber liquid, before biting down onto one of Sarina’s pillows as Silence finally goes to big out the bullet and he lets out a low scream.
Tina Athena explains who she is and who her husband is. She explains why they used pseudonyms instead of their real names so people wouldn’t take advantage of the fact Joey is just a child. It already happened once and they don’t want it to happen again.
Dana just sits there listening stone faced as every lie she was told by Conquest is revealed. Her eyes itch with unshed tears that are blinked away when the door is opened and her, whatever he is, is brought in by his brother and dumped in the seat across from her. She can see in her peripheral the three goddesses of Olympus leaving the room.
“We’ll let you talk,” says War closing the door gently behind him.
Dana flinches at the sound of the door and those stupid tears from before come back as she looks at him. This time really seeing him for who he is as a Horseman. The first and most dangerous of the Horsemen. His shirt is still unbuttoned and she can see his shoulder is now bandaged. She can see his tattoos that cover his chest and arms. The skull and horns of the Horsemen dark and proud on his chest and bigger than the rest of them glaring at her.
“Sorry about this,” Conquest says gesturing to the blood on his shirt. “I-”
“Don’t.” Her voice is soft and cuts through him like a blade. “So Connor isn’t your name like you lead me to believe, it’s Conquest. God, everything you told me was a lie! I feel like such an idiot!”
Conquest leans forward and hisses in pain at the movement. “No you aren’t, and not everything was a lie, Dana.”
“Not everything?” She is on the edge of hysterical. She runs her hands through her hair for what feels like the hundredth time. “From the very beginning you lied to me and you just expect me to let it go? What wasn’t a lie then?”
“I love you, Dana.” He pauses. “So much that it hurts to be away from you and-”
“Just stop please.”
He looks up from the floor and sees she is crying. The back of her hand pressed against her mouth as her shoulders shake slightly.
“I said stop.”
He feels hollow when she walks out of the room. Like someone scooped into his chest and pulled everything out of him with their hands as he sits there in the chair not able to move from his place. The echo of the front door opening and closing makes that hollow feeling he feels turn cold when he sits back in the seat and his hands are shaking.
Conquest doesn’t move as Lilith comes in and hugs him, his head against her stomach while her hands gently stroke through his hair. This is a new feeling he’s never experienced before. Not even the war left him like this and it scares him.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 169: Shut Up and Dance
Previously on BnHA: Aoyama creeped on Deku in the middle of the fucking night. A petrified Deku went to take a closer look only to find that Aoyama had left a weird “I KNOW~~” message spelled out on his balcony with fucking cheese. The next day in Cementoss’s class the kids resumed working on special moves. Deku got all brooding and thought about how he couldn’t beat Overhaul even with his absolute max of 20%. Then Aoyama got his attention and carved a possibly-suspicious-or-maybe-just-weird French message into a chunk of rock with his navel laser before collapsing in pain. Deku took Aoyama to rest for a bit and asked him what the cheese message meant. Aoyama said that Deku was like him -- someone who possessed a quirk that didn’t really suit his body. Aoyama himself is unable to control his navel laser without the aid of his support belt. He saw Deku as a kindred spirit and was trying to cheer him up since he knew he was starting to feel frustrated. And thus a new sparkly bond of friendship was born.
Today on BnHA: The kids randomly discuss how great Mina is at dancing and how great Jirou is at music stuff. Later that day, in a pure coincidence, Aizawa announces the upcoming cultural festival. Despite the recent string of villain attacks, the school has decided to go ahead with it as a way to hopefully help the stressed-out student body. 1-A gets to work determining what program their class will do, with people suggesting everything from petting zoos to cafes to “a banquet for students of darkness.” Momo and Iida narrow down everyone’s ridiculous suggestions, but they’re unable to settle on a final program, and Aizawa gives them one day to figure it out. That evening the kids gather in the fanfic dorms and Iida says they should come up with something that will help the other students de-stress. Todoroki of all people suggests that they host a dance party with live music. Jirou is a bit nervous about performing in front of everyone, but with her classmates’ support she agrees to do it. Let the Band AU arc begin.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 195 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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holy shit, I fucking love it. the colors! the (possibly unintentional) Wicked reference! MY LEADING LADY OCHAKO
and it looks like she’s wearing some of Mei’s gear. are we going to see any of these upgrades in her actual costume, or is this all just for the sake of a pretty cover? ah well, either way I love it
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lord I can’t even begin to imagine what a U.A. culture festival might be like. somehow I can’t quite picture them doing the typical cafe theme lol
oh my god you guys
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you guys. ever since she got a bunch of bullies to dance with her in the middle of Kirishima’s flashback I’ve been wanting more of this lol
Deku is analyzing her moves, and it’s only just now occurred to me that this might be part of a new technique of hers and not just her spontaneously breaking out into a dance battle in the middle of the locker room
(ETA: nope just dancing. Mina is the best you guys)
lol now Deku says he wants to try and Mina’s volunteering to show him!
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(ETA: this arc is a gift in so many ways)
oh hey Kaminari is casually hyping up Jirou’s hobby without any prompting!
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is he trying to embarrass her or does he genuinely think it’s cool? OR MAYBE BOTH. WHY NOT. I REALLY DO SHIP THE SHIT OUT OF THIS DAMN TRIO NOW, DON’T I
he’s saying that her bedroom looked like “a music store” that one time they all went to see it
and he looks genuinely impressed, so I think it’s not teasing at all and he does in fact really think it’s cool
he says she must be a music pro and he’s asking how often she practices
and she’s getting all blushy and threatening him with one of her earjacks lol
he seems confused d’aww
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(ETA: nice little bit with Kouda here which is followed up on later when he encourages her to perform and says it’s a skill well suited for a hero. I adore this sweet little friendship they have since taking that final exam together.)
she’s just shy, the way that some people are about the parts of themselves that are really personal. that means it’s really important to her and she’s maybe not fully ready to share it just yet
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the class is losing their minds
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take her to the festival. let her come visit. omg. I will die of joy if that happens
(ETA: I did, in fact, die of joy)
so now the class is trying to figure out what to do
Kirishima is asking if it’s really okay “for us to be so carefree” at this particular juncture
Kiri were you not listening to a word I just fucking said. YES. y’all need to fucking relax for once in your damn lives
Kaminari is SHOCKED and is all “Kirishima you’ve changed, huh?”
but Kiri says it’s a valid concern though with all the villains running amok right now
Aizawa says that’s a fair point, but U.A. doesn’t revolve solely around the department of heroics
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look at this Department of Management asshole acting like he’s going to get as big of a role in the series as Shinsou or Mei. haha you wish buddy
Aizawa says that this year’s festival will be made less public though, and will only occur within the school
well, good. honestly if y’all tried to pull more shit like the sports festival again at this juncture I would be raising some eyebrows, believe me
so they’re going to be deciding on their theme today! yaaaaay omgg
I’m going to take a wild guess here and predict that it will be something music related. since we had breakdancing Mina and music prodigy Jirou earlier. and also I’m really going to be needing that dancing Iida, you guys. I’m not kidding. we need to get on that stat
so finally Iida is taking charge, and tbh he was being remarkably restrained up till this point because I was expecting him to do this much earlier
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he’s telling everyone to raise their hands if they have a suggestion
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this class is full of passion
naturally the first suggestion is of course the classic
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maybe if this was EVERY ANIME EVER. but this is BnHA! we can do better guys, come on!!
and we’ll just ignore Mineta
Ochako is suggesting a mochi shop! oh! I’m remembering that new years illustration now and I would love that tbh. but I don’t think that’s what we’re gonna end up with
look at all of these other ideas though
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I love the idea of crepes and I’m already sad that they won’t end up going with that
Kouda’s idea is also amazing. and Kiri’s is super original
and Tokoyami’s I first read as “banquet of students” and I thought, that’s odd. I know he’s goth but I didn’t think he’d be out here suggesting cannibalism
but based on Kami’s stare, yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re gonna end up doing the music thing. CLASS 1-A DISCO. U.A. RAVE. AW YIHHH
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can you guys pick out which suggestion was Bakugou’s. it’s pretty easy tbh. study hall duhhhhhh
I actually love that the ideas we didn’t actually see can be so easily traced back to their originators. Deku’s hero quiz. Shouto’s soba house. Tsuyu’s “frog music chorus”, whatever that is. Ojiro’s martial arts performance. and so forth
Momo is now ruthlessly putting an end to the charade of diplomacy and erasing the ones that are “inappropriate or unrealistic” and “the ones that I don’t really understand” lmao
now the kids are getting back at the two reps by shooting down their own suggestions
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and she’s combining the food themes into one, over Satou and Shouto’s protests that soba and crepes would “clash”
now things are getting out of hand
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aaand the bell is ringing
Aizawa’s walking out and telling them all to make a decision by tomorrow morning
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oh damn
so now it’s nighttime in the fanfic dorms and 40-year-old Iida Tenya is in his relaxed business casual clothes watching youtube videos
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I guess the rest of the gang must be here even though we’re not seeing them yet, because there are speech bubbles talking
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I swear to god that boy really does go to bed at eight fucking pm every damn night. but why, though?? does he lie awake broodingly into the wee hours of the morning? does he go to bed early in order to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to work out? or does he just need the extra sleep because he’s a growing boy who runs at full steam shouting and blowing things up all day long and it’s just exhausting to be him? like, all three of these seem plausible to me lol
and then of course there’s the beloved fandom headcanon of him having PTSD and dealing with lots of nightmares too, and while we have really seen nothing in canon to hint at that, I’m obviously not going to dismiss any theory with that much Bakugou angst potential completely out of hand lol
but I think it’s probably the second and third one mostly tbh
as for the intern group, are they taking supplementary classes to make up for what they missed while they were out interning? that really is a lot of work, huh. no wonder the school decided to put an end to those for now
anyway, so Iida says that now that he’s had more time to think about it, he thinks they should come up with a theme that would assist the other departments in letting off some steam since they’re stressed out
that’s actually so thoughtful and pure
so Momo (at least I think it’s her?) is saying that in that case, they shouldn’t bother with a food theme since the U.A. kids are already accustomed to Lunch Rush’s food and it’s really hard to top that
so now they’ve narrowed it down to just a few options
they’re shooting down the petting zoo as “unsanitary”, wow. wow guys. so you don’t think that getting a bunch of cute baby animals for everyone to pet would help them to de-stress, huh. kay. I see how it is
oh my god
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of all the people to end up suggesting this idea, he’s honestly the last person I would have expected
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why is he the cutesttttt
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oh my god. I will take this thought bubble of Bakugou and Todo getting lit in the club and I will keep it in my heart forever
Sero is objecting that it’ll be stressful (for them), but Mina says she can teach them all how to dance
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yes look at him he has clearly mastered it
Mineta is now stepping in and saying that if they’re gonna turn class 1-A into New York’s Hottest Club then they’re gonna need some sick beats
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lol she’s going red again and is all “uh, what?”
Hagakure’s jumping in with the encouragement!
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but she’s getting all shy again and says it’s just a hobby
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and now Kaminari’s having a flash of insight!
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god I ship it. he’s just so genuinely nice and encouraging. class A’s dumbest, sweetest boy
and now Kouda is also running over and says that it’s a skill that can put a smile on people’s faces and for that reason he does think it’s heroic
god this chapter is MomoJirouKami heaven and I’m on cloud fucking nine
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not if you don’t want to, I guess? though ngl that would be amazing
so with that, class A’s program is decided!
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um. is this supposed to be important to the plot? who tf is this
(ETA: lol it both is and it isn’t. it’s relevant to the arc, but this arc is probably the least plot relevant in the series. though that doesn’t mean it’s not a complete and utter delight)
I have no idea which bonus page goes with this chapter lol. so I’m just gonna skip it for now
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snaurus · 6 years
PROMPTS: gladnoctweek - kitty!noct (nyactis)
Pairings: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Ratings: K+ Categories: Humor Warnings: Violence
Gladiolus isn’t feline well after the team’s latest scuffle with a Naga transforms Noctis into something nobody expects.
*Tap dances my way to doing this prompt all wrong for Day Five of @gladnoctweek* I also ended up doing the secondary prompt, but that response is queued for later today to keep from flooding the tags. 
Just some quick inspiration for this story: I think it’s kind of a popular opinion in fandom now, but credit to @demishock for sharing their headcanon with me about all of Gladio’s sneezing in-game being due to the big, beefy outdoorsman having (at least seasonal) allergies! They shared the observation with me first and I’ve since accepted it as truth, so I wanted to explore it here. 
My greatest heartfelt thanks also goes out to @glyphenthusiast for sharing all the laughter and comments on this story while editing it to the purrfection ya’ll see here today. <3
In her death throes the air was clouded by the Naga’s vestiges of magic. To Gladiolus' right, Prompto coughed and swatted the space in front of his nose. He only managed to spread the noxious-purple smoke around rather than disperse it.
Grabbing him by the arm, Gladiolus used the crook of his other limb to cover his mouth as he dragged Prompto to the edge of the Naga's circle of influence. Gladiolus didn't release him until they were safe from being cursed. Past his own hacking fit, Gladiolus managed to ask, "You okay?"
"Hnnng," Prompto said in response, bending at the waist. He sounded ready to hack up a lung or the contents of his stomach. Gladiolus patted him on the back. When Prompto didn't immediately drop dead he sought out their other companions.
"Roll call!" Gladiolus rasped.
Somewhere north of them, Ignis reported in. As the smoke finally cleared, Gladiolus saw him stumbling around, seemingly half-drunk. The lack of a certain prince's response had Gladiolus on alert. Ignoring his sore throat, he yelled, "Noct?"
Everyone sorted themselves out when they picked up on Noctis' absence, too. Shaking his head to re-orientate himself, Ignis turned in every direction; he checked high and low for any sign of their friend. Prompto cupped both hands around his mouth and called, "Croak if you can hear us, buddy!"
There came a reply, although it didn't originate from a human or an amphibian. A soft mewling echoed their frantic shouts. Gladiolus tore through the area as he tracked the origin of the noise, uncertain exactly where it was coming from. The Naga's body had yet to completely dissolve after its demise, so Gladiolus hefted her tail to permit Ignis and Prompto to search underneath.
"Gentle, gentle!" Ignis chided as Prompto coaxed a small, black bundle free of the wreckage. Gladiolus assumed it was a wad of gunk that had secreted from the daemon's remains, but no, when he dropped the Naga's body he saw how it took shape, even after Prompto wiped down the mound with the corner of his vest.
"Oh. Em. Gee!" Prompto swooned, cradling what turned out to be a fluffy and blue-eyed cat. "You've got to be kitten me, Noct! It is you, right?"
The cat yawned, evidence enough of who it was. During Prompto's cooing and awing, Ignis seemed perplexed while Gladiolus became apprehensive. The advisor leaned in, adjusting his glasses by the earpiece as he examined their miniaturized friend. "How curious. I'd noticed the variation in this particular foe, but who would have surmised that its repertoire would also be unique?"
"Right? But I'd rather a cat than a frog any day," Prompto said. Redirecting his attention to Gladiolus, who'd remained distanced from the group, he held Noctis toward the other man’s face. "What do you think, Gladio?"
Gladiolus balked at the sudden closeness. He opened his mouth to say something to the effect that he'd rather have Noctis sans sticky tongues, long tails, or any variations thereof. Except all that came out was a tremendous sneeze. At the onslaught Prompto clamped his eyes shut and stepped back, whereas Noctis had been in the direct line of the assault. Ears pressed flat against his skull, Noctis hissed and swatted a paw. He hit Gladiolus across the tip of his nose.
"Hey now!" Gladiolus said, clutching his face. His voice was muffled, although it became clear that it had nothing to do with the gesture, but how stuffed up his sinuses had become. "It's not my fault I'm allergic to His Royal Furriness!"
"Oh," Prompto said in acknowledgement. Then he did it again in realization. "Oh. Sorry, dude. I should have figured, what with your allergies and all…"
Prompto drew the cat back against his chest. Noctis must have felt constricted at the increased contact since he squirmed and yowled in protest, not so dissimilar to a motorcycle engine. To appease him, Prompto stroked under his chin. It wasn't clear if Noctis enjoyed the treatment; he might have been undecided himself because while he stopped his attempt at escape, Noctis kept making the noise deep in his throat.
Not that it was just Noctis' growls permuting the area. Gladiolus picked up on the disturbance, then Ignis. They inspected their surroundings, although it quickly became unnecessary. The daemons materialized smack dab in the middle of their group. One glowing, floating Bomb appeared, and another, and finally two more burst into existence at once.
Before Gladiolus could decide to summon his sword or his shield, an armful of pissed off fuzz and sharp fangs was shoved at him. He fumbled a moment, gathering Noctis by the scruff of his neck and holding him at arm's length. "Prompto, what— What am I supposed to do with him?"
"Come on, just for a sec? I need both hands free," he said, recalling his firearm and demonstrating his point by clutching the large gun. One hand was on the trigger and the other steadied the weapon. Gladiolus regarded Ignis for assistance, but the advisor was already fighting off some monsters with a dagger in each hand.
Cursing, Gladiolus transferred Noctis to his shoulder with gritted instructions to, “Hang on tight – no, not that tight, watch your claws!”
He settled on his shield, it flashing into place on his left arm. Gladiolus kept the other hand cupped over Noctis to keep him secured as he skirted the fight. It felt off not rushing in and designating himself as a threat, but Gladiolus refused to risk losing Noctis in the scuffle a second time. The potential for singed whiskers would be the least of their worries if that happened.
Fortunately, the others managed to distract the daemons well enough on their own. Once Prompto agitated a Bomb with an entire clip of ammo, Ignis unleashed an ice spell. What monsters he'd been chipping away at were disposed of in the same blizzard he generated to finish off Prompto's target. The last Bomb, sensing its impending demise, charged for the nearest victim to destroy with its deadly explosion.
Gladiolus was wide open. He tensed in anticipation. Instead of bracing to stop the monster, he side-stepped at the last possible moment. The daemon whizzed past him. Swinging around in the direction he'd turned, Gladiolus used his shield like a paddle to pummel the Bomb back the way it'd originated. It impaled itself on Ignis' spear, as he'd switched out his blades for distance, and ended the confrontation.
While Prompto cheered in victory, Gladiolus was busy trying to get Noctis to release his hold on him. The prince had slipped past his collar where Gladiolus couldn't reach him anymore; Noctis clung to the inside of his clothes. The back of Gladiolus' neck already itched something terrible and flushed with irritation.
Finally taking notice of Gladiolus' discomfort, Prompto asked, "Um, you all right there? Do you need some help—"
"Yes," he snapped, scrabbling at his back. "Get him off of me!"
"Okay, okay!" Prompto said, and approached him. He ducked as Gladiolus' flailing almost earned him an elbow to the eye. "Whoa, hold on!"
It took several attempts, but Prompto circled Gladiolus to nab him by the jacket. He shucked it up to reveal Noctis clinging to the underside of his shirt. For his trouble, Prompto earned a slash from Noctis’ claws when he went to retrieve him. He retracted his hand in time to keep from losing his fingers.
"Me-ouch! Noct, what's gotten into you?" Prompto asked.
"Leave him!" Ignis said, looking worriedly behind them. The sounds of more daemons spawning alerted them that another bout was imminent. "We have to find our camp or we'll never be rid of these fiends. Now hurry!"
"You're joking," Gladiolus seethed through his teeth (and maybe his watering eyes).
Ignis’ point became clear as an unnaturally large fist erupted out of the ground, signalling the arrival of an Iron Giant. Prompto tugged Gladiolus' shirt and jacket back down to secure Noctis in place. He pushed Gladiolus in the small of his back to urge him in the last direction they'd seen campfire smoke. "Come on, you heard him! Hup-two, hup-two, double time!"
They ran, Gladiolus resigned enough not to be told twice. The sooner they returned to camp, the sooner he could breathe easier. Literally.
Their group had been close to camp when they left the car at an abandoned parking lot. The desire for fresh red meat at dinner time had delayed them until nightfall. Their hunting had quickly turned them into the hunted as a Naga took advantage of them being outside the wards of their campsite.
Gladiolus covered that remaining distance in minutes.
He was the first one to see their refuge atop a small hill nestled by pine trees. As soon as he breached the glowing sigils, Gladiolus stripped. He ripped his jacket off completely and let it drop to his feet. His shirt came off next. Noctis still clung to the fabric, so Gladiolus wrapped him up in it like a burrito. The little shit had the audacity to purr at him for the gesture.
The other two of their group had lagged behind him during his mad dash to safety, but they caught up to him now. Prompto stumbled the last couple of steps, but whatever complaint he was going to voice morphed into laughter. Pointing, he said, "Oh man, look at your back!"
"What?" Gladiolus twisted around, trying to get a good look, but could only spot the etchings of his tattoo. "What is it? Better not be hives."
"No way, more like Noct used you as a scratching post. I can't believe this! The King's Shield, felled by a ten pound menace." Prompto gave him a hearty slap on the back, igniting the skin as he touched some of the aforementioned scratches. Gladiolus grunted, more out of annoyance than pain, as he barely registered the scrapes even after Prompto brought attention to the marks.
Ignis chuckled. "Noct certainly put you in your place, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up you two." Sobering somewhat, Gladiolus offered Noctis to Ignis as he asked, "How long do you, uh, think he is going to be like this?"
"He should have reverted back by now," Ignis said, accepting the bundle. He examined Noctis, but no answers were forthcoming. "If Noct remains this way until morning, perhaps we should reach out to Dave. He or one of his hunters may have experienced something of this nature and can offer us insight."
"Right," Prompto agreed for all of them, then tiredly, "Bedtime? Not much else we can do."
Considering they'd been forced to abandon their food for the evening and their stores were depleted, dinner remained out of the question. There was a collective sigh as everyone came to the same conclusion. Sleeping was about all they could do.
"I'll keep watch tonight. No use for me being cooped up with the fur ball," Gladiolus volunteered, somewhat reluctantly. He didn’t mind the outdoors, but if given the choice he’d rather be within reach if Noctis needed him. In this form Noctis was next to defenseless. The prince wouldn’t be alone, however, so Gladiolus would have to settle for one evening.
He took a seat at the campfire while the others bid him goodnight and entered the tent. Hopefully the fresh air and some distance would alleviate his allergy symptoms. Gladiolus tilted his head back and massaged his temples, trying to ease the pressure.
It might have worked, too, if a couple hours later there wasn't something circling his legs. Gladiolus startled out of his doze and looked down to behold Noctis brushing against his ankles. Glancing in the direction of the tent, there didn't appear to be any activity coming from inside. Noctis must have snuck out from under Prompto's and Ignis' care without their noticing.
"Just gotta be contrary, don't you?" Gladiolus rumbled, still a little sleep addled. It'd figure that the one time Noctis was allowed a catnap, he wouldn't, just so he could annoy the one person most susceptible to him. He waggled his foot when Noctis sniffed and pawed at his bootlaces. The playing was a precursor to Noctis latching onto his leg and climbing into his lap like he owned the spot.
Despite his condition, Gladiolus gave Noctis a couple scritches along his back because damned if he wasn't a little cute like this. For Gladiolus' sacrifice, he earned a gentle headbutt to his chin. Noctis then used Gladiolus’ chest and shoulder like a springboard to continue upwards. Noctis attached himself to a tree at Gladiolus' back, clambering up to a branch that overhung their campsite.
"Don't think I'm coming up to get you if you get stuck," Gladiolus warned. He didn't know why he felt compelled to talk to Noctis in this form, but around his sniffling he did, anyway. It was unclear if the prince understood speech or that he was actually a person under all that black fur. The one time Gladiolus had been transformed by a Naga he didn't remember his time as a frog, but considering the alteration in forms maybe this was different, too.
Noctis peered down at him and gave a long, blank stare that ended in a slow blink. It struck Gladiolus as the same attention Noctis would have bestowed upon him regardless of being a feline or not. He wasn’t a talkative cat, either – same as his old human self. Maybe the prince did understand him like this.
"Heh. Suit yourself," Gladiolus said, managing to relax with Noctis in his sights, and let him be until the following day.
At the first signs of daylight, a surprised cry arose from inside the tent. There was a lot of shuffling, the material on the sides protruding as someone moved around. Ignis burst out the front, looking frenzied and unkempt as he looked around. Spotting Gladiolus standing nearby, holding a steaming cup of coffee, Ignis zeroed in on him.
"Gladio! I can't find Noct. Did you see him come this way?"
Wordlessly, Gladiolus motioned with his mug toward the spot Noctis had climbed earlier. Following his silent instruction, Ignis glanced up and found Noctis splayed across the tree branch. His face was squished into the bark and each limb splayed on either side, leaving the length of his body parallel to the wood.
Noctis was also distinctly human while lazing up there.
"How did he…how is he…? Hm." Ignis settled on covering the bottom portion of his face with a hand, pondering the sight.
"He changed back halfway through the night," Gladiolus explained, taking a sip from his coffee.
Somewhat delayed, Prompto exited the tent, having been woken up by Ignis' antics. His hair was in disarray and so were his clothes, but he stopped trying to correct his appearance as he spotted Gladiolus and Ignis staring at something. Flitting his gaze upwards, he watched Noctis for a drawn out beat. Prompto didn't even say anything as he tucked his hand into his pocket and gradually started to pull out his camera.
Ignis pushed the device away and said, "Don't you dare! We should be figuring out how to get him down from there, not taking pictures."
"Aw, come on…" Prompto whined, acting pained at being denied 'the shot of a lifetime'. Or so he claimed.
"Pft. I got this," Gladiolus said, handing Ignis his coffee to hold. Bewildered, Ignis couldn't do more than accept the drink and watch as Gladiolus did a couple stretches. He brought his right arm across his chest, holding it in place, and did the same to the opposite arm.
Then Gladiolus high-kicked the tree.
Noctis listed to one side before tumbling off the tree branch and into Gladiolus' waiting arms. That wasn't enough to wake the prince, so Gladiolus gave him a light squeeze. Grumbling, Noctis peeked open an eye. The other opened up as both eyes went wide as he realized where, exactly, he was. "Huh…?"
"Good meow-ning, Noct," Prompto greeted.
"How are you faring?" Ignis asked straight-faced, for all appearances sincere until he added, "Perhaps you’re feeling a bit catty? Any lingering hissy fits?"
Bewildered, Noctis looked between the three of them, settling on Gladiolus as he mouthed 'what the fuck?' But oh, Gladiolus had his own form of payback planned. He’d had all night to contemplate the puns he was going to unleash on him, after all.
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mirandashadowborn · 6 years
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Jamie Applesky was coming back from a longer-than-usual shift at the Mistfall ranger station. Alonso was still having him brush up on his orienteering, and Jamie would have been offended by the assumption that he still needed to be trained in orienteering, being a former Eagle Scout and all, had it not been for the sheer beauty of the Mistfall woods. Each day he found some new species of plant or heard the cry of an unseen animal that wasn’t covered in his boy scout guidebooks, and was filled with awe and wonder. It was all so different from the Northern Michigan woods that he grew up exploring, and the Redwood forest, where he had camped most recently. There were times where he thought to himself that Mistfalll was even more unworldy than New Zealand, where they had filmed alien planets and fantasy worlds. He often felt like a knight in a medieval forest or Captain Kirk on an uncharted plant, he would tell Miranda, his girlfriend. 
She would tell him his time on the Island had made him pretty fanciful. And to watch out for green-skinned women. 
It was late afternoon as he reached Old Man Jaspers gate, and he decided to stop and see if the Rangers running the Midsummer fest needed any assistance. The festival was crowded, as it had been since they opened on the day of the Solstice, and he waded through the crowd of mostly happy faces as he searched for his buddy, Stanislav. Girls were running around making flower crowns, giggling about their “visions” in the tent, and bickering over turns at the fishing booth. 
He was thinking about running down to Moorland to change and grab dinner with Miranda and her daughter, when he heard the familiar cackle. He turned and saw Ms. Drake sauntering through the crowd, leaving mostly unhappy faces in her wake. At that point, he thought about running down to Moorland and staying there, but instead watched his “boss” for a moment or two. She passed Loretta, who was chatting with another girl he didn’t recognize- and though he didn’t catch her words, he saw their faces fall, and Lorettas shoulders droop. It wasn’t easy to crush Loretta, Moorlands resident “mean girl”, but somehow the viper had managed. 
As she passed the banquet tables, Jamie saw Dylan heading for the last piece of berry cake. He knew that Dylan always made sure everyone had eaten before he got a piece. The moment he reached for it, however, Ms Drake leaned over, pretending not to notice him, and swiped at the frosting with her finger, dragging it through the entire piece, leaving it sad and mangled. Dylan frowned and called out “That’s not vegan you know!” 
Ms. Drake half shrugged and walked over to Stan’s post, licking cake off her fingers. She was overheard telling Stan, in the most simpering voice imaginable, that he “looked oh so precious” in his flower crown. Just like “one of these stable girls”. Stanislav had pulled the flower crown on more firmly, but then as she turned and walked towards the stage, he removed it and tossed it on the ground near the pole. 
At this Jamie wanted to step in, but knew that it would hurt Hermans efforts if he lost his “internship” with her. He thought he had for sure when they had ruined her water bottling scheme, but a few weeks later Ms Drake sent a text saying she admired his ‘chutzpah’ in his plotting against her, and was willing to give him a ‘paid’ position (albeit with salary withheld until the legal fees they incurred from the water fiasco were covered). So basically- another unpaid internship, only taxed this time. 
Jamie had never responded. Though he would check in on the GED’s drilling stations when he was there, for Herman. 
Now he watched as she walked up to the stage, whipped the crown of daisies off.. what was the kids name? Madison? head and put it on her own. He knew her from South Hoof, the little girl with the big imagination. Now she was stamping her feet and had burst into tears, but Ms Drake just laughed and flounced away. Jamie had had enough. He’d never hit a woman, but would seriously consider toppling one into a pile of fresh manure. He turned Bullet over to the stage and they trotted angrily up to where she was tapping her toe along to the music, off to one side. He had thought of a better way to handle this.  
“Ms Drake?” Jamie addressed his former boss. 
“Well well well. If it isn’t the worst intern I’ve ever had. I see you’re slacking off for the Rangers now”. She squinted at his “volunteer” badge. “Looks like they don’t want to hire you either.” 
“Eh. I get to work with wolves and honey badgers. Less stress than GED, that’s for sure. Anyway I’m surprised to see you here.” 
“Why? I love the Midsummer festival.” She turned back to the stage and cringed at the girls who were just starting to play a rendition of the Little Frog song. They weren’t playing badly, she just wanted them to think so. 
“Oh, I was just wondering who’s minding the goons... uh, the troops back in Jarl.” he said as nonchalantly as he could, as he dismounted. 
She turned back to Jamie with interest. “Why...?”
“Well, when I was at the ferry dock yesterday, I saw the guys at Gamma throwing a little... mock midsummer fest. It looked like they were pretty into it, couldn’t help but wonder how much work was actually getting done what with all the drinking and building the bonfire. So, I went to check on them, and they mentioned something about ‘burning the witch’ today.. only the dummy they were making looked a little... actually a lot like you. Suit, red lipstick. Really bad blonde wig. Really bad.” 
Ms Drake was furious. She reached up to touch her bun and found Madisons flower crown, which she ripped from her head and tossed at Jamie. “Here. I need to get back now.” 
“Wait!” He shouted to the retreating figure. She turned and glared at him. He walked over, and in hushed tones, explained that with him, her employees always scattered and went back to work when they saw Jamie coming, so if she wanted to watch unnoticed, to sit at the cafe by the dock. There was a perfect view from there. 
“Thanks for the tip, Applesky. I’ll reconsider your employment with GED.” She smirked. “Maybe.” She hissed to herself as she stalked off in the direction of the Fort Pinta dock.  
Jamie laughed. He couldn’t help himself. The cat at the Jarleheim dock had a huge litter of kittens a couple of months ago, and now that they were up and running, they’d basically taken over the cafe. Ms Drake, who hated kittens, was in for a very very unpleasant surprise. 
He was still chuckling as he walked over and asked Madison if she wanted to help him at the flower crown station. They repaired hers, and then she helped him craft a couple more. She braided some dandelions with deft fingers, and then told him to kneel down so she could crown him “Sir Jamie of the Appleskys”. He then returned the favor, pretending to knight her with a long thistle. “Lady Madison of the Stone Circle, knight of the Jorvik round table”, he christened her, tapping her gently on the head and shoulders with the twig. 
‘Wait, we have one more knight to crown!” They walked over to Stan, who was leaning against the May pole, looking down. His flower crown was trampled on the floor, having been danced upon by a least a dozen girls. 
Madison approached and presented him with a flower wreath of deep purple lupine. “Sir Stanislav the Brave, we have come to restore your crown!” She lowered her voice in a stage whisper. “Which Sir Jamie tells me was cursed by a wicked witch to be poisoned to anyone who wears it.” She stood straight and gestured for him to bow down. “This crown will render the wearer impervious to poisons! And witches! Wear it proudly Sir Stan of the Ranger clan!” Madison intoned, placing the crown on his dark locks. Stan smiled and accepted the gift. 
“Ok later dudes!” Madison giggled, running off back to the stage. There were new musicians starting up and she was here to dance, after all. 
“Everything good here?” Jamie asked, adjusting his own crown and climbing back onto Bullet. The dappled horse was ready for food and a nap, and Jamie was right there with him. 
“All is well in the kingdom, sir.” Stanislav laughed. He took a look around, at Dylan replenishing the food, Ashley feeding the bonfire, and girls squealing over what they pulled from the fishing game. “We got this. You can take it easy tonight.” They shook hands, and fist bumped. 
“Then I’m off to see my queen.” Jamie nodded with a half bow, turning Bullet away from the music and the smoke and the crowds. But he’d be back tomorrow. 
“Fare thee well good sir!” Stan called. 
“Later dude!” Jamie laughed, riding off towards home. 
(basically I just wanted a picture of Jamie and Stan in flower crowns and my hand slipped and it turned into a whole thing oops)
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lizartgurl · 6 years
“Be Brave” (Aqualight Coffee Diem AU)
So forgive me, because I actually hate coffee, but the concept of coffee shops is really cute to me, especially when you bring @super-spoiler‘s Coffee Diem AU into the mix, so this is cute scenario+cute ship+Owl City’s new song=More cute! So enjoy!
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Kaldur decided to blame the heat on his cheeks as his body’s natural defense against the falling snow, and definitely not at the cute girl in front of him.
Being bi was a disaster. He was attracted to basically everyone he saw. There was no escape. Roy and Conner were taking their lucky exchange student buddy sledding for the first time (they didn’t get snow in Kaldur’s Mediterranean home). 
He was confident that he’d seen the girl with a long black braid and a gold nose piercing before, but he couldn’t place where. She was currently laughing in a manner most uncouth as she struggled to help a gaggle of blonde girls about her age drag their huge sled up the hill, but all of them kept tripping through the deep snow. 
They were halfway up the hill when Kaldur and his friends caught up to them with their own sleds.
“Hey Kara,” Conner grinned at the tallest blonde, who stuck out her tongue at him.
“Piss off, Kon,” She said. The girls burst into laughter again.
“Can I help you with your sled?” Kaldur was asking before he could think.
Another blonde, who appeared to have dyed her afro, and who wasn’t Kara, placed her hand over her heart dramatically, “What a gentleman!” The girls backed up to let Kaldur dump the snow off of their sled and hang it over his shoulder to bring it up to the top of the hill.
“Who’s the gentleman, cuz?” Kara asked Conner, holding the hand of the third and final blonde. Kaldur tried not to notice that the girl he had noticed earlier was smiling at him gratefully.
“Ladies, this is Kaldur. He’s an exchange student from Greece.” Conner patted him on the shoulder with a wink as they followed Roy.
“I love Greece!” Kara’s hand-holding buddy squealed appreciatively, “I go there every summer with my mom for work!”
Afro-blonde shoved her hand at Kaldur, “I’m Stephanie, I’m a disaster bi and I’m from Gotham.” Kaldur tucked both sleds under his arm to be polite.
“Kiran, you’re an exchange student, right?” Kara asked the dark-haired girl.
“Yeah, I’m from India,” Kiran smiled. Kaldur almost tripped. Her smile was almost as bright as the sun, dancing off the pure white snow in a dazzling display of light. Kon elbowed him. He knew.
“Is this your first snow?” Kon nodded in Kiran’s direction.
“Yup!” Kiran caught a snowflake on her tongue, adding a little skip to her step, her thick green winter shawl spreading like a pair of angel wings as she bounced along. 
He was going to have a heart attack.
“Hey! It’s Kal’s first snow, too!” Kon patted Kaldur on the back with a little too much enthusiasum, and he fell over.
By then, thankfully, they had reached the top of the hill. Kiran helped Kaldur to his feet and helped him brush the snow off his shoulders. “So, what do you think of the snow?”
Kaldur looked around, blinking up at the sky, praying to the gods above for an answer.
“Cold,” He settled on at last. Like an idiot.
“Hey!” Stephanie held up the girl’s giant sled, “Let’s see how many people we can fit on here!”
“We could barely fit ourselves on there,” Kara’s girlfriend, Cassie, pointed out with barely-contained laughter.
“We can squeeze real close,” Kara suggested with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Come on, Kon! Grab Bart and Roy! We’ll dogpile on the thing!”
Roy immediately said no, and slid down on his own before further argument could be made, but Kon’s other friends were all in.
“You wanna join in?” Kiran asked Kaldur. Stephanie had already claimed seat at the front of the sled.
Unable to form a coherent sentence, all Kaldur could do was not. Still smiling, Kiran took pity on him, or maybe she wanted to see him spontaneously combust, and gently took his hand and sat the two of them on the sled with Cassie and Kara. 
Rose, one of Kon’s co-workers, agreed to push them down once they were all on.
“Remember!” Cassie barked, “We lean together!”
“Go!” Rose shrieked with glee and gave the sled as big a shove as her tiny muscles could, which was much more than Kaldur expected. They shot down the hill with a collective scream, shooting past every other sled on the slope.
Kiran was seated right behind Kaldur, and as he held onto the sides of the sled for balance, she held on to his torso, like they were riding a motocycle. Kaldur didn’t have a motorcycle, but he had a moped back home in Santorini.
The joyride ended all too early, as Stephanie screamed at all of them to lean to avoid a tree. Everyone leaned in a different direction, and the momentum sent them tumbling into the snow.
“Bart! That was all your fault!” Cassie shouted as they lay red-faced in the snow.
“How was it my fault?” Bart pouted, throwing a clump of snow at Cassie. It hit Kara instead, who threw a snowball at Kon. Then it was just a free-for-all.
Kaldur’s gloves had fallen off, so he packed the snow with his bare hands, tossing one at Connor, then at Stephanie. Kiran surprised him with a snowball exploding on his back. She laughed, and it sounded like the tinkling bells that played at Christmastime.
He was in love. 
“Oh crap,” Kara checked her phone, “Steph! We have a shift in like five minutes.”
“Aw, already?” Steph pouted.
“Come on, maybe you’ll see business girl today,” Cassie teased, making Stephanie’s cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink. 
“Or Wayne boy,” Kara grinned.
Stephanie was already running through the snow, “I’m going, I’m going!”She shouted, sprinting for the coffee shop across the street.
“Any of you guys wanna come in for some hot chocolate or something? I work in the back, and Steph’s only allowed to man the register, but Court and Harper are pretty much barista wizards.”
“Do we get a discount for being your friends?” Kiran asked, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
Kara laughed. “No.”
“Trust me, if I could get a discount for being her girlfriend, I would,” Cassie whispered in an exaggerated manner. Kiran and Kaldur laughed.
“Where’s my discount for being the best cousin ever?” Conner demanded, running to catch up.
“Reserved for Clark,” Kara smirked, holding the door open for everyone.
The bell rang to announce customers in the mostly-empty cafe. The only occupied table was a girl with a soft smile and short black hair,
“There you are!” A girl in a green apron and purple and blue hair waved at Kara from behind the counter.
“Steph came in early for once, and I was wondering where you were.”
“Hush, Harper, I brought us customers, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Harper chuckled, “Klarion and Amy did something funky with the frother, so I’m going to make that my main project for today.”
“Ugh, Klarion,” Kara rolled her eyes. “Steph will be out in a sec to take your orders,” She promised. She ducked behind the counter with Harper and disappeared into the kitchen.
Kiran sat down at the booth with the only other customer in the store. “Origami?”  She asked, noting all the folded scraps of paper.
“Yeah,” The girl waved her arms, “Harper’s brother found a book and taught her, so she taught me.”
“We wrote little fortunes on the inside of all of them!” Harper grinned at the girl in the booth.
“Take one,” She handed a crane to Kiran, who shook her hand.
“I’m Kiran.”
They were all made with neon-colored sticky notes. Cassie took a little folded-up bright green frog that you could hop across the table, Conner took a tiny pink paper airplane that didn’t fly very well, and when Kaldur stood around shyly, Kiran pressed another crane into his hand. While hers was bright yellow, his was a beautiful blue.
Kaldur carefully unfolded his crane. He wanted to see this curious fortune that Harper and Cass had come up with, but he also wanted to preserve the complex folds in the shape of a bird.
He found it, under the wing. Two words in black ink, written in cursive.
“Be Brave”
“Okay!” Stephanie burst out from the kitchen in a hat and apron that matched Harper’s and stepped up to the till.
“You know what you want yet?” Kiran asked Kaldur.
He shrugged. Right now, he was trying to contemplate the complexity and simplicity of his fortune. 
“I think I will just get a black coffee. That is what I usually get.”
Kiran’s nose scrunched up. “You can’t just get the same thing every time! There’s like fifty items on the menu! Don’t you want to improvise?”
Kaldur glanced at the menu hanging over Stephanie and Harper’s heads as the fourth barista, “Court”, burst in.
“Peppermint latte?” He asked Kiran for approval.
She nodded, satisfied, “It’s seasonal, you have to appreciate it while it lasts.”
“Be Brave”
The writing on his fortune flashed in his mind again. 
“Can I buy you a coffee?”He asked.
Kiran blinked, as if his request had blown her away.
“Two peppermint lattes coming up!” Stephanie declared.
“Court, get your butt out here we got work to do!” Harper barked.
Kiran laughed again, as Court stumbled out to help Harper with the drinks. 
Neptune’s Beard, she was beautiful.
“Don’t worry, I was going to say yes anyway,” She promised, taking his hand.
They walked up to the til, where Stephanie smiled smugly at the two of them, to pay for the drinks. Kaldur slipped his crane into his pocket. He may need it later.
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mangled-dreams · 7 years
Christmas Surprise
Christmas Surprise is the original story I’d started for @villain-friend, but decided I didn’t really enjoy it. But it’s a finished project and I feel like a crappy individual for making everyone involved wait, so I’m posting it anyways. Hopefully you all, especially you Villain-Friend, enjoy at least one of these stories. This is one features Anti and is from Winter prompt list numbers 129. “We’re not going to spend the holidays alone and sad. i won’t allow that!” and 135.  “I know that people usually kiss under mistletoe but.. I had other things planned.”
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Outside the window snow drifts lazily from the soft grey sky. It's not sticking to the ground or any surface. You'd been hoping for a white Christmas, but it's not looking like that's in the cards. It's not just the lack of white powder on the ground that's dampened your holiday spirit.
Your mother and father had decided to take a spontaneous vacation to Hawaii, and your older siblings live too far away and can't be together for Christmas. Other than a few friends—that have their own Christmas traditions,  and an aunt you don't particularly enjoy seeing, you don't have much in ways of people to spend Christmas day with.
Even Anti had said he'd be busy. That was kind of the last straw. Despite his rough and more than manic exterior, Anti is a very trustworthy and loyal friend. Sure, you have a crush on him, but you don't let that interfere with your friendship.
Another loud sigh leaves your lips. You watch your neighbor three houses down walk her Basset Hound, Buddy. You smile slightly, liking the little dog's ears flopping as it trots to keep up with it's owner. You miss having your own little friend to keep you company.
Pouring your heated water into the 16 oz cup with peppermint hot coca mix in it, you stare out the fogged up window to the darkening sky. This is your third cup of spiked hot cocoa. You put a moderate amount of peppermint flavored vodka into your mixture to give it a little bit of a kick—not enough to get your drunk.
Turning you look at the decorations your mother had helped you put up, the small nativity scene you'd received from your dearly departed grandfather on your dad's side, and the tree your father helped you pick out and chop down. Presents litter beneath it.
Presents that wouldn't be opened because the majority of them are meant for your family and friends that wouldn't be stopping by. Originally you'd planned a large Christmas party to exchange gifts and have a merry time with the people you love most, but... as the month progressed people started retracting their invitations, your parents went on an unplanned trip, and others couldn't get the time off or family obligations took precedence over your get together.
You'd ended up canceling the whole thing, simply letting people know that they could stop by to pick up their presents from you whenever they can. You'd been looking forward to seeing your friends, seeing your family, seeing everyone really having a good time. Enjoying time together, sharing in the laughter and good times, but that's a dream by this point.
Tasting your coca mix you decide it needs a little more vodka and pour a little more into your cup, less than half a shot glass and stir it. Tasting it once more you nod at the flavor and take it to your couch, turning off lights as you move, you sit down on your couch, pulling a small black end table you use as a coffee table to the couch, and watch the Christmas lights twinkle and blink in the darkness.
You fall asleep with a half full coffee cup and the Christmas lights casting colorful shadows across your skin.
Looking down at your sleeping face Anti looks around the cozy apartment. For what it's worth, you have a good eye for style and placement. He always feels at home here. He enjoys your company.
With a sigh he runs a hand through his hair and snaps his fingers. Within a split second a thick, plush blanket with green little trees decorated in glittering ornaments and shimmering stars appears in his arm.
Anti walks closer to you and lays the blanket over your sleeping form. You look peaceful but sad. He doesn't particularly enjoy this combination on your face. It annoys him when you are sad. He rarely knows how he should help you or if he should even attempt to help you.
Anti debates with himself for a moment before resting his hand against your forehead, sipping his hand under your bangs to feel your skin. He knows this is invading your very precious privacy, but he wants to know how to help you. Without much more flourish he slips in you your mind, seeing everything he missed in his absence.
He sees what is causing you so much unhappiness. Loneliness.
The next afternoon you decided to go out for lunch. You'd been cooped up in your house for the past two days and decide you need human contact. Party of you wonders if Anti had stopped by last night but can't confirm it. Anti usually leaves something on the coffee table to signal he'd stopped by. Something specifically him.
You look at the folded blanket as you pass by the couch to put your shoes on you pause; you don't remember getting yourself a blanket. With yet another sigh you grab your jacket and leave your apartment, closing the door and locking it. You don't know where you're going to go for lunch just yet, deciding to just walk around and see what makes you hungry.
Walking down the street nearly four hours and a stop at a taco truck later you arrive back home. Your windows are dark aside from the Christmas lights twinkling on a timer. You take the stairs to your door and unlock it. Quickly you twist the knob and use your foot to push it open.
Your arms are currently holding your recent purchases from a few handmade shops. You'd found a wonderful knife set with hand carved wooden handles that remind you of Anti. You'd also found some cute little crystal frog sculptures for your friend Trinity among other things you don't care to list.
You slip your shoes off your feet, kicking them into the small cube behind your door and kick the door close. Moving into the living room you set your items down before going back to ensure the door is closed, lock it, and remove your jacket and scarf. Beside your coat rack is a multi-photo frame filled with photos of your youth and more recent memories. You smile at the photos and head back into the living room. Whenever Anti stops by you plan on giving him the wonderful knife set.
Anti does have an odd obsession with the common household blades. Gently you take your items from their bags and separate them by who they are for. You pause in your organization to gather up your wrapping paper, tape, and scissors before continuing.
Checking your phone for new messages you sit down on the edge of your bed. You reach down and pick up your phone charger from the floor as you respond to a message from Gale. Wishing a merry Christmas you say good night and plug your phone in. You turn on your white noise making app and lay down, staring up at the ceiling as the lights from your tree dance across the white paint. It soothes you, almost lulling you into forgetting the crushing loneliness you feel during what's supposed to be a happy time of year.
You fall asleep with that thought in mind...
"Hey, I made breakfast, if you want some you better get up now." Gale calls from your bedroom door.
You stir from your sleep, confused and more than just a little concerned you're hallucinating. "Gale?"
"Come on! Get a move on before AJ eats everything!" Gale shouts from the kitchen. Sitting up you listen to the sounds of your siblings bickering at each other before bolting from you bed. This is definitely your house, and you are in the right time frame...but... why are AJ and Gale in your house.
"What are you doing here?" You ask--more like demand. As far you understood it, neither would be able to join you for Christmas because they couldn't get time off from work and prices for plane tickets were--still are ridiculously expensive. "You said you couldn't come this year." You follow up when neither decide to say anything."That was before we were told that Mom and Dad abandoned you." Gale says cleaning off his hands with your dish towel. You frown at him. You weren't abandoned.
Before you can make the retort AJ voices, "well, not abandon you," She glares at Gale. “But still, why didn't you tell us? We heard that you cancelled your annual Christmas party too." You freeze for a moment, a little taken back by the question.
"You said you couldn't make it. I didn't want you to worry about me." you tell them looking away from them. You hate feeling guilty for something you can't control. It's not like you were going to beg them to visit you for Christmas.
"Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean we wouldn't try to make it work. Thankfully I was able to convince my boss to let me attend the contract meeting in town. Told him I have ties to the community and can help in negotiations." AJ says looking quite proud of herself. You stare at your sister in awe. She has always been the convincing one, so really it shouldn't be so surprising.
"I just told my boss I needed the time off to spend with family since I haven't taken time off in nearly two years." Gale adds with a shrug. You smile in an attempt to hide the tears filling your eyes. You love your siblings and even as you know without a doubt they love you, you didn't think they'd put so much effort into being with you on Christmas.
"But...who told you I was going to be alone?" you ask as AJ puts her fork down and slips from her stool to comfort you. You've always been so easily overloaded by your own emotions. It's not something you ever asked for, and for the longest time you were ignorant to your own emotional reactions, but in recent years you've come to terms with it.
AJ coos to you as she wraps you up in her arms, soothing you with gentle fingers combing through your hair. "You're friend, that weird one with the green hair, he gave us a call and let us know what was going on. He seems to care a lot about you." AJ tells you. You blink and look at your brother for clarification.
Gale just nods his head and sets down his own plate and turns off the stove. You make vow to thank Anti in person for his intervention. He really didn't have to do anything like this for you.
"Anti?" you call late that time when your siblings have gone off to bed. Your place is big enough to accommodate them.
"Hey, didn't think you'd be awake." Anti says turning his head to look at you. He's spread out on your couch with an arm draped over his forehead. You smile at him.
"I was waiting up for you." You tell him perching on the armrest of the love seat across from Anti. "I wanted to thank you for contacting my brother and sister." You tell him smiling in the ever changing lights. "You didn't have to do that." You add.
Anti smirks and sits up, keeping eye contact with you. "To be honest I kind of did it for myself too." He tells you. "I felt pretty low. Christmas has always been a sore spot in my life." He adds looking down to his hands. You follow his dropped gaze. You don't really know why Christmas is a sore spot but it makes you feel a little guilty.
"I'm sorry, Anti. I didn't know. You don't have to stick around. If you need to..."
"No, don't be sorry." Anti tells you. His thick Irish accent commanding your full attention and obedience. "We’re not going to spend the holidays alone and sad. I won’t allow that."
You know he's serious by the look in his eyes. It makes you feel warm and bubbly with happiness.
"Then let's spend it together, Anti. You, me, and my brother and sister. They can be a handful, but they're good people and they'll welcome you with open arms." You suggest seeing the positive response in Anti's eyes.
"No take backs." he jokes and you laugh with him before getting out your spare blankets and pillow and get Anti settled in. You talk a little longer before sleep calls your name and you respond to it's call.
You spend the next two days on and off with your brother and sister and Anti. At night when AJ is off work you enjoy hot cocoa, popcorn, and Christmas themed movies, then when AJ and Gale have gone to sleep you cuddle up in the same blanket with Anti and watch horror movies based around Christmas.
You'd fallen asleep on the couch with Anti both times only to wake up with Gale and AJ snickering about the pair of you being a cute couple. You shooed them away and moved on with the day. Both times Anti heard them and teased you the rest of the day.
"Merry Christmas!!" Everyone cheers as the long awaited day finally dawns in your house. Everyone exchanges gifts, enjoying one another and their company and share stories of Christmases past. You made sure Anti shared in your family's traditional Christmas breakfast. You played the various games you'd gifted and received. You laughed along side Anti and your siblings as the morning lazily drifted into the afternoon.  
You'd and Anti had gone out to buy a few groceries and ended up messing around for a few house finally arriving home nearly two hours later than originally thought, cheeks flushed, chests heaving, laughter filling the cold air around you. You nearly bust down the door in your race to get inside. It's really only when Anti is with you that he let's his guard down and can get back a piece of who he once was.
Laughing as you nearly tumble right into the floor, face first, Anti wraps an arm around your waist and holds you from hitting the ground. The bags in his free hand disappears only to reappear on the kitchen counter.
AJ and Gale stand up from the couch to look at the commotion you and Anti are making. AJ smiles at Gale, nudging him in the rib as she points out the small piece of mistletoe handing from the ceiling. Both smile deviously at each other. "Hey! You're under the mistletoe!" AJ shouts.
Both you and Anti's heads snap up to look at the small piece of plant dangling from a white string. "AJ, did you hang up mistletoe?"
Anti simply stares at the mistletoe before glancing at your siblings then you again. Mistletoe has always been a holiday tradition in your household. A quick kiss on the cheek and you'd scurry away from the plant of embarrassment.
"What? It's always been a tradition!" AJ shouts trying to appear innocent despite her devious actions. "Well? Aren't you two gonna kiss?"
You feel your face heat up at her question. "AJ!" You shout, unable to find anything else to respond with. As much as you'd like to kiss Anti you know it's not quite right to ambush him like this, even if it isn't by your doing. "I know that people usually kiss under mistletoe but.. I had other things planned." You say quickly to dispel the tension filling the air between you and Anti. You smile at him, wrapping your arms around his chest, slipping under his arms. "Well, really one thing and a few words." You clarify. "Thank you, Anti, for being my best and most loyal friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Anti chuckles, his arms wrapping around you to hold you close. "I know what you mean." Anti tells you hugging you tightly. You know it's not what your sister and brother had been thinking but it's still just as meaningful to you.
Later that evening after you covered up AJ and Gale with a few plush throws you pick up the alcohol filled hot cocoa mugs and take them into the kitchen. You spot Anti standing near the door seemingly deep in thought. You smile at him and let him be. He seemed to be preoccupied since before dinner. Part of you wonders if it's because of the mistletoe incident, but you know Anti. He'd tell you if something was wrong.
Cleaning your cups, wiping down the counters, and making sure everything is put away properly you turn around to find Anti still in the same spot. You give him a confused look and walk over to him, gently laying your hand on his shoulder. "Anti?" You say softly.
Without warning Anti spins around, grabbing both your wrists, his eyes scanning your face--searching for something you can't exactly pinpoint.
"Whoa, Anti, are you okay?" you ask gauging Anti's response to your voice. Occasionally Anti has lapses of sanity and it's usually during that point he's most dangerous.Anti's eyes look you over before slowly releasing your wrists. "I care about you, you know that right?" Anti asks earning a confused look from you.
"Y-yes, I know and I care for you too, Anti." You respond. Anti nods, you can see he's warring with himself about something and it makes you uneasy. "Anti," you whisper softly, glancing at your sleeping siblings. "Are you feeling okay? D-do you need to go?" you ask in the same whisper.
Anti's eyes seem to map your face as you nervously tuck loose strands of hair behind your ear. "Y/n," He says earning your full attention. "We're under mistletoe." he informs you. You look up to confirm his words and look at him with confusion.
"Oh, I forgot to take that down." You say reaching up to grab a strand of the ribbon holding the mistletoe to the small peg in your ceiling. Anti quickly stops you. His hand holding yours as he brings it to his chest. "Anti?" Your voice is a ghost of sound, you're nervous and unsure what Anti is thinking.
"I care a lot about you." He tells you. You nod in agreement, unable to find your voice.
You don't know how it happened but you're in Anti's arms, his rough chapped lips pressed tightly against yours. You stand frozen in his arm for a few seconds before relaxing into his touch. Your eyes slowly close and you simply melt into his embrace. You don't notice when AJ sneaks from her spot on the floor to the kitchen and snaps a few photos. The best one being texted to your parents, Gale, and yourself.
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jabbajambler · 4 years
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x f!OC
Word Count: 2,207
*GIF by @pixelahsoka​*
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         The Razor Crest drifted through space like a canoe on a river, bouncing every once in a while, but floating across gentle waves to its destination. Everyone inside was fast asleep, happy to finally obtain a few blissful moments of sleep before they arrived on Trask.
        Myrah twitched in her sleep, surprisingly not waking the child in her lap. Her foot kicked and her hand clenched into a fist. Her eyes seemed to move in a panic despite them being closed, trying to bring herself out of her slumber to no avail.
         A soft beeping woke Din, a warning that their rest was quickly coming to an end. The large, blue, ocean-covered planet faced them. Its clouds swirled and danced about the planet's surface, making it appear more enticing than it truly was.
         "Myrah," the Mandalorian whispered and turned to face his restless passenger. The child opened his wide brown eyes and watched as Myrah whimpered and tried to pull her arms up as though they were tied down to the armrests. "Myrah," he tried again, trying to shake her leg, "wake up, we're here."
        She continued to struggle against herself, nearly crying out in what Din could only detect as pain until he stood and grabbed her by the shoulders to shake her again. Her eyes shot open, her hands immediately grasping his arms as she struggled to catch her breath.
         "What was that?" he whispered and pulled back his arms, letting her hands fall to her sides.
           "I-" she started, looking around the small cockpit. Her face morphed into confusion as her eyebrows stitched together and her lips pulled down into a frown. "I don't know. I don't remember."
       Din nodded, "looked like a nightmare. You still have those?" Myrah scoffed and tried to turn her head away to hide the sad look that had taken over. "We all get them," he sighed and lowered himself back in his seat.
       "Well," he spoke up again as the frog lady started to wake, "looks like we made it. Get ready for landing." His hand landed against the panel as it failed to respond. "Dank ferrik," he snapped, "the landing array isn't responding. Without the guidance system, it'll be a manual re-entry."
         "Great," Myrah groaned and tossed her head back in her seat.
         Din sighed and readied the ship, "once we get through the atmosphere, there should be enough fuel to slow down. If we don't burn to a crisp," he whispered the last part under his breath.
         The Razor Crest started to fall down towards the planet, beginning to catch fire as it neared the atmosphere. Bright red lights filled the cockpit and the alarm that started to blare was quickly silenced with the flick of a switch.
         "Myrah, come up here. I need your hands," Din grunted as he struggled to pull back the ship's steering. Myrah quickly jumped from her seat, holding the top of his chair as she maneuvered her way to his side. "This lever needs to stay back. Can you do that?" his gaze remained on her until she gave a small nod.
         Myrah grasped the lever and kept it pulled back with some ease thanks to the Force maintaining her balance, but it wasn't easy. Everything in the ship was fighting against them, as though it wanted them to crash into the planet.
         "Keep it steady," Din's voice came out strained, "here we go."
         The ship continued to free-fall as the landing pad came into view. They were still moving much too fast. The sound of the radio sliced through the tense air with a nervous voice speaking, "Razor Crest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol"
         "I'm trying my best here," he bit back, "engage reverse thrusters. Brace!" he shouted as he pushed another lever forward to descend the ship's landing gear.
         "Din, be careful," Myrah's voice was timid as she gripped his chair and let go of the lever once it was no longer needed.
         He groaned and shook his head,"I'm gonna need you to sit down and keep your mouth shut, Princess. Got it? Now hold on."
        Myrah managed to fall back into her seat while holding the child close to her chest. The woman through the radio spoke again, "Razor Crest, do you copy? You have to reduce speed."
         Din mumbled to himself, "almost there," repeatedly while the others held on for dear life.
        "Razor Crest, you are coming in too fast, you have to re-"
         Din switched off the radio, cutting off the lady while the ship slowed, inching closer to the pad. They were home free - almost.
        "Here we go," Din's relieved voice spoke, "nice and easy."
        As if on queue, the thruster sputtered out and forced the ship on an angle. It tilted, hovering in the air and soon hurling itself into the vast ocean. The three let out a short scream as water leaked into the cockpit. It didn't fill much higher than their ankles before it was pulled up and roughly hauled back onto the platform.
         "You have got to be kidding me," Myrah hissed and pulled a small piece of seaweed off her foot. "We could have died!"
         Din huffed, "you think I wanted to knock us into the water?" He stood and spun around to face her as she jumped from her seat.
       "Maker, you're so reckless!" she shouted and waved her hand in front of the doors, sliding them open with little effort through the Force. "How you're still alive is beyond me."
         "Oh, I'm reckless?" Din snapped as he and the frog lady followed Myrah out of the ship. "What about that time where you ran out in the middle of the war zone to play hero?"
         "Please," she shook her head, "Sorgan? You're comparing this to that army of idiots and their robot?"
         They continued to bicker as they left the ship. The frog lady and the child, floating behind in its pod, followed, watching the two argue until they came to face a purple Mon Calamari in a blue, cable knit sweater.
         "So," the alien interrupted the two, "how can I help you?"
         Din grumbled and glared at Myrah behind his visor, "this isn't over." He turned his attention back to the dock worker with a slightly apologetic tone, "can you fix it?"
         "Fix it?" they laughed, "nah. But I can make it fly."
        "Do what you can," he sighed and placed the currency on the small board the worker held.
         "I'll fuel it up. If it still holds fuel," they looked anxiously at the ruined ship while they walked away.
        The frog lady croaked as she wandered around and searched for her husband. They seemed to explore the entire dock, both Din and Myrah continuing to argue as she looked. She shouted desperately, her eyes sinking as all seemed lost.
         At last, another croak floated across the dock, reaching the lady's ears. Her face lit up as she saw her teal counterpart. She ran towards him, squealing with joy. It had been so long since she'd last seen her husband and now they would never have to be apart again.
         He pulled her into a tight embrace, squeezing her like he would never let go again. Din and Myrah stopped to watch them and suddenly all the petty arguments were gone. Instead, a smile graced their faces at the sight of the happy couple.
         Din's stomach dropped as he looked in awe at the frog pair. "I'm sorry," he spoke in a hushed voice.
         Myrah shook her head and swiftly turned to face the Mandalorian, "no, Din, listen. I'm-"
         "Will you ever let me finish?" he interrupted. "I'm sorry. I didn't think this trip would end up like this and I'm sorry I've put you through all of it. I'm glad you're here."
         Myrah tried not to smile, her teeth pulling back her lip as she struggled to disguise the grin on her face. "I am too. If I'm going to have so many near death experiences, I'm just happy you're there."
       Din nodded and glanced back at the frog people. "That's nice, isn't it? What they have?"
       "I can think of better situations," Myrah bumped her hip against his and started walking towards the couple as they peered into their bucket of eggs.
         He took a sharp breath as he watched her walk away. His hand ached to reach for her, but he held it back. There was no one else quite like Myrah and he didn't want to risk losing her ever again. If that meant he had to hold back for a little bit, then he would do it. He would do anything for her.
         The green frog man croaked gratefully and shook Din's hand with a wide smile. "You're welcome," he responded as he was pulled from his thoughts, "I was told you could lead me to others of my kind." The man nodded and pointed towards a worn-down building. "The Inn? Over there?"
        Myrah sighed as she took in the sight of the building with its sinking roof. "We've been to worse," she shrugged and followed the frog couple, but something felt off.
        Din felt it too; the strange shift in the air. They both turned to scan the area, but whatever it was, it was gone. The pair of eyes that watched them disappeared amongst the crowd of people.
         The doors to the Inn slid open to welcome them, allowing them inside the dimly lit room. It was full of all different sorts of people, each minding their own business as they sat with their stew. The frog man croaked and waved at one of the servers then gestured around the area. Din nodded and looked between the pair and spoke a kind, genuine, "thank you."
         "Yes," Myrah agreed, "thank you." She followed behind the Mandalorian, placing her hand appreciatively on the frog lady's shoulder before she fully entered the building. "Good luck with your family."
         An inviting, red Mon Calamari alien looked at the two and pointed towards one of the few empty tables. "Have a seat over there," he spoke and followed them to their table as they settled into their seats. "What can I get you?"
       "Nothing for me," Din looked to Myrah as she shook her head, "a bowl of chowder for my friend."
        "These seats are scarce, buddy," the alien spoke sternly, "everyone seated needs to eat."
        "I can buy something else," he interrupted and tossed a few Mon Calamari credits on the table, "information."
          The alien slid the credits into his palm, staring over them as he tried to decide if it was enough to let them stay. Myrah watched him as he looked over the currency, her eyebrows coming together in equal contemplation.
         "We need to find others that look like him," she nodded towards Din and crossed her arms on the table. "You know of any?"
       He pulled down a hose that dropped the stew in front of the child's bowl, "others with beskar have been through here," he explained in a low tone.
         "Who can take me to them?" Din asked quickly.
         "I know someone who might help," the alien hummed before leaving the table.
         Myrah leaned towards Din, her eyes never leaving the Mon Calamari as he approached another table. "Do you think we should trust them? Maybe we should just search on our own. Who knows, they may find us instead and we don't even need a third party."
        "You're nervous," he whispered with a chuckle.
        "I'm not nervous. I just think there are better ways to handle this," she grumbled. "You can't tell me you don't get a bad vibe from this."
         The child let out a squeal as a small creature jumped from the bowl and stuck to his face. Din sighed, "don't play with your food," he scolded with a gentle tone and poked the creature's leg with his knife, forcing it to slide back into the bowl.
         An orange Quarren sat across from the trio and hummed. His face was downturned and villainous, accompanied by a deep, threatening voice. "You seek others of your kind?" he asked, his facial tentacles moving as he spoke.
        Din nodded, "have you seen them?"
        "Aye," the squid-like alien assured him, "I can bring you to them."
        "Where?" Myrah quickly snapped.
        The Quarren shushed her and chuckled mockingly at her question. "Only a three hours' sail. It'll cost you though. Come find me over there when you're ready to leave," he nodded towards his group of friends, soon joining them in a quiet conversation.
       "I don't like this," Myrah sighed and rubbed a hand down her face.
        "Me neither," Din looked over at her disgruntled expression, "but we don't have a choice. The sooner we leave, the better."
        He stood before Myrah could answer, strutting over towards the alien's table. Myrah groaned and looked over at the child as he ate, seemingly unaware of the goings-on around him.
       "Your dad is a mess, kid. He better hope this doesn't end badly."
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distortmymind · 7 years
Distort My Mind - Part 6
.:Watchpoint Gilbraltar:.
At the base is sore and or hurt.
Most of the team stood in bed while Lucio prepared breakfast, Mei and Ana decided to join in.
Jamison awakes to a spray of water in his face.
“Oi!” He shouts. Mako had sprayed him with a water bottle to wake him. “Get up…” He mumbles as he leaves the room to the dining area.
Jamison was much too tired and sore so he plopped back down and fell back asleep.
Mako got his breakfast and sat by himself. He glanced up and could see into Zarya’s room. Mei had brought her breakfast. He couldn’t see her face but he felt relieved that she was alright. She had taken quite the beating, such a young woman. He wondered why wasn’t she careful. He didn’t realize he had zoned out until Ana snapped him out of it.
“Where’s your friend?” She asked him.
“He’s probably still asleep.” Mako grumbled as Ana shook her head. “He’s going to miss breakfast.” She stated as she loaded another plate to take it to Jamison.
Mako sighed and proceeded to eat. Once Ana entered the room, she placed the plate on the night stand and pulled the covers off of Junkrat. “Jamison…” She said nudging him. He yawned and looked up at her.
“Oi, how’d you get in ‘er?” He asked with a bit of confusion. “That’s not important, now you come and eat. You don’t want it to get cold.” She said pulling him out of bed, handing him the plate, Jamison was almost completely naked, Ana helped him dressing up, his body giving up from the moment he had to step out of bed. Once they were done, she walked him to a table. He was seated with Mei who he couldn’t stop staring. Mei was having a conversation with Lúcio, talking about how the weather at ecopoint was even more troublesome than the last time she was there. Mei was wearing a beautiful white cardigan and a thick scarf around her neck, Lúcio too was wearing a scarf, a lime green scarf with frogs.
She seemed to pretend Jamison wasn’t there.
Junkrat cleared his throat.
“’Ello” he said. She looked up and gave a dry and soft hello back, staring down at her plate.
“So uh, what ya got there?” He asked. She glanced at him.
“Same as you…” She said taking a bite. Lucio soon joined in with a bright smile. “Hey Hey, how’s breakfast?” He asked. “Wonderful. Thank you!” Mei replied with a cheerful smile. Junkrat took a huge bite and chewed quite loudly. Mei scrunched up her nose in disgust. “This is good mate!” He said swallowing. Mei stood up and went to her room after putting away her plate. Lucio stared at him in a matter of fact way at him.
“What?” Junkrat said raising an eyebrow. “I think I know what’s going on here…” Lucio said with a sly smile.
“I was just trying to talk to her.” The junker said crossing his arms. “She’s the only one who doesn’t trust me.” He said sighing. “Well, she just needs to warm up… She’s a tough cookie” Lucio said with a chuckle. “Yeah. I guess.” The junker said laying his head in his hands.
“But take a look at how many times I’ve tried this, it isn’t fair ya know?” Jamison pitched his voice, yelling at nothing. “I’m pretty sure she doesn’t like me, and it’s nothing I care about but why would she be so repelled by me?”, Jamison turned around and saw everyone at their tables staring at him, but not Mako, no, Mako knew what he was referring to, he knew more than anyone what he meant.
“She has absolutely no reason to hate me, not even when I try so hard to make it count, I’m not wanting to be anything, I just want her to not hate me!!” Jamison said, he felt a knot growing withing his soul, his past becoming one with the present… So he remembered…
(…A vivid orange light hit his eyes in the most numbing way, his body vibrated as his young ten year old body fell, his knees hitting the warm cement floor in a matter of seconds, he felt tears running and his eyes turned into a lighter brown, the one his eyes beheld as his short life resumed into a single moment, the present. He felt thin, soft arms around him, he collided against a pair of breasts, his mother’s. His guardian. She carried him away from the outbreak as fast as she could, with her lasts seconds of life.
Her mother was a prostitute.
Poverty was a demon they couldn’t run from, it haunted them for years and years, along the family roots… from the very beginning…
“Jamison, go get me a few would ya?” he heard his mother say in a ghostly voice, he remembered her voice, never her name, never her face. “Be useful for your momma, or ill have to sell ya for the money I need.”
“Yes mum.”
He heard himself say. His saliva became sour and he realized why was he recalling these memories.
He stood up and realized not even the monster her mum once was really hated him. She saved him.
That was the last time he had someone until Mako came along.
But at this point it didn’t matter did it?…)
Everyone at the room saw Jamison’s face wet with tears, he didn’t move, he didn’t squeal, he just stared blankly at nothing, crying, weeping. Lucio stayed with the junker for a few hours, he didn’t wasn’t to ask him straight on what was going on but he wasn’t going to leave him. The sun had set and everyone had retreated to their rooms. Lucio yawned and scratched his neck. “I’m warn out. I’ll see ya tomorrow James” Lucio said taping his shoulder and heading to his room. “Take care buddy”
“Night mate" The junker called. James was the only one left In the dinning hall. He sighed and laid his head on the cool table. 'There’s so much snow’ he thought.
Mei opened her door and walked down the hall. She could hear Zarya vomiting as she passed her room. 'Poor Zarya, she was so beaten up. It really took a toll on her.’ She thought.
She yawned once more as she walked into the dining hall. She looked up at the clock. 'Its 2:30 in the morning’ she thought as she poured herself a glass of water. She watched the snow storm happening outside. She heard movement and spun around. But nothing.
She thought it might have been the wind outside. Mei slowly walked towards the pitcher again, her throat was dry and warm. But a sound was heard form outside, she heard it, she was sure she did.
Mei took a few steps towards the window, cleaning it from inside, making sure she didn’t came across someone outside, she was afraid she could find someone outside with this weather at this hour. She was afraid there was something, anything outside that could mean danger to her, to all of them. And this fear increased, more and more each step she made, each movement she did to cleaned that window, each time she heard the sound that was coming from outside, when before even seeing it she knew there was something out there. She took a step back.
´There’s someone out there!´ She thought, placing one hand on her chest and the other on her mouth. But then she thought twice, and then three times, until she came across a thought.
´What if they need help?’.
Once the thought went through her mind she quickly dressed up accordingly to what she was planning to do. She decided to go out there and help them, but before going out she made sure to bring a pocket knife with her, just in case.
The doors were colder than life. Her gloved finger pressed the button at her right and the doors raised. A cold merciless wind hit her entire body, a big windy storm unleashed the sound of raging dragons upon the facility, but she made sure no one heard. To keep everyone safe, she stepped outside as quickly as possible, closing the doors.
‘The white death…’ she thought. Her panicking thoughts coming back from the deepest graves of her mind, the deepest catacombs, the sewers of her mind. ‘I must help now that I can’.
Very carefully, she watched foot prints on the snow, they were very dim, almost gone by the wind, but still they guided somewhere. Slowly she stepped careful not to trip, moving against the cold. Then in the distance she heard it once again, a sound, no, not a sound, a voice.
“…You… you told me… you told me I’ll live momma…”
Her heart skipped a bit, she wasn’t sure, but that voice… That vice was familiar.
“…Momma come take me!!…”
The voice moaned, and this time Mei was sure of what she had heard. It was Junkrat’s voice.
“Junkrat!!” Mei screamed, she started following the voice now instead of the foot print pattern. “Junkrat what are you doing?” she squealed. She moved forward with anxiety, forcing her legs and arms in front of her, helpless she fell onto the snow, the wind made her trip back and roll down about ten steps. “Junkrat!” She screamed. She recovered and kept walking towards the moaning voice.
But then she stopped, she didn’t stop because she was tired, nor she had given up on him. She stopped because she saw him. She saw him and heard him. He was hot red. He wasn’t wearing clothes more than underwear, he was on the floor sobbing and trembling, but most importantly at the edge of a frozen cliff. She then understood.
She understood and couldn’t hold herself back. Her body vibrated with anticipation, she felt her guts rumble and contort. Her legs succumbed to her thoughts. But inside she wanst going to let that happen. She was going to help, she wanted to help, she had to.
She crawled up to him on the snow and took off her big warm jacket, and placed it over him, then she hugged him from behind, making sure he received warmth, but then she realized, then, very late then she realized where they were. She stood up, held her guts and took a look at the young man’s face. He was blue and red all over, pale and burned from the cold. He wasn’t moving no more, he wasn’t crying no more, he was silent as a rock.
Mei panicked, she picked him up with both arms and carried him inside the facility. And she swore to herself she wasn’t going to, the moment she knew what was going on, the moment she saw him by himself on the snow alone and depressed, but she did, she recalled, and she cried, she cried out a single loud yelp and she started to move once again, she remembered.
His body was ice itself, but he was soft, he was alive.
Once inside Mei took off most of her clothes, the ones she used to go outside with and wore a her pajamas. She quickly took Junkrat to the showers. There she carried him to one of the showers and turned on the hot water, she carefully placed him on the floor and regulated the water, then she sat on the shower floor with him, she took his motionless body and hugged him once again from behind, making sure he received warmth from every angle.
She couldn’t cope. She couldn’t confront the thought of someone dying. Not since what happened barely a few years ago. She trembled at the feeling of his cold back against her chest, her nipples hardening as a natural reaction to the temperature change. She thought how embarrassing this was and held the Aussie’s head and placed it on her legs.
All she could do at that point was to wait for his body to take a somewhat neutral temperature. But she found herself staring at the man’s face.
He had a very soft skin, at least it seemed like that to her, he had a pointy chin with only a few very blond hairs in them, almost not noticeable. His wet hair rested on his face as his mouth also rested in place, opened just a bit, his teethe barely showing. She could hear him breathe, she sighed in hope. But as much as she wanted she couldn’t stop looking at him, his face has a lot cleaner, his nose was so incredibly detailed. All his features seemed like they were made by a sculptor.
Mei was stubborn at times, but her passion in nature reflected how much she loved details. She felt attracted to his face.
She realized she was just inches from Junkrat’s face. She stopped herself quickly and closed her eyes. Mei shook the moment off her head and reached the junker’s neck. She pressed two fingers against it. Alive, he was alive, his heart beating, he was breathing, his blood pumping. She was certainly relieved.
She turned the water off and took Jamison to her room, she sat him on her bed and looked for clothes and a towel. Once ready she came across something she wasn’t ready about, mostly something she wasn’t sure of how to do. She had to undress him so she could dry him. Mei sat on the floor wondering how and what to do at the moment. Mei started snapping her fingers on Junkrat’s ear. Nothing.
She clapped a few times next to his ear, but nothing again.
Mei stood still and closed her eyes. She looked to her left, as if she didn’t want to see what she was doing, even though both of her eyes were tight shut. She first touched the young man’s legs, and softly she drew a path with her fingers up to where his underwear was. ‘I got this’ she thought. But she wasn’t sure.
Mei slowly but firmly grabbed onto the junker’s underwear and started pulling it down. She could hear her heart beating, but she kept going until she made sure they were off, the fabric wet and cold, she tossed them away and again, only with her hand she reached for a towel but her hand touched for a bit Junkrat’s leg, soft and warm now. She placed the towel over him, she opened her eyes. There he was, resting and breathing deeply, unlike before.
As she took a sweater from her bed she realized he was moving, Junkrat was waking up.
“Hng…” A moan came out of his mouth.
‘Oh no, oh no why.’ Mei thought, ‘This is awkward!’
She shook the thought and stood in front of him. She thought if she was going to get into this situation she better have most of it under control.
The blonde found himself soaking wet and staring at a white ceiling, by his side a rather small, chubby girl stood staring down at him with a blank expression.
“Go put on some clothes, I’ll wait for you at the kitchen.”
He stared at his body and noticed he wasn’t wearing any clothes, he was speechless, he stared at Mei and as he was about to say a word Mei left the room and onto the kitchen. He wondered what had happened… But it didn’t take long, he recalled, and then he got a headache.
It was far worse than a headache.
He crossed the towel over his waist, a pink towel. He left the room jumping on his foot, and into his own room, there he carefully took clothes from the bags and put them on, slowly. His body a decaying mess. Once out he cleared his throat and walked onto the lunch room. There she was, now using a gray cardigan over a white sweater. She had changed her clothes for dry ones, and on the table she prepared two hot coffees.
He was stunned, Mei being nice to him.
He carefully took a seat in front of her and stared down. He knew she knew what he was trying to do.
“I… I don’t really want to make you feel bad in any way mate but, ya didn’t had to do that at all.” Jamison said, giving a pale almost blurry smile.
“I did, and I did it because I promised myself to do so.” Mei replied.
“How so?”
“…Not so long ago, all of my coworkers died. Friends and coworkers.” Mei said taking a sip of the hot coffee. “But I worked hard, so hard and got out of there, here, where we stood hours ago.” Jamison stared at her, Mei’s glasses steamed up from the coffee, yet he could still see a shine rolling down her cheek, a tear.
“But there’s so much more to do here, life is beautiful!, every inch of this planet is, don’t you see it?” Jamison saw her face light up but at the same time she had long streams of tears down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry I was mean to you, I’m never like this over anyone…”
Jamison felt once again that knot in his throat, growing bigger and bigger, thicker and thicker like a balloon was growing from inside out.
“There’s nothing to apologize for, don’t you get it?, There’s a reason I don’t want to live anymore. This life has nothing to give me.” Jamison replied, lowering his voice and pitch.
“No!” Mei replied. “There is much to see still… I know you need help with this, I certainly did. Trust me”
“You’re being oddly talkative now aren’t ya?” Jamison said with a laugh, but Mei wasn’t laughing, she was clearly worried.
“Look, I don’t know what to do, but if you’ll feel better then I wont do it. At least not until I’m outta here sunshine.” He said with a smile on his face, changing his posture.
‘Sunshine?’ Jamison thought. ‘Where the hell did that came from?’
Mei sighed deeply and took another sip of coffee. Mei wasn’t very talkative with anyone unless they were friends. But Jamison was, and as he always did he tried persuading her into talking more about other stuff. Jamison told her about the time he lost his arm, and the one he lost his leg, he told her about the day him and Roadie got caught stealing something and they had to run from a bunch of people, more than usual. Mei told him about her sketches and how she likes to doodle things, she told him about the things she loved, about what natural phenomenons she wonders about the most sometimes and he replied with for the first time in a long time with taking note and paying attention to what she said. He wasn’t very fond of memories, but at that moment he felt that listening to someone at this point really didn’t mean anything, but that was no excuse to not do so. About an hour passed and they found themselves chuckling and opening themselves to one another, at least for a short time. None of them had slept and it was about to be 3:30 am.
“…Oh!, it is so late, we should take a rest don’t you think?” Mei said, looking at the watch in the kitchen. Jamison grabbed both cups and walked towards the kitchen. Mei, still sitting down stared at him, ‘He’s very tall’ she thought.
“Alright mate, see ya tomorrow.” Jamison said waving his hand.
“Wait,… you told me all these things but you never told me your name…” Mei said, standing up from the table.
“Well it’s James. Jamison Fawkes. Yours?” Jamison said smiling and bowing down, he seemed happy but deep inside Mei could still see the man’s sorrow.
“My name is Mei, Mei Ling-Zhou.”
“Ahh Mei Ling shoe right?” Mei chuckled.
“No, no. Mei Ling- ZHOU” She said, emphasis on her last name.
Jamison laughed and replied. “I’m just kidding, ya know I know Chinese right?, well that doesn’t help it, ill be calling you shoe until we get out of here sunshine.”
Mei stared at him with a smile “Well, so far Mr Fawkes, you’ve called me ‘sunshine’"Jamison lowered his face and in the back of his head a million thoughts came across, but he shut them up as quickly as he could.
“Haha… I’m sorry” He replied, his voice weak.
Mei replaced his smile with a worried expression, she got near him and told him to ‘rest for the day, tomorrow it’ll be okay’ so he did.
————————————————————————— This story was created by @chellbuns and continued by @starlightpeaches
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