#shout out to Eli
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delectablehallway · 3 months ago
Rewatching Howie Begins. God I hate Tommy so much. They put absolutely no effort into making him redeemable. Pisses me off that they just act like he’s magically a good guy. Fuck that guy.
On another note, knowing how Eli ends up taking Chim under his wing, rewatching the episode made me notice how Eli treats Chim much better than the others do throughout the whole episode. He’s always in the background noticing their behaviour and being kinder than them. Shout out to him.
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straight4joekeery · 2 years ago
I’m gonna throw up. Honestly you guys scare me. In the best way possible (Maybe, not sure abt it actually) 2 PEOPLE HAVE TALKED ABOUT MY STUFF ON TWITTER. FUCKING TWITTER. HELLO??? Why. Literally why. Thank you??? I think???
Ik it’s only two but still. Horrifying.
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georgeknightley · 2 months ago
i physically cannot stop churning out e&j compilations because i’m ill in the head so here’s a bunch of clips of e&j (& dave!) laughing because it brings me joy
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emloafs · 3 months ago
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don't worry guys i'm holding down the tag
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bunnybonesstudio · 3 months ago
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quasieli · 3 months ago
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[ID copied from alt text: A half body digital drawing of Orym from Critical Role, set against a cloudy background with a large white moon and smaller red moon at the top behind his head. Orym, a young, muscular, Halfling man, is standing with his back to the viewer, half his face visible as he looks back over his shoulder. He is holding his sword, Seedling, across the back of his shoulders, with green-blue leafy vines tangling across his hand, as well as the bottom of Seedling and his pauldron. He has a stoic look on his face as he looks back in the direction of the viewer. End description.]
Shoutout to Orym of the Air Ashari for being The Guy of All Time and getting me out of a bout of art block. First piece of 2025 🥰
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quiverymango · 9 days ago
CreepSlayerz cosplay and Goblin!
Attended my first convention with my amazing bestie @whoop-dedoo and we cosplayed as the CreepSlayerz!
As a prop, I created a goblin companion to carry around named Flip! He’s made of plaster cloth and is a chunky old geezer for sure lol.
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The 0209 address is a reference to S2 Ep9 of Trollhunters; CreepSlayerz! Flip isn’t meant to be the same goblin from that episode, but his name is a node to the flour baby Steve and Eli had to take care of in it!
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Eli’s helmet, aka my helmet! The Z and the Aftonsparv were painted by Whoop while I added the various “Eli coded” stickers for some pizzazz lol
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Steve’s helmet, aka Whoop’s! Once again lovingly painted by her with some added stickers–they did such a lovely job with both, thank you again! <3
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And here’s a blurry selfie where we forgot to do the CreepSlayerz hand pose because we were starving and delusional lol. I literally forgot to get any photos because I was so overwhelmed 😅
Also, at the end here I want to plug Whoop’s Ao3 because they’re a very talented writer who deserves all of the love! Go check em’ out! ^^
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amerrymystery · 2 months ago
Thank you very much @rypnami for tagging me! I am tagging @ladyofsappho
Songs that remind me of
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blushblushbear · 9 months ago
Oh hey just to be clear-- my headcanon for Eli is that he's pan.
Idk what to tell ya, I see someone with pan colored things and I assign them as pan headcanon I don't make the rules
(His ice cream in his summer outfit and his boxers in his phone fling)
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gordon-furman · 2 years ago
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rustyelias · 5 months ago
when I fear that post will be a flop I know that one mutual will save me
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thefandommind · 3 months ago
Holes and Muscles
So on this good day, I would like to discuss a scene in Spirit End, the fifth book of the Spirit series, and then the further implications.
To set the tone of this post, the general strengths of each of the four main characters are heavily described.
Josef is a heavy hitter, he does most of the lifting in the trio's heists, he's portrayed as the brawn of the group.
Nico has superhuman demon strength, as well as pure strength of spite.
Miranda has a mental, emotional, and magical fortitude like no other, and also gotta have some sort of athletic ability with her riding skills (cus listen I can lift a lot but if you think I could hoist myself onto a full sprinting ghosthound you'd be sorely mistaken).
And then Eli is shown to be, stronger then he looks, but is obviously not intended to be the strong man, that's what he has Josef for. Brawns and wit, its a group effort. But that's not to say he's weak, as such this post would be very different.
SO. Eli is a sneak, a cat burglar with too many dramatics involved. And it is implied that while he doesn't show it often in the story line, he is a skilled climber and possible parqourist. [I'm using Gueseppe Monpress' "clawhook and line" throwing skills in Spirit Rebellion as experience using a grappling hook for climbing. And Eli's two window escapes in Osera in Spirit War. He was really climbing all over that palace looking for Nico too.]
This leads me to a hole at the bottom of a cavern under the Council of Thrones. Spoilers ahead as usual.
Summery of the context, Eli's mother Sara has him arrested and after they chat a bit she sends him down to her only dungeon. Which is my favorite kind of cell, an oubliette. A deep cell set in the ground, it's only entrance a trap door at the top. (Oubliettes can have a way up and down, or they don't. In Spirit Rebellion, Miranda gets shoved into an old drain well that is repurposed as an oubliette and it has no way up or down.)
This oubliette has a ladder built into the side of the hole, and also surprise! his father at the bottom.
When Eli first attempts to make his escape from this cell, he is described as hanging upside down by his legs and tapping on the door. And this boggled my brain when I first read it. Because Eli shows here a great deal of flexibility and strength.
"And with that, he started to climb the iron rungs hand over hand, leaving Banage staring dumbfounded as he vanished into the dark.
Twenty minutes later, Eli was starting to wish he had been a little less cocky. He was hanging upside down under the circular door, knees looped over the second rung of the metal ladder for support while his hands ran over the door’s overlapping rings of polished steel."
and then moments later,
"He flopped back, dangling from the wall by his knees so the door wouldn’t have the privilege of seeing him fume. This just made the door cinch down tighter with a haughty clink, and Eli gritted his teeth. Yep, definitely a jerk door."
This paints a very clear picture for the set up of the oubliette. But Eli's position might be a little confusing.
Luckily while I am not the world's greatest thief, I do have a convenient wall mounted ladder in my house, and a little brother. So let me explain.
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We tried several angles and ideas, and could somewhat replicate Eli's position, with his legs looped through the ladder and pressed to the wall, and his arms to the trap door. And not for a lack of trying, couldn't hold a position, let alone think while doing it- and most definitely not for 20 minutes.
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We even tried other ideas like being propped in a sitting position with our arms up, instead of this laid back position.
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But the second description I have supplied from the book, describes him hanging from his knees upside down, and to get into this position, the wall opposite the ladder has to be far enough away for you to lean back. So if he's trying to get a feel for the entirety of trap door, which covers the whole hole, this crunched position doesn't give you the reach. And since neither I nor Sqweeptaint (an alias) could properly do this hold, here's a quick drawing.
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And with that, I remind you Eli Monpress did this without a care in the world, for 20 minutes. The core strength and flexibility needed to do this is fucking insane. And that's the post.
Eli would make one hell of a pole dancer.
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horatio-fig · 7 months ago
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emloafs · 3 months ago
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chapter 4 of i knew it, i know you (my boston college binary boyfriends fic) is now up <3
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f-arelos · 1 year ago
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the sound of my voice will haunt you
oberon, titania and puck with fairies dancing - william blake (edited) / it's not a house, it's a woman - eli coppola / "speak! speak!" - john everett millais / spirit - george roux / silver springs - fleetwood mac / florence welch photographed by karyme frança / the witching hour - andrew wyeth / my tears richochet - taylor swift / la femme chauve-souris - albert joseph penot
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sunkissedlouis · 5 months ago
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saw inhaler tonight and they were sooooooooo good live oh my god 😭😭😭❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 and i got to hear my comfort songs live 😭 love it so much
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