#shoko ikeda
digitalfountains · 7 months
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Shoko Ikeda
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angel-kyo · 8 months
Pay it no mind
Part XI
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X
Piece of scum.
Satoru was watching your adored Haruki flirting, or rather, what he thought was flirting, with a girl from behind the cash register at the coffee shop he worked at. Satoru was still outside, just looking through the window. While you had said he was just overly nice to everyone, it did not change the fact that Gojo was still repulsed by him.
As to why he was there while you were at the school with Shoko...
“Do you really want me to apologize to him?” Satoru’s contorted face looked as if he had smelled something bad.
You gave him a soft smile. “It wouldn’t hurt you to apologize for being rude to him,” you stated, but he did not really agree. “I’m not saying you have to do it. Just… He is under the impression that you don’t like him.”
Well, he is not wrong.
Satoru had not said that aloud, but your expression suggested you had read his mind.
“Just maybe try to be nicer to him next time you see him, can you?” you questioned with a pleading smile and those eyes Satoru would do anything for. He sighed, defeated.
So, here he was. He had dismissed Suguru after their mission to come here alone, although he did not want to. In any case, he figured talking to Ikeda directly would be a better approach than him trying to play good friends with him and pretending he actually liked the guy.
Better get it over and done with.
He strode in confidently.
“Welcome!” Ikeda and the other few employees said in unison when the little bell at the door rang announcing a new customer. Satoru kept walking forward.
“What can I get for…” Ikeda’s smile froze when he saw Gojo. “Oh, it’s you.” He was still smiling, but it looked a bit less rehearsed than for the other costumers. “[name] is not here today, but…”
“I know.” Gojo did not let him continue. “I actually wanted to talk to you. Got a minute?”
“That’s unexpected… But sure.” Haruki peeked at his watch. “Do you mind waiting? My shift will end in a few. You can order something in the meantime.”
Gojo noticed that, despite his words, the boy did not look surprised at all.
“It’s fine, thanks.” Satoru walked to one of the vacant tables and sat down. The girl that had been talking with Haruki just a minute ago, looked at him from another table. He did not mind her and neither seem to do Ikeda anymore.
Gojo thought he should not need more than two minutes to make things clear with Haruki; he was just going to tell him that he had not meant anything before and that it was cool that you two were friends as long as he was not up to any funny business. Or maybe he would leave out that last part. If any word of him trying to intimidate your friend were to reach you, coming here would have been a waste of time.
After all, he was doing this because of you, so he was coming in peace and would leave in peace.
The cardboard cup that was placed in front of Satoru interrupted his thoughts, and when he looked up, he saw Ikeda looking at him.
“[name] said you drink it like this. It’s on the house.”
“Uh, thanks.” Satoru thought it strange. Did he just memorize everyone’s coffee order? He was not even sure Ikeda knew who he was when he first entered, and now he knew how he drank his coffee?
He saw him walk into the back of the establishment.
After five minutes or so, Ikeda returned, no longer wearing his apron. He was on his high school uniform. Satoru had seen the girl from earlier wearing the same hue of blue on her skirt. Ikeda waved at her and turned to Satoru.
“Is it okay if we talk on the way? I’d rather not missing my train.”
“Fine by me.” Satoru got up and threw the half-full coffee in the trashcan. The two of them walked out as Satoru spared a glance on what seemed to be Ikeda’s classmate direction before marching ahead, which the other boy noticed.
“It’s probably not what you think it is. She is a classmate.”
“I thought she was your friend,” was all Gojo told him, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Haruki nod.
“One has to be friendly towards customers, right?” He was not putting up his work smile anymore.
So you turn it off and on like a switch?
They were walking pretty much side by side when Haruki asked “What did you want to tell me?”
Fine, right to the subject. I'll just say it and leave.
“I don’t know if you remember but we spoke on the phone the other day.” Not really, Satoru thought. Actually, I spoke and hung up on you.
The slightest smiled appeared on Haruki’s face. “I remember.”
“So…” Satoru did not want to do this, but he reminded himself he had to. “So I just wanted to say I’m sorry if... If I was rude.”
An awkard silence followed. Was Ikeda not suppossed to accept his apology and let him leave?
Haruki finally hummed. “Is that really all you wanted to say?”
It surprised Gojo a bit. He had not expected him to dig deeper.
“Yeah, it’s all. [name] said you might think I don’t like you, so…”
So I came here to try to convince you otherwise or convince them. Just don’t make it harder.
“And isn’t that true?” Ikeda halted and turned his head to Gojo, who swore he had seen that cold expression before. And same as previously, he saw it melt into a smile, but it was not like the one he always had for you. Satoru knew it immediately: that smile was meant to deceive. “It’s alright, you don’t have to reply; I know the answer.”
They were heading for the station, and Satoru wondered if he should just leave Haruki behind. After all, he had already said what he wanted to say, more or less.
The blue-eyed boy cleared his throat. “It does not matter, what I think of you, I mean. I’m just the friend of a friend.”
Ikeda did not look at him. “True, but you are not just any friend,” they were entering the station, “and you know it, don’t you, Satoru?”
It was Gojo’s turn to halt. Not that he cared too much, but what was with the informality now? He had never called him by his first name.
Ikeda gave him an innocent smile. “Sorry. That’s what [name] calls you. I guess it just rubbed off on me.”
“I don’t mind, Haruki.” Gojo’s voice strained on the boy’s name, but his face was serious as he tried to weigh him. He had never attempted to hold a long conversation with Ikeda, so maybe he was just not used to his manner. In any case, it still felt as if he was trying to sting him with his words, and if that was the case, Gojo would sting back.
Ikeda strutted ahead. “Now that I think of it, did we ever get introduced formally? I can’t remember, but I guess it doesn’t matter. I know your name just as you know mine, right?”
Gojo had decided to leave in peace, but with that guy's tone, it was tempting to let his resolve crumble.
“What do you want?” Satoru grumbled finally.
They had reached the platform where Haruki was going to wait for his train, and he offered him a disinterested look in response. “What do you mean?”
“From [name]. What do you want from them?”
“Sorry, but I'm not following.” Haruki shrugged. “I’m just their friend.”
“So am I.” Satoru was looking right at him through his shades. A grin appeared on Haruki’s face.
“If you are trying to say we cannot both be their friends, I guess I would have to be something else then.”
His tone was lighthearted, but Satoru knew his intentions were not, not to him at least.
“Unless that bothers you.” Haruki looked at him.
Ikeda thought Gojo looked nothing like when he was with you, always playful and smiling at your sight.
He looks so serious now.
Gojo did not back off, but his voice did not sound as confident as before when he asked “Why should it bother me?”
“I like them.”
Gojo tensed at his words.
Although it was true Haruki liked you, he had, in fact, been expecting Gojo to admit the same, and maybe get a little bit more honest if he provoked him. All he knew about Gojo was because of you, but the things he had seen for himself, the way he always sat closer to you, how he acknowledged you first among your group of friends, and that more often than not, he was the one blowing up your phone when you were out with him, all of it had made him think he did not see you just as a friend.
Surely, Haruki had been confused about how you defined your relationship with Gojo as well. However, you said you knew him since forever, and that made people often get the wrong idea. He had no reason to doubt your words, but looking at Gojo now...
Is it the wrong idea, though?
Either you were oblivious or Gojo’s love was fated to go down as unrequited. In any case, Haruki believed Satoru should at least own up to it.
“I wasn’t sure before, but...” Haruki looked at Satoru’s covered eyes with a smile “…you are a coward, Gojo.”
The sound of the train approaching echoed in Satoru’s head just as much as Ikeda’s words.
Had this guy really said that?
Ikeda watched the train stop and open its doors for boarding. The station was, surprisingly, not too crowded despite it being almost the peak hour.
“This is me.” Haruki gestured to the train. “See you around.”
Satoru heard the train doors closing, but his gaze was still fixed on where Ikeda had been standing. “Yeah, see you around,” he muttered for himself.
Truth was Satoru had not seen Haruki after that. You still went to the coffee shop where he worked and hung out with him a few more times after the start of that winter, though, and then, he had been gone.
Until now.
You were in front of your building, talking to a man that Gojo recognized immediately despite not having seen him in many years.
Satoru had tried to talk to you all week, but his missions kept pulling him away, and it did not help that you were busy with your own load of work. So, even when he knew it was a bit too late to pay any respectable visit, he had come to your place to talk.
Ieiri had told him you had left the school a few minutes earlier, and then he had been pulled into a meeting with Yaga that seemed to have dragged on for an eternity. Thus, he had come up with the bright idea of asking Ijichi to drop him off at your place. He had not anticipated finding this scene, though.
Had you left early to go out with that man? Satoru pondered it while still in the car. What was it? A dinner? You had mentioned lunches and coffee with Ikeda since you had told him about your reencounter, but not dinners.
Satoru looked at your frame. You were smiling at something Haruki had said.
In all honesty, Satoru had often found himself distracted by your smile during the last months. It was not only your smile; it was your voice during meetings, the way you moved when you were training the students, your eyes when you were talking to him or Shoko. To the point Ieiri had sometimes whispered to him “It’s rude to stare”, because he had been looking at you for too long. How could Shoko tell, he was not sure. He thought his blindfold should conceal his gaze, but maybe it was not as effective as he thought.
Gojo sighed. He had not noticed until after your confession just how smitten with you he was.
In the meantime, Ijichi was feeling pretty uncomfortable in the driver seat. It was not unusual that Gojo asked to be taken to your place, but he was sure he had interrupted something between you and him a week ago, and he did not recognize the man you were talking to now. Nevertheless, he could feel Gojo’s uneasiness, and if the strongest was restless, what would be of the rest of the world?
Ijichi believed both of them felt equally uncomfortable when the man leaned closer to your face.
“What is he…?” he started asking, but Gojo shushed him. Through the rear-view mirror, he saw Gojo was looking attentively too.
Ijichi’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. Was him seeing this really okay? You had been a kind senior to him in your high school days, and this felt like invading your privacy.
He could ask Gojo if they should leave, but he was not sure that any questions would be welcomed by the white-haired man that seemed so invested in the scene in front of your building.
On his end, Satoru felt an increasing pressure in his chest. You had told him you liked him. Why were you letting another man that close? Were you going to kiss him? He had never seen Ikeda kiss you, and he definitely did not want to see it now.
He put his hand on the door handle.
What exactly was he going to say to you now?
Ijichi’s eyes kept going back and forth between you and the man and Satoru on the rear-view mirror. He thought he heard him sigh when you stopped the man’s hand that had touched your face and took a short step back, smiling.
Satoru saw your lips move. You were telling Ikeda something.
Please don’t invite him up. Please don’t invite him up.
Haruki bid you goodbye with a smile and started walking away.
Satoru spared him a look. The streetlights illuminated his figure just enough to notice he was taller than before, but his features had not changed much. You probably had recognized him the second you saw him at that store. Satoru’s eyes returned to you as you entered your building.
“Thanks, Ijichi.” With that, Gojo got off and walked after you.
You were climbing the first set of stairs. “Satoru?” It did not take him long to reach the stairs. “Is everything okay?”
You were glad to see him, but you had not made plans with him today, and although he would come unannounced most times, there was something about his expression that made you think he had rushed here.
He smiled. “It is. I just wanted to see you. Can I come up?”
That’s a first. Since when did he ask for permission to go to your home?
As you walked to your floor, you took in Satoru’s demeanor. He looked pretty much the same as always, but the almost imperceptible way he was delaying his step, led you to believe there was something in his mind.
“You left the school early,” he mentioned casually.
You nodded. “I finished everything early, and…”, Satoru noticed the slightest bit of hesitation in your voice, “I had plans. Ikeda invited me to dinner; he just left, actually.”
“I think I saw him outside.” Satoru’s voice showed no emotion, but he tried to smile. “He hasn’t changed, right?” The smile did not come out.
“Not much," you agreed.
You reached your floor and headed to your door.
“I had a meeting with Yaga.” Satoru watched you take out your keys.
“How did that go?” Had Yaga told him something that was now occupying his mind?
You entered your key in the lock and looked at Gojo.
That tense smile again.
A turn of your key and the door opened, but Satoru stayed frozen in place, so you did not move either.
“Satoru, did Yaga send you to execute me?”
Of course, you had not done anything worthy of such a drastic action, but why else would he come at this hour looking so stiff?
Gojo laughed and, for a second, he looked like himself. “How did you know?” He followed you inside.
You took off your shoes and said with a grin. “Is that or he sent you to fire me. Which one is it?”
In truth, Satoru was feeling anxious. He had wanted to get a hold of you all week and thought a lot about what he was going to say to you when he did, but now that he had you finally in front of him, his heart felt too loud in his chest, and he could not remember how he had planned to start this conversation.
“Yeah, he said you don’t need to come in tomorrow, but you can expect your pay on Monday.” At least he could still get jokes out.
You smiled and swayed to your small living room, sitting down on the same couch where he had fallen asleep last time you had a movie marathon. He wanted to sit next to you, but he felt too fidgety, so he opted for standing in front of you.
“Now is a good time to prove your friendship to me and tell me you are going to cover my expenses until I find a new job.” You were grinning at him, a gesture he returned.
“Of course. In the other hand, I could let you just starve to death.”
“You wouldn’t.”
He smiled, and you knew it was his way of saying ‘No, I wouldn’t’.
You had been blown away that time you realized one of Satoru’s shirts costed almost as much as everything stored in your wardrobe, except for, maybe, the things Satoru himself had gifted to you, which you no longer wanted to ask the price of. Even though you had scolded him for being so wasteful when it came to presents for you or anyone -the sweater he gave to Shoko for her birthday was not cheap either- you knew that, as extravagant as it looked, he was just generous.
You raised an eyebrow. “You can sit down, you know?”
He licked his lips. “I think I’m good.”
Was he really getting ready to execute you?
You shifted in your seat. “Okay, you are making me nervous now…Are you really…?”
“Just hear me out, okay?” When you nodded, he continued, ignoring the suspicions look on your face. “Remember that time you told me you liked me?”
Your lips parted. Of course you remembered, but you had never expected him to mention it so directly. Was not there an implicit agreement to never talk about it again?
“Back then, I…”
Why was he bringing it up now? Maybe it would have been better being executed...
“I remember. You rejected me.” You averted your gaze. It was the first time you had said it aloud and it tugged at your heartstrings.
Satoru crouched down in front of you. You had seen him do something similar with his students. Right after beating them, he would kneel before them to explain where they had gone wrong in their attack. Was he trying to do that now?
“We don’t have to talk about it.” You thought it had been long forgotten, and you two were doing fine. There was no need to recall that humiliating chapter of your friendship.
With your faces almost at the same level, Satoru could see your puzzled expression.
“But I want to talk about it. I didn’t…” Satoru was going to say he had not exactly rejected you, but you interrupted him again.
“Why?” You were not angry, but he perceived the same hurt tone he had heard that time. “If you feel uncomfortable, you have no reason to be. It was a crush, Satoru. I don’t know why I said anything. I’m sorry, okay?”
You were not apologizing for liking him, you could never, but if he was bringing it up because he felt weird or if he thought you needed an explanation, you would do anything to save your friendship.
“A crush?” he asked. Just a crush?
That pained him just as much as the look on your face.
“Yes.” Just like that time, your eyes were on his even though he had them covered. “We can forget it. I’m over it.”
Satoru felt as if you were ripping his heart out.
He looked at you. A crush you were done with? That would hurt anyone’s ego, but that was not what pained him. His was not a crush, and what he felt for you would not go away in a matter of weeks or months. Satoru had realized that he had been falling for you for years now, in too deep to ever get out. And you had liked him for a second and now you did not anymore?
Satoru’s gaze landed on your lap and the hand scratching your wrist. You were nervous because you were anticipating an argument or…?
“You are lying,” Satoru stated flatly, and if he had not been wearing the blindfold, his eyes would have pierced your soul when they searched for yours.
He could read you well.
“But I want to get over you.” The way your words came out surprised you. You had told yourself you did not blame him for not reciprocating your feelings; it was not his fault, and he was under no obligation to feel the same way, but you still sounded resentful.
I won’t be a bother, just let me stay as your friend.
Satoru knew he would regret asking, but he did it anyway. “Because of Ikeda?”
Was he still upset about that?
“If you came here to argue about him...”
“Do you like him?” It was a question Satoru had avoided asking you for as long as he could back then. And even after he did, your answer had been simple: it was not like that. But now, what were you going to say?
“Satoru, just…”
It took a second for your mind to fully register what happened next: Satoru leaned forward swiftly, his hand was on your cheek and his lips were on yours. Your eyes had closed by reflex, and his lips, as soft as they looked, were moving against yours.
You reciprocated.
Through the years, always denying you were a couple, in your opinion, none of you had ever crossed any boundaries, except once. Satoru and you had kissed twice before. The first time had been an accident; the second, an attempt to prove that kissing a friend did not mean anything, or that was what Satoru had said.
A suppressed grunt came out of him, and you were reminded of his exact words.
“We are friends, so it doesn’t mean anything, right?”
You pressed your hand to his chest to push him back.
When you separated, you were both a little out of breath, but that was not Satoru’s main concern.
“I can’t believe you are this selfish.” Your voice cracked, and Satoru saw nothing but hurt and sadness in your eyes.
“What?” He had kissed you because he loved you, and he was pretty sure you felt the same when you kissed him back.
You blinked, trying to keep the tears forming in your eyes from falling.
“Why kiss someone you feel nothing for?”
He was dumbfounded. That was not…
“It’s horrible." You had never looked at him this way. "You should leave, Satoru.” You were already escaping his hold and getting up, looking away from him.
In the blink of an eye, Satoru had teleported away, and when you blinked again, all the tears you had been holding back streamed down.
Note: I... have nothing say. I'll go and hide somewhere.
Thank you for reading!
Next: Part XII
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lgbtqmanga · 10 months
New Releases Nov. 21, 2023
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Anti-Romance vol. 2 by Shoko Hidaka
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Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher vol. 2: Basking in Sunlight by Tama Mizuki
In high school, studious Hitsuji had a secret crush on one of his guy friends--a friendly delinquent named Hatoyama--but never confessed. Years later, Hitsuji is a slightly anxious but responsible adult who found his calling as an elementary school teacher. One of his young students is upset with a sloppy and nonconformist dad--who turns out to be Hatoyama! When Hitsuji learns that Hatoyama is struggling to raise his son as a single parent, Hitsuji helps him out, first as a teacher and then as a friend who can teach Hatoyama how to clean his home and cook actual vegetables. As the men grow closer, some of Hitsuji's anxieties begin to melt around the welcoming (and grateful) Hatoyama. What will become of the feelings Hitsuji used to harbor for his first love?
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Ennead vol. 1 by Mojito
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This hit Boys’ Love webtoon–a dramatic fantasy epic–is a reimagining of one of the oldest myths in human civilization. Already available in multiple languages to fans around the world, this is the very first time the graphic novel series will be printed in English, presented in beautiful full-color editions in an oversized trim! Seven Seas will release two versions of the series, which were originally drawn for different audiences: a paperback version rated Older Teen, and a deluxe hardcover version rated Mature. (Each version is standalone but has alternate depictions of some adult material.)
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The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This vol. 4 by Takashi Ikeda
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You Can Have My Back vol. 2 (novel) by Minami Kotsuna and Hitomi Hitoyo
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lurxv · 10 months
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source: minitokyo.net
Newtype article on Inuyasha (2000) illustration: Shoko Ikeda finishing: Sayoko Yokoyama background: Kyoto Animation
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boycottyashahime · 2 years
I hope shoko ikeda's family will filed lawusit agnaist shitrise
I don't know who that is, but alright.
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miwii · 4 years
So, I’m getting to a point where I can recognize who directed episodes of InuYasha based on the animation, and Shoko Ikeda’s have become my favorite. I’m watching one of her episodes and thinking, “Her style reminds me of KyoAni.” So I look her up and sure enough she was an animator for KyoAni, but she died in the arson attack on the studio last year and now I’m endlessly sad.
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I made a style meme thingamajig. Made everything myself, except for the styles.
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kag-san · 7 years
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inuykago · 2 years
you know what's extra sad? The animation director for Violet Evergarden, Shoko Ikeda, was also the animation director for some of the best animated episodes of Inuyasha, and she was killed along with a lot of her coworkers in the arson attack against Kyoto Animation studio back in 2019
HUH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
omg !!!! i have chills… i just googled more about it. that is heartbreaking. what is wrong with people :(
rest in peace to a legend forreal 💔
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Elaiza Ikeda to Star in Tatsunoko Production's 60th Anniversary Drama DORONJO
    Japanese satellite television station WOWOW announced today that 26-year-old actress/singer/fashion model Elaiza Ikeda (Shoko Komi in the Komi Can't Communicate live-action drama) will star in DORONJO, the forthcoming live-action drama series to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Tatsunoko Production. The dark fantasy drama is set to premiere on WOWOW Prime and WOWOW On Demand this fall.
  As its title suggests, the drama focuses on the past of Doronjo, one of the main villains from the popular anime series Yatterman, the second installment in Tatsunoko's time travel-themed Time Bokan anime franchise.
  Ikeda plays Nao Dorokawa, who later became Doronjo, in her first starring role in a WOWOW drama series. Nao is a woman who is in a poor and harsh environment, overworks herself as if she were a tool of competition. The only place where she can see the value of her existence is in a serious physical fight, and in the story, shocking tragedies occur to her one after another. The story depicts the eternal proposition of "justice and evil" through Doronjo's unknown past and her spectacular life.
    Message from Elaiza Ikeda:
  The days of facing the role of Nao were a series of harsh experiences, both physically and mentally. Fighting to live. There was no room to think about whether it was right or wrong. There was nothing easy about the process of being close to Nao, who was trapped in a corner. I am sure that Nao's fighting spirit, which roars in her heart even when she rises to the battlefield or when she stands on the edge of despair, will give hope to someone. I was very happy to be able to play this character, who is struggling toward tomorrow with bare instincts in a world where people tend to think too much about the meaning of life. I hope that many people will see this drama.
          Doronjo anime character visual:
  RELATED: Tatsunoko Production Celebrates Its 60th Anniversary with Yatterman Live-action Drama featuring Doronjo 
    Source: WOWOW official website
  ©Tatsunoko Production
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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angel-kyo · 9 months
Pay it no mind
Part V
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
“Geto says they are on their way.” Shoko put away her phone and looked at the waiter you had been stealing glances at while he was taking the order at a nearby table.
You had found that coffee shop not long ago one day you had been out on your own, but you had dragged Ieiri there several times since then. It started as...
“I found this nice place near that store you liked the other day.”
“Oh, really?” Shoko had said.
“I think you would like it. We should go together next time.”
Once there, Shoko had realized rather quickly that the waiter was particularly friendly towards you. That is how you had to tell her he had noticed the anime keychain hanging from your bag the first time you stopped by (he was a fellow fan), and then small talk turned into a nice conversation, and next thing you knew was you were telling him you would see him next time. And you had, many times after that.
So, whether you were coming alone or with Ieiri, he always served your table and chatted a little with you. Had school been rough that day? Had you seen the last episode of that anime yet? He was reading something new, maybe you would like it too.
Shoko would participate in your conversation just enough not to make you feel like you were excluding her, but she was not really interested in all of that. Your likes differed. She did not want, however, to prevent you from making friends with people who shared your interests.
“I’ll admit that he is cute, but is he cuter than me?" Shoko sighed. "He must be if you are ignoring me for him.” She rested her face on her palm and looked at the table the guy in question was tending to.
You smiled at her fake jealousy. “Stop it...” you said shaking your head lightly and beaming at her. “No one is cuter than you.”
She gave you a side smile. Gojo would kill me if he heard you, you know?
Young as she was at that moment, Ieiri had never tried to analyze the depth of Gojo's feelings in any circumstances. She had always thought it pointless. So, when he had introduced you and said you were his close childhood friend, she had just accepted it. The possibility of him holding deeper feelings would only cross her mind later, but one thing had been evident to her since the beginning: Gojo liked your attention more than anyone else's.
“Are you going to ask him out or are we just going to keep coming here until I have tried everything there is in the menu?” Shoko's voice was soft, but a flushed color rose to your cheeks at the thought that Ikeda may have heard her.
“Well, is not like that…”
“Oh, good, you ordered something already,” Gojo said plopping down on the seat next to you while Suguru greeted both of you and sat next to Shoko.
Satoru then took a long sip of your iced tea.
“That’s mine! Get yours,” you complained but only received his silly smirk in return.
“Excuse him, [name], you know how he gets when he is outside,” Suguru defended calmly, looking at the menu Shoko had handed him.
“He is like this all the time.” You sighed, and Gojo nudged you. Shoko looked amused by your situation.
Gojo rolled his eyes. “Why did you invite me if you did not want me around?”
“You invited yourself,” you hissed. “I am glad you are here, though, Geto.” You smiled at the latter.
Gojo was going to claim he had been your friend for longer and it was unfair Geto always got better treatment, but then he saw Suguru and Shoko looking up to the figure that had materialized next to your table.
“Is everything okay around here?” a guy wearing a black apron who seemed to be around their age asked. “Looks like the rest of the party is here. Would you like to order anything else?”
Suguru ordered something and Satoru did too. Ieiri said she was okay, and then the waiter looked at you. “And you, [name]?”
Gojo looked at him. Had he addressed you by your name? That was a bit weird.
“I’m alright. Thanks, Ikeda.”
And it looked like you knew him as well? His focus shifted to you. Suguru had also picked up on it and, after that Ikeda guy had walked away, he was the one to ask. “You know each other?”
For some reason, the cunning smile that appeared on Ieiri’s lips made Gojo uncomfortable.
“Something like that...I have been coming here for a while now.” You scratched your wrist, and Gojo wondered if you were nervous. He knew all your quirks by heart now and you did that when you were, he was sure.
Suguru hummed and dismissed it, but Shoko saw an opportunity to tease you. “He certainly makes this place look brighter, doesn’t he, [name]?”
Gojo looked at you from the corner of his eye. Were you blushing?
“And I bet he thinks you are cute too. We should ask him, no?” Shoko pressed on.
You shook your head and laughed. Now you were really red, which made Shoko laugh too. It was usual for her to tease you like that when cute-coffee-shop-waiter-guy (as she had started referring to him) was around, but it was the first time Geto and Gojo had joined you there and witnessed it.
Geto did not fully understand what you two were all about, but he enjoyed seeing his friends having fun. Nevertheless, he did not miss the straight line that had replaced Satoru’s usual smile.
“You are supposed to go the other way.” Gojo kept furiously pressing the buttons of his controller.
“This is a shortcut.” You were sitting next to him on the floor of his room because he had invited you to play video games with him.
Since he had started high school, Gojo had been spending a lot of time with Geto. At first, you had felt displaced, but Geto was nice and, after having Satoru attached to your hip for so many years, maybe finding another kindred spirit would be good for him, and just maybe, it would be good for you to do the same.
That made you think of your new friend, the one Shoko insisted thought you were cute.
“Girls must like him. He is a pretty face,” Shoko had recognized the first time she saw Ikeda.
She had been right; you had noticed it from the start too. Ikeda’s eyes were pretty, and his smile was kind, plus, he was so friendly. When he told you his mother had named him Haruki just because he had been born in the spring, you thought it really suited him.
But that only meant you had a high opinion of him, right? It was not like you really liked him the way Shoko believed, was it?
“Satoru,” you made your character jump on the screen, “have you ever liked someone?”
Gojo’s sight remained on the game. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, how do you know you like someone like… you know… romantically?”
Gojo’s fingers faltered over the buttons of his controller. “Hmm…” He saw your avatar getting hit by an enemy attack and dying in the game. If you could not back him up, that meant he would lose too, right? “I don’t know… I guess you just like them and...”
You had left your controller on the floor and were looking at him intently.
It was getting dark outside, but he could still see your features clearly.
“And?” you urged him.
He was not sure of what to say. What did it even mean to like someone that way? He thought Inoue Waka was attractive. Did that count?
He shrugged. “And... you just know.” He did not want to give you a dumb answer, but he was not great with this kind of questions either.
You averted your gaze. “But it is different than when you like a friend, isn’t it?”
Satoru pondered it for a bit.
Is it?
“I guess…” He pushed you gently and put on his best smile. “Why does it matter anyway? Are you interested in romance now?" He was being playful, but you felt like he had seen through you.
"You think I should?"
He smiled. "Nope. You have me, right? I’m a boy and your friend. What would you need a boyfriend for?”
You returned his smile. "You are right, I wouldn't have time for him. You are too high maintenance."
With the way you were smiling at him, Satoru thought you could easily find someone if you wanted to.
Maybe you are right. Maybe it feels different...
"Oh... We lost." You were looking at the screen showing the message 'game over'.
Satoru should have known that was foreshadowing.
Note: And... Cut! I really wanted to write them in their high school years, so here's a peek.
Thank you for reading!
Next: Part VI
@mavs-stuff @witchbybirth @crookedlyaddictedone-blog @tqd4455
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
Haikyuu Managers Fic (Title is a WIP)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hVx5Ora
by The_Enby_With_A_Plan
We don’t focus on the managers of the teams, so I decided to take it into my own hands and write about the managers.
Also, most of them are OC’s b/c we don’t get names (I’ve searched this up).
The few tags I missed b/c tag limit:
Terushima Yuuji/Daishou Suguru Terushima Yuuji Daishou Suguru Usagi Takahashi Ai Miya Mihoko Yamazaki Asuka Aoki Chika Nakano Kagami Endo Aina Suzuki Kaida Akaashi Shoko Fujita Kaoru Ota Midori Yamaguchi Rinako Ogawa Natsuki Ikeda Jimin Mori Akako Nakajima Seki Kondo Miku Ennoshita
Words: 681, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Haikyuu Fics
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kinoshita Hisashi, Narita Kazuhito, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Atsumu, Suna Rintarou, Miya Osamu, Ojiro Aran, Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Morisuke Yaku, Haiba Lev, Shirabu Kenjirou, Semi Eita, Tendou Satori, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Koganegawa Kanji, Takanobu Aone, Futakuchi Kenji, Goshiki Tsutomu, Usagi Takahashi, Ai Miya, Mihoko Yamazaki, Asuka Aoki, Chika Nakano, Kagami Endo, Aina Suzuki, Kaida Akaashi, Shoko Fujita, Kaoru Ota, Midori Yamaguchi, Rinako Ogawa
Relationships: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kinoshita Hisashi/Narita Kazuhito, Bokuto Koutarou/Akaashi Keiji, Sakusa Kiyoomi/Miya Atsumu, suna rintarou/miya osamu, Ojiro Aran/Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurou/Kozume Kenma, Morisuke Yaku/Haiba Lev, Shirabu Kenjirou/Semi Eita, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Koganegawa Kanji/Goshiki Tsutomu, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Kindaichi Yutaro/Kunimi Akira, Yahaba Shigeru/Kyotani Kentaro
Additional Tags: Usagi Takahashi through Miku Ennoshita are OC’s, They (minus Miku Ennoshita) are all managers of different teams, This is my take on the other team’s managers, they are all best friends, They meet up every other week and gossip about their teams, Some chatfic elements but mostly a regular fanfic, Vacations, POV Changes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hVx5Ora
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cultivonerd · 3 years
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🗣O anúncio da série saiu nessa semana e de quebra já anunciaram os atores que farão os protagonistas: • Elaiza Ikeda - Shoko Komi • Takahisa Masuda - Hitohito Tadano. #staff: Yoshihito Okashita e Eiji Ishii estão dirigindo a série. Fumie Mizuhashi está escrevendo o roteiro. Toshikazu Higuchi e Asako Takagi são os produtores executivos. Já Hiroyuki Ōnuma está produzindo o drama. Tо̄ichirо̄ Rutо̄ é o produtor coordenador.  E a trilha sonora está nas mãos de Eishi Segawa. 📌 Além da série a obra também recebeu uma adaptação para anime, que estréia em outubro/2021. #tags #news #anuncios #adaptações #komisan #komicantcommunicate #komiwakomyushoudesu #jdrama #anime #liveaction (em Maceió, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRuXS1dLXE2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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newsintheshell · 6 years
Nuovo video promozionale di “Star Blazers 2202: Soldiers of Love”
La saga approderà anche sulle tv giapponesi a partire da ottobre. 
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Il sito ufficiale di “Star Blazers 2202: Soldiers of Love” ha diffuso un nuovo video promozionale per il quinto episodio della saga cinematografica, sottotitolato "Rengoku-hen" (Capitolo del Purgatorio). La pellicola prodotta da Xebec, diretta da Nobuyoshi Habarae sceneggiata da Harutoshi Fukui, uscirà nei cinema giapponesi il 25 maggio.
Il video contiene un estratto del brano di chiusura "Youanka", interpretato da Shino Arima e MayTree.
Rivelati anche design e doppiatori di tre nuovi personaggi.
Adelshia Dessler (doppiata da Shoko Ikeda), la madre di Aberdt che qui vediamo con lui da ragazzo.  
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Matthius Dessler (doppiato da Takeshi Kusao), fratello maggiore di Aberdt che qui vediamo con lui da bambino.   
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Erik vam Dessler, (doppiato da Kazuhiko Inoue), leader dell’Impero Gamillas.
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La saga sarà composta in totale da sette lungometraggi che proseguiranno la storia di “Star Blazers 2199″. In ottobre, il progetto riceverà un primo rimontaggio, approdando anche sulle tv giapponesi come serie.
Entrambi gli anime sono licenziati in Italia da Dynit e disponibili sottotitolati in streaming su VVVVID. Di “Star Blazer 2199″ è presente anche la versione doppiata.  
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otakunews01 · 6 years
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5th Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Anime Film Reveals 3 New Cast Members
The official website for the Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2202 (Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi or Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love) anime sequel project revealed three new cast members for "Rengoku-hen" (Purgatory Chapter), the fifth film in the series, on Monday. The new characters revealed are part of the Dessler family. (Note: Character name romanizations are not official.)
Shoko Ikeda as Adelshia Dessler, Aberdt's mother (standing with young Aberdt)
Takeshi Kusao as Matthius Dessler, Aberdt's older brother (standing with young Aberdt)
Kazuhiko Inoue as Erik vam Dessler, the leader of the Gamillas Empire
The fifth film will premiere in Japanese theaters on Friday.
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rowel-anime-trends · 4 years
Megumi Hayashibara, Saori Hayami, Shoko Ikeda, Megumi Okina, 46 other voice actors star
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