#shockwave lambert
boilingheart · 2 years
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My take on the Elementals from PD!!
This was a really fun challenge to try and make all of them look distinctive and unique while all basically using the same exact face :D 
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nightmare nightmare nightmare
reminder my commissions are open :D
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alkalineleak · 1 year
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@seraphex yeah hes silly (u can tell i havent drawn in 2 weeks but thats ok)
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cator99 · 4 months
The culture shockwaves sent by Katy Perry I Kissed A Girl Lady Gaga Adam Lambert and scene-emo subculture coalescing all at once made it sooooo easy to be a lesbian in 2008-2009 literally some of those girls I was dating were straight up not even gay it was kind of a high we were winning for a second there until the dysphoria wars that subsequently transpired and tore lesbianism asunder........ 2011 was our Tower of Babel I fear........
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Here is the update on the No1 Councilblr Understander bracket!!
So I have compiled the nomination results and am ready to post polls!! Above the cut is a list of polls for contested titles (aka characters with more than one nominee), that will all take place starting 10AM AEST. After these polls conclude everyone will be thrown into one big bracket!!
Tuesday Apr 25th: Chip, Ashe Winters, Exandroth, Kian Stone, Alastyr Cross, Ayva Ferin, Malenia Ferin, Cantrip, Chungus, Richie Sanders
Wednesday Apr 26th: Jay Ferin, Dakota Cole, Peter Sqloint, Rolan Deep, Flynn Gustwind, Mark Winters, Ashe's Mom, Rachel Rand, Sarah Thompson, Tide Lambert
Thursday Apr 27th: Gillion Tidestrider, Vyncent Sol, Rumi, Timothy Rand, Kasper, Caspian, Captain Lizzie, Grayson, Min, The Elders
Friday Apr 28th: William Wisp PT1, William Wisp PT2, Thanatos, Br'aad Vengolor, Kroe Wyse, Abstinence Boy, Alphonz, Amanda Rinn, Niklaus Hendrix
Saturday Apr 29th: William Wisp PT3, Drey Ferin, Harlem Shade, Zuen, Rebecca Jones, Edyn Tidestrider, Pretzel, Ram, Strider, Reuben Price
Below the cut is the list of nominees and their nominations.
Chip, Drey Ferin, Ashe Winters, Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp, Cantrip, Mark Winters, Ram
Doug, Ghoul, Mallard Conway, Everyone Relating to the Spirit World, Unwitness Protection Program, Willow Wisp
The Elders, Ashe Winters, Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp, Harlem Shade, Alphonz, Cantrip, Chungus, Grayson, Mark Winters, Min, Ram, Strider, Tide Lambert, Ashe's Mom, Peter Sqloint, Rumi, Thanatos
Thanatos (OG)
Gillion Tidestrider, Ayva Ferin, William Wisp, Exandroth, Peter Sqloint, Rumi, Thanatos, Zuen, Kian Stone, Rebecca Jones, Sarah Thompson
Aona, Tristan
Chip, Gillion Tidestrider, Exandroth, Peter Sqloint, Rumi, Thanatos, Zuen, Kian Stone, Rolan Deep, Timothy Rand, Rachel Rand, Rebecca Jones, Richie Sanders, Sarah Thompson, Br'aad Vengolor
Rymir, Jesse, Sylnan Vengolor
Gillion Tidestrider, Kian Stone, Timothy Rand
Jay Ferin, Drey Ferin, Edyn Tidestrider, Captain Lizzie, Ashe Winters, Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp, Abstinence Boy, Kian Stone, Rolan Deep, Timothy Rand, Rachel Rand, Rebecca Jones, Richie Sanders, Sarah Thompson, Flynn Gustwind
Aslana, Ms Gilbert
Chip, Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider, Caspian, Edyn Tidestrider, Captain Lizzie, Niklaus Hendrix, Pretzel, Ashe Winters, Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp, Alphonz, Chungus, Grayson, Min, Ram, Strider, Tide Lambert, Peter Sqloint, Rumi, Thanatos, Kian Stone, Rolan Deep, Timothy Rand, Alastyr Cross, Flynn Gustwind, Kasper, Kroe Wyse
Goobleck, Alphonze, Gryffon, Marshall John, Ollie, Queen, Strangle Macock
Ayva Ferin, Edyn Tidestrider, Ashe Winters, William Wisp, Abstinence Boy, Mark Winters, Exandroth, Rumi, Rebecca Jones
Chip, Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider, Amanda Rinn, Malenia Ferin, Niklaus Hendrix, Reuben Price, The Elders
Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider
Chip, Niklaus Hendrix
Aster, Lunadeyis, Aster Aeliana
Dakota Cole, William Wisp, Harlem Shade, Rumi, Kian Stone, Kasper
Ashe Winters, Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp, Kian Stone, Rolan Deep, Timothy Rand, Rebecca Jones
Drey Ferin, Vyncent Sol, Rachel Rand
Jason King
Gillion Tidestrider, Caspian, Edyn Tidestrider, Ashe Winters, Mark Winters, Ashe's Mom
Literally Everyone from the Undersea, Shockwave
Gillion Tidestrider, Edyn Tidestrider
Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp
Alastyr Cross, Flynn Gustwind, Kasper, Kroe Wyse
Reuben Price
Amanda Rinn, Exandroth, Rumi, Kian Stone, Timothy Rand, Kasper
Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider, Caspian, Captain Lizzie, Niklaus Hendrix, Dakota Cole, Mark Winters, Exandroth, Kian Stone, Rolan Deep, Rebecca Jones, Sarah Thompson, Br'aad Vengolor
Vyncent Sol
Gillion Tidestrider, Malenia Ferin, William Wisp, Mark Winters, Tide Lambert
Finn Tidestrider
William Wisp
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mwezina · 1 year
The Tower & FE3H
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The Tower represents destruction. Upon all the hopes and dreams of mankind (the tower itself), a fork of thunder strikes, destroying the power and authority that people have placed upon it. An unstoppable force of God or nature has occurred, and nothing could have prevented it. At the same time, the location of the tower seems to foreshadow that something catastrophic would happen -- what did they think would happen when they built a tall tower upon a mountain? 
However, The Tower also represents a necessary destruction so that better things can be built in its place. The thunder has dethroned the crown, asking the people to rethink authority and preconceived notions, giving way to an awakening of new insights. 
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The crest associated with this card is the Crest of Charon. Charon is the ferryman of Hades, bringing passengers from the world of the living to the underworld. He’s considered a psychopomp of Greek mythology. So his duty is to transport souls from one world to another, whether on a boat or otherwise. He is typically depicted as having flashing eyes and an angry demeanour. This is likely a reflection of how people at the time felt about death. 
The Lightning Dragon is a strange one, since it is so similar to the Storm Dragon. When I did my research on what Lightning could represent, it led me back to the god of thunder, lightning, and storms. My only thought is that the god of thunder has a strong relationship to his brother, the god of wind. Perhaps the relationship is important somehow. 
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I imagine the Lightning Dragon to be like a twin to the Storm Dragon, only that the Lightning Dragon crackles with electricity instead of being a foreboding shadow over the land. 
Instead of connecting this card to a person, I will connect it to an event. The Tragedy of Duscur. The assassination of King Lambert. While well-meaning, King Lambert was targeted for his massive reforms and hopes of peace with Faerghus’ neighbours. He was struck down by other nobles and forces beyond human comprehension (Agarthans). This reflects the destruction found within The Tower card, and the shockwave of effects felt by the royal family, the people of Duscur, and those truly loyal to Lambert. 
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Charon being a bringer of death matches well with this event. So many lives were claimed as part of this event. Not only that, but the Charon family played a large part in the aftermath as well, bringing Christophe to justice for an attempted assassination on Lady Rhea and as a result being accused of plotting the assassination against the late king. 
Finally, the parallel to the Lightning and Storm Dragon can be found in both these events being catastrophic for the regions they affected. Edelgard’s war put the continent into a state of prolonged turmoil and may end with the Agarthans taking their final revenge upon Nabateans. The Tragedy of Duscur ended with the death of many Duscurians, and nearly the destruction of the Faerghan royal family. 
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I do think it’s interesting to note that the two darkest cards of the major arcana also correspond with the two characters that suffered Agarthan experimentation, Edelgard and Lysithea. So perhaps these cards can also be connected to the underlying “rot” of Fòdlan in some way.
Previous: The Devil
Next: The Star
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What are the humans like in wayward sparks? Are there any notable ones?
They're not necessarily as prominent in the story as they tend to be in any canon series that includes them, but they're definitely there. The bots spend the first arc just trying to survive on earth until they find a way home, and they have quite a few run ins with the locals. Most of which are relatively unhinged, many of which are not very friendly, because they crash in an itty bitty, rural new england mountain town called Ironwood, wayyyyy out in the sticks. Most residents aren't particularly afraid to fire at will when giant robot aliens decide to show up.
Least alien-friendly would be Rusty Williams, a local logger with one hell of a trigger finger for anyone and anything on his property he sees as a threat. Aliens, government agents asking a few too many questions, cops, whatever. All of them only get one warning.
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Fortunately for the stranded Cybertronians, gunshots aren't really fatal or even particularly damaging long-term for giant robots that can put themselves back together if they sustain enough damage to fall to pieces. Unfortunately, they still do enough damage to tear through their outer armor layers and that tends to hurt like a bitch.
In the very least, there are plenty of humans around with their heads screwed on right that won't try to blast anything that looks at them funny. Like Rusty's Daughter, Crystal.
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That said, Crystal is an elusive type. A middle schooler Going Through It, trying REALLY hard to be edgy so people stay away (hence the $2 Spirit Halloween horns headband), she'd really prefer to spend her free time hiding in the woods where nobody can perceive her. Thats been a little more difficult ever since a bunch of giant robots started stomping around out there and all they know about her is her dad is super cringe, so she's pretty scared of a bad first imprsssion.
She'd be lying if she said she didn't want to be friends with them (which she does lie about frequently because ew, genuine feelings), especially the Decepticons, because she thinks they're cooler, but she also knows her dad would flip his lid if he knew.
Also interested in approaching the Resident Aliens, is Marie Lambert.
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Marie's only just recently moved into Ironwood. It's been a rocky transition to say the least. Her dad's a biologist, a real science-y type, and he moved out to the boonies to be closer to the wildlife. Marie's plenty used to being out in the sticks, camping trips with her dad were a regular occurrence before the move, but it's a little hard to get used to the new place when there aren't very many kids her age around. And the ones that are there aren't exactly very welcoming to flatlanders showing up taking over the place.
But in the very least, Marie makes ONE friend when she finds Crystal out in the woods. And a few more when they find what the adult residents of Ironwood have been telling them to stay the hell away from.
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They don't approach them straightaway (mostly because their first encounter consists of watching Shockwave scare away Bumblebee, and Shockwave skulking off when he realizes he spooked the Autobot), but the next day at school they start Planning. They HAVE to know more about the robots, and they're willing to pool their resources and information to make that happen. They figure if there's two sides and they don't play nice with each other, it's easiest for one girl to pick one side and they tell each other whatever they can find out.
This begins several beautiful friendships
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Marie chooses to gather info on the Autobots. Mostly because, well, they seem less scary and potentially friendlier. She tries the polite thing (which she's hoping will result in the least possible chance for things to go off the rails) and knocks right on their door. The bots aren't really sure how to respond to a very small, very shy alien critter that showed up right at their door to ask what they are and if she can hang out. Marie isn't sure if any of this was a good idea.
They turn out to be pretty welcoming, especially because organics that aren't actively shooting at them are a nice change of pace.
She gets especially close with Bumblebee. Hes comforting. Makes her feel like everything's going to be okay. She gets pretty anxious, and he's good at keeping her grounded. So far, anyway...
On Crystal's side, it's been... Well, it's been different.
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The cons would not admit it on their deathbeds but good lord did Crystal scare the slag out of them when they first realized she was there. She snuck right on aboard their crashed ship and nobody noticed her for about 15 minutes.
After the initial scare, and a bunch of big bad giant robots scrambling around because there is a Tiny Squishy Critter in their Space and they do NOT know what to do about that, Crystal starts in trying to get answers. Answers most of the cons aren't particularly willing to give out (other than Shockwave, who is just very excited at the opportunity to make a new friend).
Megatron eventually deems her more or less harmless. She isn't really causing problems or hurting anyone, she doesn't appear to be hostile (other than hissing at Lugnut when he got too close), and he can't really fault the little gremlin for her curiosity. An ally in a foreign world can be very very valuable when you're stranded, so he lets her stay, "as long as she doesn't get in the way."
Marie and Crystal meet up at school during lunch to share notes. It gets confusing trying to keep track of everything when the two sides give conflicting information so often. The girls try to keep an open mind. Hard to remember things about someone you don't like, but they can't really figure out which version is true for any given story, but they're hoping if they spend enough time with their robot friends, they'll figure it out together.
Maybe they can even help the bots and the cons make up. It's just a silly fight, after all.
It's not like anyone's going to get hurt, right? They're all good people.
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jukeboxcwb · 3 years
Olivia Rodrigo concorre nas quatro principais categorias do Grammy 2022; confira os indicados
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Nesta terça-feira (23), a Recording Academy liberou a lista de indicados ao Grammy Awards 2022, premiação que acontece no dia 31 de janeiro, no Staples Center, em Los Angeles.
Em agosto deste ano, foi divulgado que a cantora Joni Mitchell foi a eleita como Personalidade do Ano de 2022 da MusiCares. Ela será homenageada no dia 29 de janeiro, dois dias antes da cerimônia do Grammy Awards.
Olivia Rodrigo é a única artista que aparece concorrendo nas quatro principais categorias (Álbum do ano, Gravação do ano, Música do ano e Artista revelação). Além dessas, a artista concorre em mais três categorias.
Jon Batiste, pianista que fez a trilha sonora do filme 'Soul', lidera as indicações, aparecendo em 11 categorias. Além dele, seguem atrás Justin Bieber, Doja Cat e H.E.R com oito nomeações cada.
Confira alguns dos indicados:
Álbum do ano:
SOUR – Olivia Rodrigo
Planet Her – Doja Cat
evermore – Taylor Swift
Love For Sale – Tony Bennett e Lady Gaga
Justice- Justin Bieber
Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish
Back of My Mind – H.E.R
We Are – Jon Batiste
DONDA – Kanye West
Gravação do ano:
I Still Have Faith In You – ABBA
Freedom – Jon Batiste
I Get A Kick Out Of You – Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga
Peaches – Justin Bieber , Daniel Caesar & Giveon
Right On Time – Brandi Carlie
Kiss Me More – Doja Cat & SZA
Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish
MONTERO (Call Me By Your Nome) – Lil Nas X
drivers license – Olivia Rodrigo
Leave The Door Open – Silk Sonic
Música do ano:
Bad Habits -Ed Sheeran
A Beautiful Noise – Alicia Keys & Brandi Carlile
drivers license – Olivia Rodrigo
Fight For You – H.E.R
Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish
Leave the Door Open – Silk Sonic
Kiss Me More – Doja Cat & SZA
MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) – Lil Nas X
Peaches – Justin Bieber, Daniel Caesar & Giveon
Right On Time – Brandi Carlile
Artista revelação:
Arooj Aftab
immy Allen
Baby Keen
Glass Animals
Japanese Breakfast
Arlo Parks
Olivia Rodrigo
Melhor álbum pop:
Justice – Justin Bieber
Planet Her – Doja Cat
Happier Than Ever (Deluxe) – Billie Eilish
Positions – Ariana Grande
Sour – Olivia Rodrigo
Melhor vídeo clipe:
Shot In the Dark – ACDC
Freedom – Jon Batiste
I Get A Kick Out of You – Tony Bennett e Lady Gaga
Peaches – Justin Bieber, Daniel Caesar & Giveon
Happier Than Ever – Billie Eilish
good 4 u – Olivia Rodrigo
Melhor álbum rock:
Power Up – AC/DC
Capitol Cuts – Live From Studio – Black Pumas
No One Sings Like You Anymore – Chris Cornell
Medicine at Midnight – Foo Fighters
McCartney III- Paul McCartney
Melhor música rock:
All My Favorite Sogns – Weezer
The Bandit – Kings Of Leon
Distance – Mammoth WVH
Find My Way – Paul McCartney
Waiting on a War – Foo Fighters
Melhor álbum de eletrônica:
Subconsciously — Black Coffee
Fallen Embers — Illenium
Music Is the Weapon (Reloaded) — Major Lazer
Shockwave — Marshmello
Free Love — Sylvan Esso
Judgement — Ten City
Melhor álbum R&B:
Temporary Highs In The Violet Skies – Snoh Aalegra
We Are – Jon Batiste
Gold-Diggers Sound – Leon Bridges
Back Of My Mind – H.E.R.
Heaux Tales – Jazmine Sullivan
Melhor música R&B:
Damage – H.E.R
Good Days – SZA
Heartbreak Anniversary – Giveon
Leave The Door Open – Silk Sonic
Pick Up Your Feelings – Jazmine Sullivan
Melhor álbum alternativo:
Fleet Foxes – Shore
Halsey – If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power
Japanese Breakfast – Jubilee
Arlo Parks – Collapsed in Sunbeams
St. Vincent – Daddy’s Home
Melhor álbum Rap:
Drake – Certified Lover Boy
Tyler, The Creator – Call Me If You Get Lost
Kanye West – DONDA
J Cole – The Off
Season Nas – King’s Disease
Melhor álbum Country:
SKELETONS – Brothers Osborne
THE MARFA TAPES – Miranda Lambert, Jon Randall & Jack Ingram
STARTING OVER – Chris Stapleton
Melhor música Country:
“Better Than We Found It” — Maren Morris
“Camera Roll” — Kacey Musgraves
“Cold” — Chris Stapleton
“Country Again” — Thomas Rhett
“Fancy Like” — Walker Hayes
“Remember Her Name” — Mickey Guyton
Para conferir todos os indicados, clique aqui.
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sammy8d257 · 3 years
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JRWI Prime Defenders, The Elementals Oneshot vague spoilers
Tide Voice: It’s fine... He’s fine! He’s fine-
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womansharry · 3 years
illicit affairs
a/n: this took me quite a while, but hopefully you guys enjoy it. This song it loosely based on the song illicit affairs by Taylor Swift. I focused more on the downfall/breakup of the relationship that the affair itself. Also, I don't condone cheating of any kind. 
Also, I’m not sure if I like the ending. I know it’s somewhat abrupt  But I do have an idea to use this specific storyline with another folklore one shot. Anyway, I hope you guys like it. 
warnings: language, mentions of sex, alcohol and cheating. 
word count: 968
It was born from stolen glances and remarks made here and there. I knew it was wrong, and I think all along he knew it too. Harry was just too damn charming. I had told myself that I would say no to him, but I never did. It was as much my fault as it was his. I had been on tour with him since March. I was working alongside Harry Lambert. At first, I didn’t think he noticed me, much less cared about me. Until one night when Harry Lambert had a family emergency, and couldn’t be there for the show in Berlin.
“Yeh quiet, y’know?” he said as I passed him a pair of shoes. Our hands touched briefly, and it sent a shockwave through my entire body.
“I just don’t have much to say.”  It wasn't entirely true. Most of my friends would describe me as an extrovert. But there was something about Harry. It shook me to my very core. I couldn’t breathe when I was around him. Much less, form grammatically correct sentences. 
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He slipped his shoes on and stood in front of the full-length mirror. “How do I look?”
I looked down at my own feet, trying to decide what to say. He looked amazing. “You look nice,” I didn’t make eye contact with him. If I did, I would probably pass out.
“’M I makin’ yeh uncomfortable?” he asked sincerely. Finally, I let my eyes meet his. And his gaze stopped me dead in my tracks.
“No, I just didn’t think you’d wanna talk to me.” I picked at the pink polish on one of my fingernails.
“Course I do. I think yeh really cool. An' yeh 'ave a good eye for fashion.” We were now standing just a few feet apart.
“Harry,” I heard myself say, finally. The steady sound of my voice was surprising. My insides were cutting flips. I was suddenly overwhelmed with passion.
“Can I kiss yeh, Elle?” I hesitated at first, but then I nodded. The kiss was electric, it sent another shock right through me. But the kiss only lasted a second before I pulled away.
“Harry, you have a wife…” I tried to avoid his gaze, but I couldn't. Harry was like a force of nature.
“I just can’t help myself. Yeh…incredible.”
4 months later
I felt Harry move beside me. “’Ve gotta take a piss.” I laughed softly and watched him stumble through the dark hotel room. I watched him as he closed the door to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 4:30, I needed to leave soon. Harry didn’t take long in the bathroom. I was sitting up when he came back.
“I should probably be leaving.”
“Wish yeh could stay. Y’know, tours almost over.”
“I know…” I stood up and started to change into my outfit from the night before. He sat down at the foot of the bed and ran his hand through his hair.
Something had shifted in the air. The end of the tour meant the end of this. The last four months seemed to vanish as quickly as they had started.
“Harry?” I asked as I pulled my jeans up and buttoned them.
"Hmm?" He responded. His eyes were fixed on a spot on the brown carpet that I couldn't pinpoint.
"What do we do? When it's over...” my words seemed to have a double meaning. I knew exactly what would happen once the final curtain closed.
I felt my eyes well up with tears, and my throat constricted. 
“I..don’t know.” He said it quietly, but I could tell from his voice that this was going to be over soon. I felt my eyes well up with tears, and my throat constricted. Over the past 4 months, I had fallen helplessly in love with the man in front of me. He had a wife. She was gorgeous, and she was so kind. She didn't deserve this. I knew that he cared about me, but I had been so naive to think that anything would come from this. He wouldn't leave her. He would go home and pretend that none of this had happened. We would keep this dirty little secret. "What happens on the road stays on the road." He had said one night early in my stint on tour. Of course, that night he had been referring to getting blackout drunk and not cheating on his wife. 
“Baby, don’ cry.” 
“I can’t help it. In two weeks you’ll go back to your perfect life in London. You’ll go back to her and I’ll be back in New York.” I took a deep breath. 
“Elle, I’m sorry.” 
“No,” my tone surprised and the words that came surprised me even more. "You knew this would happen. You knew that you would end this when the tour ended." I let my emotions take control for a second, “And right now, I hate myself for letting you get the best of me.” 
"Baby," He said, looking up at me. I almost let his gaze break me again. I took a deep breath.
“I was a fool. I was a damn fool, Harry.” 
He didn't say anything, he just hung his head. 
"Why don't I just make this easier and end this now. It was going to end anyway. I'll work the rest of the shows, but this is over.” I grabbed my things as quickly as I could. I had to get out of that room and away from him. 
I was in my room before I left the dam break. He hadn’t said a single word to me when I had been packing my shit up. 
It’s amazing how everything can change in a second. Our love had caught fire quickly, it had burned with passion, and it had absolutely destroyed me. Harry would go back to his wife without batting an eye, and I would be left to pick up the pieces. 
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shanascarlett · 4 years
Songs from Transformers playlist
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AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Art of Dying - Die Trying
Extreme Music - Skin Em Up
Glitch Mob - Better Hide, better run
Glitch Mob - Animus Vox
Hollywood Undead - How We Roll
ill Factor - Champion Sound
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Imagine Dragons - Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Imagine Dragons - I’m So Sorry
Imagine Dragons - Warriors
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Lemaitre - Day Two
Linkin Park - Final Masquerade
Linkin Park - A line in the sand
Linkin Park - Lost in the Echo
Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day
Linkin Park - What I’ve Done
Linkin Park - The Little Things Give You Away
Linkin Park - Iridescent
Ryan Star - Brand New Day
Skillet - Feel Invincible
two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
USS - Who's With Me
Fall Out Boy  The Last of the Real Ones
Linkin Park ft. Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes
One Republic - Counting Stars
USS - Work Shoes
Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
Worlds Collide - Extended Orchestra Mix (ft. Nicki Taylor)
Youngblood Hawke - Pressure
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Optimus Prime
As Lions - World on Fire
Fired Earth Music - Aphelion
Hammock - Numinous
Hollywood Undead - Take Me Home
Immediate Music - Rising Empire
Immediate Music - WIth Great Power
Linkin Park - I’ll be gone
Linkin Park - Powerless
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Poets of the Fall - No End, No Beginning
Red - House of Glass 
Tribal Society  – Kings
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Arcade Fire - Rococo
Avicii - Wake me Up
Imagine Dragons - It’s Time
Imagine Dragons - Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Robot Boy
Swedish House Mafia - Don’t you worry child
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
Sideburns VS Matisyahu - Let Go (Fight Like A Warrior)
TobyMac - Ignition
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Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime
Fitz & The Tantrums - HandClap
Hollywood Undead - Live Fast Die Young
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Bassnectar - Into the Sun
Saint Mesa - Lion
Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
Thousand Foot Krutch - Untraveled Road
two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
You Me At Six - Fast Foward
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
One Republic - Counting Stars
TobyMac - Ignition
Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
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Flume - Greatest View
Icon For Hire - Too Loud
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Papa Roach - Maniac
Ill Factor - Champion Sound
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Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Blackout
Sidewalks And Skeletons - Morphine
Meg Myers - Make A Shadow
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
Paramore - Ignorance (Animated ver)
Icon For Hire - Iodine
Icon For Hire - The Grey
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Imagine Dragons - Gold
Woodkid feat. Max Richter - The golden age - embers
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Icon For Hire - Pulse
Icon For Hire - Demons
Icon For Hire - Make A Move
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Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Waiting For The End
Klangkarussell - Sternenkinder
Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
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TobyMac - Ignition
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Papa Roach - Maniac
TobyMac - Ignition
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
Icon For Hire - Hope of Morning
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Dpen and Nick Varon - Grasshopper
Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
Within Temptation - Mercy Mirror
Tommee Profitt - Enchantment (feat. HEAVYOCITY)
Tommee Profitt - This Ship Is Going Down (feat. Xeah)
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Mistress of Flame
Within Temptation - Mercy Mirror
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Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
You Me At Six - Fast Foward
The Prodigy - Wild Frontier
TobyMac - Ignition
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Linkin Park - Roads Untraveled
TobyMac - Ignition
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
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Papa Roach - Maniac
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Foster The People - Helena Beat
Foster The People - Houdini
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Dirty Palm - Oblivion
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two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
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Foo FIghters - Rope
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Alpha Trion
Ryan Star - Brand New Day
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Deuce - I Came To Party
Hollywood Undead - Apologize
Hollywood Undead - Lights Out
Hollywood Undead - Tendencies
Hollywood Undead - Lump Your Head
Hollywood Undead - Le Deux
Hollywood Undead - War Child
Hollywood Undead - Comin In Hot
Hollywood Undead - Dead Bite
Hollywood Undead - We Are
Imagine Dragons - Who We Are
Julien-K - This Machine
Linkin Park - Plc.4 Mie Haed
Linkin Park - When They Come For Me
Powerman 5000 - How to be a human
Red - Outside
Within Temptation - Tell Me Why
Front Line Assembly - Sturm (Seekers Theme)
Clarx - H.E.Y. (Seekers Theme)
Within Temptation - Mad World
Powerman 5000 - Invade, Destroy, Repeat
Powerman 5000 - We Want It All
grandson - Blood Water
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Adelitas Way - Sick
Hollywood Undead - Dove and Grenade
Imagine Dragons - Monster
In This Moment - Adrenalize
Nine Ich Nails - Meet Your Master
Nostalghia - Homeostasis
Red - Damage
Warmer - in my head its like hell
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Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
Hollywood Undead - Levitate
Inner Party System - Don’t Stop
Missio - Twisted
Bring Me The Horizon - nihilist blues ft. Grimes
3OH!3 - Anything I Want
Machinae Supremacy - Gimme More
PhemieC – Ugly Story
USS - This Is The Best
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Current Value - Dark Rain
Dead Fetus - Mind of God
King Plague - Ave Plague
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Angelsplit - 100%
Family Force - Chainsaw
Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
Ken Ashcorp - Absolute
Prodigy - Destroy
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55 Escape - Addiction
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Sayonara Maxwell - Decay Queen
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Imagine Dragons - Demons
Three Days Grace - I Am Machine
Three Days Grace - Just Like You
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Actual Phantom - 7 Nation of Army
Barns Courtney - Champion
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Blue Stahli - You’ll get what’s coming
Bring Me The Horizon - Mantra
Celdweller - Own Little World
Celdweller - IRIA
Celdweller - Shapeshifter
DVBBS & Borgeous - Tsunami
Hollywood Undead - Pray
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Inner Party System - Don’t Stop
Kings & Creatures (Wolfpack) - Hunted
Linkin Park - Wastelands
Linkin Park - With you
Linkin Park - Points of Authority
Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Linkin Park - Lies Greed Misery
Linkin Park - Pts. Of. Athrty
Linkin Park - P5hng Me A_wy
Linkin Park - Rnw@y
Linkin Park - By_Myslf
Linkin Park - Kyur4 Th Ich
Otep - Lie
Red - Falling Sky 
Red - Death of Me (Guillotine Remix)
The Used - Revolution
USS - Yin Yang
Within Temptation - Endless War
Fall Out Boy – Light Em Up
Hollywood Undead - Already Dead
Within Temptation - Holy Ground
Imagine Dragons - Believer
Within Temptation - In Vain
Within Temptation - Raise Your Banner
Within Temptation - Reckoning
Tommee Profitt - In The End
Julien-K - Technical Difficulties
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Calm time
Arcade Fire - Suburbs
Arcade Fire - Rococo
Dirty South - Unknown
Ellie Goulding - Your Song
Everything Everything - Blast Doors
Florence And The Machine - Hurricane Drunk
IAMX - Alive in New Light
Imagine Dragons - Tokyo
Imagine Dragons - Working Man
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Synchronice Remix)
Imagine Dragons - Fall
The Kills - Sour Cherry
Lemaitre - Day Two
Ludovico Einaudi - Life
Raign - Empire of our own
Battle Tapes - Feel The Same
Ki:Theory - Kitty Hawk (Break Science Remix)
Leon Else - Tomorrow Land (All Fall Down)
Tom Day - Who We Want To Be
Fall Out Boy - Centuries (Gazzo Remix)
Fever Ray – If I Had A Heart
Glitch Mob - Fortune Days
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
Rabbit Junk - Bubble
Ruelle  - Take It All
Ruelle - Until We Go Down
USS - Work Shoes
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As Lions - World on Fire
Bastille - Pompeii
Imagine Dragons - Nothing Left to Say
Linkin Park - P5hng Me A_wy
Linkin Park - Fallout
Perfume Genius - Longpig
Confidential Music – Albatross
Ruelle - Until We Go Down
Woodkid feat. Max Richter - The golden age - embers
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Dead Can Dance - Black Sun
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Optimus x Elita
Avril Lavigne feat. Nickelback - Let Me Go
Linkin Park - Jornada Del Muerto
Adam Lambert - Evil In The Night Lyrics (Transformers Animated Ver)
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Hot Rod x Arcee
Of Monsters And Men - Wolves without teeth
Goo Goo Dolls - Before It's Too Late
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Starscream x Windblade
Twenty One Pilots - Doubt
Bring Me The Horizon - in the dark
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ten songs you’ve been loving lately tag
Thank you @churchofrileytanev 🥰
1. bluebird - Miranda Lambert
2. Exile - Taylor Swift feat Bon Iver
3. Colors- Halsey
4. Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
5. Use my voice - Evanescence
6. Someone you loved - Lewis Capaldi
7. Pan fry - Maccabeats ( time to pan fry ... yum! ) ( Jewish a capella )
8. I am the fire - Halestorm
9. Shockwave - Liam Gallagher
10. Dreams - The Cranberries (honestly would always love this song )
💕 tagging ; @guardianbelle @powerblais @schwizzle-schwartz @gatorospreybethethunder @libby-rose-2016
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alkalineleak · 1 year
Also wait do u have ashockwave design i suddenly thought of him and needed to know. Good evening
i dont and im SO sad about it................ i have an IDEA of a tide design that im slowly working out though hold on. let me open aggie. what i DO know and can tell you right now is i imagine shockwave as a bundle of sharp and jagged shapes. his shoulders are all joints and his hands are like an old tree. i also want his hair to be more shaped and jagged in the same way so itll definitely be in a protective style thats more on the shorter side, but i havent decided which !!!! im thinking some sort of micro twist ? just to have a lot of movement while having a contained more sharp shape !
which will ALSO contrast a lot with tides hair which are goddess braids since i liked the flowing movement of water + since they r colored synthetic ends it will actually EMULATE how water looks !!!!!!!
anyways here what i have like. as some drafts ? im using tide to compare him to shockwave. with shockwaves ACTUAL design i gave used inspo from hazmat suits and the silly archetype of a mad scientist like large gloves and clothing !! so i gave him a drapping coat thingy which would HEYY !! more places to hide conductice material!! i also wanted to vaguely take a spider theme bc hes so spidery body type wise. i want him to look like he Crawls. i also tried to give it more of a square edgy thing. So combining these i hoped the tucked in sleeves gave more of a square shape and the dangly gold bits would add some visual unease. its a first draft so its.rough but hey !! thats what 1st drafts r for. it came out vaguely cowboy ish DJDJDJ
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and then going with actual BODY designs instead of color work
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Totally innocuous post for JRWI fans!!
Which characters have you seen be the subject of genuine and in depth discussions of characterisation, motivations, backstories, etc?
^^^ This is a bit of a tricky question to phrase so let me give some examples. An example could be a lengthy essay on a PC's trauma and how it affect their actions in campaign. It could be someone's extensive headcanon of a minor character's backstory. Another example could be someone dumping about a villain's motivations and internal thoughts. Maybe someone just like draws them a bunch and constantly yells BLORBO, idk. Stuff along those lines.
I'm looking for ANY amount discussion, even if it's just one person who is really deranged about a character.
Characters I already have listed down include:
Chip, Jay Ferin, Gillion Tidestrider, Goobleck Arlin James, Drey Ferin, Finn Tidestrider Alphonze, Amanda Rinn, Apple, Aslana, Aster, Ava Ferin, Caspian, Captain Drake, Duke D Dukem, Edyn Tidestrider, Ella Teach, Felipe, Gryffon, Jayson Ferin, Captain Lizzie, Lunadeyis, Malenia Ferin, Malice, Marshall John, Niklaus Hendrix, Ollie, Pretzel, Queen, Reuben Price, The Elders
Ashe Winters, Dakota Cole, Vyncent Sol, William Wisp Ms Gilbert, Harlem Shade, Jason King Abstinence Boy, Alphonz, Bookworm, Cantrip, Chungus, Doug, Ghoul, Grayson, Lightspeed, Mallard Conway, Mark Winters, Min, Ram, Shockwave, Strider, Summer, Tide Lambert, Wordsmith, Ashe's Mom
Exandroth, Peter Sqloint, Rumi, Thanatos Aona, Elotl, Era, Lizard, Rymir, Thanatos (OG), Terran, Tristan, Yuri, Zuen
Kian Stone, Rolan Deep, Timothy Rand Becky, Jesse, Rachel Rand, Richie Sanders, Sarah
Aster Aeliana, Connor Connors, Ryan Selucreh Romeo
Br'aad Vengolor, Mountain, Sylnan Vengolor, Taxi, Velrisa Katherine, Redd Boye
Alastyr Cross, Flynn Gustwind, Kasper, Kroe Wyse
I need help because I!! Am not all seeing and all knowledgeable. I will edit this post with responses so check on the original before responding. Please and thank you!!
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griffinequestrian · 4 years
Heels Down Mag: Treating the Suspensory Injury
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By Justine Griffin for Heels Down Mag 
A suspensory injury. It’s three simple words when strewn together by a veterinarian can feel like a death sentence to any competitive rider.
For 23-year-old Katherine Lambert, she could tell her off-track Thoroughbred, McFly, was a “little off” one day while riding on the flat back in 2014. At the time, the pair were competing at the Preliminary level in eventing.
“He had some positive flexion in his right hind, and the vet came the next day to ultrasound his fetlock,” said Katherine, who now is now attending dental school in Portland, Maine. “It was then that he saw a ‘disruption’ of the medial suspensory branch. The sesamoid bone was also disrupted, where the suspensory branch connected.”
While an injured suspensory ligament is rarely a fatal injury, it often comes with a lengthy recovery period of stall rest and limited under saddle work.
There are a variety of ways to treat a suspensory injury. But it’s important to understand the ligament and how to works to truly comprehend how to treat and prevent damage to it.
So what is it?
The suspensory ligament, which attaches at the back and the upper cannon bone in both the fore front and hind limbs, supports and protects the fetlock from hyper-extension. It’s a long ligament, which runs close to the back of the cannon bone before splitting in two, where it connects to one of the sesamoid bones at the back of the fetlock.
While the suspensory ligament is strong, it’s not overly elastic. Too much stress can cause it to over-stretch, and ultimately damage it. Horses generally injure the suspensory ligament when landing after a jump or while traveling at high speeds. Usually injury occurs over a period of time and strain, and is not necessarily limited to one incident.
Damage can range from slight tears in the fibers of the ligament to an actual hole in it, which can be diagnosed via ultrasound. In extreme cases, horses can rupture the ligament.
Diagnosis can be tricky
Because there isn’t necessarily “heat” in the leg at the source of a tear or strain in soft tissue, diagnosing a suspensory injury can be difficult. Lameness in the affected limb can be subtle, but will get worse over time if not treated. Generally, the horse will become weaker, especially in that leg. In a rare case of a ruptured ligament, the fetlock will “sink” lower to the ground. Flexion tests, nerve blocks, radiography and ultimately ultrasound can be used to diagnose the injury.
Treating the suspensory injury begins with time off to let the ligament begin to recover. In difficult cases, surgery may be required to remove blood clots. Veterinarians may prefer different methods of treatment. But the goal is the same: to cool the inflamed tissue, give it time for repair and to get stronger.
How to treat
Cold therapy: There are many ways to ice a horse’s legs, but Ice Horse makes a pair of boots specifically meant for suspensory injuries. The boots cover the leg from the hock to the hoof, and use cooling packets instead of raw ice, which makes less of a mess in the stall or wash rack. Keeping the injured leg and ligament cool, with ice or poultice or another treatment, begins the process of recovery. Coating the leg in cool clay, like poultice is useful, too.
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Shockwave therapy: Some horse owners might opt for therapies like shockwave therapy, where devices send concentrated sound energy waves and apply it to the injured area. Shockwave is known to increase cell activity, which can help with circulation and tissue repair.
Other modalities: There are a variety of new therapies on the market that could be useful in rehabilitating a horse with a suspensory injury. Stem cell therapy is one of the most popular options among medical professionals. Red laser and PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy), microcurrent technology and vibration therapy have been used to aid in soft tissue injuries as well.
The horse is generally confined to a stall or a small paddock for a rest period, which could last for a few months or up to a year, depending on the severity of the injury. Vets can monitor recovery through ultrasound scans every few months. Turnout and under saddle time should be introduced gradually and in safe measures to avoid re-injury.
It took Katherine’s horse more than a year to recover from the injury, and they faced a hiccup or two along the way. He received shockwave therapy, but Katherine thinks that just time to rest was what helped him recover. McFly is now back eventing at Training level.
“I truly believe he is a spectacular little horse with a good heart,” she said.
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Hey! How’s everybody doing? Alright, now, my name is Adam Lambert, and I am proud to be a human. I’m also gay, cis-gendered, redheaded, Jewish, and a man, but that’s getting specific. Look, we have moved into an era of intense categorizing in an effort to declare our identities. We use labels in order to help others understand who we are, and how we live, and sometimes we need them to figure ourselves out too, because we want to take pride in our individuality. But do you sometimes feel that we have gotten a little carried away with all of these labels? Because at the end of the day we are all human beings. I mean wouldn’t you rather identify someone by their name and their energy, instead of their sexual preference, their race, their gender, their age, or their religion? If we could do that, wouldn’t that be more rewarding and allow for deeper connection? Now, I know, that’s being very idealistic. It’s wishful thinking, and sadly, this is not the reality of the world we live in. Especially lately. Now, I typically avoid publicly speaking about politics because of its divisiveness. People get real sensitive and I ain’t trying to piss anybody off. But, this year things have gone way too far. So, I’m not speaking today about being a democrat versus a republican. Today is about right versus wrong. The current presidential administration has manipulated the country using fear and hate to gain power to divide us. Our differences are being used against us, and the shockwaves of this dangerous rhetoric have rippled throughout our community and beyond. And it fucking hurts. We have come way too far to stand by and watch our social progress be yanked backwards. You know, it’s almost like they’re going “Meh. You’re different, you can’t sit with us.” What the fuck is that? It’s childish and it needs to end now. Now, our pride parade is usually an all-out shit show of a party where we all dress up like crazy unicorns and prance around through the streets. Yeah. It is a celebration of the progress we have made; our liberation, our freedom, our glitter. But this year we are facing such dark forces that pride has taken on a deeper purpose. Protest. So today we stand together in order to support anyone who’s human rights are at risk. We resist homophobia, we resist transphobia, we resist misogyny, bi-invisibility, we resist racism, xenophobia, and we resist extremism, and anything else that helps promote hate. We stand defiant and will not be brainwashed. We refuse to be sucked into that kind of negativity. But. I ask you not to fight hate with hate. We don’t want to be hypocrites. So how can we resist? I’ll tell you what I think. With unity, with visibility, truth, inclusion, acceptance, and most importantly love. Look, we got a lot of work to do, and a lot of ignorance to combat, but we know right from wrong. We know that we are stronger together than we are divided. So, take some time today and connect with someone different from you. Recognize another human being. We all deserve to love and be loved, and that goes for all of us within the queer community, within this country, and on this planet. After all, the only way our rainbow is a motherfucking rainbow is with all the colors shining equally. Thank you! Thank you! (And now it’s my pleasure to introduce, once again, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles, and the West Coast Singers, singing “This Land is My Land". Thank you!)
Adam Lambert (Resist March LA Pride 6/11/2017) (Credit to Lilybop on YouTube for the Audio of this speech)
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