#shizuka no umi no paraiso
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asterparfait · 1 year ago
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matsui and tsurumaru (paraiso)
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friedcowboypeachpurse · 2 years ago
Love this energetic crane
the energetic crane 
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rz-jocelyn · 5 months ago
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[TRIVIA] Musical Touken Ranbu: Sato Ryuji and the Bright Future of the "Musical Touken Ranbu"
In their 9th anniversary performance the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Iwainojuku Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~", the production ended on this message for fans:
"See, there was a bright future waiting, right?"
This is actually an unscripted quote that was said by Sato Ryuji, who plays Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
Like everyone else, the "Musical Touken Ranbu" was hit hard by the effects of COVID-19. Through clips from the performances during this period, we journeyed through these challenges together with them leading up to this point as they celebrated their 9th anniversary with the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Iwainojuku Ranbu Ongyaku Sai~".
Some of the productions that were hit hard during that time were the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso" and the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Bakumatsu Tenrouden~ 2020".
The "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Bakumatsu Tenrouden~ 2020" had 41 out of their 60 performances cancelled.
And, this had a devastating effect, not only on the production, but also on the fans, who, amidst their own personal struggles brought about by COVID-19, had been looking forward to the performances.
As a cast member of the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Bakumatsu Tenrouden~ 2020", despite being one of the people most affected by the situation, Sato Ryuji remained a pillar of strength for the company and the fans.
NOTE: In addition to the Toumyu cancellations, Ryuji had also faced complete cancellations for 2 other productions, and worked to turn The Brow Beat's last indie live into an online stream with no live audience to ensure it could still proceed.
It all started with his curtain call comment during the grand finale performance of the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Bakumatsu Tenrouden~ 2020".
From the actual performance:
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Clip from "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Iwainojuku Ranbu Ongyaku Sai~":
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Masters, thank you for attending today! And, thank you for showering us with affection and taking good care of us. We knew that this era is a challenging era. And, course, we also know the future that's before us, the history that's before us. We also know that there will be ma~ny more days for us to laugh together with our masters. That's why, if the Time Retrograde Army tries to get in the way of that, at any time at all, please call us. From now on too, we leave ourselves in your care. Well then, see you again!
Curtain calls for the "Musical Touken Ranbu" are adlibbed by the actors, but done in character.
And, Ryuji used this to the fullest effect.
Through the voice of Kashuu Kiyomitsu, a Touken Danshi who is from the future (Touken Ranbu is set in 2205 AD), he reassured the fans that, even if this dark period felt endless, a bright future awaited everyone.
He also followed up on this in his update after the performance, expressing his appreciation for the fans, and once again, encouraging everyone to look forward to a better tomorrow where they would all meet again.
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SATO RYUJI @ryuji7117
Really, thank you so much. I have no words except for words of appreciation. I can't find anything else to say other than words of appreciation, so much so that even snappy jokes feel boorish. In a wonderful future, let's meet again.
Ryuji then participated in "Musical Touken Ranbu 5th Anniversary ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~" (which was also impacted by COVID-19). Post this performance, he would only make a guest appearance in the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shinken Ranbu Sai 2022~" before returning to the main story of Toumyu in the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi Oku Hitotsu no Hachisu~".
Much to everyone's joy, the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi Oku Hitotsu no Hachisu~" was performed successfully until the end with the whole cast intact and no cancellations.
And, during the grand finale performance, this was Ryuji's curtain call comment.
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Masters, thank you for attending today! And, to the masters who are inside, inside the box? To the masters who are on the other side of the box, thank you for supporting and cheering us on. It was really fun. See, there was a bright future waiting, right? Thank you very much for loving this citadel. As for me, well, I have no intention of saying farewell. As long as you need me, I will al~ways be here. That's why, I'm counting on your support from now on too. See you~
During the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Iwainojuku Ranbu Ongyaku Sai~", the clip of Ryuji saying, "See, there is a bright future waiting, right?" was played with a snippet of "Hogiuta" to close the performance.
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As mentioned, Ryuji also participated in the "Musical Touken Ranbu 5th Anniversary ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~", which was performed during COVID-19 when restrictions to combat the pandemic were still in place.
It was during this time that Ryuji added the adlib line in "Kemono" after the lyric "お前の声が 明日を照らす" (Translation: "Your voices will shine a light on tomorrow").
The line he added was, "上げろう!" (Translation: "Raise it [your voices]!").
And, in the grand finale performance, he changed it to, "届け!" (Translation: "Reach them [the fans]!").
Due to the restrictions of COVID-19, cheering and any form of vocal support were not allowed. Thus, these lines carried the meaning and the hope that the voices of the Touken Danshi would still reach the fans.
During the original live stream for this performance, it ended up becoming a really sweet moment as fans used the official hashtag to respond with words like, "We can hear you!" and "Your voices have reached us!".
Torigoe Yuki (playing Kashuu Kiyomitsu's partner, Yamatonokami Yasusada) would carry on what Ryuji had started, changing the line to "騒げ!" (Translation: "Make some noise!") in subsequent performances of the song.
And, during the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Iwainojuku Ranbu Ongyaku Sai~", it would lead us to this moment:
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talknranbu · 1 year ago
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old matsui doodle when shizuka no umi no paraiso was p new
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waterlinkedgirl · 3 years ago
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Musical Touken Ranbu: Paraíso of the Tranquil Sea english sub
This was my first shot at actually translating and subbing a full myu, and I must say it’s been pretty fun! Keep in mind that this is only the subtitle file, timed and tled to the DMM senshuuraku.
Matsui deserves a hug.
You can download the subs for the DMM delay version here, and the subs for the BD/DVD version here!
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otaku-mama73 · 3 years ago
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Musical Touken Ranbu ~ Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso~ Singles CD ~ “Freestyle” Release date: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Press Limited Edition ver. A to D [CD + DVD] ¥ 1,760 each Press Limited Edition ver. A to D [CD + Mcard] ¥ 1,100 each
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neverland-l0stgirl · 3 years ago
Shizuka no Umi no PARAISO Thoughts and Feels (Spoilers)
So I finally finished watching the TouMyu stage Shizuka no Umi no PARAISO thanks to subtitles from @waterlinkedgirl. It’s taken me this long because I rarely have time to sit and watch something with subtitles :(
I want to say that this is almost a perfect stage and definitely my favorite TouMyu show that I have seen so far. Perhaps it’s because I am partial to Okamiya Kurumu and his character Tsurumaru, but I would like to think it’s because I found the storyline the most cohesive and compelling out of the shows I have seen so far.
I do have the following thoughts though. Spoilers ahead...
Unless requested, I’m not going to do a full summary of the show. I’m only going to talk about the single scene in the whole show that confused me.
I am going to backtrack a little bit though...
PARAISO is about the Shimabara Rebellion, which is mainly known as a Christian peasant rebellion against the local domain of the Tokugawa Shogunate during the Edo period. It was a really tragic event where roughly 37,000 people were massacred, including women and children. The Touken Danshi are sent back to this period to preserve history, which means that they must ensure the massacre is carried through successfully.
I understood most of the themes of the show, such as the explanations of why history has to be preserved. The point of “we must not erase history but learn from it instead” is easy to understand. I even understood why Matsuigou has to to repeat his killings of the rebels even though this must have been PTSD-inducing. He needs to understand that his actions have a grander purpose in order to overcome his trauma. Unlike the first time, Buzengou is there to support him this time. I understood all that.
What I had trouble understanding, though, was the exchange between Tsurumaru and Matsudaira Nobutsuna. When I first watched this scene, I attributed my confusion to my minimal understanding of Japanese culture. Although I am Asian-American and can comprehend many aspects of Asian culture, my upbringing and education were foremost Western/American, and thus my ideals and moral compass align entirely with Western/American ideals.
During the exchange between Tsurumaru and Matsudaira, Tsuru asks him why he has decided to massacre all of the rebels. Matsudaira’s reply is that the people must feel regret to prevent similar tragedies from occuring in the future; that war is never the answer, but politics should be changed instead; that the way to end war is through war; that he does this in order to uphold Tokugawa Ieyasu’s ideals for peace (tying back to Kishou Hongi and Mihotose). Tsurumaru agrees with the sentiments and says that he is glad that someone like Matsudaira exists in this era.
Now here is the part I didn’t understand at first. At face value, what Matsudaira says made sense. Especially in today’s nuclear bomb-armed world where a war can mean total destruction of humankind, pacifism seems to be the correct answer; however, thinking back to what I learned in 7th grade World History, wasn’t war a constant in feudal Japan? Instead of war, what were the people supposed to do? Stay silent while facing oppression? Here in the U.S., we are all about that religious freedom. Is the value I’m supposed to take away from this show, just shut up and accept oppression for the sake of peace?
But I guess those thoughts were because I didn’t understand the Shimabara Rebellion.
I was glad to find out that TouMyu actually did its research on history and historical analyses when writing this script instead of just taking the event at face value. For example, there were mentions of Christianity not being the sole reason for the uprising; that women and children died; that Toyotomi was not necessarily more lenient on the Christians; that Amakusa Shirou may or may not have been the actual leader behind the rebellion. All of these points are backed by historians. What I didn’t realize until I did some deep, deep googling was that Matsudaira’s points of “politics need to be changed instead” and “Tokugawa Ieyasu wants to preserve peace” are also two sentiments that have been expressed by historians when talking about the Shimabara Rebellion. While there are barely any English language sources that do a deep dive into the Shimabara Rebellion, I did find this article: https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/ghj/vol15/iss1/7
In the above article, the author discusses that the normal way of the Daimyo during the Tokugawa Shogunate was actually to appease the peasants and not be too out-of-line in the exploitation of the working class in order to preserve peace and prevent rebellions; however, the Daimyo in the Shimabara and Amakusa regions took it too far, and the cruel exploitation of the peasant class, along with religious persecution, finally drove the peasants to rebel. In the end, the lords of Shimabara and Amakusa committed seppuku due to the humiliation of the prolonged rebellion that resulted in surprisingly high casualties on the side of the Shogunate.
After the war, the Shogunate took measures that included appeasement and leniency toward the working class (although religious acceptance was not part of the deal) to prevent such tragedies from recurring.
After reading all of that, Matsudaira’s words began to make sense. He was sincere in his pacifism and his beliefs that changes in policy was the answer to resolve conflict and that Tokugawa was crucial to maintaining peace.
I hope I made sense in my explanations, but like the Touken Danshi said, Shimabara was a complex event that wasn’t all black or all white.
I probably should have planned a more cohesive essay, but instead I just word-vomited into a text box.
I do wish that the show gave a more explicit explanation of Matsudaira’s sentiments. Without the additional research, it was very easy for me to perceive the moral of the show as “just accept the oppression as a means to keep peace” while I was actually searching for a theme like “we need to show other human beings compassion despite differences in beliefs,” which can be seen as a very Americanized ideal.
That’s it for today. I really hope I made sense.
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed the interactions between Tsurumaru and Ookurikara. I thought their personalities balanced each other very well. I can’t wait for Souki!!!
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sohmariku · 3 years ago
Toumyu: Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso
My mind is still totally focused on Paraiso. I'll just roll with it while it lasts. Today, please enjoy some (quick) lyric translations.
Official lyrics obviously aren't out yet, so the translations may not be 100% accurate.
AKEGUREDOKI (tentative title) by Matsui Gou & Buzen Gou
The distant roaring of the sea lingers in my ears. Some day. The sacrament of penance. The gurgle of gushing blood.*
The weak light of the morning moon will expose my blood-stained skin. It's still dark right now.
Anyone can hear the distant roaring of the sea carried on the wind. I can hear it too. The song of the ocean.
Do you see the end of the night, the break of dawn? Do you hear the cries of penitence, the song of forgiveness?
If it's still dark, wait for the morning with me.
*This sentence translation is probably wrong. My mind finds itself unable to process the Japanese sentence at this moment. 吸い尽くした地の唸り or 吸い尽くした血の唸り?Suggestions are welcome.
OSHIETE (tentative title) by Sakichi (?) & Brother
Unable to choose the place and time, we were born here and now. Because of our mum and dad, we came into this world here and now.
The blueness of the sky and sea, the lives of you and me. Tell me how to draw the boundary, please.
Good and evil, Heaven and Hell. Tell me how to distinguish the boundary, please.
Won't anyone explain to me all that's important? Won't anyone answer me all what's important?
The reason we live. The reason we die. Tell me, please
Tell me...
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gloriuspandablog · 3 years ago
Musical Touken Ranbu “Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso” sales statistic
0I’m so so so sorry for the late update as I’m really busy with my personal life atm. The 1st week (and 2nd week 😅) sales statistic of Musical Touken Ranbu “Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso” compiled by Oricon is out and wowww im really really happy
For the 1st week sales statistic this production sold a total of 
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6,155 DVD COPIES! Ranked as the 3rd best selling DVD of the week!
and as for the bluray TouMyu sold a total of 
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19,868 BD COPIES!!!!!! RANKED AS THE 2nd best selling BD of the week. For a combined total of 26,023 copies!!!!!
making this one of the best 1st week selling (if not, the best selling) non-live TouMyu production ever
This is a really huge achievement and I’m so thankful to everyone who purchased a copy
As for the 2nd week the production sold an additional 999 BD copies and 243 DVD copies 
1st week and 2nd week combined total is now
27,265 copies!!!
Seriously this is such a good number. I’m so glad for them 😭😭😭😭😭 Wishing for a continuous success for TouMyu this year! 
Source : Oricon
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xxnothingbutstrangerxx · 5 years ago
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Musical Touken Ranbu : Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso
Opening Day
Sources : X X X X X X
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keitamasayuki · 2 years ago
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[DL] Musical Touken Ranbu: Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso
As promised I’ll be sharing this once the DVD is out. The link given to you will be limited until November 1, 2022, but it can be changed depending on me. 
The usual rules will be followed; DM me (here or in Twitter @/keitahimura) to ask for the links (NO ASKS! ANON OR NON ANON) after that, tell me which Paraiso character you like and then I’ll give you a question to access my files. I will not allow to share my files if your Tumblr or Twitter account is empty, at least post, reblog, or retweet anything to get access.
PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD OR SHARE THE LINK ELSEWHERE (BILIBILI, YOUTUBE, VK, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, OR ANY STREAMING MEDIA PLATFORM) if anyone wants the link, DIRECT THEM TO THIS POST. short clips, gifs, screenshots are allowed as long there’s credits. 
And of course, Support the franchise by buying it on DMM or the DVD/Blu-rays. these actors worked hard to deliver an astounding play and should be appreciated. If you have any questions regarding the link or how to buy, message me instead of Asks.
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sakurasakiyama · 7 years ago
Hi! I just recently got into the 2.5D fandom and I really really would like to watch the Touken Ranbu Musicals because I’ve loved the franchise since the game came out. But I can’t buy the CD’s of the play cause they don’t ship to my country. Is there anyway I could watch a subbed version of the plays?
Hi! Yes there is a way to watch them subbed! You can either make a Tumblr account and you can download some of them from us! (As we don’t give out private links to anonymous people) AND/OR you can make a LiveJournal account and join (as all of the download links are member locked) the Tenimyutopia Community as there is a masterpost of all of the musicals! But one of the links no longer works since the user took down their copy. 
I can make a masterpost here for you so then you know who is sharing what and what is available on Tumblr and in the Tenimyutopia community! And since you’ve asked for the musicals specifically I will just do them because I can add in the Touken Ranbu Stage Plays (Tousute) in the future if need be! 
If you’re not sure of anything or how to write the ask/message, please refer to the template I have made that you can use here!
Musical Touken Ranbu (Toumyu): 
Trial Performance - This is being shared on Tenimyutopia here!
Atsukashiyama Ibun - You can find it uploaded (DMM Stream) and timed with @sohmariku‘s subtitles by @toukenranburuinedmylife here! OR This has been uploaded (with subtitles) by sindraa on Tenimyutopia here!
Touken Ranbu Premium Lives - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!You can also find Kashuu Kiyomitsu’s Premium Live with subtitles by @toukenranburuinedmylife here!
Bakumatsu Tenrouden - There is a download link in Tenimyutopia here! OR You can also find one on tumblr from @peasant-hijikata here! 
Shinken Ranbu Sai 2016 - This was uploaded by me. So it’s available on Tenimyutopia, and here on Tumblr.AND You can find the Multi-Angle videos that were an extra on the DVD by @sohmariku here! 
Mihotose no Komori-Uta - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Itsukushima Jinja - This was uploaded by me and again you can get it on Tenimyutopia or on Tumblr. 
Kashuu Kiyomitsu’s Tanki Shutsujin 2017 - @s-oundscapes is sharing her DVD copy here! You can find the subtitles that were timed with @s-oundscapes DVD copy by @toukenranburuinedmylife here!
Tsuwamonodomo ga yume no ato - This has been uploaded (with subtitles) by sindraa on Tenimyutopia here!
Shinken Ranbu Sai 2017 - The DMM Version by @ayanamiars is still being shared, but you will need to send her a message on Facebook for the key; only if you haven’t seen it or if you desperately want to watch it. OR you can ask @thatsakuragirl for her DMM copy here!
Musubi no Hibiki, Hajimari no Ne - The DMM stream is being shared by @thatsakuragirl here!
Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris - This has been uploaded (with subtitles) by sindraa on Tenimyutopia here!
Kashuu Kiyomitsu’s Tanki Shutsujin 2018 - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Shinken Ranbu Sai 2018 - The DMM version is being shared by @thatsakuragirl here!
Mihotose no Komori-Uta 2019 - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Kashuu Kiyomistu’s Tanki Shutsujin Asia Tour - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! 
Higekiri, Hizamaru Souki Shutsujin 2019 ~SOGA~ - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! DVD/Blu-Ray release is set for February 12th 2020!
Kishouhongi - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! DVD/Blu-Ray release is set for May 13th 2020!
Utaawase Ranbukyouran - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! DVD/Blu-Ray release is set for July 22nd 2020! DMM Archive is also available to buy for stream/download here!
Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso - STILL ON STAGE! (But not currently performing due to cancellations of the Hyogo, Kumamoto & Miyagi performances due to COVID-19)
Higekiri, Hizamaru Souki Shitsujin 2019 ~SOGA~ Reprise in 2020 - Performance dates, venues & cast members have been announced!
Bakumatsu Tenrouden 2020 (Reprise) - Performance dates & cast members have been announced!
Musical Touken Ranbu (Toumyu) CDs & Extras & TV Appearances:
Trial Performance CDs, Atsukashiyama Ibun CDs (Versions A&B) & Kimi no Uta CDs - You can find all of them uploaded by @wastingmyhistorydegree here! (They’re in the bold text when you scroll down). And there are some in Tenimyutopia here, but not all of them. 
Bakumatsu Tenrouden CDs - I have uploaded my versions (A&B) on Tenimyutopia and on Tumblr. 
Yume Hitotsu CDs - I have shared my NON-DVD Versions again on Tenimyutopia and on Tumblr. 
Mihotose no Komori-Uta CDs- I have uploaded my versions (A&B) on Tenimyutopia and on Tumblr.
Shori no Gaika CDs - They have been uploaded on Tumblr and she is sharing the DVD versions. So you can ask @itspocchi here! 
Shori no Gaika NON-DVD Versions M-Card Videos - These have been uploaded again by @itspocchi here! 
Itsukushima Jinja: Mahoroba ni CD - THE LINK HAS BEEN DELETED!
Kashuu Kiyomitsu’s Tanki Shutsujin 2017 CD (Mitsumete Kureru Nara) - This has been uploaded by @itspocchi here and she is sharing Type A which includes the songs and the DVD. 
Tsuwamonodomo ga Yume no Ato CDs: Version A is being shared on Tenimyutopia here!
Musibi no Hibiki, Hajimari no Ne CDs - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Kashuu Kiyomitsu’s Tanki Shutsujin 2018 CD (Promise You) - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! 
Higekiri, Hizamaru Souki Shutsujin 2019 ~SOGA~ Album - The album is set for release on March 25th 2019!
TOKYO CREATORS Season 03, Episode 02: 2.5-Dimensional Musical featuring the Musical Touken Ranbu Trial Performance - @rz-jocelyn had found the video featuring the cast from the first Touken Ranbu Musical. It’s an English language program so the hosts speak English and it has English subs for it also so then you can understand those who have been interviewed. You can watch it on the TOKYO CREATORS site here!
Japacon Wonderland - This was uploaded by @rz-jocelyn and both eps contain the Toumyu group and the Tousute group are in the second half of Ep 22. You can find them to download here! 
Shibuya Note featuring Team Sanjou with Kashuu Kiyomitsu - You can find this still available to download in the Toumyu Masterpost on Tenimyutopia here!
Team Sanjou with Kashuu Kiyomitsu as MJ (Music Japan) - This is also available in Tenimyutopia here! And it’s also on YouTube!
Shibuya Note featuring Team Shinsengumi with Hachisuka Kotetsu - This was uploaded by @rz-jocelyn and you can download that here!  
Shibuya Note featuring Touken Danshi Formation of Mihotose - You can find the full episode or just their section where they’re performing on Bilibili that was found and posted by @aonodreamland here!
Touken Danshi Formation of Mihotose on Zip - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Jounetsu Tairiku x Matsuda Makoto - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Shibuya Note Presents Musical ‘Touken Ranbu’ -2.5 Jigen kara Sekai e- - The TV version has been uploaded by @rz-jocelyn here! The special Toumyu periscope broadcast on Twitter after the documentary was broadcast has been uploaded by @nihonarashi here!
Shibuya Note Awards 2018 feat. Toumyu at Kouhaku press con. - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
 Kouhaku Uta Gassen 2018 feat. Toumyu -NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! (It can be found on the Shibuya Note Documentary DVD w/ Toumyu’s parts only)
CDTV New Years Eve Premiere Live feat. Toumyu -NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Music Fair feat. Toumyu -NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! 
Mezamashi TV featuring a segment of the cast of Mihotose no Komori-Uta 2019 - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!
Touken Danshi formation of Mihotose on NHK WORLD-JAPAN’s “J-MELO” - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! It’s available to watch as a Video On-Demand on NHK WORLD-JAPAN until January 5th 2020 here!
Music Station Ultra SUPER LIVE 2019 featuring Touken Danshi (Kashuu, Yamatonokami, Izuminokami, Nagasone, Hachisuka & Tsurumaru) - You can find the parts featuring Touken Danshi uploaded by @/Sicarius130 on twitter here!
Odaiba!! Chou Jigen Ongaku Sai featuring Touken Danshi (Kashuu, Yamatonokami, Izuminokami, Nagasone, Hachisuka & Tsurumaru) - This program will broadcast on January 2nd at 12:50am JST
Musical Touken Ranbu & Butai Touken Ranbu Subtitles:
You can find the English softsubs (subtitle files) for most of the Touken Ranbu Musicals and Stage Plays made by @sohmariku in her masterpost here! She has no plans on doing the Premium Lives (as the individual performances are from the main Premium Live but they only focus on one character).
Kishou Hongi DMM Archive & Delay Stream English subtitles - They were made and uploaded by @strifescloud here!
Utaawase Ranbu Kyouran 2019 DMM Archive Stream English subtitles (will be made fit for the blu-ray disc on release) - They were made by Christie (Twitter) and @strifescloud here!
Stage Play Touken Ranbu (Tousute):
Kyoden Moeyuru Honnouji (w/ English Subs)- This has been uploaded by amaris subs on LiveJournal here! (You will need to join her community first before being able to access the post!)
Kyoden Moeyuru Honnouji Saien - This has been uploaded by @peasant-hijikata here! This is also in Tenimyutopia here!
Kuradashi Eizo Shu - Honnouji Saien (a separate Backstage & Higawari DVD from Honnouji Saien performance)- This has been uploaded on Tenimyutopia! 
Akatsuki no Dokuganryuu - This has been uploaded by @need-a-little-haikyuu here! 
Gaiden Kono Yora No Odawara - This has been uploaded (with subtitles) by sindraa on Tenimyutopia here!
Joden Mitsuraboshi Katana Monogatari (with Nomitori no Yari)  - This has been uploaded (with subtitles) by sindraa on Tenimyutopia here!
Kuradashi Eizo Shu - Akatsuki no Dokuganryuu & Joden Mitsuraboshi Katana Monogatari (a separate Backstage & Higawari DVD from Akatsuki & Mitsuraboroshi performances)- NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The DVD/Blu-Ray has been released, but isn’t being shared anywhere.
Hidenno Yui no Me no Hototogisu - This has been uploaded by @dyahmerry here!OR You can find it on Tenimyutopia (with subtitles) by sindraa here!
Close-up Documentary of Stage ‘Touken Ranbu’ Hiden no Yui no Me no Hototogisu Director’s Cut Version - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The DVD/Blu-Ray has been released, but is not being shared.
Touken Ranbu -The Movie- - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED!The DVD/Blu-Ray has been released, but is not being shared.
Jiden Hibi no Ha yo Chiruramu - NO LINKS ARE BEGIN SHARED! The DVD/Blu-Ray has been released, but is not being shared.
Iden Oboro no Shishitachi - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The DVD/Blu-Ray has been released, but is not being shared.
2020 Summer Performance - Performance dates and venues & cast members have been released!
Stage Play Touken Ranbu CDs:
Koyden Moeyuru Honnoji OST - You can send an ask (NOT a message) to @kazama-hime as she is sharing her copy in private!
Akatsuki no Dokuganryuu OST - It has been uploaded by @itspocchi here!
Joden Mitsuraboroshi Katana Monogatari OST - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The OST has been released but no links are available.
Hiden no Yui no Me no Hototogisu OST -NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The OST has been released but no links are available.
Jiden Hibi no Ha yo Chiruramu OST - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The OST has been released but no links are available. 
Iden Oboro no Shishitachi OST - NO LINKS ARE BEING SHARED! The OST won’t be released until May 27th 2020!
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rz-jocelyn · 4 years ago
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[NEWS UPDATE] Musical Touken Ranbu: The Release of the Single "Hogiuta" Featuring the 22 Touken Danshi from the "Musical Touken Ranbu 5th Anniversary ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~" and Tomoegata Naginata has been Announced
Featuring Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Disc 1
Touken Ranbu ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~
Hogiuta (Original Karaoke)
Touken Ranbu ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~ (Original Karaoke)
Disc 2: Musical Number
Tentou to Shoutou
Hana no Utena
Henka Nagoritsuki
Tatakau Mono no Requiem
Yume Hitotsu
Ruriiro no Sora III
Yume no Ato
Mijuku na Watashi wa Yume wo Miru ~Gou Four Swords Version~
Umi to Yuuyake ~Kotetsu Siblings Version~
Noraneko Nihiki
Mahoroba ni
Disc 3: Live Number
Additional Times
Can you guess what?
Dare no Mono Demo Nai Jinsei
Secret Sign
Yakusoku no Sora
Free Style
Utsukushii Higeki
Danzen, Kimi ni Koishiteru!
Kimi to Miageta Ano Hi no Sora ni
Blue Light *Kashuu Kiyomitsu solo
Scarlet lips
Mukau Tsuchi Oto
Touken Ranbu ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~
NOTE: Disc 2 and Disc 3 contain the live recording from the "Musical Touken Ranbu 5th Anniversary ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~" performance with Sengo Muramasa. 
"Touken Ranbu ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~" MV
"Kemono ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~" MV
Other Benefits
Serial number for the ticket application of "Touken Ranbu ~Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso~ 2021"
CD Contents:
Touken Ranbu ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~
Mahoroba ni
Hogiuta (Original Karaoke)
Touken Ranbu ~Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai~ (Original Karaoke)
Mahoroba ni (Original Karaoke)
Other Benefits
Serial number for the ticket application of "Touken Ranbu ~Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso~ 2021"
Pre-Order Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on May 10, 2021
Pre-Order Bonus
Reservation Limited Edition: Clear File A
Press Limited Edition: Clear File B
Musical Touken Ranbu Store
Reservation Limited Edition: HERE
Press Limited Edition: HERE
Silkroad Store
Reservation Limited Edition: HERE
Press Limited Edition: HERE
DMM Online Store
Reservation Limited Edition: HERE
Press Limited Edition: HERE
NOTE: For more information about the proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source: ( x )
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waterlinkedgirl · 3 years ago
Translations masterlist
Touken ranbu:
Tsuwamonodomo ga Yume no Ato (What Remains of the Warriors’ Dreams)
Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyokusai
Tokyo Kokoro Oboe (Tokyo Heart Memory)
Nikkari Aoe tanki shutsujin
Shizuka no Umi no Paraíso (Paraiso of the Tranquil Sea)
Kousui Sanka no Yuki (Snow like Falling Blossoms by the Water)
TsuruKara souki ~ Shunpuu touri no Sakazuki (Sake cup of Spring Tree Peach Blossoms)
Gou on stage ~ Satomi Hakkenden: New Edition
Hanakage Yureru Tomizu (The Shadows of Flowers Swaying in the Whetwater)
Suehirogari (planned)
Muramasa Souki ~ Yorozu no Hana Utsusu Kagami (A Mirror reflecting Myriad Flowers)
Michinooku ~ Hitotsu Hachisu (Michinooku ~ A single lotus)
Izuminokami Horikawa Yamanbagiri Sanki (planned)
Iwainokuju Ongyokusai Ninth anniversary show (planned)
Kiden Ikusayu no Adabana (wip)
Tsuki no Tsurugi Enishi no Kiri no Ha (wip)
Prince of tennis:
Best Games: Fuji vs Kirihara
Shintenimyu first stage (planned)
Shintenimyu second stage (planned)
Maybe Some Of The Missing Myus Of S3 If I Feel Like It
Mermaid Melody Pure:
My Youtube channel
(please note that those are only assorted episodes)
If you’d like to tip, you can find my ko-fi page here!
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otaku-mama73 · 3 years ago
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 Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso 2021~
September 27 - October 3, 2021 : Tokyo Dome City Hall October 15 - 16, 2021: Fukuoka Kitakyushu Soleil Hall October 22 - 24, 2021: Osaka Umeda Arts Theater October 30 - November 7th, 2021: Tokyo Dome City Hall November 20 - 25, 2021: Miyagi Tagajo City Cultural Center
Purchase the livestreams on DMM, link below! (VPN required)
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rowel-anime-trends · 5 years ago
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso~ debuts in March in Tokyo
0 notes