#shitpost but more shower thoughts
citrine-elephant · 8 months
thinking about death island and how dylan clearly coulda instantly infected those mfers, but just let em bake in disease for a bit until rebecca came and saved em.
he just put them all in time out and gave poor jill more anxiety
honestly guy just seemed like he wanted a stupidly elaborate and explosive way to kick the bucket. why not use the pawns of the system to kick his ass? crazy mfer.
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ikea-monkeys-blog · 23 days
I'm soooo back. Demons are gonna have bad time. (I'm just having a random burst of motivation at 4am, and that's why i suddenly believe i can fight all my problems.)
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Fucking hate how sexy Getaway is. Like he does all this evil shit but looks pretty as fuck?!?! Like bro why couldn’t you be ugly!?!?
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moonrung · 1 year
can we bring back stupid discourse. i want to argue about what socks childe would wear
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b-h-art · 2 years
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daughter-of-the-dead · 11 months
frozen hot chocolate literally is the fucking grandfather paradox.
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phoenix glues his hair like that and files it down with one of those giant wood files when it gets past a certain inch threshold
he has to wear button ups and large collar shirts because if he doesnt theyll inevitably be ripped to shit and every pillow he uses is destroyed
in aa7 phoenix gets accused of murder because someone saw him fall backwards onto the victim
edgeworth hates phoenix’s guts for not being normal about his hair. trucy appreciates how chaotic it is. and nobody else knows how he gets his hair like that because its a trade secret. the only way to know is to stay at his house long enough to see it happen
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do you ever wonder if some vampires are allergic to some blood types or are you normal?
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leaderintitleonly · 4 months
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At least he doesn't date anyone he uses in any medical treatments. ...Why is he thinking about this now?
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
Y'all ever think about how fucking wild it is that we can make a whole new human in 9 months but it takes a year for a piercing to heal?? Like damn what a loophole my ankle will always be messed up because I walked on it wrong once when I was 6 but I can just make a whole new one easy peasy
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rickktish · 8 months
The difference in meaning between “this fucks” and “get fucked” as our inheritence from the Greeks in the sense that tops (i.e. the penetrators) are inherently treated within our language itself as having more social validity than bottoms (the penetrateds)
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dramaturgy07 · 1 year
news anchors are just modern-day bards.
I mean, they both tell stories to get paid, usually twisting them a little to make it a bit more interesting
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shartlock-holmes · 1 year
Imagine sneezing in class but you accidentally just rip ass also
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retro-stars · 2 years
Do you think that someday, centuries from now, historians and archeologists will have a specialized sub-profession that deals exclusively with fanfiction? 
Like, y’know those archeologists who’s entire job it is to recover and decode ancient languages and how historians will argue as to the meanings of old texts? 
Do you think that we will one day have something like that to deal with fanfiction and social media?
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talesofvariety · 2 years
Swearing like a sailor doesn't really exist in the sailor moon universe. Unless you count their catchphrases like "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!".
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redacted-milkytea · 2 years
sometimes i miss old tumblr where we would all gang up on the new people with squeaky mr clean brains that were shinier that mr cleans big ass forehead but then i consider the fact there are zoophiles and suddenly the word makes sense. We used too much drugs on them that moral oral would be jealous and now everyones brain just looks like babies butt.
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